Just Let Poor People Die Already! | Against Medical Advice 015

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7 жыл бұрын

A discussion of the ongoing legislative debate on health care. Are we even asking the right questions?
We explore a health care practitioner revolution that would fix health care once and for all.

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@mauragrier6958 7 жыл бұрын
"We do a lot of things to patients but not for patients" YES YES AND YES
@kimjones246 7 жыл бұрын
What about having a pharmacist in primary care offices? We are highly trained and can form relationships with patients by helping them take their meds properly and encouraging them to change their habits. We can give vaccinations, help with smoking cessation, resolve drug interactions, monitor opioids through PMP, etc. In my opinion, pharmacists are highly trained and extremely underutilized. Instead of joining the healthcare team, we go into retail to count pills and never have time to practice patient care at the top of our license. In addition, insurance companies offer lots of money to giant retail drugstores for pharmacists to call physicians to change meds, change doses, change rxs to 90 day instead of 30 day, etc. Physicians should employ pharmacists to do this in their practices and keep all of this money from insurance companies for themselves AND improve patient outcomes! P.S. I'm for hire 😉
@jupeter24 5 жыл бұрын
you have a great attitude, an employer would be happy to have you. I agree, Pharmacists are so important in healthcare! And Overworked!
@margiestasik8788 4 жыл бұрын
Everything is about having the "codes" to charge for your services. What needs to occur is Medicare setting mandats that education needed and from pharmacists. Small private practices could not afford your services- that is why payment codes necessary without charge to patients. I've cared for too many patients that did start or continue medications due to cost. When administration investigated new computer services, I requested an APP or service that automatically determines cost based on individual patients insurance. The physoan and or pharmacist can then assist patient for alternative medications. The fact that physicians are pressed to spend 10 to 15 minutes with each patient makes their job difficult. After office visit I receive Emails enquiring regards to wait time. I either lie or ignore the email. 15 minutes for new or complex Patientsis insufficient!!!! You would would be valuable. If Medicare has not emphasized need for studies that will focus on decreased hospitalizations and decreased end organ injury with medication compliance issue. If they had, where is the proof assisting patients and PCP/Specialists? Sorry, venting. I have worked at teaching facility ICUs that employed Pharmacists to round with the "group" and provide input and additional education. I was spoiled
@dancinkayley 6 жыл бұрын
26:19 okay I can't speak for Europe, but I live in Australia (which has universal healthcare) and I have NEVER had to wait a year to see a bulk-billed (i.e. government-funded) GP. If I want to see a particular doctor at my university health care centre, the worst I've had to wait is like a week or two and that's because I've been fussy with the times, like not wanting to schedule an appointment during a time when I had a class. On the other end of the scale, I once got an appointment at my local clinic for 2 hours after I booked it, and I could've chosen an even earlier appointment if I wanted to had I not been too sick to drive myself (I had to wait for a lift). That being said, maybe I'm just lucky with the prevalence of bulk-billed clinics where I live.
@jasonchumley532 7 жыл бұрын
This topic is at the top of how best to dispense healthcare. Thanks Zdog for covering it and opening up a discussion.
@scottredlin1158 6 жыл бұрын
I have been studying this for years, first as a nurse, now as an administrator. Health care in the U.S. is expensive because of government regulations (HIPAA, JCAHO etc), big insurance companies, big pharma, the AMA and supply side reduction of care and American perceptions of qualiry care. The solution? A system like France uses. Private health insrance companies, copays for patients, Drs responsible for outcomes. But to make it work our Government will have to make tough decisions that may mame them unpopular in the next election. Like budget cuts.
@wolfjackle 7 жыл бұрын
For the first time in my entire life, I actually feel optimistic about the future of health care in this country. Thank you ZDogg. If you ever send out a call to people to help advocate at DC or something, I will be there.
@daveblackmoto 6 жыл бұрын
This is possibly the most important KZfaq video I've seen in a long time.
@FreeFreePLSTINE 6 жыл бұрын
"The older I get the more I see the balance." Thank you from CO!
@juliannebullock8311 7 жыл бұрын
YESSSS make primary care sexy again!!! I wanna see all the incoming milennial docs rise up and take over healthcare!
