Has Democracy ever existed in HK under British colonial rule?英国学者:回归前的香港有民主吗?Martin Jacques

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5 жыл бұрын

Subscribe to our KZfaq channel. Tune in every morning at 8:00am Beijing Time for British Economist Martin Jacques.
During 155 years of British colonialist rule, there was no sign of democracy ever talked by British. Hong Kong was prosperous because it was the only connection between the whole China and the outside world. This was an opportunity for Hong Kong as well as the falling reason for Hong Kong.

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@chinacontentcenter 5 жыл бұрын
Then, what exactly does democracy mean? Check these videos out. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/iZmmaZijprCup3U.html 【Transcript】Has Democracy Ever Existed in HK Under British Colonial Rule? | Martin Jacques medium.com/@guanvideo/has-democracy-ever-existed-in-hk-under-british-colonial-rule-martin-jacques-ec212fe7a4d9?source=friends_link&sk=e032f759411b2e2d5a5207c1d32c28f6
@ambrosianas7505 5 жыл бұрын
Guan Video观视频工作室 只有选举,没有选择就是美式民主!
@jimmychoo1661 5 жыл бұрын
HongKongers should join the Dalai Lama cliques in India. Very free country where you can pee and shit every where. Freedom, Democracy, free speech and opium is everywhere and cheap.
@marcoliao1973 5 жыл бұрын
jimmy poo
@iamyoda7917 4 жыл бұрын
Shut the music and re-upload this video.
@YaoCeramic 4 жыл бұрын
Guan Video观视频工作室 你这几乎是一天0.1万的订阅量啊,赞👍加油
@MightySteve001 5 жыл бұрын
I always admired Martin Jacques for his insight about China. He deserve more recognition. Hong Kong has no future without the mainland.
@UKkenny 5 жыл бұрын
i agree totally , HK depends on China for its food / water and economy ..hasn't even got its own army . the nearest is the police force which they keep bashing !!!
@ivyonic 5 жыл бұрын
He is so WRONG!! The reason why Hong Kong was prosperous was not of China!! It was because Hong Kong’s location and got very awesome transportation. People around the world could travel through Flights and Ships easily to Hong Kong. Hong Kong was prosperous since the mid 1970s. At that time, ICAC was found for Anti-Corruption and business people around the world believed that they could put in their trust in Hong Kong. Even in terms of entertainment / fashion industry, Hong Kong got influenced from Japan, Britain and the United States. Hong Kong people could enjoy Sushi a lot earlier than the people in Mainland China. China’s prosperous time was in 2000s. But before that, Hong Kong had donated a lot of clothes, food and money to China after China experienced catastrophes (such as earthquakes and floods). Most people in Hong Kong feel that the Hong Kong is doing a poor job is because it’s packed everywhere including hospitals, it’s pharmacies and jewelry shops everywhere when Hong Kong government allows too much visitors from Mainland. And it’s getting harder for the young people to get a house and they notice the new immigrants from China could actually own the houses much sooner so they feel hopeless. I want to explain that sometimes it’s just the Hong Kong people are seeing the HK government’s doing terrible job so they protest by walking and ask the governors to step down. Sometimes it has nothing to do with China’s government or people living in China. So people in China really don’t have to be over-sensitive whenever they protest.
@yvettecowley873 5 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic very good analysis but it is also true that hkong's market could be diversified as china gains more economic power worldwide. The fact that china is now the NO 2 in terms of GDP opens more markets to hkong. Consider this point as well although i agree with what you said.
@lunarmaremare3990 5 жыл бұрын
@@jackyyoyo2005 for sure hong kong wouldnt be free at least 50 yrs.🤣🤣🤣🤣
@zxy880329 5 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic lol u didn't graduate high school did u ?
@johnnyyin406 5 жыл бұрын
He has some very interesting points about HK. I strongly agreed with him on "circumstance changed, no Universal Sufferage." Time changed, thinking will be different. Anyway, still wish HK people well. Good Luck HK.
@user-pp1bq5rl3t 5 жыл бұрын
I watched this same interview somewhere before. Just clicked to watched again for support. Such thorough and in-depth knowledge and understanding about China/HK should deserve much more views.
@bz2316 5 жыл бұрын
As I am a people of HK in my 60s, and was born in HK, I fully agree with what Mr. Maartin Jacques said, I have seen all these. Thank you to my mother land" China"!
@ivyonic 5 жыл бұрын
bz2316 是的,英國🇬🇧是沒有給香港人很多民主自由,但是香港有保持社會廉潔的廉正公署,所有人都不需有任何避忌去講或批評任何東西(包括香港政府),如果你自己去看看google images search for “Hong Kong June Fourth Protest”, 以前香港人因為看了天安門的大學生只是為了「反貪污」就已經被坦克車處理掉了,香港人遊行示威為平反六四和有音樂會紀念捐款活動都可以和平的進行,警察和平的維持秩序,以前香港人常常遊行抗議加價,政府人員是會出來收信的,警察真的和新紥師兄的梁潮偉一樣廉潔自律受歡迎可信賴的。其實你可以看到香港人有不斷的捐款救災的,很愛中國的,只是對共產制度有些憂慮,不竟香港有很多從中國偷渡來的,以往中國有很多批鬥而令有些失去親人、藝術作品、財產 - 見過鬼是會怕黑的會有陰影的, 他們清楚知道言論無自由和有自由的分別。你看看現在2014的雨傘運動和今次為要求撤回送中法案的遊行,他們只是害怕失去言論自由,那些遊行示威者極大部分都只是穿著黑衣拿著雨傘行行企企和靜坐,你看看政府已經説他們是暴徒,夾雜在中間的警察已經放橡膠子彈和催淚彈去鎮壓示威者了,警察已經不理是記者或老人家或女人或只是經過的都很無理的暴力對待了。其實香港人也看去中國玩、做生意的,但是中國沒有KZfaq,Facebook,言論自由,就算大灣區有多漂亮,很多香港人也不願去。其實很多香港人並不是想要港獨,有些只是要求香港政府體量一下,讓他們繼續有言論自由到2046年,而不是什麼也不願面對,只是找警察甚至白衫的黑社會人士去打壓他們!
