SWFL Eagles ~ FIERCE Fight On Nest! M15 FORCIBLY KICKS Intruder Out To Protect His E's! 2.15.23

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Lady Hawk

Lady Hawk

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E22 was attempting to self feed on fish when the female Intruder flew in to the attic and was watching the E's alone on the nest. She then drops down to the nest and grabs the leftover fish that M15 had brought in and she starts to eat. E22 who was hungry comes over squeeing to her hoping to get fed but the intruder is not interested in feeding another eagles offspring and she warns, lunges, bites and even kicks E22 who went totally submissive. The intruder does this three times to E22 before it moved away from her. The intruder continued to eat and then E21 heads over attempting to get fed and she also warns and bites at E21 who tries to defend itself and the nest.
M15 will see the commotion going on and come flying in quickly to defend the nest and his E's. The intruder lunges at him first - but M15 is fierce and he fights with the intruder on the nest - both eagles stepping all over the E's - E21 getting the worst of the impact. M15 forcibly kicks her off the nest but she does not go far - she lands on a branch right below the nest (seen from cam 3) . Both E's are lying still on the nest pancaked and scared and do not move right away. Thankfully both E's are okay and E22 will get a feeding by M15 after this is over.
This female eagle has an injured talon and seems to be interested in the food and not on harming the E's however I want to caution everyone watching that injury to one or both of the E's could happen in the future from fights like this indirectly or directly, they could be knocked off the nest or even taken. The eagle is not a surrogate mother and she will not bring in food or feed Harriet & M15's eaglets. She is interested in her own survival and in getting free food that M15 is bringing into the nest. The intruder is not helping M15 in her actions, in fact, she is causing him to shorten his feedings just at a crucial time when he normally feeds E22 after E21 is fed. He has been interrupted several times in the past few days by having to chase her out of the nest tree. The food M15 is bringing is for the survival of himself and for his offspring and her constant staying in the nest tree trying to steal food is taking it away from the E's at this crucial junction of having only a single parent to feed and protect them.
M15 is also not interested in a new mate - his sole focus is on hunting, feeding and protecting his eaglets. Her attempts to inject herself into this family can cause dire consequences at this time, so we hope that M15 can stay safe and not get injured in these fights and be able to evict her from the territory. It is hard for a single parent to accomplish all these things - that is why it takes two eagles to defend, protect, hunt and feed their offspring to bring them to fledge. Our magnificent M15 is doing a great job so far and our hopes are that he will be able to continue to do so. Thank you for watching!
Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk
Thank you SWFEC , hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles.
Watch live here: dickpritchettrealestate.com/s...

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@ladyhawk Жыл бұрын
February 15th 2023~ E22 was attempting to self feed on fish when the female Intruder flew in to the attic and was watching the E's alone on the nest. She then drops down to the nest and grabs the leftover fish that M15 had brought in and she starts to eat. E22 who was hungry comes over squeeing to her hoping to get fed but the intruder is not interested in feeding another eagles offspring and she warns, lunges, bites and even kicks E22 who went totally submissive. The intruder does this three times to E22 before it moved away from her. The intruder continued to eat and then E21 heads over attempting to get fed and she also warns and bites at E21 who tries to defend itself and the nest. M15 will see the commotion going on and come flying in quickly to defend the nest and his E's. The intruder lunges at him first - but M15 is fierce and he fights with the intruder on the nest - both eagles stepping all over the E's - E21 getting the worst of the impact. M15 forcibly kicks her off the nest but she does not go far - she lands on a branch right below the nest (seen from cam 3) . Both E's are lying still on the nest pancaked and scared and do not move right away. Thankfully both E's are okay and E22 will get a feeding by M15 after this is over. This female eagle has an injured talon and seems to be interested in the food and not on harming the E's however I want to caution everyone watching that injury to one or both of the E's could happen in the future from fights like this indirectly or directly, they could be knocked off the nest or even taken. The eagle is not a surrogate mother and she will not bring in food or feed Harriet & M15's eaglets. She is interested in her own survival and in getting free food that M15 is bringing into the nest. The intruder is not helping M15 in her actions, in fact, she is causing him to shorten his feedings just at a crucial time when he normally feeds E22 after E21 is fed. He has been interrupted several times in the past few days by having to chase her out of the nest tree. The food M15 is bringing is for the survival of himself and for his offspring and her constant staying in the nest tree trying to steal food is taking it away from the E's at this crucial junction of having only a single parent to feed and protect them. M15 is also not interested in a new mate - his sole focus is on hunting, feeding and protecting his eaglets. Her attempts to inject herself into this family can cause dire consequences at this time, so we hope that M15 can stay safe and not get injured in these fights and be able to evict her from the territory. It is hard for a single parent to accomplish all these things - that is why it takes two eagles to defend, protect, hunt and feed their offspring to bring them to fledge. Our magnificent M15 is doing a great job so far and our hopes are that he will be able to continue to do so. I want M15 safe and the two last eaglets from our beloved Harriet to grow up and fledge successfully and live a long life in her honor! ♥
@Kuamata Жыл бұрын
It's important to take notice that the one that's been staying overnight with him isn't injured. There appears to be two female intruders, one that appears to only have interest in scavenging for scraps, and one who, currently, seems interested in giving M a break in his night watch. They zoomed in one this scavenger's foot before she dropped down to feed and subsequently had this altercation with M. She's the one with the injury. Right before sunset we could see a female perched across from M. There was a clear view of both her feet from the camera angle and her feet were clear of injuries.
@FlBirdLover Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Lady Hawk! Your perspective is very appreciated during these intense encounters. I pray M and the Es stay safe.
@vespermartini2556 Жыл бұрын
Hi Lady Hawk, can't thank you enough for all the information you provide with your videos. I've been waiting for this one and your commentary, which is right on point!!!! Some of us were hoping that she would be a surrogate mom, but you're right, she's a hinderance to the survival of the eaglets. No other eagle is going to replace Harriett. I pray that no harm will come to any of the eagles, that M15 will stay safe and continue to care for the eaglets until they fledge. Thank you again.
