Matt Mercer On Villains And What We Learn From Them

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Todd Kenreck

Todd Kenreck

7 жыл бұрын

Dwarven Forge: Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting on Amazon
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We are a Dungeons and Dragons documentary. We interview the creators of D&D and people in the DnD community. Every week we post new videos on how D&D gets made and tips and tricks on being a player and a Dungeon Master. This show is made possible by the amazing Dungeons & Dragons community and by our subscribers on Patreon. Dungeon Life is directed and produced by Todd Kenreck and his wife Meagan.

Пікірлер: 121
@hrani 7 жыл бұрын
Matt is a treasure of a human being.
@tomjack1000000 7 жыл бұрын
life lessons with mathew mercer
@stevenchristensen4542 7 жыл бұрын
His eyes are bright as fuck, yo. I feel like I need sunglasses just to look at his face. That beautiful man, him.
@John-sz7vf 6 жыл бұрын
He's such a pretty man.
@FandolfsGaming 7 жыл бұрын
Mercer is my favorite, he is really nice and is great at what he does
@E1YK001 7 жыл бұрын
*Drinks red wine distastefully*
@Little-Hill-Comics 7 жыл бұрын
It's been a while since I seen that arc but I was assuming from Grog's background of 'left for dead for defending a harmless old man' seemed to be about toxic masculinity. *shrug* People read different meanings in the same things. I think that's kind of cool.
@Little-Hill-Comics 7 жыл бұрын
It's been a while since I seen that arc but I was assuming from Grog's background of 'left for dead for defending a harmless old man' seemed to be about toxic masculinity. *shrug* People read different meanings in the same things. I think that's kind of cool.
@Necroskull388 7 жыл бұрын
Hey, there are some decidedly un-classy red wines out there. My favorite is sangria.
@keithpup 7 жыл бұрын
Sangria (when fresh) should count as vitamins
@KitZunekaze 7 жыл бұрын
WHAT IS A MAN!? *throws glass of red wine*
@Destroyer6215 7 жыл бұрын
this man, yeah i love him
@TheDestrab 7 жыл бұрын
Two words. Prince. Zuko.
@ironcladguildhand9321 7 жыл бұрын
He was an Anti Villain, more than a real villain. The bag guy was Ozai.
@swordmeow3041 7 жыл бұрын
He was definitely a villain, he just changed to become an antivillain, and lastly a hero.
@N1GHTH4WK986 6 жыл бұрын
I'd say most of his story is one of redemption. He started out trying to, in his eyes, restore his father's faith in him. However, he then realized that this would never be possible. And so, he decided to redeem himself to himself. It became clear to him in Book 2 that he had done some unsavory things due to his tunnel vision of capturing the Avatar just to appease his father. Thus, he felt bad and needed to right those wrongs.
@uthgartwillhelm5676 6 жыл бұрын
By far one of the best written children's TV characters. I think his story is one that is very sad, because he was (in a metaphorical way) born a monster, son of an evil emperor; and I think at first he embraced this evil side of himself but you did later see massive ways in which he was still human. One episode where you can really see this (I don't know which season or episode) is after he cuts off his pony tail and his hair grows more normally and he meets a girl in the earth kingdom. How you see him going out of his way to be good and loving toward her (such as when they visited her favourite spot to find none of the candles were lit, and he then asked her to cover her eyes whilst he lit them all with his fire-bending abilities), and you really see an early glimpse of him asa character who has genuine good and empathy in him. Of coarse when the woman finds out who he really is she leaves him, and we then start to see him going back towards the fire nation like attitude (perhaps representing the fact he was the way he was, due to sorrow, fear and anger, rather than out of compasion and love for his home).
@Daihmon823 7 жыл бұрын
Life lessons & unexpected storytelling/writing lessons from Matt Mercer. So happy I watched this video.
@Acewarren 7 жыл бұрын
That got deep. Real deep. Fantastic interview with a phenomenal man!
@JaneDoe-er2sg 7 жыл бұрын
The world doesn't deserve Matt Mercer
@azyurel1763 7 жыл бұрын
I'd love to meet him and have a convo with him one day. As a new DM the dude has provided so much to help me be somewhat successful.
