My Transgender Partner is Transitioning After 17 Years of Marriage

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Amanda and Shaye

Amanda and Shaye

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We have decided to share our family's journey with you all in hopes that we can humanize what a transgender experience can be like. Since Shaye came out to me in 2019, I have learned that being transgender doesn't hurt anyone. However, our culture has a lot of baggage around gender and so many perceive being transgender as a threat. People assume this is a craze or trend because more people are coming out today as transgender than ever, but the fact is that trans people (often referred to as third gender or two spirit in a variety of world contexts) have been with us since the beginning of written human history.
I used to think of gender as a binary thing. As a feminist, I thought a lot about gender differences and saw men and women as "the opposite sex." Now, however, I see that there is a spectrum in gender identity and expression that is a separate thing from biology. Men and women express their gender in so many ways; the transgender community is similarly diverse. At the end of the day, we're all part of the human family.
When you see someone's expression that's different from what you've been taught is "natural", it's understandable that there is initial discomfort, but I ask you to push beyond that. Transgender people are not problems. They are vibrant and wonderful. My journey with Shaye has taught me that loving and championing a transgender person makes the world more beautiful.
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/ great.scotts
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@GreatScotts Жыл бұрын
We ask for respect and open-mindedness as you learn about our family’s story. You can learn more about Shaye’s transition here:
@TariAkpodiete Жыл бұрын
You should pin this to the top
@KristyRadio Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! Wishing you both all the best!!!
@ourfather7 4 ай бұрын
It cant be done. Physically. Satan hates us and this is his ploy! And the suffering. Please stop. Cry out to JESUS and nothing else.
@onewotldgovernmentonlywhen9044 Ай бұрын
Daniel 11:37 New King James Version 37 He shall regard neither the [a]God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. About the antichrist
@onewotldgovernmentonlywhen9044 Ай бұрын
You are very sweet to your husband but please don’t forget about the salvation of his soul as well. It is something that is eternal
@kirtbateman6702 10 ай бұрын
Amanda and Shay, I’ve been wanting to write to you for a long time. I found you via your “why we left” video, which I’ve now literally watched 20 times. It so beautifully encapsulates what a faith transition looks like. For some of us. I just wanted to tell you that I think you are the bravest, most articulate, most selflessly loving, most “I want to be them when I grow up” people that KZfaq has to offer. Your hard truths laid bare for the world’s judgment cannot be easy, but it’s so important in our world to hear stories like yours. I believe you are changing lives!!! What greater blessing could you give to your children or others that know and love you than to be authentic. Both of you. Amanda, if I were 25 years younger and braver, I would seek you out to be my bestie. Shay, your bravery gives me chills and makes me want to be a better man (and I certainly wouldn’t mind getting my hair back-that would be a dream come true). As a nearly 50 year old, gay, ex-Mormon, husband, and father who still holds incredible shame for just being me, your videos bring tears to my eyes and fill my soul with hope! Please keep sharing when you can. And THANK YOU for letting us strangers have a glimpse into your journey. It is a blessing to this total stranger, anyway. With love and incredible gratitude!!!-KIrt (SLC)
@GreatScotts 10 ай бұрын
Kirt, you are so kind! Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. It means more to us than you can ever know. ❤️❤️❤️
@dalenemoore 8 ай бұрын
Oh Kirt! Your words are so beautiful and 4:03 so loving. I’m in my 60s and likely could have been your church bestie back in the day. I can tell you are an incredible person. Hope your life is happy, satisfying and full of love now. 💙
@nickio.5513 Жыл бұрын
I don’t judge the way people want to live, but I know for myself I could not mentally handle my partner doing this. But I hope the best for them.
@helenalovelock1030 9 ай бұрын
This lady didn’t either
@LembeckIsStaying 8 ай бұрын
Do you mind elaborating?
@lolraacheel 8 ай бұрын
It definitely depends upon the relationship you have with your partner. Some will be understanding and open, some will not be.
@jamessmith6363 5 ай бұрын
@MrFukoltanot true
@MoonBeamLight 3 ай бұрын
@MrFukoltaThis applies to all marriages and couples.
@vickismith2872 Жыл бұрын
I forgot in the past to say how beautiful your piano playing is! I enjoy it very much. You are talented in many ways!
@elizabethcomstock1699 15 күн бұрын
Lovely story. My eldest grandchild transitioned when they were 15, female to male. He is now who he was meant to be in the world. It's still a difficult journey but like you he has a good support team. Happy to watch your story, enjoy the ride!
@NerfHerder909 Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure how this (and your video about leaving the Mormon Church) popped up on my feed, since I'm not/have never been Mormon, and I've never watched your family's channel before, but I am trans (albeit going in the opposite direction, as it were), transitioning older with a partner. I just wanted to thank you for posting this; it requires a lot of nerve to put yourself out there this way as your transition is happening, especially in the first couple of years, and while I think it's important and really does help increase understanding of the trans experience, it's a really vulnerable place to be in (for both the trans person and their partner!). So thanks to both of you for putting this out there and helping to humanize the community. I wish nothing but the best for both of you, and I hope that Shaye's recovery from FFS is going well!
