Milton Friedman - Roots Of The Welfare State

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10 жыл бұрын

Milton Friedman explains where the expectation of cradle to grave security came from. James R Dumpson, Thomas Sowell, Helen Bohen O'Bannon.

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@peterlopez4529 6 жыл бұрын
What an incredible video. It absolutely blew my mind and has broadened my perspective on the welfare system as a whole.
@RockWithYu 5 жыл бұрын
It's sad if this single video has 'broadened' your perspective on the welfare system. This is a very pointed video aimed at promoting a particular agenda, NOT an impartial examination of the welfare system. I know plenty of people who fell on hard times, fell back on welfare and - upon overcoming their immediate challenges - got off welfare and became employed and productive citizens. This notion that anyone on welfare is on there for life/generations is ridiculously false. It's funny how these guys are opposed to a social safety net but they're not opposed to CORPORATE safety nets.
@RockWithYu 5 жыл бұрын
@Major T. Poirier Their sole focus is on dismantling the social safety net. Where's the effort to dismantle the corporate safety net? These guys are purportedly free market advocates and yet they don't mention dismantling corporate safety nets and allowing true free market competition, enterprise, etc. Compare the cost of welfare spending vs. corporate safety net and tell me that the latter receives its appropriate share of attention. I'll wait...
@commanderwhitehead1224 5 жыл бұрын
@@RockWithYu Uuhh, basically every Libertarian ever is against "corporate safety nets"
@RockWithYu 5 жыл бұрын
@@commanderwhitehead1224 "Basically?" Then how come no mention of it? I still haven't found a Friedman video that rails against corporate welfare.
@commanderwhitehead1224 5 жыл бұрын
@@RockWithYu I said Libertarian, not specifically Friedman, don't twist my words. Anyway, have you considered reading any of his books? It's all in there.
@allMTN 7 жыл бұрын
Friedman and Sowell in the same room.. What I would have given to spend an hour talking to them..
@omasombogrady514 6 жыл бұрын
Me to man me to ... both in their prime
@cspike9061 5 жыл бұрын
an hour??? lol but yes that would've been amazing
@juanitadudley4788 5 жыл бұрын
Sowell had Friedman as a professor, I think for two classes and remained a Marxist. It wasn't until Sowell worked for the Dept of Labor and he saw the government wasn't concerned with fixing the problem that he became a libertarian.
@WalkingthroughNYC 4 жыл бұрын
For real
@trimanlast 8 жыл бұрын
The most important concept was mentioned in passing by Milton Friedman. No government program is ever cancelled. Even if they fail the response is to provide more funding. The past example is government run schools - there is a constant call for more funding no matter how poorly they perform.
@dooglio 9 жыл бұрын
"It is very hard to achieve good objectives through bad means." ~Milton Friedman
@Kingtiens 8 жыл бұрын
id hate to get into an argument with Thomas Sowell, the guy would cut you in half
@joshtrick5066 8 жыл бұрын
Good thing I do not disagree with anything he says.
@victoralmanzar1273 7 жыл бұрын
When I do disagree, I just shut up and listen.
@willgalbreth4511 7 жыл бұрын
I only disagree in a couple areas, but when it comes to economics, the man is God on earth.
@donkeebaIs 7 жыл бұрын
Don't forget Walter E. Williams
@latorgator23 6 жыл бұрын
Kingtiens late to the party here, but I heard Sowell was once wrong just to see what it was like.
@bskee001 7 жыл бұрын
"Only 12% of the families are not intact." This was in the 1970s, and now 40% of ALL children are born out of wedlock and 1/3rd, yes 1 in 3, of children live in single parent homes. But people like this lady are still arguing how beneficial the welfare state is. SMH.
@alexhuang1162 5 жыл бұрын
Anyone notice that no welfare secretary dares to sit down with Thomas Sowell and discuss the "benefits" of welfare today?
@jonathancisneros7150 4 жыл бұрын
What’s the crazy how they had the solution to stop this in the 70s now it seems like there’s no cure from the free loading programs.
@Individual_Lives_Matter 3 жыл бұрын
I thought it was odd that no one asked what percentage of the 12% were black families.
@tubik7758 7 жыл бұрын
The Shirky Principle: "Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution".
@acropolisnow9466 4 жыл бұрын
I've been trying and mostly failing to make this argument to people around me over the last few years. The man that earns a living by talking about a problem can hardly afford to have that problem disappear.
@Mantis_Toboggan_MD. 7 жыл бұрын
One of the interesting thing about this discussion is how civil everyone is to each other. Where are the screaming SJW's calling anyone who disagrees bigot/racist/misogynist/homophobe ? You might disagree with old school leftists but at least they could hold a discussion and debate the issues with going in to complete meltdown.
@freeawb 6 жыл бұрын
pubclubdude # my thoughts exactly, civil discussions are missed. But Dr. Sowell, just wipes the floor.
@Baiano29 6 жыл бұрын
I noticed that too. It was a heated discussion, but the attacks were towards the idea, the core of the discussion instead of the interlocutor. I can't imagine this kind of discussion nowadays to be honest, and that is so so sad.
@rudugger_5188 6 жыл бұрын
Excactly, this is where liberals didn't automatically translate to leftist SJW. Insert person screaming at the sky and triggered chick into this panel for a laugh.
