How to Survive Anxiety & Panic Attacks | Black Friday

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It's Black Friday

It's Black Friday

4 жыл бұрын

Weird tips and "brain hacks" I've found useful that I wanted to share for those of us, blessed as we are, with panic or anxiety disorders. Particularly needed at this weird and sucky time!
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@ikeekieeki 4 жыл бұрын
"it's not a negative thought, it's a physical sensation, like being haunted." - yes!
@marcogasperoni2391 4 жыл бұрын
It always feels like I’m haunted !!! Like a scary presence in the room
@limodepimo5283 4 жыл бұрын
B12. Look into your B12 levels and if you can absorb it into your cells. It may be the root cause to a lot of mental health problems... Speaking from experience.
@eesti1234 3 жыл бұрын
@@limodepimo5283 So eat more liver and see if helps.
@limodepimo5283 3 жыл бұрын
@@eesti1234 I don't absorb B12 it doesn't matter what I eat.
@eesti1234 3 жыл бұрын
@@limodepimo5283 i thinked more about those who do but are insufficient. I hope doctors help you, I can not.
@lokischreibt3326 4 жыл бұрын
Everytime a therapist tells me to "not interact with negative thoughts" I wanna punch them in the face. When you're talking to someone with depression or any mental illness, that's like telling a cancer patient not to interact with cancer - what the hell?
@DreamsInWild 4 жыл бұрын
I love my therapist because she doesn't give me that BS. She encourages me to basically examine and dissect my negative thoughts so I can trick my brain into realising that those thoughts are nonsensical. It doesn't always work, but when my anxiety is mild it does help, especially with my social anxiety.
@monmanon572 4 жыл бұрын
@@DreamsInWild i think not interacting with thoughts means excatly distancing yourself and do not belive them. thoughts are thoughts. it is your life you need to take what is good for you from therapy and try to figure it out also on your own and not bitching when something is not working. it is all for your own happines and comfort.
@monmanon572 4 жыл бұрын
sorry i was directing this comment to loki not you ;)
@lolcoolio6897 Жыл бұрын
If a therapist says that, they aren't a good therapist. Being a psychology major and learning about anxiety, depression- has really helped me understand myself and others. The last thing you want to tell your patient is the obvious (i.e. "its all in your head") and or tell them to ignore their thoughts and or physical symptoms. A good therapist will tell you to combat negative cognitions with affirmative positive ones. A good therapist will tell you to breathe in and out. To step out briefly and find relaxing activities to do. (I love to fidget with my stuffed animals and or crystals). Good therapists won't tell you to avoid your problems, but rather care for them, you know?
@TheRequiemRose 4 жыл бұрын
Depersonalization is a horrible thing. Staring at my husband, who I love, and not knowing who he is and not having any emotion towards him is very personally disturbing when reality comes back.
@blissprokop6239 4 жыл бұрын
Sometimes knowing what your triggers are and working to lessen their effect on you can be helpful. Not for everyone.
@kathysemrau2301 4 жыл бұрын
I have PTSD, and other things too. Being sick sucks. Many people who are never sick, do not understand. When you are emotional, you feel it. Can't help it. It's our life.
@mysterym444 4 жыл бұрын
At one point I lost touch and thought mine was a clone and the first one was killed off! 🐿😬 Needless to say, I learned how to use my mind properly thereafter. Extremely long story short 💀☂️🌈🐸🤷🏻‍♀️
@kathysemrau2301 4 жыл бұрын
@Volkfire thank you for making that clear. But l was talking about the fact that we all have medical and mental health diseases that rob us of our lives. Can you agree on that? So you are preaching to the choir, Volkfire. At times l am very jealous of the healthy people.
@leanneissoboring776 4 жыл бұрын
I have derealization and for me it feels like I’m looking through a camera lens or that I’m in a virtual reality game. Everything feels delayed and I still have emotions but my senses feel delayed. I can’t tell when something’s hot or cold and I only see things in 2d. It’s very trippy and when I would try to explain it to people they would say I was just over thinking or that I was making it up.
@janstan8407 4 жыл бұрын
The worst thing when anxiety hits, is to have someone say, "Just relax, relax". Yeah sure. That usually doubles my anxiety, possibly into panic. Hammering away on an instrument helps, I see a bass behind you. Play bad, who cares? Make noise. I've had serious anxiety/panic problems for 20 years and cranking up the guitar and slamming it helps me. Use headphones in apartments. And all else fails, use the meds.
@kateybernal2295 4 жыл бұрын
Ever have someone try to comfort u n they touch u making u extra jumpy? That happens too me! I completely understand! When someone tries to calm me down I end up crying
@thomasgormly6941 4 жыл бұрын
In my personal experience that is the third worse thing someone could do. 1. Encourage the panic to make it worse. 2. Downplaying the issue as you are "faking it." 3. Being overly patronizing and accidentally causing reverse psychology telling you to be calm. I had a really bad attack one day to the point my heart stopped at work and I immediately collapsed after a long bout of hyperventilating. I was in my mid twenties at the time and the night manager not only tried calling me out for faking it as I turned pale and collapsed in front of the whole night crew meeting of my ex-coworkers (I moved from 3rd to 3nd shift). I was carried by hand and driven to the hospital by two night shift managers. After several hours at the hospital they decided I had worked myself into such an extreme attack that I was basically like those fainting goats. They gave me my discharge papers and I ended up having a long walk to my car at night because no one would answer the phone to drive me. My next shift at work they gave me an offical disciplinary write up and was told I was lucky that I wasn't fired for not completing my work on the night of my incident. I finally got ahold of family just for my mom to yell at me for every sin in my book as well as a few I never committed. I needed to get my life together even though I pay my bills, do no drugs, and don't really do anything worth the tirade but never being good enough is another story. Sorry for the long rant.
@solaniamorgansteign 4 жыл бұрын
I had a nurse in a hospital tell me this, I manage to regain control because I started laughing. she was like see your fine and I just told her straight that it only stopped cos I was l laughing At her. If it was that easy then none of us would live through this shit
@moonfire41 4 жыл бұрын
@@thomasgormly6941 How the hell did they expect you to finish your work after you COLLAPSED? It's a medical condition. A good boss would have shown understanding and given you the rest of the day off! These attacks can be crippling, because I have the same problem. It gets so bad my hands lose circulation and I get dizzy as hell, which makes my heart race and makes me freak out more. I agree that sometimes medicine is the only answer. Herbs and natural remedies don't cure everything.
