Leaving the LDS Church | Ex Mormon Josh Rolph

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Former devout mormon Josh Rolph talks about the moment he was confronted with a crisis of faith, and the fallout that occurred.

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@laracroftismyhomegirl Ай бұрын
Hi, I'm a exmo of 2 years and was a lifelong generational member for 34 years. I have to say when Josh said "complete sadness" when he found out it wasn't true I can resonate with that completely. I was a TBM and I get told all the time that I didn't understand the doctrine that's why I left. Keep your head up Josh and God bless you for speaking out 🙏
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
That hits hard! I think there's a lot of victim-blaming that occurs when someone leaves any group. Those still in that group want an easy way to write off their reasons so that they don't have to actually confront their own doubts. Doubts are uncomfortable; groupthink is comfortable because it allows us to outsource our thinking.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
What would you call yourself now?
@laracroftismyhomegirl Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast that's true, I just had that conversation with my aunt who is now exmo after 60 years! In the end I love the Mormon family that I have and take the hits because I understand it's the power of group think. I don't resent my upbringing because in the end it brought me to being saved as a born again Christian ✝️❤️ I have been saved for over a year now. Praise God! I actually do a Tiktok on the differences on Mormonism and Christianity it's called Thrice_Ministry I'm working through the articles of faith right now. Thank you for giving Josh a platform to tell his story. I like to say it's the best polished cultish religion out there so it flys under the radar.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@laracroftismyhomegirl that's awesome! I'm gonna follow you. I'm @madcowan on TikTok
@laracroftismyhomegirl Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast Thank you! Can't wait to see more of your content!
@karendowd7468 26 күн бұрын
I'm freaking out because I couldn't have said it any better than you did! I just left the church April 2024! Family doesn't know yet but my husband was right there with me🙂 after 64 years of being a SOLID member, I too could not lie anymore after what I had learned. I went into the Bishop and was asked to be released and a week later had both of our names removed, as to stick it to the church LIARS!! No more of my time and talents and$$$$. Thank you for sharing your story and like you, the internet hadwoken up a lot of mbers' eyes! Most members won't see or even listen to RFM because it is NOT CHUR H APPROVED😤🤮 Screams CULT to me! Again, THANK YOU!
@smaug3045 Ай бұрын
I joined the church in the UK when I was 23. Went on a mission to the Detroit mission, then the Deerborn mission. My wife is a RM (returned missionary). Three of my 4 daughters are RM's. So we were quite active in the church. I did not even want to entertain any thought that the church was not true. It meant everything to me. It made sense of the world to me and why we were here on this earth. Any negative thing against the church, I just shoved it on my shelf . We'll the layers slowly peeled apart, and I delved into the church history, this plus loads of other issues I realised I could no longer believe in what I was taught and also what I taught. The more I look into issues, be it church history, dishonesty of finances, racism, Joseph Smith being a sex preditator, the list just goes on and on. I was lucky enough that my wife was also going through the same, so that helped us both. One of my RM daughters no longer believes. My younger daughter never has. My two other RM daughters are still active, and we want to support them while they still believe. It was forty-two years ago I joined the church, and I stopped going about a year ago. Certainly be a roller coaster ride. There were a lot of good things, but a lie is a lie, and I no longer want to live a lie being deceived by leaders who either are decieved themselves or are decievers.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@smaug3045 man that’s tough. Realizing that so much of what you spent your time and life decisions on is not something you believe has got to be earth shaking. And complicated when you have kids still in it. What would you describe yourself as now, if anything?
@smaug3045 Ай бұрын
@ShiftStormPodcast Not interested in religion, still believe life has a purpose, and there is a higher being, whatever we call him/her. I keep my mind open, but I will not join any organised religion.
@lloyddouglas3650 22 күн бұрын
Jesus was the founder of the Catholic church , join them , no Mormon underwear 😂
@smaug3045 22 күн бұрын
@lloyddouglas3650 I was Catholic before I became a Mormon, just another man made religion, and going by its history probably even worse than Mormonism.
@psmith535 20 күн бұрын
@@lloyddouglas3650 no, actually, Jesus was the founder of his own church, then the Catholic Church came along about 300 years after his death. Catholicism is nothing more than a man-made religion.
@rkn2800 Күн бұрын
I’m with you, guy. I was born and raised in the Church, devout like you, served a mission, and it was after that that I started challenging what I chose to accept as doctrinally true. The Church to me now is an experience in my life, probably the biggest influence to my psyche, sense of goodness of character, etc., but I reject the truth claims completely. I am happy and very open-minded and I hope you are too. Celebrate life and love the people in your life.
@Aim-free2023 Ай бұрын
Thanks Josh for being brave and speaking out. I live outside D.C. Born and raised in the church. Served mission, married in the temple, and at 49 dove into church history and the church today. Said out loud by myself exactly what you said. It’s been hard. My husband is a strong believer. I did ask him to choose our marriage over the church and so far he said he chooses me. It’s had its ups and downs. We have 4 older sons. I just want us all out. We’re getting there, but when you are born and raised in this religion it’s hard to learn the truth and walk away. I think of it like the matrix and choosing to take the red pill over the blue. I’m so glad I’m out now looking in. I see it all so differently now. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. And instead of living for the next life, I’m choosing to live for this one. I love myself, my husband and my children more than ever. It’s hard to explain unless you are or have been Mormon. All the best Josh.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
It seems really tough because mormonism is sooo often directly tied to the family structure. Leaving mormonism seems to be like leaving your family. What would you call yourself now?
@marilynmantis5409 Ай бұрын
The fact that people live for an afterlife that is unproven was one of the reasons why I was never an active member after I left my parent's home. It's just one more thing about Mormonism that doesn't ad up. In my opinion, it is the height of immorality to prey upon people's fear of death for monetary gain. It makes me want to vomit when I hear those corporate piece of shit "general authorities" and other muckity mucks talking about morality. They know nothing about true morality.
@germanslice 28 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast it make no sense to abandon the race before even crossing over the finish line when you see the finish line is in sight. That is why the lamps of all the foolish went out one by one and left them in to walk in darkness. The Savior said this was going to happen to the foolish that the light of their lamps will go out and it will be one by one that they will go out if they fail to fill their lamps to keep them burning.
@pattyotterstrom3179 23 күн бұрын
I'm not sure if telling a spouse to choose marriage or religion is exactly the route to go. My husband and I were both raised LDS. He never returned to church after we were married. Our children were raised LDS, married in the temple and are active. Their children are baptized. I spent 40 years begging God to give my husband that "miraculous change of heart" so he would return to church and we could be that Celestial couple. He respected my decision to associate with the Church. It took 40 years for my shelf to fall and it's still falling. My advice is please be patient with your husband. It takes a lifetime to release yourself of all this heavy heavy indoctrination. Love him for who he is when you fell in love. Love him for how he honors you as his wife and the mother of your children.
@germanslice 23 күн бұрын
@@pattyotterstrom3179 The Church is teaching the truth. See Eccl 3:6. Everything God does is forever. That's why the Church has an eternal perspective.
@gagagoose2878 9 күн бұрын
What an excellent interviewer; so often an interviewer interrupts and/or talks over the person being interviewed and in addition, doesn’t listen carefully to the person’s responses, which results in them asking questions that have already been answered.
@richardjones1699 Ай бұрын
Don't be too hard on yourself. We all felt the same way.
@__-cr6fv Ай бұрын
Ostracism is the price for personal integrity. It's not easy to go through. Like Josh, I had been very strong in my commitment to mormon doctrine, culture and it's ideals. I held many of the callings over many years including: stake high council, bishopric (1st counselor), gospel doctrine teacher, high priest group leadership (1st counselor), elder's quorum presidency (1st counselor), elder's quorum instructor, sunday school presidency, sunday school teacher (various ages), ward mission leader, of course, home teacher (back in the day), early morning seminary teacher, and other callings... different callings while on the mission, etc., etc. I spent 2 years studying and praying once I began to realize that the church MIGHT not be true. Eventually, I realized that there was no possible way that GOD, the creator of the universe, could be so inept that his selected prophets on earth could be the lying hypocrites who have led mormonism throughout it's existence. I didn't have any choice but to leave the church. How could I live the lie? It resulted in divorce and ostracism by my "good christian" extended family. Hang in there, Josh.
@UnderSprayedWhiteSkies 19 күн бұрын
You can personally attest to the fact that for its members, the CULT COMES FIRST. The Mormon ("Church") cult very effectively/heavily indoctrinates in members to shun/vilify any member (who comes to her/his senses, and pulls the plug on the cult).
