Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod (MEHEM): Tali Romance

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11 жыл бұрын

This is Mass Effect 3 happy ending from the MEHEM mod created by MrFob. Merry Christmas. :)
Thanks a lot to MrFob for making this mod and to Erisonii for telling me about it. :)
For more info visit the thread on BSN:
For more videos from MEHEM mod, check the playlist down below:
• Mass Effect 3: MEHEM mod

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@TheAnonGamerz 9 жыл бұрын
Hands up if you consider this to be cannon in your own hearts
@Jakemufcfan 8 жыл бұрын
Obviously I mean technically there is no one canon ending so this could be it
@agrey832 8 жыл бұрын
this is how it ends for me as far as I'm concerned lol
@sabertx3273 8 жыл бұрын
yes I say this was better than what was actually in the game! they really should have put this in
@Zestyclose-Big3127 7 жыл бұрын
In my heart this is Destroy (Shepard survives (love interest didn't end up sticking Shepard's name on wall in actual destroy - well at least not always), Anderson's name is taken off after Shepard regains health to be ceremonially put on by Shepard. And all that after they pulled a project Lazarus on EDI, and maybe the geth. (That'd place the Shepard waking up scene at the end away from the Citadel, but I'd say it still makes sense)
@bi0hazard921 6 жыл бұрын
@alexparker5127 10 жыл бұрын
May have only hacked together scenes and audio clips, but it was still somehow better than the actual ending. Good job.
@BadGuyMcgee 3 жыл бұрын
@Artakhor 10 жыл бұрын
13:06 Hey, hey, did anyone else note that? Thereis no "Richard L. Jenkins" name on a board! This happy ending is so happy that even he survived :)
@karlsmith2570 4 жыл бұрын
Or even Tali's father, Admiral Rael'Zora
@shintaiden Жыл бұрын
It's a common misconception that he died on Eden Prime. Richard Leroy Jenkins ascended to godhood, he did not leave us, we failed him.
@guytime106 10 жыл бұрын
This ending was roughly 145 times better than the original and extended cut versions. Glad I watched it.
@iona2225 5 жыл бұрын
Roughly? Haha
@Christian-gr3gu 4 жыл бұрын
Rounding down of course
@VorchaVideos 9 жыл бұрын
The dialogue is a bit choppy, but adding in the ME2 theme was a stroke of genius, and I loved the memorial scene.
@ProtagonistLover Жыл бұрын
Honestly, Shepard putting up the memorial and crying in front of their team would be a very poignant ending.
@rasdan1192 8 жыл бұрын
How the ending should've been. Shephard survive and embrace his possible romance.
@dretax14 4 жыл бұрын
Funny because he "survives", but its a real shame they didn't do this. We need ME3 to continue. Not this andromeda shit.
@Novasigmia 4 жыл бұрын
@@dretax14 the one choice this game didn’t consider
@pyramidschemer4083 3 жыл бұрын
He did survive the "destroy" ending, but they never went into detail if he retired after or continued service
@ShadowNyte96 10 жыл бұрын
This ending is perfect. It takes out all the unnecessary new plot twists and unanswered questions of the original and instead gives us a very satisfying end that leaves a good feeling. We can all now finally end this chapter of our lives and move on toward the future. Mass Effect will always stay with us forever, the excitement, the fun times, the snarky remarks, the friendships, and the love... we will never forget.
@someguy2347 Жыл бұрын
On another note I enjoyed the cliffhanger. It left potential to revive the franchise, because let's be honest, we CAN'T get enough of Shepard/Tali. I think the main reason for that was the scarce screen time in the third installment.
@shocker1209081 10 жыл бұрын
The modification to the end scene along with cutting out that star child bullshit alone is enough for me to get this mod. Great work!
@Overwatch24 10 жыл бұрын
So happy the modders did this. For me, this is the canon ending to ME3. I don't give a shit what Bioware says.
@brady2010irish 9 жыл бұрын
My standard issue phrase for BioWare in regards to ME3 is "Fuck BioWare".
@stormrider1663 9 жыл бұрын
brady2010irish common everybody is insulting bioware but the true is that its EA that fucked the game not bioware
@BobTheTesaurus 7 жыл бұрын
not actually true, the ending we received was the planned ending of the writer for ME3, was it rushed and poorly thought out? yes but it was still the original plan EA has fucked a lot of things, unfortunately ME3 ending is not one of them
@kylegilliam5389 7 жыл бұрын
+Ben Walker I heard that the OG story for ME3 was leaked before (Or after) announcement and Bioware had to change it. Though, I could be wrong, and Bioware really was that pathetic at storytelling.
@cheeseguy3412 7 жыл бұрын
The original direction they were going is that the reapers know that the end of the universe is coming, and that its being hastened by Mass Effect field use - they are allowing life to re-evolve until they get a race of perfect biotic users to shove things back into place (since reapers themselves can't use biotics) - Asari and Prothean were close, but not quite. The ending wasn't super fleshed out, but it potentially involved Shepard actually being an alien, and a number of other odd things. (Sauce: ) I like the MEHEM ending SO much better. No impending end-of-universe, no silly dark energy theme, no inane 'mass effect fields are actually going to end the universe' horsepoo, etc.
@dostwood5103 5 жыл бұрын
To the mod developer: You did good son, you did good. I’m proud of you.
@brevyansingollo1411 8 жыл бұрын
I played first the third game and i had feel the ending strange. Then i discover that the other games had choices who change the third so i played them all, spare allies like Wrex, help all the others and made everyone loyal, get enough renegade/paragon points to stop geth/quarian war, to get the same fucking end as my first playthrough, with allies and lovers leaving me alone to die for them. IT MADE ME MAD AS HELL. I cannot thank enough the guy who make this mod, this cured my rage and depression.
@Aeradom2000 8 жыл бұрын
Agreed completely. I'll never quite be the fan of Bioware as I once was after that ending.
@TheForeignGamer 7 жыл бұрын
+Damian You have to understand that it's not entirely BioWare's fault. They were forced to rush the game out the door before it was properly finished so that they could meet EA's strict deadline of a March 2012 release. BioWare did the best they could under the circumstances, which is why they developed the Extended Cut independently of EA's funding and influence, and released it for free as a middle finger to them.
@Aeradom2000 7 жыл бұрын
***** Normally I'd buy that sort of thing but not in this case. They would of had this ending planned way back in the beginning of production and it wouldn't of taken that much more time to do it right. But that's not even my biggest issue; the ending in it's original form went against the logic of the game. It's almost as if one group of people wrote everything but that last hour, and then someone else took over from there. Plus, the corporate ending would be the happy ending because that makes customers happy. The artsy ending, the one the developers tried to defend in the controversy, was that bullshit. I dare say if EA heard about that ending, they would of slapped around those people and said to do it right. Fuck just be lazy and give everyone a happy ending; that would of been immensly better than what we (originally) got.
