Nazi grave marker Leningrad POW camp (War) Full Movie

  Рет қаралды 2,697,845



2 ай бұрын

In 1946, a group of German POWs are mistakenly sent to a Soviet female transit prison camp and must cope with the hostility of the Soviet female inmates and guards, under the orders of cruel camp commander Pavlov.

Пікірлер: 659
@MohamedGsm-ek1jh 3 күн бұрын
L'amour n'a pas de frontières, très bon film merci de partager.
@user-wv6ii5ep8i 12 сағат бұрын
❤ moral of the story suffering hard working enjoyment and romance movies was perfect thank you
@adm0596 Ай бұрын
Русские офицеры никогда зимой на улице не будут находиться без головных уборов. А проще без зимней шапки-ушанки.
@AhnenerbeZZ Ай бұрын
Я вообще не понимаю кто это немцы или поляки ))
@mateipetresergiu5795 Ай бұрын
Sunt Nemți în închisoarea Rusoaicelor!😂😂😂Au incurcat-o cu ele .😂😂😂
@user-zg5dp8ts5g Ай бұрын
Это какой язык?
@rachidfarsi1846 Ай бұрын
@user-qn1dd3it2e 21 күн бұрын
@@user-zg5dp8ts5g французы.. пол милиона воевало на стороне гитлера
@MarcoMichelacci-rv5dt Ай бұрын
Come si fa a raccontare certe sciocchezze sulla storia recente? Non sono riuscito ad andare oltre alla scena del reggiseno. Chiunque sappia minimamente cosa era l'unione Sovietica sa che un atteggiamento simile era impensabile. Magari succedeva di peggio , ma nulla del genere. Questa continua equiparazione di comunismo e fascismo serve solo a riabilitare quest'ultimo. Quando c'è ne accorgeremo saremo già tutti una grande ucraina. Auguri
@indonesiabangkit283 14 сағат бұрын
Tanpa Sovyet., Ukrainia tak bisa merdeka
@user-cj9wj2ff8u 6 күн бұрын
Nagyon jó film, csillagos 5-ös!
@orange1832 29 күн бұрын
My grand grandfather was slaughtered by the Nazis in his home, but my grandmother sent to a concentration camp. Although I have nothing against Germans, I have got some deep cultural scars - even the German language or German shepherds make uncomfortable associations. It seems the film's creators didn't take into account an attitude towards the Nazis among common people at the time. Horizontal collaboration familiar to the Westerners wasn't common in the East. The film is rather a loose interpretation of historical facts. There were a couple of good moments, but it gives you a false idea that the Germans were good guys, the Soviets were the bad ones, but all Russian women were very enthusiastic to sleep with the German POWs. I prefer Twilight (Полумгла) which has got a similar story, but is more humane and believable.
@iljou2 Ай бұрын
Estimates of the death toll vary, but historians agree that more than 1 million Leningrad residents perished from hunger, or air and artillery bombardments, during the German siege.
@theoschan5049 Ай бұрын
Raspizdjajstwo kommunjak !😮😮😮
@ionescunicolae473 Ай бұрын
Very good movie,I like very much especially because this movie show the human side and secret life of the characters ! Thank you for this movie !
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@esteladebetak6659 15 күн бұрын
@esteladebetak6659 15 күн бұрын
0:34 0:36 0:36
@mogamedfakier3592 Ай бұрын
When John Malkovich stars in a movie then it's worth the watch, really enjoyed it
@Jamesy5725 Ай бұрын
He has such disdain for the world: somehow, he's above it. I see this in almost every character he portrays. Maybe that's why I enjoy his movies so much.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Очень печально смотреть, как талантливые артисты снимаются в таких нископробных 100% лживых пропагандистских фильмах, вызывая такие сильные эмоции у зрителей, что способствует ещё более сильному воздействию пропаганды, вызывая в людях страх и ненависть. Талантливые артисты должны сниматься в хорошем правдивом кино, а не в таком дерьме. Очень грустно. Плакать хочется, видя, как лгут о моей Родине. И какие огромные деньги выделяются на эту пропаганду, и каких артистов нанимают. И наивные люди верят, что всё было именно так.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@kizliadams 10 күн бұрын
@@DmitryTihomirow Тогда почему бы тебе не предложить ей "Солценпек" Например
@vanjchyvanchy5901 Ай бұрын
Odlican film.. Hvala vam! I ako moze jos ovakvih filmova!
