KINGDOM HEARTS 3 Has the best combat in the series

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2 жыл бұрын

Combos on Anti Aqua

Пікірлер: 208
@hedgy.4744 7 ай бұрын
this is what i was looking for so i know if i should buy it thanks!!
@megakoni1 Жыл бұрын
The combat really shines in the remind Data Boss fights. There are so many possibilities to win
@Kaimine08 24 күн бұрын
I still prefer the combat in kh2, but doing a KH3 run recently and I did notice you can block damn near any time in a combo. That's a great addition. It's also why I sometimes prefer some of the less powerful keyblades. Oathkeeper and Ultima weapon are amazing, but they have disadvantages to them compared to other keyblades such as how short range their guardbreaks are or that their combo can be long enough that you can't guard between combos. Some keyblades give better magic variations compared to others too and of course the shooting keyblade, defend and counter keyblade, and mirage keyblades to offer multiple variations of combat which definitely keep things fresh and allow for better coverage.
@cukkucake 8 ай бұрын
I love the attack animations in 3 but I feel a lot of them can often leave you vulnerable especially in critical mode. Kh1 and 2 felt like you could control your pace a bit more between attacking and defending
@lan1719 8 ай бұрын
honestly the more hours i put in the more i feel you also have this in kh3 its just a lot harder to be safe which is both fun to master and a little frustrating
@slotmoon 6 ай бұрын
You can guard mid combo...
@demp11 5 ай бұрын
​@@slotmoondoesnt matter if there are so many enemies from all directions that you could never react in time.
@slotmoon 4 ай бұрын
@@demp11 Get behind them. That's why there are so many traversal options in kh3
@marioa.7180 4 ай бұрын
First, you can cancel outta your combo any time you want. Second, don't go full melee against 10+ monsters. The game gives you aoe attacks for a reason. You'll be obviously interrupted like this.
@swiftchancellor159 11 ай бұрын
Very true. The keyblade transformations add way more than the form changes in 2. Being able to weave all these new movesets together with magic is so awesome.
@DaniNyoMH 2 ай бұрын
It's a shame there's no actual resource management tied to Transformations. Makes them feel less earned and more "give me" by the game.
@13thNobodyprod. 2 ай бұрын
@@DaniNyoMH Think of it as a "Skill Tracker" you need to be on a hot streak of combos to transform, get cold and you'll never fill your form Gauge up. even if you don't activate the form change, it lets you know how good you're doing in a fight. and then you have Keyblades like Oathkeeper (used in the video) that have TWO transformations before reaching the finisher. So if I were doing a data battle, or something, I can still win the fight, but never filling the Form Gauge, should tell you "That was a survival test, I most definitely was getting my a*s kicked" especially on harder difficulties, these transformations let me know "Oh im getting the f*ck in right now" ill use 0:12 leading to Double Form as an example, just so satisfying.
@saamo1423 Ай бұрын you don't
@beezlefee 11 күн бұрын
​@@DaniNyoMHone has to be built up threw combat to use, the other uses a meter that can be refilled with items...huh?
@DaniNyoMH 9 күн бұрын
@@beezlefee One has to be properly managed. You have a set number, each drive requiring different amounts, so if you have 9 drive gauges, you can valor/wisdom/valor back to back. Limit/Master twice in a row. Or Final/Limit back to back. Or you can use it on summons. There's SO much more thinking involved to KH2's drive gauge system as a resource management vs waiting for the combat bar to fill to have about 30 or so seconds of a keyblade transformation. 60 if it has two states. One lets you activate it on command when YOU want, the other you have to wait until the gauge fills, unable to start a fight with one if you wanted (in a completely blank state, not running off to pregrind two form changes stored) Just actual ignorance on game design with this comment.
@Zel912 4 ай бұрын
How do you do combo and swap to evade if flashy effect blinds everything on screen.
@13thNobodyprod. 2 ай бұрын
your eyes are too slow then, you need some Kiroshi or somn, chrome up.
@theredlumas2 12 күн бұрын
i love this combat so much i don’t know why so many people hate it
@hikikomoron 11 ай бұрын
Best combat *in the series??* Nah, don't get me wrong, it's good, but nothing can touch the true king of combat in the franchise. That's right you all know which one I'm talking about, let's all say it on 3. 1 2 3 Re:coded
@roiitzkovich4545 10 ай бұрын
I won't say Re:Coded is peak KH, but it's the 3rd best combat system, only behind KH2 and 3.
