MISCONCEPTIONS and MYTHS About Guild Wars 2, That Are All Wrong!

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Ай бұрын

Guild Wars 2 has been on the mmo scene for over a decade, and it always seems to be treated like its off to the side. Something that doesn’t help with this, is the many misconceptions that players have about the game. In this video we will be discussing some of the common misconceptions and myths about Guild Wars 2 and why they are all wrong.
Feel free to leave a comment to help further the discussion, or check to see if I am live and come chat in person!
/ evan4k_
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#guildwars2 #gw2 #mmo #mmorpg #gaming #lore

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@michu1247 Ай бұрын
I showed trailer of Janthir wilds expansion to people and they said that its nice that this game will finally get swimming... GW2 Marketing team has a job to do.
@tophatturtle3019 Ай бұрын
The amount of additional money ArenaNet would make if this game was effectively marketed would be unreal....
@velotti2109 Ай бұрын
Last night I decided to compare the GW2 steam page with the chinese GW2 website, and hoo boy what a difference. The western promotional videos look like random cutscenes and 480p b-roll footage, while the chinese videos are completely breathtaking and make me actually want to explore the world of Tyria again. I never thought I'd be praising the chinese version for anything, but they actually try to make their content look good enough to pull new players in to the world while ANet almost seems like it doesn't even have a clue how to make the game look good in its own promotional media.
@michu1247 8 күн бұрын
@@velotti2109 I wish I could see it how did you access it? I can't even find gw2 in steam china.
@njorun1829 Ай бұрын
You make such a good job promoting this game, Anet should make you partner.
@Zackiezzz Ай бұрын
he almost sold me this game
@toonseten Ай бұрын
he is hired. only 4k subsand high in youtube algoritme. good comercial
@guardiangibbs2663 Ай бұрын
GW2 combat has spoiled me for other games. I tried goin back to catch up on the story for SWTOR, and I just can't. Enemies, auto track you, movement is irrelevant and dodge doesn't exist.
@rutab1357 Ай бұрын
It definitely has its upsides. But for me returning from retail WoW I miss the "proc - buttons" which come up randomly and mix up the damage rotation. I feel that in Gw2's PvE the damage rotation is like a static rehearsed dance choreography.. 😅
@foshizzle563 Ай бұрын
Sadly its still tab target, if you have played korean p2w mmos like bdo or lost ark the combat is so much better, but its a kr mmo... If gw2 had that combat it would be the best mmo imo.
@_M.... Ай бұрын
MMO is a terible genre that trains players to only be able to play a specific type and implimentation of game that is both horribly dated and zero fun.
@markgavrilenko8603 Ай бұрын
Same. I'm also went from SWTOR to GW2, and stayed here because of combat system and gameplay. If only SWTOR had the similar GW2 mechanic instead WoW one it would be the best MMO in history
@vipanez5728 Ай бұрын
got this problem too in ESO. I tried Eso for little variety to gw2 but I never got warm with this combat system
@Airkrazher Ай бұрын
"GW2 has no endgame" It is, in fact, 99 % endgame, leveling is the tutorial. No idea who says this, people who still think dungeons are relevant?
@sharkstaint1373 Ай бұрын
how can there be an endgame when there is no start , there is gold farm , not "endgame" , endgame is something you a will have to achieve or start doing when you finished all the early or easy starting content , game is pure gold farm , sure you can say "play for fun" why would i spam a dungeon 500 times without rewards , so there no real fun in mmos unless there is rewards included thats what makes it fun , gold wars 2 thats it.
@GigglingStoners Ай бұрын
Whoa, whoa, dont drag us (people who think dungeons are relevant) into this.
@Airkrazher Ай бұрын
@@sharkstaint1373 it's endgame if it's at max level. The progression doesn't have to be more power, that's just the traditional view. You set your own goal, unlike being a slave to gear score.
@AzureRoxe Ай бұрын
@@Airkrazher It's literally called "progression", it's literally about more power. "setting your own goal" isn't progression.
@Airkrazher Ай бұрын
@@AzureRoxe no, progression is not "literallly" more power. It simply means that you are progressing, in any way, shape or form you want. It can be power, but it doesn't have to be.
@Ourspark34 Ай бұрын
Honestly I think we can forgive the Gem store being a little sketchy considering there is no monthly subscription.
@minor_2nd Ай бұрын
that and everything in it is either cosmetic or convenience
@ivanruzic2592 Ай бұрын
Which is better. Instead of paying every month, you buy it once, and you never again need to worry if you'll have it or not. Even if you return three years later, the expac you bought then will be there for you.
@minor_2nd Ай бұрын
And all the gear you had back then is still just as relevant, nothing gets outclassed with time. you don't get punished for not playing
@Insig385 Ай бұрын
the thing with gem store is what you buy is yours forever as long as the game runs. the subscription games like ff14, your account is basically taken hostage unless u pay the monthly fee. and gatcha games where all the charas you pull are basically part of a "gemstore" are subject to being powercrept surprisingly fast. this applies to other games with stores that sells power - over time what you paid for just gets powercrept n you have to buy more upgrades but nothing is gonna powercreep your copper fed or your bank tabs! 😂 I bought my copper fed 9 years ago, and its still the most recommended gemshop item to purchase, still the most convenient! my bifrost n incinerator may have dropped in price on tp because of new leggies released, but the convenience of being able to stat swap at any time n all my charas can equip is not diminished at all. and best of all - I can convert ingame gold for gems!!
@ivanruzic2592 Ай бұрын
@@Insig385 And it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon, if ever.
@coolo316 Ай бұрын
Gw2 has the best fasion endgame and combat in the mmo sphere.
@kas9402 29 күн бұрын
I love GW2 but I can't pretend that buttcapes are the "best fashion" in MMOs >_> I really wish there were more skins that aren't hideous... that being said, you can make some pretty sweet stuff
@Nekonix36 Ай бұрын
One thing I'd like to add about the gem to gold conversion, sometimes after making a gem purchase I'll have some leftover gems that I can't really do anything with and it's nice to be able to convert that into a usable currency. Also, ahem cough *WoW Tokens*.
@Coobanmen Ай бұрын
this is true, but also they dont do that crap where a new skin costs say 950 gems, but u can only charge 900 or 1800, which is what every single korean shitshow does.
@Arilozen Ай бұрын
Well spoken. Thanks for covering this stuff. "They hate it because it's different and they hate change." is incredibly based.
