How Gacha Games Get You Addicted

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Nathan Pohlman

Nathan Pohlman

3 жыл бұрын

For help with gambling in the US:
I've been playing so much Genshin Impact lately, and have some experience with gacha games and psych in general. AFK Arena, Genshin Impact, Summoner's War, Raid Shadow Legends, and way more games use a lot of the same strategies to convince people to stick around and spend, and their annual revenues really show it. Stay safe, have fun, and don't be a whale.

Пікірлер: 281
@ohiotoledo3787 3 жыл бұрын
Once you're hooked, they gacha.
@solardelighted3718 3 жыл бұрын
@astrobeyondtheworld 2 жыл бұрын
@theeffortless5554 2 жыл бұрын
good one
@afl2138 3 жыл бұрын
Spreading gacha addiction through medium of videogames is genius tbh. From dealer's pov it's better stuff then drugs. It's legal. It's digital (payment/stuff via phone). It's recyclable.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Plus the exclusively digital payment system makes it so you don't even fully realize how much you're spending. It's the same reason you shouldn't pay for everything with a credit card, it's way easier ot lose track when you don't watch the stack of cash in your wallet disappear.
@CrazyBerry 3 жыл бұрын
I played Genshin Impact and was F2P for a good amount of time. I really enjoyed playing it and i was basically vibing to it. But i didnt realize that the fun slowly faded away and focused more on grinding Artifacts and Primogems (the currency for drawing weapons and characters). It basically became an everyday chore and it really affected my school grades in a negative way. I was so desperate on grinding that i started spending money on the battle pass, which i ABSOLUTELY regret. Then i realized “oh, this game isnt fun anymore, im even starting to spend money to feed the circle, my grades are shit, im becoming addicted!” I immediately deinstalled it after that, but im tempted to reinstall it during new events or start playing other gacha games. This video is facts and people should really see it or get the information of it.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
100% agree! I made the video just after I started playing Genshin to really experience what it's like, and after a certain point it changes from a world-building RPG to a set of frustrating mechanics that are meant to force you to spend money. It's crazy how fast everything drops off!
@user_blank7446 3 жыл бұрын
Omg i just came here and were on THE EXACT SAME SITUATION. I bought 3 welkins and a battlepass and i absolutely regret it cause I feel like im supposed to play it everyday or ill literally throw away cash which i didnt even earn myself. Well i deleted it but I'm having the same problem that i wanna install it again.
@CrazyBerry 3 жыл бұрын
@@user_blank7446 Yeah the temptation is pretty big. Just keep reminding yourself that this game has nothing else to offer but some shitty events to do even more pointless grinding, and even IF you maxed out one thing, you wont get anything for that AT ALL.
@monalisa-sg5ql 3 жыл бұрын
wtf u talk about , this game is max 15min a day gameplay how did it affect ur grades lol
@sparklestar_1726 3 жыл бұрын
This is why I stopped playing so much. As I played the game more and more it got more it more boring and annoying to play because I could pinpoint all of the parts of the gameplay I didn't like. Nowadays it's just something i'll log into every once in a while, check out the new event, spend a little of the premium currency I get from just playing, and log off. I like it better this way because it allows me to have fun whenever I play instead of only being a little bit of fun after weeks of grinding.
@kinjogoldbar 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. I'd like to add that even if you don't spend any money on these types of games, the tradeoff is that you end up spending a lot of your time instead, which is just as bad of an addiction. You can easily get sucked into the habit of just doing the daily activities to get your free currency. You get trained to come back into the game on a daily basis, making it a part of your daily routine that you look forward to every day. I once tried playing a gacha game just to see how it worked (with the intent to never spend any money) and after a few months realized I had spent hundreds of hours tediously grinding, when I should have been doing other more important things with that time. Oh, and I did end up spending a few dollars in the end.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I'm not one to knock spending hundreds of hours playing a game, because I'm super guilty of that with games like League of Legends and Valorant, but for games that you don't particularly ENJOY, you're just conditioned to like them, it's especially heinous.
@iagteam6380 3 жыл бұрын
I had this gacha addiction in Genshin and I just recently stopped since I notice it's bad effect on both my time and money. Best cure I have is I focused on something that is really beneficial for my career, and keeps my excitement really high. Right now, I quit Genshin and gaming overall and went to more helpful stuffs like trainings and chess.
@user-yt1xz2du2z 2 жыл бұрын
Hats off lad, respect.
@anarchyskywalker5580 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video! I played this game for a couple of month and it is exactly like you explained. The early game is very generous. You need very little to make progress. The resource costs are quite low and everything needed is available. A world of abundance. Then the turning point comes. Not only are the resource costs exploding exponentially, you also get very restriced with the amount of progress you can make. Keyword here is resin. You need it to farm mora (ingame currency which is needed for almost everything), experience books (character exp), talent upgrade materials and boss upgrade materials (special stuff you need to level characters), elemental crystals (special upgrade material). You get 180 resin per 24 hours (which can be increased by spending primogems). Let's do a number example of what you need to level a 5-star character to max level including talents but EXCLUDING weapons and artifacts. Mora: 7,050,030 Farming mora costs 20 resin per run and gets you 60,000 mora. Experience Books: 419 tier 3 books Farming exp-books costs 20 resin per run and gets you between 4-5 t3 books. Boss materials: 46 Farming bosses cost you 40 resin per run and gets you between 2-3 boss mats. Elemental crystals: 1 tier 1 + 9 tier 2 + 9 tier 3 + 6 tier 4 Crystals are dropped from bosses aswell and the drop rates are also very rng-based. From my own experience you get like 2-3 t1 and 1 t2. Every now and then you get "lucky" and one t3 crystal drops. The chances of a t4 crystal are almost non existent, but "possible" I guess. You can upgrade the crystal into higher tier ones with a factor of 3 which means you need 3 t1 to make one t2 and so on. So basically a single t4 crystal is worth 3*3*3 = 27 t1 crystals. Oh and ofcourse you need a good amount of mora aswell to upgrade them. Talent upgrade Materials: 9 tier 1 + 63 tier 2 + 114 tier 3 Farming talent materials costs 20 resin and is highly rng-based. From my experience the drops are 3 t1 and 2-3 t2 mats. The materials are upgradable into higher tier ones for a specific amount of mora and a factor of 3. You need 3 t1 to get 1 t2 etc. This means a t3 mat is worth 3*3 = 9 t1 