國外聲樂老師點評 林俊傑 李健 周杰倫 嘉賓合唱Vocal Coach Reacts to JJ Lin Duets

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CZ Media

CZ Media

5 ай бұрын

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*Performance videos and instrumentals may have been censored due to copyright concerns. Please visit our Bilibili for full-versions of the reaction: space.bilibili.com/7295246
Stayed tuned for more professional vocal coach reaction videos!
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#reaction #vocalcoach #reactionvideo #jjlin林俊傑 #jjlin #lijian #jaychou #周杰倫

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@ClubZeroMedia 5 ай бұрын
2023 年終總結 | 對所有爭議的最後一次回應 (在37分左右) www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bG411z7Bj/
@KATEGYT 5 ай бұрын
作为你们的一位忠实粉丝 真的很感谢你们的频繁更新 辛苦了 一开始看节目的初衷只是随机看看喜爱歌手的recation视频 现在已经完全爱上了你们两个的互动 比起听对某歌手的评价 现在更加关注你们对歌手和音乐的见解 不管观点是不是最正确的 你们真诚的探讨才是这个节目的核心 每个人都有自己的喜好与理解 请不要害怕说错或者是得罪哪些脑残粉 脑残的人你解释再多 他们也还会是脑残 不管怎么样 你们还是会有跟我一样真心appreciate你们的人 Rozette也请不要太过在意自己的观点是否太主观 只要多看几个你们的视频的人 都不难看出 你是一个非常open minded and sweet sweet lady 你对音乐有很大的包容性 即使是不太理解的音乐 也会尽量去找自己能发现的闪光点 且也没有强行去尬夸 这是一件不容易的事情 对于杰哥 我觉得你很棒 你一直都在尽量用合适一点的词汇给Rozette讲解关于中西文化上的疑惑 也许某些不够完全准确 但是真的已经很好了 你又不是Google 那些要求你完美解释的人都还不一定读过多少书 就喷人最拿手 你别因此对自己太苛刻 你超棒的!
@trcgodllo 5 ай бұрын
許願點評日本歌手Ado所有的LIVE演出影片 , Ado都已經在日本NHK紅白歌唱大賽表演 , 演唱SHOW的LIVE演出 , 還是遲遲等不到老師的點評 , 雖然Ado不露臉 , 相信以老師的音樂專業 , 要分辨出來是不是真唱沒問題 , 之前已經很多西方的歌唱老師和歌手以及音樂製作人都點評過Ado , 都給出很高的評價 , 很難讓人相信Ado真的是LIVE唱出那些高難度歌曲 , 一直在研究Ado的歌唱技巧 , 越研究越發現Ado真的是自己演唱 , 都震驚了他們 !
@qchen5955 5 ай бұрын
你们要不要我发给JJ看? 要不要请他来啊?
@user-huiling1221lilychen 2 ай бұрын
wow yeah 🤭🤣😂🤣😂
@user-sx1jy3sv4q 2 ай бұрын
@peirongwu2143 25 күн бұрын
@csywashington 11 күн бұрын
@wei11987 23 күн бұрын
對於一個從11歲就開始聽Britney, Christina, Nelly, Eminem, Mariah Carry等等西洋歌手的音樂,還有周杰倫、張惠妹、陶喆、李玟等等的亞洲歌手的音樂的我來說,因為真的太習慣,加上本人在音樂藝術上沒有造詣,最近才偶然發現這個音樂頻道,給了我好多從沒想過的音樂文化差異的觀點,雖然藝術這件事情單一見解不代表整個市場的意見,但對於老師和製作人給予的中西兩方意見交換的部分我真的非常喜歡,老師每一次看到新的影片時的真實反應也讓人覺得印象深刻,超可愛的! 我自己本來就很喜歡比較中西文化差異,不管在生活上、教育上、政治上、社交上、娛樂上,而音樂部份廣為人知的是中國古典樂和西方古典樂的明顯差別,可是亞洲音樂和歐美音樂除了歌詞和作曲方式不同,幾乎鮮少人可以勇敢地公開用個人角度但中立的方式對不同文化的音樂作品做評論,我很能明白這件事容易牽扯到政治和種族層面,公開討論這些議題就代表著爭議觀點會湧入這個平台,甚至會出現有網友針對他個人喜好的歌手看影片,但反對老師和製作人討論的觀點而產生的爭議,這部份我很希望老師和製作人可以堅持下去~ 平常我並不在影片內發表言論,但我真的很喜歡這個平台,也希望可以多看到老師對亞洲古今中外知名歌手的評論影片,希望老師和製作人不會因為網友的反對意見而放棄這個頻道!!(但我知道老師和製作人已經很堅持了,就是想再認同你們一次!)
