How to Fix Vecna: Eve of Ruin

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Wizards & Wordslingers

Wizards & Wordslingers

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So the adventure from wizards of the coast known as Vecna Eve of Ruin recently came out. And now that I’ve had a couple weeks to marinate in the aromatic stew of this truth, I’ve started to think on how you could alter the adventure to make it work. And there’s also going to be some general advice here for how to spruce up any campaign to make it more exciting.
0:00 Intro
1:01 The First Problem
3:00 Fixing Problem One
5:21 Problem Number Two
6:57 Fixing Problem Two
9:44 But Is It Worth It?
#vecna #eveofruin #5e #dnd #wotc

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@wizardsling 28 күн бұрын
A number of commenters have pointed out that the Crown of Lies magic item "prevents" the big secret from being spoiled. I've got a video that addresses this issue here:
@ReadyMack-g 16 күн бұрын
never Recxycle :(
@dungeondr 28 күн бұрын
I'm laughing at the link to Vecna advice the book gives. Remember to remind your players Vecna exists, because we aren't giving you any other tools to demonstrate that.
@crankysmurf 23 күн бұрын
That sums up WotC's 5E design philosophy of "Hey you DMs, fill in the gaping holes of rules and lore we left in our books!"
@lukesandadordoceu4835 28 күн бұрын
I disagree on only 2 points: 1. Flat out saying one of the three wizards isn’t who they say they are is a terrible way to make it a mistery. If the players ask for insight checks, you can give out some hints or you can set out clues throughout the adventure to allow them to find out (like letters, witnesses and other odd behavior). 2. Kas having killed Vecna in the end before the party even gets any shot at it seems bad. Maybe they have to fight both while they fight each other or something like that. Imagine doing all that dream stuff, coming to hate vecna just for him to disappear in the end and you need to fight kas instead, I wouldn’t like that
@kquixotic 29 күн бұрын
You've inspired me to look at this adventure again to run for my players. I love the fixes and am genuinely excited to run it now!
@utmostkibbles9125 22 күн бұрын
I really want to run this as a sequel adventure to CoS, but the problem there is that they will have already done the death house and defeated Strahd, along with having already met Mord. I've been playing with the idea that they just start EoR with Strahd's piece, as "Mord" was in Barovia not to defeat Strahd but to steal his rod piece... but having him secretly as Kas is tricky. I assume he was already a vampire before meeting Strahd, and may have just lost to Strahd much in the same way that Mord was supposed to, in that he was overconfident in the face of Strahd's cunning and lair actions (also I've buffed Strahd a LOT - so need to see how he compares to Vecna to make sure the latter is more imposing). Gonna take some work to make work...
@charlottekatakurisama7330 16 күн бұрын
When you finish the work can you give me you re conclusion please, i too want to play this campaign as a sequel to curse of stradh
@KageDono13 29 күн бұрын
"How to Fix Vecna: Eve of Ruin" Put some GODDAMN colours on each map!
@IQAfan 28 күн бұрын
Check out the DMs guild, specifically “Tessa Presents”. Fantastic map creator who colors all pre-written maps. Printer, roll20, and Foundry compatible. Yea I know it sucks that we have to pay someone an additional $5 for good maps but hey, that’s where WoTC have left us
@stargateproductions 15 күн бұрын
That pisses me off so much with modern maps design. Like damn, I'm playing money for this thing, give me some color!
@daveb4293 28 күн бұрын
While it’s a railroady the crown of secrets basically just says “none of the magic that’s normally used to figure out illusions just don’t work.” I like your idea better.
@BMHume 29 күн бұрын
4:30 Sounds like a Simpsons Halloween special version of Vecna 😄 "Oh no, Vecna hasn't listed the allergens in the evil sweets he handed out on Halloween."... and then the whole town dies from anaphylaxis, handing Vecna an army of undead he uses to raid Shelbyville.
@sanshinobi3664 27 күн бұрын
Why do two self-inserts and a vampire have a monopoly on caring if all reality gets reconnected back to Braunstein? If that isn't a reason for every big good and big neutral to pull out all the stops, I didn't know what is!
@Eemi_Seppala 18 күн бұрын
That's the Marvel problem; these heroes have been here all the time but just didn't want to come and help to stop the end of all existences.
