Iconic Weapon Rules in the Marvel Multiverse RPG, including Errata and Character Build Advice

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Fuzzy on the Details

Fuzzy on the Details

4 ай бұрын

Iconic Weapon Rules in the Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying Game. We'll cover all the Errata, some new mentions in the latest Tony's Workshop PDG, analyze all the current Iconic Weapons in the game, and include some Character Build Advice as well.
I'll follow this one up with Homebrew one, including Iconic Weapons not yet seen in the game, so let me know your suggestions in the comments and I'll try to add them in!

Пікірлер: 44
@Grinnar 15 күн бұрын
Fun fact: Night Nurse is actually Lynda Carter, the lady who played Wonder Woman in the 70's TV show. Same name, same overall physical description and art as her real life self (from when she was younger).
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 15 күн бұрын
Believe it or not, Lynda Carter was only 10 when Linda Carter made her first appearance in 1961! She wasn't called "Night Nurse" back then, but she had been given her own series by Stan Lee ("Linda Carter, Student Nurse") a couple months before he created the Fantastic Four.
@Grinnar 15 күн бұрын
@@FuzzyOnTheDetails weird coincidence? 😱 Stan Lee was a precog mutant?!
@mtknight5141 3 ай бұрын
One of my players wanted a ghost-sword weapon - so we made it where she can elect to deal focus damage instead of health and she can attack using Ego. With Signature attack we explain most enemies aren’t expecting the spectral blade to pass through most blocks
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 3 ай бұрын
That’s a great idea - reminds me of Nightcrawler’s new Soulsword
@joeking1956 Ай бұрын
They need to either change Icon Weapon to Iconic Item or add Iconic Item as a separate power.
@FuzzyOnTheDetails Ай бұрын
I like the idea of a separate Iconic Item power (that things like Silver Surfer's board or the Gem of Cyttorak could fall under). With some guidelines for use. Otherwise the power is just so wide open you can literally do anything with it.
@lawleo2973 4 ай бұрын
Great video 💯 I think the offical rulebook need more details on this part😢 Any suggestion if my hero want to ride a bike(as weapon)?
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
I would definitely look at the Military Equipment / Vehicle rules in Cataclysm of Kang. They can grant a character (and any passengers) a number of Powers when using them. For example, the Light Armored Vehicle has Elemental Blast and Burst. So, if you wanted an energy weapon mounted on a motorcycle, you could definitely do that.
@josephmoon6261 4 ай бұрын
Another great video, Fuzzy.
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
Thanks so much!!
@funadianyoshi4711 4 ай бұрын
Great video!
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
Thanks so much!!
@funadianyoshi4711 4 ай бұрын
@@FuzzyOnTheDetailsOh I had a question about encounter balance. My party is gonna be 3 level 4 heroes. They're gonna be attacking a Hydra base, first fight will probably be crossbones and some hydra grunts. But I want the second combat to have Ultron in it, what rank of villain should I pair with Ultron to make the fight interesting but not too challenging?
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
@@funadianyoshi4711 That’s a tough one, because his -4 DR makes it very hard to take him out physically, but he’s got no defenses against focus damage. So it could either be really hard or really easy, depending on your party’s makeup. If they are balanced and have the means to do focus damage, I’d stat up a couple Rank 3 Ultroids/drones (using the new Henchmen rules in the first Tony’s Workshop if you’ve seen it). If you’re unsure, you could always run him solo - he is the arrogant type to underestimate his foes the first time. If things aren’t going well for him, he might try to escape using his resize powers. He'd plan a rematch that could feature Ultroids that are specifically programmed to counter the heroes, really showcasing his 6 Logic.
@Dany40-LeFix 4 ай бұрын
I think that iconic weapon could have a real advantage if damage multiplier were capped (the Professor X melee damage problem :) )
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
@@Dany40-LeFix That's a good house rule, for sure!
