Japanese Gamers Protest Assassin's Creed Shadows

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Melonie Mac Go Boom

Melonie Mac Go Boom

26 күн бұрын

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@just_a_turtle_chad 24 күн бұрын
Japan has the right to protect their culture from western game devs.
@davew4304 24 күн бұрын
This might be enough for a Pearl Harbor rematch 😂
@Shawn-r7k 24 күн бұрын
The West should protect our selfs from western game devs.. getting crazy out here
@ElectricalExistence 24 күн бұрын
western? you mean jewish?
@awewit9246 24 күн бұрын
yes every country his the right protect themselves from Evil and Social Credit Scores are never good
@Shawn-r7k 24 күн бұрын
The West should protect ourselves from western game devs.... it's gotten crazy out here
@aileblanche98 24 күн бұрын
Discriminate against black people→no good Discriminating against Japanese people→ no problem By Political correctness
@TL-ip3tl 24 күн бұрын
日本人だけど、今回の件署名したわ。 理由は本当に販売中止を求めたからではなく、あくまで意思表示が目的。ちゃんと怒ってるぞっていう。 別にゲームで黒人が主人公の侍になろうが、日本人を殺しまくってようが別に構わん。それくらいじゃ日本人怒らん。 問題は弥助が侍だったことを史実であるかのように描写してること。もちろん日本でも世界の偉人がアニメに出てきて美少女化することはある。けど誰もそれを史実だ、なんて言わない。皆フィクションだって認識してるから。 なら弥助が侍であることをフィクションとして描写・説明してくれ。史実と勘違いしてる人が多いし、ゲームがそれを助長してるのが良くない。 たかがゲームに怒りすぎって意見あるけどそうじゃない。日本の文化や歴史が軽く扱われてるから怒ってるんだ。侍や忍者はフリー素材とでも思ってるのか?UBIは あと10年以上アサクリやってた日本人から意見すると、なんで日本人男主人公をオミットしたんだ。せっかく日本舞台のアサクリ楽しみにしてたのに。黒人だからじゃないよ?外国人にしたのが残念なポイント。 日本語で、かつ長文申し訳ない。 ホントは英語で書きたかったんだけど、英語で書いたら「日本人じゃない」とか「botだ」って言われるの嫌でわざと日本語で書いてる。 こういう否定的な意見言うと差別って言われるのなんなん? ホントに多様性があるなら嫌だって意見も認めてくれるじゃないん?
@liam_smith_65536 24 күн бұрын
@luffyd5622 23 күн бұрын
@user-kr8qd7wt7n 23 күн бұрын
@AyaWetts 23 күн бұрын
People will accuse you of whatever they want, no matter if you wrote it in English or Japanese... Can't let them worry you. I don't think Ubisoft really cares though and will keep doing what they are doing no matter how many we get to sign.
@Ronydoo-yv2hs 22 күн бұрын
@@AyaWetts They will lose money. That is a Promise.
@yoshima64 24 күн бұрын
We Japanese don't care if the characters are black or female or anything else in video games. Of course, if we don't like it, we just don't play it. We're angry because Ubi keeps saying that this crazy representation of Japan in video games is historically correct.
@liam_smith_65536 24 күн бұрын
@Ieatpaste23 23 күн бұрын
Isn't he kind of history's side character?
@Anna-fw7lm 23 күн бұрын
Mediterranean here. I'm with you. They're offending everybody, one at the time, and if you don't like it they will call you names, and if you ignore their products they will insult you even more. It's *how* they're doing their things that's irritating and, as we can see, counterproductive
@LexicroftAlpha 22 күн бұрын
​@@Ieatpaste23 In japan history not much info about Yasuke, means he is not important historic character, he only a sword bearer for Oda Nobunaga, and he alive after honnoji temple incident means either he is retreat or he doesn't die in honor following his master, means he isnt a samurai Japanese people doesn't understand why Yasuke picked as legendary samurai in assasin creed, there is many legendary japanese samurai character with complete historic data, why pick Yasuke? Because he is blaaaaaacccc And granny say she doesnt care what school say but cleopatra was a black gay samurai
@7ChaosBlack 22 күн бұрын
You're not japanese.
@AlanR8530 24 күн бұрын
Remember many of those who are defending Shadows are the same people who are attacking Resident Evil 5 by saying it's racist.
@twoglocksforsure 24 күн бұрын
Exactly crazy ish🤝🏽
@server2009 24 күн бұрын
@AlanR8530 24 күн бұрын
@@server2009 その通りだ。
@Uryen_Hirasakai 24 күн бұрын
Bunch of diabolic rats, no one said RE5 was racist when the game was released for PS3
@devilslayer3548 24 күн бұрын
Not true
@user-gj4uz9gg1z 24 күн бұрын
Japan probably has the most protected freedom of expression in the world, and the Japanese are proud of that. Therefore, ordinary Japanese people rarely interfere with creative activities. This protest is not simply due to the fact that Japanese people are angry. If the fabrication that Yasuke is a legendary samurai spreads as if it were true, there is a danger that other Nobunaga-themed works will be forced to include Yasuke. Furthermore, there may even be demands to have black samurai appear in stories about the Warring States period in general. I am not overthinking this, as there have already been calls for the inclusion of black samurai in the TV drama "Shogun. In other words, the Japanese protest this time is also aimed at protecting the creative freedom of other works. 日本は、おそらく世界で一番表現の自由が守られており、それを誇りに思っています。 ですから、日本人は本来、創作活動に対して干渉される事も、する事も嫌います。 今回の抗議活動は、単純に日本人が怒っている事だけが原因ではありません。 もし、弥助が伝説の侍などという捏造が事実であるかのように広まってしまうと、他の信長をテーマをした作品に弥助を登場させるよう強要される危険性があります。さらには、戦国時代の物語全般で、黒人侍を登場させるような要求まで出るかもしれません。 既にテレビドラマ「将軍」において、黒人侍を出すよう要求する声が上がっていたのですから、私の考えすぎでは無いでしょう。 つまり今回の日本人の抗議は、他作品の創作の自由を守ることが目的でもあります。
@user-gj4uz9gg1z 24 күн бұрын
@6Melonie_MacGoBoom excuse me. I intended to make a post related to the content of this video, but it seems you didn't like it. Is it better to delete the post? Just to confirm, your post has the following meaning in Google translation, is it correct? "Congratulations. Please refrain from personal conversations." When I try using other translation sites, I am confused because the content changes in various ways.
@MelonieMacGoBoom 24 күн бұрын
That was a scammer pretending to be Mr, please do not message them . Thank you for your comment!
@user-gj4uz9gg1z 24 күн бұрын
@@MelonieMacGoBoom I got it. Thank you for your advice.