@AzureRoxe Ай бұрын
Ironic when GW2 fanboys hate anything different.
@Arilozen Ай бұрын
@@AzureRoxe You could literally insert any MMO into your sentence and it'd be somewhat correct. MMO players are passionate about their games of choice. In other news: water wet, grass green.
@coolo316 Ай бұрын
​@@AzureRoxe Gw2 is different from every mainstream MMO out right now, everything else is more or less the same so no I don't think so, just the combat is leagues above any other mmo because you can out skill a meta build user if your good, anywhere else meta is meta.
@Raindrop511 Ай бұрын
@@coolo316 lol GW2 might have been this way years ago, nowadays shit is so broken the game is a meme, it lost all of it's difficulty and stuff like fractals, dungeons, raids are trivialized by completely overpowered builds and power creep, having to go out of your way to not play meta just to make the game a bit challenging is honestly a shame, i don't see it as a good thing.
@Royal.Grand.Majesty Ай бұрын
I honestly always have GW2 as a secondary MMO while switching between various primary MMOs. While over-time I get tired of a certain primary MMO, the fast-paced fluid combat of GW2 always has me hooked. Yes I've tried BDO, how-ever countless, never-ending mob-grinding with an uncapped leveling system isn't my jam. TBH WoW and GW2 are the best in the genre in my opinion when it comes to the fluidity of the game-play and that's the number one thing I look for in an MMO.
@antivalidisme5669 Ай бұрын
As someone who got back into the game exactly 2 years ago after a 10 years hiatus, the gear aspect was so key in my return. I discovered MMOs in August 2009 and I entirely immersed myselinto one of them, going after first downs and first clears, gear being one key aspect, being THE off-tank during raids, sometime main tank, sometime main DPS and so many other experiments. Finally got bored of the obnoxious suddenly unavoidable P2W aspect and followed a guildmate advices and literally rushed GW1, GWAMM all that stuff. Got into GW2 beta soon after a couple of months digging The Secret World and got bored just after I got my first legendary shield and immersed myself into EvE Online PvP. 12 years later here I am, trying new builds, new weapons, experimenting being a Commander, you know that kind of stufF. Still mainly playing Berserker, Scraper, Firebrand, Herald, Vindi, Reaper, Catalyst, Mirage and one of my all time favorites, Chrono, like just now kicking some Chak butts ;) Take care
@ouroboros02 Ай бұрын
but of course its paid to win, i mean, its fashion wars baby!
@foxmilianzerochanlazarus5084 Ай бұрын
Actual fact
@mitchellsmith1893 Ай бұрын
I played GW2 years ago and came back almost a year ago, it's horizontal progression is insane, I come back after 3-4 years and was just as strong/still am... it really is all skill, thats pretty awesome. There is so much content and you actively run into people everywhereeeeee all over the world, groups, big groups, solo. This is my experience anyways. Plus I love their combat system and action camera.
@Koakoa45 Ай бұрын
I play GW2 and it is far from dead. There are players everywhere in every zone. I think the hardest part I hear from new players is, they don't know what to do once they are dumped into the open world. It is not like WoW or FFXIV where it is very linear. GW2 assumes you know how to play a mmorpg, how to use bars, read the tooltip, yes read them, and know how to use the hero panel. It has a very steep learning curve for sure. Good news is, it is easy to learn, the community is super helpful, just ask in Map Chat if lost or confused.
@illmattic024 Ай бұрын
Here’s another misconception I would’ve added: “Guild Wars 2 is only for casual players” This idea gets thrown around a lot in the MMO subreddits and other forums and my answer is always the same: GW2 is as casual or hardcore as you want it to be. It’s true that GW2 might be easier to get into as a casual player compared to other games, and because there is such a huge focus on open world content, it’s a lot easier to jump in and get straight into the action than other MMOs where there isn’t much more than boring mobs and fetch quests until you max level. The way that new and old players alike can party up and play content together due to level scaling is a huge positive for me. I introduced the game to a friend recently and being able to explore together, fight bosses together, even join their story instance if I choose, has made it such a great experience. That said, I’ve played now somewhere around 1500 hours and I still have basically unlimited amounts of content to pursue. I’ve explored every map in the game to 100% completion, nearly finished all the mastery points, gotten a few legendaries and characters geared for fractals. And where the true “hardcore” endgame is, in my opinion, is becoming proficient to play multiple classes and roles at a high skill level. When you start getting bored, just roll a new character/class and it changes the entire lens through which you view the game. Not to mention the game is an achievement hunter’s dream and there are countless collections, titles, cosmetics, and achievements to grind towards. GW2 is a massive game and so many people are sleeping on it. I love that I play specific content simply for the fun of it rather than always having a specific carrot on a stick I’m going for.
@Mike_TGL 22 күн бұрын
I just started playing Guild Wars 2, I am level 50. It is awesome. Such a breath of fresh air. The world is one of best I have experienced in any game.
@ShaneLogan445 Ай бұрын
As always, fantastic video! Really enjoy your videos, my dude.
@96Caleb96 Ай бұрын
I have always thought gw2 twitch viewers is so low just because it's more fun to play. Everytime i play i can find people doing any content im doing.
@keithcraig506 Ай бұрын
That was my first thought. GW2 players are too busy playing the game to watch other people play the game.
@raph4521 Ай бұрын
As a pvp player only, i struggle to find mmo's with gameplay as fluid as gw2
@valravn9907 Ай бұрын
I played for a total of 2 or 3 months before, during and after Christmas. I played almost 10 - 12 hours a day + job and girlfriend, I was literally addicted to Path of Fire and the S4 content, I managed to get every mastery and I must say, It was the most fun I've had in an mmo since forever. I'm coming back for Janthir Wilds
@MusPuiDiTe Ай бұрын
Basically the gem store it can be dumbed down to "pay to save time"
@XDarakuX Ай бұрын
Kind of a bad visual comparison at 2:00 since one is light armor and the other is heavy and you have different runes but your point still stands. If GW2 is pay to win because you can buy lvl 80 exotic zerker gear instantly instead of converting the wizard vault weeklies to gold in an hour or two then you've set the bar too low. At that point mirrored competitive shooters are pay to win because you could spend hundreds of dollars on a 480hz monitor and a mouse that is a few grams lighter. Also, I'm pretty sure that the people complaining about GW2 having a boring combat system are pre lvl 80 warrior/thief mains who kinda have a point if they don't know what elite specs are.
