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Chrissie Reacts

Chrissie Reacts

5 ай бұрын

Annie Hall (1977) starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton
* I forgot to adjust the camera settings so the quality is a bit off on this one. I appreciate you sticking around through this learning curve!

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@kingstumble 3 күн бұрын
My favourite film of all time. I have watched it countless times and it never grows old. Funny and innovative. Just the right mix of comedy, romance and pathos.
@victorsixtythree 3 ай бұрын
Before Annie Hall, Woody Allen's movies were more purely comedic and not really considered "serious" cinema. Annie Hall changed that and was nominated for five Oscars, winning four - Best Movie, Best Director, Best Actress and Best Original Screenplay.
@HuntingViolets 4 күн бұрын
Beat _Star Wars_ for Best Picture.
@PeterMoore66 6 күн бұрын
Re. the Fourth Wall - off the top of my head, Oliver Hardy used to do that direct look at the audience when he was frustrated with Stan. And Groucho Marx used to do direct address to the audience. So breaking the 4th wall goes back to at least the early 1930s.
@polyglot12 5 ай бұрын
I happened across your channel, and was drawn by the fact you were reviewing 'Annie Hall'. Not a lot of people are. The film is a very relatable romantic comedy - despite breaking the 4th wall. It has the feel of a relationship we've all had. And there wasn't a need to make everyone seem like good people, more emphasis on fleshing them out as real people. That's why the movie doesn't feel dated, even after all these years. The movie won 4 academy awards. You should check out some of his other films. 'Hannah and her Sisters' is amazing.
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
Totally agree! Very realistic.
@billlloyd6180 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for reacting to Annie Hall. As others have mentioned, there aren't many reactions to his films...which is a shame. Most people don't realize that he has made a movie nearly every year for over 50 years. He has been nominated 18 times for BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY by the Academy Awards (No one is even close to that number). He has 4 Oscars for direction and screenplays. Every movie that he has made is rated over 6.0 On IMDB (Internet Movie Database) with about 1/2 being over 7.0 from the actual viewer of his films (except his very first film in the mid 60's). From what I can gather from your reaction, you do appreciate excellent writing, direction and witty dialogue. My life is better that I was lucky enough to be able to follow his career nearly from the beginning. If you look how many women have been nominated and won Oscars for being in Woody Allen films, you'll realize that is the reason he has had so many "A" list actors have worked for minimal pay just to be in his films. Thanks again for your wonderful reaction. I just subscribed!!
@RideAcrossTheRiver 27 күн бұрын
It's nice to see someone well-adjusted watching this film over others who react with "OMG HE SED SEX WAT IZZ THAAAAAAT ABOWT!"
@melenatorr 3 ай бұрын
That's Paul Simon, from Simon and Garfunkel, as Tony Lacey. Simon and Garfunkel was one of the influential singing and composing groups of the 1960s and 70s, coming up with timeless songs like "Sounds of Silence", "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" and "Scarborough Fair". If you don't know this duo, I strongly suggest getting to know their work: they had an ability to wrap strong, painful truths in seductively beautiful musical packages.
@victorsixtythree 3 ай бұрын
Wow, so many appearances from future big name stars! You caught Shelley Duvall, Christopher Walken, Colleen Dewhust, Jeff Goldblum...there was also Carol Kane as Alison, Paul Simon as the music agent, Truman Capote as the guy that Alvy says, "There's the winner of the Truman Capote look-alike contest" about, Beverly D'Angelo as an actress in Rob's show and Sigourney Weaver as Alvy's date at the end of the movie.
@chrissiereacts 3 ай бұрын
I heard this was Sigourney's first screen appearance!
@komoleeray687 14 күн бұрын
Loved your reaction and loved that you selected this , one of my favourite movies. Also , Woody Allen's not exactly a movie reaction favourite in the social media era. What a shame, he's an absolute genius of cinema and comedy. Look forward to more reactions of interesting films ( if I could recommend for you: Paris Texas, Hannah and her Sisters (another genius Allen film), Martin Scorsese's After Hours ( obviously he has more famous, bigger films in his body of work, but i'm purposely selecting a slightly lesser known "cultish" film of his),
@seancromwell327 4 ай бұрын
Hannah and Her Sisters
@bendancar 3 ай бұрын
It's hard to imagine now, but for a stretch in the 70s and 80s, there was no more important filmmaker than Woody Allen. Check out "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Hannah and Her Sisters." Both incredible films.