@SquirrelGamez 7 жыл бұрын
Ripley and the Lady Briarwood come to mind.... Very human people who ende dup doing evil for originally not-so-evil reasons, or even good reasons.
@SquirrelGamez 7 жыл бұрын
First of all... this has nothing to do with the comment you replied to... I'm sure you meant to reply to another comment. Second, while this is mostly true, wtf does it have to do with Critical Role or Matthew Mercer? I watch these to get AWAY form all the bullshit of society, I think we can all afford to draw a line when it comes to fantasy and that's what Matt did. And no, he doesn't view "that" as the case, his choice to make sexism not exist in his world was very deliberate. He can't however control how the players act. As for Vex vs Vax in regard to how each other dealt with the Raven Queen, you're looking much to deep into it. Vax offered his own life because he had nothing else to offer. Vex however is manipulative and by then knew much more about the Raven Queen than Vax did when Vex had died, so she used that knowledge to make a deal. It's that simple. While sexism may still be very present in society, it's actually not omnipresent.
@Mosreject 7 жыл бұрын
Came here for some D&D advices, got a life lesson
@YozoraHeart 7 жыл бұрын
Villain empathy is so great. I love guys like Cottonmouth from Luke Cage. A guy who is actually trying to do a good thing, but he's a bad person, so he can only go about it by doing bad things. And his inability to take an alternate path is why he is a villain despite his good intentions.
@Maknikos9 7 жыл бұрын
More Mercer videos. This man is a light source in an eternal darkness
@God_Forger 7 жыл бұрын
My ideal D&D campaign to run(I'm still quite new to DnD and DMing) would be story threads including very human, self-justified and understandable 'villains' on the road to an end game villain that started out from an understandable place, but no longer cares for right and wrong and seeks only power for its own sake.
@samgardner8456 7 жыл бұрын
That's a good start! Some tidbits to think about might be: How are they any different from PCs that are always looking to "power up"? What in the villain's past made them believe that power for its own sake is necessary? Was the disillusion with morality a gradual decline, or was there a defining moment that completely broke them? Either way, having the players have two bad choices that must be made to solve a terrible evil could lead to your BBEG losing their faith in morality.
@YBTrolling 7 жыл бұрын
I've been thinking about introducing a confused male Drow, who followed the calling of Eilistraee and escaped with some of his friends from the cruelty of their class based society as former slaves. However when they get to the surface world, some Wood Elves from the High Forest mistook them for Drow raiders and slaughter them. He survived by crawling under the body of his friend and pretending to be dead. As you can imagine, he's pretty pissed at Wood Elves and has turned away from Eilistraee and towards a dark, forgotten Drow god for the power he seeks. I've also got a young human warlock, who turned to an Archfey out of fear that he would be rejected by his love because his love's farther had a grudge against him. So he asked the Fey for the magic he could use to charm the farther into putting the quarrel to rest. He was able to and they we're all happy and stuff and bam, the chick is pregnant. While his love is with child, he starts to worry about their future and all kinds of imagined disasters. The Archfey reaches out to him and tells him that his patron can take away his fears, if only the human could "Spend a little bit of his youth" opening portals for the Archfey's "friends". Each portal that he opens literally spends years of his life. Crestfallen that he'd never be able to return to his new family again, he agrees to keep working for the Archfey (getting older and older in the process) and even lets the Archfey possess him from time to time, provided the Archfey protects his lost family and makes sure none of his fears for their safety come true. The Archfey's "friends" are swarms of Meenlocks that are infesting the area. When the party defeat him in possessed form, he'll explain all that has happened and how he was only 23 a few months ago, although by that point he'll be beyond 80. He'll also still be afraid for the safety of the family, especially now he has "failed" the patron, so he'll beg them to visit Waterdeep and check up on them ever now and then. I'm hoping my players take the time to understand these "villains" and can see how fear and misunderstanding has lead them on their paths. I guess all that is missing now is a puppet master kind of villain who has been pushing them away from the people who would of wanted to help them, towards striking deals with patrons and generally corrupting them.