@BACKSPACEandSHIFT 22 күн бұрын
先月、日本のコンテンツ産業に関する2つの興味深い記事が出た。一つはブラックストーンが日本最大の電子マンガサイトを運営するインフォコムを買収する記事。もう一つは日本政府がコンテンツ産業の輸出を推進するそうで、2033年までに20兆円規模にすると言う大風呂敷を広げている。 UBIが頑なに「史実に忠実」発言を取り下げない理由は今後の日本の歴史コンテンツに多様性を持ち込む先駆けにしたいからかもね。 昔から黒人がいた、だから移民もたくさん受け入れろぐらいの言説はやりそう。
@jadonsmith3224 19 күн бұрын
@@MelonieMacGoBoom they've been busy. I've two or three messages haha
@user-xq7gk6xx4s 24 күн бұрын
UBI continues to insult Japan UBI's development team referred to Yasuke as "our samurai" and said in an interview, "We were looking for someone who could be our non-Japanese eyes. The "we" does not include Japanese. Furthermore, in an interview with Video_games, the director of AC Shadows answered questions about beheadings, etc. with "So looking at death was a day-to-day occurrence in that period, and the way most people died in Japan during that time is clean decapitations." and other answers. Beheadings in this time period are only an act to prove one's merit in war or execution, and beheadings in the streets are neither meaningful nor necessary. The video released by UBI for the Japanese market had Chinese subtitles. The video itself has been withheld from the public, but the information has already been spread. Don't use Japan as a subject if you don't even understand Japanese. These are just a few examples. Anyone who criticizes UBI is a racist, they say. UBI is the racist, not us Japanese. UBIは日本を侮辱し続けています UBIの開発陣は弥助を「私たちの侍」と称し「日本人ではない私たちの目になれる人物を探していた」とインタビューで答えていた 「私たち」の中に日本人が含まれていない 更に『Video_games』インタビュー記事にて、ACシャドウズのディレクターが斬首などに関する質問に対し、「当時、死を目の当たりにすることは日常茶飯事でしたし、当時の日本ではほとんどの人が首をきれいに切られて亡くなっていました。」などと答えていた この時代における斬首は戦での手柄を証明する為の行為か処刑ぐらいなものであり、町中での斬首はする意味も必要性もない UBIが公開した日本向け映像に中国語字幕があった。 映像自体は非公開となったが既に情報が拡散されている 日本語もわかってないのに日本を題材にするな これらはほんの一部です UBIを批判する奴は差別主義者だと彼らはいう 我々日本人ではなくUBIが差別主義者だろ
@khuonghochai 24 күн бұрын
Well said bro
@user-xq7gk6xx4s 24 күн бұрын
@@khuonghochai Thank you. We are inspired by decent people like you! ありがとうございます 私たちはあなた達のようなまっとうな人に勇気をもらっています
@liam_smith_65536 24 күн бұрын
@user-xq7gk6xx4s 24 күн бұрын
@@liam_smith_65536 まさか事あるごとに火元にガソリンをまくとは思ってもみなかったですよね
@liam_smith_65536 24 күн бұрын
@@user-xq7gk6xx4s ほんとそれですよ、外野ではなくまさかの公式から3日に1回くらいの割合で燃料投下ですよ、こりゃ燃やさないわけにはいきません。 "踊る阿呆に見る阿呆、同じ阿呆なら踊らにゃそんそん"ですよw
@uservl7di9ti5y 24 күн бұрын
Normally, Japanese people don't make a fuss about "fake Japanese power games made by foreigners with fake black samurai." Many Japanese will accept the game regardless of whether the protagonist is black, white, or of another race. Even if Yasuke, a black samurai, is the main character, Japanese do not see it as a problem if it is fiction. However, the problem is that the game is supposed to be released as "You can study Japanese history." Even disinformation that has already been distributed is believed to be true and is being further promoted. For example, a black man named Yasuke existed, but there is no evidence in Japan that he could become a samurai. Yasuke, a black man, is not well known in Japan unless he is very familiar with history, and even in feudal Japan, fights and beheadings in the streets are not common. There is a lot of other false information. If the Japanese don't speak up now, they'll be triumphant that the veracity of Ubisoft's claims of Assassins Creed Shadows is “a true historical fact because so many Japanese people acquiesce. ”. Yasuke, a black samurai, exists only in fiction, and Ubisoft's image of the samurai is not authentic and insulting to Japanese. 普通、日本人は「外国人が作ったニセ黒人のサムライが登場するニセ日本風パワーゲーム」で騒ぐことはないだろう。 ゲームの主人公が黒人だろうと白人だろう、他の人種だろうと多くの日本人は受け入れるでしょう。 黒人侍の弥助が主人公であってもフィクションであれば日本人は問題視はしない。 しかし、問題はこのゲームが「日本史の勉強ができる」として発売されることになっていることだ。すでに配信されている偽情報でさえ、真実と信じられ、さらに喧伝されている。 例えば、弥助という黒人は存在したが彼が侍になれた証拠は日本には存在していない。 黒人の弥助は日本では余程歴史に詳しい者でない限り知名度はない。 封建時代の日本といえど街中での戦闘や斬首は一般的にあり得ない。 他にも嘘の情報が盛りだくさんだ。 いま日本人が声を上げなければ、Ubisoftの主張するAssassins Creed Shadowsの真実性は「多くの日本人が黙認しているから本当の歴史的事実なのだ」と彼らは勝ち誇ってしまうだろう。 黒人侍の弥助はフィクションの中にしか存在しないし、Ubisoftが主張する侍のイメージは日本人から見れば本物ではなく侍に対して侮辱的だ。
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
This is a lie, and everyone knows that is a video game. So this is what this is about? What about Kessen? Where you make your own warring states period samurai? I'm not buying anything about this or the obviously google translated post you just gave. AC is the same game that gave us humanity beginning being aliens from a different race. No one thinks this is historical accurate.
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
I mean would you like examples? Because all of this reeks of Bull-ish, being totally honest.
@TKUltra971 24 күн бұрын
This is a fake translatted post. Boeing was doing the same thing back when the guy got wacked a few weeks ago. Or like when IGN attempted to translate the Wu Kong article which back fired in their face. I thought this whole thing was a fraud and sure enough LOL.
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
Also why are you removing my replies? This could not be any more fake like its very clear its machine assisted. If you were honest you shouldnt need to do that lol.
@user-nv6wn9ut9z 24 күн бұрын
@user-dw7is4gp8o 24 күн бұрын
@user-zhengao 24 күн бұрын
"Based on historical facts." If they had not said this, it would probably be accepted by many Japanese people. If it was based on historical fact, Yasuke should not have been a samurai. In addition, the natural scenery, the customs of the people, the buildings, the etiquette, and so on all had to be faithfully recreated. What has infuriated Japanese people even more is that Yasuke's Wikipedia page was defaced in relation to the game, and Ubisoft officials have silenced criticism from Japanese people. As part of their anti-discrimination efforts, they use black people as protagonists in games set in Japan, but at the same time, they actively discriminate against Japanese people. In particular, silencing criticism from Japanese people and using flags from Japanese works without permission can be said to be clearly discriminatory. However, many people, including those at Ubisoft, dismiss what we say as Japanese, calling it racism against black people. In order to allow black people, who have been treated badly until now, to flourish, Asian people are now being made to suffer badly. This is nothing short of a distorted form of social justice. Sorry for my poor English, but I hope I can convey what I want to say to you.
@lukamilic 24 күн бұрын
I'm honestly done with this franchise... They actually did a triple racist move with the last two trailers: 1. Trap/Rap theme when fighting as Yasuke 2. Dishonorably chopping Japanese people's heads off as a "samurai"... Actual samurai had a code they followed. 3. Making every citizen bow to him... Jesus Christ, are Ubisoft that mentality deranged ???
@SapiTebang 24 күн бұрын
that 3rd point is the real reason they insisted to keep Yasuke as one of main protagonist, the depiction and visualization of people bowing to samurai because they are upperclass at that time so it's oozing wet dream for Woke DEI point... if they really respect with the Japanese they just can pick Ranmaru Mori as their one of Main protagonist, He is Real People, he is real samurai who served under Oda Nobunaga and He is Oda Nobunaga Gay's lover based on many books..... thats yout DEI point UBI!!! but no....