@mariamikkelsen4803 7 ай бұрын
This is amazing. I recently saw your story of leaving the mormon church and about your journey in that. To have come this far and to see your love for each other in all of thia is amazing. ❤ All my love to you!
@chasingtheadventure5908 2 ай бұрын
I’m blown away by your beautiful support of each other ANDDD the filmography!! So incredibly well done.
@klimtscat347 9 ай бұрын
What do these people do for a living, I wonder! Because all of the treatments the husband explained he went through in order to appear more "feminine" really cost a fortune.
@livelovelocalmi 3 ай бұрын
Amanda is a professor in English literature.
@walquirp13 3 ай бұрын
​@@livelovelocalmiand what about Shaye?
@clover5923 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, same thought. They seem really rich and are able to do the transitioning more quickly than other trans. Still happy for them though ❤
@janekirk-coughlan4123 3 ай бұрын
I believe Shaye is a filmmaker.
@sanchezhandymen3444 3 ай бұрын
It is expensive and I am sure they worked hard for what they have, Perhaps they can start a charity to help others in need.. they seem like nice people who would be advocates... seems like there faith and journey would lead them to giving to others. But who knows...
@catecate2809 Жыл бұрын
I’d love to have a video from Amanda’s perspective. From being told in 2019 while still members of the church that your husband came out to you til now. You are so supportive and that’s great however I just wonder is there also a grieving process? It makes me wonder as humans are we all more fluid than maybe we want to believe or know? Are you physically attracted to the physical changes? I know intimacy is very much a mental connection but it’s also very physical too. I know I want to believe if I was in your shoes I could or would be as supportive. I mean loving someone for who they are on the inside doesn’t change but physically they do. I’m fascinated by your journey. I’m also curious how this transition is affecting your intimacy from Amanda’s point of view? You don’t have to answer these questions I’m just “thinking out loud” if you will. I just wonder has your relationship become more like 2women best friends sharing makeup, clothes etc? If Shaye fully transitions and gets reassignment surgery loving and supporting her is one thing but at what point are you sacrificing your happiness for the sake of Shaye’s happiness?
@cristinarudnik2386 Жыл бұрын
Great question/comment!
@maryhazlett Жыл бұрын
You say your kids are excited, and I get that. How are you explaining this to them, and what will change in your parenting? I personally think of people as "people". However, gender is important, as you both well know. Are you trying to navigate the difficult trail of what the relationship with your kids will be? Will you be "father"? Will you be a version of "Heather Has Two Mommies"? I hope I'm not sounding disrespectful because that is most definitely not my feeling or intention. I can only imagine the familial difficulties you are experiencing. If some are as I imagine, you are very very brave. I honestly pray that you continue to have the strength to stay on this journey. I'm glad Skylar is with you. To him I say what I mean for you too, really for anyone: any church which tries to impede love, tries to shrink it, tries to judge people for loving, does NOT follow or witness to the gospel. Not Mormonism or Catholicism or Christianity or Judaism... Those places limit people, and don't want them to grow. Those who may sacrifice relationships in order to walk beside Shaye and Amanda are truly listening to that still small Voice heard in the wind. They, too, are brave.
@letitiakearney2423 Жыл бұрын
@@maryhazlett Pope Francis accepts gay people as he explained in an address two years ago that their was science to back gender up.
@MomtoZnE Жыл бұрын
I have all of the same questions. If I were in Amanda’s shoes I can’t say that I’m sure how I were to react. If his sexuality is changing, hers has to as well for the marriage to last.
@auggiedoggiesmommy1734 Жыл бұрын
I’m sure she grieves the life she thought she had but probably grieves the life she thought she would have in her church. Change happens and humans grieve all kinds of things. I think kids are so much more resilient than adults give them credit for… especially when they are loved and are allowed to express themselves authentically,unlike being forced to conform to norms just because…or even in many cases discarded because of their religion (I saw this sadly OFTEN with LGBTQ kids in Utah when I visited teens in the state hospital with my therapy dog -kids who had been told basically “be the way our church wants you to be or get out of our house” - makes me sick as someone who couldn’t have children, I can’t imagine!) I think these kids are being taught to love no matter what …the thing we all need the most. We all make sacrifices for the ones we love …. we have no idea what they have agreed to regarding her fulfillment. But what do we do if a spouse gets a life threatening,terminal or disabling illness or accident? We don’t (or shouldn’t) just leave and there are MANY challenges with illnesses. I hope and pray that the alt-right moves on from spewing their dangerous hatred at this vulnerable population (mostly for money BTW … they sow a seed of fear and then say how they will fix it if you send money. What they don’t tell you is that the money raised for an issue mostly doesn’t necessarily all have to be spent for what it is raised for …and think of this … $250,00,000+ was raised for #TFG court cases about the election … just an example of how much money & the reason fascists ALWAYS create an “other” … fear that gets votes and money). I’m also glad we are mostly/individually much more accepting. These kids just love their Dad or whatever they decide to call her.