@ivyonic 5 жыл бұрын
He is so WRONG!! The reason why Hong Kong was prosperous was not of China!! It was because Hong Kong’s location and got very awesome transportation. People around the world could travel through Flights and Ships easily to Hong Kong. Hong Kong was prosperous since the mid 1970s. At that time, ICAC was found for Anti-Corruption and business people around the world believed that they could put in their trust in Hong Kong. Even in terms of entertainment / fashion industry, Hong Kong got influenced from Japan, Britain and the United States. Hong Kong people could enjoy Sushi a lot earlier than the people in Mainland China. China’s prosperous time was in 2000s. But before that, Hong Kong had donated a lot of clothes, food and money to China after China experienced catastrophes (such as earthquakes and floods). Most people in Hong Kong feel that the Hong Kong is doing a poor job is because it’s packed everywhere including hospitals, it’s pharmacies and jewelry shops everywhere when Hong Kong government allows too much visitors from Mainland. And it’s getting harder for the young people to get a house and they notice the new immigrants from China could actually own the houses much sooner so they feel hopeless. I want to explain that sometimes it’s just the Hong Kong people are seeing the HK government’s doing terrible job so they protest by walking and ask the governors to step down. Sometimes it has nothing to do with China’s government or people living in China. So people in China really don’t have to be over-sensitive whenever they protest.
@edwardsuen 5 жыл бұрын
I am also one of the 60s, I second your opinion.
@RED--01 5 жыл бұрын
SFresident omg..here comes the experts.
@yuejinli5733 5 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic 你说的六四坦克车碾压学生,这是谣言。现代社会谣言更容易蛊惑很多不明真相的人。请在获得确凿的证据前不要随便发表评论。香港现在是“高度自治”,人民的权利比英国统治时期要好得多。如果按当初回归时中国政府的承诺:保持香港现有的制度不变,那就应该民主,选举权不给香港人,总督由大陆任命(像当年英国一样)。那样香港可能就不会有今天这么乱了,因为香港人只能当顺民了。大陆给了香港那么多优越条件,可是香港天天在攻击,抱怨大陆。很多香港人骨子里就不认自己的祖国。就拿送中条例来说,中国与世界许多国家都有引渡条例,这是国际惯例。罪犯须满足在香港和中国都是犯罪,才可引渡。这是非常合情合理的事情。可是香港人却产生那么大反弹,宁可让罪犯在香港逍遥法外,也不愿引渡中国。骨子里就是反中。
@HiggsBoson2149 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant speech. I never liked politics much nor did I really understand it. But this professor not only makes his ideas easy to understand, but actually enjoyable to listen to.
@ivyonic 5 жыл бұрын
He is so WRONG!! The reason why Hong Kong was prosperous was not of China!! It was because Hong Kong’s location and got very awesome transportation. People around the world could travel through Flights and Ships easily to Hong Kong. Hong Kong was prosperous since the mid 1970s. At that time, ICAC was found for Anti-Corruption and business people around the world believed that they could put in their trust in Hong Kong. Even in terms of entertainment / fashion industry, Hong Kong got influenced from Japan, Britain and the United States. Hong Kong people could enjoy Sushi a lot earlier than the people in Mainland China. China’s prosperous time was in 2000s. But before that, Hong Kong had donated a lot of clothes, food and money to China after China experienced catastrophes (such as earthquakes and floods). Most people in Hong Kong feel that the Hong Kong is doing a poor job is because it’s packed everywhere including hospitals, it’s pharmacies and jewelry shops everywhere when Hong Kong government allows too much visitors from Mainland. And it’s getting harder for the young people to get a house and they notice the new immigrants from China could actually own the houses much sooner so they feel hopeless. I want to explain that sometimes it’s just the Hong Kong people are seeing the HK government’s doing terrible job so they protest by walking and ask the governors to step down. Sometimes it has nothing to do with China’s government or people living in China. So people in China really don’t have to be over-sensitive whenever they protest.
@freddyguo8602 4 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic If he is so wrong and you are so right, and Hongkong's prosperous is attributed to the good location and awesome transportation, Hong Kong should be still developing very fast. Cause the good location never changed. And I don't think the Hong Kong government was intended to slow down its economy, right?
@Sapientia-hs8xx 4 жыл бұрын
This is an honest analysis. Any article/ book, written by him on this topic? Britain has created a lot of mess in different parts of the World!
@dramastone7672 4 жыл бұрын
Martin Jacques is the author of When China Rules the World, which explains the historical reason for China's rise. The book is not an advocacy of Chinese authoritarianism, but rather an explanation of why the authoritarian political system worked in developing countries like China. It provides a unique aspect that is totally different from the mainstream media. Good to read.
@Sapientia-hs8xx 4 жыл бұрын
Dramastone thanks for the information! I look forward to reading his book.
@merrywebster3623 4 жыл бұрын
kzfaq.info/get/bejne/n9OYiNB92dK-oKs.html One on TED, impressive.
@franciswtng 5 жыл бұрын
Basically one of the very best videos I have ever watched on KZfaq. Thank you, sir.
@cslee7114 5 жыл бұрын
Well said sir.. Very matter of fact perspective which I totally agree. The tides has changed
@yjia7396 4 жыл бұрын
rightful insight
@khaitsae 5 жыл бұрын
I have listened to multiple interviews of Martin Jacques, I find his perspectives to be unbiased and sensible.
@r.a.8618 5 жыл бұрын
說得好。很想給那些還在遊行示威的弱智人士們看看。 我是90後香港人,很可惜跟我同年代香港人幾乎沒人懂這些道理。跟他們說,他們也聽不入耳。他們明明自己是中國人,偏要說自己不是,十分可悲,這是殖民統治留下的惡果。西方國家對多少地方實行殖民統治後再讓其民主獨立?這些國家99%到現在還是亂七八糟,原因只有一個,就是分化。 香港必須靠中國富,能有機會配合中國發展大灣區,那是其他地區的中國城市夢寐以求也得不到的機遇,愚蠢天真無知的同輩們竟然說成是中國插手香港事務,所有跟中國有關的政策什麼都要不顧一切的去反對,結果是香港不只是停滯不前,更是開始向後倒退。
@abdeenn3 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant as always! I hope Martin can open up many of the Hong Kong people eyes and see the real truth. Thank you Sir!
@Ermera76 5 жыл бұрын
By definition colonialism means exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one; the use of the weaker country’s resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country. It’s just simply bad. Think again. Greetings from Indonesia 🇮🇩, (300 years of Dutch colonialism).
