Inside The Mind of a Super Unicum - How I Deal With Being Bottom Tier

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7 жыл бұрын

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@jurekdekarski2316 7 жыл бұрын
Apparently some viewers wanted LR to show them how he plays as a bottom tier. What you give them is replays with (arguably) the best tier 5 tank, a LT-TD hybrid that has no problems playing against anything it meets, pretty much. Why don't you give these guys a bottom tier replay with t34-100, tvp-vtu, ST Emil, Tiger 2 or any other of the mediocre tanks that people are actually grinding through?
@Chizzoide 7 жыл бұрын
Jurek Dekarski someone even kees those tanks?
@danielzajic6789 7 жыл бұрын
Exactly my thoughts. T67 is arguably OP and pretty easy to play. I would love to see him play TVP VTU, the worst tank I ever have imo.
@callmejonte2737 7 жыл бұрын
Jurek Dekarski I agree with you, and also he was only bottom tier ONCE, was running food which I dont think everyone does, at least not me. If lemming wants to learn us anything he should play a bad T8 against T10s, with out food IMO.
@Leonhavenify 7 жыл бұрын
because he sucks in everything that isn't OP, it's called statpadding
@luisronaldofigo 7 жыл бұрын
Jurek Dekarski the D.W 2
@ZhengQu 7 жыл бұрын
The title should have been "How I Deal With Being Bottom Tier - in one of the best tier 5 seal clubbing tank". lol
@Straswa 7 жыл бұрын
@kothar6159 6 жыл бұрын
Its also a whaleclubber.
@pukalo 7 жыл бұрын
T67 is stupidly overpowered
@miobatch 6 жыл бұрын
pukalo [CDN] agreed. It's the biggest weapon against low teir light tanks. Out spots, speeds, dpm them.
@Docsfortune 7 жыл бұрын
The general consensus is that you're not hleping anyone by playing the t67. All you did was show us how to play the t67.
@rayseaman6204 7 жыл бұрын
I learned a few things! 1. If you are bottom tier, you had better have a fast tank! 2. RUN AWAY! 3. Do not engage ANYONE unless you will not get hurt! Thank You! That was fun!
@LemmingRush_ 7 жыл бұрын
+Ray Seaman Someone gets it :) You just picked up on something that took me years to figure out, cheers
@ameritus9041 7 жыл бұрын
LemmingRush would you be willing to do another video on being bottom tier in slower tanks? that's where I struggle probably the most. it's one thing when I can run away and reposition but slow tanks aren't really good at that...
@5land3r 7 жыл бұрын
Ameritus check out LR's vid on armor angeling, that's been done.
@contramuffin5814 7 жыл бұрын
Ameritus When playing bottom tiers, play safely. That's the key idea - because in a 1v1 engagement, it's very likely that you won't come out top. It's easier in a fast tank, since they can control the engagements, but it still is possible in slow tanks, just harder to do. Basically make sure you've got good teammates beside you to distract the opponents, and fire when they're loading/distracted.
@ameritus9041 7 жыл бұрын
5land3r... I know how to armour angle... no need to patronize... I asked about positioning, for slow tanks, don't be ridiculous...
@fragxers7496 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video LR. Would love to see more lower tier tank videos to help position myself better and do better overall while trying to grind to tier 10 tanks.
@user-xw6tk3ws5z 5 жыл бұрын
1. Double click the button 2 2. Camp
@hans_von_twitchy1014 7 жыл бұрын
A particularly good video. Really showcases the skills required when bottom tier, which are useful at all tiers. Thanks.