@omyogagal 13 күн бұрын
忍不住想請問:同學在你眼中的“古今中外”知名歌手,究竟多久以前的歌手算是古老的😳 The Beatles夠古老嗎?或是已經作古的?還是只要是1999年之前的就已夠古老了?
@wei11987 12 күн бұрын
我覺得的古老西洋古典大概是類似Mozart或是Flight of the Bumble Bee之類的名曲,家喻戶曉的那種,Beatles或是The Carpenters的1960-1970年代左右以世界千年歷史來說應該算是近代流行曲吧😂 但東方古典樂到有流傳下來到現在的好像不多,記憶中不太常接觸到,都是看古裝劇會聽到的重置曲,而亞洲1970年左右最經典的應該是鄧麗君吧?2000年左右最紅的應該除了陶喆和張惠妹以外,還有張學友、杜德偉、江蕙,之類的,這個系列如果有延伸到2000年以前的音樂,應該會變得一發不可收拾😂😂
@qiwwipu3597 5 ай бұрын
@user-ro5vs4zd9r Ай бұрын
@irisli8038 4 ай бұрын
JJ的帥不是外觀上 ,而是他的才華,他的個人魅力。
@wuliwuli241 4 күн бұрын
@ericlo6370 5 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your discussion, happy new year and many more reactions to come!
@mrsb3083 5 ай бұрын
感謝Jkai和Rozette的辛苦,超級喜歡你們的節目,尤其是你們的open personality,學習了很多知識,2024會繼續支持你們,Happy New Year!
@boy0183 5 ай бұрын
我笑翻天了 JKAI老師是WOO人
@dracofreakout 26 күн бұрын
文化差異是絕對優勢,這超棒超有趣的!不做任何功課才能確保絕對性的帶著未知(就像寶寶看世界一樣?😆有專業技能的寶寶?抱歉我只能這樣形容😆) 能夠以比本國人帶著更少的刻板印象及更加純粹的看待音樂,我們才有幸能聽到如此平等對待且新穎的分析,這是再好不過的事了!何況二位是那麼的專業與上進,謝謝帶給我們如此豐富的影片資訊和超棒的體驗❤ 聽著你們的討論是種享受🎉🎉
@sanglin316 5 ай бұрын
提到Prince...強烈推薦JJ在第 12 屆 KKBOX 風雲榜中"向經典音樂巨星致敬"的表演...超棒^^
@rolla8847 5 ай бұрын
@ezrayap7347 21 күн бұрын
@jeanc9013 25 күн бұрын
李健的說話方式是使用中文, JJ的說話方式是使用英文 我覺得是這種不同, 因為原生家庭的生活環境跟接觸的文化差異 關於審美, 我覺得JJ是才華洋溢,歌聲令人著迷也會讓人心動(才華跟外貌,才華更吸引喜歡藝術的人)
@ezrayap7347 21 күн бұрын
@megxu8557 4 ай бұрын
認同Rozette的解釋,會開始觀看更多的評論影片就是因為喜歡Rozette的真實反應,以及和Jkai 的討論過程,每個人都有自己的品味和觀點,大家需要互相尊重不同於自己的意見,不熟悉一位歌手的背景不代表不能欣賞及給予評價,如果自己的偶像沒獲得理想中的評論,能尊重和同理是一種雅量。就像不會畫畫,不了解畫家的生長年代和技術,一樣可以鑑賞、和作品產生共鳴,也存在無法被感動的情形發生。希望這個節目能秉持初心,不做勉強自己的事情,輕鬆和快樂的欣賞音樂作品❤
@MsMillyChan 5 ай бұрын
之前我只是來看有關周深的影片 但因為杰凱的聲音 我變成你們的粉絲了😆節目有了你增色很多 這是你們的節目 就按你們的風格走好了 人無完美 不能滿足全世界人的需要 何況我們沒有付費看的 已經太謝謝你們的堅持及付出❤
@Jasmine-ov2dh Ай бұрын
JJ就是實力派 他的唱功魅力勝於外表太多太多,他的才華讓他由內而外帥透了!