@D.D.-ud9zt 2 ай бұрын
Even in his heyday, Allen was never a star director, but he was always a good vehicle for actors to either get started or have a revival. He had quite a few flops long before the rumors about him. Although he did have great films such as the ones you referenced. Manhattan, Manhattan Murder Mystery, and Deconstructing Harry are some other great ones. I can't think of any great ones he did after 2000, although a few did reasonably well commercially. His obsession with making at least a film a year I think hurt him at least in the US. Crimes and Misdemeanors was his great film in my opinion although it isn't quite as fun as many of the others. I wish he would have stayed in that vein. Annie Hall was a case of a film that was edited into greatness, the romance was supposed to be a side thing, but that is the case in some other films that are known as great American cinema. Manhattan, less well regarded today, but highly regarded in its time was so hated by Allen he wanted all copies destroyed and promised to make a few films for free to make up for it. Fortunately the producers disagreed. Keaton and Allen had a romance at one point, and I get the feeling from comments both have made that they wished it would have worked out, but sometimes these things are easy to see/say in hindsight.
@chrispittman8854 5 ай бұрын
An "Annie Hall" reaction... Right up there with my uncle picking up a check. A rare event. A lot of depth and sick... often morose humor. An absolute must. Like "Zhivago," but funnier though more depressing... and less snow. I... certainly would not belong to a club that would have me as a member. One of the more heart warming moments is when he gave the lobsters a fighting chance.
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
Haha! I love the way you phrase things :)
@chrispittman8854 5 ай бұрын
@@chrissiereacts Thank you. Though upon further reflection, was "Alvy" showing mercy to the lobsters or just using them as part of some gladiatorial spectacle to arouse "Annie's" goyim womanhood? I suppose it depends on your perspective as a man, woman, jew, gentile or crustacean. Also the amount of psychotropics ingested before viewing.
@emergenthub305 10 күн бұрын
This is a comedy masterpiece. This was the inspiration behind me taking a girl to see "The Sorrow and the Pity" when it was showing at an art house cinema, though I didn't get to experience someone pontificating behind me in the queue and Marshall McLuhan appearing out of nowhere to correct him. Lots of good Woody Allen films, but "Play it again Sam" is a comparably great movie that is similar in tenor to "Annie Hall".
@robmann400 Күн бұрын
I’ve seen Annie Hall at least a dozen times, and when Diane Keaton sings, ‘Seems Like Old Times,’ I cry, I cry every single time..Maybe I need to see a psychoanalyst... Sigourney Weaver is also in this movie. My top two, ‘Throwback Thursday’ film choices would be Taxi Driver (1976), and Blade Runner (1982), (The Final Cut). The theatrical Blade Runner release is a pretty good movie, The Director’s Cut is a very good movie, and The Final Cut, is one of the greatest movies ever made. It’s my favourite sci-fi film of all time, and like Taxi Driver, it will kick your butt. They kick everybody’s butts. They are kick ass movies so it all makes perfect sense. Thanks for making videos eh.
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
That was a fantastic, fantastic reaction, I can't even tell you how much I loved that. Brilliant commentary, and I LOVED how you recognized virtually everyone. The analysis was so smart and spot on. This is a movie you can return to endlessly and see new things in it every single time. Thank you. Your facial expression when the movie would take these wild turns....priceless. I saw this when I was a kid and I was blown away. And you got the comedy so spot on. I know this is not a new video so i won't respond to in depth to specific things you asked in the reaction as I'm sure someone has answered you. Love the whole idea of Throwback Thursday, first of all! And i can tell you there are a SLEW of incredible Woody Allen movies from the 70s and 80s as he did one per year! all short, and all very different! Virtually all of 'em classics! There are a bunch with Diane Keaton (every one of them is great), a bunch with Mia Farrow (almost all of those are great), a few early ones with Louise Lasser (very funny). But between 1970 and 1989, there are so many great movies, Always super creative, smart, funny and (starting with Annie Hall) a mixture of comedy and drama. (his pre-Annie Hall stuff is wacky comedy, a joke per second, ala Monty Python or something like that. Smart and funny). The two movies he did before this with Diane Keaton, "Sleeper" (futuristic sci-fi comedy) and "Love And Death" (1800s period piece comedy!), and following this came " Manhattan". Diane Keaton's "Manhattan" character is completely different from "Annie Hall". At the same time she's making these Woody Allen classics, she's co-starring in "The Godfather" and Warren Beatty's masterpiece, "Reds". Equally at home in comedy and drama. So happy you got to see her in her most "iconic" performance. There are tons of 70s and 80s movies I can recommend, but a blanket recommendation on virtually any Woody Allen movie between 1970 and 1993 is fine by me. (He "jumped the shark" in quality for me after 1993, but the first 20 years are close to perfect!). Long comment......instantly happy subscriber!!! ELATED. That was an INCREDIBLE reaction. I wept! I actually wept!!!!