@Shinydrybones 6 жыл бұрын
Many people have lost any sliver of shame they once had. Any decent human being would not in their right mind start calling the president of a nation as great as the United States a bigot, idiot, moron and so forth. Perhaps in closed circles, but definitely not in a public place as this.
@RockWithYu 6 жыл бұрын
"Screaming SJWs?" Are Hannity and his ilk "civil?" Civility goes both ways and should be the standard regardless of the party in the Oval Office. If you're going to spend 8 years attacking the first president of color BECAUSE of his color ("witchdoctor," etc.) then you should expect the same when the other party assumes office. You can't deny civility to others and then demand it for yourself.
@tmcmurra63 8 жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell is teaching these Socialists a lesson!
@tmcmurra63 8 жыл бұрын
Screw the GOP. This isn't about Republicans, it's about what it means to be a Conservative.
@ThePhoneBookRipper 8 жыл бұрын
Conspiracy theories about Thomas Sowell. When you think you've heard it all... Geez you need to get your head checked.
@diempardon4259 5 жыл бұрын
Jimmy Sakura Gakuin Fan | leave misogyny out of the argument. It is not the women’s position but the man’s absence, that forces her to assume both positions. There are higher rates of single mothers in the UK now than America.
@FaithandNova 4 жыл бұрын
@@osazeelegemah2354 no others are exchanging blame Sowell is educating them. There's a difference
@pipsantos6278 8 жыл бұрын
Appeal to emotion. The best argument for a welfare state.
@pablocruz6975 7 жыл бұрын
i wish Milton Friedman was alive
@ryryguy321 7 жыл бұрын
We've still got Sowell
@kathycourtney2 7 жыл бұрын
Larry Elder!
@Jekyll_Island_Creatures 7 жыл бұрын
Thankfully we have Tom Woods and his podcast.
@Jekyll_Island_Creatures 7 жыл бұрын
Ben Shapiro is a neocon (i.e. a big government progressive when it comes to foreign intervention)
@bernlin2000 7 жыл бұрын
I wish there were so many thinkers like Sowell that he wasn't the only household name among serious libertarians...these ideas should be commonplace. Our education system has TOTALLY FAILED. I don't remember EVER learning about Friedman or Sowell in school, maybe a name check at best. I would have GREATLY benefited from their philosophy in high school...many students might never have fallen for Obama's phony promises (same stuff Clinton tried, really) if they had learned about libertarianism and classic liberalism sooner.
@Bia.hehe11 9 жыл бұрын
I've never honestly thought this deeply about how receiving welfare negatively effects individuals. I believe FDR had great intentions creating programs like public works, but it definitely fosters a sense of dependency in today's society with the way programs and policies are implemented. When Friedman mentioned that people may reject employment opportunities because they fear that they may lose their job, and it may take 6 months for them to begin receiving benefits again, it made me start thinking. Before watching this video I did not truly agree that the welfare state fostered a sense of dependency among beneficiaries, but my opinion was changed after viewing this.
@etch1420 8 жыл бұрын
True af
@fzqlcs 8 жыл бұрын
+Samuel Greydanus My 30 year career as a social worker, welfare worker and job counselor can attest to the truth of Sowell's claims. All people follow incentives and when the incentive is to be on welfare, that is what people pursue. It is nothing new.
@mrroo9658 8 жыл бұрын
+Samuel Greydanus Finland is one of the strongest welfare states of the Nordic countries, but we are doing very poorly. Our economy hasn't experienced growth and we have been stagnant for years. And it is very evident here, that the poor are, in fact, declining jobs to stay on welfare.
@CitizenSnips314 8 жыл бұрын
+Samuel Greydanus +Terry Chatterton Thank you for the discussion lads. Interesting read.
@CitizenSnips314 8 жыл бұрын
+Aaron Anderson Firstly, who are "they"? And even if "they" don't rate traditional family structures, so what? You're a human being - perhabs the most intelligent species in existence - and yet all you can think about is "I want to be a conservative dad. It's so important to me that i want to deny other humans food, clothing, shelter, health insurance/medicine, security and money so that I can feel like a 'proper' dad." Wanker.
@tomstepp3954 8 жыл бұрын
7:40 "when the private sector failed" and then goes on to list all the areas in which government fucked up everything.
@galactic904 7 жыл бұрын
The private sector meaning ;; Big Pharm and Big Slop Foods. The US now American culture can not and should not be duplicated in the world to other nations. Just like the Soviet Union should never have been spread to other nations, so to is the US culture at this time . But they only have to tweak it a bit here a bitcoin there.
@dcarreira4913 6 жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell is amazing.
@themeadowlarkminutewithpau8184 4 жыл бұрын
He truly is. He is unbelievably powerful when delivering his points!
@wingt4thewin625 7 жыл бұрын
Thomas_Sowell == Boss
@1973deepee 6 жыл бұрын
What Mr. Friedman did not state, but his sentiments imply, is that charitable giving, be it money, time, compassionate assistance and the like, nourishes and fulfills a very fundamental human and societal need. It is through giving freely that our individual dignity is sanctified; not through collective, coerced transfer of value from producers to non-producers. Welfare, and all its subsidiary and ancillary components, is, and always was meant to be, a massive vote-buying and wealth allocation scheme - socialism/communism - the charity and compassion elements of which are mere window-dressing to mask the real mission.
