My Experiences with Bullying

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The Entertainment Guy

The Entertainment Guy

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Hey all, wanted to make this video after it was suggested on the main channel.
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@jeffsandroid6145 Жыл бұрын
You're a treasure Shannon. Honest vulnerability is a sign of a strong, well adjusted person.
@jeffsandroid6145 Жыл бұрын
@Lefroy Flyers winning the cup? Like…. in the 70s?
@mrmojo9321 Жыл бұрын
@Lefroy even if this is true, the fact that you commented this years later only shows your ugliness, not his.
@mrmojo9321 Жыл бұрын
@Lefroy you already said “a few years ago”’re either a troll or you have some serious insecurities. Either way, you’re a hypocrite.
@mrmojo9321 Жыл бұрын
@Lefroy how does your lack of description make me look foolish? Damnit, I know better than to engage with comments like yours but curiosity got the better of me. Carry on enjoying shallow motivations, and read as much as you can. Weak spirits can be obnoxious when willed by weak minds
@mrmojo9321 Жыл бұрын
@Lefroy you are actively disparaging the suffering of victims of predatory and systemic bullying by broadening the definition of the term. One last time, troll or not; you are a hypocrite
@justbleedprod.9414 Жыл бұрын
You made me tear up Shannon. You’re a survivor, bullying is no joke
@DracoX-hz3tu Жыл бұрын
I got bullied from the start of school to the end, for all the reasons one would expect. Geeky, socially awkward, couldn't get a date (still never got one lol), not athletic despite loving hockey. I graduated last year. I'm currently working a part time job where everyone from top to bottom is very nice, and I feel lucky for that, but I still sometimes have that paranoia that they don't actually like me, that something will go wrong. I still can't start a conversation with someone I don't know, especially a girl. *This is what bullying does to a person's mental health, it is NOT a victim card.*
@reyjusuf Жыл бұрын
Hang in there. 👍
@steamr0ll Жыл бұрын
I had a rough time when i was in school and I want to tell you, it will get better.
@zeusthedrumlord547 Жыл бұрын
Be yourself and you’ll know you’re truly liked by the real ones who stick around. Those that don’t aren’t worth your time. You need volunteers, not hostages, and that’s a great mindset to live by. Best of luck
@MrKostitsyn746 Жыл бұрын
It gets better buddy ,and you've already started to experience that- one day you will find your people (including dates) and it will be your time to shine. I look back at the people I went to school with and the ones that thought they were really cool, 20 years later I can say they definitely peaked in high school and don't have much positive in their life. Meanwhile I'm over here living out my dreams like a boss (well at least in my own head! lol).
@akkros707 Жыл бұрын
Look into subliminal messages. They are affirmations that reprogram you're subconscious belief systems. Look into the science of them. it's very interesting and a life saver. Listen to ones that focus on social confidence and skills. You'll thank me later.
@xcfitzx Жыл бұрын
Dude, you’re an inspiration! You’re living your best life and not letting your painful past hold you back. Respect!
@jmill3147 Жыл бұрын
I was both a bully and bullied in middle school and high school. I regret both. But I regret bullying people more. I often wonder what became of some of those kids. Hopefully living good lives somewhere in this world.
@vinceniederman 7 ай бұрын
Glad U Regretted Being a School Bully!
@TheAdoptedSon1five 2 ай бұрын
Can I ask what were the reasons you bullied? (Not judging just curiousity as a person that used to be bullied)😊
@kennyryan9967 2 ай бұрын
@@TheAdoptedSon1fivehe won’t answer it notice
@LowLightMike Жыл бұрын
This video is the best therapy that I've had in a long time, and is powerful for me in reviewing my own childhood school experiences. I attended a small elementary school with split classes, and so there were times where a bully in my classroom (who had failed a grade) was actually 2 years older than me. That was a bad situation. Similar to Shannon, by the time I got to high school, things were getting better, partly as the "bad kids" matured, and partly just because of an increase in numbers to a larger student population.
@gocanuckgus Жыл бұрын
@Lefroy what did he do? You’ve commented under every comment about being bullied by him?
