Is Stick Grappling STUPID?

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Alvin Aguilar

Alvin Aguilar

3 жыл бұрын

A Filipino Martial Arts practitioner since the age of 9, an instructor of various FMA styles, a Blackbelt in Jiu-Jitsu and a champion wrestler, I can say that the arts of grappling and stick fighting have distinct tactical uses that are quite contrasting in the principles of range that FMA is known for ("corto", "medyo" and "largo"). Whereas, the stick gives you the advantage of weapon in a distance, grappling champions in the hand-to-hand close combat. The two don't mix.
To be deliberate in use, is not only counter-intuitive (stupid), but could also get you killed (suicidal). A weapon such as the stick is a tool that gives you advantage in terms of power, speed and distance. You should never, NEVER, EVER... let your enemy get hold of it, as the same can be taken from you and be used against you.
Reckless experimentation of stick grappling puts you in such unfortunate position. There's nothing wrong about exploring, but make sure you don't experiment on this in a real street fight, because you just might find yourself a victim of another grappler who knows how to use his hands well.

Пікірлер: 131
@subsonic9854 3 жыл бұрын
This test is flawed. The defender resisted the technique, which is good, but the attacker didn't try harder to make the technique work, which is bad and... weird. It's the reverse of the usual TMA error. Both atk and def should be trying,.
@David_Downs 3 жыл бұрын
So something is merely bullshit because a counter exists? I mean somebody can easily counter a number 1 strike, does that mean the number 1 strike is bullshit because it can be countered? should we stop training something simply because a counter exists? Counters do not negate techniques, everything technique can be countered, but the goal also is to take away the tools that allow for that counter to work. Train something to make that counter harder to do. Of course this also depends on many contexts and how it applies, when to apply it and more. Trying to solve complex issues with simplistic soundbites is foolish. I am not saying stick grappling, or stick locks are by any means a go to, but knowing when they work, or how to make them work, and limiting the ability of them to be countered by saying tightening a gap and more is also something to examine before just saying it is bullshit because a counter exists.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Nope any technique has a counter under the right circumstances. I did this video to open peoples eyes to the good and bad of techniques in FMA. Stick grappling as emphasized by some instructors is almost close to useless in a real fight and against someone who is a decent grappler. Try doing these techniques against even a decent high school wrestler
@MrTheMonarch 3 жыл бұрын
Anything is easy to counter when you’re not putting up any resistance or actively applying the move. You’re being a bad partner if you’re not feeding properly. That’s like trying to counter a punch and intentionally missing the target
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Nope just stating the obvious why dont you try those techniques against a real grappler and see where it gets you.
@MrTheMonarch 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows I have and I've had success against real grapplers. Try finding someone who knows how to execute them properly and doesn't just give up the escape and you might find there's actual application to stick grappling
@RayWhiteMMA 3 жыл бұрын
For an expert your stick grappling is devoid of proper execution and context.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Really? Pls show me or better yet since you sound like an expert why dont you send us a video of you grappling with a stick against a real wrestler or jiujitsu guy?
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Hmmm another one who believes that stuff. Ok let do this can you be in my next video and show me?
@David_Downs 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows Though I do get and understand the, show us against somebody who is an expert in a field that specializes it mentality, at the same time, the difference between applying it on somebody with a skill, and applying it against your drunk uncle is a different context. I do agree that a technique should also work against a trained specialist in another department, but not everybody who you do it on is going to be a master, and you will have situations where it will work within that context. The fallacy of everybody you will be doing something on is a master of defense doesnt mean something wont work in another context.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
This stuff hardly works try it pls when you spar
@vinzcueto2451 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows That'll be a great exchange of learning, Chief, if he can actually show us and give us actual pointers that work. :)
@hayanami 3 жыл бұрын
What about DBMA Stick Grappling? I think they do have some valid techniques which were done in full contact. They had influenced by Machado brothers.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Its jiujitsu based. I know and have trained with Marc Denny
@dhalav 3 жыл бұрын
yes you trained with Marc Denny and it's BJJ-based but you still have not answered the question.
