How Can Warp Drive Travel Faster Than Light? Alcubierre Warp Drive Explained

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The World Of Science

The World Of Science

5 ай бұрын

The concept of traveling beyond the speed of light has been given theoretical grounding through the Alcubierre warp drive. Proposed by physicist Miguel Alcubierre in the 1990s, this warp drive involves creating a space-time bubble around a spacecraft. By contracting space in front of the spacecraft and expanding it behind, the ship can ride a wave of space-time, seemingly achieving faster-than-light travel without breaking the cosmic speed limit. In essence, it's the space around the ship that moves, not the ship itself, allowing for rapid traversal of vast distances.
The theoretical feasibility of the Alcubierre warp drive hinges on generating an immense amount of energy, currently beyond our technological capabilities. The ship's warp core, similar to a nuclear reactor, would utilize matter and antimatter collisions to produce the necessary energy for warping space. While this concept was initially fictional, Alcubierre proposed a solution to Einstein's Field Equation that aligned with the principles of the Star Trek Warp Drive.
NASA has recently developed a model of Alcubierre Warp Drive. Ongoing developments and models inspired by the Alcubierre Drive suggest that interstellar travel might not be confined to science fiction in the distant future.
The Alcubierre Warp Drive presents an intriguing approach to faster-than-light travel by manipulating spacetime. Unlike traditional propulsion, this theoretical model involves compressing spacetime in front of a spacecraft and expanding it behind, creating a "warp bubble." Within this bubble, the vessel remains stationary relative to its local spacetime, allowing for apparent superluminal speeds without violating Einstein's cosmic speed limit. However, the concept hinges on speculative physics, requiring exotic matter with negative energy density, a substance yet to be observed.
Can We Travel Faster Than Light Using A Warp Drive? Alcubierre Warp Drive explained in this video. Do you think traveling faster than light speed would ever be possible?
Creative Director: Lakshay
Editor: Aman Kaushal/Team 121 Creators
Presenter: Sidhart Viyapu
Project Head: Rajkumar Shukla
Production: World Of Science Media

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@TheWorldOfScienceCo 5 ай бұрын
If we had a functional warp drive today, where in the universe would be your dream destination? 🤔
@portalopener7759 5 ай бұрын
@TheWorldOfScience: Space cannot bend or stretch or travel because space is not tangible. Instead of space expanding things travel through space. The theory of relativity does not say that we cannot travel faster than c = the speed of light = 299792458 meters per second inside the vacuum of regular space. Relativity says anything with mass cannot reach the speed of light = c = the speed of light = 299792458 meters per second inside the vacuum of regular space. What is mass? Mass is resistance to motion for example if you are in the passenger seat of a car that is being driven down the motorway at 50 or above 50 miles per hour with your hand out the window you can feel the wind pushing against your hand because the wind is stopping your car from reaching the speed of light = c = 299792458 meters per second inside the vacuum of regular space. There is no atmospheric wind in space to reduce the speed of a spacecraft but there are numerous amounts of gas and dust particles and debris that can both reduce the speed and also destroy an unshielded spacecraft upon impact by causing explosive decompression. The solution is to create a repulsive laser deflection force-field that is made with Nuclear Exciton Polariton lasers from Exciton Polariton condensates for a Polariton Superfluid to deflect minor debris such as gas and dust particles away from the electromagnetic field propulsion spacecraft with the repulsive Polariton Superfluid force-field being emitted directly from the outer surface of the electromagnetic field propulsion spacecraft in all surrounding directions, so that the electromagnetic field propulsion spacecraft can achieve unlimited speed.
@OverwoundGames 5 ай бұрын
See the first presentation of last weekend's Alternative Propulsion and Engineering Conference, KZfaq title: "APEC 12/23: Asymmetrical Capacitance, Warp Drives & Torsion Physics"
@sanctuslex478 4 ай бұрын
Is there a universal time for the entire universe? The answer is- No! According to Einstein's theory of relativity, there is no unambiguous absolute time that applies to the entire universe. Instead, time is a relative concept, dependent on motion and gravity. Different observers in different states of motion or in different gravitational fields may experience different measurements of time. The theory of relativity describes how time and space are related to each other and how they change in the presence of mass and energy. For example, time may pass slower near large masses such as black holes compared to observers farther from the massive object. Therefore, there is no one universal time for the entire Universe, but time is a concept that depends on the context and observational conditions. How does the lack of universal time for the entire Universe affect the idea of the FTL (Faster Than Light) drive? Wouldn't this cause time paradoxes - (grandfather paradox) since there are different times for different observers, e.g. the time of a hypothetical planet orbiting a neutron star and the time of the planet Earth orbiting the Sun and the FTL ship travel? Would this be a trip back in time for either side? The issue of the lack of universal time for the entire universe has important implications for the idea of faster-than-light (FTL) travel and potential time paradoxes. If it were possible to travel FTL, where an object moves faster than light, then according to the theory of relativity, there would be a possibility of violating causality, i.e. sending information or events in a way that appears to violate the established order of cause and effect. For example, if an FTL traveler were to travel from one place to another at faster than light speeds, they could reach their destination before the light they sent out when they began their journey. This seems to lead to a grandfather paradox, where a traveler could travel back in time and prevent the birth of their ancestors. However, due to the lack of a unique time for the entire universe, as well as other theoretical limitations such as the existence of a light speed limit, FTL travel is impossible. There is currently no clear answer in physical theory on how to avoid time paradoxes in the context of FTL travel. My example with a neutron star and our star as objects with different clocks (times) is a good illustration of the phenomenon of differences in the passage of time for observers in different gravitational conditions. