Let's talk about hate, pressure and the mental state of artists

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5 жыл бұрын

I just wanted to make this video real quick, voice my opinion and hopefully start a healthy discussion in the comments about this subject.
#MentalHealth #Hate #MusicIndustry

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@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
I've been sitting on this video all day not sure if I wanted to go through with posting it, but I decided this stuff affects all of us artists to some extent and thus it is important. If this video helps only one person or keeps somebody from sending hate to an artist than that is an improvement. This stuff needs to be addressed. Getter canceled his Visceral tour, the tour for his new album with the same title. An album on which he decided to try something new and move away from heavy Dubstep and do something more melodic. He is free to do that as an artist and I think we artists can agree that that is how you evolve. However, a part of his 'fans' did not enjoy it and had to hate. The fact that this stuff happens means there is something to address. We live in a day and age where it has become normal to spout your nonsense or voice your opinion on social media about any subject, sadly in this process, some people throw their good manners out of the window and start addressing people in a hateful way, either knowingly or unknowingly. These things affect artists in a bad way and depending on the persons' mental state, could lead them into a bad state of mind and who knows where that'll end? Having criticism is healthy, but at least voice it in a well-spoken manner! There is no need to publicly mention an artist to bombard them with hate, wish upon them things you wish you would never have to deal with yourself... I had my fair share of hate coming at me over the years, however, I'm mentally pretty stable so I learned how to cope with it in a healthy way. This doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me though, because it does. Artists, how big they might be, in the end, are also humans who are dealing with their own issues and struggles. You don't know what state somebody is in without seeing what goes on behind the scenes, think about that before you say something. Artists evolve, if you don't align with their new work, then just move on... There is enough music to be explored. Let them do what they want to do most, create the music that they love to hear themselves because ultimately that is the reason we all start making music. We make the stuff we would like to enjoy and hope it resonates with others. I just wanted to get this off my chest because I too have dealt with some rough times at some point and I know how it can affect you in a horrible way. I hope we can have a civil discussion below, tell me how you feel on this subject. Thanks.
@DJPhasik 5 жыл бұрын
ARTFX : First off, thanks for having the courage to bring up this topic! It’s great to hear the discussion about this coming up in the community. Regardless of musical tastes and preferences, it’s having to do with a lot of social and cultural pressures surrounding the game theory of creators and audiences. In the 21st century, pressures on artists come from many aspects of society: financial, social/cultural, personal, and psychological. All of these pressures can have an effect on the artist’s psychological experience and state. We are still evolved from ancient apes, and so we have tribalistic tendencies and social hierarchies in our culture, whether we are conscious of it or not. These tendencies manifest in all areas of society from the top-down organizational structure of corporations to the history of gender inequality, ethnic group based identity, nepotism, politics, ideological group-think, and even musical tastes. In this case we have a group based preference of an art-form, music, being acted out. The audience has formed a group identity based upon musical tastes and has rejected the artist’s new artistic direction based on their group identity’s preference. I believe this stems from deep-seated tribalistic tendencies and the drive for group acceptance to the extreme of rejecting new music that doesn’t fit that pre-established group identity’s preferences. So many other facets to discuss on the psychological and financial pressure aspects, I’m sure at least a couple research papers could be written about this.
@wakegary 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you. People can be awful. Nice of you to call this out, dude.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
@chiimpy 5 жыл бұрын
I find 99% of the time, the people giving this type of shit to musicians are those who have never picked up and instrument or lay a note in a DAW. Just because I don't like a certain genre, I understand that the producer has put A LOT of work into a project - doesn't give me the right to say "it's shit".
@AaronHolstein 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this. i agree. It can be really easy for fans to shitpost an artist over a difference in taste. Instead of looking elsewhere for what they want, they feel compelled to directly insult an artist. And it can truly feel devastating to be that artist who is a person and now is gutted about their hard work/life. Thanks again for your thoughtful video
@SubhaX 5 жыл бұрын
I find it unbelievable that someone could pour their entire soul into an idea, and be treated so poorly.. The whole idea of the album was deep feeling.. He put himself in a vulnerable place and these so called "fans", made his worst nightmare come true.. Regardless of what people are accusing him of in past arguments on twitter.. We need to help our people up not break them down.. Thanks for this video!