@KitZunekaze 7 жыл бұрын
@YBTrolling Just be careful that your villains and their stories aren't meant to take the fore-front of the campaign. Not necessarily saying that's what you're doing, just a warning because it's a mistake that we all made as young DMs. It's good to make elaborate and compelling backstories for your villains, but you have to keep in mind that the players are meant to be the stars. They need the spotlight, and your villains story needs to be told more subtly. If you come out and tell the background of your villain, that is how you push players away from caring about that villain. They'll feel like you're trying very hard to push a narative on them, and may rebel. I've seen groups that choose to ignore a villain entirely, and opt to go adventuring somewhere else completely just because the villain was too in-their-face and they felt conflicted fighting them. Villains must remain a mystery to the end on some level. The mystery makes them compelling. Try dropping hints of their backstory, rather than feeding it all to your players. choose to very carefully release exposition in measured doses. Your backstories sound very interesting. It was your last paragraph that made me worried a bit that you might be hoping your players spend time on learning the villains as much as you'd like them to. You can't expect that of them, if they fail to it's a failure of how you set up the story. Mystery is key. We all seek the unknown.
@YBTrolling 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. You've hit the nail on the head about them potentially taking up too much of the shared world, at least in the way that I've been reluctantly planning on introducing and explaining them. That is basically info dumps, which I know suck, but the (very appreciated) advice you've given me here has got me thinking more about incorporating it into the world building instead. Like there could be an unofficial plot hook of sorts, the story of a husband gone missing (the human warlock)just before the baby is born being passed around as gossip in a bar, could be introduced before the official plot hook of the open lord of Waterdeep offering a handsome reward for anyone who can bring in the Bloodied Baron of Terror (An explanation for the name: I might have this Archfey transform the elderly appearance to something terrifying whist a possession is taking place, otherwise my party will be fighting an elderly man. They will not treat that as a real fight, instead spending the time between their turn coming up with jokes and such rip). After the fight, the possession ends and the elderly figure of the man return. The explanation for his appearance is an info dump on his deathbed, but hopefully they are invested enough to actually want to hear what he has to say. I'll also try to make it into more of a conversation than a straight info dump. But of course there will be a time limit to this conversation, since the guys is dying while they're talking. Also if they come up with ways of healing him or even somehow restoring his youth, then they totally can.
@HundredYearsBoar 7 жыл бұрын
OK great point Eddie Tokunai
@bender1111 7 жыл бұрын
one of my favorite villains is the elf prince in hellboy 2. definitely a very believable and sympathetic villain...a guy who's trying to literally save magic from the encroachment of human civilization.
@MangaManiac 7 жыл бұрын
The villain that got the most popular in one of my d&d campaigns, was a wizard named Elliad who tried to destroy the world's druid groves in search of the tree of life. He wanted to use the druid's souls and life essence to fuel a magical artifact that he had. He was a person who went mad when he had lost his own family in a freak accident he himself had caused. And the sole reason he did all that he did, was to find a way to get his family back. He pushed a lot of the party group's buttons with his words towards the end when they figured out his cause. Leaving over half of them at an inpass and pondering over if they wouldn't do the same if they had been in the same situation.
@browncoatkevin 7 жыл бұрын
I've been seeing some of those same themes in the members of Vox Machina as well. "Redemption" is probably strongest with Percy, especially after the Briarwoods were defeated by episode 35. He made his mistake, he celebrated it for years - now he knows it was a mistake and is going through trying to forgive himself and earn redemption. It just makes his character even more interesting, and possibly yet more so because none of his backstory was deeply explored in the pre-stream sessions so viewers got to see his full development for themselves.
@TheFatalcrest 7 жыл бұрын
This is kinda how I came up with my twisting Villian Character in my campaign, he basically is the embodiment of the need of the many vs need of the few, a woman he loved, holding onto her ashes as she was killed saving hundreds, he hunted desperately for a magical solution and comes up with the idea of crystals that are so powerful that they raise the just requires the lives of others to do so.
@Jodamanify 7 жыл бұрын
this makes me rethink the villains in my game....0.0
@OaseDaniel 7 жыл бұрын
Outstanding video
@kaitou88 7 жыл бұрын
I just got the best idea for my Villain's hook think you Matt.
@MarkerInTheSand 7 жыл бұрын
I love Matt Mercer.