@maciejkonopka5695 Ай бұрын
Lol, thanks for pointing this out, I was literally scratching my head thinking "how is legendary gear not better than ascended if legendary is 127 defense and ascended is 77 defense. Didn't notice it was light vs heavy...
@marcosfranco1815 Ай бұрын
I miss the dodge button in other mmos, that is truly once feature I got used to a lot lol
@Dragases11 Ай бұрын
Great video nice explaining
@leoescales1774 8 күн бұрын
After hundreds (if not thousands) of hours put in WoW, RuneScape, Dofus, LOTR, ESO and a few hundreds hours in GW2 I can safely say it is by far the most complete and the most fun of all MMOs I’ve played
@drchaos2000 Ай бұрын
thinking about returning to the game after 2 years... whats a good support class that is least spammy ? as in you dont have to click every button as soon as it pops up just to keep up buffs
@RicoZaid_ Ай бұрын
I always come back to GW2. First character: 10 years and 6 months old, Created Dec 4, 2013 00 00
@luckypeanut9943 Ай бұрын
WvW could easily be guild wars' bastion if it wasnt so untouched. I got my local librarian into the game because the idea of 30+ player armies swamping eachother and conquering bases but he couldnt get into it more. Some of my favorite wvw builds are things ive made with guildies to spam damage mit on dwarf herald
@katanikoneko9036 Ай бұрын
I've been playing a different MMO (just for a bit of variety GW2 is always my fav) and I keep trying to dodge out of attacks by habit XD I always miss it right when I need it! And I've been playing the game for a decade and unfortunately I can see where a few of those misconceptions come from. But they are not true in current GW2 at all! We are growing and our endgame is challenging and fun!
@Leo-z1v 21 күн бұрын
I have played gw1 and gw2 and I will continue playing gw2. I really enjoy playing the game. Member since 2005
@danielbrown8812 22 күн бұрын
The belief that meta builds are always the best is why so many players die vs any boss in the open world. People don't bother to add healing gear because the meta build for fractals does not include it. Then in open world without any group buffs or heals they die in every boss encounter.
@rept7 Ай бұрын
GW2 is one of the best MMOs I've played, but also one of the most frustrating. Single player wise, it's great. But I can't find challenging enough multiplayer PvE content that leans into the action combat side of things, instead of DPS optimized rotations and build metas being mandatory. I love the action half of the combat system, just wish it was better emphasized. But maybe there's a myth or misconception in there, unless the misconception is the idea that GW2 isn't a tab-targetter with extra flair.
@elchialde6318 12 күн бұрын
of course its pay to win, you can drop 1k$ and max out all crafting to 500, along with aquiring all the resources needed to craft ascended gear, you need 3k gold to get all 32 slot bags, making inventory management easier the only thing you cant do is make legendary, but you can get like 80% of the materials with gold
@shouyangboshi007 Ай бұрын
how long has it been since the anet update the raid?😅
@Eshu5264 Ай бұрын
I'm going to disagree about that part with "collecting apperances". I was playing this game a bit and it seems that most of apperances are from shop/lootboxes. Same as mounts appearances. I'd like to see more of them obtainable by playing the game, not buying gems (for money or gold).
@electroforever93 Ай бұрын
It’s funny that I’ve already spent way more money for gw2 which isn’t p2w than for any other p2w game
@qwerty222999 Ай бұрын
I prefer open world for the very same reason you mention in your video; that I can just pick my own build with complete disregard to the meta. You want some sort of self protection when wandering alone.
@timmah2360 Ай бұрын
the lack of endgame content also stems from when the game first launched. At that point, there really was no endgame. There were no fractals, no raids. Only dungeons which was pretty easy. I know several people who left within 1 year of launch for this reason and never returned
@robertwaremusic Ай бұрын
I've always enjoyed GW2 and the way they do things, but I can't get past the abysmal story and map experience that SotO has been. Never been so annoyed and bored with an MMO expansion in my life.
@elocfreidon Ай бұрын
Icebrood Saga Champions, Gyala delve, and the last patches of Soto is definitely a precedent that makes someone worried about what the game is headed to.
@MesmerAloofly Ай бұрын
popularity does not equal quality
@keithcraig506 Ай бұрын
Truth. Example: McDonald's hamburgers = "billions and billions sold". They are very popular, but no one in their right mind is going to even suggest they're the best hamburgers on the planet.
@Relhio Ай бұрын
Meta builds are meta for their respective environments assuming it's the highest end stuff with a proper team comp. All that being said, you don't need a healer for T4 if you don't play the meta builds, those are always just aimed at top dps and zero sustain because it's implied you would have a healer with you, which is why these builds are bad for open world. Usually meta open world builds can do any type of content, while the specific ones aren't always interchangeable, unless it's strikes/raids.
@warlocksm1 Ай бұрын
You can even do t4 with full glass canon builds party if everyone know mechanics. When fractals where introduced there where no healers in game.
@Pablud3S Ай бұрын
​@warlocksm1 that's just false. Mesmers, elementalists and guardians could run support builds since day 1. Nobody did because the content was braindead 😂. Now loads of content has constant damage so you kinda need a healer. The fact that you can do something with fully glass group doesn't mean it's optimal. Especially when there is zero demand for it.
@jens3895 Ай бұрын
In times where Gamers have no place to be because investors destroyn one of the highest arts in modern times, GW2 is kind of a home. Its my digital safe space for reason, so just for enhancing your arguments: 1) U could've shown the "Dragon's End-Meta" an open world vent where one playeer as a commander needs to command 50 other players divided in to groups on three lanes to do their job. If they fail the whole map gets reset and you need to start over. People need to play together. So even in open world you are not alone, because the maps thmselves have raid like mechanics sometimes. 2) Combat in GW2 is highly intense in eendgame! In fractals i.e. You have modifiers wich make it harder to succeed. These modifiers are random choosen every single day so every day you need to change group composition or your build a little. Beside that combat in gw2 is like: There is dodge and it is there for a reason! 3) nothing to do after lvl 80: Im not a pro gamer neither casual. Im just having fun playing this game. My main charakter was lvl 80 ten years ago and i am still nowhere a "end" there is still to much to do. And whenever i think ok we are getting close to a end, weell A-Net gives me new maps, contents, skills, mounts etc. etc. 4) Cash shop can be completeley ignored and you wont miss content or power at all. Its just there beecause also A-Net needs to pay people for work and keep up servers. As there is just buy to play and no subscription or so, a shop is the only viable way. 5) (no misconception but an argument for gw2 that needs to be statet out): The gw2 community is the best mmo community existing. Even the most ragous WOW-Player will transform to a loveley fellow. If you are new just ask peeople for introduction or help. Sometimes people help in low tear fractals just because they want to, without any profit or so, because there is GW2 codex every member will stick to and you're probably gonna love it to.