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time flows slower in areas with a larger gravitational field. Therefore, for an observer on a planet orbiting a dense neutron star (which generates a strong gravitational field), time will pass more slowly than for an observer on Earth (which is in a weaker gravitational field). In practice, this means that if we had two clocks - one on a planet orbiting a neutron star and the other on Earth - the elapsed time on these clocks would differ. The clock on a planet orbiting a neutron star will lag behind the clock on Earth. Therefore, if it were possible to travel FTL between these two objects, when the traveler returns to Earth, he or she might notice that a longer time has passed on Earth than on the planet around the neutron star. In this way, the traveler could experience a kind of journey into the past in relation to the Earth and the neutron star. I will give a hypothetical situation with the FTL drive (Alcubierre drive), which does not have time dilation. Some FTL-powered ship flies from Earth to the nearest black hole, where time dilation occurs nearby due to a strong gravitational field. Halfway from Earth to the black hole, this ship stops and sends an FTL signal and another at the speed of light (a signal subject to time dilation) to the vicinity of this black hole with greetings. Then this ship flies at the speed of FTL to the vicinity of this black hole (which generates a strong gravitational field causing time dilation) and from there it receives the signal at the speed of light that it sent itself and then sends a signal FTL, i.e. faster than light (and another one with the same information, but at the speed of light) to the halfway point where it stopped earlier and gave itself the information not to fly to the vicinity of the black hole but to return to Earth, which they do. I'm saying that the captain of the ship wants to deliberately investigate what happens when he triggers a paradox. My example highlights some elements of the FTL paradox. However, it is worth noting that the Alcubierre drive he describes is a hypothetical model and has not yet been proven to be technically feasible. In my scenario, when the FTL ship stops halfway and sends a signal at the speed of light to the vicinity of the black hole, there is a potential contradiction. The signal undergoes time dilation, which means that time on Earth will passe faster than in the vicinity of the black hole. This means that when an FTL ship returns to where it stopped earlier and then receives the signal it sent, that signal may suggest that more time has passed on Earth than has actually passed on the ship. This seems paradoxical because the FTL ship receives information from itself that suggests that a longer period of time has passed on Earth, while the traveler on the ship has not experienced the same passage of time.
@portalopener7759 4 ай бұрын
@@sanctuslex478 : Debunking the theory of Relativity’s Time dilation claim part 1: Some of the concepts of Quantum mechanics and some of the concepts of the theory of Relativity are accurate. The majority of the concepts in the theory of relativity are false and the theory of relativity is worthless garbage that has been imposed upon us by the parasitic elite that want to hide some knowledge from the majority of the general population of the people of our planet Earth and protect the monopoly profits of the energy industries that sell fossil fuels. The theory of Relativity is wrong because time is determined by the observation and measurement of the speed of objects moving through space based upon cycles such as one year is the time it takes for a planet to orbit around its star. Time is determined by the observation and measurement of the speed of objects moving through space based upon cycles and different objects move in space at different speeds. Some objects travel through space faster than other objects. Some planets orbit around a star quicker than other planets because the closer a planet is to its star the quicker it orbits its star and the further away a planet is from its star the slower the planet orbits its star and that means that some clocks MUST be faster or slower than other clocks. The theory of relativity has nothing to do with GPS (Global Positioning System). The concept of Space-time is false because space does NOT have clocks. The concept of Space-time cannot exist because space does NOT have clocks. Time is an illusion that has been invented by human beings. Time does NOT really exist because time is an illusion, instead different cycles exist in nature and our clocks are based upon some of the different cycles that exist in nature. Our clocks are also based upon the different time zones that we human beings have invented that are based upon the movement of objects moving through space at different speeds in the fashion of cycles in nature. The illusion that is known as time is determined by the speed of clocks and some clocks operate faster than other clocks. Illusions are based upon perceptions and interpretations. The creation of time by human beings is also arbitrary because who decides that the clocks should go faster by an hour in the spring and summer of each year? Also who decides that the clocks should go slower by an hour in the autumn and winter of each year? An individual’s perception of time is determined by the time zone that the individual has existed in for a long period of time. Different time zones can cause the inhabitants of those different time zones to have different perceptions of time. The concept of 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour comes from he Sexagesimal system of base 60. The concept of the second is derived from a 30 degree swinging pendulum with a length of 1-meter. The meter was originally derived from dividing the Polar circumference of our planet Earth into 40 million equal parts. Time is known by the measurement of clocks and without clocks on a spaceship how can an individual that is travelling close to c = the speed of light = 299792458 meters per second inside the vacuum of regular space know what the time is? The idea that time slows down when an accelerating object approaches the speed of light is false because the speed of clocks vary depending on the time zones that the clocks were programmed from. The Gravity of a planet is created by both the planet’s star in a Magnetohydrodynamics style with a spinning dynamo plasma core that creates an electromagnetic field and the planet’s electromagnetic field is created by the spinning dynamo of the planet’s core in a Magnetohydrodynamics style. The speed of a clock’s moving arms is also determined by the electromagnetic fields of the planet’s atmosphere similar to how a magnetic compass is influenced by electromagnetic fields. Another reason for Time dilation being false is that the artificial gravity that is created by the electromagnetic fields onboard a spacecraft MUST be the same or similar to the speed of the gravity of the home planet of the occupant or occupants onboard the spacecraft to prevent the occupant or occupants onboard the spacecraft from being crushed or having their muscles stretched out too much. Because the artificial gravity