@davelovato82 4 ай бұрын
Please do a how to play video 🤞🏼
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
I've gotten that one before, so I'll definitely move it up my priority list. Thanks for the suggestion!
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
Latest video was for you! Thanks for the suggestion. Working on part 2 now :-).
@VaughanCockell 3 ай бұрын
I have a couple of characters designed for a Champions game set in an MCU variant world, which I have played around converting to Marvel Multiverse. One is a powersuit user themed to the Aztec Eagle Warriors, and is armed with a Macahuitl, as his iconic weapon. I had given it the feature that it could be used as both "sharp" or "blunt" as desired, but am thinking this could be improved. The campaign is pretty much street level, so I have assumed he is Rank 2. What extra features would be good to add? An Edge on all attacks seems obvious, maybe a damage multiplier as well?
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 3 ай бұрын
That's a pretty sick idea (I have a Pathfinder character with a macahuitl). You could give it an ability related to the sharpness of the obsidian blade - maybe attempts to stop bleeding have Trouble? Or, if your take on the Eagle Warriors is that they are elite combat leaders, maybe have the weapon grant a power from the Tactics Power Set? Depending on your build, of course, but something related to the mobility of the Eagle Warriors could be cool. Keep Moving, or On Your Feet? I might even go with Rally on Me. It is Rank 3, but 10 Focus points to use so a Rank 2 character could still take advantage of it with the Rank x 5 Focus spend limitation. Maybe even make it usable as a Reaction with the Trigger being you successfully hit an enemy with the weapon. If you went this route, you could just keep the attributes of the weapon otherwise the same as a Sword (sharp / +2 damage multiplier). Let me know what you decide, it is a cool idea!
@VaughanCockell 3 ай бұрын
@@FuzzyOnTheDetails From your advice I scanned over the powers, and thought - "How about Do This All Day"? This is a singular character instead of a group of warriors, so the Macahuitl is a unique semi-spiritual "badge" akin to Cap's Shield. His Champions reputation is "Some kind of Mexican Capt. America wannabe" after all! So granting the power "Do This All Day" would seem appropriate. Incidentally, how would you put this into the character builder? Just type the power details into the free text box of the Iconic Weapon power? Or is there another way?
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 3 ай бұрын
Do This All Day works just as well!! Another way to add it into the Demiplane Character Builder would be to go to the "Powers and Weapons" section, and up top, hit the gear icon. You can add a "1" in the "Extra Power Points" window and then select the Power as normal.
@VaughanCockell 3 ай бұрын
@@FuzzyOnTheDetails Thanks for the tips! My other character from that campaign (on long hiatus) is a clairvoyant SHIELD Agent who can Mind Blast, and Mind Scan and is a veritable mental fortress. They were fun to build in Marvel Multiverse as well, though it can't quite do the "Precognitive Clairsentience, with No Conscious Control, Collapse, no Mental Defense during visions, Blackout, Vague and Unclear" But that's more a roleplaying gift to the GM - when they want to give story hints, my character collapses and starts babbling weird stuff! ;-)
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 3 ай бұрын
@@VaughanCockell that's great! I've got a player like that - they've got ESP and they're a great story-first type role-player, and that allows me as the Narrator to give a little more info than I usually would in certain situations. We're actually working on a bit of a homebrewed expansion to ESP, allowing it to scale as a character ranks up.
@666MrShit 3 ай бұрын
i made iconic weapon: Skate (yes, tecnically not a weapon, can be renamed iconic item tho): doubles run speed, but characters makes agility check when damaged to avoid gettin prone
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 3 ай бұрын
Very cool! That seems well balanced. The chance to go prone, and the natural limitations on what kind of terrain you could use it on make it weaker than the Speed Run 1 Power, so you might even consider making them a piece of Common Equipment, instead of spending a Power! Do you have a TN in mind for the Agility check? (If not, the rules for losing control of a vehicle suggest a TN equal to the damage taken).
