Hope and Strength (Isaiah

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Saddleback Church

Saddleback Church

3 жыл бұрын

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@integritypapang 3 жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🙏🙏 ...... Beautiful words and wonderful words.. Hope and Strength are really make me stand strong.....🙏God Bless You
@folakemioluduro 3 жыл бұрын
Fueled* thank You God for bringing this for me.
@benlivesay2106 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Pastor Jeff. Thanks for the uplifting thoughts. Great truths and promises from a great passage. God is definitely in the hope and strength business - what we all need as we look to Him.
@gotunga2026 Жыл бұрын
@folakemioluduro 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You, Love you too🤍😄🎈☺️, these words encouraged me and have filed me for another day! 👏🏾
@jastnatur 2 жыл бұрын
God bless the woman who had this verse on the back of her car .Brought me closer to god . God bless everyone.
@jewishbride5010 2 жыл бұрын
I bind myself, my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances, opponents and the body of Christ to renewed strength to finish and do what one needs to finish and do, in accordance with isaiah 40:31, matthew 6:10 in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
@judygraessle1442 2 жыл бұрын
I pray my family and I be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. May we hope in him. This I pray not only for my family but for all of us. In Jesus name Amen
@josieannbernard638 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Pastor Jeff for God's Word. Today in my life as I grow older, just as you say, knowing and holding on to God's Word gives us greater Strength in Him. I have also just signed up to join the Online Small Group at Saddleback Church. In closing, I have been listening to Saddleback Church for the past three years and in the Name of the Lord, I have become Stronger with Peace and Joy in my life. Blessings to You All🙏🏽🙏🏽
@nicolebowman5454 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you blessings 2 u.
@betsyhall5094 2 жыл бұрын
I googled this verse this morning, I had read it for years. i consider myself a fairly mature Christian, but this verse has always bothered me. Even as a child, I was never very strong. I have contended with 2 chronic illnesses for 35 yrs. Have almost died 20+times. God has intervened to allow me to raise my 2 boy, now men. My husband could not deal, so divorce. I pushed when I was younger, being a RN, to exhaustion. Then was disabled. God is good and faithful. How i would love to literally run and not grow weary, but for me, I see this verse in a spiritual way. I am home bound now for the past 3 yrs, living with my oldest son and family in So. Cal. So , I minister by emails or cards to the sick and the ones who need encouragement and things like that. I was active in church for years. I know the needs of the disabled and look for ways to serve from home.
@johnnymucholoveo604 2 жыл бұрын
@diloresalii8024 3 жыл бұрын
@thequranisthespringofheart3529 3 жыл бұрын
The Bible preaches the Prophet Muhammad Prophethood was in the children of Israel, and they were the children of Jacob bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim Ibrahim has two famous sons, Ishmael and Ishaq The good news of the Prophet Muhammad was mentioned in the Bible in many places, but it was deleted and corrupted with the passage of time But what remains to prove this good news That the Lord commanded Abraham to slaughter Ishmael, not Isaac, as is found in the Bible where it came That God tested Abraham, saying to him: “Abraham!” And he said, "Here!" So he said: “Take your son, the one you love, to Isaac, and go to the land of Mary, and go up there with the throne. Genesis chapter twenty-second Focus on his saying (“Take your only son, whom you love, Ishaq,” When was Isaac the only son of Abraham Ishmael is 14 years older than Isaac ??? This proves intentional misrepresentation And also from the good news that came in the Bible: Hajar preached what a woman did not preach before or after her The Bible states that the angel of God brought her the good news twice from God, through Ishmael, peace be upon him And that his descendants be a great nation See (Genesis 16: 1--22), (17: 17-21) and (21: 12-21). The good news came to Abraham, peace be upon him, repeatedly, by Ishmael, peace be upon him, and that his descendants cannot be counted nor counted. The nation of Ismail was not great and large in number except with the mission of Muhammad and the emergence of Islam. Because the Prophet is a descendant of Ismail And it was also mentioned in their book that God promised Abraham, peace be upon him, saying: (By your offspring, all nations of the earth shall be blessed.) Acts of the Apostles Chapter 3 kama ja'at albashaarat li'iibrahim ealayh alslam mraraan , bi'iismaeil ealayh alslam , w 'ana naslah la yuead wala yuhsa falam takun 'ummt 'iismaeil eazimatan wakabirat aleadad 'iilaa bibaethat muhamad w zuhur