MY DAD AND MARIO KART 64 - Happy Console Gamer

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7 жыл бұрын

Mario Kart 64 20th anniversary, wanted to talk about my Dad and memories with him and the game.
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Join Johnny Millenium The Happy Console Gamer as he discusses new video game news and reviews forgotten games that not many people know about but should!

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@fabioalvesshow 7 жыл бұрын
sad story but the memories are endless
@fabioalvesshow 7 жыл бұрын
@HappyConsoleGamer 7 жыл бұрын
Wow everyone! So blown away from the responses everyone has left, and for all the people sharing their stories in here as well thank you!
@jonhunthrop1882 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your videos man!
@zeldasbiggestfan 7 жыл бұрын
We love you man, never stop!!
@protolegacy9184 7 жыл бұрын
I lost my Dad to cancer several months ago.He did not care for videogames and thought they were waste of time and money.He liked sports and watching tv and I did not so we had little in common.But my Dad did buy me quite a few games and I'll always appreciate that.It great to hear you have a memory like that to hold on to Johnny.
@me_mate_argyle 7 жыл бұрын
Lost my dad when I was 30. Our game was Kid Icarus on the NES. Unlike yours, my dad got ME into games. He was an engineer and we had Zelda, legacy of the wizard, Metroid, all that stuff before anyone knew or cared. I remember him bringing in the NES when it released and him saying "I can see why this cost $200!". Its because of him I share the hobby with my son and daughter and it's changed my life, my career and got me into engineering and programming. His love of games has made me the father and person I am today.
@jfitnesshealth 7 жыл бұрын
wow! thats different but interesting. sorry for your loss as well.
@THEAC83 7 жыл бұрын
Eric Murray thanks for sharing
@HappyConsoleGamer 7 жыл бұрын
@finkaiser3994 7 жыл бұрын
Great story Johnny... one of the best storytellers on KZfaq no doubt.
@FinalBaton 7 жыл бұрын
THE best ^_^
@metalman3093 7 жыл бұрын
JaredR I was just about to type almost the same sentence lol
@Greentunic84 7 жыл бұрын
Lost my Dad tragically. He was a super good guy. Very supportive of my gaming. Use to pick games up for me on his way home from work on Fridays before all the kids would get to Blockbuster after supper and take all the good games haha. Great hearing stories about your Dad. Cheers.
@Silvergun_Raven 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss.
@HappyConsoleGamer 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your story!
@markjansen9886 6 жыл бұрын
@samurizzy 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this John. I have a similar storty with my own father, only the game was Streets of Rage 2. My father was totally avoidant of games. Very vert rarely would he even spectate. Then one day I come home and as I near our entertainment room, (a place where the stereo and other electronic devices were kept) I hear what I swore to be the music for the second stage of the game. Don't you know I open the door and there he was, playing SoR2. He was so engrossed he didn't even notice I had came into room. He was constantly moving his eyes from the screen and the controller and moving the controller about as if it would help him to move about. It was so awesome! To this day it is the only game I have ever known him to play. As a man who was heavily into music he was very impressed with the music in the game. It was a really great feeling to have him experience something from my world.
@streambloodygore405 7 жыл бұрын
I lost my mom almost a year ago and so many games In my collection give me memories of her talking to me while I was playing, so they're kinda a time capsule for me. Thanks for sharing your story about your father it made me feel not so alone in losing such a pivotal person in my life.
@Untouchaable 7 жыл бұрын
That was a cool story. I also used to play this with my dad, both Racing & Battle Mode for many hours. It's up there as one of my favorite games.
@Pachangasaurio 7 жыл бұрын
Sad but lovely story, I also shared a few moments with my dad playing videogames in my childhood and I hold all of them tightly. Lots of love, Johnny.
@TheInternetIsDeadToMe 7 жыл бұрын
This is why I love your channel Jonny. It's not just about gaming. It's more about the great stories that you share with us and being able to relate to them. There's a wonderful joy in nostalgia and your videos always seem to capture it. I'm sure your dad is proud of what you've achieved.
@zeldasbiggestfan 7 жыл бұрын
Your father would be so proud of you, Johnny. This almost made me cry haha I love your channel, I really do. Video games are the greatest thing ever. Thanks for the memory!
@ernestotamayo655 7 жыл бұрын
That's why I love your channel. You talk about the nostalgia that games affected you. Not just how fun playing games are but how a certain game can can define a certain period of your life.
