Get Relief from Suboxone Withdrawal Now - from an Expert!

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New Beginnings Recovery Center

New Beginnings Recovery Center

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Dennis, what is suboxone treatment?
Suboxone is a treatment that is used for treating patients who are addicted to opiates. The FDA approved Suboxone, which is the brand name for the drug buprenorphine, in the year 2000. This drug is used on an outpatient basis; it is prescribed from individual practitioners. Patients come back from week to week, some cases on a monthly basis to be prescribed this drug. This drug can be used for two purposes: one, for the detoxification or maintenance.
Is is addictive?
Suboxone is addictive. It is a partial agonist, in other words, it does not have the full range of attributes as a full agonist opiate such as heroin, morphine or methadone. It is addictive. If you stay on this drug for a long time you will become dependent on this drug. However, used in a brief period of time, managed properly, this drug can very gently help a patient go from a full agonist opiate on an all out dependency slowly detox and then in that case, the drug is very useful.
Dennis a lot of patients come from pain management clinics and have been put on very high doses of narcotic medications to control their pain. Is is effective in treating pain?
Yes it is, it's actually a very powerful analgesic. The drug buprenorphine is used currently in the form of buprenex which is an injectable form that is used preoperative situations. It is not approved in tablet form currently for pain. However in Europe for 20 years, buprenorphine has been used for pain.
What is it like coming off?
I might add on that previous question that suboxone can be used to treat pain actually very effectively because it is much more stable than short-acting opiates because of the fact that it has a long half life. Many patients that we have treated at our clinic that have had chronic pain conditions and used full agonist opiates such as oxycodone have found that suboxone is a much easier drug to be managed on, there are not the up's and down's. Again, the long-term picture is that dependency can happen, but when you put it next to full agonist opiates it can be very useful in a pain management situation. Suboxone in long term usage typically is not as intense as full agonist opiate withdrawal. However, both types of drugs have two periods of withdrawal: an acute withdrawal period and a post-acute withdrawal period. Typically, buprenorphine, or suboxone does have a longer post acute withdrawal period and a level of intensity in those post-acute withdrawal symptoms can be more severe; however, they can be managed with proper medications.
What medications are used in this detox?
There are medications to control every aspect; again what we are focusing on is post-acute withdrawal syndrome, or PAWS as it's called, and I will add that post-acute withdrawal syndrome is what most patients relapse on because they succumb to the temptation, the not feeling well and the symptoms that seem to linger. The primary focus of post-acute withdrawal syndrome is to treat the patient's inability to sleep. Insomnia is probably the worst symptom. And when patients don't sleep, the whole aspect and dimension of the withdrawal during the day seems to be amplified because of this lack of sleep. We use a host of different medications; if one doesn't work, we try two or we switch medications. Drugs such as Ambien, Remeron, Trazodone are drugs that can be used to help induce sleep. Other medications that we may use are Valium, diazepam, seems to be an amazing ability to control withdrawal symptoms during the day. Obviously a patient will have to be mildly sedated, so we will have to take that into consideration. We use a therapy of amino acids; there are various amino acids that work to build the brain back up. Amino acids being protein building blocks that promote neurochemistry health, or neurohealth. We use amino acids from the beginning of the detox period and all the way through and well after the suboxone has been used. We may even use some mild opiate-like substances in the initial periods such as tramadol, darvocet… You actually distance the patient from the suboxone. And then there are certain vitamin deficiencies that happen, and we seek a vitamin regimen that will replenish what has been depleted. So there's lots of tools that we have today to use, at the doctors disposal, and when you're making your choice of clinics you want to make sure that the doctor is well versed in treating post acute withdrawal symptoms. The last thought on post acute withdrawal is that this is a syndrome that can last almost up to a year. Some patients found this to be very debilitating; some of the post acute withdrawal symptoms that are most identifiable are insomnia, anxiety, inability to handle stress, depression. Depression is something that has to be handled with various antidepressants; that's something that we would possibly consider prescribing for patients. So this period of post acute withdrawal is critical for the patient to get through.

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@LouieSmithSenior 8 жыл бұрын
I took subs for about 7yrs. I got off it without telling my Dr because I didn't think I could quit and didn't want to lose my Dr but after I quit the subs I quit my Dr. I cut down over months, from 3strips a day, until I was cutting strips into 8 pieces. I always took them at night and over time I started to forget to take my strip. One night I realized I hadn't taken any, I thought about it and couldn't remember the last time I had taken one. That was it for me, I haven't had another. I never thought I would quit but I got tired of the hassle. Knowing I was doing it on my own helped too, I think. Hope someone can use this to quit.
@brittnyhudson2044 8 жыл бұрын
I take 3 a day it's been about 3.5 years I have health issues and hair loss ever since I started but I deal with them because It has helped me tremendously and I now had my doctor start weining me down so now I take a 2.5 8mg a day and I am hoping it doesn't take over a year I am thankful for all the help I got from my doctor but I just can't deal with this controlling me anymore how did u do this and of u have any other tips for me I would appreciate it
@LouieSmithSenior 8 жыл бұрын
+Brittny Hudson I'd be glad to help anyway I can. Do you take your 2.5 all at one time or some in the morning and the rest at night? When i was taking 3 a day I took 2 in the morning and1 at night. When I cut to 2.5 I cut back my 2 morning strips to1.5 and kept my 1 at night. I couldn't tell a difference between taking the 2 in the morning and the 1.5, I felt the same. After a few months I cut down my 1.5 in the morning to just 1, I didn't tell my Dr. It was easier for me to cut down on my own, I don't like being told what to do. I kept taking my 1 at night. If my writing confuses you let me know and I'll try to explain it better. I'm not a writer.
@brittnyhudson2044 8 жыл бұрын
+Louie Smith I take my 1.5 at 11 am and then around 4 I take the other one some days I can take only 2 and I feel fine and I don't notice but I feel like with my anxiety and my stress I will take more I started this month taking .5 less but it's more me being afraid cause I been on it so long and I just want to get off of it and have that will power to not take more than I should but I no I can do it I want to just get this over with
@LouieSmithSenior 8 жыл бұрын
+Brittny Hudson if cutting .5 at a time makes you anxious then cut a 1/4 off for a week or two. It helped me to just cut a little at a time over a few weeks until I got down the whole half. I could not stand the anxious feeling so the slower the better helped sometimes.
@brittnyhudson2044 8 жыл бұрын
+Louie Smith thank u I appreciate it I have anxiety bad so I just want to do this the rite way efficiently and make sure I don't have to take time off work or feel like I am dieing
@rbird4272 8 жыл бұрын
Are you kidding me? Coming off Suboxone is horrible. A nightmare even coming off as the doctor ordered. The doctor I dealt with is just that. A dealer. Glad I'm clean now and living free... No opiates!
@silvana8246 7 жыл бұрын
sooo happy for you and your sooo right my friend doctors are just that dealers. they should be locked up cause they have so much to answer for. my son is in this shit and has been 4 some months. i have seen no improvement in his condition at all. i am so scared for him its not funny. he has lost so much wait and is very agitated and highly strung. the doctors are to blame for so much of where hes at. i could go on and on but am way to upset. good luck to you birddog 108.
