Is TUNNELING OVERRATED? | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller
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@QuietKills 2 ай бұрын
What are y'all's thoughts on this?? Lemme know!! Instagram: @iL0veHalloween
@elios7623 2 ай бұрын
they're just salty, bro
@Brady22254 2 ай бұрын
Sorry for the super long message but these are my OPTIONS. I used to be a survivor main and I used to be an entitled little puss puss and complain and say the game was so so killer sided. Most people don’t play both sides or they play a small amount of the other side and think they are so good because they play against babies on the side they don’t play a lot and think they are good I got tired of survivor because my teams were always horrible (solo Q btw always never play swf) and the killer would be better than me or around the same skill level but my team was bots. Probably worst than bots tbh. And I quit playing for about 9 months whenever I come back I switched to killer main! And let me tell you I don’t care what anyone says this game is survivor sided ! They have so much hand held perks and maps and swfs on comms body block whenever you get to a high mmr at killer the game is no longer killer sided. Yes at a low MMR this game is killer sided obviously let me say this play against team eternal and try to camp and tunnel you’ll get rolled period. Not to mention all the gen perks if you go against a team that are gen jockeys good luck even if you are better and they die in chase right away but they are sneaking around and sitting on gens the gens go by in a few minutes I remember when they increased the gen times I was a survivor main at the time and I was a complaining little twit about it but now at a high mmr on killer they needed to increase it. I think now it still needs increased but thats my opinion could be argued but that’s just what I think. Thinking about quitting again because the game is just not fun anymore you can’t bring a fun build or you’ll get rolled. And flashlight clicked at tea bagged and then they will sit in the gate until you push them out and if you don’t they will wait till the very last second to leave And everyone is so toxic and entitled on both sides! And I’m sick and tired of the 🌈 flag’s behavior focus on the game and not pushing your agenda absolutely ridiculous and disgusting!
@Flamingdragon907 2 ай бұрын
I play with my friend n he’s new and it’s always lame to c him get tunneled out first a lot especially while he’s learning but we norm take chase or flashlight save take hits
@Flamingdragon907 2 ай бұрын
I think it gens r popping or games close tunneling is almost nec essary to get pressure for the game. A good Swfs can win against most killers easily
@Flamingdragon907 2 ай бұрын
So I think it’s bad for lower mmr games but higher mmr it’s pretty necessary if the game isn’t going for you off the start
@MistaiNeedTheToi1et6 2 ай бұрын
Tunnelling goated when I get flashed and taunted, you get what you give
@echocodeenvy8491 2 ай бұрын
I be damned if i let the sandwiches tell me how to eat them 😂😂😂
@reybarrera9345 2 ай бұрын
Don’t let anyone else tell you how to play the game if you’re having fun, you paid for it
@glitchmo1372 2 ай бұрын
@SUBtoHAZAM 2 ай бұрын
I paid soo much. So I always make sure I have fun. Facts.
@benzo9007 Ай бұрын
Ngl I got this shit for free off game pass so I be feeling bad😂😂
@tezzdogger6073 20 күн бұрын
I tunnel and camp as much as i need to keep my pressure and get my win. Works for me against gen rushers and bully squads. Keep in mind that i tunnel when i need to or when its needed. I don't care anout their rules, i bought the game i play on my terms not their rules😂
@jungervin8765 2 ай бұрын
Survivors like "The Unkown only won because the sperm ball bounced"
@High_Tier69 2 ай бұрын
@pugstriker 2 ай бұрын
It do be like that tho
@macavalli2619 2 ай бұрын
I had a TTV complain that I just want "ez hits" by using M2😂
@thrax-x 2 ай бұрын
I used to main killer so I don’t see anything wrong with tunneling. I stopped cause survivor feels more fun, but if you’re good at looping killers will usually leave you alone. People just need to play a lot and learn from their mistakes as survivor
@Chriso22 2 ай бұрын
As a survivor who sucks at looping i agree
@artrite9267 2 ай бұрын
Imagine playing the game you bought. For me the last straw was playing pig perkless, got sent to haddonfield pre nerf with a swf ready to abuse the lack of hooks and busted perks that they were also abusing, they played cocky the entire match, in the end I sacrificed 1 of them and decided to bleed out the other 3. In the endgame chat I was called "the most desperate killer for a win I have ever seen" like I brought the busted map, a broken killer and a build ready to abuse it, I didn't even tunnel at the start, if they won that crappy match I would have been 100% insulted in the endgame chat for sure...