@chrissiereacts 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment! I really want to get a schedule going eventually so I can have regular throwback Thursdays. These recommendations are fantastic! I've got a good list going now... just need to carve out some time to get to them all! 😊 Thanks again for the support!
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
@@chrissiereacts No need to get overwhelmed or burnt out, all in your own time. If it's just once a month (or even less!), it doesn't matter, you just post whenever you feel like it (and whatever you feel like! I like it when a reactor follows their own muse!). Just saw your Wall Street reaction - a movie I hadn't seen since it probably came out! But it was fun revisiting it with you! Ok,see you on the next one, whenever that might be! Thanks, Chrissie!
@SunShine-qk4rb 3 ай бұрын
One of my favourite movies
@jaranowska 4 ай бұрын
For another great Allen film, check out Hannah and Her Sisters, which came out in 1986.
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
Great movie. When that movie came out, the whole thing you heard was "His best since Annie Hall!" Hard to disagree, except that most of the ones in between are all great too. "Zelig"! Oh man, that's a masterpiece. And only an hour and twenty minutes! "Broadway Danny Rose". Once a year, like clockwork, a new Woody movie. Best of the 80s!
@ulfingvar1 2 ай бұрын
Woody Allen, one of America's 10 best directors ever!!!!! If you liked this, you will loooooooove so many of the others. I recommend Hannah and Her Sisters and Husbands And Wives first after this..
@LARPingRealLife 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for reacting to this movie. It's one of my favorites. So many classic lines, so fast and witty and silly. My favorite WA film is another he made with Diane Keaton --- Manhattan Murder Mystery. It's another great comedy with Allen and Keaton as a married couple trying to solve a mystery. The camerawork in it is very interesting --- long takes with a handheld camera. And a terrific soundtrack! Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see what you watch next!
@chrissiereacts 2 ай бұрын
Love a good murder mystery!
@matthewstroud4294 3 ай бұрын
Although I recognize the excellence of Annie Hall, it is not one of Allen's movies that I repeat-watch very often. The two films of his that I love the most are Crimes & Misdemeanors and Play It Again Sam.
@justmeeagainn 3 ай бұрын
Nice reaction. I saw this in the theater as a kid and didn't get most of it. But I love it as an adult. Good insight into the film. And it was nice seeing someone who's not just watching the latest superhero stuff.
@melenatorr 3 ай бұрын
That's not a comedy show, it's a fund raiser for Adlai Stevenson. Allison is Carol Kane, a lovely, wonderful actress. If you've seen "The Princess Bride", she was Valerie, wife of Max the Miracle Man. She was also a recurring character in the tv series "Taxi", and was in many movies, both dramatic and comic.
@wordsleydave 3 ай бұрын
Loved this when when it came out. Love Woody Allen's humour. 'Bananas' and 'Sleeper' where brilliant. 🤣
@komoleeray687 13 күн бұрын
Also, just adding to my previous comment, you've got a new subscriber and i hope you continue to these as i do enjoy the intelligence, warmth and honesty of the reactions i've seen ( especially this one) .. All the best for your channel, Chrissie ! 😊
@chrissiereacts 13 күн бұрын
Thank you 😊
@vivalapsych 5 ай бұрын
I had a great time watching! I love finding a new good channel. 😊 Subscribed. 👍
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
I appreciate it, thank you!!
@250278 3 ай бұрын
Really? A Woody Allen film reaction? What a wonderful surprise! By the way, the cinematographer is Gordon Willis, the same genius behind the cinematography of The Godfather. Willis played a very significant role in the filmography of Woody Allen during that time when he was attempting to create much more artistic and deeper films. They made 8 films together, including Manhattan, Stardust Memories and Zelig.