mats. There are also some other materials you need which you can farm by killing mobs or picking in the open world. They can be annoying to farm but because they are time gated aswell but not as hard as the above mentioned stuff. Well then, lets calculate the resin needed and add it up: Mora: 7050030 / 60000 * 20 resin = 2350 resin Exp books: 419 / 4.5 * 20 resin = 1862 resin Boss materials: 46 / 2.5 * 40 resin = 736 resin Crystals Tier 1: 271 / 5.5 * 40 resin - 736 resin (from boss mat runs) = 1971 - 736 = 1235 resin Talent materials Tier 1: (9 + 63 * 3 + 114 * 3 * 3) / (3 + 2.5 * 3) * 20 resin = 1224 / 10.5 * 20 resin = 2331 resin (Calculating talent materials and crystals are difficult because of the rng. To simplify things I went with my own experience on drop rates and broke down all higher tier ones into the lowest) So it is 2350 + 1862 + 736 + 1235 + 2331 = 8514 resin or 47.3 days worth of resin to level just ONE single 5 star to maximum. Not including weapons and the greatest resin sink of them all: artifacts. Artifact are behind a wall of several rng layers and farming them is the biggest scam ever. One dude did the math on them and the result was to get 1 perfect artifact ~270 thousand years of resin would be needed. Every character need 5 artifacts btw. Good luck on that one... And at this point I should mention that the maximum resin is capped at 160. Which means you cannot simply chill one or two weeks and then come back and grind with the piled resin. Ofcourse not. The company uses all the mechanics to force you to come back every day. Puh, I'm sry this was a long one... tl;dr why is this shit legal? I have the answer to this, but I'm not gonna go into politics. You can find one yourself, if you just reflect on things. Thanks for reading Peace
@ronaldelcana5322 3 жыл бұрын
the worst part is players are defending this type of games. When someone gives their opinion like how awful the system of the game, other players would respond, new to gacha? suggesting that he oe she should stop complaining because it is "how the gacha works"
@edge6568 3 жыл бұрын
They will call you gacha virgins, experienced this too on a discord community, all I can say is they have been completely consumed by the Gacha System and became their norm which is bad for real life, for us who are aware of this, get off immediately before you become one of them.
@ehwithaquestionmark 3 жыл бұрын
genshin white knights
@vincentbailon7007 3 жыл бұрын
I‘m an advid player of Arknights, and while I love the actual game, it would be 10x better if they got rid of the gatcha and started a subscription service. I love the story and gameplay, but damn the devs don’t do enough to prevent people from spending too much. And those people who are like „oh that’s just the way it is“ are such assholes. Imagine not caring that some people are going broke cause of the gacha system. And I bet they would say no to the subscription model, cause they would rather have hundreds of people lose everything than cough up $10 a month.
@ronaldelcana5322 3 жыл бұрын
@@vincentbailon7007 exactly I'll rather buy subscription than this gacha system.
@nickames4936 3 жыл бұрын
nonbinary people/people who don't use he or she pronouns are unable of being told that now
@chaeripie2422 2 жыл бұрын
This is why I've stayed as a f2p genshin player. I know that these games will cause you to want more and more once you start paying for it.
@whysoserious4274 Жыл бұрын
Man genshin did it so well they have players defending their methods/system Without a care in the world how their favorite game is using them as pawns and a cash cow.
@baconman102996 Жыл бұрын
The game started off with a predatory system, and while they try their best to keep players happy, there's no way to maintain it long-term. It's definitely on its way to a declining playerbase if it isn't already there, and stinginess with resources is just the start of the issue.
@sofia-mq8ei 3 жыл бұрын
What a lovely video. Playing Genshin Impact right now, and I'm super consumed by it, luckily I just enjoy the game's story mode and how the characters look, but this gave me some insight too, super thankful I found this video! Great content and I'm sure your channel will get lots of subs.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Genshin is a fantastic game with a semi-predatory monetization model. I'm so happy so many people are able to enjoy it without falling into the trap of gambling your wallet away on primos
@user-hd2iq8mz6o 3 жыл бұрын
F2p players: I have no such weaknesses.
@lizzy_4u443 3 жыл бұрын
As f2p player myself at some point you just can't find things anymore for genshin primo gems start to become a problem as caracter exp stuff ,as when I cant find the resources I need I will eventually stop playing it sadly :/
@Kitsune_Dev 3 жыл бұрын
F2P: Forced to play
@zedeon6299 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kitsune_Dev this ^ , they forced u to play everyday in order to get that 60 primos , and the artifact that u will never get
@dewaeryadi7776 3 жыл бұрын
F2p players, the pathetic existence
@user-hd2iq8mz6o 3 жыл бұрын
@@dewaeryadi7776 No, we just spend our money wisely. 😏
@NCC-0000 2 жыл бұрын
While this video really showed a great purpose of the predatory and addictive tactics of gachas (And some of the problems they cause with our daily lives), pretty much you are forgetting the end game point few people speak out: The game's death. Not every server based game is destined to live forever, someday other huge successful rival will dethrone them, people will get bored, or the Company might think they are not profitable anymore, turn the killswitch and it is done: No more game, no more grinding, no more JPG Waifus with 0.06% drop rate. (For example: Magia Record) What did you earned in the end? After expressing your "loyalty" to the company buying Battle Passes or the gems' packs? IMO it is a better bet to just be a traditional Console/PC Gamer, far away from games with micro-transactions. Let's not forget retro gaming exists, or do you question why people still collects retro consoles like the SNES, Sega Genesis or PlayStation 1 to play games they used to love when they were child/teen even after 30 years of their original releases? With gacha games, can you imagine yourself playing these games after 30 years in the future? During this new year I finally come into realization that all of this is just a waste of time, effort, and mental health. And while it'll be a bit hard, it is better to just cut all of this in the healthy way than just sink more time in hell, gambling for a 0.7% drop rate character.
@princekratos6260 3 жыл бұрын
I know this video is 5 month old, i just want to say that this kind of videos really helps people that are in such situations, i hope you make more of this kind of content. Much love to your channel :)
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I want to do more along these lines, real life is just kicking my butt lately, I really appreciate your kind comment
@Kilatypus 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing video. Definitely deserved a subscription. There are far too many people who defend Gacha games and don't realize how far their predatory practices have leeched on to them. I understand that game developers need to run a business and get paid, but this is not the way to do it
@LunarFresh 2 жыл бұрын
Genshin Impact is basically gambling with a Breath of The Wild skin.
