Millennials and Gen Z Are Doing WORSE Than Their Parents Were At Age 30

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Freddie Smith

Freddie Smith

17 күн бұрын

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@alyssabates967 15 күн бұрын
And the problem is, it’s not a little difference. I could live with a little difference- it’s a HUGE difference.
@jeffparent2159 15 күн бұрын
Not only is it a huge difference, it's a huge difference that all the older generations want to pretend doesn't exist.
@W333L 15 күн бұрын
@@jeffparent2159it’s the absolute denial that really does it for me
@a.j.1802 15 күн бұрын
Can you tell me why it is a huge difference? If you do not know the root cause of the problem you can't fix it.
@dainsolurex 15 күн бұрын
Yes give up, makes my life even easier, genx FTW!
@godwulf9698 15 күн бұрын
​​@@a.j.1802 the root cause of the problem is our governments stupidity and ability to be bought. Its pretty simple, corporate and governmental greed. We are simply the cash cows for CEOs and government. They each effect the money in your pocket. And they are taking too much. So if you dont make alittle over 100k a year you arent living comfortable but the people that do make that much just say "work harder or stop buying good food" like what? Someone working 40+ hours shouldnt be struggling. Period.
@user-nq2oz8tf2l 15 күн бұрын
Can't afford kids, can't afford homes, can't afford land, can't get any social mobility and then you get yelled at for it. The irresponsible gamblers having kids they can't afford and going into debt are the ones who at least have a chance. This is the insanity we have to live in.
@jonathantaylor6926 15 күн бұрын
This is why a debt based monetary system is toxic.. because debt needs collateral. So home prices had to sky rocket because all the printed money had to be collateralized by an asset to offset lender risk.
@Emoneeyy 15 күн бұрын
@@jonathantaylor6926I’m crying🤣but facts tho
@dainsolurex 15 күн бұрын
@jonathantaylor6926 so true, people keep talking about wages but overlook the availability of credit and how that has inflated prices. Credit has existed for 1000s of years but the credit report has only existed since 1988, the same time period the charts show debt skyrocketing. It's sad that people don't realize that studies on wages are mostly done by banks, the same banks selling people credit....
@rcg224 15 күн бұрын
irresponsible gamblers ? 😂 guess that's me
@ivant5054 15 күн бұрын
​@@jonathantaylor6926exactly, this system depends completely on high competency AND integrity of the political leaders... just not going too much into debt for no other reason than some bureocrat getting a kick from a big corp he benefits would be amazing, like they didn't know banks were effd up, or big oil, or pharma, or insurance, or defense
@blaze5295 9 күн бұрын
Greedy people will call you entitled when you ask for your fair share 🙄
@shootergavin3541 5 күн бұрын
What is a fair share?
@baileyrobbins50 5 күн бұрын
Or say your lazy lol 😂
@Waskomsause 4 күн бұрын
@@shootergavin3541 The ability to get a single full time job, and have enough cash to pay for rent, food, and a cheap automobile to get to work, or have a public transport that lets me get to work. All I want is to not be a homeless guy without anything to his name, I don't want a huge home or a fancy car, just to not be forced into poverty by companies paying me 7.25$ an hour.
@blaze5295 4 күн бұрын
@@shootergavin3541 this might seem obvious but … a share that is fair 😂
@marzipanmango 4 күн бұрын
​@shootergavin3541 Being able to afford a home, being able to afford children, being able to save for retirement, basic things like that. My fiancé and I calculated that if we both work full time we can afford one of those three things, barely, even if we both pick up lots of extra shifts. We'd love children even at risk of being destitute as old people, but feel too guilty to raise them in our 1 bedroom apartment. You can't raise children without a home for them. We can't afford any of the houses or condos or apartments with more bedrooms in our country (Canada) and have children. We're on the list for a co-op where we could probably afford a 2 or 3 bedroom home but their list is super long so we probably won't get in. We're 31 so we need to have kids fairly soon if we're gonna have them. It's funny how a wait list is what's gonna determine if we have kids or not 😅 It's really depressing; I've always wanted children and my fiancé would make SUCH a good dad. Looks like we're gonna save for retirement.
@seraphimdunn 7 күн бұрын
As a Gen X, Gen Z has it ROUGH OUT HERE. We had to deal with recession, but never anything as prolonged as what we have been experiencing. We had to deal with inflation, but never at the rate kids today have to. We raised a generation of artists instead of laborers and now we give them hell about being who they were raised to be. Boomers raised the retirement age and then held on to their promoted positions past retirement age and occupied that space that the next generation needed in order to advance. Everyone over 60 owes everyone under 30 a huge apology.
@trrulieeeee 6 күн бұрын
it’s because they’re obsessed with “teaching” us things that they learned organically. they dehumanize us to the point where they think the only way we learn is through torture
@theLowestPointInMyLife 4 күн бұрын
this sums up the position of Millennials, theyre Gen Z without the sympathy
@AdamGibbyMC2012 3 күн бұрын
@@theLowestPointInMyLife 100%
@bumponlog 2 күн бұрын
Wouldn't surprise if boomers still running the country in 20yrs as cyborgs or maybe something like Get Out.
@asutcliffe25 2 күн бұрын
you think gen z got it bad? Nobody even talking about Gen Y. Nobody ever gave a f*ck about us. Gen X and boomers been telling us 'No, you're doing it wrong' or 'No, you can't do that' at every point and now it's coming to a head. Gen Y was conditioned to be 'followers' and now we can't teach Gen Z and now Gen Z is pissed and taking it out on Y and we're going to take it out on Gen X. Gen Y is pretty much getting the worst of ALL worlds.
@odorupompokorin22 15 күн бұрын
Let’s all vote to get corporations out of buying houses.
@HOVNA 14 күн бұрын
Letting corporations boy houses is like going to an auction trying to outbid a country. You only win something when they let you and it benefits them
@c97x 14 күн бұрын
What about my entitled parents that need my entire paycheck every time I get it for years and what about he job market that says unemployment is at 5% when it's really at 40%
@MaxPower808TTH 14 күн бұрын
@@c97xsorry but no f****** way unemployment is at 40%
@therobustempyrean1436 14 күн бұрын
​@@c97x Do you think your parents are responsible for the housing market?
@TheOneTheOnlyToast 14 күн бұрын
​@@c97xso stop giving it to them? It's your money. If you live with them worst case you get kicked out. Make sure you look up local laws for adult children living at home with parents and evictions. In several states it can take up to 60 days to legally evict if the child has lived there over a year past 18. Many it's 30. But that's a month of saving every penny you make. It's ILLEGAL for parents to remove children without an eviction done through the courts. Know your rights and save your money. Fuck these old fucks who just want to use you like a piggy bank while your youth leaves you. Just be prepared. Make plans. Have a strong support system of friends or other family members. Look for afford ways you can leave. Learn some financial education and make a savings plan.
@hahahano2796 15 күн бұрын
You can make more than both your parents combined did before they retired and STILL not be able to afford a home, family, etc.
@laponte101 15 күн бұрын
Me and my wife do exactly that. We make 5x the income of my parents and 3x the income of her parents at the same age (we’re in our 30s) and we still can’t buy a home. Not because we won’t qualify but because we would bury ourselves in a mountain of debt. For a while, we were in denial saying “the market will crash soon” but we now know that’s not going to happen. We’re on our own in this one. The best thing to do is find areas to invest 2-5% of ur income (if ur lucky enough to do so) that will have exponential growth over the next generation. Since we’re priced out of property, I’d say tech is the next best investment.
@brios7432 15 күн бұрын
Sometimes you have to take a hit and push through. If you qualify then purchase a home. It will most likely go up in value. You will get a return on your investment.
@julianvigil5276 15 күн бұрын
Yes this is correct and it is crazy and wrong
@joshuawalker6863 15 күн бұрын
This is my literal position now. I’m making more than my parents were combined by the time the retired. My credit is at 720, my debt is low, no kids, and still can’t qualify. Insane.
@xX_h0t5uN3_m1kU_Xx 15 күн бұрын
@@brios7432 except the average american wont qualify for the average home because of lowering wages and higher cost of living
@ArtistCreek 6 күн бұрын
None of my 3 children plan to have children. How can they when employment is so fragile, housing is not affordable whether it is purchasing or renting and a simple health problem can bankrupt a family.
@yoohootube 2 күн бұрын
none of us in my family are having kids, this is why they took Roe vs Wade away from us
@ericmichel3857 Күн бұрын
Yes because things were so much easier and guaranteed in the past. Do you even hear yourself.
@mnomadvfx Күн бұрын
The health thing is solvable by moving to basically any major western European country where healthcare is treated as basic citizens rights. Heck, some European countries like Italy are so desperate to get people living in abandoned houses again that they are all but giving houses away for free. Japan is the same - Tokyo is full of old abandoned housing.
@mnomadvfx Күн бұрын
@@yoohootube "this is why they took Roe vs Wade away from us" It's a lot simpler than that. It just makes a good thing to drive evangelicals to vote on - and it did for decades until they finally managed it, and now the issue is so toxic that they don't even want to talk about it anymore.
@mnomadvfx Күн бұрын
@@ericmichel3857 "Yes because things were so much easier and guaranteed in the past" Going by statistics they in fact were outside of major economic recessions. Housing/rent prices have significantly exceeded normal inflation for several decades to the point that it was far easier for the generations before us to afford their houses that they can now retire in rent free.
@tariq2835 9 күн бұрын
What are the benefits of being a US citizen ? We are struggling with 2 ,3 jobs paying rent swarmed in school debt. Other countries have actual benefits for there citizens.
@i.robles5785 8 күн бұрын
Genuinely like learn a new language and go somewhere else.
@chaislaw5014 7 күн бұрын
​@@i.robles5785 they probably would if they cld afford to
@briyates942 6 күн бұрын
@@i.robles5785yeah unfortunately America being the richest country comes from them profiting off our labor. Thats why the education system is shit because they know once we all figure it out they are fucked. It’s hard to move to another country but I’ve known some people with the right resources to move to Ghana and Canada recently.
@MrBeatboxmasta 6 күн бұрын
@@briyates942 Canada is not much better. They are doing their absolute best to make sure young people are priced out of the housing market.
