Living the Non-Dual Understanding

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Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira

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Why does living {the non-dual understanding} seem so much harder when we are not on retreat? How can we go beyond a mere intellectual understanding and stay in touch with being all the time?
Rupert says: ‘It’s easier to stay in touch with being on retreat simply because the circumstance that we share here is designed to draw attention to being. Our activities out in the world are designed for completely the opposite - to draw our attention to thoughts, feelings, sensations, activities, relationships and so on.
‘However, it’s not being on retreat, but coming back to being that’s important. So, mimic these circumstances at home - before you go to work in the morning, when you get home in the evening, and numerous times during the day. Keep going back to being. Every time you do that, the pull of experience will lose its power over you, and you find in time that fewer and fewer experiences have the capacity to take you away from your self.’
*This video is from one of Rupert’s in-person retreats at Garrison Institute, 8-15 October 2023. For more information on upcoming retreats (many of which can be attended online via livestream) go to:
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0:00 Staying in Touch with Being
1:15 Focusing on Being
2:00 Distracted by the World
3:08 The Contrast Between Retreats and the World
3:46 Going Back into the World
5:15 Remaining as Being
6:42 Living the Non-Dual Understanding
8:20 Love, Not Practice
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RETREATS (Weekend, 5-day, 7-day)
Rupert holds regular retreats, roughly once per month, either in-person and online. Many in-person retreats can also be attended from the comfort of your home via livestream.
IN-PERSON RETREATS SCHEDULE (Also Available to Join Online via Live Stream)
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Rupert's webinars take place on Wednesday evenings, from 4pm UK time. In the first twenty to thirty minutes, Rupert leads a spontaneous meditation. The remaining time is open for attendees to discuss their questions with Rupert.
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@tpanagides Ай бұрын
"You don't approach God through practice. You approach God through Love." Wow, this is so beautiful. We're grateful for your teachings that express what we know and feel but can't articulate so concisely and lovingly as you do.
@wholeinthesoul7925 Ай бұрын
I literally gasped
@Aed-Maroc-kj4ct Ай бұрын
God is Alive, God is Alive, there is no god but God, God is the Most Great, God is the Most Glorious! -------- You approach God through Submission and Obedience, this is why Islam (Submission to God) is the True Religion of man, since the beginning of time. Man's Existence is to submit to God. Non-duality is garbage and filth. Love is important too, but that shit usually comes in the end, but when it first comes (you saying to God, sincerely, you love Him) then rejoice.
@mnabilb Ай бұрын
​@@Aed-Maroc-kj4ct A "God" who creates creatures to inslave them and burn them with fire is no God but a devil. Look at what's happening in Gaza, It's only a little example of the slaughterhouse we are living in. It's obvious there's no God mate..
@mnabilb Ай бұрын
​@@Aed-Maroc-kj4ct A God who creates creatures to enslave them and burn them with fire is no God but a devil. Look at what's happening in Gaza, It's only one example of the slaughterhouse we are living in. It's obvious there's no God mate..
@mnabilb Ай бұрын
​@@Aed-Maroc-kj4ct A God who creates creatures to enslave them and burn them with fire is no God but a devil. Look at what's happening in Gaza, It's only one example of the slaughterhouse we are living in. It's obvious there's no God mate..
@ravindramurthy3486 Ай бұрын
You are living it whether you know it or not. It does not even depend upon you recognizing it. You just need to "become" aware of it as YOU ARE THAT. You are not going to have any extraordinary feeling or experience, but it is the ORDINARY intuited feeling shared by the entire humanity.
@kathrynphillips3710 Ай бұрын
brilliantly explained! 💫🙏
@ravindramurthy3486 Ай бұрын
@@kathrynphillips3710 🙏
@markmensah7284 Ай бұрын
Honestly when you rooted in being there’s liberation of energy
@ravindramurthy3486 Ай бұрын
@@markmensah7284 I would like to understand you better. As you are aware, words/language are very poor/may utterly fail, in conveying Nonduality which is prior to words/language. Nonetheless, let us try. Could you please provide some clarification on the following? Your statement: "Honestly when you rooted in being there’s liberation of energy" 1, Who is "you" in the above statement by you? What does that "you" refer to? 2. Who/what is the source of "energy" and what is this "energy" and who/what is the recipient of this energy? Thank you.