@user-uu5hc6qf5r Ай бұрын
Фильм полный отстой и говно,у режиссера с головкой не в порядке.Любит сочинять всякие сказки
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@kizliadams 21 күн бұрын
@vanjchyvanjchy na you tube imaš masu dobrih filmova poput ovog evo ti za početak "Dok me moje noge nose"
@kizliadams 21 күн бұрын
​@@user-uu5hc6qf5rСергея нельзя сравнивать с российским кинематографом, но он все равно неплох.
@Simke234 10 күн бұрын
Pa,i nije, Ruski film,a Ameri imaju svoje prste u njemu, ocjena od1 do 5, 2
@cristinabravo1343 Ай бұрын
O filme é emocionante pensando no ser humano porque sem uniforme somos todos iguais e o amor não tem fronteiras.
@luxbeci2 Ай бұрын
Yes this thruth
@orange1832 29 күн бұрын
Где вы тут увидели любовь, тут показана только похоть. И этот сюжет очень далек от реальности.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@alinea6744 14 күн бұрын
​@@DmitryTihomirow vous y étiez ? Non! Alors comment pouvez vous parler ainsi. Vous ne savez pas ce qui c'est passé en 45. Ma mère a connu la guerre et j'ai pu l'écouter dire et redire ce qu'elle a vécu. Quant à la guerre d'aujourd'hui rien à voir avec la précédente
@DmitryTihomirow 14 күн бұрын
@@alinea6744, que s'est-il passé en 45? Qu'est-ce que votre mère vous a dit? Que savez-vous? Ma mère a aussi survécu à la guerre et elle m'a aussi parlé de cette époque. En outre, quand j'étais à l'école, dans les années 80, il y avait encore beaucoup d'anciens combattants, ils étaient encore jeunes et il était possible de communiquer directement avec eux. Ils sont venus nous voir à l'école et nous ont parlé de la guerre. À la télévision, des documentaires ont été montrés - des Actualités cinématographiques en temps de guerre. En outre, à cette époque, dans la littérature et le cinéma, les gens de la génération qui ont survécu à la guerre, qui se sont battus ou qui ont travaillé à l'arrière travaillaient dans. Ils ont écrit des livres et fait des films, montrant en eux la vérité sur cette époque, ce qu'ils ont eux-mêmes vécu et vu de leurs propres yeux. Mais ce qui est filmé maintenant sur la guerre est une honte. А что случилось в 45-м году? Что рассказывала вам мать? Что вы знаете? Моя мать тоже пережила войну и она мне тоже рассказывала о том времени. Кроме того, когда я учился в школе, в 80-х годах, было ещё очень много ветеранов войны, они ещё были молоды и можно было с ними общаться на прямую. Они приходили к нам в школу и рассказывали о войне. По телевидению показывали документальные фильмы - кинохронику военного времени. Кроме того в то время в литературе и кинематографе работали люди поколения, пережившего войну, воевавшие или трудившиеся в тылу. Они писали книги и снимали фильмы, показывая в них правду о том времени, то, что они сами пережили и видели своими глазами. А то, что снимают сейчас о войне - это позор.
@zeljkozeljko-lr5nm Ай бұрын
Tužno...doktorica je ostala bez dvi..ljubavi, muškarca
@user-bh2re8sz6t Ай бұрын
بل الفعل الحب وما قتل
@hahohihi4753 28 күн бұрын
Брате Србине!? Јеси ли луд?! Фашисти су и вас Србе клали ко козе. Ово је јефтина порнографија! Питам се како је то руско-енглеска копродукција. Очигледно је нееквивалентна организација. Англосаксонска ГЛАСОСТ. Руси дају више од 27 милиона жртава! Слава Русији!
