How Russell T. Davies Reinvented The DOCTOR WHO "Companion" - Rose Tyler & Ruby Sunday

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RTD & Reality TV Observations by Jon Arnold:
Opening Animation + Logo by George Sheard:
Thumbnail by: / poorlyagedwho
Featuring music from;
Borna Matosic (
Dalekium (
Hudson Media (
JNT Quote on Nicola Bryant -
Terrance Dicks on the TV Movie -

Пікірлер: 114
@MrTARDIS 4 ай бұрын
Hey, testing out a new format for these video essays so please let me know in the comments what you think of the video! Also, Patrons can vote on the next video topic so check out my Patreon!
@Donnagata1409 4 ай бұрын
Really interesting and informative. Hope it helps.
@steveandjeanniefrith236 4 ай бұрын
Key to Time? Or Trial of a Time Lord? Or Mastercember?
@PetersonZF 2 ай бұрын
Well featuring Borna Matosic was a big plus!
@benw4409 4 ай бұрын
I think it's great how the companion role has evolved to such an extent every new series companion sees their career continue to new heights afterwards, whilst in the past most Classic Who companions suffered from being shunned due to their association with the show, through no fault of theirs. Even Elisabeth Sladen considered herself retired for a decade.
@alfje5492 4 ай бұрын
I do wonder if this was partially because of a limited choice: the 60s and 70s didn't have too many opportunities for a TV actor in the UK with only 2 or 3 channels, compared to more modern times with hundreds of (international) channels, streaming services etc... It's definitely true that Who actors don't get shunned anymore, but are rather picked for new projects due to their name recognition.
@Donnagata1409 4 ай бұрын
Seriously? Elisabeth Sladen? She was the best!
@stuff31 4 ай бұрын
7:30 I thought that you were going to say "His Doctor Who fan shed is within walking distance of lots of grass for him to touch" there, your Doctor Who grass touching deep-dive has obviously left its mark on me!
@Legendary3Dgamer 4 ай бұрын
I love how that image of rose in the thumbnail isn’t even from 2005 despite it saying 2005
@ftumschk 4 ай бұрын
Well, that's time-travel for you ;)
@HishamA.N_Comicbroe 4 ай бұрын
Rose & her introduction will always be one of my favorite parts of the show. Ep 2 of S1 in particular where she gets overwhelmed with so many aliens was really well done & felt realistic. And then also seeing just how her going affected her closest. Also glad you mentioned in the video that the show started out an educational show. Ppl forget that.
@Tolstoy111 4 ай бұрын
The Classic series had a lot of intelligent, capable companions. Barbara Wright, Zoe, Liz Shaw, Romana, Nyssa
@lbricks7631 4 ай бұрын
I loved how you showed which music was playing at the time. Always good to cite the composer or 2nd-hand composer. Secondly, I always identified with Harry Sulivan the most, I empathised with how he made mistakes but meant-well.
@bladersmosh 4 ай бұрын
I have some more ideas for you if you’d care to consider them. 1. When did every Master touch grass in Doctor Who? 2. Retrospective: All Doctor Who Children in Need appearances. 3. Analysing every possible neurodiverse representation in Doctor Who 4. All Doctor Who charity events beyond Comic Relief and CID 5. Retrospective of every LGBTQ+ representation in the Whoniverse (main show, big finish and spinoffs) 6. Retrospect of the 1985 hiatus and its impact on the show. 7. Discussion of the wilderness years.
@thetardislegilimens 4 ай бұрын
I have to say, thank you for including the names of the music you use when you use it. And I like this new video format.