@hayanami 3 жыл бұрын
@@dhalav This may not answer the question. Since some of the material is paid content. It would not be polite to go into details about the different techniques. I do trained in dog brothers martial art. Here is my experience with grappling with stick. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. In full contact sparing you find out pretty quick what works and what does not work. Much repect to Guro Marc Denny for testing out different things in sparring and teaching it. I totally agree that a skilled grappler can be effective. There were footage from the gathering have shown it. DBMA is not exactly FMA there are other elements combined in it. Personally, I would not do it in real life. ASP batons or rifles would be a good representation of a stick. People do not walk around carrying a stick... maybe a baseball bat. The chances of using it is very low. It is mostly situational you would have to grapple with a weapon. I would prefer to avoid it. People who carry them are taught counter weapon grab against average people. I had some weapon retention training. I thought to myself if I had to go against a black belt Jiu-Jitsu I would be so screwed. As shock as it might be there is someone teaching grabbling with a rifle. I watched the material and it looked like stick grabbling or classical jiujitsu.
@brandonwalker7451 3 жыл бұрын
I believe you are half right right about stick grappling. Not every criminal is going to know self-defense or martial arts. If you grappled with an inexperienced hostile person, I doubt they’re going to have time to think about how to get out of grappling with a stick.
@franciscodelgado303 2 жыл бұрын
Yo he visto a los Dog brother cayéndose a coñazo tú has visto a éste wuebon ?
@DatuMakata Жыл бұрын
Prof, I want to see the full-force stick grappling lock and let us see how the grappling responds with the full-force lock on the neck if he can do something to escape, the one who manipulates the stick lock must employ full-force resistance. Because if I'll be the one holding the sticks I will not also use that to immobilize my opponent instead I will make sure to break all his body parts and ensure he cannot come closer to me, each attack has a counter, escape, and fighter with a high level of fortitude, and just like what you say there is no guarantee you can escape anytime with a particular attack, but we cannot call it a bullshit just because you manage to escape from the arm bar, triangle chokes , guillotine and other submissions techniques.
@NakMuayPhilippines 3 жыл бұрын
What is a person who trained, practice, and master different martial arts and discipline but can't control his own temper? Maybe the chief knows..
@jayfreeman5188 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video made me realize that you need to learn grappling to defend takedowns then you can use a stick to create distance to run away
@tinangkong 2 жыл бұрын
I 100 percent right.thats what my father said.because he teach me doce pares at my young age and he always told me not to get closer to the opponent and take him down with the stick.fighting with the stick is only to immobilise the entruder or the opponent.only becomes deadly if using a sword instead of olisi(in visayan language) or arnis father said even how tough is the opponent is hit him in the soft part like his balls throat and eyes second option is the leg bone,the knee and the head
@contactnewheightsfitness2233 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think this shows that stick grappling is bad, just that it's not as easy as some people make it look and, like every other technique in every martial art, there are simple counters. Just like with anything timing (and luck) is key. This is almost like saying that a full mount doesn't work because anybody, even and untrained fighter, can just bridge. It really looks exactly like real live resistant grappling (rolling). When you roll the techniques are messy and it takes forever to pull off. That doesn't mean bjj doesn't work. the entire premise of this video, while well intended, is flawed from beginning to end. I think the idea that the stick is best utilized as a striking implement is absolutely correct. Saying it's useless in a grappling match though, based on what you showed here is not convincing.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 2 жыл бұрын
Were all trained grapplers 27 years to be exact and have been training FMA since i was 9. Try using all that in a real fight against an actual grappler and watch. Unfortunately so many people believe in that when people like us who were born and raised in the Philippines know the real reason why these techniques all of a sudden were taught.
@zakpbarnes 3 жыл бұрын
I call shenanigans on the first counter. If you just sit there in the first choke (stick in armpit) yeah there’s defo gonna be a way out but if I’m not mistaken the application is to hit it and rip through. Also, why not add to the practicality and make the choker resist as well?