@シーチキン 23 күн бұрын
フランスには著作権法が存在しない。 コンセプトアートでそれは証明され続けます。
@帰ってきた梅 24 күн бұрын
@IgorAlvarenga791 24 күн бұрын
6:00 The difference in relation to Nioh is that William Adams was ACTUALLY a samurai who served under the Tokugawa rule, he is mentioned in many historical documents and represented in several portraits of the time that prove his presence in Japan. He is well known by the Japanese , and that's why it's easy to adapt a story where he's the protagonist. Now, compare that to Nobunaga's toy retainer, which people barely know about in Japan, which has almost no historical reference, and which is being used exclusively for browny points?
@user-dl3hr4sy4f 24 күн бұрын
UBI made a lot of mistakes in the game, not only in the depiction of Yasuke, but also in other aspects of Japan. And they advertised it as "created under the supervision of experts" and "a game about history". UBI, please don't lie. Where are the experts? Because the depiction in Shadows is very strange from a Japanese point of view. Cherry blossoms in spring and persimmon fruits in autumn seem to be on one screen. Yasuke starts writing calligraphy from the bottom of the scroll, for example. There are many basic mistakes. Hence, Japanese people understood that UBI did not want to depict Japan in Shadows. They just wanted to show a black man as a samurai and advertise it as "historical fact" using the word "expert". In actual historical fact, Yasuke was a baggage handler. He did not play an active role that would have his name in the historical record. He was a slave of a missionary, but because he was black, Nobunaga took a liking to him, and later he was captured by Akechi Mitsuhide at the Honnoji Incident and later returned to the missionary. Various works in the past have used Yasuke as a model, but none of them claimed to be "historical fact. They were released with the awareness of fantasy. They did not infringe on history or start a war on wikipedia. UBI is trying to turn the whole thing on its head based on Lockley's "fiction". Don't be swayed by UBI's strategy by saying it's just a game. UBIはゲーム内で弥助に限らずそれ以外の日本に関する描写も散々に間違えました。 そしてこれを「専門家の監修のもとにつくった」「歴史にまつわるゲーム」と宣伝しました。 UBIは嘘をつかないでください。専門家はどこに? なぜならシャドウズ内の描写は日本人からみて違和感がすごくあります。春の桜と秋の柿の実が一画面にみえたり。弥助が習字を巻物の一番下から書き始めたりする映像など。基本的な間違いが多いです。 故に、日本人は「UBIはシャドウズで日本を描きたかったわけではない」というのを理解しました。黒人が侍になっている様子を見せ、それを専門家という単語を使って「史実だ」と宣伝したかっただけなのです。 実際の史実だと弥助は荷物持ちでした。史料に名前が残るような活躍はしていません。宣教師の奴隷であったけど黒人であった為に信長に気に入られ、その後の本能寺の変で明智光秀にとらえられ、その後宣教師のもとに返された。その間わずか15ヶ月。 過去様々な作品が弥助をモデルにしてきましたが、そのどれもが「史実」だと言い張ったりはしなかった。ファンタジーの自覚をもってリリースされた。それらは歴史を侵害したり、wikipediaでの戦争は起こさなかった。 UBIはロックリーの「小説」に基づいて全てをひっくり返そうとしている。 たかがゲームだといってUBIの戦略に流されないで下さい。
@davidframe1613 24 күн бұрын
Assassin Creed game will go down as one of the most disrespectful games ever to a culture.
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
Why because of this? There's games that take disrespectful games WAYYYY more out of line than this game ever did. Its a fake story set in a historical setting. I'm trying to understand the argument but all I see is soemone elses nationalism talk againts a negro with a samurai sword.
@tayteashworth2521 24 күн бұрын
Because it features a black samurai? Wow just wow...
@Exclusive1011111111 24 күн бұрын
@@tayteashworth2521yea people are sensitive. I wouldn’t be offended if there was a asian in Africa. I actually be more interesting.
@kingcrowley2871 24 күн бұрын
It's a game lol who cares if its not 100% accurate, none of the other AC games are, they all have monsters, powers etc. Go after Call of Duty for disrespecting actual real war if you want something to cry about because you got nothing better to do. Seriously these KZfaqrs, journalists and most gamers these days are idiotic
@ICaImI 24 күн бұрын
@@tayteashworth2521 Because they claim it is historically accurate that he was a samurai. Which isn't true.
@rockytheblackdragon 24 күн бұрын
I with Team Japan and I signed the petition
@floridamike8710 24 күн бұрын
Ware do I sign it
@user-ce4tg7mw5g 24 күн бұрын
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
I'm with team Japan and i'm not signing anything. How exactly this any more offensive than any other game? Explain it to me like I'm 5. Because this sounds like someone else's argument and not a Japanese.
@th00perman_ 24 күн бұрын
Trans Godzilla incoming
@clw9680 24 күн бұрын
@@tableofbeer7259 i bet the majority of the people signing are not Japanese , everyone knows that
@soranoiro1324 24 күн бұрын
この問題を取り上げてくれてありがとう御座います。私達日本人は捏造の歴史を認めません 最初からフィクションですと言うなら問題は無かった これは史実と言うUBIに怒りを覚えます。この問題をしっかり解説してくれてるEinfach japanishさんの動画を見てください。この問題の本質が分かります。
@masametal29 24 күн бұрын
As a Japanese, I don’t hope black people to be attacked racism comments in that petition. That petition is only about Ubi's rude action. I wish western people understand Japanese purpose for it.
@stevenc7877 22 күн бұрын
dont worry... only non-gamers get offended. Gamers understand whats going on with all these agendas getting pushed, were just finally pushing back.
@illliiiiillliii6265 22 күн бұрын
Only people who are offended are the subversive writers who created this problem in the first place.
@tr1bes 20 күн бұрын
​@@stevenc7877who you're talking about. Im an Asian gamer and also like to read history. I don't care about a Black Samurai as a playable character but I do care about historical fact. There is a game call Afro samurai on ps3 which I play.
@user-cw5lj4wd4o 19 күн бұрын
​@@tr1besu Don't care bcz u have a low IQ real japanese care Abt their culture n this is just pure stupid bruh 🙄 just bcz he's black n I'm black too I should like it?? argh fck
@kouglofo141 24 күн бұрын
日本は今まで被害が少なかったから黙っていたが、今回は一線を越えた。全力で意思表示をする。 俺たちが普段大人しいからと舐めた態度のUBIは許さない。絶対に後悔させてやる。
@user-cg7zn7hw4t 23 күн бұрын
@sabamisoni9850 24 күн бұрын
ただこれをフィクションだと言えばいい このゲームは史実に忠実であり、プレイすれば歴史を学べるなどと喧伝しなければそれでいいのだ とても簡単なことだ それさえ守れば弥助が空を飛ぼうがかめはめ波で闘おうが誰も文句を言わないよ
@guybuddy1 21 күн бұрын
@user-oe1cg7ri5o 20 күн бұрын
@guybuddy1 20 күн бұрын
@@user-oe1cg7ri5o そもそもUBIはアフリカ人とアフリカ系アメリカ人の区別もついてない模様w 弥助はアフリカ人なのに、戦闘時にラップみたいなビート流れるのまじであほ過ぎるしクソ失礼w
@user-lj4ne9fs1h 24 күн бұрын
@cocoabooth 20 күн бұрын
しかも日本人からの批判を「差別」と決めつけ聞き入れない所だ これが人種差別でなくてなんなのだ
@WildDogGamerBoy 24 күн бұрын
In regards to Nioh, that game was created by a Japanese company. They have more leeway in who to make their main character look like because it is THEIR culture. Ubisoft is making this game to appropriate Japanese culture. So two completely different games when it comes to intentions.