@QuietKills 2 ай бұрын
Yeah the community has reached a level of obnoxious entitlement that simply has no workaround at this point. Lose? Get trashed in chat. Win? Get trashed in chat. It’s getting out of control lol.
@izSH4DY 2 ай бұрын
Happened to me when I played Chucky on the resident evil map. I was gonna lose so I hooked one and then slugged the others. They could of played smart and healed and unhooked the person. Instead I got them all slugged. If they had a 1 brain cell plan they would of been able to win. I got an endgame dm where they said I was rlly bad and only gotthe win cuz of that. They all brought meta perks too. They tried to call me shit so I talked back and said just play better and heal and then they started like ‘keep talking’ ‘gets me h*rny’ all that so I called them an inbred c*nt and they report me and get me banned on ps network for a while. Imagine having the audacity after the stuff they were saying ..
@mikemyon3570 2 ай бұрын
​@@izSH4DY Well played and well done. They got what they deserved. Just don't make the mistake of insulting them & getting yourself banned for it! That's the only way for you to get harmed by them, as you already had the high ground. So don't let that happen. Next time better control yourself and keep your cool, so nobody can report you. You already won decisively. They might lose their's and then you can feel free to report _them_. Just a fellow gamer looking out for you. ✌🏼
@izSH4DY 2 ай бұрын
@@mikemyon3570 respect man
@asasloth5741 2 ай бұрын
Honestly survivors most often than not are the most toxic people in the game. Their ego is so important to them that they look for any excuse to blame for why they lost.
@Chriso22 2 ай бұрын
Honestly why i stopped playing even as a survivor main the teamates will some how blame you for how horribly they played
@cocacolacan1550 24 күн бұрын
as a survivor main i can confirm i am very toxic and i am very mean to killers.
@jwau9766 2 ай бұрын
I hate how people see tunneling and camping a toxic and bad sports thing nowadays. I literally saw a post of a guy who just started playing and he was scared to even play the game as killer because of how many "survivors rules" (which is bs) there are
@o7w32 2 ай бұрын
w take survivors always find a reason to shit on you even when they get killed in chase after 20 seconds
@Tubby-oq3uu 2 ай бұрын
Great video, it's so annoying that the general consensus of the DbD Community is that survivors can make the game as unfun as they want and bring whatever toxic perk combinations/strategies/flex builds and it's never wrong, the killers just need to gitgud. But the second the killer makes the game unfun for someone in order to win the game, that's the only reason you won the game. it's just cope that they got outplayed. Most of the DbD community has coping issues. Facts
@QuietKills 2 ай бұрын
@kokushibo7501 2 ай бұрын
honestly when survivors get mad at me for winning with tunneling or camping i get this euphoric rush of energy and it just makes me even more proud of my win
@konajohnson6182 2 ай бұрын
Tunneling is a valid strat and the devs have said it isn’t and never will be a bannable offense. A vast majority of people who complain just take the game too seriously when it’s supposed to be a party game that isn’t supposed to be super competitive.