@zachgates7491 6 күн бұрын
Other countries have the US military fighting their enemies
@chelscara 15 күн бұрын
"At this table" at least he admits it's him too, i appreciate the honesty there
@mr.chaosvicious5968 14 күн бұрын
Agreed. At least he was actually openly willing to admit on television that his generation is pretty wealthy and his generation also made the decision(s) to keep everyone sitting at his table wealthy while screwing our generation over. I can at the very least respect the man's openness and honesty about the issue.
@beneficent2557 14 күн бұрын
He is not to be trusted.
@Ishmel_Ewan 14 күн бұрын
​@@beneficent2557 the truth is the truth even if it comes from someone that can't be trusted
@beneficent2557 14 күн бұрын
@@Ishmel_Ewan I agree. The issue is that he does not operate in good faith and you don't know how much of the truth you are getting. With multivariable issues like this, context is everything. I have had extended experience with him. He is part of the "shaming young men for struggling" crowd. He also thought that men not getting married was a values issue. (Similar to JBP and Daily Wire). RE: Marriage -Its more of a hypergamy/social media/feminism issue with women. Plus metastasized issues with No Fault Divorce, Alimony, Child Support, The Family Courts...etc.
@beneficent2557 14 күн бұрын
@@Ishmel_Ewan I like to say this: "Your Mind May Err; Your Words May Falter; But Truth Always Speaks For Itself." This means that we often only come to know the truth through the consequences of our actions. Its why unaccountable people often have bad ends (goals subverted in meaningful ways). Its not that the past necessarily catches up with them. The character flaws that lead them to being unaccountable will bring 'unforeseen' consequences to their lives.
@weebleflufflycakes7238 13 күн бұрын
My grandparents could afford to buy a home on a single person's salary with three kids, I cannot afford to have even rented that house today. The goalpost is not being moved, it's nonexistent.
@akiraboroque 13 күн бұрын
More like it's been replaced with a carrot on a stick, dangling in front of us to give the illusion of an attainable goal so we can be tricked into not giving up
@mgtowcowboy8159 12 күн бұрын
Yes but your grandparents lived in a time when men had authority over the family, taxes were low, we didn't allow illegal immigration, and we purposely made sure to not allow excessive money printing. Now women run Society, everyone's becoming poor, soon the immigrants will outnumber us, taxes just keep going up and up, and because women demand constant increases in Social programs, the government keeps printing money which causes higher and higher inflation to the point where no one can afford anything.
@rafaycheema361 12 күн бұрын
@@mgtowcowboy8159I pray that God provides you with enlightenment, no way you’re so ignorant and dense you think we’re having this wide scale economic issue because of immigration and feminism, instead of the 2008 Housing Crisis, 1980 Reagonomics, 76% of policies being dealt from the government benefiting the rich, corporate greed, etc.
@rafaycheema361 12 күн бұрын
@@mgtowcowboy8159brainwashing at its finest, I pray God gives you enlightenment if you think immigration and feminism (+ social programs) are the reason for a spiraling downwards economy instead of Reagonomics, 2008 housing crisis, and corporate greed 🤦🏽‍♂️
@therealgreg5653 12 күн бұрын
we need stop electing politicians with law degrees and star electing ones with economics degrees.
@Freetobeme8181 7 күн бұрын
I’m 42 and I’m enraged! But all we do is TALK talk talk talk talk about it and do nothing nothing nothing nothing NOTHING. If you’re at minimum 18 or older, and you’re not enraged about the state of our country, you need to wake the hell up.
@CaliforniaGirlCristine 6 күн бұрын
We’re giving up hopes and dreams.
@ZelZarKi Күн бұрын
We talk about the problem all day but nobody is offering up any solutions.
@justr1809 15 күн бұрын
Not to mention the constant stream of boomers saying that people dont want to work anymore.
@OvertheHIL524 15 күн бұрын
They're not exactly wrong though. My anecdotal examples is that I'm a millennial that works on the oil industry. Very high paying jobs and I see many people of my generation and the younger generation that choose to do either the minimum, or quit altogether, because the work is too hard or they feel entitled. We're talking 200k+ jobs. When I started in this industry over a decade ago, it was not like this. But as the older generations are retiring and the newer enter, the work ethic is falling.
@pavementstoneguy 15 күн бұрын
How dare these workers not work harder in order to pay for all the entitlements the Boomers voted for! The nerve of these young people!
@a.j.1802 15 күн бұрын
In my experience young people don't want to work. I spent 5 years recently working at Walmart as a base level associate. I had made good money previously and wanted to be lazy. Not one day passed without some 20-something crying about their pay and how hard the work was. It was no harder than when I was sitting in a cube bored out of my mind and I had what was considered a physical job by Walmart standards. When I told them to go get a CDL, learn a trade or go get a warehouse job that payed $25/hr they cried about how they couldn't handle the work of a warehouse job. None of them were interested in budgeting, investing or building wealth. They all wanted to get the newest cell phone, multiple pairs of new shoes, more car than they could comfortably afford, etc. A large part of this is tied to the destruction of the education system. Uneducated people make poor choices without understanding the consequences. If you want to talk about the issues with inflation I will agree 100%. However, if you don't understand what has caused it you can't vote for politicians that will correct it. I'll give you a hint. If they have a R or D next their name they are for insane inflation and against the working class. Don't cry about a 7% interest rate. Rates should never have been below that point. Go back and look at the rates in the 70s and 80s and you'll see the boomers had 7%-18% rates on home loans to deal with.
@InternetUser._ 15 күн бұрын
People don’t want to work the workload of 3 people because the company laid off 2 people so they could give their ceo another bonus.
@boguslav9502 15 күн бұрын
​@@OvertheHIL524 i see the opposite, in Poland at least, you have extremely willing young workers coming in at every educational level only to be met with a beton, or cement, ceiling in the form of older workers purposefully squandering our effort and keeping us away "from the real work" and refusing to teach us. Then say "well you should have made it known you want to learn" issue is we did, hundreds of times, and you ignored it orefferinf to do the cool and rewarding work and making the younger generation pencil pushers. When they describe their introduction it's exactly what it should have been. Older gen teaching them whether they wanted or not from day one so the older gen could finally take it a bit easier. Some fields are affected more than others, and each country has its own issues. Not to mention the army of busybodies hr and esg norms being hefted onto businesses which promote this BS.
@jakya1026 13 күн бұрын
Own a home??? Please. Affording rent is out of the question for a great deal of my generation.
@Britt-zt6bi 13 күн бұрын
And being able to get into a rental is almost impossible unless u have perfect credit an make up to or over 60 grand a year
@juliagoetia 13 күн бұрын
​@@Britt-zt6biRight??? Like they expect you to be rich and financially flawless before even letting you sign the lease on a $800/mo apartment. Its ridiculous!
@BluntTrauma369 13 күн бұрын
@@Britt-zt6bi Now they are trying to criminalize homelessness. The reason rentals are so hard, is because a bunch of private investment firms are buying up as much property in the US as they can for the exact purpose of driving up the rent. Two things worth looking at - google the amount of USD in circulation based by year + "A nation of Renters" news article about the investment firms. Between 2010 and 2020 the rate of inflation was 3x the rate that occured between 1940 and 1985ish. That's insanity. It's also somewhat kept on the downlow as an open secret - this guy vaguely mentions it with "purchasing power decreased" but never go in depth. I remember back in High School around 2012, Oxfam released a report that stated "51% of the worlds assetts are owned by X hundred people" - since then we've had the pandemic and hyperinflation; amongst other things. The lower class is being skewered alive, the middle class is a cold dead corpse and the rich folks are just laughing their butts off about it while extracting more and more wealth everyday.
@derekoverhage9180 13 күн бұрын
Well luckily landlords can’t ask you to make 3x the rent anymore. So that helps a little.
@brianlemon3591 13 күн бұрын
​@@derekoverhage9180Maybe in your state but here in OR they definitely still require it, I had to have like 3 people lie for me to get into my apartment cause I wasn't making 4500 a month on a 1400 apartment, absolutelybWILD
@girthquake2390 9 күн бұрын
You can't vote your way out of totalitarianism.
@Peanutdenver 5 күн бұрын
And all we see is these dog and pony shows from pundits and politicians saying how bad it is, yet nothing will be done about it. What a joke...
@charlesr.dearsjr.3027 5 күн бұрын
@dantemacias2411 4 күн бұрын
We have to rise man..
@mnomadvfx Күн бұрын
@@skyerichatds8850 Lol easy on the schnapps there Eva Braun. It's a lot simpler than that. It's called oligarchy - and it's concentrated in a number of different ethnic groups including white people like Warren Buffet. All the wealth is concentrated in a tiny population of very rich individuals while the working class can no longer even support themselves because the wealth the oligarchs hold also includes land and housing. The US has essentially just become EXACTLY what it was founded to break away from. The rich individuals may have different titles vs the British aristocracy, but the concentration of wealth is very much the same problem.
@Lynette_Shine 3 күн бұрын
He called them out, "The people around this table stay wealthy." - LOL!!! They weren't ready for it!
@whickwhacksmacker 15 күн бұрын
I love that he explains that YES we are mad at rich folks, but not because they’re rich, but because we have NOTHING and they’re telling us it’s OUR fault??? Like ma’am, you raised us, you were supposed to ensure our success. And you failed, and now we’re failing and drowning in debt and poverty.
@WTFlacky 15 күн бұрын
I didn't raise you, your parents did. I hate how everyone wants to blame groups. That's how we get into wars.
@darrowgreen6367 15 күн бұрын
@@WTFlacky And what did you do to help?
@WTFlacky 15 күн бұрын
@darrowgreen6367 raising 4 kids who are interested in trades and STEM programs. Not done yet, but trying to get them there!
@skywayradio787 15 күн бұрын
@@WTFlackyit’s apart of the system of division our rulers have devised. They have generations and even geneders and races fighting each other over trivial issues. This isn’t the boomers fault or gen Z or Alpha’s, it’s is the fault of our leaders. They let things get to this path, we’re guilty of ignorance and compliance at worst.
@TA-np4mc 15 күн бұрын
​@WTFlacky we can all get into trades and stem but other careers need to be able to afford things as well. Unless the world can continue without them, it's a bigger issue. What happens when people no longer choose these fields because it doesn't pay enough? We need teachers, police officers, firefighters, office workers, grocery store employees, gas station attendants, delivery drivers, etc
@ThatSubhumanRatscallion 13 күн бұрын
but according to most older people we are solely to blame for it
@aaasht2606 13 күн бұрын
well bad for not inversting while i was still in the womb
@hannahandersen6869 13 күн бұрын
Yeah because we caused an economic divide like no other even though most of gen z was in elementary school or younger when it started forming.
