Dr Rory Hearne explains Ireland's housing crisis, and how to fix it

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Dr Rory Hearne, a Lecturer in Social Policy in the Department of Applied Social Studies in Maynooth University, breaks down the decisions that brought Ireland to this point in the housing crisis.
He outlines what could happen if we continue down this current path and the steps he would take to fix the situation.
He also explains what Vulture Funds are and what they're doing in Ireland: / 1395442950964973568

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@patrickdoyle9304 3 жыл бұрын
We need a national protest in all our major cities. And we need the FF /FG voters out there with their adult children still living at home to show up. Like water, gov won’t listen until their voter base show up
@C05597641 2 жыл бұрын
Our major city.
@seantreacy6190 Жыл бұрын
They won't listen to anyone, supporters or not. Only to people with big money
@hummuslife1086 2 жыл бұрын
It's honestly shocking how you have to live at home till you're in your 30's now or barely scrape by renting shitholes and never be able to afford a home, and that's as a couple, nevermind trying to buy as a single person! If you work, you should be able to afford to buy a home. It's insane that 2 people in high paying jobs, working super hard can't get a home they love in an area they love. Years ago, women had no rights and had to look after their kids. Now 2 people working long hours on decent salaries have no choice but to continue barely scraping by, with no option to work less and all for a crappy starter home they outgrow in 5 years because that's all they could afford. The government angers me so much because they are unwilling to help the citizens of Ireland as should be their duty. They're only interested in serving themselves. 'Clap for the nurses' instead of increasing their pay but give big bonuses to politicians. Same old story.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
Government is the reason why there is a housing crisis. It is they have restricted the amount of properties that can be developed. Everything from the color to the size is being regulated to the point that no houses are being developed. If you want Ireland to change then Classical Liberal economics is the only way to deal with the issue. If Ireland went the low tax low regulation route for local businesses and employees in 5 years time the market would look completely different.
@Kitiwake 2 жыл бұрын
"years ago women had no rights". Years ago no one had rights. What history books you reading?
@perolagrande Жыл бұрын
The govt doesn't owe you cheap or subsidised housing. That implies everyone has to pay higher taxes so that you can get something (housing) below its fair market value. This would make everyone worse off just to satisfy your selfishness.
@sarahann530 Жыл бұрын
@John Gardiner Move to the UK you will be much better off
@SladkaPritomnost 9 ай бұрын
Working women just put more money into the hot housing market. Housing needs less money not more. Result is less kids on the costs of expensive housing.
@sb8163 Жыл бұрын
How would a country with no limit on immigration pay for these houses if there was a right to housing - there has been a billion spent on asylum seekers as the country is overwhelmed with young single males claiming international protection because of the rights of asylum seekers to housing. There were over forty males kicked out of Citywest for serious anti-social behaviour, the government had to get them out during a fire drill to avoid public scenes of having to drag them out.
@danevans5531 2 жыл бұрын
- Increase wages (in line with the cost of living) - Decrease the cost of homes (so that they’re affordable and again in line with the cost of living) - Build more homes. There is so much unused green space in Ireland - Remove any social welfare and social housing recipient’s who are not in employment out of Dublin. They have no need to be taking up homes in the centre if Dublin and offer nothing to the economy, move them out to the country and give them to people who do work. This will also decrease traffic in the City Centre too.
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely agree with social housing in Dublin. Give people a house down the country and a free bus pass. They have all day to come and go anyway. Dublin is bursting at the seams with people. The city centre has become a filthy kip with serious social problems.
@peacehope7365 2 жыл бұрын
How sad this is now happening in Ireland too. It's been like this in the UK for years. I'm renting in the UK, and feeling hopeless about it all. I love Ireland, and am devastated to hear it's going the same way. I honestly don't know how rich multiple home owning landlords sleep at night. They're making life a misery for the rest of us - both sides of the water
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
Ireland has copied the British model of over regulating the marketplace. Nearly 60% of the cost of building in Ireland is meeting regulations. There are countless cases in Ireland of people building on their own property getting half way through the project and having to start again.
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
Your begrudgery does not bode well for your future. These houses they own where did they come from? Once the government interferes in the ownership of property which are effectively seizures then capital flees, builders flee and only the jokers and spoofers are left to solve the problem which then becomes permanent. I refused to build any more houses in Ireland because of the free loaders, the begrudges and the government seizures. Go and sort it with your communist ideologies. I have been laughing my head off at the “solutions”.
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 Modular homes will be the norm from now on. Houses will arrive on site on the back of a trailer in years to come. People are renovating containers now to live in. Also there are people who sat on their arses all their lives living in houses owned by the state. Everyone should have to do something for a wage. Planting vegetables for food banks would be a start . They could plant trees then for firewood for the next generation. I have a trade and two degrees and I ended up working as a labourer in England after the crash. I was offered a Masters degree but refused it preferring to actually do something for a living.
@bighands69 Жыл бұрын
@@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 That is a load of hippy nonsense.
@bighands69 Жыл бұрын
@MsMissy Ireland is copying the UK in over regulating the housing model.
@namasbouer4075 2 жыл бұрын
I was seriously considering moving to Ireland in 2022, one of my long time dreams. Looking into this prolongued housing crisis has sadly scared me off from making that move for the time being...
