Life At Thinker: Episode Paling Serious, Deep dan Menggodam Minda

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Thinker Studios

Thinker Studios

7 жыл бұрын

Episod 13
Serious deep....

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@sharifahshahirah276 7 жыл бұрын
kesian Haze 😣 wlaupun kita nmpak dia happy ja kat TV sebenarnya disudut hati Haze ada cerita di sebalik kehidupanya... Haze awk menjadi inspirasi to all students yg dibenci oleh orng wlaupun kita nmpk Haze ni gila- gila but bila tgk Haze cerita mcm tu tak sangka itu lah Haze yg sekarang.. Bila tgk balik Haze ni sebenarnya pandai... Thank you Haze for sharing your life. I can't see you cry, it make me sebak 😢😢😢😢😢 it okey we life not to perfect but good job Haze with your life...
@nuramirah9650 7 жыл бұрын
kalini punye life bapak best gila dohh . susah weh nk tgok lelaki yg we didnt know who is he but he can cry front the camera (haze) . sebab tk semua laki yg mudah nagis. so wht i want to say apa yg haze sampaikan its mean truly deepest in his heart. i felt sorry for haze. chill up bro .💪
@kimdli1249 7 жыл бұрын
Nuramirah 96 Its because, if we ingat balik zaman silam kita yang teruk, mesti menangis.
@jepppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 7 жыл бұрын
Nuramirah 96 sebab tu dari dulu lagi nak haze kat bilik gelap sebab di sebalik kekekan dia tu ada something yang tersembunyi. Lah gittew #sispaham
@ariffmahz650 7 жыл бұрын
Lagi satu ni punya episod, hampir semua krew ada dalam thinker. best doe.
@nuramirah9650 7 жыл бұрын
Tahu takpe guys .... org yang banyak ketawa ni kkdg dia lah yg sebenarnya ada something yg dia tknk tnjuk dkt org.. next eps mesti nk gempak lagi mcm eps kali ni . hihihi
@qaisyah_azmi5288 7 жыл бұрын
Nuramirah 96 ya dowh.. jarang gila tengok lelaki nangis..tapi aku kesian kat Haze
@lethiaiskandar3458 7 жыл бұрын
Orang yang paling meriah ketawa adalah orang yang paling banyak merasa pahit kehidupan. Yes, nobody patut direndah2kan oleh SESIAPA. Dan kita pun tak da hak nak merendahkan diri orang lain. To Haze, you've done it bro! You dah prove to those yang wee you that you can be better than what they thought you can be. P/s: mmg nak hana in every episode lepas ni. ✌️
@AisyEizhar 7 жыл бұрын
Haze, i truly apologise on behalf of all teachers in the world.. i feel you man.. i've been in your place.. i knew how it felt to be bullied by teachers.. thats why now aku jadi cikgu and nk ubah mentality tu and treats all my students as individual.. remember teachers, our words mean the world to them.. we should be an inspiration, not making depression!
@akramzakaria9236 7 жыл бұрын
@nurrizatinkasbullah6803 7 жыл бұрын
Haze tumb up for you, sya pun ade bad story mase sekolah, sbb sya dari kelas last naik kelas second first then member pulaukan sbb rase sya tak pandai, tak ada kawan baik pun time sekolah dlu and yes lebih seorang diri mase sekolah, but now sya student marine engineering dri aliran perakaunan.. Haze i can feel you.. congrate for make your life better.. kipidap haze 🍉
@geeammarammar3665 7 жыл бұрын
NurriZatin Kasbullah I have same bad story too... dari kelas second last ke ke kelas first.... mula2 bestla tapi semua orang pulau...sedih..
@nurrizatinkasbullah6803 7 жыл бұрын
Geeammar ammar sedihkan, i can feel you 🍉
@myramirara4192 7 жыл бұрын
Geeammar ammar r
@jepppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 7 жыл бұрын
NurriZatin Kasbullah sabarlah sis, dunia ni kejam. Lah
@nuratiqah2798 7 жыл бұрын
samalaaa saya takde kawan pun dekat kelas tu. still kwn dgn bdk kelas hujung :))
@ilikemayonnaise8797 7 жыл бұрын
aku pun pernah gak jadi mcm haze, aku ni budak gemuk kat sekolah tu and masa tu perhimpunan tau mmng semua plajar ada ah. time tu aku xde mood sngt ah soo aku diam jela en, budak2 member2 semua bising ofc cikgu marah suruh diam kan. time tu pengetua tengah berucap au and time tu la budak sebelah aku nk cakap pastu apa lagi pengetua marah ah tanya sapa yg bising tu, ada sorang cikgu tu tunjuk aku pastu pengetua boleh ckp macam ni "harap badan je besar otak kecik". kau cuba bayangkan brapa ratus org kat perhimpunan tu semua padang aku, time srs aku ckap hilang semua hormat aku kat pengetua tu.
