Is There an Afterlife? - Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, David Wolpe, Bradley Artson Shavit

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12 жыл бұрын

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Description from Jewish TV Network:
'In this recent Whizin Center for Continuine Education program, leading advocates for atheism, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris square off against Newsweek top rabbis, David Wolpe and Bradley Artson Shavit to determine what may or may not happen in the hereafter.
The possibility of an afterlife has challenged believers and atheists alike for centuries. Because its very nature defies conclusive definitions or proof, it remains a heated topic for debate and exploration. This debate is moderated by the Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish Journal, Rob Eshman.'

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@rasmusalmqvist5960 4 жыл бұрын
Here I am.. sitting on the patio at midnight - all alone - sipping a beer and thinking this is 1000 times better than anything I can find on Netflix.
@parametalhead 3 жыл бұрын
Literally what I’m doing right now!
@ssokurenko 2 жыл бұрын
What a narrow range of options
@hopefriese5966 2 жыл бұрын
@2fast2block 2 жыл бұрын
I no longer watch Netflix. Still, when Hitch acts as if he knows about our end as he ignores our beginning, he's a joke. Hitch who pretends to know the bible as he screws up on it over and over again including what faith means biblically. --"Faith is the surrender of the mind, it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other animals. It's our need to believe and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. ... Out of all the virtues, all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated”-- Christopher Hitchens Now, look at what biblical faith really means that Hitch the liar didn't even look at: Biblically, faith means trust. It's a trust by evidence seen. God asks that we prove things. To reason. To get knowledge. To study. God has nothing to hide. We develop trust from what is seen, and that which is not seen yet is trusted also because of the trust built up from what is seen. It's much like a human relationship. We don't trust much until a person has gained that trust from what is observed. The difference is though, God is not limited to human powers. He created us. Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Hitchens always went into evasive word antics to avoid key questions like how we got the creation of the universe. Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it. We can't even get science without God. The laws of nature only can come from a Lawgiver, God. Only shallow people follow Hitchens.
@Existentialist946 2 жыл бұрын
30 mins on and no arguments given against an afterlife so far. Netflix is boring too though, admittedly. Well.. apart from the Queens Gambit.
@OPHIOHANNAH 8 жыл бұрын
For those who don't know, Christopher Hitchens was diagnosed with Stage 4 esophageal cancer in June 2010. The seriousness of this diagnoses was quickly acknowledged by Hitchens himself when he said that, "The relevant thing to understand is that there is no Stage 5" and he noted that the projected five year survival rate of that disease at that stage was a mere three percent. While undergoing treatment for the disease he continued an active speaking and debating tour, this video being an example of those appearances, and his mental faculties obviously remained undiminished. Mr. Hitchens died of complications of pneumonia on December 15, 2011, having survived for a year and a half after his initial diagnosis, and donated his body to medical research.
@WILLYLYNCH. 8 жыл бұрын
it's 5% but it doesn't even matter. I'm glad all his debates have been recorded for us to enjoy and he can never be forgotten.
@warioman91 8 жыл бұрын
+WILLY LYNCH the thing i enjoy about a lot of these videos though is they are more like open discussions than debates in a way. Maybe I just mean that I associate debates too much with politics.....
@auritone 8 жыл бұрын
Completely agree with that. This is more enjoyable and more thought provoking than the debate format because there seems to be more "talking points" in debates.
@lutze5086 7 жыл бұрын
the first atheist saint
@tatsumaru1970 7 жыл бұрын
Lu Tze Your comment should not be underestimated. Pure genius 🤔
@Hollis_has_questions Жыл бұрын
It’s almost 6am. I’ve listened to this conversation more times than I can remember. It’s a great way to wake up, a great way to end the day. Nothing Hitchens does is ever boring.
@joc8092 Жыл бұрын
Hitchens is overrated
@waynemurphy7434 Жыл бұрын
Ben stiller said that
@woodytheduke Жыл бұрын
@@joc8092 sorry dude,,,,for you to say that really makes you too stupid to be watching this!
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
Hitch was so empty. The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LoT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things.
@yomilalgro Жыл бұрын
@robertwong531 Жыл бұрын
Christopher Hitchens is a legend, he is just so witty and entertaining to watch, we all miss him.
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
He was clueless and even basic science had him stumped. The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things.
@robertwong531 Жыл бұрын
@@2fast2block Hey did you reply to the wrong person? I'm not here to talk about thermal dynamics or entropy, something that I don't know much about, whether it proves there is a god or not, I do not claim to know, just here to admire the great mind of the past, really enjoyed the conversation in the video and I wish there were more.
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
@@robertwong531 yes, directed at you who thinks clueless, lying Hitch was a legend. You both can't even deal with basic science.
@JesusIsaFlatEarther Жыл бұрын
@@2fast2block The thing is, there is no universe, unless you believe CGI from the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. telescope is reality. When an armature balloon goes over 100,000 feet the stars disappear. Even during the Apollo 11 press conference, they said they couldn't see any stars. The Creator calls stars, angels because he doesn't believe in the religion of Theoretical Science or in NASA's fake space travel.
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
@@JesusIsaFlatEarther ok, "there is no universe." Hitch would have been proud of that. So clueless.
@acxezknightnite1377 4 жыл бұрын
“I’m dying.......but so are you” Hitch was a legend.
@Hellblazer311 4 жыл бұрын
@South Florida Horticulture halleluja
@TyroneBiggums789 4 жыл бұрын
South Florida Horticulture wow sounds like god is really loving and what you said sounds nothing like a radical cult
@sherribh6106 4 жыл бұрын
Hitch said There is no hell How would he know before death there is no hell Where we spend eternity is a choice we make.
@sherribh6106 4 жыл бұрын
@South Florida Horticulture South Florida Horticulture Everlasting life is not for everyone John 3:16 says it is Whosoever means anyone Anyone covers everyone Eternal life is in Jesus Eternity is where you will be forever no end.
@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 4 жыл бұрын
@@sherribh6106 What does Christ himself say? "14 For many are called, but few are chosen. " Matthew 22:13-14 (KJV) See also: "One said unto him, Lord, are they few that are saved? And he said unto them, 24 Strive to enter in by the narrow door: for many, I say unto you, shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able. 25 When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, open to us; and he shall answer and say to you, I know you not whence ye are; 26 then shall ye begin to say, We did eat and drink in thy presence, and thou didst teach in our streets; 27 and he shall say, I tell you, I know not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. 28 There shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and yourselves cast forth without " Luke 13:23-28 (ASV)
@LukeAndGilRandolph 9 жыл бұрын
Finally a debate about religion/philosophy that doesn't involve name calling or idiots yelling over each other.
@nobodyknew 3 жыл бұрын
this result is basically due to Hitchens and his efforts
@wilformil Ай бұрын
Holy hell am I late but this was just a good listen. Everyone was well spoken. Genuine, respectful debate with some humor in the mix. Breath of fresh air compared to all the shit we have to sift through today in public discourse and social media.
@susanelainesanner 5 ай бұрын
I'm a musician, now retired and serving in a voluntary capacity, in a Christian church where, generally, I hear the readings, prayers, and sermons twice every Sunday. Right now, 28 December 2023, I do not hear anything like the honesty of Christopher Hitchens in my church. I think that is a fatal omission for the parishioners. Apparently, we cannot afford to be honest. That is why I just invested an hour and thirty-seven minutes in listening to Mr. Hitchens and his peers. Excellent discussion.
@sonu8034 4 ай бұрын
Alryt here's a question for u nd I want an honest answer. Not prejudiced, biased replies. Whn did hitchens ever give an evidence or atleast some gud arguments that proves the existence of god very improbable. One can always hear the monologue from these guys where they say "oh science has disproved the age old god nonsense". Alryt here r some obvious questions that follows. Which scientist? Which science, when, where, how? Nd all u r gonna get is silence in response. Notice how he never bothers going into the details. Tahts interesting. So its just the new atheist monologue after all. This is a joke. People didnt ask the obvious questions such as whn where nd how did they prove it for a decade whn some body made a claim like that. If they did, the new age atheism wud have nded ryt there. I ve never gotten an intelligible argument or evidence for the non existence of god. So u cant blame me if iam skeptical of these new age atheists.
@susanelainesanner 4 ай бұрын
​@@sonu8034 There is nothing innately destructive about being skeptical. Skeptical, I think, is not the same as being stubbornly deaf. But no one need blame another for being skeptical about something. You do not need to prove the existence of God. He evidently exists for you. Christopher Hitchens did not need to prove the non-existence of God. God evidently did not exist for him. That's all I should comment on. The rest is just details. I have neither seen nor read nor heard Christoher Hitchens embrace "New Age" in any way demonstrated in his public and professional life. That he seems to you to represent "new age atheism" is to be befuddled by who the man is, @sonu034, in your "prejudiced, biased replies" to his words. But the primary factor of communication of this type is not to talk about the other person off the top of one's head. A first and essential step in effective communication with anyone on any subject is not to study the other side's thinking and statements. That comes later. Primarily essential to communication is to study one's own self. Understand what you think, feel, believe and say and why. Why. Otherwise, there is little ground to stand on for communication. (I learned this from my own whip-quick prejudiced rebuttals, scathing accusations, and broad misunderstandings in discussions with others in earlier years of my life. Those acidic, on my part, interactions were fun for awhile. But I can't see that they achieved anything except: to enable me to become more aware of my own founded and unfounded opinions and words in some discussions. That hard-earned awareness is an immense achievement for every human to work toward. Then, study the other person. It takes very strong personal character to open-mindedly listen to a video like this one. I think you might have found answers to some of your irritations with Mr. Hitchens had you carefully listened, maybe even took scanty notes as you listened, for 137 minutes . . . all with an open mind. I do not suggest, I would not expect, one to change their position on God, rather to listen and think with an open mind. A horrid conflict exists for anyone to listen to another while hating that person. Put the hate down, open the mind, and meet someone new to you. Both you and the late Christopher Hitchens could ponder that concept for awhile. My words are not, by the way, New Age. They might be philosophy. Peace be with you.