@t.n.3483 Ай бұрын
During the German siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), which lasted approximately 900 days, at least 700,000 inhabitants died, mainly from starvation. The surviving women danced with the Germans? And then the Germans got a night off outside the camp! SS men were tattooed under their arms - Identification was therefore easy.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@aleksandarivaniv6989 Күн бұрын
Дори това да е измислица ,все някак трябва да се погледне ,на по доброто.Филма ни показва че няма ненаказано зло ,показва че любовта, обичта е по добрия вариант, който можем да изберем. Помислете колко е тъжно и смешно .Заради хора ,които са болни мозъци ,въвличат хиляди в една война ,в която умират милиони.
@1982asd Ай бұрын
Women as male POW supervisors were not allowed to work in this field either in Russia or previously in the German concentration camps Only men are assigned as supervisors for male prisoners of war, there may be female supervisors as well, but mainly men supervise male prisoners The fact that the dead were lying frozen on the ground with the German and Axis troops that happened was also told by a veteran friend of mine that when he was out on the Russian front, the soldiers had fun by placing the frozen corpses upside down in the icy, hard, thick snow
@dancorneanu5274 Ай бұрын
Felicitări , Film de +10 Mai Dorim ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@c.a.n.268 Ай бұрын
Какой ублюдок создал этот фильм ?
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@lilas3489 12 күн бұрын
Olisi kiva kun saisi näitä Venäläisiä elokuvia Suomen ohjelmistoonkin.Täältä kun katsoo,niin tranleitteri ei ihan pysty ymmärrettävästi kääntämään tekstiä.
@saqibsaqib8881 Ай бұрын
1.42.24. if i was him i will refuse to go back and never ever leave her alone. Am really so sad and tears in my eyes.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Очень печально смотреть, как талантливые артисты снимаются в таких нископробных 100% лживых пропагандистских фильмах, вызывая такие сильные эмоции у зрителей, что способствует ещё более сильному воздействию пропаганды, вызывая в людях страх и ненависть. Талантливые артисты должны сниматься в хорошем правдивом кино, а не в таком дерьме. Очень грустно. Плакать хочется, видя, как лгут о моей Родине. И какие огромные деньги выделяются на эту пропаганду, и каких артистов нанимают. И наивные люди верят, что всё было именно так.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@abhikul123 Ай бұрын
01:42:24 Really sad. I would have never left her alone after being with her, dancing with her and making love with her. Would have taken care of her and considered her son and the child to come in to this world as my own. I know many will laugh at me. But it's ok. I would have taken her home with me. Or would have rebelled if not allowed. No one should leave a loving, caring woman like her. Such women are rare to find. Every man needs a woman to care for him and his family. Language, religion doesn't matter so much for me. Look at how sad the woman and her son were. The son also would have hoped for a better future. What does any woman want? Love, care and respect from her man. A man who can take her responsibility. May be these are old fashioned thoughts. But I just felt like writing all this. These are only my thoughts. Any man who finds such a woman should never leave her until death. Any woman who finds such a man should never leave his side.
@johngodmercy4059 Ай бұрын
You are naive as you don't know what communism mean. He just could NOT take them with him.
@AntonellaDeMartini-bn2qi Ай бұрын
Che tenero! Adorabile! Concordo, infatti, pensavo avrebbe scelto di restare! MA SIAMO DUE ROMANTICONI!! LA REALTA, SPECIE IN QUEI TEMPI...
@ImranFaxradov Ай бұрын
Ты прав я поступил бы как и ты мыслишь,но есть некоторые безчувственные животные и мы обязаны с этим смириться
@user-tc4pl8hg6x Ай бұрын
Такого мужчину как Вы, тоже не каждой женщине доведётся встретить. Некоторые так и стареют, в мечтах, и так не дожидаясь своего счастья остаются одинокими😔
@billfarley9167 Ай бұрын
You're too tightly wrapped dude. You need to lighten up because perfection is a curse.
@nazmieismail5186 20 күн бұрын
A well directed and portrayal of a real historical war event. Well worth watching.
@antoniojorge2443 Ай бұрын
@user-vp5el2ct6e Ай бұрын
Редкое Г.
@user-iy7cx8wd6t Ай бұрын
@Dirt24dj1tp5xe3w 26 күн бұрын
Я смотрел что в Буче/Украина вытворяли эти российски выродки, так в этом Фильме просто художественно все представлено.