@TheForeignGamer 7 жыл бұрын
Damian I'll agree that the original endings went against nearly everything the series stood for. But at the same time, I can't agree that the endings post-extended cut are bad by any means. People were largely disappointed because the ending choices basically invalidate everything you've been working towards, and every choice you made doesn't matter in the end. The way I see it, that isn't at all the case. Throughout Mass Effect 3 you see almost every decision you've made previously come to fruition at some point during the primary campaign against the Reapers. Saved Maelon's data and Mordin survived ME2? Boom, curing the genophage (if you want to) becomes that much easier. Destroyed the geth Heretics, Tali isn't exiled, and both she and Legion survive ME2? Boom, you're on the right path towards quarian-geth peace (again, if you want). This also isn't taking into account all the minor side missions and characters you met and helped (or hurt) throughout the series. At some point in ME3, you will see pretty much all these minor and major subplots come to a conclusion, for better or for worse. When it comes to the last fifteen minutes of the finale, BioWare essentially did what they have always done in the Mass Effect series: Given players another option. Destroying the Reapers with the Crucible (and for us who can't play on PC and install mods) isn't necessarily the best option, when there are other routes you can take. Playing as a Paragon Shep, your primary objective is maintaining the peace. Destroying the Reapers may seem like the ultimate solution to achieve galactic peace, but is it really? Honestly, think about it. By doing so without the Happy Ending mod, you doom all synthetic life, because that is what the Crucible was meant to do. By doing so, you are invalidating your own decision to broker peace between the quarians and geth (or if you chose to save the geth, then you just doomed two entire races). And at the same time, you end up causing the true extinction of all the races that have been harvested and turned into Reapers across those supposed thousands of different cycles. It's a sound option to destroy the Reapers, sure, but we must consider the broader perspective in this entire universe. Unless you're going for a SuccessShep Renegade run, I personally don't see destroying the Reapers as the best solution. In both Control and Synthesis, you see the Reapers helping the survivors of the war to rebuild the mass relays and all the planets that had been mostly reduced to rubble. That, to me, is the best way the series could end, even if it does ensure Shepard dies. Because you know what? Shep sacrificing themselves (using they as a neutral pronoun) for the betterment of the entire galaxy is what a Paragon Shep would do without a second thought. It's just in their character to do so. And that's why I don't agree with the notion that the other post-EC endings don't suck as so many people think they do.
@Aeradom2000 7 жыл бұрын
***** I misspoke when I said the original endings post Extended Cut was "bad". Because for as much as I disagree with them on a philosophical level, there's nothing objectively wrong in terms of gaping plot holes. So if that was the inference you got from it, then my mistake. Now as to the philosophical side of things. While I agree that the game does let your choices matter throughout the game (and is why this game despite that ending is on of my top 5 games of all time), that doesn't excuse them for not carrying through on the ending. I liken it to sports, football in particular. It's like when a player makes an amazing catch on a ball launched 30 yards away, jukes past multiple defenders, then just as he's about to cross into the end zone he drops the ball. Sure the catch and up to the end zone was amazing, but you aren't getting points for not completing the play. It's not that I have problem necessarily with Shepard dying on its own because in truth, I figured that's what would happened. It's cliche, but so many writers think that for their art to be considered epic, the hero has to die. The problem with this idea in this game is that the war score infers that if you get enough, you'll be able to get the best ending which should be Shepard lives. In none of the scenarios mentioned does that happened. I'll admit that without the war score, I'd have less of a beef with Shepard dying because it wouldn't of raised the expectations. Plus, after all the sorrow the player goes through and this sense that you are going to die, it would of been a much stronger emotional relief if you live. Moving away from that because, I'll admit that's more of a thing that irks me as a writer myself. What makes the thought process with the endings contradict the message of the game (with the exception of maybe Paragon). Assuming that you made peace between the Quarians and Geth, you know that going into the end that synthetics and organics can coexist peacefully. This flies in the face of the BS that the star child was shoveling about all this being because that very thing couldn't happen. That's why synthesis ending was so insulting because instead of achieving equality by working together in unity despite past issues (which is what you do TWICE!), everyone just becomes the same and it negates all that. I'll make this last bit short because this post is already too long. With the Destroy ending, that already doesn't make any damn sense because why should I have to destroy ALL synthetics when you have the Reaper code that you retrieved from Ranoch!?!? The one I have the least issue with is Paragon and I would of been fine with that being an ending, like if you don't have X amount of war score, then you must pay the price by sacrificing yourself to save everyone.
@PooPooWeeWee814 9 жыл бұрын
Some people think that this ending is too happy for that kind of conflict etc. And I think that sometimes, it's good to see, that your character is rewarded for saving the galaxy. He/she deserves it :P.
@MrJordwalk 4 жыл бұрын
Bioware gave us the tease of Shepard breathing after the Destruction ending (assuming we collect enough War Assets), but I was immensely disappointed that this was all they gave us. An Epilogue Slideshow giving us glimpses of the kind of life Shepard goes on to have with whoever he or she romanced would have been amazing, like retiring from military service, building that house for Tali on Rannoch, starting a family with Ashley or Kaidan, etc etc.
@noitsbecky1278 4 жыл бұрын
Endings don’t need to be bittersweet. Sometimes it’s nice for characters to just have a happy ending.
@Dan-qy6zv 3 жыл бұрын
I never understood why the hero needs to die in order to save everything. You don't need your protagonist to die to make a profound ending. Sometimes, seeing someone get the break they deserve can be just as impactful.
@RustyTheFoxxo 3 жыл бұрын
@@noitsbecky1278 I know that this is a 5 month old comment but you're right. Not to mention that games can end good and feel good (like this mod), End good and feel bad (can't think of any example) End bad and feel good (Halo: Reach) End bad and feel bad (Far Cry 5 and ME3)
@RVGmetallicasaw 10 жыл бұрын
This is what happens when morons in control of beloved tales ruin the ending: the fans come in and fix it all.
@thrax1831 9 жыл бұрын
***** best coment ever
@demonhuntercrow6159 4 жыл бұрын
where any of the original ME creators creating ME 3 or was it a different team?
@DHTGK 4 жыл бұрын
a few of the original creators did leave, but I don't think it was the main reason for the bad ending it was one of the two reasons why ME:A was terrible. The other was a horrific time crunch for learning a new engine
@MidnightShamalan 9 жыл бұрын
Bioware: we just made people fall in love with a game. we should think of a cool way to end it. EA: these are your endings. red green or blue. you must choose one. we're too greedy to keep this cash cow of a game in development. Bioware: meh. you're right. fuck it. okay. Players: but.. we don't like any of these... Bioware: here.. shiny DLC. that makes it better. right? RIGHT? -runs away- Players: this still sucks... EA: So be it! Players: That's even worse!! Modders: ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL
@JTMConceptions 8 жыл бұрын
Modders: You know what's better than having three choices that effect the entire fiber of life in the Galaxy? NO CHOICES! PERFECT ENDING! Because logic, right?
@aaronhines8312 8 жыл бұрын
+JTM Conceptions Bioware: Hah, lol none of the ending choices are probably gonna matter in the next game anyway
@BobTheTesaurus 7 жыл бұрын
no shit lol, First trilogy takes place entirely inside the Milkyway, The next one is in Andromeda. Fun Fact, The MilkyWay and Andromeda are on a collision course with one another and will at some point in the very very very very very far future collide and merge
@82dorrin 3 жыл бұрын
Modders: Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.