@brittanygancarz2475 7 жыл бұрын
One thing you didn't touch on that I would love to hear you weigh in on is women's health. I am a healthy adult women, but one of the biggest medical expenses I see looming in my future is pregnancy and childbirth. Normal, uncomplicated hospital childbirth in the US costs a lot of money, never mind the cost of prenatal care and ultrasound. If insurance didn't exist, and I had to foot these expenses myself, I have sort of the ideal situation to do that (I have a job and stable income, I'm married, my husband's income would contribute, I could save for a planned pregnancy), but many women in the US are not in such a situation. Would love to hear your thoughts on maternal & fetal healthcare and its costs.
@ashleydesa9953 7 жыл бұрын
Actually not really, most costs I've seen is around 10 grand. If you can't afford that, don't have children because children themselves are far more expensive than their medical bills without insurance help.
@brittanygancarz2475 7 жыл бұрын
Even in my stable aforementioned situation, I consider ten thousand dollars at one time to be a lot of money. And it wouldn't be a ten thousand dollar deduction from the cost of raising a child, it would be in addition to it! In society at large, saying, "Don't have children" or "You can't afford to have children" does not keep people from having children.
@carolheaton1584 6 жыл бұрын
And, of course, any time women's health care comes up, it seems like access to birth control and to abortion become the focus. You won't be able to hold a reasonable discussion of women's health care through all the shouts of the anti-choice crowd and they will stonewall any plan that would provide for "their tax dollars" going toward either of those two things.
@skyhoward2050 6 жыл бұрын
carol Heaton THIS. And people (men actually voting on these ridiculous bills) disregard the fact that birth control is NOT just for not getting pregnant but also a lifeline for many women with hormonal issues..and preventative care doesnt mean were all running to get unneeded services! A LOT of womens health issues are not a focus of even doctors (ob gyn included) and to get proper, informed care beyond "hmm, sounds like you're just having pms, heres another birth control to try that should help!" You have to insist on testing that insurance doesn't cover or seek out an endocrinologist who has a deep understanding of hormones that is considered specialty care and also needs to be fought to cover by the insurance that we pay massive amounts for! I wish that more people gave a shit about womens health and were open to educating themselves instead of assuming that preventative care for women isn't important, women who choose to have children magically have $30,000 to pay the hospital bills associated with birth because some hidden master list decided that the cost is fair (?!), and all of the rest of womens health is basically just abortions. You're spot on!
@amypulsipher6456 6 жыл бұрын
I love Tom!! I currently pay more in healthcare for my family of three completely healthy individuals than I do for rent. There is something fundamentally wrong about that. I basically throw away $1100 a month.
@whitneyw.7919 4 жыл бұрын
Would you rather be alive or have a house? If it's the former on a societal level, then makes sense why you'd pay more for that.
@08fighter08 6 жыл бұрын
I like this open discussion. I studied this in my masters program and wondered why people are not held accountable for their actions in healthcare. I would like to think that we (U.S) are a generous society that would take care of the sick and elderly willingly, but only if the majority of them stopped doing dangerous or unhealthy habits. There needs to be a way to prevent the onset of chronic diseases, measure outcomes, and fix social healthcare programs.
@chloet182 6 жыл бұрын
As a chronically I'll 24 year old who's been incubated in ITU ..3...4...times i can't agree with the title more!! After the last time I kinda decided I NEVER want to do this again the only reason I haven't made precautions is it would crush my parents who have held my hand through surgeries..they have been told to say goodbye multiple times so I suffer to make them happy. Even though after my brain surgery I was bed-bound for only a couple weeks in a wheelchair for a year it was fucking your true and the idea of people spending YEARS in this state unable to communicate their wishes or like me don't to appease others is TORTURE . I live in a country with free healthcare (never perfect but I am eternally grateful) I can't imagine being 20 spending months in a coma barley surviving fighting through pain all to spend the rest of your life being chased for money !!
@tiburoncivic 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a CPhT at a major hospital. You just put everything that we see into words.
@lancecucumber2804 4 жыл бұрын
I just stumbled across your channel from your stars wars coldplay parody. I have 20 years in healthcare finance and I loved this video. You are clearly very passionate and informed and I have been sharing your channel with my fellow nerds, colleagues and peers. I very much appreciate your work not only with patients but also this channel.