@irejog 2 жыл бұрын
Know that you are most certainly not alone. Amongst the friends I have had, 6 of them have had or are planning to leave the country, citing this housing crisis as one of their major reason for leaving
@antseanbheanbocht4993 2 жыл бұрын
@@irejog Unfortunately most of the well educated students here now are leaving after college, the can't compete with free housing for Irish that won't work and non EU asylum seekers, can't compete with freedom of movement workers, can't compete with Millions of Brazilians living ten to a house. Throw 50 k Ukrainians in on top, it's an out right disaster. We already have 10k Homeless before this.
@Kitiwake 2 жыл бұрын
For the long time being.
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
@@antseanbheanbocht4993 I was talking to a school principal in Dublin two years ago while renovating the school. She told me all the teachers were going to the middle East. I asked here what kind of work was available in the school. She said they had ten hours a week in various subjects. The pay was 30 Euros an hour. So thats 300 a week then before deductions. The average starting salary in the Middle East for a teacher is 60k tax free. Would you blame someone for taking that option ????
@antseanbheanbocht4993 2 жыл бұрын
@@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 I wouldn't blame them at all. The state has become synonymous with abuse snd corruption, there is no loyalty to it anymore but nationalism is growing. Dail EU has turned its back on its own electorate and people aren't happy.
@mcopanzan Жыл бұрын
You are absolutely right, my friends in Canada and New Zeland say exactly what you outlined.
@Fezziekid Жыл бұрын
It's really sad that this hasn't more views. He's actually suggesting new ideas that have been tried elsewhere and that work. When I return to Ireland and hear people complain about the housing crisis, the only solution they can come up with is to increase supply and mutter something nasty about lower income families and social housing. If nothing new is tried, this problem will run and run.
@liszaf3976 Жыл бұрын
The sad reality is if you freeze rents or make it that Landlords can not get their properties back, private landlords will disappear from the market (as is happening), making less properties available making rents even higher and more people homeless, the only solution to this is the government building more homes, they need to be responsible for this! Same in the UK the government are responsible totally for increase in rents with all the new legislation and taxes and licenses etc etc for Landlords !
@freeandbreezy1823 Жыл бұрын
Thank you to Rory Hearne for speaking the truth, we have to take a stand and demand government invests in housing and balances the market. Homelessness, adults living with parents into their 30s and 4Os, extortionate rent prices and mortgages. It cannot go on.
@CouncilofOneElectronic Жыл бұрын
I'm 32 and still living with parents after years of spending well over half my salary on rent. I never thought I would have to endure such mental torture and humiliation but I was on the verge of a mental breakdown while renting and had not choice. Hopefully the tide will change soon.
@pgilligan7794 2 жыл бұрын
Could not agree more about cuckoo funds. They are doing nothing but driving up rents and house prices. So we have to ask if Government ministers have their own money invested in these funds. It's the only explanation for why these funds get huge tax breaks while small investors are driven out of market with huge tax penalties.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
I find it incredible that people think it is market funding and investments that is causing the housing shortage in Ireland. So you do not think the government regulated shortage of property has anything to do with it?
@pgilligan7794 2 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 Not the whole story obviously, but a big contributing factor. The shortage of housing is the main factor, so also have to ask why Gov is not training up more construction workers (apprenteships) maybe offering incentives/tax breaks. Trying to attract labour from abroad. There are other things they could do. Giving big tax breaks to foreign investors is not one of them.
@culaterw41pr 2 ай бұрын
@@pgilligan7794 "why Gov is not training up more construction workers (apprenteships) " Low supply of skills means reduced supply of housing... Follow the 💶💶💶's .... If you don't understand a specific issue then follow the 💶💶💶's .... Then you will find the root cause of the issue...
@jayrod9002 3 жыл бұрын
Housing unaffordability is a massive issue in America now. I hope Ireland is able to save it's country from this level of despair. Outstanding talk.
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
You do realize that it’s because of these free loading Marxists disguising themselves as mother Theresa’s that that’s why we have massive problems in the housing market. Also their answer to every problem is to erode property rights? They, who have never built a single house will tell people Who you can rent to. For How Long. At What Rent. They Think that They Have More Property Rights Than Owners! Do You Not Get It? Under That Regime Only Corporates Get Homes and Apartments and They Have Huge Tax Breaks, Write Offs, Exemptions.
@Kitiwake 2 жыл бұрын
It's too late.
@shelbyc7285 2 жыл бұрын
Ireland is actually worse.
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
I worked in the US for three years, its way too expensive to live there now . My 600 dollar a month rent for an apartment in Redondo beach in 1989 is now 3000 dollars a month.
@DontMentionMyName11 Жыл бұрын
Over a year later and its far worse. We've an archaic government, built on the trust of previous generations that will never go until the previous generations die out and the youth rise up to realise the issues within our society
@Tina_K Жыл бұрын
oh please, let's all ignore the elephant in the room: unvetted and uncontrolled mass migration
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
When you see the way tradesmen were treated after the last crash you wouldnt be surprised the way things are in the country. When I emigrated to London because I wasnt entitled to Welfare because I worked on a C35. That was the way you got work in those days. I met plenty of Irish tradesmen in London who would never go home. Why would they ??? Maybe some of those people sitting on their arses being looked after could build a few houses eh ??? After all they were all looked after after the crash.
@fergal746 2 жыл бұрын
The max capacity of new stock is about 20 000 per year. Politicians will say 50 000 but they are not facing the utility and service deficits required to build. Electrical grid, drainage, sewage, BB, gas, water, infrastructure. It's a bit like facing the bed shortage in hospitals by offering physical beds and forgetting all the medical needs to service a hospital bed.