@littlebitmckee8234 2 ай бұрын
I know this sounds so superficial - but your husband was so handsome. Do you miss him looking like this? I know you are obviously happy that he is finally comfortable in his skin, but do you miss seeing him like this?
@user-rc8tp6si7j 13 күн бұрын
Even more superficial how do feel that your husband now your wife is better looking than you?
@RoadkillbunnyUK 2 ай бұрын
I’m so proud of your courage to come out and especially share your story with us on KZfaq. My youngest daughter is trans. She came out to me when she was 13. I am gay so she knew our home was a safe place with only love and support but even still she was scarred coming out to me. She is 16 now and has been out an socially transitioned for over two years. Unfortunately here in the UK there are huge waiting lists for trans care and as I am a significantly disabled single mom who is medically retired I don’t have the funds to pay for private care. I am going to tell her all about you. Thank you for putting yourself out there I know that in your community coming out is no easy step.
@kerstinklenovsky239 Жыл бұрын
Watching this, I suddenly realize that your whole story is about love because you have chosen to make it about love. Sadly, many trans stories are not. You are admirable. Others can learn so much from you. I certainly can. I wish you every good thing for now and for every step on your way.
@soupturn2485 Жыл бұрын
Please this comment made me tear up after holding back throughout the whole video 😭
@montealmay5739 26 күн бұрын
@rebecca2930 7 ай бұрын
You each have given each other the shots of therapy of one form or another to reach the ultimate goal. Good for you.❤
@whitneybennett4980 8 ай бұрын
I feel like your videos have truly opened my heart and changed my perspective, thank you for sharing! I also used to be Mormon, but fortunately for me, my story was different because I got to choose that path and it only lasted a short time (16-18). However, because of that experience, I feel like I was able to be more open-minded to hear your story and I am grateful for that.
@natashak3387 3 ай бұрын
I am so happy that this channel popped up on my feed. I have huge respect for you both. I thought of my church I have been going to for almost ten years. My church's famous statement is we are a movement for ALL people. I know many that are either gay, lesbian, trans, etc. I love them all so very much! They want to feel excepted just like anyone else. I LOVE all people, even you!
@robbjones6475 Жыл бұрын
I am so happy for you and I love your family for their support. I was married for over 41 years to the most wonderful person I’ve ever known, loved and knew all my secrets. However, my wife was honest with me and told me she could support a transition but could not continue to live with a transgendered person. Because I needed her in my life as a partner I gave up on the idea. Anyway, she passed away very recently and I’ve lost a very large part of me, it’s hard to move forward. At 69 years old, I’m at a quandary what now? I’m relatively healthy for my age, always a little feminine, and very financially secure, but… Anyway I love your story and applaud you. Thanks❤
@roygeorge5364 9 ай бұрын
It's okay for you to do what you need to do now. It sounds like you and your partner were supportive and loving and had great communication. You are not disrespecting her or her memory by being you. I would say the universe set it up perfectly - you had a loving partner who has sadly passed, but you have time left to explore you. Good luck and much love to you. 🧡
@domesticdomination 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for being bold and open and living your truth. I'm so proud of you, Shaye. As an non-binary former mormon, I'm here for you.
@33snowgal Жыл бұрын
Loved you use of morman stories quotes, it was such a great episode and clearly more has changed since then
@andreaavila3302 Жыл бұрын
Just a note about piercings, if Shaye plans to get more than she should definitely go to a tattoo/piercing parlour! A needle has way less risk of infections than a piercing gun and you should only get pierced with a needle if you do helix and any other cartilage piercings! Looking forward to more updates on your journey!
@InterDivergent Ай бұрын
This is such a moving story. Stumbled across your channel by chance. Thank you for sharing your story and for being so authentic, real and loving/supportive towards each other.
@renaissancewoman3770 7 ай бұрын
Your sense of humour with each other is so funny. Thank you for sharing.
@Justine-ut8ho 2 ай бұрын
Just discovered your channel and it’s so amazing to see her confidence and peace a year later. I know some partners can’t stay for the transition and I honor that. But, I’m so glad you gals have made it through so well. And to have gotten through high demand religion to self actualization intact is a miracle in itself. You guys are so so so lucky. Praying all those who can’t reconcile their Faith with their true selves knows God truly loves them and will guide them through becoming self actualized.