@apackofquackers6008 13 күн бұрын
This economy is to blame and this government administration that’s been destroying our economy for the last 3 years and 7 months.
@nottodayimbusy7146 13 күн бұрын
The economy was messed up before I was eighteen I'm a millennial
@nottodayimbusy7146 13 күн бұрын
And they tell to work harder I'm working damn near 60 hours a week and barely getting by
@LilGamez21 9 күн бұрын
At this point I ain't bring a kid in this world this fucked up and I'm 30 years old.
@oscardaone 10 сағат бұрын
I wouldn’t have a kid in American at least.
@everydayinspections5123 10 күн бұрын
I’m 41 with no kids and my girl has no kids and no plans to have them.
@dantemacias2411 4 күн бұрын
Can you elaborate why? Financial situation?
@edchaput3577 4 күн бұрын
@iotatq3728 4 күн бұрын
@@dantemacias2411 in my state it cost around 2k to 16K to have one in a hospital
@ovinophile 4 күн бұрын
Having a “girl” at 41 is probably part of the problem.
@asheronwindspear552 14 күн бұрын
Young people aren't failing. The system failed THEM.
@mr.chaosvicious5968 14 күн бұрын
Young people are failing though in a lot of cases its due to no fault of their own and the system is to blame instead. It's really hard to actually be successful when you literally cannot get a job that pays you enough money to afford much of anything, as wages aren't anywhere close to keeping up with the quickly rising cost of everything. At this point I expect things at some point soon to wind up the way they did when Germany's currency crashed and it was literally more or less totally worthless.
@asheronwindspear552 14 күн бұрын
@mr.chaosvicious5968 that's it. You can't buy a suit to apply for a job when you're going backwards with every paycheck. You can't focus on your studies when you have to work overtime to pay for it. And you can't start a business of your own without money to start it. All while "conservatives" are pushing for tax breaks to the upper class who can afford to pay more.
@aloneill6337 14 күн бұрын
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” - Jean-Luc Picard Don't make the mistake of conflating failure with fault.
@aloneill6337 14 күн бұрын
​@@mr.chaosvicious5968, there is no risk of hyperinflation in the US today. Inflation would need to be more than 10x its current rate.
@Dan-gj1hz 14 күн бұрын
@@aloneill6337 40% inflation in 3 years and expected to adjust to over 60% in the next 3 years is indeed hyperinflation.
@floxyz8941 15 күн бұрын
I can't afford to raise a family. I'll never be able to afford a house. I can barely afford my car and rent and food and that's it. So what's the point of working hard?
@opticalraven1935 15 күн бұрын
​@@loranmarmesAnd how is working harder going to solve all of this ridiculous inflation? Voting doesn't work.
@Rumpleton 15 күн бұрын
Maybe that was the point all along. The socialist democrats are the real reason for the problem. But I'm going to assume you voted democrat, didn't you
@floxyz8941 15 күн бұрын
@@loranmarmes nah, but in my country the retirement age has been upped to 70. So I won't even be able to retire 😂 I am working, but I don't have the same attitude towards it that previous generations had
@highfivegh0sth5g25 15 күн бұрын
​@loranmarmes the point of the video went right over your head chief
@giulsi 15 күн бұрын
​@@loranmarmesWell working hard doesn't do the job, so what's the point? What is your suggestion?
@edgehead62888 9 күн бұрын
36, just moved back in with mom at the beginning of the year. Just can't afford to live alone any more.
@CaliforniaGirlCristine 6 күн бұрын
At least your Mom lets you - Most of us have selfish Monster Boomer parents who want us to fail for their egos.
@edgehead62888 5 күн бұрын
@CaliforniaGirlCristine I'm definitely lucky in that regard, mom's an early gen x'er. No angry boomer rants to speak of, thankfully.
@jdoedoenet 5 күн бұрын
It is almost as if printing money endlessly and constant defecit spending has consequences or something...
@mattjames112 13 күн бұрын
I'm 40 and thankfully I was able to buy a house in 2017. The crappy apartment I lived in for 7 years, which was the cheapest I could find, was around $600 a month. It's now going for $2200 a month. Young people have some legitimate grievances that are not being addressed in any meaningful way.
@setsers1 12 күн бұрын
@MrG360oneX 11 күн бұрын
​@@setsers1$2200? Thats how much we're payin to RENT a house. And we're a family of 7(me, wife, 2 kids, parent-in-laws, and brother-in-law) living in a 4 bed/2 bath home
@LolBoontai 11 күн бұрын
Thank you. I'm 25. In 2017 I rented my first apartment, a one bedroom with a crawl space, for $550 a month and in 2018 I got into another apartment, two bedroom one bathroom, for only $600. It's insane how corrupt that shit got over COVID man
@Canadian_Hospitality 11 күн бұрын
@@MrG360oneX Nice, where do you live? Do you know the landlord personally? ‘Cause that shit sounds literally unrealistic.
@capthavic 11 күн бұрын
Was able to buy an older house ten years ago using money my parents left me. It's not a great house and had to take advantage of state assistance programs to help fix it up. But even though the quarterly real estate tax has gone up, it's still less than I was paying for just a single apartment a decade ago. There is no way I could do it now with the economy and house market these days.
@PontiusPontiac 15 күн бұрын
I've been working hard since i was 16. I'm getting tired of this shit hearing "no one wants to work," i don't want to work for scraps. I want my dollar to go far, not just make more money
@notoriousLSGshow 15 күн бұрын
Who you vote for
@DeenanTheKemon1 15 күн бұрын
​@@notoriousLSGshowYou're asleep.
@RookCity94 15 күн бұрын
​@@notoriousLSGshow Like that makes a fucking difference
@iiyyxxnn 15 күн бұрын
​@@notoriousLSGshowits been going on for decades, the show is just there to keep people occupied until they no longer have a chance of fighting back
@NotoriousFoxxx 15 күн бұрын
Its true that noone wants to work. But its clear why. Cuz its simply not getting us anywhere anymore
@cdub6538 5 күн бұрын
We as a country have really big issues no one is talking about...we need more conversations like tgis
@dridimorched2855 4 күн бұрын
inflation destroyed us
@archbishopTL1 12 күн бұрын
Reminder that CEO pay has gone up a little over 1000% since 1970
@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk 10 күн бұрын
And GDP per capita, i.e. average income, is up 1600% since 1970. So if your claim is correct, CEO pay increase is much less than the average income increase.
@secretagentcat 10 күн бұрын
@@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk ceo and government money, get real
@rajdontcare 10 күн бұрын
@@archbishopTL1 good stat you should start a company then
@azureking2980 9 күн бұрын
​@@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk The 3120 top richest people in the world? Their total assets come out to 22 trillion GDP out of the world's 40 trillion GDP. So there's literally not much to go around for everyone.
@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk 9 күн бұрын
@@azureking2980 You're confusing GDP with assets. Two completely different things. Global GDP is far more than 40 trillion dollars. Global assets are also MUCH much more than 40 trillion. I have no idea where you're getting these ideas from, but they have no connection to reality. However, I'm not going to insist that you change your beliefs for me. Please believe what you want to believe, just know that we won't be able to have a discussion if we're not living in the same reality.
@WillCarter1976 13 күн бұрын
Eventually, "Eat the Rich" isn't going to be a slogan; It"ll be a prescription.
@pmaughmer 12 күн бұрын
We will see it in our life time. They've made it clear they do not care democracy is an illusionary stage play. Voting won't stop this nor will peaceful protest.
@gageadams8662 12 күн бұрын
I bet they are well marbled with that rich vegan diet. Mmm smokey rich people.
@user-yg4ci2js4e 12 күн бұрын
If you create a problem by voting a specific way, ignoring people when they warn you about college, and trying to undermine capitalism.... then claim that it's someone else's fault and you have to eat them... IDK man.
@skyhime 12 күн бұрын
And my political teacher said a marie antanette situation couldnt happen in america
@crazychase98 12 күн бұрын
Eat the rich got us here it gave the govorment all the power to destroy the middle class. While the oligarchy in govorment took everything. Congrats on your socialism
@lissyf4750 9 күн бұрын
I use to work for Santander and they had the biggest return they've ever had in their history in 2023, this year they fired 80% of my department. I left because I saw how little that company cared about us, people who had worked there for years, just let go.
@carmenhoma1782 6 күн бұрын
I’m 43 & was just talking to my 23 year old son. I feel so bad for his generation. It’s like no matter how hard they work or what they try there is no getting ahead. It’s heartbreaking as a parent watching & not being able to do a damn thing. Thoughts of grandchildren flew away. Hopes for his future are fleeting. I’ve never had money but even being uneducated I was able to afford to house & feed him. I would not be able to do that now. It’s a real issue & I understand the rage,
@evangrover1381 12 күн бұрын
It's not just young people, if I left home my mother wouldn't be able to make ends meet.
@nunyabusiness1248 9 күн бұрын
Same. Im 26. I can't leave my mother either. She can't afford to live on her own. On top of that, my sister just died from cancer at age 34. Im stuck renting and living with my mother. I dont know if I'll ever have kids, a wife, or a home. Life sucks so much
@ethancampbell5610 8 күн бұрын
​@@nunyabusiness1248 I feel that. I might just be a random person, but you've got this, dawg
@balusters 7 күн бұрын
Same, my parents work hard but they're one emergency away from a bankruptcy even with my help. it's heartbreaking.
@fakename5308 7 күн бұрын
I feel so lucky that my grandparents made good money when they were young. Once they hit their 90s, they were paying $80k+ per year on medical bills with no income. It’s honestly so bad that unless I win the lottery or something, I don’t even want to survive to an old age. I want to die peacefully in my sleep by the time I’m 60
@AuntieNita74 7 күн бұрын
Exactly. Ok thank u for comme ting this. I swear as gen x. Im so sick of millinials act like they are the only ones struggling. I know many in my grn x generatio. And older that are struggling too. My mom is 82 and has lived with myself and husband for 12 yrs bc ghere is no wy in freakn hell she would of been able to live on her one on her social security. Yes i do agree that in general its way to expe sive for the younger generation but they act like allboomers are hust thriving and rich.