@ITguy41 7 жыл бұрын
Hey man, this video really broke my heart and moved me. I know this is a few months old but really wanted to say man I get it. I lost my father when I was 13 years old, and he was my hero. He was a firefighter and had gotten cancer from coming into contact with hazardous chemicals while fighting a fire, so I understand and am sorry for your loss. You know it sounds weird but his passing I though affected me back then when I was thirteen. But it doesnt compare to how much it affects me now that I am 31, with a career, a wife and a beautiful son. So many things I wish I could share with him. But just wanted to say I appreciated the video and many of us know that pain. Thank You for sharing.
@Pix3l_Pr1ncess 7 жыл бұрын
Mario Kart is so awesome, I still play it with my older sister when we get together.
@TheCompletionist 7 жыл бұрын
This is one of the reasons that this channel is awesome. The stories and the memories is what gives depth to this channel. I know you don't talk about your dad that often because I remember when you were talking about playing final fantasy VII for the first time and it happened shortly after your father passed away and it is in a difficult time in your life. It's great that you have this awesome video game memory with your dad. My dad didn't play video games either, but he always respected my video game hobby and every once in a while I could get him to play nhl 95 on the snes.
@PropzMonkey 7 жыл бұрын
I've been watching this show for years and years now and had always hoped we would get more stories about your father. In the bits and pieces we did get he always seemed like an amazing man. I hope my son grows up and looks back on me with the same fondness. Thanks for sharing such an amazing story.
@RiverCityFlips 7 жыл бұрын
Very nice video. My Dad was just here this weekend for my birthday and we celebrated by playing NHL '96 for the Sega Genesis like we did back in the day.
@FinalBaton 7 жыл бұрын
That's awesome dude!
@raggeragnar 7 жыл бұрын
Nate Slayer22 : That's so cool. I'm 52 and me and my 3 sons(17,26&28) hold family-world-cup in Tekken2 as often as we can , with the winners right to shamelessly brag until the next time. (I really love to win)
@RiverCityFlips 7 жыл бұрын
Rogerio Frederico nice! Sounds like a good time
@deadgametech6624 7 жыл бұрын
I love NHL 96! Fights and puddles of blood... what more to ask for?
@timberwolf3781 7 жыл бұрын
John, my father passed away suddenly much too young as well I was 29 and I got to spend 2 months with the summer before he passed....that summer really is some of my most cherished memories.... Thanks for sharing and reminding me of that john
@Hikagaming91 7 жыл бұрын
This videos defines what i love about your channel, everytime you talk about a certain game, you take me back in time with you, so many silly memories i can recall because of all of these games :)
@eXtremeLink859 7 жыл бұрын
Really nice video, I just turned 20 this year man. You're damn near saying the exact same things that have been going through my head this year, I feel your relationship with your Dad a lot. Lots of wisdom, Johnny
@givehimanotherchance 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your beautiful story. It brought me many tears but even more smiles. My memories of my dad are of us waking up at 4am trying to finish Alex Kidd together. He's no longer with me, but everytime I see something related to or play Alex Kidd those wonderful early mornings come streaming back. All the best man, your videos are always awesome.
@HappyConsoleGamer 7 жыл бұрын
Hey thank you for your story!
@THEAC83 7 жыл бұрын
What a fantastic story. My parents were never into video games but they also used to enjoy watching me play Mario Kart 64. That's why it is in my opinion one of the greatest games that I have ever played.
@whitewolfxciii 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing something so close to you and personal. In life there is only one thing guaranteed; suffering. As sad as it sounds, we all have to deal with pain at some moment but as long as we keep memories like those, life will make some kind of sense. So even though what you're sharing is tragic, the way you tell it and how much it means to you, made me smile through the whole video.
@HappyConsoleGamer 7 жыл бұрын
@johnnygirling55 7 жыл бұрын
Great story mate! It's the connections like these that make games so important! They celebrate a point in time. My Dad used to play Zelda on the SNES with me and that game has the same feelings as you describe!
@ijclnl48 7 жыл бұрын
Well didn't plan on tearing up today.
@raggeragnar 7 жыл бұрын
Hello Johnny ! I'm sorry for your loss , but happy for you to have that special memory of your dad. I lost my dad when I was 12 in 1977 to cancer , so I know what you are trying to say. He introduced me to pinball in the early 70's before getting sick , and I went head first into the first 15 years of arcade games. Those little memories are pure GOLD bro !