@ryuzakikazeshini4012 Ай бұрын
If only GW2 has SWTOR's material storage...
@Thakkii Ай бұрын
Time is money
@JinxSwe Ай бұрын
For my friends its "There's nothing to do in the game"
@johnsabio6278 Ай бұрын
The real End Game is Fashion Wars !
@zivaztian Ай бұрын
thanks for making this video. i dont like having to defend gw2 online. also you forgot to mention obtaining mounts and how some other mmos now try to mimic them. the gw2 mounts are the best of any mmos.
@Smewth Ай бұрын
Gw2 mounts are the best not only of any MMO, but of every game in general
@Metalwrath2 Ай бұрын
So in PVP everyone is equal, and in PVE I don't get advantage through my items. Then what is the point of trying to get anything in this game if everyone is at the same power level no matter what they do?
@LiLei-mi4nh 18 күн бұрын
@favillionbellarion9655 10 күн бұрын
Misconception ive heard. Elementalists are overpowered.
@OleksandrProkhorovskyi Ай бұрын
Hest skill based combat system in MMORPG.
@arkanaloth2617 Ай бұрын
pure facts....
@ahhou5800 Ай бұрын
unfortunately Asmongold did once said Pay for Convenient is "Pay to Win*....... alot of misconceptions indeed to new players who want to try out gw2
@sidineybottega1837 Ай бұрын
The biggest problem for GW2 to become something more "mainstream" is how Arena Net handles its advertising. If it weren't for the problems with WoW, hyped mmo's like New World and the pandemic, GW2 wouldn't have had the boom of recent years. When you depend on others failing for you to grow at a good rate, something is wrong. Steam was a great start, but it's still just a small fart among professional bean eaters. :) Great video as always.
@minor_2nd Ай бұрын
Anet's marketing sure is inefficient at best XD
@flobro6768 Ай бұрын
Who knows, maybe it is the other way around ? Maybe it is the big companies who refuse to promote the game. Or maybe it is just a lack of money from Anet. They develop the existing game, spend time and resources on other projects and just find themselves lacking the resources to spend as much as the development the game itself, having also no subscription model. Soon you will have epic game as well.
@sidineybottega1837 Ай бұрын
@@flobro6768 That was definitely a factor. It was pretty messy until they decided to focus on one thing. The “slow but steady” model seems to have been their choice. Is advertising improving? sure, especially since it's an expensive thing to do, but it's still kind of "meh". :) For me GW2 is still not seen as a brand in itself by people, like FFXIV or WoW. An example: I have no idea who maintains FFXIV without searching on Google, but I know a lot without having played it. Things like that.
@YarnellCrew Ай бұрын
Besides the horizontal progression there is nothing in GW2 that does not exist in any MMO. Show me one MMO that does not have a website dedicated to Meta Builds. I agree that anyone that complains about anything in GW2 can find that same "flaw" in whatever MMO they play.
@RyuDouro Ай бұрын
GW2 is bad on the eyes of those people but deep down they know at least GW2 is better than the mmorpg they playing.
@edo090 Ай бұрын
Guild Wars 2 ❤❤❤
@SanaOsniva Ай бұрын
GW2 is An amazing game and thé community is super nice and helpfull buttttt i Wish GW2 had a treu Action combat system like tera
@330DKNY Ай бұрын
GW2 biggest problem and why it's not good for new players is it's LFG system or lack of a function one. The majority of the groups for this game are organized outside of the game via discord. If you don't know the right communities you are not getting into group content.
@frea2191 Ай бұрын
Been playing on/off since the beta and as much as i love GW2... its not a game you can play like all the other mmos on the market. It is an extremly casual game and i think that most mmo-players dont want to get invested becasue they feel like wasting their time if they dont have a clear thing to grind for. The weird thing about GW2 is... there are so many things people can grind towards, that it feels overwhelming and people get anoyed that there isnt a clear path... or get the missconception that since everything is equal nothing matters
@UmbralScythe Ай бұрын
yea i get that, im playing for about 2 years now and when i even get an idea to go make legendary gear/accesorys i get hyped just to then see all the stuff i need and how much gold i have to get.. then i get mad and quit the game (skill issue on my part) for a few weeks, then i come back play alot do strikes,metas,fractals and then i enjoy and again get the idea about legendary gear. then i just rinse and repeat 😂
@UltimateHercules Ай бұрын
That's the thing about GW2: There's so much to do and so many ways to play this game that you have to find your own goal/path/playstyle. Otherwise you are just drifting around doing nothing and you will probably quit. That's kinda my problem with GW2. Whenever I reach my goal (a new legendary item or w/e) I have no motivation left to play or don't know what to do, so I quit for a while.
@Pablud3S Ай бұрын
​@@UltimateHercules used to be me until I got deep into WvW. Now I'm kinda lost outside of the mists 😂
@matsug5704 Ай бұрын
@@UmbralScythe I started doing the legendary stuff at year 5 of playing Gw2 you can take little steps towards creating the legendary gear, like making a list and getting the items necesary to craft the stuff by doing raids or in wvw.
@UmbralScythe Ай бұрын
@@matsug5704 dont rly like raids since im "stuck" in it for hours xD and i just dont knkw how to get into wvw :/ i would need to spend alot more gold just to get the armor i need for it and that much gold i sadly do not have, i get it make a small list but when i see the whole list i just get discouraged
@MrIllMind Ай бұрын
As a long time GW2 player I will say GW2 is pay to win but it’s so mundane and mediocre it doesn’t really matter to most players
@71775926 Ай бұрын
The "no endgame" thing was true when the game launched and it got repeated so often by so many people on forums and social media that it became an label that's impossible to get rid of, even when it's no longer true. An unfortunate and real example of how important first impressions are.
@gamerkang4648 Ай бұрын
Of course it's pay to win. Do you have any idea how much I spent on these cosmetics?