@pesyira Жыл бұрын
Praying and hoping our (M and Harriet's) Eaglets are ok🙏🙏🙏 Hoping all things will calm down soon..🙏🙏 Thank you, Lady Hawk🙏🙏
@susanhackathorn1846 Жыл бұрын
@Lady Hawk well there goes my hope 😒 thought this would be a new start. So sad and scared more than ever for M n Es. 🙏🙏
@lizzyyork Жыл бұрын
I watched this on live cam and all my coworkers were crowded around my desk all cheering M on. The nerve to go down to the nest twice today was unbelievable. Get your own food!
@LaurenLady Жыл бұрын
This was so hard to watch 😢 hoping both Es are ok. Poor M, he’s doing the best he can, super dad
@bealynn2258 Жыл бұрын
Lady Hawk , Thank You for addressing what I saw the Female Eagle do to E22!! Then E1 later!! She is Not SAFE around the E's!! Hope M15 gets rid of her for good!!
@trax2011 Жыл бұрын
Everybody should read your words carefully, Lady Hawk. All the people who insist on romanticizing the intruder’s presence are naive, at best. She is a threat to this family, especially when she goes to the nest. She not only threatens the eaglets and M15 with her aggression in seeking to steal the food, but she is leaving the eaglets with less to eat. There is nothing good about her presence. She needs to leave, period. Thanks for trying to inject some realism into this increasingly dangerous situation.
@ladyhawk Жыл бұрын
You are welcome Trax2011 and thank you for taking the time to comment here! There has been a lot of romanticizing this female from the eagle community on social media and elsewhere with little thought to the consequences this intruder is setting in motion by her presence at the nest tree. E22 is not receiving the amount of food it normally eats due to the feedings being cut short and M15's preoccupation with chasing her away. Before she showed up, both E's were getting good feedings and had full crops. E22 waits to eat after E21 is full normally but no longer has that luxury with the intruder here trying to take their food away. When you watch how these adult eagles are stepping with their talons all over the E's in a fierce battle today that should give every single person pause that this female needs to go and let M15 raise the E's on his own which he can do. Also M15 is exhausted from daily battles, hunting, defending and trying to feed both E's. How long can he keep up this pace without injury or exhaustion to himself? He can't be at the nest to protect the E's 24/7. I am trying to help everyone understand what is really happening at the nest now - this is a wild raptor nest and we simply do not know what the outcome will be. Praying and hoping for the best for M15, E21 and E22 ♥♥♥
@Anne5440_ Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, Lady Hawk. I'm still not up to steady watching for personal reasons. However, I do try to peek in a couple of times a day. I am also following your updates. I was concerned when when this intruder arrived and have been growing more concerned each day. This is exactly the kind of event I feared.
@SJane3 Жыл бұрын
While I agree that this "intruder" is not ideal for this situation. She had plenty opportunity to actually take a more aggressive position towards the Es and refrained. Does that not amount to something positive to be taken from her? M15 has in fact left the nest multiple times knowing she is in the nest tree, does that not also amount to something positive to be taken from her? It has been stated by someone else in this community that it actually has happened before where a new eagle has actually helped in some capacity at a new nest. I think it is also very premature to cross this female off and wish her out of the nest tree, let alone the area, as she might very well be helping M15 when she is away from the nest by flushing out others just like he is. I realize I am "new" to this whole thing, and have not been watching these eagles as long as probably the majority of people following this channel, but I believe there might very well be good news from this whole situation just as it might very well be bad news as you and LH suggest. Time will tell, and yes.. I guess I'm part of the crowd that wants to see this work out for the best for all of them, including the new female.. because just as suggested by LH.. two parents are better than one, and I'm not convinced she is completely wrong here... yet! Hahaa
@ladyhawk Жыл бұрын
@@Anne5440_ Hi Anne you are welcome! This is not the turn of events we had hoped for but when a mate goes missing, it sends a signal to the other eagles in the area and that is what we are seeing right now. We have to hope for the best but also prepare for a not so good outcome as well.
@MotherDee Жыл бұрын
She is very aggressive isnt she? And stealing the babies food. What self respecting eagle does that? I saw her as a threat when she tried to chicknap 22.
@dorak7117 Жыл бұрын
I saw this it was very scary to watch she is ready to hurt the eaglets for there food! I am so worried for them😢
@Greg414 Жыл бұрын
I was so nervous for the Es this Intruder is injured and unpredictable making her very dangerous I know it would be nice for M to have help but this not the case like LH has said but M has been steadfast with his intentions and that is to protect his offspring by any means
@taunichurchill7651 Жыл бұрын
I watched this live today and it was so hard to watch! When she kicked 22 and pecked at him, then 21, I was yelling at my screen M please come home and protect your babies!! After M pushed her out, she came back and did it again, only for M to have to run her off. I saw him perch on the branch after the 2nd incident and he looked so worn out and stressed. This has been such a tough season, praying for a good day tomorrow. 🙏🙏Thank you Lady Hawk for all you do, but I can’t watch it again.
@barbarastotler900 Жыл бұрын
Same here...watched live and was yelling at my screen. She is so much larger than M15 and I'm afraid he's going to get hurt when he is weaker from not as much food and rest as he needs. I was scared when both Eaglets were so still after the fight.
@lynnchilders6704 Жыл бұрын
I was yelling at my computer and crying when she few off and the babies were so still! Yesterday I thought she was a God send and would help M-15! I was so wrong!!
@lorilori3 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lady Hawk!
@cheryld1579 Жыл бұрын
Oh no! The E's are traumatized from her striking at them; terrible 😢.
@baita895 Жыл бұрын
OMG Lady Hawk. This is so upsetting. I know all 4 are doing what is considered completely normal for who they are but geez, I don’t know what to say. I pray so hard for all 4 to get the bestest of outcomes. 😢
@drea0903 Жыл бұрын
I literally have been so stressed over this nest all day . I got so much anxiety watching . I pray for the safety of these precious innocent E’s and our fierce M15 .