@tanatep23 2 жыл бұрын
@Zold If something stupid works, will you stop doing it?
@volcaniicash6485 2 жыл бұрын
this is a masterclass on depression. holy fucking triggering. excellent, excellent video!
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! I definitely want to revisit this topic more in depth in the future, as it seems like things have gotten worse in the last year, but I really appreciate your kind words
@CheeseCoC 3 жыл бұрын
This video is perfection in itself, keep doing videos man I love it
@sparklestar_1726 3 жыл бұрын
For me, I like dipping my toes into these games. sure after a while they all share the same basic features but there are so many different gacha games around and as someone who likes anime, there are even more. Whenever I play one of these though, I always tell myself that i'm gonna be free to play and that I play the game for fun. Wether it be from getting well known characters I like on occasion or just having the gameplay being fun, it's pretty easy for me to play this way and not get any addiction going. Plus this mindset stops me from getting too addicted because if the game stops being fun, I stop playing. If i'm just playing for fun but am finding no fun in the game, why should I keep playing? of course i'll occasionally get on once in a while but it's not a problem for me and I can continue my life without it affecting me badly. Sorry this got really long lol. I just hope that for any other people looking for a way to enjoy gacha games without getting addicted, this might work for them too!
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely all good points! For most people, these games don't pose a threat and they're just a fun way to spend time, I tried to mostly refer to people who have addictive personalities and struggle to control themselves when faced with purposeful manipulation. Kudos on keeping on keeping on with the gacha games, they're really fun when you find a good one!
@sparklestar_1726 3 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 yeah I guess it helps that I always like to feel like I’m in control of my life. I think if I get close to addiction I stop it because then I’m not in control anymore the addiction is. Or I’m just weird but still.
@grantc5928 3 жыл бұрын
Man this hits too close to home. Great video. We need more good quality, well-researched, informative content like this. Keep up the good work!
@doodleroar 3 жыл бұрын
dude, your calm tone and pretty great script makes me wonder how the fuck you only have 100ish subs, hopefully you gain a bit more steam later down the line
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate it! I do all this for fun, so I just wanted to talk about some topics I enjoy. Once I find something more interesting maybe things will pop off :)
@mothynx 3 жыл бұрын
Really liked this video, talked to some friends about it and shared it too. You deserve way more subscribers. I like the stuff about the psychology of gacha gaming. Thank you for your hard work!!
@CandyGames63 3 жыл бұрын
In my personal case, I'm what's known as a dolphin; someone who spends a little bit of money infrequently. In Genshin Impact's case, I dropped 40 dollars on Venti's banner and did not get the character that I wanted. I never dropped a penny since. I love the game for its world and exploration, so the last couple of updates have been so abysmally boring that I ended up dropping the game until they release a new region to explore. I'm glad I stopped for now, because in hindsight, logging in to do chores and events every week didn't provide me any enjoyment. It took so much willpower to convince myself on a tired day, a busy day, on any day, to log in and do the daily missions. And even then, so many players were begging the developers to make more content for the game, which was a NIGHTMARE for a casual gamer like me. I'm much happier now without the game, and I'm only going to return if I see content I actually want to play.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
That's a good thing! I'm glad you were able to step away when you realized you weren't having as much fun as you could doing other things. If you do end up wanting to play again, the new region is due to be released in mid-July, but I can only really recommend hopping on, doing the new content to see where the story is going, and then falling off again. Video games are supposed to be fun, not something you feel like you NEED to do, so stepping back for a while is oftentimes the best possible solution.
@CandyGames63 3 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 thank you! I completely agree. Most gacha games are investments and fall into the common cycle of becoming a chore due to its grindy nature coupled with its need for the players to play daily. It's hard to figure out which game you genuinely enjoy and which ones you're only playing to not miss a day of resources.
@kiattim2100 3 жыл бұрын
I stopped playing after lantern rite event end. After 4 months of not playing I came back to play the new event island. After one weeks I got bored of the game again. Because in the end this game eventually turns into a chore, because there is not enough content to do other than griding artifacts over and over.
@grasstoucher83 2 жыл бұрын
I was an F2P player for SMT Dx2 Liberation and E7. I may have not lose any money, i did lose time and energy. All that time and energy could have been better spent doing something else though i didn't see why i should read books and work out and all that back then. My sleep schedule went to shit because of SMT Dx2's 100 free summons and free 5 star events. I would grind for hours on end and try and climb the pvp ranks. I also talked to the people on the chat but I'm talking about me quitting SMT Dx2 and E7. However, if you're curious, the whole chat stuff went to shit because of drama and all that stuff. Eventually, i got burned out and decided to uninstall it. I said farewell in the chat. Probably a year later, i started playing E7. The art is great and the game is more balanced than SMT Dx2. But i have changed as a person. I read books, worked out, and honed my passion. I didn't spend a lot of time playing E7 and there's also some grind there. In the end, i deleted E7. Oh, and i didn't try and chat with anyone this time. I'm no longer interested in game chats in general. I'm glad that E7 and SMT Dx2 were the only gacha games I've played, and I'm even more glad that i didn't play multiple gacha games at the same time. I can't imagine the amount of time and energy spent playing multiple gacha games. If you're reading this, thank you for your time. If you're still playing gacha games, i advise you to quit. >But i have spent money and invested my time and energy in it Well, guess what? The more you play these games, the more time, energy and money you'll lose. Once again, thanks for reading
@claudiegarnier4560 2 жыл бұрын
You deserve more followers the video is awesome and very complete!
@ardius9777 2 жыл бұрын
Im surprised at how little views this video has, and how little comprehensive video essays on the topic like this are out there. The public seriously needs a wake up call to ban these things
@anthonynguyen5199 3 жыл бұрын
You are so underrated man, keep it up!