@andradefilho738 25 күн бұрын
Bom filme, obrigado por postar, na guerra todos perdemos, não há vencedores. Assistindo o mesmo aqui no Brasil.
@MuheiGunners 25 күн бұрын
What movie?
@LIOH-mz8vl 12 күн бұрын
Да мы все проигрываем, но ето нельзя изменить~Потомки Каина всегда будут убивать потомков Авеля, но пусть тебя ето не огорчает, если ты с Богом, не забывай, что смерти нет, есть Переход а другую реальнность, где нет времени
@TV-df5pv Ай бұрын
더 이상의 전쟁은 없어야합니다
@cjpjp6374 Ай бұрын
Superbe film plein d émotion avec des acteurs de qualité. .merci pour le partage. ..un abonné de plus 🤗
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@aissabenguenna7340 Ай бұрын
فيلم يجعلك مكتئب
@leonaxsiemprers1261 20 күн бұрын
Excelente película 😊😊viendo desde Perú 🎉🎉
@mohamedantar-xi1jl Ай бұрын
Film excellent en HD 🌺🌺🌹🌹💐💐🌹👍
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@leniramacondo5032 Ай бұрын
O surpreendente na arte e na rotina da vida é que nos emocionamos, mesmo quando, nos deparamos com o nosso inimigo, e no desenrolar das circunstâncias nos tornamos vítimas de nossas ações, sentidos e capitulamos para poder amar e seguir, já com outra perspectiva.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@luxbeci2 Ай бұрын
My grandfather died Stalingrad Don river 1943
@user-kf2pu5vg7y Ай бұрын
Хорошее место. Чернозём.
@user-ih6yb6mb8z Ай бұрын
@user-ih6yb6mb8z Ай бұрын
, не Дон
@jbrobertson6052 Ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that my grandfather died in Italy he was Canadian and even today I have no use for Germans because of them millions and millions of people have been killed and I wonder how many more times are they going to be allowed to do this
@alex.rg4 Ай бұрын
По факту ты не знаешь где (умер) твой дедушка, так как города на такой реке в СССР не существовало.
@tunganhduong182 Ай бұрын
Phim tình cảm rất hay,, người phụ nữ Nga tuyệt vời trong thời kỳ ấy
@user-bh2re8sz6t Ай бұрын
تم خلط الدماء الروس ما الحلف النازي ❤❤
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@user-pf9xf5xf4l 2 ай бұрын
هنا يبين قلب المرءه كيف حنين ولاتحمل حقد
@corinnecyrillemeda3014 Ай бұрын
Il y a de tout parmi les femmes aussi, ne l'oubliez pas, même si ce film montre le contraire selon vous. 🤔🫤
@shahjunaid2898 Ай бұрын
So much painful movements. I mean how such people survived during the time, and how many have been killed, this is painful
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@PattranitRojxuuu-iw7cs Ай бұрын
สนุกมากเลยค่ะ ธรรมชาติสร้างมาให้ผู้หญิงคู่กับผู้ชายเมื่ออยู่ใกล้กันก็หวั่นไหวไม่ว่าจะ ชนชั้นไหน ผู้หญิงในเรื่องสวยทุกคน
@amazeus1980 Ай бұрын
it shows how political systems divide people and how it kills love on our planet...
@atlantisboliviaorg Ай бұрын
Absolutely right...
@brunoterlingen2203 19 күн бұрын
Highy unlikely scenarios.
@SVA898 11 күн бұрын
Ну и перевод в титрах это что то..слово Петер имя перевели как Пердеть..
@alripal9665 Ай бұрын
It's the kind of jail i would have time for,great flick
@user-md8zs8wu5f Ай бұрын
И что в этом фильме отличного? Удивляет то, что режиссёр не включил в этот фильм газовые камеры, ведь мы же, русские, очень кровожадны и жестоки. И все это вам преподносит пропаганда ваша западная и сша. Сплошная ложь.
@fernandopalhano2797 Ай бұрын
Paixões que nascem em circunstâncias extremas não perduram.