@suzietschirsch1257 Жыл бұрын
I'm second😥🙏
@drea0903 Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure if I can keep watching , it’s so hard and sad
@prnbob2781 Жыл бұрын
@@drea0903 take a time out....that will help.👐☮️☯️
@drea0903 Жыл бұрын
Yes . I think I’m going to stay away for awhile and just look for updates .
@featherbabymom5706 Жыл бұрын
@drea0903 I am with you on every aspect of your inner turmoil. Take a deep breath and follow what works best for you!
@leptoceratops Жыл бұрын
This poor eagle family! Good job M15, defending your babies from this intruder! They're under so much stress and pressure; the last thing they need right now is a food thief and possible predator. The nest's survival was precarious enough as it is, but this intruder is a serious threat.
@carolynnunes3922 Жыл бұрын
This is what I was saying in another video, that we must not think that she is here to replace Harriet! Put any romantic ideas out of your head-until next season, perhaps…until then, she is an enemy in the area! A deadly risk to our beloved E’s! We are still learning about eagle behavior, but they are NOT in any way altruistic! She is out for herself!! Let’s pray for the continued health and life of the E’s and M!
@nickjebeles5601 Жыл бұрын
I agree with what Lady Hawk said and I already had the same opinion 3 days ago, I knew the intruder was looking out for number one and not out for romance. I think someone should come out and tranq. her so they could take her in for rehab on that foot.
@cleanup5151 Жыл бұрын
Oh dear, I feel bad for all. I hope hunger doesn't claim a life here. So much time left to go if the chics are to fledge. How ominous.
@pesyira Жыл бұрын
It is terrible.. Poor E21...😢😢 Poor E22...😢 It was hard to watch... It is horrible... Praying and hoping the Eaglets are ok...🙏🙏 M does his best🙏🙏🙏 to protect his family🙏🙏🙏 Let all things calm down!!! Praying for our Eagle family🙏🙏🙏
@gymgym3059 Жыл бұрын
Prayers of protection, provision, healing and strength for M and the E's 🙏❤️🦅❤️🙏
@carolynnunes3922 Жыл бұрын
Amen, dearly beloved! Prayers for this nest, and M and the E’s! Psalm 57:1-2 Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.
@lorilori3 Жыл бұрын
@tracyd1233 Жыл бұрын
Poor M and the Es. This intruder only wants food and not to be helpful as we all were hoping. Maybe her deformed talon prevents her from feeding herself? Sad situation all around.
@mcdanielvalerie0 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Lady Hawk for clearing things up. Some people fell in love with the notion that the intruder was here to help M15 in his time of need. She's a distraction and now a certified threat to our eagle family. I'm just so torn over what's happening in our Eagle communities.
@patboyer7274 Жыл бұрын
Pray that they will live to fledge. Not a guarantee. 💕💕
@mcdanielvalerie0 Жыл бұрын
@@patboyer7274 It's looking good so far, M15 is defying the odds taking care of the eaglets and occasionally feeding R23-3.
@i-dx2ow Жыл бұрын
@@patboyer7274 oh, they fledged all right, but still depend on Daddy's dinner, beautiful family
@salincal Жыл бұрын
Praying for M15 and the eaglets🙏🙏
@lmae989 Жыл бұрын
Wow Lady Hawk. This was so very informative and educational - I was so hoping just the opposite - but after today’s activities - I see that I was so very ignorant in my knowledge of this situation. She is a danger and an extreme threat to the E’s their safety and to M’s. I know now this situation is dangerous and M our fierce defender must never let his guard down. Thank you times a million Lady Hawk for this amazing recap and commentary of today’s events. It’s hard to watch but I am hopeful that M will persevere! He is a fierce eagle!!!!! God bless our eagle family, LH and all viewers who stress with me during this eagle season. I will pray for them but I am not sure I will watch full time any longer as it is very emotional for me. And I am weary from worrying. Gosh bless you Lady Hawk. 🦅🦅🦅❤️❤️❤️🤓👍
@melissajanaemiddleton6811 Жыл бұрын
I too am weary from worrying... the anxiety and increasing emotional attachment I feel toward this precious little family make me realize that I need to love and pray for them from more of a distance 🙏💖 I hope you can find peace as well, friend!
@debinthewheelchair7781 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the explanation
@raydartt Жыл бұрын
I can't believe that after all that she is once again sleeping next to him. I guess he is just wore out and will take care of her in the morning. Thanks Lady Hawk for all you do.
@Calibaddgirl Жыл бұрын
I'm hoping the owl shows her some attention tonight!!
@raydartt Жыл бұрын
@@Calibaddgirl LOL
@cindythomas5895 Жыл бұрын
Gosh everyone needs to read your words … they are so true !!!!! People in that group are calling her a step mom-- surrogate mom etc .. and like you say she is an intruder… wanting food and her instinct is to survive !!! Thank you Lady Hawk !!!
@carolynnunes3922 Жыл бұрын
Psalm 57:1-2 Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. This is my prayer for the E’s! God bless M, the E’s, and each and every one of us!
@julesdolan1647 Жыл бұрын
I held my breath the moment M flew off while she was still above the nest eyeing it! M stay strong and be safe! 🙏❤️
@watergirl929 Жыл бұрын
Hard hard times for poor M15 😢
@PeekAtWildlife Жыл бұрын
Indeed, hard to watch. 😢First time seeing this particular situation and behaviors. Every time the Es went up to her I was like "Nooo don't!" When she came back later and landed on the nest again, there was this one part where E22 was about to steal food out from under her but E21 warned him back. Kinda saved him right there 😆
@flyfreeqhrt5484 Жыл бұрын
I saw it and I agree with you Lady Hawk. She is a problem and she needs to go. Any more fights like this one could definitely harm the babies. I was so scared for them. The fight happened right on top of them. She needs to go. M is only interested in the babies right now. Nothing more.
