Jim Crow and the Smearing of Byron Donalds

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Wall Street Journal Opinion

Wall Street Journal Opinion

20 күн бұрын

With Joe Biden’s black support slipping, and news that Byron Donalds is on the short list to be Donald Trump's running mate, the Democratic Party machine quickly twisted observations the black Republican made about family life before LBJ’s 'Great Society.' Image: Bing Guan/Bloomberg News
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@back2ufloyd61 12 күн бұрын
Byron Donalds - he's that one from India, right?
@thickblacklinenet 16 күн бұрын
Cash reparations to the descendants of American chattel slavery. Immigrant offspring sit down, known your place. FBAB4U
@BlackMarvel25 7 күн бұрын
Weird how he talks about how great black families were in the Jim Crow era while he’s married to a white woman. Like why even use that as a starting point. He could’ve said in the 60s on back we were closer together. I’m sure Jews were closer together during the holocaust as well.
@lennytaylor3081 12 күн бұрын
Byron is a smart guy, he knew he would face this backlash but his thirst to be Trumps vp was too strong
@notabot2928 12 күн бұрын
He was saying that black families the black nuclear family was intact back then because of republican policies not because of Jim crow but you’re too stupid to understand what he was saying
@billturner6564 17 күн бұрын
How could anything positive at all come from that sewerage filled poisoned well Linden b Johnson😢
@fbcpraise 17 күн бұрын
Expect lies and distortion. There is no truth but power. Truth is not a left-wing value.
@BrooklynBeTheBoro 5 сағат бұрын
It's fascinating to me how y'all can never seem to provide concrete evidence of your accusations. I do not claim to know your political position but judging by your use of the word "left" I will take it to mean that you lean "right". As such it is somewhat perplexing to me that you did not say "right" instead 🤔. I mean the leader of the conservative "right" is a well known, documented, and proven pathological liar. That alone would warrant highlighting in your comment. But I think you know that. That explains why you did not say "right" instead because you know there is no defending the "right's" history of lies, distortions, misinformation, and disinformation. I have 787 million reasons to back that up. But first I'd like to hear some of those lies that you attribute to the "left" if you'd be so kind...
@donaldgriffin1916 17 күн бұрын
Let me start by saying, with the political climate today and facts consistently being ignored, the statements the representative made were clearly going to be used against him. With that being said, I personally knew exactly what he meant when the statement was made. The comments made about the black family, without reference to the time period, are spot on IMO. If you deny that then you might as well move to the next post right now. Secondly, making reference to the time period brings the point home, that even in a terrible time in America the black family was united and together. This in itself shows resilience and determination. Clearly the oppressors knew this when they separated families during the Atlantic slave trade. You often times hear about how our community was doing well in a certain context in times when racial inequality and disparity was more blatant and lawful. More black-owned businesses, banks, support of each other, etc. Politically and socially these time periods were not great periods in our history however we had a determination and passion that in some cases seems to be lost today. IMO referencing a dark period of history and illustrating how a people came through it with unity, resilience, dedication, faith, etc. shows an undeniable strength. Again, not to generalize, but many have become so sensitive that they look for the negative spin on any verbiage that isn't "in the box" instead of bringing out the positive side of the statement. This ultimately waters down any true egregious language intended to be malicious. Sometimes the truth hurts but does that mean these truths shouldn't be pointed out? The world closely watches as we go at each other. Today there seems to be a lot of race baiting and a witch hunt for grifters. Some even make a living doing it. This makes one think, who are the real grifters? Talk about unity. There used to be a statement used with prior generations that what happens in this house stays in this house. We are regularly fighting against each other in our community at public square. What other community is doing that on the level that we are? This clearly is not bringing the community together. So the point stands, that in those terrible times there was more solidarity which suggests that as certain things change for the better we move further apart. Today the reality suggests that it's all about the individual not the community. Sad but true. Again I remind you of the military strategy, divide and conquer. With all of the external forces there are we are adding to it internally.