@tanatos6969 Ай бұрын
Excelente película. Cuando el drama es mil veces superior a las balas.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@yolandascholten2012 Ай бұрын
Awesome movie. Cheers.
@ChristianmarceloCabrera-of7sq Ай бұрын
Muy buena película. Excelente
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@anniedehasque2414 2 ай бұрын
C'est un beau film. Le rôle des femmes est superbe. Merci
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@lidijabolotskaja3372 10 күн бұрын
@@DmitryTihomirow вы правы!!! Это просто гадость и ложь!!!.
@user-eq3hu7md3b Ай бұрын
Ótimo filme 👍👍
@karinehbrecht2648 Ай бұрын
Ein bewegender Film 👌 die Übersetzung ins Deutsche aber leider eine totale Katastrophe 🙈
@wilmamartinez-xf9wh 28 күн бұрын
Me gustó..No fué ojo por contrario hubo perdón..este último es el que salva los pueblos..
@ivanbravosantander9619 Ай бұрын
La traducción al portugués está excelente!
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Maybe the translation is great. But the film itself is crap, 100% false propaganda. It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@user-sy7ow5io2c Ай бұрын
Название фильма можно?
@mateipetresergiu5795 Ай бұрын
Închisoarea din Leningrad
@mateipetresergiu5795 Ай бұрын
Cage în The Leningrad
@rolfklein5582 29 күн бұрын
Das Lager - Wir gingen durch die Hölle (Origina Title:l In Tranzit)
@shakthivelvayramuthu 17 күн бұрын
very good movie to watch
@franconicolai6736 Ай бұрын
Scorrevole, ottimo, bravi attori,commovente, umano
@niculescudana115 Ай бұрын
Având in vedere toti suntem OAMENI dar avem o răutate in noi fiecare deosebită .toti inclusiv SEFII de stat au impresia că toti suntem carne de tun șI asa suferă OMUL DE RÂND 😥😥😥 nu cred că oameni care sunt conduși de SATANA vor RĂZBOI
@tunganhduong182 3 күн бұрын
Phim tinh cảm, nhân ban ❤
@dreadfortpublicitaria309 Ай бұрын
Saquenme de una duda el mismo que hace el personaje de Adres o Andrei no es el mismo actor de milagro en la celda 7? Gracias
@francescomartella9048 Ай бұрын
Bellissimo film che, esperienza terrificante hanno vissuto tutti quanti, però, bisogna dire che neanche i russi sono stati teneri coi prigionieri.
@NelsonPerez-mi7cv Ай бұрын
Muy sencillo pero muy bien el motivo por el tema de la información 😮
@LIOH-mz8vl 12 күн бұрын
Gyg aigia! Хорошая идея, что на ин.языках~для меня стимул учить английский!
@user-fd9vg9xw3p 12 күн бұрын
Они говорят на французском.
@gilbert.hamelin8000 2 ай бұрын
La France et foutue, maintenant il brouille tous les films ou c'est un peu chaud
@philippeceline984 Ай бұрын
La France EST foutue ! Faites Gaffe ... Merde !
@jeanmarcgilletforgeron Ай бұрын
@manuelplez6429 Ай бұрын
c ' est à la fois ridicule et irrespectueux pour le réalisateur du film .
@TroyaAnatoliah-tj1gd Ай бұрын
@azizbeksoliev8382 Ай бұрын
Как называется фильм?
@rolfklein5582 29 күн бұрын
Das Lager - Wir gingen durch die Hölle (Originaltitel: In Tranzit)
@emmanuellefeytout6911 24 күн бұрын
quel est le titre en français ? quel acteur joue le chef du camp ? de quelle année est le film ? MERCI
@friedafellnase8539 13 күн бұрын
Das ist Darstellung!? Film Lassen wie uns nicht manipulieren! Durch ihre Darstellungen! Hören wir Nenschen den ehrlichen Menschen zu!❤
@JulimarNUNES-ml3ck Ай бұрын
O filme é muito bom gostei
@user-xu9iv9fr4n 11 күн бұрын
И, звук плохой. Другую версию не нашла
@user-kh3py3du3g Ай бұрын
Excellent example of bloody war
@josefratalits2670 Ай бұрын
Sok a reklám , de a film tanulságos .