@chrissiereacts 3 ай бұрын
I'm surprised there aren't more out there tbh! Wow, super interesting about the cinematographer. I'll be watching the Godfather at some point for the channel and learning this makes me even more interested in seeing it!
@cliffchristie5865 15 күн бұрын
He definitely hires the right people. Among the films with impressive cinematography are "Manhattan" for black and white, and "Midnight In Paris" for color. A minor point, but, the "random" people he interacts with are day players, actors there for one short scene, not extras. ( I've worked as an extra - not the same thing.)
@TheNeonRabbit Ай бұрын
2:40 He makes a joke about the cast of "The Godfather" to a woman that was in all 3 Godfather movies.
@PeterMoore66 6 күн бұрын
"That's OK, we can walk to the kerb from here" - I've been using that gag my entire adult life since seeing this film as a kid. "Analyst" - I think refers to Freudian psychoanalysis, as opposed to other forms of therapy. That was always my take on it.
@chrissiereacts 6 күн бұрын
I have too since watching this haha. One of my favourite one-liners from this one :)
@glawnow1959 3 ай бұрын
Great reaction! "Annie Hall"started out as a murder mystery film, but then in the editing room it turned into "Anhedonia," a movie about a man who couldn't enjoy life, and finally it became "Annie Hall." Love your final thoughts.
@chrissiereacts 3 ай бұрын
That's so crazy! I looked into this after reading your comment and Brooke Shields was one of the students in his childhood classroom, but they cut her scene. The whole devil taking them on a journey sounds so fun too... This is the most interesting fact I've learned about this movie so far... thanks for sharing!!
@straypigs 3 ай бұрын
I actually came back and watched this reaction for a second time, I can't even believe it. Your post-film remarks about the nature of relationships were really inspiring. It's such a bittersweet film about a couple that actually shouldn't be together! But that doesn't mean it was all for nothing! You articulated that so well: that's what the movie is about! That's what the last line is about! Thank you for making that so clear, even though I've seen this movie countless times since it came out. That's it, in a nutshell, you nailed it. What an incredible, positive attitude to have: not tears that it didn't work out, but gratitude for the time spent. That's what he realizes at the end. Now if only I can realize that in real life! 😅
@chrissiereacts 3 ай бұрын
This is such a lovely comment - thank you so much!! Haha yes, always easier said than done, isn't it? 😅
@kevinlaw6185 3 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure this movie was supposed to be Woody Allen's version of his and Diane Keaton's relationship, after it ended. And Diane Keaton is her stage name - her real name is Diane Hall. Oh, and breaking the fourth wall was around long before this movie - Grouch Marx did it in several of the Marx Brothers movies.
@adamjondo 5 ай бұрын
Great, reflective reaction to a 70's classic. PS : That was Paul Simon (of Simon & Garfunkle) as the musician who Annie fell for.
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
I appreciate it :) Paul Simon! I knew I missed some big names.
@hollytooker507 5 ай бұрын
And the pretty, vacuous woman in the pair Allen stops in the street is Shelley Hack, a model with a very brief acting career. (See -If Ever I See You Again.)
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
Shelley Hack was one of Charlie's Angels....and was in Scorsese's "The King Of Comedy". Now THERE'S a movie for Throwback Thursday! "The King Of Comedy"! (1982). And the movie he followed it up with, "After Hours" (1985). Two of Scorsese's best! (And, in the case of After Hours, shortest! Only an hour and 20 minutes!)
@adamjondo 3 ай бұрын
Agreed. IMO 'The King of Comedy'is Scorsese's best film. @@TTM9691
@chefskiss6179 5 ай бұрын
Just came across your channel (really enjoyed this watchalong with you and Annie Hall), a belated congrats(!) and good luck. I love this throwback-thursdays idea you're trying out; lotsa great gems to be mined. This was a surreal watch, a first time watcher, and yet you were still able to not only point out some major names that would come on for only a few minutes, but that you 'knew' that they were 'big', or rather that they they did have quite the length of career in the biz. Lol, I don't know if that's coming out quite right but like I said, surreal. Basically every other channel would have watched this and barely blinked when a Goldblum or Walken walked by, lol. I hope you try Allen's Radio Days. One of the few movies where he isn't even in it, just him reminiscing about his youth and all the radio stories he's collected over the years. It's beautiful. Conversely, maybe 2006's Stranger Than Fiction, with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Emma Thompson...