@johncharlesceccherelli2876 29 күн бұрын
Great video, and I loved your honest review - overall I couldn’t agree more with the sentiment that this needs to be fixed, heavily. Yet I have to disagree with you on the Betrayal subplot. A couple of things (SPOILERS AHEAD): - Yes, players are clever enough to see through ruses constantly, and have the mechanical abilities to do so. But the way the Crown of Lies is written, it’s supposed to be the all-around solution to the deception, thwarting any mundane or magical methods of revealing its wearer. Even if the stat block of it isn’t enough, I’d retcon or homebrew it to have any ability that prevents the players from guessing something’s up. Detect Thoughts reveals false information, Legend Lore doesn’t work, whatever you want. 2. Why? Because the amount of legwork needed to rewrite his involvement- ESPECIALLY from the start- isn’t worth it. It’s too much. Changing how the Rod works because K didn’t manage to steal all the pieces from the players? Oof. Also, having K try to steal from the players… have you ever tried TAKING anything important away from a player? They’re not wearing 7 powerful McGuffin pieces on their belt. You’ll be LUCKY if they even have that in a Bag of Holding, and not split across several bags, in different demiplanes, locked in Leomund’s Secret Chests. And worse, it runs the significant risk of your party hating K a lot more than they hate Vecna, the titular Big Bad. Who will they hate more- a guy they keep seeing do some bad stuff in their dreams, or a guy who’s LITERALLY been duping them, manipulating them directly, and ****ing with them from the start? My advice: run Mordenkainen as if YOU don’t know what his deal is. He’s just Mordenkainen. If you force yourself to forget the twist that comes later on in the story, then there’s significantly less of a chance of you acting suspiciously and prompting the players to start investigating.
@DoomLicantros 27 күн бұрын
Personalmente ire por este camino, uno de mis jugadores tiene cono personaje favorito a Morderkainen por lo que la revelación le va a pegar a un nivel mayor
@Odande 27 күн бұрын
Good advice on running Mord! This is probably the best route a DM can go set up the twist doesn't get spoiled early
@SilentGe42 6 күн бұрын
To enchance the connection to vecna i will run a session almost everytime the larty takes a long rest. They will be send back or in the future and live/relive things Vecna has done. They will be part like commoners and can interact with all the surrounding, they cant really change the past, but they can die in their dreams. Example: they witness the killing of the village vecna has done. They could escape and if they don't they wake up wounded IRL or are in a dying state where they hve to be safed or pass death saves. I plan to start out with soft woke dreams, where they maybe get only hurt and end up with some terrible dreams where they can actually die. Ps.: i still have to figure out whats the session where they see the future of the multiverse after Vecnas ritual has successfully taken place. I think its a good way to tell lore and call out the urgency on stopping and "hate" Vecna.
@stefanovettor6507 27 күн бұрын
I mean… reality being undone is motivation enough for me to do and stop whomever is attempting it! I don’t need anything else! My very existence is at risk! Also starting at level 10 the characters don’t need the call for adventure… they already are super famous adventures! This is similar to tomb of annihilation… is not like the characters ever meet Acererak before nor had a specifically urgency to stop him (aside of saving the world more or less).
@soulysephiroth 20 күн бұрын
My characters early dreams will have his earlier history with his mother etc to cause that possible emotional attachment to him that so often is done today.
@stevenporter7065 27 күн бұрын
I am actually combining two dnd modules in a level 1 to 20 for this. Oddly enough, Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden has some minor plot points that can connect with the Vecna campaign. So my plan is to mold the two together and alter what I want. I want the Vecna campaign to have a background plot with the Wizards three where there is suspicion among them about why the wish spell didn't work. This being how they potentially could unveil Kas. They both also deal with secrets as a plot point in both campaigns. Lastly, I am probably gonna add legendary actions to Vecna's stat block cause it's really odd that he doesn't have those while probably reducing reactions by 1. But that's under the assumption that Vecna stays the main baddy. Depends on how the adventure unfolds.
@NaN-Gram 12 күн бұрын
Fellowship directly addresses this, the players directly come up with reasons as to why their peoples were affected by The Overlord, who would be Vecna in this case. It's seriously intuitive, check it out!
@Manisntthisfun 29 күн бұрын
I plan on running a fusion of Vecna:Eve of Ruin, and the 2E Dead Gods. I really like the sometimes lore links that Orcus gave Vecna the ability to become a Lich. The idea that one of the reasons Vecna is trying to remake the universe is to break the link between Orcus and Vecna.
