Thenmozhi Soundararajan: The Trauma of Caste

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Harvard Business School

Harvard Business School

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@curiosity9347 11 ай бұрын
Hats Off To U Mam! U R A Great Inspiration For Oppressed Classes Esp. Dalits (Historical Untouchables Of India)🙏 Jai Bhim🙏
@sultanbhai999 Жыл бұрын
Good work sister
@Vssk7 Жыл бұрын
Shame on Harvard for calling a Propagandist! Atleast do some background check yourself.
@user-my9kj6gq5v 11 ай бұрын
Listening to this i wonder if caste is becoming a new religion for some, a cause filled with self righteousness as much as genuine concern? Thenmozhi (love that name!) talks about the extensive "research" she has done documenting caste based discrimination in American academic and professional life.. Are these "studies' truly objective, or are they already primed to make a point? To the jaundiced eye the world is always yellow as the saying goes !! It's really difficult for such people to see the inherent value of hierarchy in human society, which mimics nature.. Until we understand why this is so we will all remain rebels, with or without a cause! This is not to belittle her concerns or her responses to them. But it seems to stem from a place of fear, pain and prejudice - the very demons that she is setting out to fight through her cause! The oppressed and the opressor are not different after all, only two sides of the same human face !! But she gotta do what she gotta do.. So good luck girl to you !! One last thing - where from on earth ,Thenmozhi, did you get this idea that there is a 'genocidal project' underway in India presently ? 😮 Seriously, you should visit india more often .. After all its the land of your ancestors, even though you believe they were not treated well, or as well as you would have liked! It is possibly the only country in the world where such incredible diversity (of caste, creed, color, culture, community) can co-exist amicably for the most part without hindering daily life for most people, which is saying a lot really .. But don't take my word for it.. Come see for yourself ! :)
@dh00mketu Жыл бұрын
Nice to see Christians teaching caste to the world.
@kalgandikota7075 Жыл бұрын
Your comment is indicative of the fact that you compartmentalize demographics and specify work for them to do and not to do. You seem to resist the change because it appears to dismantle your status quo, not because that change is harmful to humanity as a whole. You see, this is precisely what she mentioned in the video about the conditioning of the nervous system (starting at 7:01), which is rephrased as follows: While many people are accustomed to viewing exclusionary systems through political and economic lenses, we must also recognize the intergenerational harm and trauma they perpetuate. Engaging with systems of exclusion requires changing not only laws to combat discrimination but also transforming the hearts, minds, and conditioning of both the oppressed and the privileged. Otherwise, we will inadvertently perpetuate these systems, irrespective of our intentions. I am not affiliated with any religion. Indian Christians place a strong emphasis on the English language proficiency. Therefore, they willingly invest their time and efforts in teaching English, both at home and within their churches, even to their own children similar to how Hindu Brahmins teach their young Sanskrit language. Consequently, an English-speaking young Indian Christian woman of dalit origin is able to step forward and shed light on caste discrimination. Christianity, as a religion, delves deeply into the oppression of religious zealots leading to the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, which occurred as a result of challenging religious bigots of that time. As a result, the majority of Christians possess the capacity to readily advocate for social change and confront oppressive systems and practices, addressing them head-on because of their awareness of discrimination being equipped with essential intellectual tools, perspectives, and a repertoire that encompasses empathy, compassion, forgiveness, justice, equality, and the inherent dignity of all sentient beings (often referred to as "born-again" individuals). The comment you mentioned appears to mockingly highlight the perceived irony or contradiction of Christians being involved in resistance against the caste system. The comment seems to imply that the involvement of Christians in the fight against caste discrimination may be unexpected or contrary to the historical association of certain religious groups with the perpetuation of caste. However, it is essential to approach these discussions with respect and understanding, acknowledging that individuals can challenge and work to dismantle oppressive systems regardless of their religious affiliation. Thus, not just Christians, there have been many from different religious, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds who have contributed to the fight against caste-based oppression like Buddha, Nandanar, Thiruvalluvar, Guru Gorakhnath, Akka Mahadevi, Merabai, Guru Nanak, Sant Kabir, Sant Ravi dass, Basava, Chokamela, Shirdi Sai, Sant Tukaram, Yogi Vemana, Namdev, Vallabhacharya etc. Also, during colonial rule, there are many instances in history where individuals from Christian, Sikh and Muslim communities have supported Hindus in various ways to alleviate caste oppression. 1. During the Indian independence movement, leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, who was influenced by his interactions with Christians and Muslims, advocated for Hindu-Muslim unity and fought against British colonial rule. Do you remember how the Gandhi movie starts with Mahatma Gandhi telling the porter about what’s written in Christian Bible? Also, a Christian preacher always comes to his help while Gandhi was in South Africa because he sees Gandhi as someone who is inclusive. 