@hadjxxs264 Ай бұрын
merci pour le partage
@user-bm5vc2dh1p Ай бұрын
Dzięki fajny film pozdrawiam
@abhisankaradhikary1067 Ай бұрын
Nice movie ......very well portrayed
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@abhisankaradhikary1067 28 күн бұрын
@@DmitryTihomirow it's million dollar question ...........
@user-kr1es3jp3i Ай бұрын
Название фильма -"По этапу".
@user-ql3xs2xc7t Ай бұрын
@luxbeci2 Ай бұрын
Fake cartoon
@peterwhite3627 Ай бұрын
it is strange movie without name, after I dug out, the name of this movie is "In Tranzit"
@user-yq9cv9ep8y Ай бұрын
How does a doctor cheat on her husband with a prisoner?Where is the love and where is the loyalty? I will never admit that True love is between a man and a woman, and there is marriage between them, so that after that they will have memories and a beautiful life But the writer of this film's story is a failure who will not know how to achieve true loyalty between a man and a woman
@spiglerlarger8496 Ай бұрын
this flim is not nomal flim i i like it i thamks for the story is wil mad best palyede i love the is flem
@ChristopherRobinson-fk3jp Ай бұрын
Excellent movie
@issa-fg4kf Ай бұрын
فلم شيق وواقعي احزنتنتي زينة حينما شنقت نفسها وموقف الطبيبة انساني ومعبر
@brasiliabernachea748 Ай бұрын
Un excellent film continue de démontrer la douleur et l’injustice contre l’humanité, Dieu nous sauve tant de douleur qu’ils ont endurée
@mariahelenademoraessantos3297 Ай бұрын
😊 por😊😊😊😊 polo polo p PP ppp0p0pp0ppppp
@user-ip5yb8sj8f 20 күн бұрын
Смерть фашистам и нацистам!!!!
@AlminDelic-ny4yt 10 күн бұрын
@sergiustejar4046 Күн бұрын
@Davidb......75 Ай бұрын
Gute Video Qualität 😊🎉😮
@janpierzchala2004 Ай бұрын
Come on. 21:00 (top less) shows complete disregard for the truth of Communist customs. Which were extremely prudish and this colonel would never even think about ordering this topless. By the way he would be on his way to gulag very soon for doing this
@pnna.b.seimont9640 Ай бұрын
1:26:12 🙃 неужели советские женщины так изголодались по мужчинам , что так быстро простили немецких пленных 🤔😱?
@orange1832 29 күн бұрын
Да ерунду показывают. Но кто-то ведь верит что так и было.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
​​@@orange1832, фильм - чудовищный бред. Но ещё более чудовищно, что почти все комментарии восторженные. Каким дерьмом голливудская пропаганда набивает головы людей по всему миру! Ведь тут и Бразилия, и Вьетнам, и арабы, и Индия, и кого только нет. И все в восторге от этой антисоветской, антикоммунистической, русофобской агитки. И все умоляют субтитры на их языке.
@michelmichel1440 28 күн бұрын
Merci du partage de ce beau film , qui n'aurait jamais du éxister , sans ces guerres monstrueuses ! at sa continu !
@DmitryTihomirow 24 күн бұрын
Что хорошего вы нашли в этом фильме? Очень печально, что талантливые артисты соглашаются играть в таких дерьмовых 100% лживых фильмах. Но, как говорится, деньги не пахнут. Благодаря этим беспринципным артистам, которые соглашаются играть в этом дерьме, зрители думают, что всё, здесь показанное, правда. Это очень, очень грустно.
@DmitryTihomirow 24 күн бұрын
Qu'avez-vous trouvé de bon dans ce film? Il est très triste que des artistes talentueux acceptent de jouer dans de tels films merdiques 100% trompeurs. Mais comme on dit, l'argent ne sent pas. Grâce à ces artistes sans scrupules qui acceptent de jouer dans cette merde, le public pense que tout ce qui est montré ici est vrai. C'est très, très triste.
@shubhjeetkaur6182 Ай бұрын
Can anyone tell what was written in that last note???
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
What difference does it make what was written there if the film is 100% false propaganda.
