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George Sheard

George Sheard

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@Adamgratton0405 4 жыл бұрын
Make the master the timeless child , would explain his pure rage towards the time-lords, why he never seems to properly die also as the time lords took a part of him for themselves it’s fitting how he took them to create his cyber army
@tylerhammond5952 4 жыл бұрын
Adam Gratton - I watched over this finale the other day, and the only way the Doctor finds out she’s the Timeless Child is from the Master’s word. And, if we believe the Master’s word, then we must be nuts at fan. I hope this storyline pops up again in 2 series’ time and we get a big master finale (finding out he’s the real Timeless Child)
@Adamgratton0405 4 жыл бұрын
Tyed Design yeah that be great
@Elsinlock 4 жыл бұрын
@@LordZentar I do believe this to be the case honestly, i don't trust the Master. I need it coming from a reliable source.
@brendancorey7831 4 жыл бұрын
Or have the master and the doctor be timeless children, and have the master show the doctor his past. Make the doctor be the one who tested the master, and accidentally gave herself/himself permanent regeneration
@mayotango1317 4 жыл бұрын
No, is so repeat to the sound in the drums.
@stevetayler9518 4 жыл бұрын
Kudos for solving Yaz. I love the whole concept of her being someone we, the audience, know is going to be a companion; but every time she seems to get to that point she either misses the TARDIS or misses the Doctor. Something that’s not been done before and ripe for comedy potential.
@EthanDJC 4 жыл бұрын
i love that you completely removed orphan 55😂
@QuokkaCore 4 жыл бұрын
Who wouldn’t lol.
@sbi168 4 жыл бұрын
a decision everyone can agree on i believe.
@MidnightChimey 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly think Orphan 55 is okay, but I can see the case for its removal, what totally puzzles me is the junking of Demons of the Punjab, the best episode from series 11
@QuokkaCore 4 жыл бұрын
Midnight Chimes He put it in Series 12 tho.
@Marco-xz9sc 4 жыл бұрын
Orphan who?
@danhayward3057 4 жыл бұрын
*Ryan and the Doctor are separated from the others. They see a Dalek, and Ryan loses it* Ryan: killed my dad Doctor: Ryan, get back from it Ryan: YOU KILLED HIM (tries to attack the Dalek with some sort of tool) *Dalek is quiet, and Ryan thinks he is getting through to it* Ryan: and what have you got to say for yourself? *Doctor looks terrified and the Dalek just stares at Ryan* Dalek: EXTERMINATE Doctor: NO! *Dalek shoots Ryan and there is silence as Ryan just slumps to the floor*
@gbsheard 4 жыл бұрын
This would be perfect and actually totally in character for Ryan... alas
@jonathanskinner7647 4 жыл бұрын
You made me feel emotional for a character I don't even care about somehow. Bravo sir, bravo
@laviarray 3 жыл бұрын
May I ask why would Ryan, the character who was abandoned by his father and clearly still can't stand him to this day, sacrifice himself to avenge him? I'm all for getting deaths to have emotional weight but why have the abandoned child die for a deadbeat dad?
@jonathanskinner7647 3 жыл бұрын
@@laviarray I think it's more that the Dalek robbed him of having the perfect relationship with his dad. Fair enough they repaired their relationship but they never not a proper one and that's what he's more upset about. I haven't explained it very well but its hard to put into words
@laviarray 3 жыл бұрын
@British One The dad is the one who did that, not the dalek. I'm not wild about this plot point in the show as is because it does frame it like Ryan is the one who needs to get over what his dad did, even though he should only do it if he wants to, not because his dad's live was in danger once. So when I see people try to edit the story like this, it seems like you're trying to imply that children should forgive and make amends with their parents before its too late, regardless of if they are deadbeats or not.
@stevetayler9518 4 жыл бұрын
🤣🤣Can’t be arsed to solve the whole spider problem. Love that
@nathandompke4654 4 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of Yaz playing a Micky Smith/ Jackie Tyler role. With her not being a companion, but appears whenever they go to earth.
@mr.nobody5669 4 жыл бұрын
I would personally change the reveal of the Timeless Child to something that circles back to Edison and Tesla Instead the Timeless child would be someone that was used for experimentation and knowledge on how to use time travel that Omega had found instead of Tecteun but Rassilon imprisoned Omega and took the Timeless child from him studying and eventually killing him for the ability to time travel.
@CoalDiamondandhisawesomeness 4 жыл бұрын
How does killing the timeless child give rassilon time travel?
@mr.nobody5669 4 жыл бұрын
@@CoalDiamondandhisawesomeness by torturing the Timeless Child for the information which leads to the Child dying in the process.
@RanjitSingh-fu1lr 4 жыл бұрын
@@mr.nobody5669 The timeless child was the source of the Timelords ability to regenerate not to travel through time.
@mr.nobody5669 4 жыл бұрын
@@RanjitSingh-fu1lr thats what would change. Regeneration would remain as an ability from the race of Gallifreyans while Time Travel would be from the Timeless Child
@mr.nobody5669 4 жыл бұрын
Rassilon could come back after his exile from Gallifrey bringing something new to his character beyong a guy with a glove.
@dxctr_master 4 жыл бұрын
ALSO UR MISSING ONE THING- *grabs Captain Jack and plops him down* MORE OF THIS-
@itsharryhudson7289 4 жыл бұрын
Last time I was this early the doctor was trapped in the confession dial
@layeredchips6173 4 жыл бұрын
Fixing it with Harry that would have been in the past, present, and future...that’s pretty early, then on time, then late
@superevilvillain 4 жыл бұрын
kinda wish he still was haha
@nerd_135 4 жыл бұрын
For The Tsuranga Conundrum, a weeping angle would be nice but I think the Vasta Nerada would work better. It would still be an alien style episode where a small sworm of the Vasta Nerada managed to get onto the ship and slowly picks people off, but it would be more suspenceful. The only visual aid needed, for the swarm, is the lights going out or a computer turning off and as the swarm takes over the ship and the people, it grows larger until it corners the doctor and team where the epiphany moment happens and the sworm dissapears. There would be a more 'midnight' like tone to it because the episodes would be similar while reintroducing a great villan (although a better motive would have to be established other than wanting to kill because in silence in the libary, the libary was their home so the doctor and co were trespassing). A weeping angle diserves more a more grounded premis with an episode to itself because they are strong antaganists to the doctor concidering The Angles Take Manhattan.