@kurtpunchesthings2411 2 жыл бұрын
Frankly I wish the ghost estates would be finished there's one less then 200 meters from my home and added on that there's a 8.5 acre site for sale for housing and another smaller area of about 1-2 acres for sale nothing going on there yet but see I live up in Monaghan so not alot of demand to live here
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
Deficit in all trades required to build houses as everyone preferred to do degrees in gender studies and other woke nonsense. Then the same people end up living at home with their parents.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
@@kurtpunchesthings2411 They were not finished because they should have been sold off for cheap after the crash. I tried to buy several of them to finish and they were not available and were ring fenced by government entities. The reason why there is no demand to live in places like Monaghan is due to the fact it has no local economy that can provide jobs and opportunities. Until Ireland lowers its internal taxes nothing will change and it will be just the same in 20 years time.
@danielvickeysmall1314 2 жыл бұрын
New Zealand's housing unaffordability has increased year on year. Our house was $448k in 2018, today its worth $750k. The Government has recently introduced the following: Loan to Value Restrictions Debt to Income Restrictions Removed Interest as a tax deductible Made it harder for landlords to evict tenants Cannot rent out properties above market value Slowly disincentivising hoarding money into properties in the hopes investors then invest elsewhere in businesses. Is it working? hard to tell with our fluid state of affairs. Good luck Ireland!
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
All those things you listed will actually make the property market more restrictive and drive the prices up. The price of everything is based on supply and demand. If there is a large demand and low supply the cost increases. You must have seen that with shortages during the pandemic. Every time government regulates the house market it always affects the price. One of the worse things that can happen is forming rent caps as those should be set by the supply and demand cycle of the market places
@danielvickeysmall1314 2 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 i 100% agree with you, as i said our house was worth $448k in 2018, due the reasons noted above its now valued at $750k.
@danielvickeysmall1314 2 жыл бұрын
@@williambreen1001 or you could increase the supply by reducing interest rates, LVR and tax incentives for new investment properties built by investors for the first 10 of the new build.
@danielvickeysmall1314 2 жыл бұрын
@@williambreen1001 That may work. However, not everyone will own homes, lower income families will still be unable to afford homes regardless of their income or the cost of the dwelling. It is my opinion that the best way is to increase supply and reduce the cost of property is by penalising investors for buying existing dwellings and incentivising investors to build new homes. After 5 or 10 years their incentives run out and penalties would kick in. Therefore, it would be advantageous for investors to sell those on to new owner occupiers and the cycle would hopefully repeat. Again, this is just my opinion based in my limited experience.
@sarahann530 Жыл бұрын
@@danielvickeysmall1314 Low interest rates in Ireland did not increase supply ? You can always sell your house for less than 750 and be part of the solution !
@sandraz5959 Жыл бұрын
Moved from Vienna to Dublin then back to Vienna 😅 F*ck that… you actually feel humiliated trying to rent something decent. I honestly feel sorry for everybody in Ireland 😞 Vienna really has the best system of renting… even if you are on the social or jobless due to illness etc. you will always be able to afford rent! You wont go homeless in Austria and the quality/isolation of the houses are much better. Of course, apartements are smaller than in Dublin tho. Do not expect en-suite rooms 😅
@refayetshanto 2 жыл бұрын
Those 26 unlikes are either from investors or landlords 😆
@derekdempsey8506 Жыл бұрын
Yes landlords get such a hard time they have to sell up
@Natalie-we5qj Жыл бұрын
@@derekdempsey8506 sell, sell, sell to rich? What about me and other people? Why I worked so hard there?
@derekdempsey8506 Жыл бұрын
@@Natalie-we5qj I don't understand
@MicMacCana 3 жыл бұрын
Spot on
@jasonobrien1989 Жыл бұрын
The People dont want to rent they want to own their homes - it is not safe for the State to control so much of people's lives,
@hempenasphalt1587 10 ай бұрын
You are absolutely right - Shocking how many comments on this vid are fawning over this dude... people want to own their own homes, Social housing and government control are not the solution!
@culaterw41pr 2 ай бұрын
As Klaus Swab said... "You vill own nothing and be happy..."
@ikm64 2 жыл бұрын
Now this might surprise some (But then again I'm full of surprises) THERE IS NO HOUSING SHORTAGE In fact, over 260,000 homes go official unoccupied in Ireland (Census 2016). What there is a shortage of... is morality and compassion. But if you're trying to "fix" the wrong problem...you'll never get anywhere.
@pgilligan7794 2 жыл бұрын
@@williambreen1001 Wouldnt building more homes faster, be a fairer way to solve the problem. Even if someone owns a second house and they sell it to you, you are still going to have to pay for it, and you would have to pay full price for it. The fact that the Government are not doing their job in making sure enough houses get built, is not the fault of someone who has worked hard to own a second house.
@pgilligan7794 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that the Givernment are not doing their job to ensure enough houses get built, is not the fault of the fellow down the road that owns that second house. A lot of people might have inherited their parents house or might have worked hard to buy a holiday home. That is their right. YOU have no right to say that they owe you that house because there is a shortage of houses in the country. Clearly the Government need to Build MORE Houses.
@pgilligan7794 2 жыл бұрын
@@williambreen1001 So would you apply this theory to empty industrial or retail units or just to individual private citizens who happened to make a bit of money or get left a property. The environmental issue is minimal and really not an excuse to bully private citizens out of a family or holiday home that they have paid for somehow. Again, isnt the solution to simply build more houses. Because when you run out of people with 2 houses, and there is still a shortage, who are you going to blame then.???
