Little Nightmares 2 | The Power of Friendship vs. The Horrors of This World! [FULL GAME]

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Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at / cacophonyanddiscord
Dani plays Little Nightmares II!
Little Nightmares Playlist: • Little Nightmares [COM...
Little Nightmares II Playlist: • Little Nightmares 2 [C...
twitter: C_Discord?lang=en
Twitch: / cacophonyanddiscord
Personal Instagram for Dani: danidiscord

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@theradiantdehd3997 2 жыл бұрын
While most people think Six recognizes Mono as the Thin Man hence betraying him, I think it’s a bit deeper. She’s living in hell, and it’s clear from when you rescue her that she finds music boxes to be a good coping mechanism. When she gets trapped in the tower by the Thin Man in his attempt to break the loop by keeping her separate from Mono, The Tower uses her love of music boxes to keep her there. When Mono destroys her music box in the tower, it’s him ultimately making her face reality without any coping mechanisms, and like taking drugs from a drug addict it causes her to freak out. I don’t think she necessarily recognized that he would become the Thin Man, but rather she was so hurt by what she saw as betrayal, not a rescue, that she lashed out and let him go. Mono is then stuck in the time loop as he’s now traumatized and as an old man tries to separate his younger self from Six at all cost to stop himself from being entrapped in and distorted by The Tower. They’re both traumatized children who instead of facing their trauma, use copes and/or vengeance to comfort themselves. They’re traumatized people lashing out and hurting others because they don’t know how to heal. Also in case you haven’t figured it out by now, Little Nightmares 2 is a prequel to the first game, hence why Six doesn’t have The Lady’s powers or her insatiable hunger yet. The hunger may even be representative of her guilt for leaving Mono to die. The mobile game, Very Little Nightmares comes before both and introduces us to The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat, who Six initially gets the iconic raincoat from, despite finding it again in Little Nightmares 2, which seems to be the biggest problem with the timeline, but they’ve confirmed that LN2 is a prequel.
@claucara-joanjettfan3984 Жыл бұрын
I like your thoughts, I was thinking that Six isn't anymore herself when she was kidnapped.
@SenshisTranslations 9 ай бұрын
I know this is kinda late, but I'd have to argue that it was Mono who had given her the music box and other toys in there. Sure, the tower might have somehow added a thing or two but if that was the case why didn't it do the same for Mono? I feel like he was the one who kinda just trapped her there as his own sort if "revenge" since he doesn't really want to hurt her. He literally just wanted a friend but didn't feel any actual anger towards her. I'd assume that once you kill him, that's when the protection against the tower she has, disappears, which is why the tower kinda morphs her.
@theradiantdehd3997 9 ай бұрын
@@SenshisTranslations That makes sense. Since The Thin Man dies before Mono reaches the Tower it’s kind of unclear what parts of that room were the Thin Man’s doing versus the Tower, but you’re right about it being the Tower that distorts people not the Thin Man. So either the Thin Man knew it would distort Six and thought it was worth it, or he didn’t know, or most likely he was either protecting her from the distortion until his death, and may have provided the music box to keep her there. I think the key thing to remember is that Mono doesn’t realize that he’s fighting or freeing the future version of himself yet, not what his future version of himself is trying to do, and The Thin Man doesn’t know what will happen past Mono killing him. He doesn’t know if Mono will be able to find or rescue Six, and so long as she stays there and can’t betray Mono he’d be able to break the loop. Clearly it doesn’t work out for him though.
@iambj6578 8 ай бұрын
​@@theradiantdehd3997Just feel like it could be a POSSIBILITY that six dropped mono due to her hunger problems. It could have also been due to him destroying the music box and not having anything that necessarily makes her happy. In the end of the game if you get the secret ending it shows six coming out of the TV and holding her stomach as growls from her is heard I think. This could be my way of having me think there was a reason she didn't just drop him instead of having no reason and dropping him.
