Jordy I’m innocent….

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5 ай бұрын

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@artlover9217 5 ай бұрын
All i know is Luna was rude to me during her Livestream and all i did was talk about something food related that I do personally. It wasnt offensive or gross or anything. And she was super rude. I have Always been supportive of her and commenting nice things on her channel..but then I get this
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
Timestamp please….
@artlover9217 5 ай бұрын
@@wolfgangproductions7402 i don't have a time stamp. It was from your Livestream. It doesn't even matter anymore. But you lost a subscriber bc of it. The only reason I commented on this clip is bc I saw Jodrdys name and wanted to see what it was about.
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
@@artlover9217 well I am never rude to anyone and if you don’t provide timestamp this is a false accusation
@GemmiRise 5 ай бұрын
Think they meant the 'other' Luna...Luna Sinclair, I think their name is?
@GemmiRise 5 ай бұрын
Wait, just read folded comments on this...maybe I'm wrong, then? my bad.
@melisamongoose 9 күн бұрын
As someone who has a big butt and a relatively small waist... It's hard to find jeans that fit me. I like to opt for stretchy mom jeans and shorts are a nightmare. When I find jean shorts that fit I hold onto them for dear life.
@livingmorganism 5 ай бұрын
Girl you know that's not all you said...
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
Go scroll to another channel stop bullying me for freedom of speech…..
@livingmorganism 5 ай бұрын
@@wolfgangproductions7402 youtube is a private company and can choose what speech they allow. No one has broken TOS and no one is bullying you. If you'd take even a shred of accountability people would probably be a lot more forgiving.
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
@@livingmorganism I’m innocent all I said was wow she got some wide hips and all the people who were defending me from the bullying their messages were deleted by Sam she’s a trigger happy mod ….
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
@@Liz_in_the_OC please stop bullying me go scroll to another channel thx
@DickFlower-du5px 5 ай бұрын
​@@Liz_in_the_OCfr and the excuse that jordy's channel is about weight is complete bs. not once has jordy ever said a word about their weights, it's entirely about their behavior.
@terrifiorelli9819 5 ай бұрын
Personally, there were a lot of heavy set gals in tight dresses. Good or bad, who cares. I guess now days you can’t say anything without someone getting butt hurt. The feed was ridiculous. Stay positive, no worries. Love how you get the videos for us all to see.
@LOVEEEVEEY 5 ай бұрын
I know people are so sensitive it is so ridiculous.
@mwallontherun 5 ай бұрын
I remember back in the 90s I said the word ‘Marijuana’ at work. My fellow employees were shocked and one shushed me, to save me from some unknown danger. I have to laugh thinking back on it now. Times are constantly changing, and things that are taboo to talk about go in and out of fashion. Seems like it’s still okay to critique people’s teeth. 🤔
@susieogle9108 3 ай бұрын
About wide hips: Way back in the 1900's, being told you have wide hips, it wasn't really meant as an insult. Especially if it was a male saying it to a female. Some men out there would say it was like a natural instinct to be attracted to a woman who could handle giving birth to his future babies. I know that sounds crazy to some people, lol! But it is what it was. Most of them were just pointing out that they liked what they saw. Now if someone called someone a fatso? That would be shaming/offensive, in my opinion. Give it another 20 - 30 years - One may find themselves being shunned and publicly humiliated for saying something that is currently considered tame in 2024. And honestly, with the way things are going with AI, potential AGI, etc? We could end up living in a world where we miss the good ole days, when we took for granted that we positively knew we were conversing and interacting with another human. Maybe that will the future offensive chatter? In 2024, I am pretty sure if you told someone they were acting like a robot, or looked like one, nobody would clutch their pearls and look at you with disgust. But who knows in 2052 - Maybe that will eventually be considered a vile thing to say by the younger generation in that time.
@AdeDueDamballa. 5 ай бұрын
I don’t understand how, for these people, its fine to call out how unhealthy being underweight is but once you say something about fat people all hell breaks loose and they start having a meltdown. You said the lady needs to lose weight, how is that any different from people in chat saying eugenia needs to gain weight? The lady you were talking about in the dress was overweight, when she turned to the side you could see her visceral fat gut, i’m gunna point that out just like i point out eugenias bones. Being overweight is damn unhealthy just like being underweight is, i absolutely am calling that shit out.