@ikm64 2 жыл бұрын
@@pgilligan7794 Of course, from a libertarian perspective (me first - me only) you are correct... the goverment does indeed need to build more houses... But wouldn't they then also have to raise the money to do so?, and tax the very people you speak of...to the point they then can't afford to have that second unused house? Your argument is circular...and like your comment ultimately vacuous...
@pgilligan7794 2 жыл бұрын
@@ikm64 The problem is not money. The problem is supply and demand. We are not building enough houses because we do not have enough construction workers to do the work and a shortage of suitable land, (near urban areas) to build on. The new tax on vacant sites might address some of this and I will admit might be warranted if builders are sitting on zoned land waiting for house prices to rise, but nothing is being done about increasing the construction workforce. The industry claims there is no shortage, but clearly if there were more, pay rates would come down, hence the claim.!! Threatening to tax me and anyone with a second home to make money to build houses may not be legal and could get challenged in a court of Law. None of us took these homes from you or anyone else. We did not cause this housing crisis.
@Dublinireland5 6 ай бұрын
The housing problem is in the European Union, that should bring in rent controls and tendency laws
@fordackers8492 Жыл бұрын
Deregulate and dezone. Its amazing how Texas and other southern American states makes it cheap. Government regulation only makes it worst.
@C05597641 2 жыл бұрын
We are an open borders country. No Irish government could ever hope to bring down property prices in a meaningful way with a near infinite population to cater to. There is no appetite among the Irish to leave the EU. House prices will remain sky high.
@lucastaylor2321 2 жыл бұрын
Leaving the EU would make it worse.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
@@lucastaylor2321 No that is not true at all. Ireland has had a housing crisis since the foundation of the Irish state.
@lucastaylor2321 2 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 Yes I know it has. Leaving the EU would make it even worse though.
@Ron-qe8ud 4 ай бұрын
In Holland if u live in a house/Apt for more than a year and it gets sold to a person or company that intends on renting it out then by law they must keep you on as a tenant. And if they want to do renovations then they must pay for a hotel for you while it is going on. Why don't we have that here? Never herd the government even bring that up
@edmundgarvey6331 Жыл бұрын
Didn't Leo come out publicly say one person's rent is one person's income. Fine Gael's ideology is free markets. A large number of Fine Gael politicians own properties to rent (It is in there self interest to see there ROI increase year on year)
@mark1980100 2 жыл бұрын
If NAMA was to sell apartments for 200-250k (below market rate), it would be a great benefit to those who buy them, but no one else. If they sell them for the market price we can reduce our state debt more.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
If NAMA did not exist that would be a start.
@conorgribbin3928 Жыл бұрын
Tgr great reset it won't gapped that's why alm these appartments are build to rent
@thomas316 2 жыл бұрын
It seems like almost every country is suffering from this large asset bubble that has been building. Internationally rates have been too low for too long.
@davidedemasi4424 2 жыл бұрын
Welcome to capitalism :)
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
@@davidedemasi4424 But it is not capitalism if the government is regulating the short supply in Ireland.
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
There is a crash looming on the horizon. The US is in an awful state. The UK is in trouble and The EU has finally decided to put value on money. Its too late I reckon. Interest rates should have gone up 4 years ago. People should have been encouraged to save instead of being told that money was useless and savings had no value. Economics doesnt change but the people running economies dont seem to have remember the basics. Also some of the people in high places are dodgy and care only about their own massive 500k salaries.
@brucebanner4211 2 жыл бұрын
agree 100% for the last 30 years we've been apeing the american system and im sure any ff/fg party member would be fine with tent cities here.Heres one idea though...seeing as we basically dont tax any of the major corporates here (defending apple) etc so with our basically tax free economy why not ask the amazons/googles/apples/tiktoks etc to invest at least some money into housing? let their accountants class it as charity or whatever lol....or just a payback for years of tax free residence
@AuraTrimCoMeath 8 ай бұрын
Because they are here only for tax purposes. They do not invest into houses for its workers, just in case the tax regime would change. So would be stock with empty houses, while moving to another tax heaven to operate. Better is for them now, to simply renting out houses for employees from third party. Also a corporation.
@ruiwang1600 Жыл бұрын
Where does the government get money for social houses?
@valchapman5680 Жыл бұрын
Please can we have more people like this who are willing to speak out about our housing crisis. Brilliant
@jamesoshea2111 3 жыл бұрын
Get rid of selfserving career politicians. Start with donnelly , varadkar and martin. proven liars .
@bernardbrogan7206 2 жыл бұрын
each county council should set up there own house building company . direct employment for workings .non profit . building homes for familes . .it has been done before with estates like crumlin cabra ballyfermot .in the 1930s . also rents are over priced .time to stop it .
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
So the very government that caused the problem gets to benefit from it. You could image all those building companies being staffed by interested parties.
@Buildbeautiful Жыл бұрын
There are tens of thousand approved homes for full planning permission in Dublin but developers just wait for the land to increase in value to sell the land on plus there are lots of vacant sites and buildings in central Dublin owned by the state some have been derelict for over five decades or more this would not happen in any other european capital city the city must have an elected mayor with full powers to solve this shamefull crisis
@TheIrishBosnian 2 жыл бұрын
If you can't live on your own with an ok car and some Bob to enjoy yourself here and there on the averge wage, there's a serious problem.