@noHOPEof 7 ай бұрын
III • theories are already intriguing (one video speeds up certain stretches in the early gameplay demo) youtuber *6* has all of the Score tracks that have been officially released ~ cheers.
@WD_Gaster66 3 жыл бұрын
You HAVE to watch the secret ending! It may answer a question or two
@penguin32700 3 жыл бұрын
ok, so here's whats going on in the theory sections so far after the secret ending was uncovered. At first some of us believed that she betrayed mono because she knew he was the thin man or because she was just bad to begin with, and that the thin man tried to go back in time to save himself from being betrayed by six, however, we soon realized that this was to obvious, and tarsier does not do anything in their games with an obvious answer. It is now believed that six did not betray mono because she wanted to, but because she had no other choice but to let him fall, the reason why? well, we have few things so far to explain this as well as the thin man time loop/paradox: for starters, many of us are starting to realize that the true villain of the game is the eye monster, it is seen all throughout the world of little nightmares and is now for sure considered to be the source of all the madness in the world. That the eyes are pulling the strings of the lady, the thin man, and the pretender by influencing them with dark desires in order to have them aid in its survival. Whether its a prequel or sequel, its believed that the eye entity was the one that created shadow six. And whether it is a prequel or sequel, its believed that the eyes discovered that mono and six were working together and immediately felt threatened, so it tried to separate them. All throughout the game, six stayed with mono no matter how dangerous it got, and no matter how many times he jumped she was always there to catch him without a second thought, she became loyal to him, in the final scene when mono and six were escaping the tower, six waited for him and even caught him when he jumped, it didnt make sense to us why she wouldnt pull him up after everything they've been through,. When she is holding onto mono in the final scene, mono tries to pull himself up but then immediately stops trying, once he does there is this moment of silence between them, implying to us that there is something else going on in this moment and that mono knows something is wrong with six. Now, here are the theories we came up with so far: 1. if its a prequel, then When six let go of mono it was because shadow six had influenced her to do so, despite not wanting to let go, six couldn't fight the dark influence of shadow six .When she walked to the tv, the one that kept it open was the eye entity itself in order to have her be cut off from mono completely. When six comes face to face with shadow six, it gave her the desire to leave the city by giving her a hunger that could only be satisfied by going to the maw. 2. if its a sequel then we believe that six knew shadow six was still around, but kept her away by not using the ladys powers. In the last moment, when six held onto mono, the eye had shadow six creep back up in six and give her the desire to eat again. Six, knowing fully well that the hunger pains forced her to eat the nome and lady back at the maw, was afraid of eating mono should they both leave the tower, so instead, she let him go, hoping that he would survive somehow just like every other time they got separated in the pale city. When six left through the tv and she saw shadow six in front of her, she was not shocked by its presence, knowing fully well what it was. When shadow six looked down at the ad for the maw, it was trying to tell her to go back to it, but since six knows what awaits her in the maw, she refused to listen and will try to deal with the hunger pains, forcing shadow six to disappear. 3. the eye entity influenced mono and six near the very end. We theorized that the thin man was stuck in a time loop/paradox and tried to go back in time to warn his past self about sixes betrayal and even tried to seek vengeance against six by kidnapping her. However, this did not make sense since the thin man took six to the tower, the very place where mono would face his tragic fate and were he would become the thin man all over again. If the eye monster is really the one responsible for giving all the people of the world their dark desires, then its likely that it was taking control of the thin man, but the thin man managed to break free from this control from time to time after mono opened the door. When the thin man tried to warn his young self about his fate, the eyes took control of him again and had him kidnap six and be taken to the tower to act as bait to lure mono. When mono fought the thin man, the thin man was back in control of himself and tried to stop mono from going to the tower, but by then it was to late, mono already had his sights set on rescuing six from the tower and destroyed his future self without ever knowing it. In the final moment between mono and six, the eye entity forced six to succumb to shadow six in order to have her let go of mono. When mono fell to the bottom, the eyes lead him to a chair to sit on, the minute mono sat on the chair was the moment the eye entity took control of him and made him the thin man, continuing the broadcast in the city and the world. When six exits the tv and sees shadow six she is now completely under the influence of shadow six and can no longer fight it, when shadow six looks at the maw ad, six goes back to the maw and becomes the new lady, restoring the maw to its functioning state and resulting in a new mono and six to manifest in the world to continuing the horrible cycle all over again. 