Giving away a 3 cell battery

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10 жыл бұрын

Today to say "Thank you," to everyone that has been a part of my channel, I'm giving away a 3s 1800mAh Lipo battery. This is a Thunder Power Battery.
To enter comment below the following.
1: What airplane you will use this battery in.
2. Explain how you got into this hobby and tell me a good story that you have experienced (it can be something big or small).
Best of luck to ALL and we'll see you in the next video.

Пікірлер: 30
@hobbyglen7936 10 жыл бұрын
I'll be flying this battery in an E-flite Leader 480. I got into this hobby when, 4 years ago, my wife bought me a Blade mCX for Christmas. I got 2, then 3. I now have dozens of airplanes--big and small--and a couple dozen helis and gaining interest in more!
@FlyingMaddLadd 10 жыл бұрын
Hey Voro, very kind of you doing this! I would use it on my EPP SU-29 from rcfactory. I'm currently only running a 3s 850mah. 1. I got into the hobby about 3 years ago, I was always passionate about aviation, so then when I seen rc aviation on KZfaq I began watching more and more of it. The temptation was too much so I had to get a model. Since then I have my jets, gliders, quadcopter and nitros. 2. When I first got my funjet, I was still a newbie but wanted to learn the hard way so that I wasn't always in the easy stuff. Although I got our club owner to take the maiden for me. And good I did, there was a problem with the motor only giving little power and the elevons where twitching and being unresponsive.. So he had it up to his eyes trying to keep this funjet in the sky, it was going everywhere and he had no real control, so he tried to line it up for the runway and ut kind of done a flip, then the motors power was restored! But be has no real control, so the plane was shooting up the runway past the group of 5-6 people watching it, and the plane took a sudden dive and came head first for us! it was such a scary moment! It was as if someone threw a Grenade in the center of us as everybody including the pilot jumped out of the way in different directions to the floor. It was a funny experience. - That funjet under my bed and hasn't flown since lol Thanks for the opportunity
@RC3Dflownwithpassion 9 жыл бұрын
Fair play to you Voro,great channel,and it's always a bonus to listen to someone who is so well spoken,very important!
@mxracer33x 10 жыл бұрын
1: Eflite Mini Edge 540 2: I won a Blade mCX Coaxial Heli at a RC Crawler raffle our club had about 2 years ago. that led to a 120SR, and a Trex 450 PRO FBL. I took a hiatus for a while and have been back for a few months. Still with Small heli's and the addition of a few 3D planes. My best story as of late was helping an older retired gentleman who I met at the LHS learn to fly helis. I advised him to pick up a new 200SRX, and on his maiden he managed to hit me while bringing it back in for a landing. Luckly being a smaller Heli with lower headspeed the damage was minor. A 1" cut on my right arm and shoulder blade. Guess I should have got down lower! the 200 SRX only ended up wit ha bent tail boom, that was easily straightened. It returned to flight within a couple minutes. I came here as I usually do to go over some of the 3D tutorials you posted and saw this. I cant thank you enough for the help! 3d Flying has progressed from 0 to Poptops, KE spins, blenders, etc in just a few months. Much appreciated!
@StephenBeck22 10 жыл бұрын
Hey Voro, Im 20 from New Zealand. You are my inspiration for this Hobby. Its so awesome that you fly for Aeroworks ! After watching your video on the 100cc Extra 260 i was sold ! Now 7 or 8 months down the track I have an AW Extra 260 20cc and AW Extra 300 30cc, lovely planes however now looking at the extra 300 100cc ! Id rather let you know how instrumental your 3D tutorials have been in helping me progress but ill enter the comp since I'm here. I would put it in my Sniper 2 from Hyperion and as i stated above, your 100cc video got me into flying ! Thanks for all your help Andrew
@ErnestDieterWolf 10 жыл бұрын
I would use it in my PA addiction. Because there are no model Pilots at my model airport trying to who push themselves to the next level watching your videos has been very inspiring, thank you again.
