Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberpsychosis & Cyber Rats

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Ziggy Q - Cyberware - Cyberpunk 2077 - Kazuliski

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@Kazuliski 3 жыл бұрын
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@fealubryne 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's really interesting to see the emphasis on mental health in this game. You kinda see it all throughout, cyberpsychosis, V's looming death, Evelyn's story, wrestling with a lot of moral and philosophical things on various occasions.
@SirRampage24 3 жыл бұрын
It shows just how fragile (or resilient) humans can be. Evelyn was broken when the scavs got their hands on her. The one side quest with your neighbor in the megabuilding, he either commits suicide or actually talks to the one cop who poked fun at him. V either gives up and commits suicide, or fights bravely in the face of death, even with no idea of what lies at the end of the road.
@hartianx1698 Жыл бұрын
@@SirRampage24 And a military vet who recluses himself and stops talking to his friends and counselor, steals psychological meds that he claims doesn't even work, plans to assassinate a running senator who plans to pass a bill that would make it harder for vets to get help. That can go a certain way as well.
@poopbuDDiesfan 3 жыл бұрын
Would really liked to have seen what a person who went through Cyberpsycho re-education thinks about it.
@SusCalvin 3 жыл бұрын
In 2020, those guys are let out on the street again eventually. They have most of their cyberware deactivated. NCPD keeps a list of them and monitor them if they are ex-offenders. They also slap entire prison populations into braindance because it's the cheaper alternative.
@Apokal031 3 жыл бұрын
@@SusCalvin Are they also hired for certain jobs if they are functioning enough? Like we see in 2077?
@SusCalvin 3 жыл бұрын
@@Apokal031 No idea. I guess they are as unemployed as everyone else. People who have 0 Empathy are in no way functioning, you don't want to share an NCART with that kind of guy. They're the kind of people who no longer understand why shooting people who stand in the way is wrong. The NCPD has a technically voluntary list of people getting extensive cyber to show up for evaluation. If they think you're likely to slip, they aggressively suggest you volunteer.
@Apokal031 3 жыл бұрын
@@SusCalvin They are all kinds of functioning sozio- & psychopaths who still function in the sociaty by adapting to it and playing their role. Some of them are managers or CEOs of companys. You don't need emphaty to be a functioning citizen. You only need to work inside the law the society abides to. The only people who can't function are the ones who have the desire to kill people. And of these, only the ones who can't control their desire. The uncotrollable ones. But it seems there is no in dept writing about them.
@jansasiadek2507 2 жыл бұрын
There is implication that this kind of rehabilitation is often showing the braindance of your victim/s death many, many times until you hate the idia of reliving rehab more than you hate people
@honeywine3166 3 жыл бұрын
I like this therapist; one of the better guests to appear on this show
@seferino 7 ай бұрын
He definitely was. And the things he says seem to be very real in modern society.
@SirRampage24 3 жыл бұрын
Me: helps a civilian Civilian: thanks me for the help *3 seconds later* Civilian: "CYBERPSYCHO!" Me: D:
@Kazuliski 3 жыл бұрын
You receive the Kerenzikov Award for this video Choom!