4. mono was not chased by his future self, rather he was chased by the current thin man whos spirit remained in the tower after mono killed him and absorbed his powers, which occurred sometime in the past. When the tvs called to mono, it was not the thin man that called to him but rather the tower that attempted to suck mono into the transmission and send him to the tower where he would become the new thin man. However, the towers attempts to lure mono to the tvs failed every time due to six interfering with the process and pulling mono out before he was doomed to his fate. As a result the tower had no other choice but to use the spirit of the old thin man to chase after mono and six in order to kidnap six and draw mono to the tower. Despite the towers orders to just have six kidnapped, the thin man still carried a grudge against mono for killing him in the first place and as a result attempted to capture him as well. 5. The soul theory where we believe that sixes soul was ripped in half when she was in the tower, and that in the final moments between her and mono, her evil side began to take over as her good side was being separated from her. When she came out of the tv, we were wondering if she was already transported to the maw by the tower and that the ad on the floor was placed there to tell us that the maw is where she is at now or will be headed to next. In the maw six is constantly trying to satisfy a hunger that keeps getting worse, but now we believe that that hunger came from her trying to satisfy an emptiness inside her, that emptiness being her missing soul. In the comics it is stated that six has no memory of where she came from. A lot of us are starting to believe that when her soul was ripped in two, it erased her memories of mono and the pale city. That the chair, the eyes, the TVs, and everything else that we see on the maw were not only there to tell us about the existence of the thin man and the rest of the world, but to remind six about mono and the events that happened in the pale city. When six absorbed the ladys powers, it was those powers that finally allowed six to reunited with her other half, If what we theorize is true and if the guests of the maw really do come from the city like we believe, then it’s possible that six will return to the city now that she is no longer powerless and can actually fight off the creatures of the world like mono did. 6. The dream theory where we believe the entire game was actually the memories of the thin man played in a loop. The time loop we believed was occurring is actually a dream being repeated over and over again. We believe that the thin man is being manipulated into a mindless state by the eye entity in order to make him easier to use, that is why he is always sitting in a chair, he is kept in a dreamlike state to prevent him from fighting back and is only ever used to walk among the rest of the population when it is needed. In his dream, the thin man thinks about all the events that lead up to him sitting in the chair. We believe the thin man that was chasing mono in the dream was actually a manifestation of his fear, the fear of becoming a horrible grown up. That similarly to how six was changed into a monstrous form, the thin is the monstrous form of mono. Mono now sits in the tower in this form, waiting to be freed by someone as he continues to dream a nightmare. we are still coming up with theories, but so far no matter what we come up with there is one thing that practically everyone seems to agree on. The loop/cycle/paradox needs to be broken, six needs to break free from the all seeing eye (possibly even shadow six) and go back to the tower with the ladys powers in hand, she must free mono from his prison and reunite with him in order to fight the eye entity in the tower together, they must destroy it and put an end to the horrible world they live inwe are still coming up with theories, but so far no matter what we come up with there is one thing that everyone seems to agree on. The time loop/paradox needs to be broken, six needs to break free from shadow six and go back to the tower with the ladys powers in hand, she must free mono from his prison and reunite with him in order to fight the eye entity in the tower together, they must destroy it and put an end to the horrible world they live in
@CacophonyandDiscord 3 жыл бұрын
Ohhhh! I love these theories and cant wait for some DLC and/or Little Nightmares 3 👀
@chessnotchekrs 3 жыл бұрын
I still think that six will be the final villain of the game. We see various human flaws represented by various monsters and characters, I don't want to say sins, because it's more psychological than religious. The denizens of the maw represent greed and gluttony. The Lady represents vanity, and that's why she wears a mask and broke all her mirrors, she doesn't want to see her real appearance. The teacher is a control freak, who can peer behind every corner. The tv viewers are addicts whose brains have melted away to the point they go berserk if you switch off their entertainment. So what do the children you play represent? I'd guess six is betrayal and emptiness, since she let her friend go and eaten a gnome.