@user-zr7lo9nb3l 5 жыл бұрын
A brilliant insight into HK's problems! Marvellous!
@nancypoopongpaibul5642 5 жыл бұрын
A brilliant explanation and deep understanding of situations in Hong Kong. Thank you for sharing your honest and valuable opinions
@e.t1031 4 жыл бұрын
This man's voice needs to be heard by more people
@Mrright-je7rc 5 жыл бұрын
@kunlunOB 5 жыл бұрын
@LokeKS 5 жыл бұрын
@jetxie432 4 жыл бұрын
@herawei7974 4 жыл бұрын
@pcstar123 5 жыл бұрын
It takes a British to tell the Britain's hypocrisy! I fully concur with Martin's insights and his criticism of China, HK is encumbered by its past glory, that was the result of its luck being the "front office", and the only "Gate" to the West when China was cut off, not its smirk people! The "one-country-two-system" has frozen HK's system, the only change seems to be in the direction of "democracy" as if that is the fix-all solution! Martin is right, HK must move now towards one-country-one-system, it's not like HK is going to magically integrated into China in 2047! And I might add, China should start with fixing the education curriculum to rid of the colonial elements and start to educate properly the future generation in HK!
@ricklim5938 5 жыл бұрын
Also it takes a foreigner to understand HK more than their locals, HK people should really wake up and see the truth, if China were to abandon HK then it will truly be the end of HK.
@ulerkadut8582 5 жыл бұрын
and when u said china should start from education. hongkongers come out and protest that china is eliminating hongkongers, their culture and cantonese....
@chuasc1356 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant insightful and objective analysis indeed
@misslisahorse 5 жыл бұрын
@TonyWang62 4 жыл бұрын
@teebanhoe5826 5 жыл бұрын
Hongkong people were jst proud n then arrogant. They thought of themselves as the Best of the Elites. Their arrogance create the chaos of today.
@freddyguo8602 4 жыл бұрын
@Sigma Geranimo Yeah that assures those like the 'Brexit' bullshit never happens in China.
@tommychan4142 5 жыл бұрын
at last .. someone other than myself who truly understands the truth so listen and learn ppl.
@tanglancelot9233 5 жыл бұрын
We, Chinese, will continue to work our way through towards prosperity. As for Hongkong, it's getting irrelevant. Same to those western countries, we stress political reform and we mean it. We will not slow down and wait for the west to realize their political system also needs dramatical reform, maybe even badly than ours.
@nickiseb8910 5 жыл бұрын
Explain.Why do you copy the west for more than 30 years now ...and still do. Was Mao better ? The Pol Pot regime you kept alive ?
@tanglancelot9233 5 жыл бұрын
@@nickiseb8910 I am not sure if you have watched Martin Jacques' series presentation. There are quite a few in KZfaq. If you said Chinese government has learnt a lot from the west, and by that you have to insist it's copying, fine. Martin has explained anyway.
@codeagent47 5 жыл бұрын
Very good analysis! Martin Jacques provided another critical analysis on Hong Kong and China!
@jameskoh2945 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent insight from Martin Jacques... I absolutely agree. Hong Kong would be a fool if it does not look towards China and be integrated with China. What can Hong Kong do in terms of world economic progress compared to China.... 1400 million vs 7.5 million... like a train vs a bullock cart. It's better for Hong Kong to get on the China's bandwagon and prosper together with China. Going it alone in an independent way is stupid.
@kevinodom2918 5 жыл бұрын
Hong Kong’s been way more advanced and ahead of China for near a century. HK people don’t want to be arrested in the middle of the night because they protested etc. They also don’t want to worry about their economy collapsing if China’s does. China makes some Risky crazy and untried moves w it’s economy. The US nearly collapsed because of real estate and China’s building huge ghost cities where nobody lives to keep up their gdp. That seems super risky to me, somehow eventually things like that can one day catch up to you .
@mantapdjiwa9768 5 жыл бұрын
@@kevinodom2918 your ghost town story is debunked already, go visit one of the ghost city now, lol.
@hughcheung5426 5 жыл бұрын
I think it’s HK own choice too choose their own transportation like you have nicely put out. I don’t totally agree with what you are saying because not all Chinese provinces and cities are like Shenzhen, Shanghai etc. Martin Jacques explained it well and it’s his point of view what’s his right. But he is mostly talking about the economy. You are all agreeing with him because it’s true to fuel your own thoughts that HK is bad without China. Does anyone brought a solution except integrating the HK people like xinjiang? You can compare the situation with a divorced couple and a kid. What’s the best for kid, it’s like one of the parents is forcing the kid.
@mathewtkhongsai10 5 жыл бұрын
Great thinker Martin Jacques
@nickeldime1691 4 жыл бұрын
well said, people need to understand the history, which I believe alot of HK people do not understand.
@9064peterpan 5 жыл бұрын
As a Hong Konger who has lived in HK for more decades than most, pre and post 1997, here's my two cents : Freedom . I continue to feel as free as a bird. Democracy. We may not have full democracy but certainly more democracy now than under British colonial rule. Freedom of speech. I can criticize the HK Government, the CCP ad nauseam without getting arrested. Oppression. We are not oppressed. Come see for yourself. We are actually doing quite well under One Country Two Systems, if not for the agitators who continue to riot in our streets. They are supposed to be protesting against the Extradition Bill, but this has already been described as 'dead' by our CEO Carrie Lam, after massive protests. Do remember why the bill was proposed in the first place, and how it has been described by Grenville Cross, former Director of Public Prosecution of HK, as necessary for HK, otherwise HK will become a haven for criminals. The outrageous price of HK property need to be resolved by the HK Government but this cannot be done overnight. Otherwise the future for HK's youth do look bleak and they will remain resentful.
@jasonp500 5 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with the part that Hong Kong would "become" the heaven of criminal. Hong Kong would maintain the status of the heaven of criminal. Apart from this, I mostly agree until 22nd of July, which two groups of people were fighting in the MTR station of Yuen Long. It was shocking to me that the group of people who wore white shirt chases and beat the group of people who wore black shirt. Passengers on the train on Yuen Long station was also beaten up, despite not wearing black shirt and was not involved in the conflict between the group of white-shirts and black-shirts. That is triad act. Mass fighting in public; illegal assemble in public; they commited a lot of crimes. However, insufficient police force arrived to seperate the groups and arrest them. Moreover, some people in other videos claimed that the black-shirts deserve to be beaten up and none of the passengers were injured. However, the claim have not been proved and there were people that was not bewn involved in this conflict injured. Evidences have shown that the white-shirts and the black-shirts are opposite in political views. This, along with the previous events, made me worry that our freedom of speech and freedom of free of fear will be lost. It is not by legal sense, but cyber bullying have got worse.
