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If pro-lifers don’t do THIS we will lose . . .

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The Counsel of Trent

The Counsel of Trent

2 жыл бұрын

In this episode Trent examines the aftermath of Roe v Wade being overturned and talks about the one mistake pro-lifer must avoid that they have ample opportunities to talk about abortion.
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@j.johnson2190 2 жыл бұрын
One of the reasons I think Trent is the best Catholic apologist out there is because he understands framing arguments and the importance of crafting the right type of rhetoric. Far too often I hear the right and especially Christians at large stand by a terrible position because they assume being right is sufficient to win an argument. Being right makes rhetoric easier but it doesn’t guarantee you will be effective. I’m glad Trent is making videos like this to bring awareness to the tactics which can secure long term victories.
@bullyboy131 2 жыл бұрын
What examples do you have when Christians stand by a terrible position?
@ntmn8444 2 жыл бұрын
@@bullyboy131 Trent gave some good ones. People aren’t responsive to the “well, there’s always adoption” or “why don’t you just not have sex?” Tell that to people, and they will shut you out. The left argues that we are not pro life, but that we are trying to force women to give birth. Even tho it’s correct to say that women (and men!) ought to be responsible for themselves and they ought to be chaste and not go sleeping around all over the place, you’re not going to win peoples hearts and minds.
@j.johnson2190 2 жыл бұрын
@@bullyboy131 This is a similar situation I've encountered countless times in group settings where the child abuse scandal gets brought up. The most fiery Catholics I know get somber and quiet and don't know how to respond to perhaps the most common objection to the faith this century. The framing of this situation is as follows: you're Catholic but there were priests and bishops who acted badly, how can you think the Church has legitimacy? And then their response is to pivot to another topic, deflect and say it's bad but every institution has bad people, etc. Meanwhile that doesn't answer the core problem with the argument, which is that it rests on a foundation of poor logic. The legitimacy of an institution has nothing to do with individual members being sinful. The fact of legitimacy comes from its origins and pedigree, of which the Church is immaculate in both regards. The question of pro-life vs pro-choice does not rest on the circumstances of one's conception; it rests on the question of "what are the unborn?" and nothing else. When you play into their structuring of the problem, you weaken your inherent position strength as being on the side of the truth.
@jon6car 2 жыл бұрын
@@j.johnson2190 When people bring up bad clergy of even bad Popes. My response is usually one of sarcasm. I tell them that they're right. That God would only put moral paragons in positions of power and never choose someone who would go on to commit adultery and then basically give their friend the death sentence in order to cover it up. And even if such a one did exist it would certainly not be said that they're a man after God's own heart, right?
@kevinkelly2162 2 жыл бұрын
@@ntmn8444 You are not trying to win hearts and minds; you are trying to force a minority opinion on the majority. Less and less people believe the nonsense you believe and forcing this will reduce your numbers dramatically. Religion is OK if you don't think much about it. Now you have forced people to think. You are the dog that caught the car.
@OrthoLou 2 жыл бұрын
She literally listed handicaps as a reason for women to be able to have an abortion, and included autism. On live tv. Boldly. It's scary that this is even such a common thought process in our country.
@davidstrelec2000 2 жыл бұрын
Nazis aborted the mentally disabled people
@councilofflorence4896 2 жыл бұрын
As someone born with a disability, I find it terrifying and insulting. If my mother had not been Christian - I could have been aborted. I'm lucky that God protected me.....I only mourn how many lives have been lost due to such cruel people.
@davidstrelec2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@councilofflorence4896 Nazism has not been defeated in 1945, it simply has changed names. Today they're called liberals
@GageSmith-zr8nf Жыл бұрын
CNN real news with hosted all democrat
@shepherddog1199 24 күн бұрын
Eugenics. We're about to experience WWII Germany if we don't stop this
@hoid8069 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that has always bugged me about the "You can't impose your beliefs onto others" argument is how selectively it is applied. I have never heard someone criticize abolitionists or civil rights leaders for imposing beliefs motivated by their religion onto others. And yes, abolitionists and civil rights leaders used tons of religious arguments. Case in point: the "I have a dream" speech. Yet when it comes to abortion, another human rights violation, this argument is suddenly no longer valid? If you're reading this and are pro-choice, I understand that we may disagree that abortion is a human rights violation, but please understand that we genuinely believe that it is, and please don't use this argument against us if you're not going to use it against people who have fought against other things that you and I both agree are human rights violations.
@mike-cc3dd 2 жыл бұрын
I would just ask... "and you believe this???" "If that's what you believe, then you can't impose youe beliefs onto others" Its a quick judo flip when they try it.
@antoniodesousa9723 2 жыл бұрын
But she did impose her belief that the experimental covid vaccines should be imposed on people without concent through coercive means AND she did impose her beliefs that any other sort of remedy should be disallowed. Yes selective. When people say I shouldn't impose my beliefs on other then just say back "that's your belief you are trying to impose on me"
@JT.Pilgrim 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the Bible does not teach to be a social justice warrior. It’s actually quite the opposite. We are commanded to feed the poor, care for orphans and widows, visit the prisoners. The are all acts of compassion. Never did Jesus teach to go change a government. In fact he said that governments are man’s laws but we come from a different government. It’s called the Kingdom of heaven. We will not lead a single soul to God if we do so by coercion.
@ntmn8444 2 жыл бұрын
There’s obvi a lot of hypocrisy involved with all these common phrases we’ve heard our whole lives. “Live and let live”, “you can’t tell people what to do”….clearly that’s just not true.
@hcho7776 2 жыл бұрын
Thou shall not kill
@mikethemonsta15 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you for your work Trent. Please pray for my mother and sister in law who are not practicing Catholics and upset that Roe v Wade is overturned. They said they cried after hearing the Dobbs decision. But now also they want to work for pregnancy resource centers to help struggling women. Please pray for God to work in their lives, convert their hearts, recognize the dignity of all human life, and be in full communion with Christ's Church. 🙏🏻
@antoniodesousa9723 2 жыл бұрын
Now you see how this is so demonic, non-practicing catholics, which means they were practicing at some point are literally crying because they think they had a constitution right to kill their offspring which was taken away. It's in one of the commandments "Do not kill". As someone's child if you hear your parents say they support abortion and go ape shit crazy when they are inconvinienced, you have to think how lucky you are to have slipped through.
@redheadguy 2 жыл бұрын
Trent, you are absolutely correct that this is not merely a religious position. I recall back in the ‘80s, one of the most consistent pro-lifers in my hometown was a self-described atheist. I remember seeing him speak in a town hall meeting where he simply said his motivation for being pro-life was that the more he had studied it, the more he realized abortion was killing human beings. Great video.