@kenziek6707 17 күн бұрын
@@UnderSprayedWhiteSkies Oh yea and remember "it is wrong to criticize leaders of the church even if the criticism is true"
@JohnDLee-im4lo 7 күн бұрын
We're always glad to see the weak dross and offal leave the church. It makes us stronger and really seems to make the posers happy. Thanks for your absence.
@smarble85 4 күн бұрын
As a fellow exmo, this resonated with me. Not knowing, or more importantly, needing to know if some form of creator exists, and what he/she/it/alien wants of me is so peaceful. If some creator exists and is aware of me and what I am doing, then I hope they would be proud of me for using my brain for critical thought and genuinely trying to be a good kind human to my fellow humans. Why would a creator give me a talent for critical thought and seeing through lies only to punish me for using what the creator gave me?
@kellypatton1220 Ай бұрын
I am an ex Mormon. What got me was realizing that there really was a Hell. I never heard anything about a Hell until I went to a Baptist church. My testimony is such a magnificent journey that would take an hour to tell. I'm just so thankful that I found the true God. Mormonism is a complete different culture that is not easy to leave.
@marygreen2672 26 күн бұрын
It's a cult.
@JohnDLee-im4lo 7 күн бұрын
We're always glad to see the weak dross and offal leave the church. It makes us stronger and really seems to make the posers happy. Thanks for your absence.
@marygreen2672 7 күн бұрын
@@JohnDLee-im4lo, you wouldn't know the truth if it hit u in the face. Read your bible. Your so called prophets aren't prophets,,😄😇
@fullmunty2048 Ай бұрын
Amen Josh! Thanks for sharing your journey with us! Love you brother!
@marilynmantis5409 Ай бұрын
I admire this man's courage to be true to himself rather than pretending to believe the lie just to keep the peace with his family. One should always be true to their own self above following the delusional beliefs of other people.
@UnderSprayedWhiteSkies 19 күн бұрын
Never been Mormon, but have lived, currently living in predominantly Mormon towns for the last twenty years or so. During most of that time I didn't know it is probably the largest, (most highly polished) "religious" cult in existence. After noticing a very definitive, consistent, predictable pattern of repetitive, unusual behavior, I began to research Former Mormon KZfaq videos to learn more about the cult. It has been very enlightening. Curious how Josh avoided describing Mormonism as being a sophisticated cult (which it passes the cult definition, 'sniff test" with flying colors). At 47:15 curious how he hasn't made the association, (that for its members, the CULT always, always, ALWAYS comes first). By now, Josh should know/understand this as well established fact.
@MegaJohn144 Ай бұрын
When you say "The church is true", ask yourself "true to what"?
@rosehannah4845 28 күн бұрын
True to their bank account, racism, misogny, and covering up sins of leaders, massive ones.
@mortenle Ай бұрын
I didn't want to look at the relatively few wounds from Mormonism I received compared to others either, yet when you're a queer woman, it stays with you no matter how quietly or how loudly you leave it behind.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@mortenle what was the straw that broke the camels back for you?
@williamburns7354 Ай бұрын
Genuine guy. Glad he came out of the trance
@Gideonslc Ай бұрын
After my mission, I worked as a lifeguard. I actually talked with my bishop before I took the job about not wearing my garments (magic underwear) and he said that as long as I wore them every other chance I had that it wasn't something to be worried about... I wasn't the only person in the ward at the time with a job where wearing garments wouldn't work with job required attire. Certainly there's the "Bishop roulette" we speak of where orher Bishop's have been caustic and blunt with people- don't take a job that prevents garment wearing unless you seek damnation...
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@Gideonslc ok that’s interesting! I find those garment rules fascinating. Are you still Mormon
@Gideonslc Ай бұрын
@ShiftStormPodcast nope. Mostly Agnostic. I put God as a cat lover in Schrodinger's box quietly playing, in life & death, with the cat.
@JohnDLee-im4lo 7 күн бұрын
We're always glad to see the weak dross and offal leave the church. It makes us stronger and really seems to make the posers happy. Thanks for your absence.
@rosemariebennett7213 Ай бұрын
Not quite ex yet...but definitely questioning
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I think questioning your beliefs is so hard but so important. My own experience has been that it only leads to good things; either releasing myself from beliefs that were not serving the truth, or by strengthening my convictions. What are some of the things you're questioning?
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
There's nothing to question.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii can you elaborate? Are you saying that truth shouldn’t be questioned?
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
​@@ShiftStormPodcastTruth can't be questioned. As truth triumphs faith.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii what do you mean “truth triumphs faith “?
@Sirwalter2008 Ай бұрын
I was raised mormon, left the church when I was around 19-20 years old. I still have mormon sequel... but I live to be a good person. Have a wife, 3 children At that time.. I just left without knowing everything. I just learned that stuff.. 2 years ago... I'm glad I left early in my life. I don't have much of TBM post traumatic who are leaving the church. Leaving the church made me more open to the world, more open minded to anything.
@JohnDLee-im4lo 7 күн бұрын
We're always glad to see the weak dross and offal leave the church. It makes us stronger and really seems to make the posers happy. Thanks for your absence.
@williamburns7354 Ай бұрын
The reason Mormans put so much emphasis on member testimony because it’s a tactic all cults use to convince the members their doctrines are true using repetition. In real Christianity, the testimony of the revealed truth is primarily the Gospels. In Mormonism it’s a constant repetitive parade of members getting up in front of each other every Sunday and saying “I know the church of Mormonism founded by Joseph Smith is True after they give a some sort of an emotional presentation about some aspect of their lives. Again all cults use this tactic when their church is built on questionable doctrine
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@williamburns7354 interesting! Do you think there’s any value in “real” Christians getting up and sharing their testimonies?
@williamburns7354 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcastI think they are some similarities among non denominational Protestants a lot less in the major denominations. But remember you are comparing two different books. Mormans are trying to convince themselves on the revelations of Joseph Smith (his three books) and their subsequent prophets. Christians are attesting to the truth of 2000 year old gospels without any revealator that came after the death of the last apostle to Christ. So all the revelations that formed Christian doctrine two thousand years ago ended with the death of the last apostle. That is referred to as public Revelation. Christians and their leaders can have private revelations but they cannot be codified into Christian doctrine. In Mormonism it’s the inverse. It’s central to their beliefs that the living Mormon apostles private revelations can amend or completely change doctrine
@jasonvesmam7044 Ай бұрын
I found out the church wasn't true in 2022!
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@jasonvesmam7044 what put you over the edge?
@jasonvesmam7044 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast radio free mormon
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@jasonvesmam7044 sounds like that podcast is shaking up a lot of people
@Lovethisguy-kf1ku Ай бұрын
Sounds like groupthink, right shiftstorm?
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@Lovethisguy-kf1ku only if they’re blindly believing everything that podcast says, rather than being prompted to research and think critically for themselves.
@jessiesagucio3387 4 күн бұрын
Bro Josh, and Shift storm, come back♥️♥️♥️. What I perceived in this conversation is that you just stopped doing things that fueled our covenants to our God.... We members should be covenant keepers, we should not only hearers of the word but doer of the word.... The thing is if you stop making covenants, you fueled to not maintain your faith 😪😪😪. I testify that the church is true.... God bless you both I am sure that one day you both find your way back to church the true church, the LDS church ♥️♥️♥️
@ShiftStormPodcast 4 күн бұрын
@@jessiesagucio3387 I personally can’t come back, cause I was never LDS 😉
@lynnjohns4650 Ай бұрын
We were Born & raised in $1TRILLION Mormon cult led by Q15 UT CON MEN for over 50+ yrs seeking $200k tithing refund, as our money was hoarded in $180 Billion stock market Ensign Peaks accts & used to buy real property, making it 2nd largest landowner in the nation!! Instead of giving it charitably, as we gave it. Mormon tithing money should have been used to bless the hungry homeless diseased & dying. So much Blood on the hands of UT Mormon Q15 leadership! Jesus weeps at Mormon lack of generosity & charity!!
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@lynnjohns4650 is this the comment you were looking for? ☝🏾
@whozacardoza4063 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry that you see it that way. I always thought it was pretty clear that fast offerings were what was used to help the poor and needy. Tithing is for “building the kingdom”…whatever that looks like.
@kellybrandon1179 Ай бұрын
Tithes fund our subterranean city salt town.go go team zion
@lloyddouglas3650 22 күн бұрын
Galations 1:8
@JohnDLee-im4lo 7 күн бұрын
We're always glad to see the weak dross and offal leave the church. It makes us stronger and really seems to make the posers happy. Thanks for your absence.
@bagfacedog 22 күн бұрын
"Pure sadness." Amen, brother!