@NoMetaEnjoyer Ай бұрын
no idea ppl debating about pay 2 win in this comment section lol i suggest you to play black desert online thats free to play and not pay to win
@Matshiro 16 күн бұрын
So buying gold, stashes and other stuff is not p2w? Cool.
@nexeus7302 Ай бұрын
The problem with GW2 is the poor marketing of the game, even when they released it (back in the days) still was poor, and to this date is utterly pathetic. Take a look at the last trailer (if you can call it trailer), 30 sec for the whole expansion - mindblowing showing basically nothing, and reused assets. How exactly you expect ppl to be "hyped" when something like this occurs? Now have a look at FFXIV new expansion coming out and Yoshida doing media tour. Just yesterday he did about 80 interviews/media tours all together with all kinds of gamers and streamers. As much as I love GW2, if they continue NOT market this game, GW2 always will be under the radar, or as we joke; second hand MMO - simple as that.
@MrClindberg Ай бұрын
This is from someone who's played the game since release with several thousand hours in the game. Gems definitely gives you an advantage! Character slots, inventory space, bank space, all of these are from gems. So yes, they really do matter! The "standard" that you receive with no gem purchases is no where near enough. Sure, whilst is doesn't provided a power boost advantage over others, this is still an advantage they keep behind a paywall. Had it just been cosmetics, then it would be one thing (even if they only put effort into gemstore items and not items they release through updates), but they are continuously introducing trash items that go into your inventory, to make it bloat and fill up faster, only to encourage you to buy gems to increase your inventory. This is scummy as fuck!
@minor_2nd Ай бұрын
What kind of trash items are you referring to?
@AzureRoxe Ай бұрын
GW2 community legit trying to imply the slots, inventory and bank space and the INFINITE GATHERING TOOLS are just fine and not an advantage.
@themaniac8596 Ай бұрын
@@AzureRoxequality of live advantage not gameplay, there is a big difference in that.
@joaopinheiro4396 Ай бұрын
Depends on what you consider pay to win. I consider pay to win a game where my chances against an enemy player are worse in a direct 1v1 cause they put money in the game, or a game where i can not be accepted in groups due to subpar stats. If you think convenience is pay to win, then gw2 is pay to win on the simple basis you need to buy the expansion to acess the trading post.
@AzureRoxe Ай бұрын
There's no way you just said meta builds [which by definition are THE BEST BUILD POSSIBLE FOR THAT CONTENT] fall off in the open world.
@isardprat7900 Ай бұрын
Whats meta depends on the content youre playing. Open world is too generic for a meta to form, but meta builds from instanced pve will quickly fall of if not run in a tailored party
@EnzoVinZ Ай бұрын
You also fall in to the trap of one common misconception. GW2 is P2W not because of gear stats, but competitive advantage in fashion. The endgame is fashion war and it is a pay to win.
@Royal.Grand.Majesty Ай бұрын
The fact that NCSoft pointed out in their Q4 2023 financial report that GW2 was the game that carried them that financial quarter. [Q4 NA/EU sales grew by 15% qoq due to strong sales of GW2] While also the fact that GW3 was leaked at an NCSoft share-holders meeting, explaining that GW3 is already in the process of being made. All the while GW2 switching to a yearly expansion release with consistent updates goes to show that GW2 has a bright future ahead, and is anything but dying.
@sidxus Ай бұрын
i find it funny that people foget gw2 was the first game you could evade while firing a bow. then wow copied, same with mount abilities like skyscale
@socram3254 Ай бұрын
"the first game you could move while firing a bow", sorry I love GW2 but that's just not true
@andresarrieta1455 Ай бұрын
That's false. Classic wow had you moving while firing a bow. The fuck are you smelling?
@hybossa7 Ай бұрын
I dont understand that mind set , pay 2 win or all those things that say buy and stuff , the actual fuck ppl think they will spend millions of usd making incrediable game and just give it you? are they not suppose to make money back?they have life as everyone else , you need to buy stuff often to keep the game running and updating and etc , if you spend a dime then game will close and most likly ppl who say it will be like "oh another game closed" while in general they all have blame in it regardless 2cent
@minor_2nd Ай бұрын
Guild Wars 2 earns most of their money from cosmetics and convenience items players buy. Expansions are a one-time purchase and are yours forever. The base game is free, hasn't always been, but has been for years since Anet can comfortably afford it, and a free base game makes players more likely to try it out, which will eventually earn them more money from expansions and gemstore purchases. Pay to win as a businessmodel will work as enough people will find it worth paying, but pay to win as gamedesign is inherently bad, as success in the game is no longer reflected by skill and time invested, but by how much money you feed it. It's also not fun if you lose to players or are disadvantaged, solely because you can't afford to spend as much real life money on stronger items as other players. Pay to win is not necessary to keep a game alive. It's corporate greed.
@H.S.D.81 Ай бұрын
This game is so pay to win... I totaly agree on that... and that is why i will leave gw2 and switch to one of the other mmos... because i like to pay 80 to 200 for the base game + 30+ monthly sub and then spend a lot of aditional money for .. lets call it "convenience plus"... I will have to pay almost the same on any xpac as i allready did on the base game... And when i come back from vacation or don't have time for a longer period because of work i sure don't want to get set way back by any xpac making my existant gear obsolete .. i will go to their "non p2w ingame shop" and boost myself with some hard earned money ... which i will have to do on each char of mine seperatly because the game doesn't use acc wide mode ... Ofc all the money ppl like me spend will go to extensive PR programs on the next big thing ... celebrities will be bought to boost the sales of THE NEXT BIG THING... and ppl like me pay even more for it... Ups... forgot to mention ... irony mode on ... and off Nah... will stay with gw2... they need the money i spend for cosmetics an new char slots ect to boost their advertisement
@foxmilianzerochanlazarus5084 Ай бұрын
GW Just came to early into this world
@Angeels Ай бұрын
The #1 criticism or perspective that people have is that GW2 is not a serious MMO, and truth be told having branched out to play other MMOs after starting with GW2 I feel this is incredibly true. Content: GW2 does produce "endgame" content, and many will see it as challenging but it is not remotely comparable to what WoW offers (in terms of scope, difficulty or frequency) or even a more direct competitor like ESO, which shares a lot of similar characteristics to GW2 - B2P, horizontal progression, yearly expansion model, and that game again offers more in the way of difficulty, frequency and scope. GW2's encounter design is also ridiculously weak, offering little in the way of complexity and problem solving. Balance: Every game has its issues with balance, and GW2 is NOT alone in that, in some areas its actually better than other MMOs, and in others its worse. A large problem though is that it suffers majorly from a lack of clear trinity - something that was praised on GW2's release but in the subsequent years, and in the attempts to extend end game content, has become a glaring issue; healers that are more boon supports, dps that are also boon supports, oh and you need two different providers of two requisite boons for good dps output in groups? It's a convoluted mess that is neither clear to new players (as opposed to tank, healer and dps that is very clear as to what the roles are and do), nor does it offer players good opportunities to explore endgame content well without requisite setups. To add to this, a lot of the boon support setups are incredibly unfun and require specialist gear (boon duration) and as a result acts as a barrier to entry to that endgame content. In comparison in WoW, I equip healer spec and go heal. I think that ultimately, whilst GW2 is great for the casual player, or someone who has never played an MMO before, for anyone who has played a lot of MMOs and is serious or remotely competitive, it is a weak offering. I think that is an important distinction in the context of your video as a lot of those players making comments about the game being dead, unserious, too casual, etc. are the traditional MMO player and GW2 is just simply not that. In many respects its incorrect to call GW2 an MMO as it just simply doesnt have a lot of the core gameplay loops that players would expect from one, and I definitely think that works against GW2 for that reason.