@Sleepy_Muse 8 ай бұрын
Peak and based. KH3 is pretty grate but Iv never played a game with better combat since KH recoded 3’s combat would be perfect if it somehow integrated recoded combat
@KaosDeathLord 7 ай бұрын
Nah man has a point he's cooking.
@TheBaxes 7 ай бұрын
Re: Coded would be perfect if it wasn't stuck on the DS. The d-pad limits it
@joyhappiness 6 ай бұрын
Re:coded is the best command deck game in series easily
@Giggles_iJest 4 ай бұрын
Lackluster story (haven't tried re:mind)
@A.S.28 4 ай бұрын
I sleep
@HuladeHoopla 27 күн бұрын
I think 2 and 3 combat is equal. But I think the difference is. Two has big parts that are meant for fighting which end up looking bland and empty. The pride lands is the best example. 3 has combat, big worlds with npc's, minigames and more and that's why I like it a bit more. That being said. 3 also has the limit cut battles and why are they so god damn hard.
@Tarragon_ 6 ай бұрын
Kh3s combat is brilliant and underrated.
@marioa.7180 4 ай бұрын
Bro, I can't believe the comments here. Someone says... KH2 is the best: 👍 KH3 is the best: HOW DARE YOU! Like guys, both games have pros and cons. Stop acting like one game re-invented the wheel and the other broke it in half. And sorry if it seems like I'm in a personal cruzade here but from where I stand it seems like people rushed through KH3 once and formed an opinion outta there (or worse, from a youtuber who has clear bias towards it).
@JonseyLetsPlays 3 ай бұрын
For real tho people out here be hating and glazing all over kh games.
@orochimochi905 2 ай бұрын
Speaking as someone who very specifically went back through KH3 multiple times with an eye for giving it every opportunity to win me over, it just isn't there. A combination of combat that is too floaty and full of screen nukes and instant kills and a story that just falls over itself with needless subplots and cringe cutscenes for multiple worlds in a row. It certainly had its moments. I'm a big fan of Toybox and The Caribbean was fun. But no, overall it just wasn't a very good game. I'd sooner replay Re:Coded for the combat than KH3. And either of the numbered titles before it were vastly superior, on numerous fronts. I don't regret my time with it, but I won't be going back either.
@marioa.7180 2 ай бұрын
Btw, I'm not, by any means, trying to underestimate your opinion nor sound like a smartass but I think I've played KH enough to point out all pros and cons in basically any KH game, at the point there's no better game than other in the series, just games you do or don't vibe with because you grew up appreciating certain aspects in a game that only it had (like the hack n' slash kind of combat from KH2 everyone seems to love but only it used like it did, out of like 10 different games in the series).
@orochimochi905 Ай бұрын
@@marioa.7180 Sadly, I have to disagree with the notion that there's no such thing as objective quality metrics in KH. I can get behind the statement that there are games you enjoy more or less on a subjective level (I quite love Re:CoM, personally, but would never claim it was a better game than others in the series). There are indeed some facets of game design that some entries in this series just simply objectively do better than others (things like combat and world design have numerous objective measurements, the aggregate of which could result in a subjective opinion but which taken individually are measurable). For example, 358 Days/2 had a downright rudimentary basic combat loop. You could mash the attack button and occasionally press y for a branching combo. There were 3 attack styles that had their own timings. That was it. In comparison, the abilities in KH3 added ways to convert an air combo to a ground combo, vice versa, finishers that worked on distant enemies, attacks that hit around you, etc. etc. It can be said truthfully that KH3 had more complex combat than Days. The subjective question is whether or not that complexity is better than what Days had to offer, and in this example although it is possible to claim you preferred Days to 3, I certainly don't think so and I'd be skeptical of anyone who claims they did. The key thing here is that combat was never the main strength of Days, that was always it's story and character writing. A subjective evaluation of a whole game is the sum total of how one feels about every facet of it taken as a whole. Which is why I can like Chain of Memories even while acknowledging that it's a grind-y broken mess. All that to say that for me personally, the only measurable aspects of KH3 that truly eclipse its peers are graphics and sheer world size and even it's indisputably better graphics are held back (for me at least) by an excess of particle effects and flashes etc. More to the point it doesn't outclass any other game in the series in almost every metric the way KH1 and 2 do. It only really has 1 or 2 things it does well and even those have caveats, so I think it is fair to say it is not as good. That is not, mind you, to say that it can't or shouldn't be someone's favorite. I'd never claim that, everything is someone's favorite for any number of reasons but that's no reason to completely discount any sort of quantitative or qualitative analysis.