@ValerieGriner 3 күн бұрын
One thing that I find very, very offensive, (as a non-Mormon Christian), is the fact that young people are interviewed about whether or not they masturbate or "touch themselves," and if they DO...they are severely punished and shamed. No wonder there is so much dysfunction in their young people. The other thing is that a woman MUST have a man to "resurrect" her and "pull her through the veil." All of this is FALSE and it is sickening. The suicide and divorce rates are sky high. Very, very sad. Simply stated...Mormons believe in a different God, different Jesus, and different Gospel. The Bible warns us about this.
@jacoblewis2961 Ай бұрын
Amen Bro! Had a very similar experience!
@solitairesmith3553 Ай бұрын
Left 2 years ago.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@solitairesmith3553 what put you over the edge
@solitairesmith3553 Ай бұрын
@ShiftStormPodcast I was a convert. My ex husband is Iranian. My son is half . My son was told in seminary class in Utah that he could be white when he gets to heaven. Also 2 girls his age at church told him that he wasn't supposed to be at church. If I had been told the TRUTHabout what mormons believe when I was taking the lessons I NEVER WOULD HAVE JOINED. Also when I went to the bishop for a reasonable answer I was told to "pray about it". I mean wtf does that mean. If I don't get an answer does that mean God doesn't want me or my son? Just saying...
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@solitairesmith3553 wow, that’s wild… yeah that would be pretty concerning!!
@1god126 12 күн бұрын
How much for a 60 sec video promo & end screen link
@ShiftStormPodcast 12 күн бұрын
@@1god126 whatcha promoting
@1god126 12 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast or you can download the video and upload it to your channel free no copyright no license no fee just add a link to my channel I'm not here trying to make money I'm here trying to make heaven 🤗
@John-uq7uu 18 сағат бұрын
When I found the Baha'i faith,, I realized that the prophet was saying what I had always believed,, that all of the great prophets come from the same one God.. and he calls on all of the people of every Faith to unite as one... we have his writings because this all happened in the 1850s.. please read them for yourself,, and I pray that you find what I found.. a faith that makes sense
@ShiftStormPodcast 17 сағат бұрын
@@John-uq7uu what about the prophets who contradict each other?
@TraceyWhitehead-j2l 27 күн бұрын
I also had my Seminary teacher have us pray all night and going to an outside for a testimony meeting ... we were all sleep deprived
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
48:27 I can't speak for what people say, but the church teaches that there may very well be more people in celestial glory that were not members of the church in this life. Think of all the people who have passed away as non-members, who were taught the gospel in the spirit world (see 1 Peter 3:19 and 1 Peter 4:6) and received ordinances by proxy (see 1 Corinthians 15). I would say the majority of those who will be in celestial glory will be people who were not members of the church in this life.
@JamesLewis-xe8qc 23 күн бұрын
When I was 21 I read the Book of Mormon and was filled with the spirit of the Lord. Knowing Joseph Smith was a prophet I researched which church to join. My research led me to join with the RLDS, not the LDS. The LDS departed from the teachings of the church when Joseph Smith was alive. Joseph Smith chose his son Joseph the 3rd to be his successor, not Brigham Young. Joseph Smith III took his father’s place as the prophet/president of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1860.
@auctionmusic 21 күн бұрын
not trying to be cynical here, just saying, if you leave one church, and go to another, one hasn't accomplished anything....one is still living under the fear of a supreme being....one is not free to enjoy life without fear of some after-life that doesn't exist. Everything dies, including the Sun even, does that mean the Sun goes to Sun heaven?...I don't think so.
@ShiftStormPodcast 21 күн бұрын
What you're saying makes sense only if you assume that (a) all churches and their values are based on fear of the after-life, (b) a non-living thing (such as the sun) dying is the same as a living thing (a human) dying, and (c) there is no after-life. While you're free to believe that there is no after-life, I would challenge your second two assumptions, since not all churches have fear-based values, and using the sun dying is a false equivalency. That said, Josh has yet to join any other church.
@rodrigolopez9286 18 күн бұрын
I am just hearing some sentences and this guy is saying internet destroy his faith and many people today. For me, it is all contrary. Internet for me have increased my testimony of the restored gospel. Internet is a full source of knowlwdge of the truth of Jesus Chirst. Not only knowing te doctrine of the LDS Church, but comparing what so many christian churches are teaching in USA and many places.
@ShiftStormPodcast 18 күн бұрын
@@rodrigolopez9286 what are some of the things you’ve found that have affirmed your faith
@jovanmartinez6920 8 күн бұрын
Same here. I feel that it helped a lot more when I experienced a family member leave the Church of Jesus Christ. It helped me to better understand how God is the one in control of His own plan and that we can trust our loved ones into his hands. I started asking myself the same questions this person asked himself, and it lead me to a stronger testimoy of the restored gospel. It also was a good reminder that no matter what anybody says, being true or false, as human beings we easily interpret it our own way or the way others have told us to interpret. I am so grateful for the gosper of Jesus Christ and the principle of faith, that no matter where we go, as long as we do our best to follow Jesus Christ, he will make all things work to our favor. We can trust him, and learn to trust him more and learn of his ways by experience. Just like the example of Peter, that he received his testimony not from man but of God who is in heaven. Sorry for the long response, reading your comment was a great opportunity to remember and ponder on these experiences again and have the Holy Ghost testifiy of them to me once more. I think we all really need these sort of experiences more often. Thanks!
@Zorroinstillingorthodoxy Ай бұрын
Mormonism is very hard to crack. I'm Mormon but believe Oriental Orthodoxy, specifically Armenian. I highly recommend instilling their gospel into any church you already belong to. God is real. Jesus is our Savior, even if Mormonism is made up.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@Zorroinstillingorthodoxy it sounds kind of like you’re saying you’re Mormon but don’t believe in Mormonism?
@Zorroinstillingorthodoxy Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast Exactly, but I instill Oriental Orthodoxy into my ward, specifically Armenian.
@Zorroinstillingorthodoxy Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast Exactly, but I instill Oriental Orthodoxy into my ward, specifically Armenian.
@Lovethisguy-kf1ku Ай бұрын
When I’m assigned to give the spiritual thought in ward council, I also make sure to infuse some oriental orthodoxy into the meeting, and I frequently present the message in Armenian when at all possible.
@Zorroinstillingorthodoxy Ай бұрын
@@Lovethisguy-kf1ku Holy Guacamole, I have a double. Hallelujah!!
@VAATAUSILI4139 Ай бұрын
Left THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST, refused to repent, from all manners of wickedness. Now, endless excuses.
@ljweede9328 Ай бұрын
Most people are going along to get along. The Emperor has no clothes. Until the child points out the obvious.
@jonathanduran8669 22 күн бұрын
56:57 Ok finally get back into the rest of this video. This is interesting because the gospel (more specifically the restored gospel) teaches that after repentance you should not be weighed down by sins of the past, otherwise you haven't truly repented. Living with the eternities in mind doesn't just guide our choices, but also our hope in the bigger perspective when things are difficult and uncertain (which life will certainly bring in this life). Coming at this as a convert who didn't used to have this perspective, I can imagine how limiting and confusing it must be to not have that perspective anymore. My heart goes out to Josh on this one.
@ShiftStormPodcast 22 күн бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669 did you convert as an adult? I’d like to hear more about your story
@jonathanduran8669 22 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast I did, I was 26 years old in my last years in university. I was one of those folks who had the missionaries knock on their door. I was Catholic and I thought I was very knowledgeable in the gospel, so I thought I would teach the missionaries a thing or two. Boy was I wrong. haha one of the first questions I remember them asking me was, "have you ever thought about where you come from, where you're going and why we are here"? I loved conversations about philosophy and religion, so I was hooked. I started reading the Book of Mormon and continued these discussions. When I finally was willing to truly let God lead me through the power of the Holy Ghost, I received an answer to whether what I was learning was true. It was the first time I truly felt the power of the Holy Ghost in my life as a response to a prayer. I've grown in my testimony since then. I love studying the Bible and seeing how the restored gospel truly addresses everything therein. It truly is the most biblically sound faith that I have ever learned of.
@ShiftStormPodcast 22 күн бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669are you on Instagram? I’d like to connect with you. You can find me at @shiftstormpodcast or @madcowan on IG
@jonathanduran8669 22 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast sure thing! I have IG I just followed your Mad Cowan one
@ShiftStormPodcast 22 күн бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669 sweet I followed you back. Gonna DM you
@Qiseeker 22 күн бұрын
It takes great humility to separate God from religion. It is such a relief to know that Mormon heaven is not real. It took my wife and I 55 years of absolute devotion to the organization to come to this realization. Now we are devoted to God only and are open to learning as much truth as we can find. Thanks to both of you for sharing your journeys with us. Keep up the good work! I hope to hear more of your great interviews.
@ShiftStormPodcast 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement. Would you call yourself Christian or theist now or…?