@Clonetrooper8983 2 жыл бұрын
@@JTMConceptions honestly, I would have taken one good version of the destroy ending over all the color coded bs. I'm of the opinion that the final choices shouldn't have been "what do you want to do to the reapers", we have been building to destroy them since Mass Effect 1 anyway, all the bs about synthesis and control just added unnecessary bloat to the plot anyway, but instead how many people and friends have to die to achieve it/what happens to your Shepard after the bombs are done dropping.
@bwunukey 10 жыл бұрын
thats the ending that i wanted shep alive with tali living on rannoch, i acutually cried
@zulicurah9414 10 жыл бұрын
I think the wing of fire fanfic can help with that It should come up if you search for it. Sorry I don't have the link to it.
@sonofpears4691 Жыл бұрын
He can build that home, probably adopt a couple quarian children and live a long happy retirement with the love of his life because after saving the galaxy 3 separate times he fucking deserves it
@jacobgordon9447 9 жыл бұрын
"And while we still have many challenges ahead of us...." "We can face them together." FIGHT THE FEELS FIGHT THEM OH GOD THERES THE NORMANDY FEELS OVER LOAD *CRIES*
@user-xt6ix4ui9m 4 жыл бұрын
yea same lol
@pjemrey6676 8 жыл бұрын
You know what would have been cool? If the shuttle crash landed on a remote part of earth. The rest of the ending plays out like they think he is dead (except for LI not putting his name on the wall). Then, as you are wondering what happened and the screen darkens, it comes back to the LI, mourning later (6 months, a year, something like that) and Shepard comes back, he had made his way back to them. In this case, he would make his way to Rannoch, where he would find Tali, they embrace. Credits roll.
@jled787 7 жыл бұрын
Especially with Shep's farewell to Tali in the final push and her reply, "I have a home. Come Back to me." Kinda wished the Bioware Devs stood their ground and left in the Tali and Garrus Romances in Mass Effect 1, so Shep (and us players) would have had more time with the best Aliens in the Crew. But EA said no.
@Rockcroc2000Rm1wE3erWmNfkL 5 жыл бұрын
@bentouttashape 9 жыл бұрын
if this ending was tweaked and actually became a legitimate dlc it would be really popular frankly, i just dont see mass effect without shepard
@GodrykPL 10 жыл бұрын
This is how i'll remember Mass Effect 3 ending - Commander Sheppard reunited with Tali and his crew. And that makes 'Citadel DLC' an epilog for me ;) Best regards and thanks for saving Mass Effect!
@user-zq4ec5xp7t 9 жыл бұрын
Damn idk why but the scene with Andersen and shepard always gets me ;( Ik that the voice acting was a bit off but it's still WAAAY better than the bullshit ending we were given.
@skychaser8745 8 жыл бұрын
This is my Canon, screw the original endings... my shepard will not die!
@SuperAfroManXD 8 жыл бұрын
It's already canon that if you picked the destroy with enough EMS, Shepard lives. Bioware confirmed.
@skychaser8745 8 жыл бұрын
SuperAfroManXD Yes, but consider this, he is stranded on the Citadel, the others have no way to get there, no food no drink AND you have to sacrifice EDI and the Geth for it. Which is something MY Shepard wouldn't do.
@skychaser8745 8 жыл бұрын
Андрій Скляров And that is something YOUR Shepard would do. Congratulations you psychopathic maniac ^^. But my Shepard isn't like that)
@skychaser8745 8 жыл бұрын
Андрій Скляров The logical choice is that you look over these things, especially when you have a much bigger force on the Horizon ready to destroy you, no matter your race. The Krogans have become friendly with the humans simply because my Shepard has given them the chance to reproduce. Yes Krogans were angry, wouldn't you be if you saw countless of your young being born dead? I know I would. The Rachni, well, as said, they were useful against the Reapers. Anyone that helps in the survival has a chance to prove themselves. It's proven that the Reapers took control of the Rachni, yes, but they were WAY more advanced then anything we had today. You think any normal race could come up with that shit again? No. Synthetics, if you have taken the Paragon route have gotten a soul and become THINKING beings, and as my ending where I chose the synthesis route, they all survived. Were there races that seemed... unstable? Yes. But who are we to condemn the entire species? It's like saying: Holy shit! The human Senator was a asshole! That means all humans must be evil! I have been kind to Batarians and in return they were kind to my Shepard. and did their part in the fight against the reapers. I mean here you are, condemning these creatures to death without GIVING them a chance to change. How do you expect them to change for the better if you act like a prick to them all the time? Of course they will continue hating everyone. MY Shepard has not only saved their Warlord but also one of the few fertile females, he has brought forth one of the best soldiers the Krogans ever had and even removed the Genophage, the legend of Shepard will go on. And as warmongering as the Krogans are, they ARE a honorable race, they keep their promises. Never has Grunt or that other dude always have shown to be reasonable and true to their word. Would I have this optimism in real life? No. But then, in real life, we don't have the threat of the apocalypse looming over us. So the logic there can be a bit skewed. Sometimes you have to make tougher choices not based on logic, because if you do only that, what makes you better then the Reapers? It is the one thing that my Shepard had that the Reapers didn't he could go off the grid, do illogical things that would probably seem crazy but would definetly get us a advantage. But that is all beside the point, THIS is my canon ending. All survived, my Shepard sacrificed none of his friends, came back to his bae Tali, went to Rannoch, built a house and had about... 100 little Shepards that will run rampant across the Universe in times to come.
@skychaser8745 8 жыл бұрын
Андрій Скляров That is your opinion, and I respect that. I think you are too pessimistic on that. And I will gladly agree to disagree. But yeah, Tali and Shepard is my favorite combination, I mean all characters are fun the females and the males, but I just love the romantic scenes with Tali, I especially love the little dates in the Citadel DLC that Shepard has with Tali.
@82dorrin 3 жыл бұрын
EA: *Messes up Mass Effect ending badly* Modders: Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.
@OOTurok 9 жыл бұрын
I think some people, on both sides, make too much of an issue about Shepherd dieing at the end. Most of us ME fans that lived through the game trilogy from it's roots hated the ending, b/c of the Catalyst, (a.k.a. star child), (a.k.a. star baby), (a.k.a. star brat) / Deus Ex Machina... Bioware threw at us. In one fell swoop, the writers sent us an explain all, end all, wrap up, that ruined the story. Aside from the numerous plot holes it created, the Catalyst's explanation to everything suddenly made the Reapers irrelavent. No longer were they the mysterious, menacing beings of a resolute agenda. The Reapers were just reduced to meaningless plot tools. No longer can we ever look at the Reapers in awe & dread like we use to. The words uttered by Sovereign & Harbinger no longer had meaning. The story that defined them no longer had weight. If nothing of the ending was changed, except for the existence of the Catalyst, It would have been EPIC. If Bioware had just never added the Catalyst to the story, the endings would have been EPIC. The Catalyst is what destroyed the story, as Deus Ex Machinas often do. Kudos to the fans, who got rid of that stupid thing.