@spaceghost8886 24 күн бұрын
Nioh is also, y’know, good. You just know this Ubislop is going to be the same braindead collect-a-thon as the last 10 AC games lmao.
@o_uwu_o 24 күн бұрын
Speaking of team ninja people should check out their rise of the ronin as a good alternative to ac shadows
@floridamike8710 24 күн бұрын
The real Nioh was a guy and unlike Yaskai was a samurai
@trueultimagod2465 24 күн бұрын
Also Nioh's protagonist William Adams in real life is properly documented as a Samurai unlike Yasuke. Only difference is the real William Adams was English and not Irish and his Japanese name was Miura Anjin.
@DeathsjesterKMNP 24 күн бұрын
The real problem isn't them making a game based on Japan's history, it's their misusing and disrespectful lying about many elements.
@kk-pd8rn 24 күн бұрын
@liam_smith_65536 24 күн бұрын
@kk-pd8rn 23 күн бұрын
@@liam_smith_65536 いいね! その表現好きw 止めようがない当たり。
@farnesil6435 23 күн бұрын
発売中止になんて絶対ならないからこんな署名無駄。やるならUBI本社に電話をかけまくってパンクさせろ。みたいな海外の意見あったけど、 それをやったら日本じゃ威力業務妨害なんだよね。静かに、ただ淡々とこういう活動を続ける。法にも乗っ取った方法だし、日本人らしくていい。 無視するならしていればいい。聞いてないからってこの手を緩める気も一切ない。「これは全部妄想のフィクションでした!」って UBIがッ 謝るまで 署名をやめないッ!
@アメジスト先輩 23 күн бұрын
@user-dl1xl8qp8q 14 күн бұрын
@@farnesil6435発売中止に出来るなんてはなから思っていないし目的もそこじゃないんだと未だに理解してないようなコメントがまだまだ散見されますね。 件の会社は滅多に立ち上がることのない日本人ですら立ち上がって具体的な抗議行動を起こすレベルで悪質なことをやっているんだと伝えることとその実績を残すことが主たる目的なんだと何度説明すれば…😕
@user-po6sj5py4s 24 күн бұрын
Japanese people don't think that a petition will stop the release. They are doing this to express their intention to protest the lie that Japanese people are not angry due to UBI, and the fabrications and mistakes in the game.
@pyrotech7986 24 күн бұрын
Someone brought this up in another comment section but i agree with this "the same people who argue that the new assassins creed game is not problematic are the same people who clamed ghost of tsushima culturally appropriated japanese culture"
@yaoya808-54 24 күн бұрын
@illliiiiillliii6265 22 күн бұрын
They are trying to recreate their own history for this brave new world they want to build. Hold on to reality like your life depends on!
@OtterloopB 24 күн бұрын
Japan knows what's up 💪 Keep holding the line, everyone!
@shadowarez1337 24 күн бұрын
Japan should Sue Uglysoft for $2.5,000,000,000 for purposely fking with there Heritage. Look what happened when that Dementia Riddled Grandma decided Cleopatra was Black. Egypt is Suing for $2,000,000,000 I hope they get more.
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
What line? Where's the fight? What are you fighting?
@shadowarez1337 24 күн бұрын
@@tableofbeer7259 the woke cucks invading the gaming space making everything about them seeing them in the games we love making it unbearable and super ghey. As for the line it's the line between complete utter Delulu behaviour trying to Infact stay as one that we won't stand for the trash fire this woke cuck trys to force on everyone.
@evacody1249 24 күн бұрын
A line for what? What is this even about?
@glglglgl7504 24 күн бұрын
The fight against the woke war--you know the revolution to make black people, queers, and women the prime beings on the planet.
@makigai782 23 күн бұрын
「日本人男性が主人公として選べない」これに言及してくれたことはとても意味があるし、感謝したい。トレーラーが公開されてからしばらく経った今は史実通りか否かという議論が過熱しすぎて、主人公の人種・性別の問題が薄れそうになっている。 日本人としてUbisoftは絶対に許さない🔥
@user-yy2dn8xg3n 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for covering a topic. As a Japanese, I thank you! Many of the Japanese who signed the petition did so knowing that there was little chance of preventing the film's release. We protested not that "UBI" features a "black" protagonist, but that it misrepresents many cultures and histories, yet professes to be "historically accurate" without any basis whatsoever, even those who protested against the unauthorized use and commercial exploitation of copyrighted footage, Somehow this was accused of racism. Japanese who protested against UBI were blocked, their voices were not heard, and they were accused of racism. If one commented critically on the video, one was called a "racist white man pretending to be Japanese," and conversely, a lie was spread that the Japanese were not angry but happy, a lie that ignored the opinions of the Japanese people. By expanding this signature campaign, we want to show that "Japanese" are angry at UBI's "cultural and historical fabrications," "disregard for Asia," and "cultural invasion through fabrications. Deeple Translation
@Npapero 24 күн бұрын
There is historical evidence that Yasuke was employed by Nobunaga. There is also historical evidence that when Nobunaga lost to Mitsuhide, he was told that ``Yasuke is an animal that doesn't know words'' and was allowed to live. Do you think the person who was called a ``speechless animal'' was a samurai?
@boomsig9069 24 күн бұрын
Now UBI needs to make a game set in South Africa around the early 1800's during the Ndwandwe - Zulu wars with a Japanese General.
@harveycustodio2625 24 күн бұрын
They'll never do that... They're all for the Black People and Fuck all other races and nationalities.
@jimbuh 24 күн бұрын
I’m not really sure it would even be possible to make an assassins creed game in that setting. 😂 I mean, the tallest building in the game would be Kofi and Femi’s mud hut, and that’s because they built it on a hill. 🤷🏻
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
Well historically did they have one? Because if they did, cool i'm all for it. If not, cool i'm all for it either way. since when did video games need to be 1 to 1 with a history page? again, explain it to me like im 5.
@clw9680 24 күн бұрын
that'll be cool if a Japanese General really historically existed in south Africa ......but you say that as if people would care if they made a AC game with a Japaneses general in South Africa.. Trust me no one would care especially not in the black community....black people are not built like that.... and are used to race washing like that in movies and video games among other things already, its nothing new
@user-cw5lj4wd4o 19 күн бұрын
what's so special Abt south Africa bruh 🙄
@HUNK-es6nb 22 күн бұрын
署名してきました。 今まで日本のエンタメ界で弥助はロマンと魅力のある人物でした。しかし、今回UBIの一件により日本エンタメ界で弥助は腫れ物扱いのフィクションとして扱いづらい人物になってしまったと思います。 UBIやその後ろにいると言われている人達はどこまで我々日本人や黒人の方々を侮辱すれば気がすむのか.... 本当に怒りを覚えます。
@floridamike8710 24 күн бұрын
All gamers should boycott it
@Nickinator811 24 күн бұрын
Its nice to see japanese gamers call this crap out Like the rest of us based gamers How would you like it if in kingdom hearts 4 they replace sora with a bland boring black keyblade wielder. Its ridiculous Don't just shove diversity dei bs in our games Let us have fun games that make us feel good again
@devilslayer3548 24 күн бұрын
Cringe and that’s a huge ass reach
@tableofbeer7259 24 күн бұрын
These weren't Japanese. I just looked up Grummz's post. This was curated by someone in states or a english speaking country. its a hoax.