@jamatri9326 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Shan, this is a hard watch. Thanks for sharing all this, I can't imagine how hard this is to sit on. Bullying absolutely sucks! You win in the end, though - as they say, living well is the best revenge 👍
@akkros707 Жыл бұрын
I wasn't really bullied in school but I was teased by the shoes I wore, the clothes I wear, my appearance, my hairline, etc. This continued through 6th all the way to 12th grade. After 10th grade, something just snapped in me, I became so enraged and hotheaded by all the comments and the snarky jokes that I started being a bully to everyone who ever did me wrong. I got verbally aggressive and physically violent so bad that it made all my teasers so scared to even talk to me. It got to the point where I almost expelled myself from the school because of my near-psychotic tendencies. After 11th grade, I stopped and no one bothered me again. I graduated school, giving my finger to everyone as I left. I'm glad it's all done now. Pretty soon, I feel like leaving this town and moving somewhere further away and just start new. So far, my life is going well.
@AlexFehrTheLoneWolf Жыл бұрын
Shannon, middle school was hell for me, I had a limp and a stutter and 15 extra pounds, I had it brought to my attention often... Had a girl say I was "just a goalie"... none of that stopped me from being a championship winning Goalie and winning playoff MVP, just remember just cause you got a raw deal doesn't mean you have to live a bad life, keep your head up and believe in yourself and you'll find the people that matter Not bad for "just a goalie"
@mattblom3990 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing this Shannon - that was an unfortunate thread on your main channel as certain individual(s) were arguing that bullying is no big deal, even to the degree that Miller was doing it, and I appreciated you opening up there and now here.
@centerhice7948 Жыл бұрын
I totally despised bullies , and I tending fight them and defend the innocent. All my years. Than I faced it myself for a year in high-school my self. So I get it . But I always fought them. Heads up Shannon . Keep strong my friend.
@rainbowrandolph5218 Жыл бұрын
One of the reasons I think we all enjoy watching you is* because we can relate to this too, and not just hockey and music
@RamonGJ Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your stories. Made me remember when I was bullied those that I thought were close friends in middle school. Who knows what it is about being in middle school/high school that makes people do these things.
@mcvee_ Жыл бұрын
I coped with being bullied by becoming a bully myself and when I look back and what I did to people, I just had zero empathy at that age. A serious lack of ability to imagine what it was like to be on the receiving end of something
@scottdixon4495 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your story I can really relate. I was really bullied in Jr. high (middle school) as well. Now that I have kids of my own I tell them 2 things: 1. Expect that someone is going to at some point bully you in your life, and what to do. 2. There is ZERO tolerance for it. We will never be victims. Whatever we have to do to end it, we will. We don't start anything, we end it. All cards are on the table. I just remember feeling helpless, and not wanting to talk about it for fear that it would get worse. I think the answer is that we can't tolerate it, and we can't be victims. We have to stand up and be strong.
@NycktheDyck Жыл бұрын
At 8 minutes in and it’s scary how this felt like I was looking in a mirror listening to my own story! Only child, avoiding eye contact, walking with my head down. I’m in my 30s now and the bullying and harassment that I experienced throughout my school years still troubles me, almost on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing your story with us Shannon, it really inspires!
@christhornycroft3686 Жыл бұрын
I never got beat up, but I’m kind of a connoisseur of the verbal bullying as a physically disabled guy. It’s why I’m less concerned when professional comedians like Dave Chappelle tell jokes about people. Nobody ever tells good handicapped jokes anymore and I feel left out. My hero was Handiman, the character from In Living Color played by Damon Wayans. I found those sketches empowering. But when you’re walking down the street, it sucks and nobody cares about you, or they make it worse by making a bigger scene patronizing you. I’m also short like yourself, Shannon, and I wore glasses at my dad’s insistence, so I was really screwed. Some days I question whether I want to go out at all. But it’s just another thing to fight through when you have spina bifida hydrocephalus.
@PokrRat777 Жыл бұрын
This is very relatable. I was bullied a lot growing up, mostly in elementary school. High school not so much. I was always the fat kid, so that made me an easy target for non-stop insults and at times I was physically assaulted. I rarely ever fought back, not because I was scared, but because I didn't want to be suspended. I really cared about my grades. If I ever have kids I'm going give them a piece of advice - fuck your grades, it's more important to fight back. If you don't stand up for yourself people will walk all over you. Once you start dishing it back at the idiots, you become a much stronger person. Even if you get your ass kicked its still worth it.
@tbell61 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate you sharing your story. I went through being bullied also and it has definitely affected me as an adult. I made damn sure that my children knew that bullying was wrong.