@Qiseeker 22 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast It is a great challenge to trust another church or organization after being so deceived for so many years. Studying chaotic early Christianity and dubious origins of the Biblical text also make it very difficult to trust anything that is out there. Even the name Jesus Christ is not the correct name (maybe it doesn’t matter), but I now pray to “God” and I believe in the teachings of Yeshua which I believe do bear good fruit. I do believe that there is a designer and am still seeking to know Him or Her or It. 🙂 I believe this life is an experience and no longer believe it is a test. I do feel that sending out love and positive energy does tend to return. I’m reserving judgment on the hereafter until it happens. I guess I am still undecided as to whether I am a Deist or a Theist. Thanks again for the enlightening podcast.
@JohnDLee-im4lo 5 күн бұрын
The weak and confused eventually cut and run. It's hard to be a Mormon and they buckle. Easier to call it a cult and leave. Posers all.
@elan007 Ай бұрын
Love the name of your channel! Josh, congrats on seeing the truth! Better late than never! There is A LOT more corruption out there besides the Mormon Corporation! Stay free! ❤
@mae-qt8hw Ай бұрын
How do you know anything about the Corperation when they have powerful lawyers and all thier dealing are to sacred to disclose
@sallyostling 27 күн бұрын
I think the value proposition for converts is the plan of salvation. Mormons have the afterlife mapped out pretty well. Follow these rules and your place in the celestial kingdom is secure.
@richlopez5896 25 күн бұрын
You made the right decision
@kevinmcdonald951 Ай бұрын
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@kevinmcdonald951 care to elaborate?
@williamhaddock1838 Ай бұрын
Josh sorry I may have missed this, was your marriage on the rocks before you decided to leave or was the break up directly related to leaving. My wife and I have discussed this and our marriage is our commitment to each other, we are both members and would not leave our marriage if either of us decided to leave.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
Chris here. I'm hesitant to speak on Josh's behalf regarding this point. I don't believe he specified that point during the interview. I think it's great that you and your wife have such a strong commitment and have had conversations around that. Do you believe that's a common attitude for LDS couples?
@williamhaddock1838 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast (Ive just subscribed) Thanks for the reply Chris, I'll make the most of you conversing with the little people whilst you grow your Channel 😃 To answer your question I don't think that ours is a typical attitude, ironically it is our union that the Church teaches is most important. I was recently released as an EQP and it is clear as day that I am not flavour of the month because I question. I recognise the need for faith in my life but critical thinking and faith are not always good bed fellows. Years ago (Still EQP) in an interview with a high counsellor I shared how unfulfilled I felt, serving in church, the same old tread mill, serving I love, people I love, institution not so much. I differ from a lot of people like Josh, in that I believe Joseph, as more and more information is coming to light it is clear as day that there was a lot going on behind the scenes in Joseph's times. Another irony for me is that if Joseph Smith did the things even the church claim he did, he would not be a man of God. There are a lot of people (local) I consider friends who are doing their best, but they will not even entertain that they could be wrong on anything, and that is a very dangerous position to take on anything. I think the days are past that the church can control the narrative, and label people who leave the church as those who simply want to sin. Much respect to Josh though, its not an easy journey confronting the idea that 'one' has been deceived for most of their life, I am on that self same journey.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@williamhaddock1838 Thanks for the honest and thoughtful response. AND the subscribe 🙂 I promise this channel is not out to attack LDS. I'm actually hoping to find someone who converted to LDS as an adult, and have them on some day. I love what you're saying about being willing to entertain doubts and challenges. Truth doesn't need to be protected from doubt; doubt is how we find truth! Pardon my ignorance; what is an EQP?
@williamhaddock1838 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast Another irony, 'We have a leader of the church who once said, 'If we have the Truth it cannot be harmed by investigation, if we have not the Truth it ought to be harmed'. J Ruben Clark
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@williamhaddock1838 well put! I’ve said something similar but I like the way this is worded
@williamburns7354 Ай бұрын
Interviewee skits around the question when interviewer asks question where is Mormonism on the spectrum compared Baptists and other denominations by comparing it to atheism. Like all these ex-Morman videos they always avoid the fundamental question are mormans Christians. Mormonism is not theologically Christian in anyway. Number one they are polytheists. Secondly, they do not believe in the Trinity which is the foundation for all Christian denominations.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@williamburns7354 I don’t think he was intentionally trying to avoid saying whether Mormonism was Christian. I think because he’s never been a Christian in the traditional sense, his frame of reference is coming from “what are the inherent issues with Mormonism” more than “how does it compare to Christianity”
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
39:02 the answer is that the spirit attracts people to the church. This includes artists, scientists, engineers (like me), doctors, scholars, maids, housewives, theologians, and anyone else who is willing to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost who is the testifier of truth. It makes sense that someone who has left the church wouldn't talk about this because if they still believed it was the spirit, they wouldn't have left.
@kellybrandon1179 Ай бұрын
People are people
@mae-qt8hw Ай бұрын
The way the mormon holy spirit works is if you believe in the bible your a fool dishonest and insincere and if you believe in the book of mormon your a sincere honest person. No manipulation thier
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
@@mae-qt8hw not sure where you heard this from, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mormons) study the Old Testament each week for an entire year, then the following year we study the New Testament each week for an entire year. So I don't think anyone can honestly say what you just said being properly informed.
@lloyddouglas3650 22 күн бұрын
Galations 1:8 ,
@jonathanduran8669 22 күн бұрын
@@lloyddouglas3650 good thing it's the same gospel :)
@user-ul2qc6hm3d Күн бұрын
I have been a member for 35 years. It sounds like you did not do the thing’s required to build a strong testimony. I have heard it from people like you before. I am tired of hearing all of the junk that people who leave the church put out. Keep it to yourself.
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
13:29 "The Temple is a place where very few Mormons go". This is not true at all. All members are encouraged to prepare to enter into the Temple to make covenants with God, and to make those ordinances available to those who have been prepared to receive them in the spirit world.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669 that answer surprised me too haha, but I don’t have a lot of firsthand knowledge
@Sarahwithanh444 Ай бұрын
Only those who pay get to play
@kuriju88 Ай бұрын
@jonathanduran8669. Very few Mormons know the evolution of the temple endowment and its direct ties to masonry
@King_Puffleump Ай бұрын
It totally is true. If you are outside of Utah it isn’t nearly as common. Of course, every single member is strongly encouraged to go but a small % of the membership actually have temple recommends.
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
@@King_Puffleump I would love to see your data on that claim.
@andrewreed4216 8 күн бұрын
Cheif midegah and the birch bark scrolls. Native Americans are meeting this September to share the records they kept hidden about christ, and are petitioning the lds church for acknowledgement (ironically)
@ShiftStormPodcast 7 күн бұрын
Records that native americans have kept hidden about Christ? Is that what you're saying?
@shandihuddleston2167 23 күн бұрын
I grew up in the LDS Church, I always knew that their teachings were bs..not because I didn't believe in God, because I always have, but I rejected the very foundations of their teachings when I was told the story of Joseph meeting all the God heads and the head in the hat thing..I laughed at it. My whole family is still in the church, I'm a Christian Christian, they think that I've been taken by satan🙄
@JohnDLee-im4lo 7 күн бұрын
We're always glad to see the weak dross and offal leave the church. It makes us stronger and really seems to make the posers happy. Thanks for your absence.
@JohnDLee-im4lo 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for leaving. The weak and confused cycle in and out of the church on a regular basis. As soon as they realize this faith will actually demand something from them, they weaken and then do the easiest thing...call it a cult and leave. Thanks again for your absence.
@marygreen2672 26 күн бұрын
The truth hurts but it will set u free. Hopefully many more will learn the truth and run to Jesus of the bible. 🙏🙏🙏Mormons will run from the deception of the LDS church and run to Jesus not a religion. The devil is a liar and he loves for people to be deceived. God is great. He loves us so MUCH.
@mamadspeachyworld5190 6 күн бұрын
Mormonism is NOT Christian. It is closer to Islam. The LDS do not believe in the Holy Trinty as One God Head but 3 seperate entities. Christians believe that through Jesus and Jesus Christ alone you will be saved. Mormons believe u have to do xyz. And bishops and then Prophets can become Godlike and have their own Planets...it just goes on and on...how do ppl believe it is crazy.
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
28:40 And this is exactly why you need to dig deeper when you hear anti-LDS propaganda. 9 times out of 10 when I have done this I have found an explanation for what these anti-LDS people claim. It takes faith to keep digging and looking for answers, but please don't give up.
@philclegg8169 Ай бұрын
What about the other 10%?😂
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
@@philclegg8169 still working on finding answers. Why would that be funny. Do you know everything?
