Hunt Down the Mossman

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Richter Overtime

Richter Overtime

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Entropy : Zero 2 is a really interesting Half-Life 2 mod. I've got some really interesting things to say about it that might make you upset. Watch the video.
00:00 Intro
01:42 Story
03:32 Gameplay
05:54 Positive
06:55 Negative
11:19 Wrap Up
12:08 Outro
12:31 Post-Outro (Spoilers)
Entropy : Zero 2:
Follow Richter Overtime on Twitter: / richterovertime
Support Richter Overtime on Patreon: / richterovertime
Music from ‪@Vandoorea‬ and EZ1, HL2 and Opfor Soundtracks
Songs from the outro are from me and ‪@ratlobber‬'s upcoming rap album
Special thanks to new patron Marka301

Пікірлер: 715
@theRedGman Жыл бұрын
Mitchell tried to hunt down freeman for years. Cop 3650 hunted down mossman in like 2 days
@raymond4592 Жыл бұрын
he never found freeman lol
@gregoryderpwrld111 Жыл бұрын
Now I wanna see 36 beating the crap out of Michell
@olathianwhiskey416 Жыл бұрын
@@gregoryderpwrld111 why?
@gregoryderpwrld111 Жыл бұрын
@@olathianwhiskey416 Michel is not a good protagonist
@greengarnish1711 Жыл бұрын
Walker is actually a well written character and would decimate Mitchel no dif.
@hanzerwaggen9386 Жыл бұрын
On the topic of the MP5K I can see why people don't like the weapon's addition or find it unnecessary but I think its introduction is for a quite smart reason, since Bad Cop now doesn't use the 9MM USP pistol and has the Gauss pistol they now had an ammo type that the main character just doesn't interact with in the game so by adding the MP5K they hit two birds with one stone as Bad cop now has a weapon in 9mm and a bit of fun for beta enjoyers
@errantvice7335 Жыл бұрын
Also it’s a wonderful anti-rebel implement, one burst is all you need
@generalgrievous2202 Жыл бұрын
@@errantvice7335 and the automatic fire works wonders on larger enemies
@hubertthegrand4353 Жыл бұрын
it also fills the midrange niche quite nicely since ammo is more common for it than the magnum and crossbow cause you can just kick shotgunner rebels to get them to pull out an mp5k that you can get ammo from
@cbl1199 Жыл бұрын
I liked it more than the other smg because its far more precise over long distance, like you can hit npc at about a hundred feet of distance with it while you can hardly hit a guy at 30 with the other.
@Kalidaaaaa Жыл бұрын
It fits the role of a common ammo ranged weapon. It isn’t perfect and is better fit for a mid to slightly long-range weapon. Or close quarters with the secondary fire, although it burns through ammo, making that slightly more risky to use. It’s a good implementation into the gameplay and I personally love its addition. Also as a casual beta enjoyer, I like when people bring in canon weapons that weren’t seen in the retail HL2. As long as they’re done right anyways.
@croma2068 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the MP5K doesn't revolutionize combat, but the burst fire and super fast full auto make it more stimulating to shoot than the regular SMG. Honestly, the MP5K could have entirely replaced the SMG the same way the Gauss pistol replaces the regular pistol in this mod.
@Crystal-dl9ks Жыл бұрын
its a decent ranged weapon before the revolver so i used it as a ranged fallback when i run out of revolver ammo, well that was from my experince.
@hashirevyt Жыл бұрын
@@Crystal-dl9ks Same, I often used the MP5K as my main workhorse when it came to long-range shooting. It was surprisingly accurate.
@skullzans Жыл бұрын
@@hashirevyt When I used the MP5K it was so I could kill shit fast. It kills faster than smg and is more satisfying to use, it can reliably kill vortigaunts too. SMG kind of fell off but every time i used the SMG, it killed rebels in seconds or it did nothing, it felt too inconsistent. I prefer the first game's AR2, but I like we *Sort of* got it back in the endgame. Though they do NOT give enough ammo for it. I also very much miss having melee, kick is fun but it just doesnt do good damage, and Im the type who commits break everything after entry.
@Devilforce988 Жыл бұрын
I used the mp5 for longer more accurate combat and never used the auto cause of the smaller ammo pool plus becomes as inaccurate as the default smg when fired too long but much faster, while the default smg for more spray up close in a group of enemies if it was dry on nades so to me more variety is always good in a game for players. Would have loved an auto shotty or a winchester rifle along with an achievement for getting kills with it and the magnum like a cowboy
@skullzans Жыл бұрын
@@Devilforce988 There actually is an unused second shotgun funny enough, i think its a winchester, might be wrong.
@Kralich Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words, Richter! As the lead asset creator on the mod it was an amazing, challenging, but insanely rewarding four years of development, and I'm so proud of us for getting this done.
@thunderslug1066 Жыл бұрын
Feel like you're the perfect person to ask, but what are the ribs coming out of clone cop? Is it part of his severe injuries like his skinless arms or is it the ribcage turned teeth of a zombie stuck in his vest, in the same way there's manhack chunks embedded in him?