@H00sierm0 7 жыл бұрын
Welfare state is the reason why immigration today is a huge topic, without the welfare state, and subsidies to all parts of life people,could immigrate and work, and no one would care. Instead they immigrate and take and the tax payer is burdened without recourse. This is why we need welfare reform before we can have immigration reform.
@strongarm8937 7 жыл бұрын
you seem to forget the identity dimension of the question
@ovp66223 7 жыл бұрын
Fake IDs get you far...and there are groups set up solely to provide illegals with this, free of charge. It is truly sick.
@strongarm8937 7 жыл бұрын
as far as I can recall, illegals don't get welfare,
@douganderson3122 7 жыл бұрын
that is all illegals get is welfare. we have to feed them clothe them educate them and provide healthcare for them the list goes on and on
@ovp66223 7 жыл бұрын
They most certainly do. Though some states are FINALLY waking up. I know in Georgia several years ago, they cut off quite a bit of government assistance to non-citizens and BINGO, many areas that suddenly had nothing but spanish language signs are near ghost towns. They left for another state. I only wish we would deport most of them, but doesn't look like that will happen. The fact they moved in droves tells you just how much they used the system. They are most definitely a huge net drain on taxpaying citizens.
@NoosaHeads 5 жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell. What an amazing deep thinker. A wise man who has his finger on the pulse of humanity and social interaction. I wish, one day, he could be President of the USA.
@CV_CA 7 жыл бұрын
I propose Milton Friedman had one of the greatest mind in the last century. If only people had listened more.
@Rohme.33 7 жыл бұрын
He's not even close to being the second worst mind, he is the absolute worst. Please check out Steve Keen's Debunking Economics, he has economic and mathematical Phds. It will change your life if you endeavor to read it.
@CV_CA 7 жыл бұрын
That "worst economist ever" got a Nobel price. That does not support your opinion Rohme.
@Rohme.33 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize.. with his drone strikes, foreign interventions, building up the nuclear arsenal.. Guess the Nobel can pick some real flunkies huh? :)
@CV_CA 7 жыл бұрын
They had to give the Peace Prize to someone. -Thanks you to bring Steve Keen to my attention. I am reading about him still. Look like his hitting both Keynesian and the Austrian school left and right. Yet Keen has his share of critics as I read. -When I watch Friedman videos I feel I understand, when I watch Steve Keen videos I just don't get it. What do I know? I am just a face on KZfaq haha...
@pablocruz6975 7 жыл бұрын
this people sound smarter than todays
@fredthemanish 7 жыл бұрын
Pablo Cruz definitely smarter you, thats a damn sure....
@borrachoblanco 7 жыл бұрын
Frank Castle. maybe his English isn't very good.
@trojanwrestling4444 7 жыл бұрын
And smarter than you too. "thats a damn sure"?
@marandataylor3692 9 жыл бұрын
"People who get on welfare are treated like children and not like responsible adults and they are trapped in the system." This is a true statement. M. Taylor
@premchand828 8 жыл бұрын
Why is Milton Friedman always smiling like he is high on weed? I am his fan btw.
@ArtisticLayman 8 жыл бұрын
He was high on life I guess.
@premchand828 8 жыл бұрын
Rap Game Elon Musk Because prohibition never works. Drugs must be legalized and addictive drugs like cocaine and opium must be taxed heavily to discourage consumption.
@fzqlcs 8 жыл бұрын
he believes in freedom and self-ownership. he would constrict the definition of crime to violations of personal, property or civil rights.
@premchand828 8 жыл бұрын
Rap Game Elon Musk oh ok sorry
@martonk 6 жыл бұрын
Partly because of wisdom, Partly because he had a car accident and his upper lip makes kind of an illusion of smiling
@michaelmcchesney6645 5 жыл бұрын
I've watched a number of videos featuring Thomas Sowell and/or Milton Friedman posted on this and other channels.and I have to say they are incredibly informative and interesting. I have only one complaint. I wish the descriptions included the original air dates. I watched a complete episode of Donahue featuring Dr. Friedman. After some googling, I was able to learn the video was from 1979 which of course greatly impacted the questions because of the rampant hyper-inflation of the day. The video above is apparently from the 1970's or very early 80's. I am simply curious about a more exact date. Actually, I have one additional complaint. These videos (at least some of them) are not required viewing for our nation's high school and/or college students. At least some of them should be.
@judgewest2000 8 жыл бұрын
Much nicer hearing knowledgable arguments
@majurbludd 5 жыл бұрын
People were smarter back then. We have gone backwards during the age of information.
@crystalnichols7224 5 жыл бұрын
I really think there's a crazy, unexpected consequence of the information age and it's that there's so much information out there, it's become even harder to know what to believe. We have flat-Earth people and people who can't even acknowledge the reality biological gender, all with a world of "information" to back up their viewpoints.
@55Quirll 6 жыл бұрын
He forgets that is was the result of the failure of the Federal Reserve to do what it was suppose to do, to ensure that there was sufficient money. The Federal Reserve withdrew the money and that is what caused the crash since no one had any money to make their margin calls. Had their been no Federal Reserve and the Government had not gotten involved, the Depression would have lasted as long as the one in 1920-1921, which was 18 months. There was no Government intervention in that and the system corrected itself. If you look through out the history of the US, you will see that there have been periodic depressions but they only last at most 4 years and are not that sever.