that is created by the electromagnetic fields onboard a spacecraft MUST be the same or similar to the speed of the gravity of the home planet of the occupant or occupants onboard the spacecraft the clocks onboard the spacecraft should move at the same speed or similar speed as the clocks that are on the home planet of the occupant or occupants onboard the spacecraft. On our planet Earth the speed of gravity is 9.8 meters per second squared. Out in space the speed of universal gravity is the same as c = the speed of light = 299792458 meters per second inside the vacuum of regular space. We cannot have literal time travel because history only exists as memories in the minds of individuals that remember events of the past. Regarding time travel events of the past cannot be changed because the events of the past can only be recorded and observed and interpreted to a limited degree by an observer or a multitude of observers. Interpretations of past events may vary from the point of different observers. Time is an illusion that has been invented by human beings and that means that time dilation is also an illusion. Time does NOT really exist instead cycles exist and human beings have invented clocks to measure the various cycles of nature and the measurements of the cycles of nature by human beings with clocks is called time. Some clocks are faster than other clocks depending on the accuracy of how they were designed to measure the cycles of nature. The theory of time dilation is a misinterpretation of a space traveller that has dematerialized and entered Hyperspace but has failed to rematerialize at the chosen destination similar to riding a train and missing your stop and the result is the traveller may NEVER find the chosen destination due to being trapped in Hyperspace or lost in space and time. It is NOT impossible to travel faster than the speed of light = c = 299792458 meters per second inside the vacuum of regular space but it is very dangerous to travel faster than the speed of light Because we will NOT be able to control our synthetic Dyon propelled spacecraft after we have dematerialized and entered Hyperspace. All of our commands MUST be given to the artificial intelligence that controls the Quantum computers and monitors the life support systems onboard the synthetic Dyon propelled spacecraft long before the speed of light is approached by the synthetic Dyon propelled spacecraft so that we can avoid getting trapped in Hyperspace and lost in space and time forever after we have used the effect of Quantum tunnelling to break trough the light speed barrier and dematerialize. If an electromagnetically propelled spacecraft breaks through the light speed barrier while attempting to jump into Hyperspace without dematerializing so that the electromagnetic propulsion spacecraft and its occupants or occupant can pass through physical objects in space then the risk is taken of accidentally crashing into other physical objects in space and if an electromagnetically propelled spacecraft breaks through the light speed barrier and is able to successfully dematerialize for the purpose of passing through physical objects in space and avoid crashing into physical objects in space but the electromagnetic propulsion spacecraft and its occupants or occupant fail to rematerialize at the desired destination then the electromagnetic propulsion spacecraft and its occupants or occupant would get trapped and lost in space and time forever.
@azhar158 4 ай бұрын
I am litterly shocked to see how talented you all are in comment section. God bless you all
@joegroup1 25 күн бұрын
To get to the nearest star system of Alpha Centauri in a day, would require a spaceship travelling at 1500 times the speed of light. This show how gargantuan the spaces are between star systems.
@courtney-rw8ch 22 күн бұрын
Most people don’t comprehend the speed of light speed. you can travel around the earth in 1/3 of a second at light speed. Basically teleportation at that point. And still take 2 1/2 million years at light speed to get to the next closest galaxy. It boggles the mind!
@joegroup1 21 күн бұрын
@@courtney-rw8ch Perhaps the reason any aliens rarely visit Earth is because the technology to easily travel inter-stellar is the preserve of extremely advanced species, maybe most species go extinct before they get to that level.
@reinholdvink2654 17 күн бұрын
You do not need to travel 4 years to get to the nearest star if you travel at lightspeed because your time stops, so you will get there in zero seconds. Only seeing you from earth it looks like you need 4 years.
@courtney-rw8ch 17 күн бұрын
@@reinholdvink2654 that is all theoretical.
@zhanzhao144 10 күн бұрын
@@reinholdvink2654 +1. You have the correct knowledge of special relativity. Unfortunately, lots of people here don't know what length contraction is.
@michaelsullivan4466 26 күн бұрын
Does the warp bubble prevent you from striking objects in outer space? Even hitting something microscopic at that speed would destroy your ship
@jaimeosbourn3616 22 күн бұрын
As I understand it the "bubble" around the ship is impervious.
@allenmunich2816 20 күн бұрын
yes and no probably
@liberty9348 19 күн бұрын
@@allenmunich2816 Ha Ha! Perfect =]
@liberty9348 19 күн бұрын
Well, this is fairly complex stuff. The short answer is that it CAN prevent you from striking objects, however, the "objects" that this bubble will prevent the craft from striking would have to be relatively SMALL. If a PLANET or anything that is LARGE happens to be in the "flight" path would certainly be run into and there would be nothing left of the craft. It would require the creation of an "anti-collision" technology that is equally incredibly difficult to create, let alone, making the two systems work together.
@Centauri27 Ай бұрын
Does this mean that Star Trek nailed it 50 years ago? Life imitates art.
@allenmciver1888 Ай бұрын
It doesn't actually work. It is a manipulation of Einstein's formula and Einstein hated quantum physics. QF say that if you create a warp barrier (or a wormhole) Hawkings Radiation starts to build up infinitely and disrupts the Warp Field/Wormhole. Also, to reach lightspeed you need three solar masses worth of energy, so even if it did work, we couldn't use it.
@davidwebb4451 22 күн бұрын
Scientists took inspiration from lots of things in Star Trek, eg communicators leading to smart phones, so warp drive would just be another such invention inspired by Star Trek.
@davidb1630 18 күн бұрын
No! 60 years ago.
@user-mm4bb7wt8u 7 күн бұрын
It is said that space can be bent several times. That way you won 't spend years traveling in space!! YES IT CAN BE DONE!!
@thomasdahl2232 Ай бұрын
Short version: The limitation only applies to linear travel. A warp bubble allows you to move through space with being in contact with it and therefore not affected by it. If you squeeze a dry soap it flattens. If you squeeze a wet soap - the harder you squeez the faster it pops out.
@philschiavone101 Ай бұрын
Warp drive is possible if only you can find an exotic substance that would yield have enough energy to create a warp bubble.