@thunderslug1066 Жыл бұрын
@Nuts from Berserk they all died thankfully
@Kralich Жыл бұрын
@@thunderslug1066 It's his ribs beginning to poke out - listening to the audio logs you can hear he gets rather banged up over the course of the game, but we figured the transhuman enhancements plus whatever morphine or drug cocktail he's pumping into his body with the tubing in him is keeping him alive enough to get the job done.
@thunderslug1066 Жыл бұрын
@@Kralich ahh there's a few audio logs I've still not tracked down yet, but that makes perfect sense. Personally I just love the design of clone cop, the horrific injuries plus the phytoplankton gives him this really cool colour scheme that makes sense in the context of Arbeit and the graphic mutilations make him damn scary, so genuinely great work on his design my guy
@diskdriven38 Жыл бұрын
After 4 years in development, it was worth the wait
@MegaChickenfish Жыл бұрын
5:08 I recognized the aperture tech on them like the long fall boots but somehow missed that the jetpacks were repurposed tau cannons, referencing the HL1 speedrun strategy; that's awesome!
@Gulliblepikmin Жыл бұрын
They're not Aperture Science Long Fall Boots, they're Aperture Science Advanced Knee Replacements.
@codemancz798 Жыл бұрын
I thought they were repurposed Gravity Guns. How does strapping a Tau cannon on your back lead to motion?
@Gulliblepikmin Жыл бұрын
@@codemancz798 You clearly haven't seen Half-Life 1 speedruns then.
@nonono4680 Жыл бұрын
@@codemancz798 they have extremely high recoil
My question is, does the tau cannon not....hurt their feet? I mean it blasts the ground they stand on LOL
@chocolatefitzgerald5692 Жыл бұрын
Part as to why this game has so much fan-service to OpFor and mechanics that resemble OpFor, is because Breadman, the mod's creator, has said somewhere that he wanted the Entropy: Zero series to be "the Opposing Force we never got", fully immersing ourselves into the eyes of a Half-Life bad guy. Also, fuck the Pit-Drones. You call them forgettable enemies but those suckers gave me a lot of trouble since their attacks deal very high damage on Combine Elite difficulty, a force to be reckoned with. Other than that, the MP5K is a great addition to the game, a good sidegrade to the MP7 and, as someone else commented before, a good way to reintroduce 9mm ammo into the game as the USP's been replaced by the Prototype Gauss Pistol.
@joshuawing4766 10 ай бұрын
In opfor they're still pains in the ass. I literally replayed the entire game and stopped twice when I got to those guys
@barrag3463 6 ай бұрын
Pitdrones were a major annoyance in OpFor as well; basically a bullsquid, but faster and harder to hit / avoid, especially when it came to their ranged attack, in addition to being smaller and harder to hit at distance. Really when I think about, and in spite of having a soft spot for OpFor, many if not all of the Race X enemies were kinda bull. Shock Troops fire faster than vorts while having an actual stun mechanic when hitting you, and not having a wind up. And I will never forgive the person who thought it would be cool to put you in a dark maze with a bunch of those big guys.
@thatmadmoose6015 Жыл бұрын
(Spoiler Warning) I think my favorite plot point of the mod is the idea that the combine let 3650 keep his “faculties”. It’s a minor one to be sure but it’s there to explain why all of the other combine foot soldiers can’t play the same as 3650. What makes it even better is that even ties into one of the endings. The “bad ending” where you get your faculties ripped from you, reducing you to another mere grunt in front of Gordon’s massacre.
@yesimrealhuman4245 Жыл бұрын
the mp5k is the best solution to the problem "why does the pistol exist" because now its ammo is useful for the highly accurate and deadly gun which allows you to spray down anyone in your way with the only drawback being the limited ammo and slow reload
@xdarin_ Жыл бұрын
Squads in EZ2 are actually fun to use, unlike in HL2 where they're usually just in the way. And commanding them makes me feel pretty badass with the hand animation. Also, they don't make me want to murder any random rebels who join my squad.
@komodokernal Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed the squad mechanic as well. The hand motions and how it all works reminds me a lot of the squad mechanics in Republic Commando and that was one of my favorite parts about that game.
@owenhammond1880 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I either tried to get em all AR2's or Shotguns so we could just blast in guns a blazing.
@xdarin_ Жыл бұрын
@@owenhammond1880 i never found out how to give weapons
@Gulliblepikmin Жыл бұрын
The reason why the combine soldiers never got in your way is because they stand in that place for as long as you want them to, unlike with the rebels in HL2 who start following you again 5 seconds after you tell them to stay in place. I once played through Anticitizen One impulse 203ing (the command deletes whatever entity you have your crosshair over) every rebel that I saw, (besides the ones you get right before the plaza fight) and it was way better than with them. I recommend trying Anticitizen One rebel-less.
@xdarin_ Жыл бұрын
@@Gulliblepikmin I just kill them.
