My Lost Ark Tier 4 Plans and the future of this channel

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Hey everyone, new video, weird time. My schedule is going to be all over the place for a little bit. Hope you guys are still enjoying Lost Ark, and while I still am, I want to take steps to a healthier time with this game as I know I play this game an unhinged amount and I think that is true for the majority of us who are left. So here are my plans for Lost Ark Tier 4 and how I plan to move forward with gaming and as a creator.
0:00 Intro
0:13 Tier 4
2:51 Gaming And Creator
7:58 Wrap up
Infinite Azure - Tekken 7

Пікірлер: 47
@Duubly 15 күн бұрын
I downsized to 3 chars a while back. Now ive got 3 high quality chars, 2 of which ill park t4 and main will continue to grow. As for any other gold earning needed on the other alts, ill probably do solo every now and then.
@Jukwol 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, before two of my friends quit and gave me all their stuff, I can't say my characters were that high quality. They were above the standard for the content, but nothing great. But with dowsizing it will be a lot easier to be properly (over)geared for good reclear etc.
@Endykins 15 күн бұрын
He's one step closer to being free boys.
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
It's wild that this is the most upvoted comment in my channel ever kek
@Endykins 14 күн бұрын
@@Jukwol Now go buy GBF relink and grind another 400 hours with me.
@josetamad 14 күн бұрын
Good luck my man. I'm in a similar spot.
@ryanc9876 15 күн бұрын
Well, I'm glad you're taking a step back. And frankly, I'm surprised you lasted that long considering how much you were playing. Oddly enough, I never got to that level of play, and I managed to keep myself from FMOing much at all. The thing that always makes me step away from the game is when I don't have people to play...or rather the people I played with before stopped playing. Having people to run with always helps keep it from feeling mundane. ...but solo mode though.
@Jukwol 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, a big factor was that I had a bunch of other people who played this game hardcore. The downside is some injected money into the account so it made it hard for us to stick together as a group. The pressure of other people and friends are just as powerful as the design of the game to push you to go hard.
@elemental2374 14 күн бұрын
@@JukwolI know that feeling some folks I know started rmting like 6 months ago and we’ve never run the same raids since then they just progressed far beyond what some (including me) could’ve have managed with our gold I also always thought „no there is no need to downsize my roster“ but now I’m thinking T4 is the perfect opportunity to do so like maybe from 6 to 3 to 2 or 1 idk we will see what I will end with to have more time for other more important thing
@TheRealTrucido 15 күн бұрын
I was in the same boat as you but I realized how unhealthy and unsustainable it was back in Dec 2022. I was already 230+ roster at that point and im only 2 selection packs away from LoS 30. I just came back to do solo raids at my own pace. Which means I will be 1-2 current content raids behind all the time, and thats fine by me. I can't play 16 hours a day anymore. I would much rather play 2-4 hours and live my life. I only like Lost Ark for the raids and now that we can solo them I dont need to interact with anyone lol.
@Jukwol 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, I had a consistent static I played with from launch until echidna where it started to fall apart, and the people are part of the reason I play. And so when that happened, along with spending like 2 hours getting grace 4 transcendence I was like "what am i doing with my life" But doing solo content for alt stuff on my own time might be pretty nice and help.
@MrSirocko 15 күн бұрын
Same, quit the game after clearing brel normal. Keeping up with honing for week 1 prog was too much work and finding prog groups 3 months after raid release is also nightmare. Came back last week to prep for solo mode as it will enable me to clear content at my own pace
@Spineripper63 15 күн бұрын
How are you load times so fast? I have a 4090 PC and it takes like twice as long at least.
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
Not GPU issue usually with load time. CPU and RAM usually. Do you have XMP Enabled in bios?
@TLDW1986 14 күн бұрын
i reduced my roster from 6 to 2 with Kayangel release because its all just repetition. My 2 Chars made it to 1630 and 1610. Now I just gave up, sold my gold and maybe I will just do some Solo once a week and good bye. It was a great time, but the repetition, the RNG grind etc. is simply exhausting. T4 wont be better. And now when I think of what I could do instead of doing all the repetitive stuff I just had to decide and quit playing this game.
@petetam7394 14 күн бұрын
yeah i quit playing seriously last year after getting Los 30 and realizing this wont be sustainable. Nowadays i just chill with 4-5 raids a week on 3 toons and wait for solo raid, life is a lot better 😊
@leonichida3034 13 күн бұрын
I can’t wait for the solo content, do the gold farm on my own, not being gate kept. If I got jail is my fault.
@enquestaba 13 күн бұрын
lost ark was my first and last kr game, they know how to be a predators
@TheDarkbogiTV 14 күн бұрын
Love your videos and would certainly tune in when you stream. About the people who whale rmt bus etc is actually so true, I for one am neither of them, I did bus at the start but stopped because bussers are hella toxic and I do buy the battle passes except the kindergarten kid one cuz I didnt like the skin, I mainly buy them for the skin and the stuff you can't get with blue crystals. I spent a lot of money in cosmetics but never gold and I really notice how the game state gets worse day by day with all the unfair advantages that people have, I don't mind whales because I am getting blue crystals from whales so it's at least something. But all the cheaters just take the fun away from the game and makes it quite impossible to progress as a normal player who doesn't cheat. For now I stopped playing maybe until tier 4. My current gold roster is one 1620 one 1610 two 1600s and two 1580s without a single level 10 gem on the entire roster because I simply cannot afford them., I can't get into raids with my lower chars even though they are built well and I just can't enjoy being stuck in a pug for hours without a clear anymore every week. AGS truely ruined the game with their mishandeling of botting and cheating. Overall the game has issues in itself but the cheating issue just worsened it by tenfold, maybe t4 will be fun for a bit, but maybe t4 will be even worse if AGS does nothing. My personal assumption is that at least 60% of players RMT'd in this game and that a lot of streamers who say the game is fine are rmters.
