John Hagee Caught Twisting The Bible To Make Millions | Proof John Hagee Is a Conman & Fraud

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iThink Biblically

iThink Biblically

2 жыл бұрын

In this video I expose John Hagee for the big fat fake and fraud that he is. He is a liar and a deceiver who preaches the false prosperity gospel in order to con people into giving his ministry millions of dollars. He is a clear false teacher who has made millions from easily deceived people who give to his ministry. False teachers like John Hagee need to be examined and exposed. Anyone who preaches the prosperity gospel to get rich is a false teacher. The bible does not promise health, wealth and prosperity to Christians or anyone. Giving to someone's ministry does not guarantee prosperity. He is no different to Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis. Another con man is Perry Stone. He is such a fake! God's judgement awaits those who peddle the word of God for money. No-one should be giving to their ministries because false like these guys are already multi millionaires and billionaires with their own private jets, expensive houses and lavish cars. It's time to clean out the church and expose these heretics. He preaches wild sermons on the end times to create hype and get people to give him money. Much of what he says about Israel and the end times is often wrong and even heretical at times. This video was created by Caleb Corneloup

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@chellewill8119 2 жыл бұрын
Just recently (in the last few months the or so) I decided to stop paying 10% tithe to the church. Instead, whenever I get paid I give some of my money to the little woman standing outside in the heat selling flowers on the road by my house. Or getting some supplies to give to the shelters..something like that. I must say, It feels better. I think before this, I was definitely giving by compulsion just because I was "suppose to give 10% at church like everyone else". I know that woman and the shelters need the help and giving to her, showing my kids how to give to some one who needs help, is far more rewarding in my eyes.
@louettesommers8594 2 жыл бұрын
Amen sister.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@sadiebenson1888 2 жыл бұрын
@karintraut8151 2 жыл бұрын
Mind my grammar was in a hurry God bless
@tracygreenhough1231 2 жыл бұрын
That is how I feel!
@phyllisthompson4207 2 жыл бұрын
This is why it is important to read the Bible for one self.
@richardosborne2067 Жыл бұрын
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
Amen sister! My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@ravindrinrangasamy578 Жыл бұрын
Yes u right I heard a sermon from him not to give to mrs.brown whose a widow down the street ...u must give it to the church and the church will help mrs.brown ....can u believe this man ....he preaches alot on the rapture as if JESUS ➕ is coming tom but he got a trust fund for he's great grandchildren in the millions
@fjhkerwoiero00 Жыл бұрын
You can read the Bible for yourself, which many people do, and still go along with the deceit of how the money pastors have interpreted it! The problem is not with the reading for oneself, the challenge is the correct, contextual Godly inspired understanding! We have people with Ph.D. in theology, still with misplaced doctrine!
@ravindrinrangasamy578 Жыл бұрын
@@fjhkerwoiero00 u right sound doctrine
@rickycarnell8493 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people don't know the Bible , so they don't know if they are being misled , the Bible is how you hold the preacher accountable .
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@radamson1 2 жыл бұрын
@@zionsoldier7556 and even more so to find one who understands what he has read.
@glohernandez9433 2 жыл бұрын
That's why people need to take notes and check them out when they get home
@Mark-yb1sp 2 жыл бұрын
@therighteousrighthand 2 жыл бұрын
The onus is on us. We have it translated in every language and there are also amplified versions.
@felixwambua7563 Жыл бұрын
It's so appalling how these people twist scriptures without batting an eye
@jondstewart 9 ай бұрын
Because he’s an entitled sociopath. He doesn’t care. In his high school days, he was probably the football star that bullied the weaker kids.
@laurajeanpatterson3709 2 жыл бұрын
The one thing that I know is incorrect that he says, "The Jews dont need salvation as we do through Yahushus. Because they have been chosen aready" Wait a minute. Didnt Yahushua Himself say, "We must be born again" And at that time He was talking to a Jew. We ALL must go through that door ( Messiah) to receive forgiveness and salvation.
@rosem4673 2 жыл бұрын
He knows that the jews were not the real Chosen. The real Hebrews were black people they are the Remnant who were scattered all over the earth ! Not all indigenous people are the descendants of true Israelites ! But the ones that are identity was purposely erased !
@tristantimothy1004 2 жыл бұрын
NO! They dont. What is it about the "chosen ones" you dont get? God clearly said he INTENIONALLY blinded the jewish mind so the gentiles could be called in. Learn your bible BEFORE making assumptions. Jesus was giving his instructions to his deciples who just happened to be jews. And THEY passed the message on to the gentiles. Just as Jesus did with the sumaritain woman at the well. DUH!! Read Romans 2:6-11. THAT set me free of the "legalism" B.S. EVERYONE is born with the law of God written on their hearts. The Golden rule. Differently stated. "I dont like being stolen from therefore in not a theif. I dont like being hurt so i dont hurt others. Ect. Its not hard to figure out. And BEWARE of wolves in sheeps clothing. Such as the clown doing this vid. I KNOW where John Hagees $ goes. He only keeps 1%, all the rest goes back into his ministy. Some folks are just jealous. AND he violated the command to NOT judge anothers servant. Who the HELL does he think HE is??
@tristantimothy1004 2 жыл бұрын
@@rosem4673 , Get off your raceist crap. The original jews were all Mediterranean. As they were scattered out they intermarried with the people around them. ( something God forbid) Long story short. EVERY human on earth has either the "Adam gene" in men in their DNA & the "eve gene" in their RNA proving ALL of humanity came from a single set of parents. Adam & Eve. People "color" is nothing more than selective adaptation to their envoronment via the interchange in their formerly called " junk DNA". Which the experts finally figured out wasnt "Junk" afterall. Try to keep up sweetie. God gave you a brain. Use it! Noah and his family were the ONLY pure human race left. And from them came the rest of us biologically after Adam & Eve. ALL the ones killed in the flood were contaminated by alien ( satanic nephelium) dna so God destroyed them all. Unfortunately other nephelium came & recontaminated humanity. Giants, ect. Theres NOTHING GOOD in the nephelium. ( fallen angels) We ALL are bastard offspring today. EXCEPT for the purebred jews who obeyed God & only interbred with other pure jews. DNA reaearch has jumped EXPONENTIALLY in the last 5 years. ALL of the others are hybreds. And, its been proven that humanity started in old medeteranian EUROPE, NOT AFRICA. Thats Darwinian bullcookies. The RACEISTS ignore the facts & create their own versions. All part of Satans plan to divide & conquer. In all human DNA theres only 1% variance. Instead of celebrating our 99% commonalitys, Satans suckers only focus on the 1%. BTW, our immortal soul is RACELESS! Try focusing on that.
@ravindrinrangasamy578 2 жыл бұрын
The Jews reject JESUS as messiah they believe HE was a false prophet
@Ken-lp9qt Жыл бұрын
That’s the problem that I have with Hagee’s theology as well. We all need Christ as the chosen Messiah. We need to come before him with a repentant heart and receive his forgiveness. This goes for everyone; Jews and non Jews.
@Jesussaves77553 2 жыл бұрын
This is the church I grew up in. It’s no wonder i strayed away from the faith. I never heard the true Gospel (in church at least) and here I am born again thank the Lord. Maybe as a kid I knew there wasn’t something right with a lot of church teaching deep inside and that turned me away. Now I feel a duty to discern and put on the armor of God even more with such wolves so prevalent everywhere.
@AnnieGrace777 Жыл бұрын
My child felt the same things as you. You were both correct. Looking up and unto JESUS, The Author and Finisher of our faith.✝️
@jasonharris5625 Жыл бұрын
In this day and age we live in discernment is very important and must be used and implemented in everyday situations if we as Christians are to be on the full defense against Satan and his demons that are working double, triple and four quadruple overtime to attack us and lead us astray!