@wokafloka7192 7 жыл бұрын
Birddog108 more horrible than a person could ever imagine and tapering makes no difference don't believe the bs
@sarthaktandon21 7 жыл бұрын
Woka Floka Jst started taking 3 time a day, i was on smack will it help me??
@jmsmrmbm 7 жыл бұрын
sarthaktandon21 yes they do help, I've used them a few times. Once u get in the right headspace to quit the 'smack' the subs help. I've never taken high doses at once but maybe at most 2-3 x2mls a day if needed but it depends on ur habit size and willpower. U frill feel a bit shit at the start but once a couple of days in push on and all good. ✌🏼and good luck.... I always find different surroundings/holiday at same time help, the hard bit is staying clean!
@MsScruffy4 7 жыл бұрын
@joannevalentinaromonosky1878 9 жыл бұрын
I am a 51yr old female on suboxone. I have back issues, fibromyalgia and a free other medical issues mixed with mdd, and ptsd with generalized anxiety. I came off of suboxone at the 1mg point. Wdwls were horrendous and the paws lasted well into 8months. I finally went back on suboxone because I couldn't take the pain and did not want to take opiates for relief. They effectively help me manage my life and pain. If I could do it without and still manage my pain I would but its impossible. I have no choice but this drug. For some of us it indeed gives its a life and we have to ignore the snide remarks and looks. I'm not a heroin addict but I'm made to feel like one because of the med I use tho control pain,yet if I took oxycontin people wouldn't say a thing. What a messed up world.
@aharper2332 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus bless you more sis
@kenseymour5152 5 жыл бұрын
Joan'ne Valentina if your in pain it’s no different than morphine or OxyContin you are in pain believe me I’m dealing with pain clinics and it’s getting very hard too deal with they declare war on pain patients as far as I can see I’ve been dealing with withdrawals and pain the cdc didn’t put any restrictions on opioid replacement I see this is four years ago I hope you doing well
@lynettebrinkman606 5 жыл бұрын
I have fibromyalgia and took Vicodin for pain. I started low dosed immunotherapy and immediately started weaning from the Vicodin. So glad I am now off of it . Low dosed immunotherapy is not covered by insurance but has been a godsend. It is available through telemedicine if there is not a provider nearby if you are interested. I also seen a KZfaq video where someone said she weaned off suboxone very slowly and she used potassium , heating pads, epsom salt baths and shakology successfully. I hope you get to feeling better and no longer need the suboxone.
@jamesmotley2409 4 жыл бұрын
I sure understand.I am 57 and I will take it for life.Ive tried getting off everything but have used opiates so long my brain never will return to normal.Where Im from subs are only 5.00 a month.I have no memory problems.I just dont let anyone know that I'm on them anymore.
@iseewhatyoudidthere1245 2 жыл бұрын
I am also a 51 year old female and as you might know people are Less sympathetic and supportive than they are with younger people...the thinking maybe is that we are " old enough to know better". They dont get that it is an actual medical condition that says nothing at all about one's character or strength. I was on Suboxone for 6 years at 24 (!!) mg per day. Went off of it myself because I waa tired of the " game " one needs to play to get Suboxone. People found out I was on Suboxone and now I am looked at as less of a person. Even by my own family. I dont regret giving up opiates but if Id stayed on the real opiates, no one would know. All the rock-bottom stuff happened After I quit. Yup. Messed up world. Ignorant health care " professionals ", judgemental nurses, and a society that demonizes the very people who are Fighting one of the biggest battles a human can fight. So cheers to all the warriors! You get to come back. You do. But it's hard and if you think I'm being dramatic, you've not been there. I'm always a little grateful when someone Doesnt understand: there are too many of us that do. Big sarcastic thanks to doctors and big pharma for giving us all those groovy pills. Hope you're happy now.
@chriscraven9335 3 жыл бұрын
"Need relief from opioid WDs? Here, take a new, even stronger opioid whose WDs with be just as bad, but last even LONGER!" Take my money!
@PatrickSS351 10 жыл бұрын
Great video. Quit while your young you'll get back on your feet quicker. U can do it.
@chadbritton6806 10 жыл бұрын
ive been on 8 mgs of xanax and 16 mgs of subutex a day and attend atleast two 12 step meetings a day and am very involved and am slowly tapering down i pray that i can put this behind me i have a good doctor whos known for being able to comfortably taper people off these drugs please pray for me
@Anthony-mx7hs 6 жыл бұрын
Lucky your doctor didn't kill you man, I had a seizure and died on my porch for two minutes due to the mixture of xanax and suboxone. It stopped my heart and sent my into convulsion.
@justintime753 4 жыл бұрын
Holy cow. Theres no way you feel any emotion at all? This is coming from a long 14 year drug career. Past thank god but still theres no way you can feel shit that high. I pray you are able to one day be free.
@suicide27survivor 4 жыл бұрын
@RaptorJesus 10 жыл бұрын
Oh. And the reason you get depressed without opiates is because opiates are perhaps the single best broad-spectrum anti-depressant. If you're depressed, and opiates can't help, *there is no help*.
@jfrostcvl5 4 жыл бұрын
Bro your wrong I'm on day 25 suboxone withdraw and it was worse than comingkoff methadone! Every prescribing doctor needs to go through it so they truly know!
@Rachael4341 13 жыл бұрын
This is one of the better vids on KZfaq, VERY informative, professional and helped me personally - thank you very very much for posting this for the world to see.
@gabemccall3523 4 жыл бұрын
The post acute withdrawal from suboxone is terrible and long as heck. Acute isn’t fun... but manageable compared to other opiates. But as a whole it’s fricken terrible! I’m a couple weeks away from being a year clean from Suboxone and I still deal with paws symptoms. It’s a roller coaster ride. I’ve documented my whole journey here on KZfaq as well. It can be done!
@seanthebaptist6757 6 жыл бұрын
You CAN quit and you don't need to ween! It may help you to cut back but either way it IS doable!! I took Suboxone for 3 years and quit cold turkey from 8mg. It took me about 30 days to feel somewhat better but it's done and I haven't looked back!
@2jcward 2 жыл бұрын
Omg I wish I could
@abk4202020 11 жыл бұрын
This man is very knowledgable on all aspects i respect this man to the fullest, thank you very much for helping so manny fellow addicts :) i just got out of sunrise detox in west palm
@colleenmcglinn55 6 жыл бұрын
Suboxene made me have pain. I have a serious back. My back feels better without it. Opiods get into your bones which causes more pain. ONce I got off all opiods. my back and pain has gotten better.
@rickyharvey4835 4 жыл бұрын
I hope my back pain goes away
@nataliasatire4514 7 жыл бұрын
I can guarantee this man never went trough withdrawl.
@cowlords13 5 жыл бұрын
Its so stupid. Never ever should suboxone be used long term, its impossible getting off it.