@nerd_135 4 жыл бұрын
What would be nice through is if a companions where to die in S13, they should be zapped back in time by the angles unable to return in a similar style to the angles take manhattan with amy and rory. This would suit Graham and or Ryan however it may cheaping angles take manhattan so if done should be done cautiously to not directly copy from it. If a companion or two where to leave then tehy should be replaced with our favourite Captin Jack bringing him in as a full time acumplise. Alternitively, over the course of the not-an-episiode-yet, all the companions (and maybe a couple of side characters) could be zapped back leaving only the doctor to fend for herself eventually defeating them somehow. Then the following episode would be where the doctor trys to find Ryan, Yaz, and Graham while the companions them selves enbark on their own miniadventures. This could take the format of 'The Keys of Marrinus' where as the doctor collects the companions while also collecting key like objects that are used to defeat the villan that recurres during each companion's miniadventures.
@anna_banana7019 4 жыл бұрын
That's actually such a good idea!
@alijoe2173 4 жыл бұрын
The actual swarm could work really well
@cyberemperor1435 4 жыл бұрын
It would be cool but the thing is I think the Castro Nevada are a better 1 time villan
@nerd_135 4 жыл бұрын
@@cyberemperor1435 I know, i'm just fanisiting, they are great but they should definitly stay in that one story
@harryboi3000 4 жыл бұрын
When you said about Yas not joining the TARDIS, I did get annoyed. But once I watched the whole video it works. I'm glad you got rid of Ryan for most of Series 12, he doesn't do anything and the fact he cant do the Sheffield accents grates on me 😂 I've been saying since Resolution that Ryan's Dad should of died, glad I'm not the only one. Having to deal with the guilt and then the Master teasing her about it would of been gold.
@SpeedstersUnited 4 жыл бұрын
Nah Ryan and Yaz do fuck all. Ryan and Yaz have the personality and brains of toothpicks.
@ibrahh5412 4 жыл бұрын
"When you said about Yas not joining the TARDIS, I did get annoyed" " I'm glad you got rid of Ryan for most of Series 12, he doesn't do anything" why dose it matter neither of them do shit. Graham is the only one with personality.
@lucasheap 4 жыл бұрын
For revolution of the daleks I would have yaz, rayn, Graham and Jack rescue 13 from the prison using Jack's vortex manipulator, then teleport to the TARDIS and as soon as they walk out, Ryan instantly gets exterminated (a bit like world enough and time with Bill) and then at the end of the episode, it seems like there is no way of getting out alive but Graham sacrifices himself for the fam saying something like he's got nothing left to live for blah blah blah, then the music stops, silence Graham says "thank you doc" and he kills himself and the daleks and series 13 is the doctor, yaz and Jack
@guswebb1781 4 жыл бұрын
I know you excluded Orphan 55 (understandably) but I played around with idea of the Doctor and fam going to the resort, basically with same set up, however they are there for 2 weeks or so. This means we spend time developing the side characters. Yaz cab truly befriend the older couple, the Ryan romance can be properly explored and Graham and the Doctor fall out due to her refusal to relax. In fact the conflict of the episode can come from the Doctor try to find something untoward at the resort, which isn’t there. In fact the Doctor’s meddling can lead to an accident that causes the resort to become uninhabitable and maybe turn the guests into dregs. The Doctor tries to save everyone but can’t and pretty much all of the guests are killed or turned into dregs, including Ryan’s love interest (which would better explain his nightmare in Can You Hear (an episode I actually love)). I feel this episode could really help to build a divide between the fam and the Doctor as the colder meaner side of the character is allowed to surface. I have a simple change for the Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, which is to swap Ryan and Graham’s storylines around having Graham try to stop Ryan killing Tim Shaw (as he’s shown to be trigger happy through the series and Graham’s arc felt complete after It Takes You Away) and maybe even succeeding leaving the Doctor to have to come to terms with what companion has done especially leading into Resolution. Maybe she’s trying to kick Ryan and his dad turns up leaving the episode on a cliffhanger. Anyway those are my ideas for two episodes that didn’t quite work for me but doesn’t affect series too drastically because I do generally enjoy the Whittaker era.
@Lailadida 4 жыл бұрын
Would love to see most of this. The only thing I find a bit unlikely is Graham staying in the Tardis, when Ryan is leaving in grief. Especially if they have only just connected that would be a little strange.
@leonardo70235 4 жыл бұрын
I like what you did with the companions, it's much more interesting than they come in together, they leave together, they do everything together. I would like to see you do this kind of video for the other modern doctors era.
@Indigo_Polarity 4 жыл бұрын
I think for series 13, rather than just use Thirteen and Yaz, they should introduce a third companion, one who isn’t from Earth (or at least not the present) and has a more cynical personality that plays towards Thrirteen’s darker side in the same way that Yaz plays to her lighter side. If we do get the sea devils back, it would be interesting if it wasn’t as antagonists. Maybe a more reasonable colony of sea devils emerges that want to cooperate with humanity, and the Doctor has to protect them from xenophobic humans or an entirely different threat. As for the master, I’d say that he was disfigured by the death particle, and Dhawan becomes a new take on the ‘crispy’ master of the Tom Baker era. Finally, a new Sontaran story that reaffirms them as a legitimate threat. Completely redesigned too, with black and silver armour and paler skin, closer to Styre.
@hotdog1214 4 жыл бұрын
Like, like and triple like. Couldn't have said it better myself. 👍👍👍 I'm still constantly holding out for having a non-Earth or at the very least, non-present day companion.
@bakasta5992 4 жыл бұрын
Hot Dog An idea I’ve had was a companion who was a kaled, have it take place before they are mutated into Daleks and the Doctor finds a kaled who doesn’t want to fight in the war against the Thals and the Doctor decides to save the Kaled from their fate. It would also bring some emotion to the mandatory dalek episode as they wouldn’t know that that’s what the kaleds became.
@Indigo_Polarity 4 жыл бұрын
Bakasta now any idea the show could come up with will be disappointing compared to that brilliant idea.
@hotdog1214 4 жыл бұрын
@Bakasta. Like it; not only is it a non-Earth companion but has an emotional tug embedded within in which allows for some great drama along the way. Double points for you! ⭐⭐
@samuelbarber4154 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, maybe in Revolution, she could just leave without taking Yaz and pull a Smith in Snowmen where she exiles herself and that's her arc over Series 13. Graham could even be a Wilf in her End of Time, where, towards her end she and Graham relive some memories. Just a thought.