@lifewithlisaa337 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I love about you and what you say.. your 100% honest, nonsuagr coating! 👏👏👏🙌. Excellent description! If I may add, her beak is a weapon, that's why it is built the way it is and it could have very easily have pierced one of the E's or she could have broken a blood feather! Thank you LH! 👏👏♥️🦅♥️
@L1011MD11 Жыл бұрын
That's quite a tussle! The EEs were fearless and M15 must flush out the intruder.
@Nina-725 Жыл бұрын
I wish there was a way for the CROW Clinic to catch the injured Eagle to help her heal so she can get her own food in future. However this will not stop other intruders, but she is the only one that stays close for food. I am worried that M might not make it on time she can hurt them❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for M-15 his little ones🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
@CenturianEagle Жыл бұрын
Poor E’s ☹️. M15 is a fierce warrior though, that was quite the tussle! Thank you for sharing Lady Hawk! I hope the e’s will continue to be ok. The poor things were scared for sure
@ladyhawk Жыл бұрын
Hi CE it certainly is stressful watching - but I do have faith that M15 will be able to raise the E's successfully. He just needs to stay healthy and injury free!!!
@lmae989 Жыл бұрын
Lady Hawk. Thank you. I am as mentioned one of the ignorant viewers - but after today and reading your comments I realize this is a very wet dangerous situation for M and the E’s. She needs to go. With her presence there can be only destruction. God please keep our eagle family of three safe. 🦅🦅🦅
@sharonr.6612 Жыл бұрын
@sthomasd Жыл бұрын
Praying for the best for M and his babies. Thank you Lady Hawk for updates. Pray Harriet comes back.
@PatriotGamesROCKS Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately that is no longer an option. She's been gone too long.
@susanthomas3518 Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad it was M15 running her off the nest not the opposite as I thought when I watched it live this afternoon. Thank you for your “eagle eye” Lady Hawk and for clarifying that the good guys won.
@natoya85 Жыл бұрын
Poor Es they are step on Es. Heartbreaking 💔😰for me..
@joanies6778 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Well, this certainly changes everything! She is out for herself and a danger to this nest. Praying for protection and the most benevolent outcome for M15, the E's, and this nest.✨️💖✨️
@Anne5440_ Жыл бұрын
This has been my concern about this female all along! I'm not sure who is more traumatized, the E's or me.
@bjsteinhoff9810 Жыл бұрын
The difference is we are watching it; the eaglets are living it..
@Anne5440_ Жыл бұрын
@B J Steinhoff yes, that is a very good point. Which reminds me that we're burdened with human emotions. They are eagles, their world view is not our world view.
@PossumLover1111 Жыл бұрын
This was so scary to watch in real time and I am so worried for the eaglets. M15 is doing a remarkable job protecting them. I hope he can get rid of this intruder though. She's trouble. Thank you for addressing this for us.
@jenniferjane8977 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the update Ladyhawke I was curious for your feedback since I felt confused about why M15 would allow her presence in the nest tree at all… we can see clearly now her intentions are not good for the nest… It makes sense with an injured talon she might not find it easy to hunt at the moment; poaching from the nest might be her survival strategy…Sending my love and strength to M15 so he can navigate this difficult time… I am so inspired by him 🧡🧡🧡 Xx
@lindarothwell909 Жыл бұрын
I was waiting for comments from Lady Hawk as well. This is not her first rodeo. She is amazing keeping us well informed. I know she must be hurting as well. Thank you Lady Hawk sharing your knowledgeable input with all.
@MehIgotnothing Жыл бұрын
I noticed the intruder's injury the other night; I can't help but wonder if she could have scuffled with Harriet? This was very intense and stressful to watch and I'm glad M and the Es are okay. As we've seen with Gabby, the intruders will continue to appear regardless on if this girl sticks around. All we can do is hope and pray for M and the Es' safety moving forward.
@GavyneJ Жыл бұрын
For all we know, she could've been the one that fought and drove Harriet off, perhaps even injuring Harriet in the process while sustaining some of her own. I was so afraid for the eaglets, I was screaming and hoping E's would stop getting close to her as she scavenged the fish.
@MehIgotnothing Жыл бұрын
@@GavyneJ The timing seems to fit unfortunately. I was so nervous watching her nip at them; I still am nervous about the situation since she's so persistent. I hope the Es stay safe and that M doesn't get injured in the process.
@peggyrichmond554 Жыл бұрын
@@MehIgotnothing h
@brendanc5908 Жыл бұрын
You may be right poor Harriet
@brendanc5908 Жыл бұрын
If she’s out there somewhere hopefully a rescuer finds her
@hexhex7220 Жыл бұрын
No matter M15's hard work, there are so many factors at play here. We all interject our human feelings into what this Eagle family is feeling. Nothing but natural instinct, and nature will ultimately take it's course. Only the strong survive. Well, perhaps with a whole lot of luck.
@lindarothwell909 Жыл бұрын
Nicely said.
@marieb6979 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that comment. I was thinking exactly the same thing. We always tend to anthropomorphize things, creating good guys and bad guys! Nature is a harsh mistress, and the name of the game is survival. Of course when we have invested our emotions into something or someone we feel a certain possessiveness. But as you said it is all about survival. And the female with the injured talon is doing exactly what M15 is doing and meanwhile hopefully, e21 and e22 are also learning some really valuable survival lessons. I hope they get to use those skills in the future.
@hexhex7220 Жыл бұрын
@@marieb6979 Guess we're all hoping for Nature not to be too harsh a mistress. :)
@ritanation1671 Жыл бұрын
Poor lil E's. Their world keeps getting rocked daily. So proud of M15, what a guy, what an awesome guy!!
@dorak7117 Жыл бұрын
The eaglets have quite a while till they will be able to fledge. The intruder has already started going down to the nest to steel there food but also I can’t see her stopping at the food. It will be a miracle if the eaglets survive the many weeks till they fledge from this intruder🙏🙏🙏
@jeanb8848 Жыл бұрын
Such a scary and dangerous situation for M and the E's! I'm so glad I didn't see this live. I hope those who have been writing romantic nonsense about this female will read Lady Hawk's detailed explanation and take it to heart.