@Mr_Welch 29 күн бұрын
Suggestion for increasing the presence of the bad guy is to steal a plot element from a previous module red arrow black shield. Similar concept you have to go a lot of different places to thwart the bad guys plans. He's not there but his minions are almost always going to be present where the characters get sent
@wizardsling 29 күн бұрын
sorry, mario, your princess is in another castle :)
@alisterkold 21 күн бұрын
They should have put tiamats stats in the book too because you know there will be at least one group of a holes that will attack her and start that fight
@plixeon 29 күн бұрын
My long term campaigns have had Vecna threats for the last years and a half, so incorporating a few good aspects from this book will work well.
@BryonAutry 29 күн бұрын
The only thing I was curious about this adventure going into this was the Dragonlance chapter, and from what I have heard about it, it seems like it very much does not sound very... Dragonlance-y. However, the adventure itself sounds like it could very much be converted from a multiverse hopping McGuffin hunt to defeat an evil lich, into a time-hopping McGuffin hunt to stop the evil Wizard Fistandantalus throughout Dragonlance's history. Hell, they already have you meeting with 3 wizards in their home base, so you can just replace the Wizards Three with the heads of the Orders of High Sorcery (the leaders of the Red, the White and the Black) at whatever time period you want to start the adventure in. There is the skeleton of a fun Dragonlance adventure here, and I am interested to see what I can do with the individual parts.
@stuartmiller2526 20 күн бұрын
Maybe the designers are too young to have read and played and loved DL from the past, so they don't get it? I agree on your changes. Frankly, I don't like mixing Prime Material worlds much; it obscures their unique flavor and importance. This could be in-world on one setting with some planes mixed in, but I think the two most epic routes would be to make it full on Planescape plane-hopping, or, as you say, Dragonlance time hopping. I'm already adapting Tyranny of Dragons (and likely Princes of the Apocalypse) to Dragonlance this way, where it feels like an even better fit than FR. And DL is the setting that most incorporates time travel, which lets you explore its rich history (not just War of the Lance era).
@WonkoSane-jf4qm 29 күн бұрын
I do understand that any adventure will need to be modified to some degree to fit it within a greater campaign, but, if I, as the DM, have to do a BUNCH of work to make the adventure work, pass. So, what do I mean by too much work? Well, it COMPLETELY DEFIES logic and reason that these other two ARCHMAGI and CHOSEN of various magic gods, Tasha and Silverhand, can't simply look at MORDENKAINEN/KAS and say "I'm sorry, you know we can see right through your illusions, right? So, what's the game here?" Maybe Kas can convince them he hates Vecna and wants to stop him? Ok, in which case, why wouldn't the other two tell him to knock of the ruse and just present that as his case to the PC's? So, right there, I have to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to make the story make sense and then try to present my retooled story to the players? Nah...too much work.
@MrRadicalsheep 29 күн бұрын
I was thinking of having Kas in normal form and presenting a store of help. He lost his sword or he has a curse inflicted by Vecna explaining why he is not strong enough to get the work done himself. But the twist is that he was and he will try to take the ROD when the players come back. If he dies he dies and the players move on to Vecna. The other two are running around the planes stopping the uprising of cults and fanatics that are supporting Vecna. There needs to be a strong enough story presented to the players that they are the ones doing the leg work.
@WonkoSane-jf4qm 29 күн бұрын
@@MrRadicalsheep If you want to put in the work, ok? I just really find, anymore, that WoTC 5e products take WAY too much work. I really prefer Kobold Press, Sly Flourish, DM Lair products and adventures.
@henrymalinowski5125 29 күн бұрын
I’m quite sure the PCs will know something’s up with Mord from the word “go”. They saved him in Curse of Strahd and if he doesn’t remember them, things are going to be set on end.
@rynowatcher 22 күн бұрын
The pc's are not nessicarily the same pc's from CoS. You can run the adventures back to back, but they could just as easily be the level 1-10 adventurers that did the Witchlight campaign, giants campaign, dragon heist campaign, into the abyss campaign.... might never have run into him and there is almost no clues he is not Mortenkanen. In fact, I would accuse a player of metagaming if they thought something was up based solely on what foreshadowing is offered in VEoR. The pcs never scry on a quest giver and they ate all legendary wizards that should have protections, ways to resist, and be the worst people to get caught doing that by. There is also almost no reason for Kas to break his disguse as he would be assumed to be under suspicion from a literal God and several multiverse enemies. How are the pc's magics stronger than vecna or ions an levels 13-17? Generally, I think it is more likely the pcs are going to be suspicious of Tasha, MOTHER OF DEMONS, but that is just me... depending on how the witchlight campaign ends, she could be very, very evil if you ran that and the pcs did not try to save her from corruption.