@UteGoldkuhle 7 ай бұрын
Remarkable! I am new to following your journey! Oh, how you have and will help so many who can relate to your struggle, who never understood, who were buried in ignorance, . . . You both represent a level of love not many ever reach! ❤
@amandayoung8808 Жыл бұрын
I understand that Shaye is attracted to women even tho he’s transitioning into a woman but is Amanda attracted to women? How does this work in an intimate level? Was always curious about that in a relationship where one transitioned
@lisac1819 12 күн бұрын
You're so lucky to have found each other it's beautiful to see. Sadly, far too many people don't get it they dont recieve the love support or understanding that you have for each other. I'm sure you must know how much you're helping show us all how to be better people. Love is not just a word x
@SamanthaPearson 3 ай бұрын
Shaye & Amanda, thank you for another generous look into your lives..this video was so insightful. I've been he/sir/young manned, so often. I don't take offence to it. Partly because I know people are just responding to what they're hearing or seeing. Although I've been transitioning since 2015 I'm still 6ft 1in with broad shoulders, & a deeper voice than I might like - although I am working on the voice - so I can't blame someone for their initial natural reaction to me. I realise that this is an older video but still, congratulations on getting your ears pierced, shaye. They look lovely 🙂. I got my own pierced in December of last year, after a friend recommended it. I too was a tad nervous, beforehand. But I was pleasantly surprised by the ease & speed at which they were done. I barely felt a thing, & I love my little studs (lol). Your hair transplant looks fantastic! I had mine done in London, last year. There were three procedures in total (6200 follicles). It was pricey, but so worth it! there are times when I think if I should have gone to Turkiye instead (with regard to cost), but I am still so happy with the results. My hair hasn't been this long since my late teens! (lol). With my facial hair removal, I started with Electrolysis, then when my local practitioner got quite busy after the covid lockdowns, I switched to Laser hair removal. Now (when able), I do both. Laser is definitely the less painful option...Electrolysis can be something of an endurance test, at times! (lol). But I can't really complain that much, I'm just so happy with the results so far 🙂. I've been on Estradiol for about 6 years, & I'm so happy with not only the physical changes, but also the psychological ones. I feel like I'm on a much more even keel now..more centered, like you said 🙂. Because I've never really been a fan of needles, & my doctor was concerned that the patches would aggravate skin (Eczema), I was put on the gel. I'm up to 4mg a day..I've also been having decapeptyl (testosterone suppressor) injections every three months for about the past year or so. This has been in preparation for my future surgery. With regards to future surgeries. I've been referred to a London Hospital. Going by the letter I received, I'm hoping that my GRS will be no later than sometime in the middle of next year. I do intend to get FFS, after I've paid off the loan for my hair transplant. I'm hoping to remove..or at the very least diminish these male facial traits. I've seen a number of before & after videos, & I'm hopeful 🙂. Shaye, your family is truly wonderful. If you hadn't already done it years ago I would end this comment by (respectfully) saying marry that women, marry that women right now! (lol). Amanda I love your sense of humour at the end of this. If I may say so - & again, with the greatest respect - you two are just the perfect fit. Best wishes to the whole family 🙂.
@abigail1783 3 ай бұрын
The transition journey must be so challenging. It's beautiful to see how supportive her wife is. Unconditional love
@IxiaRayne 2 ай бұрын
This had me bawling my eyes out. I’m so so thankful for you sharing your story with us and being so open and vulnerable. I’m so happy you’re feeling more free to be authentically you, Shaye. Love. That is it. Love above all. Just love people. ♥️
@UNOmasUNO1 3 ай бұрын
I Watch some of your videos and I like the fact of you guys not pushing others to believe in terms of transgender ideology, i do have so much respect for people like you guys as long they don’t tell me how to pronounce he, she, they, them.
@anissachard Жыл бұрын
Thank you for these videos. I am also a wife of someone who has transitioned. We are also LDS. This has helped me so much. ❤
@sarab8332 Жыл бұрын
Are you still members of the church and how has that gone.
@letitiakearney2423 Жыл бұрын
The church doesn’t recognise transgender people and gay men have to stay celibate.
@mosaicowlstudios 6 күн бұрын
The first work I saw of yours was your "why we left the LDS church" video. When you showed your artwork, I knew you were a special person ❤❤ it is so lovely to see you living as your authentic self and loving who you are!
@carlasmith5165 Жыл бұрын
Wow. This is a kicker. Amanda when you love,you love. I see your daughter is okay that dad wants to be a woman. How are the boys working through this change? Shay is going to look like Violet.
@kristengilliam-coomber8457 3 ай бұрын
Thank-you so much for sharing this journey, it really helps us on the outside understand better. Your relationship with your partner is truly remarkable and inspiring.
@suzannefernandes5510 2 ай бұрын
Oh I'm so glad your videos popped up on my recomendations. You guys are beautiful in every way I can't think of. Thank you for sharing your experiences and conversations with us!
@lauracornwell9129 Жыл бұрын
I began my journey with two good friends to help me. One of these was Chloe. She passed coming up on one year ago. My other friend, my partner, lover, and husband has walked this path with me. You're well on your way. Hold your head up. You have such amazing support and love!
@caroleasswad7824 Жыл бұрын
Are you still a couple and staying together as that and family? I invite you to share that part please I love your support for eachother, it s Beautiful . You are extraordinary!👍🫶🏻
@lauracornwell9129 Жыл бұрын
Hi Carole. Bill and I are still happily married. I couldn't ask for a more loving and supportive partner. Chloe lived with us. She was an amazing person as well. She suffered from heart disease and finally Parkinson disease, which was related to Agent Orange exposure in the jungles of Vietnam. She was a medic and a nurse for forty years. With only one sister who cared about her, the rest of her family did not accept her transition. So, the three of us became a family. Chloe passed quietly in her bed. I thought she was asleep when I discovered she had gone on to her next journey. It was such a privilege to offer her peace and sanctuary. Her most feared concern was to die alone in a hospital, as she had seen so many lonely people pass in her career. So, Bill and I journey on together. As a person who transitioned later in life, having a supportive partner and best friend couldn't have been any better. We also attended a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Frederick, Maryland. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful we were to find such a good group of people that cared so much.
