Heart of Thorns CHANGED My Perspective on MMOs!

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

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Preach has finally stepped into Guild Wars 2's first expansion Heart of Thorns, and after the incredible experience he had in Living World, he had a bit of a strange surprise as the gameplay wasn't at all what he expected...
00:00 - Intro
00:59 - The Zones
02:33 - Initial Disappointment
05:59 - Gliding & Masteries
06:44 - Finishing the Zone
07:37 - Continued frustrations
11:28 - Mike's revelation
15:19 - Open World Gameplay & World Bosses
18:45- A true MMO Experience
21:30 - Adventures
22:44 - Summary
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@Preachgaming Жыл бұрын
So Mike finally stepped into Heart of Thorns after finishing his XCOM adventures on stream. After the story heavy and linear content of Living World, Mike was in for a bit of a rude awakening at the change in gameplay.
@user-xz9im1xx6k Жыл бұрын
HoT is the expansion I dropped Gw2 for years ....and these mastery shits but after is better HOT Is darkages of Gw2
@theminister1154 Жыл бұрын
He's FINALLY starting to get it. Guild Wars 2 is mostly for dicking around. In a very sophisticated way, but mostly you just dick around & explore.
@zlynnt5373 Жыл бұрын
@@user-xz9im1xx6k HoT is the most loved expansion by a majority of player, calling it the darkages seems a bit much lol.
@michaelcoffey1991 Жыл бұрын
@Preach So so happy your finally in GW2 to appreciate and have fun and yes offer your critic and point of view we all adore :)
@rkbkirin5975 Жыл бұрын
​@@user-xz9im1xx6k I quit GW2 right before HoT when I heard about the 'features' like vertical-designed zones (which MMOs tend to mess up horribly). Learning more about HoT after its release kept me away GW2 for even longer. I'm glad I returned to GW2 after PoF and seeing how ANet has learned from their past mistakes, but I found playing through HoT to catch up to the personal story very unpleasant, and that was with the Springer and flying mounts. I never go to HoT zones if I can help it, I think they're terrible and designed to be needlessly annoying not to mention really disgusting-looking filled with rotting plants and giant roaches. But I do like how even the NPCs acknowledge the place is even worse than Orr LOL
@oshaapproved7612 Жыл бұрын
I think Heart of Thorns is the only time I've ever played an MMO where I felt like everything wanted me dead. the environment, music, enemies and events seam together into an incredibly menacing atmosphere. It honestly is one of the most unique experiences in the genre.
@sabate1194 Жыл бұрын
Closest I've ever comne to quitting an MMO in terms of frustration early on in HoT
@CrashB111 Жыл бұрын
Heart of Thorns is the Vietnam experience, and the Mordrem are the Vietcong.
@cactuscornette Жыл бұрын
If I never see a pocket raptor again I'll be happy.
@MameluckProductions Жыл бұрын
Even the masteries help with the atmosphere. The more player experiences the jungle, the better they will survive in it. The masteries give player tools to take shortcuts and avoid enemies. It's a bit shame that Mike has the Raptor mount which sort of takes away from that experience, but it's understandable for him to use it. Especially when doing Meta Events since others will be using their mounts too.
@Gr_ywind Жыл бұрын
@@cactuscornette But they're such adorable homicidal little critters. 🤣
@gefilte86 Жыл бұрын
This expansion is a masterpiece. If you feel lost , it's exactly what the developers want you to feel. Back then there weren't even mounts.
@chester1882 Жыл бұрын
AB is a pleasure, VB is manageable, the map still works on DS, but good luck finding your way around in TD with or without mounts
@brynphillips9957 Жыл бұрын
The Tangled Depths got a bit messy and frustrating as that zone is extremely non-intuitive and the map is little help. It took a long time to figure out the layout to the point were I didn't feel trapped and going in circles which just got frustrating after a while.
@5133937 Жыл бұрын
I loved how difficult and confusing TD was. It’s the only zone in any MMO that I can come back to years later, and still feel lost, having forgotten some of it.
@Urban93Ninja Жыл бұрын
I'm playing GW2 now for 6 Years and I still get sometimes lost in TD
@minuette1752 Жыл бұрын
@@Urban93Ninja Yep, TD is a pita sometimes.
@hifgames7076 Жыл бұрын
Mike realised the most difficult thing about Guild Wars 2. It's all about the mindset and expectations. You're not on a rail to push towards endgame. You are ALREADY in the endgame. People will complete End of Dragons and still spend hours adventuring and doing meta events in the Heart of Thorns zones. And the rewards you get are endgame rewards. There's no reason to rush anywhere.
@Mactav3 Жыл бұрын
yes, because this mindset of rushing toward the endgame has people rush for raids only to be dissapointed by the loot rewards. There is no special weapon or armor set or unique mount waiting to drop from the last boss dingus. Sure, there are cosmetic infusions and the like, but those are very rare drops, usually farmed over months of weekly raid clears. But if people rush through all the endgame zones, masteries, collections into raids expecting to find something "extra" in terms of rewards, they can end up quite dissapointed. Raids (and fractals) are PART of the endgame, not THE endgame, they are part of where you can work towards a more long-term reward (legendary armor for raids, legendary backpack/other stuff for fractals) just like in maps (achievements/masteries, collections, material farming for crafting etc.). Granted the raid encounters themselves are also huge part of the content, but really, the whole mindset of "you are already at the endgame, enjoy yourself" is pretty key imo. It makes you enjoy and appreciate each new map, map meta event, little challenge or a new raid boss fight.
@Lazarus_ReSpawn Жыл бұрын
And what a pleasant surprise - he actually understood this and went back to VB, taking it slow. Amazing. Respect earned
@imabirdo Жыл бұрын
That and Verdant brink and auric basin have very quick and easy meta events that still have the best farming experience for loot in the game (also has a loot drop that goes for thousands of gold but that is a very slim change)
@Nathdood Жыл бұрын
This this this.
@cnacma 5 ай бұрын
I came to GW2 for the first time like five months ago and this was the coolest part of the game to me. I’ve played wow for years. It’s the only MMO I’ve ever got really into. If you play wow EVERYTHING outside of the current end game zones are useless and meaningless. All the old zones are dead. All the loot you get is pointless vendor trash. Leveling is a slog through empty ghost lands to get to the end game because it’s the only content that matters. I thought this was how all mmos were. I had no idea what horizontal progression even was. When I found out that all the materials I was getting were still meaningful. That eventually I could use them to craft a legendary that came out ten years ago and have it still be powerful and relevant for all the newest content I was floored. I suddenly realized why when I was leveling I would see so many decked out max level people flying in on their dragons just to help me on my caravan in kessex hills. It’s because all the content still had meaning. All the content was still relevant in some way for whatever goals they were on. After playing this game I don’t know if I can go back to wow because horizontal progression seems like the only way it should ever be done.