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Weve been trying to get the people who teach these kind of techniques to people to show up and demonstrate this😆😂 The premise is they must not have any grappling experience only stick grappling the way it is taught in some FMA schools. They can go with any grappler from the clinch position and can even strike. Well keep you posted once here on video👍🏼😊
@johanncyrilldelmundo9701 3 жыл бұрын
Sir, i think it will still work on someone who is untrained against the art or someone who does not have a backround in any martial arts, i have expirience using aikido on someone does not have a backround and it work and i my self think aikido is not effective i was surprise my self for what happend and also my buddy who grabbed me by surprise.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
We are all on our own path. I am sharing mine and if i did those techniques against those intent on hurting me, i wouldnt be around. When we train, we must always assume that our opponent is the strongest and most dangerous person. Im glad you were able to use your aikido to defend yourself.
@johanncyrilldelmundo9701 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows you are right sir well said, my backround is actualy FMA. the aikido move i did to my buddy who grabbed me by surprise is actualy what i saw on you tube but what is a suprise for me is that the most simple move can be effective somtimes even i think what i did is not effective but it works somehow. But still you are right you will never know what or who you will encounter its better to assume your opponent. 👍👍👍
@battletoys1645 2 жыл бұрын
Sir, it's part of the teachings. unless they change the curriculum by removing locks or improve the technique .
@cigare57 3 жыл бұрын
In case You succed apply the first technique in a fight and you really press strongly the throat whith the stick do you think il't possible to conter ?? Try on video to show us..... Like other your partner doesn't react and you don't put force in the technique....just my opinion
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
It is very easy to counter if you dont think so pls be in my next video and show us with a resisting opponent
@vinzcueto2451 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows That'll be nice. Looking forward to that, Chief! :)
@leemeanwho8047 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you also debunk a Bolo to Bolo Disarm.
@spitzfire1107 Жыл бұрын
If those techniques works... Then it's not Bullshit anymore. If you applied it to a grappler then of course there's an higher percentage of reversal. But try to apply it to random mugger that attacks you in the streets. That has Zero knowledge in any technicalities. But anyways I do appreciate that you shown some reversals on the Locking techniques and your Criticism on FMA.
@AlvinAguilarKnows Жыл бұрын
Actually ive been doing FMA for 38 years and have instructorships in several styles so i love FMA. What i dont like though is when so called “masters” embellish techniques when it comes to grappling or “stick grappling”
@zplitterz 3 жыл бұрын
Try some of those holds while trying to hold your partner, in tje first examples in the video. I agree if you aren't a grappler or against a much better level grappler the stick wont make up the difference. I dont disagree fully. I agree with creating distance to utilize the stick. And I have been on the losing side with a stick against a bigger and better grappler. The stick isn't magic. But if you got good grappling and can create or maintain dominate position, punyos to the skull will work. In a leg triangle hold as well.
@zplitterz 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not flying to the Filipines to see you. I would be more than willing for us to test out ideas. I'm in the usa. Try the baseball bat choke with the stick. Pleaseif you want others to take this seriously, show real resistance in the examples of the first several minutes. Many people watching this have successfully used these fighting in live matches. Getting defensive on your comments wont convince anyone.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your inputs and yes it just comes natural for me to say show me so sorry about that.😆😖 I do these videos to show my journey and what has worked for me in the past. I also want the real lethal and beautiful techniques of FMA to be highlighted and not the embellished ones. I grew up learning these techniques as well as others from other styles in the Philippines. We all came to the conclusion regarding them. Stick grappling in itself is almost useless unless you also have a background in a legitimate grappling art to back it up. Positioning from jiujitsu plus stick strikes are always good totally agree there as well👍🏼👍🏼😊
@KubashiShogunTV 3 жыл бұрын
What happend to the Match of Damsa and Kiko Matos host? When will if happen?
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Once IATF approves were all waiting as well😖
@KubashiShogunTV 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows Nice coach I'm excited to watch that fight.
@arch.l.a.deleon445 2 жыл бұрын
Educational Chief, that's for the Tanod's to defend ourselves😁, kidding make a full sense.
@franciscodelgado303 2 жыл бұрын
Easy to talk ! Said that Félix cortéz
@AlvinAguilarKnows 2 жыл бұрын
Always welcome to drop by our gym and show us. 👍🏼👍🏼😊
@franciscodelgado303 2 жыл бұрын
Estoy cagado weobon !