@bowlingballmagic 5 жыл бұрын
Jordon Mcmullin rapid detox man. 8000
@cowlords13 5 жыл бұрын
what do you mean rapid detox?@@bowlingballmagic
@bowlingballmagic 5 жыл бұрын
Jordon Mcmullin Pontiac Michigan hospital offers a rapid detox Where they sedate you with ketamine and put you through precipitous withdrawal for two days to get off of opioids And then give you a shot of vivitrol and you go home Best 9000 ever spent. You can get a loan to have it done. It’s safe, it’s performed in a hospital No more being a slave to subs
@daeshantaylor2741 5 жыл бұрын
I wish I could like this 17 times so let's begin👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 thank you for your time
@freshANDhesh 12 жыл бұрын
I need something, I was not expecting this. I'm on day 4 with no bup and and dropped off from .25mg It's crazy how bad this is right now for me.
@macmeeze1 7 жыл бұрын
My question is, what does sub do to your brain during long term use. Cause it's made me feel soulless and stupid
@sharona4567 5 жыл бұрын
me too.. someone would tell me I said or did something I couldn't remember 3 min ago. big time short term memory loss for me anyway.
@Rossdink 5 жыл бұрын
yes im souless and stupid as well, we need to get off... this was a year ago... you off yet?
@elizabethhilton4004 5 жыл бұрын
pray. keep praying
@davidfrison2765 5 жыл бұрын
You hit the nail on the head with that one... I've been on methadone for 12 years and I don't feel emotions... I've seen times where I had to go a few days without it because I missed an appointment and within 36 hours my emotions came back with vengeance.. I couldn't watch something on TV without crying... But I didn't realize how numb I have become because of it.. It definitely has effects of the brain that they don't tell you about or discuss... It's been proven that Oxycontin has effects on the brain and makes people very self centered and turns them ugly.. All drugs do I guess.. But a monthly injection is good for anyone who wants to have a life and not have a leash attached to the pharmacy.. But it is definitely a double edged sword.. Because you are giving them free reign.. Not to mention the fact that pharmacies make a living from dispensing fees and the privately owned pharmacies would go belly up if all of a sudden everyone switched to a monthly injection.. .I don't think all clinics are offering it... I know that they offer suboxone now as a first response to harm reduction...before it was called methadone maintenance.. But now it's called opioid recovery program.. And everyone who gets on the clinic is given suboxone instead of methadone ...i wouldn't mind switching.. But at the same time I don't want to sit there for 15 minutes while the sublingual tablet dissolves under my tongue with methadone I drink it and go... I know it has done serious damage to my insides... 15 years with hepatitis c starting to take its toll on me... And methadone is just as harmful to the liver.. Most people when they get on it start to eat healthier and look after themselves so it overrides any harmful effects of the methadone.. And those people usually seek treatment for hepatitis c when they get connected with the resources of the clinic.. But not me I don't trust those treatments.. Especially the interferon it's gotta have some long term effects and destroys your immune system .. But I'm definitely headed towards the danger zone of chronic hepatitis.. My body reminds me of that fact everyday... I just watch my diet and exercise eat lots of apples that helps pass the toxins that can build up in the body
@kailiedean2685 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly why I decided to quit... Couldn't get my subs and saw how numb I was... Last week I was on 2 subs a day... I'm on 2 mgs now. Phew!!! Not as bad as I thought... Gotta say!
@barriebrunsden 6 жыл бұрын
if i could say anything positive it would be this addicts know and really your all so much stronger than you think
@boblatt3288 11 жыл бұрын
I have done a ton of research on this subject. I can honestly say this guy seems to know what he is talking about.
@WIllyGilly321 12 жыл бұрын
Good video, very informative and helpful. There is so much info based on feelings, very little on "good" research and experience.
@Alexcision 5 жыл бұрын
Day 6,doing ok but wow this is so hard! Having a goal really helps..u need motovation to succeed.
@suicide27survivor 4 жыл бұрын
Do you win the fight? Sober? I wish it to you🍀
@XlunacyinblackX 11 жыл бұрын
How is this shit legal and not weed... I'm just saying...
@larrytate1657 6 жыл бұрын
@Seegie16 6 жыл бұрын
Its not legal. As a matter of fact its far more illegal than weed. Some states allow you to buy weed in shops. You are not going to get suboxone without a script.
@liapastohrias697 6 жыл бұрын
XlunacyinblackX It's a much better alternative than heroin addiction. Suboxone and methadone are used to keep the crime rate down and keep tabs on junkies. However, suboxone does save lives.
@terricampbell3179 6 жыл бұрын
Lia Pastohrias actually, it's been PROVEN that it's easier to come off of controlled doses of Percocet(oxycodone) or heroin (diacetylmorphine) rather than a fully synthetic opioid like suboxone. It's near impossible for an opiate addict to not take all the pills that make them feel good without overdoing it unless under supervision and someone is giving you your medicine at specific times through the day. Suboxone is fucking terrible and I was only using it as a way to stave off withdrawal until I got down to an insanely low dose to where I can take oxycodone again, cause I'd much rather come off of oxycodone than synthetic shit.
@suicide27survivor 4 жыл бұрын
It is legal...
@wwmusicman1 6 жыл бұрын
The side effects from taking it have actually been a detriment to me after the first few months. I’ve been on it about 8 years. I took about 2-4 mg a day for a long time but have went UP to 8mg or more a day now. I quit cold turkey for two months once, and I relapsed because I started my junior year in college. I was finally sleeping and over the physical withdrawal after a month but wasn’t prepared to function mentally or emotionally in school and work. I only got two weeks off work to detox and was mostly okay at work, but adding school was too much. 4 years later, I’m still on this shit.
@These-nutz 2 жыл бұрын
How are you doing now???
Its cruel how 2 mg is the smallest dose.. 2 MG is still a big dose, and going from that to zero would be insane.. You have to get takeaways save them up somehow and slowly cut the last bit down.. Closer you get to zero harder it gets.. You wont sleep properly for months after getting off this stuff
@barriebrunsden 6 жыл бұрын
2 mg isnt smallest dose 0.4 and 0.2 mg
@AlexMartinez-1316 4 жыл бұрын
I'm on day 21 and got off from a quarter is the 2 mg pills. So half a MG. I used kratom for a few days but then started needing that so I stopped that and yeah you're right I haven't got a good night of sleep since. I can't wait to get some real rest.
@AlexMartinez-1316 4 жыл бұрын
It sucks tossing and turning all damn night
@suicide27survivor 4 жыл бұрын
Smallest Subutex pills = 0,4mg. Same pills with lower dosis 0,2mg are for pain patience not for substitution...