@giovannimorelli4592 Жыл бұрын
The first Entropy Zero was a good mod, with a really good concept, but if i'm going to be honest i didn't understand what was happening with the story; anyways after i completed it i saw that EZ2 was going to be relesed in 10 days, so when it came out i instantly played it and it is a really big step up from the first EZ, the gameplay and story are really good. In conclusion EZ2 is a really great mod.
@rogerphone481 Жыл бұрын
the stealth section of entropy zero 1 was not good, like, at all. rest of it was really fun though!
@giovannimorelli4592 Жыл бұрын
@@rogerphone481 yeah
@wedoalittletrolling723 Жыл бұрын
@@rogerphone481 because you are used to suspicion meters, that's why
@rogerphone481 Жыл бұрын
@@wedoalittletrolling723 no, its because the rng was so high and the ai was not designed for stealth because it's based on a 2004 game.
@wedoalittletrolling723 Жыл бұрын
​@@rogerphone481 because NPCs instantly detect you because Source doesn't have a stealth system outside of "remain hidden mechanic/npc not knowing where you are"
@TheCerealkiller148 Жыл бұрын
I like how with the MP5k, the weapon selector says it is "Out of service" and Bad Cop says "Woah, haven't seen one of these things in a while." as if to say early in the occupation CPs were issued MP5ks rather than MP7s, but later upgraded to the MP7 once they started dealing with heavier resistance wearing body armor, something the MP7 is better suited for than the MP5k in real life.
@nathankopecky Жыл бұрын
Honestly didn’t know you could even beat the game without Wilson, couldn’t bring myself to leave him behind
@user-love50803 Жыл бұрын
yeah but bringing wilson with you for the whole game can get a better ending
@tonypeppermint5329 Жыл бұрын
@@user-love50803 The fact we can get a better ending makes Wilson so much more important.
@StarWithAPencil Жыл бұрын
Might've kinda ruined the game when bringing wilson on your first run, i did so and completely reset if wilson died, got left behind, was stuck, killed me, or literally anything that makes him NOT with me anymore.i literally could not focus on killing enemies without worrying about wilson. (I even killed some people by throwing wilson at them which made me laugh) Hell I even had to retry multiple points waaaay far back like the SPOILERS FOR ENDING OF ENTROPY ZERO 2 i even attempted to reset the bad cop clone boss fight by putting wilson in a safer spot thinking that would save him. As well as the part where the rebel vortigaunts throw a xen portal to your area and you have to fight off waves of enemies. I left him at that loot computer thing, after i completed the wave survival i restarted because i didn't think i would see wilson again. I did see the fact i WOULD go back so i didn't get the loot :( But at least i got that cool dialog with bad cop clone and wilson. :)
@DesolateLavender Жыл бұрын
I didn't get sick of the fan service personally. Every single bit of it was perfectly placed to me. Except that bat... thing. You have a point there. I didn't even know what the fuck it was, and never noticed it after the first one in the cage.
@vandujrgaming4340 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, little thing just instakilled me more often than not.
@DesolateLavender Жыл бұрын
@@vandujrgaming4340 Really? As I said, I never saw it after the first one you encounter, and I didn't even know you could let it loose, so I never fought it.
@vandujrgaming4340 Жыл бұрын
@@DesolateLavender Yeah, they EXPLODE on your ass, it's annoying. If you don't have armor, and you let them divebomb you, you just insta-die. Also, you can spawn them from xen grenades, and yeah, the cage breaks with one kick. Found that accidentally.
@quixotes4478 Жыл бұрын
@Gulliblepikmin Жыл бұрын
It's the Stukabat from the Half-Life alpha. But parts of it are yellow for some reason. Also they barely appear outside of the Xentarium. (As the achievement calls it) One came from a xen grenade once, but that was it.
@thea2691 Жыл бұрын
My favorite part of the video is when Richter says: "its overtimin' time", and overtimes all over the place.
@rustyruinz Жыл бұрын
My favorite part is when rebel_07 said, "It's Rebel_07in' time!" And Rebel_07ed all over the place! Or that part where Wilson and Badcop said simultaneously "It's a Entropy Zero 2?!" And CloneCop Entropy Zero 2ed all over the place!
@chadjacket Жыл бұрын
You mean ladder cop
@RichterOvertime Жыл бұрын
@WolframSV2 It was 100% necessary
@TheDeathMedic Жыл бұрын
@@RichterOvertime 🧐
@hoeven_ryder_jr4042 Жыл бұрын
@@RichterOvertime 🤨📸
@ethanlivemere1162 Жыл бұрын
The moment Clone Cop got crushed by the container and you see the Advisor's shadow looming over you was so cool
@alexwingace Жыл бұрын
I honestly felt like the MP5K was more of a "power weapon" than the MP7. The recoil/spread on the MP7 made it almost worthless outside of shotgun range, and the MP5 was fairly accurate with the burst fire. Hit some headshots and you drop enemies VERY quick. It's just limited by its unforgiving ammo count (one of my few gripes with the game). I really do think the recoil should have been tuned down quite a bit on most of the weapons. I mean, it's visually appealing sometimes, but most of the time it's just annoying. Plus, you're a physically augmented Combine Elite. Arguably you should have *less* recoil than Gordon gets in his HEV.