@jasonobrien1989 Жыл бұрын
Ireland has the highest immigration rates in the west???? Why does the government hate the ordinary Irish people so much?
@bardylon 4 ай бұрын
Immigration isn’t the problem, it’s the distraction that people in politics will point you to in order to distract you from the real reason, which is usually just corruption and greed within the government. Immigration can be beneficial for a country’s growth and brings in much needed skilled labour. The real issue, as described in this video, is the government’s encouraging the use of houses and property as an investment commodity.
@ConstantCreator2000 4 ай бұрын
@@bardylonexactly right. A huge percentage of government seat holders are landlords themselves. The system is horrifically corrupt
@hiss9989 2 жыл бұрын
Back in Greece we'd just buy land and pay to build our own houses ourselves from the ground up.
@TomKrysiak 2 жыл бұрын
...and in many parts of Ireland, you can't even buy land and build your home unless you can prove you/your family has roots there. Even if you manage to do that, getting a planning permission is nearly impossible for many types of houses. In any normal country you could buy some land and build something along the lines of a "log cabin" - many EU companies sell complete sets for nice houses at very low prices (50-80k would get you a massive house) Such houses are very quick to build which would also help in the current situation. Unfortunately securing a planning permission for such a build (at least outside of Dublin, where land is still affordable) is nearly impossible...
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
@@TomKrysiak All part of the government’s and people like Roary to “control” everyone. I’d rather take my chances anyway and depend on myself rather than live in and under a Marxist dystopia.
@sarahann530 2 жыл бұрын
@@TomKrysiak Cheap houses are always available where there are no jobs
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarahann530 Nope. Ireland has a shortage throughout the whole Island.
@sarahann530 2 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 Plenty of Houses for sale outside the Cities no shortage
@MrVirkMedia Жыл бұрын
Housing market right now it's just depressing both on the rental and owning side
@edugiansante 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with 80%. I don't think any house owner (at least 6 or 7 that I know own property here) want their houses to lose value. That causes an additional layer of conflict of interests.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
Most have bought over priced homes to begin with. SO why would they want their property to be worth less?
@cjc5478 3 жыл бұрын
what an excellent speech ... this applies to everywhere around the world where housing is usually considered as an investment in a free market where the price needs to go up to attract investors in order to build more unaffordable housing instead of the government building housing to be used as housing as a basic human right where the price doesn't have to go up ... if governments supplied affordable housing they would get the money back from the payments they receive for mortgages and rent and this could be used towards building more affordable housing where needed
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
What you are suggesting is pure nonsense and the reason why developed countries right now are having a housing crisis. Government regulations is the problem.
@sarahann530 Жыл бұрын
@bighand69 There should be no regulations and Developers should be able to build anywhere they want .
@tominrichmond Жыл бұрын
Not sure why it's government's job to provide housing. I know it's the European view that government is responsible for just about every human need, and unfortunately the Irish have bought into this view, but If the govt got out of the way, I suspect more housing would be built to accommodate the demand, and prices would level or drop. It's an odd philosophy that people should pay taxes to the government so the government can take that money and pay for housing, with all the transactional inefficiency involved. In the US, there's only a housing shortage where, in places like San Francisco and LA, restrictive policies about building new housing have caused the cost of existing housing stock to skyrocket, making it inaccessible to the middle and lower classes. You can't escape the laws of supply and demand, and the more the government puts it's clumsy thumb on the scales of supply and demand, the worse the result.
@perolagrande Жыл бұрын
Best comment I've read so far. So annoying that people expect essential goods and services 'free' or at least subsidised from govt without realising the latter has no money beyond the taxes paid by taxpayers, and govt can't be expected to provide everything to all the people. These people should go and live in North Korea if they think Socialism works.
@noamanahmed9340 2 жыл бұрын
How will the crisis result in an Airbnb type of housing to grow?
@robertmckenzie2789 2 жыл бұрын
When you need 200 euro a square foot to build a house in ireland you will need a lot of money and a serious income to achieve a roof over your head. Every grant and incentive is added on by the buiders and suppliers who are a cartel.
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
Architects, Planners, Engineers are also part of the Cartel then you have Irish water, ESB, An Board Gais who will extort you on their terms.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
You actually think the builders and suppliers are the problem? Have you ever thought that it might be the regulations restricting the market place?
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
Out of that Square foot the architect, engineer, quantity surveyor, ESB, Board Gais, Irish Water, planning Authority (Development Contribution), Fee for connecting to a sewer has to be paid and that’s BEFORE the builder who has to pay his workers gets his cut!
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
You can be sure there are Financiers involved and how much do you think their cut is? Then there is the Tax man they need their pound of flesh too. You see people like Rory just sit there and write essays they haven’t a clue.
@bardylon 4 ай бұрын
2 years on and the government has still done nothing to address this issue
@WarMomPT 3 жыл бұрын
The point about how it's not obstruction from opposition, but a total lack of political will on the part of the government, is an important one. Sure, you can't solve the housing crisis overnight, but we've had *years* of successive similar governments that still haven't done a thing. FFG are utterly allergic to investing in public goods and utilities. Housing? Broadband infrastructure? That's all to be shuffled off to private enterprises. Water treatment? Paid for on an individualistic basis. Tax businesses? No, give apple 13 billion euro and let them tax dodge, then pay another 7 million euro in taxpayer money to argue in court over several years that it was right to do so. People complain about the long lockdown, but it's only been as long as it has precisely because it was constantly stuffed with half-measures and premature attempts at opening up, with the 'Living With Covid' scheme that established one rule for Dublin and another for the rest of the country, utterly enslaved to the pub landlord class. This government is not just unwilling - it is incapable of imagining policy with a goal other than chasing the highs of a long-dead celtic tiger. 'Their ideology, their weddedness to the market, to the existing system' is a perfect way to put it.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
Think about what you are saying. The very thing that governments have caused you want them to fix with more regulations?