@sundragon1976 9 жыл бұрын
I hate the stigma that comes w this drug. YES it is prescribed MOSTLY for those two reasons, but it is also prescribed for long term chronic pain (or in my case it was, because I didn't want to be on hundreds of pain pills per month, was allergic to some, and refused to administer fentanyl patches to myself at home wo the access of a Dr. to monitor me for fear id go to bed at night and not wake up!) ... I feel for those who need it for getting off opiates, heroin and methadone, but I also don't let many people know that I am on it (including some doctors) because they automatically think that I was a drug user because that's what this med was originally designed for. Just like some heart medications can be used for anti depressants, or some anti psychotics for sleeping, or other meds having many different uses other than just what they were originally made for. I think on the papers they give you with your prescription it should have other uses listed other than just for getting off opiates or street drugs. I'm not putting down anyone, I just don't think it's fair how some people look at me or treat me when they find out I'm on this medication.
@claytontimberman9898 9 жыл бұрын
sundragon1976 I agree with you! There is tons of health care providers who make negative judgements when a patient is taking Buprenorphine. What you're mentioning is called "off label" prescribing and we do this often. Be careful about not telling your doctor what medications you take. What happens when you're prescribed something that counteracts? If you don't feel safe telling your doctors you take Suboxone/Subutex tell them you're on Butrans Transdermal. It's the same active ingredient, but specifically indicated for chronic pain in the USA. I hope that is useful to you!!! I can totally empathize with you!!! I've been there!!
@sundragon1976 9 жыл бұрын
Clayton Timberman oh I do tell my doctors for sure! I would be scared for something bad to happen I'm just saying I don't like to because of the judgment. Thanks a lot for that though I will start saying the other name. :)
@user-oe8cw8uj8y 8 жыл бұрын
@sundragon1976 7 жыл бұрын
Jai Jamison wow, I'm so sorry that for whatever reason I'm JUST NOW seeing your reply (from 44 was ago!) Anyway, so sorry to hear about your pain and then your nasty roller coaster experience with the Dr.s upping and upping your meds! Argh! How are you doing? Still on the subs? I have been off of them cold turkey for a 13 mos now! Yay! However...... switched myself to kratom and now the lovely DEA wants to take that away from me 😓 I finally found something that helped so much that wasn't deadly and the mentally sick people of power want to decide for me what I can and can't take, just so they can line their greedy little pockets. Makes me irate, scared and sad.... I know I'll never go back to opiates or subs, but unfortunately a ton of people will and there are going to be lots of overdoses on their hands! Then again they don't care, cuz they made money off of that too! (Dr.s visits, money for prescriptions, people going to rehab, etc. etc. it's truly disgusting. So now that I went on a rant about that too lol... I hope you're doing well! Sorry for all your pain 😓 I'd say take kratom it's a miracle herb, but.... 😝. Take care.
@darkomihalic2727 5 жыл бұрын
sundragon1976 yes I agree
@irock5624 6 жыл бұрын
Very helpful!
@eklypised 9 жыл бұрын
Sub withdrawal was worse and lasted longer than the damn percs....
@sickofsubpain9071 9 жыл бұрын
Seems like the onset of we is a few days longer. Then. Worse than pain meds. Clonidine helping. MY Dr. Went out OF state and left now back-up Dr to write. I was wanting off anyway ,but dang.
@muffychao2373 6 жыл бұрын
pagansforbreakfast have you tried kratom it’s a life saver☺️
@Juanfifarek 6 жыл бұрын
Sub withdrawal is the scariest and worst thing Ive ever tried to w/d from. Worse than the dilaudid I used to take. Wore than methadone also. It wasnt only physical but a severe mind trip of nightmare. Every new opioid treatment med promises to be less hard to come off of. For me its the exact opposite. The more synthetic the worse for w/d. This my personal experience. Ans I've tried everything to be opiod free.
@mariyaa111 6 жыл бұрын
Muffy Chao I've heard of it. How much did you take and for how long ?
@terricampbell3179 6 жыл бұрын
juan baudelaire you should try to get your hands on the iboga plant, I hear it's like a Google search engine within your soul connected to the universe and your body and it has 80% success rate. Mainly because the other 20% just like drugs way too much.
@Smile-og7ic 8 жыл бұрын
@brittanybaker2969 6 жыл бұрын
i'm at 2mg Is it harder after this point ?
@Seegie16 6 жыл бұрын
You need to get way under 2mg before you jump off. Ive heard you should get down to .25mg and then do days on and days off at that amount for a few weeks before jumping off and youll still feel like shit but at 2mg youd feel like mega shit.
@Sarah-hc3wn 6 жыл бұрын
Buffster0896 what is this kratam. ? I’m terrified, I’ve gone through suboxone withdrawal and it was worse than 23 hours of labor!! And bs suboxone withdrawal is waaaaay worse than it was with OxyContin
@melxb 6 жыл бұрын
Smile um he said nothing but facts...please explain how he is wrong...he is right that once u jump off subs, withdrawals can last for a month or months time depending on person and length taken/situation and they will give u other meds to aleviate that and make it a pretty much smooth ride, especially again if u tapered right, plus even that much better if u exercise, eat right, to u name it...nothing he said was negative or harmful...of course its best short term, but some people been out of normal lifes loop for decades on drugs, those are the ones get on subs for a years time to stabalize themselves and their life, their relationships, before they focus on the actual withdrawal and taper itself, but yes i agree even they shouldn't be on it more than a year or 1 sub max for example and honestly its people themselves that also beg doctors to stay and not taper and stay for 3 5years plus, come on now, and its not like he said anything for or against any of that, he clearly could have even added that if he wanted to go further in depth, but as a whole he said straight facts... it all depends on person to person, but if u do it right, it will work right...people are so fucked up with what they say, fuckin think first
@melxb 6 жыл бұрын
Sarah Holliday my question is are u going thru that because u somehow forced yorself to jump off, lost insurance or whatevr it may be...because if u did it instead at treatment/the right way u would have gotten clonidine, valium, to help the rest of the way and wouldnt even be saying that...anyways kratom is basically a herbal opioid that will help, but u will also eventually have to come off that if like subs u take it long term...its the same with any withdrawal med...the point is u tapered and u jumped off, now get u some regular meds, excercise, eat right, and u will be straight...heck trust me if a doc gives u like a valium alone will make u feel right as rain...people make the shit worse than it is i swear...the problem or question really is, is a mf ready to quit forreal or not?! if so do it right, go hard
@jameshughes5277 10 жыл бұрын
you can always give more drugs to cancel the downfall of the last drug, nice work!
@jameshughes5277 10 жыл бұрын
well done, dont take that personal. you have my go for.
@kevin4050 9 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing. im on day 3 and its rough
@alecsimms9653 5 жыл бұрын
I went this guy’s clinic and met him.Once again I’ll say the first two weeks where a breeze but the months after that where brutal and I relapsed.PAWS.
@boblatt3288 11 жыл бұрын
I have researched allot and this guy seems to know what he is talking about
@GeminyiJoe 12 жыл бұрын
Kratom is also a partial agonist working on the MU receptors and is far less addictive than suboxone which is a natural and cheap way to detox against powerful opiate based drugs, and prevents new cases of traditional pharmacy based addictions using suboxone, and methadone methods of treatment.