@cwreshot14 Жыл бұрын
I experienced bullying throughout high school due to transferring to new classes early on in freshman year. I was an easy target being socially awkward, shy, and never really fitting in. Whether it was snarky comments made about my weight (asking if I played goalie in hockey because I’d take up the entire net), taking my school supplies and hiding it, or throwing stuff at me, it made me feel unwelcome. It stuck with me for a long long time. Some tendencies, afraid of opening up or being the center of attention, still stick with me. But thankfully I’m surrounded by a group of coworkers and friends that support me, but it does linger. Thank you for speaking on it
@TheHutchIsOn Жыл бұрын
Your friend backing you up and laughing during your absolute roast of that girl who was setting you up was amazing. Idk why ppl are so douchey. I can relate to a lot of your stories. Thanks for sharing.
@InsignificantNick Жыл бұрын
I was bullied a lot as a kid, but not really in school, it was more from kids in my neighborhood. I was chased, called names, and even had a knife pulled on me when I was 12. It wasn't the best neighborhood and I still live there now, but all of my bullies sort of moved away or went to jail. I was lucky to have a lot of the same friends from elementary to high school. In hs, I was the quiet kid that no one really bothered. Most people were nice, which honestly surprised me. Still, I felt irrelevant and ignored in some classes, particularly gym. I'd be one of the last ones picked for games, and it was funny to see others be surprised that I was good. Anyways, this video made me realize how far I've come. I'm happy in my own skin. Thanks for sharing, Shannon!
@SarahRenz59 Жыл бұрын
Shannon, so much of your story resonates. I, too, went through an early puberty, and in an awful coincidence, the school district was reorganizing the class structure and redrawing the boundaries. I was one of a handful of kids transferred to a different school, where my grade (5th) was the highest. I was the tallest kid in the school, and the only one dealing with acne and wearing a bra. As you can imagine, it was brutal. I was teased, insulted, and pranked every single day. The teachers didn't lift a finger. One day, I was so upset and just so damn sick and tired of it that I came home sobbing. My mom asked what was wrong, and I told her all about my daily torment. I'll never forget her response: She breezily said, "Oh, they do that because they like you." Bull. Sh!t. I don't think she meant to be callous; she had been pretty and popular in her school days, and couldn't relate to my situation. At any rate, the experience completely and permanently altered my personality. Up to then, I had been a gregarious, outgoing kid. I became introverted and reticent, and have struggled with depression off and on over the years. Things got better in 6th grade when I was transferred AGAIN and reunited with my K-4 classmates plus a whole lot of new kids from the other primary schools in town. Like you mentioned, being with kids who didn't know about my "reputation" helped. Still, the boys treated me like a leper all the way through HS; the only reason I had a boyfriend jr-sr year was because he was new in town and I grabbed him before anyone had a chance to tell him about me! The one silver lining is that I'm immune to peer pressure; threats to banish me from the social circle are greeted with a shrug: "So? And?" As long as I have at least one confidante, I'm fine.
@vlogcity1111 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing :) you sound like wife material! Not seeking social validation or a large groups of friends. You would make a great mom! I wish you all the best
@Dietghostscp2107 Жыл бұрын
He said nerdular....deadass.
@mathewmcfarlane3523 Жыл бұрын
Shannon, I know you''ll probably never read this but I deeply appreciate this video. A lot of what you said resonated with me, especially when you discussed the mentality of bullies. I've dealt with my fair share of bullies like you have. You're vulnerability and compassionate soul shows your strength as an individual.
@Aarron656 Жыл бұрын
stuff like this and no ads (for example, gambling ads others put on their channel watched by young audiences) is a big reason why Shannon is the best there is on a heavily commercialized fake platform like youtube. He is the sun that shines through even on the darkest days
@rodchallis8031 Жыл бұрын
Shannon's a National Treasure. I paused this video a number of times, thinking back to my childhood and school in the 60's and 70's. You younger folks had/have it harder on this score.
@theabyss9016 Жыл бұрын
this is honestly such a fantastic video. Thank you for having the courage to open up about this!
@mcfleury Жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks sharing man, I can definitely relate to a lot of this. Sorry you had to go through that
@tIhIngan Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, Shannon. It's important to share these stories, a lot of people go or have gone through experiences like this, some even as adults. It's important that they can relate to somebody who has come out of this safe and successful.