@amberstacy4751 10 күн бұрын
My husband and I are in our 30s, have one child. He has a bachelors degree and I have a masters. We both work full time with decent paying jobs….. still can’t buy a home in this economy, I’m so frustrated….. a house we wanted to buy a few years ago for 260,000 is now 420,000. With bills, rent, groceries, etc., we can’t even afford the down payment. It’s exhausting working, working, working but being stuck in the same spot. Sometimes I want to give up but I can’t since we have a child; I have to be strong and keep going for him
@Vananh-rp9xv 6 күн бұрын
Are you serious. Where did you spend your money on.
@CaliforniaGirlCristine 6 күн бұрын
@@Vananh-rp9xv Shut up, Boomer.
@CaliforniaGirlCristine 6 күн бұрын
@Gumballdumball 5 күн бұрын
@@Vananh-rp9xvgirl wtf u mean what did you spend your money on?? she mentioned her expenses not to mention countless other things given she has a child cmon it’s so ridiculously hard these days
@raymondcarter9810 5 күн бұрын
​@@Vananh-rp9xv it's not that simple. Let's say they make a combined income of 140k and live in a city (where the jobs for their degrees are more available). Housing$2,500 - $4,000 Utilities$275 - $400 Transportation$650 - $1,250 Food and Groceries$600 - $1,200 Healthcare$400 - $800 Debt Payments$400 - $1,200 Personal Expenses$230 - $600 Savings and Investments$200 - $500 Taxes$2,300 - $2,900 Total$7,555 - $12,850 At the high end that leaves them with -14200. The low end leaves them with 50k and that is an ideal economy. I don't know about you but everyone I talk to is struggling. Food stamps, debt up to their eyeballs, and kids are a cherished addition but make it twice as hard. Don't be so quick to judge.
@paulburleson86 9 күн бұрын
Bro the company that I own the job that I do. If my parents did the same thing when they were my age we would have lived like millionaires but I'm living like them and they both had s*** jobs. They worked for somebody else their entire life. It's f****** crazy man. I don't know how anybody would be able to survive getting paid what they used to get paid today. It's insane
@Christisking1776 4 күн бұрын
Keep voting for the uniparty 😂 It's self inflicted!
@CasanovaFluff 13 күн бұрын
We need to stop foreign and corporate ownership of family homes. If you work 40 hours a week you should be able to buy a house. Point blank.
@SantanaBanana47 12 күн бұрын
People act like it's a population problem. Sure that may be true in the most densely populated areas, but not everywhere else.
@169FLOZ 12 күн бұрын
SO many fucking homes in my area are owned by private capital with the intention to rent them or even worse, let them rot and use them as "depreciating assets" on their fucking taxes
@LyndsaySavoia 11 күн бұрын
My husband and i both wotk 50+. We were 10 credit points away from being eligible lost our health insurance was forced to pay for meds i need. Was late on 2 car payments and lost 97 points. I just dont know what to do anymore. And the cost to rent is outrageous
@DavidStruveDesigns 11 күн бұрын
Yup. I'm a Brit and even I've seen a TON of once really nice US houses now in a totally dilapidated state that have been empty for DECADES. And those are the ones that actually occasionally come on the market. Who knows just how many are actually out there. The housing supply issue isn't solely because not enough have been built - too many are allowed to go empty for FAR too long. And then the landlords/owners have the BALLS to demand steep amounts for the trash pile formerly known as a liveable house when they actually bother to sell them!!
@SENSEF 11 күн бұрын
YES! 40 hours used to buy a house and provide for a whole family. There's no good reason we can't return to that economy. But we have to kick the rich out of their throwns and their say in legal policies in our country which make them richer and us poorer.
@macrostiffproductions2978 15 күн бұрын
These kids arent gonna wake up and put in a solid 8-12 hours then go back and eat cardboard with no end in sight, somethings gonna give and soon
@justme-ti1rh 15 күн бұрын
Only people who do that make bad decisions in life.
@a.j.1802 15 күн бұрын
Only because they think they are special and everything should be handed to them. When you are young you are poor. It has ALWAYS been that way. You live minimally, acquire skills, save your money, move up the pay scale and acquire things slowly over time. Instant gratification is the enemy of success.
@gorkyd7912 15 күн бұрын
It's a cultural shift more than anything. People were having more children during the Great Depression than now. Do you think people are worse-off now than then? You get paid for having children now. People just want to be comfortable, they have no purpose in life and certainly having children is not their purpose.
@KN-yk9lp 15 күн бұрын
You sound like you have no clue what the economy is like these days. You saw the stats. It tells you that young people aren't doing as well as past generations. And you just think it's because EVERYONE is lazy? No. ​@@a.j.1802
@KN-yk9lp 15 күн бұрын
​@@gorkyd7912What an ignorant take. Kids died during the great depression. Parents sold their kids because they couldn't afford them.
@badpuppy09 8 күн бұрын
Same was true 30 years ago too. Things were better in our parents generation before us. Stable job security and pensions for retirement, affordable homes.
@3beltwesty 5 күн бұрын
The last direct relative that had a pension died at 73 in 1952; retired in 1949 . So he retired at 70 and had 3 years retirement pension income then died.
@gregoryguerrier963 8 күн бұрын
"Message!" - Keenan Ivory Wayans. 😅😂😅
@jordanroberts3007 12 күн бұрын
We don't see wealth, we see arrogant older generation talking down to people who have to work harder for less.
@lynnmacleod5005 10 күн бұрын
Older people are not your problem Politicians are the problem,,,when they double the money supply and open the borders,,,,boom,,,,depression is right around the corner,,,,wait for it,,,,
@elEterno144 8 күн бұрын
I am 31, no house, no car no children, nothing. I still live with my mother and people critizice me and judge me because i don't have all those things. Working a job that explotes me for +12 hours paying me 8 hours because that is how the bosses(an old couple) think is the right payment. People think and say i'm lazy, if i was lazy i would not be fit like i am, and probably would be d3ath by now. This world sucks, at least i am not going to breed.
@RealKenzo12 8 күн бұрын
Work harder that's a joke all you do is complain for more pay and call in sick every week shut the f****** get a real job and do what everybody else is doing
@charlierose1708 8 күн бұрын
Work harder!? 😂 that's a lie. You lazy clowns cry about working 40hrs a week. You think your parents were just given a house!? You think that it was easy to get a house ever you have no clue
@mikec4308 8 күн бұрын
@@elEterno144 yikes get a new job
@Ztygs 14 күн бұрын
The reason 18-35 year olds are pissed is because we're told the reason we don't own a house is because we are lazy while most of us work longer hours than the old folks did. 😅 None of them seem to understand the world is very different today than it was for them.
@guitubagrips9719 14 күн бұрын
I could work 80+ hours and still not afford a house. And at that rate why would I need a house Im living at work anyways. Its ridiculous
@brettrichards666 13 күн бұрын
So true.... I literally work a minimum of 12 hour shifts, up to 16. I can't afford a house so I bought a new 5th wheel trailer instead. Small home, simple living it is I guess.
@r-e_mii 13 күн бұрын
Im just over the age bracket by 2 years, painful but it's not just 18-35 that can't afford much. Up that age bracket to about 40-45 now, due to the housing crisis & recession in the mid '00s, many lost everything & never got it back.
@southsidetattoo 13 күн бұрын
The world is different because the Gen-z / Millennials vote social issues rather than national issues. And will pay for it till it changes.
@Helaw0lf 11 күн бұрын
@@r-e_mii Make that 2008-2013 when things were a dump. Yeah! I am old enough to remember being 18 at the tail end of 2006 and having crap luck trying to locate a first job the following year onward. Community college was not really my thing, but to stay away from parents who were oblivious to the world I and you inherited does not help.
@othahex 5 күн бұрын
And, it will never change. Just gets worse.
@fractai. 3 күн бұрын
It’s a great point and I totally agree. But why is there a guy just staring at me in the bottom left of the screen?
@RollEyesDeeply 15 күн бұрын
Working hard is not worth it anymore. I have a bachelors, a career, a savings, but I can’t afford life without roommates. I’m stuck in “college struggle days” as an adult.
@Sasu123456789x1 15 күн бұрын
Same 😢
@elenmelon18 15 күн бұрын
I was literally raised in poverty and my parents see that I am doing better than most of my friends, but I also have to tell my friends that owning just a Mobile Home is taking most of my money and I can't afford anything but my home.
@justposted3524 14 күн бұрын
Get a better job
@BIGnyc9 14 күн бұрын
@justposted3524 exactly these people complaining are the ones that settle for 15-20 the hour or can't find anything better than that, imagine going to college for nothing or having a dead end job and that's the best you could do. It's not society's fault. It's YOUR fault
@jayknight139 14 күн бұрын
@OddSauce 15 күн бұрын
I love how everytime this guy posts a video outlining the fact there are MAJOR SYSTEMIC PROBLEMS in society outside of our control there's always some genius commenting "WELL HAVE YOUNG PEOPLE CONSIDERED WORKING HARDER???" goodies that's brilliant! How did we not think of that before!
@matthewmenteer5673 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, a family home, 3+ bedrooms is probably going to cost over 300k in most locations. With the interest rates being what they are is unattainable for first time home buyers. Multi generational homes are going to be a thing. I had a job before covid where I could have bought a home on just my income. Now, I'd need 2x the wages to even think about owning a home.
@American-Motors-Corporation 13 күн бұрын
Well working harder is basically a bunch of shit but you're probably going to pretend that you did and all this other crap and or your generation it's superhuman amounts of work and you did it's a lie stop repeating it. I can remember a much more honest world back in the '90s where gen xers and Boomers would openly talk about how they don't really want to go to work nobody really does I remember everybody was asked about that and I can also remember that they said basically the only reason they partake is because there is a level of affordability but they also would basically talk about how if that level of affordability ever goes away are there done they're not going to do anything. So this is it what the Boomers and gen xers talked about back then being a level of affordability in the simple fact that if it disappeared out from underneath the day too would put up resistance well that's basically what's happening today why should we have to do three times the work so not even get but 10% of what you used to be able to it's bullshit. The overpromotion of hard work and or the false religion of work ethic is basically nothing more than corporate bullshit at this point it's basically false hope and it's a false religion it's just too bad that too many people have subscribed to it although I've seen evidence a lot of people are turning against they're realizing if they haven't gotten any farther than they did 16 years ago fuck 60 hour work weeks if I can't do it on 40 hours I'm just playing not doing it.