@robowolf826 9 жыл бұрын
I agree. BioWare could have easily made Shepard the catalyst and simply left it at that. As a matter of fact, now that I think of it, it would've made more sense to do that and just keep the rest of the ending. BioWare really dropped the ball on this one
@jacobgordon9447 9 жыл бұрын
Synth Storm The crucible required a hero with immense strength and courage. THERE ENDING
@BobTheTesaurus 7 жыл бұрын
you simply have the Citadel itself be the catalyst instead of the weird child thing. And the big problem faced by other races even once the Crucible had been designed being a problem of successfully bringing the two together.
@AzraelSoulHunter 6 жыл бұрын
Anything could be better than starchild. Maybe Harbinger would fly up to us and try to indoctrinate us, (but not destroy since it would destroy citadel which could damage reapers or even destroy them) and reveal that HE is intelligence that Leviatans were talking about. Or throw away all that leviatan and intelligence bullshit and let him tell us how great race they are again how insignificant we are (a bit cliche but it could've worked), about them being from outside of our galaxy created long before it. Or let everything go like in ending BUT the intelligence would truly be Avina. I know it sounds stupid, but if you think about it it wouldn't have to be. Imagine that the main villain was always there watching you and disguising himself so well that no one noticed. It could certainly made an impact if you choose to play trilogy again.
@corvokuro 10 жыл бұрын
This is how Mass Effect 3 should have ended.
@cooljim1376 10 жыл бұрын
The writers wanted to protect their "artistic vision" if it was so "artistic" why the hell did all your fans hate the ending so much that they made a mod. Dumb asses wish I could burn down EA and Bioware.
@mcpojohn117themasterchief5 5 жыл бұрын
I mean if you do with the destroy ending with your military power up high enough Shepard survives we see him take a breath in the extended cut Delcy thing. So this is what happens after that. Bioware just didn’t show up for some reason but if you do that ending right then Shepard survivors and nobody says he doesnt find his way back to the crew and his love interest.
@deadmanslastwish 8 жыл бұрын
I say this without a shred of exaggeration: this mod is the only reason I was able to play mass effect 3 again.
@RastaBurgerOfficiel 8 жыл бұрын
+deadmanslastwish Why ? Sherpard have to die dude. He just finish all he have to do in his/her. He/her just not finish the mission, he finish the reason to his/her existence
@RastaBurgerOfficiel 8 жыл бұрын
***** So it's just a emotional critic ? People are dying in GoT and the fact that the community like them or not don't make change the autor's choices. People just have to grow up and accept death is a part of the life cause this one the subject to the trilogy with "live together".
@RastaBurgerOfficiel 8 жыл бұрын
***** I think you've don't seen as many movies as me. ME Trilogy is a very cinematographic game (there's staging) Characters are true, we can just identify ourself. But Shepard have to die, cause the galaxy don't need him anymore, and life continue anyway (cause you saved everybody). He/She was a hero, hero exist for save people but when all people are safe, there's nothing to save anymore. He/She was good now, the galaxy have to continue.
@Snargle 6 жыл бұрын
@michaelwf738 8 жыл бұрын
Seems like Bioware should hire fans. This is a million times better than the normal ending. Including their remade ending. This made me feel good. Actually gives hope for a sequel.
@user-qp5yu1zq1m 7 жыл бұрын
If they did they would be restricted and that would suck.
@RonioFOX 7 жыл бұрын
no way, restricted? how?
@coreywilliams1454 7 жыл бұрын
Im pretty sure the next game after Andromeda will see the survivors of the invasion fuck off to Andromeda as they realise it's too hard to rebuild.
@deni140492deni 6 жыл бұрын
nah, probably will be about the first contact war and, if it has a positive outcome, they will give a sequel to andromeda
@sipioc 10 жыл бұрын
To me this is the ideal ending. If Bio ware had come up with it they should of had the LI read the ending and a reunion scene shown
@Bobawaffle84 10 жыл бұрын
this game would be so much better if this was a vanilla ending. I can rest easy knowing that this is how my shepard ended
@Sp00ch123 10 жыл бұрын
Honestly, they should have included something like this in the base game. Sad endings are starting to get a little overused. Still, with the Extended Cut the actual ending isn't that bad. Anyway, the next trilogy (I assume it will be another trilogy) should have a happy ending like this.
@TheChoujinVirus 10 жыл бұрын
from what Bioware's claiming, this is the end of the series
@Sp00ch123 10 жыл бұрын
Remember, Mass Effect 4, the one that hey don't want to be called Mass Effect 4? They are already working on it.
@esteale1 10 жыл бұрын
Sp00ch123 ya but it wont be commander shepard it will be the same universe but tha'ts all we know.
@Sp00ch123 10 жыл бұрын
I know. It's fine with me. my Shepard retired. I'm looking forward to seeing who we play as now.
@DevilHunter1994 10 жыл бұрын
I agree. I can accept the extended cut and I'm happy Shepard can at least survive and eventually reunite with his crew in the perfect destroy ending, but this really was the ending that pretty much everyone wanted. The Reapers are destroyed, we SEE Shepard reunite with his crew. The Geth and EDI are fine and the ending still has that feeling of tragedy to it with the death of Admiral Anderson. Personally though even with Anderson's death I think this ending is still a little bit TOO happy. It's that way by design of course in order to please fans who wanted that happy ending, but I think in order for this to work as a legitimate ending for the actual game, there would need to be a bigger sacrifice in order to achieve this.
@GranukeGamingProductions 10 жыл бұрын
They modders actually did a great job on this considering what they had to work with
@_VXI 9 жыл бұрын
That's how it SHOULD have ended. You end up with your romance option and you put up the plaque for Anderson. SHOULD.
@lycanmorph3376 4 жыл бұрын
I like how this ending has choppy dialogue and scenes, but it’s still 100 times better than the original with extended cut
@SirBladewind 9 жыл бұрын
So much better. Bioware shat out an ending that forces you down a funnel. If I die as Shepard I want to die by my fucking choice not because I automatically *have* to. What about the romance I developed? The relationships I spent 300+ hours crafting between characters? What's the point of even finding love if you know you're going to die? You might as well bang Jack in ME2 and don't romance anybody so you don't put them through the heartache of your inevitable death? Some may say "oh but it's realistic!" Bullshit. There's always a choice and always a chance. I mean shepherd again and again and again puts his ass on the line for the ungrateful assholes of the council and his/her reward is death? Shepherd deserves a chance to live happy and rebuild. This ending gives him a chance. As far as I'm concerned this is Canon.