@flea-kh7om 7 жыл бұрын
Great video and info as always. We appreciate you lemming for sure. I've learned so much. If I wasn't old and on Social Security I'd pay you for the info. Take care, Vern aka flea
@sorokahdeen 7 жыл бұрын
I really do enjoy your videos. This one is very good in that it is practically informative. That is, it gives you a finite thing to do in practical situations ("Run awaaaaaaaaay!") where you find yourself in the worst position in the line-up. it's fascinating that you concentrate so much on strategy. As you yourself point out, strategy and concerns for it are pretty rare at the lower tiers snd instilling an understanding of it is certainly useful (just ask the game I played In a TD last week where I repositioned like it was going out of style and I was rewarded with f-tons of damage.). A couple of things. A thing. I know that you, like all good players like to optimize your winning chances, which makes the T 67 a wise choice because it's an OP turreted TD, but that raises an important question: "how do you play when your tank is not something spankworthy but something ordinary or something less than ordinary in some respects. Everyone dreams of kicking serious butt in an ELC the way they do in the videos, but how do you use the strengths of other tanks?" I wonder what advice you would. give on playing a medium or light that was heavy with armor but had a high DPM gun like the French lights that come before the ELC or tanks like the Russian lights that get penned by thrown marshmallows but that combine Olympic mobility with scary rates of fire. Another thing. You talk a lot about strategy and the key to strategy seems to be correctly using information gotten from the minimap. Perhaps the greatest flaw beyond weak fundamentals in new players is the inability to use the minimap. Have you ever considered devoting a video to understanding and using it at various levels. The minimap is a lot of different things to different players. Teaching new, intermediate and skilled players what things on the map mean might be interesting and useful. Again, cool video. Thanks as usual.
@cryogengames 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video as always lemming, I think the hardest thing for me currently is trying not to tunnel vision and reading the map. At every portion of the video you were able to focus on the enemy while also being able to predict the flow of battle as it went on (except circling the AT with the amx chilling right behind him XD).
@brianmclaffin 5 жыл бұрын
Yikes, Swamp map. I honestly don't miss that thing one bit. Nice video as always.
@JustFamilyPlaytime 7 жыл бұрын
Really? The statpadders tank of choice? Yeah that's useful.
@craigwelch2176 7 жыл бұрын
Great job LR you helped me understand how i should be thinking when i am bottom tier,it dosnt matter what tank you used -the important thing for me was listening to your logic and how you used the mini map. a lot of times i have a favourite spot if it turns to custard i just try to hold it and die,or wait if nothing comes and be useless. refreshing thx
@kd6tas 7 жыл бұрын
The LR strategy is best in fast vehicles. In slow vehicles repositioning often ends up in death because you are exposing your weaker armor for a longer period of time.
@CrazyAlienGames 7 жыл бұрын
it isn't useful doing this in a T67. I am not learning shit with this.
@LemmingRush_ 7 жыл бұрын
+Shajam If you're not learning from this video then I have to feel that it's your fault. Every video I ever make is about where you put yourself when, regardless of your tank. This one was no exception, as a result I feel it is still highly valuable. Regardless of which tank it was in (assuming it was fast) you should've played each game nearly identically.
@bananacannon4540 7 жыл бұрын
iDunno lemming I kind of feel Shajam and Jurek have a point. The T67's gun is just really great for tier, especially combined with its camo and mobility. It really doesn't have a lot of trouble fighting a couple tier 6s. Fighting bottom tier has its own challenges, particularly that you have to play more to support your top tier tanks instead of doing your own thing if you're grinding a bad or mediocre tank at bottom tier, or setup some kind of crossfire where you can get angles to actually penetrate things. I think what you said about being more passive is definitely true, since you can't push when many tanks can one shot you.
@svenbesram9108 7 жыл бұрын
maybe he did not learn anything from this video because he knows how to play effective scout tanks. picking tanks that can somehow compete in higher tier games doesnt make sense for this title. and without spamming premium ammo or having a fast tank, u will often face games where u are mostly useless.
@5land3r 7 жыл бұрын
Shajam maybe go back and rewatch. LR's teaching fundementals like map control, position to re-position play, sitch awareness, shot selection and target priority.
@5land3r 7 жыл бұрын
Banana Cannon it's the player that makes a tank great, not the other way around.