@angiescarberry4339 Жыл бұрын
Good dad
@mariannekay7884 Жыл бұрын
I have to say how proud I am of M15. Females are larger for a reason but a fierce, devoted father won’t cower. One part I noticed earlier and you can see it @ 12:15 on this video is how carefully M15 steps into the nest. As she was being forced out she was trying to take the fish with her. That very easily could have been one of the Eaglets. For all their sake I hope she goes away at least until after this season is over and the Es have successfully fledged! Thank you for another amazing video and information. Be safe M15, E21 & E22 🤎🤍❤
@The-ii5mj Жыл бұрын
Thank you Ms.Lady Hawk for setting us straight as to what's happening💖✌ I do appreciate you so much💕. Stay safe M15❗
@Fadedecho1 Жыл бұрын
I would have never known all this. Or ever thought all this. This eagle family has really been thru it. And now this. I suppose this female is only taking opportunity for free food. She sees a opening and takes it. I'm so torn about this tragic story. My heart breaks for the torment these eaglettes must go thru. And M15 is doing a super job of taking care of them so far. He must make decisions that leave the eaglettes vulnerable at times. Oh geez I hope all goes well. I have read the description LH and sad but true. I pray that all goes well. 🙏 ♥️
@lesselavie7675 Жыл бұрын
Incredible footage....thank you so much! Every year the eagles show us more and more of what they're capable of. These eaglets are getting their lessons of survival early . Thank you @Lady Hawk for posting!!
@prnbob2781 Жыл бұрын
TY LH! As difficult as it is too see,it can get worse. Your explanations need to be read by many. Please take good care of you through this stressful time🙌❣️🙌❣️
@Salonfoodie3233 Жыл бұрын
Sooooo hard to watch i was literally holding my breath!!!! Scary scary for all! I guess we truly dont know all about their wild eagle instincts ……even though i think we thought F would be a possible new mate?😞 Rest in peace sweet eagle family 🙏🦅🦅🦅❤❤❤
@Salonfoodie3233 Жыл бұрын
Rest in peace tonight!🙏❣️
@animallover5935 Жыл бұрын
Certainly not what I was hoping for. 😟 I hope she is not persistent.
@sleslie6395 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad I saw this because earlier I had to stop watching the stream when I thought it was M15 kicking and pecking at E22. I thought M was at his breaking point of taking care of these two. I came back later and saw the video of the fight and that it was a female intruder in the nest with the babies. I didn't like her kicking and pecking at them, but was happy that she wasn't interested in hurting or killing them. M15 is a rockstar of a dad. He really has been doing a great job. I do wish he would keep E21 from being a bully to eat first. That always happens with the firstborn. I miss Harriet 😔. I can't believe first Rita and now Harriet. 🦅🦅. Ok, I need to add something. It's night time and I just went to the livestream and rewound a bit and that female intruder needs to go. She is trouble. I had no idea of everything she's been doing.
@realberla2518 Жыл бұрын
To all the people yesterday saying she shouldn't be called an intruder anymore, where are you now?
@dollyqueen5876 Жыл бұрын
I know this is a very hard reality to take in, and to understand. I do not feel or have ever felt, that any female other then the eaglets mother should be close to eaglets that are not hers . M15 has been overwhelmingly Amazing, taking care of his babies . I am so so very proud of him . Please remember, even in a normal year both parents lose Weight feeding their young . M15 will start to lose body mass soon . He may not be able to protect himself from the intruders, let alone protect his offspring. At this point as long as the intruders come in, I do not think the outcome will be anything we want to see . I love Harriet & M15 so much & never wanted to see either hurt ! The reality is we do not have control over the future of anyone on this nest . May God the Father stop the intruders, I think it’s our only hope.
@flyhack Жыл бұрын
She looks like a wanderer. M and the desire to cling to the nest coexist with hunger. She doesn't seem to want to harm the chicks in the first place, and when her meal is interrupted by the chicks, she hits them. We don't know if there is hope for this eagle family in the future, but I pray there is.
@lindacrowe4652 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Lady Hawk.. I've also been waiting for your assessment of this troubling situation. You are always my first and most trusted source of information .! Dear Vicki also...I appreciate your wisdom,knowledge, and the comfort you provide. Will continue to pray!
@janmarieharmony2788 Жыл бұрын
No truer words are spoken here
@kathleenclark1866 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. My feelings exactly. God is watching over them and helping him get rest. He will kick her butt next time she shows up. Oh her talon is hurt? Msybe she can't hunt without it. I guess she thought he would help her.
@Happylilbeaks Жыл бұрын
Totally agree with everything you’ve said. I said from the beginning she’s not there to help or be a step-mom. I’m sorry she’s injured and hungry, but M can’t afford to keep her up too! Plus the chicks could be harmed during a scuffle. I have gotten pushback for my stance on this! The survival of this nest is priority. This injured female is huge and has what it takes to survive and will be fine moving on down the road. But then again, there would just be other intruders to take her place. Ty for the video and confirming my thoughts on this situation
@SilvanaSouza-wy5rv Жыл бұрын
🥺💕🌴🐥🐥🦅🚫🦅💕 Thank you very much for this video and update, Lady Hawk. Oh dear, I confess I'm speechless after watching this terrible nightmare. 💔 I'm glad that M fiercely defended and protected his E's and expelled this aggressive female intruder from the nest. 💕💥💕 I fear for what might happen to M and his E's if that eagle keeps coming to the nest. I keep praying fervently for M his babies' safety and well-being. 🙏🙏🐥🐥🦅🙏🙏 May God keep M, E21 and E22 safe and bring our beloved Harriet home safely. ,🙏👑🦅🐥🐥🦅🙏 Take good care of yourself, my dear friend. Stay under divine protection.🌺 💙🙏🤗🥰💕🌴👑🦅🐥💘🐥🦅💕🙏
@lindarothwell909 Жыл бұрын
Wonderfully said, Silvania. 🙏🙏🦅🦅❤️
@SilvanaSouza-wy5rv Жыл бұрын
@@lindarothwell909 🙏❤️Thanks❤️🙏 Many blessings to you, dear Linda. Stay under divine protection. 🌹🙏😘❤️🦅
@suzietschirsch1257 Жыл бұрын
So hard to watch to this happening to them. I just think the female injured her talons cause to hard to hunt then she found this nest to get easy meal. That is my guess . Hope M stay safe and strong.♥
@suescrase7071 Жыл бұрын
Hope and pray M15 finds the strength to continue his excellent parenting skills and that this intruder is driven away for good without further harm to this little family. Shocking scenes hope they are not repeated and any ideas we had that this was a friendly female are now firmly squashed she is a very real threat. As if M 15 did not have enough to contend with!!