@DavidHHH99 4 ай бұрын
I think that the fundamental difference that Russell brought to Doctor Who is that he treated the companions as real characters with real lives, something that the old show almost never even considered, with them being mainly plot devices, or more often, a means for the Doctor (and the writers) to explain the story to the viewers. In Classic Who, we rarely got even the littlest view of the companions' lives before the Doctor and their families and friends, except for when they were part of their debut stories. And then it was usually quickly forgotten (savages and janis thorns notwithstanding.) One of the things that felt so fresh to me when the show returned was how it explored Rose's family life, and how it would affect both her and THEM for her to just disappear from her life and theirs. Even in the Pertwee/UNIT era - the only time in Classic Who where the companions lived at home between TARDIS journeys, we never saw any of their families or friends. The contrast/evolution struck me more with your recognition that all of Russell's companions (even failed companion Adam) left the TARDIS for a family life. We don't even know if most of the Classic companions ever saw any of their friends and family again, other than Turlough (where family was a plot element to explain why he left the TARDIS/show and only in his very last episode) and Sarah Jane (and only through a spinoff many years later). We know that most of them never will return to anything from their past lives, since they were left somewhere or somewhen else - something that would be deeply traumatic for most people - but it's never even hinted at in Classic Who. That's probably due to the show's pseudo-episodic storytelling, moving quickly from setting to new setting, with new characters every few weeks, but it would have been nice for the companions to be actual people. No wonder so many of the actors quit the job. And no wonder why so many of them would love to return to the show now.
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
I think suggesting that the fact that companions were such flat plot counters in the past programme is a reason why "so many of them quit" is a bit of an anachronistic read here - all shows were similar, I guess soap operas had a different sort of focus - but there weren't "better, Buffy-type" shows for actors to go to if they didn't like working in an unchallenging environment where writers didn't know how to write for their character.
@DavidHHH99 4 ай бұрын
@@paulhammond6978 many of the actresses have explicitly said that this was why they left, starting with Carole Ann Ford, the very first companion.
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
ALL of the Classic Companions were real characters with developed backstories. We just weren't smashed over the head with them or expected to give a shit about their father's, mother's, brother's, cousin's former roomate. Or spend entire seasons with the Doctor whining like a human over their fate. To quote Matthew Waterhouse on the way his character's death is marked in Time Flight "you see I like this. A brief moment of reflection then MOVE THE HELL ON. If this ever ACTUALLY happens in the remake it will be years upon years of agonisingly badly acted angst and whining and that's just not appropriate for the Doctor."
@DavidHHH99 4 ай бұрын
@@DarthAzabrush Claiming that ANY of the classic companions had detailed backstories is ludicrous. Claiming that all of them did is insane. In some cases, we got a bit of backstory in their first stories that was never even mentioned again, much less explored. In most cases, the most we know about the companions is their name, where they lived before the TARDIS and their profession. Kind of the opposite of developed backstory. But, please illuminate us: What can you tell us about the "developed backstory" of Susan, besides that she ran away from her home planet with a man she calls her grandfather? What can you tell us about Ian or Barbara, other than that they're history and science teachers? How about one of the most beloved companions, Sarah Jane? What can you tell us about her that we actually learned on the show, not books, audios or her three spinoffs - besides her profession? Dodo? Ben? Polly? Harry? Tegan? (Yeah, she had an aunt who was killed by the Master. What else?) Mel? They really only started exploring companion back stories with Ace, who was, in many ways - as MrTardis says - a template for Rose.
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
@@DavidHHH99We knew as much as we needed to know about them and no more. Its not a soap its a sci fi adventure series. There are plenty of great character moments in the LEGITIMATE series that REMAKE fans overlook because they have the attention span of goldfish and need everything explained in excruciating detail.
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
You missed the greatest Terrance Dicks put downs of all: Both about RTD's remake "What we were making was plot driven, serialised, Sci Fi Adventure drama. What RTD is making is, with the greatest respect, the most sophisticated form of gutter soap opera" "I love Bob Holmes' Gallifrey, I adore Bob Holmes' Gallifrey: It informs everything I write in the setting and I refuse to accept the legtimacy of any Whoniverse without it firmly at its centre"
@HuntingViolets 4 ай бұрын
RIP, Clive.
@friendlyotaku9525 4 ай бұрын
This was amazing, I'd love to see more video essays like this!
