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@startina3750 23 күн бұрын
Дэмжээд их хуралд суулгачих юмсан ,хан уулынхан ууг нь өөр сэтгэлгээтэйгээ өнгөрсөн сонгуулиар харуулсан , юутай ч амжилт хүсье
@yundensurentsevelmaa4139 24 күн бұрын
Уг нь их сайхан ярьж байна, философич . Харин сэтгүүлч арай л жулдаад байна даа. Ер нь энэ философичтой ярихад их зүйл судалж уншиж мэдэж байж л их хэрэгтэй зөв ярилцлага болно доо
@otgoojantsan6652 21 күн бұрын
Setguulchiig muulaad hereggui. Harin ch iim yariltslaga bolson ni zuv. Ihenh humuus ene hunii yariag ni oilgohgui, uurlaad baidag. Harin ch ingej yariad busdad oilguulah ni zuv. Setguulchiin hemjeend oilgodog humuus mash ih baidag shuu dee.
@dulamkhuudulamkhuu6162 21 күн бұрын
Yariltslaga hiih geed haij yawsan n sain setguulchiin l ajil shuu dee😊
@monkhsaihansaikhnaa3704 25 күн бұрын
Төрийг бүрмөсөн шинэчлэх шаардлагатай
@startina3750 22 күн бұрын
Сонголттой сонгууль болохнээ , танд саналаа өгнөө
@monobromberger6778 23 күн бұрын
Doktor. Doktor Molor Erdene iigeed demjeerei, amjilt 🎉🎉🎉
@BatgerelBatmunkh-yj4lb 26 күн бұрын
Нэвтрүүлэгч нь жулдаад байх юм.
@enkhtsetsegjudger2826 26 күн бұрын
Харин тийм. Хамгийн эмгэнэлтэй нь тэрийгээ мэдэхгүй, өөрийгөө мундаг гэж бодоод байх юм. Философич өргөн хүрээтэй зүйл яриад байхад нэвтрүүлэгч өөрийнхөө хүрээнд л сонссон юмаа ярих юм.
@baigal_prirodabg1356 23 күн бұрын
@@enkhtsetsegjudger2826 Yag yag, Nevtruulegch ni uneheer medleggui yumaa, Uneheer juldaad bnaa. Hun ch sonsoj tuluvshuugui netvruulegch bnaoo.
@dulamkhuudulamkhuu6162 21 күн бұрын
Za yah we negneesee surch baij juldaj baigaa n deeshilne shuu dee
@boldooamarjargal9265 20 күн бұрын
Нэвтрүүлэгчээс болоод үзэхээ хэд хэд зогсоох шахлаа.
@tuyagatav 2 күн бұрын
Yaag tiim
@ShibaDoge350 21 күн бұрын
Молорэрдэнэ гуай их царайлаг хүн байгаа биз.чингис хааны дүрд тоглуулчмаар юм ч юм шиг.
@enkhtuyaenkhtuya4888 11 күн бұрын
Дэмжиж байна. Ямар сайхан ярилцлага вэ. Үнэхээр л өргөн хүрээний мэдлэгтэй ухаалаг хүн шүү. Зайлшгүй л одоо цагт төрд байх ёстой хүн. АМЖИЛТ хүсьe. УИХ-д суулагчих юмсан. Оюунлаг мундаг залуу шүү.
@bolordelger16 22 күн бұрын
Молорэрдэнэ хэлж бхйгаа үнэн ш дээ Гадаадад сурахаасаа илүүтэй, тэр нийгмийн санхүүгийн системд залуучууд маань хамаг үнэтэй нас ,нерви , цаг хүчээ тарамддаг , тэрнээс нь болж сурсан ч юмгүй саармагжиад ирдэг л дээ
@sounjun 25 күн бұрын
xetsvv ch yumaadaa, surwaljlaga awj bgaa xvn ni uuruu bolowsrol muu bolxoor vg xelexeer uuriinxuu tvwshind dvgneed bx yum.
@yundensurentsevelmaa4139 24 күн бұрын
Харин тийм ээ яг юу ч асуугаад байгаа юм????? Энэ хүний ярьж байгааг ойлгохгүй байгаа юм уу даа.
@tuchoi5348 24 күн бұрын
Сэтгүүлч залуу өөрийгөө жаахан боловсруулаа. Логик ойлгохгүй, шууд утгаар нь яриаг нь хүлээж аваад ёстой ичмээр хариулаад байх юм. Ийм хүнтэй жаахан бэлдэж ор, хэрвээ ойлгохгүй бол дуугүй суухаас сайхан юм байхгүй.