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
I hated Church growing up. My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@ravindrinrangasamy578 Жыл бұрын
U right these crooks only want money
@wretchlikeme2506 Жыл бұрын
amen, glad you heard the true Gospel of God about his son,yeah churches like this want numbers and push experiences instead of truth,i was "saved" at lakewood church as a teen supposedly because i went up to the front, but yet i never heard the gospel it was all emotional manipulation or a sense of knowing i had a purpose of being alive that had actual everlasting results,but it was a lie.once you're saved(or keep attending church) they don't present the Gospel to you at all just a movement of wanting more and more of a God they have made up to cater to their every need on demand,,,,, so once i heard the real Gospel it tore me apart and i realised how sinful i was to a holy God and how he chooses me by Grace
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
After my mother died on 2002 I got an inheritance so I had enough for a down payment for a house, and a church I attendED for 12 Years, was having a Building Fund. I made a hugh donation. A year or so later I had lost my job and was about to loose my home. There was a major wind storm and my fencing blew down, so it just needed to be reposed...for FREE! They had a Ministry called Matthew, Mark, Luke and Johnnie that helps people Repair their homes and cars. They told me that they couldn't help me, because they only help people that are not saved, elderly, handicapped, or homeless. For 21 years my tithes only go to individuals that are in dire need.
@bluegarlic733 11 ай бұрын
My X church did something similar to me Jillian
@Refinersfire1971 Жыл бұрын
I was saved when I was 14 and I’m 51 now. Basically raised in a Full Gospel church. I’m trying to “unlearn” so much of what I was taught. I’m so grateful for your videos!! Thank you so much for sharing the TRUTH of Scriptures,nothing more, nothing less. It’s so refreshing!!! God Bless You!!🙏🏻❤️
@brandonow82 11 ай бұрын
Your not saved until you reach heaven, this land isn't the kingdom
@feels.9304 9 ай бұрын
Same. My old church used to take 100% of someone's first salary if they got a new job. I feel like I was being lied to. I'm heartbroken and I'm kinda fuming because I bet they still do this
@soniagreer9690 5 ай бұрын
Keep tithing
@glang4657 2 жыл бұрын
It amazes me how some pastors have no fear of God in twisting the word of God for gain.
@craigcrawford6595 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! They cannot possibly take the warnings seriously or they are so deceived that they don't think it applies too them. Christ's words in a few verses "Lord Lord did we not cast demons out in your name. ." Come to mind. .
@TDeVil316 2 жыл бұрын
Their god is money and they have so much they dont fear it cause greed blinds people but they will have to answer for their sins and also for all the souls they are leading to damnation.
@poijntxhaisdgcha6004 2 жыл бұрын
@@TDeVil316 y
@kingdomminded7319 2 жыл бұрын
So true, the word says don't add to or take away from the scriptures !
@ZommBleed 2 жыл бұрын
Because they don't believe it.
@GFGS_55 2 жыл бұрын
Just once, once I would love to see one of these pastors show how they have donated a house or a millions dollars. I just think if the top ten richest pastors would give 50% of the money they have, most orphanages and soup kitchens can be funded for a full year.
@markgupton1313 2 жыл бұрын
@TheDoctor394 2 жыл бұрын
It'd be good if they could do some miraculous healings on the side too...
@qinoqino7643 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheDoctor394 , 🤗
@brianbickle7395 2 жыл бұрын
His church had the largest Covid food distribution in Texas
@angelodoubel9653 2 жыл бұрын
@Anne-po99 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for showing us how preachers can use the scripture to suit their own agenda.
@Jenifer_G 2 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work, this work is very needed to straighten out these preachers money taking talk.
@AnnieGrace777 Жыл бұрын
The Apostles have warned about this in the Bible. 'Clouds without water' in Jude is a good start to read
@kevincullabine2461 10 ай бұрын
Do any of these greedy pastors give there money to the poor. They will get judged before God himself.
@jondstewart 10 ай бұрын
@@kevincullabine2461please! He’s so full of spite and derision he can’t even bother to care about anybody but himself. He believes poverty is a curse.
@JmesFloyd76 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen John Hagee's home in The Dominion, a gated community of millionaires. He gives millions to Jewish initiatives and ministries. His church is a mega church with 16000+ members. A text without a context is a pretext. A pretext is "a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason." According to Merriam-Webster, a pretext is "a purpose or motive alleged or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs." In other words, by taking a text out of context, you can shape the meaning of the text in any fashion you want, to fashion a paradigm in the minds of your recipients. Giving to the poor and the needy is a far better idea.
@allysonhanks7367 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Craig how are you doing. I believe you are healthy and also having a nice weather where you are.
@tristantimothy1004 2 жыл бұрын
Craig. Have you seen the accounting books? Have any idea of where the hundreds of millions goes? Do you know how much Hagee Keeps?? No, of couse not or youd remain silent. Jelousy is a terrible master. And who the HELL do you think you are to judge anothers servant?? I dont see you building hundred million dollar Apartment complexes for unwed mothers. Their upkeep, medical costs, christian schools. Dont see YOUR global messaging & support of 1000s of missionaries around the entire planet. Dont see you doing ANYTHING to help fund Israels needs or the message of Christ there. Come on bud! Put up or shut up!
@Aurora-wh9rk 2 жыл бұрын
Well we know Hagee keeps a good portion of his profits. Please explain how a man of God "needs" to live in the dominion, drives a Mercedes(and multiple other expensive cars) and has bodyguards! Why does a man who claims to fear nothing but God need bodyguards? I've spent my entire life in San Antonio in the Christian faith growing up around Hagee and his preaching, he is corrupt. He may not have started that way but money changes people. As far as maintaining schools ect perhaps you should look at how much the tuition is. If you aren't wealthy forget about giving your child a Christian education there! Also, because we clearly know God's wish is for Christians to turn away those who are less fortunate than you. Please don't lash out at people without knowing the entirety of the situation.
@rlVan-mc3wq 2 жыл бұрын
@@Aurora-wh9rk it’s these kind of “pastors” that keep people from coming to the Lord. This is a great video that describes this man!
@terrymanning8064 2 жыл бұрын
@@tristantimothy1004 I know that John Hagee gives to other causes. I have seen him preach for 25 years or more. I heard this same preaching from my pastors from my salvation in 1987. Craig does not have an axe to grind. He is showing us that the prosperity gospel is NOT the gospel. The modern prosperity gospel first came from E.W. Kenyon in the 1920's. We have been fed a bunch of bologna for nearly 100 years 😞
@EternallyThankful-os6pz 2 жыл бұрын
It just again proves that the people who sit under the teaching of these charlatans DO NOT SPEND ENOUGH TIME READING THEIR BIBLE THEMSELVES , at home in ALONE TIME WITH the LORD !! If they DID , they would NOT be so easily deceived...sad indeed. Keep fighting the good fight , my Brother.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@pipakshrestha6582 2 жыл бұрын
Truth !!! sadly 😢
@Anne-po99 2 жыл бұрын
I always say that.
@leimakene3625 2 жыл бұрын
@CarlosGarcia-pe4tz 2 жыл бұрын
Blessing my brothers once you see the light is hard to go back to darkness.and is for Christians responsibility to read the Word.kjv 1602purified.not just any Bible beware about that.the rest are fake keep an Eye on that.we need dicerment.Godless you all.🍟🍔🍩☕👍💒
@charlottelineberry6826 2 жыл бұрын
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
@robynmarler3839 2 жыл бұрын
It's very clever the way he invites them to laugh at people who don't want to tithe. And he has a smooth, convincing air of authority. What a greedy, greedy man 😬
@Fairford2001 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. Compared to other prosperity gospel preachers, John Hagee doesn’t get exposed as much but he’s just as much of a false teacher. My wife and I went to his church until early last year and never returned once the church doors opened again in San Antonio, TX. I strongly believe the Lord used COVID-19 to expose false teachers. We now go to a good church recommended by Justin Peters.
@allysonhanks7367 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Edward how are you doing. I believe you are healthy and also having a nice weather where you are.
@Fairford2001 2 жыл бұрын
@@allysonhanks7367 I’m doing well. It’s a nice fall day in San Antonio.
@allysonhanks7367 2 жыл бұрын
@@Fairford2001 It's sunny here in Long Beach, CA. Nice to meet you here Edward I'm looking for new friend Ok!