@FiercedeityBrad 7 жыл бұрын
this video made me tear up a bit because my dad was the exact same way with me. he bought me all the Nintendo systems at Christmases and never berated me for being a gamer. my parents logic was "at least he's not out getting in trouble" lol. but my dad would every once in a while play mario and completely suck at it but he'd try. his last Christmas with us in 1998 before he died in june of 1999 he got me an n64 and ocarina of time and it changed my life. I had given up nintendo to be a cool teenager at that point so it was not like "whoo hoo zelda!!!" yet. I was more like "ok thanks why'd you get me this?" lol but I ended up entranced and enthralled by this game all thanks to my dad. he got me wwf war zone an NBA game and he just so happened to ask the clerk at the store what the hot game was that year and they had 1 copy of zelda left. I find it so funny how it all worked out and the rest is history.
@stockfeld5709 7 жыл бұрын
yes finally the dad story!!!
@Silvergun_Raven 7 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss, Johnny. Thank you for sharing that wonderful memory of yours. I have kind of a similar story to share. My Grandfather passed away from Cancer back in 2007 and he never played video games, but one day, sometime in the Summer/Fall of 2000, I brought My N64 up to my Grandparent's house with Perfect Dark and him and Grandma would usually just watch me play games, but one day he wanted to play Perfect Dark with me. He managed to get one kill on me and it was hilarious.
@FinalBaton 7 жыл бұрын
*Sees title *Prepares to shed a couple manly tears, à la Fist Of The North Star
@tchitchouan 7 жыл бұрын
Fantastic Father-Son Story, Johnny !
@HisShadowX 6 жыл бұрын
I keep coming back to this story when thinking about my grandfather. Here in America for my grandparents and some of my parents generation [im in my 39s) there generation was big into cowboys. I never got into cowboys and when I played Red Dead I knew this would be something my grandfather would love. Sadly though he passed away shorty before I could ask
@JohnnyDeppFan1433 7 жыл бұрын
Such a great story! It is true that you don't start to really be friends with your parents until you're older. My parents aren't interested in video games but I have great memories playing NBA Jam TE with my dad. I've also gotten my mom and dad into Wii bowling and Mario Kart from time to time
@sufamidan1006 7 жыл бұрын
My Dad had a similar relationship with Starfox 64. He got bloody good at it too! All the best, John.
@towermoss 7 жыл бұрын
great story! my own dad was not a fan of my gaming (he was a Bible thumper and wasn't into anything that wasn't Bible-related). he was suspicious of video games. the only exception was TMNT2 on NES. we actually played it together a few times and I remember being blown away like you.
@RickxDogg 6 жыл бұрын
This story hits the feels. Thanks for sharing Johnny. Your dad is proud of you ❤️
@remlr92 7 жыл бұрын
I lost my dad to cancer a year and a half ago. Like your dad he was really not into video games... but one of the only games he ever played (and he loved it) was Super Mario Kart on Snes. So many great memories. Thank you for this video, Johnny. Greetings from France
@amandamedina2533 7 жыл бұрын
That was a heart warming story Johnny. It's a nice memory you have of your father. As for me I don't have any memories of my dad because he left me before I was even born. and till this day no sign of him not even a picture. I am happy to say though I share special memories of my grandfather playing Mario Kart 64 and other games with me. 😀
@axelstone3131 7 жыл бұрын
My dad doesn't care for games and things it's a waste of time. I sometimes envy people whose parents also game or play games with them. I've never really experienced that.
@axelstone3131 7 жыл бұрын
lol that's funny
@professorofficer9609 7 жыл бұрын
dutchschaefer I feel you. My dad never touched any video game ever. I 'm glad he bought us our first computer, back in the early 90s. He was not fond of the idea of consoles, playing video games exclusively. I envy all the kids who owned a Sega or Nintendo console in their childhood. And playing with their dads. My friends were luckier than me.
@Seburo77 5 жыл бұрын
Same here. The thing is I always thought it was a lost war but seeing this Johnny video I've thought for the first time ¿what if my father played with me? ¿What if, now, he took the pro controller of the Switch and we played some beat em ups? It made me cry, my life would have been so different. And it is so sad that it will never happen. i congratulate everybody here that has or has had a parent who played with them, you've got a real treasure. Cheers to all!
@anthonyferraro6696 7 жыл бұрын
He would have been so proud of you man. You speak and 150000 people listen. Great story, I laughed at the controller part, and teared up throughout. Must have been an amazing Dad to raise such a great kid.