@maggieni2151 Ай бұрын
@Mr0800092000 Ай бұрын
@bohsingbohsing1 5 ай бұрын
祝福兩位新年快樂!!~ 感謝這個頻道, 感謝今年的陪伴~
@user-xe7dk7hd4g 5 ай бұрын
Came across your channel when you delivered the first episode of this series, Loved it since. Good stuff! So glad to witness it become popular and successful. ☺
@hbcomcn Ай бұрын
You guys did good job, very refreshing to me.
@hangweishi5322 5 ай бұрын
JJ is charming and handsome and cute. He sang Purple Rain before. You can see him in a complete suit, looking very HANDSOME in the Disney Plus songs 😬😬😬. Please react to that. Thanks
@user-jk5nx8js2o 27 күн бұрын
@florencedeleon1579 3 ай бұрын
@zhuoli6367 5 ай бұрын
@user-jh2ge8tc7v 5 ай бұрын
@UserCw76120 5 ай бұрын
To me, JJ is boyishly handsome especially around year 2015 to a few years back. He is so charmingly cute. Slightly older now but his smile and how he carries himself is still so attractive. He is not the 'pretty boy' or muscular type of handsome, but a heartwarming kind of charm that draws his fans to him. I am very impressed with his talent and performance ability
@seowshyan 2 ай бұрын
we love both of u! both of you really great!
@UserCw76120 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, 好期待。希望老师又会带来那可爱的笑声和反应。😅😅😅❤❤❤❤😊😊😊
@insectlo 25 күн бұрын
Keep what you are doing That’s great enough and totally agree, that’s the fun part of watching u all! Keep on!
@user-kamiuma 5 ай бұрын
做自己想做的影片,保有初心,懂得欣賞的人自然會繼續相應,愛打嘴砲的人也謝謝他的點閱率 你們很棒,加油❤
@user-rs8ey3ry5r 5 ай бұрын
@boboyue8976 5 ай бұрын
@liw.4269 21 күн бұрын
You two are lovely. Thanks for sharing ❤❤❤❤🎉
@le-sx4gv Ай бұрын
@user-um9og3hy3z 5 ай бұрын
@QYY-JM Ай бұрын
@MrDavid6679 24 күн бұрын
@JJswwrrrr 12 күн бұрын
@user-ey8dn6ur8y 11 күн бұрын
Yes..me too.我感覺這位老師乜是,喜歡上他的才華.音色.才愈 看他愈帥..當然服裝肢體表現及他的自信都更有加上分。
@mcmautomotive11 6 күн бұрын
@kulalou9936 Ай бұрын
I do enjoy your show and the discussion and appreciate being real and showing respect to people.
@user-dc3jx2vj5p 5 ай бұрын
@user-mq3bq5pe2e 4 ай бұрын
動力火車+1 。他們的年紀的live真的很厲害,很厲害❤👍👍👍 而且一直都唱得很感動
@hangweishi5322 5 ай бұрын
Can’t wait … oh my 起风了 is next!
@andrea041926 29 күн бұрын
@FarEastAlpaca 5 ай бұрын
很喜欢你们的show! ❤
@vaniafan9123 5 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed all your discussions, and appreciate you both being real and raw with your feelings and judgements. There are always some dogmatic fans out there and it’s becoming a trend in newer generation today. Just ignore them. People who seek only what they want to hear will never learn or grow. Just continue doing your own thing!
@TheJayJayYoung 3 ай бұрын
JJ Lin is from Singapore, and when he debuted then, it was when boy band and R&B was popular, from Backstreet Boys, N’sync, 98 degrees, Boyz 2 men, Destiny Child and many more. In Singapore, we are exposed to music from both the East and the West, hence this song have a R&B influence, and it was a hit.