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree, this whole response of those so-called fans was uncalled for and could lead to big issues down the road. I'm not into his music, but any artist trying out new things gets my support!
@MonsterDubClub 5 жыл бұрын
Dope topic this one ART! This needs to be heard.
@adac3551 5 жыл бұрын
No matter how famous someone is they are always human, I feel sometimes that a lot of people believe that because someone is well known and has a big reputation they are somehow immune to negativity and won't be affected by criticism and hate. I can't begin to imagine how bad it must feel to go out on stage after working so hard on an album and a tour only for people to boo and throw shit at you in must be really difficult for getter right now. Hopefully he returns to making music in the future as it wouldn't be nice to see him leave the industry altogether.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
I can only agree to that.
@ARCASIAUK 5 жыл бұрын
Nice one for making this video. I think we all suffer from these sorts of issues from time to time. It’s sad that this happened to him and as a result he’s cancelled his tour. As someone who is writing an album rn, I know how hard and frustrating it is to get everything just the way you want - takes time and for someone to shit on it would really damage ur mental health.
@BPBTGF2 5 жыл бұрын
I've just started makint music full time (as much as can) besides uni, but i've found out when you learn music and make music afterwards it can really be draining both mentally and physically. I'm working on an LP and had some serious "downtime" due to either having writers block or a really sad/depressed mood. Then again I am literally terrified of becoming even a little bit succesful, I know I couldn't handle the stress. It just sucks when you spend at least a year on a project but people still give you shit for not being your old self. You cán't win as a musician.
@nofacemanMusic 5 жыл бұрын
I know this in my own skin. It makes you depressed, just terrible. Especially if a lot of time is invested in the work. Every musician goes through this, and there is only one medicine - you need to take everything as a joke. Keep doing what you like to do, and getting better at it. And everyone who does not like it can go to ...
@urasoul 5 жыл бұрын
The bottom line is that people often WANT to affect people in a bad way.. Many people are heartless and suffering themselves. Collectively, humanity needs to heal on deep levels that are unprecedented - I moved from music production to this field over a decade ago because I know it is so important. Knowing that a significant percentage of the world are mentally and emotionally unloving to the point of being destructive, it is necessary to be empowered enough that we don't become dependent on them - especially not for validation when it comes to our own passion and choices in life.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah sadly there might be truth to that, it's the by-product of the modern world we live in... I do think a part of people sending hate aren't really aware how it affects others, they might think they know while the actual result of their words might be much more severe. Talking about this is the least we could do I guess.
@urasoul 5 жыл бұрын
@@artfxdnb Unconsciousness is a large part of the challenge - we need to make the unconscious, conscious. The main issue with this is that a great deal of what is being held down in denial is people's own pain, terror and rage that doesn't want to be known or out in public. As a result of this, people will deny that they have these feelings - sometimes for their whole lives.. Sometimes they come out when drunk, in 'road rage' incidents or even sometimes can trigger much bigger violence and war. Interestingly, key to healing this is to give these feelings acceptance and to allow them to express safely and in private. Hate gets a bad rap. Hate is only extreme dislike and we need it in order to have real responses to things that are genuinely extremely disliked. The problems arise when our own heartlessness causes us to project blame and hate out onto others who probably don't deserve it or aren't even the real cause of it (just the trigger). In the case of this dubstep artist, I don't know the music, but I know that people who are really into a certain genre often hate other genres - especially if one is considered more 'male' and the other is more 'female' or more/less intellectual/intelligent. Nearly all of the problems stem from a lack of self acceptance in those involved.
@MattiasHolmgren 5 жыл бұрын
Well said ARTFX! Be kind, treat others as you would treat yourself. Important topic to lift again and again.