2. In the 19th century, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, a prominent social reformer and founder of the Brahmo Samaj movement, worked alongside Christian missionaries to combat social issues such as sati (widow burning), child marriage, and the caste system. 3. The Bhakti movement, which emerged in medieval India, saw interactions between Hindus and Muslims. Prominent Bhakti saints like Kabir and Guru Nanak Dev emphasized religious harmony and unity among different communities. 4. During times of communal tensions and violence, there have been instances where individuals from Christian and Muslim communities have protected and provided shelter to Hindus, ensuring their safety and well-being. 5. In the field of education and social work, Christian missionaries established schools, colleges, and hospitals that catered to people from all religious backgrounds, including Hindus. These institutions played a crucial role in providing education and healthcare services to the Indian population. 6. Parsis also played a role in the progressive social movements and industrial revolution leading to the social modernization of India which indirectly alleviated caste discrimination to a great extent. Though I understand your frustration, I find your wordings repulsive, agitating and dangerous. As a match-stick sets forest trees on fire and char them and those amongst them and around them, I urge you not to be frustrated, to be humble, compassionate yet cautious, wise and impartial in their judgments. In a democracy, you have the right to refute or dissent against anything or anyone, but it is important not to resort to repulsive language or insults, just as others should refrain from insulting you. Isn't it better that we engage in peaceful exchanges of thoughts and beliefs, demonstrating patience, respect, and dignity? When people are convinced by our arguments, they become allies, and even if they remain unconvinced, we may still have plausible friends on the other side who do not wish harm upon anyone. Resorting to irrational comments and behaviors will only tarnish the respect and reputation of South Asians within the international community. Let’s give chance to the lady who appears to be speaking from her experiences describing her trauma of caste discrimination. Patriarchal mindset of aristocratic caste discrimination is linked to women oppression, including women objectification. In the information age, such a mind-set is backfiring again and again, bringing bad name to not just Colored Asian countries as a whole but also disdain to the men of those countries as lowly creatures among the men of all other races and ethnicities around the world. Hope desis and pravisis just learn to evolve in the rule-based-orders of the developed countries for a sustainable humanity on the planet and may be on other celestial bodies too. You see, at the beginning of 20th century, Chinese had similar patriarchial social structures as Indians. However, by the end of 20th century, nobody cares about what discriminations Chinese had 100 years ago. Similarly, fewer discriminations in the Indian communities is better for all South Asians around the world. The generalizations of religion, race, language, region, direction of region(N/S/E/W), last name, caste, tribe, sect, clan, cult, creed, political ideologies, pincode, gender (man, woman, LGBT), food habits (veg, non-veg, beef, pork), skin-color, hair-color, eye-color, gender (women including LGBTQ), media, NGO, business, any Government institution, dress habits(burqa, hijab, beard, topi, goonghat, gown/cross, Indigo/White/black, prune head/long hair/short hair, suit, boot, saadi, skirt, mini, short, doti, pant, digambar etc.), exercise habits(yoga, golf, cricket, badminton, gym etc.) etc...Aren’t animals better than us? I ask everybody in USA ( and the world): 1. Deep down in your heart, would you be willing to accept anything less for your services, for your taxes without being afraid in the villages, towns, cities, states or countries where you live in right now? 2. Deep down in your heart, would you be willing to accept anything less in the future of your children and grandchildren and their grand-children and so on…deep down in your heart? If your answer to the above two questions is “No to yourself” but “Yes to others”…then please realize we are all rocking the same boat and we will all drown one day. Since our childhood, we are often compelled to focus on the past achievements of religious and political figures. Children and Youth must only be taught to learn factual history so they use present to make better decisions for future. If you analyze and observe, the nations that are transitioning from the status of third-world to developing to developed nations have similar ways of life and they do not follow their religions verbatim though they strive to defend the same for political and economic gains. Just upgrading economic reforms and relaxing FDI laws won’t help achieve development. Besides Economic reforms, any nation needs waves of social and cultural reforms in parallel to catch up with China, USA, SK, Japan, Taiwan or other developed nations. Many nations of South Asia carrying the weight of their bygone colonial history, had waves of social and cultural reforms pre-independence to unite their peoples against colonial rule. However after Independence, the social and cultural change has been rather slow in those nations. Many countries still struggle to shake off the colonial mindset that’s being passed down from one generation to the next. India finally getting to an equal economic status with China (or USA) will not happen without significant social, cultural and scientific reforms. Concluding, despite our different locations, we are able to communicate here because we both have high-speed internet connections. However, what about those in South Asia who lack access to electricity and the internet, especially those residing in small towns and villages whose voices remain unheard?
@dh00mketu Жыл бұрын
@@kalgandikota7075 Really?? You want to tell me what happened in Canadian missionary schools or Goa inquisition?