@GraceKanedesign 21 күн бұрын
Exactly. When consistent recollection that we are simply distracted by this brilliant life experience of SELF dancing AS experience - there is ease.
@kimwaite8916 Ай бұрын
I found that going into a busy place (Casino's are the best so far since I'm not drawn to gambling) and I go in with the state of mind of focusing on energy which is Love. I tap into the energy and watch the distracted people who rarely notice me because of their distraction and feel the calling to find different people that have receptivity for approach. It isn't necessarily the conversation that ensues but the freedom to experience Presence and practice it in busy places. It is helping with awareness. It has helped immensely. I also don't trap myself in shallow conversation and it's a place where short lived is easily attainable because there are no projected expectations on Self.
@benjamindsouza6736 28 күн бұрын
So beautifully expressed, Rupert! Thank you! 🙏🤍🙏
@paris8711 Ай бұрын
I am glad that Rupert breaks the neoadvaita taboo and uses the word "practice". I am also glad that in doing so he explains that practice can be done without effort and as an expression of love. It is beautiful that, in a similar way, the christian mystic, John of the Cross, calls contemplation a "loving awareness".
@nsbd90now Ай бұрын
It is so wild how Rupert Spira seems to have hit upon such a contemporary, sensible way of discussing and articulating these existential-phenomenological issues having to do with being aware of being aware of existing without anything goofily "metaphysical" or "supernatural". Literally here and now and just the human experience of reality. So cool! So wild! So terrific!
@andereliga5196 Ай бұрын
Beautifully put
@maximopl1892 Ай бұрын
It's still something very much metaphysical, and to talk about God is always gonna be Supernatural. Just saying, there is nothing wrong in them. You need a little love, to see god in others. You need a little mysticism to understand Truth. It's just part of it
@elprofeta110 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing such an amazing message 🙏Indeed God’s blessings and manifestation over my family has come to pass. I am so grateful!❤️Awesome God ❤️my family are happy once again and can now afford anything for my family even with my Retirement.$67k weekly returns has been life changing, after so much struggles.
@babytruca02 Ай бұрын
Hello how do you make such weekly?? I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God.
@elprofeta110 Ай бұрын
Maria Angelina Alexander I really appreciate her efforts and transparency.
@elprofeta110 Ай бұрын
I remember giving her my first savings $20000 and she opened a brokerage account for me it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.
@marcosvg90 Ай бұрын
YES!!! That's exactly her name (Maria Angelina Alexander) so many people have recommended highly about her and am just starting with her from Brisbane Australia.🇦🇺
@KuramaUchiha-id1ow Ай бұрын
Most people keep getting scared of taking risk,though I started with as low as $15,000 actually because it was my first time and it was successful, She's a great personality in the state.
@NinaKrebbers Ай бұрын
We are the BEINGNESS that is lovingly called to meet all disturbances with understanding and compassion. Disturbance is rising up to be neutralized with LOVE. Be THIS. All disturbance is simply an opportunity to bring Love's clarity, surrender, forgiveness and acceptance..... not more disturbance. It's also okay to complain about and reject disturbances, but that will only perpetuate more disturbances and complaints. Surrender to being disturbed, and allow this disturbance to stay as long as it likes. Just BE with it. Remember what YOU are. You are the FULFILLMENT already. Claim it now.
@Soulsmusic1931 Ай бұрын
We have been identifying our thoughts as 'I'.. All you have to do is to be aware of the thought and body collectively, no matter what the thought.. The moment we try to change, analyse, suppress or run from the thought, we are giving power to the thought of making it reality and that's how we start identifying the thought as "me".. Abiding as awareness simply means to be aware without judging the thought itself, let the thought flower and wither away, once the thought vanishes, you would be aware of the emptiness that the thought leaves behind.. This mind and body will keep on doing its thing by itself as we abide in awareness without our interference..