@Nickinator811 24 күн бұрын
@@tableofbeer7259 oh Well thanks for clarifying that
@glglglgl7504 24 күн бұрын
@@tableofbeer7259 keep your gaslighting up your but hole.
@m_amatou_25 24 күн бұрын
⁠​デマではありません。本当に起きています。 何を言ってもボットだとか日本人のなりすましだとか馬鹿の一つ覚えみたいに同じことしか言わない奴らにはうんざりです。 私が日本人かどうかの判断すらできない知能なら何も言うな。
@SaiyanInDisguise 24 күн бұрын
I'm also one of those people that is white and is obsessed with Japanese architecture and Gardens. I also feel that I get along better with Japanese than my own people. I also like the set up of their cities and prefectures.
@liam_smith_65536 24 күн бұрын
まあ今回の件、ゲーム自体は他のアサクリ作品より売れるかも知れんけど、ここで署名活動なりして"日本史を知ってる人(外国人含む)はブチギレとる"というのを示さんと、後世に"UBIは一部界隈からの妨害を受けたけどアサクリシャドウズは成功を収めた"という事実しか残らんからね。 あと、実際にゲームがリリースされたあとで現時点よりもどれくらい間違いが多く見つかるかは注目してる。この流れだと間違いは全部"日本文化軽視の結果だ"と言われると思うね、まあUBIとその取り巻きメディアは頑張ってくれ。
@Cevanth 24 күн бұрын
Knowing these people. They will double down. They did it with Saints Row Reboot. And look at Volition now. All my support to the Japanese. With all the things you guys have provided to make us happy. You don't deserve this treatment. F*ck Ubisoft.
@vincentwerts4724 24 күн бұрын
It's hard to get Japan this mad. I wonder if the company feels the heat, or if they're too far up their own rearends.
@user-ce4tg7mw5g 24 күн бұрын
Ubiはめちゃくちゃな日本のゲームを作り、これを「史実に基づいたゲーム」と呼びました。 Ubiは日本人に批判されると、彼らをレイシストとして扱いました。 この出来事は、日本人を激怒させるのに十分でした。
@vincentwerts4724 24 күн бұрын
@@user-ce4tg7mw5g That's ironic, huh?
@AyaWetts 23 күн бұрын
They don't give a ^#&$@ unfortunately
@arielquelme 22 күн бұрын
Top ends only cared for money.. They will smell the smokes only if the game didnt sell
@manybray7973 21 күн бұрын
I’m Japanese. It's strange that Yasuke is a samurai. He is no more than a servant. Explain the historical background of Japan and the existence of materials. A time when farmers and merchants carried swords, and there was no definition of samurai. It would be unreasonable to define him as a samurai just by holding a sword, and in the first place there is no material that treats him as a samurai. Regarding materials related to Yasuke, the only primary source is the Jesuit Japan Annual Report, which may have been written in later years, and the Ietada Diary, Nobunaga Ki, and Nobunaga Kouki are considered secondary sources. And there is no information that Yasuke was a samurai. Moreover, one year after he served Nobunaga, the Honnoji Incident occurred and he was returned to the missionaries, so he had no time to learn about culture and political strategy. Even if he were given a position, he would not be a samurai who would wear armor and fight or participate in politics. I want you to stop bullshit.
@kouya-blahblahblah 23 күн бұрын
Thank you for bringing this topic up. No matter how loud we raise our voices, there is no sound to our voices and no one can hear them. We have no physical form, and even if we express it in writing, we are called bots and ridiculed. We believe that those here can hear us and see us. Please lend us your strength. Please don't make us invisible.
@mars___sumner 24 күн бұрын
In before journos accuse all of Japan of being racist and not knowing their own country’s history
@vampirecount3880 24 күн бұрын
of course they will
@mrdecacko2809 24 күн бұрын
doubting all that a Japanese person made the petition
@TL-ip3tl 24 күн бұрын
日本人だけど、今回の件署名したわ。 理由は本当に販売中止を求めたからではなく、あくまで意思表示が目的。ちゃんと怒ってるぞっていう。 別にゲームで黒人が主人公の侍になろうが、日本人を殺しまくってようが別に構わん。それくらいじゃ日本人怒らん。 問題は弥助が侍だったことを史実であるかのように描写してること。もちろん日本でも世界の偉人がアニメに出てきて美少女化することはある。けど誰もそれを史実だ、なんて言わない。皆フィクションだって認識してるから。 なら弥助が侍であることをフィクションとして描写・説明してくれ。史実と勘違いしてる人が多いし、ゲームがそれを助長してるのが良くない。 たかがゲームに怒りすぎって意見あるけどそうじゃない。日本の文化や歴史が軽く扱われてるから怒ってるんだ。侍や忍者はフリー素材とでも思ってるのか?UBIは あと10年以上アサクリやってた日本人から意見すると、なんで日本人男主人公をオミットしたんだ。せっかく日本舞台のアサクリ楽しみにしてたのに。黒人だからじゃないよ?外国人にしたのが残念なポイント。 日本語で、かつ長文申し訳ない。 ホントは英語で書きたかったんだけど、英語で書いたら「日本人じゃない」とか「botだ」って言われるの嫌でわざと日本語で書いてる。 こういう否定的な意見言うと差別って言われるのなんなん? ホントに多様性があるなら嫌だって意見も認めてくれるじゃないん?
@TKUltra971 24 күн бұрын
@@TL-ip3tl And here is another one. So suddenly, out of no where. Melony Mac, a Texan conservative suddenly has JP viewers. At this time of day, at this time of year, commenting on a title that has never sold well to begin with over seas? Sorry come again?
@user-xm3ef3vl9n 24 күн бұрын
@@TKUltra971 この時期に?今だからコメントするんでしょうよ。検索すりゃぁ関連する動画なんてボコスコ出てくる。 〇〇主義者って、検索をするっていう程度の知能すらないのか? 日本では「IQに差があると会話が成立しないって」よく聞くけど、おめーさんの国ではどうなんだい?
@EudaimonV 24 күн бұрын
Yasuke does not bring anything to the table unfortunately. We know his real story and we know that he has no relationship to do with Japanese culture. That's why it doesn't fit in the AC lore. The fans wanted a true Japanese samurai to play as, that can relate to the culture and the environment of Japan, a connection to the culture and people of Japan. Not a tourist. Nioh is a fantasy game. Never claimed to be historical.
@stevekramerf242 24 күн бұрын
What? You mean to tell me that all the Yokai in the game don't exist in real life? I'm shocked, well not that shocked.
@darkgrip90 24 күн бұрын
You want Japanese Samurai but also earn Woke point ? Make Ranmaru Mori the protagonist . He's the longest and most loyal servant of Nobunaga , been with Nobunaga since 6 until the Honnoji incident where he assisted his lord's seppuku and on top of it all , he's widely known as being Nobunaga's femboy lover in the most literal sense . There , Japanese and Wokies all happy if only Ubisuck did a little more research . But too bad ~
@clw9680 24 күн бұрын
maybe youll get that in the next one
@EudaimonV 24 күн бұрын
@@stevekramerf242 I never said he did not exist in real life. Can you read???
