House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 3 - Fan Reactions and Theories

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Bend the Knee

Bend the Knee

18 күн бұрын

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Пікірлер: 25
@ChilledKiwi 16 күн бұрын
The comment about Rhaenyra dying there in the sept and the war continuing is on point. That scene shows that the wheels of conflict have already begun to spin and neither of them likely have the power to stop it.
@jch5150 16 күн бұрын
4 seasons is definitely not too many!
@kahlilg9824 16 күн бұрын
While Aemond is stoked someone tried to take a hit out on him, B&C didn’t stand a chance he’d cut them down like he was tilling a field. He’s totally the type to sleep with a dagger or a sword near his bed or hide them randomly though his room. I think he would’ve been disappointed ultimately.
@autje1970 16 күн бұрын
We will definitely see the Arryns this season, given that Jeyne Arryn was cast. By the way, this is not the Sept of Baelor, given that Baelor isn't even born yet.
@brad5794 16 күн бұрын
Was thinking the same thing about calling it the sept of Baelor haha
@AlyssiaE 15 күн бұрын
The Burning Mill cut scene was immaculate & got the point across about the brutality of war...Feast for Crows. It was also baiting & switching the audience for the actual battle next episode. GoT did it constantly in s2 before Blackwater. Overloading with battles takes away the novelty. Let the casuals who complained about it stick to their mindless action flicks. Meanwhile targ stans mad about Ulf & Baelon? Oh no, a royal prince sired a bastard & water is wet! Where did they think those dragonseeds came from? Look at the timeline even in the book & it's clear some rather recent Targaryen in KL was fooling around. Helaena's "I forgive you" is a prophetic present tense literary device. She's talking about something that hasn't happened yet...the window. Brilliant writing! Finally a depiction of Harrenhal that actually gives it the look & feel of a cursed, haunted castle. The weirdwood reaching out to the Isle of Faces, yearning for its kind, almost! Goomer Daemon's ideal vision of Rhaenyra being stuck at 15 year old. Scary. The "I swear to you on the memory of my mother" clapback is the best line of the series so far. And lastly, Rhaenyra is not whitewashed. Her treatment of Rhaena was a sign that Rhaenyra will ultimately be submerged by the system she's trying to change. She will leave everyone disillusioned, which is the point they're making about the immutability of autocracy. Rhaenyra's subtle selfishness & ego has been so beautifully characterized. Placing her sons & heirs above all, asking her own orphan step child to play surrogate, all in the place where said child lost her own mother. No remorse & a complete cognitive dissonance. Rhaenyra is such a triumph of adaptation I have so much faith they’re going to manage to successfully pull off her tragedy. She hypocritically outsources motherhood to Rhaena & assigns her that passive feminine role. As a character Rhaenyra is most fascinating when she's forced to navigate & perpetuate the gendered structures she despises & wishes she could transcend. Rhaena is clearly straining against the fact that if she has no dragon she is to be relegated to childcare while Baela gets at least some freedom (or the illusion of it). The show is giving Rhaena a nuanced dimension to be dissatisfied with this position (the book doesn't give her much of anything). Conflict is good! & Rhaenyra’s central conflict- that to gain & retain power within a violent system one must perpetuate those violences, no matter one’s honorable intentions- having its seeds sown here is really smart writing.
@ScammyJammy 17 күн бұрын
I think the episode was great until the final scene I don’t think it ruined the show at all people that say that are crazy
@jcruz8458 17 күн бұрын
Also I think sneaking in is a lot easier than what people make it out to be. There’s no pictures. The low class would rarely see high born and if they did it’d be very rare. Plus she was covered up and kept her head down and I thought it was pretty obvious that she received underground help from mysaria and her agents. The only part that would be disbelieving is maybe alicent not calling on her guards but idk I’m just take it that she still cares for her on some level she has tried to communicate with her since the start of this season.
@jasonck9635 16 күн бұрын
I agree with you ! I just don’t think it was needed ! And I would of rather the budget money from that dumb septa scene ! Had gone to a little small skirmish of brackens and blackwoods ! As their rivalry is something I wanted them to show a little more of ! I really don’t like those kind of scenes where they show a conflict about to happen and then they cut away to the aftermath ! This is something that is done a lot in movies and even game of thrones to save money ! Now I don’t think we needed a huge battle ! But I would have at least like to have seen those men that were arguing at least swing their swords at each other ! I would have settle for just the main 2 guys at least ! Anything then just the cut away ! But I understand that they did it for budget reasons ! But I feel some of the budget was misplaced !