@9064peterpan 5 жыл бұрын
@@dlareg7201 Sorry to disappoint you but I have nothing to do with the CCP. Try not to jump to conclusion.
@9064peterpan 5 жыл бұрын
@@jasonp500 Haven not heaven.
@josephloh1506 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant comments, truthful
@jimmychow9092 5 жыл бұрын
By luck, fools believe what he said. That unlucky for those fools.
@user-hz3cx1mf5n 5 жыл бұрын
A respectable scholar
@huamuili9465 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Martin! Your honest presentation of facts about Hong Kong is much appreciated.
@sun1st 5 жыл бұрын
So so true. HK has mainland backing Should take advantage of the one country two systems n move forward.. HK wake up. UK n America wouldn't give you the helping hand. If you think they will, than wait long long or you can cry father cry mother see any rescue from west beside your Uncle Chin. That's the hard truth...
@kfcfan 5 жыл бұрын
Insightful, straight to the point. Brilliant interview.
@kamwaichan8048 5 жыл бұрын
Very well presented, Martin I think the Chinese government should award you a medal of honour. If the UK government was so concerned about Hong Kong citizens, then they should have given the Hong Kong citizens the right to remain in the UK, just like the Portuguese government has given the Macau citizens the right to remain in Portugal and most of all the Macau citizens remain living in Macau 🤗🤗🤗
@demic7168 4 жыл бұрын
Kamwai Chan Definitely ture. It just indicates the british hypocrisy. Actions should speak louder than words.
@MegaLouLuo 5 жыл бұрын
true scholar, stay true to facts not to interest.
@user-xe8vu2xq3k 5 жыл бұрын
@oiyincheng5248 5 жыл бұрын
說得理智丶講得有理。說得非常有道理。非常感謝你真誠勇敢說出事實... 帶來正能量正面看正面想法來跟大家分享。。。
@sohweekian 5 жыл бұрын
Very Holistic Overall Summary, and in every sense very factual and truthful! Good Work!
@wanghang7315 5 жыл бұрын
Agree, Pure lucky. If Hong Kong people were smart they wouldn't be fooled by the western media so easily.
@Lotus.F 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, they will always think colonial British rule is always better because they are ignorant to the point of no return. China is the future and the future for the Hong Kong people but too ignorant to understand. Sad...
@leetan3306 5 жыл бұрын
Very true! Spot on!! I live in UK. It’s in a shamble at the moment. Knife crimes, drugs, homelessness. The rich are getting richer. A mini America, where 100m Americans live pay check to pay check. Looks good on the surface- that’s what democracy is about here. Look close and it is predatory capitalism at work, millionaire or billionaire is not good enough, trillionaire is what some greedy lot aspire to become.
@kevinodom2918 5 жыл бұрын
Tan: why don’t you move to China? Guarantee you want . I know media is full of it but China is turning into and really been a police state . A credit system that judges you on your behavior? Sounds nice but who makes the rules and the abuse and insanity that will come of this will not be fun to watch if you live there Uk and America is a mess right now but if I left China would be about a 1000 on my list of places to move to. I hope they’re successful and it all works out but I wouldn’t bet my life on it
@ulerkadut8582 5 жыл бұрын
thats why... hongkong tycoon can maintain their wealth while the poor getting poorer
@oneplanetearth 5 жыл бұрын
@kioyleafcn1926 5 жыл бұрын
@user-up2yf9zg1r 5 жыл бұрын
@viclyn7886 5 жыл бұрын
@ramophdew9431 5 жыл бұрын
@user-hz3cx1mf5n 5 жыл бұрын
@terrycheung5089 5 жыл бұрын
@tommyz0123 5 жыл бұрын
Someone who knows history spoke the truth.
@wowotou 5 жыл бұрын
@orangekeita 5 жыл бұрын
@pcstar123 5 жыл бұрын
@wowotou 5 жыл бұрын
@@pcstar123 其实大多数香港人还是很好的,主要是些年轻人太容易被蛊惑了。
@shichangwang888 5 жыл бұрын
@@wowotou 脑子问题,救不了
@pcstar123 5 жыл бұрын
@@wowotou 其實所有族群中絕大多數都是好的,他們就是壞的比其他人多一些! 我並無抹黑所有人的意思,只是做個比較!
@MrWakawaka90 5 жыл бұрын
非常喜欢这个访谈,但想给团队一个建议……其实可以考虑把bgm拿掉,让观众可以专注在受访者的言谈上,而且这种bgm有点cheap 马来西亚华人给予支持!
@shengchuangfeng227 5 жыл бұрын
@herawei7974 4 жыл бұрын
@1234513248 4 жыл бұрын
@chuenyeelau 5 жыл бұрын
All TRUTH to the last statement! I witnessed his keen observations. Hong Kong is still in the deep trance of colonization!
@davidlu5356 5 жыл бұрын
brilliant views and thank you for the candid and honesty!