@amyblase5715 Жыл бұрын
Well I want to thank LH for putting such an elaborate and helpful description with this female intruder. I think I read that someone said we are naive those of us who feel a new woman in the picture might be good... I have to say I do agree with you... I felt so bad for him that I was hoping this new woman Eagle MIGHT be helpful What the heck was I thanking? After watching the female intruder go after the kiddos... I was in shock being the scenario is so new to me I appreciate the new insight with all of your comments!! And lastly yes agreed M needs to be alone and focusing on the kids just like real relationships that jump into other relationships when theirs have ended Same with wildlife I am learning this season I know watching around my neighborhood that animals were constantly looking up looking around 24/7 but now I can see it firsthand with the eagles as well and must I say life in the wild is a b****!!! I respect M and the kiddos for trying to fight back even more!!!👍
@debbiebleege6333 Жыл бұрын
Oh Lady Hawk I was so naive I couldn't figure out what she was hanging around for Thank you for straightening this out and I pray that noone especially Harriet's loved ones get hurt. You are so knowledgeable once again thank you🙏
@nellowynpitman1439 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the explanation and perspective LH. Of course M would only be thinking about the now and his defences kicked into overdrive. The E’s could have been seriously hurt. The female is just interested in free food! ❤️🦅🦅🐥🐥🇦🇺
@mehboobkm3728 Жыл бұрын
More power to M15!!
@naturebird9177 Жыл бұрын
Fearing if she wants this nest and territory she will take it eventually. M is strong but she is persistent. What will become of the E’s, can’t they be rescued? 😔 If this situation turns bad, and she is the new female at this nest, many may not want to watch her in the future.
@kathyberger6650 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lady Hawk! I was so afraid these babies were going to be hurt during this. Poor M. God bless him!! I thought when I saw her lunge at E22 today that is was actually M and I knew something was off with that. I kept saying there’s no way he would do that because he’s been nothing but patient with these babies. Oh my, my heart is breaking. 💙🦅❤️🦅🐣🐣❣️❣️❣️❣️
@kathleenhunter4331 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining this. I still pray for this little family. I feel bad for the injured female but sadly....she has to go! Man......this unfolding of nature is hard to watch. UGGG
@2101case Жыл бұрын
If the intruder doesn't get E22, I'm afraid starvation will.
@i-dx2ow Жыл бұрын
Another AWESOME video, thanks for sharing!!! Daddy protects his kids, what could be more beautiful... I love you M15, your name should be Miracle!!!!
@robintrotter7109 Жыл бұрын
Thank You, Lady Hawk...not only for your amazing videos, but also for you very thorough explanations of what is happening. I sincerely appreciate your knowledge and helping us spectators learn. Blessing to you, DearHeart ♥️🦅♥️🙏
@mherxmx Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@ep8865 Жыл бұрын
Praying for these babies. M15 stay strong 🦅 Thank you Lady Hawk for your words of wisdom.
@tinysmith1834 Жыл бұрын
Was waiting on this one too! Thank you!
@lim9623 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lady Hawk for posting this video and your extremely important information about this (and other) intruder (s). I happened to be watching live when this incident occurred and it was terrifying to witness. I initially thought the intruder was trying to steal E22. When M arrived and both adult eagles were stepping all over the babies I just held my breath. I have been watching this nest for several years and have seen the accidental fledges, the untimely death of E14, the nights when eaglets spent time alone on the ground, and the arial battles to defend the nest but none of that prepared me for this. I have to remind myself this is raw nature...anything can happen. Thank you also to Trax2011 for your comments and Lady Hawks response. Nothing sweet or cute or romantic about this female intruder. M15 was sitting on the attic after this incident and he looked exhausted and a bit ruffled. I hope the cam operators have been able to get some good zooms on M to make sure he (and the eaglets) are all okay after the scuffle. Prayers and strength to M15, E21 & E22.
@jamillah4849 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lady Hawk, for the good information it gave me a better understanding of the eagle 🦅 life. I'm so proud of daddy M15 he's such a power house 'great" parenting skills and power to protect and provide for the E's. I'm so glad he made it to the nest in time ⌚ it got scary but he kick miss intruder butt out of the nest. Stay safe family and stay healthy. ♥ 💕
@tamaragonzalez2227 Жыл бұрын
Yes after seeing this I agree L.H. the intruder needs to go.
@michelesol5425 Жыл бұрын
I know we are supposed to let nature take it course, but I wish the gal could be relocated. M is doing a great job and as well as can be expected. I wonder why he lets her linger so close to the next each day and not chasing her every time she perches near him. It is so stressful to watch. I worry about this family of 3 :( I know she has an injured foot, but it doesn't look like something that should stop her from hunting. Could it be she is a young one that just isn't good at it yet?
@daniellebg4617 Жыл бұрын
Qué estrés pasan por favor ☺️♥️🐣🐣🦅♥️🙏🏻 Una lucha 😌
@SR-jq7nv Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I hope E's can survive. Was hoping she would not attack or kill/eat them but not the case.