@tonyschwartz6712 2 жыл бұрын
@@allysonhanks7367 If you are preying on people like you seem to be, you need to repent. God loves you and hates deceivers. Make Jesus your friend and stop tempting men. You may have the Jezebel Spirit. It is an evil spirit and you can be delivered from it. I hope you will be and that I will meet you in Heaven because you turned your life around. May God help you with whatever your issues are in Jesus's name, we pray.
@ravindrinrangasamy578 2 жыл бұрын
Justin Peters got alot of videos that exposes these tbn charlatans
@aprilholton1150 2 жыл бұрын
I used to listen to J. Hagee a long time ago, frankly before I knew what the bible actually said. After reading the bible myself and getting closer to the Lord I was shown how corrupt some of these pastors are!! It is a shame...............there is too many people in need these days, these pastors need to give more of their money to worthy causes. I have seen their houses!! They are mansions! How do they sleep at night?1?!? God help us all and please open the eyes of these pastors..................
@clairschwarty4027 2 жыл бұрын
On point. Valid information. I pray God continues to expose all these false prophets. They care not about Gods people , all they care for is riches.
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how they deceive themselves when they come across versus about pastors fleecing the flock will be getting a hotter Place in Hell. My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@rudymancha5809 Жыл бұрын
I have not tithed in 6 years. And I'm making 300 % more than I did when I was tithing. Now I give as the Lord puts it on my heart.
@sondrasmith2691 11 сағат бұрын
"Will a man Rob God?" "Yet you have robbed me by withholding the tithes due me."
@tiadruskis2226 Жыл бұрын
What I can't wrap my mind around is how he can preach the gospel like he does and still preach the prosperity trash. It's so sad. I grew up listening to him with my grandma every Sunday. We really don't have much discernment in America do we. 😢
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
Thousands of pastors like this is just evidence that we are living in the last days. My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@donnaleveron6511 Жыл бұрын
Speak for yourself, I have neither listened to him or sent a dime to him, and I won't, can't stand to listen to him.
@LemireCassie 11 ай бұрын
C'mon man. No, we don't.
@jondstewart 10 ай бұрын
It’s because HE DOESN’T CARE! He’s a sociopath through and through and a complete phony.
@theyjustwantyourmoney4539 2 жыл бұрын
Its impossible to give a prosperity message without twisting scripture and it requires you to spin and do gymnastics
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Yep! They really have to stretch it and they know it!
@gabrielodum6956 2 жыл бұрын
It is a lie, prosperity can be preached extensively without twisting scriptures
@rohipsalm2370 2 жыл бұрын
@thentd2826 Жыл бұрын
Right, but when your receiving and misappropriating donations to live a better quality of live than your donors. That makes you a total piece of garbage. He gave himself the people’s money, it didn’t come from the blessing of god
@michaelmerck7576 2 ай бұрын
​@gabrielodum6956 show me how you do it because the scriptures in context will never back up the prosperity gospel
@Anne-po99 2 жыл бұрын
I used to listen to hagee years ago. But about 10 yrs ago I saw through him.
@waterheaterservices 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of us
@Anne-po99 2 жыл бұрын
@@waterheaterservices . One of his sermon just churned my stomach. I saw such hate.
@frankmahan2101 2 жыл бұрын
He fooled me a lot when I was a teenager, now my eyes are open, shame so many still follow him and his ilk!
@JKinLVN Жыл бұрын
As a general rule, I don't follow any of the big named TV preachers. Never gave any money to any of them. I never listened to Hagee. Also important is the fact that God allowed the poor in the old Testament a way out of certain giving by allowing them to offer up turtle doves. In other words, God has always been a God of mercy. The heart of God is love. Jesus said, there are basically 2 commandments. Love God and love your neighbor.
@gregorystuby2761 Жыл бұрын
Anne! Uncle haggee is going to sue you for with holding his collection.
@angelvargas7092 2 жыл бұрын
I used to tithe. Thank God for those man of God that used their knowledge through the scripture to educate us. I was blind, now I see. Every dog has his day!!!
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@tp1201 2 жыл бұрын
We still have to tithe. That is what God says to do. 10%
@davidortega357 Жыл бұрын
I used to tithe since I became a believer it started back in 1971 around 10 years I kinda stop giving tithes I ll give on offerings if I had a higher paying job I'd give more but I always had lousy jobs I never got paid 15 dollars an hour only 12 dollars my wife never work I had 2 kids that's all I hear they always want money tithes offering temple tithe offerings money for missionaries money building funds funds for this for that they think we are all millionaires
@randyrush9856 Жыл бұрын
​@@tp1201 Actually, there were three tithes. A sacrificial Tithe (For the support of the Levitical priesthood), a Festival Tithe (For all of the mandated religious observances, and holy days), and the third year Tithe (the "poor" Tithe, for the widows, homeless and orphans). That amounted to approximately 23.3%. And there was also a Temple tax as well. A lot of people believe they are fulfilling the law of Tithes by giving 10% of their income to the Church, but in reality they're just very miss informed. In fact, James said, "For whoever keeps the whole Law and and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."
@tp1201 Жыл бұрын
@@randyrush9856 ok. You do you!!
@kunumanyomo9302 2 жыл бұрын
Why in the western world especially in churches, seed is most times equated to money. If faith is also described as mustard seed , then Love, kindness, mercy etc are fruits from a seed as well. Let these seeds / fruits flourish within self first and then give or tithe them out to the needy, poor, orphans,widows etc. Christians in under developed world do not have the luxury of money every time but surely the seeds of love, mercy, kindness etc is intrinsically woven in all humans and these can be given to bless fellow humans.
@rickycarnell8493 2 жыл бұрын
well said
@Anne-po99 2 жыл бұрын
Remember when Jesus gave the example of the sower and the seed? He was actually talking about souls not money. Luke 8:5-15
@therighteousrighthand 2 жыл бұрын
Amen. Christian's are called to have wisdom.
@bhagyamenon1659 2 жыл бұрын
Typically all these preachers cherry pick verses so that they can twist it for their ulterior motives. This is what happens when you do not know your Bible. The sad part is none of them have the fear of the Lord in them.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
But the fear will grip them in hell!!
@tims.449 2 жыл бұрын
An easy way to tell if the scripture is being cherry picked and twisted is to realize that the only part of the bible that contains doctrine for Christians is Romans to Philemon. Everything else is for the nation Israel. Christ came as a man and when he did he came to seek and save the lost sheep of the house of Israel 1. In Matthew thru John he was confirming who He was and the promises of a Kingdom and Israel being a great nation. 2 1- Isa. 2 [2] And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. [3] And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 2- Romans 15 [8] Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: 2b Isa. 4 [2] In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. [3] And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: [4] When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning. [5] And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence. [6] And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain. All the scriptures basically go back to these promises made to the nation of Israel who will be a nation of priest and a holy nation to bring the lost to salvation. Salvation thru the Jews as Jesus said, salvation is of the Jews. 13 epistles are for us Christians penned by Paul
@tlbx57 2 жыл бұрын
To paraphrase, Jesus said to his disciples, many will come in my name deceiving the masses. Deception is the most repeated and significant tell of the coming end of time.
@uniciesmart8135 2 жыл бұрын
Thank God for exposing them!!
@valp9972 2 жыл бұрын
@@tims.449 You are one hundred percent WRONG in stating that only certain portions of the New Testament are for Christians, and the rest, only for Jews.
@davidboehmer4359 2 жыл бұрын
Back in the 1990s I listened to him. He was good speaking out against sin for HOLINESS. Then he got on the idea that. The Jews did not need Jesus. Because they had a different salvation. After that he lost me. He said when he married Diana his wife. That all the Pharisees left the church. I believe they left because they knew he was marrying the woman he was in adultery with. He left his first wife for another woman. He also stole 1 million dollars from his church. He owns a 1000 acre ranch. ( No problem except). He claims " I earned every bit of it!" I think he finally showed his true colors. Many CHRISTIANS in America believe that the rich Preachers are special to God. Therefore it is ok for them to have what they have. But has anyone ever considered the reality of the words of Jesus. "For where your treasure is. There shall your heart be also." I think it is highly possible that the reason these Preachers are rich financially. Because that is where their hearts are.