@fredi9204 3 жыл бұрын
20000 houses p.a. is not nearly enough. 35000-40000 would hold your nose above water and 50000 would start closing the enormous still accumulating gap. No matter how you look at it, it's a supply side problem first. It's not choice between public or private. Both are needed. If rent caps are implemented, they should be temporary and new construction excluded. This incentivizes private construction. 40k homes at €200k cost per home is €8bn, year after year forever. Think your gov will borrow and spend that much? That is why market based solution is critical. Publically subsidized/constructed housing is needed to serve those who markets do not serve. That's probably 10000-15000 homes per year. Maybe higher at first. Now for a quick fix, Ireland should increase its insane/nihilistic loan limits for home buyers to stop driving young people to become renters. It is much cheaper to buy than rent. Loan caps set at extremely low level was pure lunacy and biggest policy error Ireland gov committed. I've listened to many Irish podcasts and discussions about housing, but nobody mentions mortgage caps. Why? It is a huge blind spot.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
The Irish government does not need to borrow it just needs to deregulate the Irish economy. Lower taxes and less building regulations.
@paulkearns1504 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant and well said 👏🏻👏🏻
@johnf_267 Жыл бұрын
Housing needs to be taken out of politics.
@ERZATSHUMAN 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Rory.
@mariekirwan8001 Жыл бұрын
If gov allowed fair deal homes be rented, and if they speeded up the probate office we should have alot more empty houses occupied.
@Cm1st 11 ай бұрын
The great Charles Stewart Parnell would be rolling in his grave.
@qwertykeyboard7640 Жыл бұрын
Never forget there's a 52% tax on rent This is mostly to pay for the bank bailout every man woman and child in this country owes approximately €60000. This debt was assumed on yout behaby thr government of the day to pay bank bondholders and late on the imf. One way or the other the government is going to take that money back from people
@Kitiwake 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Rory, No one is listening.
@darraghkelly1744 4 ай бұрын
Per the government this does and doesn’t exist
@joanofarc708 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of FF FG SF Greens thats how
@adelitaselmic9797 Жыл бұрын
You are right Rory, government simply decided not to do anything. And it's going to get a lot worse, I'm afraid.
@alanfurlong-drummer4419 Жыл бұрын
The Irish government is incompetent and complicit with non- Irish vulture funds to purchase large tracts of Irish property. Politicians are a failed system and aren’t capable of making equitable economic decisions. Unlike the Chinese state which can build and develop infrastructure at a fast pace. The problem in Ireland was it has a repetitious inability to make short, mid and long-term housing planning. This crisis is definitely heading towards a permanent housing crisis.
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
Rory is a spoofer who has never worked in a real job.
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
You mean he spent all his time in school ????
@PB111627 Жыл бұрын
No University
@PB111627 Жыл бұрын
And the Nevin Institute and other Union buildings all empty they turn on the heating when they are having their Marxist meetings afterwards the Gaff is locked up until the next meeting of the comrades. You would think at least they would take in a few Ukrainians.
@michaelplank8966 Жыл бұрын
Don't destroy your farmland
@rigelkent8401 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that the government zoning laws are crazy there should be rings of shops offices and apartment blocks around every luas stop .
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
So we will put high rise at every Luas Stop? I’ve never seen that on any of my extensive travel in Europe. Crazy idea. Ohh wait let’s knock down the GPO and replace it with a tower block there is a Luas Stop nearby.
@rigelkent8401 2 жыл бұрын
@@PB111627 apartment blocks of 9 or ten are not much bigger than houses and can house 50 in the same area of big family home the problem is you need parking spaces by law driving costs through the roof.
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
@@rigelkent8401 Irish authorities are a bit like Joe Biden he does everything to shut down US oil and gas supplies then complains about gas prices rocketing. In Ireland the government and the various cartels make it very, very difficult to build and then you have to deal with monopoly building suppliers who can charge whatever they like.
@rigelkent8401 2 жыл бұрын
@@williambreen1001 commuter neighbourhood that is entirely supported by the railway where every house has one parking space are an old idea and far more efficient lay out than two spaces houses in the countryside plus thy can have bigger back yards
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
@@williambreen1001 Apartments are much more expensive to build that’s why the ones that have been built recently are mostly commercial student accommodation they are owned by pension and wealth funds who leverage the rental market to extract a return on investment. The REITS are similar bottom line is it’s harder and harder for young people to buy their own places and it’s deliberate government strategy. Bringing in more people from abroad in huge numbers is the final nail in the coffin it’s unleashing the dogs of war on the scarce supply available. Materials, land, labour costs, planning impediments and a host of oligopolistic are the recipe for endless scarcity.
@dynamodel 3 жыл бұрын
Finally A man who makes complete sense about the solution to the Irish housing disaster created by FF continued by FG and Co. Let's hope the Irish voting public let their feelings show in the next election and turn these failure parties into history like the progressive Democrats were.