@dulamkhuudulamkhuu6162 21 күн бұрын
Tegj baigaad l zadarch surna shuu dee😊
@erdenetuyatogtokhbayar8773 22 күн бұрын
Багшийгаа дэмжиж бнаа... Шударга, сайн үйл хийхийн төлөө дэвшиж байгаа...
@enkheeoldokh1394 26 күн бұрын
Molor DR Mongoliin Tord Xeregtei hun dee
@nbt85 24 күн бұрын
Иймэрхүү жул гарууд Энэ хүнтэй ингэж ярихгүй ээ, чамайг болоогүй хаа ч байсын гээд сайхан дайруулж хэллээ.
@srosess292 23 күн бұрын
Mash sain, saihan tailbarladag shuu yag l tiim shuu erduusuu utga baihgui shinechleh bolood hetersen odoo hurdan ajil hereg boloosoi niigem soen gegeereesei ❤
@tvmenjargalbayarsaihan7336 24 күн бұрын
Үндэстэн болж тогтох суурь үзэл маш чухал зүйл ярьж байгаад таньд баярлалаа.
@tugs-erdenenatsagdorj183 23 күн бұрын
Dr монгол хүнд тохирсон үндсэн хууль хийгээд ард түмнээсээ асуугаад дэмжиж байвал төрдөө ажлынхаа хөлсийг үнэлээд зарчихмаар юм
@enkheetuya1737 25 күн бұрын
Zuv saihan nevtruuleg hiisend bayrlalaa.Mundag zochin.❤❤
@nyamdorjnandintsetseg5655 9 күн бұрын
Их хуралд гарч ард түмэндээ дэм болоорой. Ярилцлага авч байгаа залуу үнэхээр тааруу байна шүү.
@khashbat885 24 күн бұрын
Neeree Nambariin Enkhbayar iin talaar yrij amaa buzarlaad ch yahawdee. Goy hellee
@hatanhaan2671 4 күн бұрын
Монголд байх царай биш ! Маш дэгжин ёстой элит царай ер н их элит хүн ! Гоё мундаг гэдэг үг багадана ! Элит...
@dashdorjbolormaa397 21 күн бұрын
Энэ нээрээ ёстой зөв яриж бна .бас энэ хөтлөгч ийм мундаг хүнтэй яриж байж үгээ цэнэж ухаантай ярихгүй бол Молорэрдэнэ зажилдахгүй залгиж бшдээ 😅😅😅
@ariukarusl 13 күн бұрын
Ger buleeree demjnee🎉devshsen gazarta zam baishin barina geh bish ard iregdde eeltei huuli hiigeerei amjilt✊
@boldsaikhanb2372 18 күн бұрын
Garsanch gantsaardaad bugd ad uzeed elii balai gj harluulaad duusah bhda :( . Ugaasaa mass ni tarihduulaad bj bhdaa taarsan maanag bolxoor itgeed elii balai ged ad uzne. Ghdeel amjilt mundag hun shu.
@zolzayazolzaya5598 24 күн бұрын
yaltchgui olon nom unshsan hvn ymnii tsaad mun chanariig n yariad bdg
@bate_khan 23 күн бұрын
19. Teacher Molor Erdene’s description of “the character of Mongolians” is very correct. Just because Mongolia is more emotional, foreigners use Mongolians to do a lot of money-making things. Therefore, the new constitution can guarantee that everyone Mongolian interests. Teacher Molor Erdene's description of the powerful work of a national civil servant is very correct...it has high requirements for people's education...you need to read a lot of books, and you have to negotiate and do a lot of work with foreigners or foreign companies before you are qualified to be a national civil servant. Ability... 20. Teacher Molor Erdene’s description of the current situation in Mongolia is very correct. Mongolians need to do some very detailed work and careful thinking to achieve sustainable development... Only unity and cooperation between Mongolians can achieve sustainable development... Genghis Khan's life deeds and famous sayings are habits that Mongolians need to abide by... However, the current Mongolians in Mongolia do not understand their great man Genghis Khan deeply enough... so they have not learned knowledge from Genghis Khan... Mongolian family education requires knowledge about money. Knowledge about financial management, Knowledge and understanding about loans... The Mongolians' understanding of "time" also needs to be reconstructed... In addition, I will add another How do Mongolians understand themselves, and then how to communicate smoothly and collaborate with foreigners to complete work...For example, why are Chinese hostile to Mongolians, and Japanese may also have some prejudices against Mongolians...How to eliminate these disadvantages to Mongolians? What about the impact? ...These are all within the scope of the Constitution...