@marioa.7180 Ай бұрын
@@orochimochi905 You talk as if KH1 and 2 didn't try to be as flashy as they could, only limited by the year and hardware they were released in. KH1 doesn't have more depth than BBS or DDD (first game for a reason) and KH2's depth comes only from the fact you have to scroll through the command menu to chain attacks (giving little margin to do long combos or else you screw up) while in KH3 you can asign shortcuts to do all that (or not and play just like KH2 players do). The rest plays basically the same, design and all but with little diferences. Plus, those games' combat isn't devoid of criticism. I can name just as much cheesing strats, oversights, etc, in each one of those games, as people do with KH3.
@keisui89 6 ай бұрын
i see so many people saying kh3 is too flashy , over the top , and floaty with its combat when i feel the same exact way towards kh2 , ironically enough i notice it MORE in kh2 than i do with kh3
@coloryournight 5 ай бұрын
how? KH2 doesn’t have that many particle effects to be considered flashy. Kh2 combos are faster and and aerial combo finishers have downward momentum to bring you to the ground faster. Not to mention, in KH3, if Sora is fighting an enemy in the air he will NEVER touch the ground because attacking an enemy after a combo finishes brings him upward. Whereas in 2, after the combo ends, he falls immediately. Objectively, you’re just wrong.
@keisui89 5 ай бұрын
@@coloryournight i dont think youre understanding or know what objectively means , im not staying for a fact it has less or more , im saying _in my experience_ i _notice_ it more in kh2 . i dont know how a personal experience individual to me can be wrong but sure i guess
@marioa.7180 4 ай бұрын
​@@coloryournightTwo words, reaction commands. They appear more than once, all you need to do is press a button and Sora will deal a whole HP bar worth of damage while JoJo-posing at the end. Crazy how it gets a pass but Attractions don't. Plus, you can't do all that crazy shit you see in combo videos until late in game. At least KH3 has NG+ to help with that.
@coloryournight 4 ай бұрын
@@marioa.7180 I think the difference between reaction commands and something like attraction flow is that RC’s are intertwined in the combat better. RC’s are built with certain encounters in mind, they are usually quick too or how you end the fight anyway for a flashy finisher. (that doesn’t ruin combat pacing.) RC’s feel better to use in fights because it’s specifically made for that certain fight, whereas attraction flow is long, drawn out, and completely unrelated to the fight (besides maybe, the train and the rock titan) and makes some fights lose their tension due to 1. the silliness of it, 2. how long they last and their invincibility frames
@marioa.7180 4 ай бұрын
@@coloryournight How? You press triangle and watch a mini cutscene play until you can move again and most quick RC (in boss battles) only serve the purpose of changing phases whereas KH3 does that naturally. Attractions draw for too long because they were made to deal with mobs and appear like once in boss fights that have like twice more HP bars than KH2 bosses to help you drain them out quickly in case you didn't know how to deal with them (a help). Plus Attractions don't have I-frames outside of the finisher and "being silly" isn't an excuse in a series where you can summon Bambi and Stitch with an ukelele to aid you in combat.
@mattiag1846 5 ай бұрын
The problem is the story which is all thrown into the last few hours and the DLC! If you don't play the DLC something is clearly missing besides I don't know what ideas the developers have! Sora went from being an imbecile boy in the first Kingdom Hearts who sacrifices his heart for Kairi to devastating the story and himself just for her! Heck he started playing with time and creating an alternative history for one person only
@marioa.7180 4 ай бұрын
Don't be reductive like this 'cause we can do the same with old games. Sora barely advances with his search in KH1, at least until he arrives Neverland (third to last world). Riku doesn't count 'cause he appears and disappears at will. In KH2 nothing happens until you arrive Twilight Town last visit (second to last world). The middle point leads to nowhere and its twist gets ignored after you leave the world. Now people will say "you're just ignoring everything leading to these events, you dumbass"... Yeah, just like people do with KH3.
@eddytennyson9546 3 күн бұрын
​@@marioa.7180I'm willing to defend KH3 on a good amount of things. I'm even willing to admit people go WAY too softly on KH2 considering its problems. But this just ain't one of them. KH3 isn't the worst KH story, but it's rivaling 2 in quality control
@yanbelmiro7961 3 ай бұрын
People think long combo = good combat
@marioa.7180 Ай бұрын
Sorry but you know little if all you see is a long combo instead of the fact Lan chained 5 mechanics to extend the combo while defending themselves from Aqua's attacks.
