Gift Of Tongues - Vocal Gifts | Charism Of The Holy Spirit

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Lenny Soares

Lenny Soares

16 күн бұрын

The Gift of Tongues, or glossolalia, is one of the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament, particularly in the letters of Paul and the Acts of the Apostles.
Scientific research has enriched our understanding of tongues by finding that when people speak in tongues, they are not using the areas of the brain which control language. This means that tongues is real, and not made up by the individual. This confirms that one of the benefits of praying in tongues is that it is a way of praying without the limitations of languages one has learned, since the Holy Spirit provides the words.
Tongues may sound strange, but it is not meaningless. Think of how a baby babbles, but they are communicating. Tongues is not the same as a baby's babble, but the comparison is useful because a baby communicates their needs and expresses love and feelings directly to their parents without language they have mastered.
Biblical Examples
The New Testament provides several key passages that discuss the gift of tongues:
1. Acts 2:1-4 - The Day of Pentecost:
o "When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability."
o This passage describes the first occurrence of speaking in tongues, where the apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak in various gift of tongues.
2. 1 Corinthians 12-14 - Paul's Teaching on Spiritual Gifts:
o In these chapters, Paul addresses the use of spiritual gifts, including tongues, in the Corinthian church. He emphasizes the need for orderly worship and the edification of the church.
o 1 Corinthians 14:2 - "For those who speak in a tongue do not speak to other people but to God; for nobody understands them, since they are speaking mysteries in the Spirit."
o 1 Corinthians 12:10 - " another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues."
o 1 Corinthians 14:27-28 - "If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at most three, and each in turn; and let one interpret. But if there is no interpreter, let them keep silent in the church, and speak to themselves and to God."
3. Mark 16:17 - Jesus' Promise:
o "And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues."
Use and Benefits of the Gift of Tongues:
The gift of tongues serves various purposes and offers several benefits to both individuals and the church community:
1. Personal Edification:
o Speaking in tongues can be a form of personal prayer and worship, allowing us to communicate with God in a way that transcends our understanding. This can lead to deep spiritual edification and a strengthened personal faith.
2. Enhanced Prayer Life:
o Speaking in tongues can enhance a believer's prayer life, providing a way to pray in the Spirit when words in their native language seem insufficient. This form of prayer can help believers express their deepest thoughts and emotions to God.
Eg: Personal Prayer, Intercession prayer, pray over others , worship & Sing, Prophesy
o Romans 8:26: "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words."
o 1 Corinthians 14:4: "Those who speak in a tongue build up themselves..."
The gift of tongues is a multifaceted and valuable spiritual gift with significant implications for both personal and communal faith life. While it primarily serves as a means of personal edification and direct communication with God, its benefits extend to corporate worship when interpreted, facilitating evangelism, and serving as a powerful testimony of God's presence.