@sabigalmahros Ай бұрын
من فضلكم هل هناك نسخة مترجمة للعربية اعطونا الرابط
@user-iq5es4zy9q Ай бұрын
تستطيع تفعيل الترجمه من النقاط فوق الفيديو
@sabigalmahros Ай бұрын
@@user-iq5es4zy9q فعلت الترجمة ولكن الترجمة بالإنجليزي وانا دلخ ما افهم إلا العربي حقنا😕
@clarajoni2118 Ай бұрын
This is a good film, but who is the hero? !!🙏
@user-xh1yj3ux9v 17 күн бұрын
Хоть один разумный нашёлся в семье и мог дать отпор эти двум прохвостам
@elenaelena935 Ай бұрын
Buna ziua, a fost un film foarte frumos, dar și cu pentru înțelesul tuturor că nevoia de a avea pe cineva aproape( intim ) uiți pentru un moment de toqte și cauți să-ți înfrângi aceea plăcere trupească, nemaiținâd cont cine sunt acei bărbați prizoneri....vă mulțumesc cu drag ! ❤
@user-ru7ql4vp2m Ай бұрын
Că tu crezi,Elena că dușmanul de pe front se transformă ..peste noapte..în cel mai galant amant..peste noapte😮iar rusoaicele ...ce suflete caritabile,nu?romantica și atăt.
@elenaelena935 Ай бұрын
@@user-ru7ql4vp2m Bună dimineața, știu că a fost un film realizat de producător după fapt real, așa și spune la începutul filmului, dacă ați urmărit filmul, acum fiecare gândește ce dorește, o fii nu o fii adevărat mie una mi-a plăcut filmul....vă mulțumesc pt.mesaj.
@elenauntila2596 Ай бұрын
De unde te ai luat asa de proastă
@berndmuhle5836 Ай бұрын
ein wiederliches machwerk
@andrewborovskikh8106 Ай бұрын
It was too bad an idea to make this movie in English, of course. The Germans should have talked German, The Russians should have talked Russian with the appropriate English translation in the subtitles or voice-over. The American actors, the main roles being the case, should have been dubbed first into Russian and German, then they should have been translated voice-over into English. In addition, the moronic subtitles which do not match the meaning, the more so the audio. Vera Farmiga and John Malkovich sound pathetic with this currently helpless infantile approach to the audio of the movie.
@johngodmercy4059 Ай бұрын
I understand your point but speaking in English over German and Russian does sound very good.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
What difference does it make which languages they speak? The film is shameful, 100% false propaganda. Because the actors will speak the right languages, the shit won't get any better.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Какая разница на каких языках они говорят? Фильм позорный, 100% лживая пропаганда. Оттого, что актёры будут говорить на правильных языках, дерьмо не станет лучше.
@EspaceMyjo Ай бұрын
🥰Merci pour le partage 🥰 = Un super bon film, plein d'émotion sur fond d'une époque terrible, comme je les aime.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
Why did you like this shit so much? People with no conscience made this 100% false propaganda film.. I'm shocked! How can people watch this and say it's good?! What's wrong with people's heads if they can watch and praise such obvious nastiness?
@EspaceMyjo 28 күн бұрын
@@DmitryTihomirow Tous les goûts sont dans la nature. Qui plus est, quitte à insulter mes choix ( Et donc m'insulter ), merci de bien vouloir me vouvoyer.
@MuheiGunners 25 күн бұрын
​@EspaceMyjo are you know, what movie name?
@DmitryTihomirow 24 күн бұрын
​@@EspaceMyjo, le mensonge, la vérité, la propagande n'est pas une question de goûts. Il est très triste que des artistes talentueux acceptent de jouer dans de tels films merdiques et mensongers. Mais comme on dit, l'argent ne sent pas. Grâce à ces artistes sans scrupules qui acceptent de jouer dans cette merde, le public pense que tout ce qui est montré ici est vrai. Et ce film et des films comme lui regardent le monde entier! C'est horrible. Si vous pouviez lire les commentaires en russe, vous verriez comment les gens qui savent bien ce qui s'est réellement passé à Leningrad et dans le pays dans son ensemble pendant la guerre sont indignés par ce film. Comment fatigué de cette propagande anti-soviétique primitive!