@jd3jefferson556 2 жыл бұрын
I was an atheist for many years, and while I was getting my biology degree I became pro-life because I wanted to be a scientist and from a purely scientific position it was clear to me that a fetus is a unique human life, and there is no denying on any scientific grounds that life begins at conception. So it's funny I was pro-life for years before I became a Catholic
@2l84me8 2 жыл бұрын
Why should we assume any of that actually happened and how does that change the fact you’re removing liberty and bodily autonomy from women? Pro choice is exclusively a religious position and there’s no good reason abortion and that option should be banned. A clump of parasitic cells, lacking brain activity is not a human being, nor should they get special rights over the pregnant woman in question.
@2l84me8 2 жыл бұрын
@@jd3jefferson556 Then you should know that absolutely nothing within science agrees with your religion. Life began about 4 billion years ago and a fetus is no more a person than the cheek cells I scrub out every time I brush my teeth. I strongly believe you’re lying right now.
@mike-cc3dd 2 жыл бұрын
Then you judo flip the atheist into defining why killing human beings is wrong and.... now you have an objective truth/morality argument and can bring them into the church. A twofer
@mike-cc3dd 2 жыл бұрын
@@2l84me8 well you just proved you dont understand basic 6th grade level biology.
@ThePhil737 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve met Kristan a few times, and she does not shy away from being strictly “anti-abortion.” Her mindset is that if “pro-life” means everything, then it doesn’t mean anything. If we try to make it about all social problems then we dilute our actual mission, which is to make abortion illegal and unthinkable.
@ntmn8444 2 жыл бұрын
@mattt5869 2 жыл бұрын
"I am pro-life" has about as much meaning as saying "I am a good person" or "I support virtue." (that is to say, no meaning at all).
@mike-cc3dd 2 жыл бұрын
Well pro life also means. Anti assisted suicide. And for the most part anti death penalty
@ntmn8444 2 жыл бұрын
I signed up to support Trent on Patreon, because he’s truly the best apologist out there. I need to learn how to defend the faith the way he does. He does it so well while maintaining his and his opponent’s dignity. I need to work on it, honestly.
@julieoelker1865 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you've said, except the word pro-choice. I refuse to allow them to define the terms of the debate on abortion. I won't go the opposite extreme and engage in name calling and insults, either. So when I talk to them, I call them abortion supporters.
@scottgun 2 жыл бұрын
You are correct. Pro-choice is euphemistic Newspeak. I'll go one further: I'm perfectly happy to be called "Anti-abortion" rather than "pro-life" because it helps prevent sneaky mischief like, "If you were REALLY pro-life, you'd support [insert Leftist nonsense like open borders, socialist welfare states, "you must adopt", etc].
@hullie7529 2 жыл бұрын
I think Trent's position is that it derails the debate. How they call themselves is not the issue and they might think you're arguing in bad faith, which won't help you to convince anyone. If that's how they want to be called that's ok, we don't care, let's move on.
@zz-bq1yw 2 жыл бұрын
In what way is saying that people can choose to carry to term or abort the same as encouraging abortion? The truth is that it is not the same. Pro-choice is the neutral position, in which religious people can choose to carry to term and encourage their members to do the same and even excommunicate members who have abortions. It would be funny, were it not so grotesque, that Christians don't even follow their own religion and have sex outside of marriage and have abortions all the time and then criticize Jews and atheists for doing the same. Why don't you people follow your faith and remove the beam from your own eye? If you did that more people might be inclined to follow you and willingly make the choice to carry all pregnancies to term in committed marriages.
@scottgun 2 жыл бұрын
@@zz-bq1yw Abortion is the deliberate and direct killing of an innocent human being. No different than gunning someone down in the street in broad daylight. Killing innocent humans is universally recognized by Christians, atheists, hottentots, Eskimos, and the world over as murder. The West however has been afflicted with a poisonous ideology that is a mashup of Nazi eugenics, communist sexual-revolution agitprop, all underpinned by incoherent and self-refuting moral relativism. I urge you to stop letting your anti-Christian bigotry fog your brain, look up "pro-life atheists" and get on the right side of this issue.
@mike-cc3dd 2 жыл бұрын
More like. Baby murder supporters
@gameologian7365 2 жыл бұрын
I abhor the economic reasoning for abortion. I know 3 people who brought their family out of poverty by working hard to get 6 figure jobs. Every child is a new hope for every family.
@bartolo498 2 жыл бұрын
There is also the fact that in European countries with often generous welfare benefits for single mothers (and even better rights/benefits if one had a decent job before giving birth) abortions are lower than in the US but by no means non-existent, e.g. Germany still has around 100k abortions per year despite generous welfare state (and much stricter abortion laws than the US until the recent abolishment of Roe vs. Wade). Of course it is also a disingenous argument from "the left" today because they usually don't argue for killing poor, homeless etc. people just because they don't have a comfortable life... How horrid is the argument that a difficult life with times of poverty is worse than not living at all!
@winstonjen5360 4 ай бұрын
If there truly is a right to live, everyone should be able to eat, sleep, be clothed and healthy without working for one minute or paying a single penny.
@dogcatmom5877 2 жыл бұрын
It is great that CNN interviewed you over the phone, but they should interview you on the air. I think, I could be wrong, that you would have a greater number of people hearing your views. Maybe CNN would not like that? I do not know. But I do know you have so much wisdom and knowledge and present them in such a calm, patient way. God Bless you Trent! 🙏
@Tzimiskes3506 2 жыл бұрын
I think that more people should listen to Trent's videos because they contain some really well formulated arguements and evidences.
@c_xela 2 жыл бұрын
Saw a couple of otherwise intelligent anti-abortion debaters fall into this trap of getting off the focus of what the zygote/fetus is and why it's worth protecting. One of the pro-abortion debaters kept introducing arguments that essentially all boil down to inconvenience to the mother/society, and even persistently brought up religion even though she wasn't religious herself and no one was making religious arguments, but one of the anti-abortion debaters fell into it by talking about the soul and things derailed further from there.
@boguslav9502 2 жыл бұрын
Most of not all pro infantacide aeguments are aeguments from comfort and convenience.
@ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 жыл бұрын
just so you know, it's not a zygote that's aborted. zygotes only exist for 1-2 hours after fertilization. fertilization creates a zygote, but it only exists as a zygote for the first hour or two while it moves toward the uterus. it doesn't become vulnerable to any abortifacient or surgical procedure until implantation at the very earliest. by that point gastrulation has already begun in earnest. the earliest feasible opportunity to kill the embryo without seriously harming the mother is by the use of an "emergency contraceptive" aka a "morning-after pill," which prevents the pre-implantation conceptus from implanting. it's already a many-celled conceptus (sometimes called a morula) at that stage, so we can't say that emergency contraceptives kill zygotes - they kill many-celled conceptuses. as for medical and surgical abortion, it's extremely unlikely to happen until a few weeks have passed since fertilization. so, after missing the opportunity to prevent implantation, the first available opportunity to kill the embryo without seriously harming the mother would be the soonest available appointment to see an abortionist. there's a lower limit to that delay but there's also the fact that most people don't schedule an appointment at planned parenthood the day after they have sex. people with unplanned pregnancies are usually having sex a lot, and are foolishly not expecting to become pregnant. so realistically, the earliest reasonable opportunity will probably be about 2 weeks after the last menstrual period. the best scientific term for the child during this period - from implantation until the foetal stage at 9 weeks - is embryo. however, that's not really the best medical term in my experience. aside from the ones who want to kill your child, most doctors will refer to it as "your child" or "your baby." abortionists will talk about it as if it doesn't even exist yet, as if the abortion procedure is designed to prevent it from coming into existence, rather than designed to snuff it out of present existence. but serious physicians, that is, those who follow the hippocratic oath and work in real medical disciplines, will generally avoid dehumanizing language when dealing with patients. so I think it's best to just call them "prenatal children" or "preborn children" or "unborn children." in that order. the reason I like "prenatal children" is because prenatal is a medical term, it comes across as scientific for the same reason fetus or embryo does, but it's not dehumanizing. it's an adjective _about_ the child, not a noun that redefines the child as a mere organic object. it guards against anyone claiming that you're ignorant or lacking technical knowledge in the subject, without ceding any ground on the _humanity_ of the child.
@Seliz463 2 жыл бұрын
I have found that sticking to natural law discussions seems to be the most fruitful. People generally don’t disagree that minors are owed a duty of care, that we don’t kill people for being poor or inconvenient, that laws that to be clear and unambiguous, etc. These are all ways I’ve been able to slowly help those are pro-abortion start to see the the truth
@zz-bq1yw 2 жыл бұрын
A fetus isn't alive or a being until it takes a first breath, as it says in Genesis
@essafats5728 2 жыл бұрын
@@zz-bq1yw confused here...1st breath where - in the womb our outside the womb?
@rosiegirl2485 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Trent! I just tried some of your suggestions on my older brother, who is sort of prolife. He believes that certain situations should be allowed. (Typical arguments) As far as I am concerned, there is no "sort of." The George Floyd argument was great. When I asked him if he thought we should show aborted baby pictures .. he thought that was demonic .. which I said "so is watching a man be killed, over and over again on national tv." I also ran the thought past him about so many poor and underage .. what should be allowed. He did bring up programs, but continued on that underage should be able to abort, and the very poor. I reminded him that our parents couldn't even afford housing when we were born. We were the first two, of seven. My mom got pregnant with him at 17. Her parents wouldn't allow her to marry my Catholic dad. They aloped and had their marriage blessed with in 3 days. They raised a family and stayed married! Then I brought up killing foster children .. which was a home run for me. I was a foster mom most of my adult life, and my family loved my foster kids! He right away said "of course you shouldn't kill them" So I said "but it's OK to kill them on the thoughts that just maybe they could become foster children, or be adopted" Which I have a son that I adopted from one of these women .. he wasn't a foster child. He was 3 months old and is now 36. My family accepts him 100% as family, and has been the joy of my life! He is smart, college educated, and is a well adjusted man that society has been blessed by, by his presence! Sorry this was so long .. but overjoyed that I could finally articulate my arguments with my brother, who generally stumps me with answers! Well the tables were turned today ..or better yet, I think I changed his position on some of this! 🤗
@Mari_Oh 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you
@Serquss 2 жыл бұрын
We need to codify pro-life in the Constitution.
@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 2 жыл бұрын
In the document that overturned Roe v Wade, he described the previously titled "Fetal Life" as an "unborn human life". If this language was to be codified into a constitutional law it would be a HUGE win.
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 2 жыл бұрын
The only way we are going to do that is to have a human life amendments similar to the abolishment of slavery
@ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 жыл бұрын
that will require a personhood amendment. unfortunately, the late justice scalia did some research on the matter and found that a minority as small as 2%, if distributed optimally between the states, could prevent an amendment from being ratified. so a voting block as huge as the abortion party, supported by a massive pro-child sacrifice lobby and industry, the largest mainstream political party in the nation, thousands of celebrities and several billionaires, will have little difficulty shutting down an amendment proposal. the reason we were able to get the anti-slavery amendments ratified, against the will of the southern states, was because the federal government basically crushed the southern states under its boot and conditioned their resumption of representation in Congress on their successful ratification of the amendments. I don't know how something analogous could really happen for prenatal persons, short of another civil war.
@Seliz463 2 жыл бұрын
If the right challenge gets to SCOTUS, they could hold that the 14th Amendment already includes preborn persons. It would be a very winnable case, from my view. When I was in law school I was very pro-abortion, and I remember being extremely troubled by the simple brilliance of how solid of a win the pro-life lobby could land if they chose that strategy. Of course I comforted myself with thinking that it would only be an option they could pursue if Roe were overturned. Well. Today I am firmly pro-life, and see this argument on the horizon as imminent, and I rejoice in what had previously caused me the most terror back in my sinful, lost years.
@sandra4065 2 жыл бұрын
Kinda think it is already: The inalienable right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - for all men “Created”.
@hacker4chn841 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine saying "I have a child with a disability, therefore abortion is good"
@DeannaWillistonOFS 2 жыл бұрын
And honestly, some countries have or are fighting for a “right” to Euthanasia for those with mental illness & disability, so the “born vs unborn” argument may be shaky with those people.
@EpoRose1 2 жыл бұрын
I had a kid with Down syndrome, and I’ve fallen away from “disability rights” groups because of their refusal to address this issue. The Jerome LeJeune Foundation is the only national organization I have found that stands for the rights of the unborn with disabilities.
@EpoRose1 2 жыл бұрын
*have a kid- still have him!
@jendoe9436 2 жыл бұрын
Look to Sweden where the number of children born with Down Syndrome is practically 0%, because the so-called parents abort them when the markers come back with DS. One of the drawbacks of all the genetic testing we can do nowadays. As soon as something looks out of place, it causes people to worry/panic.
@hacker4chn841 2 жыл бұрын
@@jendoe9436 yep. I'm really not sure why people are so afraid of Downs. It can be hard, but most people with downs that I've met honestly seem happier than most people and are productive members of society. So sad that they're stigmatized like that.
@grainneburke7647 2 жыл бұрын
This was just fantastic. Every prolifer should listen
@cactoidjim1477 2 жыл бұрын
"We need to make sure all slaves are educated before we free them otherwise they won't be able to support themselves." That is ridiculous logic. You don't end a lesser injustice before ending a greater one. Yet this is the logic used by many who want to protect Roe or codify abortion. [Edit: fixed typo]
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 2 жыл бұрын
I remember reading something about an educated slave as a dangerous slave or something like that. No there was the slave owner that actually treated their slaves with kindness but that was very very very very rare such as Phyllis Wheatley the famous poet. The people who “purchased “ her taught her to read and write (Latin and Greek especially) and encouraged her talent of writing poetry.