@juab3475 3 жыл бұрын
@@chessnotchekrs but dont make sense, why six save mono multiple times?
@chessnotchekrs 3 жыл бұрын
@@juab3475 Because she needed his help to get out of the city, after they were out, she no longer had a use for him.
@juab3475 3 жыл бұрын
@@chessnotchekrs but in the secret ending she dont get out of the city. How did she knows that she dont will need more help? Sorry i am brazilian my english is bad
@Tolp_Is_Gone Жыл бұрын
“Six would never ever let me fall”
@chessnotchekrs 3 жыл бұрын
In the portrait room in the DLC, you can see that one of the portraits is of the teacher. Also, there's a secret ending if you collect all the glitching remains of children.
@ivon1671 3 жыл бұрын
Just for the clarification, I heard you calling the lady Six's mom, and in the interview Tarsier made around the time the residence dlc came out, they confirmed that the lady is not six's mother
@theradiantdehd3997 2 жыл бұрын
Which is bizarre, especially with the painting of a girl in a dress in Six’s room in the tower matching the exact one in The Lady’s room. The only other children we have seen in the series that looks even remotely like them are Six and The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat, which could imply that The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat was The Lady’s daughter who then ran away and The Lady mistakes Six for her daughter due to her having her raincoat, hence her not killing Six immediately upon being caught, despite her shown doing that to everyone else who gets in her way. But I don’t know. The painting showing up in Six’s imaginary room in The Tower is just too bizarre to be a coincidence to me.
@DeeeJay07 3 жыл бұрын
I really believe that there's a time loop on this game. But i don't know if Six really betray Mono, there's something behind that we don't know. Yet
@theradiantdehd3997 2 жыл бұрын
She does. After so long of digging through theories and all of the games, comics, etc. I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s an ongoing theme. The series focuses on the children in a world only describable as hell, who become traumatized and instead of learning to control and grow from their pain, they lash out at others and become the very monsters that traumatized them in the first place. In Very Little Nightmares, Six becomes traumatized not only from being chased around and preyed on by monsters, but by watching her new friend, The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat die. By the time we get to LN2, she’s shown using a music box as a coping mechanism and her only solace from the world. Mono breaks her out and for a while everything seems fine, but it’s clear by Six’s aggression that she’s still not okay. When the Thin Man traps her in The Tower, it creates a Music Box to convince her to stay, protecting her from the outside world, but letting her trauma distort her and turn her into a monster. Mono destroys her music box because he recognizes it’s a coping mechanism and addiction she needs to break. But like taking drugs from a drug addict, she freaks out, feels betrayed, and is deeply hurt by it. Mono rescued Six, but due to her ongoing trauma, she can’t see that. That’s why she lets him go. It’s her lashing out due to her trauma. Mono on the other hand is traumatized by Six’s betrayal and getting stranded in The Tower for a lifetime. When he finally escapes, he encounters himself in a time loop, and desperate to escape tries everything he can to separate Six and Mono, trying to keep the betrayal from ever happening, but is always thwarted by his younger self, and is left to spiral in his own trauma. He lashes out against his younger self and Six, due to his own suffering instead of accepting his trauma for what it is. It’s as if he’s reliving it in his head, only played out in a far more literal sense. So far as I’ve seen that through line appears in every kid’s story so far, and I find it much more likely that Six’s betrayal was a scared and hurt girl lashing out due to her trauma than her recognizing Mono as the Thin Man.
@richards3648 3 жыл бұрын
2:56:19 (Me: Laughs menacingly)
@hydratedgremlin7887 3 жыл бұрын
@Unlucky13Lucky 2 жыл бұрын
The more I think about the two games together I feel like it is all one continuous loop. Mono always becomes the Thin Man, and Six always becomes the Pale Lady. Their younger selves defeating their older selves each time.