@philclegg8169 Ай бұрын
I wouldn’t think the Word of God would be a 90/10 operation. But it seems to work for tithing. One falsehood should be enough for a logical examination to make a conclusion.
@jonathanduran8669 22 күн бұрын
@@philclegg8169 I agree, except I haven't found a falsehood in my faith yet.
@philclegg8169 22 күн бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669 then you haven’t looked. 😂
@jonathanduran8669 22 күн бұрын
58:16 This is not a church thing. In fact, in my experience you're more likely to be musically involved in some way if you're a member of the church than not. With all volunteer clergy and leaders, we always have someone to play the piano/organ/musical numbers in sacrament meeting and at the various other events/meetings. Regarding the sex, drugs, I don't think you have to be a member of the LDS church to know those things will lead to bad outcomes.
@michaelparks5669 27 күн бұрын
the church is true.... ask God he will tell you.........
@kenziek6707 17 күн бұрын
The stolen valor Michael Parks strikes again. Still claiming you were a sniper, ranger and have many medals from the military Michael Parks? Still claiming you were a licensed therapist in the state of Oregon Michael Parks? Still claiming you are on the Oregon Scholarship Commission Michael Parks? Still claiming you are a "practicing attorney" Michael Parks? Funny how all of those are so easy to check and so easy to find none of which are true. Commenting on video you arent even man enough to watch, obsessing on people who left your hateful cult. Why is it you can leave the cult but the cult can never leave you alone?
@pabloareas2258 Ай бұрын
One thing we shouldn’t confuse here., That one religion or all (religions) needless to say are false. That doesn’t mean that we should stop thinking about God all together or pray. And I’m not talking about the LDS church, I’m just stating the fact that God is real
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
It sounds like you're saying God is real, and religions are all false. Can you elaborate? Isn't belief in God a religious belief?
@pabloareas2258 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast have you watched testimonies of people that had NDEs? You should and then you will know what I’m talking about
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@pabloareas2258 yes, I’ve known many people who have had that. Many would say that the NDE was a religious experience. I guess the question is in how to define religion, and why, if you do believe in God, you don’t believe that any religion can be true
@pabloareas2258 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast religion is just a denomination, but it doesn’t mean that the context is true. Even satanist can be a religion, do they also hold the true?
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@pabloareas2258 no, I don’t think Satanism is true. But just because examples can be given of religions that are not true, does it logically follow that NONE are true?
@danieloliver5877 28 күн бұрын
I can see this happen day by.. I listen to some of you and a large number of you are very positive about the Lord's church and Satan will do his best to entice strongest to step away and strengthen his army.
@kenziek6707 17 күн бұрын
What i find interesting about this is we see so many Bishops and above getting arrested for committing child crimes. Ok you could say "that's just some bad apples" and the church does tell you take that approach, problem is LDS can''t take that approach. The church claims all its leaders have the power of "Discernment" which the church teaches allows them to "know the true nature about a person or situation". Heck, you have meet with bishops and they say "the spirit testified" on your behalf to become a leader, they have to for you to get the position. That magical power is why the LDS church refuses to conduct criminal background checks like most other churches. The problem is, the vast number of bishops who have been arrested started committing the sex crimes before their last meeting with a bishop. Heck in the case of Michael Adam Davis, he was a REGISTERED sex offender and your church put him in the position of "elders quorum president" and had him watching over children. No shock at all he re-offended. So is it this power doesnt exist as the church claims it does, or is it your "god" doesnt know about he crimes these people are committing. Heck the number of LDS missionaries getting busted is extremely high, and yet this "god" doesnt seem to know about it. Bishops like (just to name a few) Bishop George William Aaron Bishop Tevita Hoihoi Mounga Bishop John Goodrich Bishop Terry George Allen Bishop James Hayes Bishop Keither richard Price Bishop Scott Dale Owen Bishop Scott Alan Darrington Bishop Douglas Stoddard Bishop Floyd C Jennings Bishop Shawn Tyler Mortensen Bishop Geoffrey James Powell Bishop Marvin Ross Harker Bishop Donnie Rue Boring Bishop Carl Matthew Johnson Bishop Stewart Allsford Bishop Shawn Cory Gooden Bishop Scott Elvin Phister Bishop Geoffrey James Powell Bishop Donald Ray Tolman Bishop Keith Lorraine Gillins Bishop Keith Richard Price Bishop Richard Blaine Sampson Bishop James Hayes Bishop Luis Gonzales Bishop Glendon Templeton Bishop Keith Robert Vallejo Bishop Fleming Westover Bishop James Haskell Bishop George William Aaron Bishop Paul Douglas Burdick Bishop Arlo Kay Atkin Bishop Stewart Allsford Bishop Gordon Brent Bodily Bishop Gary Reese Bishop Allen Brinkerhoff Bishop Charles John "Chuck" Blome Bishop Ron Phelps Bishop David James Gomez Bishop Chester Lewis Meek Bishop Arlo Atkins Bishop Rex Furness Bishop Clerk Bruce A. McAskill Bishop Lon Harvey Kennard Bishop Luis Gonzales Bishop David Maxwell Bishop Paul William Newman Bishop James Denos Bishiop Michael Lynn Bronson Bishop Spencer Dixon Bishop Errol Kent Pilling Bishop Alberto Reyes Bishop Joseph Neipp Nicholas Pierre Faivre Bishop Dylan Kevin Whiting Bishop James Douglas Robinson Bishop David N. Moss Bishop Francis Heber Fuller Bishop Jefferey Head Bishop Steven Berry Bishop Martin Joseph MacNeill Bishop Samuel H. Gardner Bishop Steven Murdock Bishop Todd Michael Edwards Bishop Timothy McCleve Bishop Paul Burdick Bishop Lon Kennard, Sr Bishop Michael Wayne Coleman
@carolyearsley 4 күн бұрын
@@kenziek6707 Our child's seminary teacher was a sex offender whom Salt Lake and the local ward and stake leadership all knew about. Santa Maria Ca 2nd ward---Michael Shean. He got away with his crimes for ten years, and was finally caught and sent to prison.
@kenziek6707 3 күн бұрын
@@carolyearsley That was scary when I started looking up the number of sex crimes against children the LDS church covered up. Of the crimes with like tier bishops above, most of them the lds church tried covering up.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
Peer reviewed research from the Berkeley group confirm only a 1 in a 15 trillion chance that Nephi and Alma were written by the same author.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
Wow! That's impressive. Do you have a link to that review?
@Fancifulflyfisherman Ай бұрын
Well in that case I guess that settles it. Thanks Berkeley! Now we can just ignore the myriad of other problems with it.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
​@@ShiftStormPodcastType "Word Print Studies Of the Book of Mormon FairLatterDaySaints"
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
​@@FancifulflyfishermanOther problems??
@Fancifulflyfisherman Ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii are you serious? The one problem with the BOM of which you are aware is whether it was written by one person or many? And one stylometric test outcome is enough to just settle the matter? If you don’t know about other problems I’ll refer you to BH Robert’s ‘Studies of the Book of Mormon’, a Mormon apostle wrote it so you should feel perfectly safe reading it as it is not an ‘anti-Mormon’ author. And that is just a start.
@danieloliver5877 28 күн бұрын
We decide what we want to do. We don't choose the consequences and I pray and hope that you choose well..
@TraceyWhitehead-j2l 27 күн бұрын
Umm but sometimes to get you married in the Temple they over look somethings
@ShiftStormPodcast 27 күн бұрын
@@TraceyWhitehead-j2l what do you mean?
@ileneperry6609 Ай бұрын
How terrible to belong to a church that teaches you to be honest, hard working, love your family, do good to others, stay away from alcohol and cigarettes and live a morally good life. Good thing you were able to break away from that!
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@ileneperry6609 do you think Mormonism is the only religion that teaches those things? And if it is the only religion that teaches those particular morals, does that make it true?
@ileneperry6609 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast I'm sure there are other people and organizations that teach these things, but these are only some of the benefits of living the teachings of the LDS church, they are not what make it true. It is true, because it was restored by God to Joseph Smith. Through him, the priesthood and doctrines of God were restored, that one needs to learn and live true principles here in this life, and be able to return to the presence of God in the next life with the ability to gain all that the father has.
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
45:03 Something important that I've noticed with people who have left or are in the process of leaving the church is that they stop praying. I would imagine that if I was having a faith crisis, that it would be the time when I would pray most ardently and become as humble and patient in listening to the spirit. But interestingly, at least with the cases that I have seen on youtube or in friends of mine, is the opposite. They intentionally sever their connection with God. I also find it interesting that the interviewer doesn't even probe more into his stopping to pray and how that may have impacted his experience.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669 to be fair, he stopped praying AFTER his crisis of faith, not during. He was no longer a believer, so he could no longer pray in sincerity. He was praying consistently prior to that.