@vigilance6806 3 ай бұрын
@@sonu8034 the god of the bible is improbable because he is totally absent. he is improbable because the bible, supposedly inspired by god is problematic. Both in conflicting accounts and dubious acts carried out by gods decree. it's improbable because the claims are so fantastic they require imagination beyond our understand of the laws of nature. it's improbable because the stories share reselblance to earlier literature. noah and the flood a copy of gilgamesh, moses a copy of sargon. etc.
@kriswoodward7623 2 ай бұрын
I think there is proof that we exist because of a supernatural creator that brought the universe into being. It’s really simple regardless of what science says something can’t be made out of nothing, the energy required to create the universe didn’t just come out of nothing it came out of something. So knowing that there is a power so great that they can create a universe (I believe that to be the godhead 3 in 1) which is equally beyond our understanding. Then I’m willing to stake my spiritual and physical life on us having to appear in front of god one day and the book of life. I fully respect everyone’s right to not think what I think and I’m not interested in argueing, you can believe what you believe, I will believe what I believe and pray for the scales to fall from your eyes!’
@dirtypickle77 2 ай бұрын
He or no other atheist has to prove anything that doesn't line up with reality. Most atheist are agnostic which means that they are open to a god when some real evidence outside of people's thoughts show up. The burden of proof lies on the one with the claims that don't partake to reality. You think there's a God, fine believe what you want or what you was raised to believe but you can't bring a shred of real evidence for your version of God or depending on what translation of some anonymous book you learn from.
@artawesome30 7 ай бұрын
This was an absolute pleasure. Everyone was in such good spirits! I could listen for hours.
@Infidelio 4 жыл бұрын
"I don't mind attacking religion at its best, if you'd rather I do that." The rabbi walked into that one. Christopher, we miss you.
@573Muhammad 4 жыл бұрын
Missing is what Hitch has left for
@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 4 жыл бұрын
@@573Muhammad "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. " Genesis 3:19 (KJV).
@mr.e3894 4 жыл бұрын
@@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 Genesis 38 : 9-10
@TonyEnglandUK 4 жыл бұрын
@@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 You quote that as if it somehow validates the Bible. It doesn't. It just validates your belief in it.
@earnestlycontendingforthef5332 4 жыл бұрын
To @@TonyEnglandUK That's certainly good enough for me and for those who have the insight and wisdom to 'hedged their bets' and have thoughtfully 'backed each way'. Sadly illogical thinking atheists don't seem to have that knowledge capability within them. For if Christians are wrong, nothing lost, if they are right, life eternal and "everlasting joy". The poor atheist on the other hand, has no hope of a future if proven wrong, only a nightmare judgment day and the knowledge of what they have foolishly and stubbornly refused to make any sensible provision for. As for 'Pascal's Wager' folks.....bring it on......{;o;}
@PanthaGirl 3 жыл бұрын
"No one is ever more than a breath away from the end.." I miss Hitch enormously 💜
@jtaylor8606 3 жыл бұрын
He's incredibly impressive, such absolute clarity of thought.
@PanthaGirl 3 жыл бұрын
@@jtaylor8606 Totally!
@joeanderson7316 3 жыл бұрын
your never going to see him again so who cares
@The.Nasty. 3 жыл бұрын
Obi Taylor the clarity and recall that man possessed continues to impress.
@isinox 3 жыл бұрын
more than any other human being i did not get to meet :)
@reshieroo Жыл бұрын
One of my absolute favourite performances by the Hitch, right up to the very last statement when asked how he says "well I'm dying... but so are you. " Just brilliant
@lawrence1318 Жыл бұрын
It's not brilliant, as it presupposes there is no afterlife.
@alanwebb9438 Жыл бұрын
@@lawrence1318 Well.. Yeah.. Of course it presupposes no afterlife. Its based on observation and the FACT, afterlife has never been proven.
@lawrence1318 Жыл бұрын
@@alanwebb9438 The afterlife consists in the spirit realm. It is therefore not within the scope of natural proof, but spiritual proof. Such spiritual proof, consists in our awareness - our intuition - that we fall short of the persons we should be, and that there is therefore an absolute standard from which we have fallen. That is, it consists in the fact that we are aware we are sinners and not merely some temporal arrangement of atoms.
@alanwebb9438 Жыл бұрын
@@lawrence1318 I got to 'Spirit realm' before my eyes rolled back. Come onnn 🙄. Provide me your best eveidence for a 'spirit' let alone a spirit realm. You're hopelessly deluded. You must know this?!
@lawrence1318 Жыл бұрын
@@alanwebb9438 Your reply here is precluded by what I pointed out to you in my previous post. Go and read it again, and meditate upon it.
@masterbulgokov 4 ай бұрын
How wonderful is it for four intelligent, learned men with such diverse opinions on this matter, and such passionate ideas, be able to sit down, debate them, and be respectful.
@randelford5817 4 ай бұрын
Yes, of course. Except some of the speakers, despite their formal training, are more disingenuous and obfuscating with their intelligence. I am an anti-theist, certainly not against anyone who chooses to believe in hope of peace and justice. Just the baggage that goes with fundamentalist dogma.
@Hard-Boiled-Bollock 7 жыл бұрын
Christopher Hitchens = One of the most articulate beings who ever lived
@rhizomos5920 7 жыл бұрын
I wonder about the magnitude of your set of "the most articulate human beings". But what I would find interesting to know is the extent of overlap between the most articulate beings and the ones that are just articulate. In the Middle Ages and before and after that particular time period this level of articulation and the mastery of grammar, logic and rhetoric was so commonplace that the truly most articulate ones were not like oasis in the desert. Or if they were so, it was because the most articulate were in command of immensely greater levels of articulation and mastery of the classical arts of discourse. One could suspect that in our day and age the participants of a discourse are surely better off when having a basic command of the range of literature on this subject that predates our times by at least a millennia. For when such is not the case, some are left amazed at the parallels one can draw between the uneducated populace during the Dark and Middle Ages that were swayed by arguments of the religious zealots which were formulated, employed and advanced for explicit political reasons and ends and the populace in our day cheering for hearing the counter-arguments that quite seldom rise about the level of religious zealots of the Dark and Middle Ages. It is quite remarkable to think and believe that one is "enlightened" and that an entire age has truly transcended what it lays claim to have transcended merely by virtue of finding itself in an altered political reality. When Mr. Hitchens says that himself and Mr. Harris could have been in grave mortal danger if they were engaging in such discourse and offering their line of argument he is right. However, what Mr. Hitchens fails to disclose that they arguments he employs in his manner are in a purely abstract level nothing more than introductory paragraphs of in any serious religious argument at the inception of organized Monotheism in the Western World. One cannot stress the importance of reading and learning when one is confronted with such a state of affairs.
@paulj6662 7 жыл бұрын
piss off.
@johnnyllooddte3415 7 жыл бұрын
im sure hes even more articulate from HELL
@Vedioviswritingservice 7 жыл бұрын
One of the most crude.
@kurtkitchel3967 7 жыл бұрын
As a new discovery, I find Hitch inspiring.
@tylerfunnyman2532 Жыл бұрын
Hitchens really was a beautiful person. He had a rough exterior and didn’t suffer foolish arguments, but he was also unbelievably charming and good humored. Breaks my heart to watch these videos where he was so close to the end
@RichardGeresGerbil Жыл бұрын
Lol. Hitchens made a career suffering foolish arguments wtf are you talking about.
@0MissPhoenix Жыл бұрын
@@RichardGeresGerbil I think the point was more that he wouldn't let those he is debating get away with saying nonsense, and would call it out
@RichardGeresGerbil Жыл бұрын
@@0MissPhoenix true but the word "suffering" was a poor choice because he definitely did. I mean how many times did he hear the same argument over and over.
@0MissPhoenix Жыл бұрын
@@RichardGeresGerbil Well equally how many times did he say he enjoys doing what he did? Because it was also quite a lot.
@RichardGeresGerbil Жыл бұрын
@@0MissPhoenix I don't want to argue but I have seen many of Hitchens debates and he definitely gets impatient with some of his adversaries. He was at war with religion is whole life and saw it as a threat to common sense.
@zabeerrashid8148 5 ай бұрын
What a great and civilized and often funny debate. As for Christopher Hitchens, he constantly reminds of the ridiculousness of religious faith and what it preaches, a hero of mine 🙏
@gitrattled1933 5 жыл бұрын
I absolutely LOVE Christopher's dry, deadpan, expressionless way of cracking jokes. It is my favorite type of humor.
@chrischristou5452 4 жыл бұрын
What a shame he not here anymore
@taskbarenhancer3386 4 жыл бұрын
George Lopez because you're a depressed dead fuck face
@garystevenson5560 4 жыл бұрын
Void-Life-void.... If you have any brains you will understand that God sent me to Hell so that I come back out of it to tell you that God killed death. mohammed was the ast Messenger but only He knew the meaning of Alif Laam meem. i am he.
@gymnast2890 4 жыл бұрын
But this isn't a comedy show! It's a debate...what's wrong with you? His arguments are literally jokes!
@gymnast2890 4 жыл бұрын
@Jazzkeyboardist1 Really? What was the double suicide? I think he's a disturbed individual.
@Not_Vladimir_Putin 4 жыл бұрын
I've listened to this several times over the years and found it to be the most civil debate on religion I've ever encountered.
@lifesshorttt 4 жыл бұрын
If you grow some balls, you will realise that when you die you simply go to the place you were before you were born.
@undefinedfreedom8580 4 жыл бұрын
vidiot2000 , it is civilised because there was no Muslim on the stage.
@davidcraig7771 4 жыл бұрын
You all are bunch of idiots
@ramennaidoo162 4 жыл бұрын
@@davidcraig7771 Strange, you call all a bunch of idiots, which would mean you included. You failed dismally to put forth an argument based on this debate. There are many likewise minded who said absolutely nothing. My personal touch on this debate, Christopher has exposed the myth of the belief of life after death. On this planet, we have 7.6 billion people, can you imagine what heaven or hell would look like.....crowded.