@toby_brr5824 2 ай бұрын
Really I believe what they should do is bring out a ranked mode because I can’t be asked to play with over serious survivors
@sziszisz753 2 ай бұрын
@@toby_brr5824That’s a very good idea but no one would stop sweats from going into casual mode for example league has ranked and pvp mode too but people are just as salty and sweaty in both of them
@Negoose 2 ай бұрын
Tunneling is definitely overrated at this point. BHVR has done everything in their power to limit tunneling but killers will still do it as long as 'Kills' are the incentive to win. Survivors have gotten it all to counter tunneling. They got base BT after getting unhooked, DS recently got a major buff, Off the record provides a free health state after getting unhooked and DH is still a thing. Sometimes their teammates will also go out their way to body block for them as well. They have so much in their arsenal to counter tunneling and they will still complain 😂
@shaqsroommate 2 ай бұрын
@@Happy55547 except he's not being a hypocrite majority of the maps are survivor sided and are huge which is already a disadvantage for most killers except Nurse and Blight as soon as you load into a game I legitimately have two to three gens pop within the first 2-3 minutes and you also gotta remember it's already 4 brains against one and the one brain has a lot more thinking and less room for error than the 4 brains who can fuck up multiple times but get bailed out by a sabo a body block or any other second chance perk, or even background player which you legit cant play around and majority survivors at high mmr bring stuff like this and at high mmr you're playing a lot more SWF who literally can communicate and tell the others your every move which is also a massive disadvantage
@shaqsroommate 2 ай бұрын
@@Happy55547 i couldn't care less if I win or lose but when its mostly every game it gets old because sweaty ass people wanna come in to a make a game not built to be competitive as competitive and obnoxious as humanly possible in I'm gonna lose a good bit and win a good bit but between all of that is the stuff I just mentioned
@novacisefitch7320 2 ай бұрын
​@Happy55547 Simple because the game is not balanced... literally. That's the root of the problem.
@TheMailmannn 2 ай бұрын
When I played DBD for a few months an ex-friend who got me into the game said I was just bad because I mained dredge who was ig "OP" (Also as this point it was a few months after it came out and I only had about a few days worth of playtime), I then mained freddy and won almost every game I played, people will use every buzz-word in the book to find a way to say you have a skill issue, saying that "Tunneling and Slugging is a skill issue" is no different.
@TheMailmannn 2 ай бұрын
Also just to add a tad of context this said ex-friend had been playing the game for a while.
@Chriso22 2 ай бұрын
Lol good you cut him off
@andrebuter2568 2 ай бұрын
Tunneling is a solid way to get kills, it really has its uses. Sometimes you just spot someone that needs to go right away, think of a dwight that sabotages your hooks. Get him out of the game and that's one less problem. Bottomline is also that no one should dictate how you play a game that you bought with your money. Anyway great vid once again, keep it up! 🎉
@austinsigstad8514 2 ай бұрын
As a dude from Nevada: 1. None of us are running that far. 2. We appreciate you pronouncing the state correctly.
@QuietKills 2 ай бұрын
@SkippyBippy 2 ай бұрын
really the only content creator i enjoy watching. hey!
@Brady22254 2 ай бұрын
Same bro same
@elios7623 2 ай бұрын
half of the beginning rant you could put a League or CS:GO background and it still fits
@Kessoku42 Ай бұрын
Came here from your more life based content to see what you usually post (I don't play DBD), and I have to say your presentation of your advice and knowledge from those videos being used in your DBD posts is amazing, keep up the great videos
@nando6458 2 ай бұрын
Tunneling and camping are literal strategies to utilize to win games, idc what survivors say.
@kuhzi 2 ай бұрын
They'll complain about tunneling but will farm there tm8 in proximity of killer who knows there's another survivor in the area smh
@restless5297 2 ай бұрын
if you upload to tiktok or stream on twitch you'll 100% gain more popularity. love your vids man keep it up
@clownedffs 2 ай бұрын
Yo bro i hope you do better and i wish you only the best , bless you for still putting vids out love your content 🤩😁
@Cay9z 2 ай бұрын
Nice insight man, hopefully something will happen that can bring me back to the game
@tylersroom8455 2 ай бұрын
No matter what game you play the person on the loosing end will have a problem with it. I’m new to the game with less than a month played and I’ve heard it all. Basically if you don’t do anything that puts you(the killer) at a disadvantage, you’re “bad” or “toxic”. ALL to just be teebagged if you play lightly.
@Chriso22 2 ай бұрын
Maybe but its not as bad in other games as dbd
@tylersroom8455 2 ай бұрын
You’re definitely a survivor main.