@jonathanduran8669 22 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast I guess what I meant was that he gave up seeking truth of those things he heard on those anti-LDS sites. That's something I would strongly recommend against. We are blessed with so many resources and answers to questions. I can confidently say that there is an explanation or answer to the questions that led Josh away. I do wonder if he was presented with those, if he still would have walked away. As a note, Radio Free Mormon and Mormon Stories are full of easily debunkable claims. Feel free to ask me about any of them.
@vusicindi1609 8 күн бұрын
Which cult do you believe in now?
@ShiftStormPodcast 8 күн бұрын
@@vusicindi1609 what makes you think he believes in a cult now
@danreich4320 6 күн бұрын
13 years? Honestly it should take 13 minutes.
@ShiftStormPodcast 6 күн бұрын
@@danreich4320 that’s what everyone says from the outside of a cultish group. But there are a lot of factors in these situations that impact the process
@danreich4320 6 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast It just goes to show how completely brainwashed they become that it takes 13 years to unravel all of it.
@ShiftStormPodcast 6 күн бұрын
@@danreich4320 perhaps though I’d be willing to bet that most of us have beliefs that others would look at and think it’s ridiculous that we could hold them in our head for 5 seconds.
@danreich4320 6 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast sorry but I seriously doubt that. Mormonism is a complete distortion of reality. In order to accept it you have to believe something is true that in reslity is absolutely and verifiably false. It isn’t simply just a matter of opinion where reasonable minds can differ.
@danreich4320 5 күн бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast you have to completely distort reality to believe in Mormonism. Are other beliefs like that? Or is it just a matter of opinion on other things?
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
50:53 perfect example of what happens when you choose to follow popular culture over what God wants for you.
@elizabethburr2512 Ай бұрын
My biggest issue with critics of the church is that the ones I have looked at don't seem to "play fair." While not every apologist for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is completely accurate, tactful, and/or any other virtue we would like to see, I find more logical fallacies in the materials produced by critics of the church. I have seen gish-gallops and straw man arguments especially. The problem is that most of any story gets lost to history. We have a lot of original documents surrounding the founding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but we still have tons of unanswered questions that cannot be answered because the documents do not exist. Then we have to sift through the differences between accepted norms then and now as well as try to figure out who the "real liar" was. Compounding the problem is that debunked documents are still being circulated as evidence. Church history is much more difficult and nuanced than most people want to admit.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@elizabethburr2512 what do you see as some of the best evidence for LDS
@elizabethburr2512 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast I've answered this twice, and then I come back to read more comments and can't find my answers? Do you know what's going on?
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@elizabethburr2512 no! I haven’t seen any other comments from you! That’s really weird!
@summerlake356 Ай бұрын
​@@elizabethburr2512 would you mind repeating it?
@elizabethburr2512 Ай бұрын
@@summerlake356 I will try. I am fascinated by criticisms of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I joined the faith when I was 18 and living in the middle of the Southern "Bible Belt." Local churches would offer classes on "saving Mormons" and I was witnessed to countless times while I was in college. I wanted to know where my friends were getting all of these ideas that were so different from my experiences. My favorite conversation was when a friend pulled me aside to ask if I was "really Mormon" because I was nothing like his pastor said I would be. I've done the best research I can, and I've concluded that neither side can prove their claims beyond a shadow of a doubt. I check references where I can, and I listen for agenda and bias in the words used. I've seen good and bad actors on both sides of the issue. I'm left with my own experiences, and my experiences have caused me to be a better person than I could have become on my own, brought me out of codependency into a healthy mental space, and given me a relationship with God that I couldn't find anywhere else. That's the evidence I base my membership on. I'm a little jaded about providing physical evidence. I've tried on other KZfaq videos and have been treated badly, to put it very mildly. I try to avoid those situations when I can. Instead, I will refer you to some places I go for the "church's side." (I'm leaving out the links, that may have been what got my previous answers "washed." I'll give enough info that you should be able to search.) 1. Fair Latter-day Saints: For years they were a questionable source, but the quality of the scholars and the scholarship on the site is improving. I also appreciate that I can check references in the footnotes. 2. Scripture Central has done some scholarly work on evidence, although their focus is more on understanding scripture. 3. Saints Unscripted (and now the new Keystone LDS channel) often touch on tough topics about the church, but they're not as scholarly. 4. Jared Halverson runs a KZfaq channel called "Unshaken." His channel is also about studying and pondering scripture, but he studied "anti-religious rhetoric" in divinity school. I don't know him personally, but he seems genuine and often mentions answering emails from people who have questions about church history. I think he is also a BYU professor. If you are interested about people who are "moving in the other direction," I've found two channels that I enjoy. (They do not cover historical evidence, but might be interesting.) 1. Come Back Podcast 2. Why I Stay Podcast (hosted by Lynzi Clyde) Both of these are KZfaq Channels. Channels critical of the church are pretty easy to find, so I didn't bother listing any.
@jeffwilson4693 Ай бұрын
If along the course of learning and believing that the Church is true, you begin to tell yourself that you know that that which you believe and have been taught is true without actually ever having known it, then you are lying to yourself. But that doesn't make the Church untrue or a lie. It just means you never had an actual testimony that God lives and the Church is his. Believing and knowing are two different things. As a convert from a secular life, I can tell you that I know that God lives and the Church is true. But that isn't how I was raised or taught. It came suddenly to me in spirit, right out of the blue in answer to my prayer in asking if I could believe the LDS Missionaries. This isn't my belief. It is what I know. But I can only say it, as knowing can't be conveyed. If I say I know that Popeyes makes great chicken. You wouldn't know it if you didn't seek, find, and eat it yourself. Then you would know.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
How do you know which testimony is true and which isn’t? He had the “burning in the heart” type of confirmation, among other things. How does one know the difference?
@jeffwilson4693 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast "Burning in the heart" isn't a confirmation. It is evidence that something is worthy of exploration. A testimony that God lives and the Church is his isn't an extrapolation of belief. It is a declaration of truth. Either God lives or he doesn't. Either the Church is his or it isn't. It isn't a matter of reasoning, concluding, or echoing ones upbringing. Neither is it a matter of academics. It can only come by the intercession of Gods holy spirit, which awakens one to a remembrance of him, to know that he lives and is divine. And to know that true life is in him rather than in ones own self or life. It is my experience that that same spirit showed me in vision that the LDS Missionaries are his servants and that the Church in its entirety is his. The faults levied against the Church are irrelevant. One could levy as much against Judaism, the Bible, Christianity, or even against our own selves, family, friends or anyone. Such criticisms are all antichrist.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
I'm actually looking to hear from converts to LDS who weren't raised in it. Would you be open to that?
@lynnjohns4650 Ай бұрын
Who are you to say others didn’t have a testimony? How dare you. Born & raised in $1TRILLION Mormon cult led by Q15 UT CON MEN for over 50+ yrs seeking $200k tithing refund, as our money was hoarded in $180 Billion stock market Ensign Peaks accts & used to buy real property, making it 2nd largest landowner in the nation!! Instead of giving it charitably, as we gave it. It should have been used to bless the hungry homeless diseased & dying. So much Blood on the hands of UT Mormon Q15 leadership! Jesus weeps at Mormon lack of generosity & charity!!
@lynnjohns4650 Ай бұрын
Where is my comment? Why are most replies yours?! Censored, yes?! How dare commentor question others’ testimony & how dare you censor comments. What BS.
@danreich4320 6 күн бұрын
It’s a mind melding cult. Not of God.
@dinaaperazzo5699 Ай бұрын
Josh, did you ever really believe in Jesus and the sacrifice that He made for you? Have you repented of your sins? Followed Him, not man, not Joseph Smith. When you believe in Jesus and obey His commands (not man), He will send you His Holy Spirit. Then and only then will your identity crisis be over. It's not your fault, you were brainwashed, indoctrinated in Mormonism at a young age. Try praying to Jesus and listening to His Holy Spirit, read the Bible, not the Book of Mormon, read especially the Gospels where Jesus teaches the ppl and how to follow him and Him only. Gods blessings, He has this, trust Jesus.