@surenkhuutamir4724 24 күн бұрын
сонгуулийн гар тооллогт оролцоод өгч болно шүү
@Molor-ErdenePhilosophyAcademy 24 күн бұрын
9998 0004 дугаараар холбогдоорой.
@surenkhuutamir4724 4 күн бұрын
Молор Эрдэнэ философичийг багаар нь сонгосон. амжилт2024.06.28.15 цаг
@jaagiserjkhuu1621 10 күн бұрын
Estoi goe sonirholtoi post baina, bayarlaa
@munguunuu5923 25 күн бұрын
Энэ нэлээн дээр орж байсан үзэж байсан нэвтрүүлэг байна. Шинэ нэвтрүүлэг хүлээж байгаа шүү.
@batjargalpurewsuren612 3 күн бұрын
Миний дэмждэг хүн гараагүйд би маш их 😢 Хүчтэй байгаарай Би таний лекц маш их уншдаг шүү
@barryburton8332 24 күн бұрын
Молор-Эрдэнэ доктороо. Би таксинд явж байгаад өөрийг чинь очих газар нь хүргэж өгч баысан хүн байна. Хоёулаа Монголчуудыг сайхан шоолж, муулж байгаад салсандаа ккк
@TungalagTugalkhuu 20 күн бұрын
Urtein teriig end bicheed bh da yah ve de er hun mon u
@chindash2787 25 күн бұрын
Асуултыг ёжтойгоор хатгаж асуувал наад харизматик чинь янзын хариулна даа. Процессын асуулт хэрэггүй.
@shureeragchaa7679 18 күн бұрын
Eurinkhiilugchid ner devshuulmeer hun❤
@BaagiiTuugii-ts1ec 15 күн бұрын
Амжилт. Таныг дэмждэг шүү
@adiyadashpil6011 22 күн бұрын
@buugiekhukh6660 24 күн бұрын
Хөөрхий дөө энэ МУИС багш проф гэсэн залуу үнэхээр жул байна гэдгээ мэдэрч байгаа болуу, Мэдрэхгүй байна гэдэг Энэ л хамгийн том аюул байна
@maraldelger7588 25 күн бұрын
@anandasmith1560 25 күн бұрын
Хуучин нэвтрүүлэг байна.Шинэ нэвтрүүлэг хүлээж байна.
@buugiekhukh6660 24 күн бұрын
Одоо ид сонгуулийн үед ШИНЭ НЭВТРҮҮЛЭГ ШИНЭ СЭДВЭЭР ХИЙГЭЭСЭЙ гэж хүлээж байна
@ubatmunkh 19 күн бұрын
Хөтлөгч нь хөлдүү төмс бнаа
@user-gn1jj1tp8m 19 күн бұрын
Хөтлөгч нь жижигдээд байна. Боловсролын ялгаа юм уу даа
@bate_khan 23 күн бұрын
10. Regarding the matter of Mongolians "going abroad", this statement is inaccurate; because now Mongolia can only rely on foreign knowledge systems if it wants to develop. Only by going to foreign countries to learn advanced knowledge can Mongolians continue to develop... In this aspect, Mongolia is similar to all countries such as China and India. Many foreigners go to the United States to study and live. The difference is that in other countries, people of other nationalities still unite or help each other to live in foreign countries. Secondly, they all engage in high-tech jobs... so they in turn build their own countries. For example, Indians are very powerful in IT technology; almost all executives of IT companies in the United States are Indians. . . These people earn tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in salary every year. Secondly, Indian IT engineers add US$80 billion to India’s foreign exchange reserves every year. Not to mention China. In the earliest days, Qian Xue Sen developed China's missile technology after returning to China during World War II... After China's Deng Xiao ping's reform and opening up in 1978, tens of millions of Chinese went to the United States to study and learn advanced American technology. Internet technology, some of them returned to China to start their own businesses after completing their studies, and developed China's Internet industry... Nowadays, Chinese Internet companies listed on the U.S. stock market are all students studying in the United States... But almost all Mongolians in Mongolia go to foreign countries. They all go to work, so they earn very little money and cannot boost the Mongolian economy. Secondly, because teamwork is not taught to children, there is no way for Mongolians to unite and collaborate to complete a certain task... This is the biggest problem... Mongolia also needs to educate Mongolians from an early age. The habit of uniting to work together... 11. Teacher Molor Erdene’s views on English education are also inaccurate. Now the most advanced knowledge in the world is based on the English system... The most difficult part of learning English is to be able to read technical documents and scientific theoretical documents in various industries. . . So how to read the content of this document? You have to work in a foreign high-tech company to understand the content of the document... As for daily conversation, you can't learn real knowledge in English. Secondly, Mongolian educators must translate the most advanced English books into Mongolian, so that it is easier for Mongolian children to understand...it is also easier to learn English...in fact, it is not only books in English, but also Chinese, Japanese, Books in German, French, Israeli and other languages ​​can be translated into Mongolian... "Internet education" is possible, but parents still have to take the lead in learning... 12. The more Mongolians go abroad, the more beneficial it will be to foreign companies in Mongolia---this statement is accurate. Why is this so? Because the current government officials in Mongolia do not have game intelligence, they have made great concessions to foreign companies. Not safeguarding your own best interests. Similarly, when many foreign companies enter China, the Chinese Han people will use their wisdom. They have obtained technology from foreign companies, but they have gained great advantages from foreign companies.