@kd6tas 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you. This was great. I have a T67. I play a set of the tier 5 American vehicles (Chaffee, M4 Sherman, T1 Heavy, T67 and M41 HMC) and a T34 (Russian medium that I got based on you liking Russian mediums). That's it. I sold off everything else. Imagine the games you played with no sixth sense and no premium ammo or consumables other than an automatic fire extinguisher--that's my exact situation. There's so much to comment on here because you played in a situation I can relate to. First off it's very clear you're simply better than I am. Primarily, you can fight your way out of trouble better than I can. A top 500 purple player pubbing on the North American server in a T67 has got to be very rare. I'm sure you were being focused by anyone with XVM. I'm surprised you weren't followed a lot more. That's probably because you were in a fast vehicle. That seems to be your preference--high speed and fast reload/high dpm. The Chaffee is pretty good in that respect as well. I guess it would be asking a lot to see you play a T1. You're not going to switch flanks quickly with that, but it has fast reload and a bit of armor. Of course it doesn't stand up to anything in tier 7 and it's tall so it's hard to keep it from being shot. I'd still like to see your approach to playing it. Just seeing you play any of the vehicles I play would be (and was) sweet. I've been playing the T34 a lot in an effort to build up the crew. The turret traverse and aim time feel slow to me. I'd like to see how you approach that as well. The last game in this video is what I remember best. I was really hoping the T71 would come after you. I was also really hoping you'd have to deal with an E25 (or best of all a T71 and an E25). The difference is it wouldn't be that big of a deal for you. Your ability to evaluate the situation helps keeps you out of situations like that (but that doesn't stop me from wanting to see it). In the last game, overall, you played less aggressively than I would have except in the beginning. As I was watching I was saying to myself "why is he going so far forward on the flank where the heavies go". You had three choices there: fall back (which is what you did), take damage and then fall back (which is what used to always happen to me), or stay there and die early (I used to be that bad a player but I've improved at least enough to avoid that). With a T67 on that map what you did is about all you can do. These days I usually go north with the mediums early in the game. Then I either die as the flank is lost (which as you said is easy to do when all you have is 360 hit points), push the flank as it is won (mostly by others), or, if I'm lucky enough to survive and smart enough to do so, fall back and defend the base (like a good little TD). One difference here is you used the vehicle's speed to get to an advanced position early and at the very least do some spotting. Another difference is you found a position near the base to get some shots where you were reasonably safe without having to commit to one flank or the other. A third difference is you showed your superior ability (compared to me) to fight your way out of trouble. That was more apparent in the earlier game where you circled an enemy vehicle, was attacked by another simultaneously, and got out of it. I'm happy you mentioned luck had something to do with it. On the other hand, good players sometimes make their own luck. Also, I believe you were commenting as you were playing. If so, there were times where you were in trouble yet your voice didn't change (you didn't tense up). When I get caught in situations like that, I can't do all the things you were doing at the same time. Only recently, based on your statement that it's a necessary skill, have I tried circling opponents. You took some hits and should have died when you did that here. I certainly would have died in the same situation. You did well preserving your hit points so you had them when you needed them. That is sort of an example of making your own luck. The second vehicle screwing up his opportunity helped as well. That's something I've done. An average player (on a good day) runs into a well-known purple player who is in trouble and should be an easy kill but gets nervous and screws it up. That's part of your advantage playing tier 5; you can probably bully players with XVM and get away with it more frequently because some of them are going to tense up and make mistakes. I do that more than I'd like to admit. I do have to say having the balls to try circling other vehicles is helping with that. Plus it's really sweet when I manage to pull it off, come out of it alive and keep going. When I do that I feel great. I used to receive what I thought were a lot of post-game insulting comments in the garage. Pulling off daring maneuvers (at least as far as I'm concerned) makes me feel like I'm at least playing decently and not deserving of any insults. With that I'll mention that I don't use XVM anymore because, like you, I don't think it helps. I feel my positioning/decision making is better without it. I also have in-game chat turned off for the same reasons. Even further, I don't ping the map, ask for help (use any of those keys), or anything outside of straight up gameplay. I'm the last guy who should be making suggestions as to what others should do, should have done, etc. I feel the vast majority of (if not all) mid-tier players should keep to themselves and devote their full attention to their own gameplay. There are few things I dislike more than self-proclaimed in-game commanders--especially the ones who start in with all of that after they die. I'm so glad I don't see any of that anymore. The stuff players can do on the minimap in-game is more than enough. I'd just as soon not see any of that either. I feel that if you want to do that join a clan. Watching these videos is making it more and more apparent that in random public battles it's every man for himself. Positioning and reacting as the game unfolds is the important skill--often even moreso in low tier games that often unfold in unusual ways. It's nice when team mates play into your strategy, but expecting them to and getting mad when they don't is silly. Quickybaby is good in that regard. People follow him, bump in to him, cut into his line of fire, you name it, and he rarely reacts negatively to it. I used to stress out over stuff like that. I'm better about that now and it has helped. Thanks again. This was wonderful. Of course I want to see more like this. I have visions of platooning with you. Some high level players will platoon with others for a fee. I haven't heard of you doing that. I don't think it would help (me) much. WoT has a high number of variables. That's why we can play thousands of games and it still seems fresh. I don't believe platooning for a small number of games will markedly change how well I play. I've heard/seen that it's done for training or just for fun. If you decide to do that, I'd consider it with the understanding that it's mostly for fun. Of course I'd want you to play tier 5 vehicles--preferably the same ones I have. Quickybaby would be fun to platoon with as I appreciate his (in real time) knowledge of weak spots, reload rates, alpha damage, armor thickness, etc. at most any tier from 4 on up. In short, it would be fun having in-game help with what to do from someone who I respect as opposed to all of the would-be commanders who may not be any better than I am. It's another income stream if you decide to get into it.