@horenpa2 Жыл бұрын
the beauty behind masteries is that they are account bound, so yes, is a pain in the beginning, but you only do this once, and all your future and alt characters will have them unlocked,
@PhenomRom Жыл бұрын
@rundownmaggot666 Жыл бұрын
That’s what so great about the game, if you start a new character it gives you a new set of eyes going through the beginning worlds again.
@DorkDorkDork Жыл бұрын
legendarys, mounts, masteries, materials and ach being account wide is so fucking good.
@jerthon1 Жыл бұрын
While I do like that I don't have to level masteries every character, I kind of wish I would click a button on character creation to make it so I can level them again Kind of like a iron man character or something were it don't get any of the benefits from my other characters
@Arrow333 Жыл бұрын
@@jerthon1 Although not with the masteries, I would like to repeat some of the account bound achievements. Call me crazy, but I really would like to do the skyscale unlock quests again - but without the pain of not having the skyscale and the pressure to finally get it.
@snkyfox17 Жыл бұрын
I look forward to you seeing dragon's Stand. That zone is one of a kind even in GW2.
@RecklessFables Жыл бұрын
When I was deciding on a skin for my Aurene axe I chose Mordremoth partially because it gave me a reason to go back there.
@Gr_ywind Жыл бұрын
Here, you get something awesome in the first zone, and then you get something even better in the next, but wait, there's more. The HoT zones are just masterpieces.
@Seraphim09x Жыл бұрын
i wanna see if he can make it past tangled depths :D
@mebrandonb Жыл бұрын
@@Seraphim09x Legend has it Preach is still lost in Rata Novus to this day.
@phatymcdaddy Жыл бұрын
I just recently did the meta there for the first time and map completion. Jesus I have been missing out.
@Merusdraconis Жыл бұрын
I like how Mike’s pushing hard to get to the “endgame” raids, until he saw the *actual* endgame: Tarir
@zer0homer Жыл бұрын
yesss, people stumbling onto Tarir, especially badly coordinated, tend to be impressed the most. After this only Dragon's Stand and Dragon's End ever evoked iin me same feelings of sheer EPICNESS. Don't forget the music
@Arrow333 Жыл бұрын
@@zer0homer Dragon's Fall and Drizzlewood worked for me as well - at least when I did it the first time. These map metas are still the most fun and unique feature of GW2 endgame in my opinion (other endgame features are usually less unique).
@Konpekikaminari Жыл бұрын
@@Arrow333 Drizzlewood is a prime example of Guild Wars 2 living up to the "Wars" part of it's name
@Nayukhuut Жыл бұрын
HoT was especially interesting as a Sylvari player. You get all the same quests and experiences, yes, but you have the added bonus of special dialogue and events. Things that show the distrust of Sylvari from your allies, or even Mordremoth speaking to you directly. It was neat. :)
@chiefpurrfect8389 Жыл бұрын
Light spoiler on that, I also loved that moment when Mordremoth speaks to you during a group fight, you start hallucinating, lose control of the character and then realize you are alone when you come to, frantically calling for your friends worried that you might have killed them. I mean, I didn't actually think anyone of the main cast would die like this but it was a cool "oh sh*t" moment. I also love the sylvari banter with Canach specifically. My prickly cactus man has some good moments throughout the entire story but HoT was *his* show character-wise.
@Nayukhuut Жыл бұрын
@@chiefpurrfect8389 Aye, I loved things like that too. Little things that show what it's like to battle a dragon that can twist your mind. Heh, and Canach is my favourite character, so I was thrilled with his arc in HoT. Mind you, I loved him all through PoF too (and some of the Living Story episodes). :)
@cardiner-lv Жыл бұрын
plus the constant Mordremoth talking in your head :D
@NicholasBrakespear Жыл бұрын
Speaking as a Sylvari player still working on core completion before I (and the girlfriend, also a shrubbery) progress into this expansion... please... please tell me Trahearne doesn't come back. Please tell me that Meta-Sue of a character doesn't return and make the story all about him again.
@brynphillips9957 Жыл бұрын
@@NicholasBrakespear Telling you things is spoilers. I will say that he is Marshal of the Pact and since the Pact is a major player in this expansion, he does have a presence in the story. I do think that the writing overall is a lot better.
@burnttoast26 Жыл бұрын
He discovered map metas, it's an awesome feeling. Each zone basically has its own raid, it's great.
@raquetdude Жыл бұрын
want to see him try Triple Trouble
@chilliewhk Жыл бұрын
I want to see him do Tangled Depths and Dragon Stand. I loved leading those lanes back in the day.
@mebrandonb Жыл бұрын
100% as a seasoned gw2 player it always warms my heart to see someone discover a meta event for the first time. "What is this!" This is gw2 friend, enjoy.
@jcm2606 Жыл бұрын
I really fucking hope he sticks with the game long enough to experience Dragon's End. That map is a _literal_ open world raid designed around a 50+ player squad, and is one of the best spectacles in the game IMO that also integrates itself extremely well with End of Dragons' story.
@jcm2606 Жыл бұрын
@@chilliewhk He's in the middle of Tangled Depths as of last night's stream, so you shouldn't need to wait too long.
@spriggs_fm Жыл бұрын
"Ever play an expansion for 8 hours and not understand what the hell is going on?" Yes, Shadowlands.
@justingonzalezcolon8652 Жыл бұрын
Lol, mine was Lighfall
@TheAzarak Жыл бұрын
I mean sure the story in Shadowlands was bad, but I feel like it was very easy to follow still.
@spriggs_fm Жыл бұрын
@Justin Gonzalez Colon man I'm lost every destiny expansion because I have fun in the beginning but stop pretty quickly cause I have other stuff to play
@Azaketh Жыл бұрын
@@justingonzalezcolon8652 ThE vEiL, gUaRdIaN,
@martintaylor8837 Жыл бұрын
Warframe :D
@TFalconwing Жыл бұрын
As an experienced GW2 player, it's so fascinating seeing old content through new eyes. Seeing Preach's reaction to an HP train running by really recontextualized how amazing it is that players still band together to clear hero points in HoT together.