@mariekatherine5238 5 жыл бұрын
Agree, anything the govt. takes over is a disaster. But it's pretty bad when a fulltime worker can't afford to see a doctor. I try to educate myself to prevent poor health. I used to be able to afford basic care self-pay. In northern NY state, there were rural clinics run by a physician, staffed by P.A.s, RNs. The M.D. would be there 1-2 days per week. A routine checkup was $10. Vaccines, routine tests and procedures were on a sliding scale. They closed down the clinics down under the Clinton administration.
@mariekatherine5238 5 жыл бұрын
Just found this site. Let me gripe. I make $35,500 before taxes, federal, NY state, NYC. 2/3 of my income goes to rent. I make too much to be eligible for any assistance. Since Affordable ? healthcare, my salary has gone down. (To pay for employees insurance) My yearly deductible has gone from $350 to $2,500. Co pays for PCP, spefialists, ER from $20, $35, $150 to $60, $100, $350. I used to pay $30 month for prescriptions, gone up to $120 month. All but prescriptions are included in the deductible. Result? I don't go to doctor unless illness brings me there. I'm worse off than before. I've already faced the fact that I will die younger than my wealthier peers. What I have now IS major medical, however, since I can't afford basic care, I'm more likely to need the major medical.
@cnbrauns 5 жыл бұрын
You deserve more subscribers. Your channel is awesome!! Thank you for all the great content
@BhutanBluePoppy 6 жыл бұрын
1. Surgeon General Everett Koop (Conservative) thought there were 3 kinds of care that should be provided as a matter of course: preventive, catastrophic and emergency. People could then opt for insurance according to their wishes & and ability to pay. That was a good idea that never went anywhere, due to entrenched interests/lobbyists - AMA being one of the largest back then. 2. Oregon proposed what I thought was a sensible plan to spend their limited MedicAid dollars: Subject all procedures, meds, etc to cost:benefit analysis. Available funds get allocated to the care that has a good benefit: cost ratio. All the other myriad meds, procedures, etc that are lower on the list - are not covered. As I recall, President Bush put the kibosh on that good idea. I appreciate your positive, yet realistic and well-informed views.
@CodyStephensEvoTrainer 7 жыл бұрын
I'm far outside the PCP space, but I work closely with many. My area in my state (Louisiana), is getting less and less healthy, and as a personal trainer, I have little influence. Is there a way to incorporate pure client-side behavior change into the HealthCare 3.0 idea space?
@kimjones246 7 жыл бұрын
I got an idea... let's think outside of the box... how about hiring a pharmacist into your practice?! We can help monitor outcomes and there's already a base of care that we can use as a starting point for measuring. You guys get the grant, then, stick some pharmacists into the primary care offices, measure outcomes (as a team), publish some papers (as a team), CHANGE HEALTHCARE!!!! Done and Done. Thank You. (Takes a bow 🙇)
@karendalsadik7119 6 жыл бұрын
What does health insurance have to do with getting back to work? Medicaid recipients are supposed to be working?
@fry6344 7 жыл бұрын
I love this show. Never stop using the force of medicine
@BandiGetOffTheRoof 7 жыл бұрын
Great insight into healthcare. I worked on both sides as Blue Cross and for a hospital. One point I didn't hear...with the fairly weak mandate, people can pay the fine, then if they develop a chronic condition, they can jump on a plan during open enrollment, and start paying premiums that most likely will be less than what the insurance carrier pays out in claims (depending on the severity of course) If you really wanted to play the system, a single person could get married and not even have to wait until Nov. Extreme? Yes, but so is life threaten illness and/or sky high premiums.
@bethdueitt899 6 жыл бұрын
My relative worked in a nursing home into her 90s to start I.V.s. She only worked there because the new Hospital Adm. Told her she was to old to work in the hospital anymore. We live in a rural town.
@m.mickeypayne9811 3 жыл бұрын
So I am watching this in November 2020, is it better or worse now in your section of the USA ?
@BandiGetOffTheRoof 7 жыл бұрын
Don't get me started on Medicaid "Reform" more like, let's see if we can make this any more complicated, and say now people have more choices. In Florida, the state actually paid rewards for benes keeping their free doctors appointment, in the form of a $15 (as I recall) credit at drug stores. BTW, Florida didn't expand Medicaid...something the Democrats probably didn't think any state would turn down. As far as paying docs to keep their members healthy, that's what HMOs do with a PMPM capitation. Guess what?... ours primary docs (some) used to send any and every procedure that wasn't an E&M code out to a specialist because"they didn't get paid any more for that" Sorry for jumping around topics.