@henrymalinowski5125 22 күн бұрын
@@rynowatcher in the case I’m talking about, it is the exact same PCs.
@rynowatcher 22 күн бұрын
@@henrymalinowski5125 that is a very specific play through of CoS, as you do not need to go to the Mad Mage to beat CoS; he is rumored to be dead in the first village and you really only run into him in if he has one of the three randomly determined items. That is an unlikely background as that campaign is close to eight years irl after VEoR was released too. The amount of times this would come up is very few and I feel your players can easily explain it away as he was the "mad mage" due to the ravenloft influence so he might have some memory issues or the irl gm is not remembering how they played a minor character 8 irl years ago. Again, if the players did the Witchlight campaign, the big bad is Tasha, MOTHER OF DEMON, who the pcs can fight and kill if they do not feel like saving her to end that campaign. Granted they can try to save her, but they can end that campaign with her head on a pike, raw. Why is she not a bigger suspect as she is literally a past bbeg of another campaign?
@PapaClemch 24 күн бұрын
I love your music choice bruh excellent vibes
@wizardsling 24 күн бұрын
thanks! I write all the music myself, and you can find some of it on my channel in a playlist
@jeevesosiris 28 күн бұрын
My solutions... Have Mordenkainen (The real one) appear in the adventure - as a prisoner somewhere and have the NPCs find him and that's how they realise their folly. Also, change the wizards three to the Wizards Lots - and have various other NPCs that the party already knows be part of this group. Then, later, have Vecna show up and murder most of them effortlessly as they are annoying him... Have him largely ignored the PCs but mince the NPCs. That way he shows his force, gives them a real visual evidence of his power and then they have added reason to go and get him .
@wizardsling 27 күн бұрын
these are all excellent ideas!
@wikkdegroot237 22 күн бұрын
Kas with the hand and eye of vecna, he cuts them of after killing Vecna, could make for a fun bbeg
@Wheeler1717 28 күн бұрын
You always have very insightful and useful info. Which makes me wish that your videos were longer.
@artistpoet5253 29 күн бұрын
I get it there's a Stranger Things tie here to pull some customers in but any time you put the party up against what should be more of a world building element than a BBEG you will have to rig some safety nets and spot lights. It's a circus. For my part: I'll run it as is and just have my players be prepared to Rogue it. Also: bacon
@jordanleigh5036 19 күн бұрын
I’m going to make my Vecna more like strahd and in that sense, he will show up to the players and periodically just to mess with them since he knows he can obliterate them at any moment.
@wizzolo 18 күн бұрын
A couple of points I'm a bit critical about: I'd assume any wizard of the caliber of Tasha , Alustriel, or Mordenkainen (or Kas if he's impersonating one of those mages well enough to fool the other two) has nondetection or mind blank always active, these are powerful mages with many powerful enemies that do not want to be scryed, located or mindread at any time, so a simple detect thought or similar effect would not help, also if it was that easy the other two mages would have realized it immediately themselves. "one of the three wizards isn't who they say they are" does not make any sense if you do not point out to what makes the characters feel that way, and that would obviously point to one of the three. It also feels contrived and cheap from a narrative standpoint.
@saraphys5555 29 күн бұрын
I have an idea for a complete overhaul to this badly made Adventure, One that can be explained in two words, in fact; because thats kinda how I do things as a GM...pretty sure we all do...because, we're all inspired by outside factors, stories of one kind or another, and the best stories are the ones where you can file off the "serial numbers", and reuse it in almost any other thing. As an example, there was a Shadow of the Bat batman comic I collected when I was young about Batman basically being in this loop with a ghost woman, and because back then, SofB comics were more noir-types, the story had all these elements to it that built the story up until the conclusion. But, here's the thing, you could file off the "Batman" from that, take notes of all the beats to the story, and run that as a Call of Cthulhu adventure...or a Fantasy-Noir adventure in D&D or Pathfinder or whatever... In the same train of thought, my fix for Vecna:EoR is just like that... This has the elements to be a good story...but, there aren't any good designers left at WotC who could have actually pulled this off (Well, Jim Ward is still there, but he's gotta try getting over the ego...err...heads, of Perkins and Crawford). And, well, if you're wondering what Im getting at, I will say now, but I wont go into detail about how to make those changes, because Im hoping to be part of a stream on the weekend that will be talking about "Fixing Vecna EoR"... But, yes... "Infinity Gauntlet".
