Haachama confess her feeling about "That" event and her feeling about Kiryu Coco

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2 жыл бұрын

Well said Haachama
You are right Haachama as one of the Kiryukai I've never once blamed you
It's not your fault
But actually, it's not only you that can not accept this
I guess I need to move forward too.
Original Stream
• ~FIN~
/ @akaihaato

Пікірлер: 97
@Yonatan-jv8mv 2 жыл бұрын
I hope with this confession she truly forgives herself and stop think that it was her fault. This whole year she carried a guilt that nobody thought of...
@RailgunDL 2 жыл бұрын
I literally cried watching this.... I share feelings with Haachama and can't stop thinking..... What a wonderful person Coco is.... Not only covering her friend, but taking al the hate, bear with it and still support everyone behind the scenes, even after her graduation what a big influence has been Coco for Hololive and all the vtuber community ❤️❤️ Kiryu-kai is forever Thanks for the clip birdkun, was also a Kiryu Coco clip who made me find you, then you made me find Ichi.... Those two vtubers who I can say now.... Had changed my life and gave me so much happiness
@birdkun21 2 жыл бұрын
You’re welcome!
@spongebobfan78 2 жыл бұрын
Outside the craziness of her streams, Haachama is a pretty caring girl. Blaming herself for the incident must've been very hard for her especially since, IIRC, she's one of the youngest members in Hololive, and most likely isn't as emotionally strengthened (I dunno if it's the right word) as the other older-IRL members.
@vtubershrimp6498 2 жыл бұрын
What incident? The national one?
@johnlawrenzerussel9582 2 жыл бұрын
Can you explain to me wuat happened? Im new to hololive
@denayabarbs5016 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnlawrenzerussel9582 seach for hololive taiwan incident
@kaixianghow9000 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnlawrenzerussel9582 Hachaama showed her KZfaq analytics and accidentally showed the word Taiwan. She got suspended for a while due to Chinese antis Coco accidentally did the same thing the next day but got targeted by Chinese antis for a long time, resulting in many restrictions and such, eventually causing her to quit hololive to have more freedom in her content
@rickybell 2 жыл бұрын
i always felt like she felt that way... "it was my fault"...what happened... that feeling can doom people into a spiral of depression... and it felt like she couldn't accept it which is normal... now i hope that by venting it all out in the open she can begin to heal herself...
@shonenbat6553 2 жыл бұрын
Our idols did nothing wrong, they just talked about their activities. They weren't making fun of anyone. They were not ridiculing anyone or advocating for any political point of view. The only thing that caused this was the absolute pettiness of useless internet trash.
@KOWAL19898 2 жыл бұрын
West Taiwan trash 🗑️
@thoribio5846 2 жыл бұрын
Really the Strongest Idol. I hope they meet off stream now and again.
@notspooky 2 жыл бұрын
GOD WHY IM WATCHING THIS FOR THE 7TH TIME?! What is wrong with me? Kaichou, Hug her wherever you are. You're the strongest Idol, Haachama. The haatons and your fellow members got your back. Happy 2nd Anniversary Coco and Thanks for celebrating it, Haachama!
@Vernnell 2 жыл бұрын
I watch the archive a few moments ago, even with no subtitles I could tell how frustrating was for her in the overall situation, thanks for the translation birdkun, I'm glad that she could speak and clear her thoughts in this stream. I think not only this help her, but also I hope it help all the other Kiryukai that still are down till this days, so for all of them, remember the last order was giving to you from Kaicho! You can do this! ( ` w`)7 And happy anniversary flying Coco-chan.
@birdkun21 2 жыл бұрын
@playmond2461 2 жыл бұрын
Haachama... What a sweet gift from god
@marulrifin8180 2 жыл бұрын
its good that she talked about this rather than keeping it in herself, hopeully this will makes her heart more light and brighter moving forward to the future while carrying the dragon in her heart. o7
@marulrifin8180 2 жыл бұрын
thats "event " might be dark time for some, but its also a an event which save the hololive rom falling deep down futher into the dark hole that we never knew what is inside and makes most of us knew how worst most of the mainlander treat people cause of the smallest mistake. in dark or in light #hololiveforever #hololivetilltheend
@marulrifin8180 2 жыл бұрын
coco not just a game changer for hololive,but for the Vtuber world and community
@jaycee330 2 жыл бұрын
She needed to do this for a long time, to let it out.