@daisymay271 3 ай бұрын
May I ask, what piano piece was played in the beginning of this video?
@ccm8817 Ай бұрын
Because it's beautiful
@Undeniably_Me 11 ай бұрын
My MUA for my wedding was a trans woman, & she was so afraid of backlash that she didn't want to come into the sanctuary of the church for the ceremony, and I had to nearly BEG her to at least come in afterward for pictures. Nobody was rude or standoffish toward her, but she was very weary of ppl's intentions. Her anxiety got the best of her, and she did leave shortly after dinner was served. That was close to 10 yrs ago now, and she's much more confident. I've loved watching her bloom!
@KJ-wh8fu 3 ай бұрын
"The greatest achievement in life is to be authentically you." YES
@user-mp4zs2by9m Жыл бұрын
Courage meaning (Brene Brown) is “Sharing from the Heart”. There is so much authentic vulnerability, courage & heart in this video. So much love in this family. Thank you for sharing. ❤
@robertbodek4473 Жыл бұрын
You are an angle to support shea in her journey! I applaud your support
@The_One_and_Only996 Жыл бұрын
So happy to see your brother there supporting you. I’m glad you are getting to be yourself and it makes me happy to see your partner and other family members giving you support!
@afullchalicevlogs7979 Жыл бұрын
Me too! Family support is SO important!
@readycool9600 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100% but don’t understand his ex’s shallow mind. It had nothing to do with her personally other than her appearance. Skyler is such a great guy he will have no problem finding another person who is more open minded.
@leahsamaniego4507 2 ай бұрын
My partner just came out to me as trans. And I’m so excited for her and her journey. It’s going to be a slow process because she’s still coming to terms with everything. But I want to be supportive in whatever way she needs. It’s cool to see some of the doctors who help with the transition process
@angiepangie989 5 ай бұрын
I'm here for the positive message and warm fuzzy feeling, but I'm staying for the high quality production you put into these videos
@biekevanriel5231 Жыл бұрын
Amanda you are a strong person,as Shaye,sending so much love❤
@Brian.8272 Жыл бұрын
This was great to watch, being your authentic self
@joanasoares8674 Жыл бұрын
seeing his brother supporting him made this even more beautiful, i am so glad so so glad
@janetrojas8939 Жыл бұрын
that support cost him his marriage so glad he chose his family
@rayoliver760 7 ай бұрын
What a great video! I am so glad this video came up in my suggested reels while i was watching another transgender transition video! While im not out myself yet just hearing Shaye's coming out story and also the support from his wife was euphoric enough for me! Im so excited to watch more of their videos when I have free time! Of course I'll go back and watch all of the older videos too as I already have a love for architecture, real estate and interior design!
@RobynsGrrls 14 күн бұрын
What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it. You and Amanda are simply amazing... You are very lucky, Shaye. I totally get your nervousness at times, but you do seem so settled, so at peace in most of your videos. Amanda is your cornerstone, not everyone is blessed as you are. Sending hugs to both of you!!
@louern123 4 ай бұрын
this is one of the best videos , maybe THE best , of the 350 channels i’ve been subscribed to, for 16 years . ❤
@user-yw8oc5gu3u 17 күн бұрын
As a man he was extremely charming. As a woman she's extremely breathtakingly beautiful. God loves shaye❤
@EvanLuke3 Жыл бұрын
I am so blown away at your bravery. My son came to my husband and myself just a few weeks ago and told us that he feels like a girl. There have been so many emotions since that moment. When you are pregnant and then give birth you never imagine that one day your child might say, “I want to be the opposite sex.” Your video was so open and honest. I was sad when it ended because I wanted to know the next steps. It’s true that life is all about change. I don’t want to lose him. I want our relationship to stay strong. I cannot thank you enough for making this video. It shows the real, raw life. Maybe people don’t want to see that but I find it beautiful. Your love between the two of you is beautiful. Please, if you feel comfortable please share your journey. I will be on my own journey myself. All the best to you and your family. 😘❤️😘❤️
@elliotelephants60 Жыл бұрын
Hi, I know I’m not exactly who this was written to, but I’m a trans young adult who has worked some with parents of trans kids and I actually have a playlist for parents (and for other groups) of videos that may be helpful if you want to look at it. I’m sending my love
@missnaomi613 Жыл бұрын
Fellow parent of trans beans here. I don't know how old your kiddo is, but mine are all grown. (19, 22 and 25.) My 25 year old came out as trans when they were 20, and realized they were non-binary about a year(?) after that. And I'm super excited that my 19 year old has recently given me permission to tell the world what we've known for about 3 years now, which is that she's a girl. Life is full of surprises, and it's our (responsibility and) honor to stand by our kids as they face the challenges on their respective paths. Wishing your family all the best as you navigate new territory. 🙏❤🏳‍⚧
@erindowling8540 Жыл бұрын
@@missnaomi613 I am confused. You said “they” then you talked about a 19 year old and a 25 year old. Are they both trans?