@bennyxu5100 5 жыл бұрын
the best analysis of hk on youtube
@ivyonic 5 жыл бұрын
He is so WRONG!! The reason why Hong Kong was prosperous was not of China!! It was because Hong Kong’s location and got very awesome transportation. People around the world could travel through Flights and Ships easily to Hong Kong. Hong Kong was prosperous since the mid 1970s. At that time, ICAC was found for Anti-Corruption and business people around the world believed that they could put in their trust in Hong Kong. Even in terms of entertainment / fashion industry, Hong Kong got influenced from Japan, Britain and the United States. Hong Kong people could enjoy Sushi a lot earlier than the people in Mainland China. China’s prosperous time was in 2000s. But before that, Hong Kong had donated a lot of clothes, food and money to China after China experienced catastrophes (such as earthquakes and floods). Most people in Hong Kong feel that the Hong Kong is doing a poor job is because it’s packed everywhere including hospitals, it’s pharmacies and jewelry shops everywhere when Hong Kong government allows too much visitors from Mainland. And it’s getting harder for the young people to get a house and they notice the new immigrants from China could actually own the houses much sooner so they feel hopeless. I want to explain that sometimes it’s just the Hong Kong people are seeing the HK government’s doing terrible job so they protest by walking and ask the governors to step down. Sometimes it has nothing to do with China’s government or people living in China. So people in China really don’t have to be over-sensitive whenever they protest. The United Kingdom didn’t give Hong Kong people a lot of democracy and freedom. However, Hong Kong got ICAC (The Anti-Corruption Agency). All people didn’t need to worry about whatever they said and they could criticize on anything (including the Hong Kong Government). If you go to see it yourself, search for “Hong Kong June Fourth Protest” at Google Images. In the past, Hong Kong people had seen the news how the Tiananmen’s College Students (who were just protesting for “Anti-Corruption”, and they were treated by tank cars. The Hong Kong people staged demonstrations to rehabilitate the June 4th peacefully. The police maintained order in peace. In the past, Hong Kong people often marched to protest against fare increases. Government officials came out to receive letters. The police got super good image and got nice recognition around the world. In fact, you can see that Hong Kong people have continued to donate money for disaster relief. They love China very much. They only have some worries about the communist system. In the past, a lot of people from Mainland China was fleeing to Hong Kong because of the Chinese Civil War. A lot of them had some lost their loved ones and masterpieces of art, property. They clearly know the difference of living with or without Freedom of Speech. How about you take a look at the umbrella movement in 2014 and the march to ask for the withdrawal of the bill happening now. They are just afraid of losing their freedom of speech. Most of those demonstrators are only wearing black clothes and holding umbrellas and sitting on the street. You can see the Hong Kong governor has said that they are thugs, the police in the middle have put rubber bullets and tear gas to suppress the demonstrators. The police have ignored the Freedom of Press, pushed and put unreasonable violence against the reporters or the elderly or women. In fact, Hong Kong people enjoy having fun and doing business in China, but China does not have KZfaq, Facebook, freedom of speech, even if the Dawan District is beautiful, many Hong Kong people are not willing to go. In fact, many Hong Kong people do not want Hong Kong independence. Some just ask the Hong Kong government to listen to them and promising that they will continue to have freedom of speech until 2046 as the document signed in 1984. But the Hong Kong governor, Ms. Lam Cheng (who got citizenship in U.K.) just doesn’t want to step down or fix any issues, she just appoints the police or even a white-shirted triad gangster to suppress the residents in Yuen Long.
@keeyongloh9393 4 жыл бұрын
Very well said by a very wise man. HK youth are u all listening. Think young men & women, don't just follow masters of puppets like headless chickens.
@willchu 5 жыл бұрын
So much facts... I stayed up to watched this at 2am.. 👍
@Khanh2khanh 5 жыл бұрын
Great insight and summary. He was dead right that HK was never wanted to be part of China, looking West ward and pretend to be Westerners... So many valid points.....
@edwardyang8254 5 жыл бұрын
Very insightful analysis. Right on the bull's eye.
@geixiong5749 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant..Martin . The only Westerner who know almost every subject about Asian's affairs . Also , a great writer .