@willieluncheonette5843 Ай бұрын
1. "Awareness cannot exist with duality, and mind cannot exist without duality. Awareness is non-dual, and mind is dual. 2. If you go outwards you will move into the world of duality. If you go inwards you will move into the world of non-duality; you will become non-polar. 3. Enlightenment is the realization of the non-dual. 4. When there is I, it creates thou. When there is I it creates duality, and all is lost in duality. When there is no I, then there is non-duality. Then you are one with existence, utterly one. Then you are nothing but a pulsation of existence itself, just a ripple in the lake of this infinite consciousness. 5. If you are divided in two, into man and woman, negative/ positive, darkness/light, mind/heart, thought/feeling - if you are divided in two, your energy will be going downward. Division is the way of the downward. When you are undivided, one, you start moving upward. To be one is to move upward, to be two is to move downward. Duality is the way to hell, non-duality is the way to heaven. 6. These are the two planes of humanity: duality, the plane of duality, what Hindus call DWAITA, the plane of two; and non-duality, the plane of one, the plane of the non-dual. When you are divided you are in this world; when you are undivided, you have transcended - you are no longer here, you have penetrated into the Beyond. Then boundaries meet and the boundaries meet in you. So the whole effort is how to become undivided, how to become one. 7. This has to be the criterion whether you have reached the goal or not. If there is still something as its polar opposite, you have not reached; you are still in the duality. One can move from one duality to another duality; it does not make any change. One has to move from duality to non-duality, because non-duality is the ultimate. The ultimate has no opposite to it. It is the final synthesis where all opposites have melted into one, when male and female have melted into one. 8. REMEMBER, when we use the word „oneness‟, that too is part of duality. If there is no duality how can there be oneness? That‟s why Hindus never use „oneness‟. If you ask Shankara, “What is the nature of existence?” he says, “Non-dual, ADVAITA, not two.” He will never say one, because how can you say one? If there is only one, how can you say one? One needs two to be meaningful. If there is no possibility of the second, of the two, then what is the use of saying that it is one? Shankara says, “At the most, I can say not two, but I cannot say positively one. I can say what the reality is not: it is not two. I cannot say what it is, because meaning, words, all become useless.” 9. Enlightenment simply means you disappear, you become the whole. There is no question of separation or no separation. There is no question of oneness, because even the word `oneness‟ hides behind it twoness. What do you mean when you say oneness? - you mean twoness. The mystics have avoided using the word `oneness‟, but you cannot. In the very nature of intellectual understanding you can go a little roundabout - and that‟s what people like Shankara have done. They talk about non-duality, no-twoness; they don‟t talk about oneness. They want to indicate oneness, but they don‟t want to use the word `oneness‟ because oneness points towards twoness. 10. Enlightenment means the point from where you take a jump into the non-dual. Before that point is duality. Everything is divided. 11. Language creates duality, language exists through duality. It cannot indicate the non-dual. If I say „day‟, immediately I create night. If I say „life‟, immediately I create death. If I say „good‟, immediately bad is created. If I say „no‟, just by the side of the no, yes is existing. Language can exist only through the opposite. That‟s why we see life as always divided - God and devil. Drop language, drop this linguistic pattern. Once language is no more on your mind and you look directly into reality, day IS night. Suddenly you will start laughing at why you missed it so long! Day, every day turns into night; night turns into day every morning again, and you have been missing. Life is always turning into death, death always turns again into life, and you have been missing. They are not two, they are one whole. This is the non-dual, ADWAITA. This is the most essential religion. 12. The first layer is called the objective and the second layer is called the subjective. But beyond both there is a witness which can watch both the body and the mind, the material and the nonmaterial. This witness, this consciousness, this awareness, is beyond both. It is neither material nor non-material, because it is beyond both. And you cannot go beyond it. You cannot witness it. You have come to the very end of the rope, you have come to the very bottom of existence. This awareness is called the transcendental, because it transcends the duality of body-mind. And to be centered in it, you have come home, because there is no way beyond it. Here ends the road. 13. When you don‟t have a choice, you are already transcendental. You have transcended. Then the duality doesn‟t divide you. You remain undivided. And this is ADWAIT; this is what Shankara means when he says „nondualism‟; this is what the Upanishads teach: to be non-dual, to be one. To be one means not to choose, because once you choose your choice divides you. You say,‟I would like to be happy, and I don‟t want to be unhappy‟; you are divided. You simply say,‟Whatsoever happens, everything is welcome. My doors are open. Sadness comes; come be my guest. Happiness comes; come be my guest. I will be a host to everything, with no rejection, with no choice, with no like, no dislike.