@vmasakiv6459 7 жыл бұрын
EPUL MUSIC stay strong bro
@harizhuszian384 6 жыл бұрын
MOSHi MUSIC eh epul
@danieltv011 6 жыл бұрын
Sabar pul, kau dah habis dah pun sekolah, aku blum lagi habis hm
@nabilashraff6675 4 жыл бұрын
kalau aku yg kene aku lawan doh, aku penah kene bende yg sama gak, pastu cikgu tu marah aku, aku maki dia balik
@a2a373 4 жыл бұрын
You have right to talk back
@muhammadashrafaznan8765 7 жыл бұрын
org yg bnyk ketawa... yg jenis hppy go lucky mcm haze ni la yg selalu bnyk masalah.. dan rahsia yg dipendam... sumber inspirasi... thumb up to haze
@lillyyismayl3917 7 жыл бұрын
haze punya part sedih tu aku rasa sedih wehh. sebab aku pernah je kena "weee" "wooo" dekat sekolah dulu. whatever it is, hats off haze! kau dah prove kat semua yang "wee" kau yang kau still boleh hidup dalam kehidupan yang baik lepas kau lalui semua benda tu.
@mohdfaisol728 6 жыл бұрын
kalau macam aku lain sikit,sebab aku ada muka yg blurr,so tiap2 orang yg tengok aku jalan semuanya gelak Kat aku,so tiap2 hari pergi sekolah mesti rasa down,sedih pulak rasanya😥😥😥
@avyfsidek-dz4br 7 жыл бұрын
alamak!! banyak2 bilik sesi gelap .. part haze jer yang betol2 best and deep .. y hah?
@KuKuChiLL 7 жыл бұрын
Biasanya lelaki macam Haze tak hipokrit.
@avyfsidek-dz4br 7 жыл бұрын
ha chiko betol tu orang macam dia even perangai main lepas je tp itu yang jadikan diri dia betol2 dia . bila dia cakap kadang2 memang boleh pakai ..
@sengetituseni3886 7 жыл бұрын
yupppss...tacing gila kowttt
@tomatopotato92 7 жыл бұрын
Ugh. Remember last time i commented on one of thinker's videos saying that i was annoyed with Haze.. When i watched this video, it made me realise that i shouldnt judge anyone that easily. Hazeman, in case you read this comment, trust me, as I get to know you (well even thru Utube), i know that you have such a kind heart. You have that sense of defensive mode because you've been bullied when you were young, thereby you cannot help but to defend yourself whenever it is possible, i believe it must be because of your past experience. I know how it feels to be bullied and no one ever stood there to defend you, all you can do is pretend as if it is fine when actually it hurts like hell, and seeing you cry from your past experience really makes me think how much trouble you've dealt with, and how huge the scars that these people have left on your heart. Hazeman, im really sorry if i ever made you angry or even sad esp on that one particular video (Reaksi version video i guess), i hope that you will be an inspiration to people out there who have been bullied throughout their life. Give them support, let them do what they like(ugh ofcourse positive things la) And the reason why i said you were annoying was because mainly i thought you kinda demotivate these people, somehow you like to make fun of these ppl, etc. i guess, that's something that you might wanna improve, you may say it in the right way! But worry not, i am here not to bash you, i am here just to say how glad i am that you were once a victim of a bully trying to prove to these ppl that you're better than them! I mean look how far you've become! I hope you can be an inspiration to the youth out there! I hope you could defend and teach these people how to be strong like seriously mentally strong just like how you are now! Dont discourage them like how your teacher discouraged you before, please! Lastly, in this holy month of ramadan, i hope that you would accept my apologies for hurting your feelings, and having that prejudice towards you. I hope you would forgive me, and i hope that one day you could really help the people who have been bullied to get out from that dark life even if they ever did stupid thing that goes viral, these people they have hope, please help them, be that person, cause little did we know, everybody has hopes, inshaAllah! To everyone and Syafa as well 😋please forgive me! Selamat hari raya!
@zephirothia 7 жыл бұрын
i really hope Haze read i root for haze from the very beginning, first because of his brain, now because of his heart..
@iskandarahmad7177 7 жыл бұрын
ain't nobody got time to read that
@lilie1018 7 жыл бұрын
tomatopotato92 must be one of the best comment I've ever read
@blankjaiho7694 7 жыл бұрын
iskandar ahmad i'd invest my time for this and it is mf worth :)
@blankjaiho7694 7 жыл бұрын
Wow Nice the last time i check .. donald trumph aint Muslim as well ... sooooooo where tf is your relevance ?
@syafiqahliyanailias120 7 жыл бұрын
nak suggest thinker studio spotcheck barang dalam beg each member...tengok apa yang diorang bawak everyday...
@nadzirahnazarudin 7 жыл бұрын
Syafiqah Liyana Ilias buat secara mengejut hahaha
@Paghahin 7 жыл бұрын
Syafiqah Liyana Ilias sokong! hahaha
@fatinsyahira8660 7 жыл бұрын
rt ! buat buatt hahaha
@ieysaalifah 7 жыл бұрын
@Zaccfear 6 жыл бұрын
diorang tau la , spe ada amik ke , mmg tau da
@seorangsyed7317 7 жыл бұрын
Teachers should set a good example to their students. They are not supposed to bring their students down or judge them. I feel like what you had gone through was really one hell of a journey. I believe that you've proved them that you're better than them. Good luck! I kinda like this week's episode! :)
@amirulaizat7785 7 жыл бұрын
wow..haze part2 mmg aku rasa nak nangis weh..aku pun sering dibuli masa duduk asrama..i feel you bro..