@eladiocofresi5202 4 жыл бұрын
Every Doctor has a story style that distinguishes each incarnation. While I have some issues with Thirteen's style, I don't hate it as much (had to share in light of many others views.) As for changes, I do like the idea of not all three companions together, along with the finale about The Stenza. I feel it would be cool to see part-time companions who jump in and out of adventures in a way that doesn't feel poorly done. And I feel the first two episodes built up The Stenza as a potential new archenemy, only for a weakened Tim Shaw to return. "To Gallifrey With Love." Where do I insert the emoji with the hearts for eyes?
@drummerwarrior1 4 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this VERY much. I have enjoyed Whitaker’s seasons so far - not perfect by any means - but this is REALLY interesting. Well done!!!
@fraserswift7231 4 жыл бұрын
i think you did an amazing job of recreating the episodes and putting some in different places, BRILLIANT
@ilikecereal1041 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to see some of these stories that you've written to be converted into audio dramas, like you did with Press Play
@crotasonoforyx5330 4 жыл бұрын
Please do more of these 🥺
@JonathanFalconeryt 4 жыл бұрын
I’d so the same great video ace! I like the idea of a yaz and 13 series and 13 going through guilt and all these emotions. I’ve watched broadchurch recently and after watching that I really want a sad scene where Whittaker can show some Latimer
@noafullbuster6020 4 жыл бұрын
I REALLY love the concept of The Weeping Angel instead of the Pting, it would have been so great to see this monster against 13th :D
@theformerboywonder7194 4 жыл бұрын
Would you be interested in doing a list going over 5 or more actors you would like to see as the Doctor
@strbourne 4 жыл бұрын
1- Danny Devito 2- Danny Devito 3- Danny Devito 4- Danny Devito 5- The shark from Sharktale
@TheConfusedAdipose 4 жыл бұрын
Great video, this has some really great suggestions, only thing I’d change is having Grace as a companion until later on in the series, giving her death more dramatic impact. Brilliant video!
@Deathlygunn 4 жыл бұрын
My major change would be making The Master into The Timeless Child, and The Doctor the one who experimented on him, that way The Master going insane again and wiping out the Time Lords would feel earned, and The Doctor would have an extra level of guilt for every life The Master takes. Then the next time The Doctor meets Davros, their dynamic can change because she now knows that she made the same decision to experiment on her species to keep them alive.
@jamiestevens3074 4 жыл бұрын
I reckon chibnalls five year plan thing is true. I reckon he’s planned everything out and it’s all comnected. We’re probably gonna see the cybermasters again, we’re gonna see the mental effect the timeless child has on the doctor, etc. Hence why I’m very excited and probably won’t change too much.
@LibertyBridgeProductions Жыл бұрын
I love your change is resolution it makes a lot more sense.
@kelmacett2456 3 жыл бұрын
Removing Yaz or Ryan at different times from the team is a straightforward but brilliant way of improving the series by focusing more on both of them when they are in the story. Love it.
@jons355 4 жыл бұрын
Series 11, general ideas: Companions are Graham and Ryan. No Yaz at all. We see Ryan doing more YouTubing than just in the first episode. Ryan/Graham’s whole grief/acceptance arc is deepened with the extra space of not having Yaz, and it is concluded in this one series (as it pretty much was in the show because it’s barely been mention in series 12). 1: TWWFTE 2 - The Ghost Monument: Like your idea of a space battle at the beginning and a third player who is basically the villain. Include those. Have some other players reach the planet who are killed by the traps that we hear so much about but never actually see. 3 - Rosa 4 - Arachnids in the UK: Tone down Robertson. Make the spiders creepier. At the end the Doctor drops them at Metebelis 3 rather than killing them. Robertson’s lawyers squash everything which explains why he gets away with it. 5 - The Tsuranga Conundrum: Cut the pregnant man. Keep the Pting but have it duplicate as it eats more, and have the ship almost be completely eaten before they are stopped. Graham and Ryan struggle to get along, their relationship is still bumpy and driven by grief. 6 - The Witchfinders 7 - Kerblam!: Show some of life on the other planet where everyone is desperate for work as well as just the warehouse, to add to the moral complexity of the characters. 8: It Takes You Away - Have the Solitract turn into Susan at the end rather than a frog (this would be more likely to get the Doctor to stay...) 9 and 10: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, two parter: Faster pace, we see an actual battle (or just flashbacks). Make Tim Shaw scarier and more depraved. Develop the Ux much more. The cliffhanger is The Doctor Ryan and Graham having their neuro patches destroyed. Episode 10 begins with them wandering the planet unable to remember who they are. They eventually regain their memories and defeat Tim Shaw (who is killed). Special - Resolution Of The Daleks: Use even more of the body horror Dalek out of its casing. At the end, Ryan and Graham leave the TARDIS, their arc complete. Series 12, general ideas: The Doctor meets Yaz, who is still a police officer wanting to do more, just somewhere other than Sheffield. The series is just those two full time, but Ryan and Graham cameo in a few episodes like Martha in Series 4, having changed quite a lot and moved on with their lives (Graham is back to bus driving, Ryan is a full time KZfaqr). In the finale it is revealed the Master is the Timeless Child, not the Doctor, which explains why he’s insane and evil again. Give the Cybermen a story of their own rather than combining them with the Master again. 1 and 2 - Change the name (hate Spyfall). Not sure on a different one though 😅 3 - Praxeus: use the birds more, cameo the Sea Devils 4 - The Haunting of Villa Diodati (make it stand alone rather than as part of the finale) 5 and 6 - Fugitive of the Judoon (Ryan and Graham return for these two episodes). A two parter gives all the ideas more room to breathe. 7 - Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror 8 - Can You Hear Me? Allude to Yaz’s past throughout the series and show it in detail here as in the actual episode (but more so here because she’s the only companion) 9 and 10 - The Timeless Children two parter. Graham and Ryan return once more. Show how the Master destroyed Gallifrey. Different secondary villain than the Cybermen. S13: An Ood episode, an episode set on the Stenza’s subzero home planet, an episode set in the White House in the near future when Jack Robertson is now President (Wirrrn in Washington?).
@jons355 4 жыл бұрын
Forgot to say, Ruth just turns out to be a Doctor from the far future (so far she’s forgotten being Jodie), rather than being the Timeless Child (which in this series is the Master).
@mayotango1317 4 жыл бұрын
The Master is evil because the drums in his head.