@metalfuk69 7 жыл бұрын
the part when you walk into your basement and your dad holding the controller like a steering wheel had me cracking up hard brotha. Your dad had a huge part in all of this, he lives thru your channel. I say thanx to your dad we have you Johnny!! Rip One Love!! Nintendo Power!!
@AcidBong 7 жыл бұрын
Great dad story man! I Lost my dad in 2012 from ALS (terrible way to go). My dad also wasn't interested in gaming when I was growing up. But... the Xbox 360 came out. That changed everything for him. He loved the realistic military shooters, and for the few last years he was here, we actually played games like COD on xbox live, and when he'd come for visits we'd play Splinter Cell and other such games. Great memories! :D
@Teamnofatchix 7 жыл бұрын
My Dad ain't know shit about Video Games but He sure does know how much it cost ...
@andrewarbuckle5617 7 жыл бұрын
Great video and I'm sorry for the loss of your father. My Dad is the reason I got into gaming, too. When I was really young he got us a Nintendo and Super Mario Bros. 3. I remember hearing about the game so much and getting hyped to play it and then BOOM the Xmas after the game came out Dad got us a system and a game. I couldn't believe it. About 15 years later my Mom asked me why I was still into gaming as a mid-20's something college grad. I told her it was because of Dad and she smiled. She then told me how Dad drove up after work to the nearest city to wait in line for hours at a Toys R Us to get inside and get us the system. No cell phones, nothing like that back in the day. Just my Dad alone with other Dads sharing stories about how they loved their kids and how they would treasure the smile the Nintendo would bring. I actually shed a tear when my Mom told me that. I now have a 3 year old son and I can't wait to share memories with him. Video games are so much more than code on microchips.
@SegaScream 7 жыл бұрын
Love these stories about your Dad. Thanks for sharing.
@jeffersonkane758 7 жыл бұрын
Such a great memory! i heard a story similar to yours about a kid and his father who use to love playing this racing game together but i can't remember what the game was called. However, his father passed away but one day the kid discover that he found plenty of his fathers ghost trails still in the game!! and he literally played together with his father as if he was alive again, that's a beautiful moment for gaming and family. Anyways love your story johnny!
@raggeragnar 7 жыл бұрын
Jefferson Kane : Yeah , I've read that exact story too , somewhere. I thought of it when Johnny was telling his.
@babyboy1971 Жыл бұрын
As someone who loved his dad, and lost his dad, I love these videos about your father. Really touching.
@imgonnapackit 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, great story about your dad.
@SailorSuitRebel 7 жыл бұрын
An amazing and heartfelt story there, Johnny! As for my old man, he's still alive and a bit stubborn but that comes with age, right? :) Anyways, yeah, my dad was never fully interested in games, mostly because english isn't our native language and he have a hard time grasping it. Regardless, I remember fondling when he got me a Super Nintendo back in the day and while my brother and I would spend hours on Super Mario All-Stars, there would be days when he would watch us play and even try to make a few attempts himself, trying to understand the controls and we taught him. And he even beat the game first too! Which was pretty amazing! When we later got the Nintendo 64, my brother and I had a hard time understanding the controllers but my dad understood it pretty quick and even taught us in return which was pretty fantastic in itself, and we completed Super Mario 64 together! But yeah, he doesn't play many games these days. Just the first Halo and the Hitman games up to Blood Money, but it's always amazing and amusing to see him casually play a game. Really warms the heart. :)
@Nesmaniac 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome stories. I remember my mom and dad got me my first NES action set back in oct of 88. At first we hooked it up in the living room & as you said my dad appreciated the fact that I enjoyed Super Mario Bros so much but he nor my mom just really never got it. That Christmas I got a whopping 5 NES games and one was that beautiful gold zelda cartridge. At this point I was so blown away by what that little grey and white box was capable of & what magically secrets it was hiding inside it was just about overload. I was forever hooked on games. I'm always a bit sad that the older generation just never seem to get games because I feel they are really missing out. I'm happy to hear that your dad at least did begin to appreciate what games could be if given a chance.
@SoDirtyYetSoClean 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Johnny. Love the positivity and love your channel breeds and talking about moments like this makes me realize why I keep coming back! All the best to you and your family!
@mjfeder 7 жыл бұрын
I remember buying this game cost me £60 on release day I still play it now with my grown up kids
@ManualDanual 7 жыл бұрын
That was incredibly moving dude! Brought me to tears in the end. It really is so tremendously special when you can share a game experience with your parents. I can definitely imagine that wonderful feeling that came over you when you stumbled upon your father playing Mario Kart 64 all on his own!