@kathyhensarling2537 Жыл бұрын
Wow, poor M15, he is trying so hard. I pray for him and the E’s. Safety, food and good health.
@moka9144 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Lady Hawk for the excellent explaining you've pinned on this video. I'm glad you have found the time to put this well needed explanation on. What worries me now is, that a lot of the comments are now about to going in the exact opposite direction and possibly wishing the plague on the Intruder female, not to mention possibly far worse, some people are unpredictable as we've seen before. Who knows what thoughts they may come up with. Oh dear. This i have commented few hours ago on your previous video: I just looked back at the scary event around 4 pm. It was as if M asked de female before he flew away, "can I trust you, will you guard my eaglets ?" When she dropped into the nest and took the half-eaten fish, at first I thought she was about to feed E22 - but no. For some reason, maybe because of the injury, she momentarily must be unable to hunt for herself, we don't know if the visible injuries are the only ones, maybe she also has inner injuries, which we don't see. I think she is desperately hungry and possibly is here just looking for food and shelter. I still don't think she means to do any harm to the eaglets, she just acted exactly like E21 acts towards E22 when it comes to food. And that - as unpleasant as it is for us to watch - is unfortunately only completely "normal" behaviour with the eagles. Eat to survive, that is the first commandment, survival instinct. Who wants to blame her for realizing what an incredibly awesome eagle M15 is, even capable of caring for his two eaglets on his own. M is even such a supremely magnificent eagle that saw her distress because of her injury and therefore allowed her to spend the night in his nesttree. Unfortunately, even with the best will in M, it is not possible to also provide for an adult. He already has all the talons full to make sure that also 22 gets enough food to thrive. Nonetheless, this is a very scary situation that none of us know how will end and we can only hope that M and the eaglets stay well and unharmed. The fight on the nest was fierce, M was incredibly brave. He really does the outmost to protect his eaglets. However, we must be aware that the female may not be in full strength at the moment as a male versus female fight rarely ends well for a male, as females are bigger and stronger which is why males usually do not fight females. But one thing is for sure, M will do anything to protect his eaglets. May God help him. Currently 19:05:00 - pheew, she is perched next to M on the attic, M tucked in, obviously she will spend the night there again. I was very glad to have seen M sporting a big crop when he came back to flush the intruder female off the nest the second time. He is so smart, knows well that it's very important to care for himself to keep up his strength to be able to hang in there defending and protecting.
@just_bea Жыл бұрын
💯👍 💛 The upcoming 5-10 weeks will be extremely nerve-racking. In an ideal world this female should receive a few weeks rehabilitation for her bad foot, during which time M can continue his arduous journey bringing up the little ones. As she is fully flight capable sadly this is not (yet) an option.
@DLionheart Жыл бұрын
'Loved what you shared moka. Thank you and now I must sleep. God bless; see you soon, Good night. 🙂
@moka9144 Жыл бұрын
@@DLionheart thanks and good night, DLionheart-friend, sleep well.
@viviannewbury7276 Жыл бұрын
Praying for this beautiful family.
@HoneyHush3425 Жыл бұрын
I hope all you chatters that were Ahhh what a lovely female for M, I truly hope you all understand she's trouble. She was trouble on day one and she's even more trouble now.
@takemetothesea6238 Жыл бұрын
Kudos to Lady Hawk for summing up quite a frustrating situation going on right now. When I began following eagle activities a few years ago, I couldn't understand certain behaviors. I would think, "Why don't they do this? Why do they do that?" Then the long-time eagle followers would just say to me, "Trust the eagles." That's hard because we think and rationalize as humans. They are hard wired to operate by instinct. Their list of concerns is brief. Survival, food, shelter/territory and procreation. There's only one who can impress upon an eagle what will be tolerated and what will not be tolerated...and that's another eagle...in eagle language. We have to remember that even M was at one time an intruder himself. Obviously he and Harriet worked things out beautifully. M is still allowing the female to be there. Why? "Trust the eagles" (I say to myself) She lowers her head and signals submission and is generally quiet. But, her instincts are that she is hungry. She sees the leftover bones & skin of a fish in the nest and goes for it. Why? "Trust the eagles." They don't have human minds to understand that this is stealing. The unfortunate thing is that M must also obey HIS instincts, become distracted from his own natural duties of hunting, feeding and preserving the safety of his kids. I'm guessing that kicking her off the nest is an eagle's way of saying, "NO!". And, the unintended consequences of all this ruckus & commotion in this small contained area could be disastrous. Only M knows if she got the message or not. As of the moment she's still present and standing watch as M sleeps. Why? {heavy sigh in my finite mind}"Trust the eagles."💗🙏
@melmasi5098 Жыл бұрын
Indeed. 🤞❣️🙏 trust...
@nancycrayton2738 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I've been hoping to hear your analysis. Thank you.
@judithk7644 Жыл бұрын
As a lot of us have commented in prior posts. This is Nature and life goes on. It is brutal. But this is the way of the wild. Survival of the fittist. Calling folks naive doesn't help either. Man has a natural tendency to assign human behavior to the animal kingdom. We humans are mostly at large very kind-hearted. It is hard and difficult to see Mother Nature at her toughest. It is usually never fair. But Hey, we deal with that in our lives everyday as well. Let's all hang together and watch over, worry and Pray for our family of eagles. M 15 knows the Wild's rules. There are no rules. We can only watch and learn. Love to us all. Be strong. Thank you Lady Hawk. It was hard watching that female land in that nest. I caught it "live". M 15 kicked Butt.
@88Amps Жыл бұрын
TYSVM Lady Hawk! wildlife watching is not without its perils and even brutality. we can observe and learn, but must also care for ourselves. it’s natural to wish for ‘happy’ outcomes but life as a BAEA is literally a struggle for survival against all odds. for instance, having a nest alongside a busy parkway! wonderful coverage of a very scary episode.