@gman8230 4 жыл бұрын
@@ramennaidoo162 first, how can you be so confident it is a myth when you cannot possibly know that. Second, I always wondered what atheist believe happens to our energy after we die, since energy is never destroyed only converted....eventually after the universe dies, what will happen to it. Could it possibly "transform" into a new creation all together? If so that is an awful lot like what the bible said. I think it's kinds strange that science leads us to a point where we have to either believe that everything came from nothing...(and I mean ACTUALLY NOTHING, not what physicists THOUGHT was nothing but actually turned out to be something lol) or we have to consider that there is an energy beyond or outside of what we percieve as space time and matter and conciousness that has the ability to create intelligently. And SO intelligently we find that one single simple protein would take more than the life of the known universe to (I forget to the what power) to even be able to have a chance to happen "by chance"....and keep in mind, this is from "something" or the materials already provided by the known universe....i am talking about a designer that did it from NOTHING. And third, atheists are the only ones who make absolute claims....based on a lot of times pseudo science, a lot of which gets debunked or at least it's incredible weaknesses exposed all the time...but you just believe the high priests of science without knowing for yourself. A lot of our view if the universe is based on some really shotty science yet that is accepted as the truth. This takes more faith than it does to believe in a higher energy on the energy spectrum that maybe encompasses all other energies. So my point is (and idk if I did a good job of making it) is that you are only believing what you THINK you can see, when first of all there are so many unknown variables in 99% of experiments you can't really get to 100% certainty, and also there is more energy on spectrums that science cannot detect than there is in this 3rd dimension or whatever that we are perceiving with our physical senses. But we are ignoring the other senses because they cannot be quantified by modern science? Which is still really in it's infancy. So there are so many things that we know must exist, and things we have no clue exist, that it would take to the end of the universe to ever even have a chance of figuring it all out. So you guys come to a definitive diagnosis when you literally have such a small amount of the "known variables" if we are waiting for scientific instrumentation to prove things before we can believe they could possibly exist, we are never going to "know" anything. I think we ourselves are already the most advanced instrumentation in the universe. The highest frequency of conciousness in the known universe. And so we are like a conduit, a complete circuit in the known and unknown universe. And I think that allows us to percieve things that are considered super natural. But like I said, modern science scorns us and forces us to ignore those senses or those frequencies of conciousness. We have been brainwashed into only believing in the physical which we have evidence to suggest that it could be a vibrational illusion! Like tesla said, if you want to understand the secrets of the universe you have to think in terms of energy, frequencies, and vibrations. We are like a radio antenna picking up all these vibrational frequencies and then creating a perceived reality based on them. Maybe higher conciousness is kinda like changing the radio dial, we just tap into a conciousness energy that already exists, but what station are you on. And my theory is if you are on any just one frequency, or a limited spectrum if frequencies, then we are not experiencing the full spectrum. And from what I know about light, you have to have the full spectrum to grow things to their 100% genetic potential. If you grow with artificial light that leaves out any of the spectrums you are not getting your plant access to everything it was designed to get. I think modern science is like that fake grow light, and God is the full spectrum energy. I hope that made ANY sense whatsoever haha, if it was hard to follow sorry I am not a scholar, just a truth seeker. It's hard to articulate the things that I see in my head a lot of times. But these are some of my thoughts on reality.
@tl6690 2 жыл бұрын
We lost a great man 10 years ago today. You'll never be forgotten. RIP Hitch!
@2fast2block 2 жыл бұрын
He'll certainly be forgotten. Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
@alexman8800 Жыл бұрын
It's amazing that atheists would come to listen to a man named Hitchens preaching atheism. If you come to think of it is like going to a church to hear a mortal man speak. Finally, RIP has no meaning whatsoever to Hitchens, just spare him that.
@Leiomanoa 10 ай бұрын
@@alexman8800 it is amazing only if you think of human experiences only through a faith-based paradigm. I would agree that it is "like going to a church to hear a mortal man speak." It is very much like that. But church is hardly the only medium in which we can appreciate another human's thoughts and experiences. Books, in person lectures, recorded conversations, church, KZfaq, etc. In that respect you can also say that going to church is like going to a music concert. RIP any ideas founded on such a narrow view of human experience.
@user-vp3vs6ey3r 4 ай бұрын
@@alexman8800 Yes, RIP is a nonsense, as nothingness can't experience rest or peace. "Requiescat in pace" has its origins in Catholicism, specifically it is the wish that the dead rest peacefully while awaiting their resurrection and final judgement. It's odd how opponents of religion continue to use the phrase despite its religious significance.
@loreedavis5988 6 ай бұрын
I thank you, the Universe, for Christopher Hitchens. 🙌
@e_b_ 5 жыл бұрын
"Nothing Hitchens ever does is boring"
@lionheart4552 4 жыл бұрын
@roncox4048 4 жыл бұрын
@fritzdoerring9058 4 жыл бұрын
Him Dying, is that not boring? It Is certainly not debatable!
@OsKuukkeli 4 жыл бұрын
@Fidus Achates And there we have a shining example of a disrespectful ass, or so a called "kyrpiäinen".
@davidcraig7771 4 жыл бұрын
OsKuukkeli hitches wouldn't care, why do you? Worshiping him like a god, how ironic.
@rjanthony5332 10 жыл бұрын
What a mind. What a wit. Rest in peace Hitch.
@tmntsuperhiros 10 жыл бұрын
@rjanthony5332 10 жыл бұрын
tmntsuperhiros Lol, touché.
@TheEnfadel 10 жыл бұрын
Why did Hitch's Star Wars reference move me more than all the things others said? ;) 46:39
@VICSWEB1 9 жыл бұрын
hitch is in heaven dancing to harp music on lilly pads in a lush green garden forever. people really believe that nonsense.
@RealTimeZone 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sure he'd argue that there can be no peace without conscious experience, something that ( if he was right) doesn't apply to him since he doesn't exist any more. So ironically he can't be at peace unless he was wrong about everything, which would mean he didn't have such a great mind.
@williamdillard5060 25 күн бұрын
I have NEVER EVER heard Christopher Hitchens say anything that didn't make sense. For us to lose this genius in a period of history where he's needed the most is beyond tragic. I am one of those who "went along to get along. As a young man, from 14 to 16, worked at The Catholic Archdiocese of The City I'm from. No I didn't have even one bad moment from the priests. On the contrary, because I was a huge baseball fan as a boy, they would play catch with me, give me tickets to Major league games and try to talk me into being a priest. I gave it some serious thought but, for reasons I still can't understand or explain I somehow couldn't "believe" the whole "script". Then I heard a debate with Hitchens. He was so informed, so knowledgable on what seemed like a boring subject, and so witty and literally funny. The GREATEST irony would be a hundred years from now when science and reason are what's accepted and folks "worship" Hitchens like
@MartinTheMartian1 22 күн бұрын
Logic makes sense. It's great to hear he made a difference.
@patcomerford5596 Жыл бұрын
"You lose everything when you die', this is a fear inducing statement. Alternatively it could be said: 'You are free of everything when you die'.
@user-nw6xh7mn3h 3 ай бұрын
The former is a better statement. The latter is inaccurate. You cannot be free of something because that would suggest that "you" continue somehow exist after death, which you do not. Being "free" of something may be thought to be a passive state but it requires a state of being to "be" anything.
@patcomerford5596 3 ай бұрын
@@user-nw6xh7mn3h The statement is made as an 'alive' person not a dead one. Understand the context.
@user-nw6xh7mn3h 3 ай бұрын
Your "context" doesn't change the statement.
@user-nw6xh7mn3h 3 ай бұрын
@@patcomerford5596Your "context" doesn't change the statement. Your statement refers to a state after death.
@patcomerford5596 3 ай бұрын
@@user-nw6xh7mn3h Again you misunderstand. I can only write about death from a 'life', science or medical perspective. There is no one alive who actually knows 'death' and that is the great freedom from the 'known'. The religious, however, speak as if they 'know' death, how farcical is that?
@slaywithme4207 5 жыл бұрын
Hitchens is the only person I can think of that was dead before I knew about him that I actually miss like a best friend I never had. How strange. I guess that means he's made a huge impact on me.
@teenherofilms 5 жыл бұрын
aaron white It appears that whether or not there is an afterlife may have no relation to whether or not there is a God. The British independent voice medium Leslie Flint was able to produce around 5,000 voices of people claiming to be dead over a sixty year period. Flint was test with having his mouth sealed shut with elastoplast and still the voices appeared to speak in mid space. I personally witnessed the materialization of my dead uncle in 1963 in a materialization seance in Norfolk, Virginia. In the following recording an Irishman named Pat O Malley speaks to two psychical researchers George Woods and Betty Greene
@coolsvanloo6441 5 жыл бұрын
@@teenherofilms God is man's response his mortality. This become the basis of all religions since all men are subject to death. If it becomes technologically feasible to obtain immortality then there will be no need for a God. Mans guest for immortality leads him to create a God in the interim until he can achieve immortality. This mortality need not be physical. If we were to discover a civilizational where they have attained immortality. Will we find the God concept?
@teenherofilms 5 жыл бұрын
@@coolsvanloo6441 The earth life is the school. The Other Side is the graduation. a recording to hear. Good luck on your journey!
@zacc2391 5 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with you! I'm almost ashamed I was too young to know about him when he was alive and busy... I miss the idea of that. But so grateful for all the books, videos, interviews etc he left for us. Not a week goes by that I dont think, listen or read about something he said... maybe an example of consciousness surviving after death? 🤔
@teenherofilms 5 жыл бұрын
@@zacc2391 You do not have to believe in God to know that consciousness survives after death. Message me for some examples
@rekunta 5 жыл бұрын
I like Wolpe. Even though I disagree with pretty much everything he believes, he was courteous enough to respond to an email I sent him, at length, after watching one of his debates. He’s a very kind, thoughtful and generous man.
@BigEats99 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely seems that way from his interviews. I love hearing religious people like him because it makes me realise they're not all the same.
@peacheskong2245 4 жыл бұрын
@@BigEats99 you realize that you thinking like this is the same way some women reason about men in general? Or Black vs Whites? Of course everyone isn't the same...
@BigEats99 4 жыл бұрын
@@peacheskong2245 it was a joke. You're odd
@jmathies78 4 жыл бұрын
Peaches Kong you got owned... lmao
@JohnGrove310 4 жыл бұрын
I disagree with both of those rabbis as well. But they are great gentlemen.
@kalyanimookherji8834 7 ай бұрын
Such a scintillating conversation! Hitchens is an absolute star - RIP !