@heinrichcheung4482 Жыл бұрын
Me: >:D
@checkoutmyplaylistsforente8054 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not schooled in psychologie or anything else but what I can tell from gameplay is the following. Almost everyone with an cyberpsychotic attack went trough great trauma shortly before snapping or already had other mental ilnesses like depression. For example one Malestrom guy got stuffed with chrome and then tortured because he was loyal to the old boss. An other one was an ex-soldier with combat implants who murdered a tiger claw boss after turning his daughter into a puppet (not knowing who her father was). Like this guy said everyone has a threshhold and can snap. My hypothesis is that chrome makes someone feel less humam I mean getting your forhead and eyes replaced with a giant cluster of cameras or getting your arms replaced are a huge thing for the human psyche to adapt to and it simply lowers the amount of pressure someone takes until breaking and going on a rampage. Some of you might think "what about Adam Smasher 97% of his whole body has been replaced with cyberware" yes you are right but if you look at his history he was already cyberspychotic to begin with. He would only take a job if it includes civillian casualties and felt no empathy towards anyone so him having cyberpsychosis is like giving a HIV patient HIV it doesn't change anything. Got any questions or your own theories don't hesitate to ask me
@ThePlatineist 3 жыл бұрын
I think it really is all about the disconnection between mind and body. This thing is not just a meatbag, when the mind's not doing well the body gets sick (see chronic stress causing all types of diseases or the opposite: optimism can up the chances for cancer patients to recover), when the body's sick the mind is affected (chronic pain, or insomnia, other things). The ripperdoc who refused to chrome himself up said it best: even just one piece of chrome can interfere with one's level of concentration, it just drops never able to go back to its former level. Which is why I believe we'll never be able to reach this level of body modification without serious complications, therefore it won't become mainstream. It will never feel right, whatever medication you pump into yourself to keep things going. But it's true cyberpsychosis is not just a product of people snapping, it's the fact these cybernetic implants are weapons, consequences are severe when they snap. It's the fact violence is glorified, people know what to do to cause harm learning from each other, everyone's committing atrocities towards each other, then there's people with faulty implants walking around because they can't afford top shelf stuff and they're affected by that. Think back on that ripperdoc Fingers, when he's done 'fixing' the doll she can't shut her eye completely. Imagine how infuriating that is. How stressful that can feel. We haven't even touched on the drug abuse.
@TheChesher 3 жыл бұрын
The doctor puts good points, but that Brain-dance doesn't sound like therapy, It sounds like brainwashing people into slaves (Melissa Rory is still borderline Cyber-Psychotic though, so she's probably very strong willed), Ziggy is a conniving word twister but he was probably right to do so, this time, and as I see it, I think that Cyber-Psychosis is not a uniform problem, it's an element, not the whole issue, the doctor gave alot of good points but that BD sounds like some totalitarian regime bullshit to me, and Yea it does sound like shock therapy.
@wilemelliott 3 жыл бұрын
Smasher is what you call a "functional" or "Directed" Psychopath. He has urges and hes allowed to follow them as long as the targets are authorized...sort of like Dexter or Hanibal Lecter but with corp backing and protection, and all the rude people he can
@DIGITALGH05T 3 жыл бұрын
kinda reminds me of dissociative exomind rejection in exos from destiny. cept in the case of destiny, instead of their human psyche effecting their decision making, they just had a huge psychological breakdown, unable to accept the fact that they were in a robot body, their brain convincing them that this metal body was a cage, causing some of them to tear themselves apart
@SusCalvin 3 жыл бұрын
In the old tabletop game it was a balancing mechanic. Players with no limits would continuously buy more and more cyberware to stuff their characters with. It puts a hard limit on how much of this stuff you can handle, and gives a non-monetary cost to it. The more extensive and the more dehumanizing an implant was, the bigger impact it had. In game mechanics, each cybernetic implant had a certain Humanity cost. From surface-level or very minor ones with 0,5 Humanity loss to dang wolverine claws and full conversion legs and Mr. Studd that could lose you 2d6 Humanity. Every ten Humanity lost means -1 Empathy for you, the equivalent of a Charisma attribute. People could get rehabilitated. They strap you down, deactivate your cybertech and over time you regain Humanity as you slap you into braindance. When a character reached 0 Empathy, they became cyberpsychotic. They can no longer empathize with other humans. The DM grabs your character sheet and starts playing your character like she is just looking for an excuse to waste her old friends while you roll a new one. A cyberpsycho might not lash out immediately, but you really don't want to be in a room with any of those freaks. Imagine a person with all their human limits gone who is constantly a twitch away from breaking someone's arm.
@awesomechainsaw Жыл бұрын
Man I love Ziggy’s broadcasts the most of news presenters. The way he shuts down any viewpoint that doesn’t line his pockets. Man is a snake and he’s fascinating to watch.
@TheZombiesReanimated 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone else find it kind of funny that late night television in this garbage media dystopia is somehow more bearable than real life late night television?