@nonoforgetmenot 3 жыл бұрын
That was quick! Also i wanted to thank you bc you are giving me such a great time when i'm watching your stuff. It makes me laugh and happy and i'm really glad i found you. So thanks for being such a lovely person and doing the stuff you do💖
@rakuyo985 3 жыл бұрын
Poor Mono. I hope he get revenge for the next journey. Yeah can't wait for DLC.
@Suckurmum574 3 жыл бұрын
Yoo chill the game just came out
@NoName-st2jl 3 жыл бұрын
@@Suckurmum574 well the dlc usually comes 1 or 2 years after the release because usually when they announced the game the majority of the team already move on to making the dlc while view people fixing the bug before realest.
@syrupsnake302 3 жыл бұрын
Mono won't seek revenge, he wasn't angry, he just gave up.
@theradiantdehd3997 2 жыл бұрын
@@syrupsnake302 He’s traumatized. The time loop makes that apparent. The Thin Man doesn’t want Six dead or hurt, but he DOES want her to not be around Mono to prevent the betrayal so he can break the time loop. The ongoing theme seems to be traumatized kids living through hell, who then become monsters due to lashing out instead of finding healthy ways to handle their trauma.
@psychopompous3207 3 жыл бұрын
Holy crap! You've been uploading again. Cool. Work has been super hectic so I've missed your last few videos. It seems like this weekend is catch-up time.
@XxCloud9xX 3 жыл бұрын
Im pretty sure six didnt betray him for no reason she let him go cause she knew he was the thin man
@Marcharound 3 жыл бұрын
or because she didn’t want to eat him later.
@lenasilva9169 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. It was very clear that what hid the truth about Momo was his mask. In the end, taking off his mask, Six can see who he really was. It doesn't make sense that they put emphasis on the mask if they didn't have a reason.
@Deivil007 3 жыл бұрын
@@Marcharound dude eating him was a more mercifull death rather than this shet
@Zane618 3 жыл бұрын
How would she know that?
@XxCloud9xX 3 жыл бұрын
@@Marcharound to be honest I keep forgetting about that ending, its entirely possible that is the cass as well either way I dont think shes evil like others expect her to be, if she was she'd let go of mono every time he jumped earlier in the game but she only let go the one time at the end of the game and shows she was hungry in the secret ending cause she didnt wanna eat him which lead him to being the thin man. I feel so stupid, ive been thinking about so many theories and I always forget that secret ending cause I didn't know the significance, it also makes sense cause of how when ever shes hungry a shadow of her appears. But since she liked mono so much shed rather let him go then eat him.
@lynn253 11 ай бұрын
i’m a bit late but whatever, the new trailer just dropped and my hyper fixation is back. my own theory on why six drops mono is a bit different, though i can’t say whether it’s more or less correct. from a psychological standpoint, six may have become attached to her prison in the hunters house in a way, finding comfort in the music box. when mono frees her, he takes away her home and her comfort, even if it’s with good intentions. he then takes her on a miserable journey that results in near death multiple times and exposure to the world, which her prison hid her from. the only reason she doesn’t go back is because there’s nothing left to go back to. finally, she’s taken by the thin man, further reinforcing the idea that leaving her home was a mistake. during the signal tower part of the story, maybe the tower reflected what she desired, or was a kind of metaphor. she got back everything she lost and was content to stay. then mono barges into her home again, destroys it again, and takes away her comfort again. he’s almost like the villain of her story, trying to drag her back out into a world she wants no part of. to that end, why should she save someone who’s only brought her misery? i’m not saying this makes complete logical sense, but emotions, especially tainted with severe mental illness which i’m certain six has, don’t always make sense to begin with. to six, mono took away everything she had, even if her home and coping methods weren’t healthy, and to someone already as fragile and traumatized as six might be, to her he might appear as the monster the tower portrayed her as, and perhaps from her perspective the monstrous one wasn’t her but rather mono. i don’t know, but either way that’s what i think.