@hmpz36911 4 жыл бұрын
@@moonfire41 well bosses usually become bosses because they pit the top line first. In reality workers are top line but few recognize that. And if they know what may be a disability, they will find a way not to hire you from the start. To them it is a problem. Now as far as medications. Everyone is different. The first issue is with the doctors themselves. Most to not take the time to examine the people thoroughly enough and explain how medications work and how they should be taken. An extremely important factor that we often hear mentioned is how this and that may not be right for adolescence. Yet adolescence can last into one's 30s now. Much should not be mixed. Different doctors prescribe different things and they do not check with one another. Even a lot of natural things can interfere with medications. Multi crooss check all ones self. That goes for EVERYTHING. In the end it can pay off. One must ween on and off of a lot of psych meds. I ran out of medication and could not get a new prescription until the next week and became catatonic. Another time I had a delay because of a prior authorization. Doctors are not allowed to write for extra anymore to have backups on the side. Sometimes best to start a week or two later so you have a "secret" emergency backup. You should not stop abruptly. Therefore taking it at the same exact times to keep the balance is crucial. And it could take months to truly find if it is helping. The side effects can be hellacious therefore people putting off, or many will just get prescribe more medications to counter the one side effects. Which has its own side effects therefore requiring more medications. It's a vicious circle. Finding right balance is extremely difficult. So of course trying natural remedies should always be first and foremost. It's all difficult. Just like trying to find a decent doctor and worse yet a therapist. Almost every doctor will find something wrong with almost every patient. Most reach far and jumped the gun straight to medications. But all have issues if some sort. Or they are just liers &/or in denial. Technically knowing one is not alone is actually quite comforting. Though it may vary just knowing helps. And the best advice I ever got from a doctor was "know your enemy". Through the dozens of doctors I saw prior, I was giving dozens of different diagnosis. I paid more attention to those in common and read up on them. More to see if I agreed with any of it. Reading up on all the codes and finding common denominators and through all the varied treatment options and research which allowed me to plot a better treatment course. Being able to recognize when a panic attack is coming on to grab ahold of it before it gets too bad. Knowing all the causes and things that can help written down on notepads and index cards to keep in my pocket eventually burning themselves into my brain enough thought I could recognize the twinges and feelings deep within knowing the difference what's all the different things going on in my body. Albeit mental, dietary, medication, stress or accident-related, it is best to know our selves as much as possible. Bipolar, borderline personality disorders, schizophrenia etc have so many things in common. Yeah, it is what it is. These are the symptoms regardless of what the name of it is. These are the triggers for my highs and lows. These are some things that I can do to try and make things better. Knowing some can help win the battle. Thus, know your enemy. Heck, some parts I have befriended. I like a lot of my differences. I can appreciate a lot of the bad i have gone through. I feel if others can learn from my misfortunes then alls not in vain. I like being able to relate to those in need and help good Souls. Outcasts are some of the most accepting people, except of ourselves. Learning, sharing, helping and knowing are key. Look how a simple video blog Freya started has helped so many not feel so alone. In fact I bet it has helped Freya in so many ways. I notice a major difference in the last several months alone. I am sure being around true loved ones helps a lot. But the amount of caring positive feedback she has gotten especially has helped. So if that be one of the the goals needed to set for oneself in order to help go on then so be it. Whatever it takes. If only to find the one to help and make a difference. There are millions of beings out here and in need. Many may not even be worthy you can call to be hurt by them but somewhere along the way when you do find the right one you can hold onto that feeling and keep it with you through your fights. And then hopefully keep searching for the next. Sorry the ranty me took over. But I hope some may find some useful words in there to help. If any questions, or anything at all please do not hesitate to write. Be well all 💜 or at least try...
@hilaryd6341 4 жыл бұрын
When I'm having a panic attack I journal to myself like I'm a friend. "You're going to be ok love, you're brave, you're amazing and awesome this will pass" it's so dumb but it helps!
@abitofpaprika 4 жыл бұрын
I think i'll try this!
@tyroneslyce4879 4 жыл бұрын
I talk to myself a lot. I would say that it kind of minimally curbs it. No plan is absolutely 100% Bulletproof. But there are small things to prevent it from getting worse. I have generalized anxiety disorder and I have frequent panic attacks. Almost every day. It's fucking horrific. One thing I will do is I will talk to myself. I'll sort of Pat myself on the leg and say I'm going to be all right. Or I'll just plainly state that "you need to chill the fuck out" to myself. It only goes so far.
@dannabellis9405 4 жыл бұрын
I do the exact same thing! But togheter with this I've created this character in my head who's sort of reminds of late grandma and she keeps stroking my head while comforting me.. I know how dumb its feels, but it actually helps me..
@azucenagonzalez296 4 жыл бұрын
not dumb!! inspirational! thank you for sharing ill have to try!!!
@whaleofathyme 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's actually pretty smart Sometimes people don't understand, but only you understand you, but at the same time, you are a friend to yourself, being good to yourself.
@MissSkyNet 4 жыл бұрын
I work in the pharmacy and the amount of prescription coming in for anti anxiety and depression is about 1/3 of all prescriptions daily. And I see some people being ashamed of they prescriptions. Working in this environment truly changed my opinion on this type of medication. I need glasses to see clear, someone need medication to think clear and feel OK. It is normal. Don't be ashamed
@StrangeHooves 4 жыл бұрын
A tactic I was taught at a clinic for when you are in "crisis mode" aka middle of an attack, put your head in cold water or put ice on your temples, face the ground/put your head down and hold your breath. This activates the body's dive response so it thinks you are in water which then it forces your heart rate to calm so you can "swim" ive used it before and it worked pretty well.
@lolamanzarek933 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't even know this was a thing!!! I did it when I had panic attacks by intuition 😲
@MidnightOwlOfficial 4 жыл бұрын
Cyber Owl I’ve never heard that before. Thanks for the tip.
@jellybeansbud3610 4 жыл бұрын
Lola Manzarek it’s crazy the things we stumble upon in dealing with these sorts of things that turn out to actually be a “thing”
@leanneissoboring776 4 жыл бұрын
Wow I’ve always put a cold wet rag on my head and it would calm me down I’m wondering if it’s because of this.
@MC-hx9ub 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I will try this.
@candypledger 4 жыл бұрын
Anxiety really is like a creeping/haunting sensation. That's the best description of it that I've seen. I've been living with chronic anxiety/ bi polar most of my life :(
@chicabcn1967 4 жыл бұрын
I feel you 💜🖤💜🖤💜
@candypledger 4 жыл бұрын
@@chicabcn1967 thank you 💜 i feel you too. It's not always easy to live with metal disorders. I am always thankful to meet people who know what it's like :)
@chicabcn1967 4 жыл бұрын
@@candypledger I post a comment against weed because for me it's a trigger for maniac episodes, the first episode I had was triggered by a medicine that it's an antidepressants or an anxiolytic and it "works", works so well that turns me to the other side of the moods very high, but I turned aggressive, a lot, physically aggressive. But the last one was weed's fault, I eat a weed muffin and I feel strange and the weekend after I have another big and bad maniac episode in front of a lot my friends and without my boyfriend that has seen the others and knows what to do, or at least he will try to calm me down. Lucky me I only have had 2 big bad episodes, and another 2 more light with my boyfriend that helped me to control all. I want to find some more bipolar people to talk about but in spanish, because translate some things it's difficult, also the other people that know have totally different behavior than me. I find the depressive part it's more similar in all of us, but the maniac episodes everyone had different things.
@maddy_stitches 4 жыл бұрын
I've been diagnosed with social anxiety. Basically almost all my triggers for panic attacks center on not being good enough or worring about relationships. So at the moment I feel like I'm losing a lot of ground with my anxiety. Like all the progress I made with friendships and social life has reverted back. I feel like I'm more awkward or no good as a friend over the phone. Doesn't help that me and my partner are long disntance atm because of work and study commitments. He really helps me stay grounded. Lately I'm just being gentle with myself and focusing on the essentials. Like feeding myself, bathing, and keeping the house in order. Like being proud of myself for those little things. Idk why I'm typing all this out here but.. idk maybe it's to feel less alone I guess I know there's a lot of us out there that are struggling with their minds. We are all gonna be here and be ok. The sun will keep rising everyday. This too shall pass.
@llamadelrey2072 4 жыл бұрын
Girls in my class say stuff like “omg this test is giving me so much anxiety” and start laughing about it. Then proceed to make tik toks during class
@thewednesdayhaus 4 жыл бұрын
when ppl say "calm down" lmao
@DreamsInWild 4 жыл бұрын
Dissociation is the woooorst. It makes me feel like I'm not even real, and that is a very scary feeling.
@karolyngrimm 4 жыл бұрын
It’s comforting that you personally know what you’re talking about. Man I hate it when people who have NEVER had a panic attack talk about it. You honestly have to have had one (or a lifetime of them) to truly understand. Meditation always makes me worse too, I start focusing on how fast I’m breathing and usually hyperventilate... oh the joy. Love you Freya, such a beautiful soul 🖤
@apathy207 4 жыл бұрын
I was in a meditation course once and I honestly had to leave, because the teacher said stuff like "Focus on your heartbeat" and it almost made me have a panic attack right there and then ._.
@maddy_stitches 4 жыл бұрын
I had a full on panic attack in the middle of a meditation class. I was fine before going in but oh boy did I high tale it outta there so quick when I realised what was happening. And the shame and guilt after! Crazy
@linnealager6146 4 жыл бұрын
I usually don’t have so extreme anxiety attacks, just mild anxiety I guess, but this might still be a useful tip. Running and doing physical activities regularly has helped me associate a high heart rate with being exited and positive feelings. It has really helped my anxiety in general. 👽💜✨
@1Fresh_Water 4 жыл бұрын
I've heard that too. Like if my hearts gonna race I'm gonna give it a goddamn reason!