@janecantdance7369 4 жыл бұрын
“It was all a dream, and when Peter woke up, he thought: who the hell was writing my lines, that was awful”
@thewatcher776 4 жыл бұрын
fugitive of the judoon, and the finale in series 12 should be in a parallel universe. Ruth is the parallel first doctor. The timeless child is thirsty for revenge and massacres parallel gallifrey with the master. The Doctors get in their TARDISes and go to the Cybership and cause it to hover over the Citadel. they create a bomb and say goodbye and leave.when it detonates it accidentally kills ko sharmus. the ending is normal
@johannesfrenke 4 жыл бұрын
Such amazing work of you. I really like the changes you would make as it brings more dynamic into the big tardis team. Such a great Video. pls do that again, when Series 13 is Over an Withaker has hopefully regenerated!
@anealingfeeling5356 4 жыл бұрын
What I would change in regards to your rewrite of Resolution is that instead of Lynn, the Dalek takes control of Yaz. The episode would play out much the same but we wouldn't have Lynn and Mitch appear again. The recon scout literally takes a police officer's disguise anyway, so it would just be easier to have Yaz perform this function here. This raises the stakes quite a bit, because now we're at risk of losing another person we know. This of course only fuels Yaz's interest in coming along with the Doctor. Oh and because I hated it, Unit wouldn't have been shut down, the Doctor would have got through to Kate where there'd be a throwaway joke about how there's never any alien incursions outside London so Unit don't operate that far North.
@BenNightHound 4 жыл бұрын
I loved this, I'd love to hear what you'd change in other Doctor's series'
@bigbadbaron8416 4 жыл бұрын
Series 11 Episode 1: Woman who fell to Earth: Keep everything the same up until funeral where the Doctor is reunited with the Tardis and Yaz goes off as she has police work. Series 11 Episode 2: The Lone Sontaran: The Doctor, Ryan and Graham arrive on a planet buttered by war where a group of humans are on the chase from the last sontaran general. The planet is reavealed to be Sontar later. The Doctor saves the humans using the Tardis and takes them to a refuge centre Series 11 Episode 3: Rosa: Everything is the same but Yas isn’t there. Series 11 Episode 4: The Invasion of the Autons Part 1: Doctor, Ryan and Graham arrive back in Sheffield where the plastic is being controlled by the Stenza and are threatening to destroy Earth. UNIT returns and storm the stenza ship however are placed in Grave Danger as the plastics are activated and are captured by Tim Shaw. The Doctor is also captured. Series 11 Episode 5: Invasion of the Autons Part 2: Captain Jack returns and teams up with the Companions and together they storm Tim Shaw’s ship and deactivate the Autons. The Stenza story arc closes. Jack and Yas stay on Earth. Series 11 Episode 6: Kerblam!: Everything is the same but Yas isn’t there. Series 11 Episode 7: The Witchfinders: Everything is the same but Yas isn’t there Series 11 Episode 8: It takes you Away: Everything is the same but Yas isn’t there. Series 11 Episode 9: Resolution of the Daleks Part 1: The Doctor, Ryan and Graham defeat the recon Dalek with the guys in the opening of Resolution. However the Dalek activates the Fleet who arrive in 2018... Series 11 Episode 10: Resolution of the Daleks Part 2: UNIT, Captain Jack and Yas try and hold of a Dalek fleet whilst the Doctor, Ryan and Graham hunt for the Dalek fleet throughout history, they finally arrive in 2018 but it is too late and the Invasion has begun... New Years Day 2019: Resolution of the Daleks Part 3: the Doctor and the team unite and defeat the Dalek Empire which is reavealled to be ran by Davros, however Ryan is shot down. This plays the idea of Guilt the is embedded in the Doctors character in series 12. Yas joins the Tardis and Jack stays on Earth with UNIT
@SuperEpicNiceGuy 4 жыл бұрын
I love this, maybe have Jack join in Revolution and then in series 13 Jodie could push Yaz away from her in fear of ruining her life like she did with Graham and Ryan's, leading to her exit halfway through the series or maybe episode 7. It's just Jack and Jodie but Yaz is back for the finale and special, where I believe Jodie will leave. It would be cool for the Demons of the Punjab (can't remember their actual name) to be at Jodie's regeneration and also to see what would happen when the Tardis explodes during regeneration when companions are still in it, maybe a run around the Tardis, bringing back the Tardis based episodes like 'the Doctor's wife' and 'Journey to the Centre of the Tardis' as a series opener for the new Doctor, Jack and Yaz.
@nerd_135 4 жыл бұрын
In this years upcomming xmas/new years special, the doctor should have a prison break episode accompanied by captin jack (he could hillariously be a fellow prisoner). Where the doctor reseives word that earth is about to invaded by the daleks yet again and she bust out of the shadow proclimation to head to earth to stop the daleks. HOWEVER, despite her best efforts, she fails and the dalkes take over earth for an extenisve period of time. This would lead onto S13 where she tries to rectify and make emense for her mistakes but is banished in a plot twists as a reverse call back to the third doctors tenor. the series would progress as normal with lots of standard small adventures ect. Alternitively, the doctor losses in the xmas special then over s13 has to find ways of corrrecting her mistakes for the dalek invasion. These ways would show earth under full dalek occupancy and continue the whole grief and guilt arch of happy go unlucky number 13 prehaphs with either graham or ryan being exterminated.
@CoalDiamondandhisawesomeness 4 жыл бұрын
Come on, you can't end a special that leads to 8 months of no who with THAT! Especially something so lackluster as her just kind of limply failing at the end...
@nerd_135 4 жыл бұрын
@@CoalDiamondandhisawesomeness Yeah i guess but the issue with Doctor Who is that the Doctor always wins at the end of the day, it would be more engaging to have the Doctor lose after such a long win streak. Besides it could fit with the whole arch of grief and loss
@CoalDiamondandhisawesomeness 4 жыл бұрын
@@nerd_135 I guess, but it would be insanely hard to pull that off so that it doesn't feel lackluster and like everything is just kind of stopping.
@nerd_135 4 жыл бұрын
@@CoalDiamondandhisawesomeness They could do in 2063/4 when The Dalek's Invation of Earth is set and the Doctor losses against the Daleks attacking a weakened earth.
@nerd_135 4 жыл бұрын
@@CoalDiamondandhisawesomeness Yes it would be hard to pull of but I am just fantisizing. However, it would be a defining moment for the Doctor, he/she cares about earth deeply so loosing it like she lost gallafrey would show the strength in his/her character in the midst of failure.