@thunderslug1066 Жыл бұрын
AR2 recoil can be entirely eliminated with tap firing, and is basically recoilless sniping rebels in the rebel lodge holdout. The SMG should have had lower recoil I agree, tap firing with a low damage gun that theoretically is balanced by high fire rates make it basically point blank only. Love the MP5K tho, ppl just aren't using it right
@vendybirdsvadl7472 Жыл бұрын
i feel like MP5 was really useful when you had ammo for it due to its better fire rate. MP7 was pretty much useful when i didnt had ammo for MP5.
@thunderslug1066 Жыл бұрын
@@vendybirdsvadl7472 I suppose that's an inherited trait from HL2, where the SMG exists late game as a gun which doesn't require much in terms of ammo management, especially when the buggy had unlimited ammo and when there were a surprising lack of physics objects in certain sections, like the overwatch nexus which made it hard to use the gravity gun. Just wish the SMG had a bit more utility than 'lots of bullets' and grenade launcher.
@Veoveo10209 Жыл бұрын
Well, because you can shoot when using Zoom key ( Z ) just tap the AR 2
@Devilforce988 Жыл бұрын
I think exactly because it can be more accurate that they had to give it the smaller ammo pool cause otherwise it would outclass the smg in almost every way. At super close range I used the default smg cause up close with multiple enemies, having wider spread than the mp5 meant nothing as you just unload on them and can afford losing some bullets cause of the larger ammo pool, while the mp5 was good for more long-range combat but you have to watch the ammo as using it the same way as the default smg wont last long, especially the auto-fire which I never used exactly cause of the quick burn through ammo its capable of.
@MRMOON-jk1cs Жыл бұрын
In my run I almost didn't use any weapon except the MP5k, it's just so strong and so fun to kill enemies with, of course for non rebels or at least not very strong enemies I used the energy gun
@DesolateLavender Жыл бұрын
Yeah! I keep hearing such a lukewarm reception towards it, but I barely even used the normal SMG. I would've solely used the MP5k and SPAS-12 if I could've, honestly.
@MRMOON-jk1cs Жыл бұрын
@@DesolateLavender Same
@icemasterpro Жыл бұрын
It's 3-round burst is super accurate for some reason, plus you can shoot while zoomed, which adds to said accuracy
@DesolateLavender Жыл бұрын
@@icemasterpro You can shoot while zoomed with any weapon in E:Z 2 to my knowledge.
@MRMOON-jk1cs Жыл бұрын
@@icemasterpro That's something I loved about the game is that you can shoot while zoomed in, in HL2 I complained that you could do it and I'm so happy you can in this game
@mfaizsyahmi Жыл бұрын
I want to go out of my limb and give a shout out to the HL2 mod Human Error, which was way ahead of its time in the "you play as combine" meta when it released in 2010. I dare say EZ1&2 was inspired by it, and wouldn't exist in as much polish as it did. In fact, EZ1&2 uses code and models from that mod (manhacks in EZ1, the APC in EZ2)! p.s. why tf did KZfaq tagged the Mod That Shall Not Be Named in this video? Just because it's a paid "game" doesn't mean it's a legit game.
@qwopiretyu Жыл бұрын
Lmfao because the thumbnail has "hunt down the Mossman". KZfaq/Google algorithm just scrub for keywords. Hilarious
@Pinnaporaptor Жыл бұрын
It's a shame that HE crashes a ton during that one segment, it turned me off the mod.
@lolifico_banzago Жыл бұрын
It tags classic HL2 for me (unless that issue was already fixed)
@yapflipthegrunt4687 Жыл бұрын
It actually is inspired by HE, I'm pretty sure it says it in the credits.
@walnzell9328 Жыл бұрын
The thing about continuity in Half Life is that it's very flexible. Seeing as how the G-Man can alter the timeline whenever he wants.
@Guymanbot97 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. The ending to Alyx basically puts Half Life in a place where technically anything can be canon and seen as a possible universe G-Man was exploring. But the main timeline is the one he is settling on.
@walnzell9328 Жыл бұрын
@@Guymanbot97 I see it as there's one timeline, but G-man keeps messing with it. Changing variables here and there to cause different events.
@bishalgurung4356 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact about 3650: Not everybody noticed this on there first playthrough, 3650 has a blue medal instead of the black,yellow and red. It is because of loyalty to the combine. Edit:How the hell did this over 60 likes?
@GarryTale Жыл бұрын
I only noticed when i was playing around in hammer
@ScornOnTheCob-o9x Жыл бұрын
when can i see this, any key points?
@bishalgurung4356 Жыл бұрын
@@ScornOnTheCob-o9x After you promote 3650, advisor.