@sarab8332 Жыл бұрын
It takes a lot of bravery to come out of the closet. It took a lot for your son to tell your husband and you that he feels like a girl. He is reaching out to both of you for help. Gender is between the ears and the person knows what gender they should be. Make sure you communicate well with your child and support your child. Depending on his age, you will need to put a transition plan, therapy, hormones, surgeries, ect.. Embrace and love your child.
@CathainSeo 2 ай бұрын
At 5;04 is so true, not requiring other to validate one is the route to contentment.
@susanrnbc Жыл бұрын
Thrilled to see Skylar there supporting you at the pride parade. And the idea that being stuck in a static place is where suffering comes from really resonates with me. I grew up in a very strict conservative Christian home where everything was black and white and there was no room for questioning or change. I am nearly 72 years old and the biggest changes in how I believe have happened in the last 15 years. I am completely different than I was then-I’ve become a liberal, progressive Christian who believes we are ALL created in God’s image, and that we are ALL worthy of God’s love. I’ve found a church where I can practice my beliefs and where ALL people are welcomed, accepted and included. Our church vice president is a younger gay woman. She is soon to marry her partner in our church. Our little church is growing ever since we “came out” as accepting and including the LGBTQ+ community. It is an exciting time and gives me hope for the future in the middle of so much worldly ignorance and fear. Thank you for sharing. It takes so much strength and courage to do what you are both doing.
@rondaborgert5170 3 ай бұрын
I love your relationship ❤️ ♥️ I have a 27 year old Transgender daughter, so I can relate to a lot of what you have shared. You both are beautiful and kind, and I wish you both so much success going forward. Thank you for sharing your story.
@emmachandler6780 Жыл бұрын
Wow I admire you ,your strength and honesty you must of been scared but confronted it to become the real you and have the support of people whom love you I admit I never understood buy I never bothered to try and understand which was my ignorance I support you and am learning from you about this I thanku for that people r too judgemental these days live your best life I say x
@helenatessmann6044 2 ай бұрын
This is incredible. Well done, what a courageous choice to have made. Sometimes accepting ourselves can be the most challenging thing we do in life
@sparky955 4 ай бұрын
Amanda & Shaye: from the heart of a 66 year old widow…love is love. God CONTINUE to bless & keep you & your family. Walk in love & peace.
@brianr6704 8 ай бұрын
Your videos are wonderful you share your story so beautifully. My journey has been very similar to yours. Until I I was about 52 years old no one in the world knew my secret it was my greatest shame. I told my daughter first and then my wife and son. I’m 61 now I started transitioning when I was 58. My only regret is that I didn’t start when I was younger. Like you I have the love and support of my family, especially my beautiful wife who I just celebrated 38 years of marriage with. I don’t know how I would have had the courage to go on this journey without them.
@lorettajones6120 Жыл бұрын
Shaye and your precious partner I am here from your brothers channel. My heart goes out to you and EVERYONE that is trans or a Christ believer I must show grace...cause at 73 I have needed grace a lot. My son is gay and he went thru crap...Just love him and his husband more than you can imagine.
@jennacarroll9200 4 ай бұрын
I think you're so strong for following where your soul led you. Many people will never know the freedom you're experiencing.
@kristenkaz3080 Жыл бұрын
Shae’s partner/wife is an amazing woman to go through her own transition in this process.
@froggreen2067 Жыл бұрын
I hear her being bossy and forceful.
@kristenkaz3080 Жыл бұрын
@@froggreen2067 I guess I hadn’t thought of her that way. I was thinking she was just affirming her partner’s way of thinking. But I can see now why you’d think that. Interesting.
@anamakesthings 3 ай бұрын
Oh well... I sobbed like a baby throughout this video. I'm not a Mormon and, in fact, I was not raised religious at all. However, I was raised in a very high-demand and very abusive household. I was born in '87, in Romania during communism. My family was so traumatized by the dictatorial regime that they required me to "take full advantage" of our newly found democracy in all the ways it was withheld from them. I would be violently beaten for coming home with a 94% on a test when someone in my class got 98%, called a whore, prostitute, slut etc. for wanting to do theater, threatened with being sent to the orphanage for not complying with whatever was asked of me. I was punished for having an identity and straying from my parents' plan for my future. In my mid-20s, I ended up in the psych hospital because of su***dality. My family called me dramatic and accused me of doing it for attention. It took me 10 years of therapy and literally moving to another continent to be able to trust and like who I am. I do not wish this hell on anyone. There is so much joy in my chest right now to see someone claiming their authentic self. The unconditional love inundating your family is what Godliness means to me :)
@Brian.8272 Жыл бұрын
Her wife is amazing
@Pcarleton03 3 ай бұрын
Shaye, you are worthy of all the love in this world. You have a beautiful heart and soul and I wish you so much love, peace snd happiness for who you have always been Shaye!!❤ from 🇨🇦
@juliaross7841 2 ай бұрын
So much courage you have, and your family and children. Bless you and Amanda!