@TheWorldOfScienceCo Ай бұрын
@mhughes1160 Ай бұрын
🤔 Something like dilithium crystals What a concept and all we need to do is watch Star Trek and we’ll know where to find them . LoL 😂
@sfsastro8697 29 күн бұрын
Yes. Apparently, Scientists have found a way but cannot figure it due to the lack of knowledge of the universe, it's called vacuum energy, while it is an endless form of power it is still hypothetical
@jackderipper2233 26 күн бұрын
Element 115 made hold a key if we find a stable isotope.
@maxtriumph6337 20 күн бұрын
The exotic substance already exist.. It's called ANTIMATTER. Next question is how to create a chamber strong enough to contain the explosive force when antimatter mixed with matter and channel it into kinetic energy like inside our classic propulsion rocket engine. 😅
@UnexpectedBooks Ай бұрын
One reason why the speed of light, equivalent to the speed of causality, can’t be exceeded is because that introduces logical consistencies in the universe. How does a warp bubble approach prevent these inconsistencies?
@howardhodges4526 Ай бұрын
Simple we are in the equivilent of a warp bubble, not experiencing acceleration yet on a planet moving very fast around a star moving fast around a galaxy moving away from some galaxies faster than C. Also warping space is not about movement but shortening the distance. To experience relativistic effect you would have to accelerate to C inside your bubble which is not being sugested. As such even Alcuberie is confused about this.
@reedkwize1 26 күн бұрын
It creates logic inconsistencies only because what we (scientists) know about science is about at least a billionth of a billionth percent of what science is!!! We only think we understand these things because of our (scientists) arrogance. We haven’t even chartered more than 10% of the oceans so what makes you or anyone else think you know the possibilities that exist in this entire universe??!! Insane!!!
@brianwalls5399 3 ай бұрын
A Wise Man once told me that, "Anything is possible and that Nothing is impossible."
@icemike1 Ай бұрын
@zz-nc5kx 24 күн бұрын
Uh, who was this wise man? Does that mean I can run a four minute mile (I’m 73)?
@brianwalls5399 24 күн бұрын
@@zz-nc5kx Sure can! They say that age is just a number. If you workout, eat right, and fix your mind to challenge yourself, I bet that you can accomplish it. Barak Obama set out to become America's first Black President against the odds of racism in this country. That Didn't Stop him from accomplishing his goal and I'm quite certain that people around him said that his quest was impossible.
@windrider65 22 күн бұрын
Whoever he is, can he tell us how to get out of paying taxes and not go to jail? My name's not Hunter
@zz-nc5kx 22 күн бұрын
@@windrider65 Is it Donald Trump?
@richardwarren1051 2 ай бұрын
The ability to bend space and create a warp bubble is fascinating. More research needs to be done.
@Mannwhich Ай бұрын
Except... how does one even do that? Bend space, that is....?
@jackderipper2233 26 күн бұрын
See * Element 115
@kakhak 26 күн бұрын
Are you OK? Warp drive is just completely nonsense BS. Warp drive will never exist, because it is some fictional stupid made up.
@zz-nc5kx 24 күн бұрын
Did you not pay attention to Elon when he said how much energy was needed to warp space?
@BritishBeachcomber 23 күн бұрын
​@@zz-nc5kxI doubt if he watched the whole video.
@xanapoli 5 ай бұрын
Space time and photons are just concepts within a model. Space time is made of what? Spacetimons or better gravitons. A solenoid of electrons creates a beam of photons and a toroid a spiral of photons. So a toroid of photons will create a spiral of gravitons or a worm hole and a solenoid a graviton beam, allowing travel faster than photons, because in this model the graviton is the smallest faster particle, as described at Sandaero.
@fare2muddlin Ай бұрын
There is grave concern over warp drive navigation and collision avoidance. If the issue can’t be resolved, it will be called the ‘Albuquerque Drive’.
@martinmilton-white5172 24 күн бұрын
Perhaps if the ship is travelling in a warp bubble the state of that bubble remains constant the bubble itself would deflect anything external to the bubble.
@keithlemon457 11 күн бұрын
That's why you need a forward deflector shield at all times, to deflect space debris before it can hit you!
@suheladesilva2933 Ай бұрын
Thanks for this video.
@TheWorldOfScienceCo Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching ❤️
@amarnishant7464 20 күн бұрын
Beautifully explained. Thank you.
@blainejackson432 22 күн бұрын
But what about black holes, meteors, how do w3 keep things from penetrating the ships hull
@phoenixmotorsport647 26 күн бұрын
So what we are saying is this is the space/gravity equivalent of the Biefeld-Brown effect. Negative charge at the front, positive charge at the back. The bigger the PD the greater the force the faster you go?
@Lilmiket1000 5 ай бұрын
I like that the warp factor multiplies as it goes up. Because lets be honest. Space is so large light speed is nothing! its slow as hell! But 8x light speed will start ta get you places within a human lifetime.
@TheWorldOfScienceCo 5 ай бұрын
Totally! Light speed is nothing on the cosmic scale.
@Discoverer-of-Teleportation 4 ай бұрын
so teleportation only way and I sent my teleportation experiment testing in vaccum to all country space agencies and universities
@TheMegamanDX 2 ай бұрын
Warp factor 2 will get you to proxima centauri in 5 months. Slow but we get to see new things. A red dwarf star system up close. Drop some communication arrays and takes some pictures then come home
@windrider65 22 күн бұрын
​@@TheMegamanDX or keep going to see what's out there.
@maxtriumph6337 4 күн бұрын
When u travel at lightspeed time as we know it will stop. Your lifetime will become infinity. U can travel to the edge of the universe and time will not pass. Remember the faster u move the slower time passes. But on earth time pass normally so when u return everyone u knew will be in their graves or inside cryochamber
@grahamrich3368 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video!!