@DragonSlayer0617 2 ай бұрын
God amongst men, must’ve been crafted in the sands of time by king Jeffry the third himself. Incredible
@jerrywells6562 2 ай бұрын
I had a match earlier where i was playing as wesker and i “tunneled” according to the survivors. They got mad because i kept going back and forth between the 2 survivors that kept getting fully infected and in my head im like why wouldnt i chase the person fully infected thats just a free down. So they accused me of tunneling because i went back and forth between these 2 survivors because they wouldnt spray themselves. So instead of giving me props for getting a 3k when they had 1 gen left and i had no hooks they resort to calling me bad cuz i “tunneled ☝️🤓” survivors are just adults with the mental stability of a 5 year old. They have to cry over EVERYTHING 🤣🤣
@s6rite62 2 ай бұрын
Literally the only time I "Tunnel" is either you bump right in front of me or you body block I mean... YOU'RE RIGHT THERE
@TheDapperDragon 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, as much as the devs seem to bend over backwards to please Survivor players, fuck em. I'm going to get mine. And if I see a flashlight squad, my goal is no longer to win Its to make sure you don't have fun.
@tanderson1480 2 ай бұрын
Probably your best video yet 👏 I killed someone in end game and still got called a tunneller 😂😂
@dylanalfaro1747 2 ай бұрын
Favorite dbd content creator. Really wished you stream man. Thanks for being an honest voice in this echo chamber of a community.
@cdonald19 2 ай бұрын
Man I never thought it’ll be a day I actually mess with a killer main but your pretty alright can’t even deny that. And you make trapper look fun to play I tried and got a 4K low diff lol
@Engineer_on_brake 2 ай бұрын
One time a guy was so passionate that I “tunneled” the streamer that I went up against that he called me slurs on one account so I reported it and went on with my day, then a whole day later he comes back on a brand new account just to talk shit over a match that he didn’t even play.
@xempt59 2 ай бұрын
I never understood the “Tunneling and Camping is no skill” just Gen rush while the killers distracted and escape 😂
@Amshnock 2 ай бұрын
Most of the time on low ter killers you have to tunnel. even with high ter killers. Gens are so fast and pallets everywhere. Then the second chance perks. BU-FTP, FB-BGP. They will always blame the killer. You can play nice and you still get tbags with DMs saying EZ killer kill yourself. The way I see it fuck them play how you want. I had to stop playing DbD because the death threats an the bugs they abuse. Any Good video keep them coming. number 1 trapper on DbD "Hold this"
@fragileundertow8507 2 ай бұрын
Impeccable game sence. No lies. I listen and learn watching you play. Good job
@yuzre 2 ай бұрын
Mom get the camera dad uploaded!
@mahditemp-tm1eo 2 ай бұрын
0:30 so true man, I get messaged almost every time I win as killer
@stillyoungish 2 ай бұрын
@Jay3up 2 ай бұрын
Survivor mains will always find something to complain about Don’t let anyone tell you how to play a game you paid money for
@damadhattahttv 6 күн бұрын
gonna be honest when i first ran into your content i felt the persona was a bit much annoying at times even but i continued watching your content and shit like this is whats kept me going you got a new fan i see the persona is fun and never directed personally towards the player toxic in game but not out of game, but you have a logical brain i appreciate it rare thing in dbd these days.
@ExpertExterminators 2 ай бұрын
Just ignore these people that say you're "tunneling" and "camping" they're just trying to undermine your success.
@peacecraft82 2 ай бұрын
I am a killer main and its so true what you said that when you win it doesn't really feel like winning. It feels like you just went through a war and barely survived. Between the comments people will say and the tea bagging at the gate its just exhausting.