@brendamcmanus9438 Жыл бұрын
Sir M, you are amazing. We're all sending you protective juju 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Stay strong. Be healthy. I'm still praying for our 🦅 Harriet
@cowboykelly6590 Жыл бұрын
😯💔... this poor soul . Papa is trying so hard ! Bless his soul . 🦅🦅🦅💖🖖
@wandae9906 Жыл бұрын
Very sad......both E's were so traumatized & remained flat & uninterested in eating with dad. 😭 It has been my worst fear that something like this would happen, but much worse, & it's not over! 😠 Thank God that the E's got through this attack, and that M was able to fight her off. Thank God he was also not injured. 🙏 WORST fears of mine are emerging....seems the female may indeed be interested in M, but as an opportunist, will naturally try to steal food & in the process, may cause harm to the E's if they get in the way.....she didn't go after them until they tried to get fed & then of course stepping all over them while fighting M!!! Thank you for a very detailed description explaining how dire a situation this is. Many have seemed hopeful that her presence was a good thing but as I stated before, this nest is a NO INTRUDER ZONE & she is indeed an INTRUDER, not a visitor & whether or not she may or may not be looking to bond with M, he's is NOT looking for the same with his sole focus on protecting his eaglets & his territory, & providing food to them, nothing else!! I've looked at a few video titles that came out, & I really wish folks would stop with the misleading titles--it sends the wrong message to viewers about what's REALLY unfolding............... "New Female Is Making Progress With Dad" "Dad and New Female Perched Together - Possibly a New Beginning" "Female VISITOR Spends 2nd Night On Nest Tree" "A Story of Hope - Female VISITOR Plans to Stay" She is an intruder & a huge threat & is disrupting M's best efforts to raise his chicks in the absence of Harriet while also causing distress in both him & the eaglets & despite him doing remarkably well in providing & protecting, & as you stated, is hindering his ability to feed them which is an extremely important & obvious measure in their survival!! This distress can also cause them developmental issues should they survive to fledging, & further hinder their overall ability to thrive & survive!! It is just so very upsetting!! M has been amazing through all this - the FIERCE look on his face while fighting off this intruder got to me hard - it was heart-wrenching!!! I think at night, he's so exhausted that he is allowing her to be present.....and since they sleep at night maybe he doesn't see her as a threat during the cover of the night..??? Once he woke up & saw her beside him, he went right back to "flushing her out mode" and also during the day. However, I think it confuses viewers, & these people making these videos with fantasy titles are adding to the speculation that all is cozy & well. I hope today helped open eyes of viewers who have been misled & given false hope......that also makes me very sad. We all want the season to have a happy ending with M successfully raising the eaglets but if he does, it will be him and him alone, that does it!!! Thank you again for putting things into perspective to help the community better understand what is unfolding & how serious this situation is for both the eaglets & for M15. Continuing my prayers for a hedge of protection around M & the E's, & for added strength for M & his ability to continue in his fierce protection of his precious cargo in the nest. 🙏 TY LH -Hugs, Wanda 🤗
@sallyfarrer2597 Жыл бұрын
Excellent summary of the situation Lady Hawk, I follow Osprey nests in the UK and have learned how quickly a nest can be overwhelmed by circumstances out of anyones control..hoping this heroic dad managed to get at least one eaglet to fledging..🤞🤞🤞
@fisherbird1739 Жыл бұрын
so it was about food, the female hanging around
@ladyhawk Жыл бұрын
Yes food is the number one reason but also she is interested in M15 and in the nest/territory. Almost all eagle battles in the wild revolve around defending their territory.
@naturebird9177 Жыл бұрын
And how can she have the nest with eaglets in it 😔 praying for the little E’s.
@ladyhawk Жыл бұрын
@@naturebird9177 That is what is concerning!! Eaglets can be ejected or accidentally knocked off - like in one of these fights!
@HoneyHush3425 Жыл бұрын
@ladyhawk you're the Best. From day one of this female I felt like I was the only one on theses channels trying to tell chatters in a very nice way that I didn't think it was a good idea at all that this female should be around. I was getting so upset reading people's comments about wanting the female to be around. I just need to be quiet. LadyHawk you explained Everything so well and if chatters don't understand your message they never will. @LadyHawk you are the BEST and I have always appreciated you. 🦅
@773H57IO Жыл бұрын
Very well said Honey Hush 🙂
@53Artemis Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lady Hawk. Having watched this live I don't mind admitting that my heart was pounding as I willed M to return. Hopefully she has learnt a lesson - the first time she fought him when he evicted her from the nest, the second time she just went. Interesting that afterwards both Es seemed shocked and stayed in submissive pose but it was E22 who first 'recovered' and went to Dad, much more quickly than E21. E22 strikes me as the more resourceful one as I guess s/he has had to learn to be. I see that the female appears to have spent the night in the nest tree again and M drove her off at 0650 this morning. Her injured talon does not seem to affect her being able to perch so I wonder how much it affects her hunting ability. She obviously can't be trusted to 'guard' the nest when M's not there so she needs to go. Someone somewhere made a comment that M15 should be Time magazine father of the year. Yay! he has my vote. ❤
@dianepayton3512 Жыл бұрын
Mine too. Fearful for Ms safety and the Es! It got my adrenaline going as other viewers....
@sambia7295 Жыл бұрын
E22 is a littlie fighter and didn't seem afraid of the intruder! I think if she is allowed to keep returning to the nest she will hurt or even grab E21 or E22. It seems she is so hungry and maybe not able to hunt her own food due to her injury. I hope M15 can get her away from the nest all together. She is not friendly to the eaglets and steals the food E22 usually picks at.
@Cindy.Moline Жыл бұрын
I wonder if this female intruder has something to do with Harriet’s disappearance. That’s why she has a talon injury!!? I am so scared for the eaglets and M15. He’s hunting, protecting his babies and territory. He’s doing everything he can! E22 not getting enough food because of E21. M-15 is too tired to chase off female intruder still perching next to him at night. 🥺 I miss Harriet so much! I’m attached to this family. Breaks my heart to watch. Please God help this family! 🙏🏻❤️
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