@encikbastian 7 жыл бұрын
amirul aizat mengarut ko ni
@madnad1514 7 жыл бұрын
the worst kind of bullies is the one yang datang dari para pendidik. when I was 17, a teacher (ustazah) once shouted at me "HEY, AWAK, SI BADAN BESAR" depan semua orang, until now, my friend still bercakap pasal tu, can you imagine how humiliating was it?. cikgu panggil i gemuk dalam class pun pernah, and after I finish school, losing weight is my sweetest revenge,( tho im still fat, XD ) but to prove that their insults meant nothing for me is the best feeling ever. im still the same person, but better and improving. I hope that bunch of old teachers berubah jugalah. :) kesian kat murid.
@athirahfadzwani5302 7 жыл бұрын
Somehow i felt like i wanted to tell something yg sangat sama the way haze felt. being bullied mmg tak best gila sampai kau rasa kau takde good memories pun dekat sekolah tu. mana kau jalan kau akan jadi dorg punya modal utk bahan on everything you do. sampai tahap aku jalan nk pegi kantin pun dr block form4 sampai form 5 kena wee. and yes. cikgu pun sama. bila kau tak salah, tp cikgu kau malukan kau dekat satu bilik guru dimana mmg semua cikgu dengar setiap benda dia ckp. it hurts. and now i will be a teacher, and i really hope takde student yg akan rasa the way aku rasa. good point haze. thankyou ❤
@katak211 6 жыл бұрын
Athirah Fadzwani I feel u :)
@rizpapp 6 жыл бұрын
omg sama doh and waktu tu lah hati rasa sakit ") strong sis
@asyhshwl 7 жыл бұрын
sian gila haze.. sakit gila bila cg buat anak murid macam tu.. pernah rasa macam yang haze rasa.... ade satu cg ni dia dengan selamba je membodohkan anak murid dia depan kelas..disebabkan aku takdapat jawab soalan.. dah la suara kuat.. cikgu mengajar bukan membodohkan anak murid.. baik tak payah jadi cikgu..
@ellifazleerazali 7 жыл бұрын
Aisyah Shauwal ok lgi dri kena mrah dpan pelajar skolah lain .. haih tabah je diri ni
@nurulnur4002 7 жыл бұрын
Aisyah Shauwal yessss ade cg yg jnis cmtu...skrg pon tgh lalui...jnis cg yg kutuk dpn2 mencarut 24 jam dan memalukan bdk2 dpn org.mula2 kne memg nnagis gak la.. lama2 redha jela nk buat cmne kan xkn nk melawan sbb dia guru krg dia xhalalkan ilmu plak kan.skrg ni rse fedap gila ngan dia but sbb spm tabahkan diri jugak...tq haze punye bilik gelap bagi semangat skit😊😊😊😊
@firdaus249 7 жыл бұрын
Aisyah Shauwal kenapa cikgu jadi cg?pening nk tangkap kene baca sampai habis.
@ellifazleerazali 7 жыл бұрын
Tulah mnjwab ke ap kang mula la x izin ilmu bagai
@lemanaik-ter793 7 жыл бұрын
Aisyah Shauwal org melayu punya stail hadap je org mcm tu dan ramai lg org2 seterusnya jd mangsa dia. seseorg perlu bangun dan bersuara dgn bijak. klu bdk2 samseng diorang blasah je cikgu tu.
@sihahcheah5640 7 жыл бұрын
emoo giler bilik gelap kli ni aku pun sebak 😢😢
@flewaway467 7 жыл бұрын
Saya ni just pelajar sekolah menengah... Saya rasa benda yg sama macam Haze.......Saya menangis bila Haze cita macm tu... Sebab saya rasa sekarang..... Thanks Haze, bagi saya semangat semula..... Thanks alot Haze
@ssn6370 7 жыл бұрын
suka bab bilik gelap kali ni....tersentuh giler hati....sbb pernah kena buli jgk.....yg kena buli mesti kita ingt sampai si pembuli mudah je sad ...Alhamdulillah ak dah berjaya sekarang....thank you kpd org yg pernah buli ak.....😊😊
@juliansavea1172 7 жыл бұрын
hensem siot apai dh potong rambut
@safwankhalili 7 жыл бұрын
Be cool Haze. Just stand up and be what u want. Let people talk as long as we know what are we doing either it is wrong or right. 💪🏻💕
@CFatihah 7 жыл бұрын
saya pun pernah kena apa yg haze kena.. tapi kita bangun balik. bangkit sebagai manusia yang hebat di mata dunia.. yang kutuk, yg keji kita dulu dulu, kita tunjuk yang kita lagi bagus. tapi bukan dengan niat nak menunjuk. tpi dgn niat mak dia sedar, apa yg kelua dri mulut diorg tu, sikit pun tak jatuhkan kita
@syahhansemgreateasterntaka2555 7 жыл бұрын
aku paham apa yang haze rasa.... sampai sekarang aku serius berdendam dengan cikgu tue....betul cakap haze kena bangun and tunjuk kat diaorang yang kita lagi bagus dari dia... keep it haze....