@AdeDueDamballa. 5 ай бұрын
@@Liz_in_the_OC how am i ignoront when i am well aware of the unhealthiness that is being fat? Being overweight and having excess visceral fat is absolutely unhealthy, why does it need to be ‘anywhere near’ underweight levels? It’s not a competition. And thin people are absolutely discriminated against, not as much as fat people but is it a competition? We have an obesity pandemic and people who claim ‘health at every size’ which is fat logic bs. How come you feel you have a right to point out underweight people but i don’t have a right to point out overweight people. Idgaf what some random online thinks of me in real life being overweight will always be seen as unhealthy because thats what it is. Keep being ignorant to health honey 💁‍♀️ You can cry and stomp your feet all you want i ain’t stopping ❤️
@rewindradiouk 5 ай бұрын
For all those that are trying to 'Guilt Shame' others for having an opinion, what makes you any better ? Fat Shame, Body Shame , how does that work unless you are saying it to that someone that can respond or see your comments. When did these words become the thing, to attack someone just because you don't like their views. If you don't like what someone is saying, unless it's about you personally, then move on. No need for all this vitriol.
@rewindradiouk 5 ай бұрын
Have you any idea how ridiculous you are sounding right now, over a comment on social media that has hurt your feelings and got you so triggered, that you think that preaching your ideology is going to make you relevant ? I'm sure you will get over your ruined live Jordy stream. You don't know my age or experience of life, so leave your judging at the door as well as your silly comments. Thank You @@Liz_in_the_OC
@BooksAndChocolate 5 ай бұрын
​@@Liz_in_the_OCNothing more entertaining than people getting offended in someone's else's behalf. Keep commenting, I love reading these
@wandadawnmiller1552 5 ай бұрын
People also need to understand that there's generational differences as well. I was in that chat, but didn't see the initial comment from Luna. I said several times to the chat "calm down." You really can't say anything in today's world without being canceled. Hell, I got kicked out of a non-profit because I was chairing a work group and we were doing a presentation that required members to attend a meeting if they wanted to participate. That's not unusual, right? WRONG! The bipoc members accused me of "racism" yet wouldn't explain what I did that was "racist." I'm 57 and have never been called "racist" before. I've had friends and worked with diverse people all my life. I think people are just overly sensitive nowadays.
@traceymitchell6619 5 ай бұрын
I agree with that, my old neighbour was terrible. Every time I saw her she would say I wasn't half putting on the beef and I wasn't even that big lol. Back in the day we didn't have all these snowflakes, people said it as it is, no filters. These days everyone is offended by everything, they wouldn't last 5 minutes back then.
@Unit68 5 ай бұрын
Which Jordy livestream and where on its timeline did this happen?
@Berryations 5 ай бұрын
The tik tok ebegging awards
@Unit68 5 ай бұрын
@@Berryations thanks. Any idea where in the stream timeline this happened?
@Unit68 5 ай бұрын
@@Liz_in_the_OC thanks. I've viewed it now and it seems to be a storm in a tea cup.
@CupcakeTheQueen 5 ай бұрын
I'll always support you and mickjagger no matter what 😊❤ People can go fly a kite.
@jesusistheonlyway-xy9sj 5 ай бұрын
Hey the truth hurts some people can't handle the truth! You was just speaking true facts! I wouldn't give it a 2nd thought if i were you! Faa get about it! 👍🏻😃👍🏻💚💚
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
Well said
@mary-melissatyree4003 5 ай бұрын
The larger lady dress was pretty but seemed tight she kept holding the bottom up. She had wide hips (that is just truth) not offensive. Both ladies were very pretty. What is the problem. Lay off LunA,
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
Thank you
@mifo2671 5 ай бұрын
I have a fat ass and smaller waist and it is hard to find pants.
@AdeDueDamballa. 5 ай бұрын
The woman had a visceral fat gut when she turned to the side you could see it. That shit is unhealthy.
@CupcakeTheQueen 5 ай бұрын
Same 😂 I have to buy extra stretch pants so my phat ass fits hahahahah
@CupcakeTheQueen 5 ай бұрын
Really? I'll have to check out that brand 🙂 Thanks.
@GreenLeaves35 5 ай бұрын
She looked gorgeous 🤷🏼‍♀️
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
All I said was she had wide hips….
@AdeDueDamballa. 5 ай бұрын
She had excess visceral fat on her stomach, that shit is deathly unhealthy. Calling her gorgeous makes you the same as those people that call eugenia gorgeous.