@jasonck9635 16 күн бұрын
@@jcruz8458but I do think the guards would have been secretly watching when Alicent and Rhaenyra were arguing a little bit ! Especially with all the events that happened ! Security would be so tight and they would still be watching the queen from afar with close eyes , and anyone that came close to her . I think they would have paid attention ! But that is just one scenario ! So it’s possible that things could have gone in many diff directions ! I just don’t think the septa scene was really needed ! But that’s just my opinion and I respect that some people may feel that it was a necessary scene !
@collegechemistrytutorials 12 күн бұрын
Great job guys.
@earlmason1954 16 күн бұрын
Talking about Rhaenyra being brash, we've already seen her fly off on her own to confront Daimon in season 1. My bigger issue with the scene is I didn't understand what her goal actually was. She wanted to not escalate to the use of dragons sure, but what was the compromise she was willing to make in order to do that? No idea.
@yuki2855 16 күн бұрын
That's a Valid point, that's why the scene made zero sense on so many levels.
@jcruz8458 17 күн бұрын
I know many people have stated this before but the greens were always going to take the throne. I think the whole thing with alicent was to make her feel like she was doing the right thing and bring that tension between her and rhaeynra. Which rhaeynra still cares about her even if it’s from a whole lifetime ago and she probably thought her father’s wife usurped the throne for her son and betrayed her. The conversation between them at the end probably made rhaeynra feel that action is the only way to take it back
@rontexico7645 15 күн бұрын
*Fans saw the opening scene with Blackwoods & Brackens taking everybody's lives & leaving no winners & were like "anyway! When are the main characters gonna start killing each other??"* Starting by showing the human cost of war should’ve been enough to grasp why a peaceful solution should be sought after to the extreme...& yet. Multiple characters all thru the episode comment on how cyclical violence begets violence & perception of blame is manipulated. Like Lord Simon says "the reason is lost to time". Rhaenyra wears Jaehaerys the Conciliator's crown: Rhaenys is literally spoonfeeding the theme in a way GoT never bothered to do! If GoT came out today ppl would be crying about Tyrion giving Cat Ned's bones & trying to negotiate Jamie for the girls! “Why they still trying to prevent a war & seek peace!! Bad writing!" All of GoT s2 would be considered filler! Ofc the Sept meeting didn't make sense to Targ stans, Daemyra shippers & "I want Aegon vs Rhaenyra war movie" Greens. Cause they're so adamant in not understanding the focal point of this adaptation : Rhaenyra & Alicent being torn apart by feudal patriarchy. That despite everything, they still care for & value each other. You don’t even have to perceive their love as romantic. But outright denial, letting your prejudices dumb you down & make you refuse to even engage with what the story has made abundantly clear is wild!The complain about logistics is hypocritical as Daemon goes to KL in ep1. Daemon is a man so when he does crazy things it’s awesome & cool! But Rhaenyra goes off the deep end & it's weak, passive & dumb! "What happened to her rage?" A six year old child was murdered in her command. God forbid she goes thru internal conflict after that. Or think of Alicent's arc as a man : *"a boy who was raised to always do his duty no matter how high the price; has a moment where he mistakenly believes all his sacrifice might've been worth it for the realm, then slowly realizes there's too much blood on his hands to stop." Ppl would be obsessed.* But a complex female character gets "she's so dumb" or "she's a b word". *Alicent didn’t place Aegon on the throne cause she misunderstood the prophecy; the prophecy simply gave her an acceptable justification for doing what she had to do. It was a tool of self-deception. Which was made clear when Alicent brilliantly used the "I swear on my mother" line which Rhaenyra used as a lie in s1.* Alicent’s wants were of no relevance. *Aegon would've been placed on the throne with or without her support. Her placing him there just granted her a degree of influence over him.* Hotd acknowledging men's violence isn't "gender essentialism". These men are violent cause they were taught that they have the right to be. Nothing sexist about the two female characters pondering the reality of a brutal war as they've been subjected to this everyday violence the most. "But Alicent & Rhaenyra's kids should come before their love". Exactly...they have the most at stake. Have you considered the best way to protect their kids is to stop killing each other? The kids are already dying. Aegon is about to be disfigured & paralyzed. Ofc Alicent would want to do anything she can to stop this. But she is destined to fail. Which is the tragedy. Many women tend to be in denial about the harshly realistic portrayal of Alicent & Rhaenyra's every walking moment being a struggle against misogyny (like Rhaenyra's sexist council) cause they have the girlboss fantasy of how they would've "done things differently" if put in these situations.