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
If you add chaos botting I would say like 90% of the community is probably in there. But again its because the game is designed in a way it pushed people to this point.
@dasguten4084 15 күн бұрын
I am on the other foot still sadly. I was really looking forward to getting to behemoth and chilling for a bit because people were thinking tier 4 was a ways off. But now with tier 4 out its kinda but bit of a bummer that its basically resetting our progress in terms of grinding. I love the game to death though and love to continue to grind with tier 4 but there are just some outstanding grinds from tier 3 that I am not looking forward to repeating namely gems due to the fact class gem balances is so bad right now. I feel stuck with tier 4 coming out and not taking advantage of it with alts to setup myself up well for the future. I even took a break for like 4 months and that set me back loads with the release of brel hm, akkan, and voldis. The season 4 fomo is such a double edge sword
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
Yeah, It's rough. I got other games I want to play right now that are helping me pull away for the time being. But also its a nexon game so the p2w will be even worse and I'll quit that game even faster prob om.
@hannshassen3111 14 күн бұрын
I share all your thoughts and you totally should take a "real" break from the game, best moment is right now. Wait till T4 release and don't do any demanding activities any longer in the game, it will all be wasted effort in like 3-4 months. The game developed in such a bad way with more and more homework raids and shores, that it should be no longer called game^^ The day T4 got announced i didn't have to think twice about pausing Lost Ark till T4, seeing it as a new game start and having lots of time to enjoy other games, as you mentioned too :)
@fgmxd4957 15 күн бұрын
Many people have been downsizing their rosters recently. I think many have similar feelings and concerns that you have, which is that the game is too time consuming, so doing 18 raids a week and being at the forefront of every new content release on multiple characters is very taxing on your free time and sometimes even mental health with all that proging, multiple reclears, statics, lobby sims, jails, etc. People are just burning out slowly but surely, so with the T4 announcement it's a good time to reflect on how you have been approaching the game and what other things other than LA you would like to try out or pursue.
@Jukwol 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, I hope other people can fight the fomo and reduce too.
@GFClocked 14 күн бұрын
Imagine how many games you can play. Just don't hop from loa to nexon for your main game. Spread the love, make vids on everything you try
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
Yeah, I want to play a bunch of games. I don't have trust in Nexon, but I do like looter shooters. So I want to give it a shot. Still in the 2XKO waiting room mostly.
@largekoi 15 күн бұрын
You wouldn't be burrnt out if you just used the chaos bot like everyone else 😜
@Jukwol 15 күн бұрын
Sad truth.
@cyborg7162 15 күн бұрын
First step before leaving the cult Congratz sir
@Hydr312 15 күн бұрын
Bro you got like 900k Gold... you are fine if you even play just 2-3 characters.
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
Yeah. I got a good pile to sit on for now.
@itisthefear 15 күн бұрын
I never fomoed in this game main is 1635 and have 2 alts at 1620 and the the rest are 1600. I only do Echidna on my main, no point wasting my time in jail lobbies. There have been many times where i haven't finished all my weekly raids and I honestly dont care. I feel like ppl treat this game in a very unhealthy way. Many ppl say that this is how the game is designed, but in KR most people dont even have 6 characters. Its 100%a community issue that will eventually eat itself.
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
Yeah, there is so much peer pressure to keep up with the community and friends. I think solo raids will help people ethically alt better.
@itsDubla 14 күн бұрын
Your stream is the content we need!!!! 😬😬. Imma pull up!
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
One day.
@raddadxo677 13 күн бұрын
Dand 6 1620 plus sounds like time to chill... well and try not to freak out over elixers/trans
@BuffPomsky 13 күн бұрын
That's y u dont swipe, u rmt since otherwise ur wasting time and money 😂 rmtd 10mil+ and was only ever banned for a month.
@s.a4034 14 күн бұрын
Holly shit !! One 1630 and five 1620 without spending money ?! And that's the game fault ?
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
It's a 50/50. The game is designed to induce fomo and push you to alt the 6 man roster. While other people who spend on the money are the people who set the prescience that playing juiced roster is how the game is. And it was achievable up to Akkan squeeze. But yeah I know someone with 3 1630s, and like 7 1620s. And when people just say that's normal, that gaslights people around them to think they can do it too because they don't want to admit they p2w in our culture. This is me saying I'm changing what is in my control, and change how I play the game and be less affected by outside sources out of my reach.
@s.a4034 14 күн бұрын
@@Jukwol bro in a free country everything design to give you fomo to stimulate the consumption , so becuse you have freedom to do crazy shit do you have to do it ? In my idea yoir life / your time 100% is your responsibility but there are people that give all responsibility to anyone and anything but themself its a matter of ideology .
@Jukwol 14 күн бұрын
@@s.a4034 That is what this video is about, yes.
@sporkaccione 14 күн бұрын
gw2 > ff14
@Skiiney 14 күн бұрын
hell nah
@NazarLeokas 14 күн бұрын
You are almost there. Just a bit more then u can truly feel the freedom. FFXIV has done a good job on combat changes. U will see.
@chillidari-9392 13 күн бұрын
What is the good job on combat changes? Healer and tanks are as boring as ever and apparently AST and BLM got shittified. The only good thing seems to be PCT which came at the cost of BLM. Job design and combat in FF is maybe the worst in the MMO genre no point trying to sugarcoat it.
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