@playfield1977 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Johnny, I suddenly lost my father 20 years ago too in a car incident... you touched me, I understand what you're talking about in this video... those little moments. I'm so close to you. Bye.
@jd-py5nm 7 жыл бұрын
now that my father is older and his health is going downhill my memories of time spent with him like playing n64 are special. we used to play mario 64 zelda doom etc. such good times
@just_a_saeu88 7 жыл бұрын
Awww that is an amazing memory! I am glad yo got to share that with your dad :D
@Sugaswhisper Жыл бұрын
These are great stories, thank you for sharing. Reminds me to cherish life and spend time with parents.
@nicedrink5489 4 жыл бұрын
Been binge watching all your videos. This was one of a couple videos you’ve done that got me choked up, in the best of ways. Keep up the great work.
@liquidt3ch 7 жыл бұрын
you're really blessed to have parents that could enjoy your hobby with you. my parents hated me playing it. they literally thought I played video games to ignore them. as they revealed to me as an adult. blows my mind that there are actually parents that can be accepting of video games. back then atleast
@RetroGameThrowdown1 7 жыл бұрын
Your channel is the best gaming channel Ive ever seen. This is something else!! Thanks for sharing.
@Something-Waffle 6 жыл бұрын
John, this hits close to home for me. My dad passed away four years ago, but I remember him always supporting my hobbies. Even if they weren't his cup of tea. My dad loved coming into my room, and watch me play video games. Especially if it was racing games. I remember getting Ridge Racer for the PS1, and my dad just loved it. There was a special feature for the first Ridge Racer, where you can pop the game disk out, and put in your own music CD. My dad was a fan of classic rock and roll. So I'd play Ridge Racer while listening to CCR, and my dad would get so into it. My dad was so invested in the game that he bought me a racing peripheral with the steering wheel, and gas, and brake pedals. He got it for me, but it was a chance for him to play as well. I look back fondly on those days. I know this is an older video, and I don't know if you'll ever see this comment, but I had to take the time, and thank you for sharing your memories with your dad. I found it to be very moving, and heart felt.
@DailyPickedFitVidz 7 жыл бұрын
Love the video! Thanks Buddy for sharing.
@fugfrog8995 7 жыл бұрын
I wasnt expecting to cry, wonderful story, Johnny! Best wishes and thank you for reminding me that I should look after my dad more often.
@The90sGamingGuy 7 жыл бұрын
My dad use to play Zelda A Link to the past back in the day. He almost beat the game and i accidentally erased his save once. My dad would also play Donkey Kong Country and Super Metroid when my brother and I were kids. My dad loves sci fi movies and shows e.g. Star Wars, Star Trek, Fire Fly, The Avengers, Spider Man, X-Files, The Walking Dead and the list goes on. My dad and I connect through video games, music, movies, history and current events. When my dad passes away it will hit me hard even though he can be a hard ass at times. Sorry for your loss Johnny. Great topic for a video.
@OneWildEye 5 жыл бұрын
Listening to your wonderful story has made me smile for the first time in days. Dude, thank you. What a great guy you are to let that memory out into the world.
@baschlives9252 7 жыл бұрын
Man I love these episodes they bring me back to my childhood and help me to remember things about my dad! We played computer golf together (the kind where you had to hit the space bar three times! He got me and my brother into the sega genesis! Some great memories!
@PaulUmphrey 7 жыл бұрын
God bless you Johnny. it's been some years now watching these videos, and you never cease to put a smile on my face. Thanks much for spreading the joy!
@mikeearwicker5660 7 жыл бұрын
I loved this video Johnny. Thank you for sharing. Very touching.
@HardcoreMetal89 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful story man, Thank God for the memories, we can always go back and remember the good old days 🙂.
@Hawes32musician 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story ! It was very touching, I'm sorry you lost your dad and that he's not here to show how far video games have come! I'm sure he would have loved modern racing video games. All the best
@greatmindz5481 7 жыл бұрын
Great vid I know that took real strength from deep down. Your father's proud and one day we will all meet again on the other side. You the man brother stay strong
@DeejayBobble 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful video man! That's why I love your channel.
@s.t.phoenix 7 жыл бұрын
Great video Johnny, a fantastic story. I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing, but I'm glad you have those memories of him to enjoy. I remember playing alot of Sega Genesis with my dad, fantastic memories.