@GRGO0152 5 жыл бұрын
I have to say that the criticism (whereas we are probably talking about negative criticism, not positive) is guided towards the person's music and not a personal insult. People seeing or hearing a piece of art and not having an opinion about it is almost impossible to do. It's the game that you are in and to let it effect you in that way is (I think) more of a personal problem than a problem caused by the listeners/viewers. It may sound harsh but it is always possible for a person to stop working within the industry, by which you can still make music for fun, but are not involved with the industry anymore. There are a lot more factors, but overall I think that it is more of a personal issue than anything else. If you are an artist working to be the most popular and always at the top then you are missing half of the fun. You are there 'cause you love to make music. That is why most people started anyways. If you just love making it then you should never find yourself in a hole like this. Or you don't understand that art is massively involved with personal opinions that are out of your control. MUSIC = ART. If you are interested in more of this kind of logic, look up 'Death of the Author'. It is a very interesting article that could have helped a lot of people like this (I think). This is all just a personal opinion so feel free to change my mind (if you are even arsed to read it).
@dedrxbbit7549 5 жыл бұрын
Me personally, I like it when someone tells me that they don’t like it. I prefer honesty. The point where i start having problems with people saying they don’t like it is when I become chastised for having a specific sound. I’m a young producer. Doin this for 12 years now and I’m only 20. Have yet to have a show. But ik I’m still learning. So if someone doesn’t like my music, that just means i have room for improvement still. No biggie.
@zettaparanoid912 5 жыл бұрын
I think people should have a healthier mentality, as you say, they should give more value and respect to the fact that an artist is exploring new horizons. How to get it is what I see more complicated, but I agree with you, we have to work together to raise awareness in the young people, and make them appreciate more the producer effort.
@FeraSomnia 5 жыл бұрын
People that don’t think that visceral is a masterpiece are simply wrong. Getter deviated from his typical style with it, and his typical bass head fans were upset about it (wrongfully). It truly shows his versatility and his self control in not just adapting to what people want. The industry needs more people like Getter.
@jacobschwartz2968 5 жыл бұрын
Getter said he was trying to show music was more than raging but he honestly enabled this culture... when I saw him play at the bassment he only proceeded to get absolutely wasted on stage and told everyone to drive home drunk before throwing shit into the crowd because, in his words, he "doesn't give a shit"...
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely, but that doesn't justify what has happened, if I jump off a cliff, would you follow me blatantly? See you can't just say it's his own fault, the people bought tickets to a show that was named after his new album, what did they expect he was going to play? I'm not saying that Getter is completely in the right, I don't know his past, but all I can say is that a fan can think for himself too and simply hating on an artist is a choice the 'fan' makes himself.
@branchunter_ 5 жыл бұрын
Great video man. I think this goes to the state of art. Music especially has become so soulless (gotta say especially in edm) that people who go to these edm shows have such a black and white expectation of what the event is...what an experience of art is...that in itself is a depressing fact to me
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah agreed, it's time we forget about what people want and start caring more about what we as artists want. If something resonates with us, it must resonate with at least some other people. I would rather have a small but supportive audience than a big and hateful one.
@VenusTheory 5 жыл бұрын
@badinibeats5939 5 жыл бұрын
good chat and nice new intro btw
@K100music 5 жыл бұрын
Good points made here man, I'm currently sitting on some lofi, hiphop and some other stuff....but I know that I need to put it under another name because if I release something under my K100 name people are going to be like ''what the fuck, this isn't robotic fart noises that I signed up for'', I think he just did it wrong. Even Emperor got it right by releasing his stuff under his new alias just to separate the genres he is producing. I know its a shit way to do it but try tell that to a 15 year old dubstep bro who wants to headbang his grandmother to death.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with you that this is the way it would probably go better, however I still don't agree that this is something we as an artist should follow. See I see this more an issue with the people listening and thinking that way, it's their narrow minded view that causes this, not the artist trying something new. It's this narrow minded mindset that creates this situation and that problem lies much deeper in society than just this example, people in general act different than let's say 10 years ago, and not in a good way. So there are two options, you either give in to this and accept it as reality and thus you give these haters exactly what they want, or you ignore it and do what you want yourself and then create a staple out of the backlash you receive with the hope you can somehow kickstart a movement or change this behavior. Even if only one person realizes that this mindset is toxic to the creativity and improvement of the artists that they like, then that is a good thing imo.