al'iislam; li'ana alnabia min nasl 'iismaeil waja' fi kitabahum aydaan 'ana allah waead 'iibrahim ealayh alslam qaylaan ( binaslik tatabarak jmye 'umam al'ard ) 'aemal alrusul al'ashah 3 The good news came to Abraham, peace be upon him, repeatedly, by Ishmael, peace be upon him, and that his descendants cannot be counted nor counted. The nation of Ismail was not great and large in number except with the mission of Muhammad and the emergence of Islam. Because the Prophet is a descendant of Ismail And it was also mentioned in their book that God promised Abraham, peace be upon him, saying: (By your offspring, all nations of the earth shall be blessed.) Acts of the Apostles Chapter 3 So Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, came as a messenger from God to all nations, and this was never before him for anyone else And God said to Abraham, "I will make you a great nation." And this very last description was deserved by Ismail, peace be upon him, and Jacob did not deserve it in their book And the greatness became from Abraham to Ishmael and his descendants, as recognized by their book And the mention of Abraham did not spread in all nations except in Islam Because the Jews and Christians do not consider him a prophet, do not venerate him, and do not bless him Their book said that God said to him (3 And I will bless those who bless you, and he who curses you I curse him. And all tribes of the earth shall be blessed in you.) Genesis chapter 21 Baraka settled from Abraham to the Muslims So they blessed him in every prayer, and neither the Jews nor the Christians in their prayers mentioned him with the blessing at all. As well as Moses came to preach the Prophet Muhammad has come 22 For Moses said to the fathers: Indeed, a prophet like me will rise up for you the Lord your God from your brethren .. to Him you will hear in all that you accomplish. Acts of the Apostles Chapter 3 Who are the brothers of the Children of Israel ?? Brothers of the children of Israel are the children of Ishmael As well as from the good news that came to preach the Prophet Muhammad As in the book of Isaiah For, behold, the Lord of hosts takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah the bond and the pillar, every bond of bread, and every bond. The mighty and the man of war. The judge, the Prophet, the fortune teller, and the sheikh. Isaiah chapter 3 The first of these good news in Isaiah is the withdrawal of prophecy from the children of Israel Then he says 10 O my country and build my hand. What I heard from the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, I told you. 11 inspiration from the standpoint of Duma: Isaiah chapter 21 Where is Duma located ?? Duma is a city located in Saudi Arabia, which is the country from which the Prophet Muhammad left, and it is now called Dumat al-Jandal, and it is the capital of Arar Governorate Then he says 13 A serpent from the country of the Arabs: In the woods, in the countries of the Arabs, you will repel, O caravans of the Danes. Book of Isaiah chapter 21 Here, after he preached the new revelation and said that it would be from the direction of the countries of Arabia, he said (in Al-Waer) that is, in the mountainous region The place from which the Prophet Muhammad left is located in a mountainous area Likewise, no prophet emerged from the Arab countries other than the Prophet Muhammad Then it completes 16 For this is how the master said to me: “In the span of a year like the year of an employee, all the glory of Qidar perishes. What is the relationship of Kedar to the good news ??? Kedar is a descendant of Ishmael and was the most famous man of Ishmael’s descendants, so he was mentioned in the Bible many times When the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came he annihilated the glory of Kedar and mentioned him because the Prophet Muhammed was higher than the glory of Kedar. He also says support, my choice with whom I pleased myself. I put my spirit on him, so he brings out the truth to the nations. 2 He does not shout, does not raise, and does not hear his voice on the street. 3 A bruised reed He does not break, but a dead filament He shall not quench. To safety brings out the truth. 4 He shall not eat or be broken, until the truth is placed on the earth, and the countries await his law. Isaiah Chapter 42 Who is this servant who is supported by the Lord ?? Certainly, this prophet is not from the children of Israel. He says in verse 1 (And the truth will go out to the nations)) All prophets used to come to their people only Moses came to the Children of Israel only, and they called only the Children of Israel to worship God Likewise, Jesus was only sent to the House of Israel in particular And the story in the Gospel: When did the Canaanite woman come to him and her daughter was crazy, what did the Lord Jesus say to her ?? 