@deustitties3589 6 жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman, man, the great minds of 20th century
@KarasekUS 10 жыл бұрын
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
@LD9user 8 жыл бұрын
Ten Sanders supporters watched this video.
@adamklippenstein1823 8 жыл бұрын comment ever seen.
@NoPe-it7hw 8 жыл бұрын
+peanutaxis please explain
@michasosnowski5918 7 жыл бұрын
Wow. I am impressed with Thomas Sowell. He standed by his positions and believes and was rational and courageus. I didnt like that women, her dead eyes and that she doesnt undestand. The government side would blame the people, not the system they created. I know what is happening now with European Union in Poland. I know people who worked in programs that redistrubuted money to businesses. The corruption there, their helplesness, becouse they needed to work according to measures that were handed to them. They saw people who were taking anvantage of the system, not planing to satisfy any needs of the people. We now hage the same situation here. Governments and UE wants to stere everything, stimulate everything, and even educate businesses. But what they dont see or dont want to see is that the very same money they took away from market is the problem that people are struggling in the first place. Creating program above stealing is not solution. Stop stealing and leave people alone.
@GG-ul7ix 4 жыл бұрын
I rewatch it from time to time. Love it. Thanks LibertyPen for the upload.
@ChristinaD1996 6 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy your video's LibertyPen, keep up the good work. The world needs so much more Friedman today than they needed even then!
@jeffs53 9 жыл бұрын
This is interesting, government bureaucrats trying to argue an impossible argument against two very intelligent men.
@Serratedmonkey4u 10 жыл бұрын
Who's to say the bottom 20% are even in poverty...
@IronCavalier 6 жыл бұрын
Serratedmonkey4u She said that some aren’t in poverty which means that number is lower. If they aren’t in poverty then they should not be part of the discussion.
@GobiLux 5 жыл бұрын
The real question is who's to say that the same people that are in the bottom 20% today will be in the same bracket in 5 years time?
@jayoh2k 5 жыл бұрын
She made it seem like the bottom 20% should always be subsidized by the government. Irrespective of what they actually make??
@diempardon4259 5 жыл бұрын
The parents who are unable to feed their children.
@GobiLux 5 жыл бұрын
@@diempardon4259 Do you think 20% of America are unable to feed their children?
@hinault1986 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! Two juggernauts of the past 50 years (Friedman and Sowell) tactfully and respectfully picking apart the welfare system...masterful!
@theilleagle73 5 жыл бұрын
14:38 Mr. Friedman with the Knockout!! A tremendous video that still holds true even today in 2019. Wow!
@westernessence7644 8 жыл бұрын
I think it's time in this country to require the abled-bodied welfare recipient to do work for there welfare checks in America. And if they don't want to work then they should be kicked off the welfare roles (if they're able to work), simple as that. And if you think that's it's not very Christian to say that then read in the bible were it says, 'He who will not work shall not eat'. It doesn't say, 'he who cannot work', it says, 'he who will not work cannot eat'. Ladies and gentlemen, we've got to start asking for responsibility - That gives dignity to welfare recipiency and gets the lazy off the roles. And I'm not talking about a big new government bureaucracy; there are charities, there are public service organizations, there are churches that need help and volunteers for their community charity work and so forth. Lets require welfare recipients to do some time for these organizations for their welfare money, maybe then you'll get some more responsibility from each of them.
@CitizenSnips314 8 жыл бұрын
We did something somewhat like that in Denmark, and boy is it difficult. The ammount of bureaucracy is staggering. How do we determine who ought to earn their benefits working for a charity? Many academics without a job try to establish a start-up, which of course they wouldnt have time for if they worked for a charity. Others still will lose motivation from restrictions. I very much agree that many people who've had negative experiences are in diar need of dignity - and that a welfare check does not in itself encourage people to be active about their situation - but how best to obtain it? The problem in Denmark right now is we implement New Public Management everywhere, and while some of it is fine, most of it is retarded (tbh). We centralise decision-making and remove the agency of the profesional worker in the daycare, the school and the hospital. I don't think it should be centralised, especially now when technology and better education allows for more de-centralisation. Yeah, I would deem myself a socialist libertarian; we need the state as a tool to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice for as many people as possible until we no longer need a state for this purpose.
@gabfortin1976 7 жыл бұрын
Christianity also said it was ok to enslave people so how about you go fuck yourself
@avocadoralph 7 жыл бұрын
What scripture do you use to support your point? I've studied the Bible for decades and have missed that one.
@gabfortin1976 7 жыл бұрын
If you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve for only six years. Set him free in the seventh year, and he will owe you nothing for his freedom. If he was single when he became your slave and then married afterward, only he will go free in the seventh year. But if he was married before he became a slave, then his wife will be freed with him. If his master gave him a wife while he was a slave, and they had sons or daughters, then the man will be free in the seventh year, but his wife and children will still belong to his master. But the slave may plainly declare, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children. I would rather not go free.’ If he does this, his master must present him before God. Then his master must take him to the door and publicly pierce his ear with an awl. After that, the slave will belong to his master forever. (Exodus 21:2-6) Go fuck yourself.
@gabfortin1976 7 жыл бұрын
Christianity is only Hermeticism corrupted by man. The ones who re-wrote and corrupted these doctrines were always people wanting to impose their will, Constantine for example. You havent studied enough it seems, if you would you would follow the true teachings of the names you tarnish in those books.