@klaraldblok2305 7 жыл бұрын
bottom tier?? you meant mid tier, because the t67 is the most OP tier 5, its actually a 6.3
@Zanek_power 7 жыл бұрын
AT 2 and OI experimental dont think so
@klaraldblok2305 7 жыл бұрын
Fatty BlackMan AT2 is pretty much a block of steel shuffling around, and although the OI EXP is pretty OP to, you cant easely damage higher tiers. OI exp is in fact a 40 kph kv1 with the same armour, but in tier 7 that arour is useless.
@weak1ings 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't mind if the T67 and Hellcat switched spaces, T67 feels so much more comfortable to me!
@miobatch 6 жыл бұрын
The t67 would out veiw range them and out speed them and out dpm them.
@billosby9997 7 жыл бұрын
Ply tier 8. Won't take long to be bottom tier.
@svenbesram9108 7 жыл бұрын
maybe he will make a video with a defender, or similar op tank then
@oscarestrada72oe 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your knowledge it helped me a lot.
@andersonfrancotabares3614 7 жыл бұрын
Why the tier 5 E 25? That tank is a turreted E 25, it's faster than a light, it even can circle same tier light tanks.
@galil_6863 7 жыл бұрын
Lemming Rush:" How to deal with being bottom tier?" Me: "get a KV-2 with HE and send them all to Goulag" Stalin: "I approve"
@eternalflamesolarflare3522 7 жыл бұрын
lemming. big fan. love the vidz. keep doing what your doing.
@user-xw6tk3ws5z 4 жыл бұрын
On RU server people do actually play the 0 line in Siegfried's line.
@jamesavery3559 7 жыл бұрын
great vid many thank's!
@WorldofPickles 5 жыл бұрын
Lmao the auto generated subtitles thought that you said “hey guys it’s some English”
@januzi2 7 жыл бұрын
LemmingRush, please show us how to play KV-5 in the tier 9 battle on the open map ;)
@adamnixon6097 7 жыл бұрын
omg yes against tier 9 heavies fronts cya lol ik it's a support heavy with a T-150 gun and get sides but can you show us
@5land3r 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Lem, I love the unpretentious replays that affirm strong fundamentals. How about playing 8s in a 10 match with an underpowered gun? (i.e. AMX CDC)
@kirjiel 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Lemming! Nice vid as always, but i think (as other people stated) you should do a vid like this playing tier 8 since it's one of the most played tiers (premiums and whatnot) and currently with the new MM you end pretty much 90% of the time as bottom tier. Hope you read this, keep it up!
@rodhales9536 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with your comments on positioning etc and am trying my hardest to learn to not over commit, but the tier 8 area is toxic at the moment, time after time you get bottom tier it wears you down, pick a heavy and a med from tier 8 and play a few battles in them.
@tierfuehrer2 7 жыл бұрын
On the 3rd game: The one closer to the obstacle has the disadvantage, because the dead angles are greater.
@Xozzen 6 жыл бұрын
Dear mister LemmingRush, What do you need to do to be able to put the mastery badge as an emblem on your vehicles? Thanks in advance
@Shauma_llama 7 жыл бұрын
I wanna see some unicum show his stuff in the Churchill GC. Maybe Circon has.