@user-cw4hg3re1d 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a f2p genshin impact player. And honestly, I'm worried because lately I started gringing for artifacts (which is a sort of free thing, but it requires a lot of time) and saving for the rerun of two up-coming characters. Rather than spending money in gambling, I'm worried about my time and my addiction to researching stuff about the story. But I also know that I physically feel different when I pull for characters. And that worries me, because it's producing a response that I do not control. And sometimes thinking and calculating how much resources do I need to get certain character i'm saving for, it just, obsesses me whenever I start to think about it. I got lucky when I started playing, since i got two of my four favorite characters. And I remember that I just wanted those two. But as the story progressed, I liked three more. I've been obsessibly saving for two, and the third one is free, so I have it. But also, I've been really addicted to waste more of my time to make this free character better. And. I don't know. The good thing is that lately I've been paying less attention to the plot. Which is lowkey good, bc I think a little, a little less about it. But now I've gotten addicted to doing stuff ingame to get more resources and get those two I want and also upgrade the other one. But, If I get them, even if I stop gambling for characters, which is a little unlikely, I'll get hooked to spend on weapons and even more time to upgrade those characters I could have. And I don't know if that will ever stop, because getting better gear is all luck. And a daily task. It takes at leats 40 minutes daily. And then I start thinking more and more possibilities. And I end up spending even more time. I stopped playing for a while bc I had an admission exam once. And I was away for like a month. But I couldn't stop thinking about the lore and making calculations to get characters. After the exam (which fortunately went good) I came back. Then, at the beggining of school I stopped playing too. But this time was because I was happy and excited about college. And so, three weeks passed. I did think about the game, but this time it was a lot easier to be away from it. But then, a friend kept sending me stuff, like news about the game, because that's what we do. And I came back. Now I don't really kow what to do, so I started researching how to stop this addiction. But. I'm not really sure about anything. I kinda wish I didn't play it. Maybe by getting a hobby. But my brain is already used to the high of playing. So I guess I'll try to look at the big picture and try to notice how insignificant actually is the existence of this game to my life. Because even the greatest things it can give me, they really are nothing. What's the point of getting a character? Of making better damage numbers? Once you achieve something "great", then what? Probably just grind for better gear. But it's a meaningless cycle. The so-called happiness it can bring me is absolutely nothing in the long run. But I still feel the urge to go back.
@user-cw4hg3re1d 2 жыл бұрын
Conclussion: it's better to avoid things that give me way too much stimuli, in different ways. Because, it's so well done and I can't help but notice how much effort was put into it. But it's harming me lmao. And it's not actually real. Edit: so, I know I'm not the only one with this problem, but I would say that genshin impact not only relies on its gacha system to create an immense addiction. It's very immersive. And, not like I feel that is real or that it is the only thing in my life, but, my relationship with it, it's definitely not healthy and it's obsessive.
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
This is a really good way of looking at it, so you're off to a good start! The feeling of being obsessed with improving and making progress is a natural human concept that plenty of game developers try to target, it's not specific to gacha games. You'll get a similar feeling for any MMO or RPG that you play, it means that you're enjoying it. If it's negatively impacting your life (which it seems like it isn't since you were able to take a break for your admission exam, congrats btw) then it could be a bigger issue, but eventually this feeling will fade and you're going to be able to get back it just being a part of your life that you enjoy.
@ittodakimasu4814 2 жыл бұрын
Dude wrote an essay💀 But wow I read all of it
@austinnguyen9107 2 жыл бұрын
@@ittodakimasu4814 ikr it was pretty good
@IndesirableShadow 2 жыл бұрын
@@ittodakimasu4814 100%
@masterbubs8271 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a mostly F2P player of Shin Megami Tensei-Dx2 Liberation, and what I mean by mostly is that I may have spent $100+ dollars on the game within the last 3 years (since launch). And I agree, it's really difficult to not get addicted, but not impossible. I will say that this vid is a good eye opener for those who do struggle with gacha addiction/gambling, so thanks for uploading this.
@astaganaga1906 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I feel anyone who plays any gacha game should watch this. These gacha games can get so insidiously predatory without you noticing. I’m thankfully still an F2P player and read the infamous FFBE whale story before I got hooked to make any microtransaction…
@Roberto55manuelo 3 жыл бұрын
I am surprised why the video doesn't have a lots of views. Keep up the good work don't give up.
@femmirika6495 2 жыл бұрын
Heyo, really love that you talk about gacha and addiction, but unfortunatly its not as easy as you think, to say it is just 'dopamine', because actually it is very unclear how dopamine influences any addiction differently, than socially acapptable rewards Still love your content, but would recommend the book 'Addiction and Choice' by Nick Heather and Gabriel Segal, if you are more interested- you defenetly do not have to read all of it, but there is a very insigthful section about the neuroscience of addiction
@HermannRodrig16 Жыл бұрын
Bandai Namco should know this on Dragon Ball Legends.
@JoZerpPL 2 жыл бұрын
What i learned so far with Fire Emblem Heroes is that i shouldn't take gacha games seriously, no matter how much i want a unit, i must resist the need to pull or save until that character i want comes back later, wich is a very wise idea. So, i don't and will never spend money on gacha games bc i learned to not take them seriously.
@robertcampbellii9787 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know what's worse in Genshin, the fact that people will spend a boatload of money on it or those same people who not only spend a boatload of money on it, but then complain that the game is predatory and they are going F2P. Bunch of hypocrites.
@pioneershark2230 3 жыл бұрын
You talking about content creators?
@robertcampbellii9787 Жыл бұрын
@@pioneershark2230 yes
@realnamesnotgiven6193 3 жыл бұрын
I'm honestly suprised there isn't a K at the end of your subscriber count. You make great content.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Currently searching for my niche and trying to figure out my style, so this means a lot to me!
@Falah_056 2 жыл бұрын
"just play and enjoy the game" i hope is like that but sometimes is not as simple as that :(
@comradekenobi6908 2 жыл бұрын
“It’s only 15 minutes”
@einuko30156 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very informative video; i'm genuinely surprised at how few views this video has gotten. From my personal perspective, gacha game & microtransaction mechanics have started to drown out the more legitimate titles on both Mobile and PC. This is on top of fostering addiction in individuals of all ages, regardless of player experience or mental resistance to such mechanics. Make no mistake: this is something that can't just be addressed or reworked- it needs to be acknowledged as a serious problem to the present and future of both the video game industry and our mental health [as users of this medium], and banned from use. The real question, however: Will there be enough like-minded people to remedy the effects of these practices?