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
I appreciate this, thank you! This was my first Allen film so I will for sure look into Radio Days. And Stranger Than Fiction is one of my top 5 films! I even put it in my bio :) For some reason people missed it when it came out and I agree it deserves so much more love!
@chefskiss6179 5 ай бұрын
@@chrissiereacts Lol, I just read yer bio now, lotsa good stuff. And I highly agree with Wandavision, so much thought put into the execution of that 'thesis', it was so fresh, if gutting. If you know 1983's A Christmas Story, then you'll get Radio Days, they're so similar, like bookends actually. Whereas one is just around Christmas time, the other is a whole year. If you enjoyed one you'll enjoy the other. You may have already seen some of them, but I'll just throw out some other titles that may (dare I say) fill that #4 or #5 spot on yer list: The Lunchbox (2013) Four Weddings & A Funeral The Commitments Local Hero Gosford Park Fabulous Baker Brothers Remains of the Day Jackie Brown Layer Cake Life of Pi Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Cinema Paradiso (not the director's cut) Tampopo The Way (2010) Wag the Dog Bull Durham Grosse Pointe Blank Notting Hill The Sting Sleepers (1996) Shirley Valentine 84 Charring Cross
@lukebarton5075 5 ай бұрын
Top reaction. Always nice to see some Woody Allen. Would be great to see some more.
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
There's a great one for "Love And Death" that just hit a few days ago on Shandor's channel, check it out! I can't believe that I got to see two Woody Allen/Diane Keaton reactions in the same week! And it's those two movies! And both very smart reactors who totally got the humor. She did a fantastic reaction to "Annie Hall", that was great to see.
@pedrorocha9722 Ай бұрын
...and you even threw a couple of jokes yourself. Great react.
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
WOW! Subscribing instantly!!!!!!! Can't wait to see this reaction! See you on the other side!
@chrissiereacts 3 ай бұрын
Awesome! Thank you!
@195511SM 5 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure that 'ANNIE HALL'' won the OSCAR for BEST PICTURE that year. SLEEPER IS ANOTHER PRETTY GOOD ONE. From back when Woody ALLEN WAS funny.
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
Love "Sleeper"! A totally different kind of Woody & Diane movie, right? 😄
@RideAcrossTheRiver 27 күн бұрын
"When somebody likes them, they subconsciously become repulsed because they think they don't deserve it." Not quite that simple. For a great percentage of those people, they are repulsed because the person who likes them is not up to their standard. THAT is the most common cause of repulsion.
@josephmilitello647 2 ай бұрын
Funniest Woody Allen film: Take the Money and Run. Manhattan is similar to this film-a stylish romantic comedy-drama from the same era which also co-stars Diane Keaton.
@HuntingViolets 4 күн бұрын
Allen wanted originally to call the movie "Anhedonia" (inability to feel pleasure).
@Caileanish 4 ай бұрын
just stumbled along this reaction and absolutely loved it. Hope you do some more Allen films soon..... esp. Manhattan or Hannah and her Sisters.....
@chrissiereacts 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@HuntingViolets 4 күн бұрын
Alvy's first wife was played by Carole Kane.
@amitn1984 2 ай бұрын
I enjoyed your reaction:) It’s great that you are reacting to less-reacted movies. You asked for recommendations for 70s/80s movies, here are some for movies that I liked - * Airplane! (1980) - A groundbreaking spoof comedy * Amadeus (1984) - A Best Picture Oscar winning drama about Mozart * Amarcord (1973) - A semi-autobiographical Italian comedy-drama by Federico Fellini * Apocalypse Now (1979) - An epic war film, considered one of the greatest films ever made * Cabaret (1972) - A musical period drama starring Liza Minnelli * Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - A sci-fi film by Steven Spielberg * Dead Poets Society (1989) - A coming-of-age drama starring Robin Williams * Little Shop of Horrors (1986) - A cult horror comedy musical * Network (1976) - A satirical black comedy that won Best Actor & Best Actress Oscars * Stand and Deliver (1988) - An inspirational drama based on actual events
@moviemonster2083 2 ай бұрын
His first wife Allison was played by a young Carol Kane, not yet Latka's wife Simka on tv's 'Taxi', for one thing. Janet Margolin played his second, valium-popping wife.