@eniq08 2 ай бұрын
Yes but also no, I like the fast paced combat of Kingdom Hearts 2 more but I still like the flexibility of KH3’s combat more. I hope, that KH4 will be the best of both.
@YeetusMingus Ай бұрын
It has the flashiest combat, I'll give you that. But KH2 still reigns supreme in terms of technical design
@daves7086 14 күн бұрын
Yea, I love combat where I'm just pressing x over and over again
@JDerpyDoesStuff 6 күн бұрын
play on something other than casual mode
@daves7086 6 күн бұрын
@@JDerpyDoesStuff playing on proud mode. Same thing
@JDerpyDoesStuff 6 күн бұрын
@@daves7086 then that must be the only button that works for you
@daves7086 6 күн бұрын
yea, its the attack button...
@JDerpyDoesStuff 6 күн бұрын
@@daves7086 Gotta get a new controller then
@magi1134 9 ай бұрын
In kh2, you mash X and some quick spells for combos Here you have: keyblade swapping mid combo, shotlock, form changes, airstep, multiple guard counters. IDK why people say kh2 is "better" despite kh3 giving more expansions to combos
@aucuneidee2519 9 ай бұрын
dumbass statement, both have deep combat, you just sound like a casual trying to downplay kh2, both have deep enough combat system.
@coloryournight 7 ай бұрын
Because sometimes less is more. KH2 had less systems overall but it was much more refined and balanced. Shot locks are just free damage, nothing interesting about them. Most form changes don’t feel as satisfying as drive forms do. The combos in 3 feel slower too, not too mention that magic overall has less utility than 2 with most spells being damage based projectiles. I still somewhat like 3, but 2’s foundation is better. I think if a middle ground between 3’s and 2’s combat is reached we’d have the best gameplay in the series bar none, as some things in 3 I do prefer (such as moving during magic, cancelling combos with guard/roll, and keyblade swapping.) but for now 2 still reigns supreme for me.
@Cri_Jackal 5 ай бұрын
Kingdom Hearts and Dark Souls have the exact same base gameplay mechanics.
@magi1134 5 ай бұрын
me when i cast blizzaga on the fire demon
@matthewtwitter5172 4 ай бұрын
Stuff like this gave me motion input vibes wtf
@Crowned_Hearts 6 ай бұрын
KH2 is still the Best There is no nostalgia here for me either I played KH2 After KH3 came out. KH2 has the Best overall combat while KH3 has the most varied and the coolest looking combat system.
@cobiguy 6 ай бұрын
i feel like kh3 focused too much on being flashy than good
@jovankarri Ай бұрын
I like KH3's combat and the attack animations but I prefer KH2's combat more! KH2 combat feels more challenging and better though there are some aspects I prefer of KH3 combat over KH2! Reaction commands are so much better than situation commands!
@Ace_kiwami Ай бұрын
@KingKabisi 11 ай бұрын
I think it's the most fun but I definitely don't think it's the best.
@sorasmalls294 11 ай бұрын
ON GOD!! 😆
@korbotv1881 11 ай бұрын
Nothing will ever beat KH2 combat. KH3 is just too flashy
@superizillian957 11 ай бұрын
I still don’t get the “too flashy” thing, could you explain what that means? I simply fail to see how particle effects affect combat.
@stevenpaul2113 11 ай бұрын
What's not to get? Not everyone wants to see the fourth of July while grinding for lvls or items. There is such a thing as over compensation. And kingdom hearts 3 is a perfect example. When you attach too many bells and whistles, the final product suffers.
@milk8979 11 ай бұрын
@@stevenpaul2113 wut?...
@zorezakbar9892 11 ай бұрын
​@@milk8979basically when a game cares more about how it looks compared to how it acc plays kh3 is the result. Its not particularly bad but kh3's combat takes away a lot freedom that kh2 has and replaces it with gimicy rides and other sorts of gameplay.
@massimilianodelrosso5495 11 ай бұрын
​@@stevenpaul2113 Until the flashiness doesn't make the combat hard to read, it's just up to personal preference. For example, i think FFXVI flashiness makes the combat *way* harder to read.