@eqmalarif2263 7 жыл бұрын
Untuk Hana. Suggestion untuk the urban legend show Tajuk: lights out/kelibat/dunia kedua/Dia Ada/Jangan tegur/666 Konsep: Zombies/horror movies (saw,scream atau ring)/left 4 dead/bloods/cctv or cam coder/Clowns Please let me know. Thanks Hana 👌
@a2a373 7 жыл бұрын
Eqmal Arif lights out dh ade org gune
@dzulfadliafiq7932 6 жыл бұрын
666? Apa maksudnya?
@shahidaremy1291 7 жыл бұрын
dok tgh sahur..tiba2 masuk notification thinker studio terus layan😂
@Mrpoteks 7 жыл бұрын
tgok komen ni,tgok jam dah pkul 5.20 trus kejut family bangun sahur.. sempat la makan meggi jer :P
@shahidaremy1291 7 жыл бұрын
Nazlie Zazali Alhamdullilah sempat gak sahur walau megi pon😂
@Mimi-rx6tt 7 жыл бұрын
Shahida Remy lyipploovo,opportunity vvgtjjijb pump cyp t.
@amirulasyraf5090 7 жыл бұрын
okay haze cerita kau sebijik macam aku time kat sekolah and aku pun rasa camana bila kau kena macamtu and aku pernah down gila sampai belajar pun dah tak betul like you said and all your words dah jadi inspirasi aku to bangun balik and endahkan apa orang nak kata . actually bukan kita mintak nak jadi lembut macam tu kan so yea thankyou haze .
@syuhadaharon 7 жыл бұрын
Totally agree dengan Haze. Cikgu patutnya set example and give support untuk anak murid. Ni tak, cikgu sendiri yang buat student rasa down and rendah diri. Dulu masa aku sekolah aku ingat lagi waktu aku nak volunteer untuk pertandingan bedah tikus and identify organ tikus, my biology teacher said '' Takde volunteer lain ke eh? Awak ni bukannya tau apa pun, dah nampak masa depan macam mana. '' Celaka. Well, sekarang I'm proud to say yg aku adalah student forensic science. Negativity macam ni patut dihapuskan je.
@nurzahidah394 7 жыл бұрын
Haze very tuff person 💪🏻💪🏻 tak semua org kuat mcm dia 😪
@akmalarfan3241 7 жыл бұрын
Nur Zahidah betul tu
@pureheroine4916 7 жыл бұрын
Bilik gelap kali ni paling inspired sekali. Haze ni sesuatu tau. hahahah. Btw, korang tgk video apa?
@nabilhazeeq23 7 жыл бұрын
Pure Heroine tgk video tutttttttt
@muhammadmunir8169 7 жыл бұрын
Pure Heroine video pakcik misai dlm kete
@pureheroine4916 7 жыл бұрын
Muhammad Munir patut la. jijik weii
@pureheroine4916 7 жыл бұрын
Muhammad Munir mana tahu wei?
@muhammadmunir8169 7 жыл бұрын
haha .aku teka jaa.... zzzZ
@adiratna1 7 жыл бұрын
aku rasa dalam banyak2 episod. of course episod ni paling best. especially part Haze because with all these noise regarding bullying, mentally or physically aku rasa penting untuk orang tahu yang even if you survive that phase doesn't mean it's okay. tahniah haze. aku cikgu muda tapi aku sedar dan tahu kadang2 cikgu tak semua betul sebab cikgu pun manusia. as in bila kau manusia, kau boleh jadi insan paling keji walaupun memegang status cikgu. sebab waktu kau mengeji tu kau dah buang dah status kau. kau hanyalah insan keji yang sedang membuli. tahniah dan terima kasih Hazr sebab kau berjaya bangun dari zaman gelap kau. aku harap budak2 aku boleh tengok video ni and be inspired. walaupun awak dikeji sekarang. bangkit dan tunjukkan how sorry the people who bullied you should be. 5 bintang 👍
@nabilahsaffi5383 7 жыл бұрын
aku faham do apa yg haze rasa sebab aku pon pernah kena.n now tak sabar rasanya nak tinggalkan sekolah . buat apa nak ingat bila yg ada hanya la kenangan pahit
@zakiahariffin9783 7 жыл бұрын
@mohamadsyafeq1024 7 жыл бұрын
yeay diva hijabaee kembali...#hanabanana
@sabiegoat9452 6 жыл бұрын
Mohamad Syafeq ingat kan kau ckp #hanabana
@fitrysyahir4307 7 жыл бұрын
I am totally inspired by haze sebab sekarang aku tingkatan lima. Dah nak habis zaman persekolahan. Selama aku bersekolah, dari darjah 1 sampai lah sekarang, memang aku selalu kena usik sebab aku jenis yang lembut. Alhamdulillah tahun ni, the last year of my school year, aku achieved banyak anugerah and those people yang pernah buli aku terkejut dengan kejayaan aku. I totally faham perasaan haze. It really hurts you inside. And congrats to haze sebab sekarang dah berjaya. InshaaAllah aku pun akan berjaya macam haze sebab haze totally give me inspiration for my life. Thank you so much haze untuk kata kata semangat tu!
@ashleyb00p 7 жыл бұрын
comelnya Kak Hana 😍😍 lg2 time dia menjegil kat camera 😂 and tak sangka Haze 29 ingatkan 24.. Apai pun nmpk lg kemas lepas potong rambut. ben hensem and Adriana cute like always 💕
@longlivebaby423 7 жыл бұрын
HAZEMAN HUZIR Kenapa kisah silam kita sama ? and i wait for me to RISE UP. !