@Convoluted-and-Exiled 4 жыл бұрын
@@1Fresh_Water Exactly!! Like I said in my comment, being on a treadmill or bike really showed me how much a difference exercise can make... I actually like...Ok. I felt good. Closest to a break I've ever gotten..
@tiffanylaurens7796 4 жыл бұрын
Same. Cardio really helps me avoid anxiety but I do not have severe anxiety.
@minksrule2196 4 жыл бұрын
I still used to play tips when I was in year 11 just because I needed to run and I knew my extra energy was gonna manifest itself into anxiety later in the day and at night
@burritoplant7569 4 жыл бұрын
I had to go to hospital because of my panic attacks, my heart rate was 165 at resting for hours, I was lucky I didn’t go into cardiac arrest or have a stroke. Your heart isn’t meant to beat like that for that long. For some people it might help to exercise but any physical activity for me triggers an attack 😢
@cheche1360 4 жыл бұрын
Once I start feeling the beginnings of a panic attack, I usually just grab one of my softest or cuddliest teddy bears; and try focusing on how soft it is, how cute it is, how warm it feels, how the teddy smells, count the visible stitches, etc. It took a VERY long time for me to get in the habit of it, but now- whenever I feel anxious, I subconsciously grab one of them and I feel easier. I also take my shoes off and walk on the cold, wet grass outside very slowly. It definitely takes the edge off.
@tracey0675 4 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate Black Friday’s community! The help and positivity in the comments is reassuring. My anxiety is so hidden. It was years before my husband figured out my baking and cleaning binges were anxiety attacks. With therapy and meds it pretty under control. I now enjoy baking for the fun of it.
@michelledean8931 4 жыл бұрын
I've had depression for most of my life, but my anxiety became so severe about 3 years ago which worsened my depression and hasn't changed since. My first full blown panic attack was horrible - blurry vision, I broke out in a cold sweat, started trembling and my hearing went out for a second so all I heard was a ringing sound. There were days where it had been so paralyzing, I could barely even move or breathe correctly. I couldn't eat or sleep. I had almost all of the symptoms you could think of. Including the worst one in my opinion which is living with depersonalization/derealization. It hasn't gotten that much better due to living in a stressful and toxic household that left me with trauma. The only thing that does seem to help is to try and ignore the fact that I have it, that's what I've been doing when I had learned to kind of manage it. Honestly, I don't know what life is like without anxiety anymore since it's been a huge part of me. Not even a therapist I had seen seemed to understand what I was going through. It's nice that you've made this video because you do describe some things that I've felt and it's good to know that I'm not alone 🖤🙂
@leanneissoboring776 4 жыл бұрын
Michelle Dean I have derealization too. It really is horrible. I wish I could just force my brain to snap out of it.
@michelledean8931 4 жыл бұрын
@@leanneissoboring776 I've tried so hard to convince my brain that I'm currently living in the moment, everything is real and that everything is ok. There were lots of opportunities I missed out on and many things I couldn't fully enjoy because of derealization/depersonalization. I just really wish there was a cure for it so we wouldn't have to suffer so much.
@limodepimo5283 4 жыл бұрын
" blurry vision, I broke out in a cold sweat, started trembling and my hearing went out for a second so all I heard was a ringing sound." These are B12 deficiency symptoms... Depression and anxiety are on the list too. Maybe it is worth looking into. When I finally did (years and years too late) I was shocked. Nearly two years later I am doing much better, I can ride my bike and enjoy life at k least once in a hile, while I was directed towards a scoot mobile at high speed.
@michelledean8931 4 жыл бұрын
@@limodepimo5283 I've heard that b12 had something to do with it as well. I was even thinking about getting a b12 shot at one point, but decided not to. It gives you more energy and supposedly helps with anxiety/depression. I've bought b12 vitamins today instead. I'll see if they make a difference 👍🏻 I need energy since mental illness takes that away from me and I can't go a day without feeling so tired. Even doing simple tasks can be hard. Thanks for the info 🙂
@limodepimo5283 4 жыл бұрын
@@michelledean8931 You need shots, not pills. If your body doesn't absorb B12 form food, pills won't help.
@pinkycheriish 4 жыл бұрын
I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) so i tend to freak out for no reason but this helped me thanks alot! Love from Colorado
@akazaynab 4 жыл бұрын
Me too!
@jadequarmby3106 4 жыл бұрын
Panic and anxiety attaches are no fun and my heart goes out to everyone who has it ❤️ jade
@jadequarmby3106 4 жыл бұрын
Your welcome because its hard to handle sometimes
@paigecoleman1628 4 жыл бұрын
It sucks, but after being put on medication, and finally finding the one person who helps me through them, it got so much better. I’d get them most often at mandatory football games where i had to play for the band, and he’d be able to come and support me. Once I finished I’d come back and everyone would be upset with me that I left, and saying that they don’t need me, that they knew I left just so I could go screw him. I would say that the quarantine is a blessing, but I don’t really get to see him anymore. :/
@emilybooboo 4 жыл бұрын
Thanx for this, girl! Much love xx
@TheDevilChrno 4 жыл бұрын
Oh man, the numb hands and face are one of the worst feelings! This used to happen to me so much. Anxiety runs in my family and my Dad has a condition where his brain physically doesn't make enough serotonin. I'm glad I caught the symptoms of it early and I'm so glad that I got medication.. its helped so much.
@hiboudeluxe 4 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this. I had my first panic attack during this crisis. I'm a frontline worker and my anxiety is through the roof right now. I was having trouble sleeping at night. and because I have seasonal allergies, it's been rough because I would wake up stuffed up or coughing and convinced I was gonna die. i went to my doctor and they put me on meds to help with the anxiety and to help me sleep. it's has made everything a lot better. I have my good and bad days, but the meds have definitely helped with having more good than bad days. it's just a wonderful feeling to know that I'm not alone as well. so thank you.
@hazelsmith5912 4 жыл бұрын
Mindfulness I think is the therapy you’d been asked to try before- doesn’t work for me either and totally related to this video x
@Nell-r0se 4 жыл бұрын
Or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
@Discoveringbandsbymichaelnagy 4 жыл бұрын
Music has always helped me get through rough times
@paigecoleman1628 4 жыл бұрын
It’s never worked for me either, it has only helped me like open up to people, as I was very untrusting of everyone. I was being bullied, I was cutting throughout the day of school, wore a baggy jacket and tied napkins and did it in class, I was suicidal. Honestly I was molested, I only told one guy, my best guy friend, who decided, after knowing I’m suicidal, cutting, and was molested days proper, decides to grope my boobs, pin me against the wall, and wouldn’t let me go until I kissed him. I felt so alone, and abused, like nobody cared, started eating only 300 calories a day. It was such a horrible time.
@akazaynab 4 жыл бұрын
Mine is worse at night, my heart just don't stop going so fast. I usually try to ignore and just go to sleep, but there's times it's just impossible, here's what I do that helps me to feel better: - Sing: Sing any song you like or put a music, I usually like to hear Arkona. And it doesn't matter if you don't know how to sing, I'm sure you can do it. - Draw: Drawing has helped me a lot tho, drawing requires me to pay attention and with that my anxiety goes away. - Dance: The same as the music... Put your favorite one and dance in the way you want even if you don't know what to do. - Play any instrument. This one is my favorite, whenever anxiety or panic attack hits I usually play my guitar and it helps a lot :)
@fenix9294 4 жыл бұрын
i remember my first ever panic attack. i was in an aquarium with my family. i was about 18-19. had absolutely not idea what a panic attack was. but i felt the world close in on me. like everybody in the entire world was staring at me, judging me or saying nasty things. and i isolated myself in a corner. away from my own family. they finally found me and i was starting to look pale like i was going to pass out. my whole face was cold and numb, hands too. i started to shake and cry. i had no control at all. if it wasn't for my parents walking me to a rest area with chairs and dim lighting, i probably would have passed out. it was terrifying.
@fabianhunkin 4 жыл бұрын
My anxiety and panic attacks feel like a heart attack and my body locks up like I am have a seizure. It is debilitating and devastating.