@clairerussell7596 Жыл бұрын
Do you feel like you’ll mourn the partner you were married to before? This is my first time watching you and the flashbacks are like an entirely different person I’m just wondering if it will almost feel like grief of losing your partner
@soapqueen2008 5 ай бұрын
That's a weird question to ask they are still the same person
@sanaishere18 Жыл бұрын
I am not trans but I am working on deconstructing my religious upbringing and the shame, victim blaming, etc that lead to my depression and PTSD. You have a new subscriber because I love to see the love and compassion between you two. Keep pushing forward on this journey ♥️
@sophiatheisen565 Жыл бұрын
shaye you look absolutely gorgeous! you are literally aging backwards and you look so happy and healthy! amanda, i admire you . i imagine this was equally as hard on you and you are handling it with such grace and love. you two are such an amazing couple and i’m so excited to watch this journey ❤️
@maryhazlett Жыл бұрын
I watched this thinking Shay is gorgeous!
@Ojo10 Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy for you, hearing your story on Mormon Stories Podcast touched me and educated me, on just how harmful implicitly shaming gender diverse expression in children can be. I am so excited for you, to discover who you are, and to start living as your most authentic self. As a past religious ex-transphobic person, who is deconstructing, your journey is so inspiring and educational to me, and I want you to know that you have my full support. ❤
@Rose-pq9df 10 ай бұрын
which episode of the podcast is it??
@gingersnapppp 7 ай бұрын
"this idea of arriving somewhere with self is an illusion" wow yes
@zuglymonster 4 ай бұрын
Does Shaye go by Shaye still or is that her post trans name? I heard her brother call her Skyler. I just don't want to dead name. Or did they keep their name like I chose to because its gender neutral? I'm just trying to learn as much as I can as my egg is cracking
@Teajay21 3 ай бұрын
Skyler is her brother's name she still goes by Shaye
@maryanntownsend2889 Жыл бұрын
Amanda please make a video showing us how you explained Shay’s transition to your children. I don’t understand but will,respect Shay’s decision. Amanda,you are an incredible person and the best to you Shay.
@kathleenschoultz 9 ай бұрын
I love that you are supporting each other so much. More of this love to the world. You will do great in life
@hi333330 Ай бұрын
I can't stop watching your videos. You guys are absolutly great !
@lesleyM84 4 ай бұрын
becoming and being our authentic selves should never involve shame or condemnation.. it is such a layered complex journey by itself.. emotionally, physically, spiritually… adding layers of disapproval and possible abandonment is just so much added toxicity.. let’s just lean into be each other’s support system especially when it leads into uncharted, surprise directions..✨💖✨💖✨💖✨
@Authenticwings 3 ай бұрын
Hi there, I just want to say I know it’s hard, but it’s worth it! I too was raised Mormon, and most all of my family still is. My mother passed away before I transitioned, but my father knew before his death. I too never thought this would happen but I am so glad it finally did. MTF, transition. I know exactly what the masks are, the lack of identity, the lack of hope and never being comfortable with myself, ever! My partner and I still remain together (he is a gay man); but we have learned that love transcends our bodies, and the physical appearances. He is my partner in every way, and he has helped me to create a very wonderful life. I transitioned 2 years ago in July. I know what the electrolysis is like…OMG!!! I did learn that not everyone is good at it, so you need to search for someone who is really good (they are worth the money). My body surprised me, and it changed in so many ways that I could not imagine. I am glad. You guys are here…keep telling your story, it is actually not an uncommon one!
@rickysmom809 4 ай бұрын
The piano sold me. ❤❤❤ Love hearing it. Emotional story.
@cheykath 21 күн бұрын
I am grateful for this video. Thank you for sharing your story. Have I ever talked with a trans person about their journey? No, and I have never understood it. Which is why videos like this are needed. I think we all need to learn to listen when someone tells you who they are. Blessings to you. ❤
@kellxe4229 Жыл бұрын
Love you both but wanna shout out Amanda! Your love for Shaye goes beyond all boundaries. You both have beautiful souls 💖💙🤍
@aliciakillen1940 Жыл бұрын
Interesting. He definitely married the perfect person for this, I don’t think I could have been that open. He still seems sad to me, hopefully as all the painful procedures come to an end, his happiness will blossom. Stay safe as right now there is a lot of hate out there for trans people. Maybe you could make a video about that fear and loss of rights. I don’t fully understand this journey, but I don’t have to. You just have to let people live their own lives. Scary times right now.
@jeanettelester9609 Жыл бұрын
I've come to your channel at Skyler's suggestion and now am compelled to binge watch your videos. You are such wonderful story tellers of this story of searching, transformation, love, and exceptance. Plus Shaye, your piano playing is absolutely beautiful.