@chrissan2457 2 жыл бұрын
David Boehemer do you have a link? I would like to see this proven. I thought were not to make an accusation unless it was two or three witnesses. Please share a link.
@virginiarhoades7819 2 жыл бұрын
Stopped watching years ago. Attend a small church, our Pastor receives no salary. Everything that comes in goes to help the homeless.
@tp1201 2 жыл бұрын
I want to become a member. That's beautiful. ❤
@bobbyadkins6983 Жыл бұрын
The pastor is supposed to be paid according to the Bible unless he just doesn't want it.
@kathleenking47 9 ай бұрын
However, the churches DO NEED money to keep lights on, and ministries..etc Some are getting conned by LDS they have auto tithing The series THE CHOSEN is actually an LDS jesus
@peterlona7835 3 ай бұрын
He must not be a full time minister, to go without getting a salary
@peterlona7835 3 ай бұрын
​@@tp1201a member? This is not a Gym.
@valp9972 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for pointing out that John Hagee would place Christians justified by faith, back under the law, and even under the dominion of popular Jewish thought; those who are not familiar with Scripture will be taken in by this ridiculous charlatan. I'd like to give him a swift kick in his fat behind. The Apostle Paul had much to say about those who distort Scripture for gain and the punishment that awaits them.
@francinefreeman9472 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is laughing all the way to the bank, while your checking account has insignificant funds.
@keithawhosoever5384 Жыл бұрын
Maybe. But he won't be laughing after he's taken his last breath , if he has knowingly deceived his flock ..🤔
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
Laughing all the way to the bank now but screaming in hell for all eternity. My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@michaelalbertson7457 Жыл бұрын
@@keithawhosoever5384 He may not know now, but God judges his heart, which causes his preaching, teaching and way of life. Romans 8:1-15 comes to mind. Carnally minded as opposed to spiritually minded.
@PATULOCA 2 жыл бұрын
It's vital as Christians we must read, study, and learn the word of God for ourselves to avoid being misled.
@heir_to_the_promise Жыл бұрын
Brother, I stopped “tithing” in March of 2019 when I researched that it wasn’t biblical after 10 years of being saved. I probably had given over $40k to the fellowship I was saved at. And when I also looked into what the demonic 501(c)3 was, I knew I would no longer give them a dime. The “pastor” would say, “Don’t hold on to your finances. Give it to God” or “Don’t look at it as giving 10% but rather as God letting you keep 90%.” But it really went to their salaries and their house payments. I am still blessed by the Lord as I too labor with my hands for my own bread. I give to my brethren who struggle financially and that’s alright with me. God bless
@cdrompfw 2 жыл бұрын
Your video is 100 % right. I despise pulpit pimps that pimp the gospel. I do not understand how these folks continue with misusing the scripture for gain. Do they not have a fear of the Almighty?
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@alicemorrison7547 2 жыл бұрын
It is because of people that keep giving into them. That just puts him into greed mood with the USE of the Word of God. You can't just blame these people it is also those who don't read the Bible that are at fault as WELL.
@ogunsan 2 жыл бұрын
The blame is not to the con man alone but to the sheeple that never crack their Bible open to verify like the Bereans did in the very same Bible they carry.
@jenicarter4190 2 ай бұрын
@martingagnon7631 2 жыл бұрын
Not only did I give you a thumbs up, but I downloaded the video and shared it to my wife who thinks John Hagee is a good example of a Godly Man.
@shadowlands8490 2 жыл бұрын
@truthseeker7086 2 жыл бұрын
So a month after hagee stated these words, How many of his church members became millionaires? or even got 100k? seems to me not any of them.
@michaelmerck7576 2 ай бұрын
None except the hagee family
@dawidroos3500 2 жыл бұрын
I love you my brother. 100% the Scripture interpretation the way you lay it out. For 30 years I was seeking for a person like you that laid it out the way I was always understood it. Jesus called these prosperity pimps "hireling of the sheep and they don't care for the sheep" I am so blessed to have running into your video. Jesus said freely received, freely given. Keep up the TRUTH my brother and lead the sheep which is about to get slain financial......lead them out of the slaughter house. Love you my brother. God bless you. Everything you teached is the true interpretation. 😇❤🔥
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro :) Your very encouraging :)
@saisila6694 3 ай бұрын
@bryantotten2757 2 жыл бұрын
If all.these greedy pastors gave to the poor poverty would be eradicated just about
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
It would be a great start that’s for sure!
@kensandifer884 2 жыл бұрын
I used to have respect for Hagee... He does not say "give to your local church".. He, Kenneth Copeland and the others have to stand before God one day..
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Messages about giving to his ministry are all over the screen during that message. The context of the message is giving to his ministry or church. Plus he forces the tithing which is always said to be about giving to the church. That's how I see it and those listening to him see it that ways too bro :)
@michaelmerck7576 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe not now but Copeland used to specify on his television ministry to only tithe to your local church and if this ministry has blessed you and you feel led to do then send any contributions to the location on the screen and he would only do this after his teaching and he himself never asked about an y giving it was done by an announcer
@michaelmerck7576 4 ай бұрын
Copeland used to say to tithe to your local church but even the tithe isn't biblical as a wage tithe
@sarahb7440 Жыл бұрын
I used to attend Cornerstone Church. Hagee is one scary man
@k.blackman6327 11 ай бұрын
How so?
@sarahb7440 11 ай бұрын
@@k.blackman6327 No one is allowed to question him. He holds himself right up with God. He supports abuse in every form. He has said Jesus did t come to save us.
@DaveBoswell-lz3kc 10 ай бұрын
That's the way cult leaders behave.
@pinkfrance3405 2 жыл бұрын
Most believers and Christians do not read with understanding. We have no understanding of the Bible
@mandyrichart9698 2 жыл бұрын
The Holy Spirit gives me understanding of Scripture. I pray this is the case for you
@gustheartist8853 2 жыл бұрын
Amen Holy Spirit gives understand
@Locomedic1 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Sir! Sooo many people still view Haggee as a proper preacher. So tired of "Oral Roberts Seed" principles being shoved down peoples throats.
@xehphotographyx 2 жыл бұрын
Preach brother!!!!!!!! 👏👏👏
@WilliamtheWorst 2 жыл бұрын
I was unlucky enough to hear John Hagee speak at a conference back in 2004. My, how times haven't changed.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
People get bamboozled by the way he speaks and think he is profound.
@WilliamtheWorst 2 жыл бұрын
@@iThinkBiblically exactly!
@gracie5169 2 жыл бұрын
I think I have been brainwashed for most of my lifetime. This should be taught everywhere. Thank you for your clearity.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@@gracie5169 You're welcome :) I never ask for money cause it just seems so wrong when there are people in need everywhere!
@TDeVil316 2 жыл бұрын
Me as well when he was all fire and brimstone the end is here in 2002, no 2003 no 2004 and so on and so on. Guess he saw how much the prosperity gospel "pastors" were making and he was like hell got to get some of that.
@karinhopkins6158 2 жыл бұрын
Not only that ! He was married when he saw Diane in the pews, divorces his wife and married Diane. What do we call that ?
@valp9972 2 жыл бұрын
We call that: An ADULTERER.
@BrotherJohnElving 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is one of your best videos. My family recently traveled to Israel with John Hagee. So sad they cant see their deceptions. God bless. Bro John
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro :) Im sure it was an expensive trip with Hagee!
@hermanr5513 2 жыл бұрын
Great to see you here, bro. Love your channel, too.
@theyjustwantyourmoney4539 2 жыл бұрын
My mum spent all her fortunes giving to prosperity ministries
@malleus9778 2 жыл бұрын
@@theyjustwantyourmoney4539 I'm very sorry to hear that. These charlatans knowingly lead people astray and do the adversary's bidding. Hagee and his ilk will burn in Hell.