@DmitryTihomirow 24 күн бұрын
​@@EspaceMyjo, le mensonge, la vérité, la propagande n'est pas une question de goûts. Il est très triste que des artistes talentueux acceptent de jouer dans de tels films merdiques et mensongers. Mais comme on dit, l'argent ne sent pas. Grâce à ces artistes sans scrupules qui acceptent de jouer dans cette merde, le public pense que tout ce qui est montré ici est vrai. Et ce film et des films comme lui regardent le monde entier! C'est horrible. Si vous pouviez lire les commentaires en russe, vous verriez comment les gens qui savent bien ce qui s'est réellement passé à Leningrad et dans le pays dans son ensemble pendant la guerre sont indignés par ce film. Comment fatigué de cette propagande anti-soviétique primitive!
@Lacostta2 Ай бұрын
Acredito que tenha sido verdade, na guerra qualquer ato de romântico ficou registrado com algo diferente e doloroso. Belo filme.
@DmitryTihomirow 29 күн бұрын
It is very sad to see how talented artists star in such unproven 100% false propaganda films, causing such strong emotions in the audience, which contributes to an even stronger impact of propaganda, causing fear and hatred in people. Talented artists should be in good, truthful movies, not this kind of shit. It's very sad. I want to cry, seeing how they lie about my Homeland. And what a lot of money is being allocated for this propaganda, and what artists are being hired. And naive people believe that everything was exactly like that.
@ficpropedeutico1745 Ай бұрын
17 millones de civiles soviéticos asesinados cruelmente por la Alemania nazi.
@user-md8zs8wu5f Ай бұрын
А всего погибло около 30 миллионов советских граждан. Фильм этот является пропагандистским плодом врагов России. Для разжигание новой мировой войны. Но мы не хотим войны. Миру - мир!
@user-xu9iv9fr4n 11 күн бұрын
Согласна. На любом языке, как-то, не совсем корректно
@JosianeCuvez-bi2xz Ай бұрын
Inutile de noys passer des films la France est maintenant dans un camp de prisonniers à ciel ouvert en 2024 et on a des souvenirs et des livres pour nous rappeler ces moments là alurs stop avec vos images qui nous remue les triples
@arefsalari2605 21 күн бұрын
ببخشید اسمه این فیلم چی هست؟
@tashipintsobhutia1842 Ай бұрын
Awesome War Movie From Great Russia. 👁️🙏👁️ 🇮🇳
@rodshephard3837 Ай бұрын
Powerful movie
@user-dp1kx9gr9c 3 күн бұрын
Je propose de voir cette chaîne elle fait la bonne cuisine marocaine
@moxxie822 9 күн бұрын
немцы не оккупировали Ленинград как сказал полковник плюс он сказал что они все из сс хотя форма вермахта
@nguyentuan8008 Ай бұрын
Bộ phim không phản ánh đúng về những người lính Nga, tính cách Nga. Bản chất có tính thù địch nước Nga tôi yêu.
@user-kt4dn2xe7v 29 күн бұрын
Спасибо я согласна с вами . Русская .
@nadiabellili1501 Ай бұрын
Oui l'amour n'a pas de frontière, faite l'amour pas la guerre .
@user-mi3jr2kj7k Ай бұрын
Люди никогда не смотрите это кино, мой дед герой войны, и так не было, это всё враньё.
@soZialiZmda7744 Ай бұрын
Враги России переписывают историю
@leanhtuan5443 Ай бұрын
a film from hollywood 🙄
@user-sw5bi5bq7p Ай бұрын
​@@soZialiZmda7744Россия переписывает историю.
@Alexandr_Bogachev Ай бұрын
@@user-sw5bi5bq7pКонкретизировать можете?
@aty8413 Ай бұрын
@@user-sw5bi5bq7p зачем? А вот тебе копейченка падает, вот и ты и гавкаешь из подворотни.
@user-gb8ng6dc7l Ай бұрын
la guerre à l'est vue par les américains, caricatual comme d'hab!
@ValijonAbdurahimov-xb8nt 18 күн бұрын
Как называется этот фильм
Final increíble 😱
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