@cornbread8594 3 жыл бұрын
The Buckets were so funny😂😂
@ValeriaRamirez-rc7vs 7 ай бұрын
Here rewatching cuz Little Nightmares 3 is about to come out and cant wait to see you play!!!
@kchandayco2372 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love watching you play !!! Your the best !
@kurotsuchi6015 3 жыл бұрын
if your looking at six after mono got suck in the tv,six is very very scared about mono after that
@cosmicdraco7041 Жыл бұрын
Another phenomenal playthrough and gameplay Dani. Keep being fantastic. What a ending though.
@jerredchouseman 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this upload, it was really fun watching you play 😉
@nominisan1995 Жыл бұрын
The first 10 min game chat already spoil some shait. Anyway great gameplay ! Love the reactions !
@cornbread8594 3 жыл бұрын
⚠️SPOILERS FOR THIS GAME⚠️ The thing I don’t get is why would six let go you, is if she knew that you were the Slendy man why would she pull you up so that you didn’t become him? Idk though, I guess we’ll wait for another game 👀 ⚠️SPOILERS FOR THIS GAME⚠️
@lenasilva9169 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think she knew ... at least not at the beginning of the game. She only suspected when she saw him without a mask.
@cornbread8594 3 жыл бұрын
@@lenasilva9169 yeah idk I guess we won’t know until a potential 3rd game
@playertwowithjamesandjohn7944 3 жыл бұрын
Six let go of him because she did not want to eat him. It makes sense because Six hunger began in the secret ending.
@cornbread8594 3 жыл бұрын
@@playertwowithjamesandjohn7944 true but Mano would have been a pretty good meal, eating literally your whole body mass
@Zane618 3 жыл бұрын
Because that's how six is She let go after she took his power
@kchandayco2372 3 жыл бұрын
You know with the ending and all with the secret ending part as well i think just like mono.Six is going to become the lady
@ghosti_vx5342 3 жыл бұрын
I think six does nothing on the raft because it reminds her of the girl who saved her and lost life from the pretender in the end of very little nightmares where she falls onto the raft
@reggielacey2235 3 жыл бұрын
Basically all the secret ending shows is that it's a prequel to the first
@texcolo5748 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for this 2:02:21 tactic. You saved my nervous system. ❤ 🙂
@higztv1166 3 жыл бұрын
the title is perfect
@risa408 3 жыл бұрын
Those kids in the school were like gremlins, the true embodiments of "crotch goblin"
@josephberryman4106 Жыл бұрын
I love this game just got it today for the PS5 they need to make a little nightmares 3
@Paper-Studios 3 жыл бұрын
Underrated channel
@nocturne5226 2 жыл бұрын
"(jokingoly) she just lets me go, she fucking hates me" HELPPPP AHAHDHADHWADA
@k_balu-8104 3 жыл бұрын
Dunno i heard from one guy that the devs confirmed that Mono will return, THEY will return Just a question, in which form? His new self who just woken up in the forest or the twisted one, or the growing to be the thin man is just a dream...
@twip1979 3 жыл бұрын
So My theory is that Six Betrayed him Because She Saw his face while holding his hand at the time she wanted help him as he jumped. And saw that he looked like slender.
@user-hq8fi9jx1j 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, I’m Japanese. This game is very horrible, but very exciting! Though I can’t understand English well, I understood the story of this game.
@Rebeccasteudeman 3 жыл бұрын
Me: watched 2 or 3 videos of little nightmares Also me: addicted
@lockheartjuder5624 3 жыл бұрын
You've made some cuts on the VOD apparently!
@jospehpenn3033 3 жыл бұрын
Heres the thing even if she realised he would become thin man, that was definitely years later so I dont think she knew it was mono, because she wouldn't have caught him and i think instead she was upset because she was happy as a monster with her music box to keep her comfort, lol rip mono stuck in a timeloop and all she has to do is pull him up, shame she never will because of her mean nature to get back at people who wrong her since he destroyed her music box.