@nothyperbole4984 2 жыл бұрын
@@theyjustwantyourmoney4539 These pulpit pimps will not be able to buy one glass of water where they will spend eternity🔥🔥🔥
@elmerfudd5738 2 жыл бұрын
God's Word settles the whole "prosperity gospel" and being greedy for the things of the world nonsense. In Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus commanded, 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@richardg1426 2 жыл бұрын
So what happen to those Christians in Libya who got beheaded by ISIS ? they died ! You'll never hear these False Teachers talk about things like this.
@timsmith530 2 жыл бұрын
What if I'm not greedy and have good things?
@dawidroos3500 2 жыл бұрын
Love it .....this is 100% refined pure truth.❤
@gayleallen8969 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you here lately I ha been struggling with given my tithes and not supporting people I knew that needed some help. Well i decided to support the needy and hold back on tithing. I feel so much better.
@ravindrinrangasamy578 2 жыл бұрын
Do these preachers actually help the poor,charitable organizations or they just take and enjoy all that money for themselves "the church is there to help the poor"
@1oxyoke 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for a great commentary. Keep up the good work. Dave Hunt, who is now deceased had an excellent video about these prosperity preachers. He said he didn't think they believed in God or believed that they would one day stand before God in the judgement. If they did believe in God they wouldn't be lying and deceiving. You can look at Hagee and tell he is fat and lazy. Probably never done a days work in his life. He reminds me of Wimpy in the Popeye movie. Wimpy says, " I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today". Hagee says, God will gladly pay you in the future if you give me money today.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Haha!!! Yeah I like Dave Hunt.
@rohipsalm2370 2 жыл бұрын
Loved Dave Hunt. Lol u rite!
@troypullen7469 Жыл бұрын
Quite honestly as ingrained as tithing is, in many Churches of many different denominations, that I have been in: I don't believe that many of these preachers are purposely trying to mislead people... Rather, I believe, they actually believe this narrative and see this biblical explanation of tithing as sound doctrine, based on what they have been taught and have heard through the years.
@kickpublishing 2 жыл бұрын
Just give DIRECTLY to the poor. Cut out the middleman. That’s the golden rule. Tell grifter pastors to get a job. A few hours on Sunday is not a job.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@gabrielodum6956 2 жыл бұрын
A few hours on Sunday is not a job. That is the visible part of their job, i bet you, you cannot do the work they do in secret. And you want to cut out the middle men, that means Christ was a middleman, because we are told that people including women gave to His ministry., and he in turn gave to the poor. The truth is that you people are deficient in spiritual knowledge and have a deep seated hatred and prejudice for preacher, and you don't remember that you will give account of everything you post on social media. May God have mercy on you people
@shadowlands8490 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielodum6956 Were talking about real pastors though. If you find error in their doctrine they aren't qualified to preach until they repent and change all of their false teaching. All of it has to be non-compromised
@craigcrawford6595 2 жыл бұрын
All debts in ancient Israel were also forgiven every 50 years. If a neighbor needed help (if one was able too help) and it was 1 year before the debt forgiveness, one could not put off helping their neighbor until the following year so they had another 50 years to collect the debt. .
@bartonaaronporter 9 ай бұрын
Hello brother minister. I am Minister Barton Aaron Porter and it's good to find another true Bible teacher on KZfaq. Keep up the good work👍
@irmalaucirica1688 2 жыл бұрын
Praise God for your teaching ! I am so blessed listening to you, because I had a large group of christian almost all of them new born again winch came to the Lord by my witness or preaching in many places, like Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and going visiting families that didn't know Jesus, and that's exacting what the Holy Spirit show me, though sometimes I pray to God asking Him to confirmed if I was correct just because it is dangerous to misled people. I never learned on a seminary my teacher is the Holy Spirit through Gods word. Thank you so very much ! God has giving you a great gift !May He blessed you Always PS,.. I never ask or permitted anyone to give me any amount of money Not a Penny
@Backtalk1970 8 ай бұрын
You sound like someone who actually had a calling from the Lord to preach His word, bless you, friend.😊🙏
@craigcrawford6595 2 жыл бұрын
Re: tithing, years ago when I used to debate some would say we must give 10 percent and I would always quote Mark 12:44 and ask if the affluent and rich gave 10 percent out of their wealth and she gave out of her poverty, she not only gave way over that 10 but gave way more than the affluent and rich and given that we should give as much as we feel lead to give, how does that equate to 10 percent? It doesn't and to put a percentage on it is false and frankly, from my understanding, tithing was for ancient Israel, not for the Church age. .
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
You should watch my video on the widows mite here bro… you might be surprised on it’s true meaning!
@larrytowe6672 2 жыл бұрын
I believe you're correct, and the New testament that says a man shall give it what he purposes in his own heart.
@robertdecker146 2 жыл бұрын
Hagee is a motivational speaker,a drill Sargeant, and a Hypocrital Pastor, all rolled into one uniquely annoying and unnerving package of humanity. 🤔🍔🍩🥧🥔🥣🍽
@timshade2223 2 жыл бұрын
BUT don't ever go to that church and tell them you're about to lose your home! This is so right on!
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
After my mother died on 2002 I got an inheritance so I had enough for a down payment for a house, and I made a hugh donation to a church I attendED for 12 Years that was having a Building Fund. A year or so later I had lost my job and I was about to lose my home. There was a major wind storm and my fence blew down, so it just needed to be reposed...for FREE! They had a Ministry called Matthew, Mark, Luke and Johnnie that helps people Repair their homes and cars. They told me that they couldn't help me, because the ministry was only to help people that are not saved, elderly, handicapped, or homeless. So fr 21 years my tithes only go to individuals that are in dire need. ~My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@johnwagner409 Жыл бұрын
I have always said I have more respect for the thief who breaks into my house. I know he is a thief, he knows he is a thief and does not pretend to be anything else. Cheryl Wagner
@meligarrett9197 2 жыл бұрын
That ‘sow a seed’ teaching ! 🤮
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Yep! Hagee is just like all the others! A conman
@waterheaterservices 2 жыл бұрын
Kenneth Copeland done told me the Lord done told him to tell me to to tell all yew I neeeed a new Mercedes Benz to do missions in the jungles of the Philippines.
@biblicalchristian6708 2 жыл бұрын
@@waterheaterservices 😂😂😂 🚘🐵🌴
@kathleenking47 9 ай бұрын
@snmobley03 2 жыл бұрын
I pray for those deceived and caught up in this "ministry." I intercede for the Father to perform His Word and deliver them out of the mouths of these greedy "shepherds." Ezekiel 34 sums it all up pretty well and the Father has set Himself against them, and their judgement is coming! "Woe be unto the shepherds....", but thanks be unto our Father for sending us The Shepherd, Jesus Christ, Who feeds us in good pastures and seeks and save those that are lost and/go astray! Praise His name 🙏🏽
@Rvillaluz123 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent! I remember when I came across the following scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:12 ESV - For if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have. I was set free from the guilty feeling and worry about a curse on my finances.
@crystalninjato 2 жыл бұрын
I used to listen to this man John Hagee preach when I was a teen because I was going through such a hard times. I believed Hagee because he preached on sufferings and hard trials. I never would imagine John Hagee twisting the Bible to deceive the world for profit.
@tonyschwartz6712 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry. Hope you have found some peace since then, Ninja. Many of these hierlings are going to be exposed. We have all sadly been deceived. I have been and I'm grateful for it because it made me wiser. Some of these people start out well and then get full of pride. Others are bad to begin with. Hope you are in a good solid, loving, Bible believing church now. God bless you, brother. :)
@kathleenking47 9 ай бұрын
Seed, is the word of GOD
@arielmagno2037 2 жыл бұрын
These types of preachers should be called fastors because they love to pull a fast one over people searching for the truth, seeking God in their lives. What is needed is not merely to teach people the Bible but to guide and train them how to study the Word of God correctly. Even the Berean believers checked Apostle Paul's teachings. We need the Holy Spirit to lead us and light the way which clearly is not the spirit present in these prosperity preachers.