@mox0485 4 жыл бұрын
Have GAD and OCD and insomnia since I was a wee child. I don't like meds because they make me aggressive (fighty) and the unmedicated route is a slippery slope but it works for me (I don't recommend!!). Important to learn your triggers. I adjusted my life so I can work from home, so no social freak-outs. I find myself walking to another room or a quieter place when I start to feel overwhelmed. My family knows to leave me be. I'm literally attached to my phone and headphones so I can channel my attention with music or favorite internet content (hey YOU🖤). The COVID fear was keeping me up all night so I recently tried melatonin but you have to find a dose that works and you must lay down, close your eyes and just rest for it to work ( I write and rewrite stories in my mind ..helps). Take care of yourself everyone.
@usagiracha 4 жыл бұрын
If you experience frequent panic attacks I highly recommend you to try some other pills out. Just talk to your therapist about meds that make you fighty and ask for some milder ones. Anxiety is not worth your nerves. But if you can control your attacks, that's absolutely awesome! Take care 💖
@MissShembre 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with the melatonin! I found some liquid and take 1-3 drops and it's just the right amount (the bottle says take 4 whole droppers and that would be waaayyy too much.)
@lisaannbarriner9633 4 жыл бұрын
Desiree McD / Moxiex0485 , I started doing that at around eleven or twelve years old to stop the overthinking that would trigger my anxiety. I called it telling myself a bedtime story, because when I would lie down and close my eyes is when it would all go to hell. It was the only way I could get to sleep at a decent time. I still do this at nearly fifty six years old to keep my anxiety at bay.
@gerivasileva6536 4 жыл бұрын
When anxiety hits me I can't speak, I can't think, I just stop functioning. My brain is like you have work, but you can't do it! At night my heart beats so fast that I wake up and so on!
@robertletters5580 4 жыл бұрын
Miss Friday. Do you ever think of doing something like this for a living. You tell it as it is. and you talk the truth. Your better than so of them so called Dr. Thank you so much this has been a great help to me.. Dr Black Friday sounds good.. Thanks again x
@twistedstich 4 жыл бұрын
She really should
@MellowJelly 4 жыл бұрын
I hope you don't write off doctors though! I'm sorry if you had a bad experience with a doctor who didn't give you the tools you need, but please don't give up. There are professionals out there who can really help
@kimvargo1815 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking she is good way better than the doctors. People who don’t suffer with strong anxiety issues don’t know how to help and usually make things worse.
@hellurellur 4 жыл бұрын
Completely agree. You got my frazzled brain to think logically for a second about my anxiety. A+.
@dewilew2137 4 жыл бұрын
Robert Letters she would make a good therapist, sure, but doctors don’t do what she just did.
@MxPotato84 4 жыл бұрын
Yes!!! I love this!! Thank you!! 💜🖤 Also, when im having an anxiety/ panic attack, i hug something, whether it be a pillow, a plushie, or something cuddly and trying to breathe but yet let the tears roll down cuz it’s not good to try and fight the tears back from my experience. And find a place to sit down too just incase. Ive had a bad panic attack once and i blacked out and the next thing i knew, i was in the middle of a side walk in a fetal position in tears like a fool. So find place to sit just incase. And have some water on hand if you can. Drinking water after an attack helps calm me down faster. I somehow get quite dehydrated after an anxiety attack. But thank you for more of these tips. I would not have come up with it myself.
@maddy_stitches 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah I get the dehydration thing too!
@saktii2318 4 жыл бұрын
I also have health anxiety and freak out when taking pills. Thank you for talking about this side of anxiety.
@harenokaori 4 жыл бұрын
“Did you come all this way just to give up?” is my mantra that always brings be back to earth, also I find stating things that are irrefutably real (today is Tuesday, my shirt is green etc.) also helps to bring me back down.
@gregh6961 4 жыл бұрын
I have mood disorder and seasonal depression, and I'm so glad that you posted this. Thank you for spreading positivity
@ekc_sc.722 4 жыл бұрын
I get violent shaking and sometimes disassociation during my panic attacks too. My doctor tried telling me that whole, "Let the negative idea float away" shit as well. My attacks usually aren't triggered by a negative thought. They literally come out of the blue, sometimes when I'm having a perfectly normal, or even happy, day. I know my doctor has my best interests at heart, but unless you suffer with anxiety, or have experienced an attack, no amount of book learning can make you understand what an anxiety disorder or a panic attack FEELS like. And I also know that feeling of shame after an attack if one has happened in front of someone. I experienced an absolutely horrific attack in front of a friend once and she was just saying, "My god, I didn't know they could be that bad. I'm so, so sorry. Don't feel embarrassed. I'm just glad I was here to help you." Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Personally, I've found that ASMR videos help me deal with my anxiety a lot.
@infial687 4 жыл бұрын
"Its like being haunted" That is definitely what it feels like. I dont think I've ever seen a youtuber bringing up panic disorder. It can come out of nowhere at any time in your life. I was 22. There's so little information about it that I kept on going to the hospital for heart issues because I didn't know what was happening. After the second time I went to the hospital I ended up going to see a psychiatrist instead. I was put on sertraline and after a while of taking it I was able to get back to my life. Like she said, everyone is different when it comes to these things. If one medication you are prescribed with does not work you have to keep working with your phyciatrist until you find one that does.
@elisaastoriapassoni681 4 жыл бұрын
I have been struggling with anxiety for years, anxiety and PTSD and the two thing combine together can really be hell, this period it's really hitting me hard. i am trying to adjust and taking one day at the time and keep my self as much busy as possible so i don't give my mind to much space.
@mom23js 4 жыл бұрын
Same! Mindless yard work helps a lil.. but then I have ocd tendencies about everything once I get started.. it's all exhausting 😩
@elisaastoriapassoni681 4 жыл бұрын
@@mom23js I would love to do yard work... but here just keep being cold and snowing...
@mom23js 4 жыл бұрын
@@elisaastoriapassoni681 LAME! well, I guess there's always snow forts and snowmen🤷.. that sux though.. I'm not even gunna pretend it doesn't.. I can't do snow because of joint issues. I've been in it 3x in my life.. never... Again. Been 10 years. Went to Niagra falls in March 2010 thinking "winter's over"🤣🤣🤣🤣. It's a good joke 🤣 and that was the last time I went.
@Ebbakinebba 4 жыл бұрын
I struggle with these two things also. It's good to know you're not alone and that you always have choices to try to cope with it every day. Self care is a must!
@elisaastoriapassoni681 4 жыл бұрын
@@mom23js I am done with snow for this year I just want warm and sunny weather!
@kimberley-7797 4 жыл бұрын
“You can’t take a break from your own brain” very true but the closest thing to a break is sleeping. That’s why I sleep like 14 hours per day 😔 but even then I feel bad in my dreams too
@ElizabethSagewood 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this video and differentiating between being stressed/sad with having an actual mental illness. Too many people use these terms loosely and misunderstand what it's actually about.
@StuntcatTV 4 жыл бұрын
The thing with therapy and therapists is, that it takes a insufferable long time until you feel that you make progress; and you have to find a therapist that you're tuned to the same wavelength with. If you think that therapist is a jerk or does not take you seriously, then get another. Proved to be a night and day difference for me.
@stonerstreet420 4 жыл бұрын
You've gained so many subs in the span of a week. I remember when you were at 100k, I'm so proud 😊🖤
@cindymarks9770 4 жыл бұрын
As it turns out for me, was a fear of driving or riding in cars that would set me off. I had some scary experiences in cars as a child, and they came back to haunt me as an adult. Caffeine is not your friend when this happens. I'm so happy you are on top of this! It can be very crippling.
@Lollylobesjewellery 4 жыл бұрын
Another one for me is humour humour is really helpfulbeing with someone and making some jokes or being silly even if it looks stupid or maniacal what it's doing it is training your brain at the same time to calm your body down and walk around and movement really does help moving your body constantlywalking back and forth walking all around the place playing some music singing to it really getting into it making yourself look like you're a total idiot you're actually not because you're fucken awesome and you are all awesome and you are not alone she is absolutely correct it's so commonand people like us actually constantly feel isolated andlonely anyway so it is harder when you're in self-isolation even if you're anjust ameerah idea that were all isolated makes you feel isolated so try your best to keep yourself busy do makeup watch KZfaq do artwork find something that's your niche that you really like
@Discoveringbandsbymichaelnagy 4 жыл бұрын
Yes having many hobbies and distractions and keeping your brain and body active help a lot!!