@BearIslandComics Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this, Shannon. I always appreciate the calm & thoughtful way in which you address these sorts of things.
@Tywon1200 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this Shannon. You are so strong for going through that and admire your perseverance and courage
@goaliecoachmike Жыл бұрын
Very heart felt! Thanks for sharing! You are a blessing!
@tricolore31 Жыл бұрын
Great video man, love videos just speaking long, real, honest stories, you got a great work ethic. Keep it up man.
@evanfeehan8212 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video Shannon, I had no idea you had this channel but as much as I enjoy your hockey content this was very powerful to watch. Thank you again.
@chilliams1951 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing Shannon! I’ve looked to you as a role model for years now and you making videos like this is why. Your vulnerability is astounding. I am so sorry that you had these experiences, I hope you find some solace in knowing that they shaped you into the upstanding guy we all know today!
@jsullivan5823 Жыл бұрын
Always loved this honest side that shares and speaks out for the sake of others. Thanks again man!
@jeremyfalkner9223 Жыл бұрын
This was very cathartic, thank you Shannon. This video can help a lot of people who are going through tough times just by listening to it.
@Mineav Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. It's an important topic to talk about so that people who go through this don't feel alone.
@TypingWithClaws Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Shannon. I remember in elementary school, it wasn't really bullying but more of just a lot of teasing. I was a really dorky, nerdy little kid who everyone treated as an easy pushover since I was also Asian. It didn't help matters that I would have the dorkiest reactions to things that other kids say to me, like "stop saying that you meanie" or something along those lines. The teasing never really stopped even as I went into middle school, but it did decrease significantly due to some of them going to different middle schools and kids coming from other elementary schools. It was around this time that I actually started to gain some popularity because surprisingly enough, I was fairly decent as an athlete despite me being a really skinny, unassuming looking nerd. Freshman year of high school I began to take up weightlifting/bodybuilding and that started attracting attention from all the kids, and they figured that I wasn't going to be the same pushover I used to be back in elementary school. Even then, I still had doubts in my mind that people actually liked me and I always had this intrusive thought that everyone was just trying to put up with me and that the teasing would just come back overnight.
@BumberFussin Жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you for posting this. It was really comforting for some reason. As someone who was an outcast all the way until like 9th grade it helped hearing your reflection on how it affected you then and how it affects you now. I agree, thank goodness school is over.
@shimshonseligson6538 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this Shannon. It brought up some unpleasant memories of my own, but somehow knowing that other people understand what it was like is comforting. Stronger together.
@emilecrevier2124 Жыл бұрын
holy hell I cried thank you man, you dont know how much its helping me
@briankennicott4397 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Shannon. As always, even with a very tough subject, you got me to smile.
@ericdries4955 Жыл бұрын
Thank you sharing. Many people have unfortunately experienced this. Reminds me of my high school days over 20 years ago.
@danieljames7629 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow pop collector and hockey fan, I feel we’d get along really well lol great message! So glad you can use your platform for stuff like this, I’ve been in some of the same situations you’ve described, keep up the great work my guy!
@Kmartsmart Жыл бұрын
Very courageous to open up, Shannon. Those stories are just sickening to hear and you didn't deserve any of it. Proud of you for getting through that tough time. You make my days with constant videos, and as a 'theatre actor in training' it's really for me cool to hear your experience with acting and also how it helped you. I'm curious what plays you were in. Your experience, wit, and improv skills shines through in your content. Thank you for being you, Shannon.
@user-fq5vb6gj1n Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story Shannon, you're an inspiration to so many people. Also love your videos, keep up the great work! :)
@rollo3417 Жыл бұрын
Best video ever! Honest, informative, and reflective... absolutely perfect!
@debradentler1147 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I have so much respect for you and your honesty.
@michaelmiddleton8098 Жыл бұрын
Been there, felt that, felt the same, well done for where you are, and for this video
@davidovics92 Жыл бұрын
wow this was pretty powerful. Thanks for sharing Shannon, you're awesome.
@invertedxxxi Жыл бұрын
You’re seriously awesome. I stumbled across your hockey channel a few weeks back on total accident, and I’ve become a big fan. Clearly quite a lot of people like you. There’s a reason for that. You’re a good dude, and it shows in your content.