@trgiun 5 ай бұрын
You seem to be the one that assumes wide hips are unattractive. It’s just an observation and Wolfgang didn’t even insinuate that it was a negative trait. Introspect
@traceymitchell6619 5 ай бұрын
Bunch of snowflake enablers these days, state the obvious and people get all offended. These same people who say you are body shaming are also the ones saying Eugenia is too skinny, is that not body shaming too? I don't watch Jordy much anymore. He was fun to watch at first but now it's all lives for the money and his content drags on for hours. It's got boring.
@trgiun 5 ай бұрын
They’re obsessed if they care this much. Everybody wants to critique everyone else’s behavior and “call them out” even tho they’re complete strangers to you with their own lives to be worrying about
@LOVEEEVEEY 5 ай бұрын
They act like jordy can do no wrong 😂😂😂
@VioletsvisionsCat 5 ай бұрын
Yeah. Hypocrites abound. Don’t worry about them. Talk to Jordy. It’s there in black n white. You did nothing wrong. I mean, look at the channels content. For crying out loud 😂
@VioletsvisionsCat 5 ай бұрын
@@Liz_in_the_OC if that’s the case, then the whole of Jordys content is body shaming. There’s a difference though. It’s all in the context. Stating an obvious point, is a lot different than teasing someone.
@VioletsvisionsCat 5 ай бұрын
@@Liz_in_the_OC in all honesty, Jordys chat runs fast, so if I missed actual meanness, then I can’t really comment to that.
@sinjinmonsoon9055 5 ай бұрын
Un modded for that?? How is it body shaming for her but not Eugenia.
@mifo2671 5 ай бұрын
I love you and Jordy
@---CASEY--K--- 5 ай бұрын
I was in the live chat with you. I agreed with you. I think a couple of unhealthy women in the chat got offended and were like a dog with a bone, they just wouldnt let it go. Don't stress over it💗
@AdeDueDamballa. 5 ай бұрын
I literally saw one person in chat say ‘wow so Wolfgang shows her true colours tonight’, and if you zoomed in on her pp she had a huge double chin. Fat people hate seeing anything that confirms to them that they’re unhealthy but they’ll be the first to point at an underweight person.
@---CASEY--K--- 5 ай бұрын
@@Liz_in_the_OC Gosh you've commented on at least 3 of Jordy's videos about this. Move on🤦‍♀️
@---CASEY--K--- 5 ай бұрын
@@LucyStormbringerLastic I was agreeing with Wolfgangs freedom of speech. The women were overweight. I'm not offended by anything. I just think people need to move on already!
@cleste3935 5 ай бұрын
@LOVEEEVEEY 5 ай бұрын
These people would faint If they heard the body shaming that ACTUALLY went on for us Millennials growing up. Not sure why they would even be saying anything when Jordys entire channel is about peoples bodies. LMAL! "Oh no it's not" OOOKKKAAAYYYY!! Theyre just hating on you girl. Let hate and be jealous. They want him to cut ties but dont realize half of his videos lately are because you have the content. People are soooooo dumb. Dont give them anymore of your attention. Much love ❤❤❤❤ edit: and keep being you! Never change for anyone! ❤
@moongoddess9862 5 ай бұрын
A lot of Jordy"s community is unfortunately quite toxic All they do is be cruel to the people he covers and encourage negative attitude towards them I dont think Jordy was that bad at first but they are egging him on to be cruel
@wandadawnmiller1552 5 ай бұрын
I don't agree. I think a lot of Jordy's commentary is thoughtful and insightful. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But, that doesn't mean he's "toxic."
@Berryations 5 ай бұрын
@@Laur-TheRealist27 nope I thought so too but he’s not, he a sudeointellectual and lets his chat sway his opinion. Like saying Gypsy roses mom and Deb are a like is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard. GR mom literally had feeding tubes put in that girl and pulled out her teeth.
@Berryations 5 ай бұрын
@@Laur-TheRealist27 nope I’m in tons of lives and Jordy’s is the most toxic please be a little more discerning
@Rebek588 5 ай бұрын
I saw the comment and you said nothing wrong, do not worry. Some people just love the drama.
@livingmorganism 5 ай бұрын
There was wayyy more than one comment
@BooksAndChocolate 5 ай бұрын
If someone is offended by a comment like that, they don't feel good in their body. Period. If they believed in "body positivity" they wouldn't care. Everyone offended by a stranger's comment maybe needs to raise their self-esteem.