@joeturner65 4 жыл бұрын
Going to speak to the BBC as I know who the next showrunner should be George sheard
@dyerdude8490 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I absolutely love the Weeping angel change I think that works amazingly better!
@geowinchester4573 4 жыл бұрын
this is what i like to see, actual constructive edits to make the characters and stories as compelling as they should be not just shooting everything down, nice video bro
@bwmanhath3770 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely bloody brilliant ideas (but I do like the pregnant man in Tsuranga Conundrum!)
@DWboy14 4 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this
@WGDN05 4 жыл бұрын
I think for series 13, rassilon should return on his ship since he was exiled from gallifrey in hell bent, and reveal that he was the one who hacked the matrix in the hopes the master would be angry that the doctor has always been in him. He had also hoped that the doctor would need to destroy herself on gallifrey to kill the master therefore he would have revenge on her for getting him exiled and have her feel even more guilt for killing any life on gallifrey. He could also alter time throughout series 13 so in the finale, he teleports yaz and the doctor in different time zones where they need to work with people to get back to his ship and stop him from reigning chaos by using the real timeless child as a transmitter to burn planets.
@thesquire9966 4 жыл бұрын
Series 11 I'd keep more or less the same as it was. On paper, I like everything about it. The no returning villains, the lack of story arc, (even the minimal character development from the companions, to a point) really allow this series to be a jumping on point for new viewers who don't want to have to go through 10 seasons of backlog, or dig through tardiswiki in order to understand what's going on. Dense continuity turns away casual viewers. On the other hand, more serious fans like story arcs and when episodes feel connected. My solution is to have each episode in the series lead into the next, like they did with episodes 1 and 2. After The Ghost Monument, the Doctor tries to take the companions home and misses, leading into Rosa. From there, her second try is Arachnids, and so on. This allows the individual stories to feel more connected, while still being separate enough for new viewers. It also lends slightly different context to the companions character development. From their perspective, from episode 1 to 11 is maybe 2-3 weeks, so they aren't expected to have changed that much. This also should help curb Chibnall's "tell don't show" tendencies in that area a bit, since there isn't really any offscreen time to refer to. He can't pretend they all had bonding character moments between episodes, he has to show us. Series 12 is the same through episode 3. Episode 4 is Fugitive. It's the same as it was until the ending scene: 13 doesn't just randomly drop the whole Ruth Doctor subplot, she's curious. She deliberately follows Ruth's Tardis, leading into Praxeus as episode 5. This episode starts as a Ruth Doctor story (maybe her name and the 3 guest stars in the title sequence?). She's investigating the virus on her own when 13 & fam "accidentally" show up to help, and insist on not leaving until they get answers. I'm unsure how much I want the main crew to be in this one, because I want it to be very much a Ruth Doctor story, to further legitimize her as the Doctor. Maybe you could have the ending force 13 to make a choice to either keep following Ruth's tardis or save the one guy. Obviously she saves him. Episode 6 is Tesla. The only thing I'd change here is maybe make the Doctor a bit less eager to kill all the aliens with the giant lightning gun. Episode 7 is still "Can You Hear Me", but maybe the villains reference a previous encounter they've had with the Doctor, and imply it was Ruth (again giving her presence). The finale block is basically the same because you can't do all the changes I'd like to make without going back and basically rewriting the rest of the series. Aside from changing the Master's "For Gallifrey" thing to the exact quote from "The End of Time" (because that fits so much better than the off-brand version, as well as being a more direct reference), the only thing I'm doing here is with the Doctor and Master's final confrontation: 13 doesn't get rescued. We watch the other Tardis take off. She has the grenade in her hand, desperately looking for a way out, the Master gets impatient and snatches it from her hand, and taunts her, just as before. He says something about how that was her one chance to defeat them and she blew it. Now they're unstoppable, eternal, they'll always survive. The Doctor perks up at this, and suddenly starts grinning. She's found her way out. She grabs the Master's arm and pulls the grenade towards herself before slamming her hand down on the button. The final scene of series 12 is the resulting explosion. (The resolution here being that the Master always survives, he always has multiple levels of backup/escape plans. As long as the Doctor is holding on to the Master and doesn't let go, she figures she should get caught up in whatever his escape plan is too. You can even have him fob her off to the Judoon immediately afterwards if we really need her in their custody at the start of the next episode.)
@themightyboush 4 жыл бұрын
I would have had Resolution end on a cliffhanger, in which it turns out that the Recon Dalek had successfully sent the transmission at the GCHQ and it's intercepted by two Dalek fleets. Revolution of the Daleks would follow on from there, revolving around a Second Dalek Civil War.
@TheTomLees 4 жыл бұрын
If I were to rewrite Series 11 Ep. 10, I would keep the idea of T'zim Sha (I hated that he was called Tim Shaw) claiming the planets as trophies - but instead of Earth being his next catch, I would use Gallifrey or Skaro
@carolinemcgovern4488 7 ай бұрын
I like the idea of Skaro being the target of the catch- and the Doctor is forced to team up with her worst enimes to help.
@sxyusuke2712 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad people like my Doctor and I like your ideas for her. She has to change in some way by the end of next season.
@mr.scarlo2234 3 жыл бұрын
24:22 "No Moffat ressurections this time." as said by the Michael Grade version of Thanos
@TheFlyingPannier 4 жыл бұрын
I thought it would be cool if the Master was the timeless child and have the Rani be the one who experimented instead of that other scientist and instead of have the Master kill the lone cyberman have the other cybermen kill him because he can feel emotion
@kalinystazvoruna8702 4 жыл бұрын
Jacob Taylor consider this: The Rani (not Rani - Rani actually means "Queen" so she calls herself "the" Queen) always was portrayed as being a "scientist" albeit one without much of a conscience. She also went around to other planets and "experimented" on the natives. So why can't the Rani's "real" name be Tectayun but she later called herself "the Rani"?
@tylerhammond5952 4 жыл бұрын
I watched over this finale the other day, and the only way the Doctor finds out she’s the Timeless Child is from the Master’s word. And, if we believe the Master’s word, then we must be nuts as fans. I hope this storyline pops up again in 2 series’ time and we get a big master finale (finding out he’s the real Timeless Child). And, I agree. We need a dark series 13. We need a jump scare horror episode with the Weeping Angels. We need a beloved character to die of a painful death. We need a series set more on Earth, with tiny little Easter Eggs leading up to something MASSIVE. (Similar to Series 3 with Vote Saxon - we miss you RTD)
@mrwhatcanido4942 4 жыл бұрын
that intro theme was pretty nice.