@mattward-wp5yp 2 ай бұрын
I played one game where I was artist on meat plant. I hooked an Ada twice in a row because they were healing under hook against an artist for some reason(second and third hook for Ada). After tbe match I noticed they were a live streamer so I hopped into their chat and said ggs. Instead of receiving ggs back for a game I thought was well fought, they actually banned me from their chat because I was “tunneling” and all I said was gg
@bleezii 2 ай бұрын
Tunneling in my book as a survivor would be, knock me, hook me, camp hook wait for me to unhook chase and down me. That’s tunneling. There’s 4 survivors. If you get unhooked and you healed and the killer runs into again, that’s just the damn game. People wanna cry about everything. It’s pubs yall, it’s not ranked play. Let’s get over it already. Another banger QK. Edit : also if you main survivor and you play killer occasionally, try going against flashlight bully squads and act like you ain’t gonna tunnel tf out of that little laser beam wielding bastard immediately.
@samloredescarregado1755 2 ай бұрын
14:25 those survivors players be like *you hook, leave 10 meters and glance at the direciton* gratz, you camping, trash bag. reported. and it is funnier because on that situation in specific, you did nothing wrong, you just hooked someone and then there is a swarm of survivors around you, what the hell they want you to do? leave the hook alone and wait for the gens to open the exit gate?
@juanmata2837 2 ай бұрын
Survivors have always been entitled af. They used abuse inifite loops and call it a skill issue when killers couldn't win. All four survivors used to run 3 second chance perks and dead hard every single game and maps used to be bigger and have a million pallets. But they cried anytime a killer camped, tunneled, used a mori, or god forbid got buffed.....Survivors have said what you said about anything and everything killers do in order to get kills and win matches....
@bababoi3803 2 ай бұрын
I left dbd bro, its too stressfull, its not a 'game' anymore
@xxfear-_-tacoxx7061 2 ай бұрын
i feel like my team is more of a prob then the killers lol they do not do anything when i loop and i get killed at the end X-x
@user-fr1cg3gl2v 2 ай бұрын
Agree tbh when you focus too much on tunneling or camping and don't pressure the full team you may lose. I find it depends on the game situation cause each game is very different from the last, only your skill and stuff you bring matters as killer.
@Demonkiller66 2 ай бұрын
When I play the game normally my brain in general sometimes tunnels the same survivor automatically, Cause I don't know that skill well enough to do that. cause me personally I worry about generators way too much sometimes and when I see a survivor I go back to patrol the gens. For example which I do: All I do is walk around going to gens expecting to find a survivor but I don't be that much open minded sometimes to actually find the survivors if you know what I mean. Now it may not be the best strategy in the game to do that. That's just me cause it's my brain wants to do more than what I am already doing. It's like it's still stuck in the same mode if you know what I'm trying to say.
@leonardobrandao1291 2 ай бұрын
Kendrick buries Drake, and my boy be out here with a masterclass, all in the same day? What a time to be alive. Hope you're doing well brother
@killerstreak1994 2 ай бұрын
Played errie of crows yesterday one generator left zero hooks and I tunneled. No perks p100 trapper got a 3K and they were so salty. They said they would rather me use perks than busted add-ons. I feel your pain brother
@leonardobrandao1291 2 ай бұрын
@@killerstreak1994 they just have the need to be salty and complain, even when they win
@user-sr5un3hw4b 2 ай бұрын
meanwhile one of my friends got exposed for being a p e d0 😭
@mbymad 2 ай бұрын
im hoping they adjust the comms, that survivor can also talk or hear each other if they nearby, each other like the normal comms in real life😂
@azariah_kyras 2 ай бұрын
That p79 trapper looking fresh
@LoneWolfe_XX 2 ай бұрын
I just played against you, I was the Renato on ormond, ggs bro. I’m trying to get better but it’s rough man
@QuietKills 2 ай бұрын
AYEEEEE GGs!!!! Your team had good gen pressure, where I think they went wrong was bad hook-save rotations and a bad gen spread. They should’ve either sent one person at a time who hasn’t been hooked to go for saves, or sacrificed somebody in order to rush the last gens to shoot for a guaranteed 3 man escape or tie! Overall it was a good match tho :))
@LoneWolfe_XX 2 ай бұрын
@@QuietKills i honestly enjoyed you man, I just struggle against wraith’s period because I don’t know how to play against him. I honestly don’t see the toxicity that survivors say from you. I feel like they bring that out of you for you to behave that way. Your a cool dude homie, hope we cross paths again
@tracer3423 2 ай бұрын
I also wanna take a note at how many gens you have left at 17:31. Compare the number of Gens left to how many hooks you have. You literally need to camp and tunnel to have a chance, and yet you still go for Meg. I stopped playing just because I couldn't do anything without being critiqued.