@MorrisonJames 2 жыл бұрын
Yes or in Hagee’s case PASTA.
@erichpengel1528 2 жыл бұрын
2 Peter 2:3 English Standard Version 3 And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. Gods word doesn't lie brothers and sisters.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@erichpengel1528 2 жыл бұрын
@@iThinkBiblically Amen!!!!!!!1
@g.j.dutoit4447 2 жыл бұрын
Iv looked at your vids. Love the way you speak clearly. Looking from last year all the verses about tithe what the false teachers twist. GOOD WORK YOU DOING! REALY! Justin got me opened my eyes after 41 years been deceived by this false twisted doctrine. 👍😊
@ScriptureTruthMinistries 2 жыл бұрын
Great work. It's time people woke up to these con men. I'd like to add that Hagee said that people are "robbing God" by not tithing (to him). When people give to Hagee, they are not giving to God, they are giving to Hagee to support his multimillion dollar lifestyle.
@txwarriorbride5112 2 жыл бұрын
Used to work for the company organizing his tours. Beyond evil. And a friend of mine knows his "ghost writer". Does not even write his own books! It is called "fleecing the sheep". Another hireling shepherd that GOD will bring judgement upon.🔥🔥🔥
@lorenasmiles 2 жыл бұрын
Gosh you have opened my eyes to Hagee
@gma6296 2 жыл бұрын
Had began to see questions about Hagee's ministry. They called last Sunday afternoon asking for money. I hung up on them
@leimakene3625 2 жыл бұрын
Don't do what others are saying. Seek the Lord to know what is right n let the Holy Spirit guide you.
@gma6296 2 жыл бұрын
@@leimakene3625 i have the Holy Spirit lead me! There were a few things that he has said that GOD has put a question mark in front of. They seem to be more & more as I listen to him
@lloyddennie772 2 жыл бұрын
Read the bible for your self then your eyes be opened to ok time s has changed no every Christian own s a farm and there are many versions
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
After my mother died on 2002 I got an inheritance so I had enough for a down payment for a house, and I made a hugh donation to a church I attendED for 12 Years that was having a Building Fund. A year or so later I had lost my job and I was about to lose my home. There was a major wind storm and my fence blew down, so it just needed to be reposed...for FREE! They had a Ministry called Matthew, Mark, Luke and Johnnie that helps people Repair their homes and cars. They told me that they couldn't help me, because the ministry was only to help people that are not saved, elderly, handicapped, or homeless. So fr 21 years my tithes only go to individuals that are in dire need. ~My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@MiniCuis4u 2 жыл бұрын
👍🏼You nailed the door of his coffin. It is so sad that people won't study Scripture for themselves. Leaving their fate in the hands of con-artists and thieves. 🙏🏽☮🌏🌴❤
@sahoo82 2 жыл бұрын
I am a preacher in India a place called Kohima a small state. I saw many preachers here makes a connection in the west and become millionaire. But I knew it's not right deep down in my heart and the teaching of tithing is excegerated out of proportion. We don't have sufficient books and materials but I look into my Bible and saw Jesus, Paul and poor saints never made fortune or money from preaching the gospel. I am grateful godly people support my daily needs but have no desire to make money by preaching tithing. It dawn on me that people have high respect for preachers and will believe everything I say... But will never used the scripture to make money. Thanks for this video.
@katygravley54 2 жыл бұрын
The Lord tells us to pray for those people who deceitfully use us!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@thentd2826 Жыл бұрын
Well since that is utterly ineffective, maybe we should start preying on them instead.
@meligarrett9197 2 жыл бұрын
I HATE the bondage of tithing ! My finances only improved when I settled this issue and quit tithing.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Amen! Great testimony!
@txwarriorbride5112 2 жыл бұрын
Tithing is not biblical. A free offering is...but give to those really in need. Not to 5013C "charities" who spend it on "admin" costs, and big buildings...not to mention TV airtime and private jets.
@cassiekean9066 2 жыл бұрын
Who pays the bills in your church? You have to give some to your own church and also help the poor.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@@cassiekean9066 We just do what they did in the New Testament and there were no building costs in the New Testament. Just follow that pattern.
@michaelmerck7576 2 жыл бұрын
I had a preacher tell me I owed my tithe on a bounced payroll check I was given by an employer,he said I'd didn't matter that not only did I not get paid but ended up paying bounce check fees I incurred not knowing the check did not clear
@evelynrodriguez5036 2 жыл бұрын
You give from your heart. This happened to someone I know. She everything. And when she ask for help to put food on the table they closed the door on her. Sad
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@matthewdunn7321 2 жыл бұрын
Finally someone to tell the truth about tithing. most churches want every dollar you have!
@paulwiley777 2 жыл бұрын
Hagee preaches that tithing is connected to our salvation since not tithing is robbing God, and all thieves/robbers go to hell! This is actually a works salvation gospel!!
@ablancolista 2 жыл бұрын
100% correct. Tithing is a works-based salvation. People who tithe may be in danger of idolatry and losing salvation.
@paulwiley777 2 жыл бұрын
@@ablancolista Amen! If the tithers do trust in their tithing for salvation instead of Jesus alone for salvation, they are in danger of forfeiting salvation. They need to be careful for scriptures like Galatians 5:4 that gives us serious warnings about this. Blessings to you!
@janetoates7592 2 жыл бұрын
Ive herd horrible stories of ppl who donate to his church for years and when they we're desperate and needed money he couldn't help them at all
@heir_to_the_promise Жыл бұрын
The reason churches don’t, or can’t, help, is because of the 501(c)3 that they’re under. They are not allowed to give money to anyone in their congregation. If a church is found to violate the rules in that tax code, the state can come in and seize all of their assets. And I mean ALL. Their bank account, their chairs, audio equipment, etc. Everything that was purchased with tax free money. God bless
@samymulu7110 Жыл бұрын
@@heir_to_the_promise my church support the people who are in financial need. As far as the legality of it concerned I need to check.
@michaelmerck7576 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't help ,he certainly could
@michaelmerck7576 Жыл бұрын
@@heir_to_the_promise they can work around that by many different ways.i have had churches not help anyone who wasn't a church member so that is just an excuse to not help .the church can pay power bills for people in need because that is not directly given to a person.
@heir_to_the_promise Жыл бұрын
@@michaelmerck7576 They’d be breaking the law in doing so. And that’s my issue. Churches should have no involvement with government whatsoever. They surrender their church to the state by ways of that tax code. They can’t speak against minority groups such as homosexuals and Jews just as the Bible teaches. So if a “Pastor” says, “Homosexuals will go to Hell if they don’t repent” or “The Jews had Jesus crucified” that can be viewed as hate speech. That’s all written in that tax code. So why would a “Pastor” sign up for that? Money! To encourage his congregation to give and then write it off at years end. Also unbiblical.
@williambunter3311 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, brother. I love Israel and I used to subscribe and donate to Hagee's organisation - CUFI - for that reason, but cancelled it some months ago. I started to have grave misgivings when I regularly received their e mails, offering for sale calenders and candles and diaries etc., as if they were just another commercial enterprise with the name of Israel tagged on to their goods. Also I read somewhere that John Haggee said that being Jewish meant that one didn't have to believe in Christ to be saved. If he really teaches that, then he hasn't understood the scriptures. I always find it off-putting that Hagee sits on a huge throne-like chair on the platform when his son Matt. is preaching. Thanks again for your informative videos.
@Martjohnson 2 жыл бұрын
My brother I have not tithe for years and I’m also doing better than when I was tithing because I was not giving cheerfully but grudgingly because of the lies of this property pastors, shame on them their greed is being exposed!!!
@staycee5984 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for doing this video on John Hagee. My mom is real sick with cancer and my sister has been playing the "Healing Scriptures by John Hagee" and I heard him say "in the speaking of the word of God you release the electrifying power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave." and so I started to research him on you tube. Thank you.
@louettesommers8594 2 жыл бұрын
I’m very sorry about your mother. God bless her and may The Holy Spirit comfort her and your family sister.
