Introduction to Humanism: Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association

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Humanists UK

Humanists UK

10 жыл бұрын

This talk was part of the Ancestor's Trail 2013
The Ancestor's Trail is an annual event combining walking, evolution and art. Based on Richard Dawkins' book 'The Ancestor's Tale', the Trail guides its walkers along a time line from the present day back 3.8 billion years to the origins of life.
The 2013 event celebrated the life of Alfred Russel Wallace, and helped raise funds for the statue of Wallace which was unveiled by Sir David Attenborough in November 2013.

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@Roshambo3 4 жыл бұрын
I could listen to this guy talk all day. So well-articulated and has a very delicate, humble way of explaining things
@LottLottie 10 жыл бұрын
Incredibly smart and effective guy. :)
@rohansrider 10 жыл бұрын
I became a Humanist officially about seven years ago, and glad that I did. I have always believed in the truth and at the same time being decent to ALL sentient creatures. Good without God. It's not difficult, try it. It just might take you feel happier about yourself.
@pappy9892 4 жыл бұрын
@finalfantasy8911 depending on the seriousness of the injustice they would report it to the appropriate authority; management, police, local government... Or if necessary they would intervene on a personal level. No gods, clergy, goblins, spirits, fairies, etc necessary.
@pappy9892 4 жыл бұрын
@finalfantasy8911 I'm somewhat taken aback by your response. Firstly, my previous message gives no indication of an assumption of the reader's beliefs. Incidently I'm glad to hear you are an atheist. At least we will not descend into exchanges about the supernatural and simplistic answers to profound questions. Humanism bases its beliefs on science to uncover the truth and ethics on our evolved consciousness and innate desire to live in peace. We try not to adhere to theological, political or other varieties of doctrines. As regards injustices perpetuated with impunity. With respect I think your question is very broad. Maybe you could give me your opinion to initiate further discussion. Thank you.
@pappy9892 4 жыл бұрын
@finalfantasy8911 thank you for your lengthy reply. You have put some thought into it. However, on the issue of assuming; it appears that a lot of assumption were made due to my mentioning 'clergy... fairies...' etc. The expression 'The pot calling the kettle black' comes to mind. My approach to religions has generally been passive acceptance. But since reading 'Fighting God' by David Silverman, I am more of a firebrand aithest. If you choose to respond again I will read your message. I am, however, not going to continue exchanges because I feel you're being condescending and bordering on being rude.
@stephencollinson1665 10 жыл бұрын
Excellent summary, by Andrew, in his gentle intelligent personable style
@rowenkendall5971 2 жыл бұрын
I know Im asking the wrong place but does any of you know a method to log back into an instagram account? I was stupid lost the password. I love any tips you can offer me!
@karterdraven3336 2 жыл бұрын
@Rowen Kendall instablaster ;)
@rowenkendall5971 2 жыл бұрын
@Karter Draven Thanks for your reply. I got to the site on google and Im trying it out atm. Takes quite some time so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
@rowenkendall5971 2 жыл бұрын
@Karter Draven it worked and I now got access to my account again. I am so happy:D Thank you so much you saved my account :D
@karterdraven3336 2 жыл бұрын
@Rowen Kendall You are welcome :D
@z4k4z 10 жыл бұрын
Andrew Copson is so right in highlighting our understanding of evolution as being fundamental to a Humanist outlook on life today. It's often said that, without evolution, nothing in the field of bioloogy would make any sense. With that in mind, perhaps we Humanists should view our hospitals and GP practices as places to remember our humanity and our firm belief in the scientific search for understanding. This could go some way to balancing the unfair advantage of religions with their buildings for worship. #humanism #secularism
@pappy9892 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent summary. I said I was a humanist once but was completely unaware of the concept. My view as a teenager was very close to your description. I've recently described myself as an atheist which has a narrower definition. Humanism is an umbrella belief system made up of humanists who are by definition atheists but not all atheists are humanists.
@shamsulislam1350 5 жыл бұрын
Hello world, lessen to this young man and say loudly HUMANISM is the answer for all. We human isn't foolish anymore. Thanks for your service young man
@rohansrider 10 жыл бұрын
By what I have read, witnessed and heard I am amazed that so many people still want to embrace a monotheistic belief system. Do they all really fear death that much? Their 'creator' at best is jealous and selfish, and at worst is a monster.
@jessicataylor7174 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessebryant9233 You answer them first. Explain in detail each response, the thought process behind it and life experiences that influenced forming those opinions. If you're going to ask someone else to write their unabridged autobiography it is only fair you do so first.
@jessicataylor7174 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessebryant9233 No, people do not need to defend an opinion they posted 6 years ago because someone has 'challenged' them with a set of open-ended demands for information, especially when that person is not open to discussion only an 'attack/demand' followed by them having to defend their views.