@franciscodelgado303 2 жыл бұрын
En teoría puedo joder a todo el mundo!
@chrisaranca1776 Жыл бұрын
Please expose the BS. Eskrima is beautiful... but the bs needs to stop!!
@mrbilly6274 3 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. My understanding is that the stick really represents the blade/bolo/machete. Can you recreate the video but this time with the blade used in the locks instead of the stick? Thanks again 🙂🙏
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
There are styles that are primarily for impact weapons and some for bolos/blades. Although the angles are very identical blade work is slightly different. Sure thats and excellent idea, i will definitely do that thanks👍🏼👍🏼😊
@MrKahunadog 3 жыл бұрын
Do you really think you're the only one who has trained grappling, bjj and stick for that long? Your Strawmen argument is rediculous or publicity motivated
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Uhh no never claimed that actually but one thing i do have is hella more real life encounters than most which is the basis for what i show in my videos.
@MrKahunadog 3 жыл бұрын
What you showed were strawmen. If you want me in your video fine. I got no problem dm you my location. A large point is you are using a strawman in a dynamic situation. He does X, you stayed there and allowed him such. Would a seasoned grappler do such? Unlikely. Would a seasoned mma person do such? Unlikely. They'd make an adjustment.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Mike is Brown Belt in Jiujitsu and undefeated in MMA during his career. Do you train jiujitsu as well? Pls share where you train. Also are you in the Philippines? I would love to have you show us. If youre in the Philippines ill fly you out to us here on me so you can show me😊
@MrKahunadog 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows I am on Oahu in Hawaii. I've done some bjj at Alliance. My point being you as the feeder acted as a srrawman to his attacks. Fighting is a continuum not a vacuum. He counters you counter.
@MrKahunadog 3 жыл бұрын
Grappling with a stick works.
@borjadiazrodriguez6987 3 жыл бұрын
Eric Top Dog Knaus esa 3 times Wekaf Champion and more if 200 fights un DBMA. And he use Stick grappling a lot. I Belice on fights, at street and stadium. So without fight experiences i prefer Eric, Arlan or Marc experiences.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
I know and have trained with them here in the Philippines. Their stick grappling is Jiujitsu based. They make it work because they also have grappling backgrounds. This is the message here. Their President Marc Denny also hosted me for awhile in the US. There are instructors that say grappling with the stick is effective without grappling backgrounds. Those are the falacies we are exposing. FMA has so many beautiful and lethal techniques which we should promote and not the embellished ones. Lastly although i love the Dog Brother format and spar that way myself, if we did that on the streets here in the Philippines we would get really hurt. This is based on my actual experiences.
@borjadiazrodriguez6987 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows i agree 50%, It Work Work, on the mat ir streets. Bit I cant add Variations on every fight. You ll be hurt if fight with stick grappling un the streets of phillipines, because your oponent may Carry a joden knife? Yes. And you can fue at moment you gran tour Blade if I Carry a gun. Ir because at moment you start to fight, 5 Friends of them come and helo him. If dont stop to add Variations, and Focus tour energy and training to defeat the oponent you hace un front, or never Will get a good escenario yo fight
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Guns are a different dynamic we will discuss soon👍🏼👍🏼😊
@rolangarcia1932 3 жыл бұрын
kali is blade art, stick is for teaching instrument
@mmakickboxingsudokwan 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Sir Alvin. This one validated my thoughts on grappling with a stick
@FMASource 3 жыл бұрын
Better than actually validating it for yourself, right?
@mmakickboxingsudokwan 3 жыл бұрын
@@FMASource I thought about grappling with a stick during the enhanced quarantine here but can't test it due to the pandemic I prefer not to grapple with anyone in these times. An insight from a martial artist with vast knowledge that I respect helps a lot. By the way I also watch and enjoy your videos. Thank you for sharing good contents too.