@daisyprayers 4 ай бұрын
I am absolutely biased because Rose is my favourite character of all time but this has got to be my favourite video you’ve ever made (even better than the grass touching one if that’s possible). Rose had such an impact on me as a little kid and absolutely solidified Doctor Who as being forever my favourite show. How could I ever go back to the unrelatable upper class airbrushed protagonists of the CW and Disney channel after seeing Rose in all her completely average human glory? Her impact on the show is undeniable. It makes me think of that quote from Chistopher Eccleston’s memoir: “She is a woman with an independent mind, willing to confront received wisdom. Rose arrives on screen fully formed, one of the strongest female characters of any show, any year, painting a solid line directly to Jodie Whittaker.” I’ve been loving the video essays, the writing is wonderful and editing of the clips is great as well. Keep it up! :)
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
Except she's not an average human she's a living time paradox with more bullshit superpowers than even a lowly barely qualified Time Lord like the Doctor. As they tend to with all the worst Companions Big Finish took the same character concept and wrote her properly. She died 4 stories in through her own stupidity. Or at least she should have but sadly this was the point that Big Finish was starting to try to appeal to remake fans so they gave her a very Rose style bullshit retcon save about 4 years later in a totally unrelated story. Not that I'm complaining too much, Phlip Jackson actually learnt her lesson from her little leap off the ISS in a Spacesuit and learned to actually listen to people cleverer than her. Whether that is the Doctor or her new co-companion Leading WRN Constance Clarke.
@fadikhoory5350 4 ай бұрын
Actually Peri is seen observing two alien plants in Timelash and Revelation but they are brief.
@ftumschk 4 ай бұрын
Whilst I certainly echo the praise for Billie Piper's superb acting skills, it's worth bearing in mind that she'd been in drama school since she was 12, and she herself sees herself as an actress first and foremost. She might have been "cast" as a pop singer at 15 but, looking back, she was basically playing that part, too, and played it very well. The same could be said of Natalie Imbruglia and Kylie Minogue, except they continued with their singing careers, whereas Billie returned to her natural home as an actor... and we're all grateful for that decision :)
@dalekrenegade2596 4 ай бұрын
@micron000 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for another insightful video-essay MrTARDIS
@TBowenMedia 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic work here (pun intended). I found the reality TV reading of Russell's series especially fascinating since I wrote a dissertation analysing Series 5 through Moffat's 'fairy tale' philosophy. I think its interesting how different those interpretations of the show are.
@MrTARDIS 4 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot! Though, like I said, I cannot take credit for that Reality TV Observation. That was Jon Arnold's observation in his book! Defo recommend.
@Stephen-Fox 4 ай бұрын
Definitely a good format. ...I can't help but wonder if we're going to get any Traitors references in the next few seasons, both RTD and Moffat have indicated they're huge fans of the format on social media.
@EditedAF987 4 ай бұрын
The hooded figure who dropped Ruby off at the church looked straight out of Traitors. And Wild Blue Yonder was all about figuring out who the imposters were, with the Doctor even accidentally exiling a faithful at the end. So we’ve already got the ball rolling somewhat.
@ameliawade78 4 ай бұрын
Something not touched upon here is how much rtd1 took from the wilderness years, and this is also apparent with Rose. I can't speak for the vna's, but early big finish introduced two characters who I would argue are stepping stones that allowed us to get to rose. The first and most obvious is Charley (I even saw an interview in which India recalled RTD contacting her and saying how he couldn't have come up with rose without the influence of charley). Now, at first glance charley doesn't appear in any way relatable since she is an uppperclass Edwardian adventuress. But in spite of this, we relate to charley as the stories (especially early on) are often from her perspective and she is given as much weight as the doctor in the writing (not to mention importance in the overall plot, but thats another discussion). And secondly we have my favourite companion of all time, Evelyn Smythe, who is in a lot of ways the antithesis of the stereotypical classic who companion. Evelyn is headstrong, capable, intelligent and sure of herself (even more so than Colin Bakers 6th doctor whos bravado concels one of the most sweet and sensitive incarnations). Evelyn refuses to be a passive character and is moved to action by a strong sense of right and wrong. And all of this means that for really the first time we had a companion that challanges the doctor in a meaningful way (and is often right to do so). I really do think that without her we wouldn't of had Rose at the end of dalek challenging the doctor about wanting to kill the dalek, or Donna in fires of pompei demanding that he save someone, just to name a couple of examples. And so, I genuinely believe that Charley and Evelyn (as well as being immaculate charcters in their own right) were instrumental in getting us to Rose, and by extention the modern templete of the companion role in revived who.
@ameliawade78 4 ай бұрын
P.S. This was a great and thoughtful analysis video with points that flowed really well. I particularly like the stuff about reality TV as I hadn't considered that before.