@taylorwang2507 5 жыл бұрын
Jacques’ view of Hong Kong is very true. The idea of Blame Instinct mentioned by Hans Rosling in the book, Factfulness, is exactly what many Westerners have been doing. People who claim themselves as Hong Kong people but not Chinese blames China that its power has outpaced the thriving society in HK. i.e. HK was better before the handover from Britain. However, as Jacques said it’s not because of Hong Kong has a sense of superiority over the mainland but China had cultivated its unique way in relations with HK and slowly started to open up after 1978. Within the 155 years of ruling under the British Regime,yes the society drives by the colonial economy but why not blame that there’s no democracy at all? If we’re looking at today’s situation, the immense progress is not deserved to be credited for? Anti-China, the backlash is a misinterpretation of history.
@lawrencelee2908 5 жыл бұрын
This man is brilliant
@user-vl4ov8yp7b 5 жыл бұрын
对于香港的问题,就是太过尊重他们自己的意愿,结果现在反而想骑到国家的头上,不知天高地厚。 管理香港特区政府的人也都是些既得利益者,既怕国家改变政策使他们失去了既得利益,又怕失去中央的支持而被反对派取代,于是,刻意的与中央保持一定距离。20多年来是不求上进,不知道积极改革,被殖民太久,跪久了不知道怎么站起来,不知道如何去殖民化,甚至为了既得利益,有意无意地在延续殖民化体制。对反对派的有些无理诉求,睁一只眼闭一只眼,觉得有激烈的反对派,也是对中央保持距离的一个好的方式。导致如今从教育到经济到政治依然是殖民体系。这样的情形下长大的新一代年轻人,怎么可能建立起应有的国家民族认同,怎么可能爱国。香港还会沉沦,毋庸置疑。很简单的道理,因为,它的根是烂的。
@dennyli9339 5 жыл бұрын
正確 建制無能,不是好東西.... 三杈分立,没有了英国殖民主子, 運作不了.... 民国1911以来,花旗传教士式的“普世/改造”....沾上了,死路一条
@aprilkang5907 5 жыл бұрын
@user-vl4ov8yp7b 5 жыл бұрын
​@@ivyonic 这本来是最后的一段,但我还是想把它放到前面来: 其实,你的言论已经证明了一切,口口声声称大陆为“中国”就已经再明白不过地证明:你们根本不把自己当做是中国人。因此,我们14亿中国人需要让你们这些反动者明白一件事情,香港自古以来都是中国不可分割的一部分,就算所有700万香港人都想要独立,也不要忘记中国不止只有香港这700万人,中国还有14亿人,决定国家前途和命运的是所有中国人而不是仅仅700万人就可以做得了主的。台湾问题也是一样,想独立?问过14亿中国人没有? 想脱离中国,可以,爱去哪去哪儿,我们举双手赞成不愿当中国人甘愿做洋狗的赶紧离开中国的土地,不要占着中国的资源还干着反中国的事情。中国的领土是我们的一代代祖先以无数鲜血和生命留下的基业,是全体中国人的财产。我相信大陆的所有14亿同胞,宁愿香港和台湾变成残垣断壁一片焦土,变成一个了无人烟的荒岛也不会同意中国的任何一寸国土被分割出去。在香港土地上的洋狗们,听清楚了吗? 你上面这一切的解释太过牵强,而且超级虚伪,充满了历史虚无主义和偷换概念的小聪明。 香港现在失去言论自由了吗?中央政府有任何行动要钳制香港的言论自由吗?在英国殖民时期,你们香港人可以侮辱英女王吗?可以挑战英联邦的统治权威吗?可以做今天游行示威一样的事情吗?也许上面的问题你一个也答不出来,因为从你的言论就可以看出,你对香港的历史要么是一点都不了解,要么就是故意无视香港的历史,刻意美化殖民政府,刻意美化三等公民的生活地位和人权尊严。 如果以上的问题你有答案,那么只需拿出哪怕一例证据出来。不要用还没有发生的你们自己所臆测的事情来当做反华的借口。香港政府从未说过所有游行的人都是暴徒,从暴动发生的第一天起就已经很清楚地向全世界声明那些使用暴力的人才是暴徒。用偷换概念把所有参加和平游行的人都拉进来为你们背书从而为暴徒辩护简直是无耻之极! 香港历年来对大陆的各种捐款,都是香港的爱国同胞和爱国商人、党政人士对大陆同胞的爱,但是这些人里面绝对不包括那些不把自己当做是中国人的“甘做英国狗”的反动者。你们不要把爱国者的善举也戴到自己的头上,像拉大多数和平游行的人为你们的暴动背书一样,用爱国人士的善举为你们背书。这样的行为太无耻、太卑鄙。 拿六四来说事,一样是你们反华叛国者惯常使用的伎俩。这世界上所有真正花过一点时间了解六四的人,都至少上过Wikipedia,至少看过西方媒体在KZfaq上的长达6个小时的六四全程录像。所有看过以上全程录像和维基百科的人都很清楚六四到底是一个什么事件,其发生的原因和背后的目的与今天的香港暴动和几年前的台湾太阳花运动一模一样。六四是一场针对共产党的颜色革命,是西方势力蛊惑学生、年轻人用最恶毒残忍的手段针对自己同胞的可怕残杀,是中华民族永远的痛,只要是中国人都不愿再回顾再提起这段伤心的往事。看看如今是谁在反复地揭中国人的伤疤就可以很清楚地明白这些人的险恶用心。
@pubcomrad3341 5 жыл бұрын
司馬閑都 这个SFresident是个脑残。真的到处都是这一段,还觉得自己很厉害。香港要是靠这群脑残,衰落是迟早的。让他们继续把香港搞死吧
@yozmz 5 жыл бұрын
殖民害死人,可以看到,一个独立自主的国家是多么重要。 香港格局太小,整体方向性的东西把握不住,只能陷入一种奇怪的漩涡,除非他们自己认识到必须大破大立,不然只会这样沉沦下去。
@aquary0216 5 жыл бұрын
@user-fw9yl5hn5d 5 жыл бұрын
其实 世界上的 真正的 “道理” 就那么多。 只是人的智商不同,导致了认真的差异,很幸运,你跳出了泥潭。 未来 年入百万 RMB 不是梦
@panny1014 5 жыл бұрын
@Elaine-yz3dg 5 жыл бұрын
Patrick Ng 台湾的殖民概念并不少…居然还能在岛上给日据时代的殖民者立雕像…而且改教材的课本已然20多年…这些年经过绿营的台独和蓝营独台的轮流洗脑…思想的反智有过之而无不及…台湾唯一拿的出手的也就是台积电了…在上一轮金融风暴的洗劫下…也变成了华尔街控股…好在人才比厂房更有用…吸引掉相关人才…台湾烂的更快
@ypippo1662 5 жыл бұрын
Albert Lin 台湾比起香港还是好不少的,至少台湾经济不是房地产寡头垄断,台湾的工业虽然在萎缩但任然占据经济的大头,说真的台湾2000万人,有一个微电子工业就能喂饱所有人了,同理韩国也一样。
@aquary0216 5 жыл бұрын
@zero-point3930 5 жыл бұрын
Totally agreed. Hong Kong just got lucky from a colonial situation. All other former colonies had to reinvent themselves once they broke the bondages of British rule. Hong Kong, wake up!
@sofiamidkiff7644 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant, thank you!
@wyc2235 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant speech. Hong Kong people should see it
@BKLau70 5 жыл бұрын
A British who understands China and Hong Kong better than many overseas Chinese or even some Hong Kong people.
@minizheng3628 5 жыл бұрын
@ivyonic 5 жыл бұрын
英國🇬🇧是沒有給香港人很多民主自由,但是香港有保持社會廉潔的廉正公署,所有人都不需有任何避忌去講或批評任何東西(包括香港政府),如果你自己去看看google images search for “Hong Kong June Fourth Protest”, 以前香港人因為看了天安門的大學生只是為了「反貪污」就已經被坦克車處理掉了,香港人遊行示威為平反六四和有音樂會紀念捐款活動都可以和平的進行,警察和平的維持秩序,以前香港人常常遊行抗議加價,政府人員是會出來收信的,警察真的和新紥師兄的梁潮偉一樣廉潔自律受歡迎可信賴的。其實你可以看到香港人有不斷的捐款救災的,很愛中國的,只是對共產制度有些憂慮,不竟香港有很多從中國偷渡來的,以往中國有很多批鬥而令有些失去親人、藝術作品、財產 - 見過鬼是會怕黑的會有陰影的, 他們清楚知道言論無自由和有自由的分別。你看看現在2014的雨傘運動和今次為要求撤回送中法案的遊行,他們只是害怕失去言論自由,那些遊行示威者極大部分都只是穿著黑衣拿著雨傘行行企企和靜坐,你看看政府已經説他們是暴徒,夾雜在中間的警察已經放橡膠子彈和催淚彈去鎮壓示威者了,警察已經不理是記者或老人家或女人或只是經過的都很無理的暴力對待了。其實香港人也看去中國玩、做生意的,但是中國沒有KZfaq,Facebook,言論自由,就算大灣區有多漂亮,很多香港人也不願去。其實很多香港人並不是想要港獨,有些只是要求香港政府體量一下,讓他們繼續有言論自由到2046年,而不是什麼也不願面對,只是找警察甚至白衫的黑社會人士去打壓他們!
@yeweix9474 5 жыл бұрын
@minizheng3628 5 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic 估计你应该年纪不大,你需要向身边的长者了解下港英政府如何镇压67暴动的港人。你认为中国大陆的人不能上fb youtube ins就是很不自由,我也不多说什么,送你一句话"一道墙有两面,谁在墙里还不一定知道"。还有,fb youtube ins等都是美国平台,舆论战场你懂吗?