@hiti.sharmaa 5 ай бұрын
Very insightful 😊👍
@TheWorldOfScienceCo 5 ай бұрын
Thank You ❤️
@sanctuslex478 4 ай бұрын
@@TheWorldOfScienceCo Is there a universal time for the entire universe? The answer is- No! According to Einstein's theory of relativity, there is no unambiguous absolute time that applies to the entire universe. Instead, time is a relative concept, dependent on motion and gravity. Different observers in different states of motion or in different gravitational fields may experience different measurements of time. The theory of relativity describes how time and space are related to each other and how they change in the presence of mass and energy. For example, time may pass slower near large masses such as black holes compared to observers farther from the massive object. Therefore, there is no one universal time for the entire Universe, but time is a concept that depends on the context and observational conditions. How does the lack of universal time for the entire Universe affect the idea of the FTL (Faster Than Light) drive? Wouldn't this cause time paradoxes - (grandfather paradox) since there are different times for different observers, e.g. the time of a hypothetical planet orbiting a neutron star and the time of the planet Earth orbiting the Sun and the FTL ship travel? Would this be a trip back in time for either side? The issue of the lack of universal time for the entire universe has important implications for the idea of faster-than-light (FTL) travel and potential time paradoxes. If it were possible to travel FTL, where an object moves faster than light, then according to the theory of relativity, there would be a possibility of violating causality, i.e. sending information or events in a way that appears to violate the established order of cause and effect. For example, if an FTL traveler were to travel from one place to another at faster than light speeds, they could reach their destination before the light they sent out when they began their journey. This seems to lead to a grandfather paradox, where a traveler could travel back in time and prevent the birth of their ancestors. However, due to the lack of a unique time for the entire universe, as well as other theoretical limitations such as the existence of a light speed limit, FTL travel is impossible. There is currently no clear answer in physical theory on how to avoid time paradoxes in the context of FTL travel. My example with a neutron star and our star as objects with different clocks (times) is a good illustration of the phenomenon of differences in the passage of time for observers in different gravitational conditions. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time flows slower in areas with a larger gravitational field. Therefore, for an observer on a planet orbiting a dense neutron star (which generates a strong gravitational field), time will pass more slowly than for an observer on Earth (which is in a weaker gravitational field). In practice, this means that if we had two clocks - one on a planet orbiting a neutron star and the other on Earth - the elapsed time on these clocks would differ. The clock on a planet orbiting a neutron star will lag behind the clock on Earth. Therefore, if it were possible to travel FTL between these two objects, when the traveler returns to Earth, he or she might notice that a longer time has passed on Earth than on the planet around the neutron star. In this way, the traveler could experience a kind of journey into the past in relation to the Earth and the neutron star. I will give a hypothetical situation with the FTL drive (Alcubierre drive), which does not have time dilation. Some FTL-powered ship flies from Earth to the nearest black hole, where time dilation occurs nearby due to a strong gravitational field. Halfway from Earth to the black hole, this ship stops and sends an FTL signal and another at the speed of light (a signal subject to time dilation) to the vicinity of this black hole with greetings. Then this ship flies at the speed of FTL to the vicinity of this black hole (which generates a strong gravitational field causing time dilation) and from there it receives the signal at the speed of light that it sent itself and then sends a signal FTL, i.e. faster than light (and another one with the same information, but at the speed of light) to the halfway point where it stopped earlier and gave itself the information not to fly to the vicinity of the black hole but to return to Earth, which they do. I'm saying that the captain of the ship wants to deliberately investigate what happens when he triggers a paradox. My example highlights some elements of the FTL paradox. However, it is worth noting that the Alcubierre drive he describes is a hypothetical model and has not yet been proven to be technically feasible. In my scenario, when the FTL ship stops halfway and sends a signal at the speed of light to the vicinity of the black hole, there is a potential contradiction. The signal undergoes time dilation, which means that time on Earth will passe faster than in the vicinity of the black hole. This means that when an FTL ship returns to where it stopped earlier and then receives the signal it sent, that signal may suggest that more time has passed on Earth than has actually passed on the ship. This seems paradoxical because the FTL ship receives information from itself that suggests that a longer period of time has passed on Earth, while the traveler on the ship has not experienced the same passage of time.
@hnkhvn 28 күн бұрын
Astronomers have seen objects moving through space at FTL speeds. The articles have not mentioned the size or mass of the objects, nor do the articles mention the exact speeds of the objects. Since they were spotted using our conventional astronomical equipment and the distance to these objects was quite far, then I must assume the objects to be very massive. Does that mean these objects are warping space-time? If they are warping space-time, is that warping the cause of the object's FTL velocity, or is there some other cause?
@keithlemon457 11 күн бұрын
The fast possible speed is Warp 9.9. At Warp 10 you you would be everywhere in the entire Cosmos at the same time. As explained by certain Chief Engineer Scott - and if anyone knew, Scotty did !
@BrusceChyembaszeInsongaah. 26 күн бұрын
I enjoyed and thanks.
@rockynivison9724 2 күн бұрын
The energy needed to propel our galaxy at 1.3 million miles per hour indefinitely is definitely perpetual motion - so traveling a billion times the speed of light must be as simple as discovering perpetual acceleration.
@1h2ho 2 күн бұрын
Who needs a warp drive. When you can teleport
@RaymondJonesrejlive 25 күн бұрын
Dr. White managed to create a bubble of space based on the Alcubierre drive but have not heard much since. It seems that the smaller the "material" that is harnessed the more energy that is released. Very interesting. Still speculative.
@pch1147 29 күн бұрын
Great video.
@TheWorldOfScienceCo 28 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you 😃
@Roboheart1119 2 ай бұрын
Great video ☝️
@TheWorldOfScienceCo 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! 😃
@terrygodley1497 28 күн бұрын
Very interesting theory ❤
@sirtango1 4 күн бұрын
I know faster than light travel is possible. Not going into that here. But I have a question. If you’re traveling faster than the speed of light, aren’t you running the risk of ramming into something before you see it? Because everything we see is the result of reflected light!