@tiffanynaidoo2003 Жыл бұрын
So sorry, friend! These stories broke my heart. I usually watch the hockey channel and don’t watch this, but it just auto played in my hotel. You’re so nice & I really enjoy your videos. Thanks for making the internet a better place! ❤️
@pstandlee Жыл бұрын
It’s hard to look back at those experiences. Lots of courage, Shannon.
@vincentsantacroce2131 Жыл бұрын
Excellent-thoughtful - sensitive video. Thanks for sharing.
@lmontano8190 Жыл бұрын
I am so sorry all that happened to you. The family stuff you went through is heartbreaking. No person should be bullied whether they act different or not. Ages ago 9 I am old) I went from a rural place, with my FFA friends on the high school school farm in 9th grade to a city school where 9th grade was back in jr high. It was fine to be a nerdy introvert on the farm, everyone was kind. In the city school it was horrible. Made fun of for clothes, hair everything. Pranked regularly. Didn't get any better the next year when I went back to the high school there. Since the entire reason for moving was my parents getting jobs in the city since money was scarce they were never around. I left school at 15 and got a job. Was scary to start at first but not as depressing and scary as if I would have stayed. The pranking had been escalating. I hope schools are better if someone comes to them about bullying now
@JeremyWildeman Жыл бұрын
You're a pretty amazing man. It takes a lot to share this. No wonder we all appreciate you so much.
@Christian_Martel Жыл бұрын
Thank you Shannon for sharing this. You’re a survivor and we can definitely say you found the place you deserve now.
@SLAB90texicano Жыл бұрын
Very nice to hear you speak out on some of the troubles you dealt with. Much respect to you, it's interesting how some of the meanest things that were done to you were done by the girls. I grew up in a very up poor area in Texas and played basketball so all my friends were African American and I found out early on that many of my friends from basketball were loyal to a fault and I've always respected that about my friends. We were always so worried about the issues at home. So school was an escape. This was before social media as well. Thank you for sharing your story
@lamichaelkreitz6821 Жыл бұрын
Got bullied horribly growing up. Found out at 38 that I have Asperger’s syndrome. I’m a total tech geek and it has served me very well in adulthood. Now I look back and appreciate the strength that came from the bullying and I laugh at the juxtaposition of their success vs mine. Thanks assholes.
@Dharmaville Жыл бұрын
your openness about this alone demonstrates something those bullies would never be able to achieve. i appreciate insightful and personal videos like this and i am proud to have you as a constant in my daily hockey routine
@antoniokofoed7139 Жыл бұрын
Shannon this totally brought me back man. I totally went through the same things you did. I was an only child in a poor dysfunctional home as well. Also the height thing was a big issue. Luckily I got into being a musician as my escape. Idk where I would be today without it.
@QDHayes Жыл бұрын
Shannon, thanks so much for sharing. As someone who has never really found a footing socially in their life, at 30, I see you now, happy and sharing, and it genuinely is inspiring. I love you, my friend. Thank you for always being a part of my life, even when you don't know me.
@kurt666morris Ай бұрын
Thanks for doing this video. I'm sure it helped countless people out there!
@karoniateconners6944 Жыл бұрын
Glad to get to know you a little bit more Shannon, your stories speaks volumes to the character you are today. Take care and continue inspiring.
@alexschofield944 Жыл бұрын
So great of you to make this video. There will absolutely be someone watching who will be helped by this just knowing they’re not alone. One thing I’d disagree with in my own experience is that bullies are actually cowards. They never go for the fair fight and only ever pick on people they deem vulnerable and often in packs. After a couple of bullies had tried to go at either me or my friends, and word then got out that I boxed outside of school, the bullying stopped almost overnight.