@letsplaymcrock3224 10 жыл бұрын
Well 1st I would use it on my hawker tempest war bird! 2nd I got in to the hobby when I was 10 years old when I saw this guy at a air show and e had a little plane and he controlled it! it simply just amazed me on how he flew it then i decided i wanted join the fun so about two years later i saved up enough money to buy a rc plane I got the hobby zone champ it was great, by that time i was 10! 3rd i had my champ and i completely crashed it and was just screwed and so i went to my local hobby shop and they said it was busted i would have to buy a new motor board (which costed 70$) so i went back home and i was determined to fix i worked on for about a hour and i fixed it it was a miracle event though they turned me down i didn't give up and i fixed it and later that day i trimmed it out and it flew like a little tiny bird just real graceful! Also thanks for all of the great reviews and teh quick responses to your comics;)
@pimptydimp 10 жыл бұрын
I'll use this in my sbach epp from techone. I've been flying now since April 1 2014. I have 7 planes 5 of which are 3d capable. I've always wanted to fly since I drive land based too. One day me and a buddy decided now was the time and both picked up planes. I'm looking at getting better with my epp's and my carbonz yak before I take to the sky with my 48" mxs by extreme flight. Thank you for all the great vids bud I've learned a lot from your tutorials including my first flight!
@roynelson7613 7 жыл бұрын
I just purchased the FMS super EZ RTF and I'm waiting to go somewhere and try to fly this thing the E-flite Apprentice is absolutely the one I would really like to have I've been looking at it for about 3 years now I decided to go with this one because it's the most simplest to put together and fly from what I see wish me luck man
@JayYourch 10 жыл бұрын
The best fit for a 3S 1800 mAh battery in our hangar is a Parkzone T-28, although it would also do well in my our Parkzone park flyers (Spitfire, Focke-Wulf 190, and Visionaire). We got started in hobby December 2011, after my son, 10 at the time, got a 3 channel Syma co-axial helicopter as a Christmas gift. We thought we'd be helicopter pilots and we still have a few, but we're more into planes right now. Great channel, thanks!
@siddharthiyer1120 10 жыл бұрын
Dear VORO, I am a young rc pilot, and I brought a slow stick as long time ago. I would greatly like to learn how to fly Rc planes, but there is no shop nearby to sell any parts like the motor, and ESC. It would be really nice if I could have that battery because then I would be one step closer to learning the joys or RC flight! Thanks for your consideration -sid
@bwxmoto 10 жыл бұрын
I'd use it in my brand new Parkzone VisionAir, my very first (and only) RC airplane of any kind. I've been flying RC helis for a few years. I started out with a Blade mcx2 RTF that I bought as my first rc aircraft of any kind after I did some research online to find a good beginner coaxial heli. I bought it as a birthday present to myself in July 2011. I always wanted to try to fly an RC heli, and I'm not getting any younger (42 now), so I picked one up. I got pretty good with that so the next summer (2012) I got my first fixed pitch heli, a Blade 120SR, along with a nice DX6i computer radio. It was rough at first, but after a while I got pretty good at flying that. Here's a video I made last summer: 120SR typical flight Then last July I decided it was time for a CP heli. I got an mCPx 2 as my first CP heli.. and again, another pretty steep learning curve. I also got Phoenix 4 RC sim, and started practicing on that to gain more confidence and skill, and it really works. By the end of the summer last year I was doing flips, rolls, some inverted hovering, and getting more comfortable with all the orientations. Here's a vid of one of my first flips with tthe mCPx 2: Blade MCPX ver2 RC heli first flips and rolls It's an addictive hobby though, as you know. So later in the summer last year I got an mCPx BL. Man, is that thing a handful, but really, really fun to whip around the sky. I'm getting better all the time, and while practicing in the sim, I started fooling around with airplanes, because, why not? I was surprised how much I like flying airplanes on the sim, so I decided to get one this summer.. I know it is a more "advanced" model, but I figured I would skip the micros and just get something that I can grow into over time, and even try some 3D flight with once I advance far enough. It has AS3x, so it is really pretty forgiving in the wind and slower flight. So it was delivered a few weeks ago and man, that first flight was an adrenaline rush! I filmed some of that, but didn't get the landing on tape. The grass was too long so I did a little endo at the end, but everything was fine. I went up for one more flight which I did capture on video.. even the landing. It's pretty funny, some crazy gusts of winds came up that I wasn't really ready for and I crashed it, but everything is completely fine with the plane except for the prop and I had an extra... Here's that video: VisionAire second flight - and CRASH!! So yeah, I think planes can be as much fun as helis.. and next year I will probably get a 450 sized heli such as the Blade 450X (or CFX if it is out), and I will use the battery in that too. That is one reason I got the VisionAire, so that I could use those 3S batteries in a 450 sized heli in the future. What a fun hobby! It can be expensive at times though.. so I am taking it pretty slow, it's still a blast every time I get to take one of my birds up. Oh, and thanks for all the tutorial vids, I'll be studying them in the future as I try more and more with my VisionAire as I gain confidence and skill.