@jayeff8096 5 жыл бұрын
The internet can really bring the worst out of people (myself included), but what's even worse is that the opinion-versus-opinion animosity from social media is manifesting itself in social situations in the real world. Especially with something as subjective as music, these hive minds of opinion can ruin an artist's mental state, creative output and even their income. I remember when Jay Z got booed at Glastonbury festival for giving a political rant that linked in with the songs he was performing. Even that was sad to see, but this situation with Getter is downright disheartening. I feel bad for artists who produce music in these niche genres which have garnered a lot of attention (Riddim, Dub, Grime etc) that want to branch out. There's a lot of guys/girls I know in that situation who are scared to release new ideas and after this tour cancellation their anxiety seems even more justified. Keep your art artistic people; stay evolving and make the music you want to make.
@arrecordsuk 5 жыл бұрын
Respect ♥
@DJustmusicMusic 5 жыл бұрын
It's a difficult topic because im all for people voicing their opinions. Getting booed and having stuff thrown at is not really giving an opinion but rather spreading "hate". And of course if you have a fanbase that likes your music and you switch from a genre, many people will dislike it so you know beforehand that some fans will stop listening to your music. You see this happening a lot more often, for example in NL we have a rapper called lil kleine who gets beer showers regularly because people hate his music. As an artist you need to have some form of resistance to this hate because I don't think we can do much about it other than spread awareness about the mental state of artists.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I get that, however, I also think on the other side of the story people need to be more aware that not every artist is as strong mentally and can handle such things. One might be able to brush it off, while another will think a lot more of it.
@DJustmusicMusic 5 жыл бұрын
@@artfxdnb Yeah thats my point, spreading more awareness about this topic is the only thing we can do about it. Thanks for making the video and doing your part :)
@Ryan.Anderson80 5 жыл бұрын
I think when it comes to opinions about music, you're never going to agree with everything but, if people don't agree then simply go find something you do agree with. We sadly live in a society where pressure to deliver is high. At the end of the day I think a lot of artists fall into a career because it started as a creative interest, and to limit yourself to one style would be detrimental to their learning. Spanning genres is a way of building new fan bases and is the reason we have sub-genres in the first place. Constructive criticism is one thing, but abuse for trying something new is not needed. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything! That speaks volumes in itself.
@stump_and_root 5 жыл бұрын
It's not gonna change. A lot of people are attached to specific type of music, like to religion or politics, and think that artists are attached the same way. And when their favorite artist is about to go in some different direction, even slightly, it looks like a betrayl for them. Also there is tension between more agressive genres and more "mainstream". Imagine some metal band like "Batushka" or you call it, start to play more of a popular type of rock music. Oh boy, what a disaster it whould be. That situation might be very sad, but that how things really are. I hope my point is clear enough.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it is clear, it is the way things are, even more so a reason for us artists and people in the industry to raise our voice about this. At the end, when an artist wants to go into a completely different direction they should be able to do that because it's their art. Fans have a chance to decide for themselves how they are going to respond to that, choosing to vent it out on social media in anger is one way to respond, but not the healthiest way. Actually, I think a lot of times the people sending hate to have some kind of underlying issue themselves that makes them be so hateful, hating on others can be a coping mechanism to deal with your own issues. We are the artists and it's our music, so we are entitled to make whatever we want and if people don't agree with that, then we have a reason to stand our ground.
@DJPhasik 5 жыл бұрын
ARTFX : Makes total sense artistically! I think part of the “pressure to please” issue stems from the economic system that’s so tied into everyone’s survival at this point it becomes a self-fulfilling cycle of artists being pressured to please their audiences based on not only the social group acceptance aspect, but also for financial reasons. It’s become this way from evolutionary pressures but we need to realize it and take control of our own personal and society’s evolution based on more interdependent collaborative relationships instead of codependent competitive ones. We’ve got to evolve past the ancient ape tendencies to equate group acceptance to our own survival, and become more independent of political and financial control systems. Maybe it’s evolved this way so far because our science leads us to believe we are separated beings with external dependencies on material food to eat and survive in a massive game of survival of the fittest. Anyone studying complex ecosystems knows that there are hidden networks of symbiotic and cooperative sharing going on despite the existence of competition also. Now we have the internet which is the human equivalent as a sort of technological exo-genetic “hidden network” for information sharing.