@HundredYearsBoar 7 жыл бұрын
Everyone seems to love "understanding" the villain. Someone who thinks they are doing the right thing et cetera. But the most successful villains in my experience have been people you love to hate. Which usually means you don't like or understand them in the same way. What do you think? Matt Mercer brings up the choice for the VILLAINS character growth through choice and morality, however. Also cool.
@sirfishslayer5100 6 жыл бұрын
Well said Matt!
@EnergyCuddles 7 жыл бұрын
Matthew is my spirit animal.
@fist-of-doom487 6 жыл бұрын
I had this idea for a villain in a story I'm working on. This man whose kindness and willingness to sacrifice himself for others touches three gods. They decided to forge a place of safety for him and others and named this righteous man king. Many years later he has made close friends with an orphaned boy and his sister and through accident this boy gets cursed with an illness that leaves him slowly dying. The King begs many of the gods to save his friend and lift the curse but each refused saying "It's his time to go" the King could not accept this and started enslaving and capturing magical creatures hoping one of them would help lift the curse but they were powerless. His anger and fear clouded his judgment "They lie to me, after all this time they decided to turn their backs on me" a terrible war starts over his actions but he doesn't care. The enraged gods also unleash their fury and the King finds out about a place that can grant any wish. He goes their and asks for power to rival the gods. He turns into a monster that can lock people in nightmares. The world becomes horribly scarred, and unrecognizable, the King became a monster, who foolishly fought against fate and death, believeing that through force of will he could save his friend from death.
@piemonkey5ponypuppy 6 жыл бұрын
That is fantastic! 10/10
@simontmn 7 жыл бұрын
I find the best villains are the ones who take good things too far - like my Neo-Nerathi whose goal of restoring Nerath veers into Nazi style racial hatred. I find that the things I hate IRL don't make for good game villains; it's the taken too far versions of things I value IRL that are genuinely gripping.
@johnrechtoris9796 6 жыл бұрын
3:12 "I don't even know if I'll upset the status quo if I throw poison in the water main." -- Dr. Horrible
@2011killjoy 7 жыл бұрын
Perfectly explained.
@joshuaford6700 6 жыл бұрын
i've always prefered unknowing villains like those that are being manipulated from the shadows by great forces or simply being controlled by their own past not realizing they are forcing onto others the suffering that they have since felt before
@Walthanar 7 жыл бұрын
Matt is the best
@leorianr 7 жыл бұрын
Genial video! Gran consejo, de un gran hombre con una gran creatividad y una gran leather jacket!
@artygunnar 7 жыл бұрын
if you guys wanna learn more about villains... check out a video called the Case for Gul Dukat!
@wettrout 6 жыл бұрын
I just have to say, counterpoint to Matt's comment that each of us has the capacity to become the villain (absolutely true, IMHO), is that each of us also has the capacity to become the hero, as well. And that, both points together, is the great thing about D&D... That we have a place to play out this great, dramatic conflict, within the safe space of friends and family!
@hashprime 7 жыл бұрын
When I was young I wanted to be Captain America, by Adulthood my experience had me wanting to be the Hulk, now as I have aged even more with the World and humanity...Ultron. Matt has great advice and tips for "Role" Players, most people I know are "Roll" Players. Playing more as if its a tactical board game vs a story telling game.
@Rokkiteer 7 жыл бұрын
I'm having trouble creating interesting villains for our d&d campaign. This helps me, thanks.
@ferretprince4054 7 жыл бұрын
try taking a dive into tv tropes, the recurring themes and examples there of can really help when it comes to creating not just villains but characters in general. here's a good one to start on
@spamemail1848 7 жыл бұрын
Good content
@DuskyPredator 7 жыл бұрын
I have been trying to take a different feel by trying to do a villain campaign as one of my firsts, encouraging the two players that I want them to be villains. The plan to raise them into an evil Lich and Yuan-ti. I am new and it is slow to organize games, but I want to get there, I have plans of them interacting with black market dealers, assassin rangers, Pirates, and go through thought experiment of evil meets evil. I think interesting that despite instruction of play bad guys they have been kind of restrained when they are with characters I put as just people. They felt bad because one of the bandits harassing them had a love letter from his male friend, they still killed the last man after interrogation to tie up lose ends. Need to introduce temptation and figure out motivation I can give. Have knowledge and power for necromancer, but not sure for a Yuan-ti pureblood bard. Like have her be given orders to create Broodguard while necromancer creates undead.