@kurtpunchesthings2411 2 жыл бұрын
Unlikely FF and FG have ruled Ireland for 90 years
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
The only way Ireland will solve its housing crisis would be if the market was deregulated and governments got out of the housing market.
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 And out of the rental market the sequestration of property rights has led builders to flee builders have abandoned Ireland to build abroad and I don’t blame them.
@Kitiwake Жыл бұрын
The Irish voting public already have houses and are indifferent.
@AuraTrimCoMeath 8 ай бұрын
Allow people to build their own hoses. Not for profit is blasphemy for Ireland's rulers. 2 beds terace house costs now €2500. I earn €2600 after tax. So I am out. No chance for a motgage either, as I am single 52 years old. Street, here I come. To build the house cost €30k to gets water, electricity connected, plans and planning permision.
@fordackers8492 Жыл бұрын
Increase supply. Affordable housing limits supply. Makes it more expensive.
@daraghcuddy244 2 жыл бұрын
Bans on evictions is a ridiculous concept
@ofeyofey Жыл бұрын
It's not right if a person lives rent free and the landlord can't evict them. They can thrash the place and the landlord can't get them out.
@paulmessenger9836 Жыл бұрын
That's how a socialist thinks
@justanothermermaid5007 3 жыл бұрын
Whereas social housing has a long history in Germany and Austria and has always been accepted by society as normal and even as the default situation, to my impression the Irish mindset is completely different when it comes to 'home' and 'land'. The Celtic Tiger cracked this topic up violently, but the whole idea of renting vs owning a home seems to be very difficult topic in the Irish psyche. Therefore more building activity by the government will ease the pressure on renters, but not solve the problem of the mindset on the desired Irish lifestyle itself, where property rules and if you don't own a place, you are, you are seen as and treated as rightless in 2021 as you were in 1847. Even the best laws and politicians' actions cannot get this twisted mindset on the property topic out of the Irish society, I fear.
@cathalsurfs 3 жыл бұрын
Irish people are not dumb. They know the meaning of ownership of ones home and that it is this fundamental concept of ownership which conveys to all of us, the ability to uphold our basic human rights and freedoms. The history of this land is in our bones, even if our native tongue has been finally ripped from us by our own state, no less. Unfortunately, you cannot apply the very different circumstances that exists in both Germany and Austria, even throughout more recent history.
@brucebanner4211 2 жыл бұрын
unfortunately your wrong. rents are unaffordable.The cost of renting a home in Ireland rose by 2.7 per cent in 2020 to €1,256 per month, according to the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB). This was a significantly slower rate of growth than the 6.4 per cent recorded in 2019.24 Mar 2021. this has now raised to 2k per month for most cities. whats worse is that most major cities in ireland only have available renatl accomodation in the teens. so major cities have from 7- 15 rentals available. thats a major problem.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
@@brucebanner4211 That is a load of nonsense that makes no sense at all.
@Theredrain6 3 жыл бұрын
The system is rigged
@bernardofernandes1826 11 ай бұрын
There is just one thing can reduce the price of house and rent: build more houses. If you put more caps and 2years without pay to eviction, we will have half of new houses than today
@brianmacc1934 Жыл бұрын
Not by tearing up the countryside anyway ; thats not the solution , we need farmland not concrete jungles
@Skyler827 2 ай бұрын
I cannot fathom this guys position on real estate development. THE PROBLEM is there are not enough homes. If someone wants to build homes, that is making the problem better, not worse. Of course private market development is not sufficient, but it IS NECESSARY. Anyone who says we need to be ADDING restrictions on real estate development is literally not thinking this through.
@bluegtturbo Жыл бұрын
We don't have a housing crisis. We have a population crisis. The population has all but doubled in 40 years. Less emigration plus a huge number of immigrants, both legal and illegal.
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
Rory says the state stopped building social housing during the Celtic Tiger years. Wrong! The State stopped building social housing during the early 1970’s. As for letting Focus Ireland’s quack, quack become government policy I would as soon take my chances with Marx himself as their everything should be free policies are more extreme.
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
SO you are a Marxist?
@PB111627 2 жыл бұрын
The private sector have also stopped building because of free loaders like Roary. LOL he wants FOCUS Ireland to run the private rental sector. Bizarre.
@dantro542 Жыл бұрын
@johnrobdoyle Жыл бұрын
Vienna started providing housing 100 years ago, & these are mostly apartments, Unfortumately most Irish people don't want a small apartment they want a detached or semi detached house.
@davek89666 6 ай бұрын
Our gov aren't doing either
@andrewmellon5072 Жыл бұрын
There is not a housing shortage but a population surplus. No country can be expected to house anyone who moves to it. Ireland has got into this position. This is leading to no housing for irish young people, extremely high rent and social instability. This could lead to democratic breakdown.
@markcleary Ай бұрын
Nonsense. The Netherlands, a country of similar size has 3 times our population. We have a supply problem because of over dependency on the market and commodification of a human right.
@andrewmellon5072 Ай бұрын
@@markcleary mark, you have a lot to learn.
@kevinmic6740 11 ай бұрын
Make it easier to get planning permission, allow land owner to give building sites to their children/relatives to builds their own house, scrap the payment to the council for the privilege of building a new house and give people a payment for all standard sized family homes that are built by young couples like it was in the past. Provide low interest loans to help the process, stop financialing homes, all this would help. It appears everything is against young couples trying to own their own home.