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, there isn't much we can do as individuals apart from avoiding games that utilize the more predatory mechanics. It's an innate human flaw that we're susceptible to gambling, and with the lootbox and gacha mechanics becoming more and more prevalent, it would take either legislation or an industry-wide boycott to make companies realize the practice isn't acceptable, as the only language they speak is money in the current system and there are plenty of players who are willing to defend the practice because they genuinely enjoy it. Age verification could help mitigate the issue, similar to how casinos act, but ultimately it will take a long time before we begin to see developers shift away from the "random microtransaction" model.
@strawberryfox8819 2 жыл бұрын
Glad I saw this video, you explained it really well. Just deinstalled the game, after playing it for a week straight and directly becoming negatively impacted by it. I spent most of my time grinding for currency and even spent actual money (not much but still, not proud), which in turn made me feel worse. I love the characters, the beauty of the game and the story but I realized I can't play it without becoming addicted.
@mahalakshmiakshoknagar6820 2 жыл бұрын
People who play Genshin for the story: ...
@MifuneTakumi45 2 жыл бұрын
bruh... seeing so many of this kind of videos that now i realize some years ago when opening yugioh or pokemon or the card game packs were a thing on the streaming community they're basically doing real life gachas
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
It's true! Trading cards are just physical lootboxes. On the downside, you can't trade what you get in a gacha game. Yet.
@lizzy_4u443 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly I hate this kind of games ( even though in very addicted to genshin impact ) once I cant progress anymore and the game just wants me to spend money on it I will sadly stop playing it...
@saimyintmyat9373 3 жыл бұрын
Why you can't progress any more as f2p ? I'm still survive till today with only 20$ spent on 1 BP.
@tobiasnguyen2502 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to ask that what exactly do you mean about you can’t progress anymore ? As in you characters are weak ? Or you just tired of playing the same characters and never got the one you want when pull gacha ? But I already 1 month late so you can just type you don’t want to answer if you want.
@rotaderp88 2 жыл бұрын
I just watched another video like this before watching 5is one and these videos really helped me understand what was happening to me. I don’t spend much money on games but I spent over $60 the same week I got genshin. It was my birthday a few days ago and I was planning on spending all my birthday money on genshin ($100) because I really wanted a new character. After watching these videos I realized how bad of an idea that was. I hadn’t realized how much money I had spent too. After seeing this I realize that I need to monitor my spending and set hard caps on spending money.
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely! There's nothing wrong with spending some money to get a character you really want, but instantly assuming whatever spare cash you have should go towards microtransactions can be the start of a bad habit. Just keep an eye on things and be sure not to fall for the traps these games set.
@erickboneti4175 3 жыл бұрын
the good thing about living in a country that has a devalued currency compared to USD is that i feel 0 motivation to spend money on the games, but still, genshin is my first gacha game, so i'll put even more attention on avoiding these traps. I guess i've build up some resistence since I promissed myself to never buy a skin in League.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
League skins are the WORST. For a free to play game, I've definitely spent more than $500 on it
@cheekybear874 2 жыл бұрын
Very informative, thank you
@hoseokssmile9784 2 жыл бұрын
for me it started out as just buying the welkin moon…then 2 months later I decided to buy the BP too bc I wanted one of the weapons,then I bought it again next month bc I wanted another weapon from there…now I’m at a point where I have the welkin moon for the the next 4 months,because I stack bought it just for the 4x300 crystals it gives me lol I’m a uni student and I currently don’t have a part-time job,so I fund my Genshin spendings from the grant my school gives me for my GPA.I know it’s a problem,because I feel so bad after impulse buying stuff…
@Fightookaishii 2 жыл бұрын
For me, it was Bleach Brave Souls. The summons messed me up, wanting to get characters I religiously grinded for, for weeks and months, just to lose all my orbs in the summons and get duplicates of old characters. And when I'd be close to dropping the game for good, I'd randomly pull a character good enough to repeat the cycle of grinding and spending. It wasn't right. Fuck that game.
@triplem5977 3 жыл бұрын
IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT HOW SPICY THAT WISH ANIMATION WAS AT THE BEGINING If thats what it looked like in the beta i want it back because it looks amazing
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
It was super cool! It's from when the closed beta was going on, but I like how the items you roll show up more now. If we had that old meteor animation but still saw the silhouettes of items I'd be all about it
@Apthealer 2 жыл бұрын
I had rationalized spending money for a specific caracter in the game which I didn't even getting and which put me in a really bad mood I then realized what am I doing why am I addicted, I cant stop thinking about the new event is out new primos my dailys but I'm trying to quit uninstalled genshin and put my ps4 in a locker and everytime I feel like playing i watch this video
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
No matter what game it is, they're supposed to be enjoyable, not put you in a bad mood. Quitting can be hard, but if it was affecting you negatively then moving on is the best decision
@ilahazs 2 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 I hate gacha system because I have experience with kind moment when the hope instantly drop down. I hope I can leave this hell system quickly.
@kacchan5292 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I agree with this. I know but stupid me did the same for twice but not anymore. It's difficult to quit from the game. Anyways, if something doesn't bring enjoyment then the time has come (in this case quit). And additionally, if you have competitive nature, it would getting worse since you can not stand to lack of any characters. Still, I'm on my way to quit, it's not fun to stay if in the mind I must have this that LOL.
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely true! It's the same with anything in life; if you don't enjoy something or if your only driving force for doing it is because you've gotten used to it, then it's time to stop. The limitations these games put on you are entirely on purpose, and even if the game is good, if you're falling for every trap the developers set it may be more harmful for you to keep playing.
@BryantMitchell 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video. I fear gacha and the corresponding addiction will only grow in size. It's going to be in most games soon.
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely think it will be too. It's been found to provide the best return for the least amount of extra work, and lootboxes already exist in so many games it's only a matter of time before every AAA studio starts including it.
@gggg918 3 жыл бұрын
Really underrated channel!
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Hoping I can keep making you guys proud
@TrueHeroAriel 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I didn’t get a character I wanted in Dragon Ball Legends just now and this video really opened my eyes I’m officially not spending money on it anymore. I’m making a promise to myself and to you all that are going through this as well
@13Lotus11 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's ok spending some mone on gacha games *IF* you're fully concious of what you're spending, I'm not talking about the "omg there''s a new character, gotta spend 3k Dollars to get it C6", i'm talking more about "ey I'm having fun with this game, maybe I should buy the battler pass for this update". There is always a middle ground in these situations, of course if you don't want to spend money on gacha games, that's perfectly fine and reasonable, but spending some money because you enjoy the game I think isn't bad either, if you are spending with moderation and it doesn't affect your lifestyle
@zemirukaiba 2 жыл бұрын
you are a loser everytime you spend money for an item in a game, especially in a gay game like this
@dixieenormis1783 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video!