@KitZunekaze 7 жыл бұрын
Make sure your players are on board for playing evil characters. It's not everyone's cup of tea. Some players will rebel against it. As a player, myself, I hate being evil. I tend to play the paladin archetype, seeking justice and happiness for as many as I can manage. But I am a DM mostly, and as a DM I love my villains and evil the most. If they're having trouble associating with evil deeds, they might not be interested in them. Would be best to introduce them slowly to corruption, and see how they react. In my current campaign I very slowly introduced a character to more and more evil and powerful artifacts. And he took to them, but over time got more and more weary of their effects because he started to notice that they weren't quite doing 'good' things for him. And recently, just when I was sure he was tempted into the evil path, I offered him power at the side of an evil deity, and he rejected it outright. He fought back, and attacked the deity, calling for help from his former goddess. TL;DR Players will always surprise you when you want them to make a decision. Be careful to be open-minded of their wants.
@zagobelim 6 жыл бұрын
Loved the pseudo psychoanalytical stuff, the "we all have dark thoughts" and the villains being the ones who let those take over.
@controllerfreak78 6 жыл бұрын
Playing Curse of Strahd as we speak. So far the party has eaten pie with children in it, beheaded a spy, got a completely innocent guard hanged, and sparked a revolution that ultimately led to the town being taken over by a devil worshiper. And they're only 2 levels in. The final encounter will be so much fun, Strahd's gonna bring up every terrible thing that they've done in his valley
@kylewitcher9670 6 жыл бұрын
My current antagonists are about purely vying for survival, except for the Far Realm Big Baddy who just wants to consume all of the Weave. The illithids are creating a device to "pull" the planes into one another, basically creating a realm of only material planes, from which they will attempt to turn the other non material races into more illithid because the illithid believe they are the ones who will stop the Far Realm entity. From the expansion of illithid is the sub plot of Drow and Imaskari attempting to contact the far realm in order to acquire more power so they can fight back against the illithids who have taken over the underdark through their network of elder brains. It might take some time to get there (the player characters are only level 2) but I've got lower level villains who will lead to the illithid. The human leaders, controlled by the illithid, send slaves into the mines, allowing the illithid to feed. Also, portals to the far realm are opening beneath the surface deep within old Imaskari ruins and are currently destroying sections of the surface world with earthquakes and tsunamis. Oh and the island the PCs are on is surrounded by a spellplague storm where people wreck their ships and wash up on the shores. The waters are infested with Krakens, following their master, Dagon. It's a ton of fun to think about.
@ferretprince4054 7 жыл бұрын
hey matt, you ever visit the site because a lot of what you just mentioned in this video tie in pretty well with one of my favorite types of villains. in fact, here's a piece of the trope. Well-Intentioned Extremist "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." - Bernard of Clairvaux A villain who has an overall goal which the heroes can appreciate in principle, but whose methods of pursuing said goal (such as mass murder) are problematic; despite any sympathy they may have with his cause, the heroes have no choice but to stop him. Taken to extremes, he may fully believe that Utopia Justifies the Means. Such an idealistic extremist is likely to be either a Totalitarian Utilitarian or a Principles Zealot, depending on whether he's aiming For Happiness or For Great Justice. The most well-written examples of this trope are the kind that the reader/viewer stops just short of agreeing with.
@Rasofcreation 7 жыл бұрын
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain -Harvey Dent
@SarahAndreaRoycesChannel 7 жыл бұрын
Every man is the hero of his own story... It is rare that people do evil with the intention to do it usually to with being a psychopath. Even some serial killers had twisted justifications in their minds.
@DarkSoul620 7 жыл бұрын
in my so far one and only campaign I used Vampires and revived villains. the revived villains we're based off of real life or fairy tale villains. My party seriously hates Hyde XD
@paulcoy9060 6 жыл бұрын
Edward Hyde ? From "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", or from the original story ? That Hyde was small and evil, not a super giant.
@samadams8533 7 жыл бұрын
What about Kavarn(pretty sure wrong spelling) he seemed rather typical or one note?
@squishy1706 6 жыл бұрын
A villain is someone who wants something really really badly and having trouble getting it.