@abbiel2812 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Along those same lines… “schools shouldn’t have been de-segregated until we could ensure every teacher wasn’t racist anymore”. Terrible logic that could be applied to people who are upset about the Supreme Court decision.
@Scarman-fm8tu 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know if this makes for a sound enough argument, but we could also say that by their logic, killing a human being wouldn't be wrong if we did it in our own house, since that would mean "restricting people's homes".
@briandiehl9257 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I would like to see the response to that
@zz-bq1yw 2 жыл бұрын
It would be wrong, but it is not analagous to an abortion because a fetus is not a human being until at least 20 weeks and has the requisite structures to maybe achieve consciousness. Nor can you kill something that isn't even alive yet.
@essafats5728 2 жыл бұрын
@@zz-bq1yw u have got to be kidding, where were u educated? U seem so ignoramus, just a juvenile and/or or just refusing to see the TRUTH.
@councilofflorence4896 2 жыл бұрын
@@zz-bq1yw Saying it's not a human being until 20 weeks is false. It is already a human before that, scientifically.
@Seliz463 2 жыл бұрын
@@zz-bq1yw if it’s not alive, why do you need to abort it? Because you know if you didn’t, the child would continue to grow and develop and eventually be born. Abortion is an intentional end to the process of human development. You want to pick an arbitrary characteristic and decide that the human/not human line-when termination of development goes from okay to not okay-is based on it. One side of the line is like stepping on a bug, no big deal. The other side of the line is murder. And you picked the most ambiguous line possible. Extremely difficult to measure precisely, testing is invasive, and development of consciousness does not occur at universal times in each unborn child. Likewise the definition and specific components of consciousness are not agreed upon. But the not-murder/murder line should be pretty clear and immediately discernible, right? So that we don’t maybe…accidentally commit murder? Because that would be a pretty bad thing to mess up. The only clear lines are that the unborn child is either a human being with rights at conception, or else not until the moment the child’s body is out of the womb. Two defining, unmistakable events that leave no room for accidental misapplication. Which is it?
@christophekeating21 2 жыл бұрын
The abolition of slavery in the UK came with enormous compensations to the slave owners, the debt for which has only recently been repaid. I think everyone can agree that paying for the care of children is a more worthy cause than paying slave owners.
@scottgun 2 жыл бұрын
A possibility, but note that England's ban on slavery was nation-wide. As we keep pointing out to the shrieking harpies, overturning Wade doesn't ban abortion; it just kicks the issue back to the states. It would ludicrous to start yet another federal welfare program to compensate for lack of abortions when abortions were still legal in some parts of the country.
@christophekeating21 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgun Yes, overturning Roe v Wade is not technically a pro life decision, it's simply a constitutional one. In the absence of federal legislation on the matter any such measures have to happen on the State level, such as the money certain States give to organisations helping new parents. A Federal program would accompany a federal ban, that's the point. If someone says, "but x welfare doesn't exist" I usually answer, if it did could we ban abortion? Morally, I agree with Trent Horn, I'm saying a political solution needs compromises. That's unlikely to happen, but it would be worth it.
@janicesmith2475 2 жыл бұрын
It drives me nuts how the freaking media will never call it just “abortion”. They know it’s a nasty word. They always say “abortion services” or “abortion care”. They make me sick.
@caterinadc5567 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Trent, just wanted to say thank you for sharing your counsel, and I for one am deferring to your judgment in the conversations I'm having about this. May God bless your long-term ministry in this area, and may his work be done through you (with more peripheral Catholics like me making our minor contributions as little twigs off your shoot)!
@EpoRose1 2 жыл бұрын
When I was in college in the early 2000s, there was a protest on campus- a Catholic university- that used graphic pics, and one student complained in a letter to the editor of the university paper that it was disturbing to look at so close to the cafe. Yes, he was more concerned about disrupting his lunch and disturbing his appetite than small humans being torn apart.
@krjohnson29 2 жыл бұрын
As a foster parent, it is shocking to see the number of people arguing that abortion should be legal because otherwise there would be more foster kids. Do they think foster kids wish they were dead? (A few do, but the vast majority do not. And if they do we treat it as a mental illness! We don't help them kill themselves! 😳) Most foster kids are just normal kids. They just got put in a bad situation. Sure, they have issues (maybe more than non-fosters but not necessarily), but we try to help them with their issues, we don't try to kill them! My wife and I can't have bio kids, so I feel like these foster kids are my kids. When people argue they would be better off dead it really angers me. 😠
@ntmn8444 2 жыл бұрын
And I would add that there’s a long line of people waiting to become foster parents and even adoptive parents. My husband shut that down for me, but if not for him, I would be the first one there. I would adopt 5 or 6 kids if I could. I love children so much, and my heart hurts for abandoned children.
@jackieann5494 2 жыл бұрын
If we gave the same subsidy to Foster Care that we do to Planned Parenthood , things would be lots better .
@2l84me8 2 жыл бұрын
You’re missing the bigger picture here: women shouldn’t be forced to birth those children in the first place just because you subjectively think they’re ok. Both a woman’s career and life are jeopardized during pregnancy and she shouldn’t be forced to go through it just for you. You’re basically advocating for a government mandate that obligates and forces you to surrender your blood, spare kidney and liver portions immediately upon request to save a life. That is beyond unconstitutional and immoral. Stop acting like children are being sent to the firing wall. A bunch of unwanted, parasitic cells with no brain activity are being removed from a uterus, that’s it.
@2l84me8 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackieann5494 How do? How does forcing people to risk their lives and violate their bodily autonomy fix things according to you?
@jackieann5494 2 жыл бұрын
@@2l84me8 Too dramatic . NOBODY , EVER proposed forcing a woman to give birth if it would risk her life . Please get real .
@whitevortex8323 2 жыл бұрын
well said trent, thank you for making awareness.
@dogwoodtales 2 жыл бұрын
excellent! I listened to this twice to let it really sink in. will forward
@bazzy8376 2 жыл бұрын
great advice. Thank you for these tips. Once you get stuck in the social programs subject, the argument is over, in a bad way.
@KarenReep 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent as always. Thanks Trent.
@rw3452 2 жыл бұрын
Super-useful video with good points! Btw that link is also useful too although it almost gave me a panic attack, probably a good thing as it just highlights how much more needs to be done to stop the evil.
@thomasjorge4734 2 жыл бұрын
The Seamless Garment was, is and will continue to be, what it was always set up for: a Strait-Jacket!
@sarahvandam4524 2 жыл бұрын
Trent I really love your videos and you, because you explain Christian values with reason, it has really helped me understand my Christian faith better and helped understanding why things in the Christian faith are true and how they apply to life. God bless you truly!!!
@raphaelschneeweiss2502 2 жыл бұрын
Yesterday was my first time doing pro-life apologetics. It was one on one apologetics with a friend, but it was so difficult to do it. I did manage to convince her that abortion is wrong in every case, but I think the main reason was by the grace of God!