@joustingknight2088 2 жыл бұрын
great vid hella informative man
@winnistube 2 жыл бұрын
How the mighty have fallen. Games used to be addictive because they were good. This is just sad. Preying on people with addictive tendencies which they got due to genetics is just evil. Relying on less than 5% of your customer base to make a living also isn't a sustainable business model. I tried getting into Genshin but it just isn't that good of a game either. The combat is good but nothing special. We had stuff like this more than 10 years ago on the PS2 with God of War. The animation was alright but the lip syncing was horrible. Also why do people enjoy this daily tasks and sensory overload? This game is fucking complicated with different currencies, daily tasks, some other missions, rolling for shit, dozens of items and acessoires you can put on the characters(which you also have to roll for and/or craft) etc. Maybe I am just old but if I want to play a beat em up I would rather just flip on my PS4 and buy the new God of War. Sure thematically those are vastly different games but they are also games like Tales of Berseria who have the fighting and anime style of these gacha games and they only cost money once. You pay money and get a complete product. Also you can finish those games and move on. With gacha games there is no ending. Neither in the actual game itself nor in the spending. There are stories of people spending thousands of dollars. This just isn't for me and I think a lot of other people should also start looking for alternatives. There is nothing wrong with paying for software not everything has to be free. Somebody has to be paid to make it thats why in "free" to play you have to pay eventually.
@exopanda7988 2 жыл бұрын
Wise word
@exopanda7988 2 жыл бұрын
@Killua agree
@vengeancewillbemine2104 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, agreed. im actually hate the gacha implementation on this game, but honestly i really like this game i. terms of its lore n music.. yeah, literally myself also kinda realized n regret on spending i. this game.. idc if u want to make me lose 50/50 on that banner, but kind of annoyed when i need to literally spend till i reach pity to get the character i want even tho guaranteed..
@kap6457 Жыл бұрын
@@vengeancewillbemine2104 play dark souls, it's addictive and has beautiful music and lore. Then bloodborne. Then demon souls. Then sekiro. Then elden ring. By that point, you have forgotten cringe anime expensive game.
@mogumogu2421 2 жыл бұрын
I am a F2P Genshin player and I haven't spent a single penny, I am currently AR 34 and my characters feel weak but I don't mind spending 5mins of swinging per boss. I downloaded the game for the art style and gameplay, I stay away from the gacha and just enjoy the game.... I guess the addiction and other cons depends on the person playing.
@eatrice5621 3 жыл бұрын
Jokes on you I can’t spend money because I have no money!
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
F2P btw :) It's better that way anyway
@eatrice5621 3 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 indeed
@sparklestar_1726 3 жыл бұрын
I tell myself this all the time even when I have money. I guess i'm just stupid enough to believe my obvious lie because I don't think i've ever spent money on a gacha game before.
@klee5245 3 жыл бұрын
Same. Never spent a dime on any gacha games.
@apasih6854 2 жыл бұрын
I spent an unholy amount of time on Genshin Impact, the graphics, the music, everything is beautiful, but after the content burned out (the main storyline) and the game starts grindy, I start to question things in my life. lol. Maybe I'll be back later after future updates solely for the main storyline, cos that's what brought me to the game in the first place. #f2pbtw
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
Highly recommend! I did the same, and I'm planning on taking extended breaks between the release of every continent just because the archon quests and exploring the world are the only things that I feel are really worth it in the game.
@chicken1696 2 жыл бұрын
as much as i love this games i have to understand i could get more games from steam.
@it_aint_me 2 жыл бұрын
Experienced the dropping point in genshin but gladly i didn't spend any money, my dumb friend did and he's kinda whaling now, and he's not even aware of it
@mysfer1088 2 жыл бұрын
Me as a F2P with Ganyu and Tartaglia and Klee: I'm rad
@Midhut 3 жыл бұрын
The moment I switched from Android to windows for gacha games shit got serious. Now that's a lot of damage.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
It hits your wallet then comes for your heart. Definitely a big upgrade though, whether you're playing PC gachas or using Bluestacks!
@kirsatie 2 жыл бұрын
i spend money on genshin mostly for characters i want. tryna spend a limited amount of money then stop- (spent some for my birthday today and will spend now money I got as a gift and that’s it)
@Maebbie 2 жыл бұрын
I will play genshin the day it gets cracked and possible to play offline. Until then the soundtrack is enough.
@alexprodan7088 2 жыл бұрын
The only gacha that I haven't gotten bored even though I played EVERYDAY for less than a year is Guardian Tales,aka the best gacha game I will ever play. Super f2p,got to top 100 in colosseum as a f2p,the story is the best I have seen in a LONG time and I am excited to see how it unfolds in the next chapters,charming gameplay,devs update it every 2 weeks and once you finish the story ,the dailies will take like 15 minutes to 30 minutes max,depending on what content is released at the time. I just recommend it to everyone as a side game,cause it is WORTH IT
@PuppyGems Жыл бұрын
thank you. loved this video. being addicted to Genshin sucks. its very expensive to were i had no food. i want to return to console games and PC games even if there is no anime so i can eat. I dont even like the story in genshin, but feel pressured to play it as it the number 1 game for past years and its all over youtube. the main character can't even talk :( and i find the story very cheaply done and no interest as i the main character can't even talk with the characters in the story. there is not enough time to build empathy towards the characters in this story. This game could of been a great rpg game instead of a gacha. They could of just have the Traveler travel the world for there sibling, similar to other rpgs. But the gacha made this very unenjoyable as the dopamine effect goes away to fast and you feel unsatisfied with what you have. Then we have artifacts and weapons! another in game gacha system. No good basic artifacts your character wont due damage due to their strength and weaknesses. I think artifacts was the finally straw for me.