@henriksylvestolsen4885 4 ай бұрын
can you say RIP to an atheist?
@shookreeseeree4 Жыл бұрын
Although Hitchens has left us..but his thoughts n speeches will forever with us in these videos..RIP Legend..
@jeffforsythe9514 10 ай бұрын
You must be kidding. what is wrong with you to have become so lost?
@w.donald9066 3 жыл бұрын
Not sure about afterlife but hitch has found eternal life on KZfaq. Really sad we wont get new content from this amazing fella
@oldtheistexperience7945 3 жыл бұрын
He Is In Limbo Now.
@ToninoterRessort 3 жыл бұрын
@@oldtheistexperience7945 well he sure missed out on the divine life of the ages in this life. But there is this unveiling conversation of Jesus with knockle head Sadusees/atheïsts about the resurrection they didn't believe in. They ask Him whose wife a woman will be that remarried 6 times. Since in Christ deity and therefore all power and knowledge is sourced He hits the bullseye by saying. "You are in error, the dead are like angels, male nor female, God is the God of the living not of the dead!". So the Hitch is eyeballing Jesus right now. Finally understanding God and Gods resolve for the fall of man. So let's not be ignorant as Hitch was and let us be transformed into original created value by Holy Spirit. Living the unselfisch divine power and love life we were designed for.
@godtroll749 3 жыл бұрын
@@ToninoterRessort your god condones slavery
@MarsMellow84 3 жыл бұрын
@@ToninoterRessort nope! Its the exact opposite actually. The reason I'm an atheist now is because i was indoctrinated as a Catholic since birth. But then i grew a fully formed adult brain and realized it was all lies and fairy tails.
@chrissonofpear1384 3 жыл бұрын
@@BradWatsonMiami It was taught, and then UNTAUGHT, and then hidden again, was it, except from Origen and a few others? Like all that weird Enoch stuff was untaught? And my answer to this big question has always been - maybe.
@kimuhstry 3 жыл бұрын
Seeing Hitchens defer to Sam is weirdly heart warming
@MrMarco855 2 жыл бұрын
Sam has nothing to say that isn't ego driven or selfish,........ or evil.
@TonyEnglandUK 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrMarco855 I think what you really meant was _"Sam has plenty to say that my religion doesn't agree with."_
@MrMarco855 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikekane2492 You're wrong, I know. My wife and I had it shown to us, proven to us. It is possible to know, even if only to a few. It wasn't because of anything I did, it was a gift to my wife that she was allowed communicated with her mother, who passed away 9 years before and exists in the next realm. Things told of the future that we could verify later with our own eyes. Many things, specific things, things that can't be doubted. You will doubt and so will others because you have no faith in anyone, but it matters not, we witnessed it over and over and ov
@samarubi 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrMarco855 lol
@jamesepperson5940 Жыл бұрын
@@MrMarco855 lol you just proved this guys argument by bringing up the supernatural bs lol.
@jpjrobot 5 ай бұрын
The atheists always win these debates. The religious always dodge the older versions of their faiths.
@mikomaxwell6313 Ай бұрын
@markfregly4148 2 күн бұрын
The atheist win because all they have to do is deny, not explain. They know what we know but don't have faith. They have as much to prove as a theist
@tommy7fun 5 ай бұрын
My sister always had a crush on Hitchens. She even cried when he passed away. She said he was the sexiest man who ever lived.
@regen6152 4 жыл бұрын
I have been reading Hitchens since the 1980's and with the advent of the internet have watched countless hours of his lectures and debates. There are precious few people who have made the sort of impact on my life of the not-so-saintly Christopher and for that I am deeply grateful. Religion is an incredibly dangerous tool/weapon to control humanity and whether one believes in some sort of god(s)/goddess(es) or not, the structural apparatus of religious indoctrination can last a lifetime even if the intellect strongly rejects it. This is why so many know there is no god but cannot quite let it go especially when life becomes traumatic or chaotic. After a rather rough diagnosis last year, I briefly returned to religion (Anglicanism) and though the music and architecture was grand and uplifting, the text of The Bible is so preposerous and dangerous to critical thought, I chucked it within months. When I feel overwhelmed by life, I meditate to Sam Harris's app Waking Up and watch old Hitch videos. All of the comfort and none of the fear and guilt! I still visit religious sites for the art, architecture, and music but believe none of the supernatural nonsense the Abrahamic religions spew, especially Islam ('The motherlode of bad ideas" - Sam Harris). RIP Hitch, you are sorely missed!
@FredericWaugh46664 4 жыл бұрын
Regen 615 It wasn’t until Hitch that I realized there may not be a religion for me. That alone was liberating. When you are brought up in the church it is hard to change - and I imagine those who do, can’t. So getting people early must be a priority. But after 60 years, I’m able to listen and learn. I find Hitch compelling. I enjoy his opponents voices as well.
@Tokody 4 жыл бұрын
read Thomas Aquinas
@garethbaus5471 4 жыл бұрын
@@Tokody having read Thomas Aquinas and considered his points I still don't buy religion the world I live in dousnt seem like evidence of a God I would want to worship even if a God exists which I also doubt.
@yomilalgro 4 жыл бұрын
Ditto, I feel the same
@briandelaney9710 4 жыл бұрын
Too many of Christopher’s “arguments” are of the same crude form as the Stalinist propaganda about religion from the 1930’s
@Pmaxsam75 6 жыл бұрын
I am 50 years old. I have witnessed a lot of great people leaving this earth to move on to the next stage (whatever that means). I have cried twice for someone. The first was Pierre Desproges (only famous in France) almost 30 years ago. He used to ridicule religion, all of them, although that was not what he was famous for, he was just a brilliant comedian, with the perfect amount of sarcasm. The second time was with Christopher. He will never be replaced and no one will ever have his wit. I still miss him ´´bigly`` like Trump would say. This man was just one of the most brilliant mind of modern times. I have seen all his debates (mainly on KZfaq, never had the honor to assist in real person) and to me, he never lost a debate. His arguments were right on target, right to the core of what tickles religious freaks. Hitchens was not an atheist but an anti-theist, I am an agnostic which brings me close enough to him. I do not know what happens after life but if somehow he can hear my words, know that I truly have admired you and that I have grew immensely thanx to you. You will never ever be forgotten.
@primus7776 4 жыл бұрын
Unequivocal "Amen" to that, my respected Brother from another Mother !
@stevewright4576 2 жыл бұрын
1:28:30 Hitch spontaneously quotes Hamlet, word for word, like he just has it there waiting, I will never be that cool, made me cry...
@ItsSVO Жыл бұрын
Hitch’s vast memory was one of his deadliest weapons in debate.
@Kupferdrahtful Жыл бұрын
You can do that just read a lot write out the parts that have a big impact on you and you can easily remember some
@user-vp3vs6ey3r 4 ай бұрын
Indeed, the play's the thing......
@paulm64 Жыл бұрын
I think the afterlife is exactly the same as the beforelife. Billions of years passed by before I was born and I was completely unaware of any of it. I suspect the afterlife will be the same.
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
How clueless you are. You can't even deal with the 'beginning,' creation, now your tiny brain thinks it knows the ending. The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LofT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things.
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
@Nameofname let me know when your tiny brain can get around the fist law by actually having evidence that supports it. Your blah blah is just blah blah.
@marsrideroneofficial 3 ай бұрын
could be that our memory of that 13 billion years was erased as we were born in this life. I'd like an afterlife where I'd be in a beach with unlimited vegan food and beautiful women serving the food and drinks and they be dancing and so on. 😂
@barto17 10 жыл бұрын
Very sad to see Hitchens fade away , the world was lucky to have had his company.
@helenlauer9545 5 жыл бұрын
if there is such a thing, blessed.
@orlansmith6230 5 жыл бұрын
Upsetting that he died of course but we shouldn't forgive him for or condone his hostile and unnecessary attitudes towards the name of religion
@Planckepoch592 5 жыл бұрын
His mind didn't diminish in the slightest. He was still smart as a whip and funny as ever.
@snate56 5 жыл бұрын
@@orlansmith6230 Fortunately, were he still here, he could not possibly care less about your, or anyone else's, forgiveness.
@frederickj.7136 5 жыл бұрын
The better part of Hitchens hardly "fade[ed] away". He was out there carrying on the argument to very near the end.
@That_one-guy192 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched this debate countless times and I still love it. It gives me great hope that civil discourse might once again become commonplace.
@isaacg2721 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, these are not common men.
@robertmichaelesformes2203 Жыл бұрын
Hi😮 to
@ndorphin2564 Жыл бұрын
Me too, i keep watching it, because sooner or later Hitchens will change his mind and agree there is an afterlife
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
​ We are born into a cycle of reincarnation until we are free of that cycle and return home to Heaven. These is achieved while we are alive, not through dying and is called spiritual enlightenment. Both Catholics and Muslims are death worshippers. If, during one of our reincarnations, we sin too much, when we die, we go to Hell.
@ndorphin2564 Жыл бұрын
@Cameron Cameron Is that how you sign off your posts? 🤡
@samansiddiquie1902 3 ай бұрын
I love Christopher Hitchens. Miss him so much
@charles-mr4oz 9 ай бұрын
I was sedated for a minor heart procedure a few months ago and what Sam says at 1.37 ish has had a profound effect upon my thought process since then. For about ten minutes I was totally oblivious ( the anaethsetist suggested I would still be aware but I wasn't). In that time my heart was stopped and re-started. I was in effect turned off and on again. The outcome was positive but since then I can't help thinking that if my heart had not been re-started the end of my life would have been, for myself, simple and free from pain or discomfort. Having nursed my father through bowel cancer to his passing last year it seems like a good alternative to what he and those caring for him went through in his last months. In the moments after I came back to consciousness it wasn't that I was craving a return to the oblivion but I did recognise it as a blissfull state and preferable to much of life
@Promatheos Ай бұрын
I too have been put under for surgery multiple times and subjectively just ceased to be. Coming back to experience was one of the most confusing yet profound feelings of my life and it’s interesting to me that this void, and the similar voids of pre-birth and even of dreamless sleep, are so often described as “blissful” or “peaceful.” On one hand we are saying we experienced nothing and simultaneously saying we experienced bliss. How does this make sense? I believe this is pointing to something very interesting about what reality is and what we really are. Perhaps bliss is just our most natural and eternal state and when we return to this waking state as confused, suffering humans, we can no longer describe to ourselves what that is. But it importantly is “something” not quite nothing.