@rhailex4727 Ай бұрын
While there is a lot of things to do, guild wars 2 will never make you feel "awesome" or "accomplished" when it comes to anything. You can't be "really good" or "very skilled" in open world and/or end-game PvE content. Every single Raids/Strikes/Fractals is just a step-by-step daily chore. There is nothing dynamic with them, so once you know your DPS or Support rotation, you just have to react to what the bosses are doing. You can't do higher levels of Fractals, Strikes or Raids by "just playing" because everyone sets minimum kill-proofs, so you are forced to join a guild for training runs, watch guides, go to 3rd party sources to learn, etc. Any kind of end-game crafting of legendaries requires that you watch a list of materials on a differnce monitor and just do multiple types of content over and over again. Not to mention the crazy amounts of map completions required to create most of them. So yeah, while there is a lot of things to do, it's better suited for those who just "want to do something" in their free time and don't care much about how much/fast they progress.
@themaniac8596 Ай бұрын
And that’s the part where the heavy skill focused Gameplay comes in. GW2 doenst just make you powerful, you as a player need to get more powerful by playing and actually improving as a player, not letting gearscores determine what you can do and what not just like basically every other mmo out there. For me it’s the other way around, looking at FF or WoW where the combat is so fucking slow and clunky, animations that barely can be called an animation and gearscores which just let you do more dmg as you get more gear without actually improving as a player. It’s fine if people only want „ungabunga numbers go up“ without actually learning to git gud.
@rhailex4727 Ай бұрын
@@themaniac8596 I get what you're saying and there is definitely a skill-based factor in a lot of content. However, the issue is that if you want to do end-game instanced content, you have to go through a long and tedious "training" phase that requires joining a guild with that purpose and signing up for training raids that usually start at 6-8 PM. Only once you've done that for weeks/months and collected a minimal amount of killproof is when you can actually start using the in-game LFG function and jump into end-game content with others. I haven't been able to get into raids too much, honestly, because I have things to do outside the game, and being able to attend 1 or max 2 training sessions (that may take 3-5 hours without a clear) every other week, would not be very productive. Got no problems actually DOING the raids because I know the mechanics already for half of them, but since I don't have enough killproof for most LFG postings, I can't just boot up the game and "chill" with raids. Instead I'd be forced to a whole process of signing up DAYS ahead, having a person yell at the group, GGing for hours because those 3 others can't pay attention, etc. It's the same for end-game fractals. Raids are still just a step-by-step fight with DPS & CC checks. What fails them are people who can't follow instructions like "stack" and "don't spread" (just look at sabetha...). I love GW2, but I often just stick to doing random stuff because then the only person I can fault is myself, without expectations that whoever fights beside me is properly kitted. In the end, all end-game content is faster and easier with more DPS, and more DPS in GW2 means you're pressing the buttons in the most correct order & timing as it's written on Snowcrows by someone who spends hours on optimising the rotation. There is no build flexibility when what's wanted is the most min-maxed build. And the most min-maxed build is the expected thing in end-game. It's either "okay" or "how stupid can you be to not bring meta build?"
@omgabaddon Ай бұрын
GW2 has many goods and many bads. The problem with new players is that some of the biggest baddest bads are up in your face and completely eclipse and and all goods. Namely, the graphics are super aged, performance is horrible as if it was programmed single-threaded, multiple UI and accessibility issues and the cash shop. I constantly try to drag people into the game and they don't want, and it's overwhelmingly for those reasons. Regarding gem stuff specifically, even if it's not pay2win in the sense of "i have more power than you" it's still pay2win in the sense of saving you a lot of time that you'd otherwise spend playing other stuff to unlock other stuff that can't be bought with gold. E.g. if you pay real money to buy full ascended (which isn't too expensive anyway) you can fully gear up to do up to t4 fractals every day for massive money that a normal player won't have access to, which leads to f2p players having to grind forever to gain a smidge of your progression towards a lot of stuff, including content where you're REQUIRED to play through multiple times if you want to access it. In short, the pay2win aspect affects this game indirectly. It's not like the only way to pay2win in a game is to buy items that other people can't get through effort.
@Pablud3S Ай бұрын
Name a single current mmo that doesn't have this problem and I'll quit gw2 right now. You can't. Shut it.
@themaniac8596 Ай бұрын
@@Pablud3Speople really go on and try to put WoW or FF up there, even tho both look like double ass compared to GW. Wow literally doenst even has physics on their transmog, chains for example are just printed on the armor 😂
@davidiswhat Ай бұрын
Stat infusions can be pricey way to gain power but can largely be ignored. While I am of the opinion that GW2 isn't pay to win, "winning" and end game in a horizontal progression game is in the form of achievements (unlocking mounts/getting legendaries for example), cosmetics, and quality of life options which gems and gold give you access to. If your armor skin remained completely the same with the main way of changing appearance being in the cash shop, a lot of people would find issue with it even if you aren't buying a gameplay advantage. Creating issues like bag space and character slots and then selling the solution like bag/character slots and templates come to mind. I think the gameplay inconveniences and how a lot of the good looking new skins are in the cash shop is fine given how the game has no subscription and the in game grind for gold (to convert) is fine for those interested in grinding.