@KamenRider1 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, Sir. Daryl Carreon here. Pleasantly surprised to see you here. 🙏
@mmakickboxingsudokwan 3 жыл бұрын
@@KamenRider1 hey bro! I have lots of respect with Prof. Alvin's vast knowledge of martial arts he surely has great stuffs to share.
@edsson2648 3 жыл бұрын
Either willingly or unintentionally you misrepresented the chokeholds with the stick particularly in the placement of the hands. 👎🏿
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
I do these videos to open people eyes. I have trained FMA for more than 30 years and have been in too many fights i care to remember. If you dont believe me get ANY wrestler or Jiujitsu Black belt and try “stick grapple” him. Pls video it also so we can all see.
@dhalav 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody says you don't have experience, Indeed a lot of FMA has very poor stick grappling (or even grappling in general), but stick grappling has been explored for years in a way it cannot be ignored, especially by Dog Brothers. What you have done with this video is willingly ignore this only to adress stick grappling as unpractical as a whole. It was a poor demonstration, and the fact you like to fight and violence doesn't prove your point.
@georgebrown4044 3 жыл бұрын
Grappling with a stick can work if you know how to grapple. For me it’s Jiu Jitsu. But if people are learning stick grappling with no knowledge of grappling then good luck.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
I have trained with the Dog brothers here in the Philippines their grappling is also jiujitsu based. I am only opening everyones eyes as to what all the old timers here in the Philippines already know. I will also be interviewing them so everyone can see for themselves. Yes i was part of a violent culture before but i now use my experience to help people actually defend themselves for real. Can you imagine teaching a smaller guy stick grappling or a smaller female?
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Yes also a good point
@vinzcueto2451 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, Chief!!!
@valeriapuntscher1979 3 жыл бұрын
Oh I know the guy of the first video, he's Nate Hill! He's amazing, he could show you how to make the stick grappling actually work!
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Uhhh ok😆
@mamitea_ 3 жыл бұрын
All kind of martial arts if the small guys vs big guys,its hard to go locking and throwing its only my idea, but you try to the expert FMA masters before i believe in you
@AlvinAguilarKnows 2 жыл бұрын
Which one? send them to do the gym ive fought lots of FMA “masters”😂 we are there everyday😊
@rumpelstiltskin4850 Жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows IF you’ve actually “fought all types of FMA guys” then WHERE are the videos? Anybody can *SAY* literally _anything_ but …EVERYBODY has a video recording device present at ALL times. I’d love to see these videos of these …”fights” proving your points sir.
@tjumlas5406 3 жыл бұрын
thanks for this video chief. nakakamiss yung training before sa alabang i traveled from QC to alabang.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Good times👍🏼👍🏼😊
@Train4Combat 5 ай бұрын
Wrong about choke to quick
@franciscodelgado303 2 жыл бұрын
Si te agarran los dog brother te vuelven mierda 😂
@skrumian 3 жыл бұрын
IMHO, each technique has their place. hard to say everything in black and white. But then even in street fight, I wouldn't grapple (unless taken down or clinched) nor "stick grappling". I probably focus on deescalation and possibly running, and if no escape, my focus is distance and striking.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly we should use the stick for what it was really made for. I make these videos to open peoples eyes to what really works. I grew up learning all of that as well. People from other styles here did also. We have all come to the conclusion that these are close to useless. The people who can use sticks while grappling are those who have good grappling backgrounds to begin with. If you only have “stick grappling” WITHOUT any real grappling it won work. That being said distance and striking is what ive seen in the streets ALL the time. Whoever fell down or tripped got really pounded. If you attenpted grappling with a stick it wouldnt end well.
@salamangkali-allmartialart4836 3 жыл бұрын
I got into a street fight just recently when a neighbor let out his 200 lb. dog and it started attacking people and pets. I brought my sticks to respond. Its owner later attacked me. Anyway, what I found is that it's better to have two hands on the stick and go for retention over power and range. Even in combat sports, people and animals become impervious to pain and fight through injury. They are even stronger in a fight-or-flight situations, and can even keep fighting after getting hit with Kamagong sticks. Power is important, but it's better to be able to maintain distance and control of your own weapon. When it fails, grapple. Don't drop the sticks, but don't rely on them either because stick grappling isn't proven to work. Everything here is true. More vids po please!