@youssefbarbieri7609 4 жыл бұрын
Hello can you tell me how I can download your minecraft map of doctor who? I downloaded your RAR file, but I don't know how I can go. Thanks
@jacaboy7397 4 жыл бұрын
9:28 if you include the flesh eating microorganisms in the planets water he could charge to The Doctor and Ryan pushes The Doctor our the way, and then the dude falls into the water and he basically melts into bone. I think it’ll be really brutal and that’s how I would do it :/
@GeeksAssemble 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my god I absolutely love this video and this is exactly what I would love the Jodie Whittaker to play out also you have gave me a video idea of my own to do what if I was showrunner and I've already thought of who I would cast as the doctor after Jodie and Chris chibnall finished what villains and companions will be in my my video wow 🤯👌👌👌
@QuokkaCore 4 жыл бұрын
I would change Arachnids in the UK much more tbh, it wouldn’t take place in Jackson’s hotel, it would take place all around the UK, with a full on giant spider invasion, and it would also feature UNIT trying to fight off the Spiders. Also, I would scrap Praxeus in favour of a second half of Fugitive of the Judoon. As for The Timeless Children, I would give Ashad a better death with him being the one who detonates the death particle in his chest.
@doctorethanhd8096 4 жыл бұрын
Please do another video for Series 13, it would be interesting to see what you would do with it and expand further.
@deadIynightshad3 3 жыл бұрын
The tsuranga conundrum is my least favourite episode from series 11, and I like the way that you changed it. However I would probably make the doctor absent for nearly the entire episode, making the whole episode companion driven with them finding out for themselves how to deal with the angel, or maybe even the doctor waking up for a few moments to explain before going back into a coma.
@mahfuzurchowdhury2765 4 жыл бұрын
I pretty much like all your changes, but I would like the Timeless Child be the Master. Also that Ryan death could have an extra element dropped in there. Maybe Ryan takes out a bunch of Daleks saying "This is for Dad" or something.
@mr.scarlo2234 4 жыл бұрын
Would you be interested on doing videos in this style for other eras or specific series as I like the What If? idea.
@TryanaTheGoober 4 жыл бұрын
12:25 That's actually a fantastic idea.
@rexwesleyreyes2198 3 жыл бұрын
ok so having the companions come and go really is a brilliant idea
@neptune04 4 жыл бұрын
While I agree with most of the list what I would have done with orphan 55 is instead of having most of the original plot I would set it between when the doctor left Galifrey's ruins and when she picked the fam up. Maybe have it more struggling with her anger and grief (Jodie can do anger and grief as shown in Broadchurch). Maybe the Dreggs could be encountered somewhere else, either as an alien species or a representation of the Doctor's guilt/anger.
@davidhallinan6696 4 жыл бұрын
I love the From Gallifrey With Love title
@thedonut-pandie5830 3 жыл бұрын
Some of my own ideas as to how to fill the gaps you couldn't think of a solution to: - I would say Yaz not joining the Doctor at first would be because of her commitments to finishing her probation however her eventual inclusion into the TARDIS would be a mix of her slowly building up a bond with the Doctor during episodes she's included in and also Ryan and Graham telling her about their adventures in the TARDIS. - The Spiders in Arachnids would be an alien species that used the dumping site the hotel was built on as a hibernation ground, using the waste as food to survive for a long period of the time and the construction of the hotel would awaken them.
@norfolkpyro5510 4 жыл бұрын
What camera would u recommend for a KZfaq channel that is starting up
@joearber2550 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely love these ideas, the only other thing I would do is sort of imply that Krasko is the meddling monk. He really ruined What was otherwise a brilliant episode imo so I think giving him an actual motive along with being someone from the doctors past would sort that out completely
@samuelbarber4154 4 жыл бұрын
Actually, if Ryan leaves and shows up in the third episode we could do what they did in series 4, have a moment between Ryan and Yaz which leads to Yaz questioning whether she really does want to travel with the Doctor.
@craigjackson2945 2 жыл бұрын
I would do everything you have suggested but i would replace the timeless child with some sort of tear in the multiverse where alternate versions of the doctor are bleeding through to thirteens reality
@Justanotherlifeform-xx8lq 3 ай бұрын
Why dose this make me so emotional? I would absolutely have cried if watched this series, leaving Graham alone with his whole family dead? This would have broken me and I would absolutely love to watch this. There are a few changes I would make (that scene at the end of “can you hear me?” Where the doctor ignores Grahams concerns? Would be thrown into a lava pit) but other then that it this is a pretty good rewrite.
@cosmichobo4216 4 жыл бұрын
I Would of use a Cybermatt instead for Tsuranga Conundrum,But like your ideal for a Weeping Angle Instead
@alfiedodman5231 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to see more of yazs police career
@strbourne 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with pretty much everything except I’d remove Jack Robertson in Arachnids in the UK and I’d make the Master be the Timeless Child, and Sacha Dawhan is the version that was supposed to be mind wiped. Season 13 would then have a secondary ark where time is unraveling because the Master avoided a Time Locked event; his mind wipe. He was supposed to get his mind erased, get thrown back to Gallifrey and insert fake memories where he would think his insanity came from the Time Vortex and not his travel through dimensions as a child. Instead, he destroyed Gallifrey before any of that could happen, before the Time War could happen, causing time to slowly decay and get destroyed. Add to that 13’s grief ark, and make her abandon Yaz on Earth before the finale where it would be a direct confrontation between the Master, the Doctor and the god-like beings from whom the Master is born. At the end, the Doctor will somehow trick these beings into fixing time, as their immense power should be greater than any time lord’s. That’s how I would do it.