@666MrShit 3 ай бұрын
@@FuzzyOnTheDetails i dont feel its balanced to put items for free tbh, i think its a wrong rule, that needs work and calrification
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 3 ай бұрын
@@666MrShit Fair enough - your table, your rules, as always! Warning if you intend to run Cataclysm of Kang, then: that book gives jetpacks away for free like they were candy. They grant the Flight 2 power, and the narrator is explicitly told at one point that the heroes can use the ones they find.
@AngelicBeatdown 4 ай бұрын
Doesn't Crossbones have Signature Attack: SMG? Also the fact that Wolverine and Black Panther have effectively melee weapons which cannot be destroyed or removed from them (with some exceptions) and bypass Weakness: Vibranium or Adamantium is important! These metals are the strongest in the world right now compared to a steel knife. That counts for something, from RP and combat. However, I do know what you mean about how they were nerfed due to multiplier not stacking. But raw numbers are not the full story, ofc you already know that lol. Also Elemental Weapons that can be summoned like spears, axes, gloves, hammers, etc. as an Iconic Weapon that gives a +1 damage multiplier and non-combat check bonus for someone with no Mighty or Accuracy power is a cool concept I've used for my one player, what are your thoughts on that? They basically can always be re-summoned or put away. Also what are your thoughts on some powers being intentionally minimized for RP purposes? My one player likes to justify his Control Fog power to be able to be localized if he reduces it enough to make like a smoke screen rather than this 100 ft. circle of fog.
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
Nope, Crossbones indeed has Signature:Weapon. It must just be for flavor, right? Because there is absolutely no mechanical benefit to call a common weapon out with a tag. Regarding the fact that the claws can't be removed, that's certainly a benefit, but one that could be erased by someone carrying multiple knives (given that drawing a weapon doesn't take an action as it might in crunchier RPGs). So not worth a Power in my book (which was my argument, that they're mechanically weak in comparison to other build options). I'm toying with ways wo make Vibranium and Adamantium stand out as much as they do in the comics. There are other neat metals, too. I think I'd like to tackle all of them holistically. But yeah, the RP has to count for something, no doubt. My daughter's favorite character to play is Laura Kinney, so I'm the last person to ask for a roll when someone wants to just say she cuts through something! I'll get back on the other questions shortly!
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
Regarding Elemental Weapons, I'd look to balance it against Signature Attack. They'd both have a 1 multiplier, so that's a wash. Does getting an Edge on every attack equal the ability to swap the base weapon's special effect for the elemental effect, plus the summonable effect? I suppose everyone would answer that differently, but I would probably lean towards taking the Edge. Just from a pure mechanics standpoint. If you feel similarly, one thing you could do is borrow from the Twilight Sword mechanic and ADD the elemental effect to the regular weapon effect on a Fantastic Success. If you want something more in the middle, grant the ability for the character to choose if they want the base weapon's special effect, or the elemental one (although blunt electrical weapons would get shafted here). I'm all for minimizing a power for roleplaying purposes. Iceman cooling Logan's drink is a really fun moment in X2! There might be examples where this is done as an exploit, rather than pure RP, but none immediately come to mind.
@AngelicBeatdown 4 ай бұрын
@@FuzzyOnTheDetails I don't have my book on me right now. Psylocke's Mental Punch is her Signature Weapon (tag), and Crossbones should have Signature Attack (trait). I swear I remember that right because I used their sheets to make my own villains in my game. Now not to debate you, but knives, unless there is some other way to hold/carry them, need to be sheathed on someone's body and they can be removed in certain situations but the claws for Wolverine and BP cannot be removed as they are a part of them. I fully understand your argument, it's just I wanted to present an opposing opinion that others may be able to see in the comments section that highlights the benefits of the power because I felt it was significant enough to consider despite the problem Iconic Weapons face of not stacking. I made my main villain a combination of Emma Frost's diamond form and Colossus, so when my players finally found the guy's weakness and they discovered a stash of Vibranium from one of his henchmen who was secretly researching him it was a huge narrative moment!