@Stalaktik 3 жыл бұрын
rlly good video
@goliath1736 3 жыл бұрын
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! It's an insane topic and one that I've been super interested in for a while
@yasperz8386 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks 🙏
@chaeripie2422 2 жыл бұрын
I'm defo going to use this for my school report as reference lolol
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
If you want some actual studies feel free to let me know! I try to make my videos factual, so I usually have a sources list that I pull the data from
@chaeripie2422 2 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 thank you! The video was informative enough! :D
@nggames9201 3 жыл бұрын
I think I got to the point in genshin impact where it stops being fun. I think I'm only playing now because the game is beautiful and it's because I have some friends there, and I don't want to let them down. I think I'm gonna find a new game to play until inazuma drops and then I'll discover all of it and quit. You got an idea for a game to play? (Btw I'm 13 so don't tell me something like COD) Another thing: I'm actually trying to design a similar game to genshin impact. When I say "a similar game" I mean everything but the gambling part. And now that I saw this video, more than ever. Anyone wanna help me with more ideas? So far I have two characters in mind and a few ideas. If anyone wants to help I'll edit the docs document
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Highly recommend that! I've played Genshin for a couple months now and I'm going through the same thing. If you have a Switch, people have said Breath of the Wild is very similar but without the gacha aspect, or if you only have access to a PC, Warframe is really good and free to play, if a little violent (all against aliens though, no gore) If you're looking for games of different genres that are just good, Risk of Rain 2 is fantastic, as are Ori and the Blind Forest, Celeste, and Fez
@nggames9201 3 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 thanks. I only have a ps4 right now. I really want to play ori and the will of the wisps, but I think there isn't a ps4 version. I tried warframe and it's pretty fun, but really difficult to understand. I still don't understand everything.
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
@@nggames9201 It takes some time to really get it down! It's a bit more grindy, too. For PS4 though, if you can get your hands on any of the Uncharted series, those are some of my favorite games of all time
@nggames9201 3 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 ok, thank you. I actually have the uncharted collection from ps+, so I'll try those
@lalla286 2 жыл бұрын
A thing i don't understand about the genshin fandom is why the f2p are usually bullied by whale because they can't crit high or do much damage. I'm f2p and i play for fun because i like the game, i don't play just to get all the characters and weapons. And if i really like a character i just save enough wishes waiting for their rerun, is not tragic as whale think to not roll on every banner. I lose on the 50/50 sometimes but it's not this bad, i got the best healer in the game and garanteed Shenhe, you can get characters on the next rerun. The last five star characters i rolled are Ganyu and Shenhe, and they are good together, so why would i spend so much money for a game when i have a good team and weapons? I can't do 50k or 80k damage and have three stars in every abyss floor but who cares when you are just having fun?
@phatticoos4025 3 жыл бұрын
quality content
@kalmialow1272 3 жыл бұрын
$50 on a green femboy I never even got
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Venti's not even worth it, he's so good it makes the game that already has no content so boring. A friend of mine pulled him and doesn't even want to play anymore LOL
@femaleforester 3 жыл бұрын
@@baconman102996 that's strange reasoning for him not being good. I pulled him and I enjoy him to this day. he also doesn't make everything easy, depends on the enemy
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
@@femaleforester Oh no he's super good! Venti is insanely worth it, I just feel like the difficulty isn't high enough at this point for characters like Venti and Zhongli to make everything super easy, even if with Venti you have to build other characters around him.
@DiaborMagics 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm addicted too. Progression in the general sense isn't what I'm after though, but I am a collector. I've always liked to collect things. And now... I want every genshin waifu, every azur lane waifu, asany outfits as I can possibly get in doaxvv, all waifus I can get in Princess Connect and, while not a gacha game, all outfits I can get for my classes in black desert online. Money is indeed problem number 1 and temptation is everywhere, all the time. But let's set that aside for a second. My problem is mainly that FOMO. Fear of missing out. If I don't do all dailies, weeklies and events that award the premium currency, then I will automatically have fewer chances to get the girls or outfits I want. And if I take a break from the game, the scarcity kicks in; I'll miss limited banners and either have to wait for months for a rerun, or worse, it never returns. While pvp and such show you players that have what you couldn't get. Jealousy then kicks in as well. What I really want is to learn to play in moderation. Right now, every day is a checklist. Dailies for that game, event for that game... I asked help on the genshin forum before and was told to go outside and touch grass. Yeah very helpful dipsh*t. Thanks. Thing is.... I've been depressed for over 2 years. Recently learned I have autism and generalized anxiety disorder and this caused depression. I started playing the gacha games as a form of escapism... And now I feel like they make it worse. More than half the time I'm not even enjoying one or more of the games. Even if I do all dailies in the morning, the rest of the day my mind is still with them. I struggle to play any other game, read any books, watch any anime or movies, or anything like that not just because of what I was already suffering from, but because these games keep drawing me back. I enjoy them.... When I do. And I WANT to continue playing. But I don't want the checklist. The FOMO. The every day commitment. The games should be there for me, not the other way around. And honestly I have no idea how to do that. I can sometimes manage to take a break from 1 or 2 of these games, but I always come back. And taking a break or quitting all of them feels like it's impossible. I feel like the answer lies in that collectors drift. I've heard that people with autism are more prone to this kind of behavior. But how can I convince myself that I don't need these collections? Or that I don't need them to be complete? That it's OK to miss characters, currency, events, days, weeks.... I wish they were games like the single players games I normally always played. Just load up whenever you want. Save, quit, come back a week later. It was an escape at first but now I need to escape this. And the thing is, I feel incredible shame. Of all the things I talk about with my psychologist and psychiatrist, including suicide..... This is something I still haven't been able to bring up in over a year of therapy. :/
@austinnguyen9107 2 жыл бұрын
I have a friend who is also a "collector" and I see him in the same situation you are. I think u should applaud yourself for being aware, that's the first step in healing! Pay attention to what u said... Escapism. It's a sign of an unmet need. The solution is simple, become aware of what that need or needs are and then find a healthy way to meet them. (Need to solve at root level, just deleting Genshin solves a temporary symptom) Specifically learning about attachment styles from Thais Gibson ( a KZfaq channel) really helped me. U mentioned feeling a lot of shame which I can assume is not just with Genshin. Do you find shaming showing up in other parts of your daily life? When we have an unmet need, subconsciously we try to get that need met. I'm working on this too which is why I noticed.