@chrissiereacts 2 ай бұрын
I figured out that I recognised her from an episode of Seinfeld 😆
@hollytooker507 5 ай бұрын
The original title was Anhedonia, the inability to be happy. Enjoyed your reaction please check out RADIO DAYS about his childhood and love for old time radio. He narrates it only.
@chrissiereacts 4 ай бұрын
I keep hearing Radio Days is good! I added it to my list. :)
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
Love "Radio Days", that's a beautiful film. And, not surprisingly, funny!
@HuntingViolets 4 күн бұрын
Another movie you might like that jumps around in time over a relationship is _Two for the Road_ with Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney.
@raymeedc 5 ай бұрын
Woody Allen is a one of a kind film maker, loved & hated as a result. I’m one of the lovers. If you’re looking for another kinda off the beaten path classic RomCom, I would suggest checking out “Shop Around The Corner”, the original version of the much later/lesser “You’ve Got Mail”, in which Meg Ryan’s book store is called “Shop Around The Corner”….. starring my all time favorite actor in just about all genres excepting musicals, James Stewart 👌
@raymeedc 5 ай бұрын
Another delightful in an unexpected way, sorta off the aforementioned path, would be “Born Yesterday”, with the inimitable Judy Holiday, who repeats her long running Broadway play performance on film, that of the never bested quintessential “dumb blonde”. Ironically, Holiday was a literal genius off stage….. also stars William Holden 👌
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, I've heard about this movie! I believe they name Meg Ryan's store after it as an homage. I'll add it to my list! Thanks so much :)
@Larooster87 4 ай бұрын
Great reaction. Only two other people have done this film, and it’s in my top 5. You’ve got my subscription, and if I could suggest a few pictures: high fidelity, Brazil, alfie (2004), adaptation, up in the air, Bobby, sideways. These are all great films that have like, no reactions on KZfaq. Keep it up miss!
@chrissiereacts 4 ай бұрын
Great suggestions, thank you!
@TTM9691 3 ай бұрын
Brazil is fantastic! Sideways is a real good one too (from the 2000s). Brazil will DEFINITELY get views. Sideways too. There's the Woody Allen influence right there. "Sideways". "Brazil" is wild, one of the great films of the 80s for sure.
@nomiau 5 ай бұрын
I enjoyed your reaction
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! :)
@hussainalshaikh5766 4 ай бұрын
Great reaction. I noticed that you started this becuase of a guilty pleasure watching reactors *very much a real bug*. I would suggest staying with classics, it seems like you have a great appreciation for them plus you recognized a lot of the different names. And if i may suggest, I think you'll like Billy Wilder's films such as The apartment, some like it hot. However, if you wanna a modern day version of Woody Allen style films, than Noah Baumbach's The Squid and the Whale is similar.
@chrissiereacts 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm working on it. There's a bit of a learning curve when it comes to KZfaq blocking certain videos so I've got a few I'm working on that I can hopefully post more regularly.
@melenatorr 3 ай бұрын
"Poetess" is simply a term for describing a female poet, as "actress" is used for a female actor.
@melenatorr 3 ай бұрын
Yes, analyst is a therapist.
@HuntingViolets 4 күн бұрын
There are a lot of fourth wall breaks in old comedies -- the Marx Brothers do it, for instance.
@juandesalgado 5 ай бұрын
Great choice of movie. Thanks for the reaction, and happy holidays!
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
Thanks!! Same to you :)
@kustomkool 22 күн бұрын
That was pretty honest.
@hollytooker507 5 ай бұрын
Chrissie, you are off to a good start. If I were you, I would concentrate on classic movies. I believe there is a big market made up of reaction-lovers passing by the many many videos of current or recent stuff. And looking for the slightly off-beat but popular films like this that we’ve seen and we care about. I’ve heard reactors saying “this is the oldest movie I’ve reacted to” and it’s from 1972! What is the demographic of the audience of reaction-watchers? Older viewers like me maybe. And younger viewers who want to see great movies from earlier decades, like CASABLANCA, LAURA, THE APARTMENT, JULIA, TOOTSIE, STAGE DOOR, ALL ABOUT EVE, THE AFRICAN QUEEN to name a few. Please consider this route. I will subscribe and watch your progress.
@chrissiereacts 4 ай бұрын
haha! to be fair, 1972 was over 50 years ago lol. But I've recorded a few classics (one from 1950) so now I just have to work on getting them cleared on KZfaq! I'm hoping to release a classic weekly once I really get a hand of things. Thanks so much for the support!