@vincentvandeperre1670 5 жыл бұрын
there kinda doing this shit with netsky too on social media. i don't see why people just cant accept change
@mitch150 5 жыл бұрын
To be honest, there will always be stupid people, people will always hate something, it sucks that people suck. May sound like a defeatist kind of attitude but just being real here. I love and admire the fact that getter made the album the way he did, and had the balls to not play heavy dubstep at his shows and played the music he made from that album. That takes a serious amount of guts just for some stupid people to spit in his face. It's sad, but I don't think the fact that there are stupid people in this world, and there always will be, will ever change.
@silverkip2992 5 жыл бұрын
Doing something different is always good. Porter Robinson, for example, released his virtual self album which is very different from his worlds album. And it still sounds great. Hating on a artist just because he is doing something different is bullshit on it's purest form.
@Gam3rsInstinct 5 жыл бұрын
Even Porter’s Worlds was the utter antithesis to the kind of complextro style he was previously known for, but a majority of his fans accepted the change warmly and open the doors to a tremendous audience of new fans (myself included).
@aaronsewell5664 5 жыл бұрын
Its a tricky situation because people are entitled to their opinions. Every now and then even my favorite artist makes a track or two I don't like. It's just how it goes. In all fairness before you jump into releasing music or any other creative endeavors you better be well prepared for people's criticism because you will hear it at some point.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely, but there needs to be an understanding that criticism is not the same thing as hate.
@UncleButt 5 жыл бұрын
Until every person alive in the Western world gets some education regarding sound design and music production, there will always be ignorant hateful people who don't give a chance to change or the unfamiliar. In their narrow minds, they are entitled to a specific thing they like, and when their favourite artist "does not deliver", they feel they are entitled to express their disappointment towards the artist, resulting in harsh remarks instead of constructive criticism. Instead of feeling privileged that their favourite artist continues to produce music they can listen to, people make it all about themselves. They don't realize that booing an artist and saying his/her music sucks can have the same impact as telling a mother that you wish their newborn child gets cancer. In conclusion, people are dumb ignorant assholes and until the government implants chips in our brains which can punish people by disabling their ability to perceive all music, artists will need thick skin because delusional idiots think they are kings in castles.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree, growing some skin is for sure a good thing for musicians, however for some that is easier said than done. Not every person can handle such things as well as others and some might have a hard time coping with such things.
@UncleButt 5 жыл бұрын
@@artfxdnb Very much true. Sometimes it's hard to distance yourself from the negativity. As music is emotion, musicians and artists in general are more emotional compared to non-artists in my opinion. I suppose there might be some platform somewhere where musicians can share their negative experiences and seek counselling with eachother, but it's a shame that they should need to in the first place. Ome Kont over en uit
@definitelynotsigjir 5 жыл бұрын
I want to start off by saying big up Getter for evolving, not really my cup of tea, who am I to judge. That being said, I kind of think this is his fault. He's partially responsible for this bro, assholish, hollow fan base (i.e. his past rants trashing support acts, and even his characters from vine and jimmy tatro vids). I think he created a monster and it outlasted him. Again just my opinion, and definitely not trashing his recent work, shame he had to cancel too.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your comment, we actually discussed this exact viewpoint in my Discord yesterday as well. I can agree with that, but I also think there is more to it. Getter has had mental problems in the past, for some people with mental issues being edgy, aggressive or something similar can be a way to cope with things like stress, it's pretty common actually. Also, it does not justify the way some of his 'fans' treated him. You never know what goes on behind the facade an artist puts up, some of them might be dealing with rough shit resulting in them acting a certain way, we are al human in the end.
@pyromaster10000 5 жыл бұрын
Gratification crisis pretty much.