@NightBane345 Ай бұрын
Still waiting for the game to be optimized more, because even a beefy ass computer has problems running the game, and it's horrendous, because GW2 is a really old game, but no update as far as I know, on these problems
@loki5041 Ай бұрын
What kind of problems are you running into? My r5 5600 and rx 6600 16gb ram has 99% fine fps. 1080p. Only when I join the octovine lag train I got into problems. But I will just enter it 1 min later
@NightBane345 Ай бұрын
@@loki5041 Long loading times in any city, things taking literally mins to load during fight, if I'm lucky. Be in attacks or mobs, during big event fights. Unsynched sound during fights I got 3050 16gb Ram, and not even best graphics, and still terrible
@frankmills1917 Ай бұрын
@@NightBane345 I have a potato machine and it doesn't have these problems you mentioned. Something's probably wrong with your settings or your pc.
@Raindrop511 Ай бұрын
@@frankmills1917 thats because your game is already running like shit, thats why you are not noticing it lmao, what are you playing at 30fps? modern screens easily go up to 165hz and aren't pricey, this game is impossible to run consistently above 100fps, it will even drop below 60fps on my PC and it is pretty modern too, this is due to how old the engine is though, not much arenanet can do about it but probably make GW3.
@frankmills1917 Ай бұрын
@@Raindrop511 It does not. It's actually smooth since I play the game on medium to low settings. Turned off the things I don't wanna see and turn on the things that I do.
@user-xo2og8kv1o Ай бұрын
about p2w: sure, you cant really buy power (except you can), but that doesnt matter since power is capped very easily and will never increase... its just not a variable in this game. so if power isnt a thing in a game, whats there to "win"? well, in the case of gw2 its fashion, rare items and titles, general wealth and convenience. and you can buy all of that with gold/real life money. so yeah, its p2w win. it just doesnt stink as much as games where power is a variable aswell.
@loki5041 Ай бұрын
..... please for the love of God take your meds.... gw2 is not pay2win... you can't just twist names to your liking....
@user-xo2og8kv1o Ай бұрын
@@loki5041 just say you cant read.
@loki5041 Ай бұрын
@@user-xo2og8kv1o then enlighten me. because what i read is that you say you can win with fashionwar and that it stinks less but still is pay2win.......
@GT-legendary Ай бұрын
i disagree about the pay to win section, p2w and pay for convenience aren't that different especially in a horizontal progression games like gw2. there is a lot of inconvenience purposefully added into the game like inventory management, bag slots, bank slots, useless junk items that the devs then sell solution on the gem store like shared inventory, event gobblers, more bag slots, more bank slots, infinte salvage kits. i could name a lot more but you get the idea. at a certain point when a player spend irl money to get these convenience items it most definitely will boost his account ahead which will result in more gold/gems. and being able to buy gold directly from the store didn't do away with gold sellers imo all it did was just set a baseline price for gold which gold selling sites undercut for cheaper anyways if people are willing to risk it. everything else i agree with tho great vid!
@borhulo9521 Ай бұрын
im a little confused, can you please explain how to make more gold with infinite salvage kit? i thought i'd still have to pay gold per use?
@kiko72392ify Ай бұрын
@@borhulo9521 yea this person just talking out of their ass, people also forget that you can play the game and turn that gold into gems and just buy the convenience.....every mmo i have played sells some level of convenience in their cash shop not sure why we single out gw2 and not the whole mmo catalog.
@GT-legendary Ай бұрын
@@kiko72392ify people call it out in other mmos all the time people like you always defend it though
@GT-legendary Ай бұрын
@@borhulo9521 its more so that it speeds up the money making process by cutting out the step of going to a merchant and buying a new salvage kit every time
@GT-legendary Ай бұрын
@@kiko72392ify lol you are beyond a cooked frog at this point.
@hektik2200 Ай бұрын
Look I love GW2 but pay for friction reduction is still a pay to win path.
@UmbralScythe Ай бұрын
yep, i have been fighting people by saying this and they just get mad at me for bursting their bubble, i love gw2 and its my main game that i play regurarly so dont come at me that i hate it or something xD
@procerator Ай бұрын
Then explain what "win" stands for in "Pay 2 win"?
@Kaltsukka Ай бұрын
​@@proceratorWell, you win other players in pvp.. oh wait, not that. You.. win in collecting more stuff faster than anyone else and then you can flex your virtual pp to your friends. Hah, those peasants!
@hektik2200 Ай бұрын
@@procerator Roze has a great video you can watch explaining it 😁
@procerator Ай бұрын
@@hektik2200 I`ve watched the video. His conclusions are wrong based on lack of knowledge of GW2
@AzureRoxe Ай бұрын
"GW2's combat is focused on being active!!" Oh really? Is that why the devs themselves admitted most players have abysmally low DPS since all they do is press 1? It's so "active" that the vast majority of the game can be done on autopilot, but sure, very "active".
@DocHudson420 Ай бұрын
Good players are active. Bad players are not. What’s your point here?
@AzureRoxe Ай бұрын
There was a time where people looked at gems-to-gold conversions and understood it was predatory, but the GW2 community is so brainwashed that they legit think it's ok cause GW2 does it.
@galaxybrainjimmy1520 Ай бұрын
Its mostly cosmetics? Then its 1000% pay to win
@maissthro3645 Ай бұрын
GW2 is pay to win, may it be one of the most minimal "win" you can go on an MMO but it is an advantage you can not ignore even if it is for a small amount of time. Now, it is so unintrusive that most players just do not give a royal meh to it's existence.
@Raindrop511 Ай бұрын
yeah just look at the new weapons that for some reason are locked behind the SOTO expansion, they overpower most of the current builds yet people act like it isn't a problem, the game has suffered from a consistent amount of power creep with its updates and it has killed the entity of end game content, its really unfortunate.
@TehSaluko 17 күн бұрын
Time is money. GW2 is a trash p2w game. Why farm when you can just swipe. LOL
@ala-th3ln Ай бұрын
The game is not taken seriously because its story sucks, it feels like a teenagers' fanfic, and ever since last chapters of IBS it's gotten even worse. 99% of its endgame pve is dog poop or destroyed by power creep, pvp is not balanced since not many people play it, and gold players can play vs gods of arena in the same match, also spvp has been plagued by bots for many years, as well as top players wintrading for top1 since forever, dungeons are abandoned, latest fractals are straight up dog shit by design, with the last one being so bad, us fractal players would rather gouge out our eyes with a rusty dildo than play that garbage, especially on CM.