@dotkiller557 5 жыл бұрын
firdaus sajjee me too
@nd9037 7 жыл бұрын
hanaaaaa. nynyi lagu arab satuuuu. sedap kot suara hana nie. for haze, i feel you. takpe Allah ada.
@acidel7776 7 жыл бұрын
aku pon hampir menitis air mata dengar kisah haze. i feel you haze. aku pon pernah dimalukan dalam dewan sekolah, atas pentas, kat depan semua pelajar, dan depan semua guru perempuan. and paling interesting, haritu jatuh masa birthday aku ke 16. seminggu aku alami mental breakdown teruk. even sampai sekarang pon aku tak boleh lupa setiap detik, saat waktu aku ditolak, diheret dengan paksa naik atas pentas. :')
@sitinorsyamim2206 7 жыл бұрын
sye ulang kali ini punya episode sebanyak 8x . idk why but abg Haze , sye fhm perasaan abg bila kita dibuli dan sakitnya kita shj yg rasa . tiap kali sye ulang dan ulang dan tiap kali itulah sye air mata sye mengalir . ianya mengalir dari hati kerana fhm dan sgt tersentuh dgn kisah abg Haze . u just be who u are and i 😍 it so much !! btw last part pak lebai tu buat air mata sye jadi keras mcm ayaq liuq basi pagi² . why laaa u guys pi tgok 😂 btw ! u guys buatkan hari sye ceria selalu hendaknya .
@qaisya6886 7 жыл бұрын
menangis kot dgr cite haze. btw haze mmg terbaikk👍👍
@KuKuChiLL 7 жыл бұрын
Harap cikgu jahat tu tengok video ni.. no manners !
@symuhaimin 7 жыл бұрын
baik juga, dia tengok astro. apa orang dia dok kutuk dulu dah terkenal skarang. ahaha.
@raudahshidik3064 6 жыл бұрын
Walaupun tgok video ni after 8 months dah release i really love to see haze in every episode and adore gila kat haze sbb dia ada keyakinan diri yg dia akan stand up and move forward for himself and x kesah langsung pasal org lain.Ireally envy him lah.Apa yg haze cakap tu betul,we need to rise up and berjaya buktikan yg im better than you and leave the negativity.Thats why i tak pernah jejak balik skolah lama i sbb for me it was sooooo annoying to see people in there who trying to draged me down.
@anns112 7 жыл бұрын
Cikgu tak sepatut kata mcm tu 😭 i pernah kena mcm tu jugak. Cikgu i tu kata "Saya tak rasa awak akan berjaya nanti dan awak tak layak utk jadi seorang cikgu macam saya" time tu rasa down gilaaaa! Ternyata sekarang cikgu tu salah! Now I'm a teacher!! I dah berjaya bukti pada cikgu tu! So please jgn pandang rendah dgn kemampuan org lain! Give them a chance and supporting them!
@shafeqqanurul1552 7 жыл бұрын
igtkan aq yg lambat. baru je masuk noti sbb off data mlm tadi. rupanya mmg baru upload. boleh share kisah seram masing2 yg betul2 berlaku.
@theloser6975 7 жыл бұрын
Adriana respond are so damn cute! 😂
@apriltaurusz 7 жыл бұрын
Aku suka sesi bilik gelap kali ni. Betul lah apa kata Haze tu, memang kene tunjukkan semula pada org yg dah buli kita, jangan terus tunjuk lemah depan diorang. Dulu masa darjah 6 aku selalu kene tunjal kepala dengan cikgu math aku, sebab tak reti jawab soalan. Setiap kali tak dapat jawab, mesti kena & aku tak suka cikgu tu. Aku selalu dapat D or E kalau ada test. Tapi alhamdulillah, hasil tunjalan tu jugak aku dapat B untuk math dalam UPSR. Sebenarnya benda2 camtu bg kita motivasi jugak, sebab kita akan nak tunjukkan yang kita bukan orang yang akan terus boleh dipijak sebab kan diri kita yg sebelum tu. :)
@nabilarizuan 7 жыл бұрын
actually orang2 yang jatuh kan kite ni mencabar kite jadi yang lebih baik. and see now you are better than them. just dont give up! we love you haze!
@longlivebaby423 7 жыл бұрын
NEXT BILIK GELAP : SYAFAWATI KHAIRUNNISAA. and akuh ulang almost 4 kali part Haze dlm BILIK GELAP.
@symuhaimin 7 жыл бұрын
kau ni, nama orang bagi betul sikitlah. nama dia *Syafawati Khairunnisa*. okay, tu je nak kabor.
@longlivebaby423 7 жыл бұрын
ok thanks.
@eisyalatte 6 жыл бұрын
+Sy. M (Sy. Muhaimin) salah satu huruf je kot haha
@adshaysmn8158 7 жыл бұрын
siapa tengok ni time sahur 🙋
@yooyoo224 7 жыл бұрын
xsedar so xbangun sahur.