@kharnthebetrayer8251 7 жыл бұрын
I think that, whenever you make a Villain.. Most of the time.. If you followed things from their perspective, they'd be the good guy. Because you follow from the Party, they're the bad guy, but if you had followed things from their perspective, the party'd be the bad guys. I have a few BBEG types for the campaign I'm running. I've got: A woman who is attempting to capture one of the PC's, as she's discovered she can harness his essence to improve her magical abilities, which she plans to use to defeat evil (she's the types that's about using the enemies power against her). There's the king of a kingdom, who has made a huge plan over the last 200 years to expand his kingdom over the 2 neighbouring ones, as he believes 1 unified kingdom will be able to defeat a long forgotten threat that he re-discovered, but his kingdom has a bad rep, so he'd never be able to accomplish this peacefully, so will do war. There's a woman who's the leader of a cult to a 'god' (creature with god-like power but not a god) of war and bloodshed, but 'worships' him to prevent him entering the world himself, believing the only way to keep him out of the world is by worshipping him, and having him spend his power on his followers. There's a Necromancer, who has an extreme case of OCD, so everything needs to be 5's (from the front door to the back of his base is exact 555 steps, all his sentences have a multiple of 5 words, etc.), and is working with the king, because him taking over the other 2 would make it so there's 10 Kingdoms on the continent rather than 12.
@johnnywhiteshoe 7 жыл бұрын
i LOVE the villain i've created and the party for whom i DM loves interacting with him. Tomm is a very powerful being who perceives himself as CG, but he has no problem eating someone that he feels is willingly useless. He will lie and intimidate and indulge in carnal pleasures (eating, drinking, gambling, sex), but he isn't torturing his playthings, nor does he believe that he is hurting them. If a king starts to starve the populace, or a child is abused, or a woman is raped, then Tomm will become righteously furious and dive into his pleasure for vengeance and either begin stirring mortals to seek "justice" or he will just start devouring and torturing publicly. He thinks that he knows what true justice is and who deserves certain stations in life, and those that call him "evil" are weak, and afraid of their own sense of right and wrong. He is a super smooth, calm, well read, "friendly" southern-gentleman archetype, but will often trick mortals to owe him favor. If you happen to do him a favor first, he will owe you one... just remember to never accept his graciousness.
@Abelhawk 7 жыл бұрын
Lady Briarwood!
@Darkwintre 7 жыл бұрын
what about a villain whose actually heroic? say a member of a group of villainous adventurers but unlike them demonstrates compassion and acts of valour that make him genuinely the most dangerous because unlike the others he isn't an out and out villain but relatable and likeable because he could easily be a truly great hero?
@fizzledimglow3523 6 жыл бұрын
Darkwintre I've actually made a character quite like that... His name is White Horse, a hero, a champion. Kind and merciful and seeks the good of the world... He's just been misinformed what good is. ;3c
@minivergur 6 жыл бұрын
God damn ot he's good.
@WeskerSalazar 7 жыл бұрын
Handsome Jack, anyone?
@Blizz3112 7 жыл бұрын
I am contemplating making one of my players into a villain, considering demons sort of messed (and are messing) up his brain... :-P
@omegagilgamesh 7 жыл бұрын
So...what aspect of humanity did Kvarn embody? I'm only on episode 15 of Critical Role, so I don't know any of the other villains.
@MeonLights 7 жыл бұрын
It's been so long since I watched that episode but Matt mentioned Megalomania and that comes pretty close, I think. The wish to become stronger and stronger, to extend your lifespan and subdue and control other creatures is still a very human thing, because we are short-lived and weak by ourselves. Kvarn is pretty much a dictator and tyrant.
@hammerhiem75 6 жыл бұрын
Kvarn is more a monster endboss than a villain per say, the villains come later. Clarota is the only villainous character really.
@arkmann 7 жыл бұрын
**Spoiler for FF15** What i define a good villain is Ardyn, he sacrificed himself to save many people, got turned into a monster and betrayed, lost his name, history was rewritten and he became a "villain" you need to defeat. The game does a terrible job at telling the story, but the possibility was incredible
@brycejo6 7 жыл бұрын
Fuck. I'm my own villain.