@najeewilliams629 17 күн бұрын
Can we please face some facts? Donald was NOT talking about a "time period". He NEVER mentioned "time". He was talking about a "legal institution". "1920-60" is a time period. "Jim Crow" was a racist legal institution. He was insinuating that the Black family was better off under that institution. He was WRONG. So what, the marriage rate was higher then? So what??? Yes, more fathers were in the house, but under Jim Crow, they were powerless! A white man could rape the father's wife with complete impunity. They could rape his daughter, too. They could lynch him and/or his son. What could the Black father do? Why would Donalds say something so stupid? That is exactly as stupid as saying "During slavery, all Black people had jobs. That's when the unemployment rate of Blacks was at its all-time low". Do you get it? Who implemented Jim Crow? CONSERVATIVES! Who perpetuated Jim Crow? CONSERVATIVES! Who fought to keep Jim Crow laws on the books? CONSERVATIVES! Conservatives fought against the Civil Rights Acts and Voter Rights Acts. Now, who was Donalds speaking to when he made those remarks? CONSERVATIVES! Byron Donalds is a "useful idiot" and a "Judas goat". The decreased marriage rate is down across the board with all races. There are many reasons. Women are more employed and self-sufficient now. They don't "need" a husband. In 1974, women were given the right to have their own credit cards WITHOUT a man's signature. Religious adherence is down now. So, marriage rates are lower among whites, Blacks, Hispanics, etc. It has NOTHING to do with Blacks being out from under Jim Crow, nor LBJ's "Great Society".
@nursemcfarlane6655 16 күн бұрын
​@@najeewilliams629As a professional speaker why go there 3 times. People are becoming fed up with the foolishness. Sometimes it is best to say I misspoke. The fact he is comfortable traumatizing African Americans/Black folks speaks to his character and agenda.
@donaldgriffin1916 14 күн бұрын
@@nursemcfarlane6655 the truth hurts sometimes but we need to hear it. I could name you at least 100 things traumatizing to me as a black man, this is by far is not one of them. My point in saying that is, don't speak for all Black Americans. Some of us appreciate the truth, no matter how it comes to us.
@najeewilliams629 14 күн бұрын
@@donaldgriffin1916 What "truth"? What "truth" was he speaking of, and what "Truth" are YOU speaking of? Truth that the marriage rate was higher of Blacks during Jim Crow? Is THAT the "truth" that you speak of? If so, my response is "SO WHAT"? So what, that the marriage rate was higher then. Is he saying that there is a correlation between the higher rate of Black marriage because of Jim Crow, and the demise of Jim Crow led to lower marriage rates among Blacks? That is CERTAINLY what he was implying. And, you agree with that??? Dude? First of all, Jim Crow was not a "time period." Jim Crow was a racist legal institution. Notice he didn't say, "Between 1890 and 1960, Black marriage rates were higher." THAT is what a "time period" looks like. He never mentioned a "time period." Instead, he referred to "Jim Crow," a racist, repressive legal system. Even if he had been talking about a time period (which he wasn't), I would still say, "SO WHAT?" Marriage rates have also declined among white people and Hispanics. Are their lower marriage rates due to the elimination of Jim Crow, too? What Donalds was doing was making himself a Useful Idiot and a Judas Goat. He was repeating a long-standing racist conservative trope that Blacks were better off under Jim Crow. He was speaking to conservatives and particularly to one person: Donald Trump. So, again, what "truth" are you referring to? He might as well have said, "During slavery, Black unemployment was at an all-time low. In fact, all Blacks in the South had jobs."
@nursemcfarlane6655 14 күн бұрын
@@donaldgriffin19161. We agree the truth does hurt sometimes. This is why as a professional speaker you must be mindful. Even more reason why one jim crow comment was enough. Mr. Donald went there 3 or 4 times. 2. Many African Anerican/Black folks are still traumatized by that whole era and even the thoughts are of it are damming. 2A. For example, last week June 2024 just a few days ago. ( "TheTulsa Race Riots." Black/African American wealthy town many murdered and then town burnt🔥 down to the ground by Supremacists. The two remaining defendant alive. Both over 100 years old in wheelchairs fighting for compensation/ justice and the Oklahoma Supreme Court "dismissed" their case less than a week ago). Sir Maybe you have 100 other things more traumatizing. Many African Anerican/Blacks people today remain traumatized by that era 3. Black/ African American In part due to post slavery traumatization and other factors will be more than likely to scrutinize Republican politicians even African American/Black ones. As a trained professional politician/speaker Mr. Donald understands his audience and the effects of words. Mr. Donald issue is he trying to recruit African Americans in a party where a major segment of it are the Supremacist who wants no parts of African American/Black. In this background Mr. Donald put himself in a position to have his words used as a double edge sword because his Republican party caters to the Supremacist extremist. 4. The irony of this whole spectacle is Mr. Donald being in an interracial marriage could not even marry during that era. He can't even use his self as an historic example. 5.At one time, Donald seemed a sincere individual but the fact he couldn't humble himself and say maybe I didn't have to say it 4 times, or I did not mean to offend anyone, maybe i try to improve, it shows he is for himself. If you care. You try. 6. In Mr. Donalds home state Florida they change they now teach slaves received personal African history You have 100 things you find traumatizing? Perhaps seek therapy.