@heinrichcheung4482 Жыл бұрын
Like yk, Ruth Dzeng literally roasted Yorinobu and Arasakas with no consequences
@Tulip_bip 8 ай бұрын
he actually has a conversation with the guests and asks them genuinely good questions, which isn't true for like 90% of talk shows right now lmao
@Red0543 Жыл бұрын
The Cyber Psycho missions are some of the most heartbreaking ones in the game. One I will never forget is the one with the former soldier who’s PTSD inhibiting implant is starting to act up until he’s just stuck in an endless PTSD flashback. One of my best friends is a former soldier who is struggling with PTSD every day and reading the cyber psycho’s messages reminded me way too much about some of the things my friend has been telling me when shit is just getting too much for him.
@mrcocoloco7200 Жыл бұрын
Damn sad to read man. Good luck.
@KaeljainX Жыл бұрын
I gotta say the most notable one dealt with was the guy who felt like the whole world was out to get him and turned his entire grounds into a death trap. This is what lead to the death of his wife and son who was worried for his safety and went to check up on him only to be killed the defense grid. That was truly the guy's breaking point.
@silverbane8065 3 жыл бұрын
Hm....sounds like all those cyberpsycos V sends to Regina are getting a free brain dance 're-education'....probably should have kept an eye on the old 'humanity' score lol.
@tyrongkojy 3 жыл бұрын
Effectively. You've more or less lost it one you reach that point. Look up the 2020 books for how it was treated back then.
@silverbane8065 3 жыл бұрын
@@tyrongkojy yup, pretty much says your character gets taken over by the GM, played as an npc if you used to hit empathy 0 and went cyberspycho. (Page 73, 2020 lol) Though I think most GMs tried to give players a bit of leeway before hitting zero (unless 'Tomb of Horrors' was their fave module, in which case....oh boy, your chooms are gona get wasted.....) Tbh, considering just how much cyberware V can install in the 77 game.... I'm surprised they haven't joined them in going cyberpsycho....(tho I know some players have RPd that in game lol) Thinking it thru, we can't get our hands (as the in game player) on as much cyberware that's out there. Wolvers, BugEye optics and many of the options that used to lower your scores are beyond us, so much of the stuff we get, are simply about in game mechanics for gameplay. I expect some modders to come up with an 'imersive' mod to make V go cyberpsyco one day tho lol.
@tyrongkojy 3 жыл бұрын
@@silverbane8065 Yeah, i think they initially intended to be a humanity score, but felt it restricted player's builds too much. That, coupled with the whole stat system effectively being Witcher 3 (unsurprisingly, much like the mission structure being that as well) they likely weren't able to find a proper balance while still letting you chrome yourself out to the nines. They likely didn't want a player to accidentally fuck themselves over and have to restart. I mean, there's a reason the game's so much shorter than W3, and they feared THAT, so a player screwing themselves permanently? Yeah.....
@ChiotVulgaire 3 жыл бұрын
@@silverbane8065 To be fair, the game sort of addresses this oversight in the epilogue of the Cyberpsycho missions and it gives an explanation for why V never actually goes Cyberpsycho. At the same time, I think it sort of manifests in a different way through the player. Late in the game is when you get those high-end implants, and naturally you want to use them more. This combines with the late-game grind for money which has you basically roaming around looking for anything to attack for loot drops, and you effectively become a Cyberpsycho through prompting of the game's design. From an NPC's perspective, you're a chromed-up combat cyborg roaming the streets attacking anyone with anything to take. To them, you ARE a Cyberpsycho.
@Cubicthing 3 жыл бұрын
Man this one is dope. I really want a full version of it Too bad the cahracters keep cutting out the end of the sentences tho
@Kazuliski 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah this one seems to be particularly problematic, despite fixes
@Cubicthing 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kazuliski Good all the same
@fromthefire4176 3 жыл бұрын
I like to think Ziggy just keeps cutting him off lol
@user-cp2xo7nr8y 3 жыл бұрын
Positive attributes like obedience, docility... Wonder what other positive things would come next (except sociability).
@unclebayek8923 3 жыл бұрын
3:05 Because we live in a society
@City-Hunter 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Togusa explaining Cyberbrain Sclerosis around 2019AD in Ghost In the Shell series arc of The Laughing Man
@mifigor1928 3 жыл бұрын
So if I understand well (from gameplay and this). Cyberpsychosis happens whaen someone has some mental issues and too much cybernetics which amplify existing psychological problems
@SusCalvin 3 жыл бұрын
I just know hot it worked in the old tabletop game. In short, the more dehumanizing and invasive cybertech is the more it lowers your natural charisma and empathy. People who already have a naturally low empathy are at bigger risk, but if you jam in enough people will eventually drop to 0 Empathy and lose it. It's a balancing mechanic. If players were given no consequence, they would build their PCs into hovertanks given the chance. Or something like that.