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
The few BRIEF moments of quality in the RTD remake are all crap remakes of much superior Wilderness Years material.
@lukeheptinstall2410 4 ай бұрын
This was really good I love a mirrored comparison and this kind of reading behind the lines analysis of not just the presentation of the companion, but the way Russell is mirroring himself and evolving that formula know hearing so much about, Rose has also made me realise how similar but unique the 9th and 15s presentation to the audience is, I’m really excited myself to see more 9 esk characterisation injected into the show
@Spielkalb-von-Sparta 4 ай бұрын
Well done, sir!
@AllThePiecesMatter_ 4 ай бұрын
Really well done, congrats! A lot of stuff in here that's going to make me think anew on the differences between classic and new who, or Nu-Who. I always enjoy your videos but especially like this one. Thank you.
@olb3587 4 ай бұрын
I watched a few tom baker episodes recently, and the inconsistency with the eye of harmony is ridiculous. It seems to start of as a unique time lord relic holding gallifrey together, but by Matt Smith's episodes it's the power source of a tardis
@Quirderph 3 ай бұрын
I'd say the TV movie is what really screwed that up.
@lemonwho9895 4 ай бұрын
Still making banging content I see epic dude 😎
@HuntingViolets 4 ай бұрын
Four-letter name beginning with R one of whose meanings is a shade of red, thank you very much. Well, we haven't said goodbye to her till her last episode airs.
@69hehehe 4 ай бұрын
This is good!
@mrdoctorgilmore 4 ай бұрын
It would be nice if the show deviated more from the template, alot of the companions are starting to blend together, would like to see companions from other points in time, just to get some more variety.
@kevin10001 4 ай бұрын
We could have gotten it with Clara but they seemed to scared to give us the Victorian Clara that seemed better written than what we ultimately got and fans actually wanted
@robertcooper4th259 4 ай бұрын
4:29 so what’s that, it sounds like a power source in the my little pony universe like the elements of harmony, the tree of harmony and the lack of harmony (this only happens when someone walks in on you watching the show, it’s my favorite one)
@mailjimmygalaxy 4 ай бұрын
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
Ace's story was beautifully woven organically into the background of 2 and a bit series. Rose's was repeatedly smashed into your face until you were so sick of it you wanted to see the Doctor throw her into a supernova (which reportedly Stephen Fry did in a script he submitted to RTD by well of telling the 'talentless micromanaging little s***' to go f*** himself which itself led to the only RTD 1 era episode written like an actual Doctor Who story Fear Her. The only reason it holds that distinction? It was hastily comissioned to replace Fry's last minute histrionic drop out!)
@norfolkpyro1422 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@evelynstarshine8561 4 ай бұрын
I knew people who refused to watch newwho because it starred 'that pop singer' but then after like four episodes had heard so much about it they were won round, Billie was so controversial at the time
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
Companions being brought on board by accident is yet another FEATURE NOT A BUG thing the remake fails to understand. Left to his own devices the Doctor would travel alone, with a robot or a talking cabbage.
@casualcraftman1599 4 ай бұрын
Doctor Who should try a group of alien companions like Moya's crew for a couple of seasons instead of more people from modern day UK.
@bladersmosh 4 ай бұрын
When JNT was talking about Peri and promoting her introduction, it makes me wonder if he predated Steven Moffat as the first DW showrunner to write with one hand, although Moffat’s kinks are more visible in his writing. 😂
@GamerWho 4 ай бұрын
Nicola Bryant wasn't JNT's type.
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
@@GamerWho And I'm not sure the 80s audience was ready for JNT to describe Adric as his favourite twink.
@kevin10001 4 ай бұрын
@@paulhammond6978 we the issue with JNT was fans didn’t like him and actors didn’t like working under him
@kevin10001 4 ай бұрын
Back in JNT’s time on the show there wasn’t a showrunner the head person was called the producer
@MrsMoores 4 ай бұрын
Yes, totally agree, after all, Captain Jack did set the stage!