@sumyasumya1146 26 күн бұрын
goe nevtruuleg bolje amjilt 👌❤
@DolgorSukhbaatar 25 күн бұрын
Juldaagui ee yariulah gej asuuj bna
@erdenechimegbaarai9000 26 күн бұрын
Molor dr.too bayarlala.
@bate_khan 23 күн бұрын
2. The description of the "Constitution of Mongolia" is very accurate, and the procedures for formulating the constitution are also very accurate. It is the common aspiration of all Mongolians and noteworthy knowledge, laws, and official documents. This has nothing to do with political parties, the courts, and lawyers. . . 3. It is not inaccurate to say that "democracy" is not suitable for Mongolians. A democratic society is conditional. Moreover, Mongolia’s current situation must be that of a “democratic country.” This is not even what the Mongolians themselves say...it is the result of the influence of big countries such as the United States, Russia, and China. Secondly, "democratic countries" have particularly high requirements for the quality of everyone in the country. The requirements are so high that anyone can be a member of Parliament... The requirement of a "democratic society" is to allow people with different views to express their opinions... And the Mongolian constitution must guarantee this... .This is the basis of a democratic society. If Mongolia is not a democratic society, China can directly bribe the top leaders of Mongolia to control the entire country. But China’s control of Mongolia is not its purpose, but to use Mongolia’s name to do things that harm the United States and “Western countries” after controlling Mongolia. China has many conspiracies... Mongolia's democracy is to prevent foreign countries from controlling Mongolia... 4. In Mongolia, "too severe criminal laws" are not suitable... This point of view is correct. 5. Regarding the separation of powers between the "President" and the "Prime Minister", the current situation is actually the best. On the contrary, in the West, either the prime minister is the main person in charge or the president is the main person in charge, which is not suitable for Mongolia. Mongolia cannot have the final say now... No, because Mongolia is now at the forefront of the mutual confrontation between democratic countries such as China, Russia and the United States. The core demands of these countries often affect the political and economic levels of Mongolia. Therefore, it is normal for the political arena in Mongolia to often quarrel...because no one in these countries wants to give in...so it cannot be one person who has the final say...In the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus were the "Empress Dowager Cixi" and one person had a great influence The reason why the power was completely monopolized by the Han officials below, and after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the Han people occupied the entire China. The main reason for the rapid demise of the Manchu people. From the Qing Dynasty to China, the process of power from the Manchu to the Han was actually the process. I'll talk about this later... So don't describe China today as the Qing Dynasty ruled by the Manchus at that time. There is a fundamental difference between them... The Manchu and Han people treat the Mongolian people very differently. 6. Regarding the "education" issue in Mongolia. How to cultivate high-quality Mongolian young people... This is a very systematic problem. There is no solution in this discussion... Why? Because Mongolia does not have large-scale companies that sell products around the world, nor does it have software companies, Mongolia has not been able to cultivate high-quality talents. Therefore, Mongolia is always at a disadvantage in political and economic activities around the world... It obviously has great advantages, but it does not use its advantages to develop Mongolia itself. On the other hand, Mongolia's competitors will take advantage of Mongolia's weaknesses to make huge profits. Cultivating high-quality talents is systematic long work. It takes 12 years of primary school, middle school, high school, and 4 years of university education, and then at least 5 years of work experience (IT software development work experience) to become a high-quality talent. If it is an industry other than IT software development, it requires at least 10 years of experience to achieve high-quality talents... Because Mongolia currently has no multinational software companies mainly composed of Mongolian young people. This is an important reason why Mongolia does not have high-quality talents. reason. There is no way to cultivate high-quality talents in schools. Schools should try to read as much as possible...the main thing is to increase knowledge and professional skills. Only through intensive work in the company can we cultivate high-quality talents... 7. Teacher MolorErdene’s description of private property is very accurate. The same is true in the United States in this respect. 