@malarki6645 Жыл бұрын
Hi Shannon... I enjoy your channel and just wanted to say I'm glad you didn't let your past experiences break you.. I'm sorry that you had to go through that as a kid/teen I know exactly how that feels as I had the same type of experiences from girls pretending to be my friend and tell me that so and so had a crush on me just to laugh their you know what off when I would make a fool of myself and approach that girl with interest. Kids / Teens can be cruel and one thing I made absolutely sure of is when I had a child of my own I made sure he knew under no circumstances would I tolerate him bullying and that as a child who was never small ( tall and big ) I told him to stand up to bullying.. Parenting plays a huge part in how kids behave and this concept of oh well kids will be kids is just lazy parenting!!! Good on you for sharing your experiences and I wish you much success :)
@kolptroop9983 Жыл бұрын
I was bullied when my family moved from Detroit to a suburban city. I loved sports but never had the fortune to play in an organized league till our move. I was awkward and a not-so-great athlete. Players on my own football team bullied me. I literally had my head kicked in a time or two at school by one kid in particular. I never said anything to anybody and just did my thing. I hated going to school and practice but I never quit. I eventually played football throughout junior high and high school and ran track a year or two. I was still the slowest, most non-athletic kid on any team I was ever on. A proverbial slow developer. I matured late and channeled that gut-wrenching feeling of being bullied into positive energy. I became an Army paratrooper and eventually passed Army Ranger School- some of the toughest training in the U.S. military. I didn’t stop there. I attended the Special Forces Qualification Course and was awarded my Green Beret. I spent an entire career in that community. My specialty was High Altitude Free Fall and sniper operations. Not bad for a kid that was always picked last for every sports team. I never attended any school reunions because I have nothing in common with any of the kids who made my life hell back then. I taught myself how to ice skate and play hockey. Not one lesson. I’m older now and play rec league hockey and love it. Free the Oppressed. DOL.
@timothyhenry5783 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing Shannon.
@zachariusfrost337 Жыл бұрын
So sorry for your experience Shannon. You’re a great man who didn’t deserve that but I’m glad you feel comfortable in talking about it now. On a side note that jersey is so badass and I need one.
@dogwithheadphones Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry this happened to you Shannon, you didn’t deserve any of it, and you’re an absolutely great guy!
@jasonstroh7980 Жыл бұрын
Your an amazing person Shannon and I was always told your life struggles make you better and you are now great
@Chandler455 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for opening up like this Shannon, this is why you are one of the coolest people on KZfaq you are relatable and honest
@HNXMedia Жыл бұрын
High school was the 4 worst years of my life. Hated it then and try no to remember any of it now. Wasn't "bullied" so to speak but I was the city kid who moved to the suburbs in 1987. Still vividly remember some of the things people said to me. I hated those people then and I hope they are miserable now, though I am sure they have long forgotten me.
@ryanwagner7833 Жыл бұрын
Hey Shannon, look at you now. Your a legend and your bullies are all nobodies. You are awesome and I love how genuine you are. I went through a lot of crap growing up to but was lucky enough to be one of the bigger kids as ican only have nightmares about what it would have been like had I been smaller. Great video! You are an awesome guy!
@kathrynkaufman9501 5 ай бұрын
Excellent video! It takes courage to share these experiences especially given that they can involve PTSD. My bullies did happen to be cowards however because I was a girl and they were boys; there were always several of them.
@Vvranaa Жыл бұрын
Shannon, I’ve been subscribed for god idk how many years at this point but I wanna say maybe 2016 or 17. But I’ve always loved the videos where you talked about personal experiences, sometimes in relation to hockey or not. But you are an interesting person, a great storyteller, and I love the sense of humor too. Never stop being you.
@charleswilbur8765 Жыл бұрын
Shannon, your honesty and vulnerability is something I really admire. I’m 22 now and though it’s been years, my own personal experiences are still difficult to talk to people about. So your ability to talk openly to however many hundreds of people watch this is strengthening to me. Especially with the topic of bullying being prominent in the NHL this season.
@geoffthechef8622 Жыл бұрын
This really brings back memories, school was super tough for me
@scarboroughbluffer169 Жыл бұрын
It’s a good thing that you’ve come to terms with it because there are as many stories of people who had the same experience you who turn into bullies themselves as adults as bad, or even worse, than those who bullied them. Self-preservation is good as a child but as an adult you have to let it go.
@dustinjones1907 Жыл бұрын
I went through similar stuff in middle school, and when I got to high school (a different one than most of the bullies because I was in French immersion) I had grown several inches, was suddenly very good at skateboarding and considered popular and good looking basically overnight. I always tell people nothing is more discouraging to a Bully than to see you not give a shit. He's whipping your ass in a fight? Keep getting up. Keep. Getting. Up. Him and his friends all jump you? The next day at school, make fun of them publicly for needing to do it as a group. Make them look stupid at every opportunity. Even if it leads to more fights, keep doing it. Everyone else will no longer look at you as a "wuss" or a "nerd". And if everyone else thinks you're not those things, your social standing will go up dramatically. Sorry you went through this Shannon, thankfully you're successful and happy and those guys are probably bagging groceries.