@What_Makes_Climate_Tick 4 ай бұрын
I don't know why people think that breaking the fourth wall is a recent invention. I particularly think of the melodrama style, popular in the 1800s, which generally featured the villain shaking his fist at the audience. Maybe what made this movie groundbreaking was that it combined quite clownish comedy with a dark, serious undertone in the plot. Earlier Woody Allen movies had the former but not the latter. Another good example of this contrast is Mighty Aphrodite, while others like Hannah and Her Sisters or Vicky Christina Barcelona are outright serious drama. The chemistry between Diane and Woody is great, and he did some more work with her after their romantic relationship ended, unlike Mia Farrow. He loves his women, and he's also done some good work with Dianne Wiest, Julie Kavner aka the voice of Marge Simpson, Scarlett Johansson, and Cate Blanchett..
@TheNeonRabbit Ай бұрын
Shakespeare did it quite a bit. In theater it's called an "aside". Groucho Marx did it in most of the Marx Brothers movies. Woody Allen may have picked it up there since he's a huge Groucho fan.
@bfdidc6604 4 ай бұрын
There are a ton of good cameos in this movie: Christopher Walken, Jeff Goldblum, Carole Kane, Paul Simon, Shelley Duvall. One of the first ever appearances of Sylvester Stallone is in another Woody Allen film (Bananas). If you ever get around to it, I highly suggest Love and Death, my favorite starring Alan and Keaton.
@patrickrosenthal-hi2dx 2 ай бұрын
'love and death'. don't let the title ruin it. woody's best. for me. i can run 'hannah...', 'broadway danny...', 'purple rose...', 'annie...', and so on. peace+continued success-p
@TheNeonRabbit Ай бұрын
Yea, "Love and Death" is probably my favorite Woody Allen movie.
@RideAcrossTheRiver 27 күн бұрын
I have this small piece of land and someday, I hope to build on it!
@harrydoupe9315 5 ай бұрын
Great reaction and no, you are not crazy. That was a young Jeff Goldblum. Not only that, when he runs into Annie outside The Sorrow and The Pity, the tall brunette who is Alvy's date is a young Sigourney Weaver in her first film appearance. Also, the young Christopher Walken has his last name misspelled in the closing credits as "Wlaken". Looking forward to the next one.
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
Interesting! I love seeing where big names got their start.
@What_Makes_Climate_Tick 4 ай бұрын
Goldblum has one line, and it's my favorite from this movie: "I forgot my mantra." Commentary on the Hollywood culture of the time.
@harrydoupe9315 4 ай бұрын
To paraphrase the famous axiom, "There are no small parts, only parts that Jeff Goldblum will make the most of". @@What_Makes_Climate_Tick
@Zombie_Trooper 2 ай бұрын
The film wasn't really groundbreaking for any particular reason. It's acclaimed for the writing and on screen talent. And mind you this was in the late 70's post Watergate, so most films weren't so positive in their approach to love and relationships. That's partially why Star Wars, released the same year, was so big, they broke that downbeat, gritty mood of cinema in that time.
@munirmitre1839 2 ай бұрын
React to match point plis
@hankstaines6568 3 ай бұрын
The Groucho Marx 'joke' - I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member, refers to his attempt to join a tennis club. Despite his fame , it would not admit Jewish people.
@beriwilliams 4 ай бұрын
Loved your reaction to this film. You should also watch "Play it Again, Sam" and "Love and Death", both with Woody and Diane. Diane Keaton's real name is Diane Hall, and she won an Academy Award for her performance in "Annie Hall'.
@chrissiereacts 4 ай бұрын
I don't know if that's what the movie is about, but I heard that in Casablanca, he never actually says the line "Play it again, Sam" and I think that's such an interesting pop culture fun fact!
@Great-Documentaries 4 ай бұрын
It was a big deal because it covered relationships better, more realistically, and funnier than any more before it and thus was something far more relatable than crap like The Exorcist, Apocalypse Now or The Dogfather. Congrats on being one of the very few reactors smart enough to do this film.
@aranerem5569 5 ай бұрын
Have you seen the movie Tarzan The Fearless?
@chrissiereacts 5 ай бұрын
No but I really need to brush up on the classics. I just looked it up and saw it was released in 1933 so I'd be interested in seeing the set design and filmaking style. Is it a favourite of yours?