@NaughtyVampireGod 12 жыл бұрын
Seems like a nice guy. Non-judgmental.
@MarshHouse 8 жыл бұрын
I was a heroin addict for 20 years and ive been on suboxone for 2years. This guy really knows his stuff. My experience agrees with every thing he said and sometimes you need that conformation to reassure your self. knowledge is power. If your on suboxone and want to get off, learn all you can. Thanks so much for the video Dennis.
@appalachianmountains6010 6 жыл бұрын
Derek White I agree with him as well. I know ppl who have came off subs and everything he is saying sounds familiar. I know ppl who it has taken a year to start feeling normal
@jameshughes5277 10 жыл бұрын
Ide rather be dependent on mother nature with my own free will.
@bronnismofo 10 жыл бұрын
Finally someone speaking the truth!! Good on you my brother... mother nature reigns supreme!!
@513aokay 9 жыл бұрын
It seems like you're replacing one drug with another that's all I have to say I hate coming off Suboxone but I'm glad to say I did because it saved my life in my own opinion
@sickofsubpain9071 9 жыл бұрын
@muffychao2373 6 жыл бұрын
Have you tried kratom it’s a life saver🤗
@ericurbanek5128 6 жыл бұрын
Robb Jones not the same AT ALL!
@goncharsgoons552 9 жыл бұрын
I found it much harder to quit suboxone than any other opiate. When i quit suboxone i was taking it for about a year and a half and was tappered down to 2mg once a day. When i stoped i had horrible w/d for 60 days in a row. Ince i started to feel better (5-6months) i still suffered from paws, i tore 3 ligaments in my leg and had toget surgery, so i was perscribed percocet which indefinatly led back into using h again. I used for about 3 months. Now i am currently 22 days clean, and it was 100 times easier to quit this time than it was off of suboxone, maybe this is a miricale drug in detoxing somone, but in my opion horrible as a maintance program.
@eklypised 9 жыл бұрын
I've had RLS from subs way longer than pills
@knoxmateo3194 4 жыл бұрын
Day 7 it's getting a little better sleep is the worst thing but I going one day at time.
@mikecrotsley6962 4 жыл бұрын
It’s been 16 days since I dropped subs and Adderall after 5yrs on. Started at 24mg and tapered myself down over yrs, first to 16, then 8, 6, 4, 3, and 2mg without much change. Started to feel it below 2mg so switched to weekly reductions of .25mg until I was down to .25 for a wk and jumped. Yes it’s looong but it’s not as violent as dope or reg opiates. Clonidine really helped my RLS and helped me sleep. I’m still dealing with PAWS but so far it’s only insomnia and no motivation
@These-nutz 2 жыл бұрын
How are you doing now?? How long did it take to go away??
@nikitacole27 11 жыл бұрын
im on detox day 7 from 15 months of suboxone use and really i cant say its easy (constant fatigue headaches i cant seem to stay awake past 9pm and wake up at 12-2-4am with anxiety) but during the day making myself get up and doing stuff helps. seeing my family and talking about it helps and if you were given any meds (clonodine sleep meds anxiety) dont take it during the day because thats just making the fatigue worse. you will make it thru
@JamesPiccone 7 жыл бұрын
Suboxone is an awesome drug other than it has a horrible withdrawals, so you're just trading one monkey on your back for another. the ideal situation for suboxone is only for about a week's use, basically use it to get past the opiate withdrawals and then stop after a week any longer than that you'll have horrible withdrawals off of buprenorphine also.
@atiabreen2069 7 жыл бұрын
James Piccone exactly what im doing four days off heroin and just took a small smidge off a strip of suboxen on tuesday. still feel great today! praise God. just use it a small amount once you won't wothdraw i have my damn life back i could shout to the mountains
@JamesPiccone 7 жыл бұрын
Atia Breen I was addicted to the same myself, trust me you don't want to be addicted to suboxone also, it's longer of a withdrawal. Also save your suboxin for when it's absolutely the worst. don't just take it because you kinda feel bad. Another helpful tip is to make yourself go outside and do something. I know it sounds weird but doing that and eating good for a week helped me a lot with withdrawals. Then I was on it for a couple years and now I'm on the process of getting off of suboxin I'm down to a third a day but I wish I never would have done it or I wish it would have used it correctly to begin with..
@samdilworth1989 7 жыл бұрын
James Piccone exactly right
@wokafloka7192 7 жыл бұрын
James Piccone good luck buddy I was only taking. .01mg for 60 days its day 20 and im sicker than I was on day 4
@JamesPiccone 7 жыл бұрын
Woka Floka​ I'm down to 1/3 a pill a day but I can't seem to get any lower than that without going through horrible withdrawals. I got a wife, kid and a job I can't exactly take a month off to go through withdrawals. Good luck to you brother. Even on that I wake up at 2 o'clock in the morning with horrible nightmares & then later in the afternoon is when I start my yawning and heavily tearing.
@debracasseday4960 10 жыл бұрын
I have been on suboxone for 5 years, I tapered myself on my last 8 mg strip 6 days ago took my last dose, day 4 OMG the pain was so intense I wanted to rip my face off, that's bad, I finally decided to start drinking just so the hurting will stop, don't drink to get drunk just to ease the pain,.
@derekvonberg89 7 жыл бұрын
does new beginnings have a inpataint detox ,and do you take medacare?
@jaybird1286 8 жыл бұрын
love to try it but pretty sure I can't afford it, no price listed on their website.
@ghostrunnerone 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you doctor for speaking the truth. I've been taking about. 4 MG of suboxone a day for the past year. there have been time when I wouldn't have any for a few days and there have also been times when I would get pain pills for a few days but mostly I have only been taking suboxone. I am really trying to quit but it is very hard.
@rebel8114 7 жыл бұрын
After YEARS of suboxone I finally quit. My advice is to just quit the opioids. Unless you are coming off heroin or worse, oxys, DON'T TAKE suboxone. I wrote it in all caps so you know it's bad.
@Mike_The_Hog_A_Nator 6 жыл бұрын
I suffer from chronic pain & bipolar condition. I was on Vicodin HP, Oxy’s for 20yrs along with my bipolar meds. Since starting Suboxone 8/2 4 x daily along with Testosterone treatment 3 yrs ago I’ve never felt better & became way more productive & active. I’m 47 now. Opioids will effect Men’s Testosterone badly & something many doctors do not mention. When I was on pills. I was depressed, no energy, laid up in bed, anti-social, etc. Maybe I’m fooling myself but I feel like I did when I was in high school now.. I’ve dropped my depression meds & only take Subs now.
@julieevans9671 3 жыл бұрын
Please don't stay on subs long term. It is so hard to come off.
@johnryansullivan2439 10 жыл бұрын
just curious...what is he referring to when he says "a long time"? 2 years? 5 years?
@mattyjames81 11 жыл бұрын
Oh wow 20mg subutex a day? That's quite a lot, glad to hear you went down to 2mg the second time. My psychiatrist is trying to rush me through this, I went from 8mg/day to 0.5mg/day without much issue, now he wants me to just 'stop'. The mental and physical pain are unimaginable, and I want to take one so bad. But I want to willpower my way through this. Can I do that?