@marlisjacobi1483 4 жыл бұрын
Victoria Bones i agree one hundred percent . i watch the funniest shows or funny movies and it really works
@BardeBeauty 4 жыл бұрын
Yes!!! Painting watercolor in my case, watching funny videos too
@nataliehamilton1211 4 жыл бұрын
I recently had a panic attack, I couldn't breathe. No words, nothing was working and I didn't respond to anything anyone was saying. They had to call a counselor and security to calm me down which didn't make it better. I also can't be left alone without telling me where you're going, I will freak out and panic which comes from past trauma. I've tried bringing myself back to reality. 5 things you can see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste. Brings you back to reality
@maddy_stitches 4 жыл бұрын
My mum makes me do that if I call her in a panic!
@stephaniecurtis6259 4 жыл бұрын
This semester I had a professor who gave us a "panic attack hack". If you lace your fingers together and put your interlocked hands behind your head with your elbows out, you will automatically get deep breaths that are from your diaphragm. Trying to explain to someone in the midst of a panic attack "to breathe from your diaphragm" can sometimes cause unnecessary stress. Doing this with someone who is panicking can help take better breaths and help them if they are concerned about how they look doing the exercise. I myself have generalized anxiety disorder and this has helped me immensely when in a panic.
@kingpenny1793 4 жыл бұрын
Did that when I was 12! I would get anxious and not no why and just be like “oh I’m excited!” I’m 20 now and I still use the tactic it does work. It’s been harder now that I have more issues but it’s never not a helpful tip. Please try it whoever is reading this. “
@Discoveringbandsbymichaelnagy 4 жыл бұрын
I like how you explain how some anxiety is normal with being human and thanks for the great tips especially in these uncertain and rough times and the power of positivity is an amazing thing!!
@meaganpfiszter6274 4 жыл бұрын
you're so kind and understanding, thank you for sharing your tips and trying to help others ❤🖤 I hope you're doing okay during these tough times!
@bookcrazy001 4 жыл бұрын
I found out my anxiety disorder is a result of an autoimmune disease after about 15 years of experimental treatment on My brain. My hormones are weird so I went on medicine that eventually worked. I'm lucky to have found medicine that works 90% of the time and the other 10% is much more mild than what I used to get. I think I got expedited on treatment more than most ppl tho because my anxiety attacks were violent. Not many ppl realize anxiety is your fight or flight responses going haywire as a response to false danger. I didn't think "I'm dying, run away." I thought "I'm dying. Kill the danger." In many ways, it's hard to treat because running away from a situation is easier than trying to fight an arbitrary danger. I also had to go on a strict diet. Apparently eating corn and soy gives me anxiety due to a mild allergy. Go figure.
@bookcrazy001 4 жыл бұрын
Cuz mine is mostly allergy related, taking a Benadryl is great for the 10% of the time cuz then I can just knock my ass out.
@tulip-xl9ug 4 жыл бұрын
CreoleFaerie . I hope you will be on the mend soon. X
@bookcrazy001 4 жыл бұрын
@Sammy Devil, Jr. Oh I know. I unfortunately had to learn the hard way
@bookcrazy001 4 жыл бұрын
@@tulip-xl9ug thanks. I'm doing much better now. My college years were rough tho
@victoriaann4762 4 жыл бұрын
I had a very similar experience when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease. I’m glad that you found what was going on in your body and what works for you! 💕 After years worth of trying medications and thinking something was wrong with me, I had an autoimmune flare up that led to a diagnosis and taking hormone replacements. What. A. Difference! It’s those damn hormones, lmaooo. I think more people should be tested for thyroid disease or abnormal hormone levels before going straight for the mood meds. It made such a huge difference in my mood, and the way I treat my health. Strict diet (no gluten, no dairy, no wheat, no soy), yoga, and mindfulness (DBT therapy saved my life, man).
@chelseacates2859 4 жыл бұрын
I was able to overcome my depression and anxiety and I NEVER thought I would EVER be able to. Mine was brought on by my adopted mom (from birth) being a sociopath and purposely mentally abusive and manipulative. I was an only child so I was her little project. Basically she controlled me in every aspect of my life while still giving me enough freedom to feel like everything was my fault and I was never good enough. I was an extremely smart and exceptional child, but I had a tracker on my phone which was monitored constantly and when it came to things like schoolwork/ anything slightly adult like and important she took full control so I never learned how to manage anything. Basically since the sixth grade until when I was forced out of college in the first month for not having A's (to come back home, which I didn't) I was crying every day thinking of suicide and in college I was mega anxious over everything because she went to Europe and I had no clue what I was doing and couldn't get myself out of bed in the morning.. but while at college I met a guy who's now my husband. We've been together almost every day since we met which was 2015. I had depression issues and he had a lot of anger issues (the two don't go together very well lol) but basically the gist of all of this is that he was able to pull me out of all of this. It took threats of leaving and some (not many like probably 5 in the first 2 years) really heart wrenching fights where I thought everything was over in my life), but that, along with his mom requiring me to have a job (retail) changed my whole entire fucking life. Like not only was I able to have a job, (before I couldn't go into a store alone and would freak out) but I was able to move across the country and find us two different apartments all by myself (he joined the military last year) I can now talk to people on the phone no problem and probably become confrontational if I needed to stand up for myself and I can look people in the eyes and just do crazy simple things I'd never been able to do for the first 20 years of my life. If you've read this far you probably haven't discredited my story in your head yet as not being real or as bad as anybody's hopefully, but my shit was real like hyperventilating and scratching my wrists and crying and rocking back and forth over the littlest things and now it's really almost hard to remember that version of me. Overall it took me about two years with a lot of convincing it's possible and tough luck from my partner (which really sucked at the time because he didn't understand why, but if he had been lenient I don't think I ever would have snapped out of it).. and also separating obviously myself from my adopted mom (I haven't talked to her probably since the end of 2018) and that's really helped too. And I've become independent of her by nothing being held over my head to need her for. Things are really good now and my husband and I are still really good and super happy together and I also with my disorder helped him become more patient and understanding and less angry over things because that's something he'd had from growing up with an abusive mother also. So yeah :). I know everyone is different and it's very natural to repel that things can heal and get better when it's all you've known, but for me they did and I'm like the animal abuse before and after videos where everything's okay and the before dog is unrecognizable to the happy end dog :). Also I was diagnosed by two different doctors as severely (I forget the word) depressed and my mom just called me lazy, and then a month later also "had anxiety and depression" to be relatable or take that away from me too. She also threated constantly to put me in psych wards growing up for cutting and convinced me that I was crazy and nothing I said would be taken seriously by anyone thusly making me suicidal and frantic. -_- but yeah for the most part everything is calm and the last panic attack I had was Thanksgiving when I had to pee but the only bathroom had a curtain and I like totally lost it in front of everyone because I didn't mean to sound rude with my shy bladder and them being the nicest people ever :/. But like that's the only one I can remember for years. I have small bouts of depression that come in weekly waves from time to time just feeling apathetic and zoned out but nothing even remotely like what was my constant reality before. I know this is like a million years long, but basically remove toxic people completely, accept that it can get better even if you only believe it to be a .001% chance because that's better than nothing, maybe find someone willing to be there for you, and really really try not to give in and pull yourself out of it. Also attempt small things at a time. If you were like me and can't go into a store alone, make that your goal, or even something smaller and work on it for however long it takes, drive there and sit in your car for weeks if you have to get to the doors and turn around, but one day, go through them and that will be such an incredible achievement. And continue small goals after that with the same structure of time and small accomplishments of even just walking to the car to get there. I also recommend walking (in a safe area and when you're ready one with a lot of people to pass) and eventually trying to truly smile at the people you pass. [Side note: I actually was watching jeopardy and this kid told Alex (the host) that he was afraid of his roommate at first because he was a big dude, and Alex said he should have approached the situation thinking first of the guy as his friend who'd protect him. I'm trying to work on this now too to calm small fears I face now-a-days by thinking first of everybody as a friend who's on my side, instead of somebody to fear because generally speaking that is almost always the case and life is so much better if that's the case it really helps calm me because people aren't concerned with or out to get me whatsoever like my brain still tend to process..] And eventually if you can continue to grow and do things gradually outside of your comfort zone I believe in you to be able to feel free and comfortable at last like we all deserve to be. :) There is hope. I'm proof. Please don't discredit my life because I assure you it was very likely just as bad as what everyone else here is/ has experienced. That was 20 whole years of my life from birth where I was unloved and just a big mess on the inside. I believe in you guys ❤️ please believe in you too❤️ please..