@shmutz6051 6 жыл бұрын
To my regret I have to say I've been there. Rejecting welfare in order to try to make it on ya own is a jump into cold water, often times not even knowing whether ya can even swim. I made it work and am supporting my self fairy well now but I still remember how disincentivizing it was. The clerk at teh unemployment office even asked me twice whether I was sure. It's a bad system where ya can have less as a working person than one who doesn't. One of our politicians said the very natural phraze _work has to pay off_ but people laughed at him, it's bizarre. I do get the genuine point of not wanting people to starve and also it's pretty evident that if ya really got nothing, not even money to get ya self look and smell good when going on a job interview, then there's no real option to pull ya self up by the boot strings. The left has a legitimate point there. Tho the current welfare system is horrendous, costly and degrading. I believe we're better off with a negative tax (because it lets people have more if they work and doesn't have the issues of the UBI), that pays out the bare minimum, so people don't starve and can shave, shower and dress for job interviews, got incentive to work and contribute to society and get rid of most of the welfare beurocracy. inb4 the education argument, school vouchers are a promising way that would also force our terrible public school system to reform, I see it as a state investment Sure a lot of libertarians would disagree even with that but that'd already be far better what we got now.
@jessehansen3951 5 жыл бұрын
Milton and Sowell are intellectual heavyweights. Milton’s smile at 14:02 is great
@Snoopod 7 жыл бұрын
James R Dumpson is incredible in this. God why can't we have debates like this no adays?
@heyitsablackguy9553 9 жыл бұрын
Welfare state came into being when those who lack responsibility, accountability and discipline. Improve those things and the welfare state will be on it's last leg.
@MegaStairman 8 жыл бұрын
+heyitsablackguy human society will always have those surely know one or two yourself....our problem is caring about them more then they care for themselves
@TickleMeElmo55 8 жыл бұрын
+heyitsablackguy Many come into poverty for various reasons. Sure, the lazy and undisciplined are there, but how about those who truly are incapable of providing for themselves? The elderly, the orphans, the mentally ill, the 19 yr old single mother (who isn't a welfare queen) and the physically handicap? Getting rid of the welfare state is a bad idea; expanding it does a disservice to the human spirit as well as those who need government support the most. Of course, this is not to say that government should be the sole provider. Private charity and private institutions can balance it out, aiding these certain populations. There will always be moochers, but the moochers shouldn't dictate whether or not the welfare should be abolished.
@MegaStairman 8 жыл бұрын
no but the people providing the welfare need to be able to dictate that those collecting do SOMETHING for what they body expect a quadrapeligic or a 88 year old to do much if anything...but a able bodied person should sweep the floors of a business that ppays a lot of taxes ,,,they should clean public toilets....they should pull weeds at parks....if they don't like those welfare requirements then they can do what the rest ofus do...get sa job that some are going to say...but it's expensive to supervise that kinda work.....but no it isn't when you consider that there are people that will take free handout with no requirements but there are many that won't do menial work and will find a way to make money if they are forced,,,,and that is a good thing if they have kids because as it is today the biggest risk factor for ending up on welfare is having a parent on welfare
@martind586 7 жыл бұрын
I don't see signs all over the USA hiring black men. Also go look up which states are welfare states. Top 10 are red. Top 10 that give more money to the fed that they get back is BLUE states.The USA takes in 2 T a year and spends 80B in Food stamps. A mere 4 %. To keep millions of people begging stealing etc, I'd gladly give $% to help the poor. Question Why does the Gov pay millions in food stamps to Walmart employees ? Walmart needs to give them a raise. They make 20k a minute 10.5 Billion a year. I think they can afford it.
@avocadoralph 7 жыл бұрын
why should anyone be hired because of skin color? How is that not racism? The most derelict cities and states in the country are run by Democrats. When I first moved to CA in 1969, they had some of, if not the best highway system in the country. Now driving on HWY 101 is no better than some in third world countries I have visited. CA also has the highest income tax rate of any state in the U.S. (13%) and the state's unfunded liability (pensions) is in the tens of billions of dollars. Some "wealthy" cities like San Jose are bankrupt because of the largess of elected officials with taxpayer money.
@LordMcSatan 9 жыл бұрын
Imagine welfare in the animal kingdom. A bear has made a kill, but he may only eat 75% of it and the rest must be carried to a wolf den and left there. The wolf pack is able bodied, and tho they have pups, the pack family unit could still work together to feed them all. But they choose not to work for a variety of reasons of their own design, so other animals who worked for their meals must now give up some to them. Sounds absurd, doesn't it? I think so, too.
@brandimcgahey3044 9 жыл бұрын
Friedman and Sowell both make some good points in this video. Welfare was initially established to provide short term aide to those who were "failing in society." It was never meant to be a permanent way of life. There are so many that have this "what can you do for me?" mentality and "if I have more children I can get more aide" way of thinking is definitely a learned behavior. It is a cycle that is difficult to break but can be done if people are provided with other options/resources. We are definitely creatures of habit we stick with what we know and are afraid of the unknown. I agree with the notion of welfare being a trap.
@maguilla 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic Milton and Sowell legends
@tammybunting4034 6 жыл бұрын
Thomas sowell so logical
@moa3821 8 жыл бұрын
start making those who receive welfare work for it
@cooganalaska3249 8 жыл бұрын
That idea is too profoundly, clearly, and simply true.