@kellygoh8687 5 ай бұрын
Haha! Rozette's nail polis is well matching JJ's wardrobe.
@Christinezoekhoo 28 күн бұрын
I love these interactions, and picking up random things like the piano. It’s fun to hear! We don’t need correct answers. I love the discussions and authenticity of it. The mix of opinions is fun!!
@jill6495 2 ай бұрын
@jill55jill 5 ай бұрын
JJ Lin 😍 My favourite singer on the earth💜
@danfans 5 ай бұрын
How about outside the earth?😮
@jill55jill 5 ай бұрын
​@@danfans then it must be my brother 😂
@raymondmak4630 27 күн бұрын
❤ i love your show und you are right.
@DrAliceLin 5 ай бұрын
您們很棒喔👍 很喜歡老師既專業敏銳又純真❤ 點評的超棒的😊 感謝🙏
@user-mq2ts1tr9m 5 ай бұрын
@janetoh9130 5 ай бұрын
Thanks Jkai and Rozette for all the reaction works! Would love to hear reaction to Stefanie Sun please
@lavender9467 5 ай бұрын
俊俊從𥚃到外都帥 🤩🤩🤩 我最欣賞的音樂人 😘😘🔥🔥🔥🔥
@Joni-bv7rm Ай бұрын
@user-hf9bd1pb2d 27 күн бұрын
like the way you express yourself, it makes people feels so~~ comfortable and understand your feeling. fearless to express thought and intention , always feels love within it
@bizbizbizbee9443 4 күн бұрын
I love your shows!
@lakers24kobe 5 ай бұрын
@irurouni 26 күн бұрын
Yes, agree this video shows contrasts... and hence, the clarity of one's keener preference and capacity in appreciation for one music culture over another. Personally, my satisfaction in watching your development comes from your rising awareness of your own bias. No right or wrong. Just about your positioning and self-awareness. Your opinions, after all, are your own and rightfully so, plus your professional history cannot be denied.
@FT-od4xv 5 ай бұрын
JJ is a very talented producer, super charming and confident performer, which makes him handsome in our eyes 😊 his smiles make him cute too.
@UserCw76120 5 ай бұрын
Agreed 👍
@Jayfantasy 5 ай бұрын
I would say his voice and talent were more attractive than his look, not saying he is bad, but his voice is so good.
@user-tj9ie6yr3l 5 ай бұрын
@user-nq3id6tg4p 25 күн бұрын
@xklymr4395 2 ай бұрын
talented and cute for sure. baby face for decades, he won't fade away.
@chiachiaKung Ай бұрын
@ypatty4267 Ай бұрын
我真喜歡你們中間的討論! 老師給我的感覺很像是"奧修禪卡中的其中一張牌_ 天真‘’,具象化展現, 看世界事物的角度是新鮮的,對觀點包容度很高,對她來說,凡事都是一種開心的體驗 Rozette說自己和杰凱是相同性格的人,我想你們應該都是很重視體驗感的一類人吧~ 真好❤
@user-jz8ep2zf2c Ай бұрын
@user-ke2fu3rz3w 5 ай бұрын
老師真的很可愛! 希望老師可以點評動力火車!! 雙人團體合聲超級強~~每次聽都雞皮疙瘩😍
@blackcat515 4 ай бұрын
@amandatsai9250 4 ай бұрын
很喜歡老師跟另一位沒出現在螢幕中男士的互動,更襯托講評,很喜歡! 要持續做影片下去呀~~❤
@weisyntan3764 5 ай бұрын
Hi Jay! 李健 also sang 传奇 as a guest singer and I wish yall reviewed that too! Especially when yall had so much to say about their differences in interpreting 江南 so I think 传奇 would be interesting too. Hopefully you'll review it one day ❤
@lilin2155 5 ай бұрын
Yes, actually I was expecting to see them review 传奇 in this video too. Hopefully they will do it next time.
@liveaxll5751 4 ай бұрын
its nice to hear coach cover some song that coach like the most from some of these song
@davidyu530 15 күн бұрын
left NY twenty five years ago, but watching your show gives me the feel back to NY again. Thanks
@qingyu27 5 ай бұрын
@DrAliceLin 5 ай бұрын
👍 光是外表,無法說帥或美,要有內涵的散發,才能令人感動是帥是美!