@salamangkali-allmartialart4836 3 жыл бұрын
Reason not to drop the stick is, your opponent's companion might pick them up, or if your opponent is on top and he escapes he'll get to the sticks first.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us here. We all really appreciate it👍🏼👍🏼😊
@salamangkali-allmartialart4836 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows Everyone appreciates this channel! 🙂
@mamitea_ 3 жыл бұрын
Please try to the FMA master will see what happen sir!
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
For this we have, numerous times in the street and in training😊 If you have anyone in mind pls have whoever drop by the gym and try👍🏼👍🏼😊
@mamitea_ 3 жыл бұрын
You came here , to try what happen
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
We sent you the gyms address drop by 👍🏼😊
@kaliguyver7924 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Sir Alvin!!
@louieg7423 3 жыл бұрын
@thiebdahmous8702 3 жыл бұрын
You're doing a good job Sir👍, just don't mind the haters and the butthurts in this comment section, let them hate that's all they can do 😊
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro. We have to really show the reality of things especially when it comes to FMA👍🏼👍🏼😊
@alexdetagxi8148 Жыл бұрын
Stupid demo always shows stupid demonstration with toy training weapons, not real weapons.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 10 ай бұрын
Stupid people always talk on the internet as if they are fighters 😂 drop by our gym anytime we are there everyday and pls show us what was stupid about the demo😆
@srivijaya2780 Жыл бұрын
The Title is very vlogger CLICK BAIT; of course there are techniques from different masters and groups that doesn't work. But to say that Grappling with a stick is "STUPID" It's preposterous, grappling with stick/blade will work if you know what you are doing and depending on the situation you are in. The scenario you are demonstrating shows the lack of understanding about the art. For God's sakes you don't choke your opponent right away with a stick; you hit him first once his hurt and if you don't want to kill him you can lock the guy with a stick and immobilize him. You might learn something this video Maybe Chief doesn't know everything.
@AlvinAguilarKnows Жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for people like you who have never been in actual real fights where people actually got hurt and in some cases died. Well not really but when it comes to this context i do. Your only truth is from people who teach or fight in controlled environments. What i show is what i learned from the numerous masters and what i went thru in actual REAL FIGHTS. I guarantee you will not make any “stick grappling” work if you were any of the situations we were in before😂 So funny when foreigners all think they know better than the country where the art itself started😂😂😂
@TrainKali 2 жыл бұрын
The way you apply the techniques are wrong...your reasoning doesnt make sense.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 2 жыл бұрын
Oh pls show me and say that. Im at the gym EVERY DAY. When can you drop by?
@TrainKali 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows showing something static and where you place the stick doesn't inflict much pain. In addition, you have to set up the chokes. Where are the strikes with the Punyo. I do agree that a couple of your moves of placing the stick under the arm is not realistic unless you have willing partner. You can't approach stick grappling the same as you would bjj. I appreciate the video because it opens dialog
@Asthetics777 3 жыл бұрын
stick grappiling= stupidy , Stick smashing wacking heads with stick = great idea. Thanks boss Alvs! God bless🙏 more power to this Channel very informative✊💯
@ernestperez2760 3 жыл бұрын
we should start a hashtag hahahaha #thisshitdoesntwork hahahah nice vid chief! kudos to coach mike!
@MrKahunadog 3 жыл бұрын
HaHa this is like Master Ken. Full of bullshido Straw men.
@AlvinAguilarKnows 3 жыл бұрын
Really why dont you be in my next video and show me?
@MrKahunadog 3 жыл бұрын
@MrKahunadog 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlvinAguilarKnows ok
Defend and Disarm a Stick Attack
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Joe Rogan: FAKE Martial Artists? WHAT is NINJITSU??
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Sparring with Sticks is the SCARIEST THING!
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CHIEF KNOWS: How to Really Block a Knife Strike
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Legendary Stick Fighting Technique Revealed!
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Куда мы с Никой поехали?
Привет, Я Ника!
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Это же гениально
Up Your Brains
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