@Berryations 5 ай бұрын
Jordy’s chat is toxic. His first or second EC live I sent him an email about how toxic it was when he kicked someone out bc a few squeaky wheels cried about it. About a month later he finally addressed my email in a live and shamed me. Shamed me for writing so much, for being old (which I’m not and there was no way for him to know my age, so that was weird), laughed at how someone would care so much to write a wall of text which he wasn’t going to read…. Jordy feeds into his toxic chat to be a good time guy, so his seemingly introspective attitude is a complete farce. I was in this chat you said nothing wrong and the cry babies kept at it bc they have no chill and Jordy won’t just say if you don’t like what someone says block them or since you were a mod tell them to grow up. The cry babies want ppl to be ostracized and blocked from the conversations rather than just blocking ppl themselves bc they are bullies not bc they care. Jordy pretends to want free and open conversations but does nothing to affiliate that in his lives. Just be thankful bc this was the first time I saw ppl defending someone and it’s probably bc you were a mod, most of the time anyone who upsets that cry babies gets relentlessly bullied and no one comes to there defense. So please don’t make this just about you, it’s a bigger issue.
@LOVEEEVEEY 5 ай бұрын
I totally believe everything you just said! I've seen a post on Reddit from a couple YEARS ago. That people were unhappy with Jordy because his head was getting so big. I was on a whole different creators KZfaq and seen Comments about Jordy, how he doesn't care about his community, head getting too big, and was never genuine. I Ended up having an actual discussion in the chats With this lady (remember this was on someone else's page!!!) I agreed With some of the things she was talking about. And other people chimed in and were feeling the same way. Two days later, he said ALMOST word for word EXACTLY what one of my comments said. Then he laughed, rolled his eyes, and said something like (paraphrasing) People are saying my head is getting too big And I don't make content anymore. I've been watching him for over a year now And I am starting to see the changes in him and not in a good way! If people were saying this 2-3 years ago... wow!!! There's a difference between gaining confidence and a following VS just becoming egotistical because you've earned a following. He always says remember your roots Foodie, remember your roots Amberlynn... he should start taking his own advice. Sorry for the long message. BTW he deletes almost every comment I post now. Especially if they're very personal and meaningful yup gone deleted
@LOVEEEVEEY 5 ай бұрын
Sorry one more thing i meant to say Was about deleting the comments... Remember when he used to say oh we can all help each other... We can all learn and grow from one another. Share your experiences in the chat. We're all here for each other. This is a beautiful community. That was when he started deleting my comments anything that was meaningful and personal gets deleted immediately. It's just kind of funny that. He said something to you about your message being too long, Can't believe you took your time to write that... hmm the correlation between the two is kind of interesting to me. And those girls who kept encouraging him to keep singing..... 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 and he's been doing it 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@mettle56 5 ай бұрын
@JoMomma1970 4 ай бұрын
I ❤️ you both!!
@MaryMDoyle 5 ай бұрын
You stated the obvious. The problem arises when women fail to understand their body shapes and what clothes suit them. There are four body shapes, athletic, hourglass, pear and apple for women, we're naturally curvy creatures and not every style of clothes suits us. Someone should have advised the young woman that an empire line gown would have been perfect for her as the fabric would have flowed from under the bust. The other girl in the red dress has the athletic shape so her choice was right for her. I also have to fault designers as they all design the same thing over and over again these days based off the athletic form.
@Berryations 5 ай бұрын
Jordy thinks hate speech is a real thing, he’s lost all credibility with me.
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
@stacefacemarie stop bullying me
@trgiun 5 ай бұрын
@@stacefacemarie no it’s not 😭😭😭 log OFFFFF clowns
@trgiun 5 ай бұрын
@@stacefacemarie KZfaq is a censorship cess pool. Tf you think that proves?
@jennifernieznajko1911 5 ай бұрын
They use a garter for waist. It old fashion way for dress have watch Titanic movie .
@mandalynn4571 5 ай бұрын
In some peoples mind one makes a comment and boom they think your body shaming someone, I would suggest those people look up the meaning of body shaming someone before they go and make any type of accusations about a comment you made. The ones who come on here and make accusations take yourself elsewhere and stop with your ridiculous nonsense and false accusations. The next time I ever come back on here and see such I will not hesitate to remove you and comments from here. Enough is Enough of this kind of thing kind of thing on here. Luna you did nothing wrong and said nothing wrong...
@wolfgangproductions7402 5 ай бұрын
Ya all hating on me are like wash women lol
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