@marybethleaton9105 7 жыл бұрын
could not agree more - that this is simply insurance reform . additionally the attempts to improve quality through medicare value based purchasing and outcomes has simply increased the check the box documentation to for the healthcare provider.. and is squeezing the hospitals to focus on this rather then actual population health.
@therebel1375 7 жыл бұрын
I send this video to one of my state senators. Zdogg batting at the big leagues! awesome video let's change the country for the better!
@bugga179 5 жыл бұрын
I wish I could figure insurance out...it baffles me. I have “pre-existing conditions” from birth and come from a struggling family. I was on Medicare growing up to get the care I needed. I just wish it was AFFORDABLE. I’d be happy to pay if it was affordable. But everything is so expensive. I can see surgeries being the priciest...but do good by patience by making it a reachable price with decent payment plans, or coverage by an insurer. I am curious though about your talk, what about people who are born with “pre-existing conditions”?What counts as “minimal necessary care” for them? Would it differ like levels of minimal care?
@andiward7068 5 жыл бұрын
Statistics are relationships between numbers, not the actual numbers. Statistics aren't manipulated, just reframed. 6 = 2×3 & 5+1 & 7-1 so whichever framing expresses the number in a favorable context is what is used.
@thepanda1044 Жыл бұрын
I'll die before I see a doctor.
@TheBlackMage3 7 жыл бұрын
What are outcomes that we can measure in primary care and how do we enforce them? I see you said AI, but I don't think this is feasible at this point (maybe in the future). I've heard things like reducing physician reimbursement if they don't meet blood pressure goals, a1c goals, etc. However, this seems like an extremely flawed system. It reduces physician and patient autonomy in tailoring treatment to a patient's particular needs. It also creates disincentive to taking "difficulty patients" who may not follow through with treatment regiments or need extra education. Also, my area already has a lack of primary care physicians. A lot of them are moving over to concierge medicine options. I don't see how expanding coverage will improve access unless we somehow also get more primary care providers.
@jamie_8018 7 жыл бұрын
TheBlackMage3 yes!!! the amount of people I see that are frequent flyers because they're non compliant. that's my biggest pet peeve. you have people on disability for whatever reason, they're non compliant in their treatment and end up in the hospital constantly. so not only are our tax dollars going to pay for treatment they're not compliant with but our tax dollars are also going to pay for this person to continue being on disability because they're not doing what they should. it's so frustrating
@ZDoggMD 7 жыл бұрын
Stay tuned, we'll be doing whole future shows devoted to exactly this topic.
@virtualensaniti2824 2 жыл бұрын
My response to what about people abusing the system. What about Drs and big pharma and insurance companies that are abusing the people or each other? This is a tough one but something does need to be done. Since this whole pandemic and everything since this was posted... Our whole government, insurance, judicial system, etc need to be remodeled.
@clancywiggum3198 7 жыл бұрын
AI sounds like a panacea until you see things like AI that direct police forces to focus attention on neighborhoods full of minorities rather than necessarily high crime areas because the training data is bad. The AI that's available is pretty basic, it looks for patterns in the data provided and uses those patterns. Give it biased training data and you'll get biased results.
@bigscarybaldguy1429 7 жыл бұрын
If President Trump invited you to meet with Congress to discuss your ideas, would you take that opportunity?
@FearIsaLiar 7 жыл бұрын
Big Scary Bald Guy great idea
@skyhoward2050 6 жыл бұрын
That would require dumdum to actually want any intelligent input on ways to actually benefit citizens who aren't billionaires..
@Laudanum-gq3bl 5 жыл бұрын
@ZDoggMD, do you know that an ad from David Avocado Wolfe precedes this video? (At least for some of us.) 🤣🤣🤣
@PetsNPatients 4 жыл бұрын
Ok Z, then is weight the biggest factor in elective joint replacement ???? And sugar in Bariatric surgery, they hate Keto...
@mike-ner6645 6 жыл бұрын
Great idea but don't think it would work zdoggmd. I think a duel system would work better.