@johnsmith-vy3bc 7 жыл бұрын
then they're working though, so not on welfare
@LordDirus007 7 жыл бұрын
That's called Communism
@moa3821 7 жыл бұрын
john smith more incentive to get off. by work for it i mean volunteer a specific amount of hours per week, show that you are looking for a job. nothing is free, the government cant afford to give free things
@moa3821 7 жыл бұрын
James Charbonneau so is welfare on its own already
@jbscornerstore 10 жыл бұрын
@Liberty Pen, you are the best, keep these classics coming they are most appreciated!
@advocatefortruthlibertyand5803 5 жыл бұрын
What Illuminating conversation Is truly sad that we think the government fixes problems And even more sad that we don't know by now the personal responsibility is the best medicine for every human on earth
@skylamitchell8015 9 жыл бұрын
Its sad how the government treated the people in need of benefits. The people were so scared to get off the benefits because that was basically all they knew. Even if they did find a good job to support their family, they were too scared to take the job because they didn't want to loose their benefits with welfare. The welfare treated them like children!
@antoniok1769 9 жыл бұрын
skyla Mitchell I agree with Skyla M. it is very sad how the people in need was treated. The biggest part that bother me, was if they did fine a job, they was cut off the benefits, or to afraid to take it because they might lose their benefits. I felt if they did find jobs, they should have been given a grace period ,where as the government would help them again or reinstate their benefits if the job fall through within the first 18 months.
@chrish.2244 9 жыл бұрын
skyla Mitchell To A Huge Extent It Still Does.
@gwendolynproctor3794 9 жыл бұрын
skyla Mitchell Skyla, I agree with you. The government makes it hard for anyone to get help with any type of benefits. People are scared to take a leap of faith. Any type of extra income will automatically cancel you from getting any extra help.
@randy109 8 жыл бұрын
As a Conservative Libertarian (Austrian School/Chicago School of Economics) I've studied Economics for the last 40 years. Having read all the "Classics" I am of course, a Libertarian. Now, that said, I realized in my mid 40's that in a Dog Eat Dog capitalist society there are a lot of "Dogs that are Eaten". So, being old enough to see how many people simply LOVED FDR I do get the attraction of Socialism. So how do we make sure that the average citizen, that is willing to take a job, lives decently? Re-distribution of wealth certainly doesn't work and the siren song of Communism can never work because it contradicts human nature so what DO we do?? We can't possibly educate our entire population in Free Market Capitalism or Libertarianism so we are fooling ourselves if we continue to tell EVERY child that he or she can grow up to be rich, so what DO we do? I made my "Money" in the 80's during the Reagan years so I can live comfortably in late middle-age (now!), but I know that not everybody can emulate an upper middle class lifestyle and succeed, so what DO we do?? Trump is a Maniac and Sanders might easily beat him if it comes to them being our Candidates so Hilary is nice and safe in the "middle". What will SHE do???? Third Party or even Fourth or Fifth Party is what we need. Vote Libertarian with an adequate Safety Net for the TRULY needy. That's all I got...
@CitizenSnips314 8 жыл бұрын
+TELEthruVOXx I believe the welfare state to be a viable option. Look to the Nordics. They know how it's done. Denmark been named the world's best country for business by Forbes Magazine multiple times; Sweden and Norway usually are in the top 5. So - for several years running - 3 out of 5 of the best countries in the world to do business are welfare states. One aspect of the welfare state I find intriguing is that - put bluntly - one person's problem becomes everyone's problem. This means that more people are concerned with a problem than would otherwise have been. This means that the problem will be solved faster. In the US today, tens of millions of people don't get help because the monetary incentive to help them just isn't there. But in a welfare state, where it is costly for the state if you are sick or whatever, the state has an incentive to find a way for you to take care of yourself. Of course it's not as simple as that, and there are issues with bureaucracy and people who live of off welfare as a 'way of life', but I believe it to be better. Habeas corpus - innocent unless proven guilty - should guide how we make up our minds about other people. And I won't punish 35.000 people because 500 won't get a job.
@loununya9251 8 жыл бұрын
+randy109 The leader of Germany miraculously raised the Germans out of the Great Depression within four years while the rest of the world was scratching their heads. Someone should study what he did, but the mere mention of his name sends shock waves throughout the globe. Had he died in 1938 he would have been touted as the most influential person of the 20th century and a genius economist.. Unfortunately, after that, he went on to become a megalomaniac.
@TickleMeElmo55 8 жыл бұрын
+Lou Nunya I'm currently reading Hitler's economy plan for Nazi Germany. Simply fascinating.
@loununya9251 8 жыл бұрын
Clinton learned to bend to the will of the Republican house led by Gingrich, he also benefitted from a peace time economy and was in office during an international boom in telecommunications, a computer revolution and the dawn of the internet. Essentially he was in the right place at the right time.Hitler had a genius IQ. He worked a miracle on the German economy, in spite of his lack of formal education in economics. Thomas Edison never went to college either. College is a bit over-rated. I'll take a genius IQ, common sense and logic over education any day of the week.
@loununya9251 8 жыл бұрын
How else would you describe how he lifted Germany out of a Depression far worse than the one in the US in only 4 years while FDR and his brain trust fiddled around for 8 or 9 years and the American economy was still stagnant? The proof is in the results. PhD's can argue and debate all day long, that's what they do... talk. But when it comes to proving a theory, I think results speak louder than words.