@tripleabd 22 күн бұрын
one thing that I will do when running this campaign is have the actual Mordenkainen show up mid way throguh the campaign or have the players go and seek the real Mordenkainen if they learn the secret of Kas. my main issue is that the real Mordenkainen is absent in this whole thing and he is and SHOULD be essential since he comes from Oreth just like Kas and Vecna so he HAS a history with both Kas and Vecna! the real Mordenkainen should care more about this whole thing than Alustriel and Tasha. WOTC saying that Mordenkainen is just off doing some research just doesnt sit right in my opinion. I would also run real Mordenkainen wanting to take the ritual for himself to rewrite the universe in his own justice way cause i always believed that Mordenkainen has a twisted sense of justice but not twisted evil.
@gamemasters 29 күн бұрын
very interesting take on fixing it! I'm working on a fix as well that will be taking this in a wildly different direction
@wizardsling 29 күн бұрын
can't wait to see it!
@thomazeblen 27 күн бұрын
For me the most absurd part is that the maps are blank
@marcos2492 28 күн бұрын
Amazing video, you injected a lot of much needed life into this module!
@chrisragner3882 29 күн бұрын
Sound advice. As always, I say take from pre written adventures what you like and work them into your own campaigns. See, this way, when players have read it too and want to play through it, they will be surprised to find it different. Hopefully delightfully so.
@Nemnar7 29 күн бұрын
I love these ideas. My players would guess the big reveal session one, lol. And use every single ability and spell to prove it, lol.
@NDT-hw7nr 29 күн бұрын
Mine will watch videos like this lol.. so I've decided several alternatives to circumvent this.. Tasha might be the fake.. or there is no fake, kas tries to sneak in to sigil and steal it, etc etc
@CodyM1990 29 күн бұрын
These are very solid recommendations. I think Eve of Ruin has a decent premise but it really needs some work, this is a great start. Thanks!
@Zirbip 29 күн бұрын
if Vecna allows plastic straws, sign me up as a cultist!
@milliestevens9075 28 күн бұрын
I just noticed a channel called Dad the Dungeon Master uploaded a remarkably similar video to this. According to the metadata revealed by the KZfaq Data Viewer site, that video was published about 14 hours after this one. Just for what it's worth.
@wizardsling 28 күн бұрын
thanks for bringing that to my attention. I just now watched that video and while it's similar, I don't think anything untoward has happened here :)
@milliestevens9075 27 күн бұрын
@@wizardsling All right, that's good enough for me! Thanks, GM Jim.
@stefanoanselmi12 28 күн бұрын
6:45 I think this is most likely a non-problem. Scrying *explicitally* doesn't work to reveal K's ruse (by the crown of lies description) and while "detect thoughts" isn't explicitally mentioned I'd say the "Interactions with you while you are transformed by the crown reveal no illusory magic, nor do they reveal anything other than details about the creature you’re disguised as" and the "no matter what magical or mundane methods are used to try to detect your falsehoods." clauses should cover it: a "detetct toughts" spell would reveal some random Mordenkainen's superficial toughts and that's it.
@wizardsling 28 күн бұрын
Yes but the book says, "If the characters put sufficient effort into their investigations, consider allowing them to discover before chapter 9 that Mordenkainen is an impostor." so they seem to imply that the crown of stars isn't foolproof
@stefanoanselmi12 28 күн бұрын
@@wizardsling of course, but "putting effort" Is clearly more difficult than casting a spell. It implies that the PCs must do actual leg work and investigation, since magical means are blocked by the crown. I mean if magical means are allowed the Alaustriel and Tasha wouldn't be fooled in the First Place.
@wizardsling 28 күн бұрын
1) if this crown of lies is so foolproof, then why does the book allow for it to be beaten at all? why not just say it can't be beaten? I think it's because: 2) using a magic item to cover a logical hole is lazy writing. If I, as a player, was suspicious of mordenkainen, but the DM says "well, he seems legit." then get to the end and find out he was actually bad, but a magic item stopped our party seeing the truth, I'd be mad. I'd feel like I was cheated.
@Mr_Boyer 27 күн бұрын
@@wizardsling The book says that the Crown provides a perfect disguise from magic. That doesn't stop the party from figuring out the mystery by breaking into his quarters to find enough evidence to confront him.
@crankysmurf 23 күн бұрын
How to fix Vecna: Eve of Ruins? Give more than six pages per chapter would be a start.