@Emmet-County 9 жыл бұрын
+TheKaein Shepard has always been a Jesus character? For his arch to make sense, he needs to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Canonically, he never made any decisions for his direct benefit. He didn't destroy sovereign so that he'd be heralded as a hero. He didn't go on the suicide mission for the goddamned PR. He did it to save people. He did it because it was his moral prerogative. It was never about what Shepard (and therefore the character) wanted to do, it was always about what they needed to do. It makes sense, it's just not a very happy ending for the player, and that's what everyone complains about. And that's a really shit argument, because these games do not exist at the behest of the players. Anyway, to answer your questions, I will ask another question. Are those relationships not inherently valuable? You wouldn't have spent so much time on them if you didn't care. So wouldn't it be true that they matter in and of themselves, without any need for the ending to validate them any further? What really puzzles me about your argument is that it actually brings up more questions that work against you. What's the point of finding love if you know you're gonna die? I have some bad news for you bud. You're gonna die, and it's gonna make a lot of people who love you feel really fucking shitty. But that doesn't mean that finding love is pointless. But let's follow that line of thinking. What's the point of finding love? What's the point in talking to any of the NPCs? Hell, what is the point of playing the game in the first place? These are meaningless, nihilistic questions that are just cynical and irrelevant when it comes to game discussion. My last point has to do with your choice of words for your final point. "Reward" and "deserves". This implies that Shepard fought the reapers for his own gain. His reward is that he preserves life in the galaxy and, against impossible odds, breaks a cycle that's been continuing for millions of years. And if you think that Shepard was thinking about what he deserved for all of his sacrifice, then I gotta say, you have a genuine misunderstanding of Shepard's character. It's not about what he deserves, it's about what LIFE deserves. This ending is fucking masturbatory at best. Just fuckin jerkin it in the wind. "Happy ending", the nerve. Mass effect already had a happy ending, the reapers lost, the cycle was broken, no more genocide, how is that not happy??? "happy ending", I can't believe it...
@SirBladewind 9 жыл бұрын
+Artemis Clarke but it's not my choice. He doesn't *have* to be a Jesus character if you don't want him too. You can play him as a total asshole hellbent on revenge if you want. Call me selfish but I don't give a damn about the galaxy. I care about MY characters. The ones I met and grew with. Hell if you want give us the Fable 2 style choice where you can have yourself and your loved ones but the galaxy will suffer as a result but give us a choice. Don't funnel all shepherds of all walks to be this council bitch martyr. and yes. I know I'm going to die. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe in 60 years. But I have a chance ahead of me to craft a beautiful life. I have opportunities. Playing as shepherd with the endings in current state is like having stage 3 cancer. If I had stage 3 cancer I would not have a girlfriend or anything. I'd just spend time with my family by day and party by night till I dropped dead because there's no chance I'm having a future and I don't want to put anyone through the misery of loving me and losing me. and again maybe it's selfish but I don't care. and you know what, I voted with my wallet. I didn't buy mass effect 3. I borrowed it. I refuse to buy it and give bioware my money. and that borrowed copy? the owner took it back and got his money back. so they got nothing on that sale. so criticize my choices if you will, but obviously other people agree with me or this ending wouldn't exist.
@yukikme5041 8 жыл бұрын
+Artemis Clarke well we can't really be sure of that. It depends on your opinion. IMO for example I support IT. Without knowing about IT I would still be frustrated about the choices I was given. I mean destroy yeah probably the best ending but only if it is supported by IT. If not then The hell did I just do? I destroyed a sentient species (geth) for the preservation of the organics. no different with what the machines do to us. To preserve us. IT however made it easier for me to decide and gave me rest from my frustrations. Another only good ending I can say is the rejection ending. though IMO again it really isn't the best. In it the species in the next cycle were able to achieve peace and evade the reaper threat due to the actions of the current cycle in ME3. However at what cost? the sacrifice was too damn high. The other 2 endings IF you support IT would just mean the worst endings you can get. If not however then IMO synthesis just felt... wrong to me. We all achieved perfection. Now what? We've reached our limits there's nothing else to improve anymore. We've become stagnant. Control ending is somewhat the worst out of all if you do NOT support IT. It basically says that shepard became the guardian of the galaxy. He protects all life now. Sounds good yes? but remember organics are labelled as Chaos. So what happens when war comes again with other species? how will shepard react in all this? That is a big Question. There are more but I don't want to write something even more lengthy than this. In the end the endings reflect on your own moral veiwpoint on things. Some might say that control is the best solution. Others say that Rejection just answered shepards selfishness on staying human instead of saving everyone etc. etc. All I can say in all this? This game really mindfucks you with the endings. Which is why I'm not really a fan of open endings. Sure it can be left toward the gamers own imagination but keep in mind you're not the only one who played this game from 1 to 3 so expect people wanting different outcomes. Me personally? I also liked this ending, wanted it to be more honest. It's more like a closure for me. After all the endings gave a lot of unanswered questions. And all in all I just wanted to see shepard and tali returning home to rannoch and building the home tali wanted together. I mean seriously? no? guess it's only me then.... tl:dr The games best endings depends on the person's own point of view and no endings can be really decided as the right ending. And that the game's endings just mindfucks you. And also, all endings I've seen the 4 endings in game and this mod gave me the feels.
@agrey832 8 жыл бұрын
absolutely!! I always romances Tali, and I will always choose Destroy. This is definitely how Destroy ending should have happened!! A no-brainer really
@InsertCoinBSGO 8 жыл бұрын
+Gabriel Labayen Hell for my first playthrough I couldnt decide for minutes long as I recall, but then I chose Control as I thought that would be heroic, without turning everyone into freaks, which kind of supported my idea about Sheppard's personality. But then the cutscene came and I was blown away by the speech "Sheppard" gave. The part which said basicly that he is not he anymore, but something else totally crushed me, I mean how should I know how this remnant of Sheppard will react to certain situations. Hell I probably just turned him into one of the Reapers, and as the cutscene didn't really go into details I was left with my questions... Then I found the IT and for me it made (and still makes) complete sense to me. I felt like a foul for not putting the pieces together eventhough I noticed almost all of the main supporting points of it during my playthrough and of course I realised that I was easily indoctrinated after all. Hell, what an emotional ride it was! :D
@kaalion5468 7 жыл бұрын
This will forever remain the canon ending in my heart. I love you, Tali. Even death won't keep me away from you. But, as for the house... Let's hire someone to help out, I don't want to do this alone. You know, all the bones broken and other stuff.
@agrey832 8 жыл бұрын
THIS is how the Destroy ending should have happened!!! Love this!!! I've watched this more than 30x's 👍
@arc9de778 10 жыл бұрын
This is the ending ME deserves. I played the entire trilogy from beginning thru end, and i had amazed by the characters. Especially Tali :) But after playing all those hours and having feelings for the characters, experiencing a game like never before, seeing that our "hero" destroys almost everyting. I mean, this is almost what reapers wanted in the first place. Bioware should consider the fan reaction before they start ME4 or any other rpg storytelling multi-part game series. Damn man, just hurts you to watch the original endings and it is sad...
@jewosaurusrex1601 6 жыл бұрын
I'd just like to say to all my fellow mass effect fans that this mod recently was updated immensely, and the voice lines, although still sounding a bit off, are massively better than they were before, like in this video. Plus, the animations were also put through a massive overhaul, and are much better. For example, the scene where Joker decides to stay behind and the dreadnaught flies up beside the Normandy was massively overhauled, the modders actually went through the trouble of slightly retexturing the ship while making it still look realistic, as if it belonged there in the game, and redid the voice line so it wasn't some semi-legible mumbling. Instead, it was "This is the (I forgot the ship name, sorry). If you're going after Shepard we'll cover you." Another seen that was overhauled was the actual landing scene where they rescued Shepard from the catalyst room, the animations are now exceptionally well done. It's amazing what a small team of modders can do. And honestly, it's also fucking pathetic. Not this ending, but the fact that the ending that Bioware gave us was so pathetic that *fans actually made their own!*.