@Terirth 13 күн бұрын
Maybe if he didn't post different values every video or incorrect information? This graph isn't about 30 year olds. It's purely about making more than your parents. A 30 year old is not likely to be making more than their parents excluding things like retirement. If they did, the next generation is even less likely to do so. My dad very likely made more than his father. I, luckily, managed to make more than my dad. My sister won't. At least not until he retires and inflation pushes the expected wage higher, which would be similar to being farther left on this graph. If I ever have kids, their chance of making more than me is nearly 0%.
@jenniferb.awesome 13 күн бұрын
​@@matthewmenteer5673 You can't find a 3 bedroom family home in my area for under 500,000. 10 years ago there were maybe 2 beautiful, huge mansions around here that were about a million dollars, now damn near every average house cost close to that amount. There's no way I'd ever be able to afford buying a home 😞
@American-Motors-Corporation 12 күн бұрын
@@Terirth it's all superficial dollar amounts especially when the cost of living doubles if not triples. It's important to understand how to do mathematics but it's more so important how to understand how to do analytical mathematics. So basically yes it is that you could be making more on the hour at whatever age that your parents made back in the day but it's also true that the cost of living could be triple so it's still actually garbage. But apparently nobody wants to do math.
@user-es9tj4xw5t 7 күн бұрын
If they think a college education is the answer it is not. Get a technical education, marry a classmate and you will do fine.
@TGMasaka 12 сағат бұрын
He spoke no lies. The older generations robbed their own children to pay for their entitlements, and then tell us to work harder to get the things that they barely had to work for at all. Imagine being able to buy a house on minimum wage, and your kids could make 5x what you did, and still can't afford to buy your house.
@mistersomaru 15 күн бұрын
My mother could afford to buy a camaro while working part time and in highschool. This was the early 80's.
@miniaturemachinist6098 14 күн бұрын
After high school my mom was able to afford rent, buy a 1967 Jaguar xke, go to college, and save up to take a trip to Africa all from working part time at a restaurant. And her first house was only $35,000. My dad wasn't much different, he was able to buy a brand new 1970's cb175 when he was 14 and was also able to buy a few houses and start a few businesses. Neither one of them grew up with rich parents or borrowed much money. They bought 5 acres in front of the Bighorn Mountains for around $30,000 and built a house on it, unfortunately they sold it around 2010 but it's now worth around $750,000-$1,000,000. It's insane and very frustrating to think about how things have gotten so bad so quickly.
@jmb4975 13 күн бұрын
😭 I hate it here
@boreid3432 13 күн бұрын
Yep the 80s were cool
@esantostech 13 күн бұрын
I'm in my 30s, own a home , havev3 kids. I came from nothing by the way and earned it on my own. How? Hard work. Learn how to improve yourself, or stay broke.
@michaelvandelden563 13 күн бұрын
i know right, beautiful times it truly were hahahahah
@kolossus6640 15 күн бұрын
The fact that my dream is to one day affort to live alone in a nice apartment with maybe a cat is completely unattainable is actually heartbreaking
@iluvSin 15 күн бұрын
the cat part for sure... that will let me know that i really made it
@sarahdoanpeace3623 15 күн бұрын
It if I
@sarahdoanpeace3623 15 күн бұрын
Yes it is
@gemma8611 15 күн бұрын
Same 😢
@booognish 15 күн бұрын
To say it’s unattainable means even if you worked as hard as you could, you couldn’t attain it, and that’s simply not true. If that’s all you’re striving for that’s a problem right there. I have a high school education and I lived on my own for years. I have two kids now and yeah it takes the combined income of my girl and I but we have an apartment, two cars, and our kids eat well and never go without. I am not really content with where we’re at and looking to own a home eventually, but the more you want the harder you have to work for it. Do you ever stop and question what you could be doing differently, like getting into a different line of work, budgeting your money better, finding a way to make some extra money outside of your job? If you just resign yourself to your life as it is and don’t have any belief in what you could do if you really tried, then that’s where you’ll stay. My life changed when I learned a trade, but I bust my ass every day. Went in knowing nothing and made $10/hr to start while working my way up. 6 years later I’m debating starting my own company in the near future, but if I want that to succeed I’ll have to work even harder, and I value time with my kids so it’s a balancing act. Regardless you have way more options than just what you happen to be doing now, and your attitude and belief in your ability to do better is a big part of it.
@katiemarie6664 8 күн бұрын
Feels good to hear someone of that generation actually say that instead of just blaming us
@DracoTraz 4 күн бұрын
Its worse that we know this is true but it still demoralizes us to not have the wealth to support ourselves
@deathcamas 13 күн бұрын
Opting out of America is spot on 🤷‍♀️ i seriously questioned what everyone was actually celebrating on the fourth of July this year. There is literally nothing to celebrate at all rn.
@GummyDinosaursify 12 күн бұрын
I'm celebrating family BBQs because free food hell yeah
@fcasias7 12 күн бұрын
The only thing I enjoy about the 4th is the paid holiday. There's nothing to celebrate.
@dollgir 12 күн бұрын
@@GummyDinosaursifyliterally. it’s a day off on a nice day so might as well bbq. we ain’t celebrating shit
@deathcamas 12 күн бұрын
@@fcasias7 same, i refused to go out and do anything except play games in my jammies and actually rest. Kinda done giving my days off away to holidays that dont mean anything to me anymore.
@ThePluviaumbra 12 күн бұрын
@@dollgir More like another paid day to work. I was literally driving to a 3rd shift while drunk idiots are blowing their fingers off with what's left of welfare money on the side of the road. Made me feel real fucking free.
@alwaysangry6376 15 күн бұрын
Kids? Pfft I can’t even afford me
@BIGnyc9 14 күн бұрын
@alwaysangry6376 do you even have a partner to have kids with? Out of all the facts he stated alot of ya just focus on the kid part. Like it triggers ya lol One thing is being broke, but staying and being comfortable being broke is just completely sad man...... so many ways to make money it's like you guys don't want to think outside the box. It's like hard work, using your brain, or success intimidates ya....
@CONTRACTOR_SG3 14 күн бұрын
@@alwaysangry6376 facts 😂
@loudthebest7546 13 күн бұрын
⁠@@BIGnyc9You’d have a point if it was the minority, but you can’t just say that millions of people are lazy and that’s why they can’t afford basic necessities such as shelter, food, healthcare, and transportation costs. It’s pretty evident there’s a systemic issue
@BIGnyc9 13 күн бұрын
@loudthebest7546 you're right bro but alot seem to use that as an excuse as well
@hexoson 12 күн бұрын
@@BIGnyc9 The only word I needed to read to realize you don't actually want to have a meaningful discussion is the word "seem". It doesn't matter what you think or how things "seem" to you, the point is that things are bad whether you like it or not. There are clear systemic issues with the economy, and not just in America. If there were an easy way for people to just make more money, they would have done it by now. But alas...
@johngalloway8170 4 күн бұрын
Poor people are easier to control, period
@MrsBungle6174 15 күн бұрын
So true! I dont own my own home because I simply can't afford it. My parents paid 70,000 for their house.. it's now worth the better part of a million.
@jonathantaylor6926 15 күн бұрын
My dad bought his house when he was working at a warehouse and delivering parts. If you wanted to buy his house now you’d need 175k down and the payment would be just under 6k a month.. to reasonably afford the house you’d need to make $196,000 a year..
@MrsBungle6174 15 күн бұрын
@@jonathantaylor6926 The struggle is real. Doesn't help that older people say things like, "I owned my own house by the time I was your age" 🫠🤦‍♀️🫠
@JustSendMeLocationPlease 13 күн бұрын
And who the hell is appraising these homes? I like in Missouri, it’s not a flashy state. My house was 112,000$. I was in town last week and saw a piece of junk shack up for 400 grand. Excuse me ain’t nobody paying half a million dollars for a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom. Who the hell do they think they are
@joshdiehl8737 12 күн бұрын
Where the hell do you people live that houses have gone up 1000 percent in 30 years?
@joshualynch2398 13 күн бұрын
Exactly what he said. They made it this way and they keep it this way.
@hyronharrison8127 13 күн бұрын
Have you tried pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? Lmfaooo
@joshualynch2398 13 күн бұрын
@@hyronharrison8127 again you are exactly what he is talking about I'm electrician I should not have to live pay to pay
@hyronharrison8127 13 күн бұрын
@@joshualynch2398 i know that was a sarcastic joke
@hyronharrison8127 13 күн бұрын
@@joshualynch2398 theres not enough bkostrap to pull to undo decades of corporate lobbying and bad decisions
@joshualynch2398 13 күн бұрын
@@hyronharrison8127 sarcasm doesn't translate through text very well
@owaismattoo99 3 күн бұрын
Housing prices should be regulated. Education, health , salaries should all be regulated. Rich should pay their fair share.
@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism 2 сағат бұрын
There are not enough rich people to fix your settler colony. Not even if you took ALL their money. It still wouldn't fix America.
@ttylvan888 7 күн бұрын
We can't have kids if we can't afford them.
@Catlady29 13 күн бұрын
It took me 5 months to find an apartment in my price range. I make more than min wage. I don't drive. The place is infested with bugs. I have to sacrifice my medication and therapy to be able to pay rent. And people think I should have KIDS??
@funnygaming2672 12 күн бұрын
depending where you live you do get montly money for having if you really wante a child it a possiblility .im from a poor familly and i still im and get service ect for free but my child is disable and we are in canada quebec
@rickimcfarland2269 12 күн бұрын
Sis, don't listen to this person. If you do want to have kids then marry a man who is a provider. You go to school or get a trade so that if he does start acting crazy you have a back up plan.
@eziaaxx 12 күн бұрын
@@funnygaming2672 getting money monthly for having kids shouldnt be the only reason for having kids smh. Lots of people use kids, adopt disabled kids etc just to take THEIR money. YOU shouldnt be a parent imo if thats how you think.
@jopar4869 12 күн бұрын
@@funnygaming2672if you’re gonna struggle raising the kids a lot of people would rather not have them. Id want to give them The world or not have them.
@romangrayson6826 14 күн бұрын
the older generation voted and made sure this would happen to us.
@aaronhiggs 14 күн бұрын
Greed is good was the words they lived by.
@buddhamaster322 14 күн бұрын
Correction, the younger generation voted democrat and this is the results.