@nobodyknew 3 жыл бұрын
I would like to take a moment for Rob Eshman who I think did a fantastic job mediating this event. He was fair and remained dignified throughout. Good on you, Rob.
@Dr10Jeeps 4 жыл бұрын
I admire the thoughtfulness and courtesy of all four panelists. However, my brain forces me to side with both Hitch and Dr. Sam Harris. And speaking about Hitchens, man the world needs more people like him!
@HassanAhmed-rf9xr 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I really don't know why people are like talking about him is he really that great
@The.Nasty. 3 жыл бұрын
Hassan Ahmed “is he really that great?” Who? Panelists and 2 specific people were mentioned. Which one of them is the “he” your referring to?
@johnhoey4605 3 жыл бұрын
Why? Why does the world need more self-described God-hating people like CH? Brilliant? Decidedly so. A fool? Without a doubt.
@BradWatsonMiami 3 жыл бұрын
Reincarnation was taught by Jesus son of Joseph and science has now proven it. Google that and see - only the returned Christ and Einstein directly reincarnated could produce that. It's triggered The Apocalypse/ Revelation.
@Dr10Jeeps 3 жыл бұрын
@@BradWatsonMiami Where do you nutcases come from?????
@princess.blumarine111 5 ай бұрын
Absolute love for Hitchens & this discourse
@theproblemwithbeingawake 7 ай бұрын
I can answer this final question. I was a psychologist and PTSD trauma therapist until I was savagely attacked and have been given huge brain damage. I have had two heart attacks since which needed me to be resuscitated from. Most recently was a month ago. My experience was sporting moments from my happy childhood flashing before my eyes. Then I was brought back to life. I have no idea what that means, and no one does! I still have my verbal intelligence and my scientific intelligence. My mathematics went from very high to almost nothing. I can also think in rhyme for hours if I need to produce nice pieces of written poetry or work. Yet recently I have started to struggle with left and right. Sometimes that struggle can last for a few minutes. Since I started having seizures, obviously I stopped driving so it’s not a hazard to anyone else but it’s annoying to me to have to work out which way to get up out of my armchair! I am not religious, but I would not call myself an atheist. I don’t know the answers but I don’t think agnostic is good enough word anymore. I have had a couple of spiritual experiences and I don’t need them explained to me. What happens after I die, which won’t be long, is not my business. It’s not like I can change it. I’ve always been a huge admirer of Christopher Hitchens, so when I lost my ability to practice. I turned to the same type of online journalism. I have my own KZfaq channel which I never publish in my comments, but if anyone looked at it, they’ll see that I’m entirely lucid. All together a great debate, on all sides.
@gertlush7014 7 ай бұрын
Wow, how rare is it to really read a comment and feel taken aback. I hope you're ok but am saddened by your comment about not having long left. We are not able to change what happens to us and it sounds like a terrible ordeal that you experienced. If you're able to use that and bring positively or kindness to others as a result then that would be a positive outcome. I wish you well fellow being. One love, sincerely
@vinny142 Ай бұрын
"Then I was brought back to life. " The thing is: you weren't brought back to life because you were not dead. If you were dead, you'd still be dead. Whatever you saw was seen while you were still alive. The one thing I have never understood about near-death experiences is the same for any other "spritual" experience; people find themselves (or bring themselves) in a state where their brain is *NOT* functioning properly (trauma, drug etc) and take whatever they experience while their brain is malfunctioning as evidence of something they cannot detect when their brain is working properly. Most importantly; they will add "I cannot explain it, but I know what I saw" and proceed to describe an experience that cannot be told apart from a dream.
@AtamMardes 5 жыл бұрын
Hitchens & Harris helped me free myself from the shackles of religion. Thank you.
@joyceanthony9526 5 жыл бұрын
atam mardes religion won’t help you A personal relationship with Jesus will
@AtamMardes 5 жыл бұрын
@@joyceanthony9526 Jesus is just another glorified religious myth. If u happen to have been born in India, u would now probably be suggesting a personal relationship with Krishna or Buddha will help me. The religious indoctrination & brainwashing based on your geographical location determines your delusion. Intellect & critical thinking has nothing to do with the mythical figure u fool yourself to have an imaginary relationship with. No offense.
@mistymoor7114 4 жыл бұрын
Spirituality and religion are not the same thing, men invent religions, our spirit is something innate within us and within all life
@lionheart4552 4 жыл бұрын
@@AtamMardes So YOUR geographic location also orders your belief
@AtamMardes 4 жыл бұрын
@Delon Duvenage LOL. U just don't get it. Jesus is just another glorified mythical religious figure. All theistic belief systems are politically developed myth-based schemes that use superstitions & imaginary beings to detach the vulnerable gullible delusional fools from a natural world by blind submission to authority, whose hoaxer preachers know the truth, but use the myth to control those fools.
@doczom5208 10 жыл бұрын
"Christopher, how are you feeling?" "I am dying, but so are you. Thanks for asking." Hitch has left a void that can not be filled. We are so fortunate that he will indeed live forever on You Tube... or what passes as forever for the moment.
@plato8260 4 жыл бұрын
@Stacy Caruso i'd rather go to hell, at least christopher and all great philosophers are there
@ShoeBooty860 4 жыл бұрын
@@plato8260 It could be that Hell is analogous to a large number of prisoners, all at the same prison, but all separated from one another in something like solitary confinement! I think it's presumptuous to believe hell is a social event or some kind of great party. But I honestly don’t know. I've read all the scripture there is on hell and I do not personally think there is enough scriptural evidence to reach a firm conclusion concerning whether or not those in Hell will be utterly alone and unable to communicate or not. Jesus talked about hell more than anyone and one of the most terrifying descriptions comes from the gospel of Mark: In that place, worms never die, and the fire is never put out.
@plato8260 4 жыл бұрын
@@ShoeBooty860 I was just joking mate, but tbh if it isnt solitary confinement it is definitely a place I would like to go
@ShoeBooty860 4 жыл бұрын
@@plato8260 My friend, I don't want you to go to hell! Hell is not fun. One writer said, “There is no way to describe hell, nothing on earth can compare with it. No living person has any real idea of it. No madman in wildest flights of insanity ever beheld its horror. No man in delirium ever pictured a place so utterly terrible as this. “No nightmare racing across a fevered mind ever produced a terror to match the mildest hell. No murder scene with splashed blood and oozing wound ever suggested a revulsion that could touch the borderlands of hell. Let the most gifted writer exhaust his skill in describing this roaring cavern of unending flame and he would not even brush in fancy the nearest edge of hell.” End quote. Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked man forsake his own way and the unrighteous man his own thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that He may have compassion, and to our God, for He will freely pardon.…Isaiah 55: 6,7
@lionheart4552 4 жыл бұрын
You sound desperate to believe in someone
@ibnewton8951 5 ай бұрын
My dear wife and I were great admirers of Christopher and naturally were committed atheists. Quite coincidentally, my wife developed cancer and passed away on exactly the same day of the year that Christopher died on which was the 16th of December. Nine years later.
@kawasakiwhiptwo5821 Ай бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. ✌️❤️
@ibnewton8951 Ай бұрын
@@kawasakiwhiptwo5821 Thank you for your kindness.
@michellehyslop8641 4 ай бұрын
I could cry for the loss of Hitchens - he's just extraordinary ❤
@juliaabadi6812 2 жыл бұрын
I felt Sam's sadness when his friend responded so graciously to the question of his health. Hitchens was a great loss for those of us who never met him, imagine the loss for his close friends and family. None of us wanted him to leave the party so early.
@yomilalgro Жыл бұрын
I miss him so...😢😥
@phylbiggs123 Жыл бұрын
How nicely stated.
@jameshogan6142 Жыл бұрын
I am reminded of the man who wanted to know if he would go to heaven when he died. An angel appeared to him and said I have good news and bad news. The good news is you are going to heaven when you die, And the bad news? You are going tonight!
@sukhmaidickoff Жыл бұрын
@Julia Abadi - I think sometimes Hitchens was a bit disrespectful. No need to always ridicule things and people. Wouldn´t it be great if he - after dying - really went to heaven (or hell) and when that happened he was swearing like crazy because he then realized that he was wrong all of his life?
@sukhmaidickoff Жыл бұрын
@Mike L It is supposed to be respected that even if YOU don´t believe in God (which I don´t either), then people who believe in that should be respected, as long as they are NOT harming other people with their beliefs. That means "accepting" what they believe in, if that gives them peace etc. I would call myself an agnostic. As long as I have not seen any proof that there is a God - I don´t believe - but what about the day when I would e.g. see something that turns around my entire world? What if someone had a close family member who had cancer in stage 4 - who was given max. 1 month to live - and that person is now still alive, 12 years later? Maybe that could make some people believe there is a God - then peace with that - let those people have that faith and respect those people with dignity and respect - even though YOU don´t share their beliefs. Don´t ridicule them. Same goes with Vegans. They should eat what the F they want to eat - as long as they don´t preach their eating habits towards me. And finally: I have read several reports on NDE. There are still things that scientists can´t explain when it comes to people who were technically dead with no more recorded brain activity whatsoever. Or what about employees in retirement homes? You hear over, and over and over and over again, that those people report how elderly people - who are going to die - and who know they are going to die - they very frequently tell - maybe a day or so before they pass themselves - that they see some of their relatives that have passed. My uncle died before christmas. 18 hourse before he died in hospital he suddenly said: Look, there is XXXX (his wife that passed away in 1998). Was that due to his medications? That he knew he was going to die and his brain played him a trick? Tbh - we don´t know, but it happens over and over and over again.
@skeptical_sorcerer 5 жыл бұрын
Imagine how dull this would have been to watch had Chris Hitchens not been a guest
@The22on 5 жыл бұрын
I read that Hitch used to have dinner parties at his New York apartment. I would have loved to be a guest!