@JPMadden Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Shannon, for sharing so much of your private self. I was bullied, although little of it was physical and none was as severe as some of what you endured. One reason was that I was one of only a few kids my age in my neighborhood who had any brains, and I was the smartest. Only some of it seemed directed personally at me. I was just one of the kids who wasn't cool, and I was not unhappy and felt somewhat smug to be smarter than the idiots who bothered me. But the primary reason for the bullying, which was not yet identified 35-45 years ago, was that I have Asperger's syndrome. It is a mild form of autism that has been renamed "autism spectrum disorder." Fundamentally, autism is a developmental disorder. This is something my family still struggles to accept, because there are some things you don't get a second chance at, like your youth. I've called myself a "partial adult" -- high-functioning in some parts of adult life, low-functioning in others, and "zero-functioning" for dating and romantic relationships. I did develop moderately severe depression during my last year of college, when I realized both that I was unprepared for the adult world and that I never would "meet a nice girl." I got close enough to being a danger to myself to understand the desire, but I never had it, and I had recently lost a cousin to it. I graduated 5 years late, which caused permanent damage to my work career. The best way I can describe my social development as a teenager is this: Imagine you are at a party where everyone else is communicating not just verbally but telepathically as well, while you are only doing so verbally. I'm not talking about science fiction; reading facial expressions, vocal cues, and body language could be considered primitive telepathy. Flirting requires more advanced telepathy, it seems to me, since I cannot do it. Not only did I lack the ability to understand the nonverbal communication around me, nobody knew that I lacked it. The problem was not even known to exist. Somehow, no one was aware of my lack of social development, not even me. Adults who knew me would say, "things just come later to Jim." To be fair, that was true for some skills, like learning how to drive. There are times I feel mystified and a little angry that my parents and the other adults in my life seemed to be unaware of or unconcerned with my lack of social development. But these negative feelings are tempered because I can't imagine myself having been receptive or even capable of making changes growing up, and also because despite the "autism awareness" of today, society and even many in the medical profession still do not understand my situation. We like to think we are now sufficiently enlightened to understand that it is not acceptable to bully any group of people, but that's not true. My group--adult male virgins--is fair game for comic derision, and I do not expect that to change any time soon. Most people today share the admirable goal of identifying every form of mistreatment. Some even see it where it does not exist, such as formerly overweight celebrities being accused of "fat shaming" other overweight people by becoming thinner. Yet, they cannot see me. Since I'm smart and a nerd, people think I would enjoy watching "The Big Bang Theory." Why would I want to watch a show that constantly makes fun of me? Also, it's mostly not funny. I agree with all of your comments on "Revenge of the Nerds."
@nazcarcup Жыл бұрын
I can relate in so many ways... Thank you.
@marlinisgreat Жыл бұрын
Thanks for talking about this. Vulnerability is a great thing to see especially from a guy who runs a youtube channel about sports
Man, 80's and 90's bullies did some stuff that would get them cancelled if there was social media back then. I moved every year just about since birth. I didn't "get" the social stuff till grade 12. It was ruthless at times but it made me and other bullied kids learn a lot more about psychology, anthropology, and forgiveness. The other core subjects took a back seat. I bet this video helps at least a few people get a little head start understanding their struggle.
@fsdsddsad Жыл бұрын
I sometimes get verbally bullied at school. It's not fun. Thank you Shannon for sharing you story. You are my role model and don't stop making awesome video's.