@yvindvego9404 Ай бұрын
anet fucked over the story multiple times. first it was living world season 1 being time limited and didnt get added to the game until 10 years later, then it was ice brood saga getting rushed half way through and essentially killing a potential expansion at the same time. then it was anet scrambling to make eod, which also had major problems. anet seem to have no faith or major plan for its story. isnt the latest fractal just a raid boss in disguise?
@ala-th3ln Ай бұрын
​@@yvindvego9404 it's actually more or less an actual fractal, with pre-event, mid-boss consisting of Cerus+Deimos. Then Eparch with his own small pre-event. But it's not properly designed, with fights being horribly recycled, and most of all, you cant complete that without bug abuse (kill portals with gluttony on intermissions). So, they could have actually made it good, and i was looking forward to them making Deimos+Cerus something interesting, considering the posibilities. But they did not even try. At all.
@lordnarok Ай бұрын
Defending the cash shop is so cringe. "U can't buy power with gold." GW2 have vertical progression, of course you cant't lol. But U can buy "fixes" to purposful design problems, bank slots, bag slots character slots, build templates. And the list goes on. So yes with money u can take big shortcuts. P2W? Prob not by definition. Horrible design? Definitely
@monnarkh Ай бұрын
try to keep up with everyone else without owning the latest expansion, and then tell me it’s not P2W.
@HaxNotice Ай бұрын
There's been power creep each expansion and each specialization, but every mmo has these things locked by expansions. You couldn't make a death knight unless you purchased WotLK. Expansions also have content locked behind it, so yeah you can't go to the Wizards Tower without buying SotO, and you can't get to Maguuma if you don't have HoT. Every game is P2W then.
@vladimirtepis Ай бұрын
Guild Wars 2 P2W situation. Its P2W, we need to stop to lie to ourselves! Even with the fact that the game have a power level plateau where everybody will end and stop in the past 10 years. You can still buy and craft a ascended gear. and it will give advantage over someone how cannot swipe the credit card. You still need to do some work, inside the game to grab that ascended gear? Yeah. But it make much more easy if you use real money. So that a win. Let me break the process. 1 - Buy level bust. 2 - Buy all the ingredients to level the crafts you need for your profession/specialization/build combo. 3 - buy the season 2 so you can farm accessories. 4 - Buy all the parts and steps you need to make the ascended gear. done. You are full ascended gear using gold you swipe your credit card.
@UmbralScythe Ай бұрын
the first one: if you bought 1k$ worth of gems, you cant buy everything thats true BUT if you want legendarys and you have 1k$ worth of gems it will speed up the process by ALOOOOOT and will give you aloooot of conviniece that f2p players dont have :/ so tehnically it is p2w but i kinda dont care since its not a sub based game and they need to make money somehow :/
@AzureRoxe Ай бұрын
Ah, that pathetic attempt at attacking FFXIV because "some classes stand still while going through their rotations" and SOMEHOW comparing an entire rotation with GW2's "press 1 to win". If it came from people who "don't want to learn", then do tell everyone why games like Tera and Black Desert had so many players despite having true full action combat. So funny that you say people hate GW2's combat because "they hate change" when you GW2 fanboys actively hate every other MMO's combat and do nothing but whine about them.
@two-tonedbandit9348 Ай бұрын
Pay for convenience is still pay to win. It saves overall time inevestment. Shared inventory slots. Salvage o matics l. Extra Bag slots. Bank slots. Material storage. All that will allow you to be doing what you need to do for longer and less downtime to get back into gameplay compared to someone who doesnt. Everything else totally well said.
@UmbralScythe Ай бұрын
yep and if you want legendary gear, yes you cannot buy it but you can buy almost all the mats on TP and then craft it xD so you tehnically can get all the armor and weapons by paying and by that you have more "power" against a non paying player
@HaxNotice Ай бұрын
@@UmbralScythe I can assure you someone in full exotic could easily beat or outdamage someone in full legendary.
@UmbralScythe Ай бұрын
@@HaxNotice yes sure because of the rotations but the convinience and fun you can have by just switching specs and sigils and stuff or by spending some more gold for exotic or changing the stats on ascended (expensive) so basically if you buy gold with money > speed up the legendary proces by ALOT>have much smoother time in gw2 and saving time and ultimately money by TP fluctuations =p2w. im not just talking about dmg, just relative game and all the in game systems
@FiLtheThriL Ай бұрын
​@@UmbralScytheall legendary armor and trinkets have account bound components to them. Runes and sigils also have the provisioner token time gate which armor also has. its not going to make up for skill which is what matters to me. I don't care about this version of pay to win so enjoy victory in your semantical (word?) argument. I don't think it's bad because I don't get spammed, and the game gets supported.
@sharkstaint1373 Ай бұрын
bro i did ht cm second try with a random group , did lions cm first try with a random group talking to us about what we should do , did all fractal cm 2/3 try after i adapted so easily spaming my buttons , trust me gw2 supports are absurdly op , the healing so so unhinged , they didn't know how to tune down the heals or to add damage so it balance out , gw2 combat systeme is the most boring and easiest , stack up , bring a scourge or a heal chorono to the group or druid , do your ugabunga rotation , ignore 70% of the shit on the ground cause the healer gonna heal it anyway , and then boom boss dead , i know your trying to promote the game which is realy cool , but please people stop acting like gw2 has no flaws bullshit it makes you blind on what need to be fixed cause its your fav game , the game is full of crap systemes that need to be fixed , it sure have its good features like mounts , easy class and fun syteme for chill gameplay , content on open world which is fun , wvw which is the most fun pvp mod i played in all my mmos journey , the game still need so much improvement to make it realy relevant to class it as a realy good mmo.
@themaniac8596 Ай бұрын
Sure send logs pls xD, you probably don’t even know what arc dps is so pls shut it right there, you have like no fucking clue what you’re talking about. And second there are no „random groups“ for HT cm, if you wanna join one you either need to have a static that want to progress that or do it over the HTcm/voidlounge disxord. There are no random groups claiming „HTcm all welcome“ , what I can 100% assure is that at most you did the normal modes and nothing more. Like I said show a log pls or your statement means 0.
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