@sylvester63 5 жыл бұрын
Life is eternal, there is a creator and all creations certainly evolved. No one knows for sure what death is, are we conscious after death and is there an afterlife? Not to be confused; near-death/out-of-body experience and afterlife are two separate topics. Today we know for a fact that a child is conscious in the womb and conscious at birth. Based on this, consciousness surely exists after death and there is an afterlife. What if a child in the womb, not knowing what happens after birth, asked this very question. What would the answer then be? Death is simply the departure from this world into the next. Its more likely that consciousness exists after death, and thus there exists an afterlife too. Its also likely that Christopher Hitchens is consciousness and enjoying afterlife right now.
@scarfhs1 5 жыл бұрын
Simply wouldn't have watched.
@RichardCookerly 5 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy Sam Harris as well. Alike minds
@taroman7100 4 жыл бұрын
truly because Jews are mostly non committal talking in circles.
@bobbart4198 Жыл бұрын
" If there is a God, His plan is very similar to someone Not having a Plan ~ Eddie Izzard
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
God has a plan that is clear. Don't blame God for you ignoring it. Hitch ignored basic science. The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally. One aspect of the 2LoT shows that the universe is winding down, usable energy is becoming less usable. It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things.
@bobbart4198 Жыл бұрын
@@2fast2block ... Maybe, - But first you've got to prove the existence of God, before you can convince me that there is a plan.
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
@@bobbart4198 it's as if nothing was written by me. Yes, you are that out of it. Just like Hitch, you're happy to remain blind to reality.
@bobbart4198 Жыл бұрын
@@2fast2block ... That's because nothing of Importance was written by you ... which doesn't seem to be proper English. I DID INDEED read your comment, but it failed to make a dent in my attitude. Once again - you can make a lot wonderful claims for your God, but you have failed to prove that very first cause - your God.
@2fast2block Жыл бұрын
@@bobbart4198 oh, ok, the universe did create itself and got around the laws I gave followed by your evidence of... (blank) Wow, you worked hard for giving blanks. Are you proud?
@nuformzdesign Жыл бұрын
I love debates like this. Respectful, friendly, but assertive. It also reminds me that sometimes, it doesn't matter what is objectively true or false. What matters is that you put together a view of the world that makes your life, and the lives of others around you, appreciably better.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
Denying God is the biggest mistake anyone can make.
@thatoneperson897 11 ай бұрын
​@jeffforsythe9514 other than giving birth to you
@jeffforsythe9514 10 ай бұрын
It does not have to be true certainly applies to Hitchens. Actually truthfulness is a two thousand year old religion called Taoism.
@More-than-ladyboys 9 ай бұрын
@jeffforsythe9514 9 ай бұрын
@@More-than-ladyboys Why what?
@yomilalgro 4 жыл бұрын
This is one of my faves, I've watched this multiple times. Although I'm 100% team Hitch/Harris, I really like the two Rabbis. Interesting, funny, intelligent, respectful and overall entertaining. I sure miss and love ❤️ the late great Hitch 😭. The world is a sadder place without him 😪😪
@itsmybuddha.nature 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. And I miss him too.
@clovelly1946 Жыл бұрын
I love Hitch and Harris,missing Hitch he opened my mind and made me think.
@_Stargazer_. Жыл бұрын
@Southside Chicago lol what ? .. which part of this discussion was he rude ?... all I could see was 4 gentlemen having a warm and friendly converstation. Dont tell me you are one of those militant atheists who hate all believers no matter how well they behave.
@DestinyAwaits19 Жыл бұрын
Hitchens and Harris are ignorant cynics. An afterlife does exist. Ask anyone whose had an NDE.
@huescahuesca3294 Жыл бұрын
This is what happens when you put four extremely smart, educated, and civilised people in an intelligent debate. I'm pro Hitch and Harris, but the different points of view are an absolute delight.
@John-jc4om 5 жыл бұрын
I always get teary when I stumble across a video with Hitchens ,wow I love this guy
@tangoz811 4 жыл бұрын
Well... He is become non existent
@lionheart4552 4 жыл бұрын
Guess you have to worship someone
@chrissonofpear1384 4 жыл бұрын
Possibly. And angels wouldn't all do this because...?
@davidcraig7771 4 жыл бұрын
u1v1w1 u2v2w2 nonsense, be more specific.
@iithewaterhashira 4 жыл бұрын
@Fidus Achates Lame twat
@ranaldclarke1104 Жыл бұрын
Htichens has an afterlife, only not of his own desire. Rather we continue to give him life in remembrance, anecdotes, quotes videos and debates. His body is lifeless, his pulse no more, he's entered a deep sleep for a final time. He's an ex-Hitchens. But the life he lived impacted so many that when his time runs out, his impact continues to exist. We keep Hitchens alive through a need/love/desire to live with his wisdom. We return to youtube over and over, searching for this debates and bringing these panelists to life again, well after their death. I write this 2023, twelve years after his death. In my life I will create intentional and unintentional memories for people - on balance I hope to have more positive than negative impacts on people I meet. When I take my last breath I hope the lessons or actions that brought others joy will outlive me. Christopher Hitchens, you would hate that your afterlife was in the hands sleep deprived midnight-youtubers. It might even surprise you, please you. Your impact was almighty. Thank you
@modibejohnmogodiri4744 29 күн бұрын
What a beautiful comment. 05/2024
@counterculture10 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant responses from Hitchens!
@mightyoak11111 4 жыл бұрын
What a great discussion. Appreciated the comments made by every panelist. The civility and humor was welcome. Don’t see that too often nowadays.
@WilbertLek 4 жыл бұрын
Still didn't see an "afterlife" demonstrated...
@yomilalgro 4 жыл бұрын
@rovidius2006 4 жыл бұрын
@@WilbertLek And if it was it would not change much ,life should not end in the first place .Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.Once you figure out how to live forever there is no need to figure out afterlife .
@WilbertLek 4 жыл бұрын
@@rovidius2006 I see the need for therapy demonstrated....
@WilbertLek 4 жыл бұрын
@@rovidius2006 Why should life not end in the first place?..... (excerpt from favorite book of fairy tales incoming in 3...2...1...)
@morpheus6749 7 жыл бұрын
Listening to Hitchens is one of life's greatest treats.
@Herzeleydt_Diesentrueb 5 жыл бұрын
God rest his gentle soul...
@kuribojim3916 5 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. We are all better off - and wiser - for having listened to him speak and reading his work.
@Sting79 5 жыл бұрын
Cynicism is never a treat.
@louistournas120 5 жыл бұрын
@@Herzeleydt_Diesentrueb : "God rest his gentle soul..." ==Which god?
@mjparham6430 5 жыл бұрын
Better than chocolate and ice cream
@danielemondmusic 9 ай бұрын
Wow! I thought I had scoured KZfaq and found every Hitch video there was but this one is new to me. He’s as eloquent, wry, hilarious, insightful, and biting as ever, even in his sickness.
@benthomson9397 8 ай бұрын
Reminds of story about Harry Houdini's efforts to debunk the stories about the afterlife. He and his wife agreed on a secret message that he would leave her after he died to let her know he had arrived in the afterlife. She waited for weeks for that message after his death..she never got it.
@gazsibb 4 жыл бұрын
Humans have long been accused of hubris but listening to a debate like this you can't help but be proud to be human. Thank you Hitch et al.
@viclimited9081 3 жыл бұрын
......a human is but an animal which has been refined by the teachings of wiser beings.
@parametalhead 3 жыл бұрын
Vic Limited absolutely. Other wise humans
@viclimited9081 3 жыл бұрын
@@parametalhead .....this only confirms that humans are so stupid they think they are not.
@parametalhead 3 жыл бұрын
Vic Limited some are. Clearly
@viclimited9081 3 жыл бұрын
@@parametalhead .......all are. Some think they are not - but that is only their stupidity reassuring them of that.
@ween69 10 жыл бұрын
well if we do go some where after death I want to go where ever Christopher Hitchens is.
@KingMozez82 10 жыл бұрын
If atheists are bound to burn in hell, then we'll be in great company.
@RobertRhodesScienceAdvisor 10 жыл бұрын
***** Mark Twain observed "The accommodations seem to be better in one place, but the company's better in the other."
@onlyht 10 жыл бұрын
Robert Rhodes he was right, i don't think christians praying all day everyday are considered good company.
@jeremysradio 10 жыл бұрын
Scott Stapp Believers are the cowards, they can't even face their own death without inventing a floating, harp-playing, "afterlife" fantasy. I stopped believing in fairies and make believe worlds when I was 7. And now, my one true life (this one) becomes so much more focused and precious.
@ween69 10 жыл бұрын
Scott Stapp can you pin point the "disaster"
@migduh Жыл бұрын
I’ve watched countless Hitch debates, and he is in full command on this occasion. Absolutely brutal.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
​ We are born into a cycle of reincarnation until we are free of that cycle and return home to Heaven. These is achieved while we are alive, not through dying and is called spiritual enlightenment. Both Catholics and Muslims are death worshippers. If, during one of our reincarnations, we sin too much, when we die, we go to Hell.
@patcomerford5596 Жыл бұрын
All religions are grounded in 'pay and pray' transactions.
@mysunnybird 6 жыл бұрын
Christopher Hitchens will be missed forever......... smart, funny and truthful.
@joyceanthony9526 5 жыл бұрын
Maria Obrien truthful? Who determines truth?
@christinajardeleza4486 4 жыл бұрын
Man is the symbol of god,but he is not one
@fredp6691 4 жыл бұрын
Doesn't make sense whether you miss him or not whether he was great or not because he was not anything worth to admire as we are all nothing and will end in nothingness. It makes no sense to even have such debate
@lionheart4552 4 жыл бұрын
@@fredp6691 Who declares what sense is ?
@fredp6691 4 жыл бұрын
@@lionheart4552 you
@waynemiller6070 6 жыл бұрын
The best "debate" I have watched so far and I've been immersing myself the past few months. I didn't know of Christopher Hitchens until recently. Frankly, his speaking style has been difficult for me to understand. After listening intently for these past months I am becoming accustom to his accent and unpredictable pausing points in his speech. I appreciate all of the contributors on the panel as well as the moderator. All were worth listening to however as Hitch spoke, I found my attention was heightened. I'm glad he continued doing what he did until he could do no more. And with all of the problems I've had with KZfaq lately, I'm still grateful to be able to view these debates without having to even leave my home. Thank you for posting.