@jessicataylor7174 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessebryant9233 I could answer but I don't want to because you're still behaving like you're an interrogator with a right to know. Your conversation skills need work if you want people to want to discuss their thoughts and experiences with you.
@marke.anderson1072 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessebryant9233 Having read your initial comments and your discourse with @Jessica Taylor, 1) I consider myself a humanist. 2) This is not a question. 3) I don't consider fear of death the only reason to believe in God; but, I do believe that fear of an eternal Hell incentivises people to take "fire insurance" by becoming religious. 4) The Christian perspective (perhaps you are of another religion; if so, I beg your pardon) is that God is "a jealous God" (Ex: 20:5, Dt 5:9). Also, I would argue that any being which would create a world of animals and people, destroy over 99% of it in a flood, and consign the vast majority to an eternal Hell merely because they didn't worship Him properly is the epitome of selfishness. 5) If you are saying one can have no system of morality apart from "God", which God are you refering to? The Christian God, the Muslim God, the Pagan God, the Navajo God, the Roman Gods...? I believe that any society can formulate standards of behavior without having to reference the Ten Commandments - or the Quran for that matter. I refer you specifically to the concept of freedom of speech, which I don't find championed by any religion, 6) I try to be informed and educated in my beliefs. However, there are also cultural and familial norms which shape our beliefs; so, I don't claim that all my beliefs are a result of "thinking for myself." I spent the first 20 years of my life going to a Christian church because that's what my family did. I learned that there were other religions, and that there were hundreds of denominations of Christians in America alone. The older I got, the less I relied on my culture, and the more critical thinking I did, which ultimately led me to leave Christianity in my 60's. How about you?
@marke.anderson1072 4 жыл бұрын
@@jessebryant9233 For me, my belief is that we are all there is, and that over the millenia of our existence, we've made up and refined the rules for our social order. I believe that there is no God guiding us in our journey through life. Many people believe in God, and for these peopld when good things happen to them they thank their God for the blessing, and when bad things happen, they either curse God for the punishment, or take the philosophical view that whatever happens is God's plan. People of all religions do this, and live no better lives than people of no religion. One can find a community of similar beliefs (I'm now a Unitarian Universalist) for encouragement and support, whatever their spiritual beliefs. At some point I'll die, but I'm not concerned that I won't go to spend eternity somewhere, and I'm not sad that I won't see my dad again, nor my wife, nor my grandmothers. From dust to dust, as they say. As a child, I was indoctrinated into the beliefs of the Methodist Church. It isn't hard to sell magical thinking to young, impressionable minds which are relatively unable to process critical thining, especially when that's what mom and dad and everyone else seems to believe. Over time, and lacking believable answers to my questions (like "How is it that all the miracles occurred 2000 years ago?", "What happens to Jews and others who believe their sacred texts just as strongly as Christians believe the Bible?", "Why are there two creation stories in Genesis?", "How is it possible that God caused the sun to be "stopped in the middle of the sky... for about a full day" without every living being on it being hurled off into space?", Why did Jesus wait so long to start his ministry? What happened to the people who died before they heard and accepted? How many people did the risen Jesus appear to ((there are several differing accounts on that)), and why, for God's sake and ours, did no one write down this cosmicly important message until 20 or 40 or 70 years later?"), I began to realize that there were no credible answers, and further, that there was no reason to believe the Bible was any more the actual word of God than the Quran, the Vedas, or the Tipitaka. I'll grant that it's all insired, but it all comes down to the writings of men. No golden plates, no tablets of commandments. I don't claim to understand at all how life got started, but neither can I comprehend a God which has just magically been around outside of time without ever having been created. Each to me is equally incomprehensible, but only one requires that I go down the road of magical thinking. The doctrinal differences in Christianity range from whether women can be ordained or even lead Sunday schools where men attend, to whether God has predestined humanity to choose or reject Christianity, to when and how to baptize, to how old does a child have to be to be held accountable for his/her "sins", to whether musical instruments are allowable in a church service, to whether the dead go immediately to Heaven, or "sleep" until the final judgement, to celibate priests vs married ministers, to acceptance of birth control, to which scriptures are canonized, to the treatment of LGBTQ Christians... to give "a few examples." Finally, government guarrantee of freedom of speech, assembly, or religion is nowhere championed in the Bible, and it's a major stretch to try and fit it in. Judaism created a religion and a set of laws for living, and nowhere did it authorize freedom of speech or assembly. Islam also is a religion with a set of rules for living. But Christianity mostly developed with a basic adherence to the Ten Commandments and left the development of governance to the governors. You are looking in the wrong place if you look to the Bible to justify these societal rights; or, for that matter, the concept of democracy. Jesus told us to love one another, and to take care of the less fortunate. Jesus sole political comment was to "give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." "No Jesus, no peace" is just a phrase on a bumper sticker, Jesse.