@clintonwoodward8371 14 күн бұрын
​@@buddhamaster322the younger generations don't show up to vote with the same numbers that the older generations do. I'm apart of the year between millennial and gen z and I've only been old enough to vote 2 times. So don't try blaming us for this shit when it was the older generations that have bent us over and fucked us raw. It was the older generations that voted for the assholes that kept "borrowing" from social security effectively robbing my generation of a comfortable retirement.
@danielhawthorn6639 14 күн бұрын
​@buddhamaster322 No, the Boomers voted in Reagan, and he gave his donors tax cuts, which allowed them to hoard the wealth and consolidated the power. You think Joe Biden was able to cripple the economy in 4 years? Please, he had little influence. He just didn't stop the Billionaires from f**king us over.
@Alex-gw1zw 14 күн бұрын
​@@buddhamaster322 oh please, boomers and gen x were voting Democrat long before I could even vote 🙄🙄🙄.
@Bwaatiss Күн бұрын
Minimum wage used to mean you could afford all the necessities, with a family, a home, even a car, and still have a bit extra for misc. things. It's now come to mean; "minimum wage is only for teenagers to make some extra spending money!"
@ichangedmyname4563 8 күн бұрын
it feels so relieving to have people say this
@dillongarner1 15 күн бұрын
He’s 100% correct and it’s truly depressing
@0Demiyah0 13 күн бұрын
It is... I cannot hustle hard enough to stay in the game, because the inflation rises faster than any way I can get promoted up the payscale, and I do well for myself in that latter area. I graduated in 2021, of course with outrages student loan debt. I made a promotion Feb 2023, I negotiated hard to get a 84% salary increase. I earn 1,5 times the mode income alone. Doesn't matter... Rent increased x3, and property increases 30-40k every couple months. While 5 years ago I could have bought a house on my own with this salary, now I can only buy a parking spot. The only way I could buy is to have a partner with a similar or better income. But we're all anxious and depressed so dating is not that optimistic either.
@divergentthg7925 13 күн бұрын
And yet nobody is getting together to do anything about it because excuses😂
@esantostech 13 күн бұрын
I'm in my 30s, own a home , havev3 kids. I came from nothing by the way and earned it on my own. How? Hard work. Learn how to improve yourself, or stay broke.
@cheesedoesgaming6088 13 күн бұрын
@@esantostechthat has nothing to do with younger generations getting priced out of a market hyperinflated by 10x our parents even imagined paying. Boomer and Gen X are quite delusional on this matter if they don’t agree it went downhill after 2016 and it was on the steep decline since 2008. It’s all people 35+ who have created this economy and terrible corporate controlled housing which I guess no one thought to keep giant corpos from owning entire neighborhoods but I digress it’s my fault believeing prior generations were actually smart 😂
@twotonerebel2022 13 күн бұрын
​@@esantostechit's not that easy. You're very lucky
@NWO_Media 13 күн бұрын
Fun fact 81 billionaires have more wealth than 4 billion people on the planet combined. Let that sink in lol
@jeffreyjewell75 10 күн бұрын
Time for the people to take it back if ya know what I mean 😉
@mog512 10 күн бұрын
​@@jeffreyjewell75 yep, guillotine is getting hungry
@kinocodner4307 9 күн бұрын
​@@jeffreyjewell75how would you take it back the majority of that wealth is in investments?
@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk 9 күн бұрын
"more wealth than 4 billion people on the planet combined." Yes... and you have a higher quality of life than 4 billion people on this planet. Anyone with internet access, with the ability to whine and complain in the posts they make in comments sections like these, is better off than the majority of the people on this planet. You whine about 81 people having extraordinary wealth, as if you deserve any of it, while there are billions of people who would do anything to have what you have. Just goes to show how completely out of touch you are with reality, how completely oblivious you are to how good your life is. Let that sink in.
@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk 9 күн бұрын
@@jeffreyjewell75 "Time for the people to take it back if ya know what I mean" Consider this: if you're the kind of person that can't even get it together well enough to create a decent life for yourself, in a country that offers more opportunity than anywhere else on the planet... why would you think you'd be capable of planning and organizing what's necessary to "take it back"? If you had that kind of motivation and discipline, you'd be one of the successful people that people like you whine about. So yeah... I don't think the wealthy successful people have anything to worry about, from you or your "guillotine".
@Ccounter 10 күн бұрын
Yall im just happy to be alive. I grew up in a very abusive home and im glad to find happiness in the small things in life while on the journey to success (no matter how big or small). I encourage other young people to enjoy the simple things while theyre still alive.
@Tanakas7 9 күн бұрын
I want to own my own home and have a family, but I don't have the money or the woman to do that lmao. Still living with my parents
@BRUTE7 15 күн бұрын
When 1-2 generations have negatively impacted multiple future generations. It is a huge problem and they don’t care only as long as they a rich.
@kx8960 11 күн бұрын
LOL Work harder or cry harder, your choice. I think it's obvious what your choice will be...
@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk 9 күн бұрын
@@kx8960 Yeah. It would be nice if they would decide to work harder. But we have to be realistic here, to avoid disappointment.
@marcuslloyd8218 15 күн бұрын
Soooo true. All the boomers I know are quite narcissistic
@dainsolurex 15 күн бұрын
Don't be ridiculous, I'm genx and I'm waaaay better than you😁
@I_want_White_Cheddar_Popcorn 15 күн бұрын
@rezcellent 15 күн бұрын
Talking to boomers it’s all Mememememememememe This is what I did this is what we did mememememe They have no concept of the world outside their own narcissistic views. There is no point to talk to them. Especially take their advice
@ErnieBert-eg8kd 15 күн бұрын
I’m Gen x and screwed like you. I got divorced in 2019 and figured I could get my credit back in order but around 2023-2024 and buy a house again nope
@msconnleon 15 күн бұрын
Grow up!
@lemming573 Күн бұрын
"We have made a purposeful decision to make this happen" That's the truth.
@alexlang2769 3 күн бұрын
I have two kids. I need them to know it’s not them. Thanks Smith…keep on going we are with you.
@linksbetweendrinks7032 11 күн бұрын
Finally, someone mans up and admits the facts. We failed our kids. Worse than that; we didnt just allow them to fail, we were complicit in it. We promised them that if they did their best, they would have all we did and more, and then with our own hands pulled the rug out from under them. They look up at us from the ground and ask us, "Why?" And we tell them with our actions, not just our words, that they weren't good enough. They're hurting, and it's the ones they trusted most who hurt them.
@elleaubry3772 8 күн бұрын
Who raised you and is that how you raised your children?
@astreets749 7 күн бұрын
​@elleaubry3772 u must b slow cuz it seems u took his words TOO SERIOUS lol.
@elleaubry3772 7 күн бұрын
@@astreets749 You must be the representative from poorly educated contingent. 👏🏼
@astreets749 7 күн бұрын
@@elleaubry3772 I don't get why ppl say stupid stuff like this lol. Just lame. But ok. Whatever u say
@elleaubry3772 7 күн бұрын
@@astreets749 Yeah, you sound pretty lame.
@eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 13 күн бұрын
Young people can't afford to buy a home. They not thinking about marriage and children.
@user-kg5lq6nd7q 12 күн бұрын
They don’t even qualify!😂
@St.Augustine4006 12 күн бұрын
You don't need to own a house to get married. 😂
@unc1221 12 күн бұрын
Feminism, Bad Wages, bad economy, bad jobs/career development. You can kiss the population goodbye. At least here in the US.
@hexoson 12 күн бұрын
@@St.Augustine4006 I think the point flew right over your head.
@169FLOZ 12 күн бұрын
can't afford to buy a home? They can't even afford to rent.
@TheKnives777 2 күн бұрын
Every day I wake up, I'm pissed, I did what they said and followed the standard they told us too! It brought me debt and struggle! The ones who sold us the lies profit, though, every single time. The rich keep getting richer and it's us making them the money!! It's ridiculous!
@erinmoore7138 Күн бұрын
I really appreciate hearing this from someone IN that generation as well. At least SOMEONE is listening, and speaking up about it in a public sphere!
@richardmorales2958 15 күн бұрын
43 years old worked 2 jobs through my 20's. I was able to get into a union job and I thought I was going to be able to afford to buy a home then all the homes doubled. Still renting... SMH
@robertslaten8015 15 күн бұрын
I got into an argument today with a guy I know who's a realtor. Trying to justify $110k for a run down shack in the bad part of the ghetto. Said the house was bought for $40k in 2019 but do to inflation its now $110k. Wow that's a lot of inflation. Sounds like he's just price-gouging suckers to me. Thank God I inherited my home from my parents.
@brandidick8012 14 күн бұрын
no they need to be brought up on charges of extortion
@aaronhiggs 14 күн бұрын
@@robertslaten8015realtors are half the reason the market is screwed up. They set prices irl. They can say it’s the market, but they set the market.
@guitubagrips9719 14 күн бұрын
Yep I got into a good union job in the trades and still cannot afford a house or children. Im 24
@r-e_mii 13 күн бұрын
Union family here, be so very happy you got in young & pray your retirement is better. If it makes you feel better, we can't afford a house either.
@mrindependent1 15 күн бұрын
Old greedy people are ruining our country All greed for that matter but especially old people. So out of touch
@user-hv6dv6wh7v 15 күн бұрын
You are exactly right. I can not believe the selfishness and covetousness of the elderly. It really is astounding. I used to respect my elders. However, I have found them over time to be greedy and dim. They may have worked for 35 years but they don't deserve what they are getting. They're bankrupting the nation.
@a.j.1802 15 күн бұрын
@@user-hv6dv6wh7v What exactly are they getting? Returns on their investments through compound interest? Does the fact that you have to actually work, budget, save and invest for 40 years to get to where they are really upset you that much? They didn't start where they are now they worked for it for a very long time. The ones who bankrupted the nation are mostly long dead. The US declared bankruptcy in 1913 and the final judgment was ruled as bankrupt beyond any hope of repair in 1971. The economy was dead before the Boomers showed up to the party. They just didn't understand how bad it was and did nothing to fix it. Today's youth, specifically the ones in politics, have no desire to fix it and want to continue to destroy the economy until the US collapses like the USSR did.
@davidvergolini9740 15 күн бұрын
@@a.j.1802and this is why people get angrier. Millennials don’t have money to invest. Keep your greedy selfish attitude and I guarantee there will be more chaos and violence in this country in 20 years.