@dancechica 6 жыл бұрын
Why not just go to the urgent care? I had Medicaid while I was in school and i rarely used it
@christinasefton4839 4 жыл бұрын
Most rich claim to make nothing on their taxes so that they don’t pay the taxes which pay...your salary! Then the name dropping. We are short staffed because someone needs the money more than me and I should wait hand and foot one one vs others. We treat everyone the same no cue jumping should be occurring. Then the visitors show up to Bragg for the patient about the patients money and what all their kids are doing that they can’t be bothered with their parents.
@thevine2010 7 жыл бұрын
Zdogg, your idea sounds very similar to what they have in South America (Argentina specifically...). Basically, top 10% get access to the private system (or those that have access to a union) while the rest get government healthcare. jdc.jefferson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1020&context=ph
@UHFStation1 5 жыл бұрын
Age reversing and regenerative medicines I believe will do a lot. Most disease is age related. We need to know why this death thing happens. The body will do the work if you can invigorate its functions.
@izabunny5830 7 жыл бұрын
Upload in 1080 p 60hz please :)
@ZDoggMD 7 жыл бұрын
+Ryan Connor it's 4K 24p...give KZfaq some time to process it :-)
@izabunny5830 7 жыл бұрын
24p, too slow, I am very butthurt
@koalafromtomorrow5656 4 жыл бұрын
Some people were dimed insurance
@MrIzzy920 5 жыл бұрын
Sucks to be a person with a non preventable disease in this module I guess. Every penny you make if able to work would go to trying to keep your broken self alive. And really sucks after spending yrs dragging your half alive self to work to provide for yourself and family as well as your own health care and by the way others(not everyone) on Medicaid who are more capable of working than you.
@pankfull12 7 жыл бұрын
Does free healthcare make people healthier? I would say no. Unless patients listen to their providers, apply the education and take personal responsibility trying to prevent disease rather than seeking treatment after disease has presented.
@thedandywarlocks3996 7 жыл бұрын
I work with an Indian doctor and he agrees with the cheap AF comment (after I explained to him what AF meant cuz he's in his 60s lol).
@minako134 6 жыл бұрын
Iiiiii liked what I was seeing of this channel and then got to the part where ya'll were apparently seriously convinced that health care consumers would abuse healthcare that much if it was free. An ambulance ride? Why bother? Pain killer addiction of course is real, but other than that... This sounds like republican politician conspiracy theory to me, just speaking for myself here. I'd love some links to sources for any of this, if anyone's inclined.
@Niteangel100 7 жыл бұрын
I was kind of underwhelmed when you mentioned AIs. This sounds more like a buzzword to me, than an actual solution and I'm doubtful that useful government intervention on healthcare will come from AI, or maybe I misunderstood. Anyway, not sure if you've mentioned this on a previous show, you've probably read or know about it already, but there's an interesting idea going around about pre-paid physician groups predating the current insurance model, summarized in this NY Times op-ed nyti.ms/2sG3opO Great show btw, I really appreciate the work you guys do
@kk70x7 7 жыл бұрын
I like stopping the viFri so your face gets all goofy. ps - I'm on sleep meds just now zzzzzzzdogg!
@bigscarybaldguy1429 7 жыл бұрын
Wait, you said your parents are Indian? My wife who has been a long time fan thought you were Iranian.
@LaSmoocherina 7 жыл бұрын
I would answer "how do we make healthcare work" but my answer would be too long. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@nikolatesla6992 7 жыл бұрын
Michele Eslick Promote whole food nutrition to patients rather than pills. Simple answer.
@LaSmoocherina 7 жыл бұрын
Jonathan Walker - I do promote good nutrition. But some patients don't have the budget for what you're asking. Hell, I don't have the budget for an all whole foods diet and I work full time as an RN. Before I had kids, I could afford it. Now, I have to pick and choose. I know that you'll insist that everyone can afford it, but I'm saying. That's not true. 1 in 5 kids in my state has food insecurity. They'll take any meal that comes their way. It's like when politicians don't want to raise the minimum wage and opponents state that people CAN live on $8/hour. Absolutely not, It can't be done. And I'm not a pill pusher. But nutrition won't instantly change someone who's hypertensive into having normal BPs. Meds are necessary and hopefully diet can help, but sometimes it can't.