@ariffmahz650 7 жыл бұрын
Episod ni paling puas hati. Dapat tengok luahan hati haze dan semua krew hampir semua ada. YEsss !!! Lebih2 lagi part Jess duk tengok video tu macam da biasa tengok. hahahaha
@HaziqMuhyidin 7 жыл бұрын
Abg Haze, I cannot imagine what you had to go through. Thank you for sharing your story. Surely some will be able to relate. Just know that you have my support and love.
@alyanana9022 7 жыл бұрын
Haze, i just want to say Congratulations for ur achievement and yeahh u r my inspiration from now on 💪🏼 Thank you for ur motivation and I hope it will help me out InshaAllah 🤗 u know what i had been through what u had for the past years ,and the feeling was damn hurt , I has a teacher when I am standard 4 who teased me and said "Ehh Alya pandang depan,dah la gemuk " and suddenly all of my friends + that teacher laughed at me , u know the feeling when the whole class laugh at u because of ur personality that u never want to be , and the loud of laugh was started because of A TEACHER hmmm Thanks again to you haze and I hope , I can prove to my teacher that eventhough I am not a good looking person , but I can still be someone in the future, Amin :)
@amalinasani4100 7 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up to Haze. I do see like a few comments from previous videos about people saying "haze ni annoying la" blablabla. Well, i dont think so. I dont get why people are full with hatred. I do know how you feel haze. I got bullied by teachers too back then when i was in high school where by i was never a good student. Study mmg kelaut la. I always participate in curriculum, extra activities but never good in studies. Im kind of a well known in school because every teacher and most of the students know my family due to generation of siblings studying there. One day, i got veryvery bad grades in one of my subject. BECAUSE I NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT SHES TEACHING. TBH, i did try to ask her a few question whenever i dont understand, but she just scolded me infront of everyone and explain and tak ikhlas langsung. Then she said "DON'T WORRY, YOU WONT BE ABLE TO SCORE YOU MID TERM AND SPM ANYWAYS, so why bothered ask". I look at her and said thank you. My next exam was just around the corner. From red marks, i proof her wrong as I GOT 90% for my paper. She said to me, she didn't expect me ti get this and accused me from copying from other people. I stay shut and took my paper. The next exam i still score with flying colors. She still could not believe it, and i said to her " what i look in a teacher is to teach and to support me, not to bring me down with words and disrespect. I may not score with flying colors before, but just so you know i didn not score with flying colors because you teach me, it is because i study by my self and when to see a person that can actually teach me better than my teacher. So thank you" she was shook and i just walk away and every since then she never say mean things to me.
@sawwweep 7 жыл бұрын
Saya dh tgk video ni lebjh dari 10 kali... please sampaikan jutaan terima kasih saya pada haze... saya sgt2 hargai kejujuran dan sikap positif anda...
@aishahothman5852 7 жыл бұрын
Kesian wehh dkat haze. Its so hard for him untuk hadapi 5 years dkat school yang macam tuu. I proud of you Haze. I proud cause you can get out from that situation. I wanna say GOOD JOB, HAZE ! You have proof that you can be better person. To that teacher, I wanna say to is you must regret for what you have done to him and thanks cause you dah berjaya mewujudkan seorang insan yang lagi baik than you. For Haze, I hope you can inspired more people that had been bullied to change theirselve from that bad situation to a successful life.
@ahmadyaseer866 7 жыл бұрын
best bilik gelap haze. i respect someone like u haze, keep it up haze.. "attack on titan" memang best. antara anime paling best
@puanasilahahmad6986 7 жыл бұрын
apai kacak!!! 😍
@symuhaimin 7 жыл бұрын
*kalau kacak jumpa lawa, senang hidup murah rezeki.*
@puanasilahahmad6986 7 жыл бұрын
M. hope apai cepat bertemu jodoh.. sama2 doa di bulan mulia ni.. amin... ☺
@Callmean1mus 7 жыл бұрын have my support..pagi pagi ni keluar lah jugak air mata.sama la ada cikgu ni dia suka student2 pandai.student pandai,hensem,baik je..bila yang tak pandai,buat tak layan.
@imnanaanuar9452 7 жыл бұрын
Ok for this time punya life at thinker dah biasa buat ak gelak to part Haze tu buat aku nangis. Sumpah sama tp beza situasi. Ak bleh feel ap yang haze rasa. Sedih sial bila cgu ko sndri cakap macam tu. aku ingat smpai hari ni. One day ak nak g jumpa cgu tu and just say that I AM THE ONE OF SUCCESSFUL WOMEN THAT U WANT TO BE LOOSER.
@reenmn 7 жыл бұрын
Haze, I was bullied for close 5 years in primary school. My childhood was horrible. And I could barely remember any good times during those times. I truly feel it when you just choke up when you mentioned about your past. It's really a huge courage to share. To all those who suffered from bullying, we're all in this together ✨
@hazwaninoor952 7 жыл бұрын
Nurfareena Mohd Noor bila kita pernah jadi mangsa buli masa zaman sekolah...mesti kita tak nak ingat balik dah apa yang pernah terjadi dulu...sakitnya tuh tiada siapa yang tahu...sehinggakan dia pernah lalui pengalaman pahit tu...sakit lagi kalau cikgu yang "membodohkan" kita.... hampir 12 tahun bersekolah,tapi nak ingat memori indah zaman sekolah tu susah sangat..sebab kebanyakannya memori yang pahit2 je... ps:hai reen...