@ScornOnTheCob-o9x Жыл бұрын
@@bishalgurung4356 i already made gave hm a shu- ulothoi body, for all hes done
@bishalgurung4356 Жыл бұрын
@@ScornOnTheCob-o9x Ok, he can be seen after the flashbacks and backstory. Right after the cutscene and when the transformation ends.
@axmoylotl Жыл бұрын
the negatives you listed are almost all positives for me, i need to play this
@Leitis_Fella Жыл бұрын
Richter, your outro song on this was the audio equivalent of the whiplash one receives after watching a clip of Xavier: Renegade Angel with absolutely zero context
@oldundead Жыл бұрын
Dude, for a mod, the story and *even* multiple endings fuckings rocks socks
@MegaChickenfish Жыл бұрын
As far as feedback, having played through it 3 times now in the span of a week, I did notice that a few scripted sequences can not quite run right when you start the game from a specific chapter or reload a quicksave in the middle of said scripted sequence. Mainly the manhack backup at Arbeit 1's jumper segment can sometimes fail to spawn, Clone Cop can sometimes fail to close the door to that same warehouse, and most inconsequentially, _sometimes the hunter misses his shot and the dude doesn't land in the dumpster!_ :O But *that's less bugs than any game I've played on release on Steam.* This game is a triumph and my first thought going back into any other HL2 mod is always "damn I miss those EZ2 features like the kick button."
@stridershooter7764 Жыл бұрын
The manhack backup only spawns when your health gets low
@GorgeousGeorge056 Жыл бұрын
Did not know it was you voicing the cop under the ladder. Well done lad
@thediam0nddrag0n78 Жыл бұрын
I mean, Combine do have a voice filter, so it makes sense
@BlueRaptorNightFury Жыл бұрын
I wasn't aware of Entropy: Zero until the second one came out and sent a massive wave of attention through out the internet. Though part of me didn't bother in wanting to play it but after awhile I decided to download the two games and admit they were fun as hell. The Idea for the first game all being a replay seemed good but the second game really was the star for the Entropy: Zero games. It continued the story while expanding on Unit 3650. A Misunderstood man who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, who only wants to find his daughter and believes the Combine can grant him that wish, only for him to discover in the Arbeit facility that he was a clone and so It's a hunt to get to Mossman and to kill your Clone before he ruins the Combine's Operations for good, all while the Rebels retreat and set up defensive positions to protect Mossman and while Clone Cop attempts to halt your progress and trying to tell you that the Combine will not hold up their end of the deal. One flaw I saw was Arbeit #1 and the Aperture chambers... They felt long and screwed up the pacing but it seems to have recovered after getting the Xen grenades, And yes fan service can be a poison if added too much, the idea of Cave Johnson having a private cabin near the Arbeit facilities' didn't seem too far fetched. Entropy: Zero 2 did a lot better than what bad guy related Half-Life games did.
@patrlim Жыл бұрын
My favourite reanimated gun has to be the revolver, it oozes personality and style
@DesolateLavender Жыл бұрын
"Hells Horses!"
@stormhought Жыл бұрын
and it being called "a gun" in your hud will never not be funny to me
@patrlim Жыл бұрын
@@stormhought yeah lol
@Concon12316 Жыл бұрын
i'm pretty sure the gauss pistol's charge is inspired by that one bug in day one half-life 2 where you can charge up your pistol shots and make a pistol shotgun
@neat_skeet Жыл бұрын
being an elite soldier with a handful of weapons, an unlimited ammo pistol, and occasional squads you can command reminds me of republic commando, and i’m all for that, that game was fun
@thr0ne1997 Жыл бұрын
hey man i should replay republic commando actually. totally forgot about that one, it was great! thanks for the memory jog!
@worldburnerbreadman7886 Жыл бұрын
Little funny detail, using the xen relay grenade has a chance to spawn in medkits and batteries which have the same models as the ones from black mesa’s xen
@Rexxie44 Жыл бұрын
One thing I liked a lot too is how they tied in Half Life Alyx stuff like the one wacky headcrab that does stuff to electricity. The Genome zombie also was a love letter to Jeff, which worked out pretty well honestly.
@tex3211 Жыл бұрын
This felt like Star Wars: Republic Commando but half life 2
@raidenstern6617 Жыл бұрын
I literally replayed it after i finished it. Got the wilson ending first btw Was supposed to leave him but got really tempted
@Frontgid Жыл бұрын
dude same. I am so glad i brought him along. There's so many symbolisms i could make, but i'll say one thing You can spot the exact fucking moment Bad Cop becomes Aiden Walker, bravo Breadman.
@plaguis369 Жыл бұрын
@@Frontgid its like watching Darth vader, in his final moments, become anakin again, in a metaphorical sense
@andresbravo2003 Жыл бұрын
You did voiced from the mod because it’s freaking amazing!
@endruv_2287 Жыл бұрын
Somehow I didn't really comprehend the very obvious defective turret on the main menu and went in having no idea Aperture would be involved. The slow reveal of "hey that looks like a vent from Portal 1" to examining a rebel up close and seeing them decked out in Aperture gear was phenomenal. One of the best twists in gaming ever.