@braedynpeck2737 3 жыл бұрын
mono never new that he was the thin man and in the end six got a good look at mono's face and saw that he was the thin man
@kurotsuchi6015 3 жыл бұрын
top ten videos game betrayal >
@PenguinsAreColdish Жыл бұрын
1:03:52 my exact reaction when i played through that bullshit
@doomguyfaz3recon797 3 жыл бұрын
There is a secret ending if you get all the glitches
@sharmelaannelarida1102 3 жыл бұрын
Wow good gamenough bro nayssssss☺
@JackTal0s Жыл бұрын
2:56:18 "Six Would never let me fall" Right
@doomguyfaz3recon797 3 жыл бұрын
1:10 me if I ate my mom: oh no, I don’t want to be a girl
@domagojcapko4152 8 ай бұрын
Six dropt Mono because she recognized face of Thin Man Thin Man chased Six because she dropt him That's why we call it "loop"
@jojogarlin8369 3 жыл бұрын
I still like Six too
@sarrynight 3 жыл бұрын
Spoilers: - - 2:56:19 ;)
@Yuz_Craft 2 жыл бұрын
ok I think there's Thin man that is mono's father o.o
@user-bl7px1io9l 3 жыл бұрын
Mono is thin man
@DeeeJay07 3 жыл бұрын
My understanding about the story and ending. If Mono was the Thin Man all along because of the time loop, was Six the Geisha Lady from the first game? Something to think about. There's a strange parallel between Six's fight with the Geisha and Mono's fight with the Thin man. And i didn't expect that Six still an evil, she just betray Mono. Six hasn't change a bit. Little Nightmares is just a loop, Mono was the thin man and Six is the Geisha Lady from the first game. That's where Little Nightmares start, that's why it's a sequel. And there's no confirmation that the Geisha Lady from the first game is Six mother. So there's a chance that Six is the Geisha Lady and fact, future Mono is trying to save Past Mono
@Nihil7781 3 жыл бұрын
Damn thats actually makes sense "Little nightmares" they were Just little at the first time but they are actually nightmares... Your theory is not bad bro i like it
@DeeeJay07 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nihil7781 yeah. The way that boss fight in the first game like Six fight the geisha then after that she ate her and gain the powers. It's very similar to this one like Mono fighting the thin man. But we didn't see Six grew up in the first game like see her as the geisha lady. On this game only, we see Mono become the thin man
@Nihil7781 3 жыл бұрын
@@DeeeJay07 yeah but think about it lady was wearing a mask right? Because she feels ashamed of something or she did something bad and don t want to remember it... İt could be the thing she did to mono... Because we know theres a time loop... And this could not even be the first time this happening... Eye creature that bastard for responsible for all of this.. Maybe it knew something like that would happen it scared... And then for that it might make a system like this... So the same thing happens again and again another six Will Come and kill the old six(lady) so eye creatur Will never die.... Maybe...
@ravimahaur3820 3 жыл бұрын
First class work 😁😁😁
@catmouse1718 Жыл бұрын
i reccomend u play 'very little nightmares' on android to see why u start on a boat in the first one :)
@activegirl22 Жыл бұрын
Veryyy darkkk game
@khadimendiaye2245 3 жыл бұрын
when she's tring to go back Me. Where your going your lost dollar tree headset freer than the woods
@user-sc5cq9vq4c Жыл бұрын
BRUH. The theory that the Lady is Six's mom was officially refuted by the devs themselves long ago. Like VERY long ago.
@newfmstoyt 3 жыл бұрын
To me a teddy bear move
@azmagaref 3 жыл бұрын
I know it's a lot of hard work, but they should workout a simpler game that comes out yearly instead of every 5 years!
@katokoreactions2406 2 жыл бұрын
2:02:18 i was screaming spin in my mind XD
@joshavan9029 3 жыл бұрын
the secret ending is you need to obsorb all the ghost inside you to see what the secret ending is and mono left his hand to six its a bad ending and the ghosts that mono obsorbed will help to see what six was really doing
@Leviirus2 Жыл бұрын
2:56:18 the irony of that
@dylankane8823 3 жыл бұрын
i love your gameplay!