@sorokahdeen 6 жыл бұрын
This is interesting. I've probably commented on this video before but I gave it a re-watch and there was one point where you say, "This is pretty shallow" "but there are things here to see. First off, there are multiple skills in the game-individual, like aiming, armor angling and vision-use, and team specific skills that involve positioning and strategy. You demonstrate both in the game on Siegfried line with accuracy and double-bushing while you run from one position to another in search of shots through cover from positions with good sight-lines. Good stuff really.
@will-ever 14 күн бұрын
SU-85 saw LR in the enemy team and decided to get drowned
@matthiaswisman3027 6 жыл бұрын
Could you play the m103 and do a review of underpowerd thing
@SethusDA 7 жыл бұрын
Is this video on how to faceroll pad low tiers?
@francoseitan 7 жыл бұрын lucky with AMX 12 t...i still Hard to understand what happened... :)) You make it look so easy
@shanemartyn7257 7 жыл бұрын
Can you add a interface guid really need that.
@cold_2803 7 жыл бұрын
Hello lemming, i was thinking about clan wars and the reward tanks, and i wanted to know what i should look for in a clan if i want to get a reward tank. To whovever responds in a resonable and thought out manner, thanks.
@blurseyoran4503 7 жыл бұрын
Well, to start with, search a clan that regularly does Clan Wars. I don't have any experience in CW (iirc) so correct me if I'm wrong. Also look for clan that has some decent players/decent tactics. It's not too hard to get one, I think. I've seen people with 53% winrate with a 907. Hopefully this helps!
@gtazocker312 5 жыл бұрын
Kinda funny how the game changes..I remember when the 0-Line was quite popular in high tier matches.. ;D
@sirk1158 7 жыл бұрын
How to seal club in a OP TD - as a bottom tier.
@CRE-cl1dv 7 жыл бұрын
Lemming Rush have you ever played the t69? what did you think of it?
@patsox2004 7 жыл бұрын
Lemming runs away in a relatively straight line and doesn't get hit once by the Pz. T 25. Anyone else would have been hit by nearly every shot whilst zig-zagging like a mofo. I know, been there. Gotta luv the rng for some players.
@HarleyCPPS 4 жыл бұрын
raginGGamer he wasn’t lit for a while there
@kothar6159 6 жыл бұрын
Lol was gonna say play t67, I always carry like 2-5 roads of HE to shoot at lightly armoured lights and tds.
@TM58769 7 жыл бұрын
bottom tier but your in the t67... lul.. love it
@poppavein1 7 жыл бұрын
All the tanks are the same tier. You are top tier, not bottom tier.
@CynnickelEnt 5 жыл бұрын
I can only afford 2 rounds of gold if i was to buy.... Let alone have half my ammo loadout as gold.
@wot1fan885 6 жыл бұрын
Of course you use the most op tier 5 wish you did tier 8 that being the hardest tier play bottom tier. Maybe also tier 7 in a tier 9 like a tiger 1 vs an e75.
@paulvella9199 6 жыл бұрын
Your good bro nice
@Lunamana 4 жыл бұрын
It's a great video but my main issue with being bottom tier is being bottom tier on a heavy tank, you can't move, you can't penetrate and you sure as hell can't tank :/
@psnmadracer27 7 жыл бұрын
How to play bottom tier: Step 1: queue up your T67 Step 2: keep playing until you aren't top tier Step 3: ??? Step 4: profit
@ZZstaff 7 жыл бұрын
In a PUB match if you click on C8 most of the other tanks will go somewhere else - unless they all know you are a Unicum.
@ferdinandgeert2259 7 жыл бұрын
'' i dont play low tiers a lot''....ROFLMAO.. 3 marks on the t67
@lordchampion4189 7 жыл бұрын
What is that camo though?
@mattx4502 7 жыл бұрын
Play support roles if you're bottom tier, spot for your team and engage fights you can win.
@tropic6065 7 жыл бұрын
Drive a stat pad 67 is what to do when ur bottom tier
@weak1ings 7 жыл бұрын
LemmingRush, since everyone is complaining that your tank is OP, try the Pz 25 t or Pz. 3 K... or anything like a Sherman and whatnot. I'd recommend those tanks if you redo it... (I think this is a lot like the Obj. 907 game!)