@suphehehe4148 7 жыл бұрын
@quinncummins-lune1634 7 жыл бұрын
So I'm a bit confused. I imagine Delilah Briarwood is the villain who does bad things out of love, K'varn and Thordak are megalomaniacal villains, but which Matt Mercer villain is the toxic male?
@kirby163 7 жыл бұрын
Saundor, probably?
@quinncummins-lune1634 7 жыл бұрын
I dunno. I haven't watched that far yet. I was thinking Kevdak, but maybe saundor is a toxic male to a greater degree.
@kirby163 7 жыл бұрын
He's a buttface and has no friends. Because he's a butt and nobody likes him.
@erinsharp5941 7 жыл бұрын
Spoilers..... Yep, I think Saundor is toxic masculinity. His lover left him, so he poisoned a section of the Feywild with joyless tarlike muck out of spite. He then tried to coerce Vex to commit to him and stay trapped with him forever.
@artygunnar 7 жыл бұрын
guy crush on Matt....
@SuperSymbiote1 6 жыл бұрын
Hit brought me here.
@kylehollenbaugh3464 7 жыл бұрын
While I agree with this I also think a purely evil can be great. For example melkor and Sauron
@KitZunekaze 7 жыл бұрын
Pure sources of evil also need to be sympathetic in their own cause. Melkor and Sauron are a great example of that. Their evil is pure, but it's also by design. They are a balance to a system of pure good. The quest of the villain in a Sauron context is to change the perspective of the world from one of good to evil. To Sauron greed, corruption, and evil are a perspective that is justified. He and his master see the 'song' of the world to be an enslaving destiny that they rebel against. There is sympathy to be had, even for Sauron. That being said, that elemental evil where you can see the corrupting force and the horrifying creatures that bubble forth from Mordor. Yeah, that kind of evil is quintessential to D&D. Just don't forget to try and create a reason for it to exist, and a compelling narative will try to subtly imply this reason. In my own world, there's a super-villainy type who is an elemental evil. A vampire lord who looks to wash over the world killing everyone and raising the dead. But for him the world has a destiny to end at a specific time. And this evil villain thinks that his plan is the only way to save the world from destruction. And in a way he's correct. The world was meant to end, and he's keeping it artificially alive. In the end-game campaign set in my world the goal is to wipe out the elemental evil, and destroy this vampire lord. Just before the end the Players become aware that their goal is the end of the world, and the villain is seeking to save it. This leads to a very complicated moral quandry, with elemental evil still existing.
@victorklep5261 7 жыл бұрын
KitZunekaze very well said. Im currently creating a world for a high-level one-shot. I like creating my own lore, and this world will have a pantheon consisting of largely draconic creature. Each color of dragon will have 1 Elder dragon to its name; they are basically the gods of what their draconic ancestry represents (eg, the red elder dragon is the god/aspect of destruction and greed, but also confidence, while the gold elder is the aspect of righteousness and pride) this gives many of the evil aspects a reason to exist as evil counterparts to the good aspects. In the one-shot, the black elder dragon, true to his original role as aspect of fear and intimidation, will have taken to necromancy, and turned himself into the first elder dracolich. It will be up to our heroes to stop him.
@kylehollenbaugh3464 7 жыл бұрын
Victor Klep interesting, I'm actually currently slowly building up one of my players as a villain, leading to a betrayal and reveal to the rest of the party, then I'm going to run an evil quest of this villian building power and launching an assault on the world, and then I'm going to run another campaign to stop him. It started out like this because my one player was just a naturally evil character and a bit of a power gamer, so I figured I'd knock two birds out with one stone and let him gain power and be an evil presence in my world that I can use in many of my games and have a villain that truly has a presence because the player characters have seen his betrayal, rise, and strength
@TheBloodypimp 6 жыл бұрын
Victor Klep black is auto associated with death less with fear. You want fear? Get a god damn white dragon. White like black is a non color but the kicker is white is isually hope and possibility. But also when twisted.... it's the most ficked up thing ever. rather than jist taking up necromancu for which there isn't really a reason. Habe a necromancer try to turn the dragon while slumberring. The spell goes aray and he is twisted into a cadaver white hue dragonlich that kills the powerful necromancer and becomes bent on taking out all magic in the realm. All this yoi could put in the journal of the wizard for the players to find through a " adventures guild" and there's the backstory. ^_^
@TheBloodypimp 6 жыл бұрын
Forgive the many spelling errors. I blame it on the small keyboard on my phone and hyping up the story in my head. =))
@alecchristiaen4856 7 жыл бұрын
so, it's nice to have a villain who in the end simply acted out of his ow misguided morality, but lets be honest: villains who deep down are just evil are just as fun.