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@theresamendes7289 14 күн бұрын
@dellalobo5032 14 күн бұрын
Amen 🙏
@judysabharwal4749 14 күн бұрын
Praise God beautiful teaching. Thank u n God bless you bro Lenny.🙏
@lennysoares5376 12 күн бұрын
God Bless Judy 🙏🏻
@kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 14 күн бұрын
There is absolutely nothing mysterious about Biblical "tongues" - and there is only one type - when referring to something spoken, they are nothing more than real, rational language(s); usually, but not always, unknown to those listening to them, but always known by the speaker(s) - it’s their native language (in some cases, it is a language the speaker has learned). In contrast, the “tongues” Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians are producing today is an entirely self-created phenomenon. It is non-cognitive non-language utterance; random free vocalization based upon a subset of the existing underlying sounds (called phonemes) of the speaker’s native language, and any other language(s) the speaker may be familiar with or have had contact with. It is, in part, typically characterized by repetitive syllables, plays on sound patterns, alliteration, assonance, and over-simplification of syllable structure. The "nail in the coffin", so-to-speak, is that _any and all_ phonological rules (rules governing how sounds are put together in a given language - what is allowed and what is disallowed) governing a speaker's native language, will _also_ govern their tongues-speech. That fact alone negates anything that can be construed as 'divine' in nature and cements that fact that it is a self-created phenomenon. Further, this subset of phonemes mentioned above typically contains only those sounds which are easiest to produce physiologically. Occasionally some speakers will use two or more subsets of phonemes to generate glossolalia, producing what, to them, sounds like two (or more) distinct “tongues languages”, thus claiming to be able to speak in “divers tongues”. There is absolutely _nothing_ that “tongues-speakers” are producing that cannot be explained in relatively simple linguistic terms. Conversely, when it comes to something spoken, there are absolutely _no_ Biblical references to “tongues” that do not refer to, and cannot be explained in light of, real rational language(s), though it may not be the explanation you want to hear, and it may be one which is radically different from what you believe, or were taught. _Nowhere_ in the Bible is modern tongues-speech advocated or evidenced. “Praying in the Spirit” does _not_ refer to the words one is saying. Rather, it refers to how one is praying. In the three places it is used (Corinthians, Ephesians, and Jude), there is absolutely zero reference to 'languages' in connection with this phrase. “Praying in the Spirit” should be understood as praying in the power of the Spirit, by the leading of the Spirit, and according to His will. I'm not doubting or questioning the 'tongues experience'; glossolalia as the spiritual tool that it is, can be very powerful and, for many people, the experience is profound. As one commenter put it, “Speaking in tongues distracts the ego/analytical/conscious mind while leaving the subconscious (the heart) wide open to import the divine." Both the spiritual and physical benefits of using this tool are also well documented. Again though, it is important to note that this same statement can be made for virtually _any_ other culture that practices glossolalia. Religious and cultural differences aside, the glossolalia an Evenki Shaman in Siberia, a vodoun priestess in Togo and a Christian tongues-speaker in Alabama are producing are in no way different from each other. They’re all producing their glossolalia in the exact same way; they just have different explanations and beliefs as to why they’re doing it, and where it comes from. It is only in certain Christian denominations where is it construed as something it never was. “Tongues” is to some Christian believers a very real and spiritually meaningful experience but consisting of emotional release via non-linguistic ‘free vocalizations’ at best; non-cognitive non language utterance - the subconscious playing with sounds to create what is perceived and interpreted as actual, meaningful speech. In _some_ cases, I would argue that it is clearly a self/mass delusion prompted by such a strong desire to “experience God” that one creates that experience via “tongues”. ‘Tongues’ (read, *‘languages’* ) - the divine gift, is the God given ability to effortlessly learn to speak and be understood through real-language barriers. It is not xenoglossy, nor is it modern tongues-speech. As a point of note, I’m a Linguist, and let me also add here that I am neither a so-called ‘cessationist’ nor a ‘continuationist’ - I do not identify with either term; in fact, I had never heard the two terms until just late in 2016. As far as I’m concerned, quite frankly, since the Biblical reference of “tongues” is to real, rational languages, obviously “tongues” haven’t “ceased”. As a linguist, I’m very familiar with the study done by the Univ. of PA using SPECT imaging. The results are exactly what one would expect. The reason why the language producing centers of the brain are not overly active in the production of glossolalia (tongues-speech ) is because it is not language; it’s non-cognitive non-language utterance - random free vocalization. As such, these centers in the brain do not need to be overly active - there’s no language being produced. These results have been twisted by certain groups to “evidence” that tongues-speech is the Holy Spirit speaking through the person. Actually, what it evidences is just the opposite - that’s what’s being produced is not at all language.
@claudettenariman5926 14 күн бұрын
Dear Lenny, to have the gift of tongues is a beautiful gift because it helps us communicate with God on a deep intimate level. We express our innermost feelings of love & worship. We let the Holy Spirit pray through us in words that do not form part of any human. language. It is also a charism by which a person speaks a language he doesn't know yet another may interpret it. I have heard you & many of my friends sing in tongues & it is beautiful. I am very hesitant to speak in tongues & pray I can express myself freely. Thank you for your enlightening talk. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you and all the family. 🙏🏻 💞
@walterroberts5694 14 күн бұрын
Tell me bro in which language God speaks to you? If as you say it's God's language and He spoke to you in the jibberish language you describe would you know what he said? Do you know when this "jibberish" language came into existence? And by whom?? No. It's not the Holy Spirit or the Catholic Church. Do your home work.
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