@officialwyattthesans12345 3 жыл бұрын
"W h æ n"
@Kazuhira2249 Жыл бұрын
this man owns a casino on space and runs a tv show actually mad respect he does it just cuz he likes it
@johndanes2294 10 ай бұрын
Ziggy doesn't run the Crystal Palace. He was just paid to advertise them.
@HalfBreedMix 2 жыл бұрын
This CP2077 world/lore has so much potential. I mean hearing this in June of 2022 with everything that's going on IRL, is well, kinda freaky.
@tiromandal6399 10 ай бұрын
Damn this is more fun to watch than any reality show ever and Ziggy is actually damn funny.
@StrikingJo 3 жыл бұрын
great upload!!
@dvdjhp Жыл бұрын
This feels like a scene in "Don't look up".
@PillarofSmite 2 жыл бұрын
Gorilla arms made me go cyberpsycho, just ask the Maelstrom.
@fantazjo 3 жыл бұрын
so as positive things as a slave collar
@SusCalvin 3 жыл бұрын
That's something you can install in people, in different variations. If you sell out to a sponsor, they could give you a deal. In exchange for giving you an unwanted extra, like a cortex bomb or an obedience switch.
@TolyanGriboedov 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching this in-game at local market and waited all ads to see the continuation, and it turns out there isn't any! Was disappointed more by that than bugs :(
@brycevo Жыл бұрын
Kinda wish more people cared about cyberpsychosis, besides MaxTac
@BEDLAMITE-5280ft. 3 жыл бұрын
The game originally was supposed to have a huge underground tunnel system under night city. I think those rats were probably enemies you could kill in their before they cut the underworld.
@Jamesastarr Жыл бұрын
Hold on, the guest is wearing the same ring that Mr. Blueeyes, and the street prophet wear. That's suspicious...
@thehunchbackmechanic Жыл бұрын
Bro this city is so cyber even the rats are cyber
@PillarofSmite 2 жыл бұрын
It is hard to take anyone seriously let alone a doctor with a manbun like that.
@Jamer508 Жыл бұрын
I wish that this was explore more, instead of "shoot guy or stun guy" quests.
@JustSayingitslore 3 жыл бұрын
did anyone notice the reporter made mention to the subway.
@cb2291 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't been a good quest
@el-_-grando-_-_-scabandri 2 жыл бұрын
he mean NY subway
@thefatman8119 Жыл бұрын
I think cyber psychosis is more of how much your brains actually handling then just the implants i mean your technically controlling a new organ that your brain isn’t even used to
@BebRav3InGam3 Жыл бұрын
Thats not how cybernetics work. A fully cybernetic arm is still an arm. The brain uses the same neurons for a real arm and a fake arm. Any additional cybernetics wouldnt be a new organ. It would be an addon, like a phone. We uss the phone all the time. Its not a new organ. It wouldnt be a new organ if it was in our skin either
@dulio12385 Жыл бұрын
Like mass shootings once were lol. Now in Night City they're business as usual.
@Snooty1 3 жыл бұрын
This should be running at 60 FPS instead of 15...
@foxden908 3 жыл бұрын
concidering theese videos are played in real time them being at low fps was prob for performance.
@cuma212 Жыл бұрын
I will never understand why CDPR dont let us focus on things like this or interact with it, so much wasted material
@Rihardololz 2 жыл бұрын
3:07 few more years under democrats and this will be true.
@NotCthulhu Жыл бұрын
deep state shill
@adriancalisto3409 Жыл бұрын
You mean Republicans? They are literally the one who literally glorifying gun and weaponry.
@squallofthedai Жыл бұрын
When some dingus wants to politicize something just to get a dig in. That moment when you fail to realize that cyberpunk environments tend to be a Libertarian wet dream when it comes to the corpos, and a nightmare for anyone else.
@youcansave15ormoreoncarins75 Жыл бұрын
It has always been that way, both sides even profit off violence.
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