@angelinelow327 5 ай бұрын
JJ is extremely talented and so handsome. Love his smile and dimples!😍
@ivytran2945 5 ай бұрын
Yes, from my perspective, as a women, I feel the same to you, JJ is soooooo handsome and attractive, and to be honest, I don’t think women usually love/ like a man by his appreance :) But I can understand what Jay Kai (sorry if that’s not his name ) said as well, that is correct when it comes to Asian’s beauty standard, and I agree with him about Jay Chou voice as well. I love the way you guys discuss in the video, please keep doing the great work 😍
@user-fw4ht2gs4z 3 ай бұрын
Really thankful for JKai and Rozette’s hardwork on this show because this is the first time I think I also grow together by watching this kind of video. I also agree that the essence of this show is to learn how a teacher with professional experience to enjoy a song with different perspective from us normal people. It’s too easy to follow what everyone else says in the online world, but I’m very happy that JK and Rozette are not affected by the traffic and still insist on doing the right thing. My only comment would be that many of my favorite singers have not yet heard the teacher’s appreciation! Like田馥甄、莫文蔚、張韶涵⋯⋯⋯⋯ I know as time goes by, this day will come! Looking forward to that day!
@aihuang7449 5 ай бұрын
老师是对的,俊杰就是R&B时代的歌手,还在电视节目教过如何唱R&B. 江南这首 歌,只是加了点中国的元素,基本上还是以西方音乐为主。而且他是受西式教育,当时他的中文程度还不是很好,很多歌词他还不完全了解。
@jerry522406 5 ай бұрын
請繼續暢所欲言,所有言論總有支持與反對。 節目的內容與發展或許會隨著觀眾的反應而有所改變,但我個人並不希望一個節目因為有了一些因為不贊同的謾罵而限制了本身的自由度,單純探討、研究、闡述個人觀點,也並非在抨擊或是攻擊某位藝人或歌手。 我一直認為這個節目我會喜歡是因為拿著手機的我也能在我已經喜歡或是不認識的歌手藝人中,了解到更多的不同與我從未認識到的一面,我從兩位老師的對話中感受到對節目的走向有一點點的迷茫,個人感受。 探討所有一切,不忘初衷。 請繼續加油。
@kimpang76 28 күн бұрын
@ltc4068 2 ай бұрын
Rozette's naive and true reaction is so cute! Please don't be afraid of giving any comment!
@audreymarietta8234 5 ай бұрын
i would love to see your reaction to all Jay's and JJ's crazy pianos in all of their concerts... that'll be such a dopamine boost...
@Jayfantasy 5 ай бұрын
Great job you guys. Would love to see a reaction video of Faye Wong and Jay Chou at their own best times. These two are my favorite singers and got me through a lot of difficult times. And Happy New Year.
@Howard87 5 ай бұрын
@UserCw76120 5 ай бұрын
Very interesting sharing by both of you. I didn't even notice that they have a different style, more Western or classical etc. I think you don't have to worry about those who are very critical about whether you do your homework or if you said things they don't like about their idol. This is after all a reaction video.
@Konokawatashu 5 ай бұрын
Yes,JJ is very handsome.
@bluerose2345 5 ай бұрын
Yes, to me, JJ is handsome, talented, and hardworking. Always keep learning new style and singing techniques and improving despite him reaching this level of best vocalist.
@sodamilk8459 5 ай бұрын
贊成拓展更多領域~ 想聽老師分析周杰倫的歌 另外其實早期的周杰倫唱功也是很不錯~雖然確實不是主打賣技巧的類型
@repuwsac Ай бұрын
看老師的影片,其實收獲非常大。分析音樂類型、詮釋方式、發聲方式、東西方差異、過去現在差異、如何描述/表達自己的想法、如何溫暖地說出自己的觀點又給予他人尊重、如何對自己做出省思…非常謝謝這一系列的分享。 13:08
@user-px6pm1ki6h 5 ай бұрын
Haha, I agree he is handsome cute!