@WorksOfBird 10 жыл бұрын
Good man
@dj4650 6 жыл бұрын
The maker of suboxone is Satan.
@cherylgarro6766 6 жыл бұрын
OGTripleDeuceUno I'm on day 8 and don't think I can do it anymore I regret ever getting on Suboxone
@christophermiller1219 6 жыл бұрын
Just modern day methadone. Doctors instead of dope boys . Big Pharm is truly evil.
@mattterk753 6 жыл бұрын
I agree I started off taking it for the right reasons...then I was taking off it and then started buying it from a dealer and then abused it for years and then had to quit cold.turkey and it was a horrible experience I know everyone is different but it was the worst withdrawals I've ever had...I think about getting high all the time but the 3 months after I stopped subs makes me never wanna use anything again...1 year clean off everything now and stuff is slowly getting better everyday
@catheedavid2288 6 жыл бұрын
it is the truth I would say so it is prescribed for a good drug to help us come off of scripts but what helps us come off of suboxone
@jamminbucy7781 6 жыл бұрын
OGTripleDeuceUno. made by satan and pushed by drug dealers .. aka.. doctors .
@ryanwoodcock3342 4 жыл бұрын
this man...never ever went throuhg withdrawl!! i been on subs for 10 years strong and i got off for a whole 17 days one time!!'s the secret! 1:God! 2: you cant hold down a job 3: what do i do after i'm done with subs? 4: how do i fight the day without sleep 5: how do i make myself eat? 6: how do i go to the bathroom? 7:how do i fight the depression? 8: how do i fight THE CHRONIC FATIGUE !!!!!!
@cheyenneheppes7012 10 жыл бұрын
I live in Oregon. I was an oxy addict for years. Went to methadone for 4 years and struggled to get off so i switched to suboxone for a year. My Dr. Put me on Butrans to taper. I quit using the butrans 16 days ago. Most acute withdraw is gone but am now dealing with a high level of anxiety. My Dr doesn't seem concerned or have a solution for me. Am also dealing with insomnia. What meds can help? Tried trazadone but it made me feel weird. Worried this isn't going to get better anytime soon. Help please!!!
@sOuLunSettled 14 жыл бұрын
My situation is unique in that the biggining of treatment, I was great! I had been clean of Heroin 5 yrs. Doing well. Old friends, If you follow visited & I fell for the one time won't hurt. Wisdom warned me!! The problem is that I take suboxone, After 1 yr I have given Antibiotics 5 times for Phuemonia and "Bronchitis", Although no testing. I am sick daily while taking Suboxone. I'm sure it slows lungs down. I cannot function/work for sickness & Energy loss. Is this possible from long term use?
@bassetter1 11 жыл бұрын
What about its metabolites ? are they partial also.
@jamesryan6242 6 жыл бұрын
I was on methadone for 8 years previous to the subs (10mg/day for 3 years now), I seemed to tolerate it much better and didn't have any side effects! Side effects like confusion, fatigue, intense anxiety, skin conditions and hair loss! My body feels like its shutting down on me, I've been told I may have developed Lupus as a result of medication. It's bloody difficult dealing with withdrawal from any opiate/opioid but I feel the subs are especially nasty. I feel like a shell of the person I once was, thoroughly depressed and riddled with confusion and anxiety. Its like I've aged 10 years in less than two years. Beware of this drug, I may have to switch back to methadone as I'm not low enough to contemplate withdrawal. I desperately want to be free of this drug!
@laurahughes3247 6 жыл бұрын
james ryan hey James! Recovering fentanyl addict, one year on subs, two months without subs. It took me a while to realize it was the suboxone that was causing me to feel like an empty shell of a person, I was determined to do whatever I had to get myself back! I do not recommend doing a drug free withdraw from suboxone, due to the months of acute withdraw it would have caused me to relapse on strong opiates. I don’t want to push my beliefs on anyone but I strongly encourage you to research Kratom if you have not already done so, how it works with your body & all the pros and cons. I’ve been on a small dose since the day I stopped subs and I feel fine, not high, but fine. With a tolerance and dependency as high as ours, Kratom is a life saver- literally- in getting you off subs or opiates in general. Herbal Salvation has some of the best kratom around, I would advise you to purchase it online after researching various companies & not buying it from a local smoke shop-big difference in quality and price! Let me know how things are going for you!
@StillBlowinEnt 10 жыл бұрын
good deal man keepin puttin the info out ppl need it to many ignorant Doctors out there just prescribing it n not correctly.... N from what im tol n seen first hand they prescribe way to much from the start overkilll
@tyhassler9060 6 жыл бұрын
gabapintamine or neurotin seemed to help w/d a lot (for me!)..
@albinomexirican4959 5 жыл бұрын
How long should you be on suboxone. I’ve been on it for 3 weeks after using pain killers for 9 years
@RickyPisano 5 жыл бұрын
I was put on 20mg a day in 2007. I'm down to about 1 mg a day now. I have 1 8mg pill left. I plan to use this pill by taking crumbs until it's gone. I kicked methadone... about 400mg back in 2006 and it took about a month to come off. It was terrible though. 23 days with no sleep. I'll hoping this won't be as bad but expecting the WORST. I know I can do this.
@treighwells9247 4 жыл бұрын
how is tramadol for suboxone withdrawl? how long many day after suboxone withdrawl shoukd i take the tramadol for best effects?
@quki3 10 жыл бұрын
I was put on suboxone by kaiser Baldwin park as a " pain management replacement for prior norco/morphine" 3 year use for chronic pain. I have been on suboxone since 11-2012. I am down to 1 strip cut in half 2 times a day. I do not get pain management from suboxone at all. I might have in the beginning. Now I have no energy, wide spread pain, migraines, nausea, anxiety.. I forget everything. I want to get off because I think that suboxone has made my chronic pain/fibromyalgia. Suboxone has not only been a scarlet letter but has taking my life from me. I'm scared but I'm thinking after these two last strips I will not refil and go cold turkey. Any advice?
@crimsontide2691 10 жыл бұрын
The first thing you need to do is taper down until you're literally cutting those 8 mg strips into 6 pieces, and only taking a single dose in the morning. After stopping the sub all together, you need to get some Kratom from a local herb and tea shop.
@austinhoffman219 10 жыл бұрын
Im down to a little less than a mg and its still realy hard. You have to take it once a day than once every other day and so on.
@austinhoffman219 9 жыл бұрын
You need adavan, any benzo and something for stomach. It really helps with withdraw. You need to get down to a milligram a day then go every other day.
@AutumnAsh81 11 жыл бұрын
Does ultram help witgh withdrawl and if so, how effective?