@spicyjuniormint 7 жыл бұрын
That's a wonderful memory and a great story. Thanks for sharing Johnny.
@Glenn_Norris 3 жыл бұрын
This is special episode for me as MK64 is one of my fave games and also my Dad is terminally ill so am trying to appreciate the time left. Keep up the awesome content
@johngl71 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that moment in time about your dad. My father passed away from cancer 2 years ago this month. Me an my dad connected through the Commodore 64. We played the Interactive Fiction games from Infocom. When I got out of the Military in '96 we go into the Point and Click adventure games from Sierra and Lucas Arts. THOSE are my fondest memories for me.
@stubby019 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful story, thank you for sharing!
@GKboards 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, Johnny. Great pic of you and your dad at the end there.
@EricHostile 7 жыл бұрын
What a great story man, you will always have those memories to look back on. My Mario Kart 64 memories involve acid and rainbow road, we were giggling and it was awesome. Much more light hearted I know, but a great memory none the less. Love your honesty and passion. Respect
@GAVST4R 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that memory and story with us Johnny... big respect.
@Oskanderstine 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry about the loss of your father. My father passed quickly from cancer too. We have similar stories of family and gaming. Ty for sharing your stories with us.
@xretroman 7 жыл бұрын
what a great memory. thanks for sharing. My dad passed away a bit over a year ago and he was the same way with my hobbies, games comic books, but we bonded on movies, mainly star wars. time really flies
@ReconWo1f 7 жыл бұрын
The best channel on youtube hands down, man I got shivers listening to this. What a really touching story and what a way to remember a beloved game as well a great parent
@goodbyememphis 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, Johnny - what a wonderful memory
@toastweek3745 7 жыл бұрын
Great story mate, appreciate you sharing something like this. I definitely teared up at the photo near the end. Mario Kart 64 is awesome!
@AssociationAdmirer 7 жыл бұрын
Terrific episode. As someone already posted here, you are one of the best storytellers of KZfaq; you give details that bring us right into the moment and you are so open with these personal experiences that it makes me care about it just as if I was there. The part about how he was holding the N64 controller was especially striking. It makes you think about how people unfamiliar with video games approach the medium, looking for something familiar to them among the alien elements.
@videogameobsession 7 жыл бұрын
My dad passed away suddenly 15 years ago now. At least we have great memories to think back on.
@bennyblancofromdabay9280 7 жыл бұрын
been waiting for this episode. I know you mention several times how your pops had a blast playing mario kart and how it was a good bonding moment with you and your dad.
@theinfinity7s 7 жыл бұрын
Such an awesome story, Johnny, about your dad. My dad passed away 15 years ago. He was a huge movie lover and loved playing games. I remember coming home from school, kindergarten, '89, and would find my Dad playing Super Mario 3, almost every day. Using the Game Genie and finding codes I didn't know existed. He loved racing games too. Anywho, as always love the channel, Johnny.
@Sparkykelly1 7 жыл бұрын
Great video. Thanks for sharing. It's great to have that as such a lasting memory of your dad.
@AscendentGaming 7 жыл бұрын
These are my favorite videos you make, I love listening to your stories the most. Keep it up :D.
@Nickshreds890 7 жыл бұрын
Your Dad sounds awesome :( I really love hearing your stories! so sorry for your loss! I still remember when my Dad used to watch me play video games too
@AlexMakarowski 7 жыл бұрын
Great video. I have a father that was always (and still is when I show him new games and consoles) engaged in what I was doing and I treasure those memories.
@niceguy4jesusify 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your memories of your dad with us. I had tears hearing your story.
@chasinghistory8992 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks you so much for sharing this story about your Dad. I lost my father to cancer 2 1/2 years ago. Its never easy but its always nice to share the memories with others. Love your channel man. Hugs and handshakes from South Dakota!
@oufan6216 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this story John!
@mikeymike3240 7 жыл бұрын
awesome story Johnny, tugged my heart strings. a very heartwarming moment you shared with your father. I love watching my kids play their games, as long as they're not super fast, my eyes ain't what they used to be. lol great video man. ☺ 👍 👍 👍
@aawshizle 7 жыл бұрын
Very touching story! Sorry for your loss, life happens. Our loved ones that have passed away; are still chanting our names, and rooting for our victory. I love this story!
@tednilsson553 7 жыл бұрын
That is one amazing story. Great memory to have. Nice video man..
@craiganderson7085 7 жыл бұрын
That was a beautiful story Johnny. Thanks for sharing :)
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