@njorun1829 Жыл бұрын
@fenrirwolf7238 Жыл бұрын
I thought exactly the same thing 🤣
@pythonxz Жыл бұрын
GW2s community is great, and it's really the only MMO where cooperation is core to the game.
@leomonaz Жыл бұрын
Watching your reaction to my Hero Point Train in Auric Basin has really left me with a really good feeling. I run these kinds of events all the time and lead large groups of players in different content in the open world, and you easily lose the perspective of a newer player. What you said in this video about your experience of watching tons of players busy with some MMO activity, it reminded me of my first times in Guild Wars 2 and the awe-inspiring moments, watching these incredible commanders make such impressive efforts to elevate the content of the game. It reminded me of, why I even picked up a commander-tag myself, and why I began leading events and trains in Guild Wars 2. Thank you for rekindling that passion and inspiration in me again
@battlebots1 Жыл бұрын
@Thomback13 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the Hero Point Trains! Doing those is one of my favorite memories from this game
@VraccasVII Жыл бұрын
Love that you're still doing these, HP runs are such a comfy thing about HoT. It has that nice blend of being useful for all skill levels and having enough action not to be boring but also enough downtime for players to get to talk and connect. Great way to get new and old players to mingle
@rareraspberry Жыл бұрын
This sounds like what I had been missing. I stopped playing maybe a year ago shortly after leveling a thief. I like the class, but I really just wanted get into playing specter and deadeye. Once I discovered how many hero points it would take, that was it, I was done. Also the game never gave me any reason to meaningfully interact with other players.
@canadians1982 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for leading commander! Your services are much appreciated 👍
@Huggernator Жыл бұрын
When you mention phasing, it's important to note: Guild Wars 2 often has multiple instances of the same map. Yes, you saw 100ish players on your map. There could have been four or more additional maps as well. During the big Metas, it's quite common for there to be 4+ maps all doing it, they cap, and a new one starts. There is phasing, you just don't see it. The playercap per map is MUCH larger.
@KeithEngel Жыл бұрын
Aye, yet is also sucks not being on a map when trying to do a Meta and it's low pop. Learned early on show up about 30 minutes before event.
@oliverclark8460 Жыл бұрын
Hell nah low pop is the best! It adds an extra layer of challenge to get the meta done
@stramaisdead Жыл бұрын
@@oliverclark8460 the absolute satisfaction when you succeed in a meta event with just a small group of players
@milkbucket5647 Жыл бұрын
@@stramaisdead panic basin best basin
@gaiahunter3863 Жыл бұрын
It is not phasing - it is Megaserver. Instead of having a map per server it has as few or as many as you need for the entire game (min one for Europe and one for America).
@Hagosha Жыл бұрын
When Mike hit his "Revalation" moment, I couldn't help but just smile because he finally remembered what the game taught him in base: Everything is content. Take your time, don't rush. There's SO much to see and do and the only wrong way is rushing through it all.
@ThorindirNaari Жыл бұрын
i wish i could see the game in that way... for me i felt the hard stop in the story just like preach did. you enjoy the story and then get hard stopped my a required open world grind. i could power through HoT but then at the Desert Expansion i just bounced of the required Stars, or whatever you need, to upgrade your mount jump. Just that you can only do a certain amount of points of interest to unlock it. if you try to do it at the "wrong" spot you just have to find out that you can NOT do that challenge since you didnt have the required skill unlocked yet. that just felt sooo bad after going to the third point on the map that i couldn't complete. that just feels so bad that i couldn't bring myself to log back in and try out the next few.
@stramaisdead Жыл бұрын
found myself grinning from ear to ear by the Open World Gameplay and World Bosses section
@Arrow333 Жыл бұрын
@@ThorindirNaari I know it doesn't feel great, but you only have to do it once per account. But the game basically just wants to remind you to play the maps, not just the story. Or more accurately: Playing the map is meant to be part of the story - other games would have just included the dynamic events (which don't exist there as such) directly into the story as quest steps. They also did this in season 1 and 2 with a progress bar based on events instead of a mastery or in other seasons with mandatory completion of a heart, and you have to do those on every character. Back when the expansion was new you didn't have that massive backlog of story ahead of you, so it was probably more okay to take a break from the linear story. It still exists even in End of Dragons, but they either learned to do it in a less annoying way (by filling the progress faster), or I just got used to it.
@deadvodka Жыл бұрын
I took this to heart this time - two months back and only now am I done with Elona.
@Ellimist000 Жыл бұрын
@@stramaisdead same. His recollection of his first experience with a proper Octovine raid was quite touching and nostalgic :) It will be nice to see him join a HP train, or do metas in Elona. That outrider feeling you get with the mounts and a large team is just the best feeling ever EDIT: LOL oh he saw one later in the video XD
@cauexcaue Жыл бұрын
In my first week playing gw2, I was in the Valance Tutory Waypoint, suddenly a massive wave of players appeared and I asked what it was about, one person said "follow me", and after completing the leyline anomaly I bought two expansions, I still remember the feeling.. so goood
@mebrandonb Жыл бұрын
The naked man makes 10% commission on all those sales
@Aereton Ай бұрын
@@mebrandonb you'd think he would be able to afford a Faren-style loin cloth by now
@bulletdancestorm554 Жыл бұрын
Having a hero point train run through and then save you as you’re trying to solo a hero point is an amazing feeling.
@daze4135 Жыл бұрын
And then you end up joining them! Man, that got me through Tangled Depths on my elementalist, i would have spent 69 years trying to get them all by myself
@BrianCheng24 2 ай бұрын
​@@daze4135doing hero points by yourself in HoT with an elementalist is suicide lol
@daze4135 2 ай бұрын
@@BrianCheng24 celestial stats made it manageable at the time, and that was before all the elementalist buffs that exist today. It'll probably still be a challenge, though!
@khorrenfae8824 Жыл бұрын
It's a credit to Preach that he can go through the beginning parts of Heart of Thorns and instead of going "this game is wrong and bad" he goes ".... maybe I'm doing this wrong?" and he went back and looked at it with different eyes and had a ton of fun. It's been a blast watching him go through this, and more importantly, not just focusing on the story. Hopefully you'll experience all the open world metas, especially the last one in Heart of Thorns. GW2 story takes place in these meta events, not just the linear story. So don't miss out! I'm sure chat will make sure you do it :D
@SkywalterDBZ Жыл бұрын
GW2s Horizontal progression at endgame is Metroidvania. In Metroid, you don't gain levels, but you still have progression, how? You acquire new skills and abilities that allow you to do previously blocked off things. GW2s Mastery system is VERY akin to that, although unlike a Metroid, there's often multiple ways around an issue except the points where the story mandates a specific one be unlocked.