@chicabcn1967 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for the "mother" you have, for me that have problems with my mom more normal and take decades to solve (they aren't solved yet). I think it's almost a miracle that in only 2 years you could recover from 20 years of abuse, love and empathy are the best for this. Like a friend said baby steps, one day and then another day and one day you are running. Good luck 💜🖤💜🖤💜
@chelseacates2859 4 жыл бұрын
@Sammy Devil, Jr. ? I'm not sure what you're getting at here?? "The school of hard knocks" was like 20% of those two years and really it was just boundaries my bf at the time had made for himself because of all my literal fright and sadness that was kind of tearing his life apart. The other 80% was love and reassurance and working on myself but what clicked in my brain was just the negative energy was projecting onto him and how that wasn't good. No Stalin's here. Everything doesn't need to be turned negative on the internet. My intention was to let people know things can be okay and that's what just happened to click in my brain and now I'm not thinking of suicide and terrified and crying every day of my life 😕. Everything doesn't need to be put in terms of negativity and doomsdays demise. Some things can be nice for once.. Honestly I'm just confused by what your comment was meaning..? O.o I wish you well
@chelseacates2859 4 жыл бұрын
@@chicabcn1967 Luckily for me I'm adopted so that tie was easier to cut in a way. Things do take time. With a relationship, mother and daughter, it requires both to be working to better things. I hope all is well in your situation and know that it should never turn out to be all on only your shoulders❤️💕. Lots and lots of baby steps. I still take small baby steps even today with lesser, still related things, they're uncomfortable but they are needed for growth. I think the only reason I recovered so quickly was from being told of how it was so negatively affecting my partner. If not for that and a lot of times just jumping head first into really big changes at the time I know without him I would likely still be how I was or much worse. My birth mother surprisingly was exactly like me when I met her for the first time last year but she seemed almost worse because she'd been through so long without having anybody there for her properly 💔. She's so smart and wonderful but we live in separate states. I hope one day we can live closer and she can find peace and happiness too. I believe there's hope in everyone if somebody just takes the time to show them they're loved and valid and encourages them to take steps towards change :). Again, I hope things turn out good for you :) 💕
@bubblepop999 4 жыл бұрын
For me a lot of supplements actually helped: 10mg of CBD per day + L-theanine with my morning coffee + 250 mg magnesium. Whenever I lack the ability to take this stack I do notice a harder time stopping my mind from racing so much and it's easier to focus on the now with calmness. Also a few good reads: The subtle art of not Giving a Fuck, and the DARE approach to anxiety. Positive thinking, albeit hard to practice at first especially if you're cynical, really helps to tame the constant feeling that the worst may happen. Acceptance is also key, accepting that this is how you are and you have your limits; letting the feelings come and go as they are.
@elizabethbentley2582 4 жыл бұрын
It's A Malkavian Thing ltheanine is really helpful ! I like how accessible it is too you can just buy a bottle from Walmart in the vitamins section. I got impatient n took 4 when I first got it thinking it’d be as affective as literally drinking green tea n I was way to relaxed lmao like basically drunk n laying down but now I know just how well it works n can take a suitable amount.
@DestructionGlitter 4 жыл бұрын
I talk to myself during panic attacks. I repeat the words "I'm ok" and "I'm safe" maybe a hundred times, and I do it loudly. I may look like a total idiot doing that, but it's better than feeling like I'm about to die. And it also forces me to be aware of my breathing and manage it, that's why it's important to say it out loud, so you have to use your breath. I'm also taking anxiety medication, and I could not have survived without it. My anxiety worsened thanks to dear coronavirus, so my gp also prescribed me some Xanax. I have asthma as well, so when I get a panic attack it sometimes ends with an asthma attack too, thanks to my breath being so wonky. Also when I'm completely disassociated and my ears are ringing and I can't feel my body, I try to touch something very cold or very soft, or basically anything that provides a sensory reminder of my physical body. So yeah, talking to myself like a crazy person and touching stuff around me. And medication!!
@x99ribs 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit I've never heard someone talk about their experience with anxiety/panic which was so relatable, especially when you mentioned disassociation, I've had experiences with that and it's lasted for days.
@babybat5687 4 жыл бұрын
whenever i get really anxious, or edge into a panic attack, i like to listen to audio recordings of familiar voices, i know that is super silly but im just putting this out there for anybody else who either already does this or who hasnt thought of this yet :) ps. this is THE most helpful video for anxiety i have EVER seen
@maddy_stitches 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I never thought of this! Sounds like something that could really work for me! Thank you!
@sta4tic470 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds super odd but when I have panic attacks and can't steady my breathing, I have a drink of water. Like chug a cup. Because it slows my breathing and helps me. Unfortunately it does nothing for you mentally however it really helps my breathing if I stick at it.
@marianazaret2055 4 жыл бұрын
For me, drinking makes it worse, because my brain associates alcohol with death,sooo yeah.
@sta4tic470 4 жыл бұрын
@@marianazaret2055 no I mean like water lol sorry if it sounded like alcohol
@sta4tic470 4 жыл бұрын
I'll edit it to say water lol
@mafaldasantana3242 4 жыл бұрын
Thank u dear for this video. I ve been suffering from anxiety since I was 12, when I was 15 I started to have panic attacks. When I was a teenager in my crises I thought that I was going to faint and get crazy, nowadays I feel that I am going to die, Its so horrible. I feel that this issue is blocking my life and because of that I ve never went abroad to live altough it was my dream :/ This is something cronic, sometimes you are fine and it seems everything will be fine but suddenly here we go again....these days have been tough with this Pandemia but I am trying my best to be fine, I eat well, I try to sleep well, I take vitamins. When my levels of anxiety are getting high I watch things that I really like for example your videos, or traveling videos and sometimes it works if the level is not too high. Lately I have been taking an emergency pill in severe panic attacks, its really good I just have to put under my tongue and in seconds the panic is going down, I definetly recomend this SOS pill, in my case also gives me a sense of security because I know I have a solution. My ex boss also gave me a tip, she said to put the hands in cold water during a crise, I ve never tried but I might. Thank you again for the tips and to show us that we are not alone and not the only ones fighting this.
@4n0mie 4 жыл бұрын
your first tip reminds me of one of the ways I cope with anxiety: in my mid-late teens, as my anxiety was getting really bad, was when I got into horror films! I've been an anxiety-ridden mess my whole life, so I was sure watching an actual horror movie would be too much for me. to my surprise, I loved the feeling of experiencing that fear, but owning it, feeling excited and giggly about being spooked. now I love all things scary, ironically because experiencing anxiety and fear through a controlled medium helps me deal with those times when it's not happening on my terms.
@meercat70 4 жыл бұрын
I touch my cat & she starts purring and she helps me more than any medication 💝
@nightshade1732 4 жыл бұрын
So glad your giving tips for people who suffer from this, you really do know how we feel, its mind blowing how many people underestimate anxiety, it truly does feel like dying, blurred vision depersonalization and heart rate as fast as all hell and a spike in blood pressure. The worst is probably being convinced that surely you will die from a heart attack or be forever stuck in this derealized state. I never thought about associating fast heart rate with being excited, distracting from the horrible feeling very well could at least make it less hellish. And I completely feel you on the fear of meds, I've had panic attacks from thinking a vitamin was going to kill me 🤦‍♂️. Love your videos and the tips in this video. Will help a lot especially in these days of being locked up inside.