@EudaimonV 24 күн бұрын
@@darkgrip90 don't understand what woke point are you talking about???
@chadallen7474 24 күн бұрын
I’m not buying from Ubisoft agin, I’m done with them. Remember fellow gamers vote with your wallet.
@douglasmonroe7417 24 күн бұрын
Yep Mel. It's like I said, if you want a good AC like combat and traversal, Ghost of Tsushima is the best one for you.
@Even-Steven 24 күн бұрын
Standing with the Japanese, I signed the petition.
@user-rr2zv5xk2o 22 күн бұрын
@a2jc234 24 күн бұрын
I prefer the plot that the original writer had in mind for Shadows. A Japanese monk discovers a plot to bring harm to his land, so he sets out to stop them only to meet the Assassins and learn of the Templar order; he trains with the assassins and uses skills that he has learned from monks. If we had this plot nobody would be complaining. But Kim Belare and her cronies from Sweet Baby Inc are involved there for we get what is coming out.
@bousch8253 23 күн бұрын
As an asian, I look forward to not buying the game and be called a bigot, ist or whatever by the crazy woke.
@minikogretsch6243 24 күн бұрын
I'm Japanese I often see comments in English that say black samurai actually existed. Why don't I get a reply when I ask for evidence? what do they believe? 私は日本人なのですが 黒人侍は実在したという英語のコメントをよく見かけます 証拠を求めると返信がこないのはなぜでしょうか? 彼らは何を信じているのでしょうか?
@xxAntiOtakuxx 24 күн бұрын
Because there is no evidence. The whole idea of Yauske being as samurai was promoted by ONE man: An associate professor of multiculturalism at the Nihon University College of Law in Tokyo: Thomas Lockley and the book he wrote about the subject with historical fiction writer Geoffory Girard. I'd like to point out the ALL the research into Yasuke himself by Lockley was by two primary sources, one by European missionaries that claimed Yasuke was made a lord with land etc. and one Japanese that said Yasuke was given the rank of kosho, given a tanto, and pay. Yasuke, along with Lockley have been promoted by youtube historians like Metatron ever since. In case those that read this don't know what a kosho is, they are type of servant, usually a youth that is a second or later born of a samurai family which will not gain an inheritance because of their position, who go into servitude to a lord with the purpose of either proving their worth or saving enough money to buy the rank of ashigaru or samurai (depending on how much they save) or to move on with their life. A kosho typically would be given a third of the land and pay of a samurai and would not be allowed to have a surname, carried the surname of their lord, or have the surname of the family they were born into. Keep in mind that during this time a surname was chosen by the individual upon becoming a samurai and it was a representation of one's personality or exploits.
@xxAntiOtakuxx 24 күн бұрын
@@minikogretsch6243 I wouldn't call is sarcastic, just (very) critical of Lackley's book and his intentions, and to try to help others who read to understand the context of Yasuke's place in Oda's court.
@xxAntiOtakuxx 24 күн бұрын
You are correct, its just sarcasm wouldn't be what to describe my criticism of Lackley.
@minikogretsch6243 24 күн бұрын
​@@xxAntiOtakuxx Sorry I was told not to have private meetings, so I deleted my comment. I understand that we have the same aspirations.
@xxAntiOtakuxx 24 күн бұрын
@@minikogretsch6243 Correct! It's just a bit of a language barrier between us (my Japanese is bad at best).
@SingleTaskHead 21 күн бұрын
ちなみに怒っているのはゲーマーだけでなくなってきています。これは、日本国内でゲーマー以外にも少しずつ問題が知れ渡っているからです。 俺が思うに、日本人以外でこのゲームに怒ってくれてる人は、このゲームの弥助よりよっぽどサムライの魂を持っているよ。
@CulturalBreakdown 24 күн бұрын
I want Ubisoft to announce an Assassin's Creed game set in 19th century South Africa. Let people know the playable character will be a Zulu chief, then reveal it's John Robert Dunn; A British diplomat accepted into the Zulu nation and made a chief with his own land.
@Nakamura407 23 күн бұрын
@deatheclipse4066 19 күн бұрын
I promise you we wouldn't care lol
@ViperChief117 24 күн бұрын
I’ve been an Assassin’s Creed fan since the first game. I’m not giving You Be Soft my money on Shadows.
@clw9680 24 күн бұрын
no one will care in the slightest .............most people will buy it anyway despite
@str1xt 24 күн бұрын
Never was a black samurai, ever. Make noise Japan,, we got your back here in the West.
@clw9680 24 күн бұрын
you must've been there???, unless you were there, you saying that there wasn't a black samurai, has no credibility nor truth to it.....its not much known about Yasuke , no one will never 100% know .. but if you google who was the first foreign samurai , without even mentioning his name, the first name youll see is Yasuke... obviously google knows something you dont
@str1xt 24 күн бұрын
@@clw9680 Are you calling the Japanese liars? Are you saying western Google knows more of Japanese culture than the Japanese who are against this? Are you gen Z?
@str1xt 23 күн бұрын
@@clw9680 You lost all credibility with your first sentence. Are you calling the Japanese out on their history? Are you saying Google knows more than the Japanese? There was NO black Samurai, Ubi have a strong DEI directive and it has fallen flat again with this nonsense. Cope.
@clw9680 23 күн бұрын
@str1xt google is a search engine designed to find imfamation from the most credible of sources.. sources, that have been put together from historians and people from around the world including which also most likely includes some Japanese historians, so yes I'm telling you that google has more credibility then your advantage everyday common disagreeable person, even if there native to Japan, which them being native means nothing. You lost your credibility for disputing the credibility of years of put together sources and imfamtion... don't get me wrong it's always a chance information from any source can be not 100% correct but it has more credibility then people online just wanting to depute or disagree.... the truth is none of us really know because none of us were living during that time ... but like I said if you search who was the first foreign samurai ... his name will be all or the first name you'll see which says allot
@DeerShit01 15 күн бұрын
@@clw9680 最初に外国人が武士として三浦按針、元の名をウィリアム・アダムスという名の英国人であるのが日本での常識だよ。按針以前にイタリア人が武士になったという仮説が提唱されたことはあるが、それについては物証が乏しくまともに取り合われてはいない。 今回の件は後者と同じく、後に弥助と呼ばれることになる黒人の人物が存在して、彼がイエズス会士の奴隷としてやってきて信長に珍しがられて身柄を引き取られた事は記録に残る事実だが、彼が武士だったと言う証拠は何一つ無い。 大体主君を討ち取られて首も取り返せなったのに腹も斬らずにおめおめと自分だけ生き恥をさらすような奴の事を我々日本人が武士扱いする事など断じてありえない。そんな時は敵陣に突っ込んで斬り死にするか、生き残っても責任を感じて自ら腹を斬るのが武士としてのやり方だ。
@Ariel_Anton 24 күн бұрын
Is a shame because the stealth looks awesome. I think they should cancel the game and take another Year. Take out the guy and the girl and create ONE Japanese guy with a good revenge story and that's it.
@MJRIDS_ 24 күн бұрын
Can someone please tell me how can you make a game about assassins in Japan and not make the main character a NINJA?
@twoglocksforsure 24 күн бұрын
Assassin's creed shadows 😂😂😂
@anthonydavis-cw4cm 24 күн бұрын
I thought 1 of the main character was a ninja . I thought the girl was the ninja
@stevekramerf242 24 күн бұрын
Better play Shadow Tactics. An accurate game about Shinobi/Ninja made in Germany with optional Japanese Voiveover(!).