@minizheng3628 5 жыл бұрын
@@yeweix9474 应该还不算轮子。
@minizheng3628 5 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic 还有你说的8964,至今还没看到坦克车碾压学生的视频,youtube也有当年真相的视频,军车被烧,解放军被打被烧。以前我跟你一样觉得64的学生很无辜,但是现在香港正上演一场"港版64"为当年牺牲的军人平反。
@yuanzhang3494 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you, sir.
@jas528 4 жыл бұрын
Spot on video and analysis to the history and situational circumstances of Hong Kong. :)
@mingchi1776 5 жыл бұрын
You are a good man, who is smart and objective. You know so much more than many stupid Hong Kong people who don’t think they are Chinese! What a shame!
@jimmychow9092 5 жыл бұрын
By luck, many fools believe what he said.
@charlieq4255 5 жыл бұрын
To the editor if you ever read comments, it's very STUPID to mix background music with people talking. The opinions matter, not your music. Anyone agree with me please thumb up so editors of this channel can see.
@pptskills 5 жыл бұрын
You were right. But it's not all the editor's fault, because if he doesn't, the leader may think he's not working.
@charlieq4255 5 жыл бұрын
@@pptskills Isn't that wierd so many documentaries from these state run channels have irrelevant music playing in the background. So many good contents are ruined in this way. A fake taste is added into them.
@pptskills 5 жыл бұрын
@@charlieq4255 I am a Chinese, I must admit that although we are very good at science and engineering skills, but in the design and other fields there is still a big gap. But things are getting better. It just takes some time.
@tensai0805 5 жыл бұрын
That is completely different point of view! Bravo
@andrewtang7167 4 жыл бұрын
Well explained👍👍👍👍👍👍👍thank you
@billybond4148 5 жыл бұрын
The criminals have a foothold in HK and they don’t want to lose it.
@SLO722 5 жыл бұрын
Hongkong is done. Her best days are firmly behind her. All Hongkongers will suffer because of the reckless actions of a handful. I'm sure foreign powers are involved in the recent violent protests, but the bottom line is: we, the Hongkongers, killed Hongkong ourselves.
@Ahoooooooo 5 жыл бұрын
Very interesting analysis
@RendezvousSam 4 жыл бұрын
A well balanced unbiased informative video footage. Well done, you have enlightened me, thank you!
@fk2205 5 жыл бұрын
Only those who didn't live under colonial Hong Kong would imagine that they'd have 'democracy' being a British colony.
@najeedalshakhshir4959 5 жыл бұрын
It tells you something that those protests happened 20 years after the handover. The HK protests are a youth movement, not a people movement. They are mainly led and manned by 20 year olds who read the BBC about how Hong Kong was like before the handover. I have talked to many locals over time, and you can squash every single one of their arguments.
@JC-rv6lo 5 жыл бұрын
Hong Kong people don’t necessarily want democracy. Like all people, Hong Kongers want to improve their way of life. They want to be able to have a government and chief executive who serves Hong Kong people like other nations. Please read about Legco and how the Hong Kong government merely acts in the interest of business tycoons and mainlanders. If you’re a politician who is not “pro-China”, you are simply expelled from legco.
@fk2205 5 жыл бұрын
@@JC-rv6lo oh really? Then how come so many government plans are disrupted and stopped? How come those anti government politicians yelling around every single day? How come those anti government people destroy government buildings repeatedly? Pls look at the mere facts. And stop interfering with Chinese people internal affairs cuz u dunno how the Chinese live.
@JC-rv6lo 5 жыл бұрын
f k It’s simply because the legislative committee (which makes the laws in Hong Kong) by it’s nature, primarily benefits the business/insurance sector, therefore the chief executive and other politicians in power seek to play the sycophant toward Beijing at the expense of ordinary citizens. Believe it or not, their used to be a large percentage of Hong Kongers during British rule who wanted to expel the British (read 1967 Hong Kong riots). However this percentage substantially decreased when the government introduced policies after the riots which aimed to improve the social welfare of the citizens (reduced corruption for example). There were considerably less protests during the later era of British Hong Kong because there was little reason to protest against the government because they genuinely sought to serve and benefit the livelihoods of the people of Hong Kong. 2 million people don’t protest on the streets for no reason. The Hong Kong government has continually failed to address social issues, and because of the government failing to serve in the interests of the people, unpopular policies (Lantau island land reclamation, Macau Bridge, housing shortage) continue to be placed upon Hong Kong people. A well known example of the Hong Kong government failure is the housing issue. Cage homes are simply an embarrassment for a developed city, but this government fails to make any decisive action regarding the supply of homes because this will upset the business sector who have power in the legco. I will repeat my first comment in a way that you can understand: People in Hong Kong for more than a decade, have been angry at the current Hong Kong government because the government simply doesn’t care about the interests of the people, it’s all about money to Carrie Lam and the rest of the cronies in power. Anyone who has an understanding of the Hong Kong situation knows that it was only a matter of time before a situation like this occurred, because the majority of the population are simply NOT happy.
@fk2205 5 жыл бұрын
@@JC-rv6lo I'm sorry but you're not Chinese that's all. If you don't like China, get your ass out of the Chinese land.
@xiaodongjiang334 5 жыл бұрын
brilliant video
@kinkokkleung1008 5 жыл бұрын
@ernestblunt8283 4 жыл бұрын
Very insightful.
@rosebud4387 5 жыл бұрын
So refreshing to hear a bit of honesty and good sense in the situation rather than emotive beat ups by the western media all the time.
@PengMIY 5 жыл бұрын
Hong Kongers came to Vancouver BC and made the housing price unaffordable to most Canadians. A lot of them don't even live in those houses. Wherever those HKers go they destroy the local real estate. They have no morality. They just eye for quick money. HK people lack creativity. Across the border in Shenzhen mainlanders are working on AI, tech, and searching for answers to make our world smarter and our lives easier. Technology, not housing market, is what makes a nation strong and prosperous. House flippers legally rob the next generation because they are banking on the rising housing prices that they have little or no contribution to. This is why Hong Kong will fall. It will fall not because of democracy. It will fall because the young people of Hong Kong will fail to compete on a world stage. They instead blame everything on the Chinese government. This kind of sentiment is hated worldwide. But let them protest for that they cannot be saved.