@ATLTraveler 11 жыл бұрын
I ironically had very mild symptoms coming off of suboxone. I was on it for about 1.5 years and tapered from 16mg to 4mg and came off at 4mg. I think I was so scared of what everyone has said about the symptoms that I was prepared for something much worse. I had an awesome doctor that gave me GREAT medications that made me sleep every night and feel relatively normal throughout the day. Clonidine, gabapentin, chlordiazepoxide, promethazine, ibuprofen were the main medications.
@melxb 6 жыл бұрын
ATLHooligan exactly, he basically said the same stuff in this video, if u do it right it wont be bad...proly most who had horrid experiences are those that fucked around took 2 3 subs daily for 3 5 years, then instead of taper proly somehow were forced to quit, lost insurance etc, so of course thats horrid...but if u stabalize yourself, yor life, take no more than 1, begin to taper, and when u jump off still at a treatment place u will get other meds like clonidine, valium to help alleviate the rest of that months or however long post withdrawal symptom period and u will be good...also many proly dont add exercising to that, eating right, etc...thats why u see some with horrid results and others say it was a breeze...def dont get the hating ass talk about the doctor period, he said nothing but facts
@michaelfreeman4382 4 жыл бұрын
The only Experts of suboxone or the ones that's took it for years! Dr- withdrawals only take 7 days ! User- I took my last dose 5 months ago I'm still got withdrawls !
@vasileioslambrosflorostson2976 10 жыл бұрын
what worked for me was the gradual reduction of the dose down to 1/8 of a 2mg pill cheers
@das8771 4 жыл бұрын
Can you tell me how it went for you, i am doing the same thing now.
@robertclarkguitar 6 жыл бұрын
Where is this place and do you take insurance from Walmart lol I am 6 plus years on it 6 to 8 MG a day.. I want off so bad I'd surely take the detox center route ...
@laurahughes3247 6 жыл бұрын
You do not need health insurance to get off subs. If you want advice on how to stop subs - effectively without relapsing- I’d love share with you how I did it. I wanted freedom from being on pharmaceuticals period, and after a ton of research and a little hope I did it on my own- you can too!
@dng10195 10 жыл бұрын
My doctor doesn't know how to tucking get somebody off suboxone, he' SWEARS up and down to god that there's no withdrawl from suboxone.
@spitty3456 6 жыл бұрын
I've been on for already 7 years and can't get lower than 12 mg. I don't know what to do.
@ripp846 11 жыл бұрын
I've been on subs for six and a half years. Works well. But now I'm screwed..... Great
@jjrod4284 6 жыл бұрын
Saboxone is the worst..I didnt feel rite for months...I was on that shit for 10 years...saboxone free baby...fuck that shit..god bless anybody that goes through that shit..
@Crisscross-ro6gt 3 жыл бұрын
I have Ben taking Suboxon since I was 13 and I am now 18 and I still cannot kick it and I really want to stop.
@milliefusion7340 10 жыл бұрын
On since 2006, detoxing myself now. Day #3, using Clonidine and it is helping some, but these inside tremors that I am having are hell. I keep fighting. If I have to, I have some that I can take a crumb if I need to, but I am determined not to do that.
@MSDavis-sh9ky 7 жыл бұрын
God this has been a 5 year battle...why? Plus now I go into withdrawal if I don't have my anxiety benzos that I've been on for 7 years which is worse than subutex wds. Together is I can't explain. Reason I'm saying this is I was detoxed off my klonapins last July and went to the abyss and back. Don't go there without a doctor who knows how to properly detox. I was on 3 plus mgs a day..sometimes abused but managed to ween myself to a manageable mg till detox in 15 days!!! I didn't know the extent of what was coming but even I knew from the Ashton manual which my head doc was unaware of supposedly and didn't sound good. Okay so after day 8 from the 15 day detox I had a mild seizure and thanks to my mum...I was back cause she provided me with valium till I could figure things out. I'm finally back on my kpins legally but not enough and I'm a father of 4 but thankfully I have my two middle children. I have to illegally get rid of one drug to support the other which I know sucks. My point is just don't ever accept these candy man drugs..subs, methadone and benzos...and thankfully I don't drink and that's the worse wds of all. None of this is good. I have one wish but big pharma would lose so much and theirs a drug that can cure all wds. Then no more and can start a new beginning. They won't here but if anyone with truth please lead me to the promise land. Just hope it isn't green or Iceland lol. If you got that let me know lol.
@camronkhan1116 7 жыл бұрын
Can some please help me is he on about subetex it comes in a tablet I'm from UK I just wanted to no how long it stay your body can you flush it out with water
@ownleeshancan 5 жыл бұрын
I am on a slow taper, I originally was on 24/8mg a day, which I tried to taper myself from half of an 8/2 strip, to nothing. Failed because withdrawing was so nasty and I couldn't manage. I sought out a solution and found a very supportive clinician Psychiatrist who put me on 1 strip of 8/2, I have been tapering and I am currently at one 2/0.5mg strip a day. The plan is to go to half of one of those and then to nothing...I a scared to death of withdrawal. I was wondering if anyone has done this taper routine and if so how and was it for you?
@julieevans9671 3 жыл бұрын
Was on the tablets for 3 years. Weaned down to 4 mg a day. Went off and I'm now on day 9. The wds are the worst thing I have gone through in my life. I feel like I'm dying. They say it lasts months.
@georgecogswellBitz78 6 жыл бұрын
I take this medication for pain and it's amazing. Prior to this I was on morphine, Norco, Adivan ect. All at the same time, now I take Suboxone for pain control. This medication also stabilized my anxiety so I'm on alot less of medicine. I do however worry about the side effects long term. What suggestion do you have?
@beavis8167 8 жыл бұрын
i liked this video.. dont worry about wht people say. they need to leave there fellings at home. but good video.
@DJBJR1970 11 жыл бұрын
I would love to go to New Beginnings but it coast so much who could afford it!
@bowlingballmagic 5 жыл бұрын
You still on subs man?
@Mountchoirboy 12 жыл бұрын
I took my time as told and after a year decided to taper off-it took 9 months and I got down to doing near 1/4mg after a week I stopped and had near zero withdrawal. I know of many others who as me, had little to no withdrawal. My guess s in those "horror" stories the person was not on long enough, did not change basic emotional factors and perhaps went off at too high a dose ( 1mg is too much by the way) I thank God for buprenorphrine
@joebosche3041 7 жыл бұрын
why is a preferred SSRI for post acute withdrawals? Would you recommend Lexapro, or a long acting SSRI like Prozac?
@peanutthepoodle 7 жыл бұрын
get gabbapentin aka nuerontin for withdrawal.
@glendaly6367 7 жыл бұрын
Neurontin for withdrawal is nothing better than Tylenol. It's absolutely useless. Actually, I don't know what Neurontin is good for?