@dawndelosmuertos4025 4 жыл бұрын
I have panic disorder, have had it all my life. For the past 15 years I have been taking Xanax on a daily basis and no more attacks. I don't know how many times I had my husband haul me to the hospital because I thought I was dying. Fortunately, he's very understanding and could talk me back down to a calm level. They'd happen for no reason, anxiety attacks are basically a huge Adrenalin dump into your system and no one knows why they happen. I know that Xanax isn't the answer for every one but it's worked for me. No panic attacks in 15 years and I love it. That works for me!
@Ps3N3rd92 4 жыл бұрын
Please never stop making videos, watching you always improves my mood because you're such a lovely person 🖤
@shellegriffin 4 жыл бұрын
Love the colors in your make up. I'll pass your wisdom on to my Dad.
@autumnbuckner4004 4 жыл бұрын
My car broke down in a drive through today. Ended up getting towed. I have dreadful anxiety and this whole instance really touched my nerves. Thanks for the video.
@chromatikkritters2958 4 жыл бұрын
I had my first panic attack in a long time last week. I just couldn’t breathe from hyperventilating and almost passed out. Took hours for my heart to stop ramming in my chest. Forgot how scary they are.
@maddy_stitches 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah I had my first meltdown in a while the other day over the Easter weekend. Lucky it wasn't one of my worst ones and I jumped on all my coping mechanisms qucik, but it was still super scary
@WaterKatara 4 жыл бұрын
I just broke up with my boyfriend and I'm going through terrible anxiety and I needed this!
@heatherlovesyoutubeheather7431 4 жыл бұрын
I just broke up with my boyfriend too. You will be okay. I know it’s hard but your beautiful and you have got an exciting life ahead of you think of that 😊
@Emily789 4 жыл бұрын
Me too
@laurenszyper6455 4 жыл бұрын
Everything you’re sharing and recommending is so helpful. I say this as a mutual anxious person as well as saying this as a licensed psychologist. I appreciate you and appreciate this topic for a video.
@jessicacrisanti3529 4 жыл бұрын
Tbh I was having a panic attack and I went on KZfaq with the hope of destracting myself when I saw this and it helped thanks! 😊 Iv been in quarantine for over a month now but I'm OK with it. I feel better at home less stressed by ALOT bc of lack of stressful ppl but of corse the panic monster still has to make an appearance once in a while no matter what.
@NancyBrown1975 Жыл бұрын
Like you say to breathe slowly, it makes the heart rate go down and you can also hold your breath while counting five Mississippi's and then repeat this step over and over again until you have calmed yourself to think logically about what is happening around you, that nothing bad is really going to happen. Just holding your breath and counting puts you in the present moment to get away from the trigger. It’s a very good idea too if you can have calming medications. Some people have had a really rough past and I have heard that the panic can come from nothing. It’s so true our brains are all different and have had different experiences in life. Alarm bells start clanging from past experiences and it’s no fun.
@pierre-yvesahee7558 4 жыл бұрын
You are describing it so well. It is so hard to explain to people who don't know what it is. You are right about physical sensations. When it happens to me I have pins and needles in my whole body. It is awful.
@aviev8896 4 жыл бұрын
I watched your video on the beach & I cried a smidge- for you & for me. I've experienced this standstill for the past year almost to the point of inactivity on electronics completely outside of my college classes, but couldn't put it in words or even think that much of anyone would understad anyway. I don't think I'll ever understand it myself fully.. but eventually, I let my anxiety cause me to become frozen in this endless cycle of mundane panic, even becoming absent from my studies. I have been watching your videos on and off for about 4 years now, & just need to say that you are wonderful & that I would like to apologize to you also for not checking in on you! You motivate a lot of people & have always made me smile. Especially, I enjoy the idea of getting up to do jumping jacks around my room while being my own cheerleader lol. Thank you for being you & know I'm cheering you on as always!🖤❤️
@carrieskalski4008 Жыл бұрын
When I had panic attacks I was told to say 'I'm safe, I'm not I'm danger blah blah .'and it hasn't worked right away but this advice I haven't tried and def sounds like it will work next time. Mind you I haven't gotten an attack in a while, which I'm proud of :]
@orangedaisyeyes3009 4 жыл бұрын
Girl, this is some of the most unique and best advice I've ever been privlaged to receive! I have horrific, crippling, panic disorder. Medication helps me a lot; however, I do get into what I call "panic world" every couple years. I've never heard of anyone that has as similar anxiety as me. I'm so happy and feel so validated. I feel, not alone. I also hate taking medication; but my medication has saved me. I love how you describe panic as a haunting & it sneaking up on you in a physical manifestation. Girl. Thank you. All the love! 🖤🖤🖤
@blackfeather3959 4 жыл бұрын
This has been helpful. I honestly truly thought "no, I don't need meds. I'm fine. I don't need this". Later on, I have realized that watching funny things & other things aren't enough. I feel.... ashamed, 4 needing medication, but I do kno that they are there 2 help. I still cry when I take my meds 4 anxiety every morning, but it is helping. 💚
@rachelace6102 4 жыл бұрын
While being quarantined like this, I try to remember something my cousin, a nurse, said to me. You're not stuck at home, you're safe at home. There's a big difference. Bless you.
@michellebarringer2823 4 жыл бұрын
the video we needed. Honestly ,just hearing that we are not alone in this almost put me in tears -cuz it is easy to just get lost in "the fog" i call it thank you for this video and advice. sending all love and hopefully some positivity that i can muster your way
@dirgemage 4 жыл бұрын
I really hope you are able to read this at some point. From the bottom of my heart, thank you SO much for posting this. Even though I don't deal with depression as much as anxiety, I loved your video on the tips for depression and I was eagerly waiting for this one. You perfectly described what I go through. I felt so incredibly alone because even people who do have anxiety wouldn't seem to understand how extreme my panic disorder is. It has also made me into a bit of a hypochondriac because I always feel so sure something is wrong with me on a physical level. I have spent hundreds of dollars every couple of months to get brain scans done, Holter monitoring, and ultrasounds on my heart. My limbs go completely Numb, my heart palpatates frequently, my vision becomes distorted, I cannot walk properly and I just feel... Wrong on a molecular level. It almost feels like your very soul is being assaulted. If there's anything that would ever drive me to ending my life, I knew it would be anxiety. I don't even remember who or how I was before it started reshaping the way I lived life as a whole. What made it even worse was when I stupidly took psychedelics and had a bad acid trip and got one of the worst panic attacks I ever experienced. That took an unimaginable turn on my psychee and changed me. I cannot enjoy nearly anyrhing I used to without it triggering an episode. To the point where, this wind feels weird- I am having an attack. I heard a tap sound- I am having an attack. My bones don't feel right- I am having an attack. I swore off of meds years ago because I didn't like how they made me feel empty inside and I wouldn't want to become reliant. But over the past two weeks I have felt extremely suicidal, not because of sadness or depression, but for the want to not have to suffer as I have suffered for many years anymore... And then I saw this video. I was half expecting that maybe you would mention all natural remedies and there would be something new that I haven't tried yet. But you really did send a wake up call to me that I need more help. I have a medical emergency and I need to be treated. Thank you so much for making this video and helping people like me. And I sincerely hope that it saves people from further progressing into something we both had to deal with. I really hope that everyone takes heed and finds justifiable cause to love and respect themselves enough to get the help that they need. Thank you so much. 💜 And I'm sorry for writing this essay, lol. This just really hits home..
@countessa222 4 жыл бұрын
*A major tip/advice that I use* Process your feelings in the moment you're feeling them, don't push them down don't put them off don't say I don't care and just leave whatever situation. Process that feeling, if you're angry feel it! If you're sad, feel it! If you have to cry ... do it. Bottling it up or pushing it away will make it a million times worse. And then you won't even know what is upsetting you because you put it off for so long. So on top of being anxious and depressed, you'll also be confused and angry because you'll feel like you have no reason to be feeling the bad feelings. For me personally bottling it up is what causes my deepest depressions. It snuck up and just Blasted me K.O. when by all accounts I should have been the happiest I've ever been. Last year was the worst year for my depression I couldn't get out of bed all I could do was cry and I felt like I was dying and like I was a burden on the world ... Even though nothing caused it out right ... I just woke up one day enveloped in the darkness and it wouldn't go away... So I stopped saying I don't care, I stop putting off my emotions, and I started to try to feel my feelings again even the bad ones because we can't all be happy all the time... And realizing that has helped me so much. I'm still working on it but I'm facing my demon now not running from it 🤘.