@fae2797 2 жыл бұрын
this is so heartbreaking to watch, we all know she's been holding a lot in but never expected her to be so straightforward about it on the anniversary like this. Glad that she's finally let out what's been on her mind and doesn't give a shit about the antis anymore. Haachama is truly the strongest idol.
@Biosquid239 2 жыл бұрын
I find it off that she blames herself. Coco said herself that she actually stayed longer than she was planning to just to spite the antis. She simply thought she would do better doing her own thing, which is fine even if its a bit sad
@aether9083 2 жыл бұрын
It was likely a combination of things that led to Coco's decision. The simple answer is she needed creative freedom from restrictions put in place by Cover. We know Cover had to implement policies after these incidents to protect the girls, protect their business interests, and prevent further incidents. I wouldn't be surprised if the internal policy changes had the unintended effect of limiting the things girls were allowed to create. We also know the antis would spam and harass any girl Coco collabed with. These kinds of factors wear on the mind. Now that she's doing her own thing, Coco is free to express herself as she pleases. Also, it seems the harassment has stopped for the most part. Though, I do remember she mentioned that KZfaq had *actually* directly intervened and helped her resolve issues with bots spamming her chat. It was really bad for some time after she graduated.
@rigogo0 2 жыл бұрын
Birdkun glad you clipped this cause this made me come back
@birdkun21 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you came back too
@aramondehasashi3324 2 жыл бұрын
While it does suck Coco had to leave to be honest I think it has been better for her to be independent as Kson. Even before the Taiwan shit happened she said she wasn't being allowed to do things she wanted to.
@Cethavi 2 жыл бұрын
Man... I really sympathize with Haachama Haachama and Coco inspire me of the color of life. One with healthy mind won't blame Haachama. She did nothing wrong, related to showing her analytics. She was just "unfortunate" being the one that did it in the first place. In my opinion, no matter what she does, hateful people are there, awaiting to play at some moment. Birdkun, you're a wonderful person too. You're a respectable Kiryukai. Move forward and stay strong!
@birdkun21 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you I’m really not the wonderful person But I wish I can be that person! One day I will move forward too
@RavensEagle 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for translating 👍 Been a while hope you had happy holidays
@birdkun21 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you had happy holidays too
@applebumpcaster8240 2 жыл бұрын
these girls not just work for their company... they also created bonds with each other. it's unfortunate that some people used analytics as an excuse to abuse and harass vtubers (entertainers)
@Masi-wh7xx 2 жыл бұрын
My man bird yet again with the neat translation thank you so much for your work and I hope that haachama can be more happy from now on
@birdkun21 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope so too
@soibeans7501 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the work birdkun. Mmmmm hits hard. Hope for a brighter future
@birdkun21 2 жыл бұрын
Haachama will has a bright future!
@arturoporraz6046 2 жыл бұрын
Like Watame says. "It's not her fault at all" Coco and Fubuki showed those Analytics on their streams. So it does not have anything to do. They all have received their fair share of hate from those western taiwanese.
@HexLuna 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your subs 😭😭😭
@CyberMonkey03 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll never forgive the Chinese
@valentinedevlin 2 жыл бұрын
Kaichou is gone;-;
@runringlee8100 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry for my ignorance, but why is Haachama blaming herself again? What analytics is she talking about?
@Miguel_MEH 2 жыл бұрын
I don't remember/know all the exact details, but in short Haachama was showing her KZfaq analytics on her stream to see where the people who watch her are from and Taiwan was in that list as another country, so the audience from the CCP got mad at her. Coco stepped in, made herself a bigger target and directed most of the hate towards her. That caused her and her own content to get a lot more restrictions, which eventually made her decide to graduate and leave Hololive. This is a VERY oversimplified version of those events, but that's why she's blaming herself. Which is terrible because it was never her fault, and we never did or will blame her for that.