@Arrow333 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes the game demands the mastery directly. In these cases there is no way around it. It is rare, but it is there. Sometimes it is demanded indirectly and you can "cheat" your way around it, with the help of friends or other stuff unlocked elsewhere.
@maxrusty3596 Жыл бұрын
That really should be the evolution of not olymmos but rpgs in general. The leveling system is nostalgic but its a relic of when the systems couldnt handle much. We need more innovative progression thinking like this.
@makotroid108 Жыл бұрын
Yo wtf, really? That's major for me. Metroidvanias are my jam.
@SkywalterDBZ Жыл бұрын
@@makotroid108 Yup, Yup. It's a light Metroidvania. The paths to success aren't as concrete in all places, but as you saw in Preach's initial intro to the first expansion, he was blocked from content until unlocking relevant skills ... not some arbitrary level cap like other MMOs
@quinn562 Жыл бұрын
That thing he said about not feeling since vanilla was spot on, "mmo gamers doing mmo stuff in an mmo": That's the magic that modern wow lost a while ago now that everything is all about the metagame, it was glorious to see people play the game just to play the game and not have some checklist mindset from the get-go. It was better when a subset of gamers had that in mind vs the majority of them personally, it's what I think the core of an healthy mmo ecosystem is
@xamv2344 Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the jungle! The artificial slowdown by forcing you to level certain Masteries was meant to make the player to actually do stuff in the map instead of rushing through the story. Because the instanced story is only 30% of the actual story, the rest is experienced by playing one day and one night cycle on every map following event chains. So in my opinion the best way to play HoT first time is by doing every map step by step (first story on this map, then spending a few hours on the map doing the meta events)
@mebrandonb Жыл бұрын
I also like to remind people that the events that happen on the map (some more-so than others) are actually a big part of the story context. Why rush ahead when you've still got all this story flavor right around you.
@brianmah5965 Жыл бұрын
This guild wars series is a roller coaster.
@HyenDry Жыл бұрын
fkn A it is!
@cptnhero6116 Жыл бұрын
the initial release of HoT was absolutely amazing.... everyone was lost, leveled up the gliding and stuff, got killed a hundred times from everything. but the map design, monsters and such...it was so good that you fought through it (also leveling the first spec was a huge motivation) Till now, its still my favorite Expansion
@atoz2989 Жыл бұрын
HOT is torture, my brother bought me the expansion when I was 13 and it was hell, but each time I come back to the HOT zones I remember the journey I've been through with all those people discovering the map (without mounts) and it's amazing
@sinistral_7th Жыл бұрын
Getting mauled by pocket raptors
@dieselsandwich42 Жыл бұрын
Big same
@insertwordthere Жыл бұрын
​@@sinistral_7th and coming back later to genocide them
@AMVmushroom Жыл бұрын
I started nodding along and smiling around the 12:00 mark. He gets it ! As an ex WoW vet - It took me awhile to catch on too.
@CTallant Жыл бұрын
Mike's enthusiasm is so infectious! Makes me want to redownload GW2 and start playing it again
@alexandreduarte4448 Жыл бұрын
Come join us! EoD has a lot of neat things
@beauraymond11 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I've never played GW but I think I should start.
@DarkChely Жыл бұрын
I moved to GW2 from Wow about 3 years ago. Entering the HOT maps for the first time was a unique experience for me that brings a smile every time i remember it to this day but i have to say, seeing the last boss in DS for the first time was one of the, if not the coolest thing I've seen in games to this day. That is how a true boss should look
@mosselyn5081 Жыл бұрын
That is the most epic boss fight, visually/atmospherically, that I have ever experienced in any game. Can't wait for Preach to get to that.
@Sharrakor6 Жыл бұрын
Hero point trains are amazing, really good way to see some obscure parts of the map. Nothing like running around the maps with like a hundred people. The fact that people run them, join just to help out, and do stuff like restart hero points for folks that missed is just amazing, incredible holesome moments.
@TheCrazyyashley Жыл бұрын
Honestly, even as a vet player the hero point trains will never cease to amaze me. You have a massive squad + tag alongs traversing this massive jungle at top speed on absolutely fantastical mounts and gliders, truly a sight. It's also a huge test of player coordination and observation skills within the community and it's always cool to be part of!
@traveling.down.the.road56 Жыл бұрын
Looks like Preach is finally beginning to understand GW2. I'm glad that he is enjoying it and spreading his enjoyment to a wider audience. I was also very glad to see his recent series of videos reviewing XCOM2, because the original XCOM was one of my very favorite games so many years ago (I played it on the Amiga computer system 30+ years ago, and it was great). Now that Preach understands the Mastery system and how the Heart of Thorns expansion works, I'm looking forward to his continuing review of HoT and then on to Living World Season 4, and the Path of Fire expansion and beyond. Edit: Hey Preach, after having this "revelation" about GW2, are you now considering going back through all of the base game and Season 1&2 maps to experience everything they have to offer? Most veteran players try to tell new players to take their time and NOT rush through the game by only doing the story and minimum content to continue to the next story chapter. It seems now that you realize why this advice is so important, specially for content creators who are reviewing the game for non-players of GW2.
@plmPissekatt Жыл бұрын
So I have played Guild Wars 2 to like level 25or something... What are you talking about? The base game I experienced was very very "when does this get fun"?
@traveling.down.the.road56 Жыл бұрын
@@plmPissekatt Depends on what you consider to be “Fun”? GW2 isn’t for everyone and maybe it’s just not the best game for you. It’s definitely different than almost every other MMORPG. If you’re not enjoying it, I recommend you join a guild and play it a little with other players and ask them your questions about anything you don’t like. If you still don’t like the game, then you probably should just move on to something else that you think you will like better. Level 25 is way too soon to judge the game IMHO.
@triple1 Жыл бұрын
@@plmPissekatt Doing or "farming" meta events at level 25 doesn't make sense anyway. You would get more benefit if you do them at max level by coming back, possibly also for fun, but I guess expansion meta-events are far more rewarding these days. And tbh, i think gw2 may have the best mmo design I've ever encountered and even I thought the base game was boring to put it mildly.