@LeighannaHelms 4 жыл бұрын
Man, I needed this desperately. Anxiety has been abusing me for awhile. The scariest part is exactly what you said: you can’t escape your own brain. I always have that thought mid panic attack and it just spirals. It’s terrifying to not be in control of your own brain in those moments. I’ve had a few experiences with intense depersonalization attached (I’ve never experienced it outside of this pandemic). It feels like a horror film that I can’t step out of...just kinda have to wait for it to lighten its grip. Thanks for talking about this❤️ Helps to remember that I’m not as alone as I feel when I’m in it.
@kristiinakapinen2071 Жыл бұрын
Wow. "Haunted" is how I describe it.
@veronica4630 4 жыл бұрын
There is something amazing that my therapist taught me called grounding. Look around the room or out the window and point to five or six different things around and name them out loud. for example, "there's a chair, there's a tree, there's a light, there's a door knob, etc. And I found that it REALLY works for me. Of course it doesn't work every single time but it definitely helps. I have had a panic disorder since I was about 12. I am 20 now and still find it so hard to deal with almost every day.
@maddy_stitches 4 жыл бұрын
My mum makes me do this if I call her in a panic
@wingedtrish 4 жыл бұрын
One of the best therapists I ever had had me do this thing where I literally talked to myself. I moved chairs to talk to myself. It was eye opening because I learned just how much hate I had for myself. I developed a little mental image of caring for that part of myself that I hated so much. It was so incredibly helpful. The best therapists aren't the ones who tell you to let go of negative thoughts. They're the ones who give you the safe space to confront those negative thoughts.
@amberd.mccammon1860 4 жыл бұрын
Keep your head up and just keep swimming
@maryonacrosssss 4 жыл бұрын
That quote from the really good Three Idiots movie "all is well" really helps me
@lindadaheim3412 4 жыл бұрын
I really have made good experiences with CBD-Oil when I start to get freaked out (cannot sleep, high blood pressure, feel fear). It really helped me a lot. And I really am with you that trying to "calm" yourself by taking a walk. Etc really makes you more fearful and "action" helps to act it out and helps that it doesn't overwhelm you. And the hack with the notes is really good! I have a mirror with "Respect yourself" written on it. And you are so right about coffee.
@khoristone8108 3 жыл бұрын
I know this is a older video and you probably won’t see this, but thank you so much for this! I struggle with anxiety and panic disorder and I appreciate the tips 🖤🖤🖤
@jazminuzumaki5327 4 жыл бұрын
There was a time when I was in 9th grade in dance class I had an asthma attack and was calmed down then sent to the nurses office. After the nurse left to get something I started to have a panic attack. I started to tremble and constantly looking around. I was crying and confused as to what I was doing in the room. I started to ask myself why I was scared and where the nurse went. What calmed me down was that I started to talk to myself saying that I was gonna be ok and thought about happy things. That stuff does work. At least for me.
@andrenikolaipowers2367 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I totally vibe with this video Thank you! Yea my worst panic attack was back in december I had 8 waves of panic attacks over the course of 2 hours. I was sitting at the minute clinic in my chair crying, unable to sit still, shaking. I was embarrassed during because people probably thought I was an addict. It was bad. Thankfully my doc put me on sertraline, and its managed my anxiety quite well. I stead of 2-3 attacks a week it's now down to 1-2 a month at worst. 6 months and still going strong.
@lisataylor4187 4 жыл бұрын
I have battled with my anxiety for my entire 34 years on this planet. I have never in this time heard anyone speak of anxiety in such a way that makes me think "oh my god, that is me" thank you for raising awareness of the true feelings around anxiety. And for your truthful examples and descriptions. Thank you. It really does help to know we are not alone.
@popsicleemperor 4 жыл бұрын
These are actually quite good! as someone who works in the mental health field this these are techniques that we actually teach folks in therapy! Therapy can also be helpful for many folks! I'd also highly recommend grounding exercises! Also using temperature regulation methods like splashing cold water on yourself or holding ice. Also re: things tow rite down things like "I'm safe" "this is my anxiety happening" can be more supportive as they're true.💙
@cassiehub1343 4 жыл бұрын
Did anyone else get emotional watching this because it was such a relief to know that you’re not the only one dealing with this??!! ❤️
@suededogs9670 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you totally. I dont know how the CBT people expect you to ignore the negative thinking. That IS the abnormality. Thinking to the extreme as we do.
@barbaragrimes9184 4 жыл бұрын
I've just gave up coffee because of my anxiety problems. It's helped a lot. Thanks for the other ideas to help.
@jordan.gjerde 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve actually been doing quiet a few of these things myself while I’m panicking, I’ve just never really sat down and thought about those processes. I really appreciate you for this 🖤 “There’s a reason they call it a panic attack, not a panic fair-fight.”
@daniellemagerowski4506 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video. I needed this so badly. I’m always anxious and this pst week has been terrible. At first I felt super calm and fine when we went on lockdown. It’s hard to not cut myself
@franzferdinand17 4 жыл бұрын
I would find myself having random panic attacks frequently when my mom was sick and dying of cancer... I’ve had panic attacks, or major crying fits since she’s passed... Like wake up in the middle of the night crying hysterically
@lacyn9274 4 жыл бұрын
My sister just passed away and my anxiety went crazy. I cant sleep. I feel sick all the time. She was my biggest support system she also had anxiety so it sux not having her anymore.
@alaniglesias5661 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve found that if you’re dissociating or panicking if you just start humming and lightly singing it makes you feel better, it doesn’t have to be a song just random sounds and words humming, for me it takes just enough room in my mind to tune out whatever gobledygook it’s throwing at you but still be able to do other things.
@katmarie743 4 жыл бұрын
Love this vid, full of realistic advice! I can't get on with any meds though... One thing is I find playing my favourite old school video games can help pull me out of out a state of dispare and act as a distraction from reality 💜
@chicabcn1967 4 жыл бұрын
When I'm starting to feel nervous and I want to calm down I play solitary in the phone, it's a no big brain game, short, and I always have the mobile with me so it's a tip that works for me but only at the beginning of the anxiety.
@katmarie743 4 жыл бұрын
@@chicabcn1967 ahh yes, very good! 😉♥♣♦♠
@iamnicki6125 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Itsblackfriday!
@AJ-qi4yn 3 жыл бұрын
I'm 37 and have suffered with anxiety since a out 6 yrs old. I've watched and listened and read alot of stuff for anxiety and depression and I've never heard anyone put it into words better than you. I feel like you are describing exactly what I go through in this video.
@elizabethkenobi1365 4 жыл бұрын
I suffer from generalized anxiety and depression. I have never had a full on panic attack, but my anxiety was getting worse. I did finally admit I needed medication and started seeing a therapist, and this has helped me so much. It's not just covering over the pain--it's helping me deal with the source and heal. My advice is, if you know something is wrong and you have trouble keeping your thoughts under control, it can never hurt to ask a professional for help. I have had a very loving family and a good life so I resisted seeking help thinking I'd be implying there was something wrong with me or how I was raised, but that's not true. It's not an admission of failure on anyone's part if you seek help and support--it's an act of courage.
@mtsn 4 жыл бұрын
This was absolutely lovely. You described it perfectly. For some people it's really hard to explain what's going on with us, and it's not that easy as they think to come off of those things just "brushing it off". Although it is pretty hard to say "I'm fine" when I'm definiely NOT, it worths trying it. Just by deviating your thoughts to something else helps, even if it's difficult (at first). The other advices are very helpful as well. Medicines are VERY important (the side effects might disappear after a couple weeks!). If the first one you've tried doesn't work, try another, and so on. One will eventually work. Same as therapists. Some are just idiots, they live in a fantasy world. Keep trying new ones until you find someone that will really "click", it makes a big difference once it starts to work. Also, never ever be afraid of being yourself, saying what you want to say, doing what you want to do, and try not doing things just to satisfy others if you're not being satisfied yourself.
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