@metaphillips6798 2 ай бұрын
The reason tunnelling is so annoying is cause you end up getting 4-7k blokdpoiints while your fellow survivors decide hey let's wonder around aimlessy an not do gens or instead of 1 or 2 to come take a hit let's all stand around
@Jayden-xw1cm 2 ай бұрын
If my teammate gets tunneled and doesn’t have DS then I don’t feel bad cuz it was in the shrine of secrets
@thegamerfrominside 2 ай бұрын
Being tunneled only sucks is when for half the match your the only one the killer tries to down even after walking next to someone on a gen that they easily grab. And I think that's when tunneling sucks because it feels like you get hounded way harder because maybe the exit gate is almost ready and your the only with a Hook For whatever reason. Its like getting picked last because your really short and it's just a outside factor.
@SurvivalHorrorEntertainment 2 ай бұрын
What you said about camping is true but to say tunneling is not needed imo depends on the build you use. Certain builds require certain strategies, like me I use my end game build and it does require tunneling to work. With end game builds you need one out as fast as possible so 3 survivors are remaining at end game because 4 survivors at end game are very difficult to manage. You are also right certain killers don't need to tunnel such as the S Tier killers, but once again certain killers run certain builds better than others that do require different strategies and one of them does involve tunneling especially low tier killers. It would be dumb to play end game Trapper and not tunnel at some point.
@KYondric 2 ай бұрын
Since I’ve started making content for this game I’ll catch myself avoiding a survivor who I’ve hooked twice until I’ve hooked other survivors so I’m not tunneling. I have a game with I think it’s Ghostface or sadako I literally said “I don’t wanna tunnel so I’ll go for a different survivor” even though this same survivor refused to heal themselves (or get healed by team) when they were safe enough to do so.
@nillsontheirish4445 2 ай бұрын
With that logic, why cant we expect the furthest 3 gens to be respected even without corrupt or a good 3 gen every match or base kit noed or blood warden. All these free b's survivors have or expect whether its from base kit, perks, or from killers, yet, we literally get nothing. Not even respect, win or lose. Fair
@mikemyon3570 2 ай бұрын
@QuietKills, you said something very interesting at the beginning of the video, it roughly went like this: Survivors accuse you of tunneling _and take the good feeling [of having won] away_. I found that remarkable that you say that, because I obviously get your point why this BS is annoying and that they basically have no arguments to defend that. But what's more important is: They can't take away the good feeling from you. It's only you who may allow that to happen. And I say: Don't allow that to happen! You played well, you know you defeated them, you know all the facts(!) like them bringing all the good perks, being on comms etc and you playing perkless(!) trapper(!). So I say, allow yourself to feel good because of the win, no matter what anyone says. I say that is your and only your decision to make, so make it. 👍🏼 In the game I like to play (World of Warships Legends) I would say I'm also a pretty skilled player. So sometimes I also get messages that I would "cheat" when I won engagements fair and square. And I never cheat, let alone can't cheat on console in that game. The problem seems to be the same like in the much more popular DBD - People don't take responsibility and most of them don't recognize skill. Plus there is a looot of ego involved. But that is their problem. So don't let them take away the good feeling of winning. If you win, you deserved it. Savor it, enjoy it. A killer kills, that's what he's here for and I especially like the straight-up way you play and your videos. Stay in those discussions with those potatos if you want, maybe some will start to understand, but keep enjoying your wins. Nobody can take anything away from you if you don't allow it.