@nursyahirahbaharudin1623 7 жыл бұрын
kesiannya Haze.. sebak pulak tgk dia nangis. Act, tak semua org kuat mcm Haze. Kipidap!
@inahamzah9884 7 жыл бұрын
aq pun pnah kna buli dgn cikgu...n yg pling kjam n aq bnci gila sb dye ustzah xp mulut dye busuk klah longkang..n slama 5 thun jugak aq kna dgar dye keji aq...xp xpnah mlwan balik sb fkir dye cikgu....n hbis ja skolah aq xpnah jmpa dye sb smpai skrg aq ingat lg apa dye kata kt aq...n pling aq xleh trima sb dye ungkit psal arwah ayah n arwah abg aq....
@azmalsmals5093 4 жыл бұрын
Aku setuju haze..! Nampak dia power of leader ramai kot takut ngan dia
@nathasyahasnan 7 жыл бұрын
Haze, you're my inspiration. I love how you shut people mouth from negativity ❤️
@imranshah9580 7 жыл бұрын
one of the best life at thinkerr wuu
@nuruladzmeerazakaria9109 6 жыл бұрын
Seronok tgk environment dalam life at thinker. Diaorng bekerja mcm satu family tetapi professional. Keep it up guys . Teruskan buat byk video life at thinker
@nuhailya 7 жыл бұрын
weh aku faham gila perasaan hazeman dooo . seolah olah kau dah takde tempat bergantung tau . coz you thought that teacher is the place you can share ur feelings , tp at the end teacher also kinda bully and insults u . so , good job haze ! kau bangun dari semua nightmare tu , and thats why you succeed man on tv ! may allah bless you !
@faraspring 7 жыл бұрын
Kak Hana kena ada setiap episode. (T_T)
@BenJalil 7 жыл бұрын
@azraiardo5370 7 жыл бұрын
Mohd Benyamin video apa yg last tu? hahahaha
@blackspacecat90s81 7 жыл бұрын
Azrai Ardo
@zephirothia 7 жыл бұрын
menyesal aku klik..benci dengan curiosity aku sendiri..bodohnya lah
@yayalocka 7 жыл бұрын
sephiroth aku klik before kau komen tadi, weiiiii menyesal weh memalukan je.
@nurzakira1907 7 жыл бұрын
Hahahahahaha. Suka tgok reaksi adriana. Hahahahaha
@blxckpanda5314 7 жыл бұрын
We are what we are.. Apa yg Haze cakap tu truly inspired aku to not give up in life..
@cielphantomhive521 7 жыл бұрын
damn.. i need to watch the video they watched.. Haze.. well done, keep it up.. rise up and show them who's the boss.. 💪💪👏👏👏
@ainurrdaniaa8147 4 жыл бұрын
Tu video ap ek
@itsmusictime2534 7 жыл бұрын
that teacher should inspired their students not turning down them! but in real life memang banyak yg mcm tu . and I ve been through this too abg haze ! just because Im fat and i did not know how to makeup and that teachers always gossip with other teacher about me, and they told my mom to teach me how to takecare of myself and dont be fatty ! that was shitty things happen in my life ! so our theres who always get being bullies , u should show them who u really are ! that teacher , i ade jmpa dia bru2 ni and she amazedddd with my appearence right now and said sorry for being that stupid bfore this !
@syedalwalid4978 7 жыл бұрын
bro haze, i feel you bro. everylife have their own meaning. takpayah rosakkan hidup kau sebab pandangan org lain yg truk.
@mohdazrul1975 7 жыл бұрын
aku pon ad pengalaman masa sekolah dulu orang yang dipanggil cikgu seharusnya mengajar, mendidik membetulkan seorang kanak kanak tu daripada nothing to something...tapi seorang cikgu sanggup menghina asal usul pelajar itu.. hina keluarganya..yes.. budak tu sampai skrng nothong doh...xde tujuan hidup
@syahirahzooki8074 7 жыл бұрын
yeahhh kakak yaya😍 kdrama is the best😍 ji chang wook😍
@INTANFARHANAH 7 жыл бұрын
Syahirah Zooki kann... Ji Chang Wook kali ni berlakon best !!!
@aiyunnihaikal2023 7 жыл бұрын
Maizura Amer my secret romance
@syahirahzooki8074 7 жыл бұрын
+Intan Farhanah kan dah la handsome teruk arghhhh husband + boyfriend material😍
@syahirahzooki8074 7 жыл бұрын
+Maizura Amer my secret romance, fight for my way, my sassy girl too je la yg setakat ni yg best tapi my secret romance dah habis dah
@syahirahzooki8074 7 жыл бұрын
+Maizura Amer x berapa nk pasti sbb tgk pon random yg mana ada full ep😂
@itsaleena8464 7 жыл бұрын
alpocalito memang best! x sangka Yaya tgk suspicious partner.