@TheWorldOfScienceCo 4 күн бұрын
Yes, absolutely correct! You wouldn't have time to react to objects ahead because you’d encounter them before their light could even reach you.
@bogtrotter5110 28 күн бұрын
At the rate humanity is destroying our planet we will never reach even the nearest star.
@myabschaefer4437 26 күн бұрын
Yeah, that's probably a good thing...we don't deserve to travel ftl!
@blainejackson432 22 күн бұрын
I hate to say you’re right we can’t even stop hating each other 😢
@Patiboke 22 күн бұрын
There are some additional practical problems. Say you travel at 10% light speed. A collision with the tiniest spec of dust in space would destroy the spaceship. You would have to detect and avoid or destroy it from vast distances away. Also space is empty but there is a hydrogen or helium atom floating around here and there. At insane speeds this would create aerodynamic drag.
@BritishBeachcomber 23 күн бұрын
*Warp drive works, sort of. The problem is that it requires infinite energy.*
@TheWorldOfScienceCo 23 күн бұрын
@davidwebb4451 22 күн бұрын
​@@TheWorldOfScienceCoNot true. My understanding is that the original Alcubierre drive required both negative energy and an amount of energy equivalent to that of all the masses in the observable universe. However newer approaches have both removed the need for negative energy and reduced the energy requirements down to the energy equivalent of the mass of Jupiter. Of course that amount of energy is still unfeasibly large for a civilisation such as our own however having reduced the requirements that far in only a decade or so we can hope that it can be reduced further.
@timdaly5831 24 күн бұрын
I'm 67 years old and I've been a Star Trek fan since the first episode in 1966 and I'd love to see warp drive or faster than light travel, but I don't think it'll happen in my time. Too bad because I've always wanted to know who and what is our there.
@jonasgrumby7336 24 күн бұрын
Great video although I would have liked to see an equation of how much energy it would take to warp space. Something like 10^32 joules?
@adriansubion5809 21 күн бұрын
Let just say it requires the energy's of the whole solar system to travel 100lightyrs
@poliniques 22 күн бұрын
Very interesting. Now tell us how much energy is needed to reach Warp Spead and how we CAN generate it and for how long we can sustein it. After you done that tell us what are we going to find back in Earth if we decide to return from such trip.
@peterpocock9062 29 күн бұрын
I'm no scientist, just a very amature engineer! I belive we will get to Interstellar Travel, I feel it is our destiny to explore and colonise! But (yes there is one but) no body I have read regarding faster than light travel seems to address the elephant in the room, "avoiding space debri" and how to deflect it? It would seem to me that our current orbiting space station has its work cut out avoiding bits of junk on its orbit! I "imagine" some sort of force field could be deployed? Perhaps we will have to perfect walking speed before we start running😮 Still, I hope I'm alive to see it!😊 6:53
@zz-nc5kx 24 күн бұрын
Well amateur (note the spelling), perhaps you should take a freshman course in Physics.
@peterpocock9062 21 күн бұрын
@@zz-nc5kx Oops, sorry about the typo, I think I'm a bit long in the tooth to be going to Uni' again! But you are correct with your suggestion?
@zz-nc5kx 21 күн бұрын
@@peterpocock9062 You really don't need to take a course, just simply do a little research on General and Special Relativity in order to understand that it takes an infinite amount of energy for any object having mass to reach the speed of light. And as far a the Alcubierre Drive model, that is simply an abstract mathematical model that cannot be realized because it requires negative (as opposed to anti) matter.
@johndevine6687 27 күн бұрын
A.) I don’t believe ‘light speed’ travel exists, exactly. B.) I believe you can get from one end of the galaxy to the other using an electromagnetic levitation transponder technology that would probably prove almost instantaneous.
@pk-th1vh 28 күн бұрын
What is fabric in space?
@olegorlenko3872 21 күн бұрын
According to Einstein, it is not gravity which warps the spacetime, but mass (aka energy) ;) Gravity is just a consequence of this curvature 😊
@MichaelAguilar-rm8uj 18 күн бұрын
I have to believe Ben Rich when he stated MANY years ago that ago that “We already know how to take ET home.”It’s just something the powers that be haven’t seen fit to reveal.
@Klex816 16 күн бұрын
I've always been enthusiastic about this topic, but I just had a terrifying thought, could the distortion of spacetime caused by the ship alter the gravitational course of the planets, destabilizing the solar system?
@davidwebb4451 5 күн бұрын
That is why you expand space behind you at the same rate you compress it in front of you thus preserving the distance between your starting and ending points.
@Klindstrane 3 ай бұрын
Maybe twisting space in a circle, inside around in a wider circle within circles would allow warp drive,
@simonbrown8868 24 күн бұрын
can warp drive safely pass through matter?
@__d_e_m_o_n__1111 2 ай бұрын
Really bro Jugad!!!
@chasharris1976 3 ай бұрын
I am impressed.
@user-bm2oe8xd6u 3 күн бұрын
They said we couldn't go 20mph years ago we broke 100mph then the sound barrier we went mach3 SR71 blackbird the space shuttle reached 37000mph all this in 100 years we will get there in time we just need that one good idea will it be yours?👍
@busywl69 Ай бұрын
Nice. But by now the moon should be a weekend tourist attraction. Seems we are stuck on earth till our Sun freaks out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!
@jackderipper2233 26 күн бұрын
Yep. You're right. Look how far we've come with the airplane and the car in 55 years. But trips to the moon have become a thing of the very distant past.
@johndoolan9732 17 күн бұрын
So for me take how light fractures when dropped to quantum level so if we could figure out how to speed up at that level wouldn't this theoretically work
@courtney-rw8ch 21 күн бұрын
Going through the comments here, I feel like no one has ever taken a physics class…. Using mathematical expressions to explain phenomena. It’s pretty basic, but many people here seem so confused?