@scottlemiere2024 15 күн бұрын
@@a.j.1802 you can work and budget all you want, but saving isn't going to happen and neither is investing: the Boomers that run everything have wages set so low and prices set so high that they have ensured everything ends up in their hands. And it wasn't Boomers that started the trend: it was their parents generation. It started in the 80s, but Boomers were not in charge. The Boomers just took advantage of every program, every bit of assistance, then when it came time to pay those things forward, they took those things away saying that anyone that wanted them was lazy and entitled.
@Steven-ly9ei 15 күн бұрын
If it makes you feel better. Across the western world, and beyond. This is exactly the point in capitalism. And the free market. you can't reform your way out if these issues. You get spineless reformers like starmer the tory who get voted in to do the litreral same thing anyways. Americans have a similar choice. 2 of the same. More debt and stress for you. More miney for whiever the next "big guy" is. they won't change. Stop voting for the 2 big parties. They don't give a crap about you. Stop falling for it.
@goldbaron357 2 күн бұрын
You cannot work a 9 to 5 and actually get ahead. If it isn't $50 or $100 an hour, you have no chance of making it anywhere.
@alexmore8527 7 күн бұрын
hahahahaha poor young people, nobody gives a crap!
@zackerygarland15 15 күн бұрын
I've been homeless the last two years while working a full time job. Went to look at a mobile home to rent. Little one bedroom run down garbage. Cheapest I could find in a listing. Still 1200 a month without util
@bee1411 14 күн бұрын
That is horrible. :( What a failed country we live in right now. One should never be homeless with a full, or part time job. (Or ever. I think that housing should be provided.) Your story is so common too. It’s why I get so, so angry when people imply homeless folks are just lazy. I wish you well, and hope that things can change so that you can have a roof over your head. All humans deserve that.
@cassandramizak9481 14 күн бұрын
I’m also working full time and homeless. Thankfully I have my parents. They took me in. I work full time making well above minimum wage & I still can’t get anywhere. Rent around here runs on an income calculation of 4x rent just to qualify. So for a not even nice 2 bedroom apt you’d need to pull $6k a month. Thats $40/hr working 40 hrs a week. It’s so fkd
@janeldavis905 14 күн бұрын
I'm ashamed to admit how surprised I was when I first started working at an emergency shelter by how many unhoused people are working full-time jobs.
@OrwellianDystopia1984 14 күн бұрын
You're right, and it's not your fault. I recommend moving to the south, you'll still be burdened but you'll be able to find a place working full-time.
@youtube_revenue6449 14 күн бұрын
As someone who is homeless rn and couch surfing I feel this whole heartedly. Pushing 80 hrs a check at 14 an hour and the lowest rent I can find is 1,200$ for one bed one bath apartments. Looked at campers and trailers 900-1300$ without Utilities. If I eat one meal a day and walk the house with one lightbulb and a flash light I could make it work
@natiliee.s.5476 15 күн бұрын
Can't afford... College Homes/rent Children Are obese and depress. Boomers: Oh, you just don't want to work hard. What is the point in working hard when you still can't afford the basic things in life? "It's called the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." George Carlin
@michaelmohrle1773 15 күн бұрын
Gen X got screwed too, I was at that show November 1996 at the Beacon theater in NY when he did that show.
@GummyDinosaursify 12 күн бұрын
@@michaelmohrle1773 Gen X is a mixed bag. Older Gen X benefitted the same as Boomers. Later Gen X fell into the tail end of the Millennial financial problems.
@THWZARD-ps9nt 9 күн бұрын
Especially with no equity first time home buyer do nothing I've been looking since I moved out 4 years ago problem is I need somthing that's worth while as is because I don't have enough savings for closing cost which yes I can figure into the contract but in doing so I lose all negotiating power in the buy which sucks because a mortgage will be cheaper than rent
@lilithjesus7718 3 күн бұрын
I have never heard a man of his appearing age , and wealth, affirm truths that only i could believe in my peripheral torment. THANK YOU SIR.
@Sabs215 15 күн бұрын
Going from 60% to 27% on birthrates at 30 is insanely wild. To say that's a problem is the understatement of the century.
@3beltwesty 15 күн бұрын
That was the dogma of the 1970s population bomb. Too many people
@bigbossyXD 15 күн бұрын
I can't have children due to medical reasons, but if I could, I wouldn't. I can barely feed and house myself, how can I bring a child into struggles.
@gage8391 15 күн бұрын
He just dropped a ton of knowledge info and stats and that’s the one that is mind boggling to you.
@univalent15 14 күн бұрын
That explains all the abortion restrictions. The rich need more poor cogs in the machine
@undoctrinati0n 13 күн бұрын
Don't worry, we'll just import the next generation.
@Chrissmth 12 күн бұрын
I’m 24 making $60,000 a year. And I still live with my parents because renting an apartment leaves me with no money to save
@wesleyowens4089 12 күн бұрын
You're doing alright I guess. I'm 27 making 75k but I live 12 hours my family. I'm able to save and what not but buying a house seems unreasonable
@Chrissmth 12 күн бұрын
@@wesleyowens4089 yeah. It just sucks that we work our asses off. Get the jobs we are told to get. And once we get those jobs we still struggle. While someone sits in a nice office chair getting Fridays half off and making $200,000+. While they call us lazy for not working 60+ hour weeks.
@kx8960 11 күн бұрын
@@wesleyowens4089 If you're 27 and making $75k, you're doing pretty good. Save money instead of wasting it on bullshit and you'll be fine.
@deejay1216 11 күн бұрын
My husband is Hispanic and did not move out until he finished college and married me at 26 yrs old. Staying home until marriage or finishing college is normal in other Cultures except America.
@craigmusa2254 10 күн бұрын
I'm 29 and make 20k a year. I live with my mom because I can't save living paycheck to paycheck. I also work 7 days a week so I don't ant to hear "work harder"
@TravellerChris 4 күн бұрын
My parents, in their 40s and 30s respectively, working 1 job each, had managed to build a 6-room 2-floor house, while me and my wife, in our 40s and 30s respectively, working 2 jobs each (+KZfaq channel for a tiny passive income), barely manage to stay afloat in a rental 2-room apartment in an underpriviledged neighborhood. So yes, us Millennials have it that bad compared to previous generations.
@rogerjohnson2490 Сағат бұрын
Every generation had the same issue! Ask your grandparents about when they had a fit when gas went up to $.75 a gallon; now it's $3.25 a gallon. Guess what? I hate to break it to you, but the prices you see are not going to go down. It might slow down, but the low prices this generation craves are not returning. It's not a USA issue because it is like this worldwide.
@Tarman85 15 күн бұрын
Hes right. Im f**king pissed off every second of every day and never stop thinking about it. Im angry.
@notoriousLSGshow 15 күн бұрын
Who you vote for
@Tarman85 15 күн бұрын
@notoriousLSGshow You mean that thing we have every 4 years that gives you the illusion you're vote matters? In this "2" party only system? I don't vote anymore, bro. It's all rigged and you're a debt slave.
@Terrranfear 15 күн бұрын
@@notoriousLSGshow I'm not even sure if it's a voting thing. I think a lot of things stem from a post WW2 world. For instance, after the war America was still the manufacturing hub of the world haven't been largely untouched by the war. Every other country was dealing with blown out cities and dictatorships as seen in China and Russia. We built our highway system starting in 1956 and our love for single family homes. So basically, our lives are materially very expensive and our competitive edge has waned away and other countries economies got up and running.
@zezezosezadafrak8210 15 күн бұрын
​@@TerrranfearEverything was fine until January 20 2021. If you can't see that then you have bigger problems. If young people continue to vote Marxists into office the spiral will continue. You will have no future.
@LNDF_Shiv 15 күн бұрын
@@notoriousLSGshow do you honestly think making one choice every four years is somehow the problem or the solution? you do understand that both these walking corpses have been so out of touch with the American people for decades that all the see us as is a number in their popularity contest and the only people either of them work for are the ones who give them millions of dollars for their campaigns? you do know that the RNC and the DNC decide who we get to vote for by manipulating the media and putting stringent rules to gatekeep regular people from running for office if they can't get enough money and exposure to qualify? this is fast becoming a corporate Oligarchy and you think whichever puppet they shove their monied fist up makes a difference? regardless if we get orange Hitler or ZomBiden, we're all going to lose in the long run if we don't do something about the actual problem.
@jacobfromallstate4963 13 күн бұрын
Then people like Whoopi tell us we need to work more than 4 hours a week if we want to survive. They literally think we're all either unemployed or working extremely small hours.
@mgtowcowboy8159 12 күн бұрын
Yeah but remember you chose to vote democrat. The Democrats are letting in tens of millions of illegal immigrants, they're all getting free food free cell phones and free Apartments which you're paying for through taxes. Not to mention the Democrats keep raising your taxes. Not to mention they keep trying to take away your gun rights and your land rights. Not to mention they keep inflating away the currency because they keep printing more and more money which also increases our debt.
@GummyDinosaursify 12 күн бұрын
I work full time. Still can't survive.
@lauravogt1022 12 күн бұрын
Here in germany its a bit better but still ridiculous... My fiancé and I make 80.000€ a year before taxes. Around 50.000 after taxes. We bought a house and need to think about everything that could happen. 50.000€ a year for both of us and our house was 300.000€. It was the cheapest we could find where we live and it was pure luck that we got it. My grandpa bought a house in 1960 (or around that time) for 16.000 DM (8.000€ today). He made 6000 DM a year (3000€ today). He just needed 7 years to pay everything and he was the one earning the money. He was still able to feed his wife and 3 children. 5 people living with one income and they still were able to buy a house, go on vacation and don't worry about almost everything like we have... For his income of 3 years he had a house with a bis a** garden. 180qm home, 2500qm garden.... We need at least 6 of our yearly income to pay this house... 120qm, 250qm garden... It's absolutely ridiculous.... AND he worked 42 hours, me and my fiance work 80 hours together...
@bullseyebulldog8001 12 күн бұрын
@gingersnaps6004 9 күн бұрын
We can’t even afford to breathe at the point. Thank this man for saying the damn truth won’t do shit but at least people arnt so oblivious
@xxdarkpersonaxx9496 12 күн бұрын
Turned 29 this year, got married this year, had to have a small wedding in the park, couldn’t afford to take my wife on a honeymoon, had our first baby this year, found out I’ll probably be getting laid off in August due to company restructure. I’m worried, I’m anxious all the time. I have student loans, I have private loans for debt. I’m scared to death. I’m probably gonna have to take out my 401k, take the penalty and pay down debt while I look for another job. Wish I never went to college because it’s a useless piece of paper no one looks at.