@nikolatesla6992 7 жыл бұрын
Michele Eslick That's an absolute bullshit response. Perpetuating a problem just because it's there, is not an acceptable answer from someone who has taken on the role of a modern day healer. Im on a completely whole food diet and spend $45 a week. As a nutritionist and Massage Therapist, it's my Duty to my clients to research every avenue of health for them, including with shopping tips. Are you suggesting that I am the First to mention that you should research the cost of a whole food diet before saying it's too costly, just because everyone Says it's too costly? Im inclined to ask because if you Truly were living that lifestyle and eating that way, youd know that whole food recipes that give you your full RDI of carbs, plant based proteins, and sugars are extremely cost effective. I have beach front property in Kansas for sale. My neighbor agrees that it's there, you down to purchase some property, or do you wanna do a little research first? Thats my point. Excuses in the information age dont get very far anymore. Just sayin ;)
@LaSmoocherina 7 жыл бұрын
Jonathan Walker Jonathan Walker Jonathan Walker I'm speaking as a person who has TRIED to afford a Whole Foods diet for my family of 4 and you just made my point for me. A person that makes $320/week (minimum wage) can't spent $45/week in food, especially if they have dependents. Are you saying $45 per person per week? I have patients who can't afford massage. You have patients with disposable income. I have patients that can't afford their $5 prescription necessary for post partum BP issues. (I'm using this as an example because it affects pregnant women in a way that doesn't discriminate based on dietary choices. And pre-eclampsia and eclampsia is very real and affects vegans in equal measure). I do give dietary instructions to my patient upon discharge because many are breastfeeding and need some extra calories to make milk. I tell them not to diet or cut calories in the first 6 weeks. Eat to their hunger, drink plenty of fluids and eat fiber. I encourage them to shop on the outside aisles of the grocery store as much as possible, but that I understand their financial concerns, especially when women have UNPAID maternity leave and rely on WIC for food. WIC in my state has improved the types and amounts of food for exclusively breastfeeding moms, which is great. So I encourage them the best I can, but cost of living is high and people will shop at Walmart for cheap groceries. You shouldn't attack me as a person. You should try to listen to what I'm saying about the patient population and realize that there are people that can't even afford a co-pay to see their primary care. So, as an aside- I know you're attempting to make a joke about my intelligence, one must wonder why people like you give veganism a bad name. You get hangry about everything instead of having a robust discourse. It doesn't take a genius to know there's no Oceanfront property in Kansas. (You should have said Arizona, because at least that's a song). I've driven through Kansas, I would never buy any property there and waterfront property is overrated. Flooding is a bitch. I've lived through that too, but I'm sure you have an opinion on how I'm wrong about what it's like to live through a flood. 🙄
@nikolatesla6992 7 жыл бұрын
Michele Eslick I was Not attacking you as a person, I was pointing out a flawed mindset that should NOT be taken as gospel. The $45 mentioned includes Many items that end up being healthy leftovers for the following week. Adding people is not a fresh $45, it's adding a few extra bananas, 1 bag of beans, countless items that have a small portion added to go a long way. Im not pulling the veteran card to earn any brownie points, and I do hope you see my intentions for using it now. In fact it's more to stress your point than mine. The same government making it impossible to purchase good foods with WIC are feeding soldiers the Most Preservative Dense foods known to man. Fed us like shit until I got out in 2009. I later contracted in 2012 and finished in 2013. My injuries sustained were not treated with any nutritional advice, only pills. Pills that end up being really fucking pricey, especially with simple in house VA coverage. No medications are covered outside of the hospital, and with all the lawsuits against the VA because of soldiers dying in waiting rooms (yep, real thing, check it out) because they weren't being seen for 6-10 hours, it shyd me away from hospitals period. I dealt woth what i could. There was no doctor over the 12 year period since this injury that encouraged nutrition as a priority, as Hippocrates did. All of this to say, the medical field is a pill based, disease treatment industry, not an illness prevention industry. All of those treatments that you mentioned, the illnesses; When treated with proper nutrition, the body becomes too healthy for illness and disease to thrive. Weve seen Gerson therapy do wonders and Cure Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and Melanoma very rapidly. The money used in 1 month could potentially change All of those situations is my point. Medications can become obsolete is my point. Pills do not cure any thing, they are a life long commitment is my point. They were in my life until a vegan lifestyle kicked every prescription I took for my airborne accident. Chute didn't deploy properly and I nearly died, unable to perform a proper PLF. I am a poster child for the 15 meds the VA had me on, but budgeting for my quality of life became my priority. My mind cleared up, my energy levels rose, everything became easier, and my ability to work longer came rapidly.. I have nothing against you as a person. I have everything against an "Its not possible for everyone" approach. The law of attraction is true in all things. And it is up to every single person alive to encourage those around them to look away from big Pharma, and to more natural remedies. This joke of an MD gave the most disrespectful, bullshit riddled response to What the Health because he saw his paycheck depleting. My tolerance for the money hungry industry of population control through shitty dieting can only be pressed so far. Hopefully this clears things up? Namaste
@koalafromtomorrow5656 4 жыл бұрын
Why not have a public funded thing like Australia does give gp tax free sakury if they bulk those on welfare what disabled next why not give people not on private insurance 4 amumnkce rides per annum free why not have 4 free dermatologists appointment a year and there free dentist coundtk a year then they could have Two speckost that's is patients a choice
@PatRNBSN 6 жыл бұрын
From what I've seen, your membership model of Turntable Health was putting into practice what you are talking about here. Did Turntable Health not work out because the government, the insurance companies and Big Pharma weren't behind this?