@GermanLeftist 4 ай бұрын
As you point out, Rose chooses to travel with the Doctor and IMHO that is not a good thing. It ruins her relatability. No remotely sane person would go on a trip, knowing that all the time new dangers would appear that will threaten ones life. You can write a character who might enjoy this kind of thing but that character would then not be the most relatable to the audience, see Amy or Clara. Moffat wrote those characters not as the most relatable to the audience and that was all for the better. We might want to imagine ourselves being able to travel the universe with the Doctor and see its wonders but who would actually want to face perils like Daleks, Cybermen, Sontaran, Rootans, the Master and more on a very regular basis? Rose, at least in the beginning, never struck me as the kind of person who would do that. Rose later got a motivation that would explain her being willing to put herself in constant mortal danger - she wanted to see her father again and during her travels with the Doctor, she fell in love with him. Similarly, Martha had a big crush on the Doctor from their first adventure onwards. Still, I don't really buy someone like Rose becoming a companion to the Doctor out of free will.
@Mazz3D 4 ай бұрын
I loved this thanks 10/10, no real notes
@maddenedgeek7726 4 ай бұрын
I’m Australian but as a politics student, I’d say “thank you Tories, Blair and Tories”. Don’t forget Thatcher! 😵
@steveandjeanniefrith236 4 ай бұрын
What odd timing given I was reading a hilarious article on the man. Anyways, for once I will not lie on KZfaq. Russell T Davies is a mostly friendly but not harmless egotist who is obsessed with Doctor Who, Soap Operas, being Welsh and his own sexuality. But dang can he write when he wants to! That is all.
@herbivarsawus4359 4 ай бұрын
Peri being a student of botonny does come up again. Certainly in Timelash and I think in the opening of ToaT.
@diskgrinder 4 ай бұрын
‘Botonny’? That’s either a bad misspelling or a fairly good joke. I’m going with the latter
@R.senals_Arsenal 4 ай бұрын
Wait hold up, Chris Chibnall "reinvented" the Weeping Angels? I watched Village of the Angels... I guess I would have to see that potential vid cause I don't see it. He just seemed to do what he always does: Grab an existing thing and cram that shape into the circle he needs it to fill.
@jayanderson9375 4 ай бұрын
I like the format! Some details I disagree with in the material though. I think Liz Shaw, Leela & Romana (esp 2) had more agency than Rose. Sarah Jane as well, in a sort of Lois Lane mold. That said the writers were prone to making them scream too much, as was the style at the time. Nonetheless al lot of good points here, thanks for the hard work!
@marionbaggins 4 ай бұрын
Ace too!!! And she could handle things herself!!!
@RiainRamblez 4 ай бұрын
What's the music used around the 1:30 mark on the video? I swear it's the same music used in the 8th Doctors TARDIS in LEGO Dimensions, and I never was able to name the tune
@MrTARDIS 4 ай бұрын
I credit all the music on screen. 1:07 in this case.
@RiainRamblez 4 ай бұрын
@@MrTARDIS awesome, really appreciate it! Also great vid!
@Lia-zw1ls7tz7o 4 ай бұрын
11:11 So she basically was the UK's Taylor Swift?
@paulhammond6978 4 ай бұрын
She was big in the day, but not as big as that! I think she had two big hits, and then the press were always talking about her and Chris Evans because they were fascinated with "young pop star marries older radio presenter".
@arthurward2067 4 ай бұрын
I've got to admit, as much as the Chibnall era is my least favorite of the modern era, I love that her companions join the Doctor through "accidental" kidnapping
@kevin10001 4 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t even call it kidnapping at all cause she accidentally sent them with her to the location of the tardis if she didn’t look around for thst brief second she may not have seen they were there cause they were supposed to be back on earth and it u need a season arch for season 11 u can say it was her trying to get them back home
@arthurward2067 4 ай бұрын
@@kevin10001 that's why I said accidental, I'd say they were more kidnapped than Ben and Polly who wondered onto the Tardis without the Doctors knowledge, but less kidnapped than Babs and Ian
@steveandjeanniefrith236 4 ай бұрын
I have a theory that's probably crap but Ruby could be Romana. And so could the new companion. Her DNa test after all.