@alecchristiaen4856 7 жыл бұрын
i mean, i've made multiple villains who simply think outside of moral decisions (thinking good and evil are irrelevant in the situation they're in) but it's fun to have a villain who's a force of evil.
@linajurgensen4698 7 жыл бұрын
God he looks so hot.
@Pandercolour 7 жыл бұрын
Alternatively, some of history's greatest villains did terrible things because they just wanted to steal stuff. Or, like Rome, they just loved war.
@ToddKenreck 7 жыл бұрын
That is a good point. I think they literally just saw this as business. This is what empires do, we expand. "We owe it to the world to bring it law and order" mentality. Also, make a lot of money.
@aenorist2431 7 жыл бұрын
Rome oftentimes hated war, thats a horrible oversimplification. They had a strong conflict of grieving the losses of war and on the other hand (because of that grieve and the feeling it was necessary) idolizing the warrior. Kind of similar to the common view on ww2. Rome always saw themselfs either beset by enemies or in need to grow to be safe from future threats (including economical ones by inflation), as such their warmongering was driven by collective fear and individual ambition abusing that fear. Not even the Spartans loved war in itself, and they (and Nazis / Imperial Japanese) were about the most militarized people in our species history.
@Pandercolour 7 жыл бұрын
On an individual basis, Romans may have hated war. After all, when out fighting their land was going unworked while rich patricians bought their land when they went into debt. But that doesn't take into account the almost perpetual state of war Rome was in, from its inception as a Republic until the final fall of the empire in 1453. Sure, in its early days Rome was the one being invaded, but by the second Punic War they were always the aggressors. Outside of the Pax Romana - which saw peace only within Roman territory - Rome was under the sway of a war cult, which only became further entrenched after the Marian Reforms made the generals the sole owners of power. The Greeks, similarly, were almost always at war. They really, really liked it on a collective level.
@aenorist2431 7 жыл бұрын
No, they just perpetuated it. We as a society do not particularly like traffic jams, neither individually nor collectivly. Yet we regularly partake, as we accept it as a piece of life. The same is true for romans, greeks and virtually any society before the nation state, world war one or two, depending on your specific point of view. Nearly every tribal society had a raiding / campaigning season. Every Feudal Society had their Feuds and smaller Wars at a fixed time in the year. A major war or two was expected behavior in early nation states. No society ever loved war, war is always something a minority profits from. Something being part of your culture does not mean you love it. You might be missusing the word, or missunderstaning the history. I´d rather expect the former, seeing you not ignorant of what happened.
@KitZunekaze 7 жыл бұрын
There are few, if any, villains of history that did things for purely evil motivations. Everyone, including the really big evils had self-justifications. They all believed, however wrong they were, that they were doing the right thing. Rome, for example, believed that the roman way was to bring peace and prosperity to all they conquored. It was evil of them, then in their own eyes, to leave societies barbaric and uncivilized. They commited many atrocities, yes, but they did so in the name of progress and good. However wrong or right their ideas were, they themselves didn't believe they were evil conquorers.
@Doomseer 6 жыл бұрын
I think he might be one the few people who actually used the term toxic masculinity correctly lolxd! 😅
@CreativeUsernameEh 6 жыл бұрын
Am I watching a Jordan Peterson video? Wow Matthew, this is deep.
@qualthos1 6 жыл бұрын
And then all your PCs become murder hobos and ruin your campaign.
@mikegould6590 7 жыл бұрын
"A villain of insufferable masculinity"... gee. Sound like anyone?
@XxBlackWarri0rxX 6 жыл бұрын
"Toxic Masculinity"...? Really..? Cant i watch a random Rp video to improve my dming withouth getting a political buzzword thrown out of nowhere? First movies, then videogames...At least this is just one video and he doesnt go further down that topic.
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