@bartonbagnes4605 Ай бұрын
If The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints isn't the only true Church, there isn't one. For it is the only Church that fulfills all the signs Jesus Christ gave for his true followers, no other church comes close. It's okay, about 40% of those who leave come back, because there is nothing better out there. Some may take decades, so they definitely aren't brainwashed, they just take longer to realize the truth. No church is more hated of all men for Jesus Christ's name's sake, and no one loves their enemies more. No church does more to feed the hungry, clothes the naked and visit the sick and afflicted, all without a single penny going to those running the programs, yet they are also the most financially secure. The members live on average ten years longer than any others calling themselves Christians. The are more likely to marry, less likely to divorce, less likely to self terminate and less likely to be forced into intimacy. And while most churches calling themselves Christians are losing members, this Church continues to be among the fastest growing, even with all of the members Satan is tricking away, and again that's with it being hated and attacked and lied about by all men for Jesus Christ's name's sake. And nobody calling themselves Christians knows the Bible better, even when they tried to skew the data by including knowledge of the Creeds with knowledge of the Bible, even though these additions are unbiblical. By their fruits ye shall know them-Jesus Christ.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@bartonbagnes4605 that’s interesting, I hadn’t heard that angle before. Which signs does it fulfill that Jesus gave his followers?
@bartonbagnes4605 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast I including many, though not all, of the reasons with the edit I decided to make. You can read them there.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@bartonbagnes4605 thanks I’ll review the added info! If you have any citations that would be helpful for me in my research
@bryceburgart8544 Ай бұрын
Citations needed. My understanding…. LDS church lowest per capita humanitarian aid, the highest suicide rate in the world, lowest amount of historical truth told about its origins of virtually any organization on planet earth. GFY about that run on paragraph about why you think the church is ok. 40% come back. Nope. 80% children of LDS families are leaving today. Even if 40% come back (not true) that means half of kids both in the church leave. People who stay in the church are lazy learners. Everybody knows that.
@johnsax1445 Ай бұрын
Roflmao 🤣
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
35:11 Dang, Josh, do you believe that Joseph Smith was some kind of super genius then, to have narrated the Book of Mormon to scribes in between 53 and 74 working days?
@carolyearsley 4 күн бұрын
He had lots of help from friends who were in on the con.
@jonathanduran8669 4 күн бұрын
@@carolyearsley do you have evidence of that or is this just your hopeful opinion?
@carolyearsley 4 күн бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669 His cousin Oliver Cowdery was involved, for one. Smith already knew many fanciful stories from his youth, from when he would entertain his family on long winter's nights. Also, he and others had access to libraries full of books about history, religion, etc. that had been brought over from England. He compiled, more than likely ahead of time, from many different sources. Even King Benjamin's speech is a knock off of the ones by the famous Methodist preacher Benjamin Abbott during the Second Great Awakening." It is not uncommon for authors to complete a book in that short of a time when they have done preliminary research and organization.
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
47:32 If that was the case, it may be that they understand that having a strong faith foundation (especially in the gospel) is the best way to strengthen a marriage.
@mae-qt8hw Ай бұрын
All the mormon responses here are trying to attack his character like he didn't pray enough . I doubt members pray as much as thier required to other then food prayer which is bless food to nourish and strengthen body
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@mae-qt8hw it’s one of the most popular logical fallacies: ad hominem
@VAATAUSILI4139 Ай бұрын
Josh Rolph, perfectly reveal his extreme ignorance & rebelliousness. He left THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST, refused to repent.
@VAATAUSILI4139 Ай бұрын
Some comes up with their podcast against, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, wickedly, for their personal gains.
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
35:50 If Joseph Smith instituted polygamy purely to satisfy his lustful ambitions, how come he didn't have any children with any of his wives outside of Emma..... 🤔
@grantbeck9228 Ай бұрын
He was trying to hide it from the world. Fathering children with many women kinda blows up the ruse right? you never heard of the pull out method? even in the 1800s they knew to pull out. Also, abortifacients were in common usage in the 1800s. If brigham young, john taylor, heber kimball, lorenzo snow, etc ALL had many children with their many wives, why do you think Joseph's polygamous marriages didn't include sex?
@carolyearsley 4 күн бұрын
His good friend Dr. John C. Bennett took care of the unwanted pregnancies.
@jonathanduran8669 4 күн бұрын
@@carolyearsley I would love to see the evidence of that.
@harmagician1 Ай бұрын
I am 50-year member of the Church who is certain that it is true. Don't fall prey to Satan's lies and half-truths - it you do, you'll eventually learn that you were led astray. Hold to the rod!
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! What is it for you that confirms that the Church is true?
@Zorroinstillingorthodoxy Ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that. I suggest looking into Christ's original church. Best example is Armenian apostolic church. Instill it in your ward. You'll be happier. I testify of this, in the name of Jesus Christ.
@3thingsfishing427 Ай бұрын
Elitism masquerading as Christianity.
@smileysun9212 Ай бұрын
It saddens me that we live in a wicked world & our Testimonies are being attacked. It’s easier said than done to hold on to that Rod & I let go when I was 16. I never had my own Testimony & hated my parents for brainwashing me. If there is a God & this is His Church I want God to manifest it unto me, no one can convince me otherwise. I was having problems in life & ended up in the Metal Hospital several times. I was diagnosed with severe depression & violent behavior. 20yrs after leaving the Church I had a life changing event. I was so full of hate & about ended someone’s life. I hated how I felt & if there was a God I needed Him now. I took a dusty Book of Mormon off the shelf & got on my knees. I was blaming God how I felt & wanted it removed. When I opened my eyes & there before me the BoM was opened. 3rd Nephi 11:29-30 was highlighted. 29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another. 30 Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away. It was as if the Lord was speaking to me & when I read the last word away I felt the hand of the Lord removing all that hatred from me. I started that hatred when I was 3 when Dad would get upset with me teaching me colors, found out I’m colorblind. I went back to Church working on receiving the priesthood & blessings from the Temple. It wasn’t until I was in group therapy seeing myself in others shoes that I prayed for the right help. Then a thought came to mind that I needed to get off depression medications. I was assigned to a new Psychologist & I told him I feel I didn’t need to take meds anymore. He lectured me to not get off & I would have a mental breakdown if I did. I told him what he was saying was going through one ear & out the other. If he didn’t believe me then the Bishop should but I was wrong. The Bishop lectured me why we have Dr’s & I should listen to them but I kept feeling to get off meds. I prayed & fasted about it to know I should get off. With the Lord’s help I took myself off & didn’t have problems. I went back to see the Psychologist again & that new one I seen was gone. I seen my old one & I told him I took myself off. He asked how I was doing being off of meds & I told him much better. I didn’t see him anymore & I stopped seeing a Therapist. The Therapists would confuse me & they couldn’t teach me Gospel Principles that I understood easier. When I have I problem I pray about it, read Scriptures & I start writing what ever comes to mind. I’m amazed what the Holy Ghost teaches me & it’s like giving a talk in Church but for me. I found out that I’m allergic to most meds that made me violent & I was Spiritually sick. I tell others, “The Lord is my Therapist & His Gospel are my meds.” I gave a talk in Church & mentioned all this but when I got done the Bishop got up told everyone to listen to their Dr’s. I did mention to pray for the right help & listen to the Lord. I thought about leaving the Church & I was preparing to go to the Temple around the same time but the adversary got in the way sending this girl into my life. The Holy Ghost warned me about her & I didn’t listen. We started to take couples counseling & the Therapist was a Bishop. He deceived me & told use to commit a lesser sin but to me a sin is a sin no matter how great or small. I ended up being incarcerated & before sentencing I prayed to not go to prison. I made a promise to the Lord if I was spared I would always follow him. I had a thought come to mind that I would be saved & that was wishful thinking. I faced the Judge, he lowered his head & the Lord changed his heart. The Judge said I should be going to prison but for some reason he couldn’t get himself to do it. The Lord had mercy on me & others witnessed the Love the Lord has for me. I was even disfellowshipped & it was scary not having the gift of the Holy Ghost anymore. I was being attacked by the adversary & others wanted me back on meds. I told them I needed my blessings back & I prayed to get them back. In the handbook of instructions it says I needed to be off of probation first before being reinstated. The Lord hide that part from the Bishop & I had to plead my case with the Stake High Council. Then I had to write to the first presidency of the church, who prayed in my behalf getting confirmation from the Lord that I needed to be reinstated, it literally saved my life from fighting demons. I was possessed & the Bishop casted out that demon from me. He was skeptical at first & it kept coming to him that he needed to banish that demon from me. He did & it gave me peace until I could be reinstated. Church leaders are not perfect & I learned to not listen to them. I do not follow the Prophet unless the Lord manifests it to me what the Prophet is saying is true. I was called to see the Bishop the other day & he said they prayed when my name came up for a calling to be in charge of cleaning the Church. How can I do that when I have a bad back & it’s hard for me to get around. The Bishop told me I just had to assign people & let them in the building but I still couldn’t. He said to not worry about it & I told him I won’t because the Holy Ghost didn’t confirm it to me. Most of the time I already know the calling before I’m asked or before I’m asked to give a talk. There’s things in the Church I don’t agree with but I go for my own salvation. I do pray for the Church to get revelation from God because I’m affraid wicked me are in the Church changing the Lord’s ways. I did make it to the Temple before being incarcerated & I got to go again when my blessings were restored but one time I hated it & wasn’t going back again. There was an instruction in the Temple that bothered me, how come this is being allowed in His House. Do I talk to the Bishop or Stske President about it. I took my concerns to the Lord & a month later I heard there were adjustments in the Temple. I went back & those things that bothered me was removed. I’ve had many more experiences when I follow the Lord. I tell others to only listen to the Lord & be careful of the adversary who can deceive you. Sometimes it’s good to leave the Church for a time to gain a Testimony. I know the BoM is true & confirm it with this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
Latter Day Saint scripture have never been proven as fraudulent works. Especially since Paul Gregersen debunked the arrogant Egyptologist opinions against Joseph Smith.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii I’ll have to look him up. Do you have a link to his work? What do you think is some evidence that supports the LDS scripture?