@marthaabrams9062 2 жыл бұрын
Well the bible says his word is like a fire ,shut up in my bone,he said he sent his word and heal them,he said the word I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life, he said search the scriptures for in them you have life and life eternally, and they testify of me jesus, it's not what I believe, it's what the bible says, he says he hon his word above his name, jesus is lord and the word of God is life,he said I am the bread of life ,let my soul be fill with his word ,God bless, if above all things you hold to the word you will get great results, great peace, great revelation knowledge, I did it ,it's between you and this glorious word of God amen,
@marthaabrams9062 2 жыл бұрын
God be with you as you go thru this terrible time and give you peace, God bless stay safe,
@staycee5984 2 жыл бұрын
@@marthaabrams9062 thank you for the kind words. My Mom passed away on October 25 from cancer. She was saved.
@marthaabrams9062 2 жыл бұрын
@@staycee5984 soon soon we will all meet at jesus feet,mothers never really die ,they only keep home in the sky,cry your cry and grieve your grief but the lord will always heal a broken heart, I thought we would never heal from grieving, but I found out that God is a healer God bless you be at peace with your self,
@drtommywells9804 2 жыл бұрын
Right on man God bless you for uncovering these wicked hypocrite preachers
@myreewilliams8238 Жыл бұрын
Matthew 5:42 42 Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. Proverbs 19:17 17 He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given. Proverbs 28:27 27 He who gives to the poor will not lack, But he who hides his eyes will have many curses.
@keepitsimple4629 4 ай бұрын
I too quit tithing a few years ago, and now I donate my money to animal shelters and homeless shelters. I know I'm not 'robbing God', but my money is going directly to those in need. I tithed tens of thousands to the Mormon church, but found out they have a $100 billion 'slush fund' hidden from the rank and file. They say it's set aside for Christ's 2nd coming. Really??
@AlexEdfort 2 жыл бұрын
Really think you knocked this out of the park. 👍🏼
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Alex :)
@vinodsailesh5858 2 жыл бұрын
Pastor John Hagee you are so perfect. You are an annointed of God. Your homilies are in perfect consonance with the Holy Bible. It is because of your perfect propagation of the word of God that satan is around trying to vomit the satanic lies. Please keep it up. We believe in you not the satan.
@ruckanitepreacher5618 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind comment Vinod. I was going to bible college in the 1994 when I came home from work and since it was monday was had no class at the Criswell College in Dallas, TX. I turned on the TV and there was John Hagee preaching on giving to God. I realized that I was only throwing a few dollars per paycheck in the plate every time I got paid and I was convicted to my foundation through this sermon. I then realized that was the reason why I was having trouble making my money stretch far enough to cover my bills. I repented of my greed and stuborness and started tithing and then gave a little above the tithe starting the next sunday. I noticed almost immediately that i was no longer having trouble paying my bills! No I get didn't get rich or anything like that nor did I expect to but God has taken care of me through the years. I have wanted for nothing and haven't had any financial problems to speak of either. I pastor churches that run no more that 20-55 and no millionaire's to fund the work either just common ordinary working folk. In 25 yrs. and 4 churches I've never had to even ask for a raise there has always been enough plus a little more. I love to give to fund the missionaries and keep the work of God going and just to be obedient and I hope you do to. Bro. Mark from Arkansas
@tanyabonnette1796 2 жыл бұрын
I know what anointing is. I was raised in an AG pastors home. I’ve seen preachers anointed but also lived in sexual sin. I was propositioned by anointed preacher for sex and marriage, even tho he was married at the time. It was a shame and a disgrace. He had no shame about it all and said I needed to separate the preacher from the man. Wha!!!??? I asked him how he could do that with his anointing. He said Jimmy Swaggart did it!!! Well I said I love my relationship with Holy Spirit. I left that day his office where he was paying me to lead worship and play keyboard. My first time, but I couldn’t go back. It’s a long story what happened afterwards but just know he still has his church, even after his divorce and remarriage to someone else in the church. They just don’t understand how it could be true with that anointing he has to preach sing and prophecy. I’m sorry but I don’t trust people because they have an anointing. I’ve been around too long and experienced too much. I don’t believe in tithes under the new covenant but in following the Spirit as He leads to give what and to who He asks.
@tanyabonnette1796 2 жыл бұрын
And no one is perfect. Only Jesus was perfect.
@ruckanitepreacher5618 2 жыл бұрын
@@tanyabonnette1796 God Bless you for doing what was right and standing up against the whoremonger!
@ruckanitepreacher5618 2 жыл бұрын
@@tanyabonnette1796 That is so right.
@real_emeldah 2 жыл бұрын
Oh he just keeps the scriptures coming and not one of them is in context. His poor congregation 😭
@blacklove4125 2 жыл бұрын
some of those pastors are millionaires who does not believe in the scripture that says " by the sweating of our blood we shall eat bread " Paul says that " he dined with his hands daily to make the gospel of LORD JESUS CHRIST blameless "
@davidahart2476 2 жыл бұрын
It's all about their prosperity preaching garbage, Jesus never said following him would be easy. Everything has to do with God's grace and mercy, His will and timing.
@darlenewells3309 2 жыл бұрын
Most people are totally ignorant of history....the world has been POOR forever....look at the history of Europe...why did immigrants come to America and for them it was a very hard life. The poor will always be the majority! You are a much needed Truth teacher! Ty
@michaelalbertson7457 Жыл бұрын
Jesus said, the poor you will have with you always.
@eugeniajones1895 2 жыл бұрын
We are under the New Covenant, not the Old Covaent, Old Testament. It always bothered me that the church use the Old Testament scriptures to condemn believers to give. This is not of God. And i haven't tithed in over ten years and God has still blessed me. This preachers/ ministers, pastor etc will have to answer to the almighty. I still give, i give as God blesses me, and he tells me who to give to etc. We are the church not a building we are representatives of God in this world we are to be Salt and Light. Be Christ like. When Jesus died on the cross he did away with the old Covaent practices of tithing.
@wilnerlouissaint644 Жыл бұрын
I didn't know threre still honest people in the churches today until I saw this video. As a pastor, I have never still a penny from no one. In fact I give more to the people. With the Lord blessing, we took money on our house to buy a building. As a medical doctor, God sent patients and the center is finished paying. Thank to God, and you for teaching the truth in the name of the Lord.
@jerrykorkoskie763 9 ай бұрын
This is exactly what I am talking about. I posted earlier about this the kind of giving your talking. Most churches today associate giving just within the four walls of the church. I am not saying there aren't people who don't give outside of the church but the majority of the talk about giving is generally about giving to the church and I see nothing wrong with that but we have to start looking past the four walls of the church. The Apostle Paul talked about giving in the new testament. Solomon talked about giving and how to give in Ecclesiastes chapter 11. When giving I tell people the first thing is looking at our hearts and thinking about why we should be giving if our motivation is wrong on giving them we might as well throw it away. Then we have to look at to whom we are giving and why and we need to look at why we shouldn't expect to get repaid stuff like that. I am truly blessed. Last year my life was turned upside down but it didn't stop me from giving. I have been planting seeds of giving and I kept watering never stop planting seeds of giving and never stop watering. We wouldn't throw a seed in the ground and believe it will make it on its own we have to throw dirt on it and keep giving it water so it will survive thus the law of reaping what we sow. I'd been planting and sowing in people's lives for more than four years now and last year my life was turned completely upside down but man did I ever see God do so many awesome things in my life I still can't stop praising the Lord for what he did for me even though the people in my life destroyed it but definitely made up for more than what I lost. Thankyou Lord I praise your name big time!! Anyway your message is an encouragement to me I hope others will get on board and start giving not just in the church house but outside of the church Walls to
@llb2233 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for this video. I didn't realize this man was a false teacher too. Wow. I've seen some of his sermons and he always seemed angry.