@joaquincapiro8919 2 жыл бұрын
Great post. ! Thank you and God Bless.
@larryfer4526 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent message and thanks for a completely reasonable strategy 👍
@jellojenna6 2 жыл бұрын
Trent Horn is the best!
@Renee.M.0312 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You for giving a reliable website for images of abortion.
@marilucervantes6225 2 жыл бұрын
You are very good demonstrating poinst of view, cheers abd God bless you
@carakerr4081 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for your wonderful content Trent Horn and staff I really get so much blessing from your videos. I am encouraged to hear VP candidate Vance speaking in pro life terms praying daily for pro life ministries and consciousness in our land God bless The Counsel of Trent Channel! 🙏🙏🙏
@nuffinman7104 2 жыл бұрын
It blows my mind that Anna Navarro is openly advocating for eugenics on TV
@laurenk1853 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Trent! It’s easy to get lost in the weeds when debating this issue. This video is a great reminder to keep it simple. We don’t have to have all the policy answers to solve the worlds problems BUT we can know for certain that it is wrong to kill an innocent human.
@AJKPenguin 2 жыл бұрын
Walk humbly with the people, on a journey to Emmaus, but most humbly walk with God at the same time.
@cooldude2847 3 ай бұрын
Just read that CNN article. Wow, Trent is being really humble not mentioning how badly he trounced that poor girl lol
@Lerian_V 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you , thank you, thank you! for talking about this. I always clench my teeth each time I see prolife people fall into this trap. I noticed it's hard for people to make distinctions these days.
@GardenMinistry. 2 жыл бұрын
First of all, Trent you are my HERO! You are such a great guy, and we all love you and I hope that sinks into your heart. Thank you for all that you do. Secondly, you are 100% right about sticking to the important fact that the unborn are humans, whether wanted or unwanted, they all deserve life just like adult people with difficulties do. That's the only position that matters, thank you for explaining this so fully and simply! As a pro-lifer I will stick to this fact when discussing this topic with others. I need to watch more videos of this lovely woman you sited, because I think she has even more compelling speeches that will help, especially when pro-choicers say "no that's not a human, that's just a clump of cells that doesn't feel anything" argument. ☺️ God bless you always Trent!!!!!!
@guilhermeres 2 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@Derek_Baumgartner 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this!
@rodneylunofishinrodofgod 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with when are kids ready to see these pictures and videos.
@Jerome616 2 жыл бұрын
Great video trent
@lisaherrling6880 2 жыл бұрын
After the overturn of Roe v. Wade, a friend of mine posted on social media that the next thing the Supreme Court will go after is the Americans with Disabilities Act. How in the world does someone make this quantum leap?
@zarki-games 5 ай бұрын
Because they watch too much CNN fear mongering. I recall also seeing people say that interracial marriage was on the chopping block.
@delvaassante5699 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video.
@jackdispennett744 2 жыл бұрын
22:13 --If you're showing these pictures, you should get the consent of other people to look at them first, and show them only to individuals/groups that consent. Some people may have PTSD from a miscarriage or from having had an abortion themselves, and you might unwittingly trigger that.
@tafazzi-on-discord 2 жыл бұрын
Who cares lol
@Thomasfboyle 2 жыл бұрын
Apathy has led to more deaths than anger in recent years
@GMLFire 2 жыл бұрын
This is 💯 correct. Going down the rabbit holes always lose the argument. Pro-life, or right to life, is about the human life, everything else is a distraction.
@leekshikapinnamneni4835 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@rhwinner 2 жыл бұрын
By taking away the 'right' it forces both sides to make their moral and science based arguments rather than just pointing to the courts.
@crobeastness 2 жыл бұрын
Actual libertarian catholic over here. Being Pro-Abortion is actually the anarchistic view, not libertarian. How can you choose things without having a life to do so in the first place? Things like contraception is evil but that is something i wouldn't ban because it doesn't impede on a person's property. The 2 literal things i want the government to do is not scandalize the public (no public orgies for example) and protect property (which includes one's life). Also, if the left don't want the government involved in abortion, then that means they don't want them to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortion clinics.
@AJKPenguin 2 жыл бұрын
Good points made Z. It kind of dovetails my reasoning I haven't been an LP member, in spite I'm small "l" libertarian. Until the Porcupine Party has a platform promoting life, I can't really take it seriously, let alone support it. Without life, there is no liberty.
@R.C.425 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you,
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 2 жыл бұрын
Ana If anything is a poorly catechize Catholic who was never taught the 10 Commandments nor that every child in the womb is valuable because he or she is a gift from God. She was also not taught that eugenics is a mortal sin
@BoondockBrony Жыл бұрын
Good mindset Trent, I was an atheist for my childhood and young adulthood. But I *always* found abortion to be very sketchy. If anything the belief that feminism and pro-life were mutually exclusive was the biggest thing I wrestled with prior to my belief and I chose life over ideology. There's also many secular reasons to be pro-life, there's a reason the bills were called "heartbeat bills" it's the science pro-choicers venerate is now applied to reality and it shows, maybe there is a person in that womb. EDIT: 22:53 it's very chilling that a group that is seen as "discriminated against" are so willingly bribed into handing over things like this.
@bilbob7624 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent Point.
@kristoffejes7452 2 жыл бұрын
Great stuff.
@Javaholic 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing your strategies. I have however a quick. At what point should/could we start having the conversation about sex outside of marriage? or addressing hookup culture? thanks
@AJKPenguin 2 жыл бұрын
That is a question of prudence. Remember a couple biblical points: "don't throw pearls before swine" and make sure to give solid food to those able to consume it; otherwise give them the milk first so they can grow.
@nickk4851 2 жыл бұрын
Genuine question here: if Catholics fight for abortion to be illegal, should they also fight for contraceptives to be illegal, and why or why not? Obvisouly, one is much more severe than the other, but please say something more specific than that, if you can.
@samueljennings4809 2 жыл бұрын
I think the main difference is that you can at least argue for abortion to be a violation of a basic human right of the unborn, something that does not necessarily need a religious faith to argue for. Contraception is a different issue altogether, and the same arguments against abortion do not hold against contraception.
@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 2 жыл бұрын
Contraceptives can still be used for medical reasons. If we did push for that legally, we should rather have contraceptives require a Doctor's prescription.
@nickk4851 2 жыл бұрын
@@samueljennings4809 That makes sense. I was wondering if Catholics ought to fight to outlaw anything that is gravely sinful, like using contraception. My instinct is telling me no, but I wonder what the Church would say about that. I imagine it has something to do with civil law aligning with the natural moral law, but I am not knowledgable about such things to articulate it.
@Catholicdragonslayer 2 жыл бұрын
@@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 Most do require a prescription. The Pill does, at least. It's just that the prescription is handed out like candy on Halloween.