@drlade007 10 жыл бұрын
I would use it in my T_28 .. Ive been flying since 8/2013 . I started with an Apprentice S 15e and still fly it today ... My funny story is . The first weekend in May this year i was flying at our local club and towards the end a successful day of flying i decided to chase some Buzzards away that had been in and out of our flight pattern all day . Well it got a little to far away and lost it in a tree .where it stay for 3 weeks until a storm finally blew it down .... Needless to say i have a new respect for buzzards and after all they have been flying far longer than i have ... Thanks
@Real6ambler 10 жыл бұрын
Don't want the battery... Your channel is simply awesome. Just wanted to let you know! :)
@VoroRC 10 жыл бұрын
That is a simply awesome comment! Thanks for all the support! Voro
@DONL61016 10 жыл бұрын
I'd use it in my Apprentice. I've been flying for just under a month now and really having fun. Still have yet to figure out how to remove the tree magnets from the plane as it has been stuck 3 times. At least after the first one I moved my flying location to an area with smaller trees so at least I don't have go home and get the extension ladder and long pole to remove it. It still flies great!
@davidenglund1385 10 жыл бұрын
I would use it on my scratch built polaris. I got into the hobby when a tricopter lost conection to a transmitter, flow away and crashed literally outside my door 3 km away. I started googling around about it and thats how it all started. Later i joined the modelflying club called mölndals modellflyg here in gothenburg in sweden. I was at the field flying my new ft versa wing and we started talking about how we all got into the hobby, i told them that story and one guy just stared at me and asked: are you serious? I said: yes , and he answered Thats my tricopter that i last year! And thats my story :)
@jadenjohnson71 10 жыл бұрын
i would use this battery on my apprentice s 15e. I've only been flying for 2 weeks on a buddybox system with someone at a local flying club. I really would like this battery because it would let me fly for more than 15 minutes without having to wait an hour in between flying
@pyroboy1248 10 жыл бұрын
Would use it on my ft bloody wonder. You got me in to flying
@syrupgupta41 10 жыл бұрын
Hey I'm fairly new to rc plane I've had the champ for a while now but I want to move on to aerobatic planes Do you have any recommendations I was thinking the dynam sbach but I don't know which battery and transmitter would be appropriate
@MilanKarakas 10 жыл бұрын
MiniMag from Multiplex. I got into this hobby by accident - my parrents had baby (me)... Just kidding, sorry. As I am aware of myself, that mechanical birds flying overhead probably activated some dormant genetic bit of data, which persist up to date, and working as a magnet for wonder of flight. Life make me wander on many fields, from electronic, chemistry, phisics, astronomy... And no matter how strong I try to resist, something attracting me back to the flying things again and again. In the beginning, there was just singularity... oh, sorry again, bad joke. Many times tried to make various kind of flying things: paper airplanes, kites, candy rockets, but rate of success was very poor, and had long period between many attempts to make something that will really fly, and that I can really enjoy in such flight. Also, to make something that will last more than one few seconds flight (kites was exceptions). No way. Then bought my first airplane: MiniMag. But, that was eight years ago, and it stays in original box for so long time because of fear of damaging so beautiful plane. Then one day (recently), something changes in my brain: "or fly, or die". So, I assembled this plane and tried to fly. What a misery of my first flight ever: Still fly today this lovely plane. Now it looks little bit different, with many scars and patches, but still serves me. Recently someone donated me new brushless motor (2826/10, 1400 KV) and ESC, and after replacing old (brushed) Permax 400, 6V motor, now it become seriously good trainer airplane. The reason why I wish to have this battery you mentioned on your video is next: Three LiPo batteries I bought for my plane was adequate for Permax motor (7.4V, 2S, 1.6 Ah), but they are not the best for new motor. It works, but watt-hours are not the best, and flight time is much shorter than with old motor. Having 3S battery instead 2S is advantage: with the same current, plane can fly longer, because power is always multiplication of voltage * current, so the same amp-hour, but higher voltage gives me more time for enjoying in flight. Second reason I wish this battery is more power (If I understand it correctly) during flight. Here is another video why I need more power sometimes (fighting against strong wind): It is attempt to take off from flat surface for first time (not possible with an old mottor). But, I was anxious and can't wait weather to