@jdeighan Жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this Shannon, I recently reached out to someone on Facebook who I had bullied as a child. I won't get too into details but I was being bullied myself and I guess that's what kids do when bullied... they find someone THEY can bully to make themselves feel better. It's a vicious cycle. I apologized to my classmate (20 years later) and he forgave me but I wish I told him sooner edit: I've always avoided eye contact as well. It feels like someone is staring into my soul and knows all my thoughts. It's gotten better over time though. Now I can sustain eye contact during a conversation. Its still not the first thing I do though, I have to force myself
@MrHolmgren194 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for this Shannon! Unlike you, i`m a quite big guy but i was insecure, had (and still have cause it runs in my family genes) a lot of anxiety. There were about four bullies in my class from grade 3-6, and they bullied a friend of mine quite bad from time to time and i couldn`t do anything about it. Much because of the above mentioned anxiety. I was subjected to bullying sometimes myself, but not as bad as you, it happend now and then and i don`t think i ever fought anyone because of it, when violence accured i must have taken to my legs or something because i would feel physically ill because of it. Like you i was a bit nasty towards a girl in what is our equivalence to your highschool, never physically but teasing her a bit, and that probably was a consequence of my own history with bullying and allround insecurity on my part. So, i think we`ve all done stupid things in our youths, luckily most of us realised it and stopped as we grew older and hopefully wiser. Thanks again Shannon, you`re absolutely ok as you are and don`t let anyone tell you different :)
@krakenhockey32 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@protoman1365 Жыл бұрын
Hey Shannon, I’m friends with you on Facebook as one of the people who met you at meetups. I don’t know if you remember, but in May I had an encounter with a racist hockey fan telling me to “go home” a la Don Cherry’s rhetoric. It was a rough moment, but the fact that you showed support to me meant a lot. As far as bullying goes that’s what I get as an adult once every now and then, and while it’s horrendous it does feel like way more people have my back now than before. The fact that you’re a popular KZfaqr and you took the time to care about that shows how down to earth you are, and I really appreciate it. As far as school bullying goes, I was never punched or damaged, but I took a lot of verbal abuse as well as pranks that made me a mess/look embarrassing in 4th and 5th grade. 6th was less bad but not a by a lot. I switched schools going into 7th and suddenly everyone there loved me, but despite wanting to talk to everyone I had a lot of fear of being bullied so I sorta just stayed in my shell until I graduated high school, people didn’t mind but I didn’t get to know them too well. Which is a shame, because there’s a ton of people who were awesome to me then that I wish I was more connected to/some I paid more attention to. But one thing I did learn was both being popular and unpopular, so I knew how to handle being disliked while also staying humble and grounded in groups while I was well liked.
@charliesiempelkamp511 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that you had to go thru that.
@PaxMundi118 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Shannon!
@revillagroovesgear2095 Жыл бұрын
Shannon: You were already my favorite KZfaq personality because of the down to earth, straight talking, entertaining THG videos. This post only solidifies that. I truly appreciate your candor and openness. So many of us out here have shared these types of experiences. On revenge: The greatest revenge against our old bullies, doubters and naysayers from our youth is to find success and happiness in our adult lives. It simply renders all of their threats, negativity and personal terrorism null and void. From what you share of your family life and the joy you find in your current success, I'd say you've won the battle. Sure there are scars from the fight, but you are on top now. May you stay there forever. Keep up the fantastic work.
@janellemaynait Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story
@Svarthok Жыл бұрын
Very strong of you to talk about this.
@damonwebb813 Жыл бұрын
It's wonderful to see Shannon where he is now, excellent communicator and a strong leader with a good foundation
@vinceniederman 7 ай бұрын
The Story From Shannon is Amazing About His Days in School!
@jacquiephelps4169 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video ❤.
@BloggerMusicMan Жыл бұрын
"It's never one on one, it's never fair." And that in a nutshell is one way the cowardice of a bully manifests. They also target people who they see as easy targets because they believe they won't sufficiently fight back. Once someone actually stands up to them, they can become meek VERY fast. People who are actually tough and dangerous don't usually have to let other people know that all the time. It's only when you mess with them that the danger becomes clear. Thank you so much for sharing your story Shannon. I'm autistic and I also changed schools as a kid, so I was a rich target for bullies. Some of stories really brought me back.
@GoJays Жыл бұрын
I am extremely quiet, but I actually got along pretty well with most people in school. I made a lot of friends back in kindergarten/grade 1 through recess, birthday parties, playdates etc. and many of those friends lasted up to grade 12 (although with some it was just respect/saying hi kinda thing.) It was good for me because I struggled to have friend groups, I would usually have like 1 or 2 friends from each friend group lol. I'm a 'nerd', jock, and love watching sports, so I guess I had a good chance to have something in common with someone. But because of my quiet nature, my ability to make friends was ofc still limited so I often would just mind my own business. As for bullies, I'm happy to have never had one. There's just ppl I couldn't stand lol
@marktucker696 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure kids today wish they could just walk down a different hallway, take the long way to lunch, avoided certain areas at certain times. I remember that if I was able to physically avoid the bullies, I wouldn't get bullied. Today, instead of just avoiding a group of kids, you've got to deal with hundreds of kids now teasing and laughing at you, kids you don't even know. Glad my school days had no cameras or iinternet to document for the world what I was going through. Thanks for sharing your story, Shannon.
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