@ihaveasmallpp8453 2 ай бұрын
You are the best :3
@glitchmo1372 2 ай бұрын
Whats crazy is i was clown right. I had hook a person a left her and basically when around in a circle on the entire map and while i was doing that noone save her and guess what they had 3 gens left, the girl i hook was on death hook so i had to get her out of the game but, the survivors didn't like that. Infact they didn't even want to take hit for her to get her off the hook.
@chargytheproducer 2 ай бұрын
This is a very interesting topic because it largely depends on what side you play on. I feel like when I play survivor, if I get tunneled/camped it feels very strong. That’s because I’m the one who’s dying. When I play killer, it feels weak and sometimes even causes me to lose games just because of my bad judgment/game sense. Overall, if we look at it from an unbiased standpoint, I think tunneling makes killers a little stronger, but it doesn’t make all that much of a difference in a lot of scenarios. Also, there’s a lot of nuance depending on how the survivors are playing. For context, I’m making this comment before the I’ve watched the video. I’ll probably make another after watching.
@LordBlue1314 2 ай бұрын
I agree with all your points tunneling and camping does not when the game by itself you actually have to put strategy into it like I remember this trapper game and I was doing bad like if you would see my gameplay I was dog shit and I won because they kept feeding me when I kept tunneling, you know what I mean because I was bad at that point so I won, but now that I’m better, I actually have strategies to the tunnel and camping it may remind you I don’t do that every single day or every single game. I do it sometimes if I need to.
@RandomyGuy 2 ай бұрын
can you do trapper with perks? i wanna see the beast unleashed
@echocodeenvy8491 2 ай бұрын
Hit em on hook they always leave nice words
@darthclown420 2 ай бұрын
In order for the survivors to not call you a tunneler, all you have to do is to afk the whole game where u spawned. Hope this helps
@tunaboutman9076 2 ай бұрын
I don't think a legit strat, aka tunneling, is toxic in nature, but I do think that a few bad eggs can ruin the whole bunch when it comes to how survivors perceive it
@williejones6446 2 ай бұрын
I came from rts games so im working on APM. If I simply see you cannot handle it after I tunnleded out one person IO just keep going. If theyre mad they dont even have a way to tell me to stop.
@Mny_lupin 2 ай бұрын
you made alot of good points and proved people wrong with Proof! Theres no reason to dimish skill let alone how you play dbd, you bought it. The devs/community need to wake up cause the game is in a bad low spot gameplay and community alike, people dont want to play or are leaving even tho the game itself is slightly better then it used to be. We are all aware that this game is only alive because of the community and streamers so making more internal conflict just kills the game faster. Ive read enough history books and watched enough movies to see the plot thread already and fighting over whats left of the game and tearing other players down is just ruining what we love more, so lets just flip the script and have fun instead of tearing down the people who like this game as we do. and maybe behavior can learn a thing or two. GREAT VIDEO QUIET! keep up the great work man!
@kittymyths1208 2 ай бұрын
Tunneling can turn the tides in rough situations, it sucks to be the receiver of it, but what else can you do when you lose gens too fast?
@Syzio_Bruh 2 ай бұрын
I've been playing since 2020, recently switched to PC. I see it as, if you give me a reason to tunnel I will. Not my problem, cry more.
@SpikeBarren Ай бұрын
I miss hook grabs, but you’re not wrong, tunneling and camping isn’t effective. As a killer you need to be all over the map. Also we should as killers, should practice kindness. The “win” isn’t everything. Make sure your lobbies are having a good time and be nice to each other for god sakes. Great game, btw.
@SpikeBarren Ай бұрын
Honestly I think camping and tunneling have lead for some really bad mechanics for the killer side. Like the the base kit borrowed time ,anti-camp, and I know it has nothing to do with camping, but the 3-gen mechanic. Let us not forget the nerfs of ever single gen regeneration perk.
@laFlame17x 2 ай бұрын
you right about all the things you said, but Dwight had already used DS when you said he would’ve escape if you picked him up
@QuietKills 2 ай бұрын
I forgot it could only be used once per match due to no really going against it in so long😭😭😭 Omg
@user-sr5un3hw4b 2 ай бұрын
@@QuietKills i be forgetting too, literally had to get the perk myself to realize it literally can only be used once 😭😭😭
@MajFour70_ 2 ай бұрын
Fax man facts w mans w takes survivor mains always use excuses now a days
@counter8595 2 ай бұрын
Survivor reminds me of Overwatch's support role. The most babied yet whiny.