@ronherforth4417 24 күн бұрын
Don't let the trolls get to you. This is a shaming tactic to cause you to 2nd guess your common sense. " Just play as the girl then ", " It's fiction, get over it, racist ", blah, blah, blah. Most people, I would think the Japanese people would agree, wanted to play as natives from the country that the game is set in. WOW, what a concept! Right? It never had anything to do with him "being black" to begin with. D idn't E arn I t Plain and simply put.
@user-cw5lj4wd4o 19 күн бұрын
​@@ronherforth4417yes bt still remains why put a black man bruh? 🙄
@ktcworks 23 күн бұрын
The worst thing is that UBI says Yasuke was a great samurai, and the demo play smashing a huge club is no samurai fight at all.
@NickNapoli 24 күн бұрын
It’s going to be funny to see how western gaming “journalists” are going to try to spin this situation.
@brettwheeler7753 24 күн бұрын
And they sh** the bed over Stellar Blade and Eve's jiggle physics! 😂
@themaximasbuilder8891 23 күн бұрын
An entire country is about to be labelled racist lol the copium is going to be flooding
@eddiesalgado9581 18 күн бұрын
As a puertorriqueño mix of 3 races I agree with Japan 🇯🇵 Therefore; I signed the petition. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
@albertdeluxe8966 23 күн бұрын
DEI, Destroying Everything Intelligent.
@bludeuce3855 19 күн бұрын
this reminds me of how netflix blackwashed Cleopatra and pissed off the Egyptians
@davew4304 24 күн бұрын
Diversity wouldn’t be a big deal if we weren’t being force fed this crap at every turn.
@scripteaze 24 күн бұрын
diversity = "lets make shit up to make us look better than we actually are"
@user-rr2zv5xk2o 22 күн бұрын
なんか色々とKZfaqのコメント見て来たけど。 日本人コメントや日本人擁護コメントのに1番早く反応してるのが必ず否定派なんだよね。 botかな?火消し要員の方かな? ご苦労様です。 この問題がどうなろうと私は一人の日本人として歴史を捻じ曲げるUBIやSBを許すことなく追求し続けて参ります。
@nicksjacku9750 24 күн бұрын
This is great, Japan sees through bullshit and is insulted with what Ubisoft is doing!
@glglglgl7504 24 күн бұрын
A black man samurai was hard to accept back then at the time and it is still hard to accept even now. Ubisoft needs to respect culture and shouldn't push for woke agendas. This wasn't accepted back in History and it is NOT acceptable even now.
@ArielCleirigh 24 күн бұрын
AC Shadows is an Insult to Japanese people, soI'll probably going to support that petition, also Yes I love Asian products, actress, singers etc.
@user-rr2zv5xk2o 22 күн бұрын
私達日本人はUBIと戦う覚悟が出来ております。 日本の応援をしてくださり。ありがとうございます。
@ArielCleirigh 19 күн бұрын
@@user-rr2zv5xk2o And I keep my word, I already signed that petition.
@metalgakip6362 22 күн бұрын
UBI:The next new game takes place in Japan and features a black samurai! The story is entirely fictional! Japanese:Ok.Gonna be fun! UBI:The next new game takes place in Japan and is modeled after a real-life great black samurai named Yasuke, and faithfully depicts Japanese history. You will learn a lot about Japanese history in this game! And then they release a game with a messed up historical background. Japanese:NANI the f**k!?!?!?!?
@davidgray8359 24 күн бұрын
Absolutely ridiculous!Everything is gay.stop it already!
@kikayei 24 күн бұрын
I’m sure there’s plenty of African history that Ubisoft could have used to create an African protagonist for a new AC game. Perhaps a Zulu tribe assassin fighting against the British?
@sangkim3115 22 күн бұрын
When Ubi makes a Zulu based assassins game, they better use a Japanese person as main protagonist
@neko_captain 24 күн бұрын
Ubisoft show no respect for our culture. Descriptions of Japanese religions are completely messed up. They have to be especially careful when dealing with other people’s religion.
@AndrewR15 24 күн бұрын
Nice! I hope Japanese gamers raise their voices loud enough for the devs to get the message or at the very least get this garbage cancelled!
@justyouraveragecountrybump5558 24 күн бұрын
Ubisoft's shenanigans aside, why you looks so much like Rinoa from FF8 lol so cute
@EJ_WA 24 күн бұрын
They absolutely should protest this crap
@jxstified7558 24 күн бұрын
I mean you know you messed up if Japanese people are mad enough to petition, it takes a hell of a lot for them to be that angry about something as well as they should I was so hyped for the game to run around as a Japanese samurai and they make it a black dude...
@penguinjay 24 күн бұрын
@booster491 23 күн бұрын
Remember when we had average sized characters in assassins creed who could blend into the crowd with the blend in feature..... Only giant black dude walking around feudal Japan, yeah that's super stealthy
@natoriousthehopeful2786 24 күн бұрын
As much as I support this, I don't believe it'll do any good: companies these days have shown time and time again they have no desire to give customers what they want, all because of that sweet D.I.E. money which still hasn't run dry for some reason
@thegoonies1999 24 күн бұрын
Agree 100% I could be wrong but I don't think I've ever seen petitions change anything. Too many normies out there that buy this stuff up for big companies to ever change anything.
@avarion9538 24 күн бұрын
it doesn't run dry, because it's profits from other investments. Just look up the top 5 investors of some of the biggest companies in the world. With this profits, they pay the DEI stuff 🤷‍♂
@avarion9538 24 күн бұрын
@@thegoonies1999 even if nobody buys, they don't care. The don't need to sell a lot, because they get payed for DEI. Their invesors want to change culture. If all cultural goods are like that, all games, all movies, all books, it slowly will change society. Just look at gen Z
@natoriousthehopeful2786 24 күн бұрын
@@avarion9538 Alright, well there has to be some dirt: companies like this don't get far without some scandalous and/or criminal activity
@ZylinderKaninchen 24 күн бұрын
@@avarion9538 They’re starting to find out it’s not sustainable though. When you make next to no money for long enough the funding is going to dry up eventually. No grant is big enough to sustain a total loss.
@Jessd2010 24 күн бұрын
And the Japanese people should sue
@A.Hanson 24 күн бұрын
I actually liked the Dual Protagonists in Syndicate where the guy was more fighty and the girl was more stealthy. I think that could work here as well. The problem is this: in syndicate the guy could still stealth and the girl could still fight. This guy isn't going to be able to stealth at all because he's a giant freaking African in homogeneous feudal Japan. Seeing this dude walk into your town would be like seeing bigfoot or the loch ness monster... he's going to stand out and draw attention. Honestly, even today if Shaq went walking down the streets of Tokyo you would be able to pick him out easily.
@dragonhitman1071 21 күн бұрын
They call gamers racist but ignore those of us who are black or Asian and speak up. Disgusting when the true racists are those that chose to rewrite japanese history to appeal to their agenda.
@AndrewR15 24 күн бұрын
Hope you're doing alright Melonie. Always praying for you. Love that you're posting content about Toji. He's really adorable and would love to see more. Anyways, have a good night and God bless you! 🙏🏻🥰
@MelonieMacGoBoom 24 күн бұрын
Aw thank you so much, it means a lot
@AndrewR15 24 күн бұрын
​@@MelonieMacGoBoom Always happy to support. 🤗
@betterworldtobe 24 күн бұрын
@jeffterlecki9860 23 күн бұрын
Ubi soft pissed off an entire country. Haha
@trueultimagod2465 24 күн бұрын
Nioh's William Adams is the 1st Western Samurai in real life, with his Japanese name and his Samurai rank all recorded. The difference is, in the game, he's Irish in the game, but in real life he was English.