8. Teacher Molor Erdene’s definition of members of Congress and current government officials is also very accurate. Different from feudal society, officials in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were different... and it was not a profession at all.. Today’s members of Congress and government Officials must be highly responsible, high-quality talents... 9. Teacher Molor Erdene’s description of interpersonal relationships is also very accurate. Starting from children, we must pay attention to teaching how to work as a team, how to treat others harmoniously and politely. When children are young, parents cannot exaggerate their children with vague concepts... The Olympiad competition cannot be stopped. It is also recognized by the world as the best way to find mathematical geniuses and top talents. The United States and China are both the strongest countries in the world's Olympic competition... 10. Regarding the matter of Mongolians "going abroad", this statement is inaccurate; because now Mongolia can only rely on foreign knowledge systems if it wants to develop. Only by going to foreign countries to learn advanced knowledge can Mongolians continue to develop... In this aspect, Mongolia is similar to all countries such as China and India. Many foreigners go to the United States to study and live. The difference is that in other countries, people of other nationalities still unite or help each other to live in foreign countries. Secondly, they all engage in high-tech jobs... so they in turn build their own countries. For example, Indians are very powerful in IT technology; almost all executives of IT companies in the United States are Indians. . . These people earn tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in salary every year. Secondly, Indian IT engineers add US$80 billion to India’s foreign exchange reserves every year. Not to mention China. In the earliest days, Qian Xuesen developed China's missile technology after returning to China during World War II... After China's Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up in 1978, tens of millions of Chinese went to the United States to study and learn advanced American technology. Internet technology, some of them returned to China to start their own businesses after completing their studies, and developed China's Internet industry... Nowadays, Chinese Internet companies listed on the U.S. stock market are all students studying in the United States... But almost all Mongolians in Mongolia go to foreign countries. They all go to work, so they earn very little money and cannot boost the Mongolian economy. Secondly, because teamwork is not taught to children, there is no way for Mongolians to unite and collaborate to complete a certain task... This is the biggest problem... Mongolia also needs to educate Mongolians from an early age. The habit of uniting to work together... 11. Teacher MorolErdene’s views on English education are also inaccurate. Now the most advanced knowledge in the world is based on the English system... The most difficult part of learning English is to be able to read technical documents and scientific theoretical documents in various industries. . . So how to read the content of this document? You have to work in a foreign high-tech company to understand the content of the document... As for daily conversation, you can't learn real knowledge in English. Secondly, Mongolian educators must translate the most advanced English books into Mongolian, so that it is easier for Mongolian children to understand...it is also easier to learn English...in fact, it is not only books in English, but also Chinese, Japanese, Books in German, French, Israeli and other languages ​​can be translated into Mongolian... "Internet education" is possible, but parents still have to take the lead in learning... 12. The more Mongolians go abroad, the more beneficial it will be to foreign companies in Mongolia---this statement is accurate. Why is this so? Because the current government officials in Mongolia do not have game intelligence, they have made great concessions to foreign companies. Not safeguarding your own best interests. Similarly, when many foreign companies enter China, the Chinese Han people will use their wisdom. They have obtained technology from foreign companies, but they have gained great advantages from foreign companies.
@coinpayucoinpayu 13 күн бұрын
duuchin boh setguulch nom unshdgui alialagch naraas iluu hun shvv uihd suulgad uzeh heregtei zov setgehuuitei hunlde
@norowsambuutuya1131 22 күн бұрын
@sarantsetsegbuyannemekh7114 21 күн бұрын
Molor erdene bagsh turd heregtei hun
@munhkzultumurbaatar9348 15 күн бұрын
Сэтгүүлч оролцогчоо жоохон яриулах хэрэгтэй
@munhkzultumurbaatar9348 15 күн бұрын
Сэтгүүлч жоохон жулдаад байнаа
@user-dz6nr2sj1p 16 күн бұрын
Hutlugch n ee zailuul da
@davkaanir4062 23 күн бұрын
setguulch yamr t1 ym asuugad bgn bee yooy tsu2
@dulamkhuudulamkhuu6162 21 күн бұрын
Teneg ym asuuj baigaad l😅 hugjuud teneg bish ym asuudag l bolno shdee yndaa yarahaw dee😅
@beniola07 19 күн бұрын
hotlogch ni ymar hun bolood yria taslaad daliilaa geed baigaa ym????