@deejay1216 11 күн бұрын
Paying down your debt will help your family in the long run.
@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk 9 күн бұрын
Check out borrowing against your 401k instead of taking it out. You won't have to pay a penalty, and you can get a low interest rate because you're borrowing your own money. Most "borrow against 401k" plans let you pay interest to yourself, i.e. the interest you pay goes into your 401k balance... because it's your own money you're borrowing. But the key advantage is that you don't pay a penalty or taxes on the 401k withdrawal. If you pull the 401k money, you'll only get about half of it... because the income taxes and penalty on the withdrawal take close to half. If you make the loan payments, everything is great. If you miss a loan payment, the bank will take the payment from your 401k... and you'll have a small distribution for that payment, which you'll need to pay a penalty and tax on. But pleeeeeease... so many people make poor financial choices because they just don't know their options. Check out borrowing against your 401k instead of withdrawing it.
@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk 9 күн бұрын
"Wish I never went to college because it’s a useless piece of paper no one looks at." This isn't true. Your college degree has value, but sometimes extracting that value -- getting paid for it -- can take some time and effort. It's not automatic. You have to combine your college experience with your work ethic and work experience... and then keep your eyes open for opportunities. If your current job isn't getting you where you want to be, keep your eyes open for opportunities elsewhere. I tell my students (I teach college) that the most important factor in success is being ready willing and able to take any opportunity that comes your way. If work needs to be done, be the first in line to get it done. It's not easy, but it's worth the effort.
@edpasternak 8 күн бұрын
​@@IdRatherBeDiving-vr5gk Penalty for 401k is 10%, but they will likely withhold 20% at minimum for taxes. Depending on tax bracket you might pay more or less.
@user-po3ir2tx5z 8 күн бұрын
I just checked your assumption for you: According to the Social Security Administration (which has data on every American who pays into the SSI system): "Men with bachelor's degrees earn approximately $900,000 more in median lifetime earnings than high school graduates. Women with bachelor's degrees earn $630,000 more. Men with graduate degrees earn $1.5 million more in median lifetime earnings than high school graduates. Women with graduate degrees earn $1.1 million more."
@samanthabobier 15 күн бұрын
I work 3 jobs all while having had 3 back surgeries. I can barely afford to pay my mortgage food and other bills. This should not be the normal as an American citizen.
@Therightisright Күн бұрын
I’m 30, my wife is 26. We both work full time jobs that 20 years ago, could’ve afforded a home with all expenses included from just 1 income. Now with both incomes, we still can’t afford a home. 1 bed 1 bath condos are going for $400,000. Plus HOA fees. It’s absolutely maddening that the housing market is allowed to be consumed by such greed. We want to have kids (at least one) and start laying our roots down, but modern society has made it impossible. It’s heartbreaking.
@Lea-sb6yo 4 күн бұрын
I swear I learned more in five minutes on the Internet than I ever did in my 12 years of school. I’m only 22. I came out of school knowing nothing. school made it seem like we were nothing, like we were useless. An that’s crazy. And I can confirm this with many other people in many other states we all had the same experience.
@tinmantwentyone9282 10 күн бұрын
My relatives keep asking me why I'm not yet married and have kids. I always ask them if they will support me and give me money? They always shut up after.
@CaliforniaGirlCristine 6 күн бұрын
It’s because they’re miserable in their marriages with kids. Stay strong 💪🏽
@danyelgarcia3689 3 күн бұрын
​​@@CaliforniaGirlCristine😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm not sure that's the reason.
@danyelgarcia3689 3 күн бұрын
You can do it eventually if you want in your own time. But that's a good answer!!! ❤ Sometimes you got to talk to people like that for them to back off. Ain't nothing wrong with that because it's still respectful and not rude. It's to the point.
@CaliforniaGirlCristine 3 күн бұрын
@@danyelgarcia3689 & they’re being rude and disrespectful asking such personal questions. Strike back hard. These lunatics don’t speak any other language.
@mnomadvfx Күн бұрын
They used to say "it takes a village to raise a child", because that is how it literally used to work. All the family would work, and the elderly would take care of the youngest children who couldn't yet manage to help.
@rayl3103 15 күн бұрын
Gen Xers who are 10-15 years from retirement are angry, too. They don't see retirement as realistic. It's only worse for Millennials and Gen Z.
@blackdragoness21 15 күн бұрын
And good luck trying to find a job when you're over 60. My Dad's cousin is struggling just trying to get a job when she's 63.
@rayl3103 15 күн бұрын
@@blackdragoness21 We didn't sign up for this but people still believe in the American dream and telling others to work harder.
@blackdragoness21 15 күн бұрын
@@rayl3103 A lot of us didn't.
@davidvergolini9740 15 күн бұрын
I’m a gen x. We were hit the worse by 2008. I call to jail all republicans start with Trump and work our way down
@PrattJasonAshton 15 күн бұрын
​@TenchuTesshu ikr
@user-ec8vf9yk2q Күн бұрын
Married mid-20s with 2 kids, we were lucky enough to buy a home during the pandemic when there were super-low interest rates.
@ps3gamertagc021297 10 күн бұрын
I barely survive im 27 i make around 24-30 an hour in Tennessee. Have two sons and divorced. Cant get foodstamps cant get free healthcare for me. Yet people act like i should have thousands saved i penny pinch every chance i get. I havent gone on vacation in years
@stephaniev6755 15 күн бұрын
Nothing is affordable. It's messed up
@3beltwesty 14 күн бұрын
Welcome to Inflation. Just like the Carter era.. but then there were less jobs and higher interest rates. 8.8 when Carter Started and 16.64 percent mortgage interest rates when the fool was voted out of office as the worst president ever.
@beneficent2557 14 күн бұрын
@@stephaniev6755 feudal systems dont cater to peasants
@user-yi7fz8ly2z 14 күн бұрын
Boo hoo
@jadesterbaby 14 күн бұрын
@@beneficent2557that is a good comment.
@user-yi7fz8ly2z 14 күн бұрын
@stephaniev6755 Rent out your yacht or sell one of your flats. Cash in the trust fund and stop crying. It's embarrassing
@manetmeow 13 күн бұрын
and lots of old people have the decency to say "you have to work harder" when everything was handed to them 🤦
@American-Motors-Corporation 13 күн бұрын
Well I can say that I think the environment which people grew up in was definitely have been a certain amount of benefit of the doubt but I wouldn't necessarily say that it was all handed to them. I mean it's like for instance okay so I had an old coworker the guy was like 80 years old and he was talking about from like 68 to the late seventies he paid $88 a month for a fucking apartment here in my hometown and Central Ohio. And it wasn't a bad apartment fact at the time there's apartment buildings that he was talking about were fairly new. So he paid $88 a month for his apartment and he also drove a Corvette now I get it not everybody could get a Corvette back then but at the same time I mean you know hey he paid $88 a month and so if we compare what he paid in 1968 to when my grandparents got their first apartment in 1947 and they lived there till 1951 maybe, basically their first apartment they paid $50 a month. So it took 21 years for the young guy in 1968 to pay $88 however his rent didn't really increase for pretty much 10 years. So yes I mean they definitely had it better and I would say that compared to the conditions of today yeah it does really look like it was handed to them but you know it's like he explains that you could go get the crappiest jobs I mean basically you could go pump gas which that used to be a thing if you don't know and yeah you could make you know back in the late '60s early 70s you're talking maybe about 50 two bucks an hour and you put in 36 to 40 hours a week 40 was common and you had more than enough money to pay your rent your electric bill your water bill and you still had money to burn with your buddies on the weekend. So yeah I can say that they definitely had a better time I mean fuck when my parents got there first one bedroom apartment that was in 1987 two years after I was born and they paid I believe it was $187 a month. I mean I can remember in the mid-90s you could rent a house three bedroom in my hometown and the common price range was $350 to 450 a month it just depended on where you wanted to be and what you were looking for in the house and by the way these houses were not total shit and the areas were actually pretty nice. I mean there were some options out there for like 50550 but that was usually going to be the person making more money perhaps they were single and they just wanted to put more money into having perhaps a couple more amenities via the house but a couple with three kids yeah typically you would just go get a single family home and you would pay anywhere between $350 and 4:50 a month I would say that most people probably average out about $425. What's crazy is most of those properties today if I ever see them come up for rent I mean they're literally demanding over $1,100 it's fucking crazy and of course a lot of people say well you know but that's been like 20 25 years and I'm going well yeah I mean I can kind of see that except you know what actually no because 18 to 20 years ago the red prices were literally the same as they were in the mid to late night so basically somewhere in the past 18 years the rent was creeping up basically it all got started in 2006 around here and I'm in central Ohio. But I remember a lot of shit that was previously 450 went straight up to 600 625 a lot of things that was 550 shot straight up to like $700 I mean that was the wacky environment of 2006 and then by the time you get into the 2010s basically last decade you end up in a situation where a lot of places became standardly priced somewhere between six 80 to 8:50 I mean there was a big gap and a lot of that depended still on maybe the area you want to live in what was rounded I mean they use anything and everything to charge you a price. But I can say somewhere in the past 6 years it doesn't really matter what in town you want to live in so it doesn't no longer matter if it's the ghetto or the Ritz the cheapest you're going to find is at least $850 a month on average and that is more so quickly becoming well over a thousand I mean that's basically where we are.
@mgtowcowboy8159 12 күн бұрын
Basically this is the result of failed leftist policies. Men no longer control Society women do. And what do we see? Inflation is out of control, the quality of our education system has gone down precipitously, the Democrats which are mostly supported by women allow tens of millions of illegal immigrants to come in lowering the cost of Labor and costing us trillions in services. The Democrats go soft on drugs so now over 200 people a day die just from Fentanyl overdose. The whole nation is being destroyed.
@jimziemer474 12 күн бұрын
Not everything was handed to them.
@emilybarclay8831 12 күн бұрын
@@jimziemer474yes, it was. They grew up in an era where you could get a job able to support a house and 4 kids right out of college, when the economy was in the best condition it’s ever been and when hard work actually came with rewards.
@bailmasterflex 12 күн бұрын
You mean audacity right?
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