@williejay2011 18 күн бұрын
Please stop!As a black women the metion Jim Crow.Under Jim Crow black men had no rights and couod not protect his family!Let alone vote!
@donaldgriffin1916 17 күн бұрын
Would it have been better, for you, if he didn't mention Jim Crow and simply said the dates? Even if he had, some race baiter would have told everyone those years were during Jim Crow. Facts don't lie even if those facts are uncomfortable.
@judykessler9658 17 күн бұрын
Please listen to the full episode.
@notabot2928 12 күн бұрын
He was not saying because of Jim crow the black family was together he was saying during that era the black nuclear family was together because of republican policies and that the democrat policies have destroyed the black nuclear family unit
@donaldgriffin1916 8 күн бұрын
@@notabot2928 I have a funny feeling this can be repeated over and over and will be ignored. Unfortunately people are going to interpret the man's words the way that takes the focus off of the reality. They care more about interpreting (changing) what the man said than to confront the issue he speaks of. Unfortunately, this is too often done with many issues within our community.
@notabot2928 8 күн бұрын
@@donaldgriffin1916 Exactly
@leeperryman1108 17 күн бұрын
So my ears are lying to me??? i know what I heard and he did imply it. WSJ your opinion SUCKS!!!
@donaldgriffin1916 17 күн бұрын
Yes, you may want to listen to the statement several more times and repeat out loud what he said. Once you do that, then feel free to share with us if he said black families were together "because of" Jim Crow or they were "better" during Jim Crow.
@phylton333 18 күн бұрын
This assessment is not robust. There are multiple factors behind the decline of marriage rates for all races in the US since the 1960s. Just looking at the welfare state lacks the depth and mental rigor worthy of a WSJ opinion.
@donaldgriffin1916 17 күн бұрын
True, but to deny the fact that black families were together during that time is simply inaccurate. Yes the time period was terrible in many ways, no one argues that. The fact about the black family still remains.
@phylton333 17 күн бұрын
@@donaldgriffin1916I agree with you that the marriage rates were higher in the US in the 1950’s for all races. This is a fact. The evidence is clear to your point. I believe the pushback the congressman is receiving is a fair one due to word choice and how easy it is for his claim to be taken out of context. Especially when the congressman has a voting record that is not popular with Black Americans and the congressman is not raising a black family of his own. Lastly, tying the demise of the Black Family to Johnson policies to help the poor and disenfranchised reinforces that Jim Crow policies were better for Blacks based on what he said. As such he is not given the benefit of the doubt if his intentions were pure. He should know this and be more aware of these sensitivities IMO. The pushback is understandable and if he is a good student will learn from this and grow. I appreciate your reply and you respectfully sharing your views. Thank you. I hear your point.
@hollywood1765 17 күн бұрын
Thomas Sowell!?!? ........that's your example? Are you serious?!?!...........A black man said something about black families that Black people (not the democrats) found offensive. end of story. He should have been a man and apologized. there is no twisting of his words...HE SAID IT.
@donaldgriffin1916 17 күн бұрын
No one can dictate how the statement made you feel, however the man didn't lie and the statement is true, despite your feelings. Not all black folks had a problem with his statement. I am black and I DID NOT find the statement offensive because I prefer the truth over anything else.
@phylton333 17 күн бұрын
I thought the same. Might as well selected Clarence Thomas to add his comments in defense of the congressman.
@hollywood1765 17 күн бұрын
@@donaldgriffin1916 If you weren't offended that's on you. But many Black people were. he did not have to invoke Jim crow. he could have easily have said "the early 1900s, 1867-1965, etc". by invoking Jim Crow it implies that due to (not despite) Jim Crow black families were together. And as far as truth? globally marriages are down throughout all races and ethnicities compared to that era. bottom line he offended his own people he should have admitted that he misspoke and been done with it. OH that's right ...he would have to have some kind of respect for us to do that....never mind
@drowningpooralice5505 17 күн бұрын
He spoke facts . Sounds like some black folks took offense because they have no excuse for how bad it is now, when the marriage rates were much higher during worse times. So,what's the reason?
@hollywood1765 17 күн бұрын
@@drowningpooralice5505 you're missing the point . He could said the same thing without invoking Jim Crow. Once he invoked Jim Crow he implied black families were better during Jim Crow. even if that wasn't what he meant to say. And him being someone who is "Obviously one of the better communicators in the Republican Party that knows how to put words together."(NOT). Should have recognized that he misspoke.
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