@criscros95 2 ай бұрын
I Just hate sora and the plot of the series since Dream drop distance
@joshsmash1160 7 ай бұрын
I feel like birth by sleep is just so good with all the diversity of combat and abilities especially for each character
@riccardobortolin4120 11 ай бұрын
Well, after the updates which buffed the speed attacks, added combo modifier and critical mode, with the possibility of cutting out the horrible attractions and RNG team attacks, sure it have the best super boss fights combat, where the combat really shines. But I still feel KH2 have the best combat system in general, and not only against super bosses
@lordopjp4526 9 ай бұрын
I destroy a controller be cause of this combat
@ganymedehedgehog371 7 ай бұрын
It has its merits but I prefer 2 and 0.2. 3 is just way too flashy for me.
@tenenbaummark 7 ай бұрын
Kh2 is still better imo, but 3 is nice. As everyone is saying, and I agree, its more flashy than anything
@leont6813 6 ай бұрын
Ah yes, the thrill of flailing around aimlessly and floating everywhere in hopes of hitting the enemy. Such an intricate battle system
@marioa.7180 4 ай бұрын
If only the game had a mechanic that literally teleports you near the enemy... some kind of Airstep... Btw, aren't you forgetting the combo modifiers added for free that literally improve base Sora combat?
@_Lostinthesky 29 күн бұрын
Kh2 grossly overrated. There I said it
@srlion7050 Ай бұрын
boring ahhh combat. go play KH2
@lan1719 Ай бұрын
@@srlion7050 bro hasn’t seen the kh2 combos 💀💀💀
@Ventus2077 5 ай бұрын
Yet the basic gameplay of Sora’s in KH3 remained to be superficial in comparison to the variety of techniques that can be used in KH2
@XanderV-eo4hs 3 ай бұрын
Actually, KH 3 is the worst gameplay of all the games
@-Anonymous-. 2 ай бұрын
If you think that, you’re probably bad at KH2 & KH3
@keenanjackson2668 Ай бұрын
​@@-Anonymous-. Kh3 has the most creative combat system, if you know what your doing and store your KB transformations you can literally make your own combat style, I don't know what these people are smoking but KH3 combat is superior to all others
@-Anonymous-. Ай бұрын
@@keenanjackson2668 trust me I know. The creative combos you can pull off are insane. The player has so much control of Sora. KH2 functions the best, but KH3 has way more player agency, creativity, & improv. It’s so fun
@keenanjackson2668 Ай бұрын
@@-Anonymous-. Its sad that people just don't seem to see what make kh3 combat so good, people seem to knock the combat when then real reason why a lot of people say its bad only really come from the fact that it didn't have some of the things that the first two had, like visiting each world more than once for story or exploration purposes, the tournaments at Olympus that added to the end game content and gave players a reasons to keep playing and griding, not making Twl town into a full world, and the weird way they handled the end game in the KB graveyard was what made KH3 lacking, so it just weird how people attack the combat of this game
@user-zq1um1mf1s 11 ай бұрын
The animations are kinda annoying like the whole game is animations
@beardedvisions7252 7 ай бұрын
Said no one ever
@HeroesNoMore. 3 ай бұрын
@yderga8707 11 ай бұрын
Flashy and over the top x= balanced and well designed
@arde5849 11 ай бұрын
Nah your KH2 combos are better, everything here looks good but deep down most of it is just spam 'X'.
@biggrayalien4791 11 ай бұрын
Welcome to every KH game ever except for 1, and even then your main button is X
@Chibi_Rikka 10 ай бұрын
You say that like KH2's combat isn't just 'spam X and occasionally add in a square here or there'.
@decayedphoenix8865 9 ай бұрын
Isnt that like.... Every game in the series-
@arde5849 9 ай бұрын
@@Chibi_Rikka only if you are the type of player that only spam x and uses cure only
@Chibi_Rikka 9 ай бұрын
@@arde5849 Uh, not really. Both KH2 and KH3 are primarily played by mashing X to hit, and knowing when to not mash to dodge or block. KH2's one difference is that you can pepper in a square every now and then to do a different attack. If we're looking at both on a surface level. Sure you can claim one is better than the other if you choose to look at one on the surface level and in depth at the other, but that's.. dumb. They both have depth if you choose to explore it.
@brannycedeno6823 10 ай бұрын
Meh. You barely have any control over any situation because its all too spectacular and mashing Attack will most definitely carry you out of any trouble. Whats more, attacks don't feel cohesive with button presses. It drains out the game feel big time. Sorry, but no.
@genuser135 11 ай бұрын
Looks too floaty
@MrDonckers 10 ай бұрын
horrible game
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