@HudaefCares 2 жыл бұрын
Around September last year Haachama showed her KZfaq analytics in her stream. Back then Holomem used to do this sometimes, with Subaru's 2% (or something like that) Kaigainiki viewership becoming a meme for a while. (Note: Subaru showed Taiwan in her analytics, no one cared) Chinese fanbase got angry coz Taiwan's name isn't Taiwan, (according to them) it's "Chinese Taipei". (That's the name you'll see Taiwan use in the Olympics etc) Calling them Taiwan is the same as acknowledging their independence. (Which everyone but politicians acknowledge, for political reasons) Haachama immediately issued an apology. (This is what I remember anyway) Next day, Kiryu Coco also showed her youtube analytics in her Asacoco show. Chinese fanbase got angrier with her coz they already hate her for being Pro-America, (That and her push to cater to EN speaking fans means less time for Chinese fanbase) then she 'acknowledged' Taiwan. Cover corp then issued an announcement that they suspended Haachama and Kiryu Coco for about 1 month. (Forgot the exact reason they gave) Chinese fanbase stayed angry, then Hololive Moments stepped in as their representative and made demands towards Cover corp. (Hololive Moments: They were the biggest clipper channel back then with up to 300k subs iirc. In comparison Sushi's subs were around 30k back then iirc) Basically they said: Either we (the clips, fanworks, etc made by CN fanbase) go or she (Kiryu Coco, they forgave Haachama coz "she didn't know, but Kiryu Coco absolutely did so she's unforgivable") goes. Smaller happenings went around while fans where waiting for them to come back. Fubuki indirectly showing her support for Kiryu Coco, as well as her attempts to calm down the fans. (Said things like "Believe me that believes in Cover", "If Cover ever does anything we don't like I'm gonna graduate", etc) Birdkun announcing that he will no longer support Cover, (playing into what CN antis wanted unfortunately) Newly-debuted Gura singing a song for Kaichou named "Judgement", (I don't really know that song but apparently it's from the Yakuza series or something) Hololive Moments copystriking small clippers and Cover copystriking them in turn, and Kiryu Coco's name (in kanji, the romaji is fine apparently) getting banned in Genshin. (Just in case you wonder why Hololive doesn't touch that game, that might be a contributing reason) Oh and there were reports of CN bros getting CN antis swatted, or whatever's the Chinese equivalent. A little tidbit to show that not all of those in the CN fanbase are bad people. In the end Cover and the Hololive community chose Kiryu Coco, (ofc) Cover left the Chinese market, Hololive China (yes, that was a thing) was shut down, and Cover can't play a lot of Chinese-made/friendly games. Unfortunately those CN antis are persistent as f*ck, even buying memberships to spam her, spamming any Holomem who mentions her and hiding anti-Kiryu Coco messages in fanart. Eventually KZfaq itself made a... Tool? (Sorry am boomer lol) that helps with spam (That's a big thing imo, coz KZfaq is usually sh*t) and things were starting to look better... But I guess by then Kaichou had already decided to leave Hololive. My opinion: Any claims that Kiryu Coco let herself become a target to 'take the heat off' of Haachama are false. Kaichou herself said that she stays up all night to make Asacoco, uploads it then sleeps. Less "defend my senpai!" and more "Zzz... What happened?" Sorry for the long comment. Because I typed this out on mobile my comment is probably messy so I apologize for that. Disclaimer: I told the story of what happened as detailed and nuanced as possible, but I'm only human so there are mistakes probably.
@runringlee8100 2 жыл бұрын
@@HudaefCares thank you for the input. I started following Hololive a little before EN debut. I have heard about the Taiwan-ChineseTaipei incident, but never crossed my mind that it was such a huge deal. Now I understand Haachama's regrets.
@HudaefCares 2 жыл бұрын
@@runringlee8100 Yes, some of the CN fanbase didn't like Kaichou and was looking for opportunities to cancel her. Haachama was completely blameless. And imo even if Kaichou didn't show her youtube analytics (There's a clip of it out there I think, she only said "Oh, I have viewers from Taiwan!" that's it) the exodus out of China would've happened eventually. Before shit went down I already heard rumors that Pekora stopped streaming on Bilibili coz of CN fanbase's unreasonable demands. (Translators mistranslated and said Pekora was gonna do a Bilibili-exclusive stream, she said nothing of the sort. CN fanbase wanted her to stream anyway. She stopped streaming in Bilibili) What Fubuki did was amazing. She's one of the most popular Holomem in China, and had 1m subs there iirc, but she threw it away in support of Kaichou. Aqua was used as a 'beacon of hope' for a time, (CN fanbase had this narrative of "Aqua is being held hostage by Hololive! We must save her!") but was also cancelled by them eventually. (People say that some of the spam she's getting on her channel are from former CN fans that felt 'betrayed' by her. 🙄) Tbh I was like only a few weeks in the Hololive community when this happened, but I was so supportive still and fought off the antis. I felt like a warrior that time lol.