@ak7wyf 11 жыл бұрын
it is hell:( i have never been through anything like it. horrible
@mattterk753 6 жыл бұрын
Trading one drug for another drug doesn't work...if you can don't take subs...worst withdrawal I've experienced of course I didn't have help cause I didn't have insurance and I got them from a dealer so I abused them...but after 3 years of taking them around 16 to 24 mgs a day I stopped cold.turkey and it was.not good at all but I managed to do it which is surprising and been clean 1 year from everything. ..the withdrawals from subs keep me.from using again...whenever I think about it I go back to do I ever wanna feel like.that again...only thing after a year I still deal with is depression but it gets better everyday..everyone is different in how it will effect them..just know it can be done and if you have a choice don't take it..and find sum one to talk to about it...I didn't have any one and I think that would have helped me out..good luck to all
@PatchedThePipe 6 жыл бұрын
Anyone think yer attitude can help? Whenever I'm fearing bad WDs I get it but if I'm positive and am sure I can breeze it I do.. I have jumped off at 0.4mg (the pills change to subutex at that dose here uk) and it was cool although falling off at 2mg was pretty rough
@mateobjelica596 4 жыл бұрын
I am on sub almost 15years, 8mg,16mg was my therapy.. when i try to get of, i cut the dose from 8 to 1mg by day, and about 1 mont on 1mg i stop juse it.. it was ok first 15 days, but 19 day i have the wost pain in my life.. now i more than two years on 1mg dose, i going to cut that on half mg eatlise 30 days than i going off, no matther what
@liljess27 11 жыл бұрын
I am on day 8! only been takin subs for a straight year. and on and off for a few years before that. I have not seeked medical help. no insurance. and did subs off street. will valume xanax and maybe hydrocodone help? if I am careful. don't wanna get addicted to those either.
@lisalaird736 7 жыл бұрын
i tried to get off suboxone and after 14 days of misery i got with my family doctor and she prescribed catapress. it works pretty well. byntal for the stomach issues too. sorry about the spelling. But I had waited too long and when someone came around with suboxone i couldn't resist. so im going to try and titrate down to under 2mg and then try the meds she put me on. I wish she had given me something for anxiety because that was pretty bad.
@livelearn664 5 жыл бұрын
If ur not on subs dont stay on longterm
@jeffcarter1310 3 жыл бұрын
TRUTH BOMB @ 8:30 mark. I’m begging for the answer. About to lose everything I care about. I’ve been taking it for 12yrs and I’m stuck in my own personal hopeless nightmare.
@taurojoerey 12 жыл бұрын
My name is Jose and i can tell you that today im finally off suboxone these people save me from having to go tru hell please God bless this people thank you thank you thank you.
@taurojoerey 12 жыл бұрын
My name is Jose and i can tell you that today im finally off suboxone these people save from having to go tru hell please God bless this people thank you thank you thank you.
@thesource419 10 жыл бұрын
what do you people think of ibogaine?
@Boombostick69 10 жыл бұрын
It took me 90 days to feel normal after taking suboxone. Wrecked my thyroid, sex drive and Testosterone. I was prescribed this drug for pain management due to a back injury and chronic pain. Full agonist opiate withdraw usually takes about 3 to 4 days. Suboxone can take up to a year. This drug has saved many lives only to wreck them during detox. If you are on Subs, do not even attempt to stop them unless you have something to sleep or you will be at work falling out of your chair.
@dennishansen12 10 жыл бұрын
J - took me 6 months. Did a number on my thyroid also. I wholly agree with your comments. Sub is a double edged sword.
@Boombostick69 10 жыл бұрын
It should be explained that it will take this long but I have never talked to anyone that has had a Dr tell them anything about WD's. My friend is trying to ween off of pain pills by taking subs. I told him about the difference in half life but he doesn't understand yet. I am expecting a class action lawsuit in the near future.
@marrie408 12 жыл бұрын
I was in a roll over car accident. Rolled my car 6 times... I have metal in my leg and ankle been rebuilt. I have one more surgery to look forward to. I was put on sooooo many different medications and those meds cuased me soooo much agony and trouble. I did mis-use them. I am currently getting subs but I feel like its been too long. I ask Dr for help getting off of them but they give me same amount every month. I don't want to be on any type of drug period. I cant be sick tho ????????
@HolyCrapAA 11 жыл бұрын
Hi! I had 14 mg a day of subutex the last 9-10 years(never missed a day). I really ant to quit but im scared as hell. Do you have any suggestions to how i can make it?
@suicide27survivor 4 жыл бұрын
Reduce slowly, for month-years...
@2jcward 2 жыл бұрын
Me too!!
@adoesitall9417 8 жыл бұрын
@theonefreeman17 7 жыл бұрын
I got off heroin with sub and that was 4 years ago....I'm still on suboxone. I hate this shit and withdrawals are worse than heroin IMO so I'm stuck now.
@incogneito1720 6 жыл бұрын
To get professional help make Dennis take and follow his program.
@djlambdon 13 жыл бұрын
do you take medicaid. If not how much is this.
@NewBeginningsRC 10 жыл бұрын
I just realized that I had approval required on all comments for this video. I just approved a few years of comments! I am sorry for those that commented. My bad. Dennis Hansen
@acerising1440 9 жыл бұрын
I quit suboxone in a controlled manner using a tried and true system. Do this. Lets say you are taking 16 mg a day. Well cut that dose by 25% every fifth day until you are down to .25 mg. YES, that is .25 mg. Well, take that for 4 days, then take it every other day for four doses and then take it after every two days for 4 doses. By then, you should be able to quit. It works. The reason it works is because the half life of suboxone is soooo long it creates withdrawals down the line that hit you hard. by following this method you balance out the half life of the drug.
@sickofsubpain9071 9 жыл бұрын
F##k off
@acerising1440 9 жыл бұрын
SickofSub Pain You are terrible to come on here saying that. No wonder you are stuck taking subs. You have a horrible attitude. You will be taking subs the rest of your life because you are an insignificant and worthless person.
@that1s3curityguard26 8 жыл бұрын
you do not mention ibogaine treatment (I realize it is not used in the US) but in other countries such as Mexico and in parts of Europe they use ibogaine treatment for opioid addiction as well as cocaine and alcohol addiction and it works wonders, some would say miracles. it is able to take a person that has been using suboxone for years at a heavy dose, a person that would normally withdrawal for weeks to months and yes people do withdrawal that long sometimes, and make the withdrawal period go away almost entirely. I would like to hear your thoughts on this treatment as well as its effectiveness and why it is not used in the US. is it because a pharmaceutical company bought the patent and refuses to do anything with ibogaine because it could cut into their profits and make suboxone and methadone almost obsolete? I think we all know there is no money in a cure for these companies and it seems like this is a big reason why ibogaine is not used in the US and people who discover it have to pay out the nose to go over seas and out of country to find the best kind of relief. thoughts?
@THOMASCOGHAN 8 жыл бұрын
+New Beginnings Recovery Center I was on suboxone for a few years along with Xanax,prescribed by a doctor,however I got into trouble with the law and was incarcerated for 45 days.Upon them finding out the drugs I was prescribed they had given me Librium for the first 3-4 days tapering me off at the fourth day,,they also had me drinking large amounts of Gatorade to flush the toxins out for the same 4 day period.Once they stopped the libriums I felt fine ,My question is why doesn't any other doctors take this same approach?
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