@whwiii 7 жыл бұрын
Unicorn running food T5!?
@ranowaknowbud 7 жыл бұрын
""How I Deal With Being Bottom""" its joke yes ??
@PandemoniumFortress 7 жыл бұрын
Oh ffs. Invisi firing super fast go cart T67? Really? Play something that is average or bad please if you dare. With a 70% crew, and no skills/perks. This video is just ego stroking.
@Outland9000 7 жыл бұрын
IKR!!! Most newbies grinding through to the standard Tiger 1 (which a lot of newbies want because, well... its a Tiger) will have to get through the horror that is the DW2... You couldn't do less than half the stuff I see in the video with a DW2, no gold ammo, no bino's and a crew that's under 100%.
@nightsky.94 6 жыл бұрын
you hit the nail on the head right their especially future videos. sounds like a entitled to everything extremely white snow flake he gits upset or piss if he gets targeted by arty's more than 3 times i mean seriously
@davws88 4 жыл бұрын
Try a stock AMX 40 against tier 5... Without any premium ammo or equipment please.. EDIT: Also with 50% zero skill crew
@Ostravska_Klobasa 7 жыл бұрын
WHAT? You get mastery badge emblems on NA? EU never gets the good stuff. No rentals, no specials, none of the good shit.
@adamnixon6097 7 жыл бұрын
Ik you just wanted to get a video done and you had a t67 in your garage but can you play the worst tank from each class, or tell me to go screw. Worst Tanks: Light: AMX elc Med: Matilda BP TD: Archer Heavy: Excelsior Arty: uh no...not torture xD
@oncebittentwiceshy639 7 жыл бұрын
Wrong tenk - the T67 is one of the few vehicles where tiers don't matter. Maybe you should try a Pz IV H or an M4 ??
@peteralderson1483 7 жыл бұрын
T67 is probably the wrong tank to use it is a stat padders tank of choice at tier 5, DW 2 would have been a better choice lower tier tank or something similar
@lazaraza 6 жыл бұрын
nice and educational video as usual from LR, however the true 'bottom tier' is when you are T8 in a T10 game...
@Krypton2658 7 жыл бұрын
This is why the B2 is the best tank in the game
@GamerHD9989 7 жыл бұрын
Cool, today is my birthday!
@luisronaldofigo 7 жыл бұрын
JSA 1999 cool Indeed cheers
@LemmingRush_ 7 жыл бұрын
+JSA 1999 happy birthday :)
@gulvplank 7 жыл бұрын
Happy birthday😊
@eoslaverde3562 7 жыл бұрын
however LemmingRush there is no bottom tier map meta! It doesn't exist. There is one (1) meta. The only thing which differ a lowtier from a toptier game are better view Ranges and more experienced players. But the meta never changed. Everyone who starts as a bottomtier need to know how the (a) meta of the actual map works - normally - and then he try to read the (b) lineup of both teams. To answer a simple question. What can I expect and where? Which tank can I deal with and which not? And (c) search for someone who can possibly protect you against anyone who wants to jolo you. Always have cannons of your team in sight. (d) Never isolate yourself. As a bottom tier follow a lemmingtrain if they follow the meta or not - nobody cares at this point. I have the feeling this questions are hard enough to follow.
@atebit8805 7 жыл бұрын
T67 was not the best choice....but positioning and strategy is largely the same.
@creativityfails1 7 жыл бұрын
Just gonna point out at 9:21 you were firing gold at a 50mm flat plate, the weakest part of the AT 8. Not that I'd expect you to know the armor values of tanks off of the top of your head :^)
@AlexanderDiArmani 7 жыл бұрын
The difference between tier IX /X and VIII is huge.... In my T34-85M I did 2600 dmg even tho I was in tier 8 game... That is more dmg than in my Defender or Mutz in tier X game... In my T34-85M I did not use a single gold while in my 8s I use them all the time. So what do you do when in your Mutz you end up facing E5 and T62A... pls don't say change the flank cause Type 5 is in the other flank... The point is, even Unics cannot perform great in 8s anymore given the new mm
@mcclyde263 7 жыл бұрын
Fun tank but I always feel like I need to take a shower after playing it. Lol.