@johnredmond891 Жыл бұрын
HUDSON: This is exactly what happened in the Roman Empire. HEDGES: Yes, it did. HUDSON: You had the great Roman historians, Livy and Plutarch - all blamed the decline of the Roman empire on the creditor class being predatory, and the latifundia. The creditors took all money, and would just buy more and more land, displacing the other people. The result in Rome was a Dark Age, and that can last a very long time. The Dark Age is what happens when the rentiers take over.
@icaughtalopunny 21 күн бұрын
More convinced on getting that medical cert and running as fast as possible to Australia like all my other friends have
@bighands69 2 жыл бұрын
Until the Irish housing market is deregulated nothing will change.
@williamowen4706 2 ай бұрын
Are there any cities in the world that has managed to eliminate housing insecurity through banning development, capping rent, and banning evictions? Vienna still has a homeless population of something like 19,000. The only major cities in the world that have managed to eliminate homelessness that I know if have been Helsinki and Tokyo, and while there are complex reasons why these two places have succeeded where others have failed, neither place made it illegal to build more homes like you are proposing.
@manin10 Жыл бұрын
Since the formation of the state no government has ever had a plan on where the country was going. We are all destined to arrive at the gates of a crisis every 10 years or so. FFS, Irelands population is that of a relatively large city and no one has any idea how to manage it. we will be permanently staggering from one disaster to another and spending time between disasters trying to fix the leftovers of the last one.
@declanmcardle Ай бұрын
ISAs would solve a lot of the wealth-generating 'opportunities' of being an accidental landlord...
@jasonobrien1989 10 ай бұрын
The State always makes things worse...
@eyedropsimulator 7 ай бұрын
capitalist states don't serve their working class citizens. we need policy reform.
@daviddoink872 Жыл бұрын
Its almost like the same thing is happening in every 'Build Back Better' economy.
@neilprior6381 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe they should build cattle sheds instead
@Tahirkhan-eo2px 2 жыл бұрын
i earn 2k per month and i pay 1000euro house rent this is too much
@horsemanoftheapocalapse5837 2 жыл бұрын
Thats mad alright.
@erikwold7481 Жыл бұрын
The Planning Ayatollahs in alliance with speculating, big-time housing entrepreneurs are the root cause of the low supply of affordable houses and toxic prices/rents. Stop blocking ordinary people from getting Planning Permission for a house of their own on their own modest plot of land!!! Ordinary, hard-working Irish people don't need housing providers - neither in the form of private, unbridled Big Player entrepreneurs, nor in the form of Nanny State, "cradle to grave" home building entrepreneurs. They need freedom from a tyrannical, overly restrictive, biased Planning dictatorship, and decent freedom to be their own home-building entrepreneurs. Other EU countries have, to a certain extent, managed to give its ordinary citizens such freedoms and sovereignty in being their own home entrepreneurs, and that's the main reason their housing situations are so much better.
@phillipfortinbras3896 Жыл бұрын
Stop vilifying small investors. The governments lack of housing is the root cause
@mazibukomail Жыл бұрын
Thatcher sold the council housing.
@ajarms86 Жыл бұрын
#evictthegovernment #evicttheinvestmentfunds
@user-tc7fb2pb6j Ай бұрын
The Irish governments will fix the house crisis but it will take times now nothing going to happened over nite every body have to wait with passion there nothing nobody can do it its crazy and drive every body mad native Irish people deserve better in there own country thanks so much for the information jhikkey alla Apinder Singh
@bikeman9899 3 ай бұрын
In decades past, social housing was built in IRL by county councils for low income ppl. Middle class ppl could buy their own home. Nowadays, that doesn't happen, and the private market has no interest in building social housing. Im watching this video inn2024, and the situation seems even worse. Thenroot cause seems to be , existing homeowners resistance to new builds to protect their values. Ppl are terrified of a repeat of 2008 and negative equity. Bold moves needed to solve this, else political extremists will gwt stronger. It shouldn't take the threat of violence for government to donthe rigjt thing.
@declanmurphy729 Жыл бұрын
In other words the government could solve the housing crisis quite easily, but by easing the demand for housing would also mean devaluing the property market leaving the Landlord class out of pocket.
@Mujcanal 3 ай бұрын
2 years later and still not fixed, even more damaged 2024
@joeoshea30 Жыл бұрын
Nobody talking about the Elephant in the Room Taking in Thousands of Immigrants We can't even sort our own out
@karlbyrne6021 Жыл бұрын
Around 80% of td's are landlords. To feed the gravey train they are importing 10s of thousands of young Muslim men who are unvetted into the county. Something very sinister is going on.
@AuraTrimCoMeath 8 ай бұрын
Landlords gets lots of money for housing them. Ireland have an agreement with EU to take them, feed them and look after. It all from state's purse, taxes and loans from commercial banks. Try to ask them about it. Will lough in your face.
@aconsideredopinion7529 8 ай бұрын
Change the law, change the policies.. the government wrote the laws and this government or a more realistic government can change the laws! It’s not complicated.
@Pthommie 7 ай бұрын
We are living in the twilight of capitalism, and the quality of life is in a downward spiral which won't be reversed because it pays the influential few very well.
@edmundgarvey6331 Жыл бұрын
Congrats on the people that voted in the same government policy once again in the last election.
@MrPaulorange Жыл бұрын
As if they really give a crap😡
@user-tc7fb2pb6j Ай бұрын
Jobs is easy place to sleep most difficult for every body its too expensive
@lukeh2816 2 жыл бұрын
Too many foreigners here driving up the price
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