@moonhead4542 4 жыл бұрын
Id love to see an episode with a faulty TARDIS messing with humans. Like the faulty chameleon circuit leeching to organic beings making abominations. The TARDIS translation would make any language on the planet almost impossible to decipher and the bigger on the inside would start expanding all beings for it not being suited for organic life. I think it would be cool to have the TARDIS have a much bigger part then just “box goes whizz, box appears”
@owenoastler101 4 жыл бұрын
loved the changes, just wanted to point out that yaz is not mexican
@samuelbarber4154 4 жыл бұрын
My rewrite: 1.The Woman Who Fell To Earth: My only real change is that the Doctor gets more establishing character scenes and Ryan is the only companion who goes with the Doctor so we have him. 2. The Ghost Monument: We have the Doctor and Ryan on main focus, there may be the other two characters who by the end will owe the Doctor a favour. Desolation is a mysterious world where we learn that 1,000 years ago, a deadly weapon was used which desolated the planet. 3. Rosa: Essentially the same. No Yaz, no Graham. No Krasko either, this is a pure historical. 4. Spiders In Sheffield (1): They arrive back in Sheffield where they find Spiders are getting bigger Yaz and Graham can assist the Doctor. They investigate this hotel which appears to be the epicentre. Jack Robertson is still here but he isn't an antagonist, he just happens to have built his business on a coal mine that the Stenza are using as a base. They fight by enlarging insects. For some reason. 5. Pest Control (2): They fight off the Stenza, maybe UNIT can cameo. Focus a bit on Graham. Graham joins the team and the Spiders all take the Stenza ship to the universe. 6. Kerblam! Essentially the same, no Yaz. 7. The Witchfinders: The same, no Yaz, but King James will eventually owe the Doctor. 8. It Takes You Way: As it aired, maybe with a cliffhanger leading into the finale. 9. The Battle (1): The Stenza, under the leader of T'zim Shaa, now K'san Shaa (it's a title), full on invade Earth. UNIT assists the TARDIS team. Yaz can pop up and be in peril but in the end the Stenza go but Graham is in pursuit with one of their time ships. 10. Kolos (2): The Doctor endlessly searches and arrives at a war-racked planet with no name. There's a rebellion against the Stenza, and Graham has been here for three weeks. He is a leading figure. The Stenza plan to desolate the planet with a new weapon and the Doctor is forced to call in all her favours. King James, the Spiders, the Time-hoppers from episode 2. They all appear and do battle. It's revealed that this is Desolation and Graham is given the opportunity to kill Shaa, he doesn't as the Stenza are overthrown and they leave Desolation. Resolution: The same really. Ryan's dad dies. He's gone and, as the TARDIS a dematerialises, Graham and the Doctor inside, Yaz says, say, "You're not getting away this time." And she has a nice "Bigger on the inside" moment. 1. Spyfall (1): Ryan not here. Pretty much the same. 2. Invasion of the Casarvin (2): The Master does his shtick, hints at an arc, Gallifrey is gone. 3. The Ocean planet: The Doctor, Graham and Yaz arrive on an ocean world. It's a character drama as they attempt to learn what happened, and realise when there's an under water city, where they find Big Ben. And learn the truth. 4. Tesla's Terror: Same, no Ryan, set up perhaps something about parallel worlds, but definitely a light fluffy episode. 5. Time's Fugitive (1): Gloucestershire, Judoon, invasion, Ruth Doctor cliffhanger. 6. The Old Doctor (2): UNIT, Gat, something about a parallel world. Maybe even a Master cameo. 7. Demons of the Punjab: Pure historical, skip. Just wedged it here to do a light episode between multi parters and to calm down from that for the finale. 8. The Haunting of Villa Diodati (1): As normal, no Cyberium, treat this as a three part finale where the Cybermen are attempting to find the Master and they've mistaken the Doctor for him. 9: The Timeless Child (2): The Destruction of Gallifrey is seen as the Master is driven insane by the lie of the child, opening credits. Then reveal that the Master is the child, it was Rassilon who experimented on him, and that in his rage, he's using the portal from which he came originally to merge our universe with another, causing issues all over the place. Ruth is an example. She appears here too. 10: A Tale of Two Worlds (3): The entire universe is being destroyed and inconsistencies all over the place. King James wins the battle of Waterloo. World War Two ends in the year 5,000,000,000, the Earth becomes an ocean and all that's required is for the Master and Ruth to go back to the strange other world. Same cliffhanger. Revolution of the Daleks: The Doctor has been imprisoned in Shada, a time-lord prison for enemies of the the Time-Lords. Since the Master has been removed from our world, the survivors of his tyranny blame the Doctor. Who meets both Captain Jack and River Song there. Captain Jack has vital info on a new Dalek Invasion of Earth since the events of Resolution and the Daleks attempt to extract him as the Doctor's companions try to find her, Ryan included. But it soon becomes apparent, as two Dalek ships are destroyed, that there's a Dalek Civil war going on. River, Jack and the Doctor escape the prison, drawing both Dalek factions into hostile space and one faction are destroyed, building the Daleks' glorious revolution. Ryan can die, and then we have the S13 arc. S13: Just the ramifications of Revolution really. Graham's gone. I suppose we could dump Praxeus in here, maybe make it an Auton conspiracy. I do have a few concepts, a two parter about class systems for instance and perhaps a Rani return in the finale. Let's jump to Whittaker's last. The New Era: We got everything, Graham, a Yaz cameo, time lords, the Rani, Gallifrey, the Master, deep conversations about death between a man with cancer and a woman about to regenerate. Except how can she? She stole the power form an enemy and she uses to help. It's part wild bombastic sci fi and part deep, thoughtful insights on the nature of the self, life, death and the universe. And she regenerates at the end.
@Jcreed 4 жыл бұрын
I'd change the timeless children by having it be a story showing there were survivors of the master destroying Gallifrey and have them try and rebuild. I don't necessarily mind that the doctor is the timeless child but if I had to choose I'd personally make it the master. I've never been much of a fan of the doctor being the center of the universe so having the big twist be that the master is the timeless child would be an excellent twist if done properly, this would also clear up the story of missy dying in the doctor falls, or at least leave the door open to clear it up
@andrewfuller3319 4 жыл бұрын
Will you be doing this for others eras? 😀
@anna_banana7019 4 жыл бұрын
I can actually totally get behind some of George's ideas here. I know what he meant with Yas and Ryan and have them more developed by swaping them out of the TARDIS. Although I do enjoy having more of a team in the TARDIS as a dynamic too, it would be nice if the team were better developed through the episodes instead of two of them taking a backseat each time. i LOVE the idea of having the sea devils for praxeus. That would have been so freaking cool! What a throw back too, no one would call it. I think overall my main issue is that having Ryan's dad die would make it too eerily similar to Martha Jones ark. With the trauma of her family and then returning for one episode and then calling the TARDIS. Like that just kinda feels unoriginal. But I do think there needs to be more tension, just not that way with Ryan
@cait6775 4 жыл бұрын
I’d actually keep most of this! The only thing I’d change is the Timeless children. I’d change it to the fact that the time lord race actually started out as humans that evolved a second heart and a couple more brains, and exposure to the schism made them time lords. The master gets disgusted by this, which is his motivation to destroy gallifrey. I also would have that random old guy take the bomb for the Doctor, that ruins a perfect moment for character development. Instead I’d want her to fight with herself internally before destroying the death particle and saying ‘never again’ or something impactful. Then when the master gets all like ‘I’m going to kill you’ she gives a speech or something about friendship, hinting at her old friendship with the master. She says something about how friendship can save lives and right on cue yaz materialised a tardis around the Doctor by crying into the circuit or something and the tardis being telepathic, is able to sense where she wants to go. The master throws a tantrum in the meanwhile as the doctor escapes. That’s how I’d play the plot of this season.