@contramuffin5814 7 жыл бұрын
Try playing RU 251. 9.18 LT changes made the RU 251 stupid-op. It makes me feel so dirty when I play it. Plus, RU's 102-pen HE shells are fun to spam.
@nikoladd 7 жыл бұрын
RU 251? how exactly? it's dpm was significantly nerfed. it's speed was nerfed. It's a weaker tank than it was.
@contramuffin5814 7 жыл бұрын
nikoladd Its bloom was significantly buffed, its pen was slightly buffed, and its hp/t was significantly buffed. Before, I'd have difficulty penning and difficulty dodging shells, but now with the super-buffed specific power, it's so much more maneuverable, and its super-buffed bloom allows me to fire on the move and expect the shells to hit. Plus I'm no longer firing 194 pen at tier 10s. And as a bonus, they didn't touch its roflop HE. Makes me feel dirty cause now I can snapshot AND deal 300 damage. tl;dr: was 1100 wn8 in RU pre-9.18, now is approximately 2700 wn8 in RU
@nikoladd 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe you've improved your play. The tank was nerfed to scale for the T10. All "buffs" you mention are only relevant when sniping from afar, which is not the main function of a LT.
@contramuffin5814 7 жыл бұрын
nikoladd Skill certainly did play a part, but I would take 9.18 RU over pre 9.18 any day. DPM doesn't matter in a light tank, since it's very unlikely you'd be using your RoF to its maximum. Plus, it doesn't matter what your RoF is if half your shells just bounce due to subpar penetration, even for a tier 8. It lost some of its top speed, but it got a +10 hp/t buff. I think that trade was worth it, since it allows me to pop out and duck back into cover much more quickly, and it also allows me to swerve better, so I can actually dodge the shells of sniping TDs. And HUGE buff to bloom. Whereas before I actually had to aim or my shells would spread more than a prostitute's legs, now I don't even need to, pop out-left click-get back to cover, and I can expect more than half my shells to hit the target. Taken as a whole, this means that I can now expose myself much less than before, which means I survive longer and get more damage. Was I disappointed about the DPM nerf? Yes, I was. But playing 9.18 RU, I didn't even notice the DPM changes in actual gameplay, especially when it's overshadowed by buffs that allow me to be so much more effective on the battlefield. My brother, who has also played my RU before and after 9.18, also agrees that 9.18 RU is so OP that it's just dirty. And we're both 2100 recent WN8 players, so we're not just bullshitting.
@drafura 7 жыл бұрын
Lemming start low tier game, all clickers go drown.
@mojo6385 7 жыл бұрын
i'm not sure you give enough credit to lower tier players. I've been noticing more an more similarity in the stats of players across tiers 5-10. I think the current economy is forcing players who don't want to throw tons of money into this game, to play lower tiers more often. I'm not a bad player (not good either), but at tier 9-10, it is hard to make a consistent profit without a premium account. I can play a bunch of games in my pilot to subsidized my high tier play, but I get bored playing that over and over. lower tiers lets me play tanks I enjoy, or grind new ones (again - i don't spend money - so no free XPing past bad tanks or to get upgrades). good video regardless!
@tankwrencher918 7 жыл бұрын
3 mark T67 impossible
@hazakdds7366 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks lemming. If people don't find value in what they are watching... don't watch it.
@ICreateLag10 7 жыл бұрын
Lemming u plebescite fite me irl
@antoninjeanjacques9668 7 жыл бұрын
It's very sad to read all this bad reactions because t67 is OP at tier 5 but it can't pen anything at tier 7 so for my this video is very usefull. LR is trying to teach you to don't rely on your armor and to don't waste your HP and I think it's one of the most important thing in this game with map awareness
@kd6tas 7 жыл бұрын
I agree completely. We also need to remember LR said it was the only tier 5 vehicle he still has. I'm hoping he'll go back, revive some others, and play them so we can watch.
@Jason-tp5cb 5 жыл бұрын
How to deal with being bottom Tier : Use best seal clubbing tank that can effectively -play- scout at any tier, and load gold ammo... Mate what the absolute f*ck?