‟ Suddenly, nobody can divide you. You have attained to an inner unity, to an inner melody, to an inner music, an inner harmony. 14. All duality is a mind creation, all duality is created by the clinging and attached mind. When there is no attachment there is no duality. When you want something to happen according to you, and it doesn‟t happen, duality arises. When you are ready to relax with everything as it happens, where is the duality? Somebody insults you and you say thank you. Your woman leaves you and you go and give her a good send-off. Where is the duality? Richness comes and you enjoy it. And one day you are poor and you enjoy poverty. Where is the duality? If you can enjoy all that happens, if you can enjoy the roses that are always there and you don‟t count the thorns, then where is the duality? Then the mind becomes non-dual. Then all fragments disappear, then a great oneness arises in you. But it cannot be called „oneness‟. 15. Really, any authentic religious mind lives in a non-duality, not in a duality. For really authentic religion there is no duality between consciousness and body, no duality between the divine and the world, no duality between mind and matter; the duality is just a mental construct. Duality exists nowhere, the whole is one. If we take it as two, or if it appears to us as two, it is because of our way of looking, not because it is so. Through senses it appears to us as matter, and through a non-sensuous approach it appears as mind, as consciousness. But it is one! Matter is just a very deeply asleep consciousness; consciousness is just awakened matter. Matter becomes conscious. So a stone by your side is just in a deep sleep, a very deep sleep of a mind. It may take millennia for it to be awake, but it is. Even in a stone, deep down a soul is asleep, a possible consciousness is there, a potential consciousness is there. And even in you, it has come only to an awakening - it is there. Matter and mind are two states of one thing, of one phenomenon: asleep it is matter, awakened it is mind. 16. In ordinary life with the ordinary mind everything is divided into its opposites, and there is a great attraction for meeting with the opposite: the man seeks the woman, the woman seeks the man - the yin-yang circle. In a religious man all search has stopped - the man has found the woman, the woman has found the man. In his innermost core the energy has come to a point where everything has dissolved into oneness, into non-duality, ADVAIT. All opposites become complementaries; all conflicts dissolve and become co-operation. Then you have come home, then there is no need to go anywhere, then there is nothing to be sought, nothing to be desired. This state is the state of God. God is a state, God is not an object. And God is not even a person, because God is neither objective nor subjective. God is transcendental. 18. Drop all duality, be non-dual. Drop all division. Just be individual. !f you belong to me then you belong to the transcendental. That is the whole meaning of being initiated by me. I bring you the transcendental, I bring you the ultimate, I bring you that which cannot be seen on the outside, that which cannot be seen on the inside but you can become that because you are already that."
@billdarte2971 Ай бұрын
I have found that it is much easier for me to recall frequently that I need to stay centered. I used a timer watch and my phone for a while to remind me, then I just got better at remembering when the pace of life slackened even for a re-center myself. The re-centering I have found is OM or most often for me...from the Song of the Sannyasin...OM, tat sat, OM. Depending upon how perturbed I find myself, I recite this 1-5 times with or without my eyes closed depending upon circumstances (e.g. driving). I am not to the point where I can see God constantly in the streaming of my experience but as Rumi says..."I flow down and down in always widening rings of being".
@Primeh1 Ай бұрын
What an amazing question, thanks for asking
@SamuelEiche Ай бұрын
The practice is letting go. Letting go of what's not loving or whatever you're subconciously grasping so that love can emerge. I remember a quote by néem karoli baba - "If you don't feel like praying, force it. Because something is forcing you not to pray". So it doesn't have to be seen as a dirty word. Discipline comes with being human.
@Joestar66 Ай бұрын
Well Said
@luis55ful Ай бұрын
Great question , hi Rupert. Even though your answer is great, as always, the solution you provide, for me, in some way is difficult too because to love someone, the mind or the being has an object to focus on, but to love oneself not being an object there is the difficult, but anyway the clarification you do is great. Bcs in this clarification indirectly you provide the solution.❤
@innerlight617 Ай бұрын
Long solitary walks in nature are very helpful ......
@chitrapolansky Ай бұрын
hes just sensing *reflected* light of Gods Infinte Being..
@alfreddifeo9642 Ай бұрын
@user-si3oo1qy5r Ай бұрын
@annediamond808 Ай бұрын
Beautiful. Thank you.
@danieleslava115 Ай бұрын
in the moment there is love.
@irisstumpf9732 Ай бұрын
@alisonmorris4444 Ай бұрын
Simply beautiful 💡❤️🙏 x
@artofunk Ай бұрын
How Profound, how so lovingly profound can one explain existence. It’s love that makes not only the world go round, but love brings the world into existence, for its own sake I offer ❣️🙏🏽👌🏾👍🏽💜❤️✌🏽
@OffGridMind Ай бұрын
Why create a dichotomy between love and practice?