@changchiawei3789 5 ай бұрын
@carolyu3462 3 ай бұрын
Jkai thank you for the show
@meloss9244 5 ай бұрын
敲碗 JJ 在KKBOX 致敬王子那段演出,真的太神了。
@kikichang6976 16 сағат бұрын
JJ 在舞台上表演的那種自信是吸睛的 因緣際會之下有幸參與歌曲進階的MV拍攝,當時JJ 在面對眾多粉絲時是非常害羞的,跟舞台上的他反差很大 可愛的一面是他 帥氣的一面也是他 我都喜歡❤
@user-yx3cn1ms2g 5 ай бұрын
林董超级帅 ! 帅的连男生也会爱上他 👍 女生更加疯狂的迷恋他 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@amyg1073 Ай бұрын
Love Jay n Rozette. Like their impromptu reactions instead of studying singers background. It’s more accurate n sincere in this way, which is not bias. It makes the show more interesting . U can ignore the ignorant comments.
@jill55jill 5 ай бұрын
JJ is handsome, cute, hot and talented for me, and I am an Asian girl ❤❤
@user-sr1ie4cx1o 2 ай бұрын
男主持人Jay - Kai和Jean老師,都很棒,其實我是這週才開始看你們的Video😅,卻能一部一部看下去,很喜歡你們分析的方式,也很喜歡你們有時在不同文化理解上對於聲音的針鋒相對,讓我學到好多概念,也包含了各種歌唱技巧的英文是什麼😊Go,go,go ! 加油,希望你們有熱情繼續這個類型的節目❤Love your performance & interpretation ! 😊 也許JJ has more skill, 但我還是期待Jean能分析一些Jay Chow的歌。他的曲風其實很多元,從東方,也混西方各種曲風,也有Rap像“霍元甲”,或是鄉村+Rap的‘’稻香‘’,比較好奇Jean老師怎麼看這些特殊元素的歌。雖然知道老師是從古典聲樂,自學進入Pop music.😊 Love your team❤
@blxh1993 5 ай бұрын
Hi Jay, share this video with coach! This is JJ lin singing to Prince - purple rain with Mayday (五月天)
@user-il2tv6tj5k Ай бұрын
@niko1231kimo 5 ай бұрын
I subscribed to this channel less than a year ago. Since then, I've been listening to songs that the teacher critiques and appreciating JJ's vocal tones through the teacher's reactions." However, the teacher is also an embodiment of the spirit of this program. Yet, when evaluating other singers, the differences in background and era can be quite significant. Music is a highly subjective art form." Instead, I feel that after simplifying and categorizing, evaluating them might be more fair. It's like comparing an oil painting to a watercolor - it doesn't make much sense. Music, being subjective, benefits from a more nuanced and contextual evaluation." Music is truly diverse, so I think for evaluations, choosing artists with similar styles in each episode would make more sense. Music is truly diverse, so I think for evaluations, choosing artists with similar styles in each episode would make more sense. Li Zongsheng(李宗聖), Yang Zongwei(楊宗緯), and even Chang Chen-yue(張震嶽), for examp Perhaps the role of Reaction work is to bring attention to some different voices or styles of music, making them accessible to a wider audience.
@ziqincao7819 2 ай бұрын
博主评价周和林,即专业又客观得体! 喜欢这位非常专业的老师,真实可爱❤
@user-og2sl5dp1j 26 күн бұрын
之前在很多集的留言,我一直稱讚橘老師真實的講評,在此也要特別鼓勵一下杰凱 🤣🤣 加油,繼續做下去
@katellai2667 Ай бұрын
JJ is talent and cute to me. I'm JJ's fans for 20 years.
@hanyuonly 5 ай бұрын
@benlow6672 5 ай бұрын
When I saw 李健 in the title, I thought there will be a reaction to the song <传奇>, a collaboration between him and JJ, and was disappointed that it was not. Perhaps this could be done in a later video, or even a comparison version of it with covers by singers like 王菲 and 周华健, if they could still be found.
@user-tj9ie6yr3l 5 ай бұрын
@user-bo7ej2du9m 26 күн бұрын
@user-ds6ww6is8i 5 ай бұрын
@RebeccaTerrebrood 5 ай бұрын
The Noodle Picture Secret 😱 #shorts
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