@noahoglesby5325 Жыл бұрын
My one problem with entropy zero: 2 is when you kick Gman and get sent to die to the gonome in one ending, you cant kick the gonome to death ( I spent 2 and a half hours kiting and kicking it before i finally died) and to make sure it was possible on other gonomes I went back to the xenterrarium and kicked one of the two there to death.
@gamingmaster6377 Жыл бұрын
that's the point of the ending, in reality Bad Cop can't kill a gonome in bare fists combat, because a gonome is just way stronger and resilient than a combine elite soldier in melee range "oooh but I was running around it kicking it!" Yeah, but that's what would happen in the game engine. In reality, the gonome wouldn't stand still to do his attack, he would just lunge at you and kill you
@memememe609 Жыл бұрын
@@gamingmaster6377 Bad Cop is literally meant to be the Duke Nukem of the Half-Life universe. A secret ending where the G-Man hires you if you kill the Gonome would have been top notch.
@gunswinger3110 Жыл бұрын
It would be really cool if they did put in an alternate ending for the ending. If you kicked the gonome to death, then gman would congratulate you before spawning in a huge number of them.
@gamingmaster6377 Жыл бұрын
@@memememe609 that first argument? You made it up and still, it's a joke ending You decide to kick the all powerful time space entity? Well unwinnable fight for you
@ARF-2345 Жыл бұрын
Nice Video Richter and This Mod/Episode 3 is very good,good job Breadman
@jimbo2revengeance Жыл бұрын
Face it Richter, the Half-Life lore is anime. And Half-Life 2 made it that way.
@DesolateLavender Жыл бұрын
This made me chuckle.
@jockeysface8753 Жыл бұрын
it is basically s isekai but to a alien ass place
@Rajastega Жыл бұрын
The Half Life lore is literally just Danganronpa. I'm not elaborating.
@ShogunMongol Жыл бұрын
I think the MP5K being added makes sense, because it fits with the Combine's weird obsession with H&K guns it seems, and I like how it fits in as an old gun the Metrocops used to use, but got rid of, and the Rebels found an old cache of them to use. As for gameplay, I absolutely loved it, and I normally hate burst fire guns, but the MP5K, man, that was a seriously fun gun for me to use. The one gripe (if I can even call it that) I have with it is that it feels way more accurate than it actually is, if that makes sense, because at times I would suit zoom with it for longer range shots, and then discover to my horror that nothing is hitting, but again, that's really minor shit. I used it way more than any other gun, sometimes to my detriment, when I run out of ammo for it in the middle of a fight.
@HazyBlackest Жыл бұрын
Regarding the dark sections, I kinda liked it. Since, unlike HL2, you have an OP NV goggle, so they had to give you something to use it on.
@pnowy1146 Жыл бұрын
4:95 cant relate my mp5k was out of ammo constantly 😭, shredding through enemies with the mp5k was euphoric. Also the limited ammo count was INCREDIBLE for what it brought in terms of difficulty and fights. It really made me switch up my playstyle constantly.
@MorkedUP1 Жыл бұрын
Richter, you are the only KZfaqr Ive seen every video and watched almost every stream. You are literally the only KZfaqr I really watch now, that’s cause I know whatever you upload will be gold. I can only wait to see what other amazing things you upload. Oh yeh the vido was rely good
@garryhlambert Жыл бұрын
i love vidoe 2002
@enviousshogun Жыл бұрын
I think the mp5k was a very fun weapon to use, I found myself using it a lot more in my playthrough when I realized how well the burst fire worked in long distance combat, and it was satisfying to shoot, I just wish there was more ammo spread throughout the campaign
@EugenijusKrenis Жыл бұрын
I feel like beta and OPFOR stuff was added solely because whole custom new content like fully fanmade assets could end up even more contentious, beta and OPFOR content has SOME grounding in it's presence in other mods and games, meanwhile wholy new content would require to start on square one, design, premise, experimentation, implementaiton, assets.. meanwhile with content reuse you can focus on other things. In general it seems this mod prefers kitbashing existing assets, as in taking models and textures from Valve source games, and combining them, than making wholly custom content. Or maybe Breadman is just one of Betachads who sees it's glory.
@yolsil775 Жыл бұрын
Bro the intro is awesome
@endruv_2287 Жыл бұрын
Some of my favorite references are when bad cop says "No one rides for free", a song from HL2E2 and when it's revealed that Aperture's energy pellet is reversed engineered from a time traveling Combine energy ball. Excellent way to explain it. Even when driving the APC and firing a rocket, a rebel with a rocket launcher will steer your rocket instead, which is a bug carried over from HL2 where you can control APC rockets. Not sure if that was intentional though. Also, running through Nova Prospket at the start and seeing things like the giant fan with the piece of wood stuck through it was really neat
@suburbanshatters Жыл бұрын
I like how the thumbnail is a reference to that one wallpaper image with the metrocops
@neoplatan6740 Жыл бұрын
The 'Gonome' isn't a 1 to 1 straight copy of the OF Gonarch. The HL2 Beta community fixups (I think Mega Patch 4 and Leaknet) modified the cut Zombie Assassin, whose model normally has no animations by the way, into a replacement Gonome and I think that replacement NPC was ported over to hl2 retail for EZ2. When I looked in the console I think the NPC even is referred to as npc_zassassin.