@iurycabeleira7990 3 жыл бұрын
Wow thats really nice to hear, i started playing again specificaly because I saw this video , already finished ME2 yesterday (saved averyone for the first time) and am ready to start ME3
@dottormetile777 8 жыл бұрын
this is how it always had to end. shep survive and lives happy with his/her romance
@trainmaster1522 9 жыл бұрын
As-released ending: WTF!!! Extended Cut: Okay. not great, but satisfying. doesn't fix everything (cough*Catalyst*cough) but at least it makes sense (mostly, some minor issues not worth addressing) and has closure. the ending fans needed at least MEHEM: the ending fans didn't necessarily need but definitely deserved. not everyones cup of tea (fan-created quality after all, no offence intended) but at least provides an alternative for those who desire it. Thank you MrFob
@peterbrazukas2507 9 жыл бұрын
I think I'm one of the few who accepts that Shepard HAD to die at the end of the trilogy. By the time they were ready to assault earth Shepard had become a literal messiah figure and they don't get happy endings. They are the special ones with the conviction and courage to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause and whilst I admit to wishing I could have a cut scene where Liara finds out she's pregnant with my Shepard's baby, I find it much more memorable and worthy of Shepard that he/she died to save the galaxy.
@lupusdracoaquila5257 9 жыл бұрын
Wait, someone else picked up on the not-so-subtle hints? I think my faith is restored. Almost. Not that I wouldn't use this mod in a heartbeat. I prefer happy endings to symbolism or story.
@peterbrazukas2507 9 жыл бұрын
I gotta say I don't like the mod at all, it robs Shepard of the ending he/she deserves.
@lupusdracoaquila5257 9 жыл бұрын
Peter Brazukas Each to his own. But fairy tale ending anytime for me.
@peterbrazukas2507 9 жыл бұрын
There's a difference, I think. In Origins you were still a Grey Warden; so still cursed to die in some nameless battle against the darkspawn. In DA2 ok, you became the champion of Kirkwall sure, but big difference between saving a country and uniting an entire galaxy of disparate races. Hell, Hawke still couldn't stop the Mages and Templars from going to war. Can't comment on Inquisition, haven't played it yet.
@lupusdracoaquila5257 9 жыл бұрын
***** Because Shephard is basically Space Jesus. We all know how THAT story turned out.Maybe that's why Shephard survives only in the 'Destroy' ending.
@charlesw5919 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Infinitely better than the Bioware ending. The extended DLC ending from Bioware was just an attempt to polish a turd while blatantly ignoring the fact that it was a turd, and no matter how much you polish a turd... There are a lot of things I like about the moded ending. Best part: no more godchild psychobabble bullshit: "Given the inescapable galactic cycle of organics creating synthetics and synthetics destroy the organics, the inevitable conclusion was that we had to create our own synthetics to destroy all organics so that the organics wouldn't be destroyed by their own synthetics that they would inevitably create..." Really? Seriously? WTF!? I know it was a rush job with EA overseers breathing down Bioware's neck; but still, let's at least read the damn thing through first before ramrodding it through production.
@williamjenkinson9532 9 жыл бұрын
"but still, let's at least read the damn thing through first before ramrodding it through production" I hope they don't make the same mistake with me4...
@charlesw5919 9 жыл бұрын
William Jenkinson Yeah, I hope so too.
@Alekthefirst 9 жыл бұрын
Charles W Certain turds can be polished 'till they shine, Mythbusters confirmed
@combinecommando001 9 жыл бұрын
Alekthefirst Not this one, it was a fresh smelly and dirty turd and no matter how hard you polish, it will always remain the same.
@jacobgordon9447 9 жыл бұрын
combinecommando001 With this mod it becomes a cake
@tamasvarga4867 10 жыл бұрын
BioWare could have made the extended ending about if you choose destroy, it will only destroy the Reapers and not every synthetic. Well, this is what the mod accomplished and plus made Shepard live too. Finally, I'm happy with the ending.
@EpicFailSuicide 10 жыл бұрын
best end
@Aerophina 6 жыл бұрын
This IS the canon ending, for myself and I hope for every other Mass Effect fan to experience this real and true ending to the story.
@Dragon675100 10 жыл бұрын
Tali romance FTW
@cloudgirl150 7 жыл бұрын
They should make a remastered version of the trilogy and include this mod in the final so people (like myself) who still got the shitty endings can get closure...
@yoursonisold8743 7 жыл бұрын
The only difference from the real endings is that Shepard survives. And this Ending has endless contradictions because of it.
@faithlessfear9943 7 жыл бұрын
Yourson Isold Shepard can live you just need a maxed out effective strength bar then do the destroy ending and poof ALIVE (it shows Shepard breath in short cut seen)
@yoursonisold8743 7 жыл бұрын
I am aware of that "survival" ending. Just that it doesnt proof that he will actually survive after that breath because he is literally not mentioned as alive in the Epilogue and trapped on a highly damaged space station at the center of the explosion. And it really makes zero sense, which makes it even less credible.
@whodatninja439 7 жыл бұрын
They should also integrate Expanded Galaxy mod!!!
@psgaming101craup4 6 жыл бұрын
Yourson Isold (didnt watch the andromeds trailer for shepard.) I could as well say you are incredibly stupid.
@renleo2836 5 жыл бұрын
When the original ending hit me, i was depressed for a week or more and all my friends were worried. Until this mod picked up the broken pieces of me and i was able to move on from Bioware. Phew.
@professorpantherhardraad3921 8 жыл бұрын
This makes me very happy. See Bioware, see EA this is how you do a mother fucking ending to a series as well put out as Mass Effect.
@PragmaticOptimist_N7 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you For making this ~a job well done with a conclusion we would've have expected!!!
@CyricZ 9 жыл бұрын
And then Tali takes off her mask and it's Vince McMahon
@Matt561 9 жыл бұрын
He is the higher power, son of a bitch.
@Conslappy 9 жыл бұрын
Not funny
@Conslappy 9 жыл бұрын
***** or that tali is my romance and ill defend her with my life.
@Lurkily_Esh 9 жыл бұрын
Conslappy When someone attacks her, we'll let you know.
@Conslappy 9 жыл бұрын
Lurkily Esh question is that sarcasm?
@hunterhathorn4197 8 жыл бұрын
Some clearly spliced footage and stuff from Suicide mission in ME2, but it's some good stuff, I especially liked the last minute with Shepard and the plaque on the Normandy.
@artemis3383 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you this was needed so much
@goygeous 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing work, even after these years, the people who made this should be proud. they showed more vision and more understanding of the trilogy then bioware did. Super amazing and a great ending to the trilogy that everyone can be happy with.
@hunterdavis4597 10 жыл бұрын
So much better than the original ending
@itwasmewasntit2448 9 жыл бұрын
Therr are 8 original endings.
@nateschumacher3553 8 жыл бұрын
This made my day
@flamingsunshine 11 жыл бұрын
wow, this was beautifully done, it was awesome
@ImASillyName 10 жыл бұрын
The memorial part was so perfect for just Andersons name alone, he was the second most pivotal character in the mass effect trilogy and deserved the spotlight.