@Supremerob20 10 жыл бұрын
I imagine at least 5-10% of the British public hold views similar to those of humanism. And yet bha membership is 30k, which is 0.05% of the population. A recruitment drive of some sort could really be of some benefit, especially off the back of the recent coronation street episodes!
@johnshields3658 6 жыл бұрын
It will be closer to 50% - although many won't frame their views in humanistic terms. I'm actually surprised that membership is as much as 30,000 though; that is extremely high for an organisation that has a limited public profile - the latter in no way a reflection of (as renamed) Humanists UK's quality, but rather of the prominent billing given to religions in British public life.
@nickpierpoint4116 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not going to lie, I only just found out what my beliefs are, I've been a humanist since a young age, but I didn't know what one was.
@lynettejames1146 4 жыл бұрын
Hasn't done very well then has it after so many years?
@superbbcfan 3 жыл бұрын
I consider myself a humanist and atheist. His speech is so nice. But the portrait that he has used for Charvaka at 6:28 is actually of Adi Shankara. Adi Shankara was very much a theistic philospher of Advaita Vedanta philosophy.
@mikewilson8901 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent! I'm glad I am one of the Humanists.
@bobbidazzler1343 2 жыл бұрын
As a Humanist, I thank you Andrew.
@AlanJas-ut6ym Ай бұрын
Excellent Introduction♥
@thedarwinist672 3 жыл бұрын
I'm almost done with the video and he still hasn't explained what humanism is.
@michaelkingsbury4305 5 жыл бұрын
Lovely as always. Do Quaker weddings in England start with a signing of a secular marriage certificate and end with witnesses signing, as they do in most U.S. states?? If so, wouldn't it be an appropriate, and a legally viable approach to Humanist weddings over there? The Friends approach to religious education could also stand for an example, teach all and none tovether, then get on with the rest. Keep up the good work.
@brandonlegallez Жыл бұрын
Oh to be able to monopolise "the" truth with humanism.
@Armando7654 6 жыл бұрын
what's precisely in question is weather or not Humans are of God or of the environment. To say "Human considered without God is called Human" is question-begging circular illogic
@TheAssassin642 5 жыл бұрын
@1aikane 4 жыл бұрын
Smart and cute guy
@soulzfire7150 8 жыл бұрын
Lee johnson, you seem to be too naive to understand india
@petersmafield8722 4 жыл бұрын
Humanism has been around for at least 2600 years but the biggest problem humanists have had was that religion had answers for things that science had discovered yet. Even though the answers that religion had been false, people wanted solid answers and were afraid of the unknown. I understand that because I’ve been afraid of almost everything all of my life. The scientific method after many centuries of accumulated knowledge finally began to answer many of those previously unanswered questions. We know pretty much how everything began. As of yet, we have not discovered how life formed from the so-called primeval gunk (they had another word for gunk but my dictation program keeps saying who’s instead of ooze.) Science, however, is getting closer to that answer every year. Creationists think that evolution is the same thing as abiogenesis but that’s because creationists are either liars or ignorant. The majority of creationists are ignorant. The few creationist apologists are liars.
@truthseeker8475 10 ай бұрын
Humanism is Materialism, plain and simple. Can humanists deny that life, thoughts, intelligence, will, wisdom, and feelings (emotions) are spiritual expressions and qualities? Can matter be self-conscious, express love, hate, intelligence, speech, etc? Little understood is the saying of Jesus: "Whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come." (Matthew 12:32). And again: "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God (Spirit) and mammon (materialism)." (Matthew 6:24) Jesus is a non-dual theist. Well, as long as we live in a world of duality there will always co-exist these two divergent forms of "religious beliefs"- one theistic, the other atheistic. Yet only one (the non dual) religion can prove that Spirit exists, It is the Sole Cause of the world of duality. The materialists who deny the existence of Spirit, will naturally be denied the experience of Spirit so long as they continue in their sin of denial against It. The good news is, materialists too can repent of their denial of Spirit at anytime if they so choose, and thereafter experience the truth that Spirit is Ever-Existing, Ever-Conscious, Ever-new Bliss. But until then, for materialists, death will be the end. Whereas, for the theists, life is eternal. 🙏
@stefenski 6 жыл бұрын
There is abundant evidence for a spirit life; If the individual desires to find it.
@cjhepburn7406 4 жыл бұрын
Or if someone chooses 2 impose it on you...
@FruitLou Жыл бұрын
This is all there is!? What an extremely depressing concept! Might as well opt out of it right now then....😑😬
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