@jackmeyhoffer5107 22 күн бұрын
Where are we supposed to get negative energy? Is it sold in bulk at Costco?
@supersleuth3527 3 ай бұрын
Salvatore Pais and his invention for the Navy would possibly resolve the energy requirement issue. They came at about the same time as NASA's new studies.
@1roomentertainmentmusic815 20 күн бұрын
Can you shade more light on the matter please
@pk-th1vh 28 күн бұрын
Am fan of u Sir ❤
@MegaGeorge1948 14 күн бұрын
What about collision avoidance with stars, planets, etc. while traveling at these hyperlight speeds (Startrek used a "deflector" dish)? What about the gamma and other natural radiation in the space environment that will fry one's brains out? Even getting to Mars at it's closest distance to earth requires tremendous health risk getting and staying there and coming back.
@grahamsowerby6087 17 күн бұрын
Travelling at the speed of light,or more, will put you in an impossible situation. You will not be able to detect a rock the size of a pea, which, when hit, will utterly destroy you.
@babyrazor6887 24 күн бұрын
and just how long does it take for the brakes to work at warp speed, you'll over shoot your destination by a couple million light years.
@davidwebb4451 22 күн бұрын
I'd imagine you would brake by just turning off the warp drive which would stop you instantaneously. Navigation though would be a problem as the warp bubble would prevent you seeing where you were going. One solution to that though might be to turn the drive on and off repeatedly for short intervals and to take bearings every time the drive was turned off allowing you to make course corrections as you go.
@harwn999 28 күн бұрын
The alleged “space time” is not warped by gravity. Gravity is the effect of the energy of a body warping the alleged “space time”.
@noremap 16 күн бұрын
It is just a dream, but can't be true. Gravitational waves are doing similar thing with the space-time, but the speed of these waves is also the speed of light, never faster. I think this bubble created by warp drive would not be able to move faster than the speed of light either.
@grummanfanschneid Ай бұрын
Having had a father in the Aerospace Industry I’m all for space travel as his company landed man on the moon - buttt let’s conquer garbage removal/ safe nuclear energy production- acts of kindness first…
@sozibrana6652 Ай бұрын
Imagine a kid watching this video on 2100 sitting inside a warp drive 😮
@TheWorldOfScienceCo Ай бұрын
I wonder if the kid will still be watching KZfaq or if there's a new platform by then!
@kakhak 26 күн бұрын
Are you mentally OK? Warp drive will never ever exist, because it is just fictional made up BS. In 2100 almost everything will be there around as you can see now.
@tonyfield2360 22 күн бұрын
Speculation, ho ! To create a “warp bubble” requires energy equal to the resting mass of Jupiter. (Consider that a large thermonuclear explosion only converts the equivalent of a golf ball to pure energy). Is that all? A mere doddle. Let’s get onto it.
@schlockmeister754 24 күн бұрын
It's funny since the small problem of how to avoid space debris collisions at those speeds isn't even being addressed, let alone solved. But dreaming is fun indeed. 😊
@peterwagner4538 24 күн бұрын
I find the monkeys which are settling planet earth very funny and amusing. Yesterday, they were able to throw a small capsule into earth orbit. Today it are 3 capsules connected to each other, and now they claim to understand the complete law of physics and the universe and to travel at light speed or even faster. Funny! I would propose to begin a little bit slower, try to lift a great vehicle of few tons into orbit and travel to the moon and back continuously first. Then we can continue our plans of traveling the Milky Way at high speed. Hope that is understood. Her majesty of physics.
@avijitjana1141 Ай бұрын
Speed of light is a limitation of human beings, not the universe. Therefore the speed of an object in the universe could be anything between plus infinity to minus infinity.
@patrickdonahue8384 26 күн бұрын
Beam me up Scotty and I'll ask Spock😂!!
@bettyg7710 25 күн бұрын
You mean 100Xs faster that what we think might be the speed of light. If you can’t tell me the exact 1 way speed of light from the source to the observer, then how can you make such a statement? 100x faster than a guess is what? Would that be 100x the guess?
@sokunmoeung7948 19 күн бұрын
We need to study how light travels.
@samiraweinmann2185 20 күн бұрын
No detailled Information just what you cam find on Wikipedia. One fact you did ignore completely … This appraoch would case Temperatures of Billion times of the sun. … so a magnetic Shield Like in Fusion ist needed. So you Need again more Energy
@joemexico7969 26 күн бұрын
Seems like only a Differential vacuum pressure would be enough since the vacuum equalizes at superluminal speeds.
@tommendoza9260 25 күн бұрын
if that technology can be done, perhaps we should use it first here in our world to make public transport faster globally
@user-th7tf2hy4s 25 күн бұрын
So if space is moving back, is also time moving backwards?
@adriansubion5809 21 күн бұрын
Nope, what he meant is space is stretching back like for example they bend space or stretch
@johnnybgoode1950 Ай бұрын
Some things first shown in Star Trek have already become reality, like their communicators and our cell phones, and the concept of medical monitors over the patient's bed. Warp drive is quite a bit tougher, but with the assistance of AI, who knows?
@discoverynewayurveda 4 күн бұрын
Vow!👌 That's amazing incredibly Science & Scientists❤ Hats Off Salutes💫 Great Noble Education Post💐🤝💚✌🌈🧬 What about Our Country on that🎊👍
@amitgarg8393 18 күн бұрын
0:42 .. Jugaad!! :) ..