@jasonck9635 16 күн бұрын
I heard they removed that two chemical secretions is what makes the fire ! But I’m not sure ! That would help explain that ! But I heard they removed it because they wanted the existence of magic to exist in the show !
@jasonck9635 16 күн бұрын
I overall liked the episode ! There were some things I loved and 2 things I hated ! I wished we at least saw a clash of swords or even a small skirmish between brackens and blackwoods ! A lot of people love their rivalry ! And then I hated the septa scene ! But I loved the harenhall scenes !
@orcocan 17 күн бұрын
sorry i disagree, the last scene was bad cause it was made no sense. Characters take rash or stupid decisions all the time, that's not the point, but we can all tell when an action is faithful to the character or if it's contrived because the writers want to create a 'cool' moment (end of S01E09...) or force two characters to interact or whatever. Alicent not taking Rhanera hostage when she's in front of her is so stupidly unbelievable. And Rhanera not understanding the risks of doing this for the sake of having a chat with Alicent when she knows very well that Alicent has no real power is completely out of character as well. If they had concocted something to have them meet in neutral territory i could have given them a pass, but the scene as presented is so obviously stupid because the two characters as setup by the show would never behave in this way. That's where the S7/S8 parallels come up.... (that said, i still LOVE the show as a whole, but we have to call things out when they're bad)
@eoghanclark165 16 күн бұрын
Rhaenyra should and probably does at heart know that talking to Alicent won't prevent war, but the point is she had to try, even if it is a fools errand since the fallout will be (and it will be) catastrophic. Baring in mind this woman just lost her father and two children, she now has the weight of a nephew's death on her conscience, alongside two brave brothers who died pointless deaths due to her families squabblings. Not only that, she clearly wanted to hear about her father's passing and reconfirm that she was the chosen heir, which she could gain from Alicent since she knows her well enough to recognise her lies. Point is, Rhaenyra's going through some shizz. Everyone else involved does seem to be looking at her like she's crazy, so the show does at least recognise this. I'm not saying it couldn't have been better handled, it really could, but i don't think it's THAT bad. (Also, we don't know if Alicent has alerted anyone yet, episode ended too quickly)
@orcocan 16 күн бұрын
@@eoghanclark165 try what exactly? if rhaenyra wanted to avoid war at all cost she would just surrender / give up her claim and go to essos with her kids, daemon by himself could not continue the war she very well knows alicent couldnt stop sh*t even if she wanted to we can all tell the whole scene is just the writers wanting to have a scene with the two actresses together and trying to overdo the whole 'women dont want war' narrative even if we accepted that it made sense for rhaenyra to go (which i still dont), how do we explain alicent not taking her hostage? there's no logical explanation since alicent just doubled downs on continuing the war, having rhea prisoner would give them a huge advantage so why would she let her go? (alicent didnt alert anyone you'll see)
@eoghanclark165 16 күн бұрын
@@orcocan aye but that's Rhaenyra's character flaw. End of the day, much as she dallies, she wants power. The exact same reason she didn't go across the sea with Ser Criston. I'm not defending Rhaenyra here, she's a moron for doing it and I'm certainly not suggesting there's a path to peace. My point is that Rhaenyra isn't thinking clearly right now and wanted to try it on the off chance they could FIND a path to peace TOGETHER. Alicent of course tells her to stop being a moron, and we the audience should agree. It is a bit annoying that ALL the women are anti-war and the men pro-war (Viserys not included) I grant you. Though i'd say its not that unrealistic either especially in Westerosi society. That is how they're raised. (Again, can't comment on Alicent, guess well see :L)
@orcocan 16 күн бұрын
@@eoghanclark165 exactly my point, rhaenyra has zero intention of giving up her claim, so what are the writers trying to convince us that she's trying to do? go to alicent who's not even queen and ask her nicely and they'll just say yes? even if they're trying to make her look like she wants peace they've never shown her as this stupid
@jasonck9635 16 күн бұрын
I agree with everything you said here !
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