@user-rr9um5if8t 21 күн бұрын
The problem with this game is that it advertises it as historical fact. If it had been promoted on the premise that it was a completely fictional story, this wouldn't have been an issue. Nobunaga freed him from slavery and hired him, but he was not given a surname. If he could fight, why did he not do anything when Nobunaga was killed? The samurai who found him after the war thought that Yasuke had nothing to do with the battle between the samurai. Therefore, Yasuke was let go and his whereabouts are unknown. The problems with this game are as follows: "Martin Luther King Jr was merely a portable shrine held up by a powerful white man with a good heart. This is a historical fact." "Edison was not a great inventor, but a simple businessman who collected ideas from his talented black subordinates and made them into a business." "Haiti gained independence in 1804 thanks to the efforts of those with white blood, and black people alone could not have done such a thing." Japanese people feel discriminated against because the creators of this game think it is okay to treat Japanese history in this way. In fact, some people have fabricated proverbs that do not exist in Japan, such as the following, in relation to the drama "Shogun." 「There's a Japanese proverb that says for a Samurai tobe brave, he must have abit of Black blood. (William Spivey, Mar 8, 2024)」
@GamefanTeam 24 күн бұрын
Room tour with all your Tomb Raider collectables, please!
@Viper3220 24 күн бұрын
What sucks is Yasuke in the cutscenes *LOOKS* cool and now that's going to go to waste.
@zeromickz 24 күн бұрын
Love your content, Mel. It really makes sense.
@esincorporated6123 24 күн бұрын
Where Ghost of Tsushima failed to piss off Japanese culture and made a game that was accurate historical fiction in a respectful manner. Ubisoft as usual chose to disregard accuracy in their historical fiction, actively choosing to disrespect Japanese culture by making Yasuke the main character. Yasuke if anything, should have been a side character or simply not been put in the game in the first place because he was a retainer to Oda Nobunaga, but there is no historical facts that say he was a genuine member of the Samurai class. The eccentric Nobunaga was someone that saw him as interesting, as he saw a lot of foreign concepts and Yasuke was interesting due to the fact that he could fight and it was the first time Nobunaga had ever seen a Black Man. It's an interesting story, but making him the focus character of a Japanese story is very disrespectful to Japanese culture. And before dummies and shills try to bring up William from Nioh. That character was ACTUALLY based on a non-Japanese member of the Samurai class in real history and Nioh was made by a Japanese studio. Yasuke was also in that game, but he was a boss and Nioh was historical fantasy fiction with Yokai in it.
@vampirecount3880 24 күн бұрын
This game will suck, and not only because of the black samurai.
@user-cw5lj4wd4o 19 күн бұрын
also bcz of the black guy cz he doesn't fit in this game n busy chopping japanese people it's sad bruh 🙄
@masametal29 20 күн бұрын
As a Japanese, this is not racial issue and that petition is about Ubi's rude action and fake in AC shadows. Please don't mistake about Japanese purpose. Japanese are insisting that the fakes be corrected, not hating Black character. I think it is universal value that fake/Liar is bad. I hope you to understand that samurai in English and in Japanese are meaning different. Maybe samurai in English mean like warrior but in Japanese mean aristocratic worker under lord for example officials, police, soldier and more. If Japanese said Yasuke was not samurai, it is not meant he was not warrior. We call traditional warriors ”BUSHI”. The meaning of samurai in English is like BUSHI.
@user-tz8wv1os8t 19 күн бұрын
あなたの言う通り! 最初から『歴史を参考にしたフィクション』と言っていればこんなことにはなりませんでした。 それを『史実に基づいている』と言うから問題になる。 我々は黒人を差別してる訳ではないんです!
@user-vj2en6xu3b 20 күн бұрын
私も署名に参加しました、何度でも言い続けましょう、 私たち日本人は創作の自由を広く認めています、 しかし、偽史を定着させようとするプロパガンダには断固として 立ち向かっていきます!
@xuxonpic 22 күн бұрын
They should of just used Yasuke as a side story or a character that gets unlocked for side missions, if the wanna be inclusive...... this kind of ramming us black people where we don't belong is only gonna make the hate towards us reborn! This is deep reverse psychology and it's working! We had Origins with Bayek...... now it's getting out hand, especially from a black man's perspective. Give Japan to Japanese!!! It's there time to shine! ❤💪🏾🇦🇺🇯🇵
@xuxonpic 21 күн бұрын
@22.Melonie_MacGoBoom no problem at all.
@ASoberBear 24 күн бұрын
Kono kaisha wa yokunai. 🧐
@user-bh9rx5kc3w 24 күн бұрын
@liam_smith_65536 24 күн бұрын
@ASoberBear 23 күн бұрын
@@liam_smith_65536 I agree. We got to see what GOT can do with such a great land and culture. No excuse for their decisions.
@user-qb9yk3ky6h 22 күн бұрын
Watashi mo sou omou.
@whiskywolff 18 күн бұрын
A groundbreaking game that allows you to experience racism without going to France
@LonelyWolfJ 17 күн бұрын
She plays Harvest moon! 🥺
@williamwood6795 24 күн бұрын
Good video. Good message..
@kieragard 24 күн бұрын
the top three disrespect of Japanese culture 1 Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2 Dragonball Evolution 3 Assassin's Creed/Ubisoft
@xxAntiOtakuxx 24 күн бұрын
You forgot the live action Cowboy Bebop.
@kieragard 24 күн бұрын
@@xxAntiOtakuxx it wasn't worthy of mention, lol
@Ieatpaste23 23 күн бұрын
They earned #1.
@videostash413 24 күн бұрын
How do we find the petition?
@kusojap.ymonkey 23 күн бұрын
The ubi was built faithfully based on history. and advertised. But The Japanese have always been a people who keep records. Therefore, there are records about Yasuke, who was brought to Japan as a slave. Does your country have a custom of keeping records of the names and roles of slaves from other countries? If he was a samurai or an active person, someone would surely leave a record for the Japanese people. The fact that there is no record of him after the Honnoji Incident means that no one in Japan knows what happened to him afterwards. and We don't need diversity in the game. If homosexuals are uncomfortable with being shown heterosexuality, the reverse is also true.
@kusojap.ymonkey 23 күн бұрын
@0Melonie_MacGoBoom No consideration is needed in the world of entertainment. It's people like you who can't tell the difference between reality and fiction that are the problem.
@josephcrabtree3224 24 күн бұрын
Sarcastic Melonie voice is the best. 🤣🤣
@JSledge825 24 күн бұрын
Altaire: a character from where he lives. Ezio: a character from where he lives. Arno: a character from where he lives. Eivor: a character from where he lives. Basim: a character from where he lives. Connor: a character from where he lives. Yasuke: a black man
@ABloodAngelTerminator 24 күн бұрын
Shhh 🤫 don't bring logic in here
@user-bh9rx5kc3w 24 күн бұрын
Thomas Lockley「Yasuke is African」 「Yasuke is Brazilian」 「Yasuke is Indian」 Hi doesn't even know who Yasuke is. 翻訳アプリで書きました。
@NickMartinproductions 12 күн бұрын
Yasuke could easily have black parents with a Chinese and black grandparent.
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