@jjQlLlLq 2 жыл бұрын
@@HudaefCares Damn, yeah that pretty much summarizes the big points from the whole event pretty well, I'd say. Down to things like Hololive Moments, CN bros helping on defending, and CN games stopping support. Even some things there like about Subaru showing stats & the Pekora incident I didn't know at all, though it makes sense & doesn't surprise me. Thank you for writing all that. 🙏 I'll save your comment if you don't mind. Man it's been like a year since that whole stuff? It was such a long & chaotic situation. It feels like I've gone through an online World War hahah, which it technically was a war that involves people all over the world, to be fair. Antis attacking & camouflaging everywhere, Fans & the girls defending & keeping on supporting, heck who even knows who's the fan & who's the anti. And it went on for months, and months, and months. It's nice that things are going better now for all the girls after so long, and now Haachama will also join the boat of moving on.
@Wood_969 Жыл бұрын
@ErgonomicChair 2 жыл бұрын
If only Cover Corp would give a shit about thier talent, and protect their people overtop Chinese investment.
@ElliotKeaton 2 жыл бұрын
Cover doesn't have Chinese investors. All of their investors, with the exception of one company, are Japanese and the only exception is from Taiwan.
@ErgonomicChair 2 жыл бұрын
@@ElliotKeaton What the lol no? Their investment portfolio is public, theird third largest investor is Chinese, they are estimated to have 48% chinese ivnestment added to Silent Investors aka Shadopw Investors, there isn't a single $ from Taiwain. Sure must be nice when people don't call you out for randomly typing BS that's not true. But must be inconvenient when their pfinancials are public and it took me all of 40 seconds to look it up again. Do less typing, do more research. Cover Corp is nearly owned by Chinese interests atm.
@ElliotKeaton 2 жыл бұрын
@@ErgonomicChair Which one of these is Chinese? 経営陣 AT-Ⅱ投資事業有限責任組合 みずほ成長支援第2号投資事業有限責任組合 OLM 1号投資事業有限責任組合 Tokyo XR Startups株式会社 HTC Vive Investment Corp. TLM1号投資事業有限責任組合 i-nest 1号投資事業有限責任組合 HAKUHODO DY FUTURE DESIGN FUND投資事業有限責任組合 千葉道場2号投資事業有限責任組合 SMBCベンチャーキャピタル5号投資事業有限責任組合 DIMENSION投資事業有限責任組合 他個人投資家
@Ohnonoki 2 жыл бұрын
The Chinese will pay for this.
@thorn_lekoh 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats for missing the entire point 👏 And an additional award for xenophobia 🏆
@Yonatan-jv8mv 2 жыл бұрын
Stop giving the antis credit, they don't matter anymore
@cheeseball2967 2 жыл бұрын
I know I mustn't. but I am fucking resentful with them.
@yangwen-li5881 2 жыл бұрын
@@thorn_lekoh "xenophobia" lmao west Taiwan were literally the ones who caused this entire thing
@nietzchan 2 жыл бұрын
Please also remember there's also chinese kiryukai that loved her just as strong as ours, they even sent her farewell with a strong message IRL. Don't let hatred blinded you
@linkurosawa1711 2 жыл бұрын
Haachama was never to blame. All of iit lies at Coco's feet for being an impulsive fool and trying to "save" her senpai. This situation didn't need to go anywhere, everyone would be fine, Coco would be a part of Hololive still, all she had to do was not insert herself int a volatile situation.
@dirzz 2 жыл бұрын
What the fuck dude? There's not even a drop of Coco's fault in this.
@linkurosawa1711 2 жыл бұрын
@@dirzz Yes there was.
@Ett.Gammalt.Bergtroll 2 жыл бұрын
The fault lies with the West Taiwanese refusing to live in reality.
@dirzz 2 жыл бұрын
@@linkurosawa1711 she did the best she could and most variables were out of her control - be it management or antis. Only complete trash like you can say otherwise.
@linkurosawa1711 2 жыл бұрын
@@dirzz Best she could have done is stay out off it. But keep defending someone that only cares about your wallet.
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