24 Then he answered and said, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” When is chapter 15 Are you from the lost sheep of Israel ?? Surely you are not one of the lost sheep of Israel If you read the biographies of all the prophets, you will find that they only invited their people to worship God As for the character of this prophet, his call is general to all nations And all the qualities he mentioned in the verses. applies to the Prophet Muhammad As for the adjective in the fourth verse, it is an adjective that no one can deny When all his relatives stood against him, beat him and mocked him, he did not tire or break, rather he was getting stronger. Then he says: (And the countries are waiting for his law) That is, he will bring a new law other than the law of Moses The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, came with a new law other than the law of Moses Then Isaiah continues 11 Let the wilderness and its cities raise its voice, the house in which Qidar dwelt. Let the inhabitants of Sala sing. From the tops of the mountains to cheer. 12 to give glory to the Lord, and to announce his praise in the countries Then he talks about the homes that Kedar inhabited It is known that Kedar lived among the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula But we focus on his saying (Let the inhabitants of Sele sing to sing from the tops of the mountains to shout. 12 Let the Lord give glory and testify of his praise) The strange thing is that the text did not confine itself to referring to Kedar bin Ismail, who is the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace. Salaa is (Sila) and it is a mountain in the Bab al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, as its name is until now, and it is Sala in Hebrew After we learned that Salaa is a mountain located at the entrance to Medina (the city of the Messenger of God) to which the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, immigrated from Mecca and settled there and was the center of his state Then he says 1- Send the lamb of the ruler of the land from Sele to the wilderness to Mount Zion's daughter. Isaiah chapter 16 We benefit from several things 1. He described the ruler of Sala, the Prophet Muhammad, who described him as the ruler of the earth No one in the Bible is described as the ruler of the earth other than the ruler of Sala (the Prophet Muhammad). 2 .. He preaches the conquest of Jerusalem by the Muslims 3. If he had said (Send the ruler of the earth) The good news would have been invalidated, but he said (Send the lambs of the ruler of the earth) Because Jerusalem was not opened until after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, that is, at the time of Omar bin Al-Khattab in the year 637 AD
@thequranisthespringofheart3529 3 жыл бұрын
Did Christ preach the coming of a prophet after him ?? 15 «If you love me, keep my commandments, 16 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever 17, the Spirit of truth, which is not world can accept, because it neither sees nor knows, and but you know Him because he dwells with you and will be in you. John chapter 14 In the old editions (another Barclayt), Christ is the first Barclayt and the Prophet Muhammad is the second Barclayt And also 26 “And when the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, which proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness. 27 And you shall bear witness also, because you are with Me from the beginning. John chapter 15 And also 13 As for when that comes, the spirit of truth will guide you to all truth, because he does not speak from himself, but by all of him. 14 He that glorifies me, because he takes from what I have and tells you. John chapter 16 You will certainly say that the Spirit of Truth or Comforter is the meaning of the Holy Spirit Christ told about the spirit of truth that he would be among people, speak with them, guide them, inform them, and be with them forever But these things do not apply to the Holy Spirit The question remains. Who is this Arab prophet whom Isaiah the prophet preached and called Christ the Spirit of truth, called him also the Comforter, and heralded his coming ??? Certainly, what Christ called the Spirit of Truth is what the Prophet Isaiah had preached before He is the Prophet Muhammad ...to see the scientific miracle in the Quran, click on this link kzfaq.info/love/n5fWwAp5IomJb4Gv1frEjA And To experience listening to the Quran, enter my channel and enjoy watching
@benlivesay2106 3 жыл бұрын
@@thequranisthespringofheart3529 Hi. That is an interesting concept, but when we compare Scripture with Scripture, Jesus definitely was talking about the Holy Spirit who indwells, comforts, strengthens, and gives direction, inspiration and wisdom to believers. There is no mention of Muhammad in the Bible. Muhammad has never indwelt or empowered any person. Read Acts Chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus' disciples just as Jesus promised He would. The world was forever changed and continues to change through the Holy Spirit's ministry in and through people's lives. The Holy Spirit always points people to Jesus, who alone is the hope of the world. I hope that helps.
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