@amylink7199 5 сағат бұрын
I’ve been watching you via Instagram for awhile and I have gotten a bit attached to you and your sweet family. This is the first time that I have gotten a back story. I never realized the amount of pain that you were in, Shaye. I knew that your decisions definitely had to be painful, but I just didn’t know how much. You are beautiful and I am so thankful that you have each other. I am thankful that you found your way out of controlling religion and into the beautiful life that you have now.
@umatr2me656 3 ай бұрын
So awesome! Just be who you are. What a freaking concept, and why not! Beautiful!
@graceochieng8900 Жыл бұрын
She looks younger now then she did before! Incredible. If I’d walked past her as a man, I never would have guessed about the turmoil she was experiencing within herself. Good wife for being supportive bc I don’t think I’d be able to accept it, I would have to leave the relationship.
@Sentientmatter8 Жыл бұрын
We call that the transgender fountain of youth 😁
@lauren-thomas 9 ай бұрын
that's one of the benefits of going through puberty again. I've seen people look 20 years younger after a year of HRT.
@annapuhl6889 6 ай бұрын
okay classic girlhood experience she got her ears pierced at claire’s!
@maxrichardson2159 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on coming out fully and officially! I'm trans ftm and from experience of going through all of this with gender identity, don't let anyone tell u what u r and aren't. If they don't respect you just ignore them or even block them and cut them out of your life if needed. They aren't worth your time or energy. You got this! I believe in you! You're perfect just how you are! Keep going! Don't give up! Stay strong and be who you truly are! People will try to bring you down but don't let them! 🤍🤍🤍
@valarya Жыл бұрын
As a mother of a trans man, I'm here to hold your family in my heart with UNCONDITIONAL support. 🥰🥰 What an incredible family you guys have to join in this together with love. Much love to all of you and I'm excited to go on this journey with you.
@infiniteinfinity9802 5 ай бұрын
Hi! I’m also mom to my beautiful daughter who is trans. She is married to a beautiful woman who is the love of her life and both are super supportive of each other. So glad your son and my daughter are living their lives being true to themselves! So proud to be her mom🤩Very happy this young couple is sharing their story!!! Sooooo helpful!!!! Much love in their videos🌻🌻🌻
@valarya 5 ай бұрын
@@infiniteinfinity9802 🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍🌈Absolutely!! I love that there are people like you in the world. 🥰
@theresa3 4 ай бұрын
Shaye you are such a gentle soul 💜
@stezi8059 Жыл бұрын
You guys are amazing and so full of love, beautiful on the inside as well es on the outside. I admire, how brave you are and how true to yourself and to the world! And see how far you already came. Imagine where you'll be and how you'll feel in 3 more years. I (stepmom of a trans child) wish you all the best, all the love and all the support. Only the bravest souls here have the greatest tasks! So much love from Germany to you.
@kerrypapworth1526 Жыл бұрын
Ha Ha I was wondering about your hair, it looks amazing. 👍🏻 It’s so wonderful that you are sharing your journey so we can all learn. Hello from Australia. 💕
@tonyiannazzo1072 Жыл бұрын
Hello Scott’s new to the channel question for you may I ask where you performed the hair transplant procedure in Istanbul Turkey? Great job! God speed with your new journey
@GreatScotts Жыл бұрын
Long hair center. They are amazing.
@tonyiannazzo1072 Жыл бұрын
@@GreatScotts Thank you!!! ❤️❤️
@tonyiannazzo1072 Жыл бұрын
@@GreatScotts is it much more economical than getting the hair transplant done in the USA or Canada? I just saw the KZfaq videos, it seems like a very high end office for this company worried it could be expensive?
@user-qh9fy3my7w 4 ай бұрын
It's hard for people in general to accept others at face value anymore. Standards are so unrealistic. People eork against each other instead of being supportive. Good to see you seem to have each others backs.
@huntp1291 10 ай бұрын
Hey I just stumbled on this video. I try not to watch too much about other individuals transitions as such but the way you spoke about your feelings, the fear etc.. resonated so much in me because that's exactly how I feel especially about losing my wife. Unfortunately she has stopped being supportive and as such because she can't deal with things but Ive fallen back into repressing my true self to make her happy. I'm going to show her this video later because it speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing. Good luck in your future as your true self , I shall follow your journey.😊
@lizeldred5484 2 ай бұрын
can i ask how you explained to your kids that dad is now female im about to begin my tansition from female to male but dont know how to explain to my 5 year old
@joyowen-jones9871 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for including me in your journey. Watching your transitioning has inspired me. You are beautiful people. Thank you. I needed to gain understanding in an area that is very new to me. 🙏
@aoifedaly6557 4 ай бұрын
My god I am late to this video but I HAVE to say just how beautiful you to are as a couple here. No matter what happens in the future you were taking this step in just an amazing team mentality.
@ligiabonfanti3493 Жыл бұрын
Wow, that eas beautiful, I'm sorry you had to go through so much pain before you could decide to embrace who you really are ❤❤❤
@elliotelliott901 7 ай бұрын
This… EVERYTHING. ❤️🌞🙏
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