@sauravpal5168 2 жыл бұрын
2:56:40 funny XD
@monstersblood 2 жыл бұрын
@Madre_Natura 3 жыл бұрын
il mondo è marcio!
@ezrabane5106 3 жыл бұрын
That is you
@PenguinsAreColdish Жыл бұрын
1:30:38 pepelaugh
@doomguyfaz3recon797 3 жыл бұрын
3:22:20 she ate herself
@therainydaylibrary4532 3 жыл бұрын
Have you played inside? I think you'll really like it!
@ashtonstewart759 Жыл бұрын
Name is six
@purpleshy1502 3 жыл бұрын
you save her? no you didnt. you fail her so many time but thats how the game goes. so the player is not to blame. you frighten her when you axe down the door in the hunter house and that music box was the only thing that keep her safe. you fail to save her at the school thats why she was angry and break that little puppet boy head. and your a boy and you depend on her some time its like sheesss your a boy cant you do everything on your own LOL. after you save her in that school she trust you less then you let her get taken by the tall hat man. thats when 6 said in her mind i had enough of you. then you break her one and olny thing that can safe her that she loved dearly is her music box you just had to break it. but its the way the game goes so. its that music box that 6 was able to stay young forever so geting her away from her music box is like tell her to abandon hope. if you hadnt taken her away from that room she be safe she be free from her nightmare hence the game call nightmare
@grimmgamingwithdistantvill167 3 жыл бұрын
Power of friendship. Six in the ending like that’s ever going to happen
@spllionjd 3 жыл бұрын
Theory: the thin man is the hanging man in the first game
@steveboy7302 3 жыл бұрын
@user-gq7jq5hd7b 9 ай бұрын
@erikaashleyharrison_6685 2 жыл бұрын
Omg she's so freaking beautiful 😍❤️❤️😍
@mralawadi9425 3 жыл бұрын
Fuck shit I miss the part in 1:50:00 game bugs 😡😡😡😡😡😡
@mlgproto-moto 2 жыл бұрын
I’m making a game inspired by little nightmares 2
@blinkspacestudio8892 3 жыл бұрын
Six is unreal man she will use Mono right up to the very end until she no longer needs him and then just drops him. maybe she recognized his face and dropped him then because she wouldn't have bothered to turn around and wait. It was only when she caught Mono when she hesitated. So messed good.
@jeremybennett3909 3 жыл бұрын
@ashtonstewart759 Жыл бұрын
you Miss A hat
@andrewcarr1476 Жыл бұрын
What subscribe button
@Christobanistan 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it was you. You weren't a good enough friend. :)
@kevinhanson7867 3 жыл бұрын
Six betrayed Mono.
@camilohhh 3 жыл бұрын
Six Bad :c
@user-wi1bz1oz9j 7 ай бұрын
you so very scary girl
@nathanlj204 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Dani. You look really pretty. Anyway was this game good? Cause i missed your stream. (If you see this message)
@simonanegoita4846 3 жыл бұрын
@april7640 3 жыл бұрын
@dutchman063 3 жыл бұрын
Great amazing game as far as the puzzles go, story sucked though
@delia9648 3 жыл бұрын
And what is the story may I ask?
@PenguinsAreColdish Жыл бұрын
no it didnt, ur just braindead
@vincew4297 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve seen several of these girl gamers play through little nightmares 2 and all of them say they still love six even after she betrayed mono. That should show you just how crazy and kind of sick women think when it comes to relationships even when they’re the ones who cheat or fuck it up lol
@Alaynadior Жыл бұрын
Why did you say a bad word 🤬🤬😡😡😡
@Jaxonhej Жыл бұрын
@user-gq7jq5hd7b 9 ай бұрын
@user-gq7jq5hd7b 9 ай бұрын
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