@standardworks Ай бұрын
Boo for you. Facts aren't in your corner. Book of mormon is true
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@standardworks what are the key facts that convince you of its truth?
@Mikelray-df9my Ай бұрын
There's no facts.
@ileneperry6609 Ай бұрын
This story and most of the comments are so sad. I always hate to see people led away from the true church. I am blessed every day and thankful for the church in my life. There is nothing better out there that will lead to understanding of life and true happiness both now and forever. I have been a member of the LDS church for 60 years and will be one for eternity. It is the true and living church of God on the earth!
@todd212010 Ай бұрын
Have you read the CES letter? Most members of the church who have not read that letter think it’s sad when people leave. After you read it, you may have a different perspective. I was a strict member years ago. I started to notice things wrong with the church and discrepancies, thanks to the Gospel Topics Essays, found in Gospel Library. Then I read the CES letter and it all made sense. You won’t feel sorry anymore after you read the letter. Don’t be afraid to allow yourself to follow truth wherever it may come from. Read the CES letter and then pray about the questions he asks. Pray to find truth like you prayed about the BOM
@ileneperry6609 Ай бұрын
@todd212010 I have read it. And I am still strong in the faith. Most of the "problems " that were brought up in that letter have been resolved to my satisfaction and the few that haven't, for now I can live with. I am not perfect, and I know that others are not perfect either, and I am ok with that. What the gospel teaches in the LDS church, though, is true and beautiful, and give it up? Like Peter said "to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life" (John 6:67-68)
@Jesusismysavior58 17 күн бұрын
The Holy Bible leads to the true Jesus Christ, who saves. John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; and the Word was God. The volume of the Bible is about Jesus. Read Proverbs 8.
@karlh5099 Күн бұрын
Only thing true lol its all wrong
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
4:42 Interesting how the emotion of his story changed drastically when the host commented, "this sounds like you're speaking pretty positively about this."
@jonathanduran8669 Ай бұрын
11:05 That's not doctrine and he knows it. That's like item number 1 on the anti-LDS top hits referring to a discourse where Brigham Young extrapolated in some pretty extreme ways. This is neither taught nor considered doctrine.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
Hmmm that's interesting. I had always thought it was a well-known doctrine. What's your take on this explanation: www.mormonwiki.com/As_Man_Now_Is,_God_Once_Was
@Sarahwithanh444 Ай бұрын
Grew up in the church - this is absolutely core doctrine
@King_Puffleump Ай бұрын
You must be living under a rock. That is absolutely what I was taught my entire life
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@jonathanduran8669 interesting that there seems to be a gap in your experiences with this doctrine vs others of the LDS faith. Any thoughts on why?
@birdlyword2 Ай бұрын
It is definitely what I was taught growing up in the church. The part about planets was inferred, not explicit, but the idea that God was once like you and me was and still is doctrine. Here's an excerpt I pulled from the church's website today, in a lesson about the a revelation to the prophet Lorenzo Snow. "I formed the following couplet which expresses the revelation, as it was shown me. … 'As man now is, God once was: 'As God now is, man may be.' Feeling that he had received 'a sacred communication' that he should guard carefully, Lorenzo Snow did not teach the doctrine publicly until he knew that the Prophet Joseph Smith had taught it. Once he knew the doctrine was public knowledge, he testified of it frequently."
@user-ux3vb5zg1p Ай бұрын
You cant prove the church not true
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@user-ux3vb5zg1p sincere question: is that because you don’t believe there is any evidence to prove it untrue, or is it because no evidence would be enough to convince you?
@3thingsfishing427 Ай бұрын
Yes you can
@jameseldridge4185 8 күн бұрын
LDS is a religion in envented by one man
@darlenemartim9972 19 күн бұрын
I guess you did not believe to strongly
@VAATAUSILI4139 Ай бұрын
Again, some left THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, due to wickedness, ignorance, refused to repent.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@VAATAUSILI4139 you don’t think anyone could possibly ever have any valid concerns with discussing or questioning?
American people have their rights to voice their opinions though I may not agree with the protest. Trump did not have the intention of provoking violence.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@GODISMYSTERIOUS bruh why are you saying this here
@marquitaarmstrong399 Ай бұрын
Yeah and he didn't sit for 6 hours watching it on tv...
@grantbeck9228 Ай бұрын
you are crazy if you think trump wasn't encouraging his mob to commit violence
@user-ux3vb5zg1p Ай бұрын
Ive been in the church 60 yrs and i know without a doubt that the church is true and so does 17 miillion more people
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! What confirms for you that your church is true?
@incognito137 Ай бұрын
Of those 17 million only about 5 million actually believe and attend meetings. The 17 million are only names on record.
@richarner3856 Ай бұрын
Then why do you post on KZfaq?
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@richarner3856 sorry was this question for me?
@richarner3856 Ай бұрын
@ShiftStormPodcast no..I am not sure why KZfaq randomly places replies?
@VAATAUSILI4139 Ай бұрын
Two reasons why, some leave THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, ignorance & rebelliousness.
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@VAATAUSILI4139 what is it that you think they might be ignorant of?
@VAATAUSILI4139 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast I've came across, some people like you before, even when i told them the truth about the fullness and the truthfulness of, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, from the Bible, they still refused to accept it. So, I'm not wasting my time telling you anything. JESUS CHRIST warned members of HIS CHURCH, not to give pearls, to swines.
@kuriju88 Ай бұрын
@VAATAUSILI4139 can you at least tells us where specifically the Book of Mormon took place? The location of millions of people isn’t faith based right
@ShiftStormPodcast Ай бұрын
@@VAATAUSILI4139 do you believe there is a place for reasonable discussion about facts and evidence and logic regarding your religion, or is writing me off before you’ve had a chance to know me really all you have space for?
@VAATAUSILI4139 Ай бұрын
@@ShiftStormPodcast As I've repeatedly said before, I'm not wasting my time, sharing the fullness and the truthfulness of, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, with some people, I've explained all and everything about THE fullness and the truthfulness of, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, from the Bible, they still go circles. So, you need to counsel, with our HEAVENLY PARENT'S.
@topazblahblah Ай бұрын
The [GOSPEL] is true and the Church the mechanism through which God's authority is administered. That's the way it has always been. Your fundamental premise/selling-point is wrong.
@AnInsideJob-mynewbook 22 күн бұрын
Having lived on three continents; worked as a police officer; estate agent; builder; and now a school teacher, I can say hand on heart, that the happiest, kindest and most pleasant people (on the whole) that I have ever met, were all Latter Day Saints (Mormons) who strived to live their Faith. There is something so profound, joyful and positive that emulates from Mormons who are trying to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe it is a spiritual power which many fail to see, perhaps because of their own lifestyle choices which lead them away from light and truth, and their negativity and fault-finding of others. Mormons are not perfect, they are just trying to live a good life of love and service, but so many people are so quick to jump on the bandwagon when an individual Mormon, or indeed their leaders, say or do something wrong. Such people need to look in the mirror!
@ShiftStormPodcast 21 күн бұрын
I get what you're saying, and I love my mormon friends. Are you a mormon yourself, or just appreciative of them?
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
Latter Day Saint scripture have never been proven as fraudulent works. Especially since Paul Gregersen debunked the arrogant Egyptologist opinions against Joseph Smith.
@richardjones1699 Ай бұрын
Keep fighting valiant warrior of dumbassery!
@richarner3856 Ай бұрын
He debunked nothing ...he's a pseudo intellectual with more biases than you can shake a stick at. Amazing that you are so desperate to believe him
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
​@@richarner3856Google Egyptologists back Smith Paul Gregersen you tube. I'll bet you can't debunk the video.
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii Ай бұрын
​@@richarner3856How could you possibly not believe Paul Gregersen?
@richarner3856 Ай бұрын
@@RichardHolmes-ll8ii hilarious 😂
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