@michaelmerck7576 2 жыл бұрын
All the prosperity preachers seem to carry an angry tone and loads of condemnation for those who withold.but the new testament teaches there is now no condemnation for those are in Christ Jesus
@stevenmclauchlan5472 2 жыл бұрын
“ God made a way for you to catch up, he has made a way to ketchup!” His God is his belly
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
It’s sure it!
@juliannavarro1318 Жыл бұрын
Jesus said it is better to give than to receive. We are to help the needy.
@karinhopkins6158 2 жыл бұрын
Show me who God is and then let us give HIM our tith, not to those who are unfaithful to their wife’s, divorce them so they can marry someone else they have a fancy for. That person is an unfaithful adulterer . He is not God. Our heart needs to look and give to those who are in need and bless them with gifts such as clothes they have no money for or whatever our hearts tell us to do. So let us all become more sensitive to the voice in our 💞
@maurinewoodson2599 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information because I have said often that you need to read the Bible for yourself and pray about it and he will continue to give you the answer you are looking for may God continue to bless each and everyone of you 🙏 😊 ☺
@marge3477 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Exodus 22 :22 and Isaiah 10:1-2 I have great grief for foolish people in these churches who are deceived and know not the truth of the word of God!
@tonyfrancesco3701 2 жыл бұрын
There are twenty verses on tithing and twenty verses on alms . When’s the last time you have heard any of them talk about Alms ? They want their portion now , instead of treasure in heaven They have no fear of God They ARE our modern day money changers , They profit off of the faithful I wonder who THEY tithe to ? His net worth , five million dollars, another multimillionaire preacher . What was it the Yeshua said , oh ya , feed my sheep Hagee looks well fed
@pauldsouza3770 5 ай бұрын
Nice brother please expose all these fake Preachers and fake healer. Let many more hear you and come out from all liars.God Lord Jesus give you brother more knowledge and understanding.
@stevenjarrell3748 2 жыл бұрын
Amen this truth was revealed to me in 1970 when I got saved I’ve taught it ever since but many people are in the stronghold on tradition and still give to theses scamming preachers they are in bondage to the old covenant law
@michaelmerck7576 2 жыл бұрын
Funny how most Baptist pastors can't get past the apostle Paul until it's time for the offering then all of a sudden you get the malachi verses about the bring tithes to the storehouse and if you don't tithe you are robbing God .no mention of this in context of the Jewish tithe was concerning the harvest of farm crops and forbid money to be used for this tithe.and fail to mention the Jewish tithe was only for the Jewish people to provide for the levites who were the priesthood.after Jesus became our high priests this tithe is not mentioned as part of the new covenant.giviing was encouraged but not required
@Jillian1stJohn3-9-10 Жыл бұрын
After my mother died on 2002 I got an inheritance so I had enough for a down payment for a house, and I made a hugh donation to a church I attendED for 12 Years that was having a Building Fund. A year or so later I had lost my job and I was about to lose my home. There was a major wind storm and my fence blew down, so it just needed to be reposed...for FREE! They had a Ministry called Matthew, Mark, Luke and Johnnie that helps people Repair their homes and cars. They told me that they couldn't help me, because the ministry was only to help people that are not saved, elderly, handicapped, or homeless. So fr 21 years my tithes only go to individuals that are in dire need. ~My entire family and I grew up in Church, but we were All complete Hypocrites. Since age 6 I was a victim of sex trafficking, so for 44 years I struggled with 4 multiple personality disorders. I tried therapy, counseling, medication, 12-step groups, prayer partners, etc. but nothing ever worked. The CHURCH was doing far more Damage than good. NO Pastor could ever explain why Jesus told That Adulterous Women: GO AND SIN "NO" MORE. They'd just say that we will all struggle with sin until the day we die. This made it pointless to truly even try, so I was about to commit suicide 5.5 years ago. ~I suddenly realized that it Only takes 1 day to LISTEN to the NT Bible. I did a lot of Bible studies, but I had never once read through my Bible before. Every sermon or Bible study always had us jumping all around to find verses that they were twisting out of context to try and make "their" point. Jesus warned us that the Churches would be FILLED with Wolves in sheep's clothing. I realized that Every single sermon that I had ever heard from Church or on the internet, etc was ticklinf my ears; they know that most Christians are way too Lazy to actually read the whole Bible for themselves. ~After finally reading the Bible, I was force to Examine everything I had ever believed from the church. I came across one verse, after another, after another that were all scaring the Hell right out of me. Lukewarm Churches will never preach anything from the book of 1st John. 1st John 3:9-10 says: 9. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them, they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10. This is how we KNOW who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!! 😬 In 1 Day Jesus healed my mind, body, soul & spirit. The Truth completely Set Me Free from ALL sin, so now I Know that I am Born Again. I can honestly testify that for 5.5 years now, I take Every thought Captive and make it Obedient to Christ, because in 1 Day I was Completely Set Free for from ALL: anger, alcohol, bag language, bitterness, codependency, depression, dressing sensually, drugs, fear, greed, guilt, homosexual thoughts, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, masturbation/pornography, rejection, self-harm, sexual thoughts, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, stress, temptations, unforgiveness, worry, etc... I found over 200 N.T. verses that are All giving the same Warning To Never Sin Again; proving who the Sheep and Goats are. Looking back now, I can see that I was under a Powerful Delusion to believe Satan's lies about OSAS. My ministry is simply asking people Please PUSH PLAY and Let the Truth Saved You!
@GI4JYT 2 жыл бұрын
That is the problem with these preachers who con the congregation, they do not really know how rightly to preach anything else except 'gimme gimme gimme', but they neglect those who are in real need because of their continual greed. Hagee gives the impression of being genuine because he mentions the 'Jews in prophecy' from time to time, but he does not really get that quite right either: remember the 'four blood moons'!
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
He is actually quite heretical. He says that Jesus never claimed to be the Jewish messiah.
@GI4JYT 2 жыл бұрын
@@iThinkBiblically I must have missed that one, but saying that does not surprise me. I'm dealing with an individual on Y.T. who denies the 'Godhead' (trinity) and says that I'm unbiblical.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@@GI4JYT Sounds like that guy is a clear false teacher!
@GI4JYT 2 жыл бұрын
@@iThinkBiblically Yes, I told him that, and he said that 'I was being rude to him' or words to that effect. I gave him scriptural proof and he came up with John 17:3 out of context to 'prove his point'. Hmmm!
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
@@GI4JYT I would say that since each person of the trinity is God, and there is only one God, then each person of the trinity can be referred to as the only true God. Therefore it’s perfectly fine Jesus to refer to the father as the only true God.
@dennismwangi3573 2 жыл бұрын
Praise God for this very in-depth scripture explanation. I'm glad I found this vid. Will definitely share this.
@ghislaingagnon Жыл бұрын
Wow, I am blown away at the audacity of calling some in his congregation thieves, and telling them that they are driving to church in stolen cars. I used to listen to this guy years ago, OH but for the grace of God to open my eyes. Dear Lord draw multitudes to hear this message and for their eyes to be open to the truth of your word.
@johnwagner409 Жыл бұрын
I have heard him also call people thieves who do not tithe. Disgusting.
@ravindrinrangasamy578 Жыл бұрын
I believe one as a christian should pay he's tithes in order for the church to help the poor,promote the gospel to the ends of the world etc not for pastors to live like celebrities...with all luxury items to there names ....and enriching them selves to the maximum ....depart from me u workers of iniquity
@michaelalbertson7457 Жыл бұрын
From sentence one, I never liked the tone of his voice, a superior minded sound, bordering on professorial arrogance. I didn't think it was of God. He was too carnal to me. And wrong in some of his suppositions. Never listened to him much at all. The blood moon thing showed me he was a false prophet, for sure.
@kingsoren2010 Жыл бұрын
Give to the needy, not to the greedy.
@uthmanabiolu4497 2 жыл бұрын
God bless your heart for breaking down this bible verses on giving as so many pastors have misquote same for their selfish gain. I am going to forward this upload to as many people that I can and I have instantly subscribed to your channel.
@iThinkBiblically 2 жыл бұрын
Amen! Thanks bro :) You a former Muslim? Just looking at your name?
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