@TheDragonboy91 Жыл бұрын
​@plmPissekatt its very easy to get to max level and the more fun stuff will open up later. I was just like you man, early levels in GW2 definitely sucked, but once you level up and unlock a lot of the content you'll enjoy more. Go do some world bosses to get some of that excitment and motovation going, even tho you'll do no dmg, you'll still get the drops , a lot of exp (like a full level or two) and perhaps an ascended gear for when you reach max lvl. The story is very uninteresting in the core game but maybe and hopefully it'll be different for you.
@Dark_Wizard_of_Mu Жыл бұрын
Nah don't recruit that Magnus guy to continue playing for sure he will just whine and bring toxicity to the game.
@TheOdMan Жыл бұрын
HoT is easily the best experience I've had with an mmo expansion, so interesting how ppl react differently.
@theminister1154 Жыл бұрын
I watched further in. He's _finally_ starting to get GW2.
@YouTubeChillZone Жыл бұрын
I agree, an expansion where they will test how good a player you are
@killerkram1337 Жыл бұрын
"That was such a waste of time but Gof that was fun" Remember when people used to play video games to have fun? Guild Wars remembers
@fabiusque4266 Жыл бұрын
The meta events are easily the coolest features I've come across in about 15 years of playing mmos, those are truly feeling like youre part of something big. The only thing that made me feel similarly good in all the years was the old Warhammer Age of Reckoning RvR, which will forever be my unbeatable number 1. Your video really makes me wanna play GW2 again for a bit.
@mebrandonb Жыл бұрын
Your experience is something that everyone I've tried to get into gw2 experiences. There is literally so much to do but nothing is really explained to you or forced on you, so unless you have a lot of patience to seek it out or a person to guide you to it, it's literally just a giant sandbox full of toys -- toys that sometimes you don't even know how to play with, or that you are even looking at a toy to begin with. Just open game, decide what you want to do or work on, and have fun. It's incredibly satisfying compared to WoW.
@ArekuMizuhara Жыл бұрын
I have to disagree here. GW2 lost me because it did not give me what I was really looking for: A good and satisfying dungeoning and raiding experience. I don't want to run around and explore what gimmicky tools I need to unlock or reach other areas. I despised Dry Top and Silverwastes... dipped then into PoF to get my first mounts and running around there, but having a grind to somehow get to the other mounts with other abilities was very off setting and I quickly put GW2 aside.
@mebrandonb Жыл бұрын
@@ArekuMizuhara Have you done the strike and raid CMs? I am going to assume not, so what do you mean by satisfying dungeon and raid experience?
@TakoArishi Жыл бұрын
I think one of the first things I do in each GW2 expansion is try to go through each zone a bit. I usually just go looking for Hero Points, Mastery Points, and whatever else I can find for the Specs and stuff, but also just to see the place. It's always a fun exploration experience. Glad you're having fun now!
@jrdougan Жыл бұрын
Waypoints. I personally always bag as many waypoints as I can, particularly before mounts.
@TheStereoMatt Жыл бұрын
one of the most detailed, serious and deep expacs designed for any mmo, yet it never takes its self seriously, never not fun
@FatelDarkAssassins Жыл бұрын
One of my initial frustrations that became an enjoyment of HoT when I first played it was just how absolutely unforgiving it felt without the masteries. After earning a couple masteries I loved the system for just how it made you feel like you are truly conquering the jungle (without just slamming u with gear upgrades). Map meta events are absolutely fantastic especially in HoT they nailed them there.(side note Auric Wilds is one of my favorite OST from any video game)
@cardiner-lv Жыл бұрын
You basically described 90% of people when they first time entered Verdant Brink, people used to hate that zone, now that zone is still one of my favorite places in all MMOs I have played :) All of the Heart of Thorns content is still my favorite content in the game :) and it only improved with mounts :)
@HardcoreCasualGW2 Жыл бұрын
This review perfectly captures both the amazement and the frustration of a new player experiencing Heart of Thorns for the first time. I am curious to see your opinions on Tangled Depths. That map tends to evoke strong feelings.
@rkbkirin5975 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait for Preach to hit the final story chapter/fight. That's going to be good viewing lol
@Azeveco Жыл бұрын
I gotta say: I tried playing Guild Wars 2 many times before and I’d always quit because I kept comparing it with other MMOs, like wow or ffxiv. But once I decided to have an open mind about the game and stop comparing it with others, my mind was blown. If you want to give GW2 a TRUE shot, then keep this in mind: you can’t compare it to other MMOs. This game is different and there is SO MUCH BEAUTY in this. It became one of my favorite.
@Hornswroggle Жыл бұрын
15:20 I was honestly so happy to come back to your stream and hear you say that you went back and re-did Verdant Brink with a new perspective. Because that's what we did on launch as well. I was actually at a guildmate's house for a sleepover party when HoT launched and we spent the 2 days in just the first 2 zones. I didn't even see the 3rd one until I was back home.
@NexusNoxCS Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for him to get to Dragon's Stand. That will be another eye-opener. And also let's all hope for as few bugs as possible on that final Mordy story fight, too.
@Beert2632 Жыл бұрын
i hope he ends up in a party that actually knows not to CC the head LOL to this day you can encounter painful runs like that
@dasbroisku Жыл бұрын
When i started to play GW2 i hated the HoT maps. Now after years those are my most favourite maps, most notably Verdant Brink and Tangled depths. There's certain evil genius in those maps. They feel menacing and dangerous and they are hard to navigate untill you lean them by heart. It's truly you against everything there!
@matthewmay6806 Жыл бұрын
I adored the open world in Heart of Thorns. Exploring it was immensely fun and tough as nails. I don't know how it is now, though, with mounts. And I never gave a fig about the raids that were introduced at that time though.
@TheStarspire Жыл бұрын
It’s still entirely possible to get yourself killed, but the mounts also give you a whole bunch of new ideas for traveling through the map (except maybe the skyscale, I only have Griffon which is really fun to dive around with on Verdant Brink) Tangled depths is still confusing.
@matthewmay6806 Жыл бұрын
@@TheStarspire That's good to know. I had some worry that the mounts might trivialize stuff originally meant to be navigated with gliders at best.
@snakeman830 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewmay6806 The fastest navigation through HoT zones is a combination of mounts and HoT masteries (bouncing mushrooms, gliding, etc.) It really feels like you're using everything you've learned over your career.