@SimonChngHP 5 жыл бұрын
Well done Sir your speech it's very Powerful & Awesome .
@Abbey699 4 жыл бұрын
Mr Jaques is brave and honest Good comment and conclusion.
@wanq6749 5 жыл бұрын
Finally somebody’s taking some facts..
@user-vb6yu2bx8b 5 жыл бұрын
是英国人管理的地方就能先进吗???当然不是,你看看孟加拉,印度大部分地区,缅甸,甚至整个南亚,非洲许多国家,英国统治时间比香港长多了,还不是那么穷!! 说到底就是香港地理条件好,中国文化的底蕴,加上英国的先进管理,碰上好的历史机遇,才造成香港的繁荣!! 现在香港地理条件没变,中国文化底蕴没变,香港管理方式没变,只是历史机遇没有抓住,所以被大陆其他城市超过了,能怪别人吗?
@ivyonic 5 жыл бұрын
英國🇬🇧是沒有給香港人很多民主自由,但是香港有保持社會廉潔的廉正公署,所有人都不需有任何避忌去講或批評任何東西(包括香港政府),如果你自己去看看google images search for “Hong Kong June Fourth Protest”, 以前香港人因為看了天安門的大學生只是為了「反貪污」就已經被坦克車處理掉了,香港人遊行示威為平反六四和有音樂會紀念捐款活動都可以和平的進行,警察和平的維持秩序,以前香港人常常遊行抗議加價,政府人員是會出來收信的,警察真的和新紥師兄的梁潮偉一樣廉潔自律受歡迎可信賴的。其實你可以看到香港人有不斷的捐款救災的,很愛中國的,只是對共產制度有些憂慮,不竟香港有很多從中國偷渡來的,以往中國有很多批鬥而令有些失去親人、藝術作品、財產 - 見過鬼是會怕黑的會有陰影的, 他們清楚知道言論無自由和有自由的分別。你看看現在2014的雨傘運動和今次為要求撤回送中法案的遊行,他們只是害怕失去言論自由,那些遊行示威者極大部分都只是穿著黑衣拿著雨傘行行企企和靜坐,你看看政府已經説他們是暴徒,夾雜在中間的警察已經放橡膠子彈和催淚彈去鎮壓示威者了,警察已經不理是記者或老人家或女人或只是經過的都很無理的暴力對待了。其實香港人也看去中國玩、做生意的,但是中國沒有KZfaq,Facebook,言論自由,就算大灣區有多漂亮,很多香港人也不願去。其實很多香港人並不是想要港獨,有些只是要求香港政府體量一下,讓他們繼續有言論自由到2046年,而不是什麼也不願面對,只是找警察甚至白衫的黑社會人士去打壓他們! 中國人不應因將仇報
@yozmz 5 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic 不愿意其实就是还不够痛,等到你什么都失去了,不要也得要。
@cyclicalcardio3545 4 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic 言论自由是伪命题,阿桑奇被抓,斯诺登被迫逃离美国,美国拥有言论自由?
@cyclicalcardio3545 4 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic 美国的言论自由是你能骂除了美国以外的国家,一旦说美国的坏话,你会被禁言
@cyclicalcardio3545 4 жыл бұрын
@@ivyonic 在美国你能骂总统,是因为政府是资本家的打工仔,但你要是在电影、平台讽刺资本家,你基本就凉了。卓别林拍了一部讽刺资本家,然后他被遣送出美国了。所以言论自由是伪命题
@pykeydurden 5 жыл бұрын
@yxileenaturalcrafts6391 4 жыл бұрын
I am very proud to be a shenzhen native.
@KaerKing 5 жыл бұрын
Great info. Can you please remove the background noise? Too distracting.
@ttjkroc 5 жыл бұрын
警察先生,為什麼他跟我都超速你只開我罰單? 警察:因為你比較譲人討厭⋯⋯
@Lennxi80 5 жыл бұрын
That's very well said
@leslieloong4774 4 жыл бұрын
the best analysis I heard so far
@RobinNiu 5 жыл бұрын
@siumanf5670 5 жыл бұрын
反對派認為這是香港政府的甚麼大白象工程, 將利益輸送給中央的一個借口。 也將這概念輸送給年青一輩, 你說的機會, 他們眼中只是幫中國賺錢而已。 與我何干的! 他們不稀罕更諻論珍惜了。
@cricetus9361 5 жыл бұрын
他們要 吸大麻 要濫交 機遇發展什麽的 對他們浮雲一樣
@user-xm7sy2dm5i 5 жыл бұрын
其实除了港珠澳大桥 还有中深通道、珠深通道、广深跨海铁路… 将来只少有四条桥跨越珠江口 部分香港人太过自以为是
@shichangwang888 5 жыл бұрын
@ethanwang3507 5 жыл бұрын
@@shichangwang888 巨婴们永远不懂。如果深圳没有牺牲,这个桥的利用率就不知道高到哪里去了。
@ambrosianas7505 5 жыл бұрын
The few westerners that speak the truth, no bias.
@akouafray8616 5 жыл бұрын
Well said sir. You have insight of the whole show . You can be a good adviser to the CCP . Thank you .
@erikand7097 5 жыл бұрын
Very good analytis
@daryatan9162 5 жыл бұрын
The question is, do hong kong really need democracy?
@zunwang4918 5 жыл бұрын
@chenjeff9797 5 жыл бұрын
@apex_pubg666 5 жыл бұрын
Chen Jeff 日出来的老婆,打出来的孝子,武统唯一正确方式
@LaRouchesupport 5 жыл бұрын
Great Guy ! 🙂 Telling like it is.
@kimchong1044 4 жыл бұрын
Thank-you for speaking out 👍👏👏👏
@laylayho5556 4 жыл бұрын
Hong Kong people deserve to reflect on the past and the future.
@tubbietubby 4 жыл бұрын
It’s true that Shenzhen has made an incredible progress as the technological center of China, second to Silicon Valley, and that HK has made 0 progress in this regard. Martin is being honest and frank, that: HK people should “press China for more rapid integration in China’s own plans, so that HK, rather than just thinking of itself as apart from China, it needs to think of itself more in terms of being part of China!
@kliu1111 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@zyang03 4 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter how well you articulate it. The HK youths gang won't listen because they don't study history.
@TheMandom88 5 жыл бұрын
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