@ANGALROB 4 ай бұрын
What would you do I would stay home and watch it
@DanisThoughts 4 ай бұрын
I never made the reality tv connection, pretty interesting
@kevin10001 4 ай бұрын
I would disagree with the statement of Russell making it more popular cause he may have wanted to do that but it actually took moffat getting his job for that to actually happen cause before moffat’s era here in America the show was aired on syfy channel and not a channel I get along with over my dislike of them cancelling a show I really liked it the 2000’s but after BBC America got it either moffat it seemed to explode in popularity internationally and i really don’t connect with rose thst doesn’t mean she is bad and it doesn’t help that her fans soured me on her by repeatedly claiming she was why the show was still around seemingly ignoring other reasons it was still around and Amy is a way better companion then rose in terms of modern companions and Sarah Jane smith is the best companion of the classic era
@Riprocproductions95 4 ай бұрын
Wow!...I'm here really early 😅
@Cubicnoir 4 ай бұрын
Any missing episodes recovered?
@andressasavinon3116 4 ай бұрын
With all of Russel's love for reality shows and pop cultures isnt that ironically funny how they cast a pop singer who had her entire teenage years broadcast, stalked, tailored and became a huge pop culture symbol? Huh
@chaserseven2886 4 ай бұрын
damn that classic doctor who director sounds like a gig ahcad
@nevem5010 4 ай бұрын
@emperorholocron8278 4 ай бұрын
So far I don’t know how I feel about Ruby. Idk if it’s the Moffat boy in me but in RTD1 I didn’t really care for the families and friends of the companions unless it’s something like Danny was to Clara where it’s to exemplify something about the character.
@tokublwhovian 4 ай бұрын
That’s exactly how I feel.
@chaserseven2886 4 ай бұрын
huh? didn't moffat have amy and rory family too?
@friendlyotaku9525 4 ай бұрын
@@chaserseven2886 Barely.
@robotx9285 4 ай бұрын
​​@@chaserseven2886Compared to all of the Russell T Davris Companions, and like two of Chibnell' Companion, there' really not much in terms of family beyond what we saw of Amy, Rory & River in the tardis.
@kevin10001 4 ай бұрын
Me either cause I watched the era during the twilight craze having found the series with season 5 and felt like it felt to much in the same vain for my taste
@chaserseven2886 4 ай бұрын
bruh were kids really scared of the daleks
@ameliawade78 4 ай бұрын
I was a kid during RTD1 and I can conform I was. During the Moffat era though? Eh, not so much aside from in aslyum (but that was mainly down to the dalek/zombie things, not the daleks themselves)
@robotx9285 4 ай бұрын
When Daleks are written well, yes. You go back to periods like Dead Planet-Evil of the Daleks, Resurrection-Remenberace, and Dalek-Stolen Earth. The Daleks are genuinely intimidating threats since they're given proper breathing room to be evil, and utter malicious. These stories make it clear that the Daleks are living ceatures. Sadists who' one drive is to destroy everything that isn't them. And most of these stories also make it clear that Daleks are intelligent & Manipulative.
@tylerbailey9329 4 ай бұрын
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday scared me when I was twelve. The setup for their entrance was fantastic.
@stevenstocker9873 4 ай бұрын
Sorry micky was taken advantage of by her, not the other way around.
@MrTARDIS 4 ай бұрын
You could argue that's the case later on the series, but for this video I was talking about the episode 'Rose' for the most part.
@T.G-HLL 4 ай бұрын
Dr who used to be good
@BlakeGamer-qy6ve 4 ай бұрын
yea, then it turned good again.
@T.G-HLL 4 ай бұрын
@@BlakeGamer-qy6ve in your opinion not mine
@BlakeGamer-qy6ve 4 ай бұрын
fair point. may I ask why you dislike the 60th specials and the christmas one?@@T.G-HLL
@T.G-HLL 4 ай бұрын
@@BlakeGamer-qy6ve I just hate that in general most tv/entertainment pander to certain people because there’s always a agenda to push , and it just irritates me that shows cant stick to the lore , I love the classic who and I would say modern dr who is brilliant until Chris Chibs ruined the show that’s just my opinion
@ANGALROB 4 ай бұрын
Doctor Who has a problem with women
@tokublwhovian 4 ай бұрын
Depends on the character, if they are written well or not and the performance.
@DarthAzabrush 4 ай бұрын
The whole premise of your essay is a faulty public perception. RTD just constantly remade Mel Bush only without the charm, useful skills or reason to exist.
@kuggacouragegx6093 4 ай бұрын
Can we all agree that lenny harry should be casted as the doctor in the show
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