@RickyBana 4 жыл бұрын
I dont agree with you. Till a certain point I do, the audience during that show should have not let things get out of hand by trowing stuff at him and they also should have known what they paid for (a supporting gig for his NEW *unliked* album). But for the rest, the guy should put on some pants. Like ppl are going to hate and some ppl are going to love it. He should know why he is doing this, if is cause he wants to be liked, then he should have known before realeasing that last album ('hey Im changing my style too much, and what if my fans wont like it? it will really hurt cause Im too invested in it to be honest') But if he is like a mayority (or at least I would like to think it is a mayority) of musician, we are doing this cause its our passion and we like it, we dont get into this cause money or fame (and if you do, please do some research, there are TONS of BETTER ways to achieve that). And dont get me wrong I would love to be rich and famous like any other guy but certainly is not the reason that I sit 10 million hours to do my craft, at least that wont keep me glue to my chair. Anyway, that concert shows more about the audience than about him, he could have let ppl know about the issue and reiterate that he is doing a support tour for THE LAST ALBUM and continue with it, he overreacted by cancelling the whole thing. I think we do this for that one guy that comes at the end of the show and wants to take a picture with you cause your music means so much to him and not to appeal the masses. So put some pants, be a man, take the good stuff out of the bad stuff and continue doing what you love and dont be a wuss cause your feelings got hurt (or be, but get up and continue). BTW, that is art, you strip yourself out, you put it out there and if you are not ready for ppl to call it ugly or wtever then dont do it. Dont blame your audience, in this case Im almost sure he has more supporters than haters in that show alone.
@artfxdnb 4 жыл бұрын
I can see where you are coming from and to some extent I agree with you, however, he received a big amount of shit during that show. Musicians are human beings too, not everybody reacts to negativity the same way. Some can shove it under the rug like it's no big deal while others can not, does that mean they should then not pursue their passion? I don't think so. I think the issue here is not how he reacted, but how the audience acted and it's a big underlying issue in today's society that we see in both the real world and online. We are so connected these days and everybody likes to shout whatever comes up in their little brain, yet they fail to understand how the person who they're directing their disgust or anger to will be able to cope with that. It all comes down to respect and we have kinda lost that in our society these days. Not liking something is one thing, which is fine and somebody has all the right to do, but that doesn't mean you should talk about it and throw shit at the person who made the work you don't like. Just think to yourself "hey I don't like this" and move on, no need to throw shit at the producer for trying something new that he is passionate about. That is the real problem. Getter did the right thing, he obviously felt the negativity was taking a toll on his own mental health and he probably understood he couldn't deal with this amount of shit thrown at him, it's his show, so he can call it quits if he thinks that is the best thing for him to do. Canceling a tour is a big deal and to come to such a conclusion, things need to be pretty bad. So many people work on a tour and by canceling you basically tell all these people that they won't get paid. That is a decision you don't just make in a few seconds, it has been thought about thoroughly and the assessment was made to cancel the whole thing. It's their decision and the only thing we can do in such a case is respect that decision.
@lordnicholas92 5 жыл бұрын
Like getter said in his note constructive criticism is good, but straight up being a dick is not cool. People that are in the same arena as you are good to listen to for feedback, but people that are on the sidelines watching you, well you just have to reserve them a seat and know that they have NO IDEA how much planning, hardware work, and creative expression goes into there art. Peoples art is an extension of themselves and most artists attach their self-worth to there art. (not healthy but is what it is) I think Gettter matured but his fans didn't. honestly wasn't a Getter fan until his new album.
@N0nPluzUltra 5 жыл бұрын
Good video! I am absolutely with you. There will be always people who love that stuff and there will be always people they don't. I see music as an offer and if someone don't like the product he don't needs to buy it. Btw: In my opinion Avicci was murdered, because he was against pedophiles. Look his video "For a better day" kzfaq.info/get/bejne/jtddntF5vbmviY0.html He knew to much, he had to much influence, he was willing to talk about problems, he had to go! But thats only my opinion!
@aaronsewell5664 5 жыл бұрын
Its seriously really hard to feel sorry for somebody whose biggest problem is people not liking the music he made. If he needs to feel bummed out for a minute that is understandable. Maybe he should just try making something different....idk. Really hope he doesn't get suicidal over this but thick skin is probably a necessity in this game.
@michaelbatchelor8531 5 жыл бұрын
Sucks that people can't at least do a bit of research before going to a show..
@dannythomsen 5 жыл бұрын
Being an artist is all about being creative. And if you keep making the same thing over and over agin you are not creative.
@Andrew_Renko 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Fans killed Chester Bennington by throwing shit.
@artfxdnb 5 жыл бұрын
I think I just got killed by the stupidity of your comment.
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