@arsalansyed123 Жыл бұрын
The best Half Life 2 mod I've ever played. Voice acting, characters, soundtracks, story, everything is just perfect. The only negative I can think about this game is that it's free. I would have happily paid $20 for this game. Congrats for the getting the role in both Half Life 1 mod and Half Life 2 mod. :)
@maciejkamil Жыл бұрын
It's good to see that knowledge about EZ2 is spreading.
@conkix Жыл бұрын
@gentlemangamerec7025 Жыл бұрын
love the pyro acknowledgement. Glad they are on good terms.
@starscream1994 Жыл бұрын
Another video I saw of yours talked about how Entropy: Zero (the first mod) was a GOOD HL2 mod and I went and tried it. Being impressed with that, and hearing that part 2 was coming out soon when I watched it I had to try. I can definitely say its an amazing game and feels like it could be straight out of the Half life universe. You got a sub from me a well. Great videos keep it up :)
@Mineno-fx6bi 6 ай бұрын
For me who has only played HL1, 2 and the episodes, I really didn’t mind these references to the Beta or the expansions. I didn’t even know of some of them, like the gnome, that they were present in other games and really just loved to experience those for me new creatures, as limited as some were present.
@user-py2tm3zq4u Жыл бұрын
what is the intro music
@JtsTheDaneAndCrab Жыл бұрын
I can't for the love of me figure out the name of the song from the intro. Can anyone help me?
@branchy2000inc Жыл бұрын
What I haven't seen mentioned yet is that one of the Arbeit maps looks a lot like the Black Mesa map from one of the G-Man sequences in Episode 2. I haven't played the mod yet but it looks sick
@Trivvy Жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it man, even if it doesn't fit your purist preferences so much ;)
@PLATINUM_Rook Жыл бұрын
I'm as in love with the HL2 beta as much as the next guy, but I can agree that the final product is most likely a way better game than what could have been if any of the HL2 concepts from 1999-2001 was what we got instead. People tend to forget that Valve cuts things in their games for a reason, and they have a history of scrapping tons of content if they don't think it would make for a good game in the end (like TF2 Brotherhood of Arms).
@Guymanbot97 Жыл бұрын
People honestly seem to overvalue cut content in general. Like Fallout NV for example has A LOT, but most of it is just filler stuff that wouldn't have enhanced the experience in any way. Yet the community looks at it as a sign of a better game being hidden in an already good game.
@Guymanbot97 7 ай бұрын
@@MadWatcher That I agree with. But I'm more talking about everything else that was cut.
@easiesteevee2532 Жыл бұрын
whats the intro song?
@d4cto 9 ай бұрын
I talked with every single CP in that area of EZ2 and only NOW I find out that you voiced one of those guys? That's mega cool honestly. This channel is a goldmine.
@sirduckington6533 Жыл бұрын
Just want to know what the intro song is ,I couldn't find it anywhere Edit: Finally found it's Electrosmog by Vandoorea Here's the link -
@anamusingidiot2565 Жыл бұрын
Deer in headlights is a good analogy for how this mod makes you feel. I got an email about it's release while I was on a camping trip, and as soon as I got home I downloaded it, and got like %75 done with it in a day. Hardly noticed the time pass.
@lambda-m1676 Жыл бұрын
I like the MP5K for it's burst fire. It kills instantly
@mareep9821 Жыл бұрын
I wasn't expecting Pyrocynical cameo but that much is welcome
@ImNot1antern Жыл бұрын
What’s the music at the beginning?
@mango9087 Жыл бұрын
Here for the rat lobber rap at the end
@_cfmca Жыл бұрын
I can agree with pretty much all of your points other than the mp5k, that was personally one of my favorite new things they added, since it has way less bullet spread and as such can be used long range :)
@ghoul6272 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone know the name of the track in the intro
@btarg1 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait for an MMOD for this game!
@djcrissangel7750 Жыл бұрын
Good report m8. good mod too. I do love SMOD been a bif fan for years. i managed to get most of the smod mods working, thats a lot of mods.
@Firzj Жыл бұрын
Incredible mod. Felt like i was playing hl2 Episode 3 from Valve. They deserve to be paid 🔥🔥
@nathane5287 Жыл бұрын
I would have ditched the MP5K and instead introduced the Gauss Cannon back, ability to rip it off the rebel buggies in "Venture Ghost", and jumper rebels would provide ammo for it throughout the campaign as you keep running into them (plus xen grenade teleporting from the days of black mesa radiation ammo pickups). There's a cool variant of the gauss pistol (" sv_pulse_pistol_style 1") where you'd get the best of both worlds of still having the charge shotgun spread shot and a beam attack a bit like the gauss cannon, it's a bit jank but it would have been amazing if they'd polished that one up and made it the default style.