@RAPSTARDB 2 ай бұрын
Play dredge bro trapper dope though haha 😊
@AbominationKO 2 ай бұрын
We don't play by "Survivor's Handbook of Rules and Expectations For Killers."
@BrandonSims-ch3rz 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like to me dog they were pissed they got outplayed and had to blame something 🤦🏻‍♂️
@toby_brr5824 2 ай бұрын
Even if you camp and tunnel it’s still just part of the game that’s like me messaging the survivors at the end of the game saying only reason you won’t the game is that you stunned me with pallets and blinded me with flashlights and completed gens it’s part of the game I don’t get peoples reason to hate it so much it’s just a part of the game and I don’t see people’s problem with it because most games if I have 1 gen left I’m obviously going to tunnel a player out of the game if there all still alive.
@MoanfulSpoon384 2 ай бұрын
Tunneling is the exact example of “don’t hate the player, hate the game” OTR should be basekit. And the only time I hate it when I get tunneled is when everyone brings cakes which is like a one-tenth occurrence of the games you play solo
@izSH4DY 2 ай бұрын
Nuff said and needed to be said
@SonnyJim173 2 ай бұрын
Not really but it just depends every game is different you gotta feel out the game
@khoi6871 2 ай бұрын
i feel like some survivors just want easy wins and get mad when they don't, but this applies to some killer mains too, basically the whole community, both tunneling and bully squads are counterable and its just skill issue tbh
@RAPSTARDB 2 ай бұрын
2x video haha poggers though play dredge 😊😊😊
@Iamnothereijustsee 2 ай бұрын
16:53 elevated big trap
@ShortLungs 2 ай бұрын
I find it rewarding too be tunneled it’s fun and I think chasing is the most fun mechanic of the game tbh
@deacon6221 2 ай бұрын
I use tunneling whenever I got to. If they pop two gens and I’ve only got 1 hook, they getting tunneled.
@twodoll100 2 ай бұрын
Word 🤝
@limpyleg1570 2 ай бұрын
It always worked for me against swf’s
@DrExistence1350 2 ай бұрын
Lightborn is a good way to stop BGP and FB saves…but yeahh i got my first 5 gen chase cause a knight wanted to tunnel me😭
@Bigunce69 2 ай бұрын
If survivors wanna be toxic, then who’s to say Killers won’t retaliate? Cuz I’m gonna be honest, Huntress and Skull Merchant have been fun lately
@Solar_StarVolt15 2 ай бұрын
You are part of the problem then.
@XiaoLing-pu9st 2 ай бұрын
@@Solar_StarVolt15 Cry about it
@TheScoun16 2 ай бұрын
I’d say at least 90% of the survivor mains complaining about this never played a match as killer in high mmr a single day in their lives. Your whole thought process of the game changes once you encounter going against high tier survivors that will abuse everything strong in the game. Crazy thing is that a lot of times, survivors literally be asking to GET tunneled.
@pocketsycho8720 2 ай бұрын
I once called myself DA Tunneler for the lolz and yeah I didn't win every game but I did get alot of salt and I just hit em with da
@quadpod1 2 ай бұрын
your so real for this video
@jotarokujo6069 2 ай бұрын
I think it's the solo queue. For me anyway. With friends, I lose a lot regardless, but I do much better. On the solo queue, it's different. I'm not high level at all, and I don't have good enough perks to counter tunneling or anything, so it's tough. But when Bubba is proxy camping and you just got unhooked and he does the power and kills you like 5 seconds after an unhook, it's tough.
@Wolfeatsheep 2 ай бұрын
Facts i mean how do they want you to play literally like you said just willy neily run to the other side of the map with no pressure dont listen to the stupid comments bro just people butt hurt over a game cant believe how toxic dbd community really is
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