@stramaisdead Жыл бұрын
@@TheStarspire ah fuck .. tangled depths.. Ive always been terrible with directions. TD broke my mind.
@kaiyubi9052 Жыл бұрын
Kinda worried in the first half, but happy you enjoyed yourself at the end. Keep it up, kinda great to see the game from the eyes of a new player, especially if you have played it for so long. Makes you appreciate it, and what it offers in comparison to the "competition", even more!
@Soulslicer808 Жыл бұрын
The HOT streams have been an extreme joy to watch. This expansion set the bar on what an open and living world style MMO could achieve. I can't wait till Mike gets to the final map :) :) :)
@Gr_ywind Жыл бұрын
You pretty much replicated my first impression of HoT. It went from ball aching frustration to alright this is pretty fecking awesome. Even though I quit some time ago most things in HoT is why I remember GW2 fondly, and now I want to go play it again. 😂
@MiddleAndrew8709 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I had a friend jump back in GW2 last year for the first time since release. First time he ran into pocket raptors was hilarious. "How can something so small hurt so much?!" Burn it with fire.
@battlebots1 Жыл бұрын
So glad you went back with fresh eyes and enjoyed it! After skipping so many core world bosses and metas I was worried this would happen and kill it for you, so it's great you played the Verdant Brink meta. Also: when the video comes out before the vod channel posts haha
@RobGale Жыл бұрын
I'm addicted to Mike's VODs. I have several abandoned TV shows, but a Preach GW2 VOD comes out and I'm glued to it. Send help.
@battlebots1 Жыл бұрын
@@RobGale I think Bex is on vacation and I couldn't wait so I watched them on his twitch but I'll probably watch again when they get on the vod channel
@cas6382 Жыл бұрын
I have a very similar gaming background to Preach and I'm honestly really glad I decided to try GW2 when I ran out of content in my other games since HoT was when I became genuinely invested as it reminded me why I originally fell in love with mmos years ago. I was definitely hit with the same sense of culture shock but ended up falling in love with what the game had to offer once I got through it.
@FlynnFromTaiga Жыл бұрын
3sided assault on the golden temple with rushing through vault and looting bunch of chest is one of my favorites events in mmo ever. GW2's open world is an amazing system.
@manub9750 Жыл бұрын
You really remind me of the stages i went through when trying Heart of Thorns the first time. The awesomness of the first area. The feeling that you're hunted by the mobs if you go alone by yourself, the frustration, and then the realization of what all these zones are really about meta maps. But trust me, there's even more fun and bizarre things waiting for you in zones 2, 3 and 4. I went from "meh, wtf is that extension?" to "ok, I"m genuinly impressed". Hope you will enjoy the rest of your journey
@danfaces Жыл бұрын
So happy to see you engage in the map metas. I was worried you were just gunna do the main story and miss out on these epic encounters
@LordHizen Жыл бұрын
@alexandrospapadopoulos4297 Жыл бұрын
I genuinely cannot wait for your take on Season 4.
@crystalcortexx Жыл бұрын
Preach becoming one of the biggest gw2 KZfaqrs is happening right now.
@IanGerritsen Жыл бұрын
This journey of yours is probably of huge value to the MMO space. I hope there are lessons learned by developers from this. GW2 does so much right and I can occasionally go back and get completely lost in the world for a while, but I always get pushed out again by some fundamentals... basically the lack of hard trinity and class design based on weapons equipped that doesn't fully work for me.
@evilkamatis542 Жыл бұрын
I hope you consider joining the HP train, people regularly do it. The key to playing the expansion maps in GW2 is to keep an eye on your World chat as people are constantly coordinating everything to make things smooth and enjoyable for everyone. HP train is considered cheesing all the HP points but this is the ultimate way of exploring the map, unlocking all waypoints so you can navigate everywhere and so you can explore. Once you are able to explore the map, then consider joining META TRAIN. It all happens in a sequence beginning at Verdant Brink up until Dragon Stand where the grand event happens. You will freaking love DRAGON STAND oh boy oh boy.
@cattysplat Жыл бұрын
There is something to be said of finding your way to them by yourself, like a mini puzzle, with only HoT mechanics, without any quality of life like mounts or mesmer portal help. It's frustrating trying to work it out but feels great solving the puzzles. Many of the mobs can even be solo'd (but not all).
@broomguy7 Жыл бұрын
I knew this would happen. The story sections of HoT feel underwhelming if you don't touch the meta events - but those meta events make it a great expansion. I was afraid he wasn't going to realize that and would just burn through the journal.
@Djynni Жыл бұрын
I've been playing GW2 since Beta and it's so nice to see this great game from your perspective. I was introduced to your channel from WoW (which I also play) and I'm so glad you decided to do this series, I'm really enjoying it.👍
@Dookie6891 Жыл бұрын
I had almost the exact same revelation after returning from my 6 year hiatus. Sitting in Auric Basin, trying to grind out this god-forsaken mastery trash, and boom, get introduced to a true Octovine experience, and I was hooked. It roped me back in hard. I personally didn't find the campaign of HoT very enjoyable at all, but the whole setup of open-world stuff they built in the first couple maps are a gold standard in quality MMO experience. Verdant Brink is the Grizzly Hills of GW2, and Auric Basin is the Ulduar.
@lordcinderwell Жыл бұрын
Heart of Thorns is definitely a difficulty leap, and gating the hang glider behind Mastery was rough when it launched. Today, there are catch-up mechanics in End of Dragons that let you skip the first Mastery grind gate in Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire (basically, you can get the hang glider and the second mount for free very quickly in EoD, which will dramatically improve the experience).
@matilozano96 Жыл бұрын
Ah, yes. Verdant Bank. My favorite bank in Heart of Thorns. Auric Basin was my revelation moment, too. Octovine is just IMPOSSIBLE to miss, and once you play that, the way GW2 works from HoT onwards suddenly clicks. You become excited every new map just because you want to know how the meta operates.
@hsanrb Жыл бұрын
Watching this video almost felt like me in reverse when I gave it a go after XIV. I went from being punished for exploring a new world, to being rewarded for attempting to go as far as I could survive. Aether currents, gathering and botany, XIV had everything going until zones were split in half for the revisit, and guards who shall not let you pass until you MSQ'd your entry. Heart of Thorns had its "mastery requirement" for the story, but I ended up 5 hours later managing to reach the entry to tangled depths testing ANet thinking something would stop me and nothing ever did. Guild Wars 2 just feels like home, I'm not sure I'd ever go back to another MMO after Heart of Thorns. I loved my journey through Endwalker, but if 7.0 means more 1/2 zones and exploration restrictions without MSQ progression... I don't think I can go back. It's one thing to block the story without a few masteries, it's another thing to block the world without doing story, and as someone who puts the story on the back burner when I get to a new world... I think I know the little embellishments in a game that sells it for me.