stabilize, so I decided to try anyway, despite strong cross-wind. (sorry, video is not in English, but I believe that everyone will understand the intention) Third reason why I wish (want) this battery: I am not rich, nor poor, but that is not the reason at all (from time to time, I am able to collect some money). I like to give, but also LOVE to get gifts. That is the reason. I love it. I don't know why is that. Probably most of my life I was giving (and still doing), but rarely getting gifts. My intention here is not to make 'touching story' in order to get this battery at any cost, but rather to give the story as it is. My flying career just begun, and I hope it will last as long as I can see the plane on the sky (my vision is not the best). Cheers, milan, Croatia ---
@duckmaster1122 10 жыл бұрын
i would use it in my hobby king bixler 2. me and my friend both bought trainers to learn to fly we have both been flying for month or so and one time my friend decided he would do a loop and he did. then i tryed to do a loop and did a week or so later i was talking to my friend and he was flying and had a brown out and his plain crashed in to the ground so hard his battery exploded so i want to win this battey for my friend so he can get back up in the air and have some fun
@syrupgupta41 10 жыл бұрын
Can u please give me some advice
@ruben11881 10 жыл бұрын
1st: I would use it on my new scratch built Twin Otter This airplane took me two weeks to build. It has a wingspan of "60 and it flies great. 2nd: I got into the hobby after my uncle gave me an old super cub LP which at the time didn't fly. I started scratch building and struggling a lot until I got the hang of it. Now that super cup flies better than ever. I rebuilt the wing and empennage. For me this hobby has been really fun. I'm currently on an aviation school studying to earn an A&P certificate. It would be great to have my dream job fixing aircraft and at the same time enjoying model aviation.
@lookeflite 10 жыл бұрын
I live in Canada. Can I enter this giveaway? Thx
@VoroRC 10 жыл бұрын
Sure can!
@lookeflite 10 жыл бұрын
VoroRC Thx. I'm going to use this battery on my scratch built FT3D. I'm currently using a parkzone 1800mah 15c with 80 miliohms of internal resistance so the battery should be taken out of service now but I don't have a replacement for that right now. This battery will be perfect for me. I'm in this hobby for around 4 years. I got into this hobby by seeing an ad on the TV. My first plane is PKZ ultra micro mosquito warbird. I knew nothing about the hobby at that time so all I did was charge the battery and fly it. Well, I crashed it immediately it took off. First, the aileron was reversed so of course it's hard to fly. Second, I don't even know what rudder and aileron does at that time so I don't even know how to control the plane. What I realized from that crash is that don't be too confident. LOL I was 12 or 13 at that time. Later on, I got phoenix sim with the ember and started the journey in the rc hobby. I have to say that this hobby has a lot to learn than 1 might think. One of my hardest crash is with my Trojan T-28. I was showing my "Skills" to some viewers by pull my aileron and elevator stick all the way back and right with full throttle low on the ground. The outcome is full throttle into the ground with the cowling blasted into pieces and huge chunk of foam ripped off. Learned a lot from that crash!! Right now, I'm working on my FT-3D to get some 3D skills. Learned all the techniques from u!! Just got into FPV and I can tell you that it is fun. Flying from a totally different perspective. You should definitely try it. You have the best 3D tutorials ever. I mean it. You tutorials are really detailed and that helped me learn about 3D quickly. Thanks for your hard work on making the videos and thank you for the giveaway!!
@lmdetect 9 жыл бұрын
Did anyone ever win? You seem to have disappeared from KZfaq.
@robertmahaniii3608 10 жыл бұрын
I am going to use it in a scratch build that will be using Apprentice guts. I just built a smaller foamie using Inverza guts and its flying pretty good. I made it out of dollar tree foam board. Here is a link to what I have been doing to my scratch build. My story is a little embarrassing. I have been in the hobby for many years with a 10 year break in-between and I recently got a DX9. I upgraded from my DX6 and when I did I made the biggest beginner error that I thought I would never make. I took off with the ailerons reversed and it snap rolled into the ground. I had it on full throws too. It was the biggest and dumbest mistakes I have ever made. That Orange Sbach as my profile picture is the one that I dumped. I was pretty bummed out about that. Now I know, right stick is right aileron up. Funny saying I heard in aviation is that she is crap for a teacher because she often gives you the test first and the lesson after...hahaa.
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