@kenboy5764 10 жыл бұрын
so- why wasn't this the end? You know its the happy end we all wanted from the start.
@EzioDeCreeper 7 жыл бұрын
Kenboy 5 Because in life there are no happy endings.
@Rockcroc2000Rm1wE3erWmNfkL 5 жыл бұрын
@@EzioDeCreeper That so?
@iceprincessca100 10 жыл бұрын
Beautiful ending and sooo much better than the idiot "godchild" ending that completely destroyed an otherwise brilliant story. This mod restores it.
@chadow86 10 жыл бұрын
That is the best way of ending ME3...... Boiware u got served at making an awesome ending
@forceinfinity 2 жыл бұрын
Late to the video but that phrase on the memorial wall, ‘ad astra per aspera’ was so perfect and beautiful with Admiral Anderson placed above it
@Pepesz199318 9 жыл бұрын
Ohhh man that was beautifull!!!
@AlexNightingaleFF 9 жыл бұрын
Better ending than what EA gave us.
@Azkamoski 11 жыл бұрын
I could not be more happier, this is the most perfect mod out there who ever made this i love you! thank you!!! i was crying tears of joy! my most favorite game as finally got the ending it deserves! and well what can i say we've had a good run... the best. :,)
@electricatom2 7 жыл бұрын
what is the music at 4:12? i searched all me3 osts and couldnt find et
@SpaceMonke99 7 жыл бұрын
I can see why people don't like the original ending because we all were Shepard and the idea of missed oppourtunities and leaving our loved ones alone is a horrible thought. But I feel the ending is better with a heroic sacrifice. Shepard surviving is less impactful and makes long goodbyes less poignant. I cried when Garrus told me to meet him at the bar in heaven and the look on Tali's face (for lack of a better term) when we implicitly said goodbye after she got run over by a Mako (damn bouncy Makos). Going out in a blaze of glory makes everyone's survival more satisfying to me than living on with them and riding the Normandy into the sunset. I am the reason they see tomorrow, not a deus ex machina superweapon and I, personally prefer that, with a side of tears. However, if Shepard's survival makes you feel the same, more power to you.
@ObsidianJake 9 жыл бұрын
Weren't the geth and quarians outside you know working together against the reapers. BOOO BOOOO DOWN WITH THE GOD CHILD MAKE THIS CANNON!!!!
@TriXPple 7 жыл бұрын
I need help!!! When i get to the scene where the shuttle lands on the citadel and the two soldiers find you reaching their hand, i still get teleportet to the top where you have to choose the endings. I don't get this ending, but i have the mehem installed and the troops find me at the citadel. Help please?! :( Funny thing is, at the top where you choose the ending, the boy isn't even there)
@Whahah28 11 жыл бұрын
I have a problem with the final scene, it just cuts off to a black screen with the music playing, and nothing happens. I followed the instructions in the DL to the letter, yet it wont play the final scene, anyone know why?
@DOOM891 9 жыл бұрын
by far my favorite ending!
@markdillahay9321 10 жыл бұрын
A happy ending does not always mean an immature one. And a depressing ending doesn't in and of itself make it mature and compelling. It's all in the execution.
@markdillahay9321 10 жыл бұрын
Seeing Shepard put Anderson's name on the wall... wow. That, to me, was SO much more powerful than the official endings. The fans outdid the professionals in this case.
@cooljim1376 10 жыл бұрын
Mark Dillahay The fact that fans can do it without Bioware or anyone shows how shitty the writers are. It was so simple, just make a fucking happy ending why give us bull crap?
@jacobgordon9447 9 жыл бұрын
Peter="Masterguns" I think the original endings were made by just a few writers on a weekend.
@cooljim1376 9 жыл бұрын
Jacob gordon This entire game was written on a weekend.
@jacobgordon9447 9 жыл бұрын
Peter="Masterguns" The mod was good though
@MrNicoJac 7 жыл бұрын
Is there also a FemShep version? And is there a place where this can be downloaded? The link doesn't work anymore after 4+ years....
@chevalier5825 6 жыл бұрын
What's the name of captain which help normandy? I cant hear it
@CMDNEYO416 10 жыл бұрын
was it so fucken hard to make this ending BioWare
@jpz719 8 жыл бұрын
While I can appreciate the removal of the Starchild (aka star asshole), removing him is sort of like giving a vitamin to a dying cancer patient. And even with his removal, it doesn't account for the ways in which the EC endings were frankly better. Better voice-acting and editing, along with no inclusion of 12 dollar mic's. Admittedly, the original endings were pretty damn bad. But, atleast for me, the EC made them servicable. Not perfect or amazing, but enough. A common criticism is why the starchild doesn't reveal more information on the reapers and cruicble's construction, but I'd posit the player to assume the role of Shep for a minute: You've been blasted mear inches from a beam that could cut a starship in two and are essentially a pile of hamburger meat in a charred suit, as the looming threat of destruction of the entire galaxy hang in the backround. Would you want a fuckin history lesson only meters from one of the options that might just save the galaxy?
@johncarter6451 3 жыл бұрын
IT'S STILL CANON! In retrospect, you gotta admire the fans who made this, very well done. Now if only they made a Mass Effect 4. (That only applies if it followed the cliffhanger ending of mass effect 3)
@Rockcroc2000Rm1wE3erWmNfkL 5 жыл бұрын
The man behind this mod, has secured their status as a goddamn saint.
@nbomber9995 9 жыл бұрын
If you get the mod do you get the ending automaticly or do you need to do something for it?
@FluffyNinjaLlama 9 жыл бұрын
noah bom Automatically
@nbomber9995 9 жыл бұрын
FluffyNinjaLlama thanks
@chandlerbullock7551 9 жыл бұрын
how do i get this ending please tell me please.
@FluffyNinjaLlama 9 жыл бұрын
chandler Bullock You need to install MEHEM mod (PC only), follow the link in video description
@chandlerbullock7551 9 жыл бұрын
FluffyNinjaLlama thank you so much thank you.
@FluffyNinjaLlama 9 жыл бұрын
chandler Bullock You're welcome :) I think there's a new, improved version now so it should be even nicer than in this video.
@chandlerbullock7551 9 жыл бұрын
FluffyNinjaLlama thank you.
@dianeketterer5267 9 жыл бұрын
FluffyNinjaLlama is this ending on the PC
@IraemTheWraith 7 жыл бұрын
if I can find this I am downloading ASAP, also anyone know what version this is? I like this music better then the newest?
@REAPZ18 7 жыл бұрын
hey ik this vid is old idk if anyone will even reply to this. but how did u get that soundtrack during the added modded stuff? im using the newest version and its bunch of original sound track that just doesnt even fit in at all. what version did u have?
@Yust1234 10 жыл бұрын
now i can rest in peace knowing sheaperd live even if its a mod
@LegitAdventurez 10 жыл бұрын
You can get the extended ending, gain full military power, and destroy the reapers, and sheperd will live, mine did
@Yust1234 10 жыл бұрын
a you know i hope he survives in the next game
@Yust1234 10 жыл бұрын
i mean that people say that he survive
@nateyosemite 10 жыл бұрын
@bielfreiree 7 жыл бұрын
Now this feels right... thanks for making it, for taking that terrible ending off my head
@raulecreuset667 4 жыл бұрын
These Modders are Godsend. Ty for this mod
@zacschiffer3060 8 жыл бұрын
I only ever see this mod with a default Shepard, does it work with custom ones?