@daemon9737 Жыл бұрын
Such a great conversation by all involved. Excellent civil exchange of ideas with both agreement and disagreement. Discussions like this are critical!!
@dagordon1041 Жыл бұрын
@dropperknot Жыл бұрын
Daemon No, worthless!
@nektekket852 Жыл бұрын
@Denis Preedy I can see how it may be useless to you Denis...
@jeffforsythe9514 10 ай бұрын
Critical for what, destroying faith maybe, which is not a good thing.
@jeffforsythe9514 10 ай бұрын
​ All you atheists missed the whole point that the Bible makes very clear. Being here is a test of faith. Instead, you all demand proof, wrong. Oh, yes, in case you are wondering if you passed the test, the answer is NO.
@TrippyKenpachi 9 ай бұрын
I absolutely adore Hitchens and miss him terribly. His debates, lectures, etc., are so cathartic, so therapeutic for me. They are edifying. I’ve watched this debate so many times, I can recite it by heart, lol. Every word, pause, cough, every breath… That being said, Sam’s little throat clearings are very attractive, as weird as that may sound. 😅😂❤
@sharongillesp 9 ай бұрын
I just discovered him. I share your sentiments.
@aleph71 7 ай бұрын
Related to Hitchens: exactly 😊
@00xanawolf00 4 жыл бұрын
Hitch was an absolute treasure. What a mind! I thoroughly enjoyed this debate.
@VVx-777 2 жыл бұрын
Gone now though eh
@salazarraul2792 2 жыл бұрын
for those who think that they are very smart it wont help you when it comes to judgement day!
@Existentialist946 2 жыл бұрын
It seems to be all irrelevant regarding whether there's an afterlife. Can't be bothered to keep watching it in the forlorn hope something relevant is said.
@chrisandrew852 4 жыл бұрын
What a pleasure to listen to all four of the speakers...
@atrociousliar3314 7 ай бұрын
Learned people debating like adults. What a breath of fresh air.
@FitratAbdulla 7 ай бұрын
Yes, Jews, Christians and Atheists have grown up to debate like adults. Except for members of my old cult Islam! Muslims still behave like 5-12 year old kids when they “debate” with atheists and other non-Muslims.
@pspicer777 4 жыл бұрын
When reasonable men reason, it is a thing of beauty.
@lionheart4552 4 жыл бұрын
@kingslayer8121 4 жыл бұрын
Another Day Who noticed this beauty?
@uvwuvw-ol3fg 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed, inherent optimism bias, terror management theory and antinatalism based on consent might not fit into this context.
@fritzdoerring9058 4 жыл бұрын
Only if they show humility, and tat could hardly be in debaters.
@ShadaeMastersAstrology 4 жыл бұрын
Tom Taakool So are you implying that regular human beings who’ve reached the conclusion of religion being created by men, as a result of reading the Bible are satan himself?
@brandonobaza8610 4 жыл бұрын
"Great news! This party's going on forever...and you _can't_ leave. You've _got_ to stay! The boss says so and he also insists that you have a good time!"
@dalekdx 4 жыл бұрын
Here's a good quote from Hitchens about that.
@thomasdog3370 4 жыл бұрын
in that case im going back to watching Pink foyd make wonderful music even if you don't like them just watch the music be made by masters .on my 4th day n going strong I never had time,or thought to wath the making of it these guys are anartwork
@anime.soundtracks 3 жыл бұрын
i wont call worshipping god day & night a party. i can barely survive 5 minutes of church
@jernikof 3 жыл бұрын
@BradWatsonMiami 3 жыл бұрын
Reincarnation was taught by Jesus son of Joseph and science has now proven it. Google that and see - only the returned Christ and Einstein directly reincarnated could produce that. It's triggered The Apocalypse/ Revelation.
@JOHNGRAVES369 Ай бұрын
May, 2024, I’m listening to the Masterful Hitchens once again. Having lost the only person who loved me unconditionally ( my Mother) in February of 2021, I now believe that Hitchens was spot on! Having prayed and begged for any sign of her or if she was in Heaven. I’ve gotten Nothing! Everything Dies including my mother 😢
@thebuffalo2263 28 күн бұрын
But what a beautiful feeling to have had a mother you loved so much. And don’t feel to down because before you know it, you’ll be with her after death. Even if we all just stop existing (like a candle that has been blown out) we all stop existing together in the same none existence.
@hankcuccina5260 9 ай бұрын
Christopher Hitchens and his brilliance.
@selamgutu5396 4 жыл бұрын
Hitchen's comments, makes me happy to exist...
@573Muhammad 4 жыл бұрын
He was and is through his moutain work an emancipator I Owe my and dozen more's liberty to Christopher Hitchens...
@nerdoscience5114 2 жыл бұрын
"Your made of stardust, or nuclear waste. Depends on how you see it." 😂😂😂
@the_luggage Жыл бұрын
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
How about energy? Divine. ​ We are born into a cycle of reincarnation until we are free of that cycle and return home to Heaven. These is achieved while we are alive, not through dying and is called spiritual enlightenment. Both Catholics and Muslims are death worshippers. If, during one of our reincarnations, we sin too much, when we die, we go to Hell.
@andrewsmith3257 Жыл бұрын
@andrewsmith3257 Жыл бұрын
​@@the_luggage grammar Nazi 😒
@midnightudiscord9526 9 ай бұрын
I really miss Christopher Hitchens
@janetkoster6243 Жыл бұрын
If only Hitchens could speak beyond the grave, what a conversation that would be! You are sorely missed in this life, sir.
@JRA70 Жыл бұрын
He cant speak beyond the grave, because there is no afterlive. Is there was he told us : hey people, i was wrong, There IS a afterlive!
@amateur_football9751 9 ай бұрын
He can, using AI we can replicate his voice, his manner of speaking, writing and pretty soon his image, AI can make him speak about current events
@janetkoster6243 9 ай бұрын
@@amateur_football9751 It's Hitchen's his mind that can't be replicated (or duplicated), I'm afraid. And it's his great mind we all miss.
@mykr0324 3 жыл бұрын
Sam and hitch put arguments together so succinctly with a lovely dollop of humour that makes me sooooo happy to watch these
@MrMarco855 2 жыл бұрын
Sam is a danger to society and a prick to boot.
@MrMarco855 2 жыл бұрын
Sam is an agenda driven menace.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
And a few gallons of whiskey, sure.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
gee, how nice. ​ We are born into a cycle of reincarnation until we are free of that cycle and return home to Heaven. These is achieved while we are alive, not through dying and is called spiritual enlightenment. Both Catholics and Muslims are death worshippers. If, during one of our reincarnations, we sin too much, when we die, we go to Hell.
@Danlows1 11 ай бұрын
@@jeffforsythe9514who hurt you?
@2010Saikat 4 жыл бұрын
I am in awe of Sam Harris for his clarity of thought !!
@tobiestockhoff4251 4 жыл бұрын
Then you should see him with Daniel Lane Craig. Unfortunately he lost that one though.
@gooey5234 4 жыл бұрын
@@tobiestockhoff4251 that was the first time I had seen either one of them. I've only been getting into these types of debates for a couple of months now, but I agree that William Lane Craig definitely owned the debate against Sam Harris. Jordan Peterson vs Sam Harris is another good one. Jordan Peterson unravels Sam Harris' mind and exposes all of its flaws...
@tobiestockhoff4251 4 жыл бұрын
@@gooey5234 Yes. Peterson is a real thinker with a very logical thought pattern. I feel atheists have it tough as is, with no real foundation to fall back upon. Add someone like Peterson and kaboom.
@yomilalgro 4 жыл бұрын
He is impressive
@wessel5799 4 жыл бұрын
@@tobiestockhoff4251 Did you ever consider whether you agree with everything Jordan Peterson says because you are Christian and he champions your beliefs? Rather than him actually being correct?
@insideout2600 7 ай бұрын
This is probably the best conversation I have ever seen between four people , who sit on two sides of the same thing . Just wanted to share xx
@ibnewton8951 5 ай бұрын
@montesa9136 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't think of ANYTHING more HORRIFYING than to have to go through another life!
@theotherthrone 5 жыл бұрын
1:20:48 I almost teared up when Hitchens reaches to brush his hair's a gesture he's so used to that he kind of forgets he doesn't have long hair anymore. We miss you, Christopher!
@ziyaaddhorat 4 жыл бұрын
Fidus Achates 😂
@shike67 4 жыл бұрын
These morons Fidus Achates and Ziyaad Dhorat don't understand that you've watched and listened to Hitch for so long that you know his mannerisms intimately, that's a pretty good example of "knowing" someone. I miss him too, I've never heard a more eloquent person and don't expect to ever again
@ziyaaddhorat 4 жыл бұрын
shike67 I respect him but all he ever did was babble on, his points were weak he was just well spoken so got away with it
@shike67 4 жыл бұрын
@@ziyaaddhorat yeah na, I've spent at least a hundred hours watching his debates and lectures and don't recall any "weak" points, and as to him "babbling" he's concise to the point of being terse. Let's face it, you're having a go at him because he picked on your imaginary friend
@davidcraig7771 4 жыл бұрын
shike67 hitchens has become your god; how laughable
@ladskius3359 8 жыл бұрын
This was an excellent debate. All four of them brought unique insight to the conversation without anyone getting very upset or resorting to logical fallacies and ad hominems. Out of all the people Hitchens and Harris have debated, these two surely are the most interesting and thoughtful. I have nothing but respect for everyone on the stage.
@fullup91 5 жыл бұрын
There was plenty of fallacious reasoning...
@sylvester63 5 жыл бұрын
Life is eternal, there is a creator and all creations of the creator later evolved. No one knows for sure what death is, are we conscious after death and is there an afterlife? Not to be confused; near-death/out-of-body experience and afterlife are two separate topics. Today we know for a fact that a child is conscious in the womb and conscious at birth. Based on this, consciousness surely exists after death and there is an afterlife. What if a child in the womb, not knowing what happens after birth, asked this very question. What would the answer then be? Death is simply the departure from this world into the next. Its more likely that consciousness exists after death, and thus there exists an afterlife too. Its also likely that Christopher Hitchens is consciousness and enjoying afterlife right now.