@Vssk7 Жыл бұрын
@@kalgandikota7075 Firstly Thenmozhi lost her credibility as an “activist” after her connections to Soros was exposed. She has also previously mentioned( now deleted) ISI and Khalistani names as donors in her previously run organisation and later found Equality Labs. Today’s India doesn’t need to hear rubbish caste lectures from con artists born in US, sitting in US where there is no issue of caste discrimination. People don’t have time for this bullshit in America. Indians move to America to live American dream. And about the History of India as we know is slowly and gradually becoming irrelevant with new archaeological evidences being brought to the forefront especially after the new found spirit of rediscovering Ancient India. Availability of online books and National Archives has made it possible for general public to avail historical records and information of those historians that were considered inconsequential from the time after India’s Independence. If Mahatma Gandhi was such an honourable peaceful leader then why was he never awarded Nobel Peace Prize even after being nominated twice..!! There is a lot of history kept from Indians. Congress leaders and the fake Gandhi Family haven’t even demanded Nobel Peace Prize for him since India lost him but they would rather waste their energy accusing Veer Sawarkar who has been cleared of all charges multiple times by Supreme Court of India. The History of India is no more in control of autocratic Congress leadership AND Marxist historians which in itself is a victory for India. And It’s not even a caste matter but Jati Varna. The word caste was introduced by the Britishers carried forward by legislators of India after Independence. Yes there is Jati Varna issue in India and it is spread across the country like a disease but it can be cured only with education and quality discussions in classrooms of every school. It will take time for this to happen as we are a huge population of 1.4 billion. But I have faith in the youth of our country and current government’s commitment to make India a Golden Bird again in terms of Human Development Indicators, Education, Economic growth and Development.
@lemonlimelukey 10 ай бұрын
very very important topic that needs to be further examined and paralleled. the fact that she was censored by insecure man-oids at google says it all.
@Vssk7 Жыл бұрын
Can’t believe she is making up words such as Caste Equity to sound cool, relevant and give it a similar colour as of woke DEI
@Vssk7 Жыл бұрын
Race is not same as Jati Varna. You can’t convert to another race but you can move up or down economically which is what Varna and Jati are about and their interpretations across India..
@mananagarwal7002 7 ай бұрын
The point was to end discrimination, not replace it with different discrimination.
@citizenearth71 Жыл бұрын
8:47 She calls what's happening in India currently the "building, rising ethno-nationalism" and a "huge genocidal project". Not democracy. Not fair elections. Interesting. Would also love to hear the perspective of The Esteemed President of India - Droupadi Murmu.
@kalgandikota7075 Жыл бұрын
You opened few vectors in your comment above, let's just pick one. You see Hon'ble President of India Droupadi Murmu is actually Native East Indian aka tribal. Her predecessor Hon'ble President Ram Nath Kovind was a dalit. There are several Tribal candidates who are more deserving of the position of the President of India. I often find myself pondering why only Smt. Droupadi Murmu, who cannot express herself independently or eloquently in English or even Hindi, has been elected as the President of India by the Indian elected representatives at the national and the state level. Is her lack of expression and freewill, the reason for her nomination and also selection? She is not fluent or confident in English or Hindi, which are widely used languages in India and abroad. She faces difficulties in communicating effectively with local and international leaders, diplomats, media, and citizens. She also apparently faces challenges in understanding and dealing with complex issues and policies that require a good command of language and probably that could be the reason for recent clashes in Manipur, West Bengal, Punjab to name a few. That said, I am not associated with any religion, caste, sect, tribe, language, political ideologies, food habits, dress habits, and so on.
@dh00mketu Жыл бұрын
@@kalgandikota7075 you seem to be very active in dark politics. Do you have a real name or identity.
@yj9032 Жыл бұрын
Murmu is a puppet 😂
@Vssk7 Жыл бұрын
What nonsense analogy! Basically so you are putting the blame of inhuman Bengal election violence caused by Mamta Bannerjee’s TMC workers on Murmu???!! Woww amazing logic
@Vssk7 Жыл бұрын
And as far as Manipur violence, there is more to it than meets the eye! Who is providing weapons to the Kuki and Naga militias? Obviously China and Myanmar. Illegal migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh have disguised themselves as tribals, & scattered settled in over 3000 villages illegally in mountainous regions of Manipur. They have been growing poppy for opium used as drugs. There is a recent audit report by the Manipur government that proves this. The current government’s multiple confiscation of drugs and peddlers in the region had irked all those involved in the Drug Cartel. Poor Meitis are allowed to live on only about 10% land since the time of the British whereas they had allowed Nagas and Kukies to take over 90 percent mountain belt. The successive Congress governments at the centre and State government of Manipur didn’t take enough action to sort this matter out. This whole matter cannot be blamed on the President of India because she can’t speak Hindi or English. There should be free hand given to the army so that they can control the violence.
@krishnanasr4821 11 ай бұрын
Come to Indian institutions, you have 50% reservations for you! 68% if you are in TN. Please leave US and come back to India!
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