@Catholicdragonslayer 2 жыл бұрын
​@@nickk4851 The general position is that it is not always prudent to ban a gravely sinful thing. As a famous example, Thomas Aquinas held that banning prostitution (a grave evil) would cause more harm than good in general society where the average man couldn't control his sexual appetite. I, personally, don't find this argument convincing, but it's a matter of prudence, not moral principles.
@shannonrouston3298 Жыл бұрын
I’m running into the argument that pregnancy will be more dangerous for women if they can’t have abortions because if they’re in an emergency, doctors will hesitate to care for them. How true is this argument, and does anyone have any resources that a pro-choice person would find reputable?
@AD-sx7ix 2 жыл бұрын
All of these discussions about policies and programs for born children become meaningless if we think that human dignity is not intrinsic throughout all stages of a persons life, wether born or unborn. If we think that a child’s dignity was mailable in the womb, why would we think it’s all the sudden imailable outside the womb? If the child didn’t have intrinsic dignity then, then he can’t have intrinsic dignity now. So why even have a discussion about what to do about born people in need if their dignity is not intrinsic and unchanging through all stages of their existence? It only makes sense to talk about these policies if we presume that all people regardless if they’re born or unborn have intrinsic human dignity
@hunterburney1257 2 жыл бұрын
Howdy Trent! This is a little off-topic, but I'd love to see you interact more with the topic of intersex people and how this fits into our understanding of men and women. I know you've defined men and women as those who are ordered towards impregnation and those who are ordered towards becoming pregnant, respectively, but I'd love to see how intersex ties into this. Thanks!
@scottgun 2 жыл бұрын
I can't recall the video, but he does cover all the various abnormal conditions. The short version is that edge cases do not disprove the rule. That is, the mere existence of intersex conditions does not justify an identity-politics free-for-all
@hunterburney1257 2 жыл бұрын
I think I know what video you're talking about and I did think it was helpful, but I think what I'm wondering is how do they fit into the wonderful meaning of man and woman. I get that that's kind of vague, but some of those cases are not very cut and dry.
@sandra4065 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t know if this will help, but I usually stump the Abortion side by keeping it simple and scientific: 1.) is the fetus alive, or is it dead? After that I ask 2.) Is the fetus human, or is it some other species? (Alligator? Sparrow?etc.) Then 3.) Does it have a unique set of human DNA, or does it have the same DNA as the mother? And finally 4.) Is there any possible, absolutely 100% successful way to avoid getting pregnant? - Of course, the answer is Women’s Bodily Autonomy: They must exercise Control over their bodies - which is what they claim to want. As for rape & incest cases that they attempt use as reasons we must keep abortion legal, I simply ask: 5.) Would you agree that the perpetrators of these crimes should be immediately put to death if found guilty? Because that, at least, is taking the life of an evil human being. Basically, until you agree these crimes are worthy of death, don’t try to defend a death sentence on the baby who committed no crime and is, in fact, the most innocent of human beings on earth.
@gareginasatryan6761 2 жыл бұрын
I think Trent strikes at the root of the issue. The moral framework of positivism is that it seeks to improve the lot of humans as a political group, in other words, political interests. It’s not study of holiness or morality. Feminism is about the political interests of women, who are already constituents in the present. It’s not about interests in the human rights of future women (who might be aborted). After all, aren’t women perturbed that millions of unborn females are killed? Under this framework, killing women or men is fine as long as it uplifts women in general. Imagine a country where legal system was generally feminist friendly but engaged in democide. And let’s compare it to a “non-feminist” country in the Gulf. A feminist would approve the former, because it improved the condition of women as a group, not because it protected the human rights of individual humans. That’s why Stalin is so praised by tankies. Because he apparently improved the lives of the STILL LIVING people of the nation. The destruction of life doesn’t really count as a negative. In pagan antiquity the value of human life would’ve been approached much like a gardener would to his plants. It’s not the individual lives that are important, but the garden as a whole. If a certain individual plant (a newborn) is not so great, it would be discarded for a better replacement. Taken to its logical conclusion, parents should murder the excess children to which they can’t give a bespoke education, resulting in a less feminist friendly world. At its extreme pro-choice arguments sound a lot like Buddhism (life is suffering, it’s better they didn’t exist), Naziism (removing weeds from a garden, improving the nation) and green ecology (if humans didn’t exist it would’ve been better for Mother Nature.
@rachelw3533 2 жыл бұрын
@FromAcrossTheDesert 2 жыл бұрын
Arguments are not what won the day in Dobbs; What won the day was 40 years of the Federalist Society making waves in the Law Schools in preparation for the day when these lawyers would be eligible to be nominated into the Federal Courts. Nobody has been swayed. In fact, even at our level nobody is swayed by argument.
@andrejgrebenc3235 2 жыл бұрын
The greatest illusion is: my body my choise. Our bodies belong to God. Pro-life shall talk about preventing demnation of those who are pro-choise, demand and perform abortion.
@sandra4065 2 жыл бұрын
I think it’s much more effective to avoid any spiritual aspect when debating this issue. I always stump them by keeping it simple and scientific: 1.) is the fetus alive, or is it dead? After that I ask 2.) Is the fetus human, or is it some other species? (Alligator? Sparrow?etc.) Then 3.) Does it have a uniques set of human DNA, or does it have the same DNA as the mother? And finally 4.) Is there any possible, absolutely 100% successful way to avoid getting pregnant? - Of course, the answer is Women’s Bodily Autonomy: They must exercise Control over their bodies - which is what they claim to want. Ad for rape, incest etc., cases that they use, I simply ask: 5.) Would you agree the perpetrators of these crimes should be immediately put to death if found guilty? Because that, at least, is taking the life of an evil human being. Basically, until you agree these crimes are worthy of death, don’t try to defend death sentence on the baby who committed no crime.
@marccrotty8447 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandra4065 Well said. Same here, I keep God and Bible out of my prolife discussions.
@Mustanaamio7 Жыл бұрын
No they don't because god doesn't exist.
@johnnotrealname8168 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You for saying this. I have been blasting this on twitter. Do *NOT* frame the argument as we should provide more services/government help (Not always a bad thing but it is besides the point.) as that obscures the central issue and makes it contingent on outside help. It is never permissible to abort a fetus, never even if the family is in abject poverty. It sounds rough but people need to understand this, stop arguing based on contingent aid.
@nolanmccarthy3718 2 жыл бұрын
Almost done reading persuasive pro-life. It’s an amazing book and I can not recommend it enough.
@crenshaw2186 2 жыл бұрын
Trent mentioned he’s coming out with a new addition of that book soon
@pmills076 2 жыл бұрын
The question is, why should one individual have the right to another persons body without their consent and against their will in any circumstance?
@marccrotty8447 2 жыл бұрын
Paul. The preborn is exactly where he should be for his stage of development. The parents engaged in relations that brought this life into existence. And even if coerced, the strong should always care for the weak. It is heroic to care for those in need.