@fullup91 5 жыл бұрын
@@sylvester63 cool story... prove it.
@KetanNahar7 5 жыл бұрын
@rembrandt: let @sylvestre go to the afterlife to find out
@persononinternet7868 4 жыл бұрын
@@sylvester63 babies when out of the womb take years to learn a language and be able to form full sensible sentences so how would the baby be able to think if it doesn't have any sort of language?
@williamli55 3 ай бұрын
I've watched plenty of debates between Hitchens and others, but never a debate as good as this. This debate was all around fantastic and had some serious firepower on both sides which is what makes the debate so good. It was as balanced a debate as I could imagine. I'm not as much a fan of Sam as I am of Hitchens, but he did a really great job in this debate. He spoke only when he knew that what he was saying would further the discussion and otherwise just listened without trying to interrupt or be too antagonistic. In fact, they all did a fantastic job. I was not familiar with Bradley before watching this video, but I quite like him as a speaker. Of course, Hitchens was--as always--absolutely brilliant.
@dennyworthington6641 Ай бұрын
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Voltaire
@keeperofthecheese 4 жыл бұрын
1:35:56 such a beautiful final question to (and replying answer from) Hitchens. I feel like he deserved a standing ovation at this point. What an absolute legend.
@marilynkennedy8236 3 жыл бұрын
He is such a humanist he really cares about the human race. The way that he speaks about Josef Fritzls daughter and how she suffered. He is full of compassion. I defy anybody not to love him. M Kennedy.
@angelbythewings 2 жыл бұрын
You can agree or disagree with these people but you can't deny there is a tremendous amount of wisdom in these talks
@markfox7764 Жыл бұрын
And a fair bit of bollox.
@TonyEnglandUK Жыл бұрын
@@markfox7764 I never thought I'd find myself saying this but can you show me where the bollox appears?
@davidolatunji119 Жыл бұрын
Also a tremendous amount of tautology and incredulity from the religious side
@upturnedblousecollar5811 Жыл бұрын
@@markfox7764 Where??
@ob2249 Жыл бұрын
@@TonyEnglandUK the b0II0x is in the premise 0f the discussi0n Hitch is there because the c0ncept 0f an afterIife is presentented by men wh0 have n0 evidence 0f an afterIife, as a means 0f grabbing p0wer and they teII y0u, in amazingiy triviaI detaiI, what their fav0rite imaginary friend wants y0u t0 eat, wh0 t0 sIeep with and c0mmand parts 0f the b0dy he aIIegedIy created needs t0 be rem0ved thats en0ughn0nsense f0r any0ne t0 swaII0w the fact that "wise " men Iike Hitch and Sam dignify the debate by their presence is an act 0f hum0ring pe0pIe wh0 cann0t think criticaIIy the fact we are supp0sed t0 respect aduIts wh0 wiII kiII in the name 0f an invisibIe, imaginary friend is what is b0II0x
@_Stargazer_. Жыл бұрын
I always love the combination of Hitchens and David. Such a pleasure to watch them have a discussion. Like good friends having a chat. A great and warm discussion anyways.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
You do not have any friends or family?
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
Yes, you need confirmation that the lie concerning no god is true, God is our Creator, get over it.
@nootersnoot2397 9 ай бұрын
@@jeffforsythe9514 ?
@drrydog 8 ай бұрын
@@jeffforsythe9514 who hurt you?
@jeffforsythe9514 8 ай бұрын
@@drrydog Many women, a dog, five guys, and one old lady. We are here to suffer, every dark cloud has a silver lining...............Falun Dafa
@deaddocreallydeaddoc5244 9 ай бұрын
"And so they ways of men part; If you seek solace and comfort, believe. But if you wish to seek truth, then inquire." - Nietzsche
@starlight7617 8 жыл бұрын
amazing how Christopher still had the same "spirit" even at this stage of his this debate!!
@MrDigztheswagking 7 жыл бұрын
he was brave and not afraid of nonsense
@NellSmith 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrDigztheswagking I wonder how Hitchens behaved, post-diagnosis, when he was NOT in the public eye. The *first and primary* drive of all living organisms (as Hitchens presented them, i.e. as non-spiritual, purely animal beings) is, after all, survival, and it is therefore completely alien for ANY creature - especially high-functioning, deep-thinking creatures such as humans - to regard death even with mere equanimity. To go beyond this, and to regard death with apparent disdain, as Hitchens appeared to demonstrate in public, is far from normal, but rather is either self-destructive, dishonest, irrational, or symptomatic of profound depression. I don't for a moment think that *anyone,* apart from those few who so strongly believe in an afterlife that they consider their physical life well lost in comparison, calmly contemplates death as he said he did. And another point: if he *really* didn't care about his own death (other than because it deprived him of the enjoyment of life), why did he even accept lengthy, very unpleasant, disabling, and almost-certainly ineffectual treatment which largely destroys the quality of life? None of it seems likely to me, and I think you'd need to have actually been there and spoken to him when the cameras *weren't* rolling to know what he *_really_* thought about dying. I don't buy the 'nonchalant' act - but that was, of course, one of his major selling points, so it's obvious why he'd keep it up in public.
@Lovegun. 9 ай бұрын
​@@NellSmithwell of COURSE he was afraid. He was human. But how would it serve him or anyone if acted that way in public? Noone would do that. Most people would hide their fear. I'm unsure why that was even a question? Was that some lame attempt at trying to paint him as changing his stance being afraid of death? Making him regretful that he didn't believe when he should've? I'm unsure why you would even say such a thing ....
@bud1181 3 жыл бұрын
Watching this in 2020, is like finding a bottle of water in the middle of a scorching desert. Intellectually-reinvigorating.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
Salt water? ​ We are born into a cycle of reincarnation until we are free of that cycle and return home to Heaven. These is achieved while we are alive, not through dying and is called spiritual enlightenment. Both Catholics and Muslims are death worshippers. If, during one of our reincarnations, we sin too much, when we die, we go to Hell.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
Yes, salt water, quit being a quitter and keep seeking God, He is here.
@backpain100 Жыл бұрын
​@@jeffforsythe9514God is a better taken as a guiding philosophy/idea, but not a law of nature. And so like any idea/philosophy, we can freely choose to believe or not believe in them.
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
@@backpain100 No, God is the Creator of everything, I know because He came to me and gave me His Divine Blessing...........falundafa
@nealgrimes4382 10 ай бұрын
@@jeffforsythe9514 Oh well you had a dream about God, it must be true, now have you any actual evidence for your ridiculous claims ?
@andrewhart6200 Ай бұрын
Can I just say that each time I listen to Sam Harris/ admiration grows...when David Wolpe constantly interjects and does his best impression of the Washington does make me wonder where they find the people to debate sometimes..........but I was pleasently impressed with Mr Bradley Shavit Artson and the more smart people we put on the stage - the further the audience' perspective has the possibility to grow which should be the most important thing. -The one thing I can say I have learned in 42 years of life is that the advent of social media has made absolutely sure to further the old saying from Mark Twain who said .. “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt.” When I was a little kid I thought people would be much smarter than they've demonstrated through social media.
@nickcelmic6790 4 ай бұрын
The thought that I might meet Christopher Hitchens makes me want to believe in some sort of afterlife.
@Paine137 Ай бұрын
Fortunately we have his lectures and his debates and his writing. We can visit with him whenever we’d like.
@markreierstad2418 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, it's refreshing to hear people, especially people of faith, admit that they honestly don't know about the afterlife. Civility is nice, too...
@jeffforsythe9514 Жыл бұрын
Hearing the truth is rare these days.​ We are born into a cycle of reincarnation until we are free of that cycle and return home to Heaven. These is achieved while we are alive, not through dying and is called spiritual enlightenment. Both Catholics and Muslims are death worshippers. If, during one of our reincarnations, we sin too much, when we die, we go to Hell.
@duantorruellas716 5 жыл бұрын
Yes gentleman, this is how it's done. Pure brilliance. R.I.P Christopher we will all miss you.
@rodralph824 9 ай бұрын
Reminds me of what Philip Roth said to his girlfriend who visiting him in the hospital and where she had read their questionnaire that asked to identify the patient’s religion.she asked Roth why would the hospital want such information. Roth said “well if you are dying and Catholic they will send in a priest, if you are Jewish a Rabbi.and if you are an atheist they will try and get Christopher Hitchens.”
@haroldwhitney6130 Жыл бұрын
Loved watching this discussion. Hitchens was fantastic, RIP sir. Despite the beating that religion has taken in this conversation, I believe in something more than material, and I realize that I will never be able to justly articulate or defend my belief in a logical way. I hope that Hitchens lives on... He's an endearing soul.
@jeffforsythe9514 10 ай бұрын
Most probably he, the soul, is in Hell unless he truly begged for forgiveness. You are correct concerning yourself. You, your soul, is Divine and it will not let you forget that, but some have gone completely to the dark side, sad.
@xipetotec8700 9 ай бұрын
​@@jeffforsythe9514 Wow, I've never heard that before. 🥱
@-JT-543 7 ай бұрын
@@jeffforsythe9514absolutely degenerate filth
@ericwedin4154 3 жыл бұрын
Just love the two rabbis, they have a fun but difficult night. Debating Hitchens AND Harris teamed up should be called mission impossible.
@chipjackson7398 4 жыл бұрын
I’m considering Judaism but only to cover up my bald spot
@Shiloh2rtn 4 жыл бұрын
That's funny!
@MrLBDude 4 жыл бұрын
@@recliningbuddha And you will have 100,000 fewer attachments.
@MrLBDude 4 жыл бұрын
@@recliningbuddha Thank you. I am also concerned with proper grammar and I was unaware of this rule. I looked it up, and you are right. But, may I just congratulate you on delivering a corrective comment in the least offensive way possible. Grammar problems aside, I thought my joke was pretty good. Akin to the "one with everything" hot dog standard.
@alfeinstein4168 4 жыл бұрын
At least that would actually make it good for something.
@strontiumstargazer3124 4 жыл бұрын
Try Islam - it’s pretty trendy currently
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