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
@@AngelicBeatdown I triple checked to be sure, but Crossbones definitely does not have Signature Attack. I've got Roll20, Demiplane and the book all open in front of me :-). Signature Weapon (Tag) on all 3! (and no errata). And debate on this kind of stuff is healthy and awesome! There is definitely no right or wrong, and Forbeck has been supper supportive (in the book and in interviews) of changing the profiles however you'd like. I'd like to imagine that if he ever saw this back and forth he'd be smiling 🙂
@mitchcowan1446 Ай бұрын
I thought that Mjolnir broke the non stackable rule, from an interview published and had been circulated about. Is this bot the case? If so, seems pretty much a waste for what is considered to be one od the most powerful marvel artifacts in the marvel U
@FuzzyOnTheDetails Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, it is not the case. I'm not aware of that interview, but perhaps it could have been during the playtest (or referred to it)? I know there was a point prior to release where the stacking rules were different, and I do recall an interview where they discussed that - if I recall, there was a maximum multiplier bonus they wanted to enforce. But at one point in the design ALL the iconic weapons stacked, not just Mjolnir.
@eriksmith852 4 ай бұрын
Ghost Rider's Bike and Chains would be "weapons" worthy of inclusion here, I think . THis video makes me think of the hammers and weapons from the Fear Itself Storyline. How would you do those?
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
Rules for GR's vehicle and chains are covered by two Powers that have the "Cursed" prerequisite (Hellfire Chains and Possess Vehicle). I'm thinking they went that route because neither is really used physically - both use Ego and have to be "summoned" or "possessed".
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 4 ай бұрын
Oh, and for the Hammers, my gut is you'd go the route they did with the Phoenix. We have an "Echo (Real Name: Maya Lopez)" profile and a "Phoenix (Real Name: Maya Lopez)" profile. Maya became a fundamentally different character when she had the Phoenix Force. Given that The Worthy have their own identities, Powers and theoretically Ranks, I'd keep things consistent. So, for example, a "Thing (Real Name: Ben Grimm)" profile and either a "Breaker of Souls (Real Name: Angrir)" profile or an "Angrir, Breaker of Souls (Real Name: Ben Grimm)" profile.
@666MrShit 3 ай бұрын
also, u missed something, check hydra agents, even thou they have ranged weapon, they dont have the +1 in his agility multiplier, thats because his pistol aint an iconic weapon, yeah he shots with it but not with the benefits associated with that weapon, so u say wolverine claws are the same as a knife, yeah they are, but u still need ur knife as iconic weapon to get a +1, or check deadpool, katanas are swords, swords give +2 to melee multiplier bonus, but he only has +1 added to it, because he uses the mighty 1 power instead of katana iconic weapon, so wolverine actually is not wasted, maybe they should add the wording "unbreakable, undisarmable" to logan and laura claws
@FuzzyOnTheDetails 3 ай бұрын
Common weapons (like pistols or knives) do apply a +1 to the damage multiplier. They do not have to be iconic to do so. This is rules-as-written on page 34 of the book, and there are mentions of it in the FAQ on the Marvel site, and in Matt Forbeck interviews. However, the way these bonuses are applied on the Character Profile is inconsistent, and it puts extra onus on the Narrator to be sure the correct bonuses are being applied. In my Weapons Rules video, I talk through some examples. This inconsistency can be confusing and frustrating. I have some guesses as to why they took the approach that they did, but that could be a whole frickin' video itself :-). Language to make Logan's claws "unbreakable, undisarmable" is a solid idea, and actually in the Tony's workshop article I show in this video and discuss at the 3:40 mark. No iconic weapons can by destroyed in combat - adamantium or otherwise - and any weapon - iconic or otherwise - that is "attached" to a character cannot be disarmed.
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