@uandubh5087 Жыл бұрын
I really like the Verdant Brink map and especially its meta event, it just feels so satisfiying when the whole map population coordinated by a commander works together and gets it done in the end.
@Scionofgreyhaven Жыл бұрын
I want to try out a whole bunch of mmos again like I used to back in the day but right now I am committed to FFXIV and no money for some others lol, Sounds like quite an experience
@manuelmusetti5026 Жыл бұрын
remember that GW2 has no fees and you can stop and restart without losing progression always, the level cap is 80 and the max stats are and will be the same forever. You gear and level never 'gets old' in this game. Also the core game is totally F2P
@novaanverdiano7589 Жыл бұрын
It's worth noting that HoT actually saw massive nerfs across the board; required Hero Points for maxing out Elite Specs, Hero Challenges, Adventures, required Mastery EXP and enemies were all hit pretty hard over time. Mounts also do a fair bit to passively "nerf" it.
@cattysplat Жыл бұрын
Couldn't solo anything on launch. Felt like playing an old school MMO where venturing out of town without a party was death. The nerfs were much needed tbh.
@novaanverdiano7589 Жыл бұрын
@@cattysplat the open world itself was largely soloable if you had a good build for it and knew your class, it was Hero Points that really kicked you in the nuts. Though I'll say some classes definitely had an easier time than others and it was no joke. The nerfs were needed though, I agree with that, especially since the population on those maps is naturally lower now compared to before, where having higher difficulty was fine.
@MrLShort Жыл бұрын
Verdant Brink is, imo, the single best designed zone in any mmo. Its absolutely gorgeous, and the more you explore, youll really appreciate the sheer scale.
@kreginzen Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you decided to explore and see what the zone had to offer and ended up liking it. Hearth of Thorns is still a place I go when I want to just go run around and so some events and stuff. I absolutely love the areas in Heart of Thorns. I look forward to seeing you experience it all.
@dannyp9210 Жыл бұрын
I'm very glad that Preach is covering other MMOs! I'd like to get an overview of the MMOs out there and compare their different design philosophies
@xKaisora Жыл бұрын
I did remember I actually felt a large amount of frustration when HoT first came out, mind you this was before mounts existed in the game so traversing the place and trying to figure out if the objective was on the upper levels or lower levels of the area didn't feel great. Hoping things have improved since, last I played was around Path of Fire.
@FrozenSilver Жыл бұрын
Oh mounts make HoT so much better. Even without Griffon or Skyscale just the base three help with getting to where you need to be for stuff. Some Hero Points are still a hard but if you call for help you'll usually get someone to show up.
@raquetdude Жыл бұрын
100000% play the Season after PoF just for the story / sceptical. It’s the least skipable non expac part
@sudokillme Жыл бұрын
I love how Preach is so open minded.
@matheusspable Жыл бұрын
Wha t you experienced was probably a VB (Verdant Brinks) bauble farm. They run around doing the most optimal route to complete the highest number of events possible to get Shiny Baubles, that sell for 30 silver to NPCs. You need a bit of speed and some mounts to be able to keep up with them haha! Very fast pacing farm, with practically no time to rest at all.
@igormarkov8806 Жыл бұрын
Hope you will try super adventures box next week ! Definitely that is the MOST unique content in GW2
@cattysplat Жыл бұрын
Damn that'll be a treat to watch.
@deeliriyum Жыл бұрын
Man I envy you on that fresh experience! Gave me nostalgia goosebumps! Also I really like that you are putting in effort and really trying to understand what this game is actually about. Yes, the WHOLE game is endgame! :D
@wildjacks1 Жыл бұрын
Heart of Thorns maps are some of the best maps i have ever played in an MMO. The verticality of the map really gives me the sense of exploration. Also have fun in Tangled Depths! Hahaha.
@darrenleake3343 Жыл бұрын
So glad that you actually get it. will be interesting to watch the vod of those first 5 hours to see what your live musings were.
@justHieuNgo Жыл бұрын
Those big mapwide events are called "meta events", and Auric Basin ( the next zone), which you tried and failed, in my humble opinion, has the best one in game, for value. Can't wait for you to try it and understand it ! Have fun! Also, this zone is called Verdant Brink, not verdant bank. Haha. =)
@SimplyConeh Жыл бұрын
I think Dragon's Stand meta is way better - it feels more like an actual siege and adventure (to avoid spoiling too much). Maybe I'm a little cynical from doing Auric Basin a bunch, but to me it does feel like a bunch of busywork leading up to the serotonin injection of opening all the treasures, which really doesn't do it for me...
@justHieuNgo Жыл бұрын
@@SimplyConeh dragon's stand meta is more epic, but the value of AB meta is way higher.
@justHieuNgo Жыл бұрын
But I agree with you, for fun, and the grand scope of playing a video game, per Breach's game playing rules, Breach will enjoy Dragon's Stand more. You are correct. Me, personally, I enjoy AB more, and make it a normal part of my daily gaming regimen.
@gontrandjojo9747 Жыл бұрын
Octovine the best meta in the game? Dude...
@cassiusbright1062 Жыл бұрын
Octovine kinda sucks compared to some of the other metas, but as an introduction to the concept, it's quite good in its simplicity. The varying mechanics at N/E/S/W are a good introduction to how your role can vary and how you can contribute differently, and the added aspect of simply having to kill them all within the same timeframe makes people aware that map chat is in fact a thing that exists.
@kaelinvictus6039 Жыл бұрын
A moment of silence for all those casual streamers/players who got rekt in Heart of Thorns and never got over their old mmo mindset.
@ch.k.3377 Жыл бұрын
@Jmnznetwork Жыл бұрын
I’m looking forward to watch more videos. This series is great!
@CrystronHalq Жыл бұрын
The MMO Expansion that made me feel rewarded and satisfied for doing stuff. Challenging and diffucult. Making me learn how to play the game. The Zone designs are so beautifully crafted. The verticality is so amazing. The gameplay. The gameplay systems. The Mastery progression system. The events. The enemies. The meta's. The bosses. Ive played MMORPGs for over 15 years and this was the most unique MMO experience Ive had to this day. Nothing even comes close. I was shocked by how packed this expansion was.