@jinxtheunluckypony 28 күн бұрын
It bothers me so much that you spend 70-80% of the adventure dealing with Kas only for him to be the penultimate villain. Why focus so much on a villain only to left turn into a totally different boss at the end? It’s so clunky.
@IQAfan 28 күн бұрын
The magic item crown that Kas has prevents it from “being busted wide open” by some simple PC spells. Not to nitpick your entire video, but if review that section of the book again.
@zeb857 24 күн бұрын
I sure do love buying an adventure so I don't have to write my own game and then find out I need to overhaul almost every aspect /: I used to be excited when every dnd book came out now I feel nothing
@seagullspit6048 28 күн бұрын
Brooo I just got the book today 😭😭 yall are fast
@rynowatcher 22 күн бұрын
In my experiance, pcs never suspect a quest giver. It is odvious because you read the module, but there is no foreshadowing or clues for the pcs as written. I would assume they are metagaming if they started scrying on Mortenkanen instead of Tasha, THE MOTHER OF DEMONS, personally. Also, why would Kas break is disquise or do anything to arouse suspicon given his plan is to wait for the pcs to do their task? He is an ancient vampire waiting to make war against a lich god that has him under survalence. What are the pc's going to do at level 13 that an ageless lich who knows this foe intimately cannot?
@josephbeckett2330 27 күн бұрын
So, does the adventure, and all of 5E just end as soon as the party joins Vecna?
@jumpman83 27 күн бұрын
@gamemasters has a good answer to this.
@yasinyildiz1379 29 күн бұрын
Thanx 🎉
@richarddemorris7435 28 күн бұрын
One of my fixes to the adventure would be to make Kas with the Crown replace a PC so there’s a more impactful betrayal in the adventure (just have to have a solid player that could pull it off, and after a few sessions so they don’t think that the swap occurred as the campaign begins). The characters should be the answer to the wish spell at the beginning, or have the fact that a less-powerful Tasha is the reason the spell fails. I would add in encounters with the Cult of Vecna as the adventure progressed to show Vecna’s growing control of the multiverse, rather than a dream sequence.
@hsen71 28 күн бұрын
Me - Who is Kas?!?!? Never heard about him before. The guy from Critical Role? * My group are not die hard FR fans... The big reveal would fall somewhat flat for us. 'Sorry you are who?' * Me again - Oh.... that was supposed to be a big secret for the player?!? But now everyone knows about that Kas is *spoiler*
@andyaleman5456 21 күн бұрын
Heres how to fix Vecna: Eve of Ruin- run Zeitgeist: Gears of Revolution instead.
@user-jm2jq7ox2r 9 күн бұрын
Can we say COPE.
@nikp3572 28 күн бұрын
I thought they said we could link it to our own homebrew worlds. Sure as A DM i could do that some way but thats nit the point. WOTC once again screw us I am officially done with buying any of their products. I gave them a second third and fourth chance.
@lukefrederiks5906 28 күн бұрын
For an epic tale, based on a cursory read it’s actually pretty boring
@thomazeblen 27 күн бұрын
And for the love of god remove the chime of exile
@wizard380 26 күн бұрын
Easy fix : Don't buy it. Go buy a 3'rd party book.
@NocheSinLuz 28 күн бұрын
One shouldn't have to modify an adventure to this level just to enjoy it especially for the amount of money one paid for it.
@jackalbane 29 күн бұрын
Considering there are better adventures out there that require less work to motivate the PCs, I'll hard pass.
@wizardsling 29 күн бұрын
@wb4566 9 күн бұрын
@Wizards and Word slingers. Give up. Love of the gods Surrender! Please reveiw Barbies or beenibabys thats all you have skills for!!😊.
@wizardsling 9 күн бұрын
I appreciate the career advice. You've really given me a lot to think about. have a great day!
@meikahidenori 28 күн бұрын
Let's see, Let's redo the Ravenloft part with an adventure no one's played before without rehashing, add the Lord of Blades in the Eberron section and make it more morally grey in what you're doing there, make the Spelljammer one interesting as finding ships in Wildspace is a everyday thing we do already playing those campaigns and ohhhh maybe add Mystra in the book instead of Avernus or let us have some exploration regarding Sigil & the lady of pain.... I dunno just some parts felt as if they were done a dirty - Spelljamer, Eberron & Ravenloft specifically (though I am still reading through the Krynn bit and it's not looking hopeful either - it's disappointing as Eberron is my main setting, I grew up on Dragonlance and I can write more exciting Spelljammer encounters😅) my players might feel different but yeah so far I haven't liked what we got for my favourite settings.
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