@alessandracampelli6090 Ай бұрын
Great question?
@hannahcarlsten2461 Ай бұрын
@danielmardim5866 Ай бұрын
What is the purpose of experience? And why is my experience is different from yours?
@qigonglove1240 Ай бұрын
Thank you. I finally feel free :)
@gireeshneroth7127 Ай бұрын
A consciousness' performance to itself.
@martinriebszam Ай бұрын
@sohailien Ай бұрын
Trying to connect to being keeps us feeling separate. Who is the one trying? That person doesn’t exist. There is only being.
@brigitteh4825 Ай бұрын
Does it really? Trying to connect to being keeps us grounded, in my opinion. Yes, there is only being but that also involves being distracted with thoughts.
@sohailien Ай бұрын
@@brigitteh4825 maybe it should be worded as remembering our being and our true nature rather than trying to connect to being. It’s about remembering who we naturally are rather than trying to connect to someone or something we are currently not. No striving or struggling necessary. Just a relaxation and acceptance.
@Aed-Maroc-kj4ct Ай бұрын
God is Alive, I testify and bear witness (to anyone and anything) that God is Alive and that God Exists, God has Commanded man to praise Him as the Most Great (everything in the heavens and earth praise God), none has the right to be worshiped except God, there is no god or deity or divinity but God, God allows and completely honors His outcasted and dejected slaves by allowing them to see Him, God is the King and Lord and Protector and Light of the heavens and earth and everything in them, God is the Most Great, there is no god but God, God is the Most Glorious, God is the Most Glorious! ------------ None are trying anything, I am right now this second and have been for at least 4 years connected with God (through my thumb). That connected person exists. You non-dual hippie, not being connected with God is the most sad thing (if you have been connected and then disconnected from God), you don't want to feel separate because what you want is to be God. You don't want to be connected with God (even due it's the best thing) because you want to be God Himself (Exalted and Great is God) Thus, I look away from you in terror, and I use my will and power to further strengthen my connection with God, and to God do I submit fully and totally, and to you non-dual hippies trying to be God, I look away in absolute total amazement of your's insanity and lack of submission to God (which is man's True Existence), and I say, to my God I turn to, and my God is the Greatest.
@sunisagotirat1332 Ай бұрын
Thank you so masch🙏🙏🎯💢👁❤️❤️
@mayrobintamang Ай бұрын
When crazy guys give me HARD LOOK in the street, i forget all the non dual understanding right away.......i guess i am still immature.........
@phk2000 Ай бұрын
The universe is infinite, and for me this is the biggest pointer there is. All that space out there has no beginning or ending. The space doesn't stop where my body starts or it wouldn't be infinite. So there can only be infinite space APPEARING as finite things - which includes “me” but never being anything other than infinite space/awareness. When this is seen there is joy!
@vladimir1341 Ай бұрын
Keep your attention within, in the body. I put my attention on the stomach, away from the mind. Emotions then evaporate. There is only space, emptiness. Suffering ends. Over time this becomes deeper. Happiness and peace then become the default mode.
@angelikawesson4277 14 күн бұрын
"In the Beginning is Mind, and Mind is with Consciousness and Mind is Consciousness." Other than Mind, there can be nothing else existing. The only way that Mind can be known, the only way that God can Know Itself, is through the duality of perception and thought, the schizophrenic fragmentation of that which is One! In the face of this great 'illusion' (that there are 'separate things'), 'make-believe' is healthy, can be fun and 'empowering', like lucid dreaming! 'Belief' on the other hand, is not! Consciousness cannot be 'understood' because it is unconditional, transcendental, One, beyond the duality of thought/imagination or concepts! "God cannot know himself but by me!" - Meister Eckhart "The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same." - Meister Eckhart
@ayeam5822 Ай бұрын
CONTEMPLATION as opposed to MEDITATION. The word contemplation is INTIMITE, Meditation appears as more of an IMITATION. 🙏
@lingeshsawanth253 Ай бұрын
LOVE is the FEELING of wholeness!, it's the FEELING which melts the FEELING 'oneSELF' (separated- ness) into the SELF! (Wholeness) If one asks 'why i won't be aware of the wholeness in our worldly transactions?', The straight answer is; 'RESISTANCE! (likes-dislikes)', Soon we resist, division just there, where there's division there's no wholeness, so, no FEELING of LOVE! oneSELF can't drop the tendency of 'RESISTING' unless there's proper UNDERSTANDING of LIFE!, so keep reading, listening, keep contemplating (shravana-manana)
@user-fd1zd3bz2h Ай бұрын
Any idea about Gaza genocide Rupert, Meditation 😊
@danieleslava115 Ай бұрын
because it is not a machine , it is a Tone Poem . Thank You Rupert.