@ehNokka 2 жыл бұрын
Im a medium spender. Total, id say i have spent about 700 usd on the game after the 350+ days of playing. Do you know what gives me the biggest rush? Getting that last chest in Liyue. Don’t be scared people, if ya know you’re financially stable and can keep yourself from spending thousands at a time, just spend away.
@piemon5872 3 жыл бұрын
this video describes me...
@sshk1653 2 жыл бұрын
I really like the way western kids say I have gambling problem..: and genshin impact exist so let's make myself victim.. and to hide how bad parenting I had or almost no parenting I had..
@forevermasteri4330 Жыл бұрын
I was hesitant to tryout Genshin. I started at the end of last August and have been hocked ever since... with mixed feelings. It's a tough love relationship. There is a lot to like about the game, but also some agonizing business-related things and for me personally: distracting persevering thoughts that extend beyond its gacha system. It frustrates me how badly this one video game has affected my college performance, and it is not purely due to controversy unlike past online gaming experiences.
@user-tt8su4gn6n 2 жыл бұрын
Srveral month ago i started playing Genshin, and i did it only for a week, cause i realised, that i play it too much, and it is time to stop, now i think, if I return to it, l'll only play through the story, because I find it interesting.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique Жыл бұрын
I used to be a simp whale. Now I’m f2p in tower of fantasy
@user-wn1oo5uc8o 3 жыл бұрын
Im here after realising i have a problem after skyward harp banner lmao
@baconman102996 3 жыл бұрын
Weapon banners hurt my soul so much
@klee5245 3 жыл бұрын
Weapon banners are scam ;-; , they dont even guarantee the weapon you want after 2 pity unlike character banner.
@mintea5596 2 жыл бұрын
I will 98% will never spend money on online games TvT idk it just feels wrong. I will stick with f2p
@lottery248 2 жыл бұрын
and there are people selling relevant accounts for $10~20 each. assuming the said sold accounts are all legit, you can imagine how unreasonable the price is to an average F2P even they can pay.
@JudicialBrat 2 жыл бұрын
Gacha games in general is GRINDING and GAMBLING simulator.
@Collfuse Жыл бұрын
Seeing it’s below 1% to pull ssr i quit immediately cause i know my luck is shit
@pixie4599 3 жыл бұрын
well this is true, but my only addiction ever was gacha games but i didnt spend any money on it bc i thought it was a waste. i also dont play gacha games 24/7
@ddrpimp123 3 жыл бұрын
Great video man
@duckychan6100 3 жыл бұрын
Feels like Gran blue fantasy fixes this to an extent and why seasonal players are a thing they give hundreds of free rolls each seasonal event or major one like a birthday
@lemonybiscuits4824 2 жыл бұрын
I think with the original gacha machine ines, you had to tell the machines which toy you expected to get and win the bet. That's why the govt banned that kind?
@Tailionis 2 жыл бұрын
I never understood the dopamine. I just get mad punch the wall and delete the game after I lose 100 dollars.
@jotarokujo2017 3 жыл бұрын
If im lucky in one gacha game i play it longer the usual but if im unlucky im quitting lmao
@MthaMenMon 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I am here due to a roblox game (treasure quest) that does exactly these practices. First I started with a friend and we were having fun. But over time it became harder and harder to have fun without investing either too many hours in gameplay or money. After three weeks my friend left. I decided to continue though and paid about 15 dollars to get some boosts. Now Im just realizing everything is so artificial... People in game has only one purpose: to show off their items. You can't play (and thus befriend) with anyone that is not around your level, which is 90% of the case. Game passes are now vital if you want even a chance to be in the "pro" players. Heck, new players even cry in chat to get to play with the "pro" players. I'm ashamed tbh, I slowly fell in their trap.
@njames1554 3 жыл бұрын
5 k primogems 🤤🤤🤤
@tweektweektweeker9547 2 жыл бұрын
i creat more than 20 accounts for gacha in Genshin Impact yep... it isn't good i start losing my mind because i really really want some 5 star characters i want to stop but i keep returning to it i feel bad
@FolstrimHori 2 жыл бұрын
Coming here after realizing I've spent over 800 on fgo in the past month. I fucking hate myself and what I'm doing. What's worse is that I'll go for long periods without spending money, only to drop a ton of money in a single day. Can't do this anymore.
@baconman102996 2 жыл бұрын
That's a surprisingly common thing that happens with these games. Some of the mechanics they use to try to get your money focus on the "fear of missing out" from limited time opportunities, so you end up dropping a ton all at once despite not spending frequently. If you're not happy with the amount you're spending, it is almost definitely time to take a break and evaluate why you like the game or if it's worth it to continue to play despite the amount you've already spent.
@danielsurvivor1372 2 жыл бұрын
The only gacha like game I ever played for long in recent years was PvZ2. It's been atleast a year, maybe two since the last time I played it, but eventually I realised all I do is do daily quests and that's about it. It was tiresome, so I decided to just delete PvZ2... Yeah I had a lot of plants unlocked via hard work and not wasting real cash, but what's the point? It was basically a loop of grinding for new plants, and waiting for new one's. What's worse is that EA introduced lvl system for plants, which made it even harder to play Penny Pursuit. So yeah, not to say my life improved drastically over dropping PvZ2 but I definitely miss the game way less after certain time passed
@potato222 2 жыл бұрын
Rance 10
@toxica6444 3 жыл бұрын
Im glad i quit genshin. I chose to get a car than a waifu. I top up 100usd per banner
@saimyintmyat9373 3 жыл бұрын
You should buy a car and become a pure f2p in Genshin it more enjoyable.
@toxica6444 2 жыл бұрын
@@saimyintmyat9373 I can't enjoy it that way because I get salty when my friends get a 5* that I don't have so I top-up everytime to alleviate the saltiness. So I have no other choice but to quit.
@saimyintmyat9373 2 жыл бұрын
@@toxica6444 meh so weak XD 😆. If I were you I would definitely go for a car and then pulling gacha as complete f2p XD. So win win situation for me. Yeah that suck if you don't get on what you want and salty on your friends' RNG are pretty understandable.
@uknow2908 3 жыл бұрын
I don't pay, but I'm addicted.
@Yuzuki436 2 жыл бұрын
me too
@uknow2908 2 жыл бұрын
@@Yuzuki436 welp... I'm not anymore, I dropped the game. Liyue happened to be boring.
@Yuzuki436 2 жыл бұрын
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