@raashemmaraashemma7281 24 күн бұрын
@khangalerdene5547 23 күн бұрын
Оюунлаг сордчлизм байж болох уу?
@btlbt3227 25 күн бұрын
Hotlogch goe yariag oilgood uhaad goe yariltsval iluu saihan yariltslag boloh baih zaluu hun turshlagjaad saihan nevtruuleg hiih baihaan
@YalguusanKh 25 күн бұрын
mic chin stereo bish yumui
@zollocross1218 25 күн бұрын
shudarga helj bna unen shd
@Gchco 22 күн бұрын
Ta ner dewsheechee 😂
@bate_khan 23 күн бұрын
6. Regarding the "education" issue in Mongolia. How to cultivate high-quality Mongolian young people... This is a very systematic problem. There is no solution in this discussion... Why? Because Mongolia does not have large-scale companies that sell products around the world, nor does it have software companies, Mongolia has not been able to cultivate high-quality talents. Therefore, Mongolia is always at a disadvantage in political and economic activities around the world... It obviously has great advantages, but it does not use its advantages to develop Mongolia itself. On the other hand, Mongolia's competitors will take advantage of Mongolia's weaknesses to make huge profits. Cultivating high-quality talents is systematic long work. It takes 12 years of primary school, middle school, high school, and 4 years of university education, and then at least 5 years of work experience (IT software development work experience) to become a high-quality talent. If it is an industry other than IT software development, it requires at least 10 years of experience to achieve high-quality talents... Because Mongolia currently has no multinational software companies mainly composed of Mongolian young people. This is an important reason why Mongolia does not have high-quality talents. reason. There is no way to cultivate high-quality talents in schools. Schools should try to read as much as possible...the main thing is to increase knowledge and professional skills. Only through intensive work in the company can we cultivate high-quality talents... 7. Teacher MolorErdene’s description of private property is very accurate. The same is true in the United States in this respect. 8. Teacher Molor Erdene’s definition of members of Congress and current government officials is also very accurate. Different from feudal society, officials in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were different... and it was not a profession at all.. Today’s members of Congress and government Officials must be highly responsible, high-quality talents... 9. Teacher Molor Erdene’s description of interpersonal relationships is also very accurate. Starting from children, we must pay attention to teaching how to work as a team, how to treat others harmoniously and politely. When children are young, parents cannot exaggerate their children with vague concepts... The Olympiad competition cannot be stopped. It is also recognized by the world as the best way to find mathematical geniuses and top talents. The United States and China are both the strongest countries in the world's Olympic competition...
@oondoomyfamily1400 24 күн бұрын
Хөтлөгч нь мэдлэг байхгүй болохоор Энэ их оюун ухаан мэдлэгийг малтаж яриулж чадахгүй байнаа...
@ariabook6786 22 күн бұрын
Unegyi geed l ha ha.
@yujiro0318 25 күн бұрын
Hutlugch boloq bn shu
@monobromberger6778 23 күн бұрын
Setguulch taaruu bnaa 😢😢
@GalShar 22 күн бұрын
Nom ch yahv gj hel bolhgui l de
@purevbat 24 күн бұрын
Хөтлөгч үнэхээр жулдаад байна аа
@OtgonbayarNasan-Ulzii 26 күн бұрын
@khongorgalaa1310 24 күн бұрын
Тэнэг нэвтрүүлэгч ьэ
@dulamkhuudulamkhuu6162 21 күн бұрын
Suusan tsetsnees yawsan teneg deeer gedeg dee, nadaas l deer teneg bna daa
@zolzayazolzaya5598 24 күн бұрын
hyatad gedeg bol ertnii hidan undesten gj sudlaach Bilgvvn tailbarlaj bn lee Hidan olon toon deeree Hidad bolood odoogiin hyatad gedeg vg garsan Hidan.uud bol bidnii uvug negtei humuusee odoogiin hyataduud bol nangiaduud. Hyataduudiig uzen yadaad bgaan ertnii uursdiin uvguu uzen yadaad bnaa l gsn ug gej bn lee odoogiin dundad ulsiin irgediig bol nangiaduud gej duudah yostoi gsn
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