@nevascalange3091 6 ай бұрын
When i played it, for some reason, Wilson had wierd physics when you picked it up, or jumped on it. Making you fly up, i even died to this bug lol
@ronellumahan9018 7 ай бұрын
"im more elite than you!-come on!"
@Hasanmustangofficial Жыл бұрын
i was cryed the wilson death scene this game is best game on 2022
@expio4257 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for Entropy Zero 2: Episode 1 and Entropy Zero 2: Episode 2
@mynamewasyoinked5429 Жыл бұрын
Before I continue, I just wanted to say that this was such a great watch. Seeing a content creator have passion for something they're reviewing/criticizing is awesome. Anyways, while I was watching, I saw you had more than 1000 hours on Hotline Miami 2 in the "I'm no game reviewer" part of the intro. As soon as I saw that my mind raced to a game heavily inspired by HLM that released recently called OTXO, and thought if you would be interested to review it. I've heard its great!
@RichterOvertime Жыл бұрын
I didn't realized it release, was meaning to check that out! Glad you enjoyed the review friend
@idrinkdiesel8451 6 ай бұрын
gonna be honest, I feel like the MP5K works well because of the burst fire. it has less recoil than the other smg's and decent damage so if you're low on health, you can get a quick burst of damage before being back in cover
@rydertanner6158 Жыл бұрын
could you tell me what the music at the start of the video is called?
@GatorChan Жыл бұрын
Whats the song that plays at the start of the video?
@MrCardz Жыл бұрын
Ok I need to know, does anyone have the name of the track that plays during the gameplay compilation at the very start of the video? It goes hard.
@mzov_1724 Жыл бұрын
Ngl I think the MP5 is really good gameplay wise. It's good for sniping. And it deals some really goof hurts.
@adudeontheinternet8246 Жыл бұрын
The story definitely goes in a different direction, but I don't think that's a bad thing, and it's not like the original half life games had nearly as many story moments as Ez2 did (for it's runtime, atleast.) I found the dynamic between bad cop and the master template to be super enjoyable, as well as the ending. Their voices are super cool but they also have a lot of good moments and qoutable dialogue. I like how they manage to make the master template feel like a genuine threat even when you have the backing of an entire army, chasing you around and destroying your equipment and baiting you into fighting his enemies for him. The redundant enemies thing is something I hadn't thought about before and agree with you on-- I had about one memorable stuka bat moment and none with the pit drones, even if it was cool seeing them make a return.
@Pacifist_ Жыл бұрын
Entropy: tape guy edition
@DivideByBob Жыл бұрын
I’m amazed you didn’t use the MP5K, it’s the weapon I used the most due to its two fire modes the first of which is weirdly accurate to the point where I was sniping people with it. I hardly used the SMG as I found it just not very fun, that’s not just because of the recoil either though that is an additional issue, I never really used it in any of the half life games to begin with as I just didn’t find it to be a fun to use compared to its alternatives. I only ever really used it when I first got it and if I really needed to.
@vibes_4225 Жыл бұрын
the MP5K was just kinda fun for me, i really enjoyed using it tbh
@XER606 10 ай бұрын
Now if we never get Entropy Zero 3, this will truly be a "Valve-like" experience
@Megitrall Жыл бұрын
Was a awesome game, i gonna remember all days of my turret friend !
@42kitter Жыл бұрын
the mp5k is dope though i accidentally used it once and realized that it was basically a longer range burst fire smg so i didn't have to burn through ar2 ammo whenever a rebel was standing down a hallway
@Egg-ce2si Жыл бұрын
Advisor: Hunt down the mossman *Nightmare before christmas music playing*
@unoriginalperson72 Жыл бұрын
Richter, do you think the HL1 HEV suit is like a suit of armor or like a hazmat suit
@thebigcheese1153 6 ай бұрын
Was I not the only one who actually loved bad cops voice lines
@Poopman21377 7 ай бұрын
well well well this is an 13 minute video but still well done, but god damm pyro just dropped a 4 hour video about this game
@Akehiko_Urabaya Жыл бұрын
It never occurred to me to use a xen relay grenade on the advisor
@zorgapb4691 Жыл бұрын
3:32 "Here, have a grenade!" "You too, buddy" "Returning it to sender!"
@framk Жыл бұрын
i was NOT expecting to see the thumbnail for my crappy ASTW2 Beta weapon pack here, woah
@playedtoomuch5259 6 ай бұрын
ok i've looked through so much shit to try and find the intro music and im at my wits end, what did you use for the intro to this video
@ProtogenRoleplays1698 Жыл бұрын
Anyone know what the intro music is from?
@russian3275 Жыл бұрын
just got done i really hope there will be a entropy zero 3 i draged wilson trough the whole game and i dont regret it
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