@darthraver 4 жыл бұрын
Not relevant to this but I am in the middle of rewatching New-Who and realised 2 references that I haven't seen anyone mention In Human Nature, John Smith's parents are called Verity and Sydney, the creators (or in a way the parents) of Doctor Who. The other is in the End of Time part 2 when the Doctor meets Verity Newman to get book a signed, Verity (Verity Lambert) and Newman (Sydney Newman) And that is also a small reference aswell because Matron (name?) named her child or inspired her child to name her grandchild Verity after John's 'mother'
@isame0085 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, I would have never noticed that
@DarthCinema 4 жыл бұрын
I do think the show needs a surprise regeneration. Think Stolen Earth but they follow through with it. I can see why it wouldn't be done, as it feels dirty to the doc regenerating. But damn that would be a must watch follow up. Move the regeneration off the Xmas specials.
@sbi168 4 жыл бұрын
Cool vid with some good ideas, but why do people hate praxius so much? Orphan 55 yeah its rubbish but i really liked praxius, yeah it had wonky moments but the atmosphere was great and had a great feel to it. Can you hear me is also great bar a rushed end and the "magic" appearance of the sonic screwdriver in her hand! Cool ideas tho for the series, i broadly liked it as it is, but yours are pretty reasonable and while i feel some of your ideas would be cut for budget reasons (which may have happened to chibnall too tbh)
@theunknowneditor63 4 жыл бұрын
Would 13 regenerate is series 13?
@DalekCaanOfSkaro 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. There not bad, they just weren't executed very well. It wasnt as good as any other series but you could find some bits to enjoy. But I enjoyed the corrections and edits you made
@madsdahlc 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. Yes I also like the timeless Child. As it dosent destroy the Canon. We all know that the timelords eventuly captured the fugitive doctor. Her mind was wiped, she was forced to regenerate into a little boy(the heartnell incarnation) and the unlimited regeneration cycle was taken away , and the doctor was a given standard 12 regeneration cycle just normal timelords.
@prof.evilpictures8696 4 жыл бұрын
How would you explain Ruth though?
@gbsheard 4 жыл бұрын
Well... The same way the show does. Leave it open for viewers and have Ruth return in S13 to make more sense of things
@andrewmckinnon3211 4 жыл бұрын
I really like your changes to series 11. I would have Resolution (of the Daleks: agree with the title change too) be part of the initial series. They werent fussed about the special in 12 being apart so just delay the series a week or two and aired it the same day, it would have built anticipation, rather than finish the series on a whimper. The Weeping Angel would have added weight to an otherwise poor episode and silence the people complaining of no returns. Yaz being a prolonged companion would have helped both her and the others so great idea. The relocated episodes and division of parts through the series removes the crowed TARDIS effect. Sea Devils yes! Gives something to the neglected classic fans. And agree with the 12 finale. No problem with the changes. We will see what they do with it. Let's hope they deliver with the special! Your ideas for the future are also good. Put like that she's very fifth doctor. Fallible in a good way. Learning from her mistakes. I really hope we get another James ep. Thanks for the effort! I like you am ok with Jodie, loved Demons of the Punjab, most of 12 and a lot of the later 11 eps so its good to see a balanced opinion of what could have been done better.
@squirrelflight2323 4 жыл бұрын
I would have really injoyd this, exept it's 12:14 at night and I'm half asleep. I'm in australia
@prof.evilpictures8696 4 жыл бұрын
Series 4 is a perfect series though
@Prince-Kaven Жыл бұрын
If chibnall hired you as a main screenwriter 13s era would've been much more enjoyable. I've always thought that chibnall could've done so much more with the characters and your ideas couldve added so much development to the doctor and all 3 companions. I really like the idea of most of the era focusing on a 3 person tardis team an swapping between yas an Ryan. It would make them feel more established as characters and add so much to their arcs having 3 constant companions was obviously a struggle for chibs an this workaround would've really helped with that and having deaths in the series yes it wouldve been dark but it also would've been nice to see as we haven't seen any actual deaths in new who at all with the companions. The whole wittaker having a dark turn in series 13 I think is brilliant it could've added an edge to her character that really worked especially with Jodie as even with as lil snappy scenes that she got she really played them off well and I would've liked to have seen that side of her explored more. Having a whole series where she's feeling guilty and acts really snappy an almost aggressive to yas at times could've really helped grow their relationship to one another aswell.
@chriswilson56 4 жыл бұрын
Have Niel geamen write and produce some episodes of Dr who series 13
@LibertyBridgeProductions Жыл бұрын
From Gallifrey with love is a way better title than spyfall which is a title that makes no sense. Skyfall is literally a spy movie anyway.
@sambenyamin 3 жыл бұрын
This is so much better! Although I would make the timeless child a new character
@snapsicle4855 3 жыл бұрын
You should be a writer of doctor who great video
@rileyhall2181 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so evident in this video how much love for Doctor Who and sci-fi in general you have. If only your changes had been implemented. The Doctor and her companions might have felt more like fleshed out 3 dimensional characters and the stories would’ve been more memorable.
@bradiec6561 3 жыл бұрын
Hey wouldn’t it be cool if in the second episode the guy running the challenge was the celestial toy maker
@trainbow1512 4 жыл бұрын
What about thirteenth doctor's regeneration
@CrossoverKid92 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, the main things I would do would be to rewrite Orphan what I'm not sur but just rewrite. Rewrite Kerblam - I think this one could have down with a greater emphasis on how robots and machines were replacing human jobs, and give the show in general a much larger budget - something maybe on the lines on what you have for the latest Star Trek series, in particular using the money to make aliens look a lot more effective. The Thijarians were perfect, but the Stenza and the....teddy thing in Orphan looked bit naff...
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