@user-ox9kw2kk9d 8 жыл бұрын
whatever shepard you will get, in the ending will be default
@Darkholow 10 жыл бұрын
This is my canon ending as well.
@DARKIGNIKA 10 жыл бұрын
I would get this mod if someone could show me how to put it on a ps3 platform... I also find it wierd that me4 will be differnt in as it will be a whole new story..
@DARKIGNIKA 10 жыл бұрын
or that all three may be cannon so the story could go differnt ways
@tadghf6891 10 жыл бұрын
***** Like they way the original trilogy took your saves into account for the story telling?
@DARKIGNIKA 10 жыл бұрын
@bentrally 9 жыл бұрын
i know it's a mod but how they get in there to get him out didnt he have to make a choice 1st before it was armed or something
@tudubi1620 7 жыл бұрын
I installed the mod but i don't have this ending any advice?
@MayaPatch 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe, in a next run, I'll use this mod. It's perfect. We know Shepard is alive if we decide to dresoy the Reapers, ad Anderson deserves a name on the Normandy. But, It doesn't make a sense if we choose for Synt or Controll, I have to be honest. It would have be better if this mod was only for Destruction since it makes a sense more than the others. After all, destroying these giant mecha-kraken is wat we really want XD
@AngelCakes1997 7 жыл бұрын
So needlessly killing the reapers is worth also killing the Quadrillion fully sapient Geth and EDI?
@predattak 7 жыл бұрын
Yes. Organic life over machine any day.
@whodatninja439 7 жыл бұрын
But doesn't the mod eliminate the Destroy, Control and Synthetic endings? You automatically kill all Reapers
@BobTheTesaurus 7 жыл бұрын
^correct This mod removes the catalyst entirely and thus removes the options the catalyst provided. Mass Effect should always have had a static ending of Reaper Death, regardless of choices, instead its choices in regards to the ending should have entirely been about how the ending comes about With either Total or partial failure, if you made a lot of stupid decisions/didnt help enough people or partial or total success if you did go around helping everyone and making friends XD in this situation Total victory would be the only scenario in which Shepard survives, because Shepards Death makes sense in the grand scheme of the story, it was HOW Bioware went about killing Shepard that was stupid
@epictaffio1755 6 жыл бұрын
Bullshit, the Catalyst obviously lied to Shepard to keep him from choosing the destroy option. It will only destroy the Reapers, the other synthetics would've lived just fine IMO. What I believe is that the reapers aren't really sythetic but the word "synthetic" is the best word to describe them, so.
@PolarBear1192 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, seeing shep put up Anderson's name was so much more moving than them putting shepard on the wall. Thank you to whoever made this ending. Much better.
@grievousmacadam91 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you to whoever made this mod. Now I can rest easy knowing that ME3 has a satisfying conclusion, and that my Shepard can live the rest of his life with Liara.
@garroshhellscream594 8 жыл бұрын
This mod is stupid. Fucking society which sees only the epic. Shepard is a hero for his sacrifice. Love this ending, it's not having understood the game.
@jawadisdead 8 жыл бұрын
I seriously hated the destroy ending for killing edi and the geth
@xdxddd3483 8 жыл бұрын
I just now found this and by God does it make me happy. I understand that war never has a happy ending but in a space epic that has devoured as much time as this one has it makes me happy that I get to see a much more fruitful ending. I will admit that I became attached to Shep/Tali quite a bit so it just makes me happy that he wins, lives, and gets the girl. Just that goddamn hug isn't much but it's so much closer. Thank you to the creator of this mod for giving one of the best series gaming has seen a proper ending a good reason to play this game through once more.
@Aeradom2000 8 жыл бұрын
You talk about war not having a happy ending, it wasn't like it as all laughs and smiles throughout the game. I feel like we weren't just deserving of a happy ending based on time spent or war resources gathered; but we watched a lot of characters we cared about die; Thane, Mordin, Legion and finally Anderson (that's assuming everything was perfect)... and each one of those I mounred. Like you said, this isn't real life; it's a story and stories are suppose to end with me not feeling like I wasted my time.
@Tre-vor 9 жыл бұрын
Each time I see Tali express any emotion through her voice or just actions like at the end of this video, I get teary eyed :'(
@NathanaelTheAussie 10 жыл бұрын
i prefer this ending personally... how do you get this?
@blazingwaters7469 9 жыл бұрын
It's a mod for the PC.
@NathanaelTheAussie 9 жыл бұрын
JRPGPirate yeah i downloaded the latest one, so much better! The maker should make ME4, Bioware and EA have already screwed it up enough.
@christoffelmiddel6663 9 жыл бұрын
JRPGPirate Well good thing i'm a pc user.
@OriginalTrapstar 8 жыл бұрын
now THIS is how it should've ended! well given your war power high enough
@Aeradom2000 8 жыл бұрын
Indeed. That's what bugs me the most about people who say "oh the endings are so artsy and make sense". BULLSHIT! I worked my ass off, getting every possible resource to come to bare to beat the Reapers straight up. And after playing dozens if not hundreds of hours (across repeated playthroughs of course) I've earned a fucking happy ending.
@OriginalTrapstar 8 жыл бұрын
Damian EXACTLY! didn't even matter in the end
@trippfields279 8 жыл бұрын
+Damian Its like the endings to farcry 4, no matter what happens, a good portion of the good guys get screwed
@pjemrey6676 7 жыл бұрын
in far cry 4, Pagan Min was actually the good guy
@codexaeterna 10 жыл бұрын
Since my computer broke at the climax of ME 1 i've satiated my curiosity by spending hours watching videos of the relationships and plot of the trilogy. Watching the heartbreaking and bitter ending of the series makes me grateful for the people who made this mod. I am glad that i didnt waste hours developing heartfelt relationships with these great characters, only to get my heart torn out with biowares ultimately unsatisfying ending. To me, the gameplay isnt necessary at this point. Bioware wove a great story, and made characters that I truly cared about, and I will take this ending to heart, closing this tale with the satisfaction that shepard and tali (or whomever) will live happily ever after, like how bioware should have done it. Bravo, mod maker, bravo.
@lewis251100 11 жыл бұрын
who did they replace andersons old name placement on the Memorinal broad with? AD stra per aspect? who's that?
@NGU7754 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not just the ending, it’s the starting premise of a big McGuffin that’ll stop the Reapers that the entire game revolves around. No longer is it about Cooperation or what makes sense, it’s all this stupid, dumbed-down magic thing that’ll stop Cthulhu because ""reasons"". The entire premise is so dumb, the explanations so bizarre that the writer’s attempts to make the reason for the Reapers doing what they do simply backfires into being so utterly stupid that they’re incomprehensible. Mass Effect 3 has the best-damned gameplay in the series, but playing it is like a mix of absolute nihilistic inevitability and having my intelligence be insulted.
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