@ZimCrusher 6 жыл бұрын
Seeing Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell in the same room, is just.... awesome. Wish we had 100 of each. So funny that if you did see the clothes they were wearing, you'd think it was filmed yesterday. Same issues, same excuses.
@tylerbragg4220 5 жыл бұрын
Milton’s face at 14:03. He’s enjoying every minute of Sowell owning!
@EdgeWalker69 6 жыл бұрын
Didn't the church do the charity back in the day? Saying that if there was a job problem for some people in a givin area, that the rest of the community would just let them starve in the streets, seems a bit.. arhm.. uninformed to me... Further evdience of this could be found by looking at our socieity today. It would seem that all over the western world, most governments has adopted the "cradle to grave" welfare policy. Therefor, either everybody agree that we should help our fellow man, in which case there is no need to force people to pay for governments bureaucrats to do charity for their own money. Or the welfare system is a lie, and was created by an unelected elite whom is forceing the tax-payer at gun point, to finanse programs that nobody want.
@slappyhappy6192 7 жыл бұрын
capitalism has led to "the poor" having cell phones, hd tv, radio, refrigeration, heat, A/C, access to affordable transportation....everything.
@bejoypradeep 7 жыл бұрын
we need a panel like this today
@bigidiotdumbstupidguy9329 7 жыл бұрын
Holy shit. This is the first video I've ever seen of Thomas Sowell. How have I never heard of this man?? He's amazing! I love how well spoken and composed he is, as well as being able to see the faults in the system he lives in. He's the only one not directly attacking Milton Friedman here and it's nice to see. He's usually always just shouldering blows but to see him get a backer is nice. EDIT: a backer *for once...
@anner.5347 8 жыл бұрын
welfare babies - 15 babies with 15 different daddies - WHY THE HELL SHOULD WE SUBSIDIZE THAT? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.
@jamaaldaynitelong8367 8 жыл бұрын
I got an idea...We subsidize their kids and housing and they subsidize our car payments, utility bills, rent, phone bills etc...It's only fair right?
@roybatty- 6 жыл бұрын
Allowing someone to give you money without the expectation of paying it back always ends badly.
@g00se99 10 жыл бұрын
Tragic that this kind of discussion doesnt exist in the mainstream anymore.
@JohnJohnson-dj2dv 6 жыл бұрын
Milton Friedman nails it at the 11:23 mark when he commented about the money going into programs.
@mitchkeller5055 6 жыл бұрын
Just started getting into your videos and it’s changing the way I see things
@kevinlooney8200 5 жыл бұрын
A great civil discussion. We need to learn how to do this now.
@dogwater6263 5 жыл бұрын
I love Milton Friedman. What a character 😂
@scottytc 5 жыл бұрын
This discussion occurred in 1980 and yet it sounds like today. It boggles the mind that people were this aware of the issue almost 40 years ago.
@biancaakines9791 9 жыл бұрын
I also see how receiving benefits can make a client feel child dependent. You first have to go through a process to get the benefits, take so much documentation to the worker, see the worker so many times throughout the year for recerts, wait on the benefits every month etc. It is a lot. Also I agree with the Mr. Sowell when he talked about putting money in school with low scores. I have seen in the present days where in order for the schools to get additional grants, the children have to rank high in testing above other schools in the district.
@stevedoetsch 8 жыл бұрын
The final statement by Friedman is the heart of the issue.
@Malignus68 5 жыл бұрын
Back when pride was a universal virtue. How times have changed.
@martincolindres697 7 жыл бұрын
Bravo great Mr. Sowell ,a great thinker.
@chrish.2244 9 жыл бұрын
James R. Dumpson Who Was Chief Administration of Human Resources Administration, of NYC during 1974-1976 put the hammer to the nail. He stated " You Can' t Blame the System That By Its Own Failures Have Produced Poverty." Milton Friedman Speaks For The Bad Population Of People Who Misuse Government Assistance. Some People Have No Choice. I Also Like How He Pointed Out About How Not All People Who Are Considered Social Workers Are Social Workers. I Realize How Important It Is To Be Licensed Now And To Have A Passion To Care. That's One Of The Most Important Characteristics Of A Social Worker.
@openair8867 5 жыл бұрын
Sowell and Friedman. Name a more iconic duo.
@indiansummer5122 5 жыл бұрын
That these kinds of serious conversations, led by people eminently qualified to pontificate on important social issues, don’t happen anymore is the biggest fucking tragedy of them all.
@Vveljac 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks Liberty, love your Friedman videos
@serpentines6356 5 жыл бұрын
It's nice to watch the older debate show clips - much more informative, and the speakers don't keep trying to talk over each other.
@zcharg0 5 жыл бұрын
Milton Friedman is a torrent of wisdom and common sense. Shame his ideas haven’t caught on more since this video was made 40 years ago.
@mirianalajtman7728 5 жыл бұрын
everyone speaks so beautifully in this video... damn thomas was passionate!
@viritrilbiaslayerofargus.6691 6 жыл бұрын
I appreciate how Milton Friedman comes in the end to finish off the lady after receiving a good ass whooping from Thomas Sowell. This material is high quality indeed.