@m_hub3957 26 күн бұрын
we are told that "space" expanded at some point, faster that light speed", that is how all those galaxies got so far apart if it can happen once, it can be MADE to happen when we need or want it to happen the "Ship" would ride the wave of space/time, like the galaxies did, on a much smaller scale as we see further out, we see that some of the things accepted as "facts" are wrong time for new theories, to do our tests outside of a gravity well also
@jymbates9662 26 күн бұрын
Was under the impression the power requirements for this drive was too high.
@drumstruck751 18 күн бұрын
What about this Warp Drive? positive charge shell with a negative interior +(-(-(-us)-)-)+ like a russian doll. Then reverse polarity of the next outer shell +(-(-us)-)+...+(-us)+ opisite charges do you think this has more potential than that one.
@worldpeace4823 20 күн бұрын
Has anyone traveled speed of light ? What we know is that angels travels between heavens in worm holes, how about make something that can travel speed of light then we can figure warp
@DarthDuress 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, but how do we peel ourselves off the bulkhead?
@user-mm4bb7wt8u 7 күн бұрын
To go faster than light NASSA will have to bend space!!
@bidyutbikashhazarika481 24 күн бұрын
Space cannot be curved by gravity, curvature of space is gravity in GR😊
@davidwebb4451 22 күн бұрын
It is concentrations of mass or energy which bend/warp space-time. Mass/energy tells space-time how to bend and the bending of space-time tells matter how to move.
@jeffhays1968 24 күн бұрын
Worm hole in a box ? Nice theory but I won't hang out waiting.
@jeffhays1968 24 күн бұрын
Wake me up when they can manufacture anti matter in bulk
@SonamAchhami-lq4er 26 күн бұрын
If time travel is possible, Aliens already would have been here.
@johnnywilson715 20 күн бұрын
I was wrong. It does exist. There is only one that can do it only 1.
@edgarkohlhepp972 5 күн бұрын
What happens to any planets or anything in this warp are they crushed you're not going to fold space
@metalcosmonaut915 4 ай бұрын
ye… morph in the u called spacetime field what i call general gravitation field u would need a imesinve ammount of gravitational force and or mass -.- i thought bout it its possible but just with mass enforced energised grav manipulation plating then u can warp around or cycle trough the general gravitation wich needs tonns of enrrgy and or mass…. however u could creade a chargefield wich cosumes much less energy to overcharge a ggf interactive field that then charges a artificial warp field. the fielt not just charges by the ship it charges by spacetime it self how u would call it i would call it general gravitation field….this technique requie much less energy and can performed my a normal mass spacecraft. i call it interactive warp drive. its a preversion of a jumpdrive tho. .
@jeremy_woods 21 күн бұрын
Still waiting on ludicrous speed.
@PaulHarris-sl1ct 23 күн бұрын
This guy says something about covering vast distance in a short time by bending space time by creating gravity. If the bubble of space time that contains the vessel is traveling at or faster than light then the concept of time would become invalid. Would the vessel cover vast distance in no time or no distance in vast time.
@davidwebb4451 22 күн бұрын
The ship remains stationary but the distance to the destination is reduced (and at the same time the distance back to the starting point, Earth, is increased). Since the ship remains stationary the crew will not experience time dilation.
@jeetissar7965 8 күн бұрын
Is time travel to past and future possible i want to do it please help me out its a req i am from india i ll be thankful alwsys please help me out 🥺🥺🙏🙏
@gimplekin3629 17 күн бұрын
you're describing a fictional device as if it were real. you sure this shouldn't posted on TLC or discovery? seems right up their alley.
@myabschaefer4437 26 күн бұрын
Yeah....we already got one of those.
@user-ty2fi5rw4b 20 күн бұрын
what if gravity is a region of spacetime, like a mag field, caused by an inherent property in a "spacetime condensate" like matter, that begins to have a collective resonance of its atoms with strength of effect depending on density or frequency, like sound. In this region, probabilties in information are "squeezed" to a finite set of probabilities, a kind of attraction to a place where the rate of entropy is in a sense slower, as though the matter gets to "buy more time" like water flowing from high pressure to low or even lower to a null point of hyperstability like a black hole that would resonate at plank time.
@dcolb121 19 күн бұрын
@user-ty2fi5rw4b 19 күн бұрын
@dcolb121 No ref really...just a thought I intuitively believe from years of hobby reading many science articles, books, papers, patents and thinking on energy, freq and vibration.
@heman2019 5 ай бұрын
My favourite youtuber, give link of your watsapp channel ❤
@TheWorldOfScienceCo 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much ❤️ Currently, we don’t have any WhatsApp channel. However, you can join our telegram channel -
@dennisclanton5342 12 күн бұрын
1 how long would it take so slow down with tolerable g's 2. What happens if you hit anything at that speed ? I mean even small debri 😂.
@chrisbryden8102 Күн бұрын
Great idea except the energy to maintain the field will grow exponentially as you speed up if you ever developed it in the first place. This is a dead end.
@Andy6969ful Ай бұрын
Yes, except the image in your thumbnail is strikingly similar to the jump drive ship that was captured near the ISS back in the early 2000s. How it came upon the station with its gravity rings rotating and then stopping to jump behind the space station and move away. I love how the military always has leaked future technologies and then pretending as though they are concepts. It's been over 20 years so it will probably be another 20 before we see this out in the open for all to see.
@Star_Jewel_Realm Ай бұрын
You had just explained how the space jump drive from Battlestar Galactica work. 😅
@samuelansah5924 Ай бұрын
The force of light speed travels faster than light speed by 182,000 per Mili Seconds in light speed time and travels in opposite directions and into infinite. I/Lsp32 × force182=AF
@eastafrika728 26 күн бұрын
Light speed is infinite, you can't go faster than light, you can only use light to go as far as you can integrate it, the limit of magnetic centripetal integration force determines how fast you can go.
@user-ce2bw2wt5b 25 күн бұрын
Little magic creatures can be found if only people look. Better say a prayer
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