@jasrieasri888 7 жыл бұрын
Terbaik aaa haze..weyyy korang Tngok video ape do? Sampai geli2 mcm tu bagai..taq kat aq weyy hihihihi
@abiabii3449 7 жыл бұрын
Fact : Orang yang kita selalu nampak selalu happy, gelak huha huha all the time sebenarnya orang tu lah yang paling banyak problem dan cabaran dlm hidup dia . Cuba tengok kawan / org sekeliling anda
@juliansavea1172 7 жыл бұрын
spe tgk lpas sahur kita geng😎
@iskhandarheronazir887 7 жыл бұрын
Part reaksi tu paling win! hahahahahah
@nasziela9353 7 жыл бұрын
Haze aku pernah rase kena dengancikgu yang down kan aku jugak tapi at the end aku sempat tunjuk aku lagi bagus dari budak yang die puji, apePon love the way you are haze ❤️
@syazajalal1566 7 жыл бұрын
mygod i cried😭 this is so sad.. i have a few of friends and students yang lembut and i am okay with that. dulu time sch kwn i pun kena buli sbb dia lembut smpai studies dia effected sbb ckgu i pun mcm racist towards dia. bdk2 lain takyah ckp lah diorg tkleh tgk kwn i tu happy kejap ada je bnda nak ejek. stress igt blk. geram with this typical people until now i still tak fhm why are people so mean.. for me in the end of the day your attitude (budi bahasa) towards people yg org tgk. i mean like if that person tak lembut etc tak bermakna diorg tu baik gila actually my friends yg lembut2 ni lagi jujur n will be there for me when i need them hmm. thanks for being real haze. p/s i am a new teacher been teaching for only half a year, i hope that i will never hurt my students in any way physically or even mentally like how you have been through dulu.. sedih wei.rasa nak gi peluk sorang2😭 p/s/s kawan i tu he's doing really good now. (even still ada some people yg ejek dia but they can go di*) i am a proud friend😊 thanks again haze🙋
@norsyamimi6 7 жыл бұрын
nanti suruh la kak hana nynyi lagu arab,, suara kak hana sedap gilaaa
@melayusepet7872 7 жыл бұрын
saya rindu akak hana the hijabista...kakak hana comel la...
@elirifhan 7 жыл бұрын
Haze so inspirational .. dont worry haze .. all of us have bad experience with life .. sama ada kita keep going or giv up .. stay as your self .. thumbs up for your positivity 😍😍
@najibbudin6181 7 жыл бұрын
Aku sendiri pon pernah "wee woo" org yg lembut2 ni mase sekolah tapi yg part cg tu mmg x patut lahh. Kat sekolah cg tu jadi contoh kot dan pengaruh cg mestilah besar. Tapi haze mmg the best sebab jadi diri sendiri depan tv. Tak perlu jadi org laen. Memandangkan haze dah cite pasal sekolah kan..nanti the next life at thinker buat la life cite pasal pengalaman kat sekolah yg paling sweet pahit masam atau kepam.
@shazneelneel7352 7 жыл бұрын
waaaa ben blh geng la tngk anime
@adiazfar2875 7 жыл бұрын
Boss episode kasi cabar semua semua pakai formal/kemaja,tie, dtg office.amacam ada brann
@misnazaily5590 7 жыл бұрын
the best episode that i had watch.dont judge a people if you dont know about their future, because it will be the future of the people that you judge is more better than you.
@abcdefghi948 7 жыл бұрын
episode kali ni mmg betul betul inspired. thankyou abg haze❤
@aisyfirman5970 7 жыл бұрын
Kesiannye haze 😢
@pitttatsuya835 7 жыл бұрын
Yg dok lawan first tu mesti komen dulu baru tengok video. Utoo
@hafizahmohd.hashim7436 7 жыл бұрын
Act a teacher shud be a good role play to student.. and tak patut seorg teacher buat mcm tu kat student... anway haze u do a get job! U're success rnw! Really inspiring u! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🌹
@_melissamustaffa3685 7 жыл бұрын
abang haze i sokong sangat .....i love abang haze
@longlivebaby423 7 жыл бұрын
SPECIAL EPISODE : previous ep semua happy² , n bila adanya HAZE wujudnya feeling sedih and now we know in Thinker Studios bkn Happy je , sometime they had a lot of saddness behind them
@missazlinn9015 7 жыл бұрын
hr tu jumpa haze kat bazar ramadhan taman equine ..nak tegur tapii...malu laaa .....
@me_korichan 7 жыл бұрын
apa haze kena tu aku pernah kena time skola dulu tapi just kena dlm klss dengan cikgu sejarah, ustaz and cikgu pj aku dia punya malu sampai budak2 klss lain pon tau cos of mulut2 org. yes truely aku dulu kena idup mcm haze selama 5 taon tu nobody yg nak kwn dgn aku just kwn sb masing2 mahu kesenangan yg aku ade. end up aku amik keputusan after spm aku x nak ade kena mengena dgn mn2 ex klss or skola aku lagi. so now kalo ade mana2 kwn skola yg terjumpa kat social media ni mmg aku x layan cos my life now more better before of u come into. ✌ for haze thanks bg semangat kat org lain tu. hope ur life keep better. aamiin
@hananihashim 7 жыл бұрын
stay strong abg Haze its so inspired me 🙈i literally crying 😭 love u 💞
@mosha25k 7 жыл бұрын
Thinker Studios , please buat challenge yg mencabar . Hopefully , korang buat video . tu je . #ThinkerStudios #RespectHaze
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