@aranerem5569 5 ай бұрын
@@chrissiereacts I enjoyed Tarzan The Fearless. Some wild fight scenes in it
@eximusic 3 ай бұрын
You seemed to recognize everyone except Paul Simon. The reference to sex with an underage girl becomes a recurring theme in his films. His next one, Manhattan, is one where his main character, 42, is having a relationship with a 17 year old played by Mariel Hemingway.
@chrissiereacts 3 ай бұрын
That was incredibly unpleasant. I don't think I can get on board if it's a recurring theme...
@D.D.-ud9zt 2 ай бұрын
70s attitudes were quite different. And I do believe the 1979 Manhattan was the last film that made any reference to "barely legal" love interests and I've seen nearly all his films. He was criticized in the 90s for beautiful actresses in their 20s and 30s falling for a guy who was never classically handsome and was getting old by then as well. So in most films he substituted a "Woody Allen character" who had his mannerisms. Sometimes it worked, mostly it didn't. I know in 1997s Deconstructing Harry he did not feel appropriate for being Elizabeth Shue's love interest, but the actor he had hired fell through so he went with it.
@eximusic 2 ай бұрын
@@D.D.-ud9zt I was around in the 70s. Roman Polanski can never enter this country again because he fled in the 70s to avoid getting sentenced for sex with a minor. Juliet Lewis played a 20 year old student in a relationship with her professor, Woody, in Husband and Wives (1992). The criticism wasn't beauty vs. unattractive, but inappropriate relationships. And in addition to Mariel Hemingway's role in Mahattan, she said in an interview that Woody had invited her to Paris with him after the movie was made. She declined when she found out that he intended them to share a room. She was underage in real life in that film. So your watered down characterization is a bit off.
@TheNeonRabbit Ай бұрын
@@chrissiereacts I kinda hate to say it but it's a recurring theme in his real life.
@balvinderhmh3475 4 ай бұрын
*Guys, if you want your channel to grow very fast then start giving Reactions on Indian movies, songs, trailers and KZfaq vlogs etc. Then within a few months your subscribers will be in millions, believe me, I'm 100% sure, because the population of India is 1.4 billion, and 70% of the people like entertainment related content and half of the population of India understands English.* *Many foreigners are reacting to Indian content, and now they have millions of subscribers, for example these are 2 channels "Cinadesi (2.25 million) & Our Stupid Reactions (1.31 million)", if you agree you can start with"Animal" Trailer.*
@chrissiereacts 4 ай бұрын
Funny you say that, I JUST watched RRR yesterday and will start the edit this morning. That movie BLEW my mind!!!! I can't wait to check out more Indian movies! Any suggestions?
@balvinderhmh3475 4 ай бұрын
@@chrissiereacts watch these - 12th fail, kaathal the core, sardar udham, three of us
@RideAcrossTheRiver 27 күн бұрын
@noHOPEof 3 ай бұрын
*certainly.* Angelo Badalamenti \ \ David Lynch 'response area words' ◇ are being deposited in the incorrect online bin here *with zero attempted coaxing* regarding ○ 1990 - 91 , 1992 , 2017 *Frost & Lynch( and Engles ) ●* . . . *Compositions by Badalamenti* all( 98 % )beautifully sung by *Julee Cruise* , lyrics written by *Monsieur Lynch* Elvis' cover tune by them in the early 90s *Summer Kisses , Winter Tears* remains a lovely example( different project ) *~* humbly. *here* are great youtube sources for the show's addictive , melodic Angelo`panache *:* Dupont Jacky , ▪︎ Twin Peaks Maniac *&* DuarteGlen( also posted much Bjork years ago ) *~* perhaps. someone in the room can blindly choose a selection( as the titles do have Character names that could potentially (in a vague manner) spoil a certain something along the way *the viewer does n0t want THAT* ◇ highly Inspired *Maja Ljunggren* (easily google imaged) produces Artful imagery in Her own REimagined manner (possibly the T.P fanatic could steer you to several ° confusingly harmless ° ones) also ● *@queen_peaks* dream project creator • just (this week) had a mini poster by *Ljunggren* signed by present smiling *Kyle MacLachlan* (K.M has the hair) *photo on 'X' itter* . . . enjoy whatever it is that you select *&* let no sycophants into the LadyCave diner( !Thank you for Blue Velvet )
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