@ktomatchu 7 жыл бұрын
AI only as good as the input. Someone still has to decide what the "goal" is to input into the AI and that is manipulable.
@johnpresutto4823 7 жыл бұрын
I still think AI is not going to be the hope and dreams people. for example in a star trek ep the AI that is created is flawed just like the creator. he thought he was doing something good but AI needs to learn from experience and if the experience is the creator then you can only push AI as well as the creator. I hope that made some sense so I would be worried having that in a business style atmosphere where if a private business made it they can tweak the AI to benefit Who ever is the highest bidder. also when you mention catastrophic insurance plan I might not be understanding fully your description of it. example If I have hemophilia and my medicine cost 50,000 a month without insurance I always have to pay the catastrophic deductible since the Medica is so damn expensive. So how would patient with that medical expense be labeled in healthcare 3.0 also some health insurance plans make you pay 2 catastrophic cost one for Medcine which the count hemophilia in that bill then I have to pay a separate catastrophic for doctors
@darkangelcl4 6 жыл бұрын
Unless your incentive is severe poverty, I would say the ideology as a society should be don't abuse things you don't necessarily need because it's not just about you, there are people in more need than you and you are taking something away from them. In other words, don't be the douchebag that wastes/demands pores that will benefit others.
@ashleydesa9953 7 жыл бұрын
In my country it's the law they you must have insurance if you work. Insurance is expensive and digs deep in your pockets for care that you never needed. I hate that I have to pay for other people when they fall ill due to bad lifestyle choices (because here there's education on what's a good lifestyle, there isn't any excuse, it's your choice). There isn't any incentive to make healthier choices because they're footing the bill. And I'm out about 10 thousand dollars a year thanks to this. I also have no way of recovering this money because I don't need to go to the doctor so I don't and me going when I don't need to go will only help to increase premiums. I'm a single young person, why does it cost so much? And why should I or anyone be forced to pay for other people's health bills?
@MrSatNt513 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I can’t convince you that you should care about other people.
@skyhoward2050 6 жыл бұрын
So basically LET THE POOR PEOPLE DIE ALREADY?! Is the country you live in america or no? What is the salary that 10k is coming out of? Were all in this together, you should care that your contribution helps children who aren't lucky enough to be born into wealth, or adults suffering from illness who happen to have low paying jobs or cannot find work at the moment despite trying! Remember that in the end we get to take NOTHING with us, would you rather have stockpiled money or saved peoples lives?
@hgbugalou 6 жыл бұрын
It's as if capitalism and heathcare don't mix?
@GeorgWilde 4 жыл бұрын
You are entitled only to death. And yes, we are letting poor people die. Thats what being poor means. Healthcare doesn't fix that. Or do you want to prevent people from commiting sucide, force them to take anti-depressants and go on diet so they don't get heart attack? If you are poor and living off handouts, dependent, low self esteem, life sucks. And welfare state is good for having more poor people. If you are not able to care about yourself thorought your adulthood, you will suffer no matter how many handouts you get.
@koalafromtomorrow5656 4 жыл бұрын
I mean cover gp four speclist dermatology neurologist cancer doctor and nurttriomst and dietcam and make four appointment per year with each of speclist free and give them make three free ambulance rides cut insulin price by 10 percent of cream
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