@jerroldwhite2741 2 жыл бұрын
It is improper to call them pro choice. I am pro choice and pro life, These people would not be attacking pregnancy centers if they are pro choice. The real constitutional question is WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN. At what point does a woman so-called right to choose infringe on the unborn child's right to life as a citizen and human being
@zz-bq1yw 2 жыл бұрын
You are not pro-choice, because you eliminate the woman's right to choose whether she carries a growth to term. Certainly you can be pro-life and pro-choice, where you encourage people not to have abortions and don't have them yourself and you are entitled to that right. Where that ends is when you wield the state's power of violence to coerce women and prevent them from having abortions on threat of bodily seizure, imprisonment, or death. Remember, this nonsense was settled 50 years ago when the Supreme Court held that a life does begin at some point and balanced the viability of the fetus with the right of the woman to remove things from her body. States have been allowed to put restrictions on abortion, and always have restricted, mid to late term abortions.
@willie-wilz5267 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Trent, I think I did a pretty good job of not falling to the trap with a love one, but she said I was not listening. Should I validate that concern or keep directing it back to the baby in the womb having a right to life just at much as a born baby? The struggle is that the method I use if hurting my relationship with this person because she says I’m not hearing her. Only in rape is she okay with taking a life. It feels like only God can change her heart and thinking about this. Should I just pray for love ones when I see that logic won’t convince them and stop talking to them about this issue anymore? It almost feels like the enemy has access to block logical thinking and truth in people. Thank you and God Bless you.
@wootsat 2 жыл бұрын
You should debate Destiny, or do a video review of his recent abortion debate on Modern Day Debate.
@lumiere.clarita 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, we should be prudent and wise in how we argue our position. But we are _not_ called to "win". We are called to be faithful. There's a difference, and it's important. If Satan appeared and said, "I will sway all minds to your way of thinking and end abortion, if only you will fall down and worship me, " we should refuse. Love God with your whole being and love your neighbor as yourself, for all the law and all the commandments are summed up in these. We advocate for the unborn because they are our neighbors, they are innocent, and they are the most defenseless. It belongs to God to decide when and in what way to culminate our efforts into a tangible victory. When Christ was on the cross, it seemed all was lost. But it wasn't.
@sarahvandam4524 2 жыл бұрын
A question I also like to ask to justify the fact that life begins at conception is: What happens when a woman has a miscarriage?
@scottgun 2 жыл бұрын
You mean asking someone in favor of abortion? I'm having trouble following. For the anti-abortion argument, it presents no diffculty at all. In miscarriage, since no one is willfully directly killing the innocent human being in the womb (which is what abortion is), then no one is guilty of an immoral act.
@briandiehl9257 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgun I think, he is saying that since a miscarriage is the death of the unborn, that implies they are alive? He said it was to justify that life begins at conception
@scottgun 2 жыл бұрын
@@briandiehl9257 That makes sense. For a moment I thought it was a prelude to the "God is the biggest aborter of all!" non-argument.
@Tttb95 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgun The worst part about that logic is that God would be the biggest mass murderer by that definition since everyone dies... Not that I expect pro-choice 'religious' arguments to make any sense anyway.
@tafazzi-on-discord 2 жыл бұрын
What happens is that an unborn human dies of an illness. Sad but not unique to the unborn, people die from illnesses at all ages.
@amaimonmoore4498 2 жыл бұрын
That lady... goodness.
@Seliz463 2 жыл бұрын
One of my answers to the argument about the potential poverty/suffering//lack of family resources etc of unwanted babies is “But we don’t kill people for being poor. Jonathan Swift was being satirical, not literal.”
@DavidMorales-hm3cg 2 жыл бұрын
How do we respond to some of these laws targeting the mothers for prosecution? I was under the assumption that the laws would target abortion providers and not the mothers? Texas recently arrested a woman, she was released because the law couldn't cover it. Is there a risk that laws could change to target the mothers in these situations?
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 2 жыл бұрын
That’s one of the fear mongering things that they use on women who are scared about Roe versus Wade been overturned the fact that they think that they would be sent to prison if they have an abortion that is a complete lie and any pro-lifers said the woman should go to jail is not a true pro lifer. No person who is against abortion would send the woman had the abortion to jail because it’s the Doctor Who would go to jail because he is the one performing 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 or 100+ a week the woman may come to regret her abortion to three weeks months years later. putting her in jail will not help her.
@jerroldwhite2741 2 жыл бұрын
Now you are getting into the weeds. While it may be compassionate to absolve the mother of any guilt, in what other circumstance would we allow a woman to hire a hitman to kill her child or your child because the kid was an inconvenience or disabled? That is why it's up to individual states, in accordance with the US Constitution, although many would and should argue that murder is murder....there are, however, laws on the books right now that take into account extenuating homicide, manslaughter and accidental murder. Just like the child is not responsible for the sins of the father, this is a red herring, if a mother chooses to have an abortion she most certainly is culpable and the debate is now about crime and punishment. We must first acknowledge and support the human rights of the preborn humans. w/love
@exerciserelax8719 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, this is a huge issue that is going to come back to bite us if we don't get ahead of it. Women are already facing investigations, arrests, and even jail time for "suspicious" pregnancy losses. The pro-life movement has always said that abortion providers, not mothers, should be charged. To go back on that would make us look fundamentally dishonest.
@jerroldwhite2741 2 жыл бұрын
@@exerciserelax8719 where is your proof of "jail time for 'suspicious' pregnancy losses''' life is not monolithic and the states can decide....
@SystemsMedicine Жыл бұрын
Hi Trent. So for you, is it ok to kill when some one probably will (or might) do more harm than good? For example, in war do you feel it is ok to kill ‘your enemy’ because they will (or may) do harm? How about a criminal who has killed others, and may do so again? What about a person that buys an expensive car, knowing that children starve to death every day? [I am just interested in your positions here. Do you think you are consistent in this?]
@annakareninnav2427 2 жыл бұрын
@crystlelakefarm1254 6 ай бұрын
How about caring for the born children first?
@jennyredbeans 2 жыл бұрын
Funny. The website loads VERY SLOWLY
@pmills076 2 жыл бұрын
Is the root of the argument being made that the embryo is a person with all the rights and protections as anyone else - and because they are a person and require another individual and person to live, their rights as a person trumps the bodily ownership of another living person. That the embryo has the right and authority over another persons body who does not consent?
@marccrotty8447 2 жыл бұрын
Paul. Marc again. Yes. The developing life has full rights of a person. You establish a false dichotomy. The mother offers 9 months use of her body until birth. This is not an outrageous request.
@Sushimewp 2 жыл бұрын
The full fact of the matter is that this shouldn't be a debate in the first place. There are too many senarios that deem abortions very neccecary for people with uteruses and forcing doctors to hesitate on operating tables, making children give birth to children, further silencing SA victims and making the mortality rate of pregnant women murdered by their partners skyrocket isn't going to help anyone!!!!
@marccrotty8447 2 жыл бұрын
Trent's direction: Ask, "what are the preborn? (human)".