@reallybadaim118 6 жыл бұрын
Seal clubbing or a lesson in humility.
@classicfrog80 7 жыл бұрын
How to play as bottom tier: You don't. You trick MM not to put you as bottom tier instead. GG EZ.
@miobatch 6 жыл бұрын
How to deal with being bottom teir. Use the most op teir 5 in the game like lemmingrush
@artypreventscamping1645 7 жыл бұрын
I like lower tier game play (4-7) because I do not have the time or money to grind up to tier 10 tanks
@kd6tas 7 жыл бұрын
I agree. I'm not that good, and I'm cheap so I had to stop at tier 8. I killed myself making it to the Tiger II just so I be bottom tier most of the time being seal clubbed by super heavies and premiums. F-that.
@artypreventscamping1645 7 жыл бұрын
I hear ya it took me months to get to the T28 prot and it would take me even longer to get the modules train crew etc its just not worth all the time
@supaevil300 7 жыл бұрын
AMX 40 gameplay pls l have a lot of problems when play this tank
@temojin9489 7 жыл бұрын
AMX 40 lacks mobility, so you have to make your way to a supporting position and when that position is no longer viable, you are left to rely on your armor and poor gun and mobility to get out. So you just have to be hyper vigilant on the minimap to get out sooner to compensate for the terrible speed...until you can get the ELC. AMX 40 is just not as forgiving at bottom tier as a mobile vehicle (in my limited experience).
@charlesyrociobaca5836 5 жыл бұрын
I sure wished I had started with WOT instead of WOT blitz. I ended up at Unicum with 10k battles but WOT is far better and I would have loved some real competition.
@ranowaknowbud 7 жыл бұрын
t 67 - yes wn8 ... gj ""Bottom Tier "" all yours replayes is ""Bottom Tier""
@ZalmanProcel 7 жыл бұрын
is it just me but some constructive criticism why did you not go for the tracking shot on the at8? get all the damage and assistance and dont risk him turning around to shoot you? just noticed this a lot in your games that u dont often go for the tracking shot
@kd6tas 7 жыл бұрын
That's good advice. It's also good advice to go for tracking shots when you're low tier. You're not getting the damage but you're helping your team which in turn helps your win rate.
@DasHobble 5 жыл бұрын
Try this without 6th sense
@brucedeo1981 6 жыл бұрын
well my friend, since all tanks here are t5, yours is t5, how exactly you are bottom tier? Just because your name is in the bottom of the tank list doesnt make you bottom tier...
@fungames24 5 жыл бұрын
Should be titled: how I play a bottom tier being a gold noob.
@nikoladd 7 жыл бұрын
How to play bottom tier... gets an overpowered TD and plays with food.... right.
@terrypen 5 жыл бұрын
LOL 14:53 T71 is continuing to ask for help because he's at 31 HP and you are playing a low tier game! That's what we do! haha
@streetracingsyndicate9512 4 жыл бұрын
Well a t67 is op as fuck. Can you please show how to be bottom tier in a normal tank?
@DarylNorthrop 7 жыл бұрын
Bottom tier in an OP tank like the t-67 isn't bottom tier
@elleeVee 3 жыл бұрын
now do it in a stock IS-3 with no crew skills or equipment or premium food kappa
@scp7375 6 жыл бұрын
if the 12t went for you instead of the pz you would have died. he didnt prioritize that well enough.
@danchanner7887 7 жыл бұрын
Playing bottom tier in a T67 doesn't count, lol.
@panteret 5 жыл бұрын
if you want to be the lowest tier? you can borrow my account. then you can be bottom tier no matter what tank you want to play. have more than 300 to choose from. and if by any miracle you are top tier? you will have a bot team. i still manage to stay a green player. with battles that last mostly no longer than 4 min.
@bbogdanmircea 7 жыл бұрын
lol bottom tier in T67 and also it is leveled to the max ... pls play in a stock SARL :D
@unknown091291 7 жыл бұрын
bbogdanmircea or stock Churchills and Black Prince in open map
@bbogdanmircea 7 жыл бұрын
probably he would do much better than us, the question is how much it is the tank the crew and the equipment and how much his playing skill
@CynnickelEnt 5 жыл бұрын
no no no no no no XD
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