@Nemo-un5rr 6 жыл бұрын
@rudebwoy9203 5 жыл бұрын
This should be shown in our public schools
@jackie7788 5 жыл бұрын
@14:02 Milton's look is priceless. "The student has become the master" I bet he feels proud of Thomas Sowell.
@hcp0scratch 8 жыл бұрын
THAT was fantastic!!!!!
@deezynar 10 жыл бұрын
Excellent observation.
@lastup4170 5 жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell and his intelligence brings me to tears.
@ovp66223 7 жыл бұрын
My biggest gripe with welfare, or the "safety net" is that it should be solely to keep a person from hitting rock bottom. A means to a poverty level living. If they want more, they need to work. It should be temporary or at least go down at some point to a lower level to stimulate activity beyond the once a week feign of job searching. What it should NOT be is a means to a middle class living and that's what all the bleeding hearts are after today. They counter with "but they'll be homeless" or "you actually want them to starve", etc. In other words, fear-mongering. Two things that is true throughout history is that a person given something freely won't appreciate as much as one that works for it, and that our number one priority is to survive. If you force survival upon someone, they'll find a way. I really like the point that Friedman made about how welfare destroyed the more compassionate private charitable actions. There is not a person on this planet that doesn't cringe thinking about having to visit and interact with workers at a government facility. It's like living death.
@honeyglazedgammon2318 10 жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell is a beast, make sure you watch the tonnes of other videos on you tube. What a great man!
@Min-xm8tp 4 жыл бұрын
This is from a series of 10 one hour programmes by Milton Friedman called Free to choose, Give it a go, it's very thorough, very long and very interesting, I think Thomas Sowell is on a couple of them.
@DynamicUnreal 7 жыл бұрын
Regardless of what side you are on, the fact that people back in the old days could argue his/her side and be able to do it civilly and intellectually is astounding. My generation (millenials) can't even listen to the other side without being triggered and calling everyone a racist, sexist, libtard and all the other buzzwords you can find.
@10Alan17 5 жыл бұрын
This was very informative and entertaining, thanks
@jimgallagher5902 5 жыл бұрын
I've never heard Mr. Friedman speak where he didn't IMPRESS and MOVE all who heard his message. What a joy to hear him speak and REASON away so many of the stupidities of modern America.
@ableasdale2000 5 жыл бұрын
Sowell is a genius. One of America's greatest thinkers.
@rhondaperry4911 9 жыл бұрын
As I review the various comments in the video, I'm reminded that yes, there are some individuals who have abused the system and there may be some probability that they always will. However, I definitely think we should stay abreast of the individuals who have sought services through the welfare system and truly wanted a hand-up and worked hard to change the situation they were in. When Friedman mentioned in the video, that participants are dictates of their welfare supervisors, it really registered with experiences I've witnessed during my career where I've seen people treated like objects rather than people and they were never given a real chance. I've seen where participants were dictated to and never treated like they had any abilities or sense of understanding. We have to remember that some people fell on a hard time by one bad decision or by circumstances outside of their control. At least, let's give participants a chance and be cognitive of not treating everyone as if their intent is to beat the system.
@Norwalquero 7 жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell is an American treasure. David Mamet once referred to Sowell as "our greatest contemporary philosopher". Rightly so.
@sgame79 10 жыл бұрын
"You mean separate the hopes from the reality? " That one question cuts to the heart of most government programs.
@princesswarrior8634 9 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with Brandi McGahey's comment. Good points were definitely made within this video. Welfare was made to provide 'short term' care for families who are really in need. No individual should EVER become too 'dependent' on welfare or any other governmental assistance program. I also agree that it is definitely a learned behavior, and it's unfortunately a sad behavior. Welfare really put families in a position to feel trapped, when its goal should be to help families overcome and strive for more. Overall, it's a sad situation.
@transformercharger 5 жыл бұрын
This is so good
@lawrencegreenwood4002 5 жыл бұрын
' don't have to do that, you simply subsidize it.' - Man. Thomas Sowell is so incomprehensibly onto it.
@michaelschlager2808 5 жыл бұрын
Look at what a debate used to be, compared to what it is now.
@princesswarrior8634 9 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video. I have to agree with several statements that were made. Ms. O'Bannon stated that the economy isn't producing jobs fast enough. I couldn't agree with that statement more. If more jobs were being created, so that people can work, I do believe that some families would not have to depend on welfare. However, there are some individuals who like to 'depend' on the government to take care of them. I agree with Mr. Friedman about individuals who are being put on welfare have to be dictated to as well as lose their human independence and dignity. They are basically being treated as children, and this is absurd. It's really sad how some people who are on welfare are afraid to take jobs, due to the fact that if they were to lose that job it would take up to 9 months before they can get back on welfare. There was also a statement about how some of the social workers aren't doing their job correctly. In my opinion, there need to be revisions throughout the welfare program, as well as hiring suitable and caring workers. The purpose of welfare should be to help families during their time of need, and to help build them up for a better future. There should be no reason of why families should feel the need to depend on welfare to take care of them for the rest of their lives.
@blader45bc 6 жыл бұрын
Welfare subsidizes failure and punishes those who manage to attain some success. Sowell is a genius
@Oplix 7 жыл бұрын
@3:55 this is perhaps one of the most important points I have ever heard made.
@lucusinfabula 7 жыл бұрын
all the bells and whistles of an important segment of contemporary democratic discourse
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