@dohaabdelrahman7161 Ай бұрын
@djdollase Ай бұрын
This is sort of the $64,000 issue isn’t it? This is what has us who listen to these videos coming back over and over and over. This is a practice. I don’t care what Rupert or Eckhart or any of the “realized“ Masters, say. And if you don’t practice, then you will be like a yo-yo going back-and-forth and back-and-forth. There is practice to this practice. I understand why they don’t wanna call it practice, to distinguish it from the normal or usual meditative practices.
@malabuha Ай бұрын
All you have left is watch the mind fight itself for dominance and prefferance in identification. Did you know that a lion perceives exactly the same way as you when you look around through your eyes? The same being is there. And our brains work the same way... Mmm yummy
@gladman9634 Ай бұрын
Wtf is a non dual understanding kekw. In non dualaty there is no understanding since there is no one to understand since there are not subject object lmaooo
@chiptowers1 Ай бұрын
Everything concerning the intelligent species is designed for Evolving. Meditation is never necessary because the intelligent species requires to evolve like its been doing for aeons, not sit in meditation and learn nothing. The intelligent species does not need to practice anything because its imprinted knowledge is just that, imprinted. The intelligent species is not nonduality, it is duality in many ways and one important factor of it's duality is it's symbiotic relationship with elements and biology, no god had hand in that process. Unfortunately Guru's and Teachers have no clue how duality derived and Form to give rise to the intelligent species physical body and brain. This is why the congregation look half asleep and confused. Sitting there won't save your life, you would be better of talking to your plants and tilling the soil.
@youssefalaoui4286 Ай бұрын
What do you mean with “Form”?
@chiptowers1 Ай бұрын
@@youssefalaoui4286 very good, not many would notice that nor question that. Basically you the intelligent species was initially Formed not Born.
@youssefalaoui4286 Ай бұрын
@@chiptowers1That is a semantic distinction; the results are the same. We can also use both words without contradiction, something like: _we where formed in the wombs of our mother and then we where born._ I think you are putting to much emphasis on the words but not realizing the results are the same. Who cares what you call it, either “form” or “born”. There is no practical conclusion that follows if we change the words. Am I missing something here?
@chiptowers1 Ай бұрын
@@youssefalaoui4286 Well if you think it was a semantic distinction, then that would mean that you know and really did not need to ask me anything, more so, you seem to to know what I am thinking. What I can see is something prompted you to comment and ask, quote: "what do you mean with Form". So where did that come from, either your imprinted knowledge or your physical brain. If its from your imprinted knowledge, then I know you have been enlightened by it and without you even realising it, but, if it came from your physical brain, then that has only come from something you have learned and/or deemed to be true. Your summation that we were formed in the wombs of our mother is correct, but, what gave rise to implement a reproduction process for a being BORN process. The Form in the Womb is the result of a SOURCE that FORMED at its inception at an epoch prior to the intelligent species physical body and brain being a being. Quote, " am I missing something here". I am hoping that is a question coming from your imprinted knowledge, because that would tell me your Form Source within is relaying information of knowing to your physical brain. What I am saying is something is prompting you to know and here is the opportunity to know what you think you always knew maybe, because you cant put your finger on it. If you expect me to tell you what that Form is, that is not a problem, but not right. However I can confirm if you are correct what you think that Form is, that way I would know that it is coming from your imprinted knowledge. Are you prepared to move forward no matter how silly it would sound, because it's not silly to me especially if one knows.
@youssefalaoui4286 Ай бұрын
@@chiptowers1What I mean with “formed in the wombs” is that mothers eat food which is fats, carbs and protein which than transforms into bones, flesh and tissue. That is how a child is “formed”. But please go on, tell me about what you mean with source (yes I’m ready to move on).
@alisonmorris4444 Ай бұрын
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