@TheTwinHearts 2 жыл бұрын
Say no to abortion... ✋
@c_xela 2 жыл бұрын
What's the best way to counter the arguement that a human life isn't worth protecting over a woman's bodily autonomy if it hasn't had any concious experience yet, that concious experience is what's actually important rather the life in and of itself? To me, human life is sacred and in and of itself is worth protecting no matter how young/small, but I'm curious if there's a better secular argument out there.
@tafazzi-on-discord 2 жыл бұрын
Pigs are more concious than 4 year olds. Being concious is irrelevant to this debate unless you are talking to a vegetarian There is no absolute right to bodily autonomy; if you step on me you have the obligation to move, no autonomy to speak of. This is also true if I'm unconcious.
@greengandalf9116 2 жыл бұрын
Wish Trent would talk about the better pro choice arguments instead of the "is the fetus a person?" ones. Just because the fetus is a person doesn't mean that automatically means abortion is wrong, you're only halfway there. You need to show that the mother owes her body to the fetus even if she doesn't consent.
@crenshaw2186 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I believe thats called parental obligation. Just like how a father is required to pay child support
@swihun8930 2 жыл бұрын Trent goes through the autonomy argument in this response video.
@Seliz463 2 жыл бұрын
When people try to argue to me that I don’t have a right to impose my religion on them I say something like “Yes, I would never say you should be forced to go to Mass, I agree. I’m not talking about my religion, I’m saying no one should kill babies.”
@Seliz463 2 жыл бұрын
@Excuse me but I’m pretty sure a fetus is a human that hasn’t finished developing and coming out of the womb. Logically that sounds like a very young baby to me. What kind of religious beliefs are required to come to that conclusion? I figured that out with science back when I was still an atheist in law school who thought religion was stupid. People don’t have unlimited rights over their property, including their body. Parents have to do a lot of things with their bodies (and money, time, resources, and energy) that that they may not like or want to do. But minors have greater legal rights than their guardians, who have a duty to provide ordinary care for basic functions of living.
@Seliz463 2 жыл бұрын
@Excuse me but are you seriously trying so hard to force religious concepts on me that you’re resorting to citing them yourself? 😂 I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here for you, return the favor and start citing doctrines of Moloch to help explain your own position to you? Lol What your said is so garbled I can barely make sense of it. I’ll give a try: Yeah, “baby” isn’t a scientific term, but you wrote that the word “baby” usually refers to “an expected or very young child.” Did you make a typo or something? Because you just admitted that an expected child is a baby. So…yes, I agree? But honestly I don’t care if you call a developing human in the womb a baby or a fetus. The word doesn’t change material reality, either way the human in question shouldn’t be killed. Of course a body is one’s property. If no one told you that you own your body, now you know. I won’t even charge you for the legal information. Human rights, what are you talking about? Whose human rights? The baby’s right to not be dead? I’m happy to talk about that. What does breastfeeding or organ donation have anything to do with abortion? Are you capable of sticking to the subject matter, or just to making false equivalences? Do you know consent isn’t an unlimited concept either? The government can do lots of things to you without your consent, including make you pay child support, control where you can go and at what times, garnish your wages if you won’t pay taxes, all kinds of stuff. That’s true in every legal system that’s ever existed. In the case of telling a woman she can’t kill a baby, sounds like a perfectly reasonable limit on consent.
@sandra4065 2 жыл бұрын
I usually respond with: But it’s okay to force your Atheism on people?
@Thebusridesme 2 жыл бұрын
When will the constitution be out dated?
@uaenami 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure about showing pictures or videos of abortion to kids... it certainly didn't help me. When I was in school, they showed us a video that showed the whole procedure and, to be honest, I think it desensitised us to the topic. At least it did to me. I think we were about 15 years old, but I don't think many of us knew what abortion was, and the video served as an introduction to the topic. I don't know what my classmates got from it, but to me it made it seem like it was a regular medical procedure. Ugly, yes, but not unlike so many others you see on tv. I also don't know what the school meant by showing us the video, given that it was a very liberal sex-positive school. I remember after the (very long) video, the teacher asked us what we thought of abortion then. The only person in the class who answered was the one girl that seemed to know what it was about, and she said it seemed pretty ugly, but you never know what situation you'll be in in the future, so she couldn't talk for other women. Something like that. Back then I had no idea what an abortion was for, although the teacher roughly explained it. I knew there was a baby and a mother involved, but it was so other to me, having that video shown at that young age only helped making it seem normal. For many years after that I was pretty neutral on the abortion topic.
@femaleKCRoyalsFan 2 жыл бұрын
Medical procedure that women have no idea what the side effects or potential harms that could come to them are? 10 years ago (back in February was exactly 10 years) I had major surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. The doctor Who performed the surgery explained to me at least a day in advance what would happen and the possibility In a worst case scenario that I may lose that ovary. Luckily that did not happen but my surgery took longer because they also found endometriosis. If abortion was a regular medical procedure and not a tool of murdering a child that is growing in the womb they would explain to the woman what exactly would happen and they would perhaps even show them the tools. Most of these women aren’t even allowed to see the ultrasound screen ESPECIALLY at planned parenthood!
@m.pixley8413 Жыл бұрын
You're right! If people aren't catholic we don't allow them to knock out their grandmother for instance
@crobeastness 2 жыл бұрын
I think focusing on arguing what is being aborted (a human or not) is kind of outdated. Most Pro-Abortion people i debate online agree it is a living person.
@MathAdam 2 жыл бұрын
I don't have a uterus, but I have a right to bare arms. Especially on a hot day.
@KappaTheta11 2 жыл бұрын
Trent, I heard an argument about my body my choice when it come to being vaccinated so that’s the same argument for my body my choice to get an abortion. This is a false analogy fallacy right?
@dumbox1899 2 жыл бұрын
I think the parallels between pro-abortion and pro-slavery arguments are uncanny.
@gabrielrousseau_NM 2 жыл бұрын
I always ask them when they bring up the disabled/unfortunate person they know who should have been able to be aborted. Well, it sounds like what you really want is an expansion of abortion to many more terms of life than 3. It’s not to late to choose to terminate the disabled/unfortunate.
@originalchilehed 2 жыл бұрын
If I can say only one thing, I say "if no one has human rights until they're born, then human rights don't exist at all."
@mnmmnm925 2 жыл бұрын
2:15, 19:10
@whitesoxMLB 6 ай бұрын
Coming from a pro-choice viewpoint, I agree with the main diagnosis of this video: the only controversy is whether abortion is murder. If so, it's wrong. If not, it's a slam dunk for the pro-choice view. The practical benefits for women (and for stable two-parent homes!) are high. The other objections are all garbage. I'm not convinced abortion is murder, but I think it's an argument with some merit, and has a good case for trumping all other practical benefits if it succeeds.
@Droppedcroissant1 3 ай бұрын
So what would you consider murder?
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