@sineirsnapic Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed HoT
@TheMexRAGE Жыл бұрын
That kind of feel is what missing on FF14 Endwalker because of the lack of Eureka/Bozja like content, where it was replicating something similar to this on a smaller scale (even when ps3 is no longer supported, the game code/engine still made for something made to be able to run on a machine weaker than a today's average smartphone, with 512 mb of shared memory so it still have lots of limitation)
@cattysplat Жыл бұрын
They chose to focus on more casual content like island sanctuary and instanced group content with variant dungeons and crystalline conflict. It's very obvious they want to copy WoW's content to suit that playerbase.
@joao28901 Жыл бұрын
Duuude i got emocional 18:45 happy to see u finally geting the way of play of GW2, i hope u have a lot of fun!
@Rkcuddles Жыл бұрын
Omg this is so fun to watch. It’s been so many years since I experienced this map for the first time…. Def had the same experience with masteries when I first got into the expansion
@xerravolos Жыл бұрын
Yeah this is pretty much where GW2 lost me back in the day when it first released
@suncommander7102 Жыл бұрын
@dfg12382 Жыл бұрын
The process of you working through all the mini games and optimizing the runs was really fun to observe, especially as you've done those without masteries. Really enjoy the GW2 series - hope it'll make many new players give it a shot.
@messiah7112 Жыл бұрын
the glider thing, when you said you bought the only true glider, the video shows you browsing some wings and i was like: "Are you serious? these are NOT the real gliders..." then you bought that thing and i was like. "Ohhh! He has THE good taste. Im in peace now."
@Chessrook44 Жыл бұрын
One thing that Guild Wars 2 tried to do is solve a problem. Think about all the other MMOs you played. About the levelling process, going through realms and regions that were frequently fairly empty, few people in it but those who were also levelling. And then you get to the end and everyone's standing around in cities or travelling to raids. Now... look at Heart of Thorns. Verdant Brink is ACTIVE. There are PEOPLE. Dozens, HUNDREDS of people STILL filling the map, STILL doing missions, STILL doing the meta... even YEARS after the game came out. And it's the FIRST map of the FIRST expansion. By all MMO rights this shouldn't be.... but GW2 figured out the trick. No extra levels, and a rewarding meta event, means THE MAP. STAYS. RELEVANT. This is the key that so many MMOs missed, and that ANet figured out.
@world.singer Жыл бұрын
Heart to Thorns is definitely the messiest expansion story imo. It’s super thin and barely explores the subject material it should have, and SPOILERS SPOILERS the game never really touches on the aftermath, nor the fallout for sylvari society/various factions. The pale tree never comes into the story again, and she’s barely ever mentioned even in passing. It’s pretty sad. Love GW2 but there have been a lot of low points imo.
@nataku5379 Жыл бұрын
Love seeing Preach enjoy this. its been a pleasure to play through, and a game i wish i devote more time to
@warcraftwillneverdie Жыл бұрын
Absolutely LOVING your adventures preach! cant wait to see where they next take you in GW2. been playing since preorder gave early access
@hereisdamm Жыл бұрын
I did quit for the same reason 😂
@hush9185 Жыл бұрын
man wants his hand held all game
@C.hrisis Жыл бұрын
? for what reason? he ended up loving it, so you quit because you enjoyed the massive amount of content there was in each zone?
@zlynnt5373 Жыл бұрын
Watch the second half of the video.
@oake5869 Жыл бұрын
I swear to god. You're taking this 'going in blind'-thing to a literal extreme. No one who is a real human being would go to these lengths to avoid learning what's going on. To each their own, though.
@untrustingstatue Жыл бұрын
It’s the only legitimate way he can enjoy the game without being spoonfed. It’s the true ‘random mmo player’ experience. If he was to play gw2 with support and friends then his reviews are biased.
@izera193 Жыл бұрын
I, and most of my friends go into most content like Preach does in this. 100% Blind. We enjoy the discovery aspect of it and looking everything up ruins that for us. We appreciate what Preach does with Games like this.
@oake5869 Жыл бұрын
@@untrustingstatue Bro, a literal google search is not being spoonfed.......
@oake5869 Жыл бұрын
@@izera193 I do too. But if I dont get a mechanic, I will at least google it?
@untrustingstatue Жыл бұрын
@@oake5869 that still counts as ruining his blind and fresh gameplay. He wants to play this game just like a new player would when it released when there was no Google search for shit he’d see
@Hickeroar Жыл бұрын
Love that eureka moment you had in Auric Basin. Really cool. :)
@Boghira Жыл бұрын
I am so excited for you to continue to discover the story! When Eir was gone it was a shock and it was the first indication for me that the writing team for the game does not pull punches and are not afraid to tug on your emotions. Belinda's death should have clued me in.
@keenho Жыл бұрын
bravo. what a thumbnail ! gj chris lol. very catchy !
@cookiebaker2660 Жыл бұрын
I still consider doing solo bounties in PoF areas as Deadeye to be some of the most fun experiences I've had in videogames.
@VMSelvaggio Жыл бұрын
I am so happy you are enjoying Guild Wars 2 as much as you are! My wife and I have been playing the Guild Wars franchise of games since the launch of the Original Guild Wars, and seeing much the game's lore echoed in Guild Wars 2, there have been times I have wiped away tears because there are gravestones or Markers for characters that were in the Original Guild Wars, and they are remembered in this newer iteration. -- A Beautiful journey, it has been.
@Forgotten_Moon Жыл бұрын
Love this vid
The ENDING of Heart of Thorns is EMBARRASSING
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Preach Gaming
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Why I left ESO for Guild Wars 2
Рет қаралды 254 М.
Worst MMO Ever? - Guild Wars
Josh Strife Hayes
Рет қаралды 1,3 МЛН
THIS is how the YouTube Meta Works | The Mukluk GW2 React Chain
Roze Resyndicated
Рет қаралды 10 М.
The GREATEST Race to World First in WoW History!
Preach Gaming
Рет қаралды 155 М.
Path of Fire - This Expansion Changes EVERYTHING
Preach Gaming
Рет қаралды 93 М.
Guild Wars 2 is STEALING My SOUL - Living World 2
Preach Gaming
Рет қаралды 115 М.
The ABSOLUTE BEST and WORST